Raise the vitality of the body. How to increase the life tone of the body, add strength and energy

How does the future seem to you? Are you looking forward to him? Or are you afraid of him, resist him and consider it just as "Another ordinary day"?

Having mastered the simple techniques developed by Daniel Brauni, you will begin to easily find new sources of energy and vitality, spending less time to work and more on yourself and your loved ones, relax and play sports, seek welcome purposes.

But be prepared for your progress will not be rapid: some skills you are easy and fast, it will take time to others.

So, the four key stages of increased vitality:

  1. Increase energy.
  2. Improving the quality and efficiency of sleep.
  3. Concentration and concentration of attention.
  4. Removing stress and getting rid of anxiety.

Consider them in detail.

1. Raising energy

Energy is the fuel needed to move forward. It depends on it, at what speed you are moving towards your goal and how much time is able to work efficiently.

The energy equation of the body:

E \u003d P - with

P - peak physical energy - maximum energy concluded in our body;

C is the resistance of the energy flow - stress or voltage that prevent the free flow or use of energy.

To increase the energy level, it is necessary to increase the volume of peak physical energy and reduce the level of stress.

Ensure the influx of energy allows proper way of breathing.

Observe how you breathe. If during the inhalation and exhalation rises and the belly goes down, and the chest remains still, then you breathe correctly.

To take a breath even deeper, fill the stomach with air, and then fill the light air to the very shoulders. This exercise perfectly helps get rid of tension in shoulders.

The feeling of air in the stomach means that you breathe correctly, and if it appears, it is wonderful because you have mastered one of the fundamental skills to fill the body with energy. After you adjust your breathing, the changes will begin to occur naturally.

The next step that you should do on the way to an increase in the energy level - learn realize your own body.

"Your body will strengthen pain signals as long as you do not accept measures."

The better you feel the tension of your body, the easier it will be to get rid of it and restore the natural flow of energy.

The exercise

During abdominal breath, translate attention first to your caviar, then knees, hips, puzz, groin, buttocks, abdominal muscles, chest, back, shoulders, wrists, forearm, brushes, neck, throat, head, eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Special attention is paid to the skull and brain. You can imagine that your mind is a parent, and your body is a child. Talk to your body, as with a child, soothing, carefully, but authoritatively. After about five minutes, you must notice a significant improvement.

Each time feeling pain, focus on this area and try to relax it. If you fail to relax her strength of thought, try to massate the place where you are painful.

Ensure the instant influx of energy will help you and the following exercises.

Surprise technique. Let your imagination wake you up. Imagine the action that will greatly surprise you or shock. For example, make a sharp breath and imagine how someone splashed to you in the face of ice water. If you all do it right, the brain will not be able to distinguish the fantasy from reality.

Jumping with inspiration. Pour in place with raised in a victorious gesture with hands for thirty seconds. Even if there is no suitable mood, imagine that you have it!

Energy cotton. Slap your hands and shine: "Let's go!", "For business" or "I am ready!".

2. Improving the quality and efficiency of sleep

Numerous studies of sleep duration still did not give an unequivocal answer to the question how many hours a day it is necessary to sleep. Eight hours?

The study of the crypt held for six years, which took part more than a million people aged from 30 to 102 years old, showed that among people sleeping six to seven hours a day, there is a lower mortality rate than among those who Sleeps for eight or more hours a day.

Therefore, we invite you to discard the prejudice that you can sleep and recover only in 8 hours.

Spend an experiment for three weeks, reducing the duration of your sleep up to six or seven hours to see how suitable it is for you.

If you lay late or badly slept at night, it does not mean that the whole day should be spoiled. Do not make a problem. Concentrating attention to fatigue, you feel more tired. As soon as you stop thinking about it, notice that fatigue or desire to sleep retreat.

Minimize resistance. All you need is a positive attitude. Find the reasons for being happy, and joy and inspiration will help you survive the periods of lack of sleep.

The most complete and current review of the effectiveness of the night recreation is contained in the book "Sleep Science".

3. Concentration and concentration of attention

How to stay focused when there are so many distracting factors? The best way is to maintain the clarity of the mind.

To do this, you need to understand the short-term and long-term goals, for which you do what you are doing.

Equally important, creating your day, take into account context- motives, beliefs and worldview. This is your vision: "What", "why" and "why" you are going to do. For example: "Today I will notice and use any opportunities."

"The context is similar to the ship leaving the British port to cross the Atlantic: It is worth a rush from the course just a few degrees, and you are not in Miami, but in Mexico."

Concentration and concentrations of attention contribute systems and structures.

These are organizational elements of everyday life, work and the surrounding space that help us fulfill obligations and support us towards the goal.

Most of the systems and structures you already have: This is your personal time management system - for example, a diary, calendar, computer programs, technologies and other performance systems that you use. Therefore, everything you need is their small improvement or configuration.

In your journey to the goal context - This is the map and the route laid on it, systems and structures - Transport that you use, and energy - This is fuel. These three factors are interdependent. The context determines the energy level. The structure supports the energy level. Energy supports the work of your systems and structures.

3. Removing stress and getting rid of a sense of alarm

As a rule, there are two types of stressful situations with which we are facing:

Urgency. This is when we are trying in a short time to have time to make a large amount of work or try to get to the place in time, but we get into the plug.

Anxiety. It often happens that you or haven't done anything to you yet, and your body produces stress hormones, forcing the heart to fight stronger.

Noticing that you are experiencing stress, stop doing what you did. Admit that you are stressful, and do not let yourself worry because of this even stronger.

Ask myself the question: "What hidden fear cause my stress?". Usually the basis of stress is the unconscious fears. The most common of them: loneliness, loss of love, status, control; Fear to make a mistake, to be unable to do anything, to be unworthy.

Think how rational is your fear? Do you exaggerate possible consequences? Consider the worst version of the development of events and ask yourself the question: "I survive?"

Now consider the most likely solutions to the problem. By configuring the situation, release it.

Getting rid of stress, improving sleep quality, eliminating safety consequences, increasing concentration, eliminating anxiety and filling the body with energy, we carry out the transition to the energy cycle - the cycle of energy accumulation, intensifying vitality, increase attention and performance.

So, you have all the necessary tools to replenish the reserves of vital energy. Now everything you need is practicing.

How to increase human energy? There are a number of simple things that will help increase energy, give vigor and restore health!

What is human energy?

Human energy is his opportunity to take energy, assimilate it and use it in his life. Each person has its own energy level. It can be low, resulting in a weakness, lack of power and desire to do something, drowsiness, irritability, etc.

The one who possesses high energy, on the contrary, feels cheerfulness, optimism, joy ...

Where do we take energy?

A person gets energy from food, air, earth, water, from space, etc. Almost everything that surrounds us may become a source of energy filling or, on the contrary, the source of its lack.

So we can receive energy from the elements, fire, some trees, dogs ... Some trees, cats, pathogenic zones, energy vampires, and so on can also take energy.

Energy of a person is a resource that cannot be purchased for any money. High energy helps in self-development, personal, spiritual and intellectual growth, helps other unusual abilities.

In addition, the filling of energy has a beneficial effect on the physical condition - normalizes all processes, restores health, helps to increase immunity.

What can increase human energy?

Enhance energy can be in different ways. For example:

  1. Full holiday.
  2. Healthy sleep.
  3. Physical culture and sport.
  4. Walks in the open air.
  5. Communication with positive people.
  6. Favourite hobby.
  7. Contrast shower and pouring.
  8. Taking a bath.
  9. Pets.
  10. High-quality healthy nutrition.
  11. Vera.
  12. Cheerful and favorite music.
  13. Visualization.
  14. and positive thinking.
  15. Breathing exercises.
  16. Qigong¹, yoga² and oriental martial arts (map, jew-up).
  17. Thanks.
  18. Getting rid of negative experiences and stress.
  19. Refusal of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.
  20. Fitotherapy³.
  21. The presence of a dream.
  22. Love.
  23. Humor and smile.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ ¹ ¹ qigong is complexes of traditional exercises that have arisen on the basis of Taoist alchemy and partly Buddhist psychopractors performed mainly with wellness and therapeutic objectives (Wikipedia).

² Yoga is a concept in Indian culture, in a broad sense meaning a combination of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an individual of an elevated spiritual and mental state (Wikipedia).

³ Fitotherapy, mouth. hercules - the method of treating various human diseases based on the use of medicinal plants and complex drugs from them (

Friends, did you ever have a lack of energy in the body?

There is something that gives us energy.
There is something that takes energy from us.

Let's find out the enemies and friends in the face - we define a clearly, which of them gives us energy, and who takes. We also find out how to increase your own energy. Let's go!

How to increase your energy? The principle of increasing energy is quite simple and obvious.

1) You need to do what gives us energy.
2) It is necessary to limit or exclude the fact that takes out energy.

It should be noted that the majority of energy-enhancement methods proposed in comprehensively affect the complex. That is, you will not only increase your level of energy, but also pump health. Moreover, you will be happier. Pleasant bonus, isn't it? So we think so.

So how to increase human energy?

1) Eat - and you will be filled with the energy of nature. This is one of the most effective ways to increase the energy. And the effect begins to feel quite soon. Live food is a food that has not been thermal processing. In it, all useful nishtyaks are preserved at the maximum, which is generously divided by the Mother of Nature. Living food includes fruits and vegetables, berries and greens, nuts and seeds. That is, everything you can disrupt from the tree, bush or beds - and immediately eat. The larger the proportion of living food in your diet, the higher the level of your energy.

️ 2) Find. Finding a business, you will be surprised if there is a free energy that fell on you. You will not need to force them to do it. Even if you are squeezed as a lemon, there is a very high probability that the energy for the classroom is a favor matter anyway.

3) This is a very effective way to increase its energy.

⛷ 4) Move. If a person sits on the spot, the body is simply lazy to generate energy. And vice versa, when we are moving, we can read and expand the energy channels of their body. This allows more energy to pass through us, and, appropriate, more energy can be used by us.

☠ 5) Get rid of bad habits. Harmful habits are exactly what follows from the first to get rid of energy. Analyze your life - and you will understand that it can be thrown out with the benefit for you. If you just throw out it does not work, then use, that is, replace the harmful habit of useful. , News - bad habits thousands, and they all suck out of us. Now you know the enemy in the face and can easily deal with him.

6) Check. It helps to finally wake up and go into the vigorous state. In addition, in these simple movements you are charging with energy. No wonder it is called - Charging!

7) Can I spend all my life but insults - just what is the point in this? That's right. In this world, not all of justice, but this is not a reason to finish themselves with the insults. Resentment pull out energy from us and poison life. If you want to increase your energy level, then the habit of offended should be getting rid of first. After all, no one must comply with our expectations!

8) This is a simple, but effective way to quickly cheer up in the morning and recharge your energy for the whole day. Try, and you will see for personal experience.

9) Make energy gymnastics. For example, . The execution of this set of exercises will significantly increase the level of your energy.

✅ 10) To gain a goal - it means to gain a clear understanding where and why go. Such an understanding is already half an end. If the goal is really yours, it will constantly feed you with energy and give strength to achieve it. In fact, you will work on the target, and it works for you. In such a tandem, you will have no time to remember the lack of energy. It is enough - be sure!

11) Live. Getting rid of self-denial poisons, we unload the body. He no longer needs to work for wear, getting rid of the effects of drunken. Now the disgraced resources will go to what is really important - to carry out our insidious plans for the seizure of the world.

12) Gear wheat. - an amazing product. Athell them at least from a month or another - and you yourself understand everything. This live food greatly increases human energy.

13) Get rid of bad thoughts. Bad thoughts poisoning our life, distracting from the main thing - from the life itself. Having learned positive thinking, we seek an additional battery. Now so that it happens, nothing can knock us out of the rut. From now on, we can accumulate energy and use it when necessary. Positive despite everything is a terrible weapon!

14) Check the room. If you do not air the room, it is quickly filled with carbon dioxide. And carbon dioxide directly affects our performance: in the case of poisoning, the brains do not cook and do not want to move. I breathe fresh air, we will default in your disposal energy.

✨ 15) This is a key rule of success. , And act, act, act. You just learned many ways to increase energy. Take into service some of them - and just act. Do not allow this information to settle with useless cargo in your knowledge luggage. Now or never! Before you the best chance to change your life. So do it! Do it called everyone, among themselves! Make a reality that used to exist only in your dreams!

Do not refer to chronic fatigue syndrome as something negative. This is an attempt by the body in conditions of serious stress to protect against even greater harm.

Tired of tired? Do you feel that there is no power for anything since the morning? The Jacob Teetelbaum doctor studies chronic fatigue of 37 years old - he is expert No. 1 on this topic. And knows how to restore energy and vitality.

His book "Always tired" for many years - bestseller and the main leadership in the world to combat chronic fatigue. It will be waiting for you a practical and understandable plan according to the method of the joint: sleep, hormones, infections, food and exercises.

how forget about chronic fatigue

My story. And your too?

I have enough energy for everything. And even with an excess. But it was not always so.

In 1975, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome (SHU) And fibromyalgia syndrome (SF), although formally in those days they had no name. Communication with a huge number of doctors helped me understand what I have to do to get rid of my ailments. The experience gained so inspired me that the last 37 years I learn this question.

If you feel that the inner light begins to go out - it's time to find a way to turn it on.

To forget about the problems with energy, it is enough to follow several ordinary tips from the book. It will increase your energy by 91%.

Short test

Do you feel fatigue, pain without a certain location site, fog in my head, problems with sleep and concentration?

If they answered "yes" - welcome to the ranks of 100 million people around the world, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

If it is easier to speak, then this is a serious reduction in life tone and nervous exhaustion, as if you have "knocked out." Or how the computer switched to "sleep mode".

Often people with SHU wake up broken, exhausted and spend in such a state all day

Problems with sleep, poor nutrition, excessive load on the immune system, hormonal imbalance and acceleration of the rhythm of life - all these factors lead to the fact that people burn out.

Sleep in clubs

One of the most efficient ways to increase the vitality and clarity of consciousness -daily 8 hours of night sleep. But everything is not so simple. How to carve an extra couple of hours for sleep? That's what you can do.

1. Realize one simple thing: all cases will not redo.

Did you draw attention to what you are faster and more efficient to handle the tasks, the more new new things appear? In that focus! If you slow down - like snail, then find that the list of urgent affairs has become shorter, and some disappeared by themselves.

Start gradually refuse some lessons (I'm not talking about work, thanks to which you pay for accounts, I don't say yet!).You need to fall out.

2. Do what gives pleasure.

Make a list of everything that spend time at work and at home. Break these classes into two columns. In the first, write down everything that is nice (or at least it is better to do than not). In the second - what you should do, although you do not like it.

Soon you will understand how great it is to move more and more things in the "pleasant" column.

Listen to your body

Not even a pain, anyone forced to lie in bed or to sit for a long time, very quickly loses physical form. Exercises are an easy way to recharge the energy.But it is not necessary to immediately sign up for aerobics, in the pool and on horseback classes. The secret is not to rearrange.

Remember: Better small steps than a stop. So let yourself load gradually

"To achieve success and blood" - this saying is trying to convince us that the result is achieved only by incredible tension of physical and mental strength. I want to offer in return to another conviction: "The pain is nonsense!" An unpleasant feeling and pain - the signal stop doing what it causes it. But the reasonable balance of load will restore your energy without harm to the body.

Mark Twain said: "moderation should be in everything - including moderation." Do not forget about it.

Consciousness and Body Relationship

In each physical disease there is a psychological component. In people who always live in stress, of course, there may be bacterial infections or increased acidity that caused an ulcer. But the doctor is useful to ask them to forget about their inappropriate phones while treating. Take this note.

I found that most people with chronic fatigue syndrome work to exhaustion and out of leather climb to jump at least a little higher head. The spirit of rivalry in them is also strong. Did you know yourself?

As often "grows on themselves" in order to endure all the way all the power and stop rejoice at what they have achieved.

We are ready to take care of all, except for one-sole - yourself. Praise yourself.And you will see how the level of life energy raises up.

Hormones joy

Sometimes fatigue and uncertain pain appear due to hormonal problems. How to recognize them? If, in addition to the feeling of fatigue, you type overweight and wear cold - it is worth checking the thyroid.

If too irritable, especially when hungry, "hooligany" adrenal glands.

Growth hormone, or rather, its lack, is another "stumbling block" on the way to vigor. There are three classes that naturally "persuade" the body to produce it:

1. Sex;

2. exercise;

3. Deep sleep.

You may be annoyed when the couplings are knocking in the house. But it protects your dwelling from the fire with a voltage jump. That's why do not treat SHU / SF as something negative. This is an attempt by the body in conditions of serious stress to protect against even greater harm. Just need to do something. 37-year-old experience of Tetelbaum shows that it is. Main, do.

This book will help to deal with the main steps, making you can pass the path from the point where you are now, to the one where you want to be, to excellent self-consistence and megawatts of energy. "

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Hello, dear visitors to my blog. Perhaps there is no person who is not familiar with the feeling of fatigue, apathy, especially in the spring. Can I handle this? Now we learn how to raise a vital tone without doctors, only on your own.

A good vital tone is the finding of a person for a long time in a joyful vigorous state.

Most often, such advice is given on this score, which do not want to do. However, it can be found not only easily fulfilled, but even pleasant recommendations. Do not believe? Read the article to the last line, and you will be sure about it.

In winter and early spring, our body needs sunlight, and it is not enough, and vitamins on the outcome. The first thing to do, getting up in the morning from bed: to pull, smile and take a shower, be well confused by a towel.

Nothing gives energy like a shower. Especially if this shower is. True, it is difficult to force your hand to turn the crane in the other direction, but maybe this picture with utilities that gives the body to change the temperature of the water.

Then goes gymnastics. Well, you will say, again for the old!

If you do not want the gymnastics, replace it with dancing. Turn on music and dancing, cook breakfast, dress. Happened?

I think that not everyone can afford to include music in early in the morning. Then for you here is a great ankive exercise.

Do not know what to cook for breakfast? Take the idea for breakfast

Come walk down the street, and proceed to official duties. They came home, let the legs relax. Lie on the floor, lift your legs up, heels to steal into the wall. Five minutes and you are again in the form!

Or now - if there are barbed balls, then slide them with a bare foot, so.

If there is time, then take a bath with sea salt. Perfectly remove the whole "sticky" per day negative.

Perfectly fills the forgiveness of all who offended you and gratitude for the last day. Try and you will feel such powerful relaxation!

Choose Goal

So that you never left the energy, choose yourself a goal in life and go to her. All active people are interested in living, constantly achieve new goals, they have no time to Handing.

It is impossible to stop halfway to it, under no circumstances!

Folk remedies from the decline of forces

In the treasury of folk recipes there are quite a few funds that are easy to do at home. They quickly restore energy!

Effective recipe: Sattail crude beets, fill it with a bottle, pour with vodka. Let stand 12 days in a warm place. Take daily 1 glass before meals.

Excellent tonic - broth from Bran.: 400 g bran, pour 1 l. Boiling water, boil an hour, then strain through the gauze, press the residues of the branch, then strain again. Take before eating at 0.5 tbsp., 3 times daily.

Celery will raise the overall tone, and will also increase performance.
Recipe: Cut the root of the root, take 2 tbsp, pour the glass of cold water, leave for 2 hours. Take daily in 3 receptions.

Rosehip is the most famous, efficient folk remedy. Two art. l. Rosehip berries fall asleep in thermos, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. After 5 hours, the drink is ready!

Lemon juice and honey. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, liquid honey and olive oil. The mixture will help better feel and look great.

Plate potatoes in the husk. Potatoes boil in "Unidire". The husk is rich in vitamins B, C and A. Drink at 3-4 reception weekly one permanent. This means is an excellent assistant when deciding for forces and physical overwork.

Ginseng root. Drink 15-20 days of pharmacy tincture 2-3 times a day, as well as the tincture of Eleutherokokka to drink 15-20 droplets only in the morning and at lunch, half an hour before the meal. These tinctures give force and energy.

The following folk recipes will be delivered from the lack of energy:

  • take 100 grams of prunes, kuragi, raisins, walnuts, smashed in a meat grinder, mix with 3 tbsp. Honey, put in the refrigerator. Before breakfast, eat 1 tbsp. Spoon.
  • with nervous exhaustion - in 200 ml of hot milk to break the crude yolk, add half a part. Honey, drink in small sips.

We will help men

Men silently suffer from lack of vitality, considering recognition in this ailment - a sign of weakness. And in vain! There are such vitamins that will help overcome the lack of energy.

  • Vitamins Alphabet Energy Increases performance at the expense of Siberian ginseng extract, succinic acid and lemongrass seeds.
  • Duovit energy increases performance. The product will help to fill the acute drawback of the necessary organism of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Vitrum Energy makes the body resistant to stress, improves the supply of cells with oxygen, increasing their energy capabilities.

And, of course, you need to play sports, more in the fresh air, to exclude alcohol and cigarettes that can only charge vigor and energy for a short time.

How do you push off that in the picture? And you are weak?

Fill your life with joy

This wish is suitable for both a man and a woman.

And joy can be found in everything, even if you are late for the bus. Great, you can walk!

And if seriously, here are products that will help get rid of depression:

Grain bread - contains tryptophan - amino acid that is responsible for the emotional state.

Green salad is a source of folic acid. According to research, many people have a deficiency of folic acid. It is also contained in spinach, cereal crops, oranges.

Dried fruits are rich in magnesium, especially figs, dried apartments, raisins, dates.

Citrus - mandarins, lemons, oranges are rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful energy.

Milk products Contain tryptophan, perfectly regulating mood. For a good condition, you need to drink a cup of kefira or milk daily.

Nuts are a source of selenium raising energy and reduce anxiety.

Berries, especially strawberries containing fiber, vitamin C, potassium, has energy qualities. But only where in early spring take berries?

Bulgarian pepperincreases endorphine production - pleasure hormone.

Bananas, peanuts, beans - Source of tryptophan, which eliminates irritability. The same properties have buckwheat, tomatoes, grain products, potatoes, oatmeal, poultry meat, fruit.

Compare this product list here.

In addition to the products for a good mood of a woman affects shopping, a hike in a hairdresser, meeting with girlfriends.

How to raise the vital tone to the elderly?

More attention from children is an excellent recipe!

Avoid negative information, energy "vampires".

To overcome the Handra will help her grass, such as Melissa and Mint.

Take 1 h. The leaf of the grass, pour Art. boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes. Add to tea to taste and drink to health!

Get rid of despondency and sadness will help. Spice clean, cut into thin plates, pour 500 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. l. Honey, lemon juice, a bit cinnamon. Boil, cool, drink in small sips.

Help your body

Remove fatigue will help drugs, for example:

  • Chromvital + Vision. He gives strength, helps to get away from chronic fatigue syndrome, eternal drowsiness.
  • Vitamins Alphabet Energy - The name speaks for itself.
  • Balancer - a multivitamin drug, contributes to improved memory, stress resistance, eliminates mood drops.

Before taking some medicines, try to cope with the Handrea with the help of plant antidepressants.

These include:

  • tincture peony
  • infusion
  • dill,
  • valerian,
  • broth, clover.

Caution, all herbs and drugs may have contraindications.

I want to say for goodbye, find joy in every minute of the day lived, and use these non-hard recommendations. You will see how your life improves, a great mood will come!