Plastic moment of resistance when bending. Element subject to pure bending

Prevention measures of unsuccessful animal diseases are currently very relevant. Materials of veterinary statistics suggest that unsuccessful diseases in a number of zones make up more than 95% of all diseases of livestock and birds. They are registered by more than 40% of cattle (to the turnover of herd), 45% pigs, 27% of sheep. Especially high incidence and case of young young young people.

Economic damage that undertakened diseases, in some farms in dozens, and even hundreds of times more than the loss of infectious diseases, which confirms the economic feasibility of drawing up the plan for the prevention and elimination of unsuccessful animal diseases. In contrast to the plan of preventive anti-episotic measures, the prevention plan for non-disgraced diseases is developed in farms and only in some cases - the scale of the area.

Working out the prevention plan for unsuccessful animal diseases, it is necessary to study:

state of animal husbandry (feed base, conditions of detention and care);

morbidity and case of animals from non-disgraced diseases by analyzing documents of primary veterinary accounting, reporting forms;

the causes of the morbidity of animals by analyzing feeding, examinations of laboratory tests of blood serum, feed, soil, water;

hygiene exhaust and the content of newborn calves;

the usefulness of feeding and detention;

When developing a plan, it is necessary to remember that it is impossible to prevent and eliminate mass diseases with the help of any even the most effective tool. Here, a complex of economic, zootechnical, sanitary and veterinary measures aimed primarily to eliminate the causes of these diseases is necessary.

The prevention plan for unsuccessful animal diseases usually consists of two parts: textual and practical. In the text part, the organizational and economic and zootechnical events set out. In the practical part of the plan offer veterinary events.

In the text part of the plan it is necessary to reflect:

the need and security of animals feed;

strict compliance with the technology of content and feeding;

providing permanent personnel frames;

timely repair of premises;

construction of maternity departments;

construction of profilators;

construction of veterinary and sanitary facilities;

organization of the summer-camp content of animals, especially the uterine population;

protection of animals from stressful impacts;

compliance with the routine of the working day.

The plan should be based on complex dispensary and gynecological surveys of the uterine population and manufacturers.

In terms of measures to prevent unsuccessful animal diseases, the following activities should be provided:

clinical inspection of cattle, petty cattle, pigs, horses, with an indication of the total total number of animals according to plan for a year, including the quarters (plan, execution per year);

dispensary study of cattle, pigs, etc.;

checking the sanitary condition of livestock premises before and after wintering of livestock;

control over the microclimate of animal bedrooms, taking into account age groups;

study of the level of exchange in animals: cows, pigs, etc.;

checking the state of udder from cows and research on subclinical mastitis;

determination of the pregnancy of cows and nonsense;

checking the state of the coil hoofs and their timely processing;

ultraviolet irradiation: calves, piglets, chickens;

use of vitamin concentrates: calves, piglets, chickens;

research (certification) of feed: hay, haypt, silo, concentrates;

evaluation of the nutritional value of the rations according to laboratory studies of feed;

the use of mineral-vitamin supplements (premix): cattle, pigs, sheep;

the use of natural and artificial gastric juice piglets, calves;

the use of tissue preparations (ABK, PABK) canals, piglets, lambs, chickens.

In the developed, discussed, approved plan outlines those responsible for the implementation of each planned event.

Preventive measures in infectious diseases Provide a comprehensive effect on all three levels of the epizootic chain (process). First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the epizootic process sources of pathogen, which are sick animals. For this, the patients are isolated and depending on the disease they are treated or destroyed. This simple operation ensures the prevention of environmental pollution. Recovered animals contain a separate group, preventing contact with non-bad animals (recovered animals can remain for a long time by the carriers and sequences of the virulent causative agent of the disease). Considering that mice, rats, as well as insects, are carried out by the carriers and sequers of the pathogen, and insects.

In prosperity and regions, there are constantly measures to protect them from driving pathogens of infectious diseases, are systematically carried out on timely and early diagnosis of them.

The room in which animals hitched are purified from manure, feed residues, washed and disinfected (current disinfection). For disinfection, disinfectants are used to destroy the disease acting on a specific causative agent. These measures ensure the elimination mechanisms for transmitting the pathogen from patients with healthy animals.

At the same time, work aimed at increasing the non-specific and specific sustainability of animals to the causative agent. Against many infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology there are specific means of protection - vaccines, hyperimmune serums, immunoglobulins, bacteriophages.

Vaccines - These are biological preparations obtained from bacteria and products of their livelihoods, as well as from viruses. After their introduction in the body, an active immunity is formed against the appropriate infectious disease. Distinguish live and inactivated vaccines.

Live vaccines are preparations prepared from alive with weakened virulence (attenuated) strains of bacteria and viruses that have preserved the ability to multiply and take effect in the body of animals, causing them to generate immunity.

Inactivated vaccines - These are drugs from high-voluminous microorganisms (bacteria or viruses) killed by physical or chemical methods of exposure (high temperature, formaldehyde, phenol, etc.). Inactivated vaccines are also anatoksins - microorganisms toxins, neutralized with heat and formaldehyde (anatoxin against tetanus, botulism, etc.).

Living and killed vaccines are administered parenterally (subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intraderially), enteral (with food or water and respiratory (by creating aerosols in chambers or in hereditary rooms). For the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, young people use probiotics - living crops of lactic acids and Other bacteria that populate the intestines are displacing conditionally pathogenic, pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms. The probiotics are most useful, which includes lactococci, acidophilic and bifidobacteria (lactobacterin, lactobifadol, streptobifide, etc.).

Prevention of invasive diseases

According to K. I. Scriabin, modern prevention uses two types of health events: offensive and defense.

Speaking of the prevention of invasive diseases, one should not forget that there are pathogens who infect both human and animals (). Therefore, the destruction of pathogens from one prevents the disease of the other.

In general, biological and chemical methods of prevention are quite widely used in animal husbandry. The biological methods include such in which targeted actions of a specialist lead to the death of the invasive start - eggs and larvae, adults, intermediate owners or carriers, as a result of which the contact of the causative agent of the recipient is disturbed. These events include sprinkling lands and land reclamation work on pastures, their shift or insulation of dysfunctional sites, taking into account the duration of the viability of eggs, larvae, etc., the creation of long-term and cultural pastures, the destruction of crop and krootin, small shrubs, manure biotermia.

It is fairly effective in the prevention of many invasive diseases of the change of pastures. However, given the fact that in separate zones of the country, pasture areas are limited, this method should be applied in accordance with the territorial capabilities, by short-term alternation of pastures. For example, in the dictiolation, depending on the time of year - from 3 to 15 days, the fasciolese is 1-1.5 months. But with moniasiosis, this method for the farms with limited pastures cannot be used since Oribatids - Moniasi's intermediate hosts - live up to two years.

In order to prevent protozal diseases, the chemotherapy products are administered by animals parenterally with regard to the time of the year, the epizodeological situation in the region. So, for the prevention of serious illness in disadvantaged farms with clinically healthy stallions before the happening season and 1.5 months after it is injected naganin. Введение крупному рогатому скоту baryna and azida In epizootic foci, at the beginning of the outbreak of piroplasmosis protects animals from a disease of 2-3 weeks.

The most widely chemotherapy is used to prevent gelminths. Each planned degelmination (imaginal, advantageous or postmaginal) has a prophylactic value. At the same time, the development of pathological processes in the body of an infected animal is prevented and the dispersion of invasion in the external environment is prevention.

So, against the strongilyatosis and moniasias of the sheep for this purpose, saltiazine (ratio, respectively, 9: 1) and saltiazine-oxide-absorption (1 part of the copper + 10 phenothiazine sulfate + 100 parts of the cooking salt) are used for a long time in our country. They are given for a long time in wooden troughs protected from rain cannons. The briquettes of these mixtures for prevention are less effective. In order to avoid intricensication of the body, with prolonged use of mixtures of copper sulfate, magnesium sulfate and others should be added to the mixture.

The long-term use of phenothiazine in the stopper period reduces feed digestibility and causes intoxicating the body. Therefore, in each case of the use of these mixtures, you need to know the optimal deadlines for chemoprophylaxis. For example, in the non-black earth, the young sheep is massively infected with larvae of intestinal and pulmonary stringent in August and September, therefore, the saltyazine mixture is very rational to give at this time.

If the helminthias are complicated by secondary infections, these or other antibiotics, sulfanylamide drugs, etc. should be added to chi-myoprophylactic agents.

First of all, the role of pastures is significantly limited to industrial farms. Walking more widely began to apply in specially designated sites, instead of natural use cultural pastures, for watering - tap water. Significantly improves the sanitary condition of the premises in which slotted floors and hydraulic seeds are organized, animals get full feed. In such conditions, the possibility of infection with pathogens of fasciolez, dictiohulosis, hypodermatosis, but there is a risk of cysticercosis and some intestinal nematodoses, echinococcosis, ochinococoma, ochinococoma, is sharply reduced. With the acquisition of the fatal livestock, the farm enters the youngsight predominantly up to one year, older than the year and adult animals. The two latter groups are usually unfavorable by invasions.

For specialized feedstock farms for the prevention of invasion, the following measures can be recommended: to give preference to the acquisition of the unfastened young; Practice Stall or Standing - Flowing content and have a solid coating of platforms.

Supplier farms should apply prevention measures, but when the gelminths and other invasions are found to conduct relevant activities that prevent further dissemination of diseases.

For the prevention of the Finnosis, Echinococcosis and other strollers, medical examinations of personnel must be carried out (1-2 times a year), in the farms of the farms to strictly limit the number of dogs and cats, to conduct their diagnostic studies once in 3-6 months. When entering animals, comprehensive diagnostic studies should be carried out on invasive diseases and, if necessary, prophylactic treatments. Then diagnostic studies, depending on the specific situations, be carried out quarterly.

In some farms, dying cows all year round are on a stall-flowing content, in others - they are added. In the farms in which animals contain on the pilot and flowing content, intestinal helminths in adult animals do not detect and only the calves detect strondeidesses less often - individual intestinal nematodes. But in farms where the grazing is practiced, nematodes are found in many species, Façiol and less often - Moniasi.

In general, the farms specializing in the production of milk can be recommended as follows:

  • when organizing the economy, preference to give the system of the Round-Food Stall and Flowing Content (on a platform with a solid coating), prevent Finninda;
  • when the livestock is completed, it is pre-examined and, if necessary, process;
  • corovniks build on dry sublime areas, ride cattle from the water pipe, thoroughly clean the room from manure, feeders from garbage;
  • periodically carry out disinfection and disinvasia of animal bedrooms;
  • manure, as a rule, to be thermal processing and use it then to fertilize the fields.

In the farms with pasture content of livestock, attention should be paid to the state of pastures, the presence of puddles and small water bodies, and most importantly - it is necessary to introduce cultural pastures, study the gelminthological situation in biohlmintosis, prevent the bodyziosis and other diseases.

As a rule, birds are grown using a combined or outdoor content. In the combined content of the chickens of the first (1-30 day) and the second (31-60 days) of ages are grown in cells, third-age (61-160 days) cells or on the floor. It has been established that the cultivation of chickens in cells almost completely prevents helminthias and emerica. The only way of infection with the method of content is through the feed contaminated with the eggs of ascarid, hetaerakis and oocysts by Eymeri.

With the cultivation of young on the floor with a solid coating of observance of sanitary norms of helminthoses arise in rare cases. However, the use of walking opens the way of invasion. Particularly disadvantaged those poultry houses in which young people contain on the earthlings on an unmensed litter. The extensiveness of invasion can then reach 100%.

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The main task of animal husbandry is to obtain high-grade food and high-quality agricultural raw materials. Successful decision of it is associated with reliable animal health, an increase in their exploitation and increase productivity. Most often, the causes of internal unsuccessful diseases are disorders in feeding associated with its insufficiency, inferiority of the rations, violation of the quality of feed and feeding regime, feeding should be carried out taking into account the species, age and physiological state of the animal. Often the reason for the occurrence of internal diseases is the quality of water and the mode of watering. The conditions of detention, the provision of an intention of animals, compliance with the principle "Empty-Busy", as well as the advance translation, especially the uterine livestock in those conditions where their operation will occur with the aim of adapting and spontaneous immunization to harmful environmental factors will occur. The state of animal health and productivity depend on physiologically sound exploitation, and for cows, regular milking is essential and their timely launch.

In the system of general prevention, preventive measures are held by preventive measures aimed at preventing unsuccessful and infectious animal diseases. These include the provision of all the livestock with sufficient feed and a full-fledged diet, premises with the necessary microclimate, appropriate animal care, compliance with zoogigenic and sanitary-veterinary rules, constant veterinary monitoring of animal health with clinical inspections and planned dispensary examinations. In the complex of these events, control over the quality of coarse, juicy, concentrated feed and drinking water is obligatory. Veterinary specialists of farms are periodically sent to veterinary and agrochemical feed sample laboratories to determine the content of nutrients, vitamins, macro, microelements, residual amounts of mineral fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and mycotoxins. When evaluating the quality of Senge and especially silo, its acidity and the ratio of organic acids is important.

The conclusion of veterinary and agrochemical laboratories serves as the basis for prohibiting the feeding of poor-quality feed and use for water watering.

Strictly performing zoogigenic and sanitary rules on farms, livestock complexes, poultry farms, farmers and other farms should be carried out, above all, livestockovodes themselves, zooengeres and managers of farms. Veterinary specialists of state and departmental services are obliged to promote, implement these rules, control their implementation and take measures to eliminate them.

In addition, the system of general prevention of internal and other animal diseases includes security-restrictive measures for transportation and movement of animals, as well as control over the recruitment of farms, the formation of studs, gunts and an oar; Preventive quarantination of newly incoming animals; breed selection with hereditary disease resistance; Regular cleaning and disinfection of premises; timely cleaning, disposal and disposal of manure, animal corpses, industrial and biological waste; regular decilization, deacarization, disinsection; maintaining pastures in the proper sanitary state of pastures, scrolls and waterfloor places; Ensuring the service staff of farms, livestock complexes and poultry farms with overalls and personal hygiene objects; Construction of animal bedrooms that meet technological design standards and veterinary and sanitary requirements. The nature of the action of general preventive measures for most animal diseases is universal. They must be held constantly and everywhere. The underestimation of them especially in conditions of intense animal husbandry is dangerous not only for the development of unsuccessful, but also infectious diseases of animals.

All cases of violation of organizational and economic and sanitary rules are discussed at a meeting of managers and specialists of farms, and the main branches of districts on the results of their inspection can be submitted to the executive committees of the proposal to the heads of farms and the owners of animals to eliminate the identified deficiencies, guiding veterinary and sanitary orders.

Private prevention is aimed at preventing specific diseases. For example, cardiovascular, respiratory, diseases of the digestive organs, internal feed injury, hypovitaminosis, macro, microelements and others. It is nonspecific and specific. Thus, the prevention of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases with the help of active mice and the adjustment of the microclimate in the room is nonspecific, and the prevention of specific hypovitaminions, macro and microelements by applying the appropriate drugs is specific. Specific prophylaxis includes active and passive animal immunization against many infectious diseases.

In the pasture period, private prevention should be aimed at preventing various poisoning, gastrointestinal diseases, hypomagnemia, overheating and other diseases. Therefore, veterinary specialists before animal pasture spend clearing and cropping hoofs, feeding horns and necessary vaccinations. Together with leaders, farms specialists and the owners of animals, trampolines and the territory of grazing are examined to organize pasture from foreign items, poisonous herbs, preparation of water sources, shelter places from the sun and winds. In addition, instructing shepherds and owners, animals to provide urgent to medical care in cases of disease in the pasture period.

In order to prevent animal diseases, veterinary specialists make up annually plans of preventive measures, broken down by quarters and months for a particular farm and farm. Before drawing up the plan, statistical materials on the incidence of animals for the past and last few years, the causes of the case and disposal of animals, economic damage are analyzed. The plan should be real and executed. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, a forage base, a state of livestock premises, their microclimate, animal placement density, the reproduction of the herd, the case and the safety of young, the results of dispensary research and the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures last year are taken into account. An important link in preventive work is the propaganda of knowledge among animals and animal owners, the introduction of achievements of science and best practices.

The basis of the overall and private prevention of internal animal diseases is a dispensary examination (dispensarization).

Dispensarization - a system of planned diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at creating healthy, high-tech, productive, with a strong constitution of herds of animals. The purpose of the dispensarization is the timely detection of violations in the body of animals in the early stages of the development of the disease, which allows you to quickly eliminate and prevent the spread of the disease. Most often displacerization of dairy cows, bull-producers, tribal pigs and boars.

In large specialized farms and industrial livestock complexes, the dispensarization is an integral part of the technological process. At the same time, it does not exclude everyday zootechnical and veterinary monitoring of animal health, conducting current and planned events.

The dispensary examination of the animals is included in the annual plan of veterinary events. The leaders, the main branches and the main materials of farms, specialists who serve farm, if necessary, representatives of the district veterinary station to combat animal diseases, veterinary and agrochemical laboratories are involved. In veterinary laboratories, blood test is carried out, the quality of the feed, and in the agrochemical - the nutritional value of the feed.

There are basic and intermediate (current) dispensarization. The main dispensarization is usually carried out twice a year when setting animals on stall content and before pasture pasture, and between them, especially in breeding farms, the intermediate clinical examination (tribal bulls, boars, sows, rams, shemptock, sports horses, etc.).

The main dispensarization includes: Analysis of production indicators for animal husbandry; Analysis of feeding conditions, animal content and operation; Analysis of the causes of morbidity, the elaboration of animals for the previous years and the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures; Veterinary inspection and clinical study of the animal; Laboratory study of blood, urine, milk, etc.; analysis of the data obtained; Preventive and therapeutic measures.

Intermediate dispensarization includes the same activities with the exception of the analysis of production indicators on animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

Organizationally dispensarization is divided into three stages: diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic.

Diagnostic stage of dispensary.It includes an analysis of production indicators on animal husbandry; Analysis of feeding conditions, animal content and operation; Analysis of the causes of morbidity, the elaboration of animals for the previous years and the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures; Veterinary inspection and clinical examination of animals; Laboratory tests of blood, urine, milk and other content.

The industrial livestock complex is a major specialized enterprise of an industrial nature, which uses modern and perfect technology, mechanization, automation and scientific organization of labor, which allows producing high-quality livestock products with minimal costs of funds and labor.

Complexes and specialized farms are characterized by:

1) high productivity and low product costs;

2) high mechanization and automation of production;

3) the presence of its own feed base and a high level of technology for the preparation and conservation of feed;

4) a closed production cycle;

5) the flow system of animal husbandry;

6) the presence of all conditions for improving the system of creating healthy and highly productive studs, improve preventive and therapeutic measures.

All complexes have a strict security-quarantine mode. The territory of the complexes is fenced with a solid fence. Free square landscaled. There are two entrances: for workers and employees - through a veterinarian-sanitary bandwidth on special pass; For transport - through the gate with the disabler. Disinfection of vehicles is carried out using a DUK machine or equip the checkpoint with an open disabler, filled with 2% caustic soda solution. The passage of outdoor transport is determined by strict route. The permission to visit the complex is obtained only from the main veterinary doctor of the district (district government spectacle).

There are veterinary and veterinary and sanitary facilities on the complexes:

one). SanPropuscan with shower and paraformal chambers;

2) a veterinary block with an ambulatory, pharmacy, basement for storing biological preparations;

3) laboratory for feeding feed (quality) feed and conducting biochemical studies at;

4) insulator for sick animals; Quarantine-sorting compartment with a veterinary and sanitary squad.

To organize preventive and therapeutic activities (group and individual), each veterinary specialist needs to know the technology of industrial conducting animal husbandry and the peculiarities of the organization of labor on each site of the complex.

In livestock complexes with special sharpness, questions of microclimate, feeding, specific group immunization and animal dispensarization are faced. In conditions when the animals are in closed rooms, the slightest faults in the heating and ventilation system can lead to the most undesirable consequences - from mass respiratory diseases to mass death as a result of overheating in summer or hypothermia during the winter period. The imbalance of animal feed and low sanitary quality lead to a significant loss of animal productivity at all stages of reproduction and fattening. In the complexes in case of violation of normalized feeding and hygiene, osteodistrophy, pararacratosis, arthrosis, arthritis, collagenosis, hydrama, sclerodermia, connective tissue occur, arthrites, collagenosis, hydraja.

Preventive measures in dairy complexes.

Industrial technology of lactic animal husbandry has identified the specifics of veterinary service.

Most veterinary measures are combined with the production process:

complexes operate on a closed enterprise mode; All employees at the entrance and exit from the territory of the complex are processed in the sanitary bandwidth;

daily clinical examination is combined with feeding time;

vaccinations do during the weighing of animals;

purification and disinfection of rooms are produced by moving animal groups from one section to another;

the parameters of the microclimate are controlled around the clock.

Preventive measures during dispensarization are the most time-consuming and responsible. When carrying out closerization, it is necessary to investigate feed on the feeder and infection of fungi. A high-quality study of coarse feeds is carried out after 2 months after discharging, and silo, sieuage and beets - as tranches and boots are opened. Subsequently make selectively additional research.

Based on these analysis of the rations in composition and quality, balancing feeding in proteins, carbohydrates, mineral substances. In the stall period, mineral feeders are given with a silo, in the summer - with a feed for milking areas or with a green mass in the feeders.

One of the leading places in the diagnostic stage of the dispensarization of cows has the syndromatic of herd (individual groups). According to her, they are judged by the well-being or misfortunes of herd.

When organizing an uneven content of animals in the formable groups, clinically healthy cows are selected based on age, temperament, suitability for machine milking (in the form of udder, the development of its front and rear fractions), the speed of dairy and other features.

During the formation of the herd, increased control over the behavior of animals, their common condition, feedback of feed and the level of productivity (based on control millet) should be established. Frame and excessively aggressive cows, as well as sharply reduce fishing, should be removed from the herd and put on the binding. Animals with signs of deterioration of the general condition and reducing fatness are also put on the leash and examine clinically, if necessary, a biochemical study of blood and individual treatment is carried out.

In case of idle content, animal reference groups or all when conducting planned studies (on tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.) are examined; It is necessary to take into account that the indicators of the pulse and respiration are not always objective due to the concern of animals.

The clinical and physiological status of the Stud is determined by reference groups monthly. Reference groups should be in the amount of 10-20 cows of low, medium and high productivity.

In dairy cows, the pulse increases above 80 and breathing above 30 per minute and a ruminance less than two abbreviations in 2 minutes indicate the occurrence of a subclinical, actediotic state or other forms of metabolic disorders. You should simultaneously pay attention to the demineralization of the last tail vertebrae and ribs, which is an important indicator of mineral failure.

Depending on the presence of laboratories monthly or after 2 months, the reference cows need to explore blood, milk and urine to establish biochemical, lactic and urological status. This makes it possible to organize preventive measures to normalize exchange. In the prophylactic stage of the dispensarization, the assessment of the biological usefulness of feed, taking into account the technology of their preparation. According to studies of metabolism in the body in animals and biological usefulness of feed, you can objectively give a conclusion about the introduction of certain new feeds.

In order to prevent disorders of metabolism, veterinary specialists also need to take into account the following indicators: minimum fees, the optimal level of protein nutrition and sugarrotine ratio (not lower than 0.8: 1).

The dispensarization of calves and nonsense is carried out with regard to the generally accepted technology. In a complex for growing flavoring and primarmel, it is necessary to have in different age groups: from 6 to 10 months one reference group; 10-16 months - second; 17-22 months - a third group, in each 10-15 animals. When dispensing, young people should pay special attention to the violation of phosphorous calcium exchange, hypovitaminosis and subclinical ketosis and acidosis. In the complexes where the calves is diagnosed with stress (transport), before shipping it is given inwards in 100 g of glucose, dissolved in 1.5 liters of saline at a temperature of 38-40 ° C, and 500 thousand tetracycline or oxytetracycline are injected intramuscularly.

Veterinary specialists should be present daily during animal feeding and pay attention to appetite, chewing energy, speed of eating feed. In the presence of readings, a thorough clinical examination should be carried out.

Planned clinical inspections of the entire livestock timed to conduct planned diagnostic and preventive measures. Animals with pronounced signs of deviations from the physiological norm of paint will then find them in the herd for a thorough clinical examination.

Simple therapeutic procedures are carried out in boxes. Heavyly ill cows are sent to the stationary of the vestclock. Veterinary specialists are obliged to participate in the conduct of control races and the study of milk on subclinical mastitis.

Preventive measures in beef production complexes.

Complexes in fattening cattle are often placed near sugar and alcohol plants. At such enterprises in the rations of refillable livestock, a large proportion occupy a bard, bard and crushing. Ottav usually lasts 6-9 months. The exhaust bulls often disturbs the metabolism. For a long time, the violation proceeds subclinically, but then the animals stop getting up, eat food poorly, they decrease their growth and they have to be selected. Therefore, the dispensary of bulls in the filling complexes must be carried out. In diagnostic activities include:

monthly clinical and physiological studies of reference groups (10-15) bulls; It is necessary to selectively carry out a monthly palpation of the last tail vertebrae;

stud syndromatics - control the increase in the week or month; Be sure to clarify the number of decades bulls weekly;

biochemical studies on total calcium, phosphorus, backup alkalinity, ketone bodies, carotene;

daily control of feed quality; Weekly study of feed on the feederness and pollution of fungi.

In case of impaired mineral metabolism, a group prophylactic therapy is used by giving with concentrates of diammoniumphosphate, vitamin A and D concentrates, enzyme preparations, trace elements. In the case of vitamin deficiency in the diet, herbal flour, sgen, dietary silo, vitamins are introduced into the diet.

In protein failure, the carbamide is given, but it is necessary to calculate sugarrotine attitude; If it is less than 0.8: 1, the molasses or rootfields are added.

Preventive measures in pork production complexes.The features of these complexes are largely concentrating animals in industrial premises. This determines the need to create the most perfect veterinary service.

In the pig-breeding complexes, strict observance of the technological regime in all areas of production, the flow and clarity of the rhythm in all production processes is of particular importance.

Many complexes include feed plants. Each feed batch coming from the feed plant should be subjected to organoleptic analysis and laboratory study on toxicity and common nutrition, pollution, the presence of mold and fungi.

The dispensary of refillable piglets are usually selectively. The reading to it is low average daily growth.

An important value for dispensarization has a herd syndromatic: 1) the number of piglets obtained; 2) the percentage of stillborn piglets from the total number of obtained over the year; 3) the middle mass of piglets during selection; 4) diseases of piglets (, bronchopneumonia); 5) percentage of swing swing; 6) percentage of fertilization of sows; 7) Percentage of sowing sow.

For dispensary, you need to know the biochemical status of animals. Based on perennial studies of sows, we set the following standards: a total protein - 7.2-8.7 g%, total calcium - 11-13 mg%; Inorganic phosphorus (in Ivanovo) -4.5-6 mg %, ketone bodies - 0.25-2 mg%, blood sugar (by self) -55-70 mg %, ketone bodies in the urine - 0.5-5 mg%. It is advisable to systematically investigate the liver of forcedly killed and stealing piglets on the content of retinol and conduct a biochemical study of the blood of reference groups (10-15 typical for herd animals) in each room.

In case of violation of metabolism, a group prophylactic therapy is carried out: a hay and fish flour are injected into the diet, premixes, additives containing vitamin, mineral (macro and micro) substances, gamma - and polyglobulins, hydrolylsins, yeast, lysozyme, etc. Useful piglets and Pights irradiate ultraviolet rays.

Respiratory diseases are achieved by regular planned disinfection of premises, which contributes to the elimination of microbial, fungal and viral fauna. It is very important to strictly observe the constancy of the microclimate.

Preventive activities in the reproductor workshop .

The reproducer shop is a separate mechanized farm for taking supports. Pogs are fed in the dining room located in the central part of the room. Humidity feed 75. % serve automatically. Feed three times. Before each feeding, sows are released for a walk in the dummy courtyards with a solid coating. The piglets are torn at a 35-day age, which allows for REDU -OPO TOOLS, i.e., the maximum use of sows and production areas. A tribal core is created on the reproducer farm.

Depending on the specific conditions in some complexes in the support workshop, fangs are cleaned, and from 3 days of age, they are injected into the muscles of the neck ferroglyukin with an interval of 10 days. At a 10-day age, the electric painter is cutting off the tails for the prevention of cannibalism and castrate in an open way to the separation. In many complexes, premisiks are given to piglets with prophylactic purposes. The composition of the premix per group of 200 heads includes: neomycin - 1.5 ml, kaolin (white clay) is rooted, a frolkin barley - 100 g, pepsin - 8, bismuth - 7, pliers of polyvitamins - 10-12 g, distilled water -

1000 ml. The mixture is given once a day with a prophylactic and 3 times with the medical goal. Starting in the growth of piglets after a 26-day age, with a selection, sit under other sows, which makes it possible to preserve 80-90% of these animals.

For the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and stressful phenomena in piglets after the selection in the feed for 10-12 days, a prevention of 200 g per animal is added per animal or 100 kg: sulfadimezin - 200 g, chlorothetracycline - 60, furazolidone - 40, copper sulphate - 40, Tilan - 10 g

Perennial studies found that the subsidiaries (workshop, farm) for the cultivation of sows should be separately from the main complex with other zoogigenic feeding conditions, characteristic of the rapid growth of the young organism.

Preventive events in the sheep-flow complexes.In order to preserve the newborn lambs in the Shepherd, infrared lamps of the ZS-3 type are set at a distance of 2.5 m from the longitudinal walls, at an altitude of 1.1 m from the floor. Under each lamp simultaneously can be 7-10 lambs. Heating lambs during the first 15-20 days of life significantly reduces cold animal diseases. The air temperature in the shepherd for adult sheep should be within 2-6 ° C.

Control over the course of metabolic processes in the body of animals is carried out by regular biochemical blood studies on the total protein (norm 6.5-7.5 g%), backup alkalinity (40-60 SOC), calcium (10-12 mg%), phosphorus ( 6.5-8 mg%), ketone bodies (2-4 mg%), sugar (40-60 mg%). Hay, Senage and other feed are examined for the content of digestive protein, calcium, phosphorus and carotene.

In dispensarization, the general condition of sheep and lambs are determined (appetite, alignment of limbs, nature nature, etc.); Each room is selectively in 10-15 nozzles, the respiratory frequency, palpitations and ruminance are calculated; Reveal the elasticity of ribs and transverse lumbar vertebrae (establishing the degree of bone mineralization). The analysis of syndromatic Stud:

a) the magnitude of the Nastrig of Wool (kg) in spring and autumn;

b) oscillation of mass of vegetables in summer and winter periods;

c) the mass of the lambs at birth and after the chop;

d) the percentage of morbidity;

e) annual analysis of the emergence of stillbirth and infertility


When establishing protein failure, group therapy is carried out. An herbal flour is introduced into the diet, a clover hay under compliance with sugar industry is not lower than 0.8: 1, premixes containing methionine, tryptophan and series. With anemia give Ferodex.

Hypovitaminosis is eliminated by intramuscular administration of trivitamin at a dose of 2 ml of shemate for injection or is given a clover, alfalonal hay of the 1st grade.

Mineral failure is warned by the introduction of phosphate monoditrication concentrates.

With appropriate indications, individual therapy is used, especially in case of dyspepsia and bronchopneumonia.

In the conditions of distant pastures for the concentration of patients and weakened animals, which, according to health, cannot move together with Othara, organize therapeutic and preventive points. They should have premises for the maintenance of animals, hospital, playpen, a pharmacy, a slaughter platform, a scrap, a warehouse, vehicle and premises for the personnel of the point.

Steadally sick animals are subjected to group and individual treatment, hopelessly sick animals are killed on meat.

The calculation is based on the deformation curve (Fig. 28), which is the dependence on the stretching experiments. Stools This dependence is the same as compression.

To calculate, a schematic diagram of the deformation shown in Fig is usually used. 29. The first direct corresponds to the elastic deformations The second direct passes through points corresponding to

Fig. 28. Diagram of deformation

flow limit and strength limit. The angle of inclination is significantly less than the angle A and to calculate the second straight line sometimes seems to be a horizontal line, as shown in Fig. 30 (Deformation Curve without Employment).

Finally, if significant plastic deformations are considered, the areas of curves corresponding to the elastic deformation in practical calculations can be neglected. Then schematized deformation curves are viewed in Fig. 31.

The distribution of bending stresses with elastoplastic deformations. To simplify the task, consider the rod of the rectangular section and suppose that the deformation curve does not have to strengthen (see Fig. 30).

Fig. 29. Scheduled deformation curve

Fig. 30. Curve deformation without hardening

If the bending moment is such that the greatest bend voltage (Fig. 32), then the rod works in the region of elastic deformation

With a further increase in the bending moment, plastic deformations arise in the extreme fibers of the rod. Let with this value of plastic deformations covered the region from to. In this region . At stresses vary by linear law

From the condition of equilibrium the moment of the internal forces

Fig. 31. Curve of deformation with large plastic deformations

Fig. 32. (see scan) bending a rectangular cross section in an elastoplastic stage

If the material remained elastic at any voltages, then the greatest voltage

would exceed the yield strength of the material.

The voltage at the ideal elasticity of the material is shown in Fig. 32. Taking into account the plastic strain deformation, superior to the yield strength for the perfectly elastic body, decrease. If the voltage distribution ranges for a valid material, for an ideally elastic material merge one from another (with the same loads), then in the body, after removing the external load, residual stresses occur, the epira of which is the difference of the stage of said stresses. In places of the highest voltages, residual stresses are opposite to the sign of voltages and working conditions.

Marking plastic moment. From formula (51) it follows that when

the value, i.e., the entire cross section of the rod is in the area of \u200b\u200bplastic deformation.

The bending moment, in all points of section, plastic deformations arise, called the limit plastically and the moment. The distribution of bending stresses in this case is shown in Fig. 33.

In the field of stretching in the compression area. Since the condition of equilibrium, the neutral line divides the cross section into two isometric (by area) of the part.

For rectangular cross section limit plastic

Fig. 33. Distribution of stresses under the action of the limit plastic torque

Bending moment at which plastic deformation occurs only in extreme fibers,

The ratio of the plastic torque of resistance to the usual (elastic) moment of resistance for rectangular cross section

For the hebuppiness in the plane of the greatest rigidity in the plane of the greatest rigidity, this ratio is for thin-walled tubular -1.3; For a solid round section 1.7.

In the general case, the value of bending in the plane of symmetry of the Siechia can be determined by the following method (Fig. 34); Split the cross section of the line into two isometric (by area) of the part. If the distance between the centers of the severity of these parts designate through

where is the cross-sectional area; - the distance from the center of gravity of any half of the section to the center of gravity of the entire section (the point O finds at an equal distance from the points