Works on the current repair of an apartment building. How is the current repair of residential buildings? Works on the current repair of common property

As a rule, the management company refuses to carry out repairs in the entrance of an apartment building, referring to the fact that the implementation of these works, according to the Management Treaty, is not included in the obligation of the management company. To carry out such a repair, it is necessary to solve the general meeting of the owners of the premises of the house, as well as additional cash, which, naturally, is not enough.

Meanwhile, in accordance with clause 3.2.2. Rules and norms of technical operation of the housing stock ", approved by the Resolution of the Russian Federation No. 170, the Housing Fund's service organization should ensure not only the required sanitary condition of the stairwells, but also a good condition for building structures, heating devices and pipelines located on stairwells; regulatory temperature-humidarity on stair cells .

And as follows from clause 3.2.9. These rules and norms, the frequency of repair of entrances should be observed once every five or three years, depending on the classification of buildings and physical wear.

The absence in the management contract of the relevant point of the responsibility of the management company to repair the entrance does not exempt the latter from the obligation to ensure favorable and safe conditions of residence of citizens.

Of course, it should not and forget that the management company is not obliged in the absence of a decision of the General Assembly of Owners to carry out work related to capital repairs.

Examples from judicial practice: Repair of the apartment building - the obligation of the management company

The management company is obliged to repair the entrances of a residential building

The court satisfied the requirements for the obligation of the management company to repair the entrances of a residential building, in particular, to restore the plaster and painting coating of walls and ceilings of the staircase cells.
The court found that earlier, the housing inspectorate was identified violations of the rules and norms of the technical operation of the Housing Fund, the management company issued an order to eliminate the deficiencies that was not fulfilled.
The arguments of the management company about the shortage of funds to carry out work on the repair of entrances, as well as the fact that these works are not provided for by the contract, the court is rejected. It is recognized by the court insolvent and the argument of the defendant that the current repair of the residential house entrances under the contract is provided for only for a fee and to address the meeting of the owners of the premises in an apartment building. (Cm. Appeal definition of the Moscow Regional Court of June 10, 2013 in case No. 33-12585 / 2013)

House repair of the house should be carried out in the time limits established by the rules and regulations. Technical Operation Housing Fund

The court ordered the management company to repair the entrance of a residential building, including to restore the disturbed plastering layer of walls and the ceiling, perform the adhesive color of the walls, staircase marches, ceilings, oil painting of window blocks, radiators, stair fences, set knobs, spiing, restore window frames , perform other works.
The courts indicated that the management organization is obliged to provide favorable and safe living conditions of citizens, the proper content of the common property in the MCD.
The fact that the decision of the General Assembly of Owners is missing, does not cancel the provided Rules of Gosstroy (clause 3.2.9.) Duty on time to repair the entrances of the house. (Cm. Appeal definition of the Murmansk Regional Court of July 24, 2013 N 33-2479)

The management company is obliged to repair an entrance regardless of debt A number of owners

The court decided to oblige a management company to work on repairing the entrance of a residential building, including walls, gender, ceilings, staircase marches, railings, installation of frames in window openings, doors in corridors, repair of electrical wiring, garbage disposal, other works.
The argument of the management company that a number of owners of the houses have an arrears in paying utility payments, the Court recognized as insolvent.
At the same time, the Court of Second Instance noted that the imposition of the responsibility for the manager to produce repair work, which relate to capital, and not ongoing repair, is not based on the law. ( Appeal definition of the Yaroslavl Regional Court of August 2, 2012 in case No. 33-3687)

The management company is obliged to conduct cosmetic access to the entrance, these works are not capitalized

The court decided to oblige a management company to hold the cosmetic repair of the entrance of a residential building: lead to the proper condition of the ceiling and the wall of the entrance, make staining the ceiling and walls.
The court came to the conclusion that work on the repair of the entrance is not capitalized. (

Solution Conduct current repair of apartment building It is also authorized to accept the advice of this house if it is endowed with the appropriate authority. At the same time, the owners of the apartments must determine the list of works that are included in the current repairs of the house, as well as the size of their financing and the terms of implementation. The above questions are solved by owners at the General Meeting. The final decision is made by a majority vote. Only after that the maintenance of the house is carried out.

Determining the current repairs - what is it?

What does it relate to current repairs? From the provisions of clause 12 of the rules for the main property in an apartment building approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the rules) it follows that the owners of the apartments of the house are authorized independently repairing common property or attract other individuals. The current repair of the common property in an apartment building is carried out taking into account the selected version of the management of this house.

According to paragraphs 11 and 16 of the rules, housing content and current repairs can provide:

Owners of premises
  • by concluding an agreement on the management of an apartment building with the Management Organization;
  • by entering into agreements implying the current repair of the house, as well as the content of the total ownership, with persons who perform the necessary work and provide services (with direct management of the house).
HOA and specialized consumer cooperatives
  • by membership in them owners of premises;
  • by finding the owners of premises that are not their members, relevant agreements with these organizations.

Current repairs in accordance with Article 161 of the LCD of the Russian Federation HOA and specialized consumer cooperatives are eligible to carry out the current repair of an apartment building on their own or attract other persons performing relevant work.

In addition, according to Article 162 of the LCD of the Russian Federation, the agreement with the management organization includes a list of works (services), which includes the maintenance of the house, as well as the procedure for its change, the size of the board, the rules for its introduction.

It should be noted that in accordance with Article 161 of the LCD of the Russian Federation, organizations engaged in the content (maintenance) of houses are obliged to comply with the established rules and requirements for relevant activities.

List of maintenance and current home repair:

  • Work on the coverage of generalicity.
  • Cleaning of public premises in accordance with sanitary standards.
  • Land work on sites near the apartment building (gardening).
  • Harvesting household waste, as well as their export independently or with the help of relevant companies.
  • Compliance with fire safety measures.
  • Ensuring maintaining in the premises established by the law of temperature, as well as the level of humidity.
  • Inspection of not suitable premises in order to identify non-compliance with the norms, as well as, threatening the lives, health and convenience of residents.
  • Timely holding of the current and planned repair. Preparation for the operation of generalicity.

According to Article 154 of the LCD RF, the composition of the board for the maintenance of the living space includes a fee for the current repair of an apartment building. At the same time, in accordance with Article 39 of the LCD RF, the owners pay for the content of their common property in proportionate to personal shares in the structure of common property. In this regard, they contribute:

  • fee for repair (maintenance) of housing in an apartment building (if the house is managed by a control organization or directly owners of premises);
  • contributions and compulsory payments on account of the HOA or specialized consumer cooperative. If the owners of the apartments are not included in these organizations, they contribute to the repair (maintenance) of the housing (including the current repair of an apartment building) according to the terms of the agreements concluded with these organizations. This procedure is established by Article 155 of the LCD RF.

Repair of the roof and replacement of doors - is it a capital or current repair?

Are there any difference in types of work, i.e. Are the types of work in the current repairs and with overhaul?

Maintenance - Periodically running work on the full restoration or replacement of composite elements and devices or work on the partial restoration of the main designs and mechanisms. Overhaul- This is a complete replacement of engineering networks or building structures of the building or part of the structure. At the same time, the cause of current repairs is to eliminate outdoor defects and preventing the deterioration of the situation. In the case of overhaul, it is done when the building was aging, wear and no longer fulfills its functions. To overhaul, for example, it is possible to replace the flowing roof, and to the current - replacement of decorative tiles in the bathroom.

Current repairs in an apartment building is considered one of the effective tools to maintain the construction of the building in a working, functional state, both from the point of view of safe use of residents by all elements of building and ensuring proper sanitary conditions within the entrances and public facilities. With the help of planned and extraordinary current repair work, the house management or management company provides "health" of building structures between the sessions of capital repairs.

What is the current repair of a residential apartment building

In fact, the current repairs are carried out not in order to be in a complex and intense object, which is a multi-apartment building, it was beautiful, clean and cozy, although this is also considered important to ensure comfortable living conditions. The volume of work scheduled maintenance is formed, first of all, to restore the health and elimination of building structures. First of all, the safety of the building, and only then beauty and sanitation.

Such an order is determined by two fundamental documents regulating the activities of managing companies in terms of maintaining and operating apartment buildings:

  • Rules of Gosstroy №170 dated September 27, 2003;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "Rules for the maintenance and operation of common property ..." of August 13, 2006 №491.

Both documents are quite thorough formulating the goals and objectives of the current repairs of an apartment building, which seriously narrows the space for maneuver management companies, not particularly wanting to spend funds obtained with such labor from tenants as rent and targeted contributions.

Small but very important difference

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between two completely different concepts - the planned current repair and more common term - current repairs. In the first case, the repair is performed comprehensively, its preparation is carried out on the basis of the results of annual spring inspections of infrastructure and communications of the apartment building and submitted applications and complaints from tenants.

In the second case, current repairs are implemented in an urgent order. Any situations can be founded by any situations from a bundled pipe, sprawling brick or torn roofing.

Despite the similarity in terminology, these are two completely different production processes funded from different articles of the budget management company. That is, all sorts of excuses that the current repairs to eliminate the consequences of the hurricane wind "ate" money to carry out current repairs in an apartment building are nothing more than change in.

Regulation or scheduled repair of a non-capital nature

Another type of work, called the regulations, which are very important and must be regularly carried out in an apartment building with each inspection, but to the current repair of common property in an apartment building, as such, they do not have a relationship. It is rather maintaining infrastructure than a full-fledged recovery.

Regulations include:

  • Cleaning ventilation channels, air ducts and mines;
  • Restoration of rubberiness, ventilation, sewer and water supply communications;
  • Small repair of door boxes on the floors of an apartment building;
  • Liner floor tiles or staircase coatings;
  • Restoration of roofing in places of adjustment to walls and ventshahtam;
  • Measuring and repair work with electrical wiring and grounding in an apartment building;
  • Replacing the waterproof fittings, maintenance of radiators of the heating system of an apartment building.

Such events are carried out at least once a year, when preparing for a new heating season. They do not belong to the current repairs and finance from the Housing Service Maintenance Articles.

List of works performed on the current repair of an apartment building

The federal legislation formulates the provisions of a general nature, without going into details and a specific description of the work performed. It is clear that for current repairs, in contrast to the capital version, the project documentation for the implementation of the restoration of the bearing walls, overlappings, the foundation designs and the roof frame is not created. Even if there is a need for the restoration of the rafting roof system, the powers and tasks of the current repair are not included.

The same refers to the restoration of the bearing elements of the building, the repair of the facade, basement rooms - everything that requires the participation of narrow specialists and experts.

Basic list of procedures for current repairs

To unambiguously distinguish, which is included in the current repair of an apartment building, which is not, regional management of construction and housing and communal services publish guidelines for this type of planned repair and recovery activities. The value of such cribs is that they formulate specific recommendations taking into account regional climatic features.

For your information! The document can be successfully used in disputes and conflict situations with representatives of companies and organizations managers for the exploitation of apartment buildings.

In a simplified form, the list is as follows:

  • Outdoor works - Painting of the facade, walls, strengthening the basement of the foundation, the liquidation of the pits and the foci of the decoration of concrete;
  • Restoration of lost parts of concrete slabs, sealing seams and joints, restoration of architectural outer decorative elements of an apartment building;
  • Replacement or restoration of window frames, accessories, replacement of glazing;
  • Restoration of walls, ceiling of the room, floor tiles of the lobby and tambour;
  • Reclosure and repair of power wiring with the restoration of the appearance of the electric hoist;
  • Repair or replacement with similar designs of orange ventilation systems;
  • Laying a new floor tile or concrete floor cover;
  • Restoring mailboxes and boxes;
  • Local restoration and painting of the railing and handrails;
  • Full replacement of lamps, both plafimons and bases with wiring and switches;
  • Restoration of visors made of metal, wood and plastic;
  • Overflowing garbage generation with replacing valves, receivers and "aprons".

It is worth remembering that all design and operational documentation on a multi-apartment apartment building is at the disposal of the management company. According to the rules of the Gosstroy, changes to the passport on an apartment building are made only by the results of major repairs, and only if significant finishes were made in the vital areas of the building, for example, in the structure of the foundation, walls, roofs.

It happens that residents on their own initiative persuade the builders at their expense to replace the plaffones on more expensive, or lay a more expensive tile. It is worth remembering that the administration in the next current renovation session has the right to dismantle the new clothes and replace it with standard products provided for by project documentation.

Work on the current repair of an apartment building

The most interesting feature is that the performance of current repair work can be organized without convening a general meeting of residents. But information about the planned current repair in a specific period of time should be brought to the annual meeting of housing owners in an apartment building. Information on the timing of current planned repairs must be published three months before the conclusion of contracts.

Repair does not necessarily entrust one construction organization. There is an opportunity to split the process into several stages. In this case, the plan is drawn up on several independent enlarged areas, for example, the repair work of entrances and walls, separately - the current repair of communications, separately the restoration of the foundation and roofing elements and roofing structures separately take place.


According to the results of the current repairs in an apartment building, the acts of acceptance by the Commissioner, which necessarily include representatives of the Management Company, the Contractor, Housing Inspection and Public Representatives. If the current repair work of a multi-storey building is made with obvious violations, it is possible to participate in the Commission of Independent Experts and even representatives of supervisory authorities.

Current repairs are restoration activities aimed at eliminating defects of an apartment building (MCD) in order to maintain acceptable conditions for the residence of citizens. The service is due to the tenants, which means they are in the right to receive all the information on the expenditure of funds.

List of current repair objects

Current repairs are a number of planned works of various profiles, the control of the execution of which is carried out by the management organization and the HOA. However, the list of works on the current repair of an apartment building, regularity and timing are set in open voting mode. This requires to organize a meeting of housing owners.

Repair work covers the territory within the MKD:

  • basement;
  • technical buildings;
  • elevators;
  • facade (including windows);
  • roof;
  • balconies (external condition);
  • priest territories.

The exceptions are residential premises - apartments. There, the necessary manipulations are carried out at the expense of their owners.

What should be repaired

The management company takes responsibility for the current repairs of a residential building in the specified territory. For each facility, a number of troubleshooting and defects are carried out:

  1. Roof: Restoration of the proceeding sites, replacement of a defective coating.
  2. Walls: Correction of appearance (does not apply to structures inside the dwelling) and strengthening.
  3. Foundation: Replacing masonry elements, elimination of cracks and humidity.
  4. Overlap: Strengthening and restoring structures.
  5. Windows: Full replacement of old blocks or some details.
  6. Porch: Restoration of visor, walls, footing coating, steps and front door.
  7. Floors: Strengthening design, cosmetic correction, restoration of impaired waterproofing with the condition of complete recovery of coatings.
  8. Ceilings: surface alignment, whitewashes.
  9. Ventilation: regular cleaning, troubleshooting and damage.
  10. Heating equipment: Preparation for seasonal inclusion / disconnection, heat supply control.
  11. Garbage cutting: cleaning and establishing the mechanism.
  12. Water supply and sewage: Elimination of failures leading to the cessation of water supply, cleaning pipes.
  13. Power supply: Replacing wiring on faulty areas, restoration or replacement of switches, sockets, electrical meters, etc. Current repairs in this direction is performed in the territories of a residential building intended for general use.
  14. Oven: types of work on the functioning of functioning, including and the crossing of individual fragments or the entire focus. The management company is engaged in the repair of this facility only provided that its operation is carried out at least two apartments.
  15. Elevator: Conducting regular maintenance, troubleshooting, sanitary manipulations.
  16. Balconies: glazing and external reflection, interior decoration is carried out at the expense of housing owners.
  17. Surrounding areas: Refining of the land plot, i.e., landing of trees and shrubs, restoration of benches and urns, objects of children's entertainment complexes and arbors, replacement of illiquid equipment, restoration of paving tracks.

IMPORTANT! The list of activities carried out can be regulated individually, taking into account the state of the house, organizing the functioning of its systems and the wishes of tenants.

Financial Side Question

It is no coincidence that residents affect the stages of restoration work, the cost of which is included in the fee for the current repairs of an apartment building. It is they bring part of the funds for the current repairs, however, the decision on the need to carry out certain events for liquidation and troubleshooting remains for the management company.

The process of payment of the current repairs of the apartment building is made monthly by equal parts: the required amount is included in the regular payment along with utility bills.

IMPORTANT ! Questions on project financing are regulated at the legislative level, which is approved Art. 154-156 Housing Code of the Russian Federation,as well as Rules of content and current repair of common property (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, adopted 13.08.2006).

According to the second specified document, the content of common property should:

  • provide technical safety of the premises;
  • guarantee the safety of property: personal, municipal, state, etc., i.e. the state of the house should not lead to losses under this article;
  • provide the ability to operate with residents of all non-residential premises and adjacent to the building of land;
  • ensure the safety of housing owners;
  • guarantee the health of the technical equipment established in order to ensure citizens by communal resources, for the provision of which is responsible for the organization of housing and communal services;
  • comply with the rules of energy saving in accordance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

To control the execution of location points and produced the current repair of an apartment building. The process is carried out on the norms of technical operation of the housing stock.

What to do with the poor quality of current repairs

After the MKD inspection and the definition of the front of the work, the contractor signs the contract for the implementation of the current repair of the building under concrete conditions. The text indicates:

  • a list of actions on the company;
  • the cost of the service and the terms of payment by the customer;
  • terms for performing measures to eliminate breakage and defects;
  • the actions of both sides when identifying shortcomings.

IMPORTANT! In compiling an agreement with the Contractor of the Criminal Code, it is obliged to establish a warranty period for the quality of work performed.

For the reason that tenants have a financial impact on the content and repair of the Ministry of Measons, they can control the quality of all work carried out in accordance with the text of the contract. If the elimination of agreed problems was poorly, the receiving party needs to perform the following series of actions:

  1. In writing, statement of claims to the contractor in two copies. It is desirable when drawing up a statement refer to the specific points of the concluded contract.
  2. Contact the city or district administration. One copy is signed by the host face with a note that the claim is adopted for consideration. This statement remains in the hands of the appeal.
  3. Wait a response within a month.

IMPORTANT! If on the part of the contractor work on the current repair of the MKD is improperly carried out, residents may require recalculation of paid payments. If the management company does not respond to this request, the applicants also have the right to resolve the situation in court.

If the claim was left without attention and the administrative body did not send the answer, the applicant may apply to the appropriate claim.

Any building over time comes in disrepair. Communication fails, winds the trim of the walls, the roof begins to skip moisture. So that the house does not lose its original characteristics, it must be regularly servicing and repairing it.

Service and maintenance of the house: what it is and when is held

Therefore, the current repairs of the house can be in general form to be described as carrying out work on the restoration of the initial characteristics of the elements of the building, preventing faults, restore the initial resource of the entire structure and individual parts.

To find out in detail what is included in the content of the residential premises, you should familiarize yourself with the Government Decree No. 491 dated August 13, 2006, the Basic rules for determining the property, which refers to the total property of residents at home, and its maintenance requirements are prescribed.

In accordance with this act to the maintenance and current repair, it includes:

  • cleaning stairs, lobby, attic and basements, garbage chutes, garbage chambers and other auxiliary premises;
  • maintenance of the central heating system - washing, conservation for the summer;
  • removal of MBO, removal of liquid waste;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • maintaining the efficiency of the power supply system;
  • maintenance of elements of landscaping and landscaping of a land plot;
  • energy saving activities and an increase in the energy efficiency of the house;
  • sewage maintenance, water supply systems;
  • examination and repair of the roof of the building;
  • other operations.

As you can see, state control is carried out for the state of multi-facilities.

Owners cannot exclude any services from the established list. Such actions may lead to the fact that the building will not meet the usual safety requirements.

Paragraph 18 of Resolution No. 491 indicates that the repair of common property in an apartment building is carried out by solving the owners. However, it is not always possible to carry out general meetings in order to approve the conduct of certain works.

Therefore, all operations are divided into several categories:

  1. Planned. Conducted by predetermined graphics. For example, the preparation of communications to the heating season.
  2. Unscheduled. For example, during regular surveys, cracks on the facade of the house were revealed. To eliminate them, it is necessary to develop a plan of events and approve the budget.
  3. Emergency. The execution of which cannot wait until the convening of the General Assembly. The category of urgent repairs usually include the elimination of the effects of water supply pipe breakthrough.

All issues of current repairs are resolved by Tszh, a general meeting or at the conclusion of a contract with the management company.

What applies to the current repair of an apartment building, which is included in the list of works

  1. Foundation Service:
  • study of reinforcement for the emergence of corrosion;
  • search for uneven precipitation design;
  • checking the presence of cracks, swelling and other damage to the concrete structure;
  • checking the state of waterproofing materials;
  • elimination of identified faults.
  1. Content of cellars of apartment buildings:
  • checking compliance with the proper level of temperature and humidity;
  • prevention of flooding basement;
  • control over the condition of the room and the entrances to it to exclude litters and pollution;
  1. Maintaining walls of the house in proper condition: detecting cracks and damage and timely elimination of them.
  2. Maintenance of water supply, sewage, central heating. This includes:
  • pipe cleaning;
  • replacement of individual parts;
  • installing new communications.
  1. Replacement and repair of door frames, window frames, partitions located in common areas.
  2. Replacing and restoring roofing, strengthening overlaps.
  3. Troubleshooting furnace equipment.
  4. Restoring thrust in ventilation.
  5. Replacement or restoration of individual sections of the floor covering.
  6. External improvement:
  • repair of sidewalks and pedestrian tracks;
  • landscaping;
  • restoration of flower;
  • repair of sports and playgrounds.

The specific list is installed by contractors. It depends on the age and equipping at home, as well as the desire of apartment owners to carry additional costs.


The current and overhaul of the MKD is similar in essence. This is a certain list of activities aimed at maintaining a building in the form in which it was intended when designing.

These works differ in several criteria:

  1. In periodicity. Overhaul is carried out once a few decades, in accordance with the operating standards. Some current repairs are carried out every year.
  2. Tasks. Overhaul is aimed at restoring the integrity of the supporting structures, the replacement of morally obsolete communications. The purpose of current repairs is to eliminate small faults, prevention of excess wear.
  3. Budget. Residents at home constantly deduct a certain amount on overhaul. And after the accumulation of the required amount of work can be carried out.
  4. Grounds for conducting. Overhaul is carried out in accordance with the established standards for each model of an apartment building. Current repairs are made according to the results of topical observations of specialists. Overhaul is more directed to the planned replacement of elements. So within the framework of this event there will be a replacement of water supply pipes, since their expiration is expired. Even if they are in a satisfactory condition.

The list of works that may be included additionally

Owners of common property, that is, the owners of the apartments, at the general meeting can agree on any additional repair. The management company will cope with any work if the budget is approved. So, if residents want to update the facade or restore the sidewalks, then find a contractor will not be difficult.

The list of works is updated by signing an additional agreement with the serving company. In such a situation, the payment of current repairs will appeal.

Types of work that are never conducted within the framework of current repairs

The immediate repair of the residential premises holds his owner.

The list of work on current repairs does not include:

  1. Repair windows, balconies, entrance doors, insulation of the specified elements, if they are part of the apartments.
  2. Repair and replacing counters, electric shields.
  3. Installation and retrofitting of fire shields, installation of smoke sensors and fire detectors.
  4. Cosmetic repairs of common areas: painting of walls and whitening ceilings
  5. Replacement or modernization of elevators.
  6. Warming of outer walls, cosmetic repair of facades.
  7. Replacing parts of the building: overlaps, stairs, etc.

Install the advanced list of works can be at the general meeting of apartment owners.

Who conducts current repairs

  1. Developer until the transfer of property to the owners of apartments. After the construction of the building, it can be on the balance of the construction organization for a long time.
  2. HOA, utre or other cooperative, which was created to manage common property. In this case, the repair can be carried out both by the forces of specially hired workers and a contracting organization.
  3. Management Company. Maintenance of an apartment building is most often conducted by a special organization.which has the necessary experience and staff with relevant qualifications.

The developer or HOA can work on their own. But usually the current repair is entrusted to a certain servicing organization, such as the management company.

In some cases, the management company attracts third-party organizations. For example, if there are no workers with the necessary qualifications in the state. A contract for work is concluded, a contractor on a reimbursable basis performs maintenance or current repairs.

Payment of current repairs of an apartment building

Any work aimed at the current home housing content is made at the expense of its owners.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation in Article 154 contains a list of expenses that are covered by monthly payments of owners and employers of apartments. Among other things, there are spending on maintenance of common property and the current repair.

If the owners of apartments formed an HOA, the fee for the performance of work can be part of regular membership fees.

Do not work or poorly performed work on the current repair, where to contact

The main problem of current service and repair of apartment buildings remains the lack of proper control over the actions of contractors.

All the results of operations conducted within the service and current repairs are subject to delivery of common property. Owners should appreciate the quality of the work performed.

If the management company violates the established procedure for holding the current repairs, or works poorly, then you should contact it with a written claim. Representative of housing owners should indicate their comments in the act of acceptance of work. And require free elimination of shortcomings.

If the negotiation method does not help, then apply to the municipal housing inspection with a complaint. In case of detection of violations, state representatives will attract a management company to justice and will assign an order to eliminate the deficiencies in repair.

To get a good service result and the current repair of the house, you should get acquainted with the documentation made by the management company. For example, work plan and estimates. It is best to create a HOA and choose a person whose work will be to monitor the current repairs.