Treatment of the garden in autumn from pests and diseases. Autumn garden processing from pests: drugs and rules for processing the fight against garden diseases in autumn

After removing the latter harvest from the garden beds, autumn soil treatment should be carried out on the country. This procedure is necessary to obtain a good harvest of vegetables in the upcoming season. If the soil (here is presented here) in the fall will be processed correctly, then plants in the future are developing in the most optimal conditions. With the proper processing of the soil in it, the water regime is improved, the soil is better "breathing", keeps heat. The preparation of land for wintering allows liquidation of a large number of roots of weed plants and destroy the larvae of pests, and the diseases also retreat.

Previously, the autumn soil treatment was in the usual dispenser, but now the gardeners take into account many factors, for example, the acidity of the soil and its type. Based on these factors, dackets take various measures.

The first manipulations with the country area should be carried out after the last harvest is removed.

The territory is prepared for a spark in several stages.

Removing the remaining weeds from the site

If not to do this, then the plants are seeds, who will warm in the future. You should also remove the tops from garden crops. If it is completely dry, it can not be thrown away, but burn.


When burning crops, weeds and other herbs, it will be possible to destroy the pests on them, and illness if the plant is sick. Sick plants must be burned at some distance from the garden, and the ash is destroyed (bury into the ground, but not on the territory). If cultures did not hurt, and the stalks of the tops were completely dried, it can also be burned, and the aspen to scatter in front of the autumn portion of the plot or put into the compost pit.


Autumn processing includes light jams. It follows the topmost layer on each row. Manipulation is better to carry out using ordinary rake. After a couple of weeks after the procedure, the beds are covered with a carpet from the greenery of weeds. It is possible to eliminate them with a flat foke, which grips shoots of plants with roots, at the same time loose soil. After some time, shoots may appear again, but here there can be no excitement, because weeds will definitely not stand frost and the future spring loosening of the site.

Such autumn treatment contributes to the rapid self-healing of the Earth, and crushed weeds (here -) will become excellent fertilizer for her.

Autumn treatment-disintegration of the soil of the country area

Perhaps someone will seem that it is quite simple to switch the plot, but it is not. This processing method also needs to be carried out correctly. Manipulation can be carried out using a shovel, the depth of the steam in this case is to the bayonet shovel. If a special technique is used to parchhy, the depth of the spindle is about 30 cm.

In order for autumn soil treatment to be carried out correctly, several rules should be followed.

1. The work on the preparation of the Earth must be carried out before the time of autumn rains begin. Otherwise, the soil will not be able to explode, as it, on the contrary, will be compacted, especially if clay.

2. In severe clay areas, it is necessary to increase their fertile qualities. Such land is recommended to go to a depth not exceeding 15 cm, but each season depth should increase the centimeter by 2. In addition, the alumies need to add sand and all sorts of organics. In this case, it will be possible to reduce the inside layer and, accordingly, increase fertility.

3. When carrying out the female of the garden in the fall is not worth breaking the major kids of the soil. In this case, the land will be better in them better, that is, insects will have little chance to survive the winter cold. In addition, under the influence of frosts, large boulders will be sprinkled independently, and after the snow cover, the soil becomes loose.

4. Sugglinks need a deeper puffwind, also processing includes the introduction of sand, organic, peat, that is, components that stimulate the improvement in the structure of the soil. In this case, the oxygen will go better to the roots of plants.

5. The structure of clay sites can be improved by adding a large dose of grain sand during a decaying (river, approximately 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper square meter). It should also be "diluted" such a soil with a similar number of peat crumbs.

6. It is desirable to make a peat ground in the fall of crushed clay (dry only), which was added sand.

7. If the soil is lightweight and well processed, it is not necessary to drag it often. Otherwise, its structure is sprayed, it will become loose, that is, when working with it, difficulties may arise. The fertilized layer at a frequent dispenser falls deep into the soil, all the useful microorganisms contained in it die, instead of them begin to multiply harmful. Also because of heavy irrigation into the arid seasons, the elements are washed (including mineral), which are required to maintain the density of the structure of the Earth. As a result, the physical qualities of the soil occurs.

8. Processed soil having a loose structure is not worth a shovel. In this case, it is better to give preference to garden cords (or manual cultivator "Tornado"). With their help, the upper fertile soil will remain "on the spot", and the structure of the Earth will improve. In addition, garden worses are an excellent means of fighting perennial weeds. If the root of drinking root from the soil from the soil, it will not break, and you can gradually pull out, freeing from the ground. Thus, you can pull a lot of roots.

9. If the site was filled with dusty, then it is better to use the method of three-layer peroxide. In this case, the middle layer will be at the top, and the top will be at the bottom, and in the middle it will take the bottom. If planting vegetable crops are planned at this place, then fertilizers must be made.

Fertilizers for soil with autumn processing

In order to save money, you can make the organic on your own. It is enough to find a place for a compost pit or a box, in which healthy plants should be folded, onion husks, wood ashes, sweetheart, litter, food residues. When it all reprovers (usually, it happens on the second year, if you do not resort to the help of Baikal EM-1 and others like it), the mass can be used in the garden as an organic fertilizer in the autumn period.

When making a dung organic before in winter, the land is not very deep, otherwise the first will need a lot of time to fully decompose.

When carrying out a decay in the fall, you can make the organic, phosphoric and potash feeding. If necessary, sand is added mixed with clay.

Compost or manure should be made in autumn on those territory where cabbage landing (), Bakhchyeva and Celery is planned. Under carrots, radish and beets can be made compost (but not manure) or mineral fertilizers.

How to carry out the processing of land (soil) for the winter

Sour soil - limestone

Different types of soil in autumn require different processing. Sour lands are no exception. The high acidity of the soil will prevent a good harvest, since the garden crops grow well only on neutral and weakly acids. For this reason, it is necessary to persistently reduce its acidity.

This will help lime. This method, in addition to its main mission, will help improve air permeability and increase fertility.

For limeting can be used:

  • Cement dust
  • wood ash,
  • slaked lime,
  • dolomitic flour,
  • peat ash.

The specific dose of application can not be called, since the composition, the acidity of the soil and the amount of calcium contained in the limest means are important.

Thanks to this procedure, clay territories become much loosen, and sandy begin to preserve moisture better and become more viscous. In addition, the limring leads to the fact that useful microorganisms are beginning to develop in the soil, which improve its fertile functions.

For overwear soil, in the autumn plants Siderats

When the Earth is overwhelmed, it necessarily affects the crop: plants begin to develop worse, more often sick, poorly fruit. Find out that the earth was worn very simply: if it became similar to dust, and after rains or irrigation, a cracking crust appears on its surface, it means that it urgently needs help.

The best assistants in such a situation will be sites, cultures that are grown on the site in order to saturate the territory of minerals and organic. Siderates also have a positive effect on the soil structure.

Siderators include:

  • Barley.
  • Oats.
  • Vika.
  • Rye.
  • Lupine.
  • Peas.
  • Mustard.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Clover.

These cultures will become excellent organic mass, sometimes, efficient manure. In addition, each of these plants accumulates phosphorus and potassium in itself, as well as other substances that, in the future, enter the soil.

To all, the Siderats help to fight pests, but, without destroying them, and scaring. With the help of the mustard, there is a big chance to get rid of the presence of larvae of the larvae of the May beetles, the pool and the wiretop.

Siderats are desirable to plant in the fall, after harvesting. Saved territories at this time can not spare. The fact is that the winter of Siderats will not survive in any case, and the land will break off, respectively, it will not be needed deep plowing. It will be enough to step up soil, after which it is meloned.

If all the manipulations on the processing of the soil in the autumn period in a timely manipulation, then for the next year, the country garden will delight the owner a good harvest.

Experts recommend to carry out a protective spraying at the time of the year. It is especially important that on this day there was a moderate air humidity, the sun was preferably shone and winds and frosts were not observed. A couple of days after processing, there is also undesirable precipitation in the form of rain or snow. It should be remembered that during the fertility and flowering period, the trees do not need to protect against small pests and diseases. On the proper processing of trees in the fall for the winter you will learn from our article.

Preparation of plants

With the arrival of autumn, insects begin to actively look for a new place of residence for wintering, to ride the cold season in a warm place. Places are the soil, bark and fallen leaves. Based on this, you can concludeIt should carry out the processing of trees from insects in the autumn period.

These actions allow you to save trees from putrefactive diseases, spotted, brush and other attacks. The vegetative process can also be slowed down due to the fact that the various bacteria causing the above-listed diseases actively multiply under the untreated crust of plants. Therefore, it is important to carry out a thorough spraying of the bark not only to protect against pests, but also from most diseases. Such a procedure will allow to maintain the quality and quantity of the crop for the next year..

Plants after winter hooks wake up very slowly, so autumn processing is of great importance, however, first of all, they need to be specially prepared for this procedure. Treatment of trees and preparatory stage happens a few steps that depend on the age of seedlings:

The spraying procedure itself is simple. It is enough to observe the dose of substance specified on the packaging to the drug and thoroughly process each twig.

What to treat fruit trees

What is best to spray fruit plants in the fall? Over the years, professional gardeners have been recommended to use the Copper Moods and pests to handle the garden at the autumn time of the year from diseases and pests. Each of these solutions has a narrow orientation, about which we, of course, let's talk in our article.

It is not recommended to perform a spraying of trees with only one type of preparation against a specific type of threat. Most often, the means is selected based on the result that it should bring. Horticulture specialists It is recommended to conduct a spraying procedure of fruit plants at the end of October.


Garden treatment with iron vigorous in autumn is very important. The drug is used for external treatment of fruit plants, as well as feeding trees, such as peaches, cherries, plums, apple trees. Plants after processing receive a lot of nutrient trace elements and, of course, iron. Also, these procedures allow to improve the oxidative processes in the soil.

With a lack of such an important trace element, the amount of crop can significantly decrease. The iron mood solution is very easy to cook with their own hands. It is enough to dissolve in a 16-liter water bucket of 1 kg of dry powder.

Copper Kuner

Earth processing with copper vigorous fall is as important as the spraying of trees. This drug contains in its composition, which, in turn, does not allow to appear to appear spotted, asteris, mildew and various putrefactive diseases in the fruits.

Processing plants with copper vapor Specialists are recommended in autumn and spring. At the autumn time of the year, apple trees, pears and plums should be sprayed. The treatment of other fruit plants can also be positive, but it does not necessarily do this in contrast to the above crops. In the spring, the first processing should be carried out before opening the kidneys with leaves.

This drug protects plums from:

  • curls;
  • swasteporiosis;
  • kokkomicosis;
  • moniliosis and other unpleasant misfortunes.

Apple trees and pears treated with copper vigor, will be further protected from philostotosa, paars and moniliosis.

If the majority of garden trees have an age of no more than six years, then one liter of this drug will be enough for one such seedling. For older plants, it is allowed to apply up to ten liters of a solution of copper sulphate.

Conduct spraying in the garden is best in the morning or evening. The optimal air temperature for the procedure should not exceed 30 ° C, but not to be below 5 ° C. It is also recommended to wait windy weather, since even a small impulse of wind Created to carry a sprayed drug far beyond the territory of the garden plot.


It is recommended to use urea to spray garden plants as the last and first stage of garden preparation by winter. Make the first spraying is followed by a solution of high concentration. This action will allow you to kill not only all insects, but also destroy all pesting larvae.

Saplings in the spring season are allowed to process only after no less than half of the leaves fall from the trees. To do this, it will be necessary to make a solution with your own hands, consisting of 500 grams of urea and 10 liters of water. As soon as the trees completely lose the rest of the foliage, the seedlings should be treated with a more concentrated solution, increasing the dose of urea by 7% (535 grams per 10 liters).

It is necessary to process the land, branches and trunks. Such procedures are not only an excellent way to get rid of annoying insects.But also a good fertilizer for plants. Only one should not overdo it during the preparation of the solution, because with a too concentrated preparation, the leaves can get chemical burns, as a result of which they will fall before the term. As a result, it often happens to reduce the amount of beneficial substances that come to the plant, and the frost resistance of the fruit plant is reduced.

Spray nuances

When spraying plants in the garden, it is necessary to use a mechanized or manual apparatus. This device can evenly spray the solution on all parts of the plant, as well as protect a person from contact with chemistry. Regardless of how difficult the principle of operation is from your device, they all have pumps for spraying.

On the difference in the cost and convenience of use, manual and mechanical models are significantly different. Mechanical - are considered much more convenient in operation, but also cost much more. When processing plants with manual apparatus You will have to periodically pump up the drug with your own hands, however, this is more than the relatively low cost of this product.

If there are cracks and wounds on trees, in addition to lime, it is advisable to use the following means:

  • finely chopped straw;
  • cow manure.

These components are mixed with each other, after which the composition is used to process affected areas. Such a procedure will help save the plant from cracking.

There is also another, less well-known way to protect garden plants - Garden Var. It can be purchased in a garden store or cook with your own hands. It will take to use 200 g of bee wax and about 100 g of rosin.

Products are melted separately, after which they are mixed with the addition of 100 g of fat (unsolved) to the mixture. Garden Var is recommended to warm up before the cracks of the crack to a temperature of 50 ° C.

Pruning branches

In the southern District of Russia, trees need autumn pruning, while in the northern regions such an action can easily lead to the freezing of the plant. Immediately after the last harvest was removed, it is recommended to trim the branches in fruit plants. However, it is important for that, it is important to make sure that the fruits are left on Earth, because in them there can be rotten rot, which will infect the soil. It is also recommended to remove the entire foliage Before carrying out the pruning procedure.

From healthy fruits remnants can be made by humus. To do this, it will be necessary in the corner of the site to dug a small hole, after which it is used to throw it all organic parts. After a few years there is excellent quality by humus, which will perfectly serve as a fertilizer for any site of your garden.

Council. When damaged leaves or sick fruits are detected, go away from the garden site or burn.

After the Earth is removed, the fabric or film is hardened on the ground so that insects and their larvae do not get into the soil. After that, it is very important to carefully inspect the Cour. It will be necessary to use fasteners to clean the surface, after which the grooves and the existing wounds of the garden Warr have, in order not to have harmful microbes in them.

If there is a chance of a sharp decrease in temperature or you do not live in the southern regions, then the trimming is better not to carry out, otherwise the bark can freeze the bark, as a result of which the plant will die. In all other cases, trimming is worth starting with the removal of all infected, curves and dry branches, after which they burn them away from the garden.

Also on old trees every few years it is recommended to carry out a rejuvenating trimming. This procedure will help to cheer up the plants and intensify their growth, which will have a positive effect on fruiting.

Protection against frost

Tree strapping is the traditional way to protect trees from frost. For this, the following materials are best suited:

  • sunflower;
  • reed;
  • raspberries;
  • fir branches;
  • ruberoid (under it put the fabric in such a way that it does not touch the bark).

After the trunk was covered with the material, it must be tightly tied up in such a way that young plants are not transmitted. The use of a metal grid will be a good option, which will not only make it well to keep the shape of the insulation, but also will not harm the plant. You should also pour a little soil under the construction so that mice cannot get inside the insulation.

In order to carry out the proper processing of the garden area from pests and the preparation of plants by winter, it is recommended to see several training videos that can be found on the Internet.

What do the gardener do after cleaning everything that grew on the beds? It seems, like nothing, in fact, if next year I want to get another big harvest, the treatment of the garden is to be treated in the fall of pests and diseases plus may be sowing anything for the winter. Regarding the pre-sowing, it is like who likes, but the land for the future season is necessary to prepare. What is to do?

Soil care.

Some may seem that the condition of the soil on the beds, the more treatment of the garden in the fall of pests and diseases on the crop in no way affects. They say, what to care there, it is enough that the land of the reckon, which means it is prepared. It is possible, in principle, and so, but this owner everything happens differently. After collecting vegetables, the beds are mandatory removed.

Lazy wait, when all cultures will be collected from the garden, and only after that begin to work. The right hosts are cleaning garbage immediately after harvesting, that is, they gathered carrots - they removed the beds, collected beans - removed after beans, etc. It is preferable to start to care for the soil as in the second embodiment. The diseases remaining on the garden debris and pests on the site are spread less.

After harvesting, when there is no longer anything left on the beds, and after cleaning the garbage, the soil can be pulled out. Some gardeners are one hundred percent sure that digging better in the spring, the land to landing as it would not be glorified. On the one hand, it is permissible, but on the other, the soil is loosened not only so that it becomes "fluffy." Pumping contributes to the fight against pests, and the land of oxygen enriches, which is important for successful wintering crops sitting at the end of the autumn.

Fertilizers - whether in autumn are needed.

Winter, feeding and processing of the garden in the fall of pests and diseases - the concepts between themselves as if little related. Such an opinion is another mistake. Even if under the winter fertilizer is entered into a slightly smaller quantity than in the spring, to restore the soil after a good crop they are needed. Plus, the useful substances made in the fall, due to good long-term dissolution, the soil minerals are saturated evenly. Spring seedlings or seeds "feed" begin immediately, it is not necessary to wait for those granules or powder to dissolve.

In the fall for fertilizer, beds are used both chemicals and some types of organics plus, if anyone knows how to contact them, Siderats. Green fertilizers besides their immediate "duties" - to fertilize, in addition to the loose after Popile, they make the soil "Fluffy".

Healthy garden - treated vegetable garden.

Why does this "nobody not needed" processing of the garden in the fall from pests and diseases, if the spraying will begin again with the beginning of the new season? So they think mostly novice gardeners. Only spring and autumn events are somewhat different things. At the beginning of the season, the Grokes are treated to them in the future if it appears, then as few harmful livelihoods, fungi and viruses as possible. At the end of the season, fighting still remaining pests and fungi.

Prevention Plus Cleaning the Earth for the Winter is the main task of holding autumn works on the beds. When the garden is cleaned, removed from the surface of the beetles remaining on the vegetable garbage, dolls and disputes. Pumping helps to extract pests from under the ground and their destruction is at the top.

Of course, the processing of the garden in the fall from pests and diseases as such, in general benefit will bring not so much, as it would like. But, given that the care of vegetable garden in the fall includes all of the listed activities, the processing is obtained by complex. In winter, the beds are fully prepared, and with the arrival of spring and work less.

Soil is the most important part of any garden or garden. To raise a large harvest, you need to regularly take care of the state of the soil in your land plot. Very important period for such classes - autumn. After harvesting, you need to prepare the soil to the cold, to prevent infection with various diseases and pests.

How to treat the soil in the spring, what means to use, how to correct the soil? These questions are interested in all gardeners and gardeners. It is important to choose the correct period of time, use the necessary means. Observing special rules, all neighbors will envy your crop.

Possible soil problems in the autumn period

Overcome these problems will help regular care for the soil, especially in the autumn period of the year.

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The soil preparation consists of several items:

  • against uninvited large guests (, hares,), pull the shrubs, wrapping the column of trees;
  • all garden trash that fallen leaves burn;
  • cut the dried branches, "wolf" shoots;
  • turn the trunks;
  • it is recommended to decompose non-hard traps for rodents;
  • trees and shrubs treat special chemicals against diseases, pests. So you can assemble a rich and high-quality harvest in the future.

Break up the top layer of soil

Do manipulation after harvesting, removal from the land plot of organic residues, brazen the beds for four centimeters. Such actions you remove the soil crust. Conduct events before the onset of the first cold. The soil looser contributes to the growth of weeds, they will grow up in the fall, after Popplek, the shootouts of weeds will die, thereby reducing the time for weeding the next spring.

Pumping soil

Before starting manipulations, make sure that your soil is heavy clay, the sandy crumbly land is not needed. Such manipulations have a positive effect on clay soil: it is formed by emptiness that fill the air. The lack of oxygen negatively affects the future crop.

Facilities for fertilizer and to combat pests

Caringly prepare the soil to autumn processing, you can start choosing the desired means. What fertilizers are advised to put in the soil in the fall? Let's deal with.


This tool knows many gardeners, often used in the autumn period. If there is no place to compost, then keep the substance, it is recommended to purchase it in the fall, then immediately make it into the ground. The remaining part is recommended to lay for ripening. Make fresh manure in the autumn period is allowed under the planting of cucumbers, celery, late cabbage, pumpkin cultures. If the manure includes sawdust, other organic connections, then you will only get an excellent result in a year, so add nitrogen feeding for the desired effect.

Why should the manure need to make it in the fall? The substance is saturated with weeds, they will go up to the main landing, you will easily remove them during soil loosening. In the autumn, the manure is impregnated with moisture, perfectly mixed with the soil.

The manure is brought during the loosening of the soil under many years of fruit cultures, raspberry, strawberries, all the varieties of apples. Conduct manipulations immediately after harvest.



It is a nitric fertilizer, the second name - carbamide. The substance allocates nitrogen, connects already existing in the soil, retains until spring. You can get the desired result, just covering the earth, otherwise the urea will have time to evaporate. In the fall preferably in parallel with phosphorus. For such purposes, a special mixture is used: connect one hundred grams of chalk with a kilogram of superphosphate, three parts of the carbamide are added to one part of this. Mix my mineral fertilizer thoroughly, make 150 grams of the finished mixture per square meter of the soil from the calculation.


Similarly, such manipulations mean the saturation of the soil by the organic. As a mulch, gardeners use:

  • organic compounds: needles, sawdust, hay, bark, even crushed waste paper (cardboard, paper);
  • inorganic substances: polypropylene fibers, ceramzite, zeolite.

The thin layer of mulch is recommended to cover the beds that are free, those that are busy with perennial plants. Sometimes organic and inorganic connections are used simultaneously, the recommended mulch thickness is to seven centimeters. Such manipulations protect the soil from some pests, for example, various diseases.

Important! Consider that when using tops, there should be no seed. It is also not recommended to diligence with a cheese, it is fraught with an increase in soil acidity. Total should be in moderation.

Plants Siderats

The people are referred to as greine fertilizers. They are called to perform several important functions:

How and how to output and prevent the reproduction of annoying insects? We have an answer!

How to get rid of mice in the house forever? Effective methods of struggle are described by the page.

Go to and find out how to bring small red ants from the apartment.

Siderate plants include:

  • bean
  • clover,
  • mustard,
  • oats
  • rye,
  • sunflower,
  • buckwheat.

It is recommended to plant them in the autumn period so that the green mass manage to form before frosts, but they will grow in the spring for several weeks. If autumn is warm, then they can grow such plants greatly, let the buds. Prior to their formation, cut the wound up, without allowing the presence of buds.

EM-Technology (use of microorganisms)

Compost and humus - excellent fertilizers, but saturate the soil with useful minerals, to protect with diseases, pests will help modern technologies. Now it is not necessary to guess whether the process of rotting is going on correctly, whether the number of useful substances in the ground has been released. After all, it is possible to improve the processing of organic compounds by adding ready-made drugs.

Effective microorganisms include more than 80 strains of useful microbes. They beneficially affect the decomposition of mulch, increase the fertility of the Earth, helping to destroy pests, pathogens of various paragraphs of plants. EM suppress the development of malicious bacteria, increasing the stability of plants to various pests and diseases.

Or follow upgrades

In addition, in addition to collecting the crop, Dachniks have another important task - the preparation of the garden by winter. In order for the next year to reassure the fruits again, it is important to correctly treat plants and the soil under them from diseases and pests.

Autumn garden treatment includes spraying the crown of bushes and trees insecticides (actar, into-virus) and fungicides, soil replete, fertilizer and plant protection from rodents. With the onset of cold weather, thermal-loving cultures are additionally covered with spunbond and mulched sawdust, peat, dry leaves and other materials.

Pest protection

Early fall from the trees is removed and burning the curiosity belts together with the caterpillars climbing apple-leaving caterpants, weevils and other garden pests. With the onset of cold weather, insects for winter hooks are buried into the soil of rolling circles and under the bark of plants, so the first thing should be cleaned by the strains from the old bark, moss and lichens, to smear the wounds to the garden Warr and whiten the trees with a special solution with the addition of copper sulfate.

Shortly before the onset of frosts, the strains of fruit trees need to be protected from rodents. For this, the barrel is tied with a spruce noodle, a metal mesh, cut by a plastic bottle or rubberoid.

How to spray bushes and trees in the fall

Among the gardeners are the most popular processing of plants after harvesting with 1% burglar liquid. This tool helps to destroy dangerous fungi - pathogens of pasta, mildew, rot, and other diseases. With a special cylinder under pressure or sprayer, it is carefully sprayed with all fruit trees, berry shrubs (including a strawberry), as well as perennial decorative cultures.

After a leaf fall, but no later than the end of October, the kronu of bushes and trees and soil is sprayed with a solution of urea (carbamide). For its preparation, 500-700 g preparation is bred in 10 liters of water.

This is an excellent prevention of pasta and spottedness. But consider: late autumn, urea is not recommended, since this fertilizer saturates a plant with nitrogen and activates the growing season. And this is undesirable at the occurrence of frosts, otherwise the plant can perish.

Apple orchard can additionally spray with 5% iron vigor.

All spraying is carried out in dry and mad weather and do not forget about safety measures. During the processing of the garden, a person must be in a respiratory mask, rubber gloves, a protective coat and glasses for eye protection from chemicals.

Pumping soil in autumn

When preparing the soil to winter first, you need to remove all the leaves from the site. They can dwell pests and fungal disputes (in particular, pathogens of abbessosoporiosis and kokkomicosis), so it is not recommended to leave any vegetation on the ground surface. After the end of the leaf fall and thorough cleaning is embarking on autumn soil resistance.

The ground is dripped with an acute shovel at a depth of 15-20 cm in aisle and 10-15 cm on the projection of the crown of shrubs and trees. Not too dense the soil is enough to telete with robbles or flat foke.

During this procedure, it is necessary to remove perennial weeds and the pests of pests appeared on the surface of the soil surface. It is recommended to make phosphoric and potash fertilizers.

300 g of superphosphate and 200 g of potassium sulphate are brought under each adult apple tree and pear. Fertilizers close together with the organic or pour into the rolling circle and water water. For plums and cherries, drugs need to be divorced in a proportion of 3 tbsp. Superphosphate on 10 liters of water and 2 tbsp. Potassium sulfate on 10 liters of water. Under each adult plant poured 4-5 buckets of the resulting solution. Thanks to these fertilizers, plants will increase.

Speed \u200b\u200bthe soil in dry weather, because the crude primer only constructs, instead of becoming loose. And do not stick to the shovel at an angle, it must be put strictly vertically to the surface of the Earth.

Now you know how to properly spray plants and fight pests in the garden. But autumn processing may not be enough. Therefore, in spring and summer, preventive measures are repeated.