Warm plaster: factory and homemade solutions. Technology Application of thermal insulation plaster Thermal insulating plaster for external work

Hello, dear readers! How do you think there is such a material that can be finished and insulation? Such material is - it is thermal insulating plaster for outdoor work.

What is this kind of plaster, what advantages and disadvantages does he have? Let's deal with.

Warm plaster for facades is considered an innovative material, this is how manufacturers are presented. Indeed, this insulation appeared in our markets recently, but already managed to take his niche and find both his fans and those who consider the warm plaster with a non-suitable thermal insulator for our climate.

Who is right? To answer this question, it is worth carefully studying the properties and composition of the material under consideration.

The main properties, such as thermal conductivity and vapor permeability depends on the composition. Today manufacturers offer mixtures, which include instead of conventional sand:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • waste wood waste;
  • vermiculite;
  • perlite crumb;
  • fine ceramzit;
  • pumice filler.

The highest thermal insulation qualities show mixtures based on polystyrene foam, they are the cheapest, and therefore the ratings are most often found on this type of warm plaster. The indicator of such a gypsum mixture with polystyrene filling filler is 35 W / (M ° C), which is considered a good indicator.

Opponents of warm plaster usually put "in the peak" to its supporters that in order to ensure the indicators required for our climate, it is necessary to apply this insulation in several layers, which ultimately costs much more expensive than originally planned. By the way, the price of warm plaster is far from low, which is also its disadvantage.

Basic property

The heat-insulating plaster is a heater, the main purpose of which, is to hold heat inside the house. Let's compare its thermal conductivity with other materials. Warm plaster with a layer of 5 mm in its thermal conductivity is 2-4 mm polystyrene foam insulation or double brickwork.

You may have a question, but how can the warm plaster be able to hold heat? How does it differ from ordinary plaster? So, the heat-insulating plaster has such properties because it adds components that have a very low thermal conductivity (foamed glass, polystyrene foam granules, etc.). They are binding to cement or plaster, add different polymers. That all stirred and got warm plaster.

Additional advantages

In addition to energy-saving abilities, such an appearance of the finish of the facade of the house has a number of advantages.

Fire safety

Due to the fact that mineral fillers are added to the plaster, such as perlite, vermiculite, foam-glass, it can be attributed to the class NG, that is, non-combustible materials. But this does not apply to plaster with foamed polystyrene as a filler, it refers to the class G1.


In addition to the fact that it performs the functions of the heat insulator, it can still perform the role of the finish plaster of the facade of your home.

Frost resistance

It can be used in regions with a harsh, cold climate, as this material is not afraid of frosts and can withstand temperatures up to - 60 degrees.

Moisture resistance

Compared to a conventional heat insulator, such as a mineral wool, which as a sponge absorbs moisture, this material repels any liquid from its surface and does not give moisture absorbing inside.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is possible to include its versatility to the undoubted advantages of warm plaster: to buy such a mixture - it means to solve two problems at once, it is insulation and facade trim.

And also to the advantages of this material include:

  • high vapor and thermal insulation properties;
  • high adhesive properties, if the surface is properly prepared, then the mixture is capable of covering the facade for more than 10 years;
  • the possibility of finishing facade painting in any color;
  • simplicity of application, plastering a small house with an area of \u200b\u200b150-200 square meters. meters not even having experience in a few days;
  • does not require reinforcement and fastening;
  • not exposed to rodents and insects.

The disadvantages of this insulation can be attributed to:

  • the need to apply a thick layer. Manufacturers declare that enough 2-2.5 cm, however, practice shows that in fact the layer must be 2 times more - at least 5 cm;
  • relatively high price.

It is possible to argue with the last item, because by choosing a warm mixture for the facade, the need for the acquisition of fasteners, which are required for insulation in the form of plates or rolls, as well as reinforcing mesh and finite finishes.


The application of plaster begins with careful surface preparation: it must be cleaned, the seams are embossed, as well as the facade must be processed by the primer. After that, you can proceed to insulation. The technology of application of this type of mixture does not differ from the application of other solutions. Used tools: Tyrka, spatula and roller.

The heat-insulating plaster mixture is thrown onto the wall, and the roller or scraper is rolled out with a uniform layer. If you do not have any experience with the material, we recommend using special lighthouses that are attached to the walls in squares 1x1 m. Lights will help to apply a smooth layer, providing the same insulation of the entire surface.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the dilution of the solution, since most plastering mixtures are sold in the form of a dry powder. When diluting the solution, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. It is not necessary to try to save the mixture to make it easier, since the thermal conductivity of such a solution can decrease several times. It should not do a thick mixture, it will be bad to apply and falls on an uneven layer.


Let's summarize: warm plaster for the facade is a great option if you want to warm and separate the house at the same time. As a heater, this material has more advantages than flaws.

That's all, until the emergency on the pages of our site.

It was worth a slightly change the composition of the usual, as a completely new material appeared on the light - warm plaster. Manufacturers attribute to him unique qualities and declare that the material can be used as an independent one. So what is it true or another tricky marketing move? How to choose a warm plaster for the facade and internal work, how to apply it, and in what cases does the material really can be used as a full heat insulator?

№1. The composition of warm plaster

Warm plaster called thanks to her low thermal conductivity Compared to conventional plastering compositions. Such results were achieved by replacing the usual for special heat insulating additives.

The composition of warm plaster includes such components.:

Typically, the material is supplied in the form of a dry mixtureAnd before applying it is enough to dilute with water. The craftsmen are preparing a warm plaster on their own, but "works" the composition in any case according to one principle: heat-insulating additives together with air bubbles create a powerful holod barrier. Tests show that a layer of warm plastering in 5 cm is equivalent to the heat insulation of the wall in two.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material is about 0.063 W / m * 0 C. This indicator is somewhat worse than that of extruded polystyrene foam and even that makes some features in its application. In the regions with cold winters, it is impossible to use warm plaster as an independent heat insulation - it is usually applied as an additional layer of insulation and plays a crucial role in the elimination of "cold bridges", which occur during installation of tiled and rolled insulation. In areas with mild winters, warm plaster can even be used as the only heat insulating material, but much depends on the thickness and material of the walls. In the future, check it all on the calculations.

№2. Advantages and disadvantages of warm plaster

Warm plaster has gained widespread due to its weighty benefits:

Now O. disadvantages:

Number 3. Types of warm plaster fillers

The properties and scope of using warm plaster strongly affects the type of filler. The following materials can be used:

  • sawdust. The composition of the sawdust warm plaster, except directly wood sawdust, also consists of clay, paper and cement. The use of such "gentle" and sensitive to the negative factors of the external environment of the components does not allow to apply the composition for the insulation of the facade, but for internal works, such warm plaster is great, especially since it can be applied even on a wooden base. Internal heat insulation will improve efficiency;
  • ground Perlit It is obtained from obsidian, which, with high temperature treatment, is extended to the formation of the mass of air bubbles inside, which increases the thermal insulation properties of the material. The only minus is increased hygroscopicity, so such plaster needs reliable waterproofing;
  • running vermiculite obtained from mica, the material withstands a wide range of temperatures, has antiseptic properties, it has a slight weight, absolutely resistant to fire, can be used for outdoor and interior decoration, but the moisture is afraid, so requires enhanced protection;
  • balls out foamlook Get from foamed quartz sand. This is the most preferred material for filling the warm plaster, as moisture is not afraid, the fire, has good thermal insulation qualities, it can be used for facade and internal works, does not give a shrinkage;
  • as mineral aggregates, except for vermiculite, perlite and foam glass, also use ceramzite crumb and Pumise Powder. These materials cannot boast of high moisture resistance and inferior to analogs in many other qualities, therefore are used infrequently;
  • polystyrene foam It is used in warm plastering together with cement, lime and some other additives. These are relatively inexpensive formulations of universal use, but due to the flammability of polystyrene foams are not used so often. In addition, the surface of the plaster is overly soft, so requires mandatory finishing.

№4. Calculation of the thickness of the layer of warm plaster

To determine whether it is possible to use a warm plaster as an independent insulation, you will have to perform a simple calculation, given the region of the house, the thickness and material of the walls of the walls:

  • calculation begins with the determination of the value the normalized resistance of the heat transfer of the exterior walls of the house. This is a table of tabular, predetermined by regulatory documents (for Russia - SNiP 23-02-2003). For Moscow, according to the table, this value is 3.28 m 2 * 0 C / W, for Krasnodar - 2.44 m 2 * 0 C / W;
  • determine resistance to heat transfer walls at homeFor which we need to divide the thickness of the wall on the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material. Make a calculation for two houses. One is in Moscow and is constructed from the thickness of the walls of 0.5 m, the thermal conductivity coefficient from the table is 0.58 W / m 0 C, so heat transfer resistance is 0.86 m 2 * 0 C / W. The second house is located in Krasnodar and built from D600, the thickness of the wall is 0.4 m, the coefficient of thermal conductivity from the table - 0.22 W / m 0 C, heat transfer resistance - 1.82 m 2 * 0 C / W;
  • payment additional insulation. For home in Moscow, this (3,28-0.86) \u003d 2.42 W / m 0 C. For home in Krasnodar (2.44-1.82) \u003d 0.62 W / m 0 C;
  • payment the layer of warm plaster, its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.063 W / m * 0 s (maybe a little more - depends on the composition and manufacturer). For the house in Moscow 0.063 * 2.42 \u003d 0.15 m, for the house in Krasnodar 0.063 * 0.62 \u003d 0.04 m. Since it is better not to apply a warm plaster with a layer more than 5 cm, and she has a decent weight, then For a Moscow home, it is better to look for another type of insulation, and the warm plaster can be used in addition. For home in Krasnodar, warm plaster can be used as an independent insulation.

A more accurate calculation can be carried out if we take into account the heat transfer resistance of all finishing wall materials, as well as take into account the number and size of windows and the mass of other parameters. It is easier to do this in special building calculators, but to understand whether it is worth considering warm plaster as an independent insulation can already be from the above calculation.

Despite the certification of the manufacturer and calculations, proving the effectiveness of warm plaster, it is not very often used as the main insulation in residential buildings. It usually, cottages, use to eliminate cold bridges, for processing window and doorways. It is better to use the insulation outside, but if there is no such possibility, it can be applied inside it so that it complements the external heat insulation.

№5. Manufacturers of warm plaster

You can save I. make warm plaster with your own hands. The most universal and inexpensive solution is obtained using perlite or vermiculite. 4 parts of vermiculite or perlite and 1 part of dry cement must be mixed. A thoroughly mixed mixture is diluted with water with a plasticizer. The latter can be purchased in the store, and can be replaced by PVA glue at the rate of 50-60 g of glue by 10 liters of plasters. The mixture is diluted with water-adhesive composition and constantly stirred for homogeneity. The solution should have a thick consistency. After cooking, it is given for 15-20 minutes, and you can proceed to apply plaster.

№7. Applying warm plaster

The process of applying warm plaster is easy and easily performed with their own hands:

  • the required amount of solution is prepared;
  • the wall is cleaned for better adhesion, but many builders simply moisturize the surface with ordinary water;
  • it is better to hold plaster for beacons, although some neglect by this rule. As a lighthouses, an aluminum profile is used, which is fixed with putty, the use of cooked plaster is allowed. The evenness of the beacons exhibited is checked by a building level;
  • modern ready-made compositions of warm plasters make it possible to do without additional reinforcement with a mesh, but when applying a thick layer of insulation and at the angles, the use of the mesh is preferably;
  • the process of applying warm plaster is not originality and identical. The solution with a spatula is put on the heel, after which it is superimposed on the wall with rubbing movements from the bottom up between the beacons. The surface is leveled by the rule;
  • within 2 hours after applying, the solution remains plastic, so the flaws are easy to correct. During this period, lighthouses are removed, the slots are maintained by the same solution. If desired, the surface can be treated with a decorative spatula or structural roller to achieve an interesting effect. If a smooth surface is needed, then after drying the plaster it is necessary to apply a thin leveling layer and block it with a plastic grater;
  • the thickness of one layer should not be more than 2 cm, otherwise the plaster will begin to fall off. If you need to apply it in several layers, then after installing the first it is necessary to wait at least 4 hours. Fully dries the surface after 48 hours, then you can begin to finish it. If it is necessary to handle a large wall area, it is better to use a machine method of applying plaster.

The warm plaster today is used for, for outside and inside, for the insulation of facades and ceiling floors, as well as for sealing slots and cracks, to process slopes of windows. With proper preparation, applying and calculation, the composition fully justifies expectations.

Among the various types of insulation materials in construction are starting to apply the so-called so-called "Warm" plaster.

It differs from ordinary plaster lower thermal conductivity coefficientWhat contributes to the best maintenance of heat in the room and respectively saves heating costs.

The case in the filler, which has a very big porosity. Air bubbles Delay the transfer of heat into the surrounding space.

As a filler For warm plaster, various materials can be used: wood sawdust, polystyrene foam balls, perlite or vermiculite granules, foam glass.

All of them possess lower thermal conductivitythan sand used in conventional plaster.

Compared with traditional materials for insulation has several advantages:

  • Its applying is simple enough does not require special skillsAnd with private construction, you can do all the work. At the same time, you can use a plastering machine.
  • The pre-alignment of the surface is usually not necessary, and for better clutch it is enough to moisten the wall with water.
  • The reinforcement grid will be required only in particularly complex places (for example, angles or where there are cracks). It not only simplifies work, but also improves thermal insulation.
  • High adhesion provides good grip with any surface, so you can warm the facilities from almost any structural materials, including from concrete slabs or metal.
  • High plasticity Allows you to extract hard-to-reach areas without any problems.
  • Most of the types of warm plaster are not combustible, do not distinguish harmful substances, which increases the safety of structures.
  • Biological stability is manifested in the fact that the fungus, insects or rodents are not able to live in such a plaster (with the exception of species, where hydrofins or cellulose mass are used as a filler).
  • High thermal insulation properties Warm plasters allow you to use its thin layer as an additional insulation.
  • Microporous structure makes the material breathablethat is especially important for residential premises, hospitals, schools, kindergartens.
  • Many wall materials lose the initial lower thermal conductivity due to water absorption. A porous structure of plaster with a large number of capillaries contributes to the moisture disposal from the walls to which it is applied.
  • Modern warm plaster resistant to sharp temperature drops, snow, ultraviolet rays, almost does not lose sight, does not crack.
  • It evenly distributes the absorbed solar heat over the entire surface.
  • Often in the production of warm plaster waste are used (clay crumb, sawdust, etc.), which contributes to the reduction of pollution of nature.
  • And at the same time it does not contain harmful substances. it the most environmentally friendly View among modern insulation.

Of course, warm plaster is not deprived and minusesOtherwise, she would have long supplanted the remaining types of insulation from the construction market:

  • Chief flaw - It is its high costs compared with traditional materials -, glass gamble, etc. Although it is primarily explained by its novelty for domestic construction. And if we take into account the cost and related products for other types of insulation (for example, reinforcement), then prices for them come closer.
  • Most types of warm plaster not suitable for final finishing of exterior walls. Due to the porous structure, they quickly absorb moisture, rewind. Therefore, the primer and coating on top of the paint or plaster, or the walls of the walls with waterproof material are necessary. This shortage is devoid of plaster polystyrene or foam glass.
  • Thermal conductivity of warm plaster aboveThan for competitors (0.065 W / m ° K against 0.033 - 0.043 in foam and 0.041 - 0.05 at mineral wool). Due to this, a thicker layer of insulation will be required, and therefore the foundation should be more durable.
  • Fat layer dries longerWhat you need to consider with external work with changeable weather.
  • Plaster with organic fillers is heavier than others and easier absorbs water. Therefore, for outdoor works, it is not quite suitable. And in a wet sawdust environment, conditions for fungus are created.
  • Polystyrene plaster combustionexcept the most modern brands.

What's in perspective?

Warm plaster
- Not perfect material for insulation without a single shortage.

However, she he has a lot of advantagesWhat makes it attractive for both private construction and public.

The most high-quality There are new species like "Bear", thermoum, which allow you to perform the finish finish of the facades. They are waterproof, I have an attractive white color and an interesting surface texture, if you wish, you can paint. And because of the good plasticity, it is possible to perform decorative elements, for example, stucco.

If, as the domestic production is expanded, the prices of warm plaster will decrease, then this type of insulation may become a leader Up to use, especially in the private sector.

Warm plaster Thermover: Characteristics, properties and methods of application - Look at all this on the video:

Planning to carry out repair work in the room, you should consider and take into account all the details, because in such works there can be no trifles. The insulation of the room is one of the most important processes, it should not be ignored. Warm plaster is one of the options for solving this issue.


Many residents of apartments and private houses about warm plaster are heard for the first time, so it is necessary to figure out more detail that it represents themselves for what purpose it is used and what kind of varieties are it.

All building materials have certain thermal insulation properties. Using conventional plaster, you can only warm the room. To achieve stronger insulation, use warm plaster.

When applying warm plaster on the wall surface, it turns out to be more even, with its thermal insulation rises.

Apply this material in construction and when performing repair work began not so long ago, therefore, a few are known about the composition and properties of warm plaster.

With it, you can:

  • align the wall;
  • decorate the surface;
  • provide a temperature for a comfortable stay.

In addition, this material has a sound insulation function.

Thermal insulation materials have a porous, fibrous or cellular structure, which is filled with air, gas or vacuum. When applied to the surface, a peculiar "fur coat" is created.

For a long time, natural materials were used for the insulation of the walls. For this, straw, sawdust and clay were used. Fracting the walls with a mixture of these materials divorced with water, sought their insulation. Perhaps this technique is still used somewhere in the villages because of its cheapness and simplicity.

Modern technologies do not stand still, and today produce a large number of materials that are used for the insulation of the walls. The basis for warm plaster serve various fillers and components for binding, as well as other additional ingredients.

The filler for warm plaster may consist of different materials. Consider their description and characteristics:

  1. As part of the filler may be polystyrene foam. This material has a high level of thermal insulation, besides it is inexpensive. In addition to undoubted advantages, polystyrene foam has a drawback - it is able to quickly ignite, and during the combustion of the material toxic substances are distinguished.
  2. The cheapest, and the most eco-friendly material can be called sawdust. They are often used in self-making material, although sawdust do not have high heat protection properties.
  3. Perlite.When processing perlite, high temperatures are obtained with a porous structure. Perlite has good resistance to temperature drops, with this material it is easy to operate. It also has resistance to malicious microorganisms.
  4. Material that is made from mica - vermikulitis. It is very durable, has a high level of hygroscopicity, has biological safety and fire safety.
  5. Foamglass.For its production take quartz sand. This material is recommended to use indoors with high humidity, which is undoubtedly its advantage. The thermal insulation properties of the above described options.

To bind these materials, plaster or cement are used. The use of cement in the work allows you to achieve a stronger surface. A solution with cement has a gray color, it will be noticeably from the side. In order to get rid of the gray shade on the surface, it can be covered with a gypsum putty.

Instead of cement, you can take plaster. Usually it is used only indoors.


It should be understood where it is used with warm plaster, how easy it is applied to the surface of indoors.

So, this material is applicable for:

  • for alignment of the walls and the creation of additional thermal insulation;
  • filling the voids, insulation of water pipes, sewers;
  • insulation of slopes of windows and doors - such a warming surface will prevent cold air and drafts;
  • often the heat-saving putty is applied when the ceiling or floor insulation.

The heat insulating putty has a lot of advantages:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that it is easy to work with this material, plus it is possible to solve the issue of both insulation and the surface finish.
  2. Material has excellent properties, has a high adhesion to many surfaces.
  3. Working with warm putty, you can often do without priming the surface.
  4. When applying a solution to the surface during operation, there are no seams or the so-called "cold bridges".
  5. Using modern plasters, it is possible not to be afraid that over time the material can be spoiled by insects or eaten by rodents, besides, there are no pathogenic bacteria.

If the composition consists of plaster, perlite and vermiculite, it is not recommended to be used for internal insulation of rooms with high humidity, since these materials have high hygroscopicity.

Before starting work, you need to prepare walls. Surface should be cleaned from the previous layer and remove hooks, nails and other small parts that can interfere with work. Next, the walls should be projected and leave for a couple of days so that it is completely dried, and only then carry out work on the insulation of the premises.

Given all the advantages of the material and its shortcomings, it can be said that the use of warm plaster indoors is fully justified. Apply it in a complex with different insulation, but it should be applied in places where it really needs.

  • In order to prepare a solution, take 1 kg of a mixture and 0.5 liters of water. The composition is not recommended to do large portions.Since he dries very quickly. For mixing, the construction mixer takes and interfere until the mixture does not look like sour cream.
  • When mixing a dry mixture with water, the liquid should be pouring a little, constantly stirring. When using moisture-resistant composition, it is enough for 1 kg of the mixture to take 200 liters of water. Before starting work, the solution is left for several minutes so that it is soaked.
  • When applying putty take a trowel with the rule.The layer should not be made thick, it should not exceed 5 cm. When applying material on the ceiling, the layer value must be reduced to 3 cm. Applying putting on the walls, you can immediately align the surface and remove minor defects.

  • After covering the entire surface should waituntil the wall is dry. It may take a little more than an hour. After that, it is cut, using the rule. You can take a construction level for checking. At this stage, possible disadvantages are eliminated by depression, irregularities and roughness.
  • If after applying one layer of the wall remain unevenThey leave them dry and then re-apply another layer. When applying more than one layer, after complete drying of the surface, it is ground and sewn the reinforcing grid.
  • At the final stage, glossy or eyelash.For this, the surface is wetted with water and cleaned with spongy grad. When cement or gypsum milk will appear, the wall is watched by a soft wide spatula. You can leave the wall in this form, it no longer misses heat, but more often it is painted by facade paint, sewing siding or use any other decorative work.

High-temperature putty - a convenient material that is used for internal works. When this material is selected, it should be borne in mind that there are quite expensive mixtures, and it often has to buy several packages.

To avoid additional waste, you can use a putty prepared by yourself. Homemade solutions are absolutely not inferior in quality to store options.

As part of putty of own production:

  • one part of the sand;
  • one part of the cement;
  • four parts of perlite / vermiculite;
  • required amount of water so that the mixture becomes sour cream.

In the manufacture of a solution with polystyrene foam, vermiculitis and perlite, the ratio should be 1: 4, that is, if you take 0.5 kg of sand and cement, 2 cube perlite and about 500-600 liters of water should be added.

Sometimes PVA glue is added to this composition, but it is not used in large quantities - it is enough to take 2% of the total amount of water. By adding glue into the solution, it should be pre-diluted. Instead of glue, you can take a plasticizer, for example, polyplastic.

For independent preparation, the putty will have to experiment a little in proportions.It is not recommended to knead a lot of solution at once, it is better to make small portions. When applied to the wall immediately, it becomes clear how correctly the proportion was chosen and the material is convenient for use.

If perlite or vermiculite is used for cooking, you need to add a large amount of liquid. With insufficient amount of water, the solution immediately solidins and will be unsuitable for work.

To carry out internal work, masonry solutions are better in the gypsum.


One of the most popular companies that produce putty are a firm Knauf.. This name is known to many and deserves to pay attention to the products of this company. As part of this plaster there is a polystyrene cement, as well as special additives.

When applying a solution to the surface, a durable structural layer is formed. After its drying, you can use texture paints, which will allow you to decorate the surface. Apply a layer of plaster from 10 to 30 mm, you can work with your hands or machine method. Available in packs weighing 25 kg. When applying a minimum layer of 10 mm per 1 kV. M need to take about 12 kg.

When using this putty indoors, it should be borne in mind that it has a polystyrene, which has a high degree of flammability. Knauf's putty firm is used both outside and indoors.

Choosing high-quality materials to work indoors, it is worth paying attention to thermal insulation plaster "Umka". Russian manufacturers were able to make a dry mix that had excellent characteristics. The composition was developed taking into account the harsh climate.

After applying the solution to the surface, finishing finishing works are usually carried out. The dry mixture in the package is 7 kg. When applying the minimum layer in 10 mm, you should take 4 kg of a mixture per 1 kV. m.

For insulation of walls indoors, a dry mixture is used "Bear". A layer of this mixture in 2 cm in its thermal conductivity will be equal to brickwork at 50 cm. Before applying a mixture "Bear" on the wall surface align and ground. We produce a mixture for insulation of walls indoors in bags weighing 14 kg.

Among other popular companies producing dry mixes can be called:

  • Unis;
  • Paladium;
  • Thermoum.

More recently, the concept of "warm plaster" caused bewilderment on the faces of people, selecting the finishing material for the repair of its apartment or the outer walls of the house.

Today, using a warm plaster mixture, the external and internal decoration of residential and administrative buildings is successfully performed.

Warm internal work plaster is produced in two main directions: to create a preparatory and finishing layer. In both cases, the finishing material has high strength and thermal insulation indicators.

Components of warm plaster

Warm plaster refers to multicomponent mixtures.

It includes:

  • fillers - substances allowing the plastering layer a paro-permeability;
  • plasticizers - they endow the finishing material with high elastic properties;
  • hydropobizers - These components provide resistance to moisture.

A white portland cement or conventional lime with the addition of gypsum is used as a binder.

Wall Scheme with Warm Plaster

There are warm plaster on fillers that give the material heat-insulating characteristics.

At the moment, the distribution received two types of warm finishes: with organic and mineral components.

The organic additive can perform polystyrene foam. It is used in the form of granules foamed in production.

Since this type of organic filler is distinguished by small strength, then plaster, in which it enters, cover with protective trim.

Mineral components are divided into species. The substances of the same group are natural materials from volcanic origin with a porous structure (expanded perlite, vermiculite).

Other elements are fractional hollow foam-tag grains. They give the plastered surface a high level of mechanical strength.

Advantage of using warm plaster

Warm plaster, due to the production of universal properties obtained in the production, can be used to finish internal and exterior wall walls.

In addition to high thermal insulation indicators, the finishing material is endowed:

  • Light weight - in contrast to standard plaster, after setting the screed, its proportion can be from 240 to 360 kg / m3;
  • Layer monolithium - it eliminates the appearance of temperature bridges, peeling and squeezing the finish surface;
  • Good adhesion - due to the high level of adhesive ability, warm plaster suitable practically to all surface basics. If it is necessary to apply a layer with a thickness of about 5 cm, the need for the use of primer and reinforcing fiberglass appears;
  • The possibility of restoration - the plaster layer is easily restored as a result of any mechanical damage;
  • Ease of use - there is no need to use specialized equipment. When performing work, a fairly standard tool set: spatula, grates and cells;
  • Safety - Warm plaster refers to environmentally friendly finishing materials, due to which it is used not only for plastering surfaces of the facade (warm facade plaster), but also the inner walls of the dwelling. This fact refers to certified mixtures;
  • The finishing layer - the plaster perfectly acts as a decorative finish coating for both the exterior and internal surfaces of the building. Due to the additional use of the coloring vapor-permeable substance, the mixture is acquired by the necessary color.

How to make a warm plaster with your own hands

Warm plaster with their own hands is made simply, since all the necessary materials are in the construction market.

As mentioned above, the components of the plastering warm mixture are porous materials, plasticizer and conventional cement.

Applying warm plaster

Due to porous components, warm plaster performs insulating functions and is endowed with vapor-permeable properties, and hence the ability to breathe.

On paro-permeable materials, mold and fungus will not settle, since their source of occurrence is missing - dampness.

Through the use of plasticizers, the composition based on a cement binder receives good indicators of plasticity and setting with the bearing base.

That is why heat-insulating plasters have characteristics that allow them to apply them on a wooden, concrete, brick and even ceramic plane.

Warm plaster is made according to the following technology:

  • one part of the cement M500;
  • four parts of pearlite or vermiculite grains;
  • water (added to the preparation of the consistency of thick sour cream);
  • plasticizer (replace PVA glue, take 50 grams to one cement bucket).

Step-by-step instruction of making solution:

  • plasticizer or PVA glue is bred in water;
  • thoroughly mix cement with granules;
  • water is poured into a dry mixture, mix until plasticity is obtained.

After 15 minutes, when the composition is disappeared, there is a turn of work on the application of warm plaster on the prepared surface.

Plaster cooked at home will cost much cheaper. This is especially noticeable if you compare it with mixtures of well-known firms, for example, "Knauf".

It also should be noted that the thermal insulation plaster cannot be used as the main insulating material, but still, some part of the heat in the room will be able to hold.

Stucco "Knauf" for buildings facades

Using for the finishing of facades of buildings with warm plaster "Grunband", the company "KNAUF", can be saved on insulation materials, but you have to spend money on the surface decorative finish.

The decor uses various finishing putty, polyurethane panels or vapor-permeable paints.

Scheme of plastering facade system

Preparation of the solution does not take much time, but requires the use of a building mixer.

This is a necessity, because it is quite difficult to manually mix 30 kg of a dry mixture with water to obtain the desired consistency.

The kit includes:

  • construction level and rule;
  • stretch, metal spatula and grater.

Facade plaster "KNAUF" is applied only on the prepared surface, due to which it is stacked with a smooth layer.

In the process of preparatory work, the old detailed finish, dirt and dust is removed from the ground.

Discovered small chips and cracks can not be covered, since all defects will hide the finishing material.

Then they carry out the primer of the outer walls, which will perform additional protection of the facade finish from the penetration of moisture. The primer is applied to the dry surface.

If the plans for the plaster layer lay another type of insulation, for example, polyurethane foam, then you should not worry about how to fall and firmly will stay on it.

Due to the special fiberglass reinforced mesh, which is satisfied with the insulated outer walls of the building, the plaster mix can be applied in the same way as a concrete or brick base.

Here it is also worth mentioning some features of the work carried out using the Knauf plaster mix:

  • The thickness of the applied layer of thermal insulation facade plaster can be about 20 mm, but not more, since the mixture will begin to slide from the working surface. It is distributed by the rules on the wall plane. If necessary, plastering the walls with a thicker layer, for example, 30 mm, the process of work carried out into several stages. At the first stage, one layer of the "Knauf" solution is applied; on the second - on the first layer, reinforcement with a grid; At the final stage, the repeated layer of plaster is placed, but only after drying the first;
  • After the plastering mixture began to collapse, its surface is slightly wetted with water and rub in a grater.

The facade treated with warm plaster for creating an externally attractive look is stoned with any decorative material like.

The main thing is that he will ensure the requirements allowing the facade to maintain an unchanged view.