Materials for laying walls at home. What material you can build the cheapest house

There is still no unambiguous answer to the question of which material is better to make the walls of a residential building. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Builders and designers cannot come to one opinion regarding the choice of the most optimal product to perform walls. The thing is that in each particular case, the best material must be selected, based on the designation of the construction, its configuration, climatic conditions of the terrain and the financial capabilities of the owner. In our article, we consider the most common wall materials, we will describe their properties, pros and cons, and you yourself can choose the best of them, based on the conditions of construction.

Factors affecting the choice

The fourth part of all costs for construction goes to the construction of walls. Since incorrectly selected material for the construction of walls in the future can lead to even greater spending, when it is elected, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. If you want to save on the arrangement of the foundation, making a small-gulled lightweight option, then for the walls, choose the light material. Additional savings in the case of using light elements for the walls of the house will be in transportation and laying, because it can be performed with its own hands without using expensive lifting techniques.
  2. Choose building materials that are characterized by good thermal insulation characteristics. Otherwise, the cold walls in winter will cost you expensive due to heating costs.

Tip: It is best to perform a heat engineering calculation, taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction region. Only so you can be sure that you have chosen the material and the design of the walls. So, in the northern regions of our country, even the walls of materials with high thermal insulation properties need insulation.

  1. If it is for the construction of walls at home to use piece materials, such as brick, then a considerable share of expenses will amount to the cost of payment of mason. Even if you do all the work yourself, then consider temporary and physical costs. It is much more profitable and faster to build from large-sized elements. The greatest speed of the walls of the walls of houses built on frame-panel and frame-panel technology.
  2. Choosing building materials for the walls, it is worth considering how easily they can be finished and whether they need it at all. For example, the walls of the skeleton house from an OSP can not be separated at all, but simply paint, and the house from the login needs a solid trim outside and inside.

To understand what to build your home, you need to understand the characteristics of building materials, so we will further describe the properties of each of them, we will list the advantages and disadvantages.


The house built from the brick can be a good eyelid, or even a half. There are many types of bricks, characterized by important operational and technical characteristics.

So, silicate and ceramic brick species use for the construction of walls. Consider their features:

  • Ceramic brick Made from the burned red clay. It is durable, moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly material. There is a full-length and hollow brick. The more emptiness in the brick, the higher its thermal insulation indicators.
  • Silicate brick Made on the basis of lime, sand and some additives. It also happens full and hollow. The latter option is characterized by ease and improved thermal insulation qualities. Silicate full-scale products are characterized by good sound insulation properties, but high thermal conductivity.

Also, this wall material is divided into facial and ordinary:

  • Build walls at home is better from private brick. Products may have small defects in the form of cracks and chips, but due to this, their price is more acceptable. In addition, the appearance of the product is not so important for the inner masonry of the walls, as for facial masonry.
  • Facing brick (facial) - This is a wall material that the facade is issued. All products must have a proper geometric shape, a smooth or embossed surface, be without flaws and defects. The price of facial brick is higher than his ordinary fellow.

The strength of this wall material is directly related to its brand, which can be from M 75 to M 300. The number indicates the load that one square centimeter of the product can withstand. The higher the brand, the greater the proportion of the product. To build a 2 or 3-storey house, brick brand is quite 100-125. To perform the foundation and base, use products with a brand 150-175.

Also, when choosing a brick, it is important to take into account its frost resistance, that is, the number of cycles of freezing and thawing, which the product can withstand without damage and reduce the strength of no more than 20%. This indicator of the letter F and the number of 15 and higher is labeled. For warm regions, it is possible to use products with frost resistance 15, in colder latitudes, the F25 brand bricks are used. For facing works, brick with frost resistance is not lower than 50.

Advantages and disadvantages of bricks

Among the advantages of this wall material should list the following:

  • An impressive service life.
  • Aesthetic appeal.
  • Unlimited possibilities in terms of design and the incarnation of the most complex projects.
  • The material does not give in corrosion, damage to mushrooms and microorganisms.
  • The product is not lit.
  • High sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

The disadvantages include this:

  • Due to small sizes and a large specific weight, laying walls of bricks is done for a long time and is worth a lot.
  • Under the walls of the brick, it is necessary to equip a solid blurred foundation, and this entails increased costs of materials and earthworks.
  • In most cases, brick walls need to be additionally insulated.

Ceramic blocks

Craftsmoblock is a material made of a mixture of clay and wood sawdust, after which the element is burned in the furnace. This is a rather durable product that allows you to quickly build a wall of the house. The strength of the ceramoblock is so high that it can be made from it a multi-storey house. Inside the material has a porous structure, and the outer surface is corrugated. For hermetic compound, the ends of the material have grooves and ridges.

The height of the ceramblock is multiple with brick masonry rows, and the remaining sizes can be different. Thus, from the cerarmoblock can be built on projects that are designed for brick. But the speed of construction is significantly higher, since one ceramicoblock is 238x248x500 mm, which weighs 25 kg, equal to 15 bricks, each of which weighs 3.3 kg. In addition to increasing the speed of construction, the costs of the solution are reduced, because it will be needed less.

Important: The width of the ceramoblock can be 230, 240 and 250 mm, and the length is within 250-510 mm. On the long side of the product goes the castle comb-groove.

Walls with a thickness of 380 mm from this material do not need insulation, since the thermal conductivity of the product is only 0.14-0.29 W / m² of ° C. Marking of wide blocks M 100. If you need to perform thin, but durable walls, you can take items with marking 150. Frost resistance of ceramic blocks is at least 50 cycles.

Pros and Cormoblock Cons

To the merits can be attributed:

  • Small specific weight and high strength significantly expand the use of this material.
  • Installation of large-sized products is performed quickly and without unnecessary labor.
  • Saving the solution due to the size of the elements and the absence of the need to make vertical seams.
  • Frost resistance of a conventional cerachnoblock is higher than that of ordinary bricks.
  • Good refractory. The product is able to withstand the burning for 4 hours.
  • An optimal microclimate is created in the cerarmoblock room, since the walls can "breathe" and adjust air humidity.
  • The house can serve one and a half century and does not lose its heat insulating characteristics.

This material and disadvantages have, among which it is worth named:

  • The price of steamoblocks is high enough.
  • Since these products are relatively new on our market, it is difficult to find a good bricklayer to perform masonry.
  • This fragile material must be very gently stored and transported.


This material is characterized by excellent thermal insulation characteristics. In the thermal conductivity of a wall of a gas-block, 300-400 mm wide is not inferior to a multilayer brick design. Walls made of gas components support the optimal temperature and humidity regime indoors. The material was not exposed to rot and differ in an impressive service life. Thermal insulation quality of the gas block is 3 times more than the brick wall.

Aerated concrete is quite light, so it is easy to transport and lay it. It is easily cut in conventional hacksaw to the desired size. The laying of elements is performed on a solution or a special glue, which takes a bit. The smooth smooth surface of the gasoblocks is easy to decide. Aerated concrete is considered environmentally friendly and non-combustible. It has a sufficiently high frost resistance.

ATTENTION: The density characteristic is important for aerated concrete. This indicator may be within 350-1200 kg / m³. For an ordinary residential building, it is enough to take elements with marking 500-900.

Advantages and disadvantages of gasoblocks

Pluses this wall product a lot:

  • Laying walls from gas blocks is 9 times faster than brickwork.
  • Low thermal conductivity of the product is a big plus in his favor.
  • Aerated concrete has a high fire resistance, it does not allocate harmful substances during combustion.
  • Porous material structure contributes to high frost resistance.
  • According to the steam concrete carpural ability, only with wood.

Cons of aerated concrete:

  • Low bending strength.
  • Material is susceptible to cracking.
  • Gigroscopicity. After absorbing moisture, the heat-insulating indicators of the aerated concrete are reduced, so the facade needs a protective finish.
  • Directly on the gas blocks can not be preserved plates of overlapping and beams, so the monolithic armopoyas should be done before them. This will attract additional consumption and time spending.


Many people who have decided to build a house make a choice in favor of a tree. This natural material is environmental purity. It creates a favorable microclimate in the house, supports optimal humidity and saturates the air with healing phytoncides. In a wooden house, warm in winter and not hot in summer, since wood is characterized by good thermal insulation characteristics.

Wooden house can be built from the following products:

  1. A log can be natural form or rounded. In the latter case, the material has the correct shape and a smooth surface, but needs additional protective processing, since the natural protective resin layer, which is under the crust, is removed during the otling process.
  2. You can use glued (profiled) and sawn or planed timber. More quality houses are obtained from glued bar, which has special grooves and ridges for dense adjacent elements. The sawn timber is often used to perform frame houses.
  3. Frame-boiled houses are made from PSP, chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood, which are attached to the frame. Inside the wall is laid insulation.

The main advantages of wooden houses are their environmental friendliness, comfort and acceptable price. Under such a house you can make a lightweight foundation. Disadvantages - fire hazard, shrinkage.

Everyone wants to build his own houseBut even if there is a land plot or opportunity to purchase it relatively inexpensively, many consider it a non-abundant dream. And in vain!

Construction of a 3-room individual residential building "turnkey" for little money - this is real!!!

So, how is it Build the cheapest house?

Three main indicators affect the cost of building a residential building:

    Architectural and planning solution.

    The layout of the house must be compact, functional, modern and most convenient. (Saving up to 20%)

    Constructive solution.

    A constructive solution should be simple, rational and without architectural excesses. (Saving up to 10%)

    Applied material and work.

    Building materials must be modern, and the work is high-tech. (Saving up to 40%)

The project of the cheapest residential building with an increase of up to 6 rooms.

We suggest to consider together the project of a residential building, which will help to solve the main problem - it is significantly reduced during the construction of its value.

A simple constructive solution, using modern building technologies, allows a significant number of work independently. As it says: "Do not burn the gods in the pots," but even when using hired workers, the house, which will be discussed, is built by a brigade of 2 people, which slightly increases its cost price.

All of the above reduces the cost of building the house almost twice.

In addition, such a house with time, if desired, can be transformed (enlarge) to 4, 5 or 6-room, while not disturbing the main functional planning solutions.

The cost of building a house directly depends on the total area, so despite the minor sizes of the house (6 x 9m), it contains three living rooms, and the living area (in which we spend most of the time) is 25.75kv.

Let's consider the construction process of the cheapest home in more detail.

Architectural and planning solution

The main principle of planning solutions of all residential buildings is based on the minimum ratio of the total area to useful, while the layout must be modern and convenient for living, simply speaking from the total area you need to extract maximum amenities.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthis 3-bedroom house is only 54 sq.m.! However, the useful area in which includes all living rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, an entrance hall is 52m / kV or 96.3% of the total area, while in ordinary houses and apartments this figure varies within 70%.

Yes, in this house Tambour combined with the hallway, but because It is warm it is permissible for any climatic zone of Russia.

There is not a single storeroom in the house, but in the household plot you will eventually have a garage, agen. Launch or sauna, which will fill this gap.

Combined bathroom for apartments - a unwanted thing, however, in a private house it is possible, because with host buildings you will also have a bathroom

In more detail, the project of such a residential house is considered in this article. There you can also download a free project of a residential building, or rather its planning and architectural solutions.

Constructive solution

A simple constructive home solution allows you to further reduce construction costs.

  1. The width of the house is clean 6 m - that for the overlap is quite normal and the construction of an additional capital wall is required (accordingly the foundation and basement).
  2. The planning solution of the combined living room according to the generally accepted traditional international standards (in Russia - it was a hill) savor on the absence of partitions and doors between the kitchen dining room and the hall.
  3. The width of the house wall is 30 cm (heat resistance, depending on the climatic zone, is adjustable when the "siding" is lined with a thickness of the additional insulation), respectively, the width of the base is reduced to 25 cm, that is, in the brick.
  4. All partitions in the house are plasterboard, which does not require additional foundations for them, and they are made on simplified technology (more in the work project).
  5. Double roof, without architectural and constructive excesses.

Appearance of the cheapest house - Option number 1

Appearance of the cheapest house with a transformation option (zoom in area)

Appearance of the cheapest house - Option number 2

The appearance of the cheapest house with a transformation option - Option number 2

Work and building materials

Everyone knows that the "lion's share" in the cost of construction of the house takes the cost of work (approximately 50%), so modern high-tech materials need to be used. Why?

This will allow almost 90% of the work independently, (because all new technologies are designed for the man in the man) and save a significant part of the funds.

And you can spend money (for building materials) as they arrive. But if they are in stock or you managed to take a loan, then this house you can build yourself (you and assistant).

Of course, when performing certain types of work without specialists, it is not necessary, but as it was already said, this will be about 10%.

Main building materials and their cost (on average in Russia)

  1. Foundations - monolithic reinforced concrete - 35000r.
  2. The base and concrete slaughterhouse - brickwork in 1 brick (250mm) - 12000r.
  3. Walls (300mm) - foam concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate, etc. - 43700r.
  4. Facing the outer walls is vinyl siding with insulation and cladder - 26520r.
  5. Roofing and overlapping - Wooden farms with a metal coating of a metal-powder, insulation, particleproofing, GLK - 54250r.
  6. Windows - metal-plastic with installation - 30100r.
  7. Partitions, door blocks and interior decoration - GLC (drywall sheets) with sound insulation, pasting with wallpapers, plastic panels-28500r.
  8. Policy-concrete preparation, laminate, carpet and ceramic tiles - 29430р.
  9. Plumbing and sewage - plumbing equipment, PVC pipes - 10000r.
  10. Heating - Wall-mounted boiler; Plastic pipes for hot water supply and heating, aluminum radiators - 45500r.
  11. Power supply - 11000r.

Total: 315000r. Taking into account the unforeseen costs (10% of the total), the total cost of building materials is 347000 r.

IMPORTANT! The above prices for the construction of a residential building were calculated in 2010 and today are irrelevant. In the near future, the information provided will be updated.

Calendar Schedule of Construction Works (Brigade of 2 people)

  1. Foundation device - 3 days
  2. Construction of the basement and draft floors - 3 days
  3. Masonry outdoor walls - 5days
  4. Manufacture, installation of farms, roofing device - 3 days
  5. Installation of door and window blocks in the outer walls - 1 day
  6. Siding cladding - 3 days
  7. Installation of wiring - 1 day
  8. Facing the bearing walls and the ceiling liner with plasterboard sheets - 2 days
  9. Device partitions - 2 days
  10. Shvi putty - 1 day
  11. Casting wallpaper -2DNI
  12. Installation of door blocks - 1 day
  13. Flooring device - 3 days
  14. Device of internal engineering networks and installation of plumbing devices - 3 days

Total 32 working days.

Taking into account unforeseen work, construction time is 1.5 months.


TOTAL: The total cost of building the cheapest house will be 350 tr.

But even if you use fully hired labor, the cost of the house will increase slightly, i.e. Exactly one-time salary of 2 workers, which will eventually be much lower than the cost of a similar 3-room apartment.

Make respect yourself - make a dream with reality!

This material on the site is posted for informational purposes.
The project organization is not engaged in the construction of residential buildings.

Each good owner is sooner or later faced with any kind of construction. Someone builds a garage, someone with a bath, and some are waiting for an independent erection of a large mansion. There is a question of what better to choose the material for the construction of the house.

The main stages of construction include the fill of the foundation, as well as the construction of walls. For any host, it is important that the aesthetic type of construction was high, the walls were warm, strong, and in general the costs of building materials were not very high.

Most Popular Materials for Building House

The modern building market is rich and diverse. Consider in more detail the top five most popular building materials for the construction of the house.

  • Whole profiled timber.
  • Log-rounded.
  • Brick.
  • Foam blocks.
  • Thermopanels.

What to give preference? This solution makes each owner independently, but for this it is worth studying all the pros and cons of each of the materials.


Wooden building materials for building a house in our time have become very popular. Walls made of wood have low thermal conductivity, but stable heat capacity. If even the house did not hang for a while, with an active furnace, the condensate form is absorbed into the tree. After that, the heated air pulls out moisture, and a special, favorable microclimate is created into the room. Conventional breeds (pine, spruce, fir, larch, cedar) are used in construction. In addition to the popular one-piece profiled bar, a rounded log, glued, an ordinary timber, boilers, are used.

Whole profiled bar

The material that has passed special processing. In the profiled bar, the wood resin content is very high, due to the structure of it is durable, are not exposed to aggressive environmental impact.

Back in the last century, choosing finishing and building materials, rarely who stayed on a profiled timber. When the walls are erected, a manual fit was required. Now, thanks to modern technologies, the bars are processed on the machines in such a way that they are just perfectly joined, the gaps between them are minimal.

This eco-friendly material is not too expensive. Walls hold warm inside for a long time, they can be erected in a matter of days. Smooth bars treated on the machine allow you to collect a house, like puzzles.

Log-rounded log

Studying building materials for building a house, pay attention to the login log. Like a bar, this building material is made of coniferous rocks. Unlike the first, rounded log allows to build buildings more durable, all this is due to the form of material. Construction of a rounded log is also carried out in a short time.


The most popular building material for the construction of walls is brick. Brick buildings externally are quite acceptable, by strength very strong, durable, as well as environmental.

Silicate brick. This building material is very common. Buildings from such bricks can be served not one dozen years.

Clay brick. He was always considered a symbol of something stable, unreasonable. Such a brick has increased strength, frost resistance, immunity to aggressive atmospheric influence. However, the heat engineering characteristics of such a building material do not always justify expectations.

To build reliable buildings, high-quality building materials are required. Brick production factories offer a rich assortment of their products that can be divided into three categories:

    1. Full-time bricks, they include the following types: Conditionally effective, ordinary, effective.
    2. Empty bricks, the proportion of voids in them reaches 40%. Facing products also refers to this category.
    3. And also large-format brick stones. The high thermal conductivity of this category is ensured by the structural material in the form of cells.

Disadvantages, advantages of bricks

During transport, especially at long distances, a small percentage of products loses its commodity species, brick materials for the construction of the walls of the house crumble. Their cost is very high.

The ability of the brick to retain the heat is much smaller than the tree. The walls built from the conditionally effective or full-scale brick, additional insulation is always required. This problem is solved by three options: ventilated facade - installation of the insulation hinged system, the heat-insulating plaster system, as well as three-layer walls with heat constraint.

Brick house is comfortable for accommodation. This design "breathes" provides air exchange, simultaneously has active thermal inertia. Warring, brick walls keep warm and gradually give it to the room.

Foam blocks

If you need high-quality and at the same time inexpensive building materials for building a house, then pay attention to foam blocks.

Focobs are inherent in such qualities as thermal resistance, high strength, low weight. The sharp drops of temperature do not affect the walls erected from foam blocks. They do not crack and do not expand. Inside the block there is a plurality of air bubbles that increase the effect of thermal insulation. For comparison: foam concrete walls have thermal conductivity eight times higher than ordinary concrete. The material is good not only for the construction of the main walls, but also for internal floors. Due to this, the whole design perfectly retains heat. Foam concrete structures do not require additional insulation. Heating costs are significantly reduced, by about 30%.

Pluses of foam concrete structures

  • Due to low weight, pressure on the foundation occurs.
  • Savings in the decoration. There is enough ordinary putty of the walls, the plaster is not required.
  • Reducing consideration. One 15 kg of foam block replaces 20 bricks, the total weight of which is 80 kg.
  • Cellic foam concrete blocks have excellent sound insulation properties.
  • Such building materials for the production of bricks are produced in sufficient volumes. The popularity of foam blocks is growing every day.
  • By environmental friendliness, this material resembles a tree. The room is supported by optimal humidity, the walls breathe. Unlike wood, blocks do not rot, do not burn, and do not rust, like metal.
  • Foam concrete is often used as a heat insulator, it can withstand a high temperature (up to +400 degrees).
  • Blocks are very easily processed using conventional hand tools.

Disadvantages of foam concrete

When we choose materials for the walls of the house, we try to explore not only the advantages, but also inherent flaws, there are those and foam concrete. These include:

  • Fragility material.
  • Every three rows of the wall need to be reinforced.
  • Foam concrete absorbs moisture quickly, it slightly reduces thermal conductivity.
  • To avoid a reference, you need to create waterproofing, moisture-resistant protection between the foundation and walls.
  • Parry permeability of foam concrete. Variazolation is needed.

Frame thermopanels

If you need low-cost building materials for the construction of the house, then you should pay attention to the framework of thermopanels. The pros of this material includes low thermal conductivity, relative strength and fast assembly. Minus - no naturalness.

Thermopanels today are very often used to finish frame-panel houses. The design consists of extrusion polystyrene foam (as thermal insulation substrate) and high operational properties allow the use of thermopanels during the construction of houses on Canadian technologies. The most important characteristics of this facade material, which provided a wide demand, of course, refers to the absence of moisture absorption, low thermal conductivity, high compressive strength and impact, fire resistance and any biological effects. Material is easy to install and further operation.

Finishing and for the construction of the walls of the house must comply with all modern requirements, then the design will delight the owners for many years. Frameproof thermopanels provide an attractive, aesthetic, solid appearance of the building. It is for this reason that this material is very often used for the construction of cottages. Lounged by Canadian technology, the decorated view of a flat, flawless brickwork.

If the building is lined with thermopanels, heat loss is reduced by 30% immediately, all this is due to the substrate, which consists of extrusion polystyrene foam. Clinker tile connects with insulation under high pressure with superproof glue. The finest cutting of sheet polystyrene allows you to make a high-quality dense docking. In order for the facade to acquire a finished look, in addition to the main panels, you can purchase various challenges to accurately draw up the corners.

We presented the most common building materials in the modern market. How and which choose material for the construction of the house, give preference to the price, naturalness, aesthetic qualities or technical characteristics, to solve you.

What is better to build a house? This is conceived without exception, everyone who decided to change the close city apartment on the spacious one. And this question is not idle, because it includes not only an economic aspect, but also, as well as the durability of the housing. Editorial HOUSECHIEF collected for you information about the most popular types of wall building materials. Let's try to determine together.

Read in the article

What criteria are chosen by materials

From the choice of building materials, the project preparation begins. Only with ready-made data on technical specifications can be a competent plan and estimates for construction work. To pay attention to, considering possible options:

  • strength characteristics of the material;
  • deadlines for his service;
  • requirements for and solutions;
  • mounting difficulties;
  • cost.

The traditional choice is considered:, and. To date, these types of wall materials are most in demand.

Brick houses: reliably and durable

This is the most massive building material that makes a lot of requirements for the construction of the construction. For bricks, you need a strong and deep, professional skills in and competent design calculations.

Pros of brick construction

The most important advantage is its high strength. The bearing abilities of brick walls are not inferior to monolithic concrete. From the brick you can build multi-storey structures with a complex geometry, without worrying for their reliability.

It is impossible not to mention about aesthetics. Brick, covered with icing and having a variety of coloring - just a look. And care for such a facade is practically not required.

Why many refuse bricks

It would seem, with such advantages, the brick must remain in the lead, but why does his other materials be tested so confidently? The first reason is in the unimportant conservation of heat. Yes, according to energy efficiency, the brick is inferior to many building materials. For full heat insulation under the conditions of the middle strip, the walls are required for a minimum of 2.5 bricks. It is for this reason that the ceramic and silicate material is placed as a cladding, and the inner part of the walls is performed from other materials, which are better than maintaining heat.

Moved on the study of the minuses of this building material, we discover that brick houses have a low moisture resistance, which, among other things, affects the inner microclimate of the house. If the rains often come in your area, the area is adopted - it will constantly be raw and cool in the house.

Finally, brick buildings require a special approach to the construction of the foundation.

Output: If you have a solid budget, not too wet climate and the desire to build on the century - choose a brick.

Blocks: from aerated concrete to a seven

In the construction market, the brick confidently tested. Their manufacturing requires smaller costs, which means they will cost you a little, but cheaper.

If you remove pink glasses, it is not difficult to detect the disadvantages of this material. The most unpleasant two: blocks are rather fragile and contain in its composition chemical components that may adversely affect the health of residents at home.

Arbolite blocks for walls

Arbolit in its essence is wood chip, fastened. It is easy and warm, quite durable even in order to withstand.

But this building material has its own negative nuances: unimportant geometry, the ability to absorb moisture and the danger to run into manifests made elements that are performed with violations of technology.

Output: Arbolit is an excellent material according to characteristics, if purchased from a proven manufacturer. But you should combine it with a protective finish.

Cracker for building a house

Blocks with a shell - it is quite expensive. Why do many choose this option? The fact is that such walls perfectly keep warm and absorb sounds. In such houses, warm in winter and cool in the summer. At home "Breathe", providing an excellent microclimate, and the high content of iodine in the shell make the house is actually healing.

Output. If there is a shell in your region - the material is available for construction - boldly use such blocks.

Houses of wood: Environmentally friendly

Bar: Simple and glued

Output. - A real alternative to block and brick construction and, while compliance with technology and high quality processing, will serve for quite a long time.

Log: tribute to tradition

- This is a tribute to the Russian traditions and care for the health of households.

Such houses have excellent microclimate and good ventilation.

They are very warm and unlikely beautiful, especially if you are lucky to find a good wizard.

The disadvantage of them, as in the houses from the bar, is a long shrinkage and the need for careful wood processing with antiseptics, antipirens and insect drugs.

Output. If you like the traditional way and style, it is better not to find a log cabin, but for construction you need to find high-class masters.

Frame-panel construction

Such a popular abroad, our life came relatively recently. Or wooden, and to fill it use or with thermal insulation.

And most importantly - they are the cheapest of all of all of the above.

And everything would be fine, but to live in such a house - I don't care that in a cardboard box. Every sound is heard, and they also burn, like the same boxes.

Output. Framework is the cheapest and energy efficient, but it is not easy to live in such a house.

Summing up

Before finally summarized the results, let's look at the technical data of wall building materials:

Indicator Brick Foam blocks Slagoblocks Wood
Thermal conductivity, W.0,30-0,80 0,10-0,40 0,15-0,45 0,09-0,18
Frost resistance, number of cycles50-200 25-50 50-200 35-100
Shrinkage,%0 0,6-1,2 0 1,5-3
Strength, kg / cm²50-150 10-50 35-150 15-60
Moisture absorption,%40 95 50 70-90

There are really many options. It is impossible to give an unequivocal recommendation. In each individual case, there are nuances and conditions that will help make the optimal choice. The importance is area, climatic conditions, soil type, your preferences and financial capabilities. You can only advise: before you give preference to some particular material, listen to the opinion of those who live in such houses. Here is an example of this opinion:

Can you advise some of the listed options? Maybe your home is built from some special material? Write about it in the comments!