Interior options hotel type apartment. Like "Big": full-fledged accommodation from hotel type apartment

Now in many new buildings they make apartments studio area of \u200b\u200b20-25 square meters. m. Such small apartments are in great demand among young people and those who have not yet accumulated at more expensive housing. On average, the price of the studio is only 1 million rubles, which is much cheaper than the standard one-room.

Initially, the living area according to plan in this apartment was only 19 square meters. m. (room 12.7 square meters. m.), but by attaching the loggia to the room, it increased to 22 square meters. M. This studio was not done, but in an old brick house from a hotel-type room in St. Petersburg (in other words, Khrushchevka).

In the corridor in the niche, a 160 cm wide and a depth of 80 cm, and, on the contrary, the junction. The total sizes of the corridor are 1.6 * 1.85 m (3 square meters. M.) The mirror is installed, visually it adds space. The door was originally purchased with a mirror, the door model Granite M3, the price of 26 thousand rubles.



The kitchen has a built-in refrigerator and a kitchen from Ikea. The apron is made of brick, painted with washing paint, top -
Neon lights. It is much cheaper than a glass apron, which would cost 25 thousand rubles in the figure. Instead of the plate uses a multicooker and microwave. Brother's dining table increases to 90 cm.

To make it convenient to sit on the unfolded sofa, Malnd pillows on the Reiling FINTORP from Ikea secured on the walls. If necessary, the sofa can be folded, they will not interfere with the pillows.

Additionally, you still need to put a supply ventilation into the kitchen, or special valves on plastic windows. Also it will be useful to install air conditioning.

United loggia

The loggia has three lamps, they are turned on separately from general light. After insulation, the loggia width is 83 cm, the length is 310 cm (2.5 square meters. M.) Together with double-glazed windows and insulation, the arrangement of the loggia cost 100 thousand rubles. Additional heating or heating floor was not installed.

Here the chair-bed of Lyksle Lyvos from Ikea is well placed, he has a width of 80 cm. From the opposite side of the bed there is a small writing table and a regiment above it. Between the loggia and the bedroom installed a countertop.

On hanging sunscreen rolled curtains Passage, attached to the usual two-way tape. From the side of the street, they close the review, but the light skip well.
The interior was designed for two people, but if desired, you can live and threesome.

Given the payment for the work and purchase of furniture and building materials, repair cost 600 thousand rubles. At the same time, the repair was made by capital, together with the replacement of wiring, plumbing and insulation.

The hotel at today's real estate market is consistently high in demand with a rather small sentence. Although the hotel type apartment is a proposal on the secondary market, investors, young families, students and retirees are willing to such an area. What is the attraction of hotel type apartments?

The apartment type apartment (CGT) is a small residential premises, which consists of one room and a bathroom. The hotel layout resembles a hotel room, hence the name of the apartments. Initially, the hotel-type houses were planned and built as housing for employees of any enterprise. A kind of improved version of the hostel, which created the illusion of a separate apartment.

Get a hotel in the 70s of the last century in the Soviet Union was considered great luck. The queue for full-fledged apartments was stretched for decades, and in the hostel live family is not quite convenient. Hotel layout copies modern apartment Studio. . However, there is a significant difference - the area is reduced at times. The kitchen was not envisaged. It was assumed that the tenant would eat outside the house (for example, dining in the working dining room). In practice, the kitchen corner is universally equipped.

Hotel type apartments were built in separate houses, which were originally designed under such housing. The hotel-type room is different from the apartment that the bathroom is intended for two or three rooms, which are located in the block at a separate shared entrance door.

The purpose of the design of such houses was the maximum deposit of a single hotel. Hotel-type houses are:

  • multi-storey residential building (3-16 floors);
  • one or two entrances;
  • apartments are located along a long corridor crossing along the whole building or half a half.

The difference from the hostel consists in the presence of a separate bathroom, which does not always provide for the bath. Modern hotels are the re-equipped old hotel type apartments, where there is a kitchen area up to 5 square meters. m, room from 9 to 24 square meters. M and bathroom with a shower or small bathroom.

The difference of the hotel from one-room apartment:

  • her small area;
  • lack of balcony (Layout of the hotel type Balconies does not imply);
  • long common corridor, in which the doors of all apartments come out (up to 50 families live "in neighbors");
  • lack of gas supply;
  • location in a hotel-type house, where there is no other housing.

All listed differences could be attributed to the shortcomings of small-sized apartments, if it were not overlapped by the budget value of this type of housing. The absence of gas stoves and columns to disadvantages can be attributed to be conditional, since many modern residential buildings are designed with electric stoves.

Being a relatively inexpensive and autonomous view of residential premises, the hotel is consistently popular. This is a completely pragmatic explanation. Despite the fact that a typical hotel is located in homes that more than half a century, they are located in the central part of modern cities, where the accommodation is expensive.

Advantages of CGT:

  • convenient location close to the city center;
  • availability of high-quality social infrastructure;
  • proximity of transport;
  • stepping access to educational institutions, work;
  • low cost in comparison with full-fledged apartments of the same area;
  • housing isolation Unlike a room in a hostel or in a communal apartment;
  • low cost of housing and utilities services;
  • low property tax.

Attractive area in a hotel-type house for passive income. Photo photos can be seen among the announcements about renting expensive apartments. Convenient location and modern hotel repairs make it competitive in the hill market. Rental fee is comparable with a fee for a full-fledged apartment. The costs of maintenance are lower.

The hotel layout and its design play a crucial role as the use of the area. The interior of a small room implies zoning of space without using a full wall. The most successful design of the hotel type apartment in the style of minimalism or fusion.

Registration of the interior of a small apartment in the style of minimalism allows you to save free space, removing all things into cabinet furniture, on racks and specially equipped built-in boxes. The hotel plan is uncomplicated. Divide the room to the work area and the place to relax is convenient with furniture. A low wall can be the back of the sofa, to which on the reverse side adjoins the computer table or not a deaf rack.

Fusion style brings freshness to the youth interior, leaving the living area is not cluttered, free from drapery, baubles. In the small space, the apartment-type apartment adheres to light tones, pastel shades. Fusion elements will allow you to add bright spots, individualize housing.

The kitchenette is made up with a small bar with a rack or folding table. The full-fledged desktop can be replaced with the panel over the washing machine, removing all the kitchen utensils in the hinged cabinets. A small shell and stove will complement the interior and will not leave the places for fantasies. The refrigerator can be chosen in the tone of the main furniture and place in the room.

The studio apartments appeared in America, and first in such premises only people lived creative professions, such as artists or photographers. But now such apartments can be found in each country.

And students live in them, young families, as well as lonely people who do not need a large square. There is an opinion that it is easier to equip the housing in which there are no walls. However, it turns out that little Apartment Design Studio requires a special approach.

On a small area, the owner of the studio will have to create not only a beautiful, but also functional interior. After all, in this room, a person will live, and maybe work.

Advantages of Studios Apartments

The main advantage of the studio apartment can be called the absence of walls and extra partitions. A person can arrange all the items as it is comfortable. At the same time, each meter can be used in the studio.

In addition, there are always light in the studios. Several windows, especially if they are standard size, give natural light that is so lacking in offices or large apartments.

Also in the studio it is very easy to repair, besides the small area and the absence of partitions between the rooms will save a lot of money on the purchase of building materials.

Zoning Studio space

Before developing design a hotelBut it was so used to call the studio, a person needs to decide how many zones it will be in the apartment, and how many meters it is ready to allocate for each of them.

In any studio should be a kitchen, and even if it is rarely prepared, you should take care of ventilation and good hood, as the flavor of dishes will instantly spread throughout the apartment.

The main thing is that the sink is placed in the kitchen area, the necessary appliances and a place where it is possible to prepare products for processing.

The rest of the furniture items that are in the kitchen in ordinary apartments can be divided into other zones. For example, a large refrigerator can be put in any niche, or in the corner. Also with a dining table, it can be placed in the middle of the studio or not at all, but replace on the bar.

Also in the studio you need to highlight the zone for sleep. Usually no one puts a large bed in such an apartment, and sofas are used or small original bedrooms, such as mattress on the podium.

Sometimes the recreation area is equipped so that in this part of the studio you can receive guests, and sometimes, on the contrary, it is covered with curious eyes.

Also in the studio you need to highlight one or more zones for storing things, while you can refuse to organize an entrance hall. All things can be stored in one embedded cabinet, but this question should also be solved before being repaired.

If there is a loggia or a balcony in the studio, then often one of the zones, for example, a workplace, is placed there. Of course, the premises are insulated and equipped with everything necessary.

You can select the zones and distinguish between space in several ways, it all depends on what style the interior of the studio will be created.

Interior design options in Studio apartment

As you can see on the photo posted in the Internet space, the design of a small studio apartment is most often drawn up in several styles, the most popular are minimalism, high tech and loft, some families, however, give preference to the classics.

Here are some ideas as you can issue a studio in these styles:

  • Minimalism

Interior design in this style assumes that only the most necessary things will be in the studio. And the rest will be reliably hidden.

The decoration of the premises in this case is performed by natural materials, while their texture is often preserved.

The effect of untreated wood, surface under stone, leather parts, matte glass and brickwork elements are welcome. Most often for walls and other surfaces, white, black, gray and other neutral colors are chosen.

Furniture is usually not highlighted, but is selected in tone to the walls. All items must be simple, but at the same time multifunctional and easily transforming.

All things can be stored in the built-in wardrobes. The zoning of space can be made using a floor of different levels, podiums or mirror partitions.

Instead of traditional curtains in such a studio, you can choose blinds or roll curtains. Do not overload the space with large rooms and other decorative elements.

You can also do without a massive chandelier, it is better to use a point backlight built into furniture, as well as small lamps with monophonic ceiling.

  • High tech

When designing a studio in the style of Hi Tech, you can safely use the most modern technologies. In such an apartment should prevail the brilliance of materials such as glass and metal.

Only two colors should be dominated by such an interior - gray and white. Often they are diluted with third color, for example, lilac, beige or pink. Accents are placed by geometric patterns or details of bright colors.

Furniture usually complements the finish, items may have metal legs or handles, and the countertops can be glass.

Accent in the apartment with the interior in the style of Hi Tech is better to do on lighting. You can use suspended and halogen lamps, as well as multicolored lights built into furniture.

The windows can be closed with blinds, or curtains. But they, as well as the upholstery of furniture and carpets, should be monophonic.

  • Loft

Studio in Loft style must resemble the attic, but not old and dirty, but inspiring, which will serve as a space for life and creativity.

If there is such an opportunity, then in such a studio you can cut large windows. If it does not work, then you need to at least check those that are available.

It is possible to divide the space on the zone using beams or pipes. Ceiling can be given the effect of raw and supplement it with wooden elements.

On the walls there may be brick or stone masonry. In addition, the surface can be covered with white paint or paint with a metal shine effect.

Furniture for such an apartment is better to choose a wooden. Often instead of the table install a bar rack, the seating space is organized on the windowsill or pallets. Sleeping, usually in such interiors are placed in niches or distant corners of the room.

In the studio decorated in the Loft style, it must be all that is associated with art: paintings, musical instruments, plates, figurines. Things can be stored in wooden boxes, open racks or on the shelves.

For room lighting, massive chandeliers, made of coarse materials, or even crystal lamps can be used. It is worth noting that the interior of the Loft requires large investments, so it is mainly chosen by secured people.

  • Classic

People who love established traditions and are afraid of experiments, can issue an interior of the studio in a classic style. This design of the hotel will always be relevant.

Walls in the apartment is better to stick with wallpaper from fabric or paper of light tones. The floor should be covered with parquet, or cheaper materials imitating the treated tree.

The studio should have symmetrical elements, as well as details that can be found in palaces, for example, arches, columns, fireplace.

It is better to give preference to light furniture, but the items should not be too large. Still, there should be a feeling of space. Elements of cabinets or handles of sofas can be decorated with carvings.

Household appliances should be hidden under wooden panels, so as not to be eased from a single style. It is worth taking care that the door to the bathroom fit harmoniously fits.

The classic style in the studio should be supported by paintings, engravings or statuette. All windows in the studio can be reeded equally, beautiful curtains.

A classic style involves an abundance of light, so in such a studio you need to use several light sources. If there are high ceilings in the studio, then you can hang a massive chandelier, as well as spend a few scaven over the perimeter and put the flooring.

As you can see in the photo, the design of the studio's one-room apartment has a number of features. In whatever color decision, it is done, the main thing is that the room does not seem close and chopped.

If dark colors prevail, then you need to use many light sources, they help visually expand the space.

The design of a small studio apartment must be primarily a unique, leaving the framework of the rules taken.

It is possible to equip such housing with objects of furniture made to order, according to an individual sketch. You can even take, for example, old things, furniture items, repair them, repaint and give them the second life.

No matter how hard people lived, the demand for housing is always there. Young people finish their studies and with hostels moves to live in the apartment; Family couples are moving to individual apartments from parents; There are those who already "stuck" and divorce - they also need separate housing. That's just buying an elite housing may not all, but only units; Yes, and the usual one-bedroom apartment is not many on the pocket.

Hotel - what it is

This is a hotel type apartmentwhich became popular in the former Soviet Union. Such housing was intended for employees of production, and the construction was carried out, often with their help. She was considered something among middle, between the hostel and a full-fledged apartment.

Such housing was distinguished by lonely working or couples without children, which, as at that time, was considered, enough rooms from 9 to 17 square meters. m. They should have been in the dining room, which was in the same building on the first floor; And to swim, it was necessary to go to the public bath.

If the family has grown, then children appeared in it, the workers had to get a spacious apartment. This feature was at the hotel in Soviet times. Further began the collapse of the country and many enterprises began to close. Stopped to build at home in sufficient volumes, and housing was possible to purchase only on a commercial basis. Therefore, many families remained to live in such hotels and small families, but only already large families.

What looks like

The hotel is Residential premises, which resembles a one-room apartment, but much smaller in the area. It may have a combined bathroom or just a toilet, the kitchen may not be at all, and if it is present, then very tiny sizes. The building in which apartments are placed may have from 5 to 16 floors, there are no balconies in it. As a rule, this is one entrance. Rooms are located on both sides of the staircase in a long and narrow corridor.

You can highlight characteristic features for each hotel:

If there is a kitchen in it, then it is a separate angle or niche, into which the plumbing is derived. In such a niche, naturally, there is no special lighting.

The advantages of such housing

In the real estate market of these proposals, only 2-3% of the total number remains. But the demand for such housing exceeds these figures in tens of times. The advantage of the hotel is:

  • low price;
  • separate room;
  • good location;
  • the ability to always sell it;
  • minor utility costs;
  • during repair - significant savings (compared to the apartment);
  • if such a living space is leased, then for it you can forgive both for a normal one-room apartment;
  • for cleaning you need very little time.

The cost of this type of housing is low, as there is no comfort to which people are accustomed. What is the difference between the hotel from Malossames - all the same clear. Despite the large number of neighbors, it is not a room in a hostel, not a communal, but separate apartment. During the construction of such houses, proximity to transport junction and social infrastructure was taken into account. In the nearby past, in such a house it was possible to remove inexpensive accommodation for a short time.


  • finding such housing for purchase is very difficult; choose almost nothing about;
  • if it happens to meet the appropriate option of mysteries, then its condition is very deplorable.

Of course, for a young couple - this is not a barrier, the main thing is that the housing is its, and repair, in comparison with the purchase even the hotels - little things. The layout of the same room will not be able to redo it, and it will be different from the previous one. Such an apartment is looking for for themselves and creative personalities who set the goal to make the workshop from this room.

Modern Studio Apartment

It can be bolded to call the successor of the hotel. That's just it will be a little more. Such a format of housing, according to real estate experts, can be divided into two types:

  • studio apartment with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 25 square meters. m. In the house of economical, which is very similar to the hotel;
  • luxury studio apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 50 square meters. m.

The demand for elite apartments is small, but on the apartment-studios of economy-class and mysteries - there is always there. The main buyers of such housing are young people under 30 years old.

To get guaranteed profits, investors actively use the advantages of studios. However, suggestions are not so much, but the demand is big. If we consider statistics, then such apartments in the capital is 5%, and in the regions - 7-8%. Judging by the forecasts of experts, a boom will begin at the studio (mysteries and semi-coats).

How to equip your room?

It is difficult, but it is possible to make the design of the hotel. Its main goal is zoning space: Branch of the kitchen from the bedroom. Can be used or glass or glass decorative partitions, any interior items. If we talk specifically about the border between the kitchen and the bedroom or room, you can use the usual dining table. If a family of two people, then you can install a bar counter.

If the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a room is less than 20 square meters. m., the perfect option is a division into zones with furniture. You can use the rack, computer table or sofa. Functional in such an apartment will be furniture transformer. As an example:

  • folding dining table;
  • coffee table that can turn into a chic dining;
  • retractable or folding bed (choose the mechanism yourself).

And these are not all options that can be applied to arrange such a small room.

Prices for the hotel

As everyone understands, any living area in the capital will stand several times more expensive than in the region. If we talk about savings, then cheaper will be Buy an apartment at the construction stage, to invest some more money, and to wait a little.

If we consider the CGT in Moscow, the price of which will be less than 130 thousand rubles, then 4.5%. In the sale of one-bedroom apartments and studios 18% of the total. The most demanded and popular apartments are considered, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 40-45 sq. M. m.

Why buy a hotel profitable


I want to say that such a housing in demand youth. The room is small, so there will be a little furniture for its arrangement. Invest now, you can still meet such proposals in the real estate market.

Hotel Type Apartment - Hotel

Unfortunately, many young families, especially in our state, are faced with the problem of a limited residential space. Many are humming on removable apartments, in hostels or communals, and if you manage to get a hotel - insanely rejoices.

For those who are not familiar with the concept of "hotel", otherwise the "accommodation of a hotel type", explain that this is a very small apartment consisting of one room and a combined bathroom with a shower, as a rule, without a corridor and without a kitchen. This type of housing is also called the "studio" or "melting".
Of course, such a small space makes it difficult to plan an interior of the hotel, because it is very difficult to create a modern, functional and cozy accommodation in several square meters.
Fortunately, modern technologies allow you to create furniture for any type of housing, whether a tiny hotel or a huge villa. Often, in order to increase residential space in small apartments, the kitchen is combined with the living room (photo). This gives a number of advantages. And in most rooms and unite it is not necessary, you only need to determine the kitchen zone in the overall space and communicate. Imagine how it will be convenient for you during the festive feast. You do not have to, breaking away from guests, run with plates through the whole house. You can easily communicate with them and cook at the same time. But we should not forget that all areas of the premises must smoothly complement each other.
It is possible to separate all zones from each other with the help of various partitions. For example, the area for the working office can be positioned next to the window and separate it with open shelves, which can be functionally used to store various items. The best advantage of the use of glass partitions to order is also the fact that the possibility of maximum use of natural lighting is preserved. Nearby you can determine the kitchen area, and the opposite wall has a seating area. An example of this interior restaurant in the photo below:

In each individual case, new ideas of space saving are born. You can use our options, and you can come up with your own. Another option is to separate the kitchen area from the room with a decorative plasterboard partition, which can be put on a beautiful sofa.

The kitchen and room can be visually divided and with a bar rack or a rectangular dining table. Close to it can also be conveniently located a sofa.

An excellent find for your hotel may be furniture made in the form of a transformer. It can even be a transformer kitchen that is capable of dividing and at the same time combine all zones.

And how do you help save the space lifting bed! After all, it does not take places more than a regular wardrobe. Retractable bed can also be an interesting and convenient solution. For example, if you make a podium for a kitchen area or a cabinet, then you can hide a drawn bed.

Or the most convenient option for your hotel will be a bed on the podium in which the retractable storage boxes are built.

To storing things, try to use the built-in wardrobes. They significantly save space. And if you position the right light and bed on the floor of the carpet, then your hotel can turn into a very cozy Nestshko. Here it turned out we have a post about interior of the hotel. Let's go further ...