Outdoor tiles: varieties and nuances of choice. Floor tiles

Among the numerous modern facing materials for the floor floor tiles It is one of the most common, which is not surprising at all. It has a fairly attractive appearance, high mechanical strength and excellent operational performance. In addition, the tile may differ in its sizes, the presence of an ornament and pattern, as well as physical properties, on which the area of \u200b\u200bits use depends. The service life of the floor covering, which was done in all the rules using high-quality facing materials, may exceed 50 years, while the initial appearance of the coating is maintained for a long period of operation.

Ceramic floor tiles are practically not exposed to pollution, it is easily cleaned and perfectly transfers the effects of detergents. Another important advantage of the tile is its resistance to chemically active substances, which allows such a coating in laboratories, canteens and production shops.

Types of floor tiles and methods for receiving

Depending on the method of obtaining, the tile is pressed and extruded.

The first tile type is obtained by pressing from a plastic mixture - the mixture, which usually includes a filler and a binder like clay. The process of the product formation is carried out with the help of the press and the forming matrix, which is placed the required amount of source material. After giving the desired form of the product, it is burned in the autoclave method, acquiring the necessary strength.

The extruded tile is manufactured by maintaining the initial plastic mass through the molded hole of the extruder head of a given geometry, after which it is carried out with cutting and firing.

Outdoor tiles are glazed and not glazed. The glazed tile has a vitreous glossy coating that has a high hardness. Thanks to this coating on which a different pattern can be applied, the product has an attractive appearance and is characterized by increased moisture resistance. The unwrapped tile is homogeneous in its composition and is distinguished by a simpler manufacturing method. The desired color in this case is obtained by adding the desired dye to the original mass.

In addition, there is a separate type outdoor tile - porcelain stoneware. In its view and mechanical properties, this type of facing materials resembles natural granite, however, the technology of its preparation is the same as in extruded ceramic tiles. Ceramic granite is manufactured from a mixture of wipe or basalt crumb and a special type of clay by pressing and subsequent firing under pressure in the autoclave.

Main characteristics of outdoor tiles

Each type of floor tile is distinguished not only by the appearance and size, but also by the technical characteristics that determine the scope of application of a particular product. We will consider in detail the main of them.

  • Frost resistance- Determines at what minimum temperatures the coating can be used without the danger of its cracking. It is important when choosing a facing material for external use and most relevant for the northern regions of Russia, where the temperature in the winter falls below the 50 degree marks.
  • Water absorption - shows how much moisture can absorb the product with respect to its total volume and is expressed as a percentage. This parameter must be taken into account if it is planned to make a coating in rooms with high humidity, for example in the pool, sauna or shower.
  • Wear resistance - characterizes the resistance of the material to the appearance of scratches and losses as a result of mechanical impact. For floor coverings, this is one of the most important parameters from which the service life largely depends.
  • Resistance to chemically active substances Determines the inertness of the material with respect to the effects of acids and alkalis.
  • Fire resistance and fire resistance - Depends on the temperature expansion of the material of the tile and is expressed in the maximum allowable temperature at which the product will not crack.
  • Slip resistance - Shows how much the coating is safe for people. This characteristic is particularly important when choosing a coating material in places of large cluster of people.

How to choose outdoor tiles for home

If you plan to make floor covering, you should pay special attention to the choice of material used. Not only the durability of the coverage will depend on this, but also the convenience of its operation, as well as the appearance. When choosing, it is necessary to be guided by both aesthetic considerations and the technical characteristics of the tile type of chosen.

Outdoor kitchen tiles Must have increased resistance to chemicals. As a result of the inevitable appearance on the floor spots from hot fat, oil and other food, you will have to use enough to use detergents, which includes alkali, therefore the material from which the tile is made should not enter into with it. In this case, you can use the glazed or unlawed tile, designed for operation in aggressive environments and with appropriate chemical characteristics.

Choosing outdoor tile for hallway, it should be noted that on it you will go to the shoes, besides, quite often in this place there are various heavy items brought from the street, for example, suitcases with metal legs that can leave scratches on the floor, if it is made of not solid material. Such a coating should have increased mechanical strength and resistance to mechanical effects. When choosing, it is best to give preference to the tile of dark tones with a rotary pattern, since it will not be so good to be visible dirt as on the light of a monotonous coating.

For floor facing, a glazed tile, which has a small water absorption coefficient is usually used. Such a coating will serve for a very long time and with time will not lose its original view from the constant impact of moisture. In order for the wet floor to be safe, it is best to use products with a relief surface that provide good sliding resistance.

For sex in residential premises, such as in the living room or bedroom, you can use various types of facing that imitating any structure. For example, Outdoor Tile under the tree It will be in appearance to resemble parquet, and at the same time possess all the advantages of ceramic products - durability, wear resistance, unpretentiousness and durability.

Manufacturers of outdoor tile

Nowadays, the facing materials market can be found a tile of both imported and domestic production. Products of European manufacturers such as Caesar, Argenta Ceramica and ACIF are particularly popular. Along with excellent quality, they offer a wide selection of design solutions, annually releasing new collections. floor tile, price which, however, is quite high.

If you are interested in inexpensive, but practical solutions, pay attention to the products Cerama Marazziwhich is produced in Russia with the use of the unique technology of the Italian company Kerama Marazzi on modern equipment and fully complies with European standards. Facing materials of the Belarusian company Ceramin also enjoy high popularity, which is distinguished by a low cost, excellent performance, as well as a large variety of colors and drawings. The newly released collection "Sakur" in Japanese style was recently released by a consumer with great enthusiasm and received a lot of positive feedback.

Thanks to a wide range of products, you can choose any floor tile, sizes and the design of which will fully match the interior of your room. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy elite products from the best Italian brands. Among the inexpensive tiles from domestic producers, you can also find high-quality and attractive facing materials that will serve you for decades.

Floor ceramic tiles - Material used in construction for several millennia. When excavations of Babylonian temples, archaeologists often find samples of ceramic glazed bricks, perfectly preserved to the present day. And at present, there is little long flooring can be compared with tiles on wear resistance, practicality and durability.

By the method of manufacturing, the entire tile floor ceramic is divided into extruded and extruded.

The extruded tile is made on special equipment (knee-lever or hydraulic presses). Before making a raw semi-finished product from monofractional powders, a working mixture is compiled on the recipe. The mixture includes the main components (low-melting and refractory clay, coaline) and special additives. As additives are used quartz sand, field spat, perlite, glass, porcelain waste and various chemical reagents - surfactants, dilutes, extensive components. White clays for the production of germ tiles are rarely used, as the products of them are softer in its structure.

After pressing, the tile is dried and sent to the firing, after which it is subjected to decorating (glazing, analogy and staining). At the last stage, the tile, in addition to aesthetic finishing, acquires waterproof.

In the manufacture of floor ceramic tiles by extrusion, after drafting the raw material mixture, the resulting tough mass is picked up through a special "mouthpiece" of an extrudera. At the exit of it, a long tape is obtained, compliance with a certain width and thickness. In the future, this workpiece is cut into separate fragments, which are sent to drying with hot air, firing and finishing.

It should be noted that the manual ceramic floor tile is also produced, the price of which is quite high due to exclusivity. Such material refers to a premium-class and can be created according to the sketches of the artist, created with the registration of your wishes.

However, if you want to add an extraction to the interior to the interior, you can paint the tile and yourself by applying acrylic paints for ceramics. If the resulting result is burning in the oven, then the resistance of the drawn motifs will be quite strong, and your floor ceramic tile economy is becoming a "masterpiece" existing in a single variant.

Essential characteristics

The main physico-mechanical properties of the sexual coating are indicated in the regulatory documents, in Russia at the present moment the interstate standard "Ceramic tiles for GOST 6787-2001" is valid. When choosing a tile, it is necessary to pay attention to its labeling, not guided by the aesthetic considerations.

The most important indicators when choosing a germ tile are:

  • abrasibility (wear resistance). Even when placing the tiles in rooms with a small movement intensity (kitchen or bathroom in an apartment or private house) it is advisable to stop your choice on the III class of abrasive resistance. The tile of IV and V classes can be used in the lobbies, corridors, as well as in public buildings (shops, bars, shopping centers, hospitals).

  • frost resistance. This indicator is important if the floors are supposed to be separated in an unheated room (garage, shed, warehouse terminals, etc.). Directly depends on the indicator as the porosity determined by the degree of water absorption. The frost-resistant is considered a tile if its water supply coefficient is less than 3%. It should be noted that the unique properties of frost-resistant and waterproof tiles directly affect its value. That is why you should not be surprised that to finish the pool you will need a ceramic tile flooring, the price of which is not yet budget.

  • chemical resistance. Especially important for premises, where they often have to carry out sanitary cleaning. The maximum indicator is marked with the lines of AA, such a material can be laid not only in the bathroom or in the kitchen, but also in medical facilities, kindergartens, etc.

Ceramic tile floors

The ceramic tile on the floor is best to sharpen on the cement-sandy basis, but laying on an existing coating, if it is without visible defects, durable and smooth. A pave surface is best strengthened by placing a layer of waterproof plywood with additional treatment with water-repellent primer. It is undesirable to use as an alternative to circulated boards, since a solid woody array can give bend during operation.

Special care requires the preparation of the foundation if the ceramic tile floor under the wood will be used for the flooring. After all, this type of tile often has a textural roughness that imitating the embossed structure of natural woody rocks, which requires the ideal alignment of the foundation.

Currently, special mastic and adhesives are often used as a working solution, which is fitted with a floor ceramic tile, you can buy them in specialized building stores.

When buying, pay attention to the special properties of the adhesive composition (frost resistance, water resistance, etc.), and the consumption of the mixture, which are always negotiated by the manufacturer.

If you decide to lay the tile to the floor on your own, it will not be superfluous with the basic rules of work. Detailed master classes on laying outdoor ceramic tiles, photos of which are presented here will help avoid mistakes typical of beginners. This is especially important if the "warm floor" system is planned when laying, allowing you to ensure maximum comfort in your home.

For visual marking, it is recommended to pull the cord by attaching it with nails to the walls, at a height of 1.8 cm from the floor. After applying glue or mastic with a toothed spatula, put the first tile, which is called the Mayak, at the intersection of the cords near one of the corners. In order to provide a strictly horizontal arrangement of a tiled fragment, cut it around the perimeter of the Kelma handle.
Laying tiles are subsequently produced using special calibrated remote separators, to obtain a gap of a certain value. Periodically, it is necessary to measure the distance from the stacked tile to the day-old, adjusting the width of the seams, ensuring the accuracy of laying. It is useful to you in the work and the level, which for ease of use is fixed on a long rail.

If you have doubts about your abilities, you will have to invite a qualified wizard, which is more likely if the floors are separated by ceramic tiles of the floor under a tree, which should be laid or completely without seams, or using remote cross-size crosses and tone grout. In addition, such a tile will require a fairly thorough fit of individual fragments in the figure to create a complete illusion of natural wood.

One of the most popular floors for floors is a ceramic tile, which has a very high service life, up to 40-50 years, while the tile does not lose its operational characteristics, both in terms of the preservation of the pattern and in terms of strength. Floor ceramic tiles are the following types:
- glazed;
- unlocked;
- Ceramographic.

Glazilled tile

The glazed floor tiles consists of a glossy glassy coating, which gives it additional density and hardness. A drawing is applied to this coating, giving increased moisture resistance when operating tiles in wet rooms. The only disadvantage of such tile is that it is tritely slippery.

Such a coating is well suitable for both the kitchen and a corridor or hallway. The tile is well withstanding the effects of detergents, household chemicals and is easily washed away from pollution.

Uglan tile

The unhappy floor tile differs from glazed by the fact that it does not have a picture, but is performed in different colors. This coating has a wide range of applications, and it can be used in any room of your home. The only drawback will be the poor decorative solutions, however, designers often use it in mosaics and combined floors.

Like the glaze, the unbranged tile can be glossy or matte. As a rule, glossy is used in public spaces as an interior. It is beautiful, but it is not recommended to walk on it without using a special anti-slip coating, so designers often use it for framing and decorating the main coating of matte tiles.

Keramogrant tile

There is a new type of floor tile - a ceramographic. This tile is obtained in the process of mixing basalt and paddle crumbs. In the finished form, the tile is very similar to granite, it can be used in a bathroom or toilet, as it is not very slippery even under the influence of moisture.

Porcelain stoneware is perfect as a coating when installing a warm floor, it retains heat and quite resistant to different temperatures. In addition, the tile has an anti-vandal coating, so it is not afraid of female heels, nor children's machines.

Regardless of the selected type of tiles, pay attention to its manufacturer and its quality. A good coating that will serve you for many years should be a quality certificate, the best of which is a certificate of compliance with UNI EN standards developed by the European Commission of Standardization (CEN) in Italy.

Buying tiles, people choose it exclusively by external characteristics. Of course it is important that the tile can have aesthetic look, but still it is worth paying attention to other characteristics of building materials. For example, the styling process will be easier if the tile parameters are correctly selected for the floor. And if the parameters were not taken into account when buying a building material, then as a result, the design concept will be broken.

Composition tile

In most cases, the material from which the coating was made are durable. In the case of incorrectly chosen dimensions, cutting out of such a situation. This process is quite noisy and uncomfortable. In addition, the cutting on the surface of the material may appear chips that do not appear aesthetic.

Therefore, a logical solution that will avoid such situations - the choice of material for the floor covering should be made on the basis of the parameters:

  • first, it will make it much easier for the laying process;
  • the second reason is not a clipped tile will not spoil the interior of the room.

What are the sizes

Covering outdoor type There are two types - tile and porcelain stoneware. The last option is a sufficiently durable tile, the process of manufacture which is pressed under maximum pressure and baking at high temperatures. Such a manufacturing technology results in the end to withstand significant loads.

Due to the fact that the floor is subjected to significant loads, the coating for it should be durable.

The following standard coating features are existing:

  1. Square form (200x200, 300x300, 330x330, 350x350, 400x400, 450x450 mm);
  2. Five-frame form (100x200, 150x300, 200x300, 300x400 mm);
  3. Mentoker shape (5-tigned, 6-tigned, 8-migrant)

In addition to these parameters, there are other options: smaller and more.

Ceramic tile sizes

Outdoor tile parameters are different. A coating tile made of ceramic material 40x40 is considered standard. The installation process with the use of this type of coating is fast and simple. Another option that is popular - 600x600. Such a building material is most often used for the premises of large dimensions (for example, as an outdoor coating in the mall)

There are other parameters of the floor tile. One of their smallest parameters is the 5 centimeter building materials. This option has a square shape.N.apol tile of large sizes It has parameters 120 * 360 cm.

In construction stores, most often you can find the following parameters of floor tiles in centimeters:

  • 25x125;
  • 25x25;
  • 30x30;
  • 40x40;
  • 30x45;
  • 25x50;
  • 30x60;
  • 40x60;
  • 45x90.

When laying, the size of such a building material can be changed using a hydroabrasive cutting, but it is better to initially select the correct parameters and as a result of getting the desired interior.

Dimensions of porcelain tiles

Parameters of porcelain tiles are so diverse that for each situation there is a necessary option. Most often there are square options, with a party equal to 30, 33rd, 50 or 60 cm.

There are also other possible types: 150 * 600, 300 * 300, 600 * 600, 450 * 450 mm. These options are the most common for coating.

Due to the fact that the porcelain stoneware is durable material, manufacturers provide customers with such an option as 600 * 1200 or 1000 * 2000 mm. Such coating parameters need accurate calculations, but as a result, it turns out a stunning result. Due to the fact that the floor is significantly less than the seams, it looks more refined and aesthetic.

Such a variety of building materials from this material is explained by the method of its production. Initially, the porcelain coating is produced as a tile for the floor of large sizes, and then the necessary parameters are formed.

This fact is proof that manufacturers for each client are suitable individually because they can meet the needs in any varieties.

Thickness of floor tile

The thickness of the porrite is varied from 3 to 30 mm. Building material with minimal thickness is quite rare on sale. The most common option is the thickness of 5 mm.

Based on the standards, if the floor covering will receive a minimum load in the form of a minor weight, then its thickness should be at least 8 mm.

It is believed that the thickness and strength of products are directly proportional. This is an erroneous statement. Large coating thickness does not indicate strength. If you make the right installation of 3 mm tiles, the strength will be the same as the one that is ten times thicker. Thus, if necessary, you can do without covering a large thickness.

It should be noted that the cost of the tile rises with its thickness. This is explained by the fact that the cost of manufacturing one sq m is tangible due to the considerable costs of raw materials and on its firing. Plus to this, and the carriage becomes more expensive.

Tile marking and strength

Also, the following important parameter should be taken into account as abrasion of the tile, it is divided into six groups according to this indicator:

  1. PEI 0 is used exclusively when laying on the walls;
  2. PEI I laying walls and floor with min load;
  3. PEI II is mounted in rooms with a small passability;
  4. PEI III is the best option for the private sector;
  5. PEI IV places in office rooms, as widely used in private homes;
  6. PEI V A special group with extremely overestimated parameters for abrasion, applicable in industrial facilities.

Tile marking

Standard sizes

With a variety of flooring parameters, standard parameters exist. This option is considered the tile of a square form with a side of 300 mm. The following parameters are considered standard in millimeters:

  • Square: 48x48, 100x100, 150x150, 200x200, 250x250;
  • Rectangular: 100x1200, 150x300, 200x300;
  • Pentighed: 86,5x150, 98x170, 115x200;
  • Hex: 150x173, 200x230;
  • Triangular: 58x83, 83x118, 98x139.

Most often, buyers acquire standard styling tiles, since such a form and parameter is suitable for most interior options.

Unpopular tile formats

Produces also products and non-standard parameters, which are not considered very popular among consumers. But still there is a buyer on such formats of flooring.

Unpopular tile formats include Floor Covering Format 10x10. This size makes it similar to the mosaic and is rarely used for ordinary rooms. Most often, such a coating is used as a facing in the saunas.

Surprised sizes

Among the in-demand options for flooring are distinguished by a 200h200 mm format tile. This is explained by the fact that such a format is convenient to use for floors, the width and length of which is multiple with a paired number 2 or 4.

In addition, the tile of 500x500 mm format is popular with popularity. Such a format is convenient from the point of view of installation work, since the coating requires a significantly smaller number of copies, in comparison with the 50x50 mm or 200x200 mm format.

For kitchen

The main factor that affects the choice of the size of the floor tile for the kitchen, is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. If you correctly select the optional coating parameter, then you can visually reduce or increase the space.

Most often in apartments kitchen are not significant dimensions, with this reason the optimal option will be the tile of the format of the 200h200 mm or 350x350 mm. Such formats are not combined in terms of installation, and they visually increasing the small area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.

For bathroom

For overall rooms, it is better to choose products of small parameters, and for rooms with a small area - a large tile of a large size. This will allow you to visually make a room more scales.

The most common error when choosing the size of the floor tile for the bathroom is too large. As a rule, in such cases it has to be divided into several parts, which as a result makes the bath inestic.

Square and rectangular instances are considered to be the best option for the bathroom with the best option for the tile format. Their parameters can be the following: 15x25 cm, 20x25 cm, 33x45 cm, as well as 20x20 cm, 30x30 cm, 40x40 cm and 50x50 cm.

For the bathroom, the tile of small size is suitable, for example, a mosaic. This option will make the interior of the room original

For corridor

For the corridor, a rectangular coating will be the ideal option. This product visually extends the room. On the size of the tile affects the placement of the room. For a small corridor, small parameters are chosen. As the main material from which the coating for the corridor should be made, it is best to take porcelain stoneware. It is ideal for a corridor, where significant load falls on the floor.

In order to make the original hallway, it is possible to use the tile of different parameters as an outdoor coating.

Proper layout of tiles of any sizes

Tiles layout options set. It all depends on the fantasy. There are the most popular options for styling drawings:

  • Chess order. The tile of two contrasting colors is used;
  • Linear order. It is considered a universal option because it is suitable for any room;
  • Ornament. It is important to do a big central part here, it will make the floor prettier;
  • Kaleidoscope. In this option, so many colors will be used as a fantasy.

Why is it important to choose the right tile by size

The correct selected coating in size as a result gives many advantages:

  • Aesthetically, the room looks better, in comparison with the floor of the chopped tiles;
  • Saving. After properly selected tiles there are no residues;
  • Installation work is lighter and more comfortable.

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Types of floor tiles and its characteristics.

Outdoor tiles are one of the most practical types of floor finish. Various types of floor tiles are used in industrial premises, and in offices, and shopping halls, as well as in residential buildings and apartments.

The reason for the popularity of floor tiles in its undoubted advantages. Namely:

  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • ease of care;
  • aesthetics;
  • large selection of colors, drawings, textures.

The market is widely represented various types of floor tiles. Therefore, before making a choice, it is necessary to study their characteristics and purpose.

So, more.


As it is clear from the very name, this type of tile is made of natural rock - granite.

Advantages of granite tile:

  • strength;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • aesthetics.

The granite floor tile, whose characteristics, allow you to lay it both outside and indoors, is divided into two main types:

  • polished (it has a smooth practically mirror surface);
  • heat treated (has a natural look and expressed texture).


Ceramic floor tile also has considerable advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • frost resistance (not all kinds);
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • hygienicity (ease of care);
  • aesthetics.

Ceramic tile especially like buyers by what is made in different colors and shades, with various drawings and patterns. It allows you to implement almost any designer project.

The scope of this tile is also wide. It can be used to finish the bathroom, kitchen, hallway, pools, basements, etc.

Not rare buyers are interested in the question: "What is the difference between ceramic and tiles?". Answer: The tile is one of the varieties of ceramic tiles.

Porcelain stoneware (GRES)

Like the previous types of floor tiles, porcelain stoneware has the advantages that allow it to be widely used to finish all sorts of premises.

A significant difference between porcelain stoneware from ceramic tile lies in a fundamentally different production technology. The thing is that the ceramic tile is manufactured in fact in two stages. At the first stage, the foundation is manufactured by the foundation on which the drawing is applied at the second stage and burn the second time.

Porcelain stoneware is made in one stage and is a holistic material. In addition, the porcelain tiles perfectly imitates such natural materials like marble, stone, granite, as well as wood, skin, clay.

By the way, this tile differs by another beneficial property - heat transfer. Since it is capable of retaining heat for a long time, the tile of porcelain is great for the "warm floor" device.


The main purpose and scope of the clinker tile is an outer finish. This tile is characterized by very high resistance to abrasion, water exposure, temperature drops.

Clinker tiles are suitable for terraces, steps, tracks.

As for her decorative qualities - it can well imitate different types of natural materials.

Technical (industrial)

Of course, all types of floor tiles have good indicators of wear resistance and resistance to external influences, but technical (or differently industrial) tiles are characterized by higher indicators in all characteristics and also has additional qualities. For example, resistance to acid exposure.

Stop such a tile in a conventional residential apartment, of course, no sense. But for industrial workshops, it will fit perfectly.


Metal tile refers to the number of materials designed to finish the floor in the production shops.

It is clear that the floor in such premises is constantly experiencing increased loads. Considerable damage floor can apply equipment and tools that are in such a room. Therefore, the requirements for flooring, naturally elevated.

Maximum compliant with the requirements of such premises is the metal tile.

This tile is stacked on top of concrete floor.


Concrete tile is a view of paving slabs that are widely used for decorative finishing of urban tracks, areas, playgrounds, etc.

It is resistant to external natural impacts and enough wear-resistant.

A concrete tile is painted in different colors, which makes it possible to make an original drawing or pattern with it.


Cork tile is perfect for apartments and houses where people suffering from allergies live. The thing is that it absolutely does not attract dust.

Also, this tile is good because it does not rot and is not covered with mold.

The disadvantages of this material include: instability to mechanical impacts and ultraviolet rays. Such a floor can lose its original look very quickly.

Vinyl (PVC)

The advantages of vinyl (PVC) tiles:

  • wear resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • noise insulation;
  • contamination resistance;
  • the possibility of a "warm floor" system.

It can be laid in places of increased traffic: offices, trading halls.

The price of this type of floor tile is quite democratic.