Why sea water. Why marine water salted

Almost for each person, summer vacation is associated with the sea. Everyone love to swim, without leaving the water for hours. Recent studies have shown that marine water in composition is very similar to blood plasma, which is why everyone loves to be in it for a long time.

Sea water covers 3/4 pieces of the globe. Sea water is the water of the seas and oceans. It contains a huge number of trace elements, salinity ranges from 34 to 36 ppm - it means that each liter of seawater contains 35 grams of salts..

Salt water in the seas became, according to scientific research, due to rivers that were washed out of the soil of salt and other minerals and delivered them to the sea and the oceans. In the "large water" of salts gradually concentrated, which explains the current state of the seas.

By the way, most lakes that do not have access to rivers contain salted water.

In everyday life, a person constantly deals with fresh water - there are practically no extraneous impurities in it.

Another thing is the water of the seas and oceans - it is rather a very strong brine than water. In the litter of sea water, there are 35 grams of various salts on average:

  • 27.2 g of cook salt
  • 3.8 g of magnesium chloride
  • 1.7 g of Magnesium sulfate
  • 1.3 g sulfate potassium
  • 0.8 g of calcium sulfate

Cooking salt makes water salted, sulfate and chloride magnesium give her a bitter taste. In the aggregate of salt make up about 99.5% of all substanceswhich are dissolved in the waters of the world's ocean.

Other elements have only half percent. From sea water mining 3/4 from the total amount of cook salt in the world.

Academician A. Vinogradov proved that in seawater, all chemical elements known for today can be found. Of course, the elements themselves are dissolved in water, but their chemical compounds.

What is the density of sea water? ^

The density of water in the seas and oceans is measured in kg / m³. This is a non-permanent value - with a decrease in temperature, the increase in pressure and the increase in salinity increases its density.

The density of the surface of the water of the world ocean can fluctuate within 0.996 kg / m³ to 1,0283 kg / m³. The highest density of water in the Atlantic Ocean, and the lowest in the Baltic Sea.

On the surface of the water, the density may be lower than at the same point of the sea, only at great depth.

The density of the Dead Sea allows you to lie down and even sit on the water - an increase from the depth of density creates the effect of the poverty.

When you find yourself on the sea, a good way to impress others is swimming, using one of the most beautiful and sophisticated swimming styles. How to swim by this style correctly - read and see the learning video in our article.

As for swimming standards and table standards, then you can, it is relevant!

Why can not drink sea water? ^

Almost 70% of the territory of the planet occupies water and only 3% From her - fresh. The molecular composition of salt water is very different from fresh, and there is practically no salts in fresh water.

It is impossible to drink sea water not only because it is unpleasant to taste. Eating it in food can lead to various diseases and even a fatal outcome. The whole liquid absorbed by the person is excreted by the kidneys - this is a kind of filter in the organ chain. Half of the fluid consumed is excreted from then and urine.

Sea water due to the large content of different salts will make the kidneys work several times stronger. Salt dumpingly affects this organ and leads to the formation of stones, especially since the concentration of salt in sea water is so large that the kidneys will not be able to cope with such volumes.

In a liter of seawater 35 grams of salt, our body receives on a day with food from 15 to 30 grams of salt and at the same time drinks about 3 liters of water. Excess salt is derived from 1.5 liters of urine, but if you drink a whole liter of salty water, a person will receive a daily salt rate.

The body simply does not have enough water to derive excess to salts by the kidneys and it will begin to produce water from its own stocks. As a result - dehydration in a few days.

Traveler Alain Bombar proved experimentally that sea water can be drunk without harm to health. during 5-7 days. But if it is clenched, you can take constantly.

It is impossible to drink marine water, but nevertheless, there are types of salt water, which are recommended for use. Read the article to find out which mineral water is most useful!

Want to know what the boiling point of water in airless space, in vacuo? Then, it is really very interesting!

How good is the sea water? ^

In salt sea water is 26 microelements that have a beneficial effect on human health, His beauty and youth. The list of trace elements includes bromine, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, calcium, etc.

Specialists advise after swimming in the sea, do not immediately wash off salty water from the body - you need to wait until all useful substances absorb and start acting. Sea water is also useful for nails, especially people who have thin and brittle nail plates.

For more effective treatment with salted water, it is recommended do not use varnish.

Sea waves and bathing are one of the best means to combat cellulite and overweight. Microelements activate the metabolism, water helps to clean the pores, displays slags.

Water has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body: normalizes thermoregulation, improves blood circulation and the production of red blood cells, normalizes heart rhythm, increases the life tone, harnesses the body.

Ringed mouth liquid advise dentists - sea water is the best toothpastewhich supplies my teeth minerals and whitens a smile. In the sea are often treated the effects of injuries and rheumatic diseases.

A good way to improve your well-being and physical condition, both at sea and in the pool is aquaerobics. Read the most detailed information in the article, bring your appearance to perfection!

One of the most popular and sought-after swimming styles is breeding, it is very good to health. Read the most interesting about this style of swimming, take care of your health!

What benefit can marine water to our hair? ^

Sea water promotes disinfection of the scalp and well strengthens hair bulbs. Water envelops each hairs and does not allow the environment to have a detrimental effect.

Also salt can absorb fat and clean the skin, so swimming is useful for people with fatty hair. Regular bathing in seawater cancel the need for daily use of shampoo.

Almost all trace elements in the water have an ionic form - this allows them to be easily and quickly absorbed by her hair.

Swimming in salted water will make hair strong and strong. Today, even traditional medicine recognized the usefulness of sea water for hair.

Is it possible to use sea water when washing the nose? ^

In our time, the washing of the nose with salt solutions has become one of the best means to combat the runny nose at home.

With the same success, you can use sea water. The benefits of regular washing of the nose with salt water is not checked with clinical studies.

As a result, after analyzing international studies, scientists concluded that salt water helps with:

  • ranty
  • chronic sinusite
  • with inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • with respiratory diseases that are associated with contaminated air

Washing the nose with salt water cleans the nose from the mucus and prevents its concentration. Also, sea water reduces the activity and content in the nasal cavity of substances causing inflammatory processes, improves the performance of microesones. Sea water purifies the nasal mucosa from allergens and various bacteria.

Is allergic to sea water? ^

Allergies to sea water manifests itself very rarely. She can give itself felt by the appearance of rash or urticaria on the stomach, hands, knees, neck.

Gradually, if you do not take measures, rash zones are expanding. This type of allergy is not accompanied by a runny nose or cough, no swelling. Medical not recorded not one case of anaphylactic shock from allergies to sea water.

The cause of allergy to sea water can be weakened immunity, kidney disease, liver, adrenal glands. It often arises allergies not to water itself, but on impurities in it or microorganisms.

An allergic reaction can be caused by a high salt content - this is different in the Black or Dead Sea. To overcome crisis enough to use antihistamine drugs.

Sea water is definitely good to health. Did you hear about Talu water? This article describes whether it is possible to apply it for weight loss and much, much more!

In sea water, and just at sea will be useful to engage in aquaaerobics. This article describes in detail the exercises for weight loss in aquaaerobics, read about it, very useful and important information!

Very useful for health are live and dead water. About what this activator is needed for their manufacture. Read in this article:
Take care of your health!

How can I make sea water at home? ^

Fine those who have a sea under the side - always near such useful salt water. Others have to be content with the fact that there are homes. It is good that sea water can be done at home. For different applications, you will need different recipes.

For rinsing the throat - a glass of warm water and a spoon of sea salt. For a larger effect, you can add a couple of iodine drops.

For a bath with the "sea water" of the Black Sea, 500 g of salt, the Mediterranean 1 kg, the dead - 2 kg. Water should be enjoyable for body temperature.

You can add a tablespoon of soda. If water is used to treat, after exiting the bath, you need to give water to dry on the body, and not to wipe the towel.

Two tablespoons of sea salt are added for the legs for legs in a bowl of warm water.
Sea water is a storage room for a person substances.

It is impossible to neglect rest to the sea, because bathing allows you to improve the body and even internal organs.

A small cognitive video on the topic "Why can not drink salt (sea) water:

Hi friends!!

Many of us seek to spend long-awaited vacation on the sea coast, and they do it precisely for the purpose of rehabilitation, improve immunity with heat, the sun and of course, sea water.

But why is the sea water so useful?

But after all, the salted lakes are very much all over the planet, but people go to the sea.

Let's get acquainted with the abilities of healing water, will reveal its secrets, study the peculiarities of holding health procedures, and also learn how to make it yourself at home.

From this article you will learn:

Sea water - healing properties for human health?

What is marine water - its physical properties and composition

Today, the treatment of sea water is called thalassotherapy, but even before such fashionable terms the ability of it was known and were widely used by people.

Even the famous hippocrates prescribed maritime procedures to his patients. But over time they forgot about it.

The amazing power of sea water has become more popular in the XVIII century in Germany.

Then, regardless of the complaint, the patient received a ticket to the sea and, which was most surprised, almost always a significant improvement in the state of health.

Sometimes the harmful products say that they have the entire Mendeleev table. They also speak about sea water, but only in this case the meaning is extremely positive. Minerals are held in it in ionized form. This is exactly what explains the obscure influence that it has on the body, because oxidants who destroy the cells of the body and so more than enough.

The positive effects of sea water on the body is explained by the content in it:

  1. sodium chloride, which contributes to the normalization of acid-alkaline balance in the body, rejuvenates and strengthens the skin;
  2. calcium, which prevents depression, fights negative moods, and further improves blood coagulation, restores the condition of the connecting tissues, destroys infections and malicious bacteria;
  3. magnesium, which perfectly copes with edema, has a relaxing effect on the muscles, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, prevents the development of allergies;
  4. potassium, which cleans the cells and monitors the admission of sufficient nutrients in them;
  5. chlorine, which is involved in important processes, such as the formation of blood plasma and gastric juice.

It is necessary to note the iodine, rejuvenating cells and regulating cholesterol content in the blood; chlorine, which is well soothing; sulfur that destroys fungi and generally has a positive effect on health; Zinc, which prevents the development of cancer tumors, as well as manganese, copper, iron, etc. Substances, thanks to which marine water has a truly magical effect on the body of any person.

It is important! Sea water is very similar in its composition with human plasma. Perhaps this is exactly what such a positive effect on the body is explained.

What is useful for sea water and under what diseases it is useful to apply it?

Treatment of sea water is very efficient, useful and pleasant.

You just need to plunge into it and relax.

In just a couple of minutes, the tension will begin to leave, the pain will be reduced, the skin and muscles will get a tone and additional energy, the heart rhythm will return to normal, stop disturbing the drops of arterial and intracranial pressure.

Sea baths are indispensable in the treatment of wounds and bruises, fungal diseases, in exhaustion, gout, colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, osteochondrosis, arthritis, colds, dental and gynecological problems.

Note! Sea water is one of the best means against toxic poisoning, including caused by excessive use of alcohol.

For representatives of the beautiful floor, the ability of seawater in terms of combating cellulite is very valuable.

It is indispensable for skin, perfectly cleans it at the cellular level, increases elasticity, removes toxins and slags from the body. There is also a significant strengthening of nails, improving hair growth, getting rid of small wrinkles, etc.

Even professional cosmetologists recognize that only half an hour of swimming is replaced by a full-fledged SPA session.

The role of a masseur is performed by waves, which gently knead the muscles, stimulate the regeneration of tissues and vessel walls, cause blood flow to the internal organs.

Each bathing is equal to a professional hydromassage session. Literally immediately the muscles begin to pull up, the body is significantly more actively consumed energy, which means faster and in general, unnecessary calories are nevertheless.

Yes, and that's despite the fact that you can just lie down in the water and do nothing!

Alas, not everything is so good as it may seem at first glance. All of the above sea water abilities simply can not be preserved in it, if a couple of tens of tens of people are bathed at several square meters.

It should also be borne in mind that sea water is sealed.

Water is on the globe a lot, but not all of it is useful.

What kind of sea than useful?

Let's just say that swimming in any sea water is useful if only it is not contaminated with toxins and a variety of harmful substances. But at the same time every sea has its own characteristics.

  • Black Sea

This sea has always been and remains the best in terms of treating bronchi diseases and lungs.

Few people know, but even Anton Chekhov, who was not only a great Russian writer, but also a doctor on education, regularly traveled to Yalta, and in his memoirs described the amazing effect of sea water and air filled with somas of salts and pines.

Therapeutic abilities of the Black Sea water are explained by the combination of a moderate amount of salt, the abundance of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide and a huge number of negatively charged ions, which, by the way, it is pine and sat down.

  • Azov Sea

Few people believe, but this Sea is considered one of the most useful in the world. As many as 92 elements of the Mendeleev table are present in its water.

The main active substances are the iodine, bromine and hydrogen sulfide. The main positive effect is carried out on the metabolism.

And the fact that the steppes are around the sea, explains how much it becomes so easy here to breathe suffering from pulmonary diseases.

It should be noted and the healing abilities of the mud. Orstable bottom, which cannot tolerate some holidaymakers, brings a lot of benefit.

It is in Ile that there are unique substances and trace elements that make the sea amazing natural hospital.

From it you can make a nasal mask that will help get rid of sinusitis, for throat, which have a positive effect on the state of adenoids and lymph nodes.

Also, the application of il on the skin replaces any cosmetic procedure, perfectly cleans and pulls it up.

Note! The healing abilities of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov are significantly rising before the attack of the storm and immediately after it.

  • Baltic Sea

This sea is characterized by pretty cool water temperature.

Around a lot of pine bors, which supply phytoncide and negative ions into the air.

Also sea treatments are a great way to quench.

From cool water, saturated with useful trace elements, the body becomes more resistant to colds and infections.

  • Dead Sea

This sea is simply impossible to drown because of the huge amount of salts.

But also this water contains a mass of therapeutic mud and useful trace elements (first of all it should be noted bromine, iron, potassium, manganese, chlorides, sulfates and fluorides).

Few people traveling to the Dead Sea rest, mostly seemingly those who need to improve health.

Its water stimulates blood circulation, activates metabolic processes, soothes and relaxes.

It helps and suffering from skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. and also exceeds the joints, effectively manifest itself in the fight against arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, etc.

  • Mediterranean Sea

The climate of the Mediterranean is shown by suffering from pulmonary diseases. Mediterranean water in its action in something similar to the water of the Black Sea.

If asthma suffers, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as awesome-vascular dystonia, is better than hell, than the Mediterranean Sea is not found.

  • Red sea

The special composition of this water is provided by algae and unique coral reefs.

Swimming in it stimulates the metabolism, activates the bloodstream, accelerates lymphs. Just a couple of days and the skin becomes younger and elastic, the edema leaves ,.

I really like the action of this seawater to representatives of the beautiful sex. Lose weight, not one woman will not give up such a pleasant and simple way.

And besides the rapid care of extra kilograms, there is also a general improvement in the state of health and appearance.

Also, a positive effect turns out to be bronets and lungs.

But suffering from heart disease and vessels to visit these resorts is not recommended. Because of the high air temperature and large amounts of salts there may be deterioration of the state of health.

Note! In order to prevent, rest on the sea should be at least 10-14 days, and if there is a need for treatment - at least 1-1.5 months. Moreover, it is important not bathing itself, but a combination of it with healing air.

How to use the power of sea water?

It would seem that it may be easier, plunged into the healing water and go to yourself how much I want. But in fact it is far away.

You can only benefit from bathing: only follow the following rules:

  1. after eating must pass at least 1.5-2 hours;
  2. should not be dippeded and sweaty;
  3. having arrived at the resort, bathe not more than once a day, after you can increase the amount up to 2-4 times;
  4. between swimming should pass at least half an hour;
  5. when trembling and forming the skin, it is necessary to interrupt the procedure immediately;
  6. do not rush to wash out in the soul of sea water, give her time to absorb;
  7. for an additional effect, use vehicle watering or make foot baths.

Is it possible to prepare sea water at home?

Sea water is used to treat and prevent multiple health problems, as well as as a reliable cosmetics.

It can be bought at the pharmacy (aerosol or spray with sea water), can be purchased in large quantities from suppliers. But the first option is only suitable for treatment, and the second is not always available.

With you, a sufficient amount from the resort is unrealistic, and there is no point in this. Over time, water simply will lose its properties.

So what to do? There is an exit.

Sea water at home is preparing quickly and simple.

Just consider that the cooking method differs depending on where this water will be used: for bathing (for example, swimming pool), for aquarium or for conducting treatment procedures.

  • D. la in healthcare procedures

To wash the nose, for, for rapid removal of edema with colds, it is necessary to prepare water as close as possible to the composition of human blood.

To do this, you need to buy a naval salt. Only not with additives and dyes, but natural.

It is advisable to take the water. Perfectly suitable from the well or spring. If there is no such possibility, type from under the tap and let it stand out or skip through the filter.

Tip! For making it is unwanted to buy shop water. It passes too many cleaning stages and practically completely loses its abilities.

Water must be touched to a boil, then cool and dissolve salt in it at the rate of 2 grams of 200 ml. After carefully mixing, a saline solution can be used for children and adults.

  • For cosmetic procedures

If water is intended for outdoor use, you can buy any seaside salt. Just read the information on the package, for which it is intended.

Dissolve it in accordance with the instructions.

Such water can be used to prepare healing baths for foot baths, for hair (rinsing, to do wraps, etc.). And if you add a pair of iodine droplets into it, then for nails it will be a great gift.

If there is no possibility to buy a sea salt, it does not mean to prepare the healing liquid will not work. Water must be defending to boil, cool.

Then in the cup to dissolve on the chain. A spoonful of soda and salt (better to use large), add 2-3 drops of iodine.

  • For Aquariums

Sometimes make water reminiscent of the composition of the marine, it is necessary for aquariums if the fish varieties requires exactly the conditions of content.

To do this, you need to buy a special salt. It is so called - sea salt for aquarium.

Instructions for use are on the package, but most often it dissolves in water in the proportions of 37 grams per liter. After heating to the required temperature in water, fish can be launched.

Note! To measure salinity there is a special device - a carometer.

Harm and contraindications of sea water

Sea water is useful, but unfortunately, it is not possible to use her abilities not every person.

First of all, we are talking about some forms of thyroid diseases, kidney and liver diseases, with exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

Now you know what is useful to salt water and how to apply them to their health and beauty.

Try to take the family at sea during the holidays, and if it does not work, at least cook it at home.

With you was Alain, so far!

photo @ Dimitrisvetsikas1969.

In contact with

The composition of sea water

To find out why Sea salty,it is necessary to deal with the composition of sea water. It has in stock almost the entire Table of Mendeleev. The liquid is saturated with iodine, fluorine, bromine.

But the basis of the composition is chlorine and sodium. Sodium chloride is an ordinary salt. It is he who makes water salty.

But this solution brings a great benefit to the skin. Through them, salt water has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

Where in the sea takes salt

Why is water in the sea salty?


Thus, marine water is salted due to several factors. All hypotheses are scientifically substantiated and true. And although fresh rivers flow into the sea, it does not lower the level of their salinity. Its degree depends on several factors. The key role is played by the depth and temperature. The least salty is the Baltic, and the greatest degree of salinity has the Red Sea.

The scientific explanation of the appearance of salty water in the sea was made by the works of Edmund Halley in 1715. He suggested that the salt and other minerals were washed out of the soil and delivered to the sea rivers. Having reached the ocean, the salts remained and gradually concentrated. Galley noticed that most of the lakes that do not have water communication with the oceans have salted water.

Gallia theory is partly true. In addition, it should be mentioned that sodium compounds were washed out of the bottom of the oceans in the early stages of their formation. The presence of another element of salt, chlorine, is explained by its release (in the form of chloroodore) from the depths of the earth during volcanic eruptions. Sodium and chlorine atoms gradually became the main components of the salt composition.

First Theory.

The first theory is based on that, fresh water is as salty, as well as marine, but the concentration of salt in it is seventy times lower. Water-free water can be obtained only in laboratory conditions by distillation, while natural fluids have never been and will not be cleaned of chemical components and microorganisms.

All impurities that dissolve and then wash out with water from rivers and streams, inevitably turn out to be in the waters of the world ocean. Then the water evaporates from its surface and turns into rain, the salt becomes part of its chemical composition. This cycle is continuously repeated here for two billion years, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that during this time the world ocean has become so rich in salts.

Supporters of this theory lead to the proof of non-flow salt lakes. If the water initially did not have a sufficient number of sodium chloride, they would be fresh.

Sea water has one unique property: it includes almost all existing chemical elements, including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, nickel, bromine, uranium, gold and silver. Their total is approaching sixty. However, the highest indicator falls on the share of sodium chloride, as well as known as the salty salt, which is responsible for the taste of sea water.

And it is the chemical composition of water that became a stumbling block of this hypothesis. According to research, sea water contains a high percentage of hydrochloric acid salts, and river-salts of coal acid. The question of the reason for such differences still remains open.

Second theory

The second point of view is based on the assumption of the volcanic nature of ocean salts. Scientists believe that the process of the formation of the earth's crust was accompanied by an increased activity of volcanoes, as a result of which gases saturated with vouches of fluorine, boron and chlorine were transformed into acid rains. From this we can conclude that the first seas on Earth contained a huge percentage of acid.

In such conditions, living organisms could not be born, but in the future the acidity of ocean water decreased significantly, and it happened like this: the acidic water washed out of the basalt or alkali granite, which were then transformed into salts, neutralizing ocean water.

Over time, volcanic activity has significantly weakened, and the atmosphere began to gradually cleaned from gases. The composition of sea water also stopped changing and five hundred million years ago came to a stable state.

However, in our days, the salinity of water is controlled by a large number of underwater volcanoes. When they begin to erupt, the minerals entering the lava are mixed with water, increasing the overall level of salt. But, despite the fact that in the world ocean every day, a new portion of various salts falls, his own salinity remains unchanged.

Returning to the question of carbonates disappearing from fresh water when it gets into the sea, it is worth adding that these chemicals actively use marine organisms to form shells and skeletons.

Why in the seas water salty constantly and this composition does not change?

Sea water is diluted with rains and flowing rivers, but it does not become less salted. The fact is that many elements included in the sea salt are absorbed by living organisms. Coral polyps, crustaceans and mollusks absorbed from salts of calcium, as it is necessary for them to build shells and skeletons. Algae diatoms absorb silicon dioxide. Microorganisms and other bacteria absorb dissolved organic matter. After the organisms die or absorb other animals, minerals and salts in their bodies are returned to the seabed in the form of remains or residues of decay.

Sea water can be salty and vary depending on the time of year, as well as climate. The highest level of salinity is celebrated in the Red Sea and in the Persian Gulf, as there is hot and intensive evaporation occurs. In marine waters, which fall a lot of precipitation and a large amount of fresh water from large rivers, salinity is much lower. The least salted sea and oceans near the polar ice, as they melt and dilute the sea with fresh waters. But while the sea is covered with a crust of ice, the level of salt in water rises. But in general, salt indicators in the composition of sea water remain constant.

Salted seas

The first place in salinity is the unique Red Sea. There are several reasons why this sea is so salted. Due to the location above the sea, low precipitation falls, and water evaporates much more. In this sea, the rivers do not fall, it is replenished due to the sediments and the waters of the Adenian bay, which also contain a lot of salt. In the Red Sea, water is constantly mixed. In the upper layer of water, evaporation occurs, salts fall on the seabed. Therefore, the salt content increases significantly. Amazing hot springs were discovered in this reservoirs, the temperature in them is maintained from 30 to 60 degrees. The composition of the water in these sources is constant.

Because of the lack of flowing rivers in the Red Sea, dirt and clay does not fall into the Red Sea, so the water is clean and transparent here. The water temperature is 20-25 degrees all year round. Due to this, unique and rare species of marine animals live in the reservoir. Some consider the dead sea the most salty. Really, its water contains a large amount of salt, because of this, fish cannot live in it. But this reservoir does not have access to the ocean, so it can not be called the sea. It will be more correct to consider it by the lake.

On the healing properties of sea water and that today we call thalassotherapy, they knew more ancient Greeks - they were generally knowledgeable in the sciences and were very interested in medicine. The famous Hippocrat assigned a lot of marine procedures to his patients, but then many centuries passed before people remembered the healing power of seawater - German doctors began to treat it only in the XVIII century.

Then, doctors often began to prescribe sea bathing - in the XIX century, as you know, they were used in the treatment of any diseases, sending patients to the sea, that they would neither get sick - and many really recovered.

By the way, to swim most of the townspeople learned the same way: before they began to apply sea treatment, people did not understand why you need to be able to swim if you are not sailor, and as a result, drowned, getting into the water - with shipwreck or in other similar situations. When scientists say that we "came out of the water", then the theory of Darwin is usually remembered, and some belong to this skeptical, but it turns out that marine water is close to the blood plasma - perhaps, so many of us pulls the sea.

Navigating sea water for drinking

Sea water is unsuitable for drinking due to the high content of salts and minerals, to eliminate which from the body requires water more than the quoted amount. However, after the desalination, such water can be drunk.

In the 1950s, the French doctor and traveler Alain Bombar experimentally proved that marine water can be dried in small (about 700 ml / day) in small (about 700 ml / day) quantities for 5-7 days. Seeded sea water salinity is 3-4 times lower than oceanic (no more than 8-11 ppm) in some bays, lagoons, estuaries where large rivers flow, such seas, like Azov, Baltic, Caspian, much less harmful than the oceanic, and It may gradually apply for drinking and survival in emergency situations. A similar is achieved if the ocean water is fresh at least in a 2: 3 ratio.

The composition of sea water

In the chemical composition of seawater contains such important elements such as potassium, calcium, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, magnesium, iodine, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, sulfur, boron, strontium, sodium, silicon. Mineral substances that are dissolved in sea water are presented in it in the form of ions, which is why sea water is in its essence weak ionized solution having high electrical conductivity and having a slightly alkaline reaction. For seawater, such properties of weak solutions are characteristic, as a reduced heat capacity, an increased boiling point and a reduced freezing temperature. Sea water density is higher than fresh.

Effect of sea water on the body

Consider a little more detail how some marine minerals affect the human body:

  • Sodium chloride in sea water as much as a healthy person needs, Therefore, it is maintained in the normal alkaline balance, when we swim in the sea, and the skin is rejuvenated and strengthened.
  • Calcium eliminates us fromdepression, improves the condition of connecting tissues, protects against infection, helps to heal the wounds and cuts, normalizes blood consumption; Magnesium eliminates the edema, relaxes the muscles, improves the metabolism, removes nervousness irritability, warns the development of allergies.
  • Reassuring action possesses and bromineAnd sulfur eliminates the pathogens of fungal diseases and has a beneficial effect on the skin as a whole.
  • Chlorine participates in blood and gastric juice plasma formations; Potassium cleans cells and regulates their nutrition; The iodine returns the youth skin cells, reduces elevated cholesterol in the blood, normalizes the level of hormones and helps our brain: no vain, experts believe that the child should receive enough iodine to develop the mental abilities.
  • Zinc Warns Tumor Development, maintains sex glands and forms the body's immune defense; Strengthens immunity and manganese, and he also takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue.
  • Copper, like iron, warns anemia; Iron also transports oxygen into all corners of our body; Selenium supports cell health, warning oncology; Silicon strengthens the structure of all tissues and allows the vessels for a long time to remain elastic.

It is because of the fact that sea \u200b\u200bwater So beneficial effect on the body, experts recommend within a few hours after bathing do not rinse it from the skin - of course, if the skin is not too sensitive and it does not cause irritation.

Why is water in the sea salty? On the surface of the Earth, so much water is often called the "blue planet". Susha takes only 29% of the land area, and the remaining 70% fall on the mysterious and almost unexplored world ocean. Obviously, such a number of water can not have an absolutely identical composition, which can be seen on the example of different saturation of the river and seas salts. But how to explain these differences?

Water is famous for its ability to wash away any kind of rocks. It does not matter that the stone sharpens - a powerful stream or a separate drop - the result is always predictable. During the destruction of the breed displays easily soluble components from it. Salts, which are also washed out of stone, give water a characteristic taste.

Scientists could never come to a single opinion, for what reason in some reservoirs the water is fresh, and in other salted. To date, two theories complementing each other are formulated.

First Theory.

The first theory is based on whether the fresh is the same salty, as well as marine, but the concentration of salt in it is seventy times lower. Water-free water can be obtained only in laboratory conditions by distillation, while natural fluids have never been and will not be cleaned of chemical components and microorganisms.

All impurities that dissolve and then wash out with water from rivers and streams, inevitably turn out to be in the waters of the world ocean. Then the water evaporates from its surface and turns into, the salt becomes part of its chemical composition. This cycle is continuously repeated here for two billion years, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that during this time the world ocean has become so rich in salts.

Supporters of this theory lead to the proof of non-flow salt lakes. If the water initially did not have a sufficient number of sodium chloride, they would be fresh.

Sea water has one unique property: it includes almost all existing chemical elements, including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, nickel, bromine, uranium, gold and silver. Their total is approaching sixty. However, the highest indicator falls on the share of sodium chloride, as well as known as the salty salt, which is responsible for the taste of sea water.

And it is the chemical composition of water that became a stumbling block of this hypothesis. According to research, sea water contains a high percentage of hydrochloric acid salts, and river-salts of coal acid. The question of the reason for such differences still remains open.

Second theory

The second point of view is based on the assumption of the volcanic nature of ocean salts. Scientists believe that the process of the formation of the earth's crust was accompanied by an increased activity of volcanoes, as a result of which gases saturated with vouches of fluorine, boron and chlorine were transformed into acid rains. From this we can conclude that the first seas on Earth contained a huge percentage of acid.

In such conditions, living organisms could not be born, but in the future the acidity of ocean water decreased significantly, and it happened like this: the acidic water washed out of the basalt or alkali granite, which were then transformed into salts, neutralizing ocean water.

Over time, volcanic activity has significantly weakened, and the atmosphere began to gradually cleaned from gases. The composition of sea water also stopped changing and five hundred million years ago came to a stable state.

However, in our days, the salinity of water is controlled by a large number of underwater volcanoes. When they begin to erupt, the minerals entering the lava are mixed with water, increasing the overall level of salt. But, despite the fact that in the world ocean every day, a new portion of various salts falls, his own salinity remains unchanged.

Returning to the question of carbonates disappearing from fresh water when it gets into the sea, it is worth adding that these chemicals actively use marine organisms to form shells and skeletons.

Everyone knows that marine water is very harmful and unpleasant to taste. However, many adhere to erroneous ideas, according to which it may well replace fresh in conditions of extreme necessity. Such delusions not only can harm the person in an extreme situation, but also to cost him life.

The thing is that the load associated with filtering any liquid falling into the body fully falls on the kidneys. Their task is to eliminate excess fluid by urine and sweat. In the case of sea water, the kidneys will have to recycle a large number of salts that can linger, forming stones and worsening the work of the whole organism.

Thanks to the kidneys, during the day, a person allocates about fifty percent of the fluid drilled in this period. Instead of the urine from the body, excess sodium salts, calcium and potassium are overlooked. Sea water is sufficiently saturated with salt that the kidneys wear out very quickly, trying to cope with the workless work for them. One liter of sea water contains thirty-five grams of salt, which is at times exceeding its content in human.

In the daily norm of the adult man of liquid, not only water, but also moisture obtained during food intakes. Every day in the body settles from fifteen to thirty-five grams of salt, which the kidneys are successfully derived.

Thus, it turns out that to get rid of thirty-five grams of salt that fell into the body together with a liter of sea water, it will have to work out one and a half liters of its own fluid, taking into account that the amount of water is clearly not enough for this. To fulfill your task, the kidneys will start working at the limit of its capabilities and will refuse very quickly.

In addition, the liquid deficiency is associated with a critical salt level in the body will lead to severe dehydration, and in a few days the kidneys will stop. Excess salt will cause the defeat of the internal organs, the first of which will suffer the same kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Due to the lack of moisture in the nervous system, irreversible changes will also occur.

In addition, dehydration in the process of quenching thirst for sea water is caused by the presence in its composition of magnesium sulfate, which has a laxative action. As a result, dehydration occurs much rapidly ordinary, and the person quickly loses its strength and the ability to fight for survival.

The body can no longer produce its own fluid and cope with a high level of salt. In addition, other hazardous substances are also present in seawater, which the body will spend their latest resources.

However, survive in the absence of fresh water is still possible. Some scientists and survival specialists advise to squeeze the liquid from the fish, no matter how strange it sounds. There are several documented cases when people managed to escape with such a fish "juice".

Thus, the salt contained in the waters of the World Ocean can bring people as a sense of flight from swaying on the surface of the sea and become their worst enemy, gradually depriving the ocean, which is concluded in the body of each of us.