The heating of a private house convectors is beneficial. How to calculate and pick up electrical convectors for heating private house Convectors for heating

Electric heating convectors: What better for a private house

From the letter to the editor: "I came the idea to replace the traditional heating on firewood in a country house. Let at least partially. House area - just about 60 square meters. M. TOTO advise? Especially interested in real effectiveness in practice, well, reliability, of course. I have never come across. Please help advice, advise. "

Choosing instruments for heating rooms, many of the buyers in habit are priority to foreign companies. And believe me, not because the brand is heard and for this reason the product causes more trust. No, really heating equipment of foreign companies proves their high quality and reliability in practice years.

But it is not necessary to think that only imported devices have a long service life. Among domestic companies in recent years, those whose products are quite at the level are competing with foreign manufacturers. But this is a separate conversation. Otherwise, how to choose high-quality and affordable appliances. Today we consider what electrical heating convectors represent, we will analyze where they are applied.

In modern life, heaters are a common phenomenon. Almost every house they are. Someone traditionally uses oil. Others have convectors. Those and others act on one general principle of heating the air masses - this is the actual convection process, if anyone knows.

The principle of operation of the electric convector

The expression "convection" is derived from the Latin word convectiō, meaning literally "transfer". Everything is simple here. From the course of physics, we know that the cold air has a much greater density compared to warm. It is for this reason that the warm layers are saved and actively, the cold masses accumulate at thenime. So natural way it enters the lower grille of the electroconvector. Moving through the heating elements the lower layers of air are warmed, which are becoming easier and lifted little climb into the upper layers. And, on the contrary, the upper layers of air, gradually cooling, are harder and strive down ... This process happens again and again. The permanent movement of air masses creates a comfortable temperature in the room.

The electroconvector consists of a steel or aluminum housing, which includes the actual thermal heating elements (TEN), which are high-resistance conductors in a ceramic shell. The design is controlled by a thermostat.

The device and principle of operation of the electric convector - the general scheme

The temperature of the working surface of the Tan in the active (included) state is usually fluctuated in the range of 60-100 C. The convectors do not overcame air.

Principle of operation, video


Most often, devices put under the windows, but it is not so important. You can place on the wall in any corner of the room, where you find it necessary.

Varieties of electrical convectors

Electrical convectors for several types are subdivided:

  • Wall;
  • Outdoor;
  • Stationary, built into the floor.

The wall convector has a height of about 40-45 cm. The outdoor convector is narrow and oblong, the device is usually hardly more than 20 cm. Also convectors can be built into the floor and closed on top of the grid. In this case, they are installed at the construction stage of the building or its repair. Flooring and built into the floor convectors provide a more uniform and fast premises (even though the heating element in wall convectors is more powerful) and convection flows when they are less used. This is achieved due to the fact that the length of the heating element in the floor or built into the floor of the convector is much larger. Another positive quality built into the floor of the convector is his invisibility. The main advantage of the wall convector is the simplicity of installation.

Efficiency of outdoor convectors above, because They give heat throughout the body. But in the installation with a wall-mounted design, so they are more popular.

Wall mounted is usually quite high (40-45 cm). Outdoor oblong low (usually no more than 20 cm). Although wall-mounted convectors, the power of the heating element is higher, as quickly and evenly, the air convectors are heated in the room. However, consider installation of the convector of the floor is more complex, rather than the wall convector.

It is economically an electric convectors - an expert opinion

What convector to choose

  • Do not require a particularly careful supervision.
  • Premises quickly warm up, do not provoke drafts.
  • Electronic Automation - Built-in thermostat - controls the room temperature, which allows you to significantly save electricity.
  • Thanks to the thermostat, heating elements do not overheat, which allows you to mount the convector on a variety of surfaces.
  • Modern convectors are protected from possible splashes, they are used even in wet rooms.
  • Safety. The metal convector casing heats up to the boundaries of 45-65 degrees. C - at such temperatures on the case it is impossible to burn. Modern convectors have a thoughtful ergonomic design, excluding sharp corners, so the opportunity to get injured is minimal (instruments are installed in children's rooms).
  • The convector is not dried, but heats the air, and it remains fresh, without unpleasant odors from combustion products.
  • The convector has no compulsory ventilation system for air supply, so that the devices are silent.
  • Convectors wall-mounted (or universal) are easy and simply mounted on almost any surface.

Electrical Convector Power Selection

The height of the ceiling is 3 meters.
Comfort temperature +19 degrees. FROM

Useful and comfortable brief table for approximate calculations of the power of the heater indoor

Types and features of thermostators

In any electrical heating convector, there is a built-in thermostat that makes it possible to install the temperature required in the room. The thermostat control can be both mechanical and electronic.

Mechanical thermostat

In the electroconvectors with such a thermostat, the temperature is adjusted by a simple rotation of the step switch. Their only advantage over convectors on electronics mechanical thermostat is a low price. And the main disadvantage can be considered that due to the fact that it is impossible to establish exactly the temperature regime, the consumption of electricity is obtained elevated.

Electronic thermostat

Thanks to him, it appears to accurately establish the desired temperature (the error may be up to the tenths of the degree). The electronic thermostat works silently, and, most importantly, putting control over the temperature to automation, it is possible to reduce the consumption of electricity. Of course, the price of convectors with an electronic thermostat is higher than on mechanical control devices, but the advantages of electronics are indisputable.

How to install the thermostat on the convector heater (video)

This question, as well as the question of how to replace the mechanical thermostat at the convector to the electronic, quite often sounds among our subscribers. Today, you will not stop on this topic today, but maybe someone will be useful to this video.

Additional functions

Many electroconvectors, especially the devices with an electronic thermostat, have some additional functions, which increase the efficiency of heating and comfort for the user during operation.

  • Several different modes of operation, including such as "economy", "automatic", "comfort", etc.;
  • Antizarosis. Automatic inclusion of the device in heating mode when the temperature in the room is reduced below 5 ° C;
  • Built-in ionizer. Air saturation in the room is negative ions. By the way, the ionizer can remain in operation, even when the heating element is turned off;
  • RESTART or AUTORESTART. Electronics remembers the settings and automatically returns them when the power is renewed after turning off the power supply;
  • Tipping sensor. This feature greatly improves the safety of the device, since it turns off in case of falling;
  • Programmable thermostat. With it, it is programmed to change the temperature mode after a while, it is also possible to set a certain temperature in time of the day or days of the week;
  • Managing module. Thanks to him, mono directly manage several instruments from one remote control and adjust the temperature in different rooms.

Electric wall convector in the interior

There are universal convectors, they are equipped with removable rolling rollers, and also have fasteners for mounting on the wall.

A similar device is simply removed from the wall and reinstall in the desired location. Stationary convectors require accurate location at the place.

High-quality steel of steel, well withstanding high temperatures on incandescent, can serve more than 15 years. Accordingly, many convectors are warranty from 2 years and above.

How to choose power

The convector is selected by the formula 90-100 W / 1 square. meter. That is, for heating the room with an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. M will need a device with a capacity of 1800-2000 W.

In the room with a ceiling 2.5-3 meters high, the power is 1.5-2 times, and if the convector is not for the room the main heating device, then downgrade.

The feature of the principle of the convector is that each panel works on the principle of providing autonomous nutrition.

How to choose a cable cross section?

The device having a power to 1.5 kW must have a cross section of 1.5 sq. M. If the convector is more powerful than 1.5 kW, you need to choose a cable cross section 2.5 sq.m.

The cable is laid from the distribution panel of a separate line and connects through a separate automatic.

The second parameter of the choice is a mechanical thermostat or electronic.

A completed mechanical thermostat convector at a price cheaper, but it is not enough and cannot respond flexibly to change the temperature below the one that is installed. Prices for electroconvectors with an electronic thermostat by an average of 25-30% higher.

There are programmable thermostats on the market, they are flexible, and you can set the temperature literally with an hourly change.

Electroconvectors for heating private home ownership or apartments have a simple, but very reliable design that guarantees long-term use of instruments. Their dimensions are usually compacts, and the form factor is flat, which allows you to position the aggregates in the rooms even small areas. There are several different solutions for household use.

Types of heating convectors for home

Electrical heaters are classified by installation method:

  • wall mounted on vertical surfaces with the help of special elements - brackets;
  • outdoor are located on the horizontal plane, and the legs or rollers serve as a support.

Electrical heaters for a country house can have a different control system:

  • mechanical - allows you to set the temperature by means of a regulator;
  • electronic - makes it possible to flexible working mode settings.

Convectors with an electronic adjustment unit are very convenient: the control interface is understandable at an intuitive level, and the temperature mode setting is much more accurate. Often the system can support the parameters that the user set is automatically.

Also convectors have different body execution:

  • non-inflectible - for heating residential rooms, loggias, kitchens and corridors;
  • waterproof - to enhance the temperature in the bathrooms.

All household aggregates work from the usual outlet with a voltage of 220 V and well tolerate jumps in the power grid. Convectors are safe for users: protection against overheating is triggered when critical temperature marks reaches, and when tipping the units simply disconnected.

Traditional water heating for our country is complex and expensive at the installation phase. Therefore, many are looking for other options for heating rooms, scrap, cottages and apartments. The first thing that comes to mind is electric heating convectors. Installation Super simple: Put or hung, turned on in a socket. Everything. You can warm up. The only limitation is whether the wiring will withstand such a load. Second - decent bills for electricity, but they can be reduced by installing.

What is convection and convector

Convection is the process of heat transfer due to the movement of heated air. Convector is a device heating air and contributing to its movement. There is a convector in which heating occurs due to circulation of the coolant, then they are part of water heating. But we will talk about electrical convectors that convert electricity to heat, and air flows are warmly debugged.

By the installation method, convectable electrical heaters are nasty, floor, intra-poly (embedded below the floor level), plinth and universal (installed on legs that are included in the kit or hang on the wall).

What form electric heating convectors is better to say it is impossible. All forms are developed taking into account the thermodynamics (in any case, normal firms do this), so the choice is based only on your own preferences and on how the design is better fit into the design of the room. No one forbids put in one apartment, a house or even in the room of a different type fleet. The main thing is that the wiring is withstanding.

Device of electrical heating convectors

Electroscoper device Simple:

  • the housing in which there are holes for the fence and release of air;
  • heating element;
  • sensors and control and control device.

Case - heat-resistant plastic. The form can be flat or convex, rectangular or square. In the case there are holes from below - cold air is suused in them. At the top of the case there are also holes. Of which heated air leaves. The movement of the air occurs without stopping, the room is heated.

The heating element of the electric convector is that it is necessary to pay attention to when choosing. The type of equipment and air conditioning depends on the type of heater.

Types of heating elements for electroconvectors

Heating elements in electric heating convectors put three types:

The best is the electrical heating convectors with monolithic heaters, but they are the most expensive. With the use of Tan - a little cheaper.

Types of thermostats and management

Electrical heating convectors can be controlled using a mechanical thermostat or electronics. The most cheap convectable electric heaters have a thermostat, which, when the predetermined temperature, reaches the power supply chain of the heating element. When cooled, the contact appears again, the heater is turned on into operation. The devices of this type cannot maintain a constant temperature in the room - the thermostat is triggered from the heating of the contact plate, and not on the air temperature. But they are simple and fairly reliable.

Electronic control involves several sensors that track the condition of the air indoors, the degree of heating the device itself. The data is processed by a microprocessor, which adjusts the operation of the heater. The desired mode is set from the control panel located on the housing, and there are still models with the control panel. You can find programmable models that allow you to set the heating mode for a whole week - while there is no one to put anyone at home to support about + 10 ° C or lower and save on accounts, to the arrival of people, the room is warm up to a comfortable temperature. There are generally "smart" models that can be integrated into the smart home system and manage them from the computer.

Choosing installation site

Rather, the question is not like this: which of the convectors is suitable for the execution of your wishes. If you want to bring the appearance of the room to the standard, you can hang rectangular wall convectors under the windows. Models that can be installed under the ceiling are attracted a little more attention, but they are not available for children and domestic animals - they will not be able to burn or "adjust" in their own way. Method of installation here is the same - on the brackets fixed on the wall. Only the form of brackets is distinguished.

If you want the heating devices to be visible - you will have to choose between plinth models and internal ones. There is a big difference in the installation: the plinths are simply set and turned on in the network, and special notes will have to do in the floor - their top panel should be on the same level with a clean floor. In general, they do not install them without overhaul.

Calculation of power

If the convector is necessary only as an additional heat source - for a period of strong cold weather - it makes sense to take a pair of low power devices - 1-1.5 kW. They can be rearranged in those rooms where it is required to raise the temperature. In case the convector heating is the only source of heat, everything is much more serious.

If everyone does "through the mind", it is necessary to calculate the heat loss of the house or apartment and, according to the results of the calculation, choose the equipment. In fact, this is done very rarely. Much more often consider the necessary power of heating in the area: for heating 10 square meters. m. Square requires 12 kW heat. But these are norms for the middle height of the ceilings - 2.50-2.70 m and medium insulation. If the ceilings are higher (to heat, the air volume) or insulation is completely "no", the power is increased by 20-30%.

Manufacturers, features and prices

Electrical convector heaters produce several firms producing another household appliances - Electrolux, Aeg, Hyundai, Stiebel Eltron, Zanussi. In addition, there are many firms that specialize in such a technique or produce two more or three groups of goods. Among them are Russian manufacturers - Ballu, Termica, Ural-Mikma-Term, Alvin. There is also a whole group of European brands:

  • Airele, Noirot and Atlantic (France),
  • Extra, Royal Thermo, Scoole, Timberk, WWQ (PRC),
  • FRICO (Sweden),
  • Neoclima (Greece),
  • NOBO (Norway)

and there is still a lot of others. Electrical installation in Europe - the norm, they rarely meet water. Hence such a number of firms engaged in the release of such household appliances. But, as usual in recent years, most firms made production to China, so the assembly is mainly Chinese, although quality control should be at the level.

Electric heating convectors can be power from 0.5 kW to 2.5-3 kW. They work mainly from the 220 V network, if necessary, you can find three-phase - from 380 V. With increasing power, dimensions are growing (mainly depth) and the price. If we talk about prices on average, then the price of the order of $ 80-250, on the Russian - $ 30-85, to import electroconvectors.

NamePowerExtra functionsType of mountingManagement typeType of heating elementDimensions (g * w * c)Price
AEG WKL.0.5 / 1/15 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 kWoverheat protectionWallThermostatTEN78*370*450 105 - 195 $
Airerelc Paris Digital 05dg0.5 kWoverheat protectionWallElectronicMonolithic80*440*400 60-95 $
TERMICA CE 1000 MR1 kWOverheating protection + ionizerFloorThermostat (mechanical)TEN78*400*460 50 $
NOBO C4F 15 XSC1.5 kWWall / outdoorElectronicTEN55*400*975 170 $
STIEBEL ELTRON CS 20 L2 kWOverheating protection + fanFloorThermostat (mechanical)spiral Ten100*437*600 200-220 $
Stiebel Eltron CON 20 S2 kWoverheat protectionFloorThermostat (mechanical)Stainless Steel Ten123*460*740 450 $
Noirot Melodie Evolution1500.1.5 kWDisconnection when overheating and tippingWall (small height)ElectronicMonolithic80*220*1300 300-350 $
Ballu BEC / EVE - 15001.5 kWDisconnection when overheating and tippingWall / outdoorElectronicTEN DOUBLE G FORCE111*640*413 70 $
Timberk Tec.PF1 M 1000 In1 kWDisconnection when overheating and tipping + ionizerWall / outdoorThermostat (mechanical)100*410*460 65 $
DanTex SD4-10.1 kWDisconnection when overheating and tippingWall / outdoorElectronicNeedle + quiet + economical78*640*400 45 $

Useful additional features

Choosing electrical heating convectors, pay attention not only to the technical parameters. There are even additional features that enhance comfort and safety:

Protection against overheating and disconnection during fall - very useful functions that improve the safety of the equipment. What else can you pay attention - how quietly or loudly works the unit. The point is not only in Ten (it usually clicks). When triggered, there is a mechanical thermostat. If you choose convection heaters for the bedroom, silent work is very important.

For housing, heating systems differ in the energy carrier used and constructive execution are used. Popular and heating systems for a private house in the form of electrical convectors. What do they differ from other heating devices?

Heating is a physical process of heat transfer from a hot medium - the heater material - to the cold inner air in the room. Heat transmission occurs in several ways: radiation, thermal conductivity and convection. In the heating systems of buildings, convection and radiation are relevant, since thermal conductivity in pure form occurs only when solids contact with each other.

When convection, heat is transmitted by moving particles of the substance, it occurs when moving warm fluid or gas flows into the cold medium. Radiation - heat transfer is present when the operation of all types of heating (the greater the area, the more effective they emit heat), but the maximum value reaches in infrared heaters. In the remaining heat transfer systems, there is convection and radiation in different proportions. Since in the electrical convectors the main heat transfer passes the phenomenon of convection, and the radiation does not play a significant role, they received their name consonant with the process.

Models and varieties of electrical convectors for heating

Electric convectors for the heating of a private house produce many companies. They differ not only by the design, but also the principle of regulation, security and power of the Tan. In general, any electrical convector both for a private house and other rooms consists of several elements:

  • housing;
  • heating elements;
  • protection and regulation devices;
  • grid fence and air supply.

The main difference is to use different Tan and regulators.

There are several types of electrical convectors. According to the thermostat used, they are:

  • with a mechanical thermostat;
  • with electronic thermostat.

By type of heating element:

  • with open ten;
  • with secure ten.

Depending on the thermostat used, the accuracy of temperature maintenance changes. Electronic more accurate, but more expensive. In addition, they have a larger number of settings and additional functions (for example, timer).

Open TEN is a needle heater or a helix directly in contact with air. It is unacceptable to apply with high humidity and risk drops. In the closed, the conductor is protected by a dielectric layer and placed in the radiator (most often used aluminum).

Comfort when using electrical convectors

How safely and efficiently use electrical convectors for heating in a private house? Very common misconception among users is the confidence that convectors at their work "Zhgut oxygen". This is not true. Oxygen is used to maintain burning only open-flame instruments: fireplaces, wood furnaces, gas convectors and fan heaters. At the same time, oxygen from the air is used for the chemical oxidation reaction.

When heating a tan convector or other electrical device, the chemical reaction does not occur (for example, the thread in the incandescent lamp "burns" even in vacuum and inert gas). So the appearance of "safe" electrical convectors, which do not spend oxygen - this is the fiction of marketers.

Approximately the same story and the confidence of some users is that the electric heaters are dried by air, unlike other devices. This is also not quite true. The relative humidity of the air really decreases when heated, but it does not affect the type of convector. Both with the use of a water radiator, and in the case of an electric heater, the relative humidity will decrease the same at equal air temperatures.

Selection of convector for a private house

In order to choose a model of an electrical convector in a private house, we are determined with such characteristics:

  • power heater;
  • tan type;
  • working conditions;
  • mounting place.

The remaining characteristics of the device depends on your personal preferences (body design, fastening type, etc.).

First, we calculate the required power of the convector. To accurately determine the heat loss houses are found. It takes into account the location of the building, the material of the walls and windows, a climatic belt and several more factors. But there is an option easier and faster. For him, it is not necessary to study textbooks on thermal physics - calculation of power under the simplified formula. The accuracy of the method allows you to determine the approximate power of heating devices for rooms.

For a private house, the value of heat loss in watts is determined by the formula:

Q \u003d A ⋅ VD ⋅ Q (TB - TN)Where:

  • a \u003d 0.54 + 22 / (TB - TN) - the coefficient of accounting of the climatic area;
  • q \u003d 1.16 (((1 + 2⋅d) ⋅ A + SPS) / VD) - specific characteristic of heat loss (W / m3 ⋅ k);
  • d is the glazing coefficient, take 0.2-0.3;
  • VDD - the volume of the building limited by the enclosing structures;
  • SPO - the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure in the plan;
  • A - the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer walls;
  • tB, TN - Estimated temperatures inside the building and outside.

The power of the heating devices accepts no one of the total heat loss.

To select a model of an electric convector into each room, we divide the total capacity to the amount of the area of \u200b\u200bthe private house. Under the proportion obtained, it is easy to find a model of the required heat-producing in each room. When calculating, consider the angular rooms and rooms with an increased area of \u200b\u200bouter walls and windows require 20-30% more electricity consumption.

Sometimes it is used and a completely simple calculation method - 1 kW of heating power per 10m2 premises, but this method is completely inaccurate and applied, rather, for rooms in apartments.

The type of heating element matters only when installing a convector into wet rooms. In this case, select a convector with a closed-case and the protection class is not less than IP24. All convectors are equipped with overheating sensor and protective automation.

A separate convector is installed in each room.


Electrical convectors for the heating of a private house need proper installation. After selecting the model, we are determined with the installation site. Effectively, the heating devices work when mounting under the window, so the flow of heat-raising warm air heats the glass and does not allow the condensate on it. If there are no windows in the room, it is better to hang a convector to the outer wall.

When installing, take into account the minimum distances to the building structures and furniture. Exact restrictions will be found in the instructions for a specific model. Approximately follow these distances:

  • from gender to the bottom of the device at least 8 cm;
  • to side surfaces from 5 cm;
  • before the windowsill 12-15 cm;
  • from the front panel of the electric convector to furniture at least 50 cm.

When installing, all the rules of installation of electrical appliances are taken into account. The heating system is connected to the power shield by a separate wiring through the circuit breakers.

When choosing a home heating system, it is important to choose correctly choosing devices, quickly and efficiently heating air in rooms. Modern electric heating convectors are devices aimed at maintaining in the house or apartment comfortable temperature.

They greatly facilitate the work of traditional heating systems, and in certain cases they can even replace them completely.

In this material we will talk about the principles of working convectors, share the secrets of the equipment selection and give a small rating of the best devices in the opinion of users.

The functioning of the device is based on the convection process associated with the known physical phenomenon: when heated, the air density decreases, as a result of which it expands and rises upwards.

The name convector comes from Latin convectio - "Transfer". The process consists of permanent movement of air flows: cold settles down, and warmed - rises to the ceiling

The design of all types of electrical convectors is extremely elementary. The main parts of the apparatus are the case and a heating unit located in the lower part of the casing.

Cold air enters the holes that are located at the bottom of the device. When passing next to the heater, the air flow temperature increases, so that it rushes upwards, where there are exhaust holes made under a slight inclination.

Rating of electrical convectors for heating

Participants in specialized forums amounted to an electrical appliance rating, taking into account the main parameters and features of operation.


Budget mobile model from the Swedish manufacturer, which attracts high efficiency and speed achievement of the operating temperature.

The high-quality convector model from Electrolux allows you to achieve the working temperature in just 80 seconds, effectively heating the average largest room

The advantages also include the system of protective screens and the lack of air drying. The disadvantages of the device include a simple design and a small heating area.


The convenient high-quality apparatus of the production of a well-known international holding, the divisions of which are located in Europe and Asia.

The inexpensive mobile model on wheels has two heating modes (one of them is economical), high technical characteristics, as well as many additional features:

  • heating element of a large area;
  • high-precision electronic thermostat;
  • on / off timer;
  • the ability to connect accessories;
  • air ionizer.

The disadvantages observed by consumers are in the inexpressive, according to some, design and sound effects (click), which are heard when the device is turned on and off.

Noirot Spot E-3 1000

The convector of the production of France wall location has a nice design, affordable price, high efficiency, as well as a wide selection of settings.

The device has overheating protection, a large amount of memory that allows you to restore the settings in the case of a sudden turning off the electricity, as well as a special system that counteracts voltage jumps on the network.

Among the weaknesses, a tight mode switch was noted and not too long cord.


Wall-mounted model from the Norwegian manufacturer. It has instant heating, capable of heating large areas, which will delight the owners of large rooms.

Having a pretty design machine has an overheating protection sensor, mechanical regulation of parameters with the possibility of installing accurate temperature, ergonomic fasteners allowing to attach a tilt.

The convector almost has no deficiencies with the exception of the price, which is high enough.


Electric portable convector of the production of Norway has an attractive design. A small model at a budget price is a fairly powerful device that can instantly heat the room of the midline.

The mobile model of SCOOLE differs not only with bright color, but also good characteristics. Micatermic heating element ensures sufficient power and high heating rate, and the mechanical thermostat is characterized by adjustment accuracy

The disadvantages include significant consumption of electricity, which is due to operation costs.

Ballu Enzo Bec / EZMR 2000

The Russian-made model with a monolithic heater has a democratic value, but at the same time it is distinguished by high technical characteristics.

Convector, capable of quickly heat the room in 21-25 square meters, has an electronic thermostat, two heat transfer modes, one of which saves electrical current, overheating and overturning protection.

There are also two options for fasteners (the kit includes fasteners for wall fixing and wheels for outdoor use), a control unit with illumination and a temperature step in 1 degree.

Important pluses are also a comfortable uniform convection, the presence of the shutdown timer, the possibility of programming modes.

Among the weaknesses, users are distinguished not too long cord and not sufficiently strong wheels.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video material on the criteria according to which the high-quality electric heating convector is selected, and information about the most popular brands:

Modern models of electroconvectors allow you to solve the problem of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the rooms. The correctly selected device combines rapid heating time, greater power and energy-saving technologies, as well as comfort in operation.