Furnace rocket wood with a layman. How to make a rocket oven for heating at home

In order for the reactive furnace to work efficiently, the following rules must be followed by mounting the design:

  1. So that the smoke tube was at least twice the horizontal or inclined area.
  2. The fuel compartment in length must coincide with the horizontal section. Usually, the fifthly is installed at an angle of 45 °, although there are structures with an angle of 90 °. But they are less convenient from the point of view of fuel loading.
  3. In section, the smoke tube should not be less than the fuel compartment itself.


Factory robinsone hiking furnaces are made from a profile pipe with a cross section of 150 × 100 mm. Homemade structures are made of the same size. At the same time, the bunker is made from the profile tube, and the chimney is round. So that there is a normal thrust, the chimney pipe must have a diameter of no less than the cross section of the fuel.

For such a magnitude of the fuel compartment, a smoke pipe is allowed to do not more than 90 cm long. But such dimensions make an uncomfortable unit for transportation, therefore it is better to limit the minimum 60 cm.

For legs, steel rod is taken. They contain a carving, thanks to which the supports are easily installed and removed. However, after repeated use of the reactive furnace, it is pretty smoked, because the process of screwing the legs is not very pleasant. However, other options are also common, where the steel sheet is used to make a stand or fixed legs are installed. But it makes the design more overall and inconvenient during transportation.

In factory furnaces Robinson There is no air supply to the combustion zone, as well as they do not have an adjustable cover, which changes air access. This moment can be fixed in homemade furnaces. A plate is welded inside the bunker for a combustible substance, at the bottom of which is a grain grille. Fuel fuel is stacked on the flat element. Through the grille in the combustion zone enters the air, and at the top of the fuel can be set the flap, with which the air supply will be adjusted. It is made somewhat less than the fuel and should not completely block the hole, otherwise the air will cease to enter the compartment and the fire will fall.

This design of the jet furnace provides a number of advantages:

  • a small amount of solid fuel allows you to bring water in a short time to boil water, warm the food or prepare simple dishes;
  • Robinson is not afraid of wind, because the fire does not fade;
  • the jet furnace is easy to install;
  • the device does not smoke and do not smoke;
  • factory models are made of high quality metal and covered with heat-resistant paint, withstanding high temperatures;
  • fuel does not go too fast;
  • the device allows you to dry firewood;
  • the design is distinguished by stability and ease of use;
  • the oven rocket is heated quite quickly;
  • the maximum temperature on the surface reaches 900 ° C;
  • thick steel (3.5 mm) ensures the durability of the device.

The price of the factory model is approximately 5 thousand rubles. But you can save, making such an aggregate with your own hands. This task is performed with certain skills.

Production of Robinzon furnace

A simple design of the device allows you to make a rocket furnace at home. The whole procedure will take only a few hours. Materials for working is easy, and they need to be a bit. The aggregate made with your own hands has compact size and is convenient to use.

A hiking rocket furnace is equipped with an important detail that is substantially facilitating the maintenance of the aggregate. it metal plate with grille, placed in the lower part of the fuel. As a rule, it is made of retractable, which allows you to remove the grid, put firewood on it and set back. Such a plate also serves as a stand for long chips. In addition, with a removable grille it is easier to clean the fuel compartment.

For the manufacture of a reactive furnace, you need to use the following materials with your own hands. :

  • two square pipes 150 × 150 × 3 mm: one 45 cm long, the second is 30 cm;
  • 4 steel strips 300 × 50 × 3 mm;
  • 2 Steel strips 140 × 50 × 3 mm;
  • metal grille 300 × 140 mm (it can be made of a rod of the same material with a diameter of 3-5 mm and a length of 2.5 m).

The technology of manufacturing a hiking furnace Robinson includes the following operations:

Factory model Robinson with his own hands

Making a rocket furnace, similar to the one that is produced on the factories is not a challenging task. Constructive elements in this model are not so much:

As for the coaster for dishes, its configuration does not have a fundamental value for the device operation. Because this element can be done differently. At the same time, it is important to comply with the rule according to which the stand should not block the chimney hole in order not to break the craving.

In the model under consideration, 3 rings are cut in half and welded to a metal rod.

A similar design is more complicated by the previous fact that the box in the section is rectangular, and the chimney is round. Therefore, it is important to correctly perform operations by connecting two parts to one device. Generally production technology is as follows:

  1. It all starts with the manufacture of a plate with a grid, which will separate the bunker into two parts. To do this, segments of reinforcement with a pitch of 10 mm are welded to the flat element.
  2. The resulting part must be welded to the rear and side walls of the bunker. The distance from the bottom edge to the plate with the grille should be 30-35 mm. The part must be attached with the welding machine parallel to the bottom edge.
  3. Then it is necessary to gently brew the joints of the walls with each other.
  4. The bottom is attached to the resulting structure, and to it - nuts.
  5. The top plate is welded to the rear and side walls.
  6. The pipe is placed at an angle of 30 °. The unnecessary part is cut off.
  7. The end that has acquired the form of oval must be applied to the top area of \u200b\u200bthe bunker. In this case, the pipe is placed in the lowest side of the upper plate and is equal to the side walls. This element is burned with a marker, a hole is cut on the markup. To do this, you can use the welding machine or the metal cutting device.
  8. Then it is necessary to attach a pipe to the resulting opening. The stand is installed on top, and the legs are screwed into the nuts. Now the oven rocket can be experienced. After that, it is covered with heat-resistant paint.

Making an upgraded furnace Robinson

The model described in the previous section can be improved with the help of a door that is installed on the fuel bunker. But if you make a sash on the loop, it will simply fold up the top, which will not allow you to adjust the thrust. Such a detail can only be in the "closed" position or "open." Much more efficient will be the use of the flap moving vertically or horizontally. To install it, on the bunker you need to welcome small corners with a size of 10 × 10 mm or 15 × 15 mm.

In addition, the following embodiments of the furnace are noted:

  • the fuel hopper can be made of thicker steel, for example 5 mm;
  • round chimney replace the square;
  • for a stand to use a different design: as an option, corners, balls or other elements that are at hand are taken;
  • change the stand under the hiking rocket, for which a metal plate and fittings segment can be used for the manufacture of legs.

To make an upgraded oven, you will need the following materials:

  1. Square tube with a cross section of 160 × 160 mm and a length of 400 mm. From it will be made a fuel.
  2. Square tube with a cross section of 120 × 120 mm and 600 mm long. It is needed for the manufacture of chimney.
  3. The five-millimeter sheet steel and a piece of reinforcement with a diameter of 7-8 mm. Of these, an element will be manufactured separating the fuel compartment and a confusion channel. The size of the part must be 300 × 155 mm.
  4. Steel sheet 350 × 180 mm. Such material is necessary for the manufacture of a furnace stand.
  5. Steel leaf size 160 × 100 mm.

Technology production of this model of a hiking furnace It is not fundamentally different from the creation of such structures:

  1. The metal plate with a grate need to be welded to the walls of the bunker.
  2. Then the rear part of the tank is attached, and the flue tube is on top.
  3. When the whole design is ready, the metal stand is welding below, and an additional backup is made from a piece of fittings. You can use a part of the vertical pipe that remained after cutting.
  4. The slices of corners are welded on top to the vertical tube, which will form a stand under the dishes. Its height should be 40-50 mm.
  5. The hole in the fuel bunker must close the door on the hinges or the flap inserted into the corner.
  6. The finished product can be experienced. If everything went well, the welds are cleaned, and the reactive furnace is covered with heat-resistant paint. This not only give the product a more attractive look, but also protects the metal from corrosion.


It can be concluded that any of the proposed models is quite easily manufactured at home. Find the necessary materials will not be difficult. The work itself is not very difficult for someone who has already enjoyed the welding machine, has a certain experience with the metal. For the manufacture of a rocket furnace will take only a few hours. And the product obtained will become a useful subject for lovers of outdoor activities outside the city.

In addition, such a stove will allow to heat a small country room and will become a good alternative to a full-fledged heating system. The principle of operation of the reactive furnace Robinson allows noticeable to save on the fuel.

Rocket, or reactive furnace is a heating-hob, using wood products as fuel. The popularity of such equipment is due to several factors. One of the most important is the simplicity of manufacture and small attachments. In addition, the rocket furnace is in demand because of its optimal technical characteristics, but we will talk about it a little later.

Some interesting features

The jet furnace appeared for a long time. During this time, a huge number of myths have developed about such equipment. The most interesting is that the same principle of work is used in a rocket furnace, as in the MiG-25 aircraft. Someone even said that such heating equipment operates on the reverse but it's not at all.

All these myths and fiction are associated, rather, with the title, rather than with the principle of the device. But rocket-type furnaces were named just because with the wrong firebox they publish a whistling sound, similar to the one that makes a rocket during flight. If the furnace was folded correctly, then it will work quietly, with a small rustle. You can make it albeit quickly, but not always so simple as I would like. That is why before starting to the assembly, it is necessary to learn more in more detail the principle of operation, characteristics, consider a pair of schemes and drawings.

Long burning rocket

The main requirement extended to jet furnaces, and to any other long-burning devices, is high heat transfer. Moreover, it is desirable that the possibility of loading the fuel without stopping the combustion process. If such a heating equipment is burning for 6-7 hours without "refueling", it can be safely called suitable.

In general, any rocket is based on the afterburning of pyrolysis gases. As is known, pyrolysis is the process of decomposition of solid fuel in the volatile gases flowing in conditions of insufficient oxygen in the furnace, which slows down the combustion process and causes the fuel to smooth. All this allows a relatively small amount of wood fuel for quite a long time to heat the room.

Operating principle

Almost all furnaces of the considered type have vertical loading. Fuel, which fell into the firebox, burns, and gradually settles in the bottom. The main part of the oxygen flows through confused, due to which the excess of air is achieved, which should be enough for afterburning. But its quantity is recommended to limit, since cold streams can cool the heated mixture.

If the download is vertical, then the main regulator is a flame that displaces the air. Usually to maintain the pyrolysis process, that is, the temperature is maintained at the proper level, there is a heat pipe. Than it is longer, the better the thrust. But along the entire length of the pipe, we have a significant difference in temperatures.

A rather important point is the heat transfer after the furnace. For more efficient heat release, its small amount (in the range of 5-10%) is given out. So the room is heated faster, and the ability to reduce the heat loss of the rometer (battery) appears. Almost all rocket furnaces are made with their own hands in such a way that the riser is covered with a thin layer of metal, which will save heat. We continue to consider the device.

Rocket oven do it yourself: drawings

In order for the heating equipment to work as efficiently as possible, during the assembly, it is necessary to be guided by drawings. You can find them in this article and use when assembling.

Let's talk about how to create it is needed for heating and cooking in the warm season. It is heated to 400 degrees Celsius. In this case, the furnace must be portable. The furnace can be made open. The main structural difference from the classic jet furnace is that the furnace is manufactured with a combined confusion. As a result, the volume of the setting secondary air is reduced, therefore, oxygen cannot cool pyrolysis gas.

The manufactured hole in the lid of the bunker allows you to adjust the temperature, however, not very accurately, but it is quite enough for cooking. And now let's consider the assembly process in more detail.

The first stage of the assembly

To begin with, we need the usual knee of the channel in good condition. Its dimensions may be different. It all depends on how much the oven you want to get. Two pipes (usually with a diameter of 150 mm) are welded at an angle of no more than 90 degrees. As a result, we get a firebox with a nozzle. It must be remembered that the short section of the pipe should be horizontal, and the long - vertical. Accordingly, the flame from the horizontal nozzle will be pulled into the vertical channel.

The most primitive in terms of labor intensity is to organize the supply of secondary air lies in the fact that the metal sheet is mounted on the brackets in the firebox. It turns out that the focus will be separated from the chimney. The passing air will move to the knee angle, which was required to achieve. Please note that a rocket oven, with your own hands (see the drawings, in this article) is made, should have legs. They are desirable to fight. On the vertical part of the pipe you can put the grille to make cooking.

Second Stage: Making Rocket Bourgehog

As the basis, we take the design obtained a little earlier. It is necessary to add an additional element to it, resulting in a kind of burzhuyka. We need to make a horizontal channel. The rectangular cross-section of the channel is more preferable, as it allows to improve the operational properties of the unit. As for the air duct, it can be made horizontal. The most important thing is the air on it. The most appropriate solution is to install a plate with ribs at the bottom wall.

As for the chimney, it is connected to the knee. A steel pipe of a suitable diameter is used as a material. Often, such a furnace is going from what is at hand. But the most important requirement is to organize high-quality furnace and discharge. At the same time, it is unwanted to use too thin metal, on which the corrosion process will be noticeable.

Stove with vertical heat exchanger

The idea itself is quite simple. It is that there is a thick-walled steel heat exchanger on the path of hot fluxes. In this case, the design described above is used, and an additional element is added to it. But it's desirable to increase the oven slope slightly and change the vertical pipe to the dry heat exchange tank. It can be an empty gas cylinder, which is perfect. True, you will have to perform a chimney channel coaxially horizontal nozzle (furnace).

The furnace can be manufactured in various versions. The most popular - pipe, box and furnace case. If the firebox has not too small dimensions, it can act as a primary heat exchanger. Therefore, if you want to achieve long burning, say, such that has a rocket furnace of the apostle, then the fuel compartment must be expanded. It is usually done high, approximately 50-60 cm. Therefore, vertically loaded lamps light up and completely roasted under their own weight.

Installation of the injector

At the stage of fuel after the process, a separate channel for supplying oxygen is installed. For these purposes, it is desirable to use a steel pipe having a diameter of no more than 18 mm and curved. One end of the pipe must be drowning, drove about five or six holes of a small diameter in it. This side passes through the entire system. At the same time, the end with drilled holes must reach the flame. The free side is allocated to the environment where the air will be access. The heating of the metal leads to the occurrence of thrust in the tube, and oxygen goes for the survival. In principle, the rocket furnace of Gabriel of the Apostle of this type is very effective and distinguished by high heat transfer.

Useful addition

If you have a desire, at the final stage you can organize turbocharging. To do this, you need to connect the air pump to the injector. An old vacuum cleaner is suitable or a powerful compressor. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the injector has good bandwidth.

The system works as follows. After turning on the pump, it creates overpressure. In proportion to increasing power increases traction. Gradually, the temperature of the heat exchanger will rise. It looks like blacksmiths that have been used since ancient times. Such rocket firewood and other low-grade fuel will work very effectively. Attachments are practically not required, since it is possible to collect equipment from girlfriend and materials.

Not so long ago, very compact portable furnaces "Robinson" appeared on the market, intended for cooking on hiking conditions: on hunting, fishing, in the country. No matter how much it costs, make it yourself much cheaper: there will be somewhat pieces of a square section of a square section, a small piece of sheet steel for the door pondered, the rod for the manufacture of legs and grate. Everything is so simple that having a small experience in welding, it can be cooked in a couple of hours. In the article, we will publish existing drawings, show several options for ready-made furnaces with the size and used materials, post a video lesson about the principles of their construction. Based on these materials you can make robinson furnace with your own hands.

Rocket furnaces are attractive than simplicity of design and economy. But, for seemingly uncomplicated, it is worth the exact calculation. It is very undesirable to be rejected in size: everything will stop working at all or burning fuel will be extremely ineffective.

General principles

Portable portable oven "Robinson" was made based on a heating rocket furnace. The same principle is applied: firewood, fire, due to air flow, burns in the fuel compartment, is burning in the burning area - the horizontal section of the pipe and partially rises up the smoke tube. At first, while the oven is not a breakdown, all the energy goes on the heating of the smoke tube. Then, when it warms, the gases from high temperatures flamm up again, the secondary gases are happening. In the same principle, the limited ones are arranged.

Furnaces Robinson is all a bit simpler: we do not need to warm the room. Its main task: heat the water and cook food. But the principles remain the same: the fire must heat the smoke pipe, and its length should be enough for gases. Therefore, for normal performance, follow the following proportions:

  • The length of the chimney should be at least 2 lengths of the horizontal (inclined) site.
  • The height of the fuel compartment is approximately equal to the length of the horizontal section. Therefore, in the furnace Robinson The fifthnik is made at an angle of 45 °, although the fuel compartment can be located and at an angle of 90 °, but it is not very convenient to lay the fuel.
  • The chimney section should not be less than the size of the fuel.

Robinson furnace device: drawings and sizes

In the original "Robinson" cooked from the profile pipe 150 * 100 mm. Homemade similar stoves make a close diameter tube. Sometimes the fuel compartment is made of a piece of profile pipe, and the chimney is round. It is important that the chimney cross-section is no less than that of the fuelman, otherwise the reverse traction may occur.

Below will post the drawings of the rocket furnace Robinson indicating the most common sizes: profile pipe 150 * 150 mm, a 30 cm long populist, a smoke pipe is at least 60 cm. In general, with this size of the fuel, it can be up to 90 cm, but having remembered that it Still, the campaign option, indicate the minimum possible length.

Drawing of rocket furnace Robinson for making hand drawings

The legs are made of a rod with a thread, on the spot are installed and tightened with nuts. This option is the most compact, but unscrewing / screwed to the wrapped leg of the leg - not the best occupation. Alternative options for support: welded steel sheet or stationary legs. They do not need to be screwed, but in the trunk they take place more.

In the case of the original furnace, Robinson in it does not provide a combustion air supply channel and there is no covers for adjusting combustion. In homemade, there is a diligence: at the bottom of the fuel compartment, a plate ended with a grate grid is welded. The fuel is placed on this plate. The slit below allows the oxygen directly into the burning zone. To regulate the intensity of burning to the fuel compartment, the cover-valve is welded. In size, it is slightly wider than the fuel compartment (in the drawing of 156.4 mm with a fuel width of 140 mm). She should not block it completely - otherwise the fire will fall. Make it size it less than the fuel or embedded the gate valve.

Robinson furnace with your own hands: Two photos and three video options

Folk crafts make small hiking rocket furnaces from different metal segments. In the photo below you can see what happened - the finished oven Robinson, made by your own hands Masters from Penza. Three small segments of the profile pipe 160 * 160 mm are used, from which the flue compartment is welded. Its total length turned out to be 40 cm. One piece of pipe 120 * 120 mm 60 cm long was used for chimney. In the furnace, the roller cooked from the sheet metal is 8 mm and a steel bar of 12 mm. Instead of legs, a metal plate is welded: thickness 8 mm, dimensions 180 * 350 mm.

This is a finished oven Robinson and what the wizard welded it with her own hands (to increase the size of the pictures, click on it with left mouse button)

According to the author: the melted furnace burns well, do not smoke and does not capricious. Just before loading "serious" fuel: branches and sins, it needs to be protested with paper, hay, dry grass or very thin branches. When the pipe will warm up, you can lay more "thick firewood".

Difficulties with a distillery of a cold furnace are generally characteristic of rocket floors. In this case, we also have a narrowed chimney, which makes the extractor more problematic.

The second version of the self-made hiking furnace of the rocket type is from two profile pipes: 160 * 160 mm with a length of 30 cm for the furnace and 120 * 120 mm 60 cm long for a chimney (better to take no smaller cross section - the thrust will be better). For a ashtel, the doors and stands used steel 5 mm. The ash tank is cut out half the length of the furnace, the armaral rods of 12 mm diameter are drawn to the record. The lid does not reach the Kolnik plate about 2 cm, instead of the handle, a large diameter nut is used. Support plate with dimensions 20 * 30 cm.

Materials and process manufacturing process Robinson do it yourself (to increase the size of the pictures, click on it with left mouse button)

In order for the dishes to be convenient to put and so that the smoke was where the balls from the shruss are welded in the corners of the pipe. This option turned out to be more convenient than the original (three rings cooked with each other) - on such a stove, you can put utensils with a round bottom - cauldron, for example. This dishes most often have hunters and fishermen, and not a pylon with a flat bottom. The kettle becomes perfectly: three liters of water in it boils in 20 minutes. The heat is enough to fry meat, and on other cooking tasks.

Portable oven Robinson: tests in the garage and on a three-day hunt (to increase the size of the pictures, click on it with left mouse button)

This is a video story about two rocket furnaces: a familiar already homemade robinsone and a mini-stove made from tin cans of different diameter. This mini stove works on the same principle, but the size has more than compact.

And this video story for those who want to make a heating and cooking rocket. It is also made by the type of furnace "Robinson", but already with the heat-insulated casing.


Portable and stationary rocket furnaces (reactive) have proven themselves as practical, energy-efficient devices. The heating and cooking units were obtained due to the characteristic matter, which resembles the sound of the reactive engine - it is distributed when the excessive amount of air appears in the furnace. Functioning in standard operating mode, the stove does not violate acoustic comfort in the room.

Homemade rocket furnaces

Features of the reactive furnace

The first furnace of this type was created for use in the field - it was necessary to be a unit for fast food and heating, and designed to operate in the conditions of fuel deficiency. Developers managed to find a solution that made it possible to produce a compact solid fuel stove with high efficiency.

Further modifications of the unit led to the invention of a stationary stove with heated laying. In contrast to the usual Russian oven, rocket furnaces are not cumbersome and easier in independent manufacture. The heat generator is able to work on one fuel bookmark for about 6 hours, while the stationary design, for the construction of which the saman plaster is used, even for semissions, after burning, firewood gives accumulated heat.

Stationary design of a rocket furnace with a laying saves the heat of about 6 hours on the same bookmark

Advantages of construction

The jet furnace enjoys a growing demand because it is a non-volatile heat source that:

  • easy in installation - the primitive version of the rocket stove is assembled from the primary materials for half an hour;
  • it works efficiently even on fuel with low calorific power - raw wood, thin branches, chips, crust, etc.;
  • provides heating and allows you to prepare food;
  • fully burns fuel with wood gas surge, which reduces to a minimum risk of penetration into the carbon monoxide.

The design of the stove makes it possible to use it in the house without afraid to cause damage to the thoughtful interior - the housing of the stationary unit can almost completely be hidden into an attractive "shell" that will perform the function of the heat accumulator.

To understand how a good efficiency is achieved when working on low-quality fuel, it is necessary to figure out the principles of the reactive stove.

The solid organic fuel during the thermal decomposition isolateds gaseous substances, which are also decomposed and are ultimately converted into a woody gas (a mixture of combustible and inert gases), which burns with high heat transfer.

In an ordinary solid fuel furnace, the heat efficiency of the wood gas is practically not used, since the gaseous intermediate phase goes with smoke into the pipe where it cools and settles on the walls in the form of a car, which is heavy hydrocarbon compounds. The higher the humidity of the solid fuel, the smaller the wood gas is formed and the greater the soot on the walls of the chimney. Accordingly, the worse heats the stove.

A rocket-type furnace differs from conventional solid fuel units in that its design allows us to provide conditions under which a significant part of the intermediate gases does not disappear, but turns into the wood and surrender. This is achieved at the expense of the horizontal heat insulated channel, where the gases move slower than in the vertical pipe, and the thermal insulator prevents cooling and turning into the naugh. As a result, even more thermal energy is extracted from raw fuel compared with the combustion in a regular furnace.

In complex models of reactive heating units, the principle of operation of a long-burning furnace, which provides for afterbinding pyrolysis gases, combined with the structural features of classic brick furnaces, in which the heated air and gas are circulated by internal channels. At the same time, such a rocket does not need to organize an additional imagination - the thrust in it creates chimney, and the higher it is, the more intense the upward flow.

Despite the fact that rocket furnaces are able to squeeze the maximum thermal energy from low-quality fuel, the optimal indicators of the efficiency they demonstrate when using dry wood.

Difficulties and disadvantages

The disadvantages can be attributed:

  • manual control of the furnace - fuel has to be regularly enclosed (the breaking time of the bookmark depends on the heater configuration);
  • some elements of the design are heated to high temperatures and threaten the burn with random contact with the skin;
  • the rocket is not rational to use as a bath, since it warms it for a long time.

The design of the reactive stove looks extremely simple, but for the invention of such an aggregate there was a lot of time, since the pledge of efficient work is the exact calculation so that the fuel combustion regime is optimally correlated with the force of thrust, etc.

Important! Rocket furnaces - heat engineering system that requires fine balancing. Failure to comply with the size of the design or error in the assembly, the incorrect mode of operation of the unit turns into the fact that the stove roars loudly when working due to an unstable gas vortex in chimney, requires more fuel at low heat transfer and quickly overcomes So.

The jet furnace was invented in the United States, and the subtleties of its construction are not disclosed - only the corrected drawings are available, based on which it is difficult to build a truly effective heater.

Furnace-Lena in the home atmosphere

Models for street and hiking use

For heating water and cooking, jet furnaces of the simplest modification made of metal pipe or brick are suitable. They are easily made with their own hands for household needs.

For the manufacture of a metal hob of a street stove, there are enough two pipes connected by a knee at right angles. The feet of the reinforcement rods and the stand under the dishes are welded to the design (so that between the bottom of the tank and the pipe slice there is a clearance for the exit of smoke).

Street rocket stove of pipes

Such a design is perfect, inserting another knee inserted into the horizontal tube, the height of which should be less than the chimney part - it will perform the function of the vertical fuel.

An even more functional modification is a hiking stove from a rectangular pipe with a fade at an angle of the fuel tank (it also serves as a ash-like). Such a rocket furnace with your own hands in drawings quite simply.

Hiking rocket oven Robinson with coats for dishes

For the manufacture of the simplest street reactive stove made of bricks, it will take 5 minutes of time, 20 whole bricks and two more halves. Plus metal stand under the kitchenware.

Furnace drawing Robinson with coach for dishes

Such a stove is first required to bring to the working mode - warm the pipe, burning paper and chips, because in the cold pipe gas it is stuffed, mixing the fuel to flaw well. When the pipe warms up, a powerful thrust appears when rugged firewood.

Reactive bricks stove
Attention! The horizontal fuel jet oven has a significant drawback - it is necessary to constantly make the burning firewood. The inclined or vertical boot hopper, along the walls of which firewood move down under its own weight, makes the unit more convenient to use.

Heating-cooking furnaces for premises

For heating, greenhouses, a garage or workshop can also be used by jet units that are easily and quickly mounted with their own hands.

An analogue of a primitive furnace made of metal pipe is built of bricks on an earthly floor or specially prepared foundation. A brick rocket furnace is mounted from a full-grained ceramic or chamotte brick using a heat-resistant solution.

Stationary brick oven on earthlings

A more efficient version of the heating rocket furnace is manufactured using a metal barrel, which serves as a casing and allows you to warm the riser (internal pipe that performs the function of the combustion and chimney camera). As a heater uses ash, sacrised sand, sand mix with chamotte clay. Thermal insulation helps to create conditions for efficient wood gas production, and the more it is released from fuel, the higher the thermal return of the furnace on firewood. In addition, this thermal insulation material (it is required to be well seal when laying) plays the role of a heat-accumulator, which is capable of several hours after burning firewood air in the room.

Stove 21 brick rocket

Advanced heaters

The reactive stove with free gas outlet is not suitable for use as heating, so it is complemented by channels for removal of smoke and heat exchanger. Drawings of a rocket furnace of various structures help to visually see the difference.

The principle of operation of an improved aggregate:

  • in order to maintain a high temperature in the vertical channel, contributing to the production of wood gas, it is thermally insulated with fire-resistant material, while the cover is installed (from the barrel or a larger diameter pipe) with hermetically closed riding;
  • the flopping chamber is supplied with the door, in the bottom it is possible to provide a special channel for feeding secondary air - this subdivination is required for afterbong of wood gas (in simple models, the air comes only through the firebox without the door);
  • due to the installation of the chimney pipe at the bottom of the casing, the heated air does not go directly into the atmosphere, and circulates through the channels inside the furnace case, actively giving it heat;
  • the flue gases with the highest temperature fall into the upper part of the housing, directly under the flat cover, which makes it possible to use it as a cooking panel, and the cooling stream has already rushed into the chimney pipe;
  • The KPD of the stove increases due to the subcoase of secondary air for the combustion of pyrolysis gases, and the intensity of its supply is regulated by the system itself, since it depends on how quickly the flue gases are cooled at the top of the case.

The reactive-type reactive heating units includes a long-burning rocket furnace, which can be made from a gas cylinder, as well as a stove with a water jacket.

Reactive heating unit from propane cylinder

A rocket oven from a gas cylinder is a simple in the manufacture of a wood stove, which economically consumes fuel, effectively warms the room.

It is used for its assembly:

  • empty cylinder from under propane (unit housing);
  • steel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm (for smoking the chimney and vertical channel);
  • pipe steel profile 150x150 mm (the fuel and boot hopper is manufactured);
  • steel sheet thick 3 mm.

Making a gas cylinder furnace requires the use of a welding machine. If you plan to assemble such a rocket furnace with your own hands, drawings will help accurately observe the optimal dimensions of all structural elements.

Scheme of processes in rocket furnace

At the preliminary stage of work, a gas cylinder should be prepared - to unscrew the valve, fill the tank to the top water so that it is guaranteed to remove the gas pair from the capacity capable of exploding from the spark. Then the upper part is cut along the seam. At the bottom of the resulting cylinder cut the chimney hole, and in the bottom - under the combustion chamber with an attached fuel. The vertical channel is displayed through the hole in the bottom, the design of the profile tube is welded from the bottom side, according to the drawing of the rocket.

Attention! The sheet metal cover should be made removable and provide a non-combustible seal (asbestos cord) for reliable sealing. The flat cover is used as a hob.

If a rocket oven is mounted from a gas cylinder on its own, you should carefully consider the quality of the welds and check their tightness - it should not be able to completely act in the working furnace. If everything is in order, you can set the chimney.

Important! The top of the chimney is required to raise 4 meters at a height relative to the level of the pop-up to provide the necessary traction intensity.

Such a furnace for the house is adjusted by the capacity of the fuel load. The reactive stove is introduced into the air supply mode through the flue chamber, it is adjusted by the lid of the bunker. Next to the unit constantly serves secondary air. This heating stove at the end of the flue process begins, since it is impossible to overlap the feed air, and the nagar is settled on the inner walls of the vertical channel. The cover of the housing is removable, so that you can remove it periodically.

Boiler aggregate

The long-burning boiler can be obtained if you mount the water circuit on the chimney of the stove made from the gas cylinder or other materials, but by the same scheme specified above. However, water heating in the circuit of such an aggregate will occur ineffectively, since the main part of the thermal energy is given to the air of the room and the tanks on the cooking surface.

Effective version of a rocket furnace made of metallic barrel

If you wish to create a rocket boiler for water heating with a high efficiency, you will have to sacrifice the cooking function. The rocket oven with their own hands according to the drawing below, can be mounted in a short time.

This will require:

  • chamotte brick and refractory masonry (for mounting the base of the stove with the fuel);
  • steel pipe with a diameter of 70 mm (for vertical channel);
  • steel barrel (for casing);
  • refractory heat insulator;
  • sheet steel 3 mm thick and metal barrel (or pipe) smaller diameter than the casing (for the arrangement of water shirt and smoke channels for heating the water circuit);
  • steel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm for chimney;
  • capacity, pipes and connecting nozzles for the arrangement of the heat accumulator.

The rocket furnace with water circuit is characterized by the fact that the thermal insulation of the vertical channel provides the optimal magnification mode of pyrolysis gases, while all the heated air falls into the "coil" with a water jacket and gives the main part of the thermal energy, heating the heat carrier there.

Rocket stove with water contour

The heat accumulator will continue to supply the heated coolant into the heating circuit even after the cooled of the furnace itself. Water tank is supplied with a thick layer of insulation.

Heating unit with a layman

A rocket furnace with a laying is a device that can create a comfortable setting in one room. Such an aggregate cannot be used for heating several rooms, not to mention the whole house.

The arrangement of such a long-burning unit requires accurate calculations - its power and the maximum allowable length of the borov depends on the size of the stove case, on which the layer is satisfied. It is also important to choose the right cross section of pipes for mounting the design. Errors will turn out that the reactive furnace in a short time tightly tighten into Nagar or it will roar loudly when working due to the curvatures of gas flows.

Stove Design with Lena

Dimensions and proportions of construction

To build a rocket oven with your own hands, drawings need to prepare detailed, indicating the size of all items. At the stage of project preparation, calculations are based on the basic values \u200b\u200bto which all others are tied.

Basic settlement values:

  • D - diameter of the drum (furnace housing);
  • S is the inner cross section of the drum.

Calculations of the design parameters are conducted with regard to what:

  1. The height of the drum (H) is from 1.5 to 2 D.
  2. The coating of the drum is performed on 2/3 H (if it is planned to perform a figured, then 2/3 of the height should be the average).
  3. The thickness of the coating layer on the drum - 1/3 D.
  4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe inner cross section of the vertical channel (riser) is 4.5-6.5% of S, the optimal value is in the range of 5-6%.
  5. The height of the vertical channel is the maximum, as far as the furnace design allows, but the gap between the upper edge of the riser and the drum cover should be at least 70 mm for normal chimneal circulation.
  6. The length of the heat pipe (fireproof) should be equal to the height of the vertical channel.
  7. The area of \u200b\u200bthe fireside cross section is equal to the corresponding indicator of the riser. Moreover, for the fireside, it is recommended to use the profile pipe of the square section, in this case the furnace works more stable.
  8. The cross-section area was pondered - ½ from the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace and the riser. For stability and smooth adjustment of the furnace mode, the profile pipe of the rectangular section with the aspect ratio is used with the aspect ratio of the side 2: 1, which is placed on the plastics.
  9. The volume of the secondary ash bar depends on the volume of the drum less the volume of the area. For a stove from a barrel - 5%, for the stove from the gas cylinder - 10%. For the containers of the intermediate volume calculated according to linear interpolation.
  10. The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe external chimney is 1.5-2 S.
  11. The saman pillow under the outer chimney should be a thickness of 50-70 mm - if the channel is made of a round tube, the countdown is conducted from the bottom point. The thickness of the pillow under the chimney is doubled when the laying is mounted on wooden flavors.
  12. The thickness of the loan layer above the chimney channel is 0.25 D, if the drum from the barrel is 600 mm, and 0.5 d, if the drum from the cylinder is 300 mm. If you reduce the coating layer, the design will be faster after the protest.
  13. The height of the smoke external pipe should be from 4 meters.
  14. The length of the gas plant, from which the Length Length depends: For a barrel furnace - up to 6 m, for a stove from a cylinder - up to 4 m.

Long burning rocket furnace, made from a barrel of 600 mm diameter, reaches a capacity of about 25 kW, and a rocket for heating, made of a cylinder 300 mm, up to 15 kW. You can regulate the power only due to the volume of the fuel laying, the air regulation does not have such a stove, since the additional flow disrupts the furnace mode and provokes the release of gases to the room. By changing the position of the door, no power was adjusted, but the operation of the furnace.

Futherovka features

The quality of thermal insulation of the riser directly affects the economy of the heating unit. In our stones for a lining, a light chamotte brick and river sand with an admixture of alumina are available. The lining should provide an external metal casing, otherwise the materials will quickly absorb the Nagar and the oven during operation will roar. The ends of the lining tightly shovel clay.

Proper fulfillment of linja

When using peredmented chamotte bricks, the remaining cavities are filled with sand. If only sand is used for lining, it is sieved from large garbage and fall asleep with layers - each about 1/7 of the height of the pipe. Each layer is tightly trambed and sprayed with water so that the crust formed. The backfill must be dried during the week, and then smear the end of the furnace clay layer. Then the construction of a rocket furnace continues with their own hands according to drawings.

Options for heating aggregates

The arrangement of a rocket furnace from the gas cylinder can be performed in the case of a heater with a layer. The design is somewhat different from the one that has been considered above.

Changes relate:

  • the length of the heat pipe;
  • the presence of thermal insulation of the vertical channel;
  • connections horizontal, not vertical external chimney.

Rocket furnace scheme
Note! The extended part of the external chimney is a ashtelnik, in which access to cleaning is a metal door, compacted by non-combustible material.

Due to the fact that the chimney canal can be performed long and curved, the stove easily give the original shape.

Option of manufacturing stove-laying with original shape

A saman coating that performs the function of the heat acupuncture, is made of a mixture of oily clay with sand and cutting straw.

Principles of launching stove

Important! Furnaces reactive continuous burning are launched exclusively "on a warm tube."

Before you load the standard fuel, it is performed by a grinding paper, chips, straw and other dry lightweight materials that are stacked in the open. When the vertical channel warms out enough, the buzz of the furnace subsides or changes the tone. This is a signal to the fact that it is possible to lay the main fuel, it will turn around from acceleration.

The reactive furnace itself is not adjusted, so the lid of the hopper of a small furnace or the door pissed the stationary unit should be kept open until the standard fuel will turn around and the oven does not thread. The door is covered by achieving sound reduction to "whisper". When the oven sound again increases, the door again covers a little more denser. If the door slammed, then lifting it you can give the fuel normally.

Mobile missile oven - a convenient entry option, undemanding to fuel and economical. Stationary units, depending on the design and sizes, are used to heat residential and auxiliary premises.

Rocket furnace in its execution is divided into two main types: portable and stationary. The portable model is used in campaigns, resting in nature. Its industrial model called "Robinson" is widespread. The name she is because of the look at the rocket. The similar image adds to the fact that the flame is broken from the short chimney during combustion, with an unlimited air supply, a hum is published. Used for cooking, heating the kettle on hiking conditions.

Consider the principle of work by relying on the above model.

Work description

  1. For the design, steel is used with a thickness of 2-3 mm.
  2. It has a matchbox shape, without a box. The cover is welded to his side, bottom. On the other hand, the firewood will be directly loaded.
  3. Top, closer to the bottom, the pipe at an angle of 45 degrees is welded. The design is welded to perform the role of the stand under the dishes and flame divider.
  4. So that the flame has not accomed the bottom of the dishes during cooking. For the manufacture, a piece of pipe will be required, which is cut into three rings, each ring is cut in half, and there is a six half-collar in half, weld them with a uniform indent in the center, the product is welded to the top of the chimney.
  5. The bottom of the box is welded legs that ensure the stability of the structure.

The finished sample size is shown below in the illustration and scheme.

Principle of operation

  • The considered option is good in that it is not required to build a construction over a bone for hanging a cauldron or a kettle.
  • Cooking the kulesh or ear will be more comfortable, like on a kitchen cooker at home. Installation should be oriented towards the wind, it must blow into the furnace.
  • Firewood burns quickly, the heat released enough for cooking food, but its main share is destroyed.
  • In the stationary model, these disadvantages are eliminated by the improvement of the basic design. Namely, the furnace is equipped with the door, under it it was drawn up, which limits the air supply, thereby slows down the process of combustion of firewood.
  • Also organizes air supply to the area above the burning where the gases leave, but do not burn there, it makes it possible to launch a pyrolysis process, this most is ensured by the carry of pyrolysis gases.
  • It is also followed by a fuel combustion chamber to bite into the casing, which increases thermal insulation. It is put on it made by a thermal insulator, it additionally delays heat inside, then shown.


Rocket furnace will require the manufacture of the following consumables: two gas cylinders and everything that is specified in the table below.

Getting to work

From the profile, cut off a piece of 20 cm, the rest is cut into three parts.

From a piece, a size of 315 mm is manufactured by the base "Lyzhik", from the second, size of 300 mm - the place to load firewood and weld it at an angle. To do this, we cut into oblique.

The third workpiece, the size of 280 mm, cut across, it will turn out two channels, the one whose width is 35 mm is welded at the bottom, thereby manufactured by pushed.

On the upper surface of the base, we cut a rectangular hole on the entire width, long under the bunker with a confusion, on it, on the side of the junction, we make a cut down for it. Distance from start to blank 100 mm.

Security measures should be observed during cutting, first it is necessary to fill it with water, it will raise the remains of the gas condensate.

The manufacturing process was pondering

On the bottom of the base, opposite the hole we weld five rods, a length of 16 cm, from the reinforcement. Between the welded grinding makes a slot. Next, we weld another part of the channel (the residue with the third blank) below the grate. We weld on the rear wall, on which for the convenience of further installation of the SCOS, its plug. After the "working" workpiece has been welded to the base, the bottom should be boiled.

Next, proceed to the manufacture of a housing that will perform the role of the conductor. The space between them will be filled with mineral filler perlite. At the bottom of it, we make a cut below "Lyzhik", width 120, and the cutting height will be 160 mm, i.e. From the bottom welding strip using a sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of 40 mm long.

It insulates the bottom at the junction of Perlit. Her hides in the casing, on its bottom we weld the round lid.

The desired volume of Perlita

For the upcoming purchase, it is necessary to find out the experimental way, for this you should pour this space with water. It turns out the desired volume. Perlite sell in garden stores, measurement measure - liter. A channel is welded to the Bunker, a traction will be provided through it and mounted the boot hopper on the base. Inside the "working" organize air supply. To do this, cut there through the casing and to the place of the slit we weld the workpiece, in the form of a ring. A piece of profile pipe make a removal for air pipe. It makes the door for adjustment.

Made and attach the doors on the furnace with a confusion and on the boot chamber with the thrust chamber. The doors on the boot must be used regularly, on the firebox - only during the ignition or when the ash is selected, so it is better to perform it to be constructively as shown below, it will be more practical.

Perlite is covered and the hole is brewed with a ring-shaped plug. In this case, it was used 5 and a half liters of insulation.

Measurements are made and the hole is cut into, in order to wear the lower portion of the insulation. Since the air superstar was attached to the side of the oven, the neckline comes out of the correct rectangular shape.

Also make two balloon rings.

Rings dress at the junction between, one outside, the other inside.

Better is stacked between them, which is a non-combustible sealing cord, a long 150 mm, and a thickness of 10 mm. These manipulations will allow reliably to secure the top department of the cap, putting it in the grooves formed the so-called "saddle", while it remains removable to ensure the possibility of cleaning waste.

Rocket oven video

For the convenience of mounting the lower part, the furnace can be turned over. Center it with the welding of the strut between the cap and the casing. After that, you turn the insertion over the "sunbed" into the place of the cutout. We weld the rings whose width is 30 mm with a release on top of 20 mm, one inside the bottom cap, another on the outside.

We calculate the distance between the top of the "working" pipe and the top surface of the cap. The cross-sectional area should be less than the side area of \u200b\u200bthe imaginary cylinder. In this case, the diameter of it is 120 mm. The cross-sectional area is 11304 mm². The experimental calculated digit of the desired distance is 50 mm.

Summary: The top will heat up, and the heat to diverge throughout the surface area is and there will be a furnace with an excellent efficiency, since the heat will remain in the device, and will not fly into the chimney.

The cap is fastened as follows: the corners with holes on 10 are welded along the contour from below and on top and twisted with a long 8x8 cm bolts in four places.

The last stage is the withdrawal of the chimney at the bottom. For this, the hole is cut into it.

The stationary rocket oven in this article was considered on the example of the video, which can be viewed by clicking on the links below.