Mockup do it yourself from paper and other materials. Patterns of multi-storey houses made of paper for layout

Surrounding modeling a fascinating occupation that will not leave indifferent or adult children. It is modeling that makes it possible to see a three-dimensional image of a future building or technology. Methods for using modeling a lot. Let us dwell on one of them. How to create a layout of the paper house? Why do you need such a layout? And what should be needed for its manufacture?

Creating a layout with your own hands is not only an incarnation of its architectural and construction prospects. This is a wonderful way to make the original gift to the child, capture a piece of history of eating your own housing, improve creative skills and skills. It is indisputable that the three-dimensional model of the house of cardboard or paper is useful not only for students, architects, builders, but also as an excellent advertising engine. After all, after seeing the future housing in such a miniature form, having considered it from all sides and in different angles, it will certainly want to acquire.

Before proceeding with work, you need to stock all necessary:

  • several sheets of paper and cardboard;
  • quick-drying glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • scotch;
  • drawing set;
  • tight board for climbing parts.

Cardboard or modeling paper are selected dense and textured. The accuracy of creating a layout directly depends on the accuracy of the drawing, so drawing parts of the future layout is particularly carefully. First you need to decide on the original building from which the layout will be made. And designate the scale, with which the construction of the model will be built. Typically uses 1: 100 scale.

The next stage of modeling is the scanning - deployed on the paper plane or cardboard image of the layout. Building sweep begins with reference. It can be any angle of the building by which all segments will be measured.

Phased and slowly occurs to build a scan of a layout of the house, taking into account the exact size of the walls, the frontones and the addition valves for gluing. Separately make marking for the roof of the building and stand. The stand is manufactured by 1-2 centimeters wider bases of the walls of the model at home. This principle of modeling is quite simple and does not require any special knowledge. After the deployment of the house is built, you must draw or glue the window openings and doors from colored paper. And after that, embark on the final assembly of the model of the house of the paper.

If the house model is more complicated, it is manufactured by phased creation of facades of the building, roofs and bases. Using the ribbiness, the model is collected in the finished composition.

Internal partitions, windows and doors are attached with glue or tape. Flexing door parts and windows forms rigidity edges and allows you to hold the form yourself. To give the model additional stability, the inner partitions can be made of rigid cardboard or foam.

Elements of furniture and interior are made to detail the volume model of the house of the paper. It is quite simple because the paper is very plastic material. Furniture items are cut on paper, glued and fit inside the building model. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe house model is not large, it is advisable to set the interior items against the background of the model walls.

In order to the spatial orientation of the model, modeling the section adjacent to it, green zones and infrastructure. To do this, use multi-colored paper, dry twigs of trees and shrubs, paint and children's toys. The implementation of such a model makes it possible to determine the placement of the house relative to the parties to the light, with the liner of communications, the preparation of estimates for the construction and home, to reflect the household plot and other construction features.

A special role in modeling the house has a color scheme. With the help of color, you can effectively emphasize the merits and hide the shortcomings of the designed house, as well as focus on the main details of the room. It is not worth paining a finished monochrome paper model at home. This can lead to deformation of the layout design. It is better to glue the necessary color elements from a color film or paper.

Paper layout of the house, in contrast to plastic and wooden layouts, less detailed and durable. It is not resistant to the influence of moisture and temperature regime, which respectively requires careful use.

The main advantage of such a layout is the speed and simplicity of assembly, as well as efficiency. Such paper layouts made by their own hands are indispensable when carrying out all kinds of presentations and exhibitions, as well as a base for creating more complex modeling using plastic and detailing the internal filling of space space.

One of the examples of creating a paper layout:

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Useful advice

1. Prepare a cardboard box, turn it as shown in the image and cut the upper part of it (see image). Post down the cut pieces of the box.

2. Put the box on the side and connect the parties using the scotch.

3. Turn the box, and connect the parts of the scotch in the place where the yellow arrows indicate.

4. Making the roof of the house. Prepare those parts of the box from which you got rid of at the beginning. Scotch tape connect these parts in the place where the arrows indicate.

5. Scotch and attach the roof to the main part of the house.

6. Dotted lines (yellow) is indicated where you need to cut cardboard.

7. Connect the parts specified by the yellow arrows (see image).

Here is such a house you will succeed.

How to make a house from a cardboard (lock)

Make such a beautiful castle is completely simple. You can simply fold it and conveniently store it.

Such a house can be put on any surface (floor, table)

You can make both a castle and a simple house, a fire station or shop - it all depends on what exactly you want.

You will need:

Simple paper

Scissors (stationery knife)


Acrylic paint (markers, pencils, crayons)

1. On plain paper, draw the scheme of future walls. Pick the desired size.

2. Make the windows and doors of this size so that the child's handle can crawl into them.

3. Decorate the walls to taste. Use for this acrylic paint (gouache), pencils, markers and even pieces of fabrics that can be glued with PVA glue.

4. When all the walls are decorated, simply insert them into each other, making cuts in the middle of each wall - in one wall on top, in the other below.

* Cuts need to be done until the middle of the wall.

Another house of cardboard do it yourself

Mock at home from cardboard (photo)

How to make lamps from cardboard (chandeliers)

Such a simple and completely inexpensive cardboard lamp can be decorated with a kitchen, a veranda, a storage room and even a children's room.

You will need:

Light bulb

Paint (if desired)

Scissors or stationery knife (if necessary)

Cardboard crafts on the topic "Arctic"

Easy and inexpensive can be done from the cardboard here are such beautiful toys.In the cold climate there are many representatives of the animal world, including a deer, a polar bear and Siberian husky, and all of them can be made from cardboard.

For a complete picture you can make sleigh and christmas trees.

Draw the schemes of all the details and cut them out, then collect.

What can be made of cardboard: gift bags

If you include imagination, then genuine cardboard packages can make original gift bags.

You will need:

Cardboard (you can from old boxes)

Scissors (if necessary)

Bright ribbons

Cardboard toys do it yourself: "Gorki"

This cracker from cardboard can be done with the child. He will like to participate in creating an interesting toy, in which he will be like to play with pleasure.

You will need:

Small cardboard box (can be from under flakes or rice)


Tennis balls (or any balls of small size and weight)

Crafts from paper and cardboard: "big slides"

This toy is done on the same principle as the previous one, only the sizes are more here.

You will need:

Scissors or stationery knife

Part of a large cardboard box or packaging

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue (you can "moment")

* If the cardboard cylinder is not too long, try to glue several cylinders using a tape.

* If necessary, cut the cylinder by the stationery knife.

* You can cut the cylinders half to see how the balls are descended.

* Apply glue to the side of each cylinder (or halves the cylinder) and glue the "slide" to the main cardboard part (see image).

* You can roll tennis balls, small cars, etc.

How to make paper and cardboard craft "town"

If you have a big cardboard box, a few boxes, a cardboard sheet or a few cardboard sheets, then you can make a small town for a child.

This toy is very well affected by the overall development of the child.

* When using a large box, whether the sheet, just need to trim the extra details and start drawing a road.

* If there is no big box, then with the help of a scotch, connect all the details to get a big city. It is worth noting that glued tape is needed on the reverse side of the cardboard, otherwise it will be inconvenient to draw a marker.

* After you drew a road, draw a bright colors of several houses, important urban buildings (fire, for example), railway, etc.

Cardboard layouts do it yourself: catapult

You will need:

Small cardboard box

Dense Rubber Ring (or Hair Elastic)



Toothpicks (matches)

Scissors and / or stationery knife

Adhesive Tape (Scotch)

1. We make a basket (from which the "shells" catapults will be departed).

Prepare a matchbox or a small piece of cardboard.

With the help of adhesive tape, take the basket to the pencil and postpone the workpiece aside.

2. Prepare a small cardboard box.

Make the necessary cuts with scissors and fold it so that the figure is like on the image

On the side in the middle, make a small hole (for dense gum)

Make the same hole from the opposite side

Shoot the gum through one of the holes

In the resulting loop, impose several toothpicks (matches) and tighten the loop to lock them

Repeat the same on the back

* It is worth noting that the gum should be well stretched so that the catapult works well.

3. Start twisted inside the box of the rubber band (see image). Do it in the middle.

4. Gently insert a pencil with a basket in a twisted gum.

5. Now you can lower the catapult and let it go.

Mock at home and his architectural model - what do they differ? The first can be made of available materials: paper, cardboard or wood. It does not have to repeat the form of a certain structure. The architecture of the construction can be any you like, if only the result of your creativity also liked you, and others.

The architectural model is an exact copy of any building with the repetition of all major and secondary signs. It is built from expensive materials, and its creation can take several months of hard work. Therefore, we offer to begin to build a layout of the houses from the girlfriend. Do not know how? In this article you will find recommendations and detailed instructions on how to make a cardboard and wood layout.

Miniature paper

The layout of the paper house, the scheme of which is attached in this article, is a simple building, although work on its creation can become an interesting creative process requiring attention and doctrine. Paper will need dense, newspaper or packaging will not fit.

It is better to take a standard sheet 29x21 cm. In the event that the contours of your future house do not fit into the sheet size, you can glue two by the "joint in the junction" method with an overlay strip of 2 centimeters width. After the workpiece of the desired size is obtained, it is necessary to make markup. We offer to build a layout of a paper house, which will be rectangular in terms of, two-storey, with three doors, windows and


First of all, we recommend copying our scheme that you see in the photo in order to designate the dimensions of the future building. Then you need to decide which layout will be the length and width. Write these numbers in the diagram. Next, determine the height of the first and second floors, as well as the roofs. Now you can transfer the resulting drawing to the bottom sheet using a ruler and pencil, measuring all the parameters of the future at home. At the next stage, you need to draw windows and doors. Their location can be changed as you like, relying on your taste. The layout of the paper houses allows you to make constructive changes at any stage of the building.

Assembling layout

At the next stage, you need to read all the "wings" that you see in the diagram. They will play the role of mounting brackets when assembling layout, maintain the roof and connect the walls. Then follows the most responsible part of the work requiring accuracy and attention. Follow all the drawing lines with a ballpoint handle over a ruler and with pressure. This is done so that you can bend paper in the right place.

Layout of paper houses require accurate fraud lines. After all the boundaries are fired, you can cut the windows and doors with scissors, as well as "wings". Next Respired Moment: It is necessary to properly bend the entire design and glue it in the right places. To do this, we recommend glue PVA. When the layout is driving, you can start coloring.

Cardboard house layout

Such buildings are performed not only from paper. The layout of the house can also be made of cardboard, the material is strong enough for the structure to look "truly", with opening doors, windows, floors and ceiling, internal decoration and even inhabitants sitting inside on miniature sofas and chairs.

It all depends on how much the "builder" is interested in the final result. It can build any layout at home with his own hands. However, its execution is a complex creative process that requires accuracy and perfection. The tool will need the usual: scissors, stationery retractable knife, sewn, line (better metallic) and PVA glue.

Corrugation as the main material

Cardboard for making layout is better to take two types: smooth and corrugated three-layer. The second will go to the floor and the ceiling, and the first - to make angle for connecting individual parts of the structure, small parts of the external and internal design. Layout of cardboard houses needed. It can be a plate glued from two layers of corrugations or carved from plywood. The basis or sole of the layout is drawn in size to the size of the future and can be made with decorative miniature flower beds, garden vases, benches.

Next, it is necessary to draw on the basis of the location of the walls, the porch and the attachments. After that, you can start making the main parts: walls with carved door and window openings, the ceiling and floor of the second floor (if it is necessary to harvest angle from thin smooth cardboard to assemble the design. The longer the corner, the stronger the connection is optimally the length of it must not be less than 70% of the length of the connection. The width of the cardboard corner is 1.5-2.0 cm.

Tree layout

Mock at home with your own hands from the tree can be made only with the participation of adults, as the work is associated with woodworking machines for home use. They are dangerous enough if there are no skills. The hand tool for wood processing also requires caution when working with it. The blades of knives, plans, files and pins are sharply sharpened cutting edges.


Wooden house layouts require accuracy in the process of work. Their creation is a fascinating creative occupation, in the course of which the master can show the intelligence and smelting. First you need to draw a drawing of the future at home. Then make the base for layout. After that, you can proceed to the creation of parts.

Walls and floors are better to do from thin militants with a width of 1.5-2.0 centimeters and a thickness of 5.0-7.0 mm. The blanks are located on a flat surface close to each other and fasten with the same rails that are superimposed perpendicular to top and pressed by any cargo. Previously, all parts are labeled PVA glue. After the manufactured block is dry, it can be customized according to the drawing and dock with other details.


The assembled layout must be sanded and stalled. This is done by hand the glassmaker brand 25-H on a tissue basis. Then the surface is grouped out perplex brand 8-H brand to full smoothness. After processing, the layout can be painted, install doors, insert windows and finishing work.

Mock at home, with your own hands created, as a rule, has a removable roof. It is necessary in order to have free access to indoor rooms, since in a miniature building will have to install toy furniture and other interior decoration items. The surface of the walls is covered with "wallpaper", i.e. the painted strips of paper. The floor must be painted in a brown or clamping it with a linoleum - it can be made from the loaf.

Before proceeding to the construction of a country house, it will not be superfluous to make it layout to visually assess the advantages and disadvantages of the future structure. However, you can even make a miniature model at home without a specific purpose, just for the collection. The main thing is to make it possible to make it yourself from handy materials.

Design at home

First of all, it will be necessary to create separate elements of the design in a reduced form. For convenience, it is recommended to use shapes on a scale of 1:50. On a pure sheet of paper or dense landscape cardboard, it is necessary to draw the internal details of the house, including furniture and household equipment, to easier to navigate in space. Special attention should be paid to the elements of the roof.

To work quickly and strictly on the planned plan, you need to prepare a homely set of tools for creativity, which includes:

  • line;
  • pencil;
  • pVA glue;
  • tassel;

The basis is better to use real drawings, which provide window and doorways, as well as communication and chimneys. Consider the fact that the ventilation channels should be located in the "body" of the carrier wall. There is nothing complicated in how to make a layout of the house with your own hands, if you stick to a clear sequence of actions and approach this issue extremely responsible.

Instructions for use

The layout of the house can be built from any materials that will be at hand: paper, cardboard, wood (plywood) or foam. There is absolutely no restrictions in this regard. As practice shows, the most durable and geometrically correct models are obtained precisely from plywood with a thickness of 6-8 mm. But for efficient work, you will need an additional tool: drill and jigsaw.

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From the sheet of plywood is manufactured by the frame of the house, the inner walls and the scope roof of the desired configuration. Sections of sections and joints must be needed to walk in small grinding to smooth out possible irregularities. The foundation is made of wide wooden plates that are glued to the bottom of the building box. The remaining structural elements are made from individual bars: porch, staircase, etc.

It is important to immediately decide which goal you set themselves. If you need a regular layout that will allow you to evaluate the convenience of planning, it is enough to make it simple frame and roof. Want a beautiful model at home? Be prepared to insert entrance doors, miniature windows, arrange platbands and spend other decorative work. The architectural image should be completed and not cause contradictions. The photo of your home can get on the Internet, so it is worth trying.

Subtleties of technology

The scope roof is manufactured strictly on the geometric dimensions of the drawing taken. - So it will be possible to avoid coarse flaws. Chimneys and ventilation channels can be made of separate wood bars. The bottom must be trimmed at an angle so that the base base coincides with the roof tilt, and glue. The drainage pipes can easily be soldered out of the usual thin tin. If you want a built house to be distinguished from a simple layout, you can additionally shove the tile - it will be beautiful and original.


Templates of multi-storey houses made of paper for layout. Layout of paper houses with a scheme, cut and glue

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Of course, the main highlight will not be the material of the house, but its stylistics. We will make some of the houses and of them will create the ghost gaming city.

We will need:

  1. White paper.
  2. Pencil, ruler.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.
  5. Black feltster or black paper.
  6. Print the template (PDF)
  7. Look at our ideas for kids, there

The ghostly, our city will be made by the location of the windows and doorways, I explain: on the wall of the house there are two windows and the door located in such a way that the face is reminded by the face (windows, the house - mouth). The house seems to be followed by you. Moreover, the shapes of windows and doors can and should vary in shape, and the houses differ slightly with dimensions, color and shape of the roof.

In principle, templates can be found on the Internet and print. Can be made by yourself.

On a sheet of white paper, black is a rectangle, it is long, equal to the length of the perimeter of the poorer, and the height of the house is excluding the roof. If you do not want to calculate the dimensions simply, draw for a start in the middle of the album paper sheet a rectangle long 16 cm with a height of 5 centimeters. Slide it with vertical lines along the long side to four equal rectangles. Then the second left rectangle (this is the facade) draw a triangle from one free side, the side of the rectangle is the base of the triangle, and the top looks toward the opposite side (the triangle is the end side of the roof).

And on the other free side, we draw another rectangle to the second left of the rectangle. Its height will be equal to the width of the first rectangle on the left, (this is the bottom of our house). By the third, the rectangle on the left, add a rectangle with a height equal to the length of the two side of the triangle (these are the side sides of the roof), and we reinstate it from the same side as a triangle. On the latter, if you count on the left, the rectangle is drawing a triangle (the size is the same as in the previous one, the display is mirror, if it is not equilateral).

It is possible to draw a truncated triangle instead of the triangles, then the height of the side of the roof is equal to the sum of the lengths of the triangled triangle, plus the length of a smaller base. Now it remains to trim the flaps from the outside, so that the house can be folded and glued. Cut the layout.

Bending the bulk house from paper will be inside about the drawn lines so that they are not visible on the facade. Pre-draw or take windows and Deri.

The principle is understandable, make different houses, and play.

This is an instruction, how to make a house from paper with your own hands for the kids! I hope even it will take them for a while. Note: parts for these toy houses will need to be cut out of thick paper, so it will be better if an adult cuts them, not a child.

Creating a paper home with your own hands


Color the parts of the houses before collecting them together. You can draw the door frame around and windows. You can glue the cellophane inside the window. You can draw roof tiles. Or add windows or even two, and maybe the doors.

You can add people and animals. Create your own home. Make a church, school, hospital. Or maybe even you will make a whole village.

You can make the basis of the green color to imitate herbs. Create your own streets.

New Year's option to decorate a paper house

If you make a small town with a huge number of such houses, could you post a photo with him to the site so that I could look at him?

NOTE: My templates are not very good, but everything is fine in them. You can download and print templates. If you can print them on tight paper, it will be very cool, and if not, you will have to move the drawing from printing on tight paper.

You can also download all the templates for buildings 1 - 5 in one zip file shown by just below the house number 5. You can also download all templates for buildings 6 - 8 in one zip file shown just below at home number 8.

General instructions

After you cut out all parts, transfer all lines with a ballpoint, including the places for the loops on the doors and leave the doors open. Then glue them together. It is better to take quick-drying glue. If you make a house made of thick paper with any pattern on it, make sure that the drawing will be from the inside of the house so that it is not visible.

To keep parts together until the glue is dry, you can take a few clips, old can also come up.

1. We will start with the simplest projects and move on to the most difficult houses. Let's start with a very simple garage:

For template

2. This garage A little more, designed for two cars:

You only need 2 parts for it, floor / wall and roof. Press here For template

3. Now proceed to our first house:

Press here To get a floor / wall drawing and click here For roof

4. Next house Very similar to the previous one, but it is a bit longer:

You only need 2 parts for it.

Press here For roof.

Please note that you need a sticky tape to bond some parts together. When gluing the roof to the house, keep the roof upside down in your hand and lower the house on it to make sure it is located in the center.

5. I. second house Not much more complicated, he has a chimney passing through a hole in the roof:

You only need 3 parts for him.

Press here To get a floor / wall template and click here For roof.

If you want to download buildings from 1 to 5 one zip file, click here . Please email me if you have any problems with the download file.

6. This house is a bit more complicated - a multi-level house:

You need 4 parts for him.

And for the lower walls and two roofs click here

This house is quite complicated! See carefully where you cut parts.

7. The complexity of this house lies in the roof and "l" shaped floor.

You will need 6 pieces for him.

For floor / wall templates, click .

For roof patterns / roof for canopy / chimney click here

For canopy templates / extra roof for the back Click here

This house is not for newcomers!

8. The last house with an unusual roof, a canopy and a chimney (very similar to the one above).

You will need 6 parts for him:

For floor / wall templates Click here

For roof patterns, pipes, pointed roof Click here

For canopy and its roof patterns: Click here

Be careful with a canopy; Mark every end of the house to which it will be attached. In addition, to install a pointed roof over the main roof is uncomfortable. I propose to cut off the two glued parts of the pointed roof and re-attach them with a scotch from the reverse side.

If you want to download buildings from number 6 for 8 zip file, click here .

There are also other houses, just now issue templates, but you can look at them in the finished form and download outline:

building 9:

Template 1 \u003e\u003e

Template 2 \u003e\u003e

Template 3 \u003e\u003e

house 10:

Template 1 \u003e\u003e

Template 2 \u003e\u003e

Surely many parents are familiar with the problem: the better Take a child how to tear it from a computer or television. A good option is a walk, but if the weather is not set, he immediately disappears. A fascinating occupation is represented by your attention, which will help your spell to pass a couple of cold winter evenings. The main thing is that for this you do not need to spend a large amount of money for toys. You only need to download one file and print it. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

We offer an entertaining game - a designer that will provide you a couple of hours of rest until the baby is busy with construction. It is better Join it, because you have to deal with glue. Such a wonderful time will only bring you closer to your child. Help him build a dream house! In general, the game is designed for children from three years under the supervision of adults. However, it will be suitable for the children of younger school age. In the latter case, you can afford a couple of hours of rest. But do not hurry to deny yourself in such an entertaining pleasure.

For a child, the game will be useful, because you need to glue everything according to the instructions. Here develops thinking, imagination and motor skills. You will need paper, scissors, cardboard, glue and, of course, paints. It is better to take and, for example, PVA, and glue - a pencil. The last option is much easier to use and give you a minimum of inconvenience. We simply print the downloaded layout of our future home, gently cut it out and proceed to construction.

If you enjoy the process itself, you can make a whole miniature town, gluing a few more houses. In fact, it is an excellent option for the New Year holiday. You can, for example, place your creations under the Christmas tree and put presents there. When you finish the construction, with the help of ordinary wool you can create the illusion that snow fell in the town. You can settle there a few inhabitants there or decorate the windowsill, for example with this composition. In a word, the construction of such a paper theater will be a great time-looking for your baby and, perhaps for you. Such a scope for fantasy and imagination will give you a wonderful mood!

Paper is the easiest and most suitable material for a variety of creativity. For months from three, the child makes attention to the rustling leaves and they are engaged in them for a long time and with passion. Becoming older, children do not lose interest in paper and love to make different items from it. They are insanely rejoice when adults are mastered with them.

And if you ask Chad, what he wants to do, most often it turns out that this is a house. Moreover, create your own hands, it is the houses that love both boys and girls. Apparently, children, let and unconsciously, already perceive the house as the main attribute of life. How fast and just make a paper house?

Tools and materials for creating a paper house

When you decide to brighten a family evening or a child in school will receive a task to make such a crawl, you will need a little fantasy, paper, glue and only a few tools. Paper can be any: thin from color sets, sheets of notebooks or albums, drawing (which, by the way, gluits perfectly) or pieces of wallpaper. We will need scissors, ruler and pencil, and sometimes brushes for glue.

If there is a stationery knife, it will help quickly and carefully do the slots of the winds and the door. The glue is suitable in the most different: in tubes, PVA glue, bulk, glue-pencil, braceter of own preparation or paper in bottles, tape. From your child's scope with a child of fantasy depends the selection of objects to decorate the future house. Paints, gouache, color pencils, beads, wool, lace and other items for appliqués.

You can make a magical action at a table, on a wide windowsill or sitting on the floor. If only the surface was smooth and resistant to glue and scratches (you can put a plank or plywood).

Preparing paper house sketch

Constructing a house, small or volumetric, simple or complex, first create a sketch. Work starts with drawing. If there are only small sheets for making a house, you can cut the drawing on the dotted and perform each part separately.

Cutting the drawing, remember that the right side will remain without bending for applying glue and need to be daughter. You can add the floor to the house sketch. But is it necessary? Without him, the child is more convenient to put toys: the dishes, furniture, "residents" of various sizes, and through the door not everything can crawl.

Connection of parts, decoration and paper house assembly

  • Having placing the place of windows and doors, make slots (conveniently using the stationery knife) and remove paper from them. One side of the door is left not cut, and it will still be slightly ajar.
  • Now it is better to start decoking the product, after gluing to do it it will be more difficult. The child will gladly color the house or salas suitable colored paper. You can help him attach to the door to the tape. To do this, glue the cardboard rectangles to the edge of the door, and the jamb will supply the slot - the house will immediately look more cozy and reliable. The roof can be decorated under the tile, cutting "tile" from suitable paper.
  • Then cut out parts of the house and begin "construction", missing and gluing special bends.
    Some time will take drying the product.
    A new building lacks stability - it is better to install and glue it to a cardboard frame.

    The design of the house can be complicated by adding an extension, porch, attic, second floor, balcony and other elements. Stages of work remain the same: creating a sketch - cutting parts - decor - bonding - drying.

    Other options for paper houses

    Very interesting, it turns out of paper round shape houses.
    When creating a sketch, the housing of such a design looks like a solid long rectangle. Blooming a snaps of one column. And the roof is more often drawn separately in the form of a circle, then manifests and connects with the body with glue.

    But it is possible to build a drawing in unity with the roof. Then there are many cuts for the roof, which then you can glue the flashes, creating a conical form.

    With great enthusiasm, children make fabulous "log" hut.
    Materials for work take the same, but the technology of building such a house is completely different. Here, first harvest building material. Of the same long paper rectangles with a pencil make tubes - "logs".

    Will it be a little domishko or bulk domain depends on the size and number of rolled tubes. Usually the guys compete with adults or among themselves who rolls or smoke more.

    Then the walls are neatly folded from the finished material. There are options: the walls are glued with the lumen, where there are two logs in a row, or a solid laying of four tubes with displacement of them to the edges in the next row. The roof of the house can be a "log" or smooth.

    Patterns and layouts of houses

    Save yourself to your computer scheme and print.

    You can make a paper house in the Origami technique

    The creation of origami figures, among them and houses, according to finished schemes, is the development of the logical and spatial thinking of the child, activating its mental processes. Origami can be engaged in any place, for example, in line for the doctor.

    Having created my own first simple houses from paper, you can come up with a lot of others extraordinarily and more often to make them together with your favorite child.

    Print, cut, Skeleton 3

    Paper houses. Print, cut, spool.

    Name: Paper house I.
    Format: PDF.
    The size: 83 mV
    Focus on: Letitbit and depositfiles
    Description: Print, cut down and spool.

    The kit includes: Bakery, Bathroom, Living room, Living room with fireplace,
    Children's, Cabinet, Cafes, Bedroom, Kitchen, Toy Shop, Meat Shop, Vegetable Shop, Flower Shop, Fish Store, Restara, Japanese Dining Room ...

    All houses in one archive
    Living room with fireplace
    Living room
    Toy store
    Butcher shop
    Vegetable shop
    Fish shop
    Flower shop
    Japanese dining room

    Paper figures for each letter of the English alphabet. Print, Cut, Skool

    Name: Paper figures for each letter of the English alphabet
    Format: PDF.
    The size: 1.86 MB.
    Focus on: Letitbit and depositfiles
    The kit includes: Apple, Bus, Coffee Cup, Duck, Elephant, Fish, Glasses, House, Island, Juice, Kettle, Lion, Milk, Notebook, Ottoman, Post, Quoits, Rucksack, Star, Tote, Umbrella, Vase, Watch, Xylophone, Yacht , Zebra.

    Description: Print, cut and splashes

    Paper houses

    Name: Paper houses
    Format: PDF.
    The size: 12 mV

    Description: Print, cut down and spool.

    Print, Cut and Square House Halloween

    Name: House Halloween
    The year of publishing: 2007-2008
    Pages: 25
    Language: Russian
    Format: PDF.
    The size: 5 MB
    Focus on: IFolder, Rapidshare.

    Description:Print, cut down and spool house-halloween.

    Name: Paper models of cartoon characters
    Format: PDF.
    The size: 8 mV
    Focus on:

    Description: Everything is very simple - print, cut down and spool!

    Gingerbread house. Paper model

    Gingerbread house . Paper model

    Developer: Canon
    Format: PDF.
    Language: English