The security device input door do not. Scheme of the simplest apartment alarm

Security systems - a rapidly developing area of \u200b\u200bmodern electronics. Published a huge number of all kinds of schemes and structures that everyone can do, who kept a soldering iron in his hands a couple of times. For example, "electronic guards" can prevent the penetration of an attacker to the room or signal the presence of a number of voice recorder for unauthorized sound record.

Often, only the flashing of LEDs and the alarms of the buzzers accompanying the operation of the electronics can scare off the intruder.

Make such devices easier than simple. Using small-sized generators, even a novice radio amateur is able to discharge a whole set of devices "Electo Guard". In several examples, we will tell you what should be the scheme of each device, what is the technology of manufacturing such devices and even how to control the operation of security electronics using the Internet technology.

Herkels are taken abbreviated to call sealed contacts. In fact, these are the same relays, but without an anchor and mechanical connection with contacts. Contacts Herco on concluded in a hermetic case and closed when the magnetic field is exposed to them (for example, from a permanent magnet). The crews are on sale with various sizes and performance, which are divided into three main types: armor of closures, switching and opening. In the following schemes use only armractions of closures that have normally coupled contacts.

Consider the simplest diagram of the magnetic field indicator, which can be used to detect voice recorders having a small-sized speaker (Fig. 1). The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple - in the case of an indicator approximation to the voice recorder, the magnet of the speaker closes the contacts of the Hercon SF1 and the signal LED begins. For the manufacture of such an indicator, you can take the VD1 LED with a supply voltage of 3 V and the GB1 battery of the CR2025 or CR2032 type also on 3 V. The resistor R1 can be excluded from the scheme. In the case of a higher supply voltage, the resistor will be needed, and its nominal is easily calculated on the basis of the Ohm law for the chain section. In the indicator you can use any small-sized gerons.

You can give this device more "solidity". If you add only one element - the buzzer of 1 to 3 V.. Indeed, turning on the LED parallel to the buzzer (Fig. 2), we obtain a magnetic field indicator, when the LED is triggered, but also a beep sounds. .

Before using the indicator, it is useful to ensure the performance of the battery. Change the scheme again, connecting the VD0 LED and the single-pole SA1 switch as shown in Fig. 3. In this case, when the switch contacts is closed, the VD0 LED will always be lit, signaling the power supply.

Did the device reluaded in work? Yes, if the Herkeon to laugh is close enough to the dynamics (voice recorder with a speaker). Unfortunately, the contacts of Hercon may not be closed in the event that it is installed at an angle. More reliable in the work will be the device, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 4. In parallel, four Hercon SF1-SF4 are included, which initially be installed at different angles to the source of the magnetic field. Thus, the probability of triggering at least one Hercon will be greater, and the indicator will become more sensitive.

Based on the same principles, you can create the simplest security system to protect the premises from the unreasonable guests. E is shown in Fig. 5. In this case, the gerons are installed on the doors and windows so that initially each of them is closely adjacent to a small magnet. For example, you can install the gercon on the entrance door, and the magnet adjacent to it is near, on the door frame. When the door is closed, the contacts of Hercon will be closed, and the LED corresponding to the security line will burn. As soon as the attacker opens the door, the LED will immediately go out, signaling about the rupture of the electrical circuit.

Interestingly, even such a simple security system may be very effective if used in a complex with Internet technologies. Personal computer and webcam will help you every second to track the inviolability of the room from any geographic point, fixing the integrity of doors and windows at the same time. It is enough to send a webcam to the remote control with signal LEDs. Even great opportunities gives the use of computer programs such as, for example, freely distributed Easy Free Web Cam. It is argued that with the help of this program, the chamber can be used as a security system with a motion sensor. As soon as the program fixes the image change in the frame, the camera will start shooting, automatically load the image to the specified server, and to top it will turn off the attacker in horror, giving out a dog bark through the sound columns. In the program, you can configure the accuracy of determining moving objects in the frame.

In general, if you manifest the flexibility of the mind, you can come up with a lot of interesting security schemes using Herkons. In particular, it is possible to make a code lock that is triggered with a strictly defined location of the gerons and the contacting contacts of magnets, and much more. Briefly focus on how to make simple printed circuit boards for such designs. As a rule, the use of printed circuit boards allows you to reduce the overall dimensions of electronic devices and increase the reliability of their work. With printed mounting, the connection between the parts is carried out with the help of thin flat conductors deposited (as if "printed") on the fee.

The printed circuit board is usually served by Getinax or a fiberglass with a thin copper foil pasted on it. On the surface of the foil is applied with varnish (can be varnished for nails) pattern of the printed circuit board. After drying, the lacquer is lowered for etching into a solution of chlorine iron. Periodically, swaying the capacitance with the board, ensure its uniform washing with a solution. In the process of etching, the foil sections under the layer of varnish will be intact, whereas in the rest of the places the copper foil will be removed (etched). Next, we need to rinse with flowing water, dry and remove the varnish with a tampon and solvent. On the surface of the board will remain a drawing of thin copper conductors. In the places of the future setting of parts, the holes are drilled with a diameter of 0.8 - 1.5 mm. The type of printed circuit board for the magnetic field indicator on four gerzon is shown in a natural value in Fig. 6. Preferably after soldering parts, all the places of compounds are covered with a color transparent varnish or a zapon-varnish. On the one hand, it protects the soldering from the effects of the external environment (adverse atmospheric, climatic conditions), and on the other hand, it gives a printed circuit board with all industrial design attributes.

Authors: Balimov Eduard, Goltsov Andrei.
This e-mail address is protected from spam bots. To see it, you need to be enabled Java-script

This OS was conceived with a commercial purpose back in 2007, several times upgraded and successfully passed many checks and several modifications over the past time. The main tasks are made in several points:
1) should notify the owner of the penetration into the guarded premises and fire and with such cases to listen to what is happening there.
2) should work in a wide temperature range during operation in the conditions of any not heated room (we have in Western Siberia in winter minus the forty are not rare, and in the summer under the reinforced concrete roof of the garage comes to plus fifty).
3) should work in heavy power conditions (in the same garages the network voltage can not only dry up to 150 volts, but also disappear several times during a short time).
4) There must be easy to install, commissioning and use (the last requirement is not a joke - if a person does not use a challenge something complicated, then it easily forgets some "beams").
5) in the case of penetration into the room or fire in it, should have the highest possible "life duration", i.e. Have time to call the owner and enable audio alert before hacking or fire get to it.
6) should be cheap when buying and in operation.

We ourselves understood that "it is absolutely" to fulfill all imaginable requirements, and tried to limit the minimum functionality, as well as minimize all sorts of errors in the design, installation and operation of the system. Therefore, we decided to use as little as possible "homemade", especially since the offices selling fire and security systems offer detectors (sensors) and firing (sirens) wholesale and retail for every taste and color, and a cell phone was decided as a GSM module - At that time, the cost of the new Philips180 in the store was two and a half times less than the SIM300 module in Symmetron. It remained only to write a program for a microcontroller, to connect to one integer processor part, "periphery", telephone and supply meals.

The basic system is focused on the protection of the garage area of \u200b\u200bno more than 30 sq.m. From hacking and has such properties and parameters:
1. It is put and removed from security with the key to the Touch Memory (hereinafter TM):
A. Leaving the room apply the TM key to the reader and press the "Output" button on the TM reader (installed inside the room), then not in a hurry to go out - the system will argue 15-20 seconds after closing the input door.
B. But in the guarded room, you just need to attach the TM key to the reader (the first call about hacking to your phone usually has time to come);
2. It has one infrared sensor (Patrol or Rapid) reacting to the movement of people and the appearance of fire in the protected space;
3. One magnetic sensor (Io 102-20), installed on the inlet door (magnet per door, rector for cant);
4. Sound insider (Ivolga or Flute), included in the event of a security operation (usually used inclusion delay mode for 30 seconds - while the system performs the first call);
5. Built-in cell phone (Siemens or Philips) that calls for pre-recorded phone numbers recorded in the SIM card, no matter, cellular or urban (if the garage door, for example, hacked and go indoors - will call you continuously for thirty seconds for each The number, and if they ran, hearing Sirena, will call back on both numbers and stop it, but if someone else will enter the room - the IR sensor will see it and it will start calling you again and turn on the audio alert);
6. You can call the security number and determine the state in which it is at this point:
A. If she is not on guard - long beeps will be heard;
B. If it is on guard and everything is fine - will reset your call - short beeps will go;
B. If he picks up the phone and gives to listen - was hacking;
If a cute female voice announces the unavailability of the subscriber - no system is missing.
7. In the built-in battery, the above-mentioned equipment is still two to seven days after the power voltage disappears - depends on the quality of the battery and the phone model used (Philips-s more economical);
8. Recharge for the battery occurs constantly in the presence of a power voltage, and when it is long lacking and reducing the voltage on the battery to ten volts, the protection against the deep discharge of the battery disables the system from the power supply.
9. When using a SIM card in the security card with a tariff without a monthly fee, money from the account is not spent, but at least once every three months I enter the guarded premises to answer the coming challenge, so that the amount for the call was withdrawn from the account and the cellular company did not block SIM -Cart as not used.

To increase the protected area, it is necessary to simply increase the number of sensors, given the current consumed by them - the power supply used can provide 0.4 A in continuous mode and 1 and briefly. For example, in a set with one infrared Patrol-901 (12 mA) infrared sensor, the battery system consumes 20-25 mA protection, and when the number of the number (100 mA) and the inclusion of the oriry sirens (55 mA, 105 DB) is already up to 160 mA . Adding, for example, another harp sensor or glass (which can be configured to knock on the metal door, 55 mA) and three rustic sensors (superficial, vibration, reacting to a knock on the wall, semi or roof, each 25 mA) consumption current will increase to 160 mA in standby mode and up to 300 mA in dial mode. The calculation is not accurate, because some sensors consume a smaller current - the relay is de-energized. The given calculated package is taken only for the example - it is possible to install "such" only in some cases, because the system is very sensitive to sound and vibration and with incorrect setting will call on any inappropriate occasion - the children went past and shouted with a stick (stone) by door, Or heaviness to drove. Do you need it?
There are still many of all sorts of sensors, for the same purposes applying different principles that react to all sorts of changes in the surrounding space, for example, in houses with gas supplied gas control sensors (IGP-02 "Atlant" - a reaction to methane, Propane, Bhutan), True, the price of him ... You can write for a long time, inventing different ways of controlling and confrontation methods, but all this already exists both on the Internet and in specialized magazines, glossy and not very, therefore proceed to the schema description.

The scheme should be left right left. So it happened. :).
All incoming wires are connected to the XS4 connector, except for the network - it goes to XS1. From contacts 3, 5, 7 and 9 signals through protective chains enter the processor. There are signals from the phone, reporting on its inclusion and incoming calls. Processing all these signals, the processor controls the optocouplers connected to the phone keypad, as well as the inclusion of audio alerts - sirens or other loads up to 500 mA (contact 11 of the XS4 connector) and the LED on the TM reader (contact 10 XS4 connector).
The chains from the two-way stabilion (protective TVS diode), a resistor, two diodes and a capacitor should be protected from pulses inspected to long wires of sensors during thunderstorms and a number of all sorts of electromagnetic interference (for example, welding machines). Over the past four years, complaints about the fact that the signaling is triggered in such cases, there was no, i.e. The tanks on the wire do not even reach the voltage corresponding to the unit state of the chip, but here, as they say, "it is better to overpand what to do."

click on the picture to enlarge

The chain protection circuit running from the TM reader (contact 9 xs4) is distinguished by the absence of a condenser 100n and stabilion, since this line the processor constantly polls, sending short pulses to the reader. The presence of a capacitor kills this process completely, and the presence of stabilion is only with a wire length of more than 20 meters.
Stabilians VD11 and VD16 perform the same protective functions.
The XS2 connector connects the programmer during the processor firmware. We used the scheme below and the PonyProg2000 program. The microcircuit is unpacked by mounted mounting right in the plastic housing of the connector, the outgoing wire of the unshielded, length of about a meter, has a "mother" connector at the end. The SN74LS244 chip can be replaced by K555Ap5 (eight-channel unidirectional tire formator).


Installing Fuse Bits for the operation of a microcontroller with an internal clock with a frequency of 4 MHz:

Firmware for Siemens and Philips phone models at the end of the article in full package of documents.

We continue according to the scheme.
XS3 connector - pin PLS2, when installing, do not jumper, the switching on the siren occurs simultaneously with all the calls of the host, and if you do not install the system, the first call makes silence, and the subsequent already with the lilac included. Those. With the jumper installed, when you yourself open the garage, it will delete until you attach the TM key. Such a service was made at the request of customers - some want that others knew that a security alarm system was installed in the garage (one of the ways to "prevent" offenses).
The S1 button "PR" serves to change the dialing (first number - second number). In more detail, as is done, described in the "commissioning and use guide" at the end of the article.
The telephone control through the keyboard in our time may not be "cool", but we counted it more acceptable in our conditions. The diagram is drawn five optocoules, but the phone button. Handbook "We stopped using at all, so ort3 can not be soldered. Also when using Philips philips, I do not need ort5. Description of the connection of the wires to the phone keypad will be described below with pictures.
The input signal "phone status" comes from the keyboard, the processor will find out, the phone is turned on or no (in working condition there is a single), and if not, it turns on it by activating the ort1 with a long pulse, which in turn closes the "Reset" button.
The "call" signal is taken from Siemens from the contact where the sound emitter was connected, and in Philips-s, with the vibrating motor engine, in this case, the VT1 transistor is not installed, and the base and collector sites are shrouded with a solder jumper. Below will be described in more detail.

Now through the power supply. All items from the XS1 network terminal to the FU3 fuse is a standard diagram (with the exception of the indication circuits) from the Sail-3 secondary power supply source, providing 12 V and 0.4 A. The manufacturer sometimes replaces some components on the analogs, so the labeling of some parts On the basis of the scheme is not designated. This product is bought in the same place, where all the sensors with sirens, wires and batteries are in any offices selling fire-and-protected systems. The native board is pulled out and neatly disassembled on components that are immediately soldered into the security unit of the guard (so that something does not take). The case with the transformer is used for its intended purpose - the alarm board was diluted. Photo on the right.

The native switch installed on the body on the left is not used, although it is possible to put it immediately after FU3 for breaking the power chain.

Further according to the scheme.
The VT4 transistor and the strapping is the battery protection from a deep discharge. The threshold at which the transistor turns off the load - 10 volts, is set by the R11 resistor.
The VR2 stabilizer provides 4.2 volts to power the processor part and telephone. The voltage is set by the R20 resistor. It can be collected on a pasty stabilizer, including a series of type 1N4007 diode diode sequentially - on the board the place under such a variant is diluted.

In detail.
All SMD resistors and capacitors (except used in BP) Size 0805.
XS4 connectors for connecting peripherals - Terminals Screw two-contact direct Single-row series 300-02-1-1 (TV-2) Type 1. Six pieces are connected with grooves and fall.
XS1 connector (Network voltage 220 volt) - the same model as XS4, but type 2 (by the directory of the Platan), is rearranged from the Sail-3 secondary power supply board, as well as the fuse and connector, from which goes four wires to the power transformer (brand is not known).
XS2 and XS3 connectors - PLS rowing, six and two pins, respectively, jumper on the XS3 standard. The rowing and jumper can be taken from computer boards.
Stabilians protection (protective TVS diodes for official classification) P6KE6.8CA can be replaced by P4KE6.8, 1.5KE6.8, 1N6267. The letters of Ca denote that the device is bidirectionally, but you can use unidirectional. You can do without them, but then Diodes VD6, VD7, VD8, VD9, VD10 is better to replace on Bav99 - they are withstanding a larger current.
The attribrony2313 microcontroller on any limit frequency (works on the internal tact of 4 MHz) and in any case - the tracks are divorced under both options (DIP, SMD).
OPPONS TLP521-1 are four-way, replaceable on TLP621, TLP626 and TLP721.
Transistors VT1-VT3 - BC817-40 or similar. VT3 must withstand current at least 0.5a.
Transistor VT4 - IRFR9120 or IRFR5305, soldering from the press.
The microcircuit under the designation VD5 - in the SMD version of TL431CDBVR-TI, replaced by TL431 in an ordinary version, but to solder anyway from the side of the tracks.
Resistors R11 and R20 - 3329N, 3321H, PV32H. You can also SMD - PVZ3A. R11 denomination can be increased to 100 com, and R20 reduce up to 500 ohms.
Power stabilizer VR2 - LM317 or 7805, soldering from the press and, giving heat to a large foil surface, helps to improve the temperature in winter.
The S1-TS-A3PV-130 button (on the Platan catalog), the corner with a length of the rod 7 or 9.5 mm. The S2 button is "output", embedded in the TM reader - TS-A3PS-130, straight with a length of the rod 7 mm. It is possible from 9.5 mm stem, but it will act too far, and it is better to shorten it.

Now let's turn to constructive execution.
All parts of the block, in addition to the transformer and the battery, are located on the same printed circuit board with dimensions of 180x75 mm, made of textolite-foil with a thickness of 1.5 mm on one side. Bilateral is also suitable, then it is better to drill holes around the perimeter of earth tires and suck the jumpers with a bare wire by connecting both sides.
The board is installed in the housing from the power supply "Parus-3" and is attached to old installation places. We give a drawing of one of the options of the board.

All options differed mainly in small things, except for one, where the XS4 connector was not performed on the terminal, and consisted of four TJ-8P8C sockets installed on the board at the top - where the black field in the figure. Accordingly, frying the ends of the wires from the sensors into the plugs TP-8R8C, it was possible to connect the entire periphery outside, i.e. The lid had to be removed only to install the SIM card and connecting 220 volts. So to speak, "unauthorized assembly" - is good because the wires are impossible to consume.

Details in the processor part of the block, except connectors XS2, XS3, XS4 are soldered from the press. Legs of optocouplers, stabilids and a microcontroller, if it is in the DIP case, bite on the most belly. The conclusions of the stabilion before pruning should be bent at right angles to the case. Unfortunately, the photo from the press is only this - the board is painted by a permanent black marker:

And she is on the side of the phone:

The most responsible part of the design is the refinement of the phone and the pit to it.
The models of the phones used were determined mainly by the design of the SIM card holder. Since the phone board was used without a housing, the holder must have stops, so that the card rose strictly around the place and did not hang out. Of course, you can modify any holder, but we simply bought certain models: Siemens series A35, C35I, S35, A40 and Philips series 180 and 192.
The card holder at Siemens-s is removed from the back cover and simply goes around the place. So that the plastic does not hang out in the air - glued by the "moment" (or similar elastic) glue to the shielding lid on the board:

PHILIPS-s holder has already been in a fee, so it remains only to bend in size to the SIM card P-shaped strip of fencing from a thin tinsel size of 35x3 mm (a bank from under coffee or condensed milk) and solder it so that the card when installing becomes placed (The photo also shows the added power capacitor, to the positive leg of which the wire is +4.2 volts):

On the phone board, all LEDs of the keyboard and indicator lights are removed, the philips-and sketch or pads are moving (literally) one leg from the vibrating wheel engine (so as not to vibrate the panel) and the MGTF wire soldes to it - the signal will be driving to the processor Part where, repeat, the VT1 transistor is removed, and the base and collector sites are connected to the solder jumper, well, or when the board solder, the R6 resistor immediately rolls into the desired sites. For Siemens, the transistor VT1 is needed!
Below in the drawings, a ring chain resistor for Philips-A and the subfield of control wire control wires from optocouples to different phone models:

It is probably worth telling how we were looking for a connection location. Since the presence of a NPN transistor in the optro implies "the voltage on the collector is more positive than on the emitter" :), then at the telephone disassembly stage, when the housing is removed and the power wires are soldered, the potentials on the keyboard contacts were measured. It turned out that on both contacts of each button there is a very close voltage in potential, but still with some distinguishable difference. Here to those conductor, where the potential is higher, and the conductor from the transistor collector is soldered.
In fact, it became an impression that it does not matter how the solders are soldered - once changed the "Collector-Emitter" wire connecting the Philips phone, and nothing, the system worked without problems - and only accidentally discovered an error.
The "Reset" button on the phones in one contact is sitting immediately on the earthy bus, so the emitter ort1 (contact 10) is diluted with the jumper on the ground - if necessary, you can cut.
The keyboard photo is only for Siemens:

The microphone or simply falls into the fee, or at the request of the client is made by shielded wire (5-20 cm - on the left in the photo of a black wire with a blue tape) on the housing for more "sensitive" work - this is if the block is installed in some wardrobe or hiding in another secluded place.
The positive power wire is soldered to the contact where the battery was connected. In the same place a capacitor per 100 microfarads fell. Photo washing Siemens-A:

The minus wire is four wire racks with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm and a length of 20-30 mm (legs from resistors or diodes, look at the photos above the text), soldered to the earthen wire of the phone from the keyboard side. In the figure below, the colors are collapsed in red, located at the top of the unit board. The same "pits" are at the bottom of the board.

The TM key reader is called "reader-2 execution 01" in the office where we took parts. The clock button S2 "Exit" is embedded in it, one leg of which rolls on the ground, and from another there is a wire 150-200 mm long (green in the "manual ..."), to which one of the signal wires will be connected during the alarm setting . Of course, any other version of the execution can be used, the main thing is to use it convenient. Typically, the reader is attached vertically - it is so convenient to press. In the photo, the button is on the right of the LED.

Order soldering and assembly.
After making a printed circuit board and checking fastening in the case, it is transferred to the part from the pair-3 stabilizer board. Battery do not yet connect.
Check output voltage +12 volts.
Then we break off the defense against the deep discharge of the battery.
Check that protection skips +12 volts.
We sing a +4.2 volt stabilizer. We load it, for example, on a twelve-column light bulb with a consumption current of about 300 mA.
Check the performance of the stabilizer and exhibit +4.2 volts.
Connect instead of the battery power supply with adjustable voltage, and tighten protection against deep discharge.
Drop all other details on the fee. Do not forget the "air" jumpers from the site to the site, made by a bare wire of 0.2-0.5 mm - marked with gray in the Lay file.
Programming a microcontroller.
We refress the phone and solder the conductors from MHTF as thin diameter as much as possible and with a reserve in length not more than 1-2 cm.
We hit the guides and telephone in the guard fee.
Include and check that there is an inscription about the absence of a SIM card on the phone screen.
We read the instructions for entering the system to work.
We program the SIM card and insert it into the phone of our guard.
Connect all sensors to connectors. Instead of a sound notifier (sirens), connect the twelve-column light bulb.
Turn on. We are convinced that the phone finds a network.
Program the keys of TM.
Now you can check the entire system in action. It would be nice to be seen what happens on the phone screen.
Most likely, with the correct decay, the system will earn immediately. Places in the scheme where you need to choose something, no.
If something is wrong, then, relying on the logic of the system, check the passage of signals in the circuits and compliance with their desired levels.

Some additions and clarifications.
When installing the system at the site of use, the sensors were used as a wires of the sensors 4x0.5 and CFV 2x0.5. Color Description Connection in the "Guide ..." matches these wires.
All sensors (detectors) are standard, no refinement are exposed.
Infrared sensors are better to take with animal protection function. There were cases when with a mess in the garage, the guard reacted into mice running on the boxes before IR sensor. That is, the sensor should not be any surfaces for which mice and birds can move.
On the back cover of the case there are holes of a large diameter through which the phone screen can be seen. After the final check, it is desirable to be sealed with plastics from plastic, so that through them did not climb all sorts of insects. There was a case when the spider joined the phase and zero on the printed circuit board. There were some legs, but the fuse burned down, and I had to go to the client. After this incident, at the end of the setting, the printed circuit board sometimes covered the paint from the can, and usually painted the permanent marker (along with the details). It was possible, of course, to use and varnishes, but a marker is somehow faster and more convenient - the coating is obtained quite dense and does not count anywhere. The locations of the wires through the small holes in the back cover of the housing after the installation of the guard at the place was thoroughly sealed with a tape or tape. Maybe not beautiful, but effective. Yes, and the temperature regime in winter is facilitated.
What to install and how to fix - decide for yourself. But there are basic rules, and they are described in the accompanying sheets instructions on detectors and alarm. It would be nice to first look at the already working systems. Alternatively, imagine yourself at the place of competent and confident hacker and imagine its actions. The whole system should have time to work out, i.e. Recovery about hacking and enable Sirena before it finds it and turns off.

For the last, we give an example of the alarm location in the garage:
1. The OS unit is fixed on the rack (in the cabinet) or hanging on the wall to the right of the chest entrance;
2. The infrared sensor is attached above the growth of a person in the far right corner and heads to the near the left corner and the door;
3. TM reader - to the right of the entrance at the level of the abdomen;
4. The magnetic sensor is attached to the top of the wicket door or the door itself when there is no wicket.
5. Siren - in the near left corner above human growth;
6. If desired, the second IR sensor is placed near the siren and heads towards the first.

Everything seems to be.

I want to thank Isakova Alexander - RA9OBD for a professionally performed photography of small details.

The archive contains: security alarm schemes in SPL7 and JPG format, printing boards in Lay format, commissioning and use of GSM signaling and OS firmware for Attiny 2313.
With all questions, you can contact this address. This e-mail address is protected from spam bots. To see it, you need to be enabled Java-script.

From the point of view of reliability, for the security alarm systems, the windows and doors are the most vulnerable to the penetration of structures. Accordingly, they are necessarily equipped with sensors (detectors) alarm. First of all, there are in mind the windows and doors included in the perimeter of the protected object.

Sometimes the internal doors of the premises are blocked by the magnetocontact detectors to open to increase the reliability of protection. It can be inlets into cabinets, service and utility rooms. Such blocking pursues two main objectives:

  • "Sniffling" in case the violator managed to overcome other protective borders of the guard;
  • detection of an attacker, hidden during working hours in the utility room and leaving him after passing an object under protection.

However, our goal is to consider the sensors used, mainly in the first turning of the alarm. Since methods of penetration through windows and doors can be different, then the types of detectors are chosen taking into account possible threat. Below the following blocking methods that detect are considered:

  • breaking protected design;
  • its opening (sometimes they say discovery);
  • break and pass.

Blocking windows

The simplest way to penetrate the object is to break the glazed surfaces - windows, windows, stained glass windows, glass blocks, etc. To detect such attempts:

  • acoustic (sound) sensors;
  • linear foil type detectors;
  • vibrating devices "Window", "Dimk".

On this site there is a separate material about the acoustic detectors of the breakdown of glass, so I will not stop in detail on this issue.

I can only say that most often for these purposes are used sensors of type "Astra-C", "Harp" and "Glass". Their undoubted advantage is the installation outside the glazed surface. This allows you to preserve the design of the room, in addition, the volume of installation work is minimal.

The main disadvantage of acoustic devices is their "helplessness" when removing the entire window canvase. For plastic windows, it is not fundamentally, because without the destruction of the glass, it is impossible to extract it from such a design. For a frame of an old type that have fastenings of the staple type or exterior corners, this moment should be considered.

From such a shortage, the method of protection of the foil window, glued along the perimeter of glass and has at least two frames on the frame. Remove the cloth without damaging the signaling the alarm is impossible. Of course, from the point of view of aesthetics, this method does not withstand no criticism.

In addition, it is very laborious in assets and maintenance. Also, such a blocking will not save from cutting a piece of glass with its subsequent extraction. Recently, foil rarely applied and mentioned it more for general education. But on dachas, the wooden windows of the said type are found quite often, so it is not necessary to finally discount this sensor.

Now concerns vibrating sensors for detecting breakdown. All of them are fixed on the glass, so in one degree or another the design of the room worsen. The "window" is well suited for protecting large surfaces consisting of small glazed fragments, such as veranda and stained glass windows.

It includes several glass break sensors (DRS) and the signal processing unit. Each DRC is glued to a guarded surface and connects to the signal processing unit. Bos connects to the loop or directly receiving-control device. Reacts such a detector to break the glass or non-destructive impact.

The sensor inertial magnetocontact (DIMK) is also installed directly on the glazed surface and reacts:

  • on breaking or blow;
  • an attempt to extract glass or frame from the fastening structure.

That is, it reacts both to vibration and on the slope relative to its vertical attachment axis. All listed sensors, with the exception of acoustic additional nutrition, do not require.

Window opening sensors and doors

To detect the opening of windows and doors in a security alarm system, mainly magnitude sensors are used. For massive structures, for example, sliding gates can be used limit switches, but this method is rarely used, so it makes no sense to stop on it.

As for the magnetosactic opening sensors, they are classified according to two main criteria: appointment and constructive execution. By appointment, they are divided into intended for installation:

  • on metal structures;
  • plastic and wooden surfaces.

By constructive execution, these sensors are classified according to the installation method:

  • hidden;
  • and open.

As for the first criterion, everything is quite obvious here. Metal should be installed sensors for metal structures. They have larger dimensions due to the need to provide gaps between the mounting surface and the armor, as well as more powerful magnets.

If suddenly it is necessary to urgently block the metal door to open, and the sensor of the corresponding execution was not at hand, it is possible to use any detector by setting the non-magnetic strips thick of about 1 centimeter under it. The only thing is that the sensors miniature performances are not worth using for these purposes - there is a very weak magnet.

As a rule, the sensors for opening are set together with other types of detectors - on breaking for windows and on a break for doors.

Sensors for locking on break and passage

External doors that are part of the perimeter of the alarm system necessarily should be blocked "on break". Under break means the destruction of the part of the structure, in our case of the door leaf, by drinking, knocking out or otherwise similar impact.

By the way, if the entrance door has glazing, which is not uncommon for modern objects, then additionally it should be blocked by the sensor for breaking. But such a design, even taverged by all sorts of sensors, is a very vulnerable place, so the owner of a similar object should take additional measures to strengthen its technical strengthening.

Ideally, the entrance door should be deaf - metal or wooden full-scale. To protect such structures use:

  • vibration sensors;
  • wire detector.

The last type is a regular electrical wire with a sequence of 0.35 square meters stretched with a certain step. mm. The layout diagram and some other questions of the use of such a sensor are considered on the page about the alarm for the garage. A rather time consuming method, but it is good because the correct installation and maintenance does not give false alarm responses.

Vibration sensors for doors are used much more often - they are easier to install and can detect an attempt to penetrate before the design of the design. Their minus can be considered a tendency to false responses from vibrations that are not affiliated with the attempt of penetration - passing around the nearby heavy vehicles, repair in the neighboring room, etc.

Quite often the question is - is it possible to install traffic sensors on the windows and doors? It is possible, but it should be remembered that they will work when the offender will be already inside the object, that is, early detection to happen. By the way, this method of blocking is called "on the pass." If you stop solely on this option, you should remember the specified disadvantage.

But the use of a motion sensor as an additional way to protect windows and doors (in addition to breaking, opening and prolve) protection reliability increases significantly. That is why the windows produced combined sensors containing acoustic and infrared surface detector type "Curtain" in one case.

I can also advise you to familiarize yourself with the material about the motion sensors and perimeter protection, since the windows and doors are included in its composition.

Wireless sensors

The application for blocking windows and doors of wireless sensors has one undoubted dignity - no wires and cables. In turn, this allows:

  • save almost without changes in the design of the premises;
  • reduce the cost of mounting work;
  • organize the address system of alarm based on wireless equipment.

On the other hand, the cost of wireless (radio channel) sensors are on average 3 times higher than "classic" devices. By the way, it concerns the motion sensors and breaking glass, also vibration. If we talk about the price of wireless window opening sensors and doors, then they will cost five - six times more expensive.

In addition, it is necessary to consider that the installation may require 2-3 opening sensors. An attempt to make a wireless signaling only partially, for example, to use wireless detectors to control breakdown, and to open the wired magnetocontact detectors will reduce all the above-listed system.

However, the output may be purchasing a wireless sensor with the possibility of connecting wired detectors. In this case, to control the opening of the window, we use wired magnetocontact detectors and connect them to the radio channel acoustic device.

Note! The length of the connecting wires in this case is limited to 1-3 meters (depends on the type of radio channel sensor).

You should also consider the range (signal transmission range) of the wireless system. It can range from 100 to 300 meters in direct visibility. When using repeaters, this magnitude can be increased.

All said equally applies to the doors, with amendment on the features of their blocking.

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This is not a security device, but rather an alarm device that informs the sound effect on opening the door to the room is limited. Although it is quite possible to use this scheme and at the heart of the security device. The signaling device is working like this: it feeds from the mains, after turning on the power, it can withstand the time to exit the room and closing the door.

During this, he does not respond to the sensor. After the end of this time the scheme goes to the on duty mode. This signals the ignition of the LED.

If in the standby mode (LED lit) open the door, there is an intermittent beep. It will sound all the time while the door is open, and some time after closing the door. Then the scheme will return to the standby mode.

Power supply - non-transformer C5-VD3-VD4-VD5. The reactive resistance of C5 is quenched by the voltage voltage, VD3 diodes and VD4 remains straightened, and the VD5 stabilion supports it at 12V. CONDER C6 filters straightened voltage pulsations.

Switch - S2. When the S2 is turned on, the supply voltage appears. The charging of the C1 condenser begins through the R1 resistor. From the moment of power on and while this condenser is charged at the output of the D1.5 element, there is a logical zero. Therefore, the VT1 transistor is closed. There is no voltage on its emitter. The HL1 LED is essentially an indicator of the presence of a voltage on the Emitter VT1.

While the voltage on the Emitter VT1 does not, open and closing the door do not lead to anything. Door sensor S1, this is a contact sensor from the vehicle, - VAZ-2108-2109 type hood opening sensor. It is installed in the doorway. While the door is closed its rod pressed the door, and the contacts are open. When opening the door, the rod is released and under the action of the spring existing in the sensor is extended outward. At the same time, the sensor contacts occur (the machine at the same time turns on the lighting lamp of the engine compartment). While the voltage on the Emitter VT1 is not, the closure S1 does not charge C2 and change the voltage at the input D1.1. Therefore, at the entrance D1.1 - zero, the output unit. VD1 diode blocks a sound signal system consisting of two multivibrators on D1.2 and D1.3, and also, D1.4.

After C1 charges the voltage at the output D1.5 increases to a high logical level. The VT1 transistor opens. The HL1 LED lights up, showing the system's readiness.

If you now open the door, then through closed contacts S1, the voltage from the VT1 emitter enters the C2 condenser and quickly charges it to the voltage level. The R2 resistor is needed here to limit the charging current so that the transistor is not output.

The C2 voltage enters the d1.1 input and zero appears at its output. The VD1 diode is closed and no longer interferes with the operation of multivibrators on D1.2 and D1.3. They generate puts of pulses that come to the BF1 piezoelectric speaker. It is included between the input and output D1.4. This is similar to the bridge inclusion, so the actual voltage swap on BF1 is compiled 24V. The volume is obtained above than with the usual turn on, - between the output of the element and the power supply.

Sections Articles:

Today it is not enough to simply install a good and reliable metal armored door. Modern thieves find approaches and use intelligent solutions for opening any castle systems.

In order to feel in complete safety, the door design is equipped with additional protective systems - it may be simple alarms with a minimum set of functions or powerful and serious security complexes. And in a simple system, and in a complex there is one common item is a door opening sensor. These fixtures are tested by time and can serve their owner for a very long time. This is an affordable way to protect an apartment or house from hacking and uninvited guests.

Today, the guard system market offers many similar devices. These are traditional wired solutions or wireless. Also popular today GSM devices. Let's talk about how to choose a suitable sensor, how they work, learn their features of mounting.


The germ sensor is perhaps the most popular among all those that can be installed on the front door. These decisions are widespread in almost many industries, but use them in security systems. The advantage of Herckon is that it is accessible, easy to install and a very effective sensor, which responds to the opening of the door, gate, hatches, windows - any moving structures.

Previously, electromagnetic relays were used for these purposes, but these devices did not cope with the tasks set - they have too low switching speed. In addition, driving parts accelerated the wear of contacts, which led to relay failures. But after the creation of Herkes about the relay forgotten.


The discovery sensor of the magnetocontact type door or the gercon can react to a closure or opening of moving parts that provide access to the room. These broadcasters are located inside the buildings, they are invisible for the eyes, their work is practically reliable - with miniature sensors, reliable protection of remote objects is provided.

With such sensors, it is possible to organize an efficient security system in an apartment or cottage. It is possible to establish such a door opening sensor anywhere - on safes, shop windows, inside apartments on steel doors.

Principle of operation

Geron is a sealed switch. Its contacts are made of a special feroomagnetic alloy.

The principle of operation is based on the use of interaction forces that act on two ferozagnetic bodies in a magnetic field. These forces cause spring contacts to deform and move to their connection - the door closing sensor works so. When the magnetic field of a certain force is created, the ends of the springs are attracted and closed. When the magnetic field is reduced (two parts of the sensor are disconnected), then the springs are squeezed and the contact will be broken, resulting in alarm.

In the security alarm circuit, a permanent electrical signal is skipped - it passes through the door opening sensor. A constant magnetic field can also be used. According to the standard, the threshold of the Herrock can be adjusted from 30 to 50 mm. If you open the door at a distance of 30 mm, then the alarm will receive a signal that the contacts of the magnetic sensor are torn.

Constructively, these detectors are executed in minimal sizes. The sensor provides two blocks of magnetic relays in a plastic case. The door opening sensor is covered with a double isolation layer - it helps exclude false responses.

Popular Sensors for Security Systems

Among those who are engaged in the installation of security equipment, a hermetic contact is understood under the armor. QMS is so called magkoint contact alarms.

The most often used by IO 102-20 is a standard solution, where the distance between the contacts in the closed state is 24 mm, and in open 70. This magnetic opening sensor is completed with a 350 mm thick cable and a thickness of 3.5 mm. One part it is installed on the door.

There are other types of similar sensors - differences among them are purely constructive. So, they can differ in different types of body protection, trigger threshold.

Advantages and disadvantages of armor sensors

One way or another, the geron relays underlie any modern door security systems. They have some shortcomings and advantages.

So, the advantage is considered a compact design that allows you to set this item anywhere. Also among the advantages allocate high tightness - this is especially important if there is an increased humidity in the room. In addition, the relay response speed is noted, its durability.

There are disadvantages. The most significant is strength. With mechanical exposure, the device simply fails. In addition, the door closing sensor reacts to magnetic fields that are located next to it. When exposed to High current reservoir, the chain may unprompectedly swing.

Wireless solutions

Many today try to use wireless technology. In security systems, this trend is also seen. The convenience of wireless alarms is the absence of wires. All elements of the system are connected by a special protocol with the system console.

Wireless door opening sensor is all the same gercon. The design consists of a communication module, in which the generic relay with open contacts is placed. The second part is a magnet that closes the relay contacts.

The radio transmitting module is recommended to be attached to the door frame, and the magnet is directly on the door so that in the closed state of the door it is opposite the radio transmission part and was able to close the contacts of the magnetic relay. The principle of operation of this door closing sensor is based on a germial relay. When the doors open, the circuit is broken, the contacts are blocked - an alarm signal is fed to the main module or the central GSM unit. Also about alarm can warn the light indicator. He will announce that it's time to replace the elements of the device.

The gap in which this device will work, starts from 10 mm and can be up to 20 mm. The device operates at a frequency of 433 MHz, and its action radius is up to 150 m in the mode of direct visibility in the open space. This wireless door opening sensor from a battery with a voltage of 12 V. This battery is enough for two years of continuous operation.

This is a typical door opening sensor. All devices have approximately the same specifications. Select them follows from a specific situation.

Door alarm GSM.

There are also such devices on the market. They are seriously different from full-fledged wireless security alarms. This device is extremely simple, but it can reliably protect property.

Devices are a GSM Door Opening Sensor - this is a special controller equipped with a GSM module. In the event that the sensor works, the controller will send SMS owner of the housing. This simple device can be installed almost everywhere where there are two sash. The basis of the work is all the same germial relay.

To manage this security unit, manufacturers offer several SMS commands that allow you to turn off or turn on the system, set an object to protect, enter the number to send SMS. Some models may have a listening mode of what happens, for example, in the apartment - this mode can also be launched using SMS commands.

In order to secure the alarm, the manufacturer provided a special velcro. It simplifies multiple installation / dismantling of the device. When installing, you need to carefully set the distance from the controller to the magnetic sensor - the signaling threshold is 10 mm.

As you can see, using such opening sensors, you can safely protect the entrance door and an apartment, a private cottage or any other object.