Advantages of use and features of the manufacture of a mantal from a gas cylinder. Instruction: How to make a brand from a gas cylinder make a grill of a gas cylinder

An old gas cylinder is the perfect example of how many different useful products can be made from it, which are used in the country. In this article we will talk about the very necessary device - a grill of a gas cylinder. We will tell how to cut it, what precautions need to be observed how to carry out the installation of all the required elements. And show in the photo and video various options for designing such a manga.

Disassembly of the balloon

Cut the gas cylinder for the required dimensions and forms immediately, without checking its contents, it is impossible. It is necessary first of all to devastate the cylinder, suddenly gas remained in it. Therefore, the valve is just necessary to open by releasing the residues of the content.

Then you need to unscrew the faucet. Do this gas key. It is usually unable to unscrew, but sometimes it becomes a problem for those who are first faced with a similar situation. Just in some models of cylinders, the tap is stileged with two studs. They need to be removed by the passage. After that, the valve is easily unscrewed.

The next stage is washing. The balloon is filled with water half, shake it or pump it, then drain the water. In itself, gas has a specific smell that a special additive gives him - odorant. To get rid of this smell, a detergent or chlorine is added to the water for flushing.

Cutting covers

The dimensions of the mantal from the gas cylinder are determined by the dimensions of the latter. But as for the parameters of the cut cover, there may be different options here. It can be short or full of the length of the cylindrical part. As for the latter option, it is necessary to understand that the gas cylinder is a suture tube, from two sides of which spherical covers are welded. In one, the end-to-end hole for the crane, the second is a deaf bottom of the product. So here is the mantal lid, and accordingly, the cut part can be made from one welding seam to the opposite.

So, the gas cylinder is ready. It makes markup for cutting. In principle, these are two longitudinal lines that divide the balloon in the longitudinal direction in half. Apply the markup is very simple.

    Circumference Balleon, that is, its "perimeter" is 96 cm.

    This indicator divide on "4"It turns out 24 cm.

    For the wrong point longitudinal seam The cylindrical part, that is, it is postponed from it in two sides by 24 cm.

    By label spend longitudinal lines, whose ends to the transverse seams should not reach in the range of 2-3 cm.

    Embers of longitudinal lines connect around the perimeter cylindrical part. Marking is applied with chalk.

Proper marking - High quality guarantee final result

Announced with a chalk hemispherical form, a rectangle is not a lid. The size of the latter by 10 cm width is less. This parameter is deposited from one of the printed longitudinal lines. After that, the lid is formed with chalk, which will also be cut off.

The cutting is carried out with a grinder and a cut-off disk with a diamond spraying. Many masters recommend filling the balloon with water before the start of cutting. In this way, the question of the stability of the cylindrical product and cooling the cutting tool is solved.

You need to start cutting on one longitudinal line. It cuts over from the end to the end of the markup. After that, it is necessary to cut the loops to the sliced \u200b\u200barea. They can use any: door, furniture. The required number of loops with smaller dimensions - four, more than two will be needed. They are simply applied to the balloon so that ther turns out to be in the middle of two parts of the loops. The latter weld to the electric welding cylinder. This stage is made specifically now, because it is easier to adjust the cover to the cylinder and loops until it is completely cut completely.

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It remains only to cut the remaining three lines: one longitudinal, two transverse. Immediately to the lid from the opposite side of the loop, you need to fight the handle so that it is convenient to open a barbecue from the gas cylinder.

And one more point that makes the manufactured design more convenient to operate. In the place of the welded loops on the cylinder, two limiters need to be preserved, which will hold the cover in the open state. That is, so that it does not fall asleep for the device. To do this, you can use a 40x40 mm corner. It cuts out pieces of 2-3 cm long. They will be limiters.

In order, when closing the cover between it and the cylindrical part, there were no gaps, it is necessary to create shelves around the perimeter of the cut part. This will require a steel strip width of 2-3 cm and a thickness of 2-3 mm. The strips simply weld from the inside of the balloon with the release of the outward half of its width. In addition, these welded strips will hold the lid so that it does not fail inside the mangala.

The rest of the constructive changes

In principle, the Balleon brand is almost ready. It remains only to fight legs and make holes in the balloon itself to install skewers and supply air to the coal burning area. Start with holes for skewers.

One of the apparent longitudinal lines remained unused. It must be applied additionally labels that divide the uniform line into several segments. The length of the last 8 cm. At their ends and make through holes with a diameter of 10 mm using a drill and drill.

On the opposite side of the outlook made on the welded steel strip, it is necessary to make grooves under the skewers. They should be located accurately opposite the holes made. The grooves make the grinder and the cutting disc.

Now it is necessary to make holes for supplying air inside the barbecue. To do this, from the weld of the cylindrical part of the cylinder in two sides, it is necessary to postpone 10 and 20 cm. Longitudinal lines are carried out, in general there will be four two on each side of the seam. They are also shared with a distance of 5 cm. After that, the labels on two paired lines are connected to each other. Through the bulgaria and cutting disk make through slots.

It remains to drown out a hole in which the crane screwed. Here they simply take a plate with a thickness of 2-3 mm, which is welded to the hole, feeding with a solid seam from all sides.

Video Description

The video shows the sequence of mangal manufacturing operations from the gas cylinder:

As for the legs, there is a huge number of options. The simplest is the legs of the steel corner. The main thing is to accurately select the height of the installation of the gas mangaal. It is optimally considered from 60 to 80 cm, that is, a convenient for the growth of an adult. Although there are low modifications.

You can show fantasy and make the legs of the original shape, decorated with patterns. You can attach to them legs, make the device mobile, mobile, as shown in the photo below.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services for small architectural forms. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

How to make a barbecue

In principle, the barbecue from the gas cylinder is done in the same way as the Brojal, only with small additions. First, the grille is installed inside. It is removable, but for it it is necessary to install the support shelves inside the cylinder. They are made of steel corner 25x25 or 32x32 mm. The length of each shelf is 10 cm, weld them from two opposite sides of the opening of three pieces at the same distance from each other. The location in height is under the holes for the SHAPUR. Accordingly, from the opposite side at this height.

Secondly, it is necessary to establish chimney. There are quite a few options here:

    on the lid.;

    side, with insert in a hole for the crane;

    next to the lid. in the cylindrical part.

How to Improve Mangal

There are many additional smallest things that make the process of cooking meat, birds or fish on the barbecue, the process with a convenient and unscrewing process. Here are some such little things:

    To the lid of the device or to its cylindrical part weld the nut into which insert thermometer. Now you can follow, at what temperature a meat dish is prepared.

    The chimney can be installed tank. Grilles are installed on top of each other. This additional device is an excellent design of the smokehouse.

    Can be inside Mangala install the lattice, all its length. It will be a grate. His task is to hold the coals, but to skip the ash, so that she does not interfere with burning firewood.

As for decorative design, there is also a huge field of activity. What just do not come up with the masters. For example, this is a variant in the form of a locomotive, as in the photo below. Definitely, such a design will decorate the cottage territory.

Video Description

From the video, you can learn how to create a brazier from a gas cylinder:

Conclusion on the topic

Today, finding on the Internet brands from a gas cylinder with drawings and accurate dimensions is not a problem. All sorts of options for simple designs and with additional convenient options are offered. But most importantly, as practice has shown, it is accurate observance of the height of the arrangement of skewers over coals. The distance is small - the meat will burn, the distance increased - the dish will prepare for a long time.

Gas cylinders for propane have a limited life, over time, a rather significant part is selected. At the same time, a homemade master appears a blank that can be used for a variety of cases. For example, you can learn how to make a brand from the Gas Ballon.

It is possible, of course, to hand out at the points of the secondary raw materials, a rather significant part of the metal and get a certain amount, but in the hands of a skilled master who spent a node finds a different application.

Design features of the gas cylinder

In 1953, the design of cylinders was approved for individual gasification of apartments and houses. In the future, devices installed not outside, and inside the building.

Gas cylinders for individual use according to GOST 15860-84:

1 - shoe; 2 - the bottom bottom (the scope of the bottom); 3 - reinforcement belt; 4 - top bottom (upper sphere); 5 - place for the passport of the balloon; 6 - collar (protective casing); 7 - valve; 8 - a restrictive ring of the neck for cylinders without a shell and with a valve; 9 - shelter; 10 - Ring The neck for cylinders with a shell and valve; 11 - shut-off valve; 12 Cap Safety

For the design of masters, major sizes are important, they can be found in the attached table 1. Using the data, you can independently work out the type and parameters of the product, which is supposed to be made independently.

Table 1: Sizes of cylinders for storage and transportation of propane

The values \u200b\u200bof the sizes of cylinders, mm Capacity of the cylinder nominal, l
2,5 5,0 12,0 27,0 50,0 80,0
D. 200 ± 2.5 222 ± + 3.0 222 ± + 3.0 299 ± 3.0 299 ± 3.0 299 ± 3.0
D₁ 200 ± 3.5 200 ± 3.5 200 ± 3.5 270 ± 4.0 299 ± 4.0. 299 ± 4.0.
D₂ 155 ± 5.0 155 ± 5.0 155 ± 5.0 222 ± 5.0
D₃ 160 ± 3.5 160 ± 3.5 160 ± 3.5 230 ± 4.0.
S. 2,0 ± 0.3. 2,0 ± 0.3. 2,0 ± 0.3. 3,0+0,3 3,0+0,3 3,0+0,3
H. 225 ± 2.0 285 ± 2.0 470 ± 2.5 575 ± 3.0. 960 ± 3.5 1400 ± 4.0
H₁. 136 ± 2.0 197 ± 2.5 384 ± 2.5 474 ± \u200b\u200b3.0 830 ± 3.5 1275 ± 4.0
Mass of liquefied gas in cylinder, kg 2.8 ± 0.10. 4.0 ± 0.12. 6.0 ± 0.15 14.5 ± 0.10. 22.0 ± 0.15 31.5 ± 0.20.

From the presented data, it can be seen that the wall thickness in the containers of the large volume is quite solid, it is 3 mm. For devices where solid fuel combustion is performed, such walls will serve for quite a long time.

Mangala design from cylinder

Before starting work, you need to develop a drawing of the future product. The design provides for:

  • rotary cover, part of the shell will be used for its manufacture;
  • for opening and closing the cover when operating the handle will need. In order to prevent burns, a wooden handle is put on the outside;
  • the loops will be needed to rotate the cover when opening and closing. It is impractical to use rivets, they can melt, because in the process of combustion it is possible to increase the temperature above 700 ... 800 ⁰c;
  • cut shell edges need to enhance the corner. It additionally complies the bog between parts;
  • to remove the combustion products, it is necessary to welcome the nozzle with the knee;
  • all the device must be put on the legs, the height of which will help to operate the brazier, without leaving when cooking;
  • under the balloon itself, it is advisable to place a shelf for solid fuel;
  • to firewood or coal burned normally, you need to organize air flow. For this, it is enough to cut through the transverse grooves. A more advanced option is possible with the use of pipelines for forced air supply.

Sketch drawing of the future mangaal

In the process of manufacture in the project, additions or some changes can be made. Their goal is to optimize the installation design.

Basic cuts of workpiece before starting welding

The most common are cylinders whose volume is 50 liters. It is easier to get them. They are implemented at gas stations where propane refills are made. There are always unsuitable capacity for further operation.

Creative design of garden mangaal from cylinder

Some masters create quite interesting designs. They include the installation of auxiliary shelves for the installation of dishes, semi-finished products and finished dishes.

You can meet homemade structures where you arrange canopies from the rain. Then cooking can be done even in bad weather.

The presence of a closing chamber turns the Barbecue from the gas cylinder barbecue. Here food is preparing in a closed space. From the roasted coal, the heat flow of radiation is directed to the inner cylindrical surface, and then it is reflected from it and falls on the cooked food. A barbecue is created, in which it is convenient to prepare oriental dishes.

Attention! You can hear the opinion that inside such barbecues, the heating of the product occurs unevenly. In fact, the presence of reflective surfaces from thick metal allows you to maintain a high temperature throughout the volume. The thermal radiation applies to all parties, and then reflected on the products located on the grille.

A small-sized smoking smoked meat and fish products can be a possible continuation.

Drawing of smoking from two gas cylinders

Real performance of smokehouse

What needs to be prepared for work?

To start work, you must prepare tools, as well as auxiliary consumables.

✹ Tools for performing work:

  • cellular machine (USM, Bulgarian) with a set of cutting and enrolls;
  • welding machine with electrodes. Practice has proven that modern inverter devices can produce welding at a constant current in thin-walled products;
  • roulette and other measuring instruments will help to place workpieces;
  • the lathe will automatize the loop and handle. You can buy the necessary devices;
  • electrode with metal drills;
  • the electrorewater allows you to quickly collect individual parts into nodes and a whole design;
  • the outstanding type riveter will be applied to create all-in-mail connections;
  • pencil and diaper, as well as chalk will help post blanks;
  • protective devices: welder mask, apron, gloves, glasses or a mask for performing fitter work, respirator.

✹ Materials for work:

  • a balloon of 50 liters of gas mixture;
  • rolled corners, profile pipes;
  • metal rod with a diameter of 8 ... 16 mm;
  • hardware: self-tapping screws, screws and bolts with nuts;
  • paint refractory, liquid for flushing pollution and fat;
  • cutting from shovel or other garden tool.

Safety equipment with a gas cylinder cutting

Immediately proceed to cutting blanks. Inside there is a combustible gas, there is a gasoline (gas in the form of liquid). If you start any mechanical processing: drilling or cutting, is a spark that causes an explosion. It is necessary to remove the residues of combustible substances from the inside of the container.

It is quite difficult to unscrew the valve. During the long years of operation, rather strong links are formed between the elements, the diffusion of one metal is often observed in another. You need to do so.

  1. Secure the cylinder from possible turn around the axis. Belts or thick wire are used here.
  2. A gas key is installed on the gate (No. 2).
  3. It can be lengthened by a pipe for about 1 m.
  4. Select the position so that the resulting lever has a course of at least 40 ... 50 cm.
  5. Press the lever sharply, create a shock load.

In most cases, such an approach is effective. To make it easier to break the valve, it is possible to make a throat with a hammer.

The balloon is filled with water. She will extrude all existing combustible substances. Now you can cut a gas cylinder.

Attention! All procedures are desirable to carry out away from the residential area. There is a rather unpleasant smell.

Step-by-step manga manufacturing instructions with their own hands

After performing all the preparatory operations, the manufacture of a mantal from a cylinder begins. Below is a detailed step-by-step instruction.

So that in the future it was more convenient to perform work with a cylindrical object, you need to use shoes to fix the wheels.

After all the measurements, you must mark the markup. Many use pencil or chalk. But it is inconvenient to use such lines, they are erased. The most convenient to apply paper malarious tape. It is pasted according to diagrams and drawings. In the future, you will have to cut around the edge, then it is more convenient to perform any sweep.

The line is carried out a longitudinal line. Then gluits the malarious tape.

Loops are welded before cutting the surface. In place of installation, the groove is cut. The rest is not cut through the rest. Between the loops and the surface of the shell, you need a gap of about 2 mm. Conventional matches are used. They are put under the loop.

Writing the place under the loops themselves. Then they are fixed for subsequent welding.

After welding, the loops are made of cutting covers.

Preliminary works are completed, loops are blurred. The lid opens freely.

Fixation of skewers will be performed in the grooves. They are cut down to a depth of 15 mm. So emphasis will be quite strong. 4 mm groove width makes it easy to lay a skeleton when burning kebabs.

From the reverse side of the case you need to make holes. They will penetrate sharp pieces of skewers. With an automatic kerner, markup is performed.

First, the holes with a diameter of 4.5 mm are drilled. Then they drill up to 9 mm.

From the bottom you need holes through which the air will come to solid fuel, which will be burned in the mangale. Marking is performed, and then in two stages are drilling.

Inside the profile pipes are welded. They provide stiffness when installing skewers. When heated, there is a movement of the leaf portion of the manga. Therefore, the amplifiers made from the profile pipe will allow the strength of the entire design.

After preparing the case, you need to check how convenient the skewers inside it. Experienced skewers give advice: "There is about 1 cm between meat pieces between the shampors located nearby. Therefore, you can install skewers quite tight.

The legs raise the case above. However, the need to weld the support will disappear, if using the finished product, which can be found in the places of scrap metal. As a stand, a ready-made support from the sewing machine is used. It is cast from gray cast iron, so you need to weld the hull of the mangala through intermediate steel corners.

Rolled equilibrium corners with a side of 40 mm are screwed to the bed. Pre-drilled holes, then the thread M8 is cut.

Corners are welded to the case. The bed and corners will ensure the rigidity of the whole design.

The lid will be exposed to strong heating. When cooled, a violation of the geometry of the lid is possible. The rods from the reinforcement are welded inside. A similar crossing will not allow the radius of forming.

From a strip of 30 mm wide and a thickness of 4 mm is manufactured by the savings. It will maintain the strength of the lid. Along the way, the shine will not allow to leave the hot air outside. Such a seal will perform a double function.

One end of the bus is fixed by manual tires. It is welding it by forming. When welding, each new section is fixed additionally. The pre-stressed design is obtained.

At the end of work on the door, a rather elegant product is obtained. The junction between the body and the lid will be covered.

Metal sheet with a thickness of 2 mm is made support for the future handle. From the cutting shovel made handle. It is previously drilled and grinding. Supports weld to the lid.

So that the remains of gasoline and other harmful inclusions remain inside, coal is laid inside the body. It is performed by burning for 3 ... 5 hours. The cover is kept in a closed position. Therefore, the entire surface of the former balloon is alive.

The ash is removed, then the surface of the outside is processed by petal credit circles. White spirit helps degrease the surface. It remains to paint heat-resistant paints.

The painted barbell looks pretty respectable. When the question is asked about how much a barbell is from a gas cylinder, it is advisable to look into housekeeping stores. There, sometimes you can find similar products. The price tag is quite high.

The best test for such equipment is cooking food. After exposure in the marinade, the meat is rolling on skewers. On glowing coals, skillful masters will prepare a tasty dish.

Video: Mangal from the gas cylinder with his own hands.

Making homemade smokery

For smoking meat, a finished brand is used. However, experts make a more complex design of universal use.

For smoking you need to have one, but two or more cameras.

  1. The first chamber contains the product to be kept.
  2. In the second chamber (there may be more than two), the glowing fire is divorced.
  3. First fasten the chip, and then cover air access.
  4. As a result, chips begins.
  5. Smoke on the pipe moves into the chamber with products.
  6. The product is emphasized by smoke, acquires the corresponding look and color.

Distinguish hot and cold smoking.

  • With hot smoked, the distance between the source of fire and the product is minimal. Processing is performed by smoke, the temperature of which is at least 50 ... 60 ⁰c. To obtain high-quality smoked, about 3 ... 4 hours of processing. As a result, you can store the finished product in a cool place to 5 ... 7 days.
  • Cold smoking is performed by smoke, the temperature of which is not more than 20 ... 25 ⁰c. The result is a smoked product that can be stored in a cool place to 14 ... 17 days.

How to make smoking at home?

The following project is made by the manufacture of several working devices:

  1. Brokel for frying kebabs, sausages and other products on fire.
  2. Stove for cooking food.
  3. The furnace can be used to get smoke.
  4. The MANGAL will be used in this case for smoking meat semi-finished products.

For the manufacture of the stove, you need to prepare corners for the front wall. They are written from a rolled corner 50 · 50 mm.

In the future, welding of corners on the front wall is performed.

The finished wall has the form.

Doors are welded. One serves to feed firewood, the other is used as confused. The ash obtained as a result of burning wood or coal is removed through it.

The remaining walls are cut from metal with a thickness of 6 mm. Dimensions are indicated on the accompanying sketches.

The furnace assembled on welding.

Walls are welded with inner corners. They are used to obtain an angle of 90 ⁰. Previously on the walls the chamfer is removed, then it gets a thicker cowing layer.

The panel is installed on top. It has rings in which you can install dishes for cooking.

Inside mounted cast-iron grate. They share the space of the furnace and pushed. Usually perfume performs removable.

For mounting the mangala use special legs. A special stand of the radial type is made from the band metal. It will fit the forming cylinder.

Weling legs with each other create a ready-made support for the barbecue.

Magala assemble. Install a balloon in place. The design may, if necessary, to understand.

The lid gain is performed using segments. They will not allow the lid to change geometry when heated and cooled.

On the left side the system is welded from pipes. It will be used to hang skewers.

Chimneys are mounted on the wall.

Intermediate pipes are needed between cameras. For them, smoke can ship into the smoking chamber from the furnace. It is necessary to provide modes of switching the movement of flue gas.

Specially set to switch the movement of smoke through pipes. There is a special handle of control. With different positions inside the pipe smoke will be sent to the pipe or to the chamber.

In the mangale, a special subdivination is mounted. For it is used perforated pipe.

Along the way you need a carbon carbon. Additionally, the nozzle is used, which is supplied inside the chamber.

Twisting pipe segments, the assembly product is obtained.

At the place to locate it is not difficult. Pre-at the bottom is made a hole, where the pipe with a diameter of 27 mm is placed.

Now the air will come inside and maintain burning.

The finished installation is located under the canopy. At the bottom of the stand is mounted by a substole. It can be placed dishes and semi-finished products.

Video: Smokehouse from the gas balloon do it yourself.

User's manual

Finished smokehouse works in several modes.

Cooking on the oven

  1. The smoke tube opens into the "open" mode. Now the whole smoke will freely go out through the main chimney.
  2. Firewood or coal is laid in the fuel chamber. The tableware is installed on top. If necessary, extra circles are removed, then the flames and hot gases will be in direct contact with the bottom of the dishes.
  3. Opened pissed.
  4. Firewood is mounted. The cooking begins.
  5. After burning firewood in the fuel, coals remain. For a long time, they will continue to smooth, heating the pan and frying pan installed above.
  6. The smoke tube can be covered. Then the main energy of burning firewood will be spent on the heating of the furnace and dishes.
  7. When the coals ran down completely, the combustion products are removed out through pissed.

Asha can be used in the garden.

Smoking meat using a furnace as a smoke generator, and mangala - for the basic saturation process smoke

  1. Scrap (alder, apple tree, peach, apricot) are harvested.
  2. Inside the coal (firewood) is laid.
  3. The mortgaged solid fuel is burning inside the furnace.
  4. After the output to the regime inside, sins and sawdust fall asleep.
  5. The preparation of meat semi-finished products is performed. It is soaked with a "wet" way in a special marinade. Possible preparation by the method of "dry" ambulance.
  6. The semi-finished product is stacked inside the chamber (smoking).
  7. The impact hole is closed, which is necessary to maintain the burning of fuel in the mangale.
  8. Smoke from the generator is recreated inside the smoke chamber.
  9. Semi-finished product is in the smoke that came from the generator.
  10. There is a partial cooling of smoke. Its temperature can be 35 ... 50 ⁰c. Therefore, there is a hot smoking. Its duration must be at least 3 ... 5 hours.
  11. If the drainage stops, then it is disconnected. Repeated coal risi is performed. After entering the mode, wood shavings are poured. Some masters recommend to wet them. Then the smoking duration can increase.

After completing the smoking, the product is removed from the chamber. It is desirable to wrap it in paper, then the smoke molecules from the surface will move inside the meat pieces.

Frying kebabs and sausages

For frying, you can use conventional firewood or charcoal. Choosing firewood, it is advisable to use the following types of wood: oak, birch, apple tree, peach, apricot, plum.

  1. Firewood is laid in the chamber. Opened a hole in the mangale.
  2. Solid fuel can be checked with paper. It is much faster than it to burn it using liquids for ignition.
  3. It is necessary to give root to light fuel factions. The fry is starting after entering the mode of coal. At this time, a light gray raid is formed on the surface.
  4. Slices of kebabs are riveted on skewers. If a lean meat is preparing, then it is advisable between them to have small fat fragments. The inner fat (beef or lamb) is best suited.
  5. On average, one stepper is rolled up to 150 ... 180 g of harvested meat.
  6. The skewers are stacked in the grooves on the front wall. The speakers are highlighted in the hole on the rear wall.
  7. It is necessary to have a water sprayer. In the process of frying from sticks dripped fat. He, falling on the surface of the coal, lights up. Open Fire will cause a burn prepared food. Open fire reduces the quality of the finished product.
  8. You need to spray water from the sprayer on the fire.
  9. In the process of frying you need to turn the product.
  10. The finished kebab is removed from the brazier and is served on the table.
  11. If cooling occurs, you can warm up, returning to the brazier.

Slaskas for frying are riveted on wooden skewers, then they will not burst and spread.

For frying sausages, you need to lay coal about two times less than when cooking kebabs from meat.

  1. The temperature is maintained at 250 ... 280 ° C.
  2. They are laid on the grid. The distance between individual fragments is up to 2 ... 3 cm.
  3. The frying on each side is performed by 3 ... 5 minutes.
  4. You need to constantly rotate the semi-finished product.
  5. To prepare thick sausages take up to 15 minutes. For thin - 10 ... 12 min.
  6. Finished sausages turn over long tongs, then the probability of burn is low.

Few pose a vacation in nature without a good roasted kebab or grilled vegetables. The key to the successful preparation of products is a convenient device, for example, a brazier from a gas cylinder with your own hands. With the right operation, it is capable of listening for more than one year.

The design is easy to do under your needs using high-quality auxiliary materials and tools. For different situations, either the folding version of the mantal from the gas cylinder, photos of which is presented on this page, or a stationary design, where the mangalm-smoke cylinder is securely fixed in the courtyard of the country house.


The brazier is made by brazier, with the help of which dishes are preparing over hot coals from wooden lane. It is customary to classify according to groups:

  • portable design, due to small dimensions and maximum dissemination is easily transported to the place of operation;
  • portable devices, do not have a clear structural binding to a specific place, can navigate close, have the ability to disassemble several components of the elements;
  • stationary installations, structurally mounted in the foundation or other basis and do not have the possibility of moving.

Stationary structures are manufactured using brickwork, and for the rest, leaf iron or remnants of metal tanks are used. The owners of old unnecessary cylinders were lucky, because a brand from a gas cylinder, made by her hands as in the video, already has forms as close as possible to the necessary dimensions.

The cost of the developed balloon is about $ 10-15, which is significantly cheaper than buying a finished industrial product for a barbecue or kebab. At the same time, the walls in the gas cylinder is much thicker, which will ensure long operation.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture of the mangala, you will need a gas cylinder with a capacity of about 50 liters. The greater will be hard to move, and those that are less than that have no convenient operational properties, but also look much aesthetically more attractive.

The walls of the container have a thickness of about 3 mm, which ensures simple treatment with the help of an angular grinding machine (grinder).

You will need to stock such a set:

  • drill and drill set;
  • bulgarian with multiple disks for metal work;
  • hand hacksaw for metal;
  • portable welding machine and electrodes with a diameter of 2-3 mm;
  • corner 40x40 mm or close to this profile about 6-7 m long;
  • door canopies 2-3 pcs.;
  • putes are 10 mm diameter, if it is supposed to form a barbecue grid.

Preparatory work

The cylinder is desirable to take without end-to-end portions so that the corrosion processes do not destroy the product. Before spilling the crane, it will be necessary to put pressure, opening the crane and turning the container. Checking the full gas outlet is made using a soap solution that can be applied to the outgoing hole. If there are no signs of bubbles, then the gas has come out completely.

Split the faucet is needed by a hand tool to prevent overheating and sparking. Further secure the process can be watering the cut with water.

In the opened hole after cutting the crane, water is poured for washing out gas condensate residues. If it is bad to wash the container, then the grill-sample from the gas cylinder will be long to have an unpleasant smell inside.

Water residues should be disposed of as far as possible from the residential zone, as they are poisonous and long exude a characteristic smell. Only after the haps are completely eliminated, you can start making a brazier from the gas balloon with your own hands - drawings, photos, video further in the article.

With the help of chalk, markup is made outside to cut the segment, which serves as a lid. Rates from the bottom and the tops of 3-5 cm, they are carried out on both sides of the mark perpendicular to the axis around the circle of the container. These two chalk rings we connect with two axial lines located at maximum distance from each other. Inside the rectangle was formed to be carefully cut with a baccle.

It is necessary to leave a couple of inner rings in integrity, which will rely on the future cover.

Production of legs

After measuring height, scold legs. They can be welded into a single frame, which is the future basis for the design or make individual disconnecting elements. In the first case, it will take a 40x40 mm construction corner, and for the second option, four equal pieces of pipe 40-45 mm will be required. Another option is the welding of the frame with your own hands to the bottom of the grill's mangala from the gas cylinder, and removable legs are fixed with bolts.

The design provides a lid fixed with the help of door loops. For them, the holes are previously drilled through which steel rivets are put.

Aluminum rivets can be under the influence of high temperature not to withstand the load.

The handle is attached to bolts, and its working part must have wooden insulation to prevent burns during use. Its material is desirable to choose with the maximum heat-resistant characteristics.

The side opening can be fed up or install the exhaust pipe on it to enhance the craving through such chimney.

The lid can greatly fold and outweigh the design. So that it does not happen, you will need to prigerate the limiter in the form of a small corner or pipe.

Assembling all elements

Frequent high temperatures are able to deform the design of the container from the cylinder. You can avoid it if you can tighten the barbell around the perimeter, welding a metal corner. Auxiliary shelf for skewers, lattices, tanks with meat or other household needs is easily mounted on the structural element.

For connecting the remaining parts, clamps are applied to the design in the desired position. After the assembly, you can drill holes in the bottom to provide better ventilation and removal of moisture, ash and small garbage.

Durability will help to ensure the grinding of heat-resistant paint. Such a coating prevent corrosion processes outside.

Before use, it is necessary to make firewood several times for 1-2 hours to get rid of the harmful smell.


It is possible to use a mangon and as a smokehouse, for this, only from the opposite tube, the capacitance for sawdust is mounted. However, in this case, it is necessary to ensure maximum tightness of the design.

The difference between a barbecue and barbecue and a barbecue is that the first design option needs a mesh for meat, and in the second case, the edges of the cylinder are made slots under skewers.

To make the grill, the brazier is installed by a spit, to which meat blanks will be imposed. It is mounted along the axis of the cylinder.

Stationary mangals are drawn up in the form of stylized funny structures, for example, an ancient locomotive. The pipe in this case acts not only as a scenery, but also performs the functional duty of the exhaust.

Old gas cylinder is one of the most useful things in the farm. That only from it does not do: and stoves, bourgeities, and barbecue and mangals. And all because the form is almost ready. There are small alterations that take just a few hours. For example, a brazier from the gas balloon can be done for three or four hours (this is if the legs do not do).

Safe disassembly

Before starting to work with a cylinder, it is necessary to remove the remains of the gas from it. The operation is simple, but reliably prevents possible trouble: the container is filled with water. She displaces all couples and remnants.

First, unscrew the faucet, plug in the plumbing hose and water is supplied under a slight pressure. When the whole volume is completely filled, you can start cutting the metal.

Marking of the cylinder

Most often for brazier take a propaganized balloon for 50 liters. It turns out the optimal size for the preparation of 6 portions of the kebab. These products are standard, because the markup will be common to all.

The outer diameter of the cylinder is 96 cm. It is perfectly divided into 4: it turns out 24 cm. There is also a label regarding which it is convenient to make marking: it is a longitudinal seam. Regarding it and it is worth it all distances: then everything will be smoothly, without distortion.

First, we depose from the seam 24 cm in both directions, carry out lines. Putting a balloon horizontally, seam down, on one of the lines we make marking under the skewers. From the circular seams to the right and on the left, we retreat 3 cm, and then put the marks every 8 cm. We get 6 marks. They will need to drill holes with a diameter of about 1 cm.

From the line on which the markup was carried out laying up 10 cm (from the seam-middle it turns out 34 cm). Here will end the cover of our manga.

Next, place the lid itself. It will be the distance between the first marked line and just applied. Between them, retreating 3 cm from circular welds, stake the lines. With you on the cylinder drew the mangala lid. It takes less than half of the diameter (it turned out in the photo below).

Making a brand from a gas cylinder

All these manipulations are carried out with a cylinder filled with water. They were stated, and the first thing cut over the line to which the lid will be attached (see the photo below). Just do not forget: cutting the balloon, do not reach circular seams by 3 cm.

Making a cut in full length of this line stop. It is not necessary to cut further: we will immediately weld the loops.

If you first cut off the entire cover, it will be difficult to weld the hinge: you will have to somehow fix the cover, hold it at the same distance. It is unrealistic to do this, you will need an assistant. Stopping after the first drank along the line, it is easy to do everything alone.

Clearing the loop, we continue to work with a grinder - cut off the door, and it turns, and does not fall. Now you can already pour water from the tank.

Next, so that the open cover is not covered back and did not break the loops, weld along the cut line between the pieces of the corner pieces (see the photo below). A rather width is 3-4 cm, and cut off the corner what is - 40 * 40 mm or 50 * 50 mm. Such stops are needed on both sides of the lid - on the right and left.

The distance to which the lid will open, change the dispersion of the corners. Pick up such a distance so that you can comfortably close it - you did not need to bend forward, getting up to the handle. But at the same time, it is strongly forward to it, too, can not be served so that it does not shut and knocks on his hand.

We weld the piece of the corner between the loops - it will be a stopper for the lid

The remaining bottom rim is easy to remove if there is an incision. Side (circular) seams should not be touched. Sealing rings are laid in them, which tightly keep the entire design of the mangala. That is why when marking the lid, we retreated several centimeters from them: so that the Mangal was durable and reliable.

On the lid attach a handle. She can be any. If there is something suitable in the "honeycomb" we use, no - you can simply be a bit of the armature curved appropriately. It is only desirable to adapt another piece of wood so that you can take your hand.

The next step in the manufacture of a mantal from the gas cylinder is necessary so that the lid does not fall inside. To do this, cut out from metal with a thickness of 1-3 mm bandwidth of about 3 cm. And weld to the cut in the cylinder.

On the other side, on a welded plate opposite each of the holes, they make rugs. This is also a place under the skewer.

The next step is to cut on the bottom part of the slot for air intake. The juggle design is closed, and without it, firewood burns and coals will be bad. Therefore, we turn the barn to the bottom up, and from the seam in both directions we post 10 cm. Next, from each of these lines I will postpone 10-12 cm and also carry out lines. It turned out that at an equal distance from the central seam, we have two strips with a width of 10 cm. In these stripes cut through the grinder every 5 cm of air holes. If you wish, you can do not do strips, but drill holes, but there should be a lot of them, and the manufacture of the bands will take less time.

About why the holes do not do at the bottom itself. First, seam touch undesirable. It gives the stiffness of the design. Secondly, any openings at the bottom are quickly clogged with fat, mixed with ash and ashes. Then this mixture is very much, and the air arrives very badly through the holes, it is necessary to constantly fan the firewood and coals and often clean the holes.

Last bar - Cut the faucet and brew a hole.

Mangal himself from the gas cylinder is ready. It remains to attach legs. How - read a couple of points below.

What should happen as a result: a brazier from a gas cylinder with a lid

Simple design

The option described above is convenient, but quite complicated in the manufacture. You can do everything easier. The easiest way to cut the propane cylinder along in half, on the edges cut into the skewers along the skewer, chop holes in the sides of the holes for air intake and attach legs. That's all the work.

If there is a desire to make a brazier with a lid, the second half is welded on the loop. And so that the lid does not fail, on the outer and side side, it is welded to it with a metal strip 3 cm wide (in the previous version, the strip was cooked to the body, and not to the lid).

To the open cover does not fall, sometimes a piece of chain is used as a stopper. The segment of the desired length is welded on the right and left. But the option with the stops behind the back is much more practical: the chain is confused and dirty: with a closed lid it turns out inside the manga.

Barca Mangal

Barrel It is advisable to find almost the same volume - 50-60 liters is the optimal size. Moreover, the diameter should not be too large: the skewers usually go 50-60 cm. In order for them tightly lying on the roaster, it should remain at least 10-12 cm free length. So it turns out that the diameter of the barrel should not be more than 40-50 cm.

Mangal from a barrel with a lid. Manufacturing to small things coincides with the process when using a gas cylinder

If it is wider, there are two outputs - make a skewer at the required sizes or welded from the far side from the inside the corner on which they will describe their tips. It will not be possible to win a lot, but 5-6 cm, depending on the size of the corner, can be played.

The barrels must have a wall thickness of at least 2-3 mm. It is impossible to use tanks from under fuel. They will not fall out to such an extent so that you can cook food.

The sequence of frozen production from the barrel is no different from those described above. Only the preparatory stage goes by itself - there is no need to fill with water. With very different sizes, you will need to make adjustments in the markup - up to the reduction or increase - see yourself.

From the barrels, too, you can make the easiest brand - to the cutting legs cut along the tank and cut down the edges of the shampoo

Make very functional mangals from barrels - a container for coal or fire vehicles is added next to (also with a lid). One of these is in the photo.

Although no one bothers to make the same from the cylinder: next to the 50-liter prepananov, attach exactly the same decorated, but already on 27 liters.

Mangal from the pipe and with a pipe

Farming the roar from the pipe is slightly harder. In the sense that you need to brew ends. All other operations are no different. Even the designs are exactly the same.

Mangals from the pipe - the manufacture will require a little longer: you need to privar the sides

But when using the pipe there are its advantages: since we will still welcome the sides, then why not do the door (in the photo on the left). You can use old from the stove - you can put firewood through it, as well as adjust the air supply until "prepare" coals.

Mangal with a pipe

To ensure the best thrust and so that the smoke does not interfere with being nearby, it is possible to attach a chimney pipe to the sidewall of the mangaal from a cylinder, pipes or barrels. Works will add, but not very much. But it will be comfortable to use: the smoke is good on the kebab, but they do not want to breathe.

Mangals with a pipe are more comfortable - smoke goes up. You can also issue differently in different ways.

Making legs

They can be from a corner, round or profile tube, reinforcement, thick metal stripes. What is in the farm, then use. Some ideas are in the photo below.

The simplest legs of the pipe and the corner - welded to the bottom. You can make the bottom of the strut, and to arrange a shelf

Almost also can be made of strips have become a large thickness.

Comfortable feet for mangal from a propane cylinder can be made from the profile pipe. They can be in the form of an inverted letter "T" and welded to the middle. You can make a support in the form of a frame, making the shelf below (or several shelves) for firewood, bowls and t ..

You can make legs made of round pipe and / or fittings. If the manbon you want to be portable, then small segments of the reinforcement are welded to the body, and pieces of pipes of a suitable diameter (the inner diameter of the tube is slightly larger than the external fittings). You can draw on the contrary: to fight pieces of pipes, and insert fittings.

Just keep in mind that with such legs to move it difficult: the legs will fall out. To avoid it, cut carvings.

Video example of the manufacture of one of the homemade mangalls from the propane cylinder see below.

Rarely what a feast or a picnic in nature costs meat or kebabs fried on coal. Therefore, a comfortable and practical barn is no longer a luxury, but a way to relax in the campaign. Such a simple device can be welded from steel sheet, making collapsible, but all this will require the time and availability of material. It's easier and faster to make a brand from a balloon.

From which cylinder to produce a brazier - gas or oxygen, no matter if the wall material was without traces of through corrosion. And most importantly, the mangal from the gas balloon is made with his own hands literally in a few hours, faster than meat laid in marinade and spices will be ready for frying.

What version of the cylinder for the manga to choose

Before you decide on the manufacture of the balloon version of the Mangala, it is necessary to decide how to use in the future built apparatus. This will answer the question from the gas cylinder. Options and projects of balloon mangals are quite a lot, each of them has its own specifics, advantages and disadvantages:

For your information! The size of the container, with a length of 96 cm and the diamests of 30 cm, accommodates about ten liters of charcoal, which is enough for one and a half hours of work of the brazier.

The weight of the mangal makes it easy to endure it with two adults within the local area, and even to carry the design on a passenger car if the legs of the brazier make removable or collapsible.

Mangala design from cylinder

The scheme of the stove from the gas storage capacity is different from the mangal of classic shape. The main difference lies in the form of the bottom and the volume of the fuel laid for burning - coal or firewood. The usual option is made in the form of a steel box, and the balloon gets a semicircular bottom and side walls.

You can cut the gas cylinder in two ways in two ways - divided into two equal half or cut in the side wall only the sector, leaving the upper and lower bottom, as in the drawing.

The first method allows you to get a relatively simple brand. The design of the halves of the cylinder may not work worse, and maybe better complex multifunctional roasaries in which you can fry the kebab and barbecue, smoke fish, soar and bake in the dough, in general, do everything that real cook stove does.

The advantages of such a mangala include the fact that its manufacture will take:

  • Good gas cylinder or tank;
  • Three or four cutting discs for the grinder and from the passage of the electrodes;
  • Six to seven meters of steel 12 millimeter reinforcement, station of heat-resistant paint, a pair of door canopies;
  • Four hours of free time, which is especially valuable if guests are almost already on the threshold of the house.

Such structures are simple in the manufacture and, as a rule, do not bring surprises related to its owners associated with uneven burning of fuel.

A more complex option will be a universal brazier depicted in the photo. In the manufacture of brazier in the gas cylinder, the bottoms are left, and the hatch or wall is made of the cut-off sector of the balloon wall. And although in the present grill, no covers or hatches are provided, amateur structures are usually made based on the execution of several operations.

For example, mangal-smoking gas cylinder. Typically, gas cylinders are made along the vertical scheme as a special furnace, as in the drawing. Use such a design for other purposes, for example, for the preparation of kebabs is quite difficult. While the brazier from the gas capacity allows you to do and smoke and frying meat.

We build a brand on your own

The used gas 50 liter cylinder has long become a universal workpiece, which build mangals, smokers, barbecue stoves, brazers, samukers and dryers. Relatively thick, 2.2 mm metal metal allows you to weld to the walls of the mangal handles, corners, rests, canopies and limiters, other fasteners, without fear of the proper, while observing the mechanism of welding. But before you need to prepare a gas capacity for disassembling and cutting.

We prepare a gas cylinder

To cut the gas tank into separate elements of the future manga, it is necessary to get rid of gas fuel and condensate vapor, which has been released into the metal wall. Experts recommend to disappear with a boiling capacity of a small amount of water on slow heat. After a couple of hours, all flammable gas pairs will leave the cylinder.

In practice, in most cases, the metal is cut with watering cut water, as given on the video. There is nothing particularly difficult in the procedure, but it will take advantage of unscrew the valve and flush the cylinder capacity from gas vapor flow of flow water.

To do this, turn the valve. The easiest way is to grab the threaded base for a protective cap, capture the bronze square on the cylinder valve. Punch under bronze thread can be carefully soaked kerosene. You should unscrew counterclockwise with light jolts. After washing from the gas condensate, the balloon is placed under the contour of the future mangala, the container is filled with water and proceed to the cut.

As a result, two parts of the future guide of the mangala depicted in the photo are obtained.

Rust and paint residues need to be removed from the surface by any available mechanical manner, for example, metal brushes or sandblasting. Ripple traces of corrosion on the cylinder is necessary to white metal. After the end of the welding work, the outer surface of the case must be painted with heat-resistant paint, for example, aluminum, or composition for protecting the reinforcement of brick stoves. The inner part of the cylinder will burn and eventually will become blue-black.

We collect the hull of Mangala

The first thing on the body of the future mangala must be revealed by loops and opening limiters. Usually, when cutting a gas cylinder, the lid is not renewed to the end, and leave several millimeters from each angle. After welding, the loops and knobs to the body and the lid are unreasured areas are dotted and the cover with perfect geometry is obtained.

For a safe folding of the hot cover of the Mangala, it will take to make the position limiters at the maximum opening.

Tip! If you do not have greater experience of welding, perform welding points. Seam will be smooth and durable.

To make it convenient to turn the skewer over hot coals, there will be two rows of holes in the gas cylinder body, with a diameter of 8-10 mm, from the opposite side opposite each hole, a wedge-shaped groove is cut. With the help of the hole, it is enough to simply rotate the shappecore, and with the help of the groove can be recorded in the desired position.

In the bottom part of the gas cylinder housing, a rumble of transverse slots will cut through which the air will be passed inside the layer of hot coal and stabilize the combustion temperature. The width of the cut is not more than 2 mm, which is quite enough to maintain the burning, but the ash and sparks do not wake up on the feet of the chef.

In some embodiments, the mughal from the body of the gas cylinder into the side wall of the finished stove is embedded with a small knee with a diameter of 70-80 mm with a vertical output. Thus, with the help of mangala, you can smoke meat or fish. To do this, it will be necessary inside, to put lamps on the hot corners, and warm the body of the gas cylinder so that the process of high-temperature decomposition and self-mounted wood began. Inside the cylinder on the lattice, the meat is laid out, which is processed by a gas flow from smashes.

Mangala supporting part

In order for the mantal design of the gas cylinder to be truly convenient and secure, it is necessary to make a solid and rigid support system. The legs can be welded to two parallel steel corners, closed point welding to the walls of the gas cylinder.

A more reliable option is to make legs along the framework of steel reinforcement, as in the photo. The upper part of the stand is welded to the walls of the gas cylinder, the lower is enhanced by transverse swaps. The design is obtained very stable, since the square of the square described by the supports is almost twice the horizontal cross section of the manga. Even with an open risk cover of the entire design, there is no.

If you do a brand from a gas cylinder with a high exhaust pipe, or put additional gas generators for the samuker or barbecue, the best design of the supports will be the scheme shown in the photo.

This design allows you to withstand the considerable weight of the mangala, and at the same time provide a steady position on the solid ground. For sand and the grass covered, the lower crossing will need to load firewood fields to shift the center of gravity down.


The cost of manufacturing a manga from a b / ear gas cylinder will cost 500-550 rubles, several meters of steel corner and a pair-triple cutting discs for metal. Brazier for kebabs purchased on the market or ordered by the master will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, in addition, the purchased thing is not able to delight the owner as made by their own hands.