Registration of the doorway without a door. Weight without doors: a variety of design and finishing options (54 photos) than and how to close the doorway

Very often, carrying out redevelopment, the owners of the apartment suffer the interroom door. In such cases, the question arises, how to close the old doorway?
In most cases, it is tightly laid by brick or plasterboard, and then plastering. Let's see if there are other, more advanced use ideas old doorway.

1. False door

Simple and at the same time fun way to decorate old doorway. We turn the working door to "deceiving". Save doorjambAnd the opening itself is laid by brick on some recess in the wall. Instead of plastering, just tightly close the masonry of the old door.

False door or simple doors imputation

On the part of the door looks like a real, in fact, the next imitation and an intriguing riddle for your friends. The outer wall of the door can be turned into a small school board and write different useful "reminders" on it.

Another version of the design of an unnecessary doorway is to imitate the additional space "behind the door". Here are excellent photo wallpaper.

Saving intact door jamb and the door itself, overlapping the old opening even further in the depths of the wall. It turns out a small closed niche chulatol. Such a design could be very useful on as a mini-warehouse for some kitchen supplies or dishes.

Hidden chosel in the doorway. In the second picture - an option with a sliding door

Cons of this option:
a) The depth of Chulana will depend on the door opening radius, b) there is enough space from the next room behind the wall.

The same as in the previous version, however, instead of a deaf door, we use a glazed door. As a result, where there was a doorway, we get a shallow and elegant built-in for dishes or books.

Built-in wardrobe in the doorway

4. Decoration of the doorway: Niche with shelves

The most common option is the design of the doorway. Here, the door jamb and doors are completely dismantled. The doorway is laid and decorated in the same style as the surrounding walls. In the resulting, for greater functionality, we install the necessary shelves and maybe even illumination.

5. Secret door

Finally, the most exotic way to conceal the old doorway is masking. Doorway is not transferred to the doorway, but it changes its appearance. Try to make a rolling shallow cabinet instead of the door.

In the photo: An example of a disguised doorway

In the closed form, no one will come to mind that it is generally doorway - Just a "ordinary" built-in wardrobe. To achieve such a disguise, you will need to firmly fit all the overhead elements of the door jammer under the design of the movable locker.

Of course, the need for such a conspiracy is doubtful, but as a creative option to consider the idea is quite possible :)

Be that as it may, do not hurry to hurry to lay old doorways. Perhaps in the very near future you will have new ideas regarding the use of this space.

Successful to you ideas in decorating door openings!

The design of the opening without a door implies several features. Not all materials are suitable for a similar type of finishes, but with the selected options will have to handle quite carefully. Some designs can be created with your own hands, and the rest of the rest is better to entrust the professional.


A logical conclusion will be the fact that the doorway without the door is made completely without the door box. All decoration includes only the cladding of the outlook itself, which is performed using a variety of materials.

Registration of the wonderful opening allows you to choose from a variety of forms, including classical, and fantasy interesting options.

Not in every room, the opening without a door will look appropriate. There are such premises that must have the door, and they include not only the toilet and the bathroom. Bedroom, Kitchen, Cabinet must be equipped with a full doorSince these rooms are more than in others, there is a need for privacy and intimacy.

However, each rule can be circumvented. For an additional decor of such openings, curtains, kisa, screen are used. They allow you to create the illusion of the separation of the room, while not replacing the door completely.

The extraction of the open doorway implies support for the integrity of the entire dwelling. As a rule, in an apartment or house are made the same inadequate opening. This also applies to the form and finishes. They act as a binder element, combining all rooms in a single ensemble.

Speaking of advantages that have open openings compared to classic doors, it is impossible not to mention space savings.Each door takes at least a square meter of useful area. When creating inadequate design, such a problem disappears. From aesthetic point of view, the opening allows you to visually expand the space or expand the functional area of \u200b\u200bthe room by combining it with the subsidiary. A good example is frequently frequently uniting balcony and living room.

In some cases, inadequate space looks much more attractive than the door, especially when it is beautifully decorated. For example, on the contour of this opening often places are often placed. Statuettes placed on them or other little things are beautifully framed by clearance, creating a unique atmosphere that cannot be repeated. Thus, sometimes open opening looks even more intimate than a thick oak door.

Finally, another important advantage is creation of sufficient ventilation in the apartment.Through the open space, the air circulates better, and for small apartments, for example, as in the houses of Khrushchev, such a factor is important - it allows you to fight a stuff.

The creation of several openings can completely change the original planning of the apartment, but in fact it comes out much cheaper than full redevelopment.

In addition, the opening often allow you to create even in the bearing wall, so the options of the new plan of the apartment opens much more.


There are many all kinds of doorway configurations without doors, which differ from each other not only by their shape, but also material, with which they are created. Along with the traditional raw materials, the latest design developments are used.

The simplest according to the design is Ordinary rectangular span. Creating a rectangular opening is very simple: a fully door box is dismantled, then the surface of the walls along the contour is aligned. In the future, the resulting rank is simply painted or faced with a suitable material. The methods of finishing there are a great set, starting with a simple installation of wooden valunities and ending with the creation of pompous stucco columns.

More popular construction arched constructs. For this, it is not necessary to expand the existing opening in the wall, in recent years, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a false archer has been actively used. In this case, the angular elements from polyurethane or drywall with rounded parties are installed in a rectangular span, and the result is a full-fledged arch with a much smaller cost of funds and labor. However, this method is not suitable for all dwellings: it is necessary that the opening has sufficient height.

Several types of arches are distinguished:

  • Round arch. It is a classic interpretation and can be applied in absolutely any rooms regardless of the parameters, but there is one checked rule. The lower the ceiling, the wider there should be an arched span design.
  • Trapezoid span. Created from straight lines and can be called an arch conditionally. Designers do not advise use such a form due to the stable association with funeral affiliation - the coffin.
  • Triangular arch. There is a huge number of subspecies of triangular arches: a caile-shaped, shadow-like, Tordor. Such elements came to modern design from the Middle Ages, and they are preferably used in high spacious rooms.

Increasingly, and more often people refuse to create ordinary classic openings in favor of fantasy asymmetric.

They can be made only in plasterboard walls. Asymmetrical openings can have any form, as well as be supplemented with all sorts of auxiliary parts: shelves, niches, backlit. Such a design acts as a bright element and sets the tone to the entire room appearance. Causing a look asymmetric opening well helps to hide the possible flaws when repairing the room.


Balance the proportions of premises in the apartment is possible with the help of doorways without doors. Depending on whether a wide opening or a narrow, high or low, the performed impression varies.

For rooms with low ceilings, it is categorically recommended to mount narrow spans. Visually they will make the room tiny and uncomfortable. It is better to choose a wide variant that will visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, add to it air and light. This applies not only to arched openings, but also rectangular.

The optimal height also depends on the initial proportions of the room. If you want to combine two rooms with the help of a lumen, it is recommended to make it high with almost the ceiling itself. An ordinary span, serving only as an alternative to the door, should be done significantly lower, but its height should not be below 2 m. In the case of arches, this indicator grows at least 30 cm. This is due not so much aesthetic rules as the safety requirements: man It can hardly hit the upper narrow part of the arch in the dark.

When construeding asymmetric structures, the following rule should be guided: the more intricate the form, the wider should be the opening.Too much concentration of vensels and other elements on a small space will overload the view by making the design is overdeterday and cumbersome. As a result, instead of a spectacular accent, you will get a tasteless option, which in a short time you get tired.

Thus, the size of the doorway is more determined by the characteristics of the room itself, and not the selected form.

Remember that very wide doorways are best issued using any texture, for example, relief moldings. If you use an ordinary smooth cladding, the loss will "get lost" on the overall background of the room and from aesthetic point of view it will not look particularly harmonious.

In various premises

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the feasibility of installing the wonderful opening is obvious, however, sometimes the discharge of the door is extremely undesirable. To the number of rooms in which the door is best to leave, can be attributed to the kitchen. This is especially true in small apartments, where a strong kitchen smell will be especially annoyed. It is not always pleasant when the flavors are felt in the living room or bedroom.

The old interior of the living room can be changed beyond recognition, at the same time expanding the useful area competently. If you refuse a separate balcony block and from the door to the balcony, it will turn out to make a lighter lighter. The balcony will certainly need to furnish in the similarity with the living room, since the rooms combined by the wonderful lumen must be perceived as a whole.

You can often encounter cases when you refuse door between the corridor and the dressing room.Since both of these premises are small enough and close, such a move helps to hide this fact, allowing people to feel free.

In small apartments refuse the doors between the hallway and the living room, especially if the apartment is one-room. So the entire area is perceived as a whole, as a result of which the dwelling seems more.

In cases where such a small apartment has low ceilings, it is better not to choose an arcoal form as an opening. Much more logical to stop on the classic rectangular span.

It is quite rarely refused to do the door to the bedroom, but completely leave the input of the "defenseless" are not solved. For revenue come dense Curtains or Shirmawhich perfectly protect the intimacy of the room. If necessary, they can be easily dismantled easily. An interesting solution is to use the curtains with pickups: they can be completely close at night, and during the day they will serve as a beautiful frame of the opening.

How to arrange?

The opening of the opening is made by different materials and in various techniques. Interior span can decorate with their own hands, and you can contact professionals that create a complex and unique decor.

Good idea - decorate with door opening with curtains.

The decorative curtain plays the same role as the door in a psychological plan, but it takes much less place. If you wish the curtain, you can easily remove without any problems or replaced to others, while the type of the design of the opening will not suffer (for example, if you simply remove the door cloth, the loops will remain on the span, which look not very attractive).

Another option as you can decorate the doorway without a door, is to use additional design elements - various stucco panels.With their help, it will turn out to be created any lumen, regardless of how smooth walls and in which colors the opening is made. Finishing is extremely simple and often performed completely independently.

With the help of stucco, it is possible to separate the openings in various styles. For example, you can make a classic arch with columns and heavy curly elements. If you add gilding, it will be possible to completely recreate the spirit of baroque or classics. For modern interiors, more appropriate is the use of simple relief moldings with geometric patterns, for example, embossed grooves. If in the first case it was appropriate to choose in favor of the pilaster and capitals, then in the second - they should be avoided.

The stucco can be found quite rare, it practically left the use of recently. This is due to relatively small dimensions of modern apartments, because on small spaces, intricate designs look ridiculous. It is not necessary to completely abandon the stucco elements: some of them can help in expanding the room.

Also for the design of door lumens without doors often use masonry of artificial stone, clinker tiles or plasterboard.


Facing the doorway without a door can be made using a variety of materials. The simplest solution is to paint the lumen or enclose it with the same wallpaper as the walls. However, there is one "but": only perfectly flat walls are suitable for this, otherwise the whole design will look insufficiently accurately and made as it were.

Another option is to make a box out of good and put into the clearance or to strip it with MDF panels. And in that, and with the other case, it turns out a wooden hand, which looks stylish and can be harmoniously written in almost any interior.

The framing of the opening is best to produce wood valuable rocks or their imitation, since it is precisely such solutions in the best possible way.

It is also possible to strip the luxury plasterboard. Plasterboard - truly unique material. With it, you can form a design of almost any configuration, adding it elements from other lightweight materials, such as polyurethane.

Plasterboard simple opening can be easily done independently, and this does not take much time, and the effect will delight.

Often, the lumens are laying out the imitation of a stone or clinker tiles. The clinker tile imitates the brick, while it weighs several times less. We produce tiles of different shapes: there are classic elements, as well as special angular. A large variety of dimensions is presented on the market, but the medium-sized tile is most popular. The seams between the tiles are usually raised by the composition, exactly imitating the main coating of the walls.

Artificial stone looks more interesting than clinker tiles. There are imitation of a variety of materials: limestone, marble, malachite and many others. This material has a lot of advantages: such a facing looks expensive, perfectly harmonizes with the rest of the finishes, it is distinguished by a long service life and wear resistance, and is also very easy to maintain. Laying of such a material can be carried out either in a geometrically thoughtful order, or chaotic - both options look equally successful.

And the tile, and the stone is fixed either on the tile glue (when the walls are not well aligned well), or on liquid nails (if the walls have a perfectly smooth surface).

On how to independently make a decorative arch, lined with plaster stones and bas-reliefs, see the following video.

Options in the interior

Pretty simple opening with a slightly curved edge adds pompous and magnitude room. His unusual structure was performed in sufficiently restrained proportions: smooth lines are used, there is no complex decor. A practically smooth square form contributes to the auditory preservation of the room proportions, without creating any visual illusions.

The use of natural materials is welcomed when creating a quieter opening. Tree and untreated stone well harmonize among themselvesDespite the fact that the tree is selected by the valuable rock, and the stone is the most ordinary. The game in contrasts deserves separate attention: first, they use contrasting wood and stone, and secondly, a smooth edge of a wooden platband is adjacent to the torn edges of the stone masonry.

Very often in small-sized apartments and houses, the doors occupy valuable square meters and the position does not change. An impractical element is simply hanging on the loop and blocks the way to tenants, which does not allow you to freely move around the apartment. Therefore, at the stage of creating an interior, the question often arises: what to close the doorway, so that the result is practical, economical and attractive? For full zoning, it is necessary to limit the space of the rooms to give them completeness. Below will be considered a variety of options and methods that will solve the problem.

Most often, textiles use to decorate the doorway, with the help of which it appears the opportunity to breathe in the ordinary interior of the novelty, give it charm and chic, and with the right calculations - to develop an interesting design option. The main function of the curtains is decorative, only anti-mosquito nets will serve as protection against insects. With the help of a certain design of the material, you can not only give the interior of the completed type, but also accentuate, allocate, some zones.

It is very important that the curtains fit harmoniously into the interior of both rooms served as a separator, but at the same time also carried a aesthetic load.

Modern designers use a variety of materials and their combinations to get not a simple decoration of the doorway, but the real movement between two different worlds (rooms).

If the choice was made in favor of textiles, here you can use one of these options:

  • natural fabrics;
  • artificial fabrics (synthetics and polyester);
  • rope or filament curtains (beads);
  • plastic curtains.

Natural textiles are considered the most popular, which will not cause allergies or another negative reaction:

  • cotton;
  • silk;
  • atlas;
  • satin;
  • bamboo.

Also, instead of the door, such compositions will be interesting:

  • dense or rope curtains;
  • beads, fiberglass, tree;
  • appliques on the ropes;
  • tubes (Tree).

If there is free time and desire, then creating such curtains will be very simple, besides, in specialized stores sell ready-made sets in which all materials are selected according to the applied scheme. In any case, such an unusual solution will allow to decorate the passage without the door and create a pronounced designer effect.

Door opening with hanging beads and threads became popular since Soviet times. This idea came from the East and quickly spread. It is believed that a person who passes through a cascade of falling threads receives a positive energy charge.

If you decide to close the doorway with the curtains, there are a wide variety of them. Below are the most common options.

Despite the larger mass, weight and visual load in some cases, the use of the cutter with lambrequins is justified. With their help, most often do the doorway to the bedroom or children. In the first case, you can also allocate the female boudoir. It is also interesting to look at the combination of tissues on the door and window opening in the living room.

As you know, modern style (High-tech, modern and minimalism) provides for the use of practical materials to which plastic belongs. Therefore, in this case, plastic partitions can be used, which will perfectly fit into the functional interior. The canvas can be both smooth and divided into two parts. The list of advantages should include not only decorativeness, but also soundproof. Choosing this option to design a doorway into the kitchen, you can protect other rooms from unwanted smells.

Original and practical curtains that are wound on the shaft, placed at the top, today are considered to be a fashion peak. Stylistics and species are quite diverse, which will allow a professional designer to embody any ideas and ideas, and to make the lover of the rooms in his taste. It should be noted one disadvantage - the duration of the opening, which makes it difficult to move the speed between the rooms.

Used when the doorway is applied between the room and the balcony (loggia) to increase protection against harmful insects. Such curtains carry more functional than aesthetic load in the interior.

The modern interior involves the use of environmentally friendly materials to minimize the possibility of harm to man during operation. One of these is a bamboo that can not only decorate the walls or buy original furniture, but also close the doors. This material is absolutely not afraid of high humidity and sudden temperature drops, antistatic and antibacterial properties are present.

In fact, options are much more. A separate group should include homemade curtains, the basis of which consists of a fishing line, on which you can hang a variety of minor items: shells, coins, pebbles, beads, residues of beads from old beads and so on.

If the interroom door is not needed, it can always be removed, but it is necessary to emphasize and allocate the doorway. In addition to textiles, there are many more varied options that will give the interior more interesting and original species.

This option was used by our ancestors. His practicality and beautiful appearance perfectly approached and when creating a modern interior. To date, in the manufacture of stucco, manufacturers use 2 material:

  • gypsum;
  • styrofoam.

It is worth noting that this method is quite laborious for which measurements must be carried out, calculations and preparatory work with the surface. Fixed on alabaster or special glue, while special attention is paid to the joints that should not be seen. If you want to stucco, after complete drying, you can paint in any color.

The doorway, decorated with natural or artificial stone, will give the interior of novelty and security, besides, he will serve a sufficiently large operational period. When developing ideas, it is not necessary to follow clear and correct geometric forms, as curvature and random are very relevant and are very popular. The decoration of the stone should be present on both sides to create a smooth transition from one style to another.

To present the doorway without panels is very difficult, therefore plastic and MDF panels are very popular, which are suitable for both rectangular and arched opening. The small cost of the material and the ease of installation will allow you to decoring yourself, without attracting assistance, and, it means to save money. Also among the benefits are allocated:

  • versatility;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractiveness;
  • easy to care during operation.

This option is perfect for large rooms, such as country houses. You can consider both brick and tiles. Specialists and designers advise the use clinker to design only the lower part of the doorway. In this case, it is possible to use panels or stucco to finish the top, which are well combined with each other.

Arrange the doorway easily, if there is a desire and fantasy. For finishing, the simplest and affordable materials that can transform interior and make it interesting. To renovate, it is enough to spend painting with paint and varnish materials and the doorway will play with new colors.

Main ways to mask door opening

As you can see, answer the question than you can reap the doorway, easy. But what if the door was transferred and old no longer needed? You can sew a sheet of plasterboard or make brickwork you can at any time, but why waste time and means, if this place can transform and carry not only decorative, but also functional properties. So, consider the most advanced ideas of using the old doorway.

  1. Fake door. The idea for original and non-standard people who love the draws. So, in fact, the design of the interior door is preserved, but the opening is laid by brick, and the doors are tightly closed with glue or in another way. Thus, the working door turns into a snag, on the one hand, and on the other, it turns out a flat wall, ready to transformation. In addition to intrigue, the boarding door can be functional: the lower part is given to the confusion of children for their artistic and creative development, and the upper use to accommodate photos or stickers with reminders.
  2. Mini-chulad. Housewives constantly lacking space for the placement of kitchen items, products and dishes, so it can be used rationally. The opening in the unnecessary door is increased by the maximum, due to the wall from the neighboring room (the installation of the plasterboard design will allow you to achieve the desired and quickly). In the resulting niche equip the shelves, and as a result, the unnecessary door is transformed into the storage room, where kitchen supplies will be arranged.
  3. Built-in wardrobe. The principle of mounting the built-in closet, as in the previous version, only with one difference: instead of a wooden door, glass is used. As a result, get a shallow niche wardrobe, in which you can place the decor, books, photos, or equip the rack for dishes (relevant for the canteens). The shelves should also be made of glass, which will give an element of lightness and transparency.
  4. Open niche If installing the doors are not rational, since important square meters involve on their discovery, it is worth considering the option with an open niche. For its finishing, the same materials are used as for walls or ceiling. It is worth considering and more practical option: the lower part of the niche can be a closed new door, which will allow to hide objects from prying eyes. To make brightness to the object set the backlight, for this you can use the LED tape.
  5. Door secret. To leave the door functionality, in case of a new interior conversion, you can disguise it. To do this, you need to think over the idea to the finest things to get, for example, a rolling shallow wardrobe. When the door is closed - no one will come to the head, which is actually a passage between the rooms. From the reverse side, so as not to spoil the design you can apply the same finishing material that is on the walls.

When considering any option, you should not hurry to lay the doorway, it can always be converted. If desired, each method can be supplemented or adjusted under the idea of \u200b\u200bthe owners.

Summing up to all of the above, it is safe to say that all sorts of materials and methods that you can come to decorating the doorway. It is enough to choose an idea or upgrade it to get the original and one of its kind orifice element. And if the doorway is no longer needed, then in this case there are also its positive parties - an additional place to accommodate small items and things.


In this video, it is described on how to make the arch in the doorway:


On the promoted photos, you can see several original ideas for designing the doorway:

Repair is sometimes accompanied by redevelopment, in which you have to transfer interroom doors. Punch a new passage will not be difficult if there is a necessary tool and knowledge. But what to do with the old? What to close the doorway? In addition, there are no additional costs in small-sized rooms for the doors, and additional costs will be required to install sliding systems. Below will be offered various options for converting the doorway into a practical and functional element at minimal costs.

Decorative masking methods

Fully eliminate the doorway is a waste of time, as well as the loss of a valuable element. In order not to lay it with brick or close the plasterboard sheets, you can use other popular options:

  • textile;
  • jalousie;
  • jewelry;
  • shirm.

The most common decorative ideas for the design of the doorway into the kitchen are decorative curtains. They can be made from a variety of materials:

  • vines;
  • bamboo;
  • beads;
  • glassworks;
  • threads;
  • tree.

A large range of colors, textures and sizes will allow you to choose the optimal option for interior design. It is worth noting that all listed materials are considered accessible, so decorative curtains can be attributed to the economical option.

The second popular way is to use textiles. In this case, you can make a variety of imitation of window curtains. The material may be the most different, ranging from translucent tulle and ending with dense porters. For their placement uses the usual eaves.

If you do not fit the first, nor the second option, and you do not know what you can still re-establish the doorway, then it is worth considering the lambrequins. This is an excellent idea for creating an interior in a modern style. This category includes blinds. They are less comfortable, but most practical, since if necessary, you can completely close the doorway. You can use both horizontal and vertical blinds. Vertical blinds have more advantages. In addition, it is worth familiar with such varieties as Roman curtains and rollers.

Note! If there is time and desire, you can create a complex combination into which several materials will be included simultaneously, such as fabric and beads. Thus, the curtain will receive a different shape and texture.

Using an unnecessary doorway

When it takes about a large-scale redevelopment, and the interroom door will be completely different, then it is worth considering the use of the remaining opening. Naturally, the easiest way is to strip drywall leaf and stay without a door. But, there are other ways that will allow the use of niche for other purposes.

False door. The original interior of the room requires the inclusion of non-standard solutions. One of these is the transformation of the usual work door to "Beach". For this, on the one hand, the opening is fully close, and on the other, they leave untouched. Such a move not only intrigues friends and guests, but also adds the functionality of the room. Kids will be able to calmly paint it, and the upper part can always be used for stickers with "reminders" for family members.

Chulatchik. It is also an easy-to-use option that will be useful and functional. So, the door jamb and the door itself do not touch, and the opening, if possible, deepen. As a result, a small niche is obtained, which can be turned into a storage room. It is convenient to place it in the kitchen or corridor. Inside equip the shelves at different heights. This will allow you to store products, preservation or dishes. Despite the practicality of Chulana, he has several drawbacks:

  • the depth of niche;
  • the room behind the wall will be reduced (the correct layout will make it beneficial to beat the protrusion).

Cupboard. As in the case of the previous option, it is desirable to deepen a niche due to the space of the neighboring room. Instead of wood door, it is better to give preference to the glass. The shelves on which tea sets can be stored, various little things (cosmetics and jewelry), as well as much more are mounted. He is equipping the built-in wardrobe in the living room, you can store books in it, and in the bedroom - personal items.

Niche with shelves. Decorative niches are often found in the modern interior of the rooms, but for their installation takes plenty of time, materials and strength. A reasonable solution to the use of an unnecessary doorway will be transformed into a niche with shelves. The door itself is completely or partially dismantled (in the first case, you can leave the lower door to hide certain things from extraneous eyes). To achieve a larger effect, it is worth highlighting the LED tapes. For example, a place for storing books and toys will appear in the children's room.

Secret door. Another non-standard solution that will add exotic interior to any room. So, with disguise, you can hide the availability of the door, but it does not tolerate it anywhere. For example, instead of an ordinary door to equip a shallow rolling cabinet. In a closed form, no one guess that in fact it is a regular doorway. To achieve maximum similarity with the cabinet, you need to tightly fit all the elements of the door jammer under the selected design.

Planning a large-scale redevelopment, you should not hurry and lay all unnecessary doorways. It is enough to consider one of the above options and give the room of originality. All ideas have their advantages and features.

Although typical apartments and provide for the arrangement of the internal space in accordance with the most rational opportunities and the use of the area, but not all of the tenant suits the proposed engineers solution.

In some cases, additional specialized redevelopmentwhich is capable of significantly improving the schemes and layout of the residential premises, increase air circulation and heating.

With major repairs, it is quite often necessary, including, and tolerate interior doors.Of course, in the presence of a sufficient number and quality of tools, you can cut the new opening almost everywhere, where it does not prohibit engineering parameters.

Nevertheless, old openings can still be useful, but to leave them just open absolutely Not aesthetic.

It is still worth mentioning that small apartments and not entirely convenient projects and their design plans often assumes the presence of doorways where it is impossible to adequately embed the doors, As they will take too much space in the corridor.

It also implies the need for redevelopment. One of the most pressing issues is alternative search For a kitchen, which is not so often supplied with default door designs.

Alternative designs and decoration

One of the most common and convenient can be called the use of the system. construction shift.

Installing the poloz and rollers will not require too much space, while the door closing will be quite comfortable, practical and aesthetic.

Of course, this approach will require additional costs, but in some cases it is most effective.

It is also possible to resort to options. Decorative disguise Door openings. Fully laying the existing doorway rush to a few, because in aggregate with the cost of extra time, there is also an increase in the cost of such operations.

To eliminate the use of drywall or bookmark using bricks, it is quite possible to use such types of disguise as Textile fabrics, jewelry, screen or blinds.

You can make an appropriate project according to the main leitmotif of the apartment design. Very popular in such solutions become a variety vines, bamboo, beads or glass.

You can install threads or wooden sections. In the aggregate with the expansion of the overall opening, separate sections of the apartment can still be made visually fenced while maintaining complete visibility. This use is achieved, for example bamboo elementsWooden sections and lattices, glass walls.

Great capabilities also ensures the use of textile tissues. Decorative curtains are even a budget variant of the decoration of certain opening and premises. The appropriate design or simply frame on which the canvas will be stretched is not difficult.

With such a task, you can cope with the help of home instruments, as well as basic common and inexpensive materials. Can be used at the same time transparent Tulleand sufficiently dense, not skipping light porter. An ordinary cornice is perfectly suitable for mounting the corresponding elements.

In case the options are not suitable for any reason, you can always resort to use labreken. Creating an interior in a modern style often does not do without this item.

Using jalousie Instead of the door, it will significantly save space, while ensuring an extremely stylish and convenient partition in the passage. You can use both horizontal and vertical closure options. The second have even more advantages.

In case you have time, and opportunities, and inspiration at the same time, it is quite possible to resort to creating your own unique and completely unique element To close the doorway.

In the event that as a result of large-scale redevelopment, the main door out of the room moved to a completely different place, there is a need to select the most efficient way Use of the space of the interior door.

The easiest way to see this opening gypsum and make it Completely invisible As part of a specific finishing of premises.

Non-standard solutions include, for example, False doors. For this purpose, the opening on one side is laid, and the corresponding door remains with the second.

This approach will be interested in guests and visitors, however the functionality of the room, of course, will not add. You can make a stylistic board for children from it.

In addition, the simpleness is quite suitable for creating additional shelves or the chest. Can be embedded in such a doorway and the most real bookcase.