Installing ventilation in the bathroom and toilet with your own hands. High-quality ventilation in the bathroom and toilet make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet in the apartment

In the bathroom and the toilet is stronger than in other rooms, condensate is formed, unpleasant odors appear. Therefore, here the arrangement of proper ventilation is extremely necessary. High-quality extractors contributes to the normalization of the microclimate indoors, ensures its compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements.

Ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet avoids the appearance of dampness and fungus. This contributes to the normal well-being of people living in the house. Finish, plumbing, furniture, which is located in such premises, will serve much longer. All work can be made independently. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing ventilation rules in the toilet and the bathroom.

Requirements for ventilation

Proper ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet is one of the important factors that make it possible to fully exploit the room. It is as important as heating, lighting and water supply. The quality of equipped ventilation depends on the correspondence of the oxygen medium within the home by existing requirements.

Bathroom and toilet are closed, poorly ventilated rooms. There is an increased probability of breeding pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Snip sets air exchange rates. Its intensity per hour should be 25 m³ for the bathroom. Air flow per hour for a combined type bath should be 50 m³.

To check the drawing operation, you need to bring a burning match to the ventilation grid. If the flame is not retracted by the channel, it means that ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet does not function. In multi-storey houses of the old sample, such a picture is observed due to channel clogging. If a similar problem is defined in a new house, it means that the system was designed incorrectly.

The best solution to the problem will be the arrangement of new forced ventilation. Such a system has a lot of advantages over passive hood. It is able to quickly solve the problem of dampness and the appearance of fungus, an unpleasant smell in such premises.

Type of air exchange

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, the options for which today are offered by real estate owners, may be natural and artificial. In ordinary multi-storey buildings built in the past century, the first type of systems is applied. From the windows and doors of fresh air in this case enters the room. Then he leaves through the ventilation channels.

The movement of air masses with natural ventilation is achieved due to the indoor indoor difference and on the street. In modern apartments, windows and doors are distinguished by high tightness. It disrupts the natural indoor air cycle. Therefore, purchasing new plastic windows and sealed doors, you should envisage the presence of ventilation devices.

Forced or artificial ventilation assumes the presence of special equipment. It is embedded in the air exchange system. There are a large number of diverse fans for forced ventilation. They discharge pressure inside the bathroom and toilet. The air is pulled out. This process leads to admission to these places of oxygen from other rooms.

The arrangement of forced exhaust in the bathroom is able to solve the problem of ineffective natural ventilation. It requires more time and costs when installing. Over time, the efforts have spent fully compensated. All interior items and decoration in such premises are much longer than with the natural type of air exchange. Health people will not threaten various pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the forced extract today is preferable.

Types of ventilation

Sanitary and hygienic and building standards argue that forced ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet is preferred. However, it should be noted that there are several more signs that are distinguished by such systems.

For the purpose, the supply, exhaust and mixed ventilation are allocated. In the first case, additional equipment provides fresh air to the room. At the same time, excessive pressure is formed. It causes old air masses to leave the room through the outlet ventilation channels.

The exhaust type of the system involves the presence of a fan directly on the channel mine. In some cases, a combined method is applied. It assumes both types of system arrangement.

Ventilation varies and design. There is a channel and vague-free hood. The second option involves the movement of air masses through the equipped holes in the walls between the rooms. For example, it can be ventilation of the bathroom through the toilet or vice versa. In one of these premises there is an exit to the total house of the exhaust mine. Air from the second room first through the hole in the wall falls into the first room, and after that, mixed masses overlook the canal from the apartment.

However, the channel ventilation is more efficient. It involves losing the exhaust mine directly to premises with high humidity. It provides a full air exchange in the bathroom.

Type of fan

Forced ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet involves applying additional equipment. It may vary by installation and design. Fans provide sufficient air exchange speed for a combined and separate bathroom.

By the installation method, the equipment of the radial and channel type is distinguished. In the first case, the fan is mounted at the mine outlet. Its housing has aesthetic case. Channel varieties are installed directly in the mine itself.

By type of construction, diametral, axial, centrifugal and centrifugal axial fan are isolated. In the first version, the product has a drum type of impeller. This design has a small indicator of the efficiency. The axial fan is injected by the air flow using the blades. Such equipment is applicable for chamberless ventilation.

The centrifugal fan has a spiral body. This is the most productive, but the most noisy equipment. The highest operational indicators has a centrifugal axial fan. It is compact, produced and has a small level of noise. Today, equipment in which humidity sensors are built, the timer is built. This allows you to ventilate the room as high quality as possible.

Ventilation channel

There are certain requirements, how to do (ventilation in the bathroom and toilet with your own hands should be performed with high accuracy) the correct system. They must be considered before starting work.

Ventilation channel in a private house works simply. It joins special equipment or excreted on the roof. This is a simple job. The creation of the project is required to make even at the stage of preparation for the construction of the construction.

The highest quality ventilation is obtained in houses from natural wood. This is explained by the ability of the material to "breathe". In this case, it will be enough to equip natural ventilation. Building from logs and timber is considered not only beautiful, but also practical.

Owners of apartments in high-rise buildings are required to pay more time and attention to ventilation. All apartments in the stairwell are communicated with the shared shaft, in which the air leaves the house outside. If, for example, a bath and a toilet is one room (no ventilation ventilation), on the standards of SNiP, air exchange is required per hour in an amount of 50 m³. The higher the apartment is in the house, the greater the likelihood of compliance of this indicator of the established level.

Over time, the channels in apartment buildings are clogged. If they are not cleaned for a long time, the air exchange with natural ventilation is hampered. The lower the apartment is in the house, the worse the hood takes place. In this case, the installation of forced ventilation is simply necessary.

Fan power

To understand how to do (ventilation in the bathroom and forced type toilet - one of the possible options in this case) exhaust in the bathroom, you should consider the basic requirements for creating a similar system. In this case, it is assumed to install an electric small fan. This device must be safe. It should not be out of order when a pair or water design elements. Also should be paid to the level of fan noise. He should not annoy the owners of the house.

Special attention is paid to the choice of power equipment. This indicator affects the dimensions of the bathroom and the number of people permanently residing in the house. For calculations, it is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom and toilet. Next, the result obtained is multiplied by 6, if the number of users does not exceed 3 people. If in the family 4 and more people, it means, the size of the bathroom is multiplied by 8. The result obtained and will be the optimal power of the fan.

Fan installation rules

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, the installation of which is performed with your own hands, requires the correct installation of all elements of the system. There are several requirements for the location of the equipment in the room.

The ventilation channel must be at maximum height, preferably under the ceiling. It should also be located as far as possible from the source of air inflows in the bathroom. If this requirement is not fulfilled, only part of the room will be ventilated.

For forced ventilation, it is important to establish a fan away from the water source. This will prevent a random hit in it.

If there is no ventilation in the room, and the exhaust channel is in the adjacent room, you will have to provide installation of additional boxes and pipelines. There are hard plastic and mobile corrugated structures.

Methods of installation

Most often, ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet does not require the facilities of additional air ducts. It is enough to install the selected fan to enter the min. In this case, the overall exhaust channel must be immediately behind the bathroom wall or a combined bathroom.

It happens that the mine of the ventilation canal is located behind the wall in the toilet. If it is separated from the bathroom by partition, through it you can make a hole. On both sides of the walls are installed ventilation grilles. This will be enough to create the required air exchange.

If there is an exit to the mine both in the toilet and in the bathroom, you should do separate ventilation for each room.

One of the most effective approaches is to install on the entrance to the lattice mine with grooves to install forced ventilation equipment. In this case, the natural and intensive systems are combined.

Preparation for mounting

At the repair planning stage, a project is created in which ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is thought out. Tips of experienced builders will allow preparation and installation correctly. Planning will hide the wires under the walls of the walls, calculate the required characteristics of the equipment, as well as the location of all elements of the system.

If ventilation is created in a multi-storey apartment house, it should be responsibly referring to the cleaning of the Shakhtya channel. If property owners live on the upper floors, you can perform this work yourself. The roof is the exhaust mine. It needs to be omitted in it. If the owners of the apartment live on the lower floors, without the help of representatives of the Jeep or special services will not do.

In a private house, clean the ventilation channel will be easier. Over time, dirt, web, garbage from the roof, etc., also accumulate here. By purchasing all the necessary elements of the system, you can start the installation.

Installation of fan

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet with your own hands is mounted simply. First, the electrical wire is supplied to the equipment of the forced type of system. It is selected according to the selected fan power. Also, such conductors must have a high class of isolation.

The fan is installed in the place prepared for it. It is attached with the help of self-tapping screws. The grid is also installed using a special fastening material. This will allow you to unscrew the lattice over time and clean it from pollution.

If an additional ventilation channel indoors is placed, you can sew pipes under the ceiling of plasterboard. So the appearance of the room will be aesthetic.

Having considered that it represents ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet, as well as the rules for its installation, each owner of the apartment or private house will be able to create a full-fledged system in the bathroom independently.

High-quality ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is an integral element of the comfort and purity of indoor data. Unlike other rooms, the increased requirements for convenience and accuracy are put forward.

The purpose of such sanitary premises implies the need to constantly maintain the purity close to ideal. The ventilation system plays one of the leading roles in this process.

Cleanliness and freshness of air are an indisputable condition for a comfortable stay in the room. But if in residential rooms this condition is just enough to observe with the help of ventilation through the windows, then there are some difficulties in the toilet and bathroom. The presence of a sufficient window opening can boast of not every private house bathroom. The features of the location of the premises in the apartment extremely rarely imply the presence of a window as such.

Typical apartment buildings, as a rule, "hide" the sanitary zone into the "deaf" box of a small area with a common air ventilation channel. It is implemented as a small hole under the ceiling, working on a natural supply and exhaust principle.

The consequences of poor-quality ventilation

Sanitary facilities in apartment buildings, equipped with windows, is most of its joint bathrooms in non-standard type heights. However, even if there is a window opening, ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet may not be enough intensive, which will certainly cause discomfort of residents and visitors.

In fact, rooms that most need high-quality cleaning from smells and moisture, possess the most difficult exhaust mechanism. In addition, the appearance of unpleasant odors is not the most dangerous problem of poor ventilation of the sanitary zone. The accumulated excess moisture is a favorable environment for the development of fungal mold and pathogenic microorganisms.

To avoid violations of hygienic standards, it is recommended to select a suitable type of ventilation for the bathroom and toilet in a timely manner.

It is also allowed to improve existing ventilation - this can be done independently. This measure is quite relevant for typical high-rise buildings.

Two types of ventilation systems

Approval of the optimal way, how to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, usually comes down to the choice between the two main variants of the system - natural and forced. Each of them has its advantages. A comparison of options should be compared, based on the current need and the effectiveness of the system established at the moment.

Difficulties with how to check the ventilation in sanitary rooms, it practically does not occur. If there is a unpleasant smell in the room for a long time, a feeling of stagnant, front air appears, the level of humidity is noticeably increased - this is a signal to check the condition and efficiency of the beads. The appearance of fungus on walls and wet plaque is a direct evidence of the need to urgently upgrade the air exchange system.

Bathroom, toilet where unpleasant odors are accumulated, condensate, most need to improve the exhaust system. High-quality exhaust provides a normal microclimate in rooms corresponding to sanitary and hygienic requirements. For you need to explore the fan installation rules.

- finely organized structure affecting the microclimate of the room. The mold appeared in the bathroom speaks of a malfunction of the ventilation system or insufficiency of existing, errors during self-installation or miscalculation when designing. Rising hot water couple creates condensate, which accumulates on the walls and turns into a fungus over time. Cosmetic Repair will temporarily relieve spots, so the problem is solved in the root. Required and ensure air exchange, since the organization of a healthy microclimate for a person during the reception of baths and other procedures is impossible without this.

Sanitary requirements and norms

According to SNOP and other regulatory documents, to create a compulsory air exchange in premises with high humidity ensure the receipt of fresh air, adhering to the following indicators:
  • 6-8 m3 / hour per 1 cubic meter area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom;
  • 8-10 m3 / hour - for a combined bathroom.
The exhaust air outflow from the bathroom and the bathroom is more than 30 cubes per hour. For the arrangement of the bathrooms in apartments and private houses, low noise domestic fans are used with no more than 30 dB.

Calculation of equipment performance

Before buying equipment for mounting forced toilet ventilation and bathrooms are calculated. Knowing the accurate volume, the purpose of the rooms, choose the optimal equipment for productivity (in detail how to calculate and make the installation of forced ventilation, read). Each room is characterized by air aeration. The value indicates how many times the air flow will be fed in one hour.


The bathroom with a toilet belongs to the rooms with increased humidity rates, the permissible maximum testimony of aeration is equal to 10.

To calculate productivity, the usefulness of the hood is calculated by the volume of the room, multiplying the height of the area. The resulting value is multiplied by the multiplicity of air exchange. The result marked in m3 / h indicates the minimum power of the hood for the bathroom. For example, for a bathroom with an area of \u200b\u200b9 square meters. The meters from the height of the walls of 2.5 meters perform the following calculations:

  1. Room volume: 2.5x9 \u003d 16.8 m3.
  2. The multiplicity of air exchange for the bathroom.
  3. Performance: V recorder \u003d 16.8 m³ x (6 ... 8) \u003d 100 ... 135 m³ / h.
Calculations for the bathroom with an area of \u200b\u200b9 square meters. m The fan will be required with a power of 100 ... 135 m³ / h. For ventsystem with a reverse thrust effect to overcome the drainage resistance, the calculated fan performance increases 30% in advance the holes for air intake, for which it is left for a two-chamber lumen between the door and the floor, set the lattice structures at the bottom of the doors leading to the bathroom, or drill holes.

How to make a forced system with your own hands?

The ventilation channels in the walls of the bathroom are usually not enough for the necessary air exchange, therefore fans are installed to increase the efficiency of aeration. Design and installation is performed independently, with preparatory work. For this:
  1. Compare the diameter of the exhaust instrument with the size of the loot in the wall.
  2. A narrow entrance to the vent hole is expanded by a hammer.
  3. A pipe of plastic or corrugation is inserted into a wide entrance.
  4. The gap between the pipe and the wall is close to the mounting foam.

Place for installation

For the most productive ventilation work, you need to select a powerful installation and choose a place for mounting. Hood is designed to remove warm wet airThe hood is mounted in the top of the wall opposite the entrance door. To provide fresh air access to the room into the lower part of the door, the lattice is embedded or leave the slot under the door, which allow fresh air to enter the room from the apartment. It is forbidden to install a fan next to the sink, bathroom, toilet and other sources of high humidity, as it causes a short circuit. For the same reason, the device is placed under the ceiling. To reduce noise, a silicone gasket is installed between the device and the wall. The electroatting is not installed in the toilet above the door so as not to reduce the air flow.

The fan is not installed near the heating devices so that it does not overheat.

Ventilation channel diagnostics

Before installing the ventilation, the condition and the ventilation device is carefully studying. To do this, check the thrust - first with an open window and doors, then tightly closing the sources of fresh air. A paper sheet lit down to the ventilation mine, lighter lit. The flame language shifted toward Ventkanal, the sticking sheet of paper to the hole indicate the presence of thrust. To improve the traction, check the ventilation shaft for the presence of garbage remaining after repair. Elimination of the obstacle will significantly improve the work of the entire exhaust system.

How to connect: selection scheme

Considering a typical apartment in a new building, it becomes clear that standard built-in ventilation is not able to cope with the output of moisture from the bathroom. The exception is a private house where there is a window in the toilet. Often, when organizing forced ventilation, you need to know the duration of the exhaust system. Usually the fan is connected to the light switch, activating the device at the time of finding a person in the bathroom. But this is not enough to ventilate the room. The following method is to connect the device to the independent switch. But the visitor often forgets about such trifles as the need to disable or turn on the device. Therefore, the installation of the fan with the humidity meter is necessary. The devices operate autonomously, remove excess moisture from the room, do not require the participation of a person.

How to install a fan?

Getting Started with the installation of the ventilation system, meaning with the instructions for the device. It contains a step-by-step guide to install, which simplifies work. In the absence of the manufacturer's instruction or transfer to the native language, the actions are performed in the following sequence:
  1. remove the outer cover;
  2. the fan adjustment places to the wall are lubricated with polymer glue, liquid nails or silicone;
  3. insert the device in the opening in the wall, completely hiding the working part consisting of the blades and the engine;
  4. the housing is tightly pressed to set glue;
  5. to protect against entering the ventilation mines in the room insects and garbage, a mesh mesh is installed;
  6. the lid put in place, fix with self-drawers or dowels that are supplied in the kit;
  7. the final stage is laying the wire, connecting the fan to the power grid.

Components and materials of the system in apartments and private houses

The ventilation system of combined or separate bathrooms in small apartments is a fan inserted into the hole in the wall. In large-sized apartments - air ducts made of plastic, metal mounted behind the suspended ceiling. In private houses consists of the following elements:
  1. Air duct. Pipe rectangular sections 0.5, 1 or 2 meters long. Installed under the ceiling, do not require unnecessary space.
  2. Fan - Outdoor, protruding over the surface, or built-in. The first is used to ventilate a small room, the second - in complex multi-line systems.
  3. Swiven knee for connecting corners of rectangular pipes. Produced vertical and horizontal models.
  4. Connecting fitting. Mats direct areas of ventilation system.
  5. Check valve. Prevents insects and garbage from the ventilation mine to the room (do it yourself?).

Operating Rules

Preventive measures are regularly carried out to extend the equipment of the equipment.
  1. The ventilation system is inspected for the presence of debris, dust, dirt are removed from the fan blades. This will provide a full-fledged air exchange, and the device will work for maximum power.
  2. Periodically check the craving in the bathroom, toilet, the mosquito net is washed with warm water with a detergent.

Incompretation and cleaning of the exhaust system lead to the failure of the entire system.

  1. The masters advise people first faced with the installation of the ventilation system in the toilet and the bathroom, to ensure fresh air. Otherwise, the efficiency of the exhaust device is reduced to zero (?).
  2. Buy expensive large-sized systems optional. It is enough to choose the device, preliminarily calculating the required power.
  3. The presence of a ionizer, air purifier, air conditioner, a household humidifier does not cancel the need to install ventilation, as none of the listed devices contributes to the influx of fresh air.
  4. It is recommended when installing the fan, pay attention to the power of household wiring. The device is characterized by two main parameters - power and pressure. These parameters depend on each other, they are taken into account in order to avoid damage to the cable due to network overload.
  5. After the installation is complete, you need to check the operation of the fan, leaning the paper sheet or submits the enabled lighter. If the flame does not change the position, a specialist is caused to eliminate the problem, especially with integrated attachment devices - sensors, thermometers, remote control panels, external interfaces.
The issue of the installation of the exhaust fan is suitable. When choosing a device, take into account the manufacturer, quality of equipment, performance and sizes. By setting the exhaust in the bathroom, you can prevent the appearance of condensate, an unpleasant smell, and the room is to provide clean dry air.

Useful video

Below you can familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions for connecting and installing forced ventilation in the bathroom.

In contact with

Incorrectly installed ventilation in the bathroom leads to the formation of a fungus and mold. As a result, the owner of the bathroom receive spoiled finishing materials and aesthetically unattractive appearance of the room. Therefore, the right organization of the ventilation system in the bathroom should pay special attention to how to make ventilation in the bathroom, consider further.

Ventilation in the bathroom: requirements and functions

The process of installing ventilation in the bathroom, first of all, follows the existing ventilation system for performance. The correct exchange of indoors is very important not only for finishing the walls and preserving their attractiveness, but, above all, for human health. Since properly organized microclimate helps to improve the overall condition and well-being of people, in it living.

Bathroom is a closed room, which is under the periodic impact of moisture requiring indispensable removal. To check the already existing system for the correct work, you should simply set fire to the usual match and bring it to the ventilation channel lattice. If the flame went out, the system works properly, otherwise, it needs to be adjusted. The same should be done with a small leaf of paper. If paper, near the grille sticks to it, then the system is in good condition. If troubleshooting is detected in the performance of the ventilation system, first of all, you need to clean the already existing fans and ventilation channels.

For the right ventilation organization, the bathroom should take care of installing the exhaust fan of the desired power. Before installing an exhaust fan, we recommend doing such actions to improve the already existing ventilation system:

1. Make the fan setting in the ventilation channel.

2. Install the fan on the surface of the exhaust mine located on the roof.

3. Possible option to install the ventilation valve in the window.

4. To improve heating in the bathroom and to remove excess moisture, heated towel rails, warm water floors or conventional radiators are installed.

Ventilation variations in the bathroom

In an aircraft ratio, ventilation in the bathroom happens:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The first option implies the elimination and circulation of air by naturally. For this, doors are used, open windows. The air moves with a bath to the street by means of a pressure difference. Improved glass windows that have high tightness are promoted by violation of natural ventilation. To solve this problem, it is recommended to purchase windows and doors having parts for microcirculation.

The second option is artificial ventilation, which is created by installing a fan in the bathroom that promotes air circulation. The main function of this system is the discharge of air, that is, pulling it into the street, and the new air enters the bathroom from the adjacent room. With the help of a forced ventilation system, it is possible to get rid of not only from high humidity in the bathroom, but also from unpleasant smell indoors.

In relation to ventilation assignment, it happens:

  • exhaust;
  • inlet;
  • combined.

The first option implies air removal by ventilation channels. The second type of ventilation is based on ensuring the receipt of new air to the room, with which there is a high pressure in the air, withdrawing the old air along the ventilation channels.

The combined option involves the use of the first two types of ventilation in the same room.

Depending on the design features, ventilation in the bathroom happens:

  • channel;
  • cordless.

Using the ventilation of the channel type, rooms are cleaned, which need intensive air purification from high moisture, steam or foreign odors.

The infantal version of the ventilation involves its suspension by wall holes that have already been installed indoors.

How to check the ventilation system for performance

We offer to familiarize yourself with the instructions for checking the ventilation in the bathroom:

1. Open the window and doors in the bathroom.

2. Take a thin sheet of paper, in the form of napkins.

3. Install it on an existing ventilation hole.

4. If the sheet is tightly kept on its surface, the system works properly.

Otherwise, remove the fan and check the ventilation channel for the presence of garbage or other items.

Instead of napkins use matches, lighters or candles. They should shy at an angle at the mine. It is not recommended to check in too hot day, as the air at this time is quite heavy, and even a serviceable system will not show the correct result.

In order to learn about the need to do the micheology niche in the doors or windows, the above-mentioned actions with closed windows and windows should be repeated.

In the absence of air flow, small lattices are installed on the window or doors.

Tip: Even if natural ventilation works flawlessly, it is recommended to establish forced ventilation in the bathroom, which will accelerate the procedure for outputting moisture from the room and contributes to the preservation of the repair integrity.

Ventilation in the bathroom with your own hands: Fan selection

In the ratio with the installation method, the fans are:

  • channel - installed in air duct systems;
  • radial - mounted on the output part of air systems, is featured aesthetically attractive body.

In relation to constructive features, fans are:

  • axis;
  • diametral;
  • centrifugal;
  • axial centrifugal.

The first version of the fan implies the injection of the axial stream using the blades, thus it will be possible to create a pressure of more than 40 pa. This fan type is suitable for installation in a chartless system.

Among the advantages of axial fans it should be noted:

  • available cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • high efficiency.

Among the disadvantages, high noise performance, weak pressure are noted.

The second version of the fan is distinguished by the presence of an impeller in the form of a drum. However, such fans do not have a high efficiency.

A centrifugal fan is characterized by a spiral case, which helps to achieve high performance, but at the same time produces enough noise.

Among the advantages, we note:

  • high cost;
  • installation in the channels of which is more than 500 cm;
  • high power;
  • low noise.

Centrifugal axial types of fans are characterized by small sizes, small noise and excellent performance.

Buying a fan is a rather complicated process, during which first of all you need to pay attention to its power. The optimal rate of power for the standard bathroom is the value in a hundred cubes in 60 minutes.

However, this indicator is average. When choosing power, such factors should be guided by such factors:

  • the number of people living in the house;
  • room size;
  • the number of windows and doors in the bathroom and their size;
  • the presence of additional natural ventilation;
  • the frequency of use of the bathroom.

In addition, the noise level is the noise level that reproduces the fan. The most comfortable indicator is forty decibel.

There are fans, with additional functions as timer, automatic on and off. If there are additional funds, it is possible to purchase them, as the use of such a fan - brings maximum comfort.

The hydrostat is a device that is responsible for turning on and off the fan at a time when an elevated level of humidity is present.

Some types of fans are equipped with special protection against moisture ingress, which has an ip designation, the moisture resistance of the device depends on the values \u200b\u200bof the number after marking.

If you plan to install a fan near the shower or bath, it is recommended to choose a device with the highest security class. The housing of such a fan provides reliable protection of the engine from moisture, thus improving the duration of the fan utilization.

Ventilation scheme in the bathroom, its arrangement

Most often, ventilation channels are equipped on walls or ceiling. In the absence of air ducts, you should pre-build them, in order to install the fan.

  • install the hood so that it is located opposite the door, thus, it will be possible to increase the air circulation in the room, otherwise, the air flows will move very slowly;
  • further actions should be directed to clean the existing duct from garbage;
  • if there is too narrow hole, take care of its expansion by the perforator, if the hole, on the contrary, is quite large, then for its equipment, it is necessary to install a fan pipe from plastic, which is fixed in it with a cement mortar;
  • to close the cavities in the pipe, it is enough to use the mounting foam;
  • note that the hood is deepened in the hole completely, only the lattice remains on the wall, behind which it is hidden;
  • for mounting, the exhaust is used screws, dowels or materials based on the sealant, the last option is the most successful, since it is able to repay vibrations that occur during the device's operation;
  • the extract must be configured to the electrical network, so a special cable, a power plant, is supplied to it;
  • it is possible an automatic exhaust arrangement option that works exclusively during light on.

Ventilation in the bathroom in a private house: work in space under the ceiling

If the ceiling in the bathroom is the suspended or for its finishes, false panels, stretch ceilings and other types of materials were used, as a result of which the sub flow has increased, then it is recommended to equip ventilation during the repair of the room.

When the ventilating hole is located below the suspended ceiling, it follows in the subtenuation space to equip a small hole, with a grid attached on it, with which moisture from this site will be deleted into the room.

In the presence of ventilation in the sub-fabric space, to organize air circulation between the main ceiling and suspended or tensioning material, you should take care of the arrangement of several lattices that will derive excess moisture.

In addition, the arrangement of a small gap is welcomed, right above the door surface, it will help to improve natural ventilation and extend the life of the ceiling.

Tip: Some bathroom owners remove the thresholds in order to improve ventilation. It is not categorically recommended to do so, since it is that the threshold protects other places from water, when faults that lead to a flood appears.

Note that any ventilation system needs careful care, the fan and its lattice requires frequent washing, as a large amount of dust accumulates on their surface. When faults in the fan work, it should be checked on the absence of corrosion arising from high humidity.

Ventilation in the apartment in the bathroom and the methods of its arrangement

To mount ventilation in the bathroom in the apartment, the air ducts are not required, since they are necessarily present in it.

Installing the fan, in this case, it assumes only the installation of the device itself on the surface of the duct.

If there is a canal in the toilet, between which the bathroom has a wall, it should make one or two holes in it, which will help the air evenly circulate.

Note that some ventilation systems are characterized by the presence of special moves providing both natural and forced ventilation. This option is most appropriate, as it is characterized by good performance.

In the absence of a ventilation channel in the room, you should take care of sending a special box to it, in which the extractor will be installed.

In relation to constructive features, ventilation boxes are:

  • made of plastic - have a round or rectangular cross section, differ in low noise performance, the air is well transported and differ in the ease of installation;
  • corrugated boxes are two types: rigid or soft, applied with a small distance between the ventilation channel or bathroom.

After mounting the box, the fan is installed in it is checked for performance.

For each bathroom characteristic is an elevated level of humidity. In order to prevent such a phenomenon as the formation of mold or fungus, it is worth checking the self-functioning of the ventilation system or install additional equipment. Very often, many people arise how to make ventilation in the toilet with their own hands.

Check ventilation operation Simple: the paper sheet applied to the ventilation hole should not fall.

In order for the mold on the surfaces does not occur, there are several options to combat it:

  • insulate all surfaces - this method will prevent the formation of condensate;
  • a very efficient method is a device forced ventilation.

Cleaning natural ventilation

To clean the ventilation from dust, garbage Use the rash with a long flexible handle.

If a natural ventilation system is bad in the toilet, it is necessary to clean the channels. To do this, it is from the channel to eliminate all the accumulated dust and web. To carry out such a procedure, it is worth using a rash with a long flexible handle.

Specialists who are engaged in cleaning ventilation channels can use a more dangerous purification option, which uses a gas can be used with flammable liquid. This method involves burning dust. To conduct such a procedure independently, not having experience, is strictly prohibited, it is better to entrust all specialists.

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Forced ventilation

In order for high-quality air exchange in the toilet, it is worth doing ventilation that will work automatically. It is very important for the air with heavy smells and evaporation to penetrate the living quarters. Forced need to be equipped with its own exhaust channel. Before the owner will be presented to the selection of ventilation systems of the ceiling and wall species.

Diagram of the device of general ventilation in the bathroom and toilet.

For the premises of the toilet it is worth picking up a suppressive ventilation system as forced ventilation. Such a system will regularly circulate the air indoors. In addition, it does not imply the cutting of additional ventkalanal, which subsequently can break the strength and reliability of the wall.

Ventilation in the toilet, with your own hands constructed, the case is quite simple, the main thing is to understand all the nuances. The need to make ventilation often arise at the time when natural ventilation does not fully fulfill its basic functions.

This problem is especially manifested in the summer, this is due to the fact that the temperature outside and indoors is almost the same, and the Bernoulli effect does not work. Also, the deterioration in the work of natural ventilation is due to the fact that plastic windows are installed in apartments and homes, which are hermetically closed the premises and prevent fresh air penetration. Also, the doors that are tightly closed, prevent air penetration into the room of the toilet. This problem is especially traced on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, where the temperature in the summer is significantly higher than in the room. It is less noticeable to this problem on the lower floors, where the temperature difference remains even at minimum indicators.

As an option, an automatic exhaust system can be installed, in which case the air will be forcibly output from the room outward. But it is worth considering, due to the lack of air in the premises of the maximum efficiency of such a system, it will not be achieved.

The best option is to make ventilation in the toilet of the supply and exhaust type.

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What may be required in the process of work

Fan connection diagram to light switch.

In order to make ventilation in the toilet with your own hands, it is worth purchasing all the necessary tools and materials. Everything you need can be bought in a special department of the construction store. Buying everything at once, after pre-reaching the plan for which the forced ventilation system will be mounted.

Examples of materials to create forced ventilation:

  • corners are tin - today they are represented by various forms;
  • plastic box;
  • air ducts are flexible, which are made in the form of flexible aluminum pipe;
  • plastic pipes corrugated;
  • plastic ducts flexible;
  • fans;
  • recoverators.

In order to carry out installation work on installing the ventilation system, it is worth preparing the necessary inventory:

  • roulette and labeling pencil;
  • hacksaw and scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • hammer to clog dowels;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • screwdriver with different nozzles;
  • fastenings - dowels, screws, self-tapping screws.

In winter, it is very important to equip the ventilation system with supply valves.

Fan power circuit from light switch with timer.

This element is a conventional hole in the wall with a nozzle with one or two sash. The location of the sash can be performed manually or an automated way. For maximum comfort, such a hole is located behind the convector or heating radiator.

This location contributes to an increase in thrust and simultaneous heating of air. This will allow you to use the ventilation system without additional fans. One valve is enough to ensure normal air exchange in one room. In order to protect the room from the penetration of garbage, it is worth installing the grille.

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Application of recuperators in the ventilation system

For the premises of the toilet, it will still be the best option to equip a special fan system, which will significantly improve the performance of the entire system. This is especially necessary for the summer period. Modern technologies go ahead, and one of the modern elements that the ventilation system can be equipped is a recuperator. This device will circulate air regardless of weather conditions on the street. In order to establish the supply and ventilation system, it is necessary:

The diagram of the supply and exhaust installation with heat recuperator and air filtration.

  • 4 holes that are connected in pairs with special components "Street - Room", "Room - Street";
  • the main essence of the system is that clean air is taken directly from the street and enters the premises, and the worked output is outward;
  • recuperators are equipped with special filters that purify the incoming air from dust;
  • recovers operate automatically either using the control system.