Standard profile dimensions for drywall. Types of metal profiles and their purpose What happens a metal profile for mounting drywall

Plasterboard sheets are used when finished wall surfaces and ceiling. Their fastening requires a frame of metal profiles. In the manufacture of different structures, different fasteners are used in size and species.

Alternative - the use of glue, but the reliability of the system will provide only a steel profile.

Types of profiles for plasterboard and their purpose

Varieties are conditionally divided into two types:

  • Rack (main).
  • Guide.

The main component is the carrier component of the frame. Finish is attached to it. Profile with "with" -d-like cross section, with curved edges.

Main types of metal profile for drywall

The rack element is marked:

  • PS or CW - for walls and partitions.
  • PP or CD - ceiling profile.

The guide detail is attached to the base around the perimeter of the site (there is an excellent article about the installation of the carcass). The rack profiles are inserted into them. Section - "P" - shape. Marking:

  • PNP or UD - for the ceiling.
  • Mon or UW is the basis for the installation of partitions and walls.

The rack ps profile is a band of galvanized steel with a cross section. It has longitudinal grooves for better stiffness. It is used when lining of walls and partitions as vertical racks.

This is how different types of profile for drywall look like

"Mon" is a metal strip guiding for PS profile. The size of the element is selected based on the parameters of the rack component.

"PP" - a line of galvanized metal, on the shelf and back - three longitudinal recesses. The ceiling profile is used for the manufacture of single-tier and multi-level surfaces.

"PNP" is a detail for a suspended ceiling, used in conjunction with the PP profile.

Profile Dimensions for GLK

Profile characteristics depend on their size and design of drywall (see Articles on the installation of a niche for TV and the manufacture of a box for pipes in the toilet).

The profile "PP" is made of different lengths from 275 to 450 cm. Common product options - 300 and 400 cm. Section size: 60x27 mm. Weight - 0.6 kg.

Element "PNP" - profile length from 275 to 450 cm. Standard section and width 28x27 mm. Mass - 0.4 kg.

"PS" - from 275 to 600 cm. More often is the view: 300 and 400 cm. Section: 50x50, 75x50, 100x50 mm. Material weight: 0.73, 0.85, 0.97 kg in proportion to the cross section.

"Mon" is a standard length as other options. Section: 50 × 40, 75 × 40, 100 × 40 mm. Weight weight: 0.61, 0.73, 0.85 kg.

Main types and dimensions of metal profiles for drywall

Brands and price

Storage and transportation

Packaging with the profile should be stored under a canopy, avoiding direct rays of the sun. Do not contact with water, chemicals and earth.

Packaging with profile should be stored under a canopy, avoiding straight rays of the sun. Do not contact with water, chemicals and earth.

The manufacturer must guarantee the compliance with regulatory products. Shelf life from the date of manufacture - 12 months.

Profile transportation is carried out in its horizontal position, laying parts, each other. Stand height - up to 70 cm.

Calculation of gypsum cookerboard profile for wall and ceiling

The number of guides UW profiles is calculated by the formula (H * 2 + L * 2) * K / 3, where:

  • H- Height / Width Wall / Ceiling.
  • L is the perimeter (length) of the wall / ceiling.
  • K - correction coefficient is always equal to 1.2.
  • 3 m - Standard Profile Length.

The resulting number is rounded into the biggest side.

The calculation of the racking is performed according to the scheme (L / 60 cm) * K, where:

  • L - room length / ceiling in cm.
  • K - correction ratio.

The amount is equal to the larger number.

The number of suspensions (small P-shaped part; more about all types of fasteners for the profile there is c) calculated by the formula: The number of rack profiles is multiplied by 5.

When placing a room of 20 square meters. m (4m on 5m), height of 3 m, and the number of 18 m will need the number of profiles:

  • UW - 17 pieces;
  • CW - 10 pieces;
  • Suspension - 50 parts.

For convenience, the meters are transferred to see. Calculation is made for one wall.

UW: (300 cm * 2 + 1800 * 2) * 1.2 / 300 cm \u003d 16.8 - when rounding in a large side of 17 parts of the mon-profile.

CW: (1800/60 cm) * 1.2 \u003d 36 racks.

Suspension: 36 * 5 \u003d 180 elements. Fastened to the rack detail and the wall. For one profile - about 5 suspensions.

For the ceiling, calculations are made in the same way, and the ceiling profile is used. Only instead of the room height takes the surface width.

Hydrocawned (GVL) Material

An example of using GWL for floor mounting.

The type of plasterboard, manufactured from construction gypsum with technological additives. Raw more expensive than standard plasterboard and has advantages:

  • High viscosity - the material does not crumble.
  • High sound insulation.
  • Frost resistance up to 15 frost cycles and defrosting without defect formation. Due to this, GVL is used in unheated premises.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Increased strength and flexibility - applicable for arches, niches and suspended ceilings.

GVL is divided into types:

  • Standard type - used in dry rooms with a constant temperature regime.
  • Moisture-proof sheet - impregnation with a special solution, applied on high humidity areas: bath, kitchen, basement, attic.

The material is capable of adjusting the fluctuations of humidity into the room without prejudice to the sheet. A slight heat dissipation makes GBL with a warm coating.

Fibrous sheets do not require a special profile. These are the same details as the usual plasterboard.

All types of metal profiles, which are long products with a different form of cross-section, are produced by rolling sheet.

Advantages of products

  • Strength.
  • Ease.
  • Efficiency.
  • High speed mounting.
  • Long service life.

These properties of profiles make it possible to apply them when erecting buildings and in their finishing of various levels of complexity. At the same time, the strength calculation of the supporting structures is necessary.

Types of deformation of metal profiles from load - elastic and plastic. The latter is irreversible, and it should not be allowed because it leads to the destruction of the structure.

Metal profile: types

Depending on the purpose of the profiles there are different forms and methods of manufacture. They are necessarily protected from corrosion using zinc and other coatings.

1. Profile trumpet

The profile is a hollow product with a cross-sectional shape in the form of a square, a rectangle, an oval, polygon. It is intended for external construction and finishing works. From it, various metal structures, doorways, overlapping beams, rafters are erected.

The profile is an analogue of a wooden or it produces cold or hot deformation of sheet metal. The laboriousness of manufacturing substantially depends on the size and thickness of the walls. Mainly apply welding, but there are also seamless products obtained by deformation of a round tube.

The steel of different stamps and aluminum alloys is used as the profile material. The width of the products is 10-180 mm, and the wall thickness is 1-12 mm.

Types of metal profiles are distinguished by a variety, but the highest strength to bend have products of square and rectangular sections. Compared to hot-rolled varietal metal rolled products, it is consumed by 20% less. At the same time, the surface area in contact with the atmosphere is less than 40%. This requires less means to protect against corrosion.

Installation of profiles is carried out by means of electric welding, but you can use clamps and other fasteners. Metal structures are distinguished by low weight and high strength.

In everyday life, small-sized profiles are used, and in industry - a wide variety of metal profiles (photo below).

The profile tube of steel is used in the construction of pavilions, trading tents, sports grounds, supports of various purposes, advertising shields.

The minimum size is suitable for the production of furniture, sports equipment, interior decorations. Profiles with a cross section of 100x100x6 mm and above are used as the supporting structures of private houses.

Aluminum products are used if it is necessary to create structures with a slight weight, plasticity and high corrosion resistance. Their transverse dimensions do not exceed 80 mm, and the corners can be rounded or straight. To increase strength and plasticity, create with the addition of manganese, copper and magnesium.

2. Profiles for mounting plasterboard

Profiles are used to create indoors. They are distinguished by the sections and sizes. Of them make frames of partitions, suspended ceilings, and also used for walls. Preferably use a metal profile for drywall, the species of which are the following:

PS is a band bent from a fuster in the form of a chapeller. Easily deformed in the production of profiles and can be manufactured manually using simple machines. For rigidity there are longitudinal corrugations.

PS is intended for the manufacture of vertical racks, partitions or wall cladding. It is mounted in a pair with a suitable sizer of the guide profile. Their forms provide a dense dock between themselves. Holes in the PS walls are designed for mounting wiring.

The PN serves as horizontal guides with a P-shaped form in which the vertical racks are inserted. It also serves as guides for PP of the corresponding sizes.

PP is used to cover the walls and in the manufacture of the frame of the suspended ceiling. It is fixed to the base with the help of suspensions. Profiles for the suspended ceiling are conveniently purchased with connectors. Then its installation is made easily and quickly.

The profile of the corner protects the outer corners of the plasterboard cover from damage. The acute cross-sectional angle allows the profile to fit tightly to the facing. It is performed with perforation so that the putty penetrates through the holes and fastens the metal with the skin.

PG is convex or concave and can be with different radii of curvature. It serves to create arches and multi-level ceilings.

3. Components

All types of metal profiles for drywall are attached using the following components.

  1. Duplex profile connector when crossing them with each other. It is supplied unfolded, and it is required to bend into the shape of the letter "P" before installation. Fixation is performed by self-drawing, which are screwed into perforation.
  2. A single-level "crab" connector is designed to fasten profiles when crossing them crosswise. It snaps into profiles and at high loads is still fixed by self-drawing.
  3. The straight suspension serves to mount the racks to the walls, as well as when mounting the ceiling.
  4. The profile extension is used when it takes to increase it.

Plasterboard sheets are attached to profiles of metal screws. Together with the press washer they are suitable for any types of compounds. They are performed by piercing or drilling. Frames are attached to the walls of the frame with plastic dowels, and the suspension to the ceiling is an anchor-wedge or ceiling dowel.

Types of metal profile for roofs

The rafter system of the house is made of steel in order to reduce loads, increasing service life and fire safety.

Types of metal profiles for supporting structures include bent and hot-rolled, but the weight and consumption of the latter are more (channel, beam, corner). The doomle is also made of steel. In this case, the entire metal is protected from corrosion with zinc or other anti-corrosion coating.

Advantages of metal structures

  1. Profiled steel is a durable and lightweight material.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. No deformations inherent in wooden structures.
  4. Compatibility with roofing material: professional flooring and metal tile.
  5. When installing there are no waste.

Features of the roof manufacturers from the profile

The roof design must be calculated for strength. To withstand climatic exposures, the coating is securely attached to the crate, which is a metallic profile. Types may be different, but the most common hatch galvanized reshetins made of steel.

Their price is higher than the wooden similar designs. But they can do cheaper than the bar with the same technical characteristics. Sometimes mixed structures from wood and metal are used. At the same time, it should be known that the condensate on the metal can cause the conjunction and rotting the tree contacting it. In addition, the metal is a cold bridge, and the roof needs to be insulated.

The rafters with farms are attached to the walls of anchor bolts and are fixed for a time in a vertical position. Then the hatch profile is then laid, and the coating is fixed on it.


Types of metal profiles include thermofilm, externally similar to the usual plasterboard. The difference is only that perforation is made, designed to reduce heat losses through the holes are located in a checker order. The leaf cleaner allows to lengthen the heat flow through the metal, which significantly reduces heat loss, and also improves the vibration and sound insulation characteristics of the material compared to the tree of the same size. Outdoor beams of the house are erected from the thermopille, and the cover of the facade under the insulation and thermoconstruction under the roof is made.


In the manufacture of metal frames, it is necessary to know the types of metal profiles and their purpose.

Also, various additional elements facilitating installation are used for their attachment. You should correctly navigate in all varieties and

With it, you can implement different design ideas from and arches to multi-level ceilings. All these designs are mounted on a light durable. The one who first faces this task is difficult to immediately figure out the variety of their types. We will tell you what sizes and types of profile for drywall, for which purposes can be used.

What is metal priority

It is a channel, the walls of which are responsible for the rigidity and reliability of the base, and the back is used to attach to the vertical or horizontal surface. It uses cold-rolled aluminum or steel blanks for its production. The first have excellent characteristics, but also the price is higher. Therefore, steel are greater popularity.

Conventional black metal profiles are suitable for residential rooms and, i.e. The premises where normal operating conditions. Galvanized have anti-corrosion properties, so used in rooms with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms.

Types of profiles

Products differ in appearance, assignment and parameters. The dimensions are considered in millimeters.

Allocate the following types of profiles for drywall and their purpose.


It is indicated by the labeling of Mon or international UD and is a foundation that is mounted on the edge of the future facilities and where racking chawliers are then attached. It is used for walls and partitions. It has a P-shaped section and smooth side walls. The dimensions of the guide profile for drywall: depth 40, width 50, 75, 100 (depending on the thickness of the wall), length 3000.

Ceiling guide (PPN)

Need for mounting suspended frames: it is screwed along the edge of the structure, and then the ceiling models are inserted into it. In addition, it can be used as a rack for mounting the frame when finishing the surface of plasterboard ,. Dimensions: depth 27, width 28, length 3000.

Ceiling (PP)

Suitable for the device of single and multi-level. It differs from PPN in that it is mounted to the ceiling with special details. It can also be taken for cladding walls with GLC. In order to maximize the height of the room to maximize the ceiling, it is customary to do a small depth - 27. The remaining parameters - width 60, length 3000.

Rack (PS or CD)

It is the main part when erecting interroom walls and partitions. It has a s-shaped section. Inserted into the frame created from the guide models, so its side walls (shelves) are slightly bent inside. In the backs of this type there are holes for technical communications. Parameters: Depth 50, width varies - 50, 75, 100, length 3000.

An example of fastening the rack model. The dimensions and types of a festation profile for drywall depend on the configuration of the structure: walls, niches and shelves.


  • Lighthouse (PM) - with it, you can guide the rule during shuttering.
  • Angular (PU) is used to strengthen the end faces of GLK at the corners. On its surface there are holes for the free penetration of the finishing solution to the basis.

Other species

Other varieties applied in some cases: arched and reinforced. Arched or flexible is needed for and rounded ceiling structures. Dimensions: width 60, length 3000. However, it is fairly high. Therefore, for the purpose of saving, the craftsmen use ceiling models (PP). Scissors for metal are cut through the sides and bend them under the desired contour.

Enhanced (UA) is used as a rack with partitions. Since this site assumes the weight of the door leaf, it is reinforced to 2 mm (at Knaufa) and 1.5 mm from other companies. The remaining dimensions: depth 40, width 50, 75, 100, length 3000, 4000, 6000.

Choosing thickness

This is the main indicator of the reliability of the future facilities. The thickness of the product, the greater the possibilities of its use. In different manufacturers, this indicator differs from 0.35 to 0.6 mm. Summary walls, partitions are advised to erect with 12 mm thick sleepers. If you choose more subtle types, then when installing sheets, the HCL Self-soles can scroll, and the design itself is fade, which will reduce its strength. In addition, cabinets will be hung on the future wall. The reliability of their fastening on the wall with a subtle profile will be under a big question.

Manufacturers companies

The most famous profile company is the Knauf plant. All manufactured products of the same thickness - 0.6 mm. In addition, it is characterized by accurate sizes, high-quality raw materials. Each product causes the name and technical parameters. However, the cost of them is quite high. Gyproc is a worthy competitor. All channels produced by them are perforated, therefore, even with a thickness of 0.5 mm, they are stronger than smooth-catalytes with their 0.6 mm. However, according to the reviews of masters, it is not convenient to work with corrugated due to the difficulties of the establishment of the rack in the guides. In the average price segment, the Russian company "Metalist" works, producing galvanized models. There are other manufacturers. The quality of their products may differ in the composition of raw materials, product configurations. Some have added additional grooves to enhance stiffness, fastening holes.

Which profile is needed for plasterboard walls

In order to correctly calculate the number of profiles, you can draw a design plan, designate types and dimensions of models. In some building stores you can find painted products. Consultants say it serves as an additional protection of the material. But it is not. Most often under the paint hides the factory marriage. Therefore, buying such a product is extremely risky.

Which profile is needed for partitions from plasterboard? Choosing between smooth and corrugated varieties, you need to keep in mind that for installation, the corrugated types are not suitable. Any building can give shrinkage. And the channels with an uneven surface are fixed hard. As a result, cracks may occur on sheet carcarter.

In building stores, the standard length of these products is 3000 mm. However, manufacturers produce models of different lengths - from 2500 to 6000 mm. Therefore, if necessary, you can order a non-standard size from the seller's company. Pay attention to the economy profile. It differs from standard products with reduced dimensions, a lower price thick. The scope of its application - and protrusions. Mounting with its help the partition or ceilings experienced masters do not advise.

To create a reliable, rigid design, use profiles under drywall, which will ensure high-quality leaf mount to the frame. Profiles make up the basis of the design. Professionals divide them into two main class - ceiling and partitioned.

Experts share profiles for two main types:

  • guides;
  • racking.
Construction of profiles

Each species is intended to perform a specific function. Profiles are marked by Knauff classification, and standard sizes are available:

  • ceiling guides - UD;
  • guides for partitions - UW;
  • rack ceiling - CD;
  • rotten partition - CW.

With the correct connection of parts of different types, a variety of plasterboard devices are obtained, including suspended ceilings, cores, partitions, walls.

Release elements of different sizes, sections and length.

Fall ceiling profiles

Suspended ceilings from GLC are not subject to mechanical effects. However, profiles must be a small weight and firmly hold the frame with drywall so that it does not collapse on the heads of households. The ribs ceiling profiles give the stiffness frame frame.

Ceiling profiles are the most sought-after. They are most often used in construction and finishing work. Thanks to the standard sizes after working with rack profiles, there are practically no waste. On the labeling of Knauff, they should be denoted by CD.

CD profiles are withstanding the main load of structures. They are responsible for the rigidity of the frame, reliability, the quality of fastening of sheet cabarton sheets. Manufacturers produce their different thickness. Thin details are less reliable and require to install a large number of fasteners.

The length of the racking CD is 2.7-4.5 m. In practice, three-meter or four-meter parts are usually used in cross section 60x27 mm.

Sending ceiling profiles

Ceiling profiles are used for the ceiling device, apply in wall structures, a variety of boxes to strengthen them. Guide profiles (UD on KNAUF) have a ceiling or wall perimeter. Insert the rack elements in them.

Profile Guide Ceiling Performs Important Functions

Guides The ceiling profiles form the basis for creating a plane that will be sewed with plasterboard sheets. Length reaches three or four meters, and the section is 28x27 mm. The reliability of the part provides thickness, thin elements are not used in ceiling structures. They are suitable for creating wall frames.

If desired, metal products under GCL are made by individual order. All types are performed from steel with galvanized steel so that they ensure strength, and withstood the effect of temperature drops with an aggressive medium.

Profiles for partitions

Specialists distinguish between several types of profiles for partitions. Their use depends on the thickness of the future plasterboard partition.

Partitions with labeling on KNAUF UW are used to create partitions as guides. The length length is from two to four meters, width - in the range from four to fifteen centimeters.

The racking elements with the CW KNAUF labeling elements are made with a notch that makes it easier for cable laying. They are used to perform partitioned designs from plasterboard, they perform the function of the carrier elements of the frame.

Details are oriented for use in vertical structures. Manufacturers produce a CW with a length of 2.75-6 m and a cross section of 50 (75,100) x50 mm. The most common types of CW profiles are three or four meters long.

Read the same way: Which are that the requirements and features of their production are put on.

Arched, Light and Corner Profiles

Arched products are made with cuts and holes that give them flexibility. Their size is the same as other types of parts whose stiffness is much more. Knauf-profile arched bend to get the arc.

Details are used to create arches designs.

Despite the external simplicity, creating an arc for the arch is quite difficult. However, real professionals easily solve this problem.

Light profile is used to equalize the planes. For example, to perform plastering. The length is three meters. The element is indispensable to create smooth planes. For example, decorations of slopes.

Knauf-profile Light made of metal facilitated heavy and painstaking labor. It is installed in a difficult place and create a smooth surface. The material from which the part is made will increase its resistance to negative manifestations of external factors, alkaline and other chemical influences.

Corner metal KNAUF profiles are used to strengthen and align the corners. They protect the ends of the partition from damage. In the planes of the details created holes in size of five millimeters. This contributes to high-quality filling of the solution during putty.

Additional fasteners

To assemble the design, apply fasteners, with which parts are mounted to the surfaces of the ceiling or wall. These include the following:

  • connectors "Crab";
  • suspensions;
  • brackets;
  • extension cords;
  • saws.

The crabs are used by creating all types of structures, including suspended ceilings, partitions or walls. The fasteners are used to connect when the parts are driving at right angles.

Anchors perform an essential function when attaching profiles to the ceiling. Connectors fasten the sections of profiles among themselves. The use of extension cords identically connectors.

So that the GCL was securely fixed, apply special fasteners

To attach a plasterboard sheet, use selflessness, dowels, special screws. Their sizes are selected depending on the size of the profile, the design and type of surface, to which the frame is fixed.

Additional fasteners help masters easily, quickly and efficiently assemble any design of plasterboard.


To conveniently work with drywall, use special tools that will help create the design of the desired dimensions, reduce the amount of waste, perform work quickly and easily. To do this, you will need:

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • pliers for connection;
  • bouncer;
  • divider.

The metal scissors cut off parts of the desired dimensions. Special segments connect with special ticks. Experienced masters call the tool to a fastening.

To assemble the frame, you do the holes in the details and connect. This work is performed by a rod, which pierces the holes for fasteners. The divider is used to connect profiles in the corners.

Video for creating a plasterboard design

High-quality profile material

When creating durable and hard structures from drywall, high-quality parts should be used. A durable base will create parts with a thickness of 0.6 mm, made of steel sheets. However, manufacturers produce less thickness profiles that do not always meet the requirements.

High-quality details ensure the reliability of devices

Galvanized elements should withstand the effect of the aggressive medium, and polymer coatings are used to enhance the protective properties. Such products are used even in extreme conditions.

Plastic profiles perform a decorative function. They are used in the places of adjacent GLC to such materials as wood, glass, metal. Plastic products are easy to install and give the designs aesthetic appearance.