Dimensions of a double bed. Standard Bed Sizes: Double, Overheadless and Single

To make energy enough for the whole day, you need to have a healthy dream at night. This requires a convenient mattress and a suitable bed. When choosing a bedroom furniture, not only room dimensions should be guided, but the features of their own sleep. Let's give some tips on how to choose a double bed of suitable size.

Standard varieties

According to the European standard, the bed length is 190 or 200 cm. As a rule, for a comfortable sleep, a sleeping place is needed, which is 10-15 cm longer than your growth. That is, the length of 190 cm is suitable for growth not more than 180 cm.

Double bed has a size of 160 cm wide. This is the best option for people with medium set and calm bed.

The next standard width is 180 cm. On such a bed, it will be convenient for two people a large set. Double bed with 180x200 cm dimensions is called Queen Size (Queen Size).

A married bed requires a maximum of attention. Therefore, your choice should determine not only the budget and the availability of free space in the room, but also the personal preferences of each partner.

There are many double models of different manufacturers on the market. And they are all designed either in the English measurement system (inches), or by European (centimeters).

Translate inches into centimeters, of course, it does not represent. But the result will be not in integral: instead of the usual 200 cm length, we get 203.2 cm.

Mattress will find a suitable such bed, as well as with, since we are dealing with different manufacturing standards.

It is not surprising that our compatriots prefer Italian, French, German and Russian manufacturers.

Double beds produce a width of 160 to 200 cm, although they meet more. Model length - 200 cm, but in the market you can find models and 190, and 210 cm.

Within these limits in Russian stores there are models of different parameters. For example, a bed for two unusual designs (in Art Deco style, from birch, with an upholstery) 192x221 perfect under the mattress 180 * 200.

With the same characteristics, but other sizes - the bed 178x224 is created for mattresses 150 * 200.

Recently, you can meet in the catalogs miniature double beds 140-150 cm wide. Two may well fit in them. But it's hard to call such a night vacation comfortable, because sleeping will feel discomfort due to lack of space.

Even fragile girls need a minimum of 170 cm wide to turn free, but do not disturb your partner. It is hardly possible to be considered appropriate when the price tag with the inscription "Little Double Bed" hangs over the "half-one".

It is noteworthy that the bed, which in Russia is considered, in Europe and America is considered two-dimensional. In European countries, it has a width of 120-140 cm, in the US - from 135 cm.

Beds, which are calculated by our standards for two people, the name "Royal" were called abroad. In England - a width of 150 cm, the Eastern variant has parameters 193-198 * 203.2 cm, Western - 182.9 * 213.4 cm.

Dimensions in the United States are indicated by the words: Standard denotes King (literal translation - king), adding Western or California if the bed is 10 cm longer, but at the same time.

Olympic Queen has parameters 168 * 203 cm. In England, the Super prefix means a length of more than 2 m.

Dimensions of double beds

The production of furniture for sleep is based on the provision of free space to each person. So, dimensions are focused on human growth and weight standards.

Double bed with shelves may not occupy precious space if they are built-in.

Of course, in the choice of large corner modular sofas there are its underwater stones, which only professionals know about. What nuances of the purchase still should be taken into account during the acquisition process, read in the article.

Constructive solution. The complexity of the model, for example, in the form of upholstery, columns, cumbersome headboard, draped tissue curtain - that's what the square centimeters in the room eats.

Double bed without a back, on the contrary, takes a minimum of space. Representatives of such models have a rectangular base, upholstered outside beautiful high-quality cloth. Inside there is a place for linen.

Sold in different sizes: Starting from 160 * 190 and ending 180 * 200.

Kits. Holding the space that the sleeping bed will also take into account, you will buy a whole kit or only a bog.

The fact is that a double bed is in great demand with the couches - as ideally combined interior items, since they are made not only in a single style, but also from one material.

Such a kit will take: 169 * 216 cm (bed size) and 30 * 40 cm (bedside table). In order to save space, you can purchase a model with embedded shelves built into the headboard.

Choosing double beds

Choosing a bed, do not forget about the suitable mattress. Ideally, he should be from the same manufacturer. Not to mention the size of the sizes.

To make the right choice, look for the label parameters of the bed. This will be the width and the length of the mattress.

The size is determined not only width and length. Height also plays a role: get up easier with a high bed; And go to bed - at low. The optimal option is the bock height to the hinder level.

The height of the bed is not so much depends on its model, as from the mattress. The highest representatives are multi-layered mattresses.

The exception is the double bed podium - it is placed on an elevation specially created in the room, which can be done any height. "Podium" option is more suitable for spacious bedrooms.

If the space in the bedroom and the budget, it is better to choose a wider model. The ideal option today is considered the maximum wide and long (200 * 210) double bed with an orthopedic mattress height to the thigh.

It is about such a bed that are dreaming modern married couples. And only on such a bed a calm dream and a full vacation will be guaranteed.

What features in the description of the bed should pay attention first? On color or design? Or maybe for the presence of a lifting mechanism or linen niche? No, still the most important thing is the size of the bed. Even the most beautiful and qualitatively performed bed will seem uncomfortable if its size is not suitable for you.

Bed sizes - Length is important, but the width is primarily!

The types of beds are determined exceptionally width, and the length can be almost any. In general, all beds can be divided into single, one-time, double and family.

Choosing a bed length

When choosing bed lengths It is necessary to focus on the growth of people who will sleep on it. The bed length may not matter if you have an average or low growth. Most often manufacturers offer beds standard length 2 meters. Also often occurring the size of 190 cm, a little less frequently suggests the bed length 195 cm. Sometimes you can meet even greater length, for example, 220 cm - such a length can be made of bamboo beds.

To determine the comfortable length of the bed, to the growth of a person you need to add more centimeters 30. This is especially important for people who sleep on his back, stretching out in full height, and even with a large pillow. In such a situation, the extra 40 cm will not interfere in length.

But if your height is 180 cm, and even higher, you should not be afraid - many furniture companies for an additional fee can increase the initial length of the bed.

Bed width

Traditionally, the size of the beds determines bed width. And each of the sizes is conditionally accepted to refer to the number of sleeping people - one, one and a half, two or more. We will understand them specifically:

Single beds

The width of the single bed can be 70, 80 or 90 cm. It is quite enough to calmly, without grieving, sleeping one adult to a man or a child.

A comfortable bed is the key to a healthy and strong sleep. The mattress, bedding and underwear are also important, but comfort during sleep begins with a good frame. To choose the right bed, you need to pay attention, first of all, on its length and width.

It seems that the more bed, the better, is it so? It is necessary to consider not only the size of the bedroom, but also the size of the room in which the bed is worth it. The passages around the bed must be at least 70 cm, but lay the meter - you will not regret.

Standard Bed Sizes

The size of the bed is made to measure in two systems: European (metric) and American (English). In the first you will find only understandable digits of the width of the mattress, the length is standard and is 200-210 cm. But in the American bed there are names, and the length varies. These differences in measurement systems lead to the fact that, ordering the Bed of American production, you need to take the mattress there, and bed linen, as Russian manufacturers use the European system.

Single bed

Suitable to a child, a teenager or one person of the average set with small room sizes.

European parameters: width 90-100 cm.

American parameters: name Twin, with a mattress-length 190 cm and 99 cm wide, sold as a bed for teenagers. If you need a single bed for a high person, you need to chooseTwin X-Long (Extra Long Single), the length of this bed is about 203 cm, and the width is 99 cm.

One-hour bed

One-hour beds wide from 100 to 130 cm, in the American system of this size is not. Sometimes in Russia and America with half-and-and-half beds they call a double width of 140 cm (more below below). "One-week" is the best option for one person, and for sleeping parents and a child.

Double bed

Comfortable for two, it is better to choose the maximum width in the presented range.

European parameters: width 140 or 160 cm.

American parameters: short Double (or Full) 137.2 x190 cm or a long Queen 152.4 x203.2 cm.

Family bed

There is where to turn around two - or even more people. Convenient if children are afraid to sleep alone and all the time resort to parents or you need a lot of space for sleep.

European parameters: 180 or 200 cm.

American parameters: Several types of beds called "Royal". Standard King and Eastern King - 193 / 198x203.2 cm, Western King and California King - 182.9x213.36 cm. You can choose what is more important - an enlarged width or length.

Individual dimensions

Selecting the bed, it is better to try on it. You can check the comfortable width of the single bed like this: Lie on your back, split the elbows and cross your palms on your chest. Elbows should not hang. If this happens, think about the acquisition of "half-timer". Double can be checked together by the same principle.

The length of the bed must be chosen at the rate of +20 cm to your growth; If you sleep on your back and with a big pillow, it is better to have a reserve at least 30 cm. If your height is above 190 cm, think about the manufacture of an elongated bed to order, usually the markup in this case is no more than 10%. True, a mattress to order will have to do, and standard sheets will be short.

Photos: residencySigning.com, Home-Designing.com, HNGideas.com, SimplyCleanhome.com, Zillow.com, Bestbedroomsideas.com

When it comes to sleep, it is not enough to simply pick up a high-quality wooden bed, put an elastic mattress, stacking this beauty is pleasant to the touch of bedding. It is important that the vacationers can comfortably accommodate on her surfaces so as not to hang legs or scarecrow a huge space. Today we will talk about what size beds are and how to choose the perfect option among them.

Preliminary measurements

When choosing a bed, based on its sizes, you will have to take into account several aspects at once. Consider each of them in order.

Room Square

With the fact that the furniture should fit into the room, nothing is complicated. Previously, it is necessary to highlight the place for the future bed in the bedroom and estimate - whether it is convenient for this location. This is especially true for small rooms in which each square meter has to use rationally. Deciding with the choice, make measurements of the area allocated - this information will be needed in the store.

Dimensions owners

Nevertheless, it is more important that the convenience is not in the room, but on the bed, therefore the next value you need to determine - the size of the owners. The calculation and volumes of human are taken into account, spare parts 20-30 cm are added to them. These are the minimum parameters, given that, you can not worry about the unpleasant "surprises" like hanging around the edges of the hands.

To determine the appropriate size, go straight to the store - it is more effective than any calculations. It is necessary to lie on the bed, and the hands fold so that the tips of the fingers come into contact, and the elbows were arranged. If they hang, then there is not enough space on the bed when turning.

Activity during sleep

Even the bed is not suitable for the size of the bed, manifest activity in a dream. For example, some often change the position of the body, others lie, spreading a widespread limb. Thus, in any case, you need to choose furniture sewing, which will provide space for uncontrolled movements, especially in a pair.

How to determine the size of the bed?

But on this work with numbers does not end. With the necessary options for future furniture, you can come, except to the furniture maker that constructs the perfect option. The store will have to choose among the represented range, paying attention to several indicators.

Different systems of mer.

Mattresses and bed linen are chosen after buying a bed so that they perfectly come to the parameters. Pay attention to the manufacturer - the compatibility of the elements depends on this.

The fact is that systems of measures vary in different parts of the world. There are only two of them: English, which is used in the USA, and metric - characteristic of European countries. American companies indicate in inches, and Italian - centimeters.

The problem lies in the fact that inconvenient numbers are obtained when conversion. For example, the length of 80 inches and the width of 60 inches turn into 203.2 and 152.2 cm accordingly. You are unlikely to find mattresses with such parameters.

Bed height

This indicator does not significantly affect the convenience, although someone is close or further location relative to the floor can confuse - everything is individually. In ordinary situations, the height responds rather for the aesthetic aspect, helping to enter furniture in the interior.

So, most often there are beds with such indicators: low (20-30 cm), mean (40-60 cm), high (70-90 cm).

It is clear that in the room with low ceilings will be able to "get along" only low or, as a last resort, the average bed. And the happy owners of spacious real estate can afford any option.

For the interior in style, minimalism is characterized by landed furniture. But the classic will not tolerate modesty - the bed in this case should look like a royal bed, and the height here plays not a latter role.

Optimal bed length

To begin with, we note that this indicator, as well as the width, does not refer to the product framework, but to the mattress. Accordingly, the size of the bed itself will be more than these units.

To determine the appropriate length of furniture, add 30 cm to your own growth. For a person with average dimensions, there will be enough common models - 190 and 200 cm. Much less often manufacturers make products with a length of 195 cm.

But the tall buyer will need more space for strong sleep. In such cases, you need to look for a bed from two meters. However, it is always possible to order a product with individual parameters, additionally by paying.

The main figure that interests us is the width of the design. Based on this, the beds are three species: single, one-time and double.

It is believed that one person for a comfortable sleep is enough 60 cm. To this indicator, manufacturers are added 10 cm - the minimum size of the single bed is ready. In such a bed, even an adult person who does not feel discomfort or lack of space during sleep will be able to sleep. But the most comfortable option is the model 90 cm. At the same time, the standard sizes of a single bed in Europe are slightly larger and amount to 90-100 cm.

Compact beds of medium and high height often go with embedded boxes designed for storing bed linen. Such models are often manufactured in the form of a folding chair or a bed-compartment, which allows you to save space in small rooms.

Such beds are something like an intermediate version between single and double. It is not enough to sleep freely together, but is already too much for one person.

The width of the 1st bed varies from 120 to 160 cm, but only with the top indicator, an adult couple will fit on it, which wishes to keep the area in a small bedroom.

"Onespoon" is an excellent solution for people with active sleep or large dimensions. But a couple with such problems is better to pay attention to double-values.

Note that again the domestic standard is different from accepted abroad. There are 1 more than 140 cm with half-and-half beds.

The border between the previous and this species is sufficiently conditional: the maximum width of the 1st bed coincides with the minimum double. Starting with 160 cm, the designs for several people do not have a clear upper boundary, although they rarely occur on the sale of those that are more than two meters.

But the Europeans seem to love luxury and space, so they produce double beds with a width of 180 cm to 200 cm, which are referred to as "royal."

Curious, but it is double beds that may differ in shape. In addition to standard rectangular, they are square, oval and even round. The last look looks especially luxurious in a spacious bedroom, while possessing the greatest size.

It should be borne in mind that it is possible to place in the room the bed with a width of 200 cm, only if the wall is behind the bed is more than 3.5 m, since there should be no less than 70 cm on both sides of the furniture.

Children's models

Thoughtful parents may encounter certain difficulties when choosing a bed for a child. Children grow very quickly, in connection with which space for recreation should increase in proportion to their growth. Of course, you might think and buy a model of standard sizes - anyway, the child will once grown. But not everyone will suit this option. The insightful manufacturers offer products of several categories with different proportions:

1. Beds for newborns and preschoolers - dimensions 120 cm x 60 cm.
2. Models for schoolchildren - dimensions 160 cm x 80 cm.
3. Teen beds - dimensions 180 cm x 90 cm.

All presented models are very conditional due to the uneven growth of children. At the same time, it is important for a growing child that there is a lot of space in order to avoid drops when moving.