Niche size under TV. Construction niche for a TV from drywall do it yourself, photo

There are many ways to place a TV in the room. It is possible in the store of electrical supplies to purchase a special tamba. The device is embedded in a wall or furniture niche or hang on brackets. The owner itself decides, where to place a TV: in the corner of the room or the wall. Then we will discuss how to arrange a niche, where it is planned to put the device.

Niche do it yourself from drywall

To give the portal to a television receiver attractive appearance, you will need to work hard. Prepare:

  • Aluminum profile. Take the camp-wall guide, you may also need flexible.
  • Accessories
  • Fastening elements.
  • GLC Need standard sheets and arched if they have a need.
  • Primer and putty.
  • Special tape to close internal angles and joints with seams.
  • Finishing materials.

If you are just going to buy a new TV, then measure the size of the niche in the wall to pick up the model, for the installation of which it will not be needed to additionally delve into the wall. Prepare tools tools.

The perforator will be needed to drill holes in the wall. With the help of a laser level, you can control the installation process to prevent disks. The screwdriver will allow you to quickly spin fasteners. To work with plasterboard, we need scissors, a knife, a metal knife, a painting thread, sandpaper to grind GLC, and a spatula with a roller.

Determine for yourself what should be a niche design. It happens serving, in-depth and open corners. The last option involves a large amount of work. The master will have to close with the help of GLC a significant part of the wall, but at the same time the interior will only win: it will look at one piece and stylish.

As for the form, all sorts of options are available. Look at the photo niche under the TV and select the one you like more: Curved, in the form of a rectangle, square or oval. Designs can be located horizontally or vertically.

You need to remember the standard rules that work here. The vertical installation raises the ceiling visually, and the horizontal expands the narrow wall. In addition, unusual geometry can be used for rooms with a large area or non-standard layout.

Near the television receiver, as a rule, additionally install shelves for the stereo system, placement of books, exclusive souvenirs and other decorative items.

Buy a spacious wardrobe with a niche under the TV is a great solution. But if you wish, you yourself will be able to make a rack of plasterboard, and as a result you will have a holistic design.

Installation work is carried out in stages. First of all, apply markup. To do this, use a laser level with a tape measure. Draw the drawing of the future portal and proceed to the construction of a metal frame. Calculate the depth of the niche, for this you need to know the thickness of the television receiver.

It is necessary to add another 5 or 7 cm to the resulting value on the gap. Then you can hide engineering communications. Between the surface of the wall and the screen, some space should remain so that the air is freely circulated and cooled the on the instrument.

It is important to leave a place from all sides of the monitor. Then there will be no problems when it is necessary to hang or, on the contrary, to remove. In addition, it is possible that some time you will want to buy a model that has more diagonal.

Before you start working, decide how electrical wiring will pass. Make special channels for wires or install boxes-plinths where you can hide the wiring.

First you need to fix the guide profile, the distance between adjacent dowels should not exceed 40 cm. After that, the vertical elements are mounted, they are fixed on the floor and on the ceiling. Another option is to make the base of the niches separately and already in the assembled form to install it on the wall.

At the next stage, the framework of the framework is to be carried out using GLC. Pre-sheets of drywall are cut to the corresponding figures. Start with small details and complex elements. Fix them with self-draws in 25 or 30 cm increments.

After installing the plasterboard, it must be aligned using primer and putty. Perform the reinforcement of seams and joints using the sickle tape. External edges Close the perforated metal corners. After grinding, apply a layer of finishing putty on the plasterboard surface.

Decorative decoration

A beautiful niche in the interior can serve as a real decoration of the room, if it is creative for her decoration. A lot of finish options, the main thing - to withstand the sense of style.

You can paint the design of water-mounted paint, sheathe it with decorative stone, plane wallpaper or cloth, decorate with a mosaic tile or polyurethane stucco, apply to the surface of the image using stencils or paint with your own hands.

Portal in the living room

The living room with a niche under TV is an opportunity to equip the room in modern. After all, around the television screen you can arrange a wall with offices that need. Make the design of the original helps interesting backlight, exclusive decorative elements and works of art. In addition to paintings, you can put elegant figurines in the wall.

For drywall niches, it takes less space, if compared with standard furniture objects with cabinets or racks. In addition, the design of GLC looks more stylish. She really is unique: you can't buy this in the store.

The design is successfully used to zoning the room as an inner partition. It partially replaces the furniture, allowing you to save useful space. If you make the shelves under the book, it is better to take the boards. A tree or glass withstand significant loads. These materials contribute a variety of design.

When making a niche, focus on the style of the interior. For Country - the optimal solution of the false fireplace, laid out of the decorative stone, asymmetry is considered to be modern, for minimalism - clear geometry, for Provence - floristic ornaments, and for classics - columns, gilded decor and stucco.

And the main highlight is the TV covering the central place. Do not use the set of bright elements next to the screen. Alyapovate details will begin to compete with the video order, which may cause irritation.

If you decide to make a niche in other rooms: in the bedroom or in the kitchen, the sequence of work remains the same. The only nuance is finishing, pastel shades and soft lighting are suitable for the bedroom. In the kitchen it is appropriate to use a green color, which is most pleasant to human eye.

View online directories to find the designer solution you enjoy. The original models will serve as a source of inspiration, and you create your own hands with a beautiful interior.

Photo niche under the TV

There are quite a few options for placing a TV indoor: install it on a special tube, hang to the wall on the brackets or to embed it in a niche. The last method is notable for which it allows you to hide the wires and sockets, to harmoniously enter the screen into the surrounding space, and often - also to beautify the interior and originally. In addition, the arrangement of a niche from the drywall does not require much costs or special skills - just can only be able to keep the knife and screwdriver in their hands, and we will tell about the technology of installation and design versions in this article.

We make a niche for a TV from GLC do it yourself

To make a beautiful TV portal, you must prepare:

- Aluminum profile of the CW brand (ceiling and wall) and UW (guide), for curved elements - flexible;
- components - connectors, suspensions, extension cords, corners;
- fasteners (self-tapping screws and profile, dowel);
- plasterboard sheets - standard, as necessary - arched;
- primer and putty for plasterboard;
- Serpian tape for seaming of seams, joints, inner corners;
- Decoration Materials.

From the tools you will need a perforator (in order to drill holes in the wall), level (better laser), screwdriver, knife for cutting of drywall, scissors or handbrake for metal, sandpaper for grinding GLC, painting thread, spatula, roller for finishing finish.

To begin with, decide on the design of the future niche. It can be protruding, with open corners or in-depth. In the second version, you will have to close the plasterboard most of the wall, but thanks to this, the interior will become more thoughtful and stylish.

The form distinguishes rectangular horizontal, rectangular vertical, square, oval, curved and complex structures. There are standard rules here: stretched up the line visually raise the ceiling, and parallel sexes allow you to expand a narrow wall. Unusual geometry is suitable for premises with non-standard layout or spacious rooms.

Around the TV is often suitable for additional shelves for placing a stereo system, decor and books. Optionally, you can even make a whole rack or plasterboard lockers, which will look next to the niche as a single ensemble.

Installation of construction is carried out in stages. First, the markup is applied with a laser level and roulette on the wall, then a metal framework is built according to the drawing. The depth of the niche should be calculated based on the thickness of the TV, adding 5-7 cm on the clearance for wires and ventilation. The free space between the wall and the screen is necessary to circulate air there and cooled the technique. Around the monitor, it is also made to leave the place - first, it is more convenient to hang it and shoot it, secondly, after a while there may be a desire to acquire a model of greater diagonal.

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide where the wiring will be hidden - channels can be made under it or hide inside plastic plinning boxes.

The first guide profile is mounted, while the dowel is placed at a distance of no more than 40 cm from each other. Then the vertical elements are fixed to the ceiling and the floor. The base of a small niche can be done separately, and then install it on the wall.

The next stage is a framework of a frame of plasterboard, pre-cut into the corresponding figures. Starting with small and complex elements. Screws are used as fasteners, the steps between them are 25-30 cm.

When plasterboard is installed, it is aligned with putty and soaked. Seams and joints are reinforced with sickle, the outer edges are closed with perforated metal corners. On top of the primer layer, starting putty is applied, after grinding - the finish.

How to arrange a niche under the TV

For the design of a niche for a TV, it is necessary to approach creatively - it can be partially or completely painted with water-level paint, it is possible to fly with a flexible stone, a cloth, to calculate manually or with stencils, decorate with a stucco of polyurethane, lay out a mosaic or decorative tile. It is only important to adhere to the sense of style so that the portal does not conflict with the rest of the situation.

Niche from plasterboard under the TV in the living room

As a rule, in the living room is not limited to one deepening to teleexer, and arrange a whole wall - with shelves, interesting illumination, beautiful decor and paintings. This is an excellent alternative to outdated headsets from chipboard.

Plasterboard design takes less space than standard cabinets and racks, and it looks more modern. In addition, setting the goal of zoning the space of the apartment, it can be installed instead of the inner partition, saving free space, materials and partially replaced furniture. Functional shelves, for example, for books, it is worth making a tree or durable glass - they will definitely solve the load and diverse design.

Depending on the selected style, the niche under the TV in the living room can be issued differently. For example, Country will successfully complement a false fireplace and a decorative stone; In modern, smooth asymmetry will be appropriate; minimalism requires a clear rectangular geometry; Provence will decorate gentle floral patterns, and classics - columns, gilding and stucco.

But with all the magnificence of the finish, the central place should take the TV. This means that in a niche and around it it is worth avoiding the lining, saturated details - they will compete with the video order, causing eye fatigue and irritation. For the same reason, large shelves better close the doors so that the diversity of things on them did not cause the feeling of disorder.

Niche from drywall under the TV in the bedroom

In general, the rules for finishing a niche in the bedroom are almost the same as in the living room. The only nuance is desirable to choose softer, pastel shades and unobtrusive light. Smooth lines, as well as rounded bends are subconsciously perceived by safer and calm than angular constructions or sharp festers. However, this is a matter of taste.

Since the bedroom is usually given a small room, niche is also better to make compact. On or downstairs, you can arrange paired recesses for stereocolone, and under them - shelves for disks, magazines and different trifles. The remaining space will help to fill out photos, interior candles or figurines.

Highlighting niche under the TV

The backlight plays a significant role in the design of a niche of a plasterboard under the TV, making it noticeable and attractive in the evening. Modern design uses the most secure LED technology in the format of point lights, diode ribbons or garlands.

An interesting effect allows you to achieve neon threads that are distinguished by a bright uniform radiance. As a rule, perimeter, placing them in the inner corners of the shelves, behind the technique (monitor, columns), are framed by flexible ribbons and threads, along the ends of the protruding niche. At the same time, the light should be directed to the front wall or to the parties, but in no case on the room - otherwise it will make his eyes.

The same rule applies to point lamps. They are usually mounted for several pieces with the same interval, placing inside the recesses, on top or bottom, as well as on the inner edge of the embossed elements.

As for the shade of lighting, the most comfortable for the eye is considered warm white. Yellowish subtock creates a cozy, relaxed atmosphere, although next to him, for example, pink will seem peach, and blue - greenish. Cold white imitates a sharper daylight and creates clear shadows, but at the same time does not change the surrounding colors. Neon shades (blue, green, red, purple) is better to apply only in the living room and disconnect while watching TV.

Niche Design from Glk Under TV - Photo

In addition to the foregoing, we offer you a selection of interesting design options for plasterboard designs and niches under the TV. Among these photos, each willing can choose the design, which will want to repeat the houses in its living room or bedroom. Inspirations to you and beautiful interiors!

A niche of plasterboard is a convenient element of the interior of the dwelling. It can be used for many purposes, including for accommodation. This is a practical solution that saves a place in the room. In addition, a beautifully decorated niche looks very stylish and helps to hide from the eye of the wire and other communications. There are different ideas for the design of the portal. Among them are such that they are already considered a classic, and those that can be safely attributed to extraordinary.

Mount this design is easy, especially if you use drywall. First of all, accept the decision as it should be:

  • protruding;
  • in-depth.

Each modification has its own characteristics. For example, an in-depth niche implies the finishing of the entire adjacent wall. It is more difficult, but it is this option that will allow you to realize everything in the design you wish. In addition, the designs differ in the form and happen:

  • square;
  • rectangular (horizontal or vertical orientation);
  • oval;

  • curved;
  • sophisticated.

Council. Vertical lines visually raise the ceiling, wide horizontal - visually expand the wall. Rounded or curved forms harmoniously look in spacious rooms or rooms with an unusual layout. Use these simple techniques in the design of living space.

Niche under the TV is going quickly and without large financial costs. You will need:

  • plasterboard sheets (GKK);
  • aluminum profile of the following varieties: Guide (UW), Ceiling and wall (CW), flexible;
  • corners, suspensions connecting elements, extensions, etc. Accessories;
  • dowels, selflessness;
  • finishing materials - primer and final putty;
  • special tape for camouflage of seams, joints and other irregularities;
  • measuring devices;
  • knife for cutting sheets of plasterboard;
  • perforator;
  • tool for finishing.

The process itself consists of such steps:

  1. Mounting frame.
  2. Covering the inner niche walls.
  3. Setting the backlight (if desired).
  4. Embedding TV and loving communications.
  5. Testing the entire carcass GLC.
  6. Decoration.

Examples of niche finish under TV

At the last stage, the most interesting thing begins. During the finishing work, it is important to observe the sense of measure, withstand the style and show fantasy. Niche should be harmonized with the rest of the interior and not seem in it in the foreign object. Even if you have equipped the portal after repairing the room, try to correctly enter this architectural element in the housing design.

The easiest and economical option is to decorate the portal with wallpaper, which are placed walls in the room, or choose a contrast paper coating. You can also handle a niche of the stack of paint. In this case, you will need to thoroughly align the surface of the portal. Any roughness will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Plasterboard elements in design

Such techniques will get rid of you from the need to invent something non-standard. After all, it is not a fact that the undertaking will be successful. And yet many owners prefer to be original and finish a niche with a fantasy. Such ideas come to the rescue:

  1. Creating drawings using stencils or manually.
  2. Laying mosaic.
  3. Decoration of stucco from polyurethane.
  4. Stone finishing, tiles.

Attention! Decorating with artificial stone looks very beautiful. But the work requires certain skills and experience with the material. Do not forget about the safety technique during operation of the power tool.

Special decoration and highlight of the homemade element can be illumination. This moment you need to think about the design of the design. Decide in advance where wiring and lighting devices will be located. For point lamps, you will need to make small holes in niche. You can also install neon or luminescent lamps. The easiest way to arrange the backlight is glued along the contour of the LED ribbon niches.

Style Features Niche Finish in Living Room and Bedroom

Today, a niche of drywall can become an excellent alternative to the furniture wall or a hill, if you think about it in advance of functionality and design. This design takes less space than the usual headset, and additionally zonates space. In this case, shelves for books, glass items are better made of wood or other durable material. Another important recommendation is not forget which item will be the center of the composition. In niche, the TV should not be bright, causing, allay details that will distract attention from the video.

Council. For this reason, predetermine the doors for large, spacious shelves.

Depending on the overall style of the interior, these options for designing a niche are possible:

  • in the form of a false fireplace, decorated with a stone. A successful solution for the living room in the Country spirit;
  • with gilding, stucco and columns - for classics;
  • with floral motifs - if the interior corresponds to the spirit of Provence;
  • minimalism Receive clear, straight lines, and modern, on the contrary, serve smooth asymmetric bends.

All this is relevant and in case you are going to install a niche for a TV in the bedroom. It is only desirable that all colors are soft, pastel, lines - smooth, and the corners are rounded. This design is perceived as safer. Although, of course, it all depends on the wishes of the owners of housing. In the bedroom you can additionally use a niche as a stand for photos, beautiful candlesticks, souvenirs, figurines.

The originally made and skillfully decorated design is an excellent alternative to a classic tumbe under TV. Despite the pattern of installation and finishing options, each architectural element is individual, if during its manufacturer to show a little fantasy.

Plasterboard Niche: Video

Recently, many are trying to hide the technique, mostly television, to the wall area. This is most often used by plasterboard, which conquered the construction market.

Having created a niche of plasterboard, you can get an attractive and fashionable appearance, as well as to give the room. This is especially true in the rooms performed in one color: monochrome. The arrangement of the room with GLC does not require high costs and effort. With this material not only easy to work, it is also strong enough, which can provide security for technology. Often, plasterboard is used to create partitions and additional walls indoors.

A plasterboard niche under the TV will give the house comfort, and will also become a "highlight" in the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding on the creation of a niche of a drywall under TV, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of this solution.

These benefits of these products can be distinguished:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • it is possible to hide the wires, spoil the overall picture of the interior;
  • the TV is safe: no one will be able to inadvertently to hurt or make any action that will negatively affect his work;
  • the design helps to hide the irregularities of the walls;
  • savings: no need to spend additional funds on the stands for TV and drawers or shelves;
  • you can create structures of various shapes and sizes. It all depends on individual preferences.


  • if over time it will be decided to replace the TV to the larger, then the niche may not come up, and it will have to redo it.
  • in the case of rearrangement of furniture, Niche will remain in its place. In such a situation, it will take dismantling.

There are not many shortcomings. Re-erection of such a design if necessary does not take much time and effort. First of all, it is necessary to rely on personal preferences and opportunities.


Niche can be completely different. The modern interior is sometimes incredible designer solutions.

You need to avoid two-dimension, plane when room design. Even a thin LCD TV, attached to the wall, will not give the volume room. Often there is a sense of discomfort due to the unsafe arrangement of the technique. In a similar case, special niches are used.

Additionally made from drywall shelves that serve as a place to store discs, books, magazines and other things. Shelves can be closed and open. The second option is more decorative.

Elements with backlit are also manufactured. Built-in lamps are installed separately on each shelf or throughout the perimeter of the structure. Thus, it serves as not only with a decorative element, but also additional illumination, which is used as a lamp or night light.

Such a portal can be decorated with a chest of drawers on which the frame is standing. Also there can be placed wall for TV.

Sometimes such a design is an angular, equipped area for storing things.

Forms and sizes

There are several forms of niche for a TV from drywall. They are oval, horizontal and vertical. Below will look at each details.

  • Rectangular.Often this species is called horizontal. It is a fairly popular design option used in the interior. It is determined by the fact that you can additionally place a few shelves for storing and organizing the place. It is popular for such an option and because a niche of such a form is perfect for a small room and for a large one. A rectangular niche is easy to perform and does not require special knowledge and skills. It can easily be constructed independently.

  • Vertical.Most often, such a design takes place from the floor to the ceiling. The TV itself is installed in the center, and the rest of the space is occupied by numerous shelves and drawers. This option is not the most popular, because it can only be used in large rooms.

  • Ovalniche. It is an original solution. Suitable only for large rooms. The TV is located in the center of the circle, which gives the room stylish and modern look.

No matter what form and size of the niche under the TV is not to allocate it with dark color. It is best to use bright shades. So the room will not be a feeling of hole in the wall. You can choose a shade of two or three tons of darker walls. So the room will look at the bulk.

The size of the niche may be different.It all depends on its purpose, as well as the dimensions of the TV. The main thing is depth. It, as a rule, should be 100 mm more than the sizes of the TV in each direction. It is determined by the fact that it will be easier to install it, and will look better visually.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the product with your own hands, you need to do all the necessary drawings and cut the parts, figures from GLC. In the hall you can make a niche in the style of high-tech, and in the kitchen - in classic.

How to arrange?

It is necessary to approach creatively and think over what you want to see in the room. As a rule, the main possibility that niche offers under the TV is hiding the wires. But there are ways of stylish design designs that will give the highlight and style of the room.

  • Vertical niche. Mainly used for the visual effect of a high ceiling. All the rest of the space is shelves that can be located across the wall. TV in this case is in the middle.

  • Horizontalniche. Used in any room regardless of its size. Visually, this form expands the room. Especially if you combine it with low furniture.
  • Plasterboard design. Reminds an extra wall with massive shelves and a place for TV. As a rule, shelves are open and used for scenery. For example, various statuettes, flowers, photos and other little things that will simply please the eyes are installed.

  • Using backlight. This method is quite original and allows you to create a romantic atmosphere in the evening. This solution can be used as additional lighting. It is worth noting that the backlight will be profitable and beautifully emphasize the objects on the shelves. It is important to understand that the light should be directed to the wall or floor, but in no cases on the room. So it will not blind, but it will smoothly "crawl" around the room. Neon multicolored threads can be used as an unusual designer solution. So the room will be transformed at night. But if you need a more comfortable shade, choose a warm white, considered to be familiar to the eye. Thanks to the yellowish subtock, a relaxed and homely atmosphere is created, which is indispensable after a hard working day, when a person wants to relax. If the imitation of daylight is needed, then for these purposes, a white lamp with a cold subton is used. In this case, the color of objects are not distorted, but the eyes do not rest completely.

  • Often build niches that are like a wardrobe. TV in this case is located behind the revealed door.

A decorative fireplace can also be installed under the TV, which does not perform any function except decorative. You can also install an electric fireplace, but it is worth taking care of safety techniques.

For registration, finishing materials are often used, which are selected depending on preferences. As a rule, the niche is covered with plaster, wallpaper for walls or paint. Decorative brick, stone, glass or wood can be used.

  • Wallpaper.Are the cheapest finish option. Often for a niche use the same wallpapers that are saved room. In a similar case, the TV completely merges with the rest of the interior and disguised.
  • Paint.It requires a putty before it is applied. Thus attached the desired texture of plasterboard. In this case, the staining of the niche performs the decorative function rather.
  • A rock.As a rule, only artificial is used. It is easy enough to handle and light. The stone is frozen the main wall on which the TV is attached. A similar solution gives even more space.

Dark details create depth and more brave look. But it is advisable not to overdo it with such shades. Otherwise, it can spoil the overall impression of the room. The main thing is the combination of elements among themselves. Each element in the interior must be combined with each other. Only in this case it will turn out to create a stylish room.

It should be known that Niche will become an integral part of the interior. Therefore, it should be seen seriously and creatively. It is important to understand that there will be a TV in the center of everything. That is why it is worthwhile to avoid too bright and motley parts. Otherwise, the image on the TV screen will be merged with the main wall.

If the niche under the TV is installed in the bedroom, then you should choose warm, gentle and light tones for design. So it will not be felt by the workload of space. For the bedroom, as a rule, a small room is given. That is why it is necessary to make a niche of a medium or even small size. As an additional storage place in this case, there are enough pairs of shelves.

The symmetric shape of the shelves of the niche under the TV will be perfectly combined with the classic interior. This design option is ideal for the bedroom.

The asymmetric shape of the shelves is perfect for the modern style in the interior. But this concerns only those cases when all elements in the room are withstanding in one style. This option is suitable for combined large rooms. It is most in demand in studios apartments, where enough space is enough to implement bold design solutions.

In addition to partitions and additional plasterboard walls, other decorative objects are performed. For example, you can make a beautiful and functional niche under the TV with your own hands. Such a designer solution will allow you to decorate the room, improve its design qualities, make it unusual.

Plasterboard objects in the form of niches perform various sizes and shapes. The design is complemented by shelves for storing useful things (magazines, books, discs, columns) or decorative objects (figurines, candles, photographs, small paintings).

An example of a niche for a tv from plasterboard

The size and characteristics of the structure depends on such factors:

  • form and dimensions of the TV;
  • the visual effect you want to achieve;
  • premises;
  • presence in the premises of other structural objects;
  • placing sockets and cable from the TV.

This is not all factors that will affect the design of the design and the process of installing a niche. Therefore, for a start, carefully inspect the room and consider those nuances that will help harmoniously enter the design in the interior.

After determining the parameters of the future niche, it's time to take for the manufacture. This process is so simple that you will bypass without assistance, and even more so do not have to call the home of a specialist.

To achieve the desired result, first make the correct markup. With the exact compliance with our recommendations, you will not allow errors in the work.

First removed from the TV. After that, they are transferred to the surface of the wall, where it is supposed to place the design. At the same time, take into account the gap between the technique and the walls. It is enough to take 10 cm for each side.

Passups allow:

  • facilitate the installation and maintenance of the TV;
  • ensure the air of the TV between the walls;
  • protect TV from overheating.

The remaining design parameters depend only on your desire. And this also applies to the size, and outlines, and finishes. Here, a large role should be given to their taste preferences and fantasies.

Application markup

Profiles Be sure to install in a strictly horizontal position. To do this, use the construction level.

In accordance with the markup performed, the installation of guide profiles is carried out. They are attached with the help of self-tapping screws. For installation, you need tools - a screwdriver and a perforator. The remaining elements are also created using guide profiles.

An important moment of constructing a drywall object is the calculation of depth. After all, by creating a cumbersome and too overall design, in the end you will not be satisfied with its appearance. To create a harmonious design, a small shelf is suitable. In a single or multiple number (it all depends on the design), it will avoid excessive bulky. Therefore, if you wish, add some such small objects into your design.

Installation of profiles

Installation of trim and finishing work

Having calculated the parameters of the future design, carefully reveal the material. This stage of construction is very important, since the two standing strips must smoothly fall along the ends. As a result, you will have a smooth line that can have both horizontal and vertical location. The protrusions around the edges and the differences are unacceptable.

Installed profiles secure the strip of the pre-sliced \u200b\u200bGCC. Fasten it with self-draws. To create a surround effect on the edges of the installed plasterboard segments, other profiles are attached, which repeat the size and location of the previous ones.

The elements of the communication system are laid from the drywall before assembling.

These elements refers:

  • cable from the TV;
  • sockets located so as not to create obstacles to install the TV;
  • wiring for built-in backlight (if such is assumed).

After that, it is overlapped with plasterboard the front of the niche.

Facial sheathing

To clarify the nuances of the manufacture of a niche for installing the TV below, a video review is presented.

It will only remain a final work on finishing a niche.

Step-by-step execution:

  1. Seaming seams with a putty. It is recommended to use the sickle tape.
  2. Applying the primer composition on the surface.
  3. Alignment of the total surface with putty.
  4. Grinding emery paper.
  5. Applying a primer composition.
  6. Staining or applying finishing material.

If the features of your design assume installation in the backlight niche, do not forget to make holes for the installation of lamps.

Photo Gallery

Ready projects NIS from plasterboard, made with their own hands:

TV zone
Small deepening in the wall under the TV
Conveniently arrange the TV in a special niche
Niche from GCL to place the TV and not only
Small zone with decorative shelves
It will be convenient to accommodate any technique.
Separate zone for the location of the TV
The living room takes a completely different view with such a design.
Excellent distribution of useful space
Preparation of deepening for future devices
Niche for plasterboard television
Separate niche with shelves