Vitamins in the preclimberic period. Vitamins and vitamin complexes that need to be taken when climax

The natural process of loss of reproductive ability does not pass any woman. During the extinction of childbearing functions, there is a cessation of menstruation, sharp changes of hormonal nature. This is fraught with unpleasant sensations.

A gradual decrease in the production of sex hormones negatively affects well-being. Woman older than 50 becomes irritable, touchy, fusive, or aggressive. Psychophysiological unpleasurities, characteristic of climacteric syndrome, pursues a woman for 3-5 years. Hormonal failures are manifested by increased sweating, sudden blood tides in the upper half of the body, rapid fatigue and other symptoms.

For the normal flow of hormonal perestroika, it is necessary to know which vitamins can be drunk when climax.

What do you need vitamins

They are introduced into metabolism inherent components of the guidelines of the body of hormones and biological catalysts - enzymes. They advise you to take vitamins when you click the following names:

  • Retinol - A. Vitamin has antioxidant abilities, prevents the development of neoplasms, prevents the dehydration of the epidermis. In those who took Retinol slowed down the aging of the skin, wrinkles are smoothed, hair loss is suspended.
  • Calciferol - d. Life-soluble vitamin, together with estrogen hormones, controls the exchange of calcium, preventing the flushing of an element from the body.
  • Tocopherol - E. has antioxidant properties, stimulates the synthesis of steroid hormones, prevents membranes of cells from destroying by peroxide. Improves the condition of hair and nails, increases the turgor and elasticity of the skin.
  • Acid ascorbic - with. Along with the sex hormones, Vitamin is responsible for maintaining connective tissue, mucous membranes in women\u003e 50 in a working condition. Responsible for the strength of vascular walls. Stimulates immunity.
  • Thiamine - in 1. Vitamin regulates the functioning of the nerve complex and the cardiovascular system.
  • Pyridoxine - in 6. Vitamin regulates the brain's work, contributes to the increase in mental ability, relieves physical fatigue. Prevents the development of dermatitis. Removes symptoms of hot tempering and anxiety.
  • Folic acid - in 9. Take part in the synthesis of DNA, anemia is warned.
  • Cyancobalamin - at 12. Vitamin increases overall well-being, relieves the symptoms of irritability and anxiety.

All group B vitamins restrain the aging of the skin with menopause, prevent the development of dermatitis, contribute to hair strengthening.

Vitamins reservoirs are food. However, it is necessary to consider the following:

  1. The saturation of food vitamins varies. Depends on the place of production, processing method and storage mode.
  2. Vitamins can enter the antagonistic relationship between power components.
  3. To balancing the diet on vitamins due to food sources, a nutritionist is needed.
  4. Sometimes except the vitamins require additive to the diet of the required amounts of mineral components in optimal relations.

Climax increases the need for calcium to prevent osteoporosis. The loss of calcium prevents boron. Magnesium deficiency leads to the development of irritability, insomnia, the growth of cholesterol, the risk of Mycard's infarction.

The optimal solution of the problem during menopause is to drink non-neurmonal polyvitamin and minerals purchased at the pharmacy. The optimal food selection is an addition to drug treatment.

Vitamin Mineral Complexes of Preparations

The market of vitamin complexes intended for women menopause provides an extensive choice. However, patients are obliged to know the following:

  • Before use, the medications carefully study the contents of the instructions.
  • It is impossible to exclude personal intolerance to individual ingredients of the drug.
  • The presence of other diseases imposes restrictions on the use of a polyvitamin drug. Before taking a medicine, a specialist consultation is necessary.
  • Some funds are a full-fledged medicine suitable for use in Climax. Others consist of trace elements and vitamins for women during menopause. These need to add phytoestrogens.

The use of vitamin preparation phytogormones does not contribute to the following therapeutic effects:

  1. Reduce the frequency of tides and reduce their intensity.
  2. Enhance mood.
  3. Reducing the risks of osteoporosis and preinfarction states.
  4. Enhance libido.
  5. Strengthening immunity.

Polyimicro-element mixtures allow sustainable positive results with daily long-term use.

Polyvitamin complex drugs are divided into the following groups

1. Mood improvement tools during CLIMSA

Drugs consist of vitamins of group B, tocopherol, folic acid. The market provides the following drugs of this group:

2. containing minerals for the prevention of osteoporosis

  • Burocca calcium + magnesium, Indications:
    • osteoporosis;
    • neuromuscular pathology;
    • insomnia;
    • heart rhythm.
  • Cauchein - a complex of trace elements, readings:
    • osteoporosis;
    • prevention of teeth pathology;
  • Vitrum Centuries - It is intended for people over 50, indications for use:
    • increase in vitamin needs;
    • acute and chronic diseases;
    • rehabilitation after illness;
  • Calcinova - Vitamin-microelement complex, readings:
    • can be taken with osteoporosis;
    • prevention of dental pathologies;
    • contraindications are individual intolerance to the components.

3. Drugs for the restoration of libido

  • Qi-Klim, contains phytoestrogens of cymicifugi - steroids of plant origin, similar to the formula with estrogen hormones. Indications:
    • age older 40;
    • tides;
    • sweating;
    • picking attacks;
    • restrictions are individual intolerance.

Effect of vitamins for well-being during climax

The condition of the climax in women is characterized by a gradual extinction of reproductive capabilities. On average, after 50 years, the body gradually begins to produce less hormones responsible for the function of the sexual system. However, these hormones are multifunctional and affects the work of many organs. Therefore, hormonal oscillations during menopause cause unpleasant symptoms from the nervous, cardiovascular and other systems:

  • sensations of tide - feelings of heat with abundant sweating;
  • headaches, poor well-being;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • rapid heartbeat, blood pressure jumps;
  • irritability, mood swings, nervousness;
  • dryness in the vagina, the deterioration of the libido;
  • forgetfulness, severe fatigue;
  • improving body weight;
  • rapid fading of the skin with the appearance of wrinkles.

The introduction of a woman in menopause is a natural biological process that does not require specific treatment. But unpleasant symptoms can and need to be adjusted to maintain decent quality of life. In the menopacteric period, the doctor has the right to recommend replacement hormone therapy, if a woman is hard to carry it.

Successfully soften the unpleasant symptoms of vitamins during menopause at the age of 50 or more. Bioactive substances in the composition of vitamins affect metabolic processes, participate in the synthesis of hormones, fight free radicals, strengthen the immune system.

During the climax period, women often show or exacerbate diseases of reproductive organs caused by hormonal oscillations - for example, the uterus myoma. The causes of this benign education may also be a violation of estrogen synthesis, and gynecological operations, and the uterine spiral used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. If the formation does not grow and does not create threatening states, then during the climax, it is usually left under dynamic observation, and the doctor will recommend when the uterus of vitamins name for supporting reception.

Important vitamins for women after 50 years

One of the most important natural bioactive substances for women after 50 years is tocopherol. Its key function is an antioxidant. It is able to slow down the formation of free radicals and protects cells of all organs from their devastating action. Vitamin E with Klimaks is especially valued for participating in the synthesis of sex hormones. In addition, it has the following important properties for women:

  • reduces fatigue;
  • stimulates immunity;
  • slows down age-related skin changes;
  • improves vessel tone;
  • accelerates cell renewal and tissue restoration.

Vitamin E properties are significantly enhanced in combination with vitamin A, so many vitamin complexes include these substances: for example, vitruum antioxidant. This is a valuable combination can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and other products that should be replenished with a knee diet.

Some vitamins, especially needed when climax after 50 years

Vitamin Property
Vitamin A
  • prevents tumor processes in the uterus, ovaries, lactic glands;
  • promotes the regeneration of the epidermis and prevents dryness, skin wrinkle;
  • prevents age impairment
Vitamin C
  • strengthens the vascular walls;
  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • participates in neocolalagenogenesis and increases skin elasticity
Vitamin D
  • participates in the synthesis of hormones,
  • reduces the risk of developing uterine myoma;
  • we are necessary for the assimilation of calcium and prevent osteoporosis
Vitamin B1.
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • prevents severe heartbeat;
  • normalizes metabolism
Vitamin B6.
  • improves performance;
  • eliminates anxiety and increased irritability;
  • strengthens immunity and improves sleep
Vitamin B9.
  • prevents apathy, depression, mood jumps;
  • participates in the development of sex hormones;
  • increases skin elasticity and prevents hair loss

What vitamins take after 50 years, you need to consult with your doctor. The specialist will recommend such a vitamin complex, which will help soften the specific symptoms of Klimaks, because each woman is manifested in different ways.

Minerals and their useful combinations with vitamins in menopause

With menopause, women brings the greatest benefits such vitamin complexes in which vitamins are combined with minerals. With age, micro and macroelements come out worse. This contributes to the slowdown in metabolic processes, disorders in the intestine, insufficient developing enzymes. In combination with vitamins, many minerals are absorbed faster and more fully.

One of the most important minerals at CLIMSA - Calcium. In connection with the age decrease in the production of a number of hormones, the fragility of bone tissue increases, and calcium is necessary to prevent osteoporosis.

Some of the most important minerals, without which you can not do during clicks

Mineral Why need when climax
Potassium Need for rhythmic heart work
Magnesium Prevents irritability, nervousness, sleep disorders and other disorders from the nervous system
Selenium Actively struggling with free radicals
Phosphorus Improves mental activity and strengthens memory
Boron Actively participates in the regulation of metabolic processes
Iron It is necessary for cellular respiration, acceleration of restoration processes
Zinc Affects the processes of formation of fatty sediments and is needed to control body weight

Some combinations of vitamins and minerals mutually reinforce the properties of each other

The course of vitamin and mineral complexes is selected by the doctor on the basis of laboratory research and symptoms of Klimaks, is necessarily combined with the correction of a diet and lifestyle.

Vitamins and multivitamin complexes when climax

Characteristics of some vitamins, useful when climax

Vitamin complex Structure Properties Reception mode
Dopperkels Asset Menopause

Vitamins of group B, soy phytoestrogens, calcium, biotin
  • fights with tides;
  • helps to cope with irritability;
  • strengthens bone fabric
1 tablet per day, drinking with plenty of water. Reception course - 1 month

Vitamin E, plant phytoestrogens
  • softens hormonal oscillations;
  • improves sleep;
  • has a rejuvenating effect
1 capsule 2 times a day during meals. Reception course - 1 month

Vitamins R, extracts of cimicyfugue and dyeing, selenium, calcium
  • soften the dryness of the vagina and restore the sexual attraction;
  • prevent osteoporosis;
  • raise vital tone
1 tablet per day. Course treatment - no less than 2 months
Ortomol Femin

Vitamins, Coenzymes, Zinc, Iron, Flax Oil, Fish Fat
  • helps to control the weight;
  • improves performance;
  • enhances intellectual opportunities
2 capsules per day after meals. Reception course - 1 month
Woman 40 plus

Vitamins, Bromelain, Magnesium, Bor, Bioflavonoids
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • reduces headaches;
  • improves vital tone
1 tablet per day with a small amount of water. Reception course - 1 month
Climadinon Unian

Cymicifuga, magnesium, calcium extract
  • reduces the manifestation of tides and sweating;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • eliminates apathy, mood oscillating, excitability
1 tablet once a day, at the same time of the day. Reception rate - no more than 3 months

Vitamins C, E, Panthemiatogen
  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis;
  • reduces hair loss;
  • enhances the turgor of the skin
2 capsules 3 times a day during meals. Reception rate - 30 days

After 40 - 45 years, the work of the female reproductive system begins to gradually deteriorate. The reason for this phenomenon is to reduce the production of estrogen. Because of the growing deficit of female sex hormones, there is a slowdown in all biochemical reactions. The body of women will grow quickly, health problems arise. Therefore, during the extinction of reproductive ability, it is important to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Vitamins during menopause activate metabolism, improve the work of organs and systems, as a result of which the woman feels better.

Symptoms of the beginning of Klimaksa

All women menopause manifests themselves in its own way, but a third of representatives of weak gender is noted expressed unpleasant symptoms. At the beginning of Klimaks, the following phenomena are most often observed.

  1. Riding. The most frequent and tangible manifestation of hormonal extinction. The woman periodically jumps the body temperature, there is redness of the face and the upper half of the body. Such flashes heat occur from 3 to 4 times a day.
  2. Excessive sweating. It is usually part of the tides.
  3. Skeleton thinning. Bone tissue becomes fragile and breaking due to lowering the amount of calcium in the body.
  4. Reduced sexual activity. A woman ceases to have pleasure from intimate life, during sexual acts often arise pain. Cause of sexual intercourse is caused by the thinning and drying of the mucous cover of the vagina. Dry and irritable vaginal shell is easy to injure.
  5. Deterioration of well-being. A woman experiencing menopause becomes sluggish, powerless, drowsy. During the hormonal perestroika, there is a decline of forces, physical and mental health is reduced.
  6. Aging. The appearance of a woman worsens noticeably. The concentration of collagen in the skin is reduced, the subcutaneous fat layer is thinned. As a result, the skin is deprived of elasticity and elasticity, becomes a flabby and edema.
  7. Emotional instability. The mood of the woman changes hourly, even every minute. Apathy, nervousness, depression, prosperity, thoughtfulness, sadness - these emotions replace each other several times a day.
  8. Sleep disturbance. Often it happens the first sign of the beginning of the climax. A woman in the evening will turn into bed for a long time, can not fall asleep, and in the morning wakes up with difficulty, even if the dream was lasting and full.

What vitamins have to enter the woman's body after 50 years?

To find out which vitamin complexes should be taken with menopause, you should contact the gynecologist. Medical specialist will recommend a suitable drug.

The following vitamins are listed, which are the most important for the female organism experiencing hormonal restructuring.

  1. Retinol. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous covers, normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, prevents the appearance of tumors in breast glands.
  2. Ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, firming immunity, stimulating metabolism. It increases the strength and elasticity of vessels, removes extra liquid from the body.
  3. Tocopherol. Vitamin E activates the work of female reproductive glands, weakens the manifestation of Klimaks, participates in the synthesis of genital hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
  4. Calciferol. Vitamin D is necessary to assimage calcium. With sufficient use of the substance, the likelihood of osteoporosis is reduced.
  5. Tiamine. Vitamin B 1 is a heart rate regulator, blood vessels, nerve fibers.
  6. Pyridoxine. Vitamin B 6 strengthens the immune system, normalizes the sleep and emotional state, slows down the aging of the skin.
  7. Folic acid. Vitamin B 9 has a beneficial effect on the nerves, maintains an emotional state normal.
  8. Cianocobalamin. Vitamin B 12 is needed to maintain the nervous system in the optimal state.

Rich in vitamins products

Women after 45 years to maintain the normal functioning of the body should drink nutritional supplements and take vitamin complexes. But a healthy lifestyle during menopause is not limited to the reception of pharmaceutical vitamins and minerals, the representatives of weak gender should be fully and well. Food should be chosen easily, rich with useful substances that does not provoke extra kilograms.

With menopausis, women should not sit on rigid diets: it is stress for the body, enhancing menopausal symptoms. In the diet, meat and fish dishes are mandatory, rich in retinol and calciferol, fermented dairy products rich in calcium, and cereal cereals. Potassium, useful for the heart and blood system, in large quantities is in greenery and dried fruits. Especially during the menu in the diet, you need nuts, seafood, bread with bran, vegetable oils, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.

For the weakening of tides and normalization of the emotional state, tea can be drunk with chamomile, sage and other medicinal plants. It is undesirable to include salinity in the menu, sweet sugar-based sweets, fatty dishes. Also to improve metabolic reactions in the body should be used in sufficient water.

Best women's vitamins for age 45 years

The appointment of vitamins is engaged in a gynecologist. The doctor after inspection and establishing the beginning of Klimaks recommends the patient the most suitable vitamin complex. There are many drugs for women in 45 years in pharmacies. Reception of these medicines is long, the dosage is established by a medical specialist. The names and descriptions of the best preparations are given below.

  1. Menopais.British preparation based on pantothenic acid and minerals, which includes a large list of utility substances and vegetable components. A day you need to take 1 capsule after meals. The medication strengthens the female organism, activates the synthesis of estrogen, stabilizes the hormonal background.
  2. Vitatress. Polyvitamins, normalizing the state of the nervous system, improving the work of the heart and the circulatory system. The composition of the drug is present retinol, ascorbic acid, calciferol, potassium, calcium, iron and many other vitamins and trace elements. A day you need to take 1 tablet after meals.
  3. Femikaps. Finnish preparation based on plant extracts containing tocopherol, pyridoxine, magnesium. Beneficially affects the nerves, she has a sedative effect, helps to fight insomnia. Daily dose - 2 capsules twice a day. Reception is carried out after meals. Treatment lasts 3 months.

Best women's vitamins for age 50 years

After 50 years, women should carefully monitor their health, often undergo preventive medical examinations. Below are the most efficient and inexpensive vitamin preparations that should be put in the midst of climacteric manifestations.

  1. . Food additive, created specifically for women, severely carrying a climacteric period. Produced in the form of tablets of white, blue and red. Daily dose - on one tablet of a certain color three times a day. Therapy lasts a month. The drug is based on vitamins, but also contains lutein and lycopene - substances supporting visual acuity.
  2. Estrovale. Sliding and soothing non-immortal tablets that stabilize the level of estrogen in the blood, contributing to the weakening of the tides. The basis of the medication is vegetable extracts, useful organic compounds and vitamins. You should take 1 tablet 2 times a day while eating. Treatment can last more than 2 months. When using the drug, the likelihood of tumors in the reproductive system is reduced.
  3. Climadinon Uno. Plant preparation for women who over 50 years old. It is recommended to patients before the climax, it helps to cope with nervousness, insomnia, excessive sweating and other signs of hormonal perestroika. On the day you need to take 1 tablet. Therapy lasts no more than 3 months.

Preparations from tide

Estrogens are needed not only to maintain the reproductive function, but also to regulate the work of the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus. Therefore, with a decrease in the concentration of genital hormones, women are noted by leaps of body temperature. Injection of heat is accompanied by tachycardia, an increase in the selected sweat, the expansion of blood vessels. To eliminate these symptoms, it is recommended to take special medicines. The rating of phytoestrogens based drugs is given below.

  1. Feminalgin. Homeopathic preparation, weakening the symptoms of tides, used in the early climax, a cycle impaired, irregular menstruation. Instructions for use: to dissolve in the mouth of 1 tablet 4 - 5 times a day.
  2. . Sedative remedy for nervousness, anxiety, plasticity. On the day you need to take 2 times on 1 tablet.
  3. Feminal. Food additive based on red clover. Eliminates tidys, excessive sweating, tachycardia. Daily dose - 1 capsule.

Preparations at the beginning of the climax

At the initial stage of Klimaks, women must take drugs that weaken the stress from the extrusion of reproductive ability. Below are the best medicines.

  1. Hypotril. Supplement to food containing in high concentration of minerals and vitamin E. These substances in the complex are useful both to remove tides and to prevent the formation of tumors in reproductive organs.
  2. Ortomol. Vitamin and mineral complex, firming immunity supporting physical and emotional state.

Preparations from osteoporosis

The deterioration of the state of the joints after 50 years is a frequent phenomenon. For the prevention of the problem, the following medicines should be made.

  1. . Includes calcium and cholecalciferol - substances necessary to maintain the normal state of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Osteovit. Additive to food based on artificial chondroitin. Recommended for menopacteric arthritis.

Dosage and duration of the reception of all of the above drugs must be coordinated with a medical specialist.

The period of extinction of the reproductive function is transferred to women hard. Permanent tides, indisposition, deterioration of well-being are marked frequently. In order to maintain the body, it is recommended to take certain drugs. So, climax vitamins are an excellent means. Consider them, find out what the ladies are needed at this time.

What vitamins are needed during clicks?

With pronounced menopacteric phenomena, doctors recommend taking certain types of vitamins. The composition of them contains optimal dosages of biological substances and trace elements, which is positively reflected on the overall health of women. Talking about vitamins during Klimaks, doctors note that the following are important for the female organism:

  1. Vitamin E (Tighopherol). Based on the conducted studies, doctors argue that this compound is able to extend the functioning of the genital glands. Take Vitamin E with Klimaks is very important, as it takes part in the synthesis of such hormones as progesterone and estrogens. In addition, it is distinguished by the ability to reduce blood pressure, has a positive effect on the state of vascular walls.
  2. Vitamin A (Retinol).This element is characterized by its antioxidant properties. It has been proven that the reception reduces the risk of developing the tumor of the breast, intestines, uterus. It has a positive effect on the skin - inhibits the aging processes, reducing the formation of wrinkles.
  3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Not only active, natural antioxidant, but also an excellent element that increases the protective forces of the body.
  4. Vitamin D.An important role plays in the process of learning calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Taking vitamin D under Klimaks, the lady eliminates the development of osteoporosis, which may be noted against the background of a decrease in the concentration of estrogen.
  5. B1 from B6. Known by their positive influence on the nervous system. During the climax of mood swings, apathy - frequent phenomena. The reception of these substances normalizes the dream process, helps to fight irritability, by normalizing the work of the nervous system.

Separately, it is necessary to say about mineral substances, which accelerate the metabolism processes in the body, perform the role of a building material for regenerating cells. Among the main:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

Climax Vitamins - Age 45

First you need to say that the appointment of the vitamin complex is the duties of the doctor. After examining the patient, stating the onset of the menopausal period, on the basis of the complaints of the complaints the doctor attributes the drug. The pharmaceutical market has a lot of such funds. Climax vitamins (age 45), the name of which we present below are taken by a long course, the duration of which does the doctor indicate. At the same time, the woman should follow his instructions. As an example, you can call:

  1. Menopais. The drug is produced in the UK. The composition contains balanced dosages of pantothenic acid, minerals. Perfectly helps a weakened female organism to synthesize estrogens, leads to normal the balance of sex hormones, reduces the frequency of the development of menopausal phenomena. Take such vitamins when beginning a climax.
  2. Vitatress. The drug was developed by domestic pharmacists. The composition contains such vitamins as C, A, D, B, E. Capably not only to normalize the activity of the nervous system, but also to activate the work of the cardiovascular apparatus. Effective at the beginning of the climax.
  3. Femikaps.Produced in Finland, based on plant components. Passiflora, Introduction Evening, vitamins E or in positively affect the nervous system. It acts soothing, great when combating insomnia.

Climax Vitamins - Age 50

Each woman must independently take care of his health using vitamins when climax. To do this, you need to consult a doctor. Often, doctors hear the question as to which vitamins to take with Klimakse (age 50). Doctors call the following means:

  1. Alphabet 50+.The drug has been worked out by Russian pharmacists, specially created for women of menopause age. Contains not only the optimal ratio of vitamins, but also lycopene, lutein. These substances improve the work of the visual apparatus, reduce the risk of developing impairment. The composition is divided into 3 tablets, which have different color. Adopt the scheme proposed in the instructions for the drug.
  2. Extraval.The medicine normalizes the concentration of estrogen blood concentration, thereby reducing tides. During laboratory studies, it was found that the effect of the drug reduces the risk of developing tumor-shaped processes in the reproductive system.
  3. Climeyon Uno. Created based on plant components. Quickly normalizes the concentration of female sex hormones, which has a positive effect on general well-being.

What are the vitamins to drink when climax?

This question arises often due to a wide variety of funds. At the same time, doctors do not give an unequivocal response. Vitamins for women with climax must be seamless to a gynecologist or therapist. At the same time, they advise drugs based on their experience, relying on the data of laboratory research. A single universal means does not exist. When prescribing, doctors take into account the severity of climacier signs, the general condition of the patient. The course is appointed individually.

The best vitamins when climax

From a large number of drugs, it is difficult to name that complex of vitamins when climax, which will completely relieve the phenomena of this period. It is worth remembering that treatment should be complex. In some cases, with strong symptoms, manifestations, it can be appointed - vitamins under the climax of this species are powerless. The restoration of the missing volume of hormones is the main direction of therapy. Complete compliance with the rules and instructions of the doctor are the key to the right treatment.

Vitamins when climax in women with tides

It is worth noting that estrogens not only determine the development of the body for the female type, but also influence the work of the thermoregulation center, which is located in the hypothalamus. With a decrease in its concentration, the body is trying to independently compensate for the disadvantage. He begins to react, student heartbeat, increasing the volume of the selected sweat, expanding the vessels. Woman feels a heat.

To compensate for these states, phytoestrogens are used, among which:

  1. Feminalgin. Improves mental condition, helping to reduce the manifestations of Klimaks. It can be used in the problems of the cycle and irregular menstruation.
  2. Feminal. The main component is the clover red. This plant removes sweating, reduces the feeling of heat, reduces the heart rate.
  3. Qi-Klim. It has its sedative effect. Perfectly removes nervousness, a feeling of anxiety, experiences, which is often overtaken during the period of the climax.

It is worth remembering that vitamins during the climax from tides are not always saved. Because of this, doctors are forced to resort to the appointment of the prepared drugs. It is not allowed to use them. It is very important to observe the dosage, multiplicity and duration of the reception. Improper use can provoke the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors. In this case, operational intervention may be required.

Vitamins at the beginning of the climax

Vitamins for women during the period of menopause are a rescue circle, which helps reduce the manifestation of the process of extrusion of the reproductive function. Because of this, many doctors recommend taking them from - from the moment menopause. It uses such vitamins when climax as:

  1. Hypotril - Contains a large concentration of vitamin E, supplemented by an active mineral complex. Not only removes tides, but also reduces the risk of developing neoplasms;
  2. Ortomole - Improves mental and physical health, intellectual opportunities.

Vitamins for maintaining joints during the period

Osteoporosis after 50 years is not uncommon. Because of this, doctors pay attention to the need to use special preparations. Talking about what vitamins to take with menu, doctors pay attention to:

  1. Complivates calcium d3.The combination of calcium and cholecalciferol positively heating on the functioning of the supporting machine.
  2. Doppelgers-Active. Supports health in general, positively reflected in the musculoskeletal system of a woman.
  3. Osteo-Wit.It helps to cope with such a phenomenon as menopacteric arthritis.

In the period of menopause, the woman is experiencing stress from changes in physical and psychological state. During this period, more than ever, the need for a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex. The pharmaceutical market offers many balanced and qualitative preparations of relatively low cost. With menopause, the deficit of amino acids, vitamins and minerals are unacceptable. What vitamins to drink when climax can be found in this article.

Features of the choice of complex during menopause

The average age of the onset of Klimaks is from 42 to 50 years. The process itself continues for about five years - menstruation is inconsistent, hormonal status is changing. This is very much reflected in the physical and mental state: a woman becomes irritable, unbalanced, suffers from tides, pressure surges. It is during this period that many chronic diseases develop, including endocrine pathologies, oncology - both benign and malignant neoplasms, problems with the stomach and intestines. Because of all these misfortunes, many women are "worried" and lowered their hands, feel old and problematic. Because of this, psyche diseases can develop - alarming and depressive disorders.

During this period, the woman is very important to maintain performance and feel sufficiently in demand. What to drink vitamins when climax starts, and how to keep the body's vigor and the strength of the Spirit? To do this, maximum vital activity should be maintained, not to pass public positions. After a few years, hormonal storms subsided, and psycho-emotional state is leveled.

What are the vitamins to drink during the climax? Optimally, in order to be sufficient:

  • iodine (to support the endocrine system);
  • vitamin E, or tocopherol - for smoothing hormonal failure;
  • calcium (responsible for the health of bone tissue);
  • magnesium (responsible for the stability of the central nervous system);
  • phytoestrogen and plant extracts;
  • indispensable amino acids;
  • total complex of vitamins group B.

"Hypotril": composition, description and reviews

The drug is enriched with tocopherol, selenium and 3-carbinol. It is recommended for receiving women during the following diseases and states:

  • mastopathy;
  • papillomatosis and condylomatosis;
  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • expanding (hyperplasia) endometrial;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • period of menopause;
  • fibromomy;
  • cystic ovarian formations;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian cancer and cervical cervix.

If a woman is looking for a response to the question of what vitamins need to drink during menopause, it is worth trying "hypotril". This drug satisfies the need for tocopherol (responsible for the health of the reproductive system organs) and in Selena (supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system).

Climax's offensive in the life of each woman is always a difficult period. The restructuring of the body usually begins closer to 40 years, and it can end only after 50-55 years. At this time, the woman is experiencing stress from changes in physical and psychological condition. And each would like to be able to alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Since the need for micro and macroelements during this period is quite high, special vitamins can help in it.

The modern pharmaceutical market provides a wide selection of high-quality drugs for relatively low cost. With menopausus, the shortage of beneficial substances will not be inappropriate. Consider in this article, to navigate when choosing a vitamin complex.

The first signs of Klimaksa

Changes in hormonal status Women are strongly reflected in its condition, a whole comes appear: it suffers irritability, quick-tempered, suffer from tides and pressure surges. Often during this period, chronic diseases are exacerbated, benign and malignant neoplasms appear, problems with the stomach and intestines can begin. For this reason, women lowered their hands, feel old and problematic.

Consider how signs you can find out the beginning of menopause:

  1. Riding - The most common and explicit sign. In this state, the woman has sharply increases the body temperature, blushing the skin in the chest area, neck and face. This state is manifested 3-4 times a day. Together with the tides, an increased sweating and unpleasant smell of the body is often observed.
  2. Bone fragility, nails and hair loss. Due to the reduction of calcium in the body, many women break the bones more often.
  3. Reducing libidoUnpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. Soreness is associated with the thinning of the mucous membrane and a decrease in the amount of lubrication.
  4. Drowsiness, constant fatigue and decay of forces. The period of the climax accompanies increased fatigue. This state is reflected in disability.
  5. Loss of skin elasticity. The subcutaneous collagen loses the tone, elasticity, for this reason, the skin on the face becomes less smooth and elastic.
  6. Emotional instability, anxiety. Manifests in the form of a hand and sudden irritability.
  7. Problems with sleep, insomnia. With the beginning of menopause, many women note the complexity of falling asleep in the evening and the difficulty of morning lifting.

The importance of vitamins for women

Vitamins are catalysts of the main chemical reactions passing in the body. These include processing of food and the assimilation of the most important elements necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. The correct balance of minerals provides fatty, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, the formation of new cells. In addition, they help easier to endure stress and strengthen the nervous system, which is especially important in the menopausal period.

Functions of vitamins:

  1. Synthesis of genital hormones. Thanks to the part of many vitamin-mineral complexes of phytoestrogen, changes in the hormonal background in such a special period are not so sharp.
  2. Immunity increase. Satisfying the body's needs in nutrients and microelements is extremely important for maintaining immunity, which is responsible for resistance to various adverse factors.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism. Improving metabolism.

What are trace elements and vitamins

Women wishing to get rid of unpleasant sensations and adverse consequences, a competently selected vitamin and mineral complex is required. It will be able to stimulate the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system, will help in the issue of the prevention of chronic diseases.

Vitamin A.

During menopause, the element is valued by antioxidant exposure, it is important for preventing the development of tumor neoplasms, including in the dairy glands and the organs of a small pelvis. Also vitamin A retains the youth of the skin, it is beneficial to the condition of the mucous membranes and stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones.

You can buy it in any pharmacy at an affordable price in the form of the usual capsules "AEVIT" with oily contents, in which it is presented together with an equally important vitamin E. Doctors recommend to take 900 mg of the element per day during the menopacteric period.

Group B.

Vitamins of group B have a beneficial effect on nervous cells, protein and lipid metabolism, increase efficiency and stress resistance.

Thiamine (B1) regulates the work of the vessels and hearts. Together with Porodoxin (B6), they support the immune system, restore normal sleep and improve mood. Folic acid (B9) restores the nervous system, reduces flareness and irritability. Cyanocobalamin (B12) also keeps the nervous system in calm condition.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, therefore reduces the risk of possible oncology during menopause. It activates immunity to combat the adverse effects of the external environment, reduces the fragility of blood vessels, prevents the formation of edema.

Vitamin D

Microelements of the group D help the correct and complete learning of calcium. With age, the level of metabolic processes is reduced, which makes vitamin D highly necessary. Systematic use is the prevention of osteoporosis, often emerging in women after 50. In addition to the impact on the absorption of calcium, this element contributes to improving skin cover with menopause.

Vitamin E.

The tocopherol is often called the "female hormone" and, of course, it is indispensable with a climax. By participating in the synthesis of sex hormones, Vitamin E stimulates libido, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The tocopherol participates in the formation of the exact work of the ovaries. Due to the strengthening of its own progesterone and estrogen, pressure leads to normal, it helps with hypertension. Therefore, this element is recommended if women cannot be taken by estrogen.

The tocopherol has a positive effect on the operation of blood supply, contributes to the restoration of the capillary mesh. The optimal dose of vitamin E for women of age is 50 years old is 100-200 mg per day.

Significantly improves the state of the woman after the first reception. How to take vitamin E with a climax, a doctor will tell, but it is better to alternate it with multivitamin complexes, in order to avoid accumulation in the body of fat-soluble components.


Magnesium contributes to the proper assimilation of calcium, has a sedative effect, helps the work of the cardiovascular system, reducing cholesterol. With this element, you can get rid of irritability and improve sleep. Women during the entire climatic period requires a technique of magnesium.


Potassium prevents fluid retention, prevents the formation of edema, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, enhances the ability to resist physical and mental loads, increases emotional stability.


Calcium strengthens the bones and teeth, participates in carbohydrate exchange, raises the tone of the vessels. It helps to recover with severe operations. In addition, it is needed if the family had chronic thyroid diseases. Most often, the doctor appoints calcium as the prevention of fractures. It can be used both in preventive purposes and in therapeutic. An exemplary calcium reception rate lasts from 2-3 months.


Zinc also contributes to the regeneration of bone and tank fabric, is part of enzymes and hormones. The trace element saves from the early loss of fertility, solves problems with hair lone and nail, supports the body's protective forces in the cold season. Mineral improves memory, increases intellectual abilities and visual sharpness.

Other useful substances

Effective in this period vitamin RR - nicotinic acid. Its reception improves the fortress and the operation of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. The recommendations of specialists usually make up 25 mg per day.

To maintain the endocrine system, iodine is needed, this element is also involved in fat exchange.

How to pick up

The best solution for selecting the drug will be an individual consultation with a doctor who will select a tool for the patient, taking into account the flow of Klimaks and the general condition. During the period of premopause, with the manifestation of the first symptoms, drugs are suitable, which includes cytivins and phytohormones - hormone-like substances of animal and plant origin.

After 50 years, menopause comes, and then the next step is postmenopause. Unpleasant symptoms, such as irritability, tides, pressure jumps, usually pass, but the risk of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis occurs. With osteoporosis, bone tissue loses calcium, becomes fragile and prone to fractures. Begins to disturb the pain in the spine and joints. Cholesterol exchange at this age is disrupted, as a result of which plaques are deposited on the walls of vessels that interfere with the nutrition of the heart, brain, kidney, etc. Such processes lead to the development of coronary disease, violation of cerebral circulation.

If you decide to choose a complex yourself, it is necessary to take this most responsible as possible. It is necessary to independently familiarize yourself with the composition, contraindications and side effects of Vitamins offered at the pharmacy.

The acceptable composition of the complex includes:

  • iodine (support for the thyroid gland);
  • tocopherol (decrease in the effects of hormonal failure);
  • calcium (bone integrity);
  • magnesium (the health of the central nervous system);
  • phytoestrogens;
  • indispensable amino acids;
  • complex group V.


There are general rules for choosing drugs. Increased attention to substitution hormone therapy need to be drawn by ladies with predisposition to cancer tumors, only a doctor can assign similar drugs.

All Klimaks stages (premenopause, menopause, postmenopause) are similar symptoms.

To improve the condition, specific additives should be taken during the appearance of the corresponding symptoms:

  • retinol - with a deterioration of the state of the mucous;
  • complex group B - with excessive irritability and poor sleep quality;
  • vitamins E (tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid) and groups in tides, enhanced sweating;
  • vitamin D - prevention of fractures and osteoporosis, fragility of bone tissue;
  • tocopherol in combination with ascorbic acid in disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • elements K, B6 and E - with a rapid deterioration of the condition and aging of the skin.

Vitamins by age

For each age period, various symptoms and changes are characteristics, so all drugs can be divided into categories.

Complex 40+

Consider the complexes for the very first age category 40+.


The means of hypotrilor is recommended to combat the manifestation of tides and with hypertension. Often, this agent is prescribed as the basis for the prevention of cancer. The occurrence of tumors during this period is often associated with a hormonal failure in the body.

Ortomol is a means of important elements: iron, sodium, zinc and coenzymes. It greatly restores the physical and emotional state.

Reception is carried out in 2 capsules daily within 30 days.


Menopeis was specifically designed for women after 40 years. The drug includes the almost complete composition of the necessary trace elements in the correct dosage, is one of the most popular means for menopause. Menopais includes the extract of plants of passiflora, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and increases vigor. Effectively this means for hormonal dysfunction and to improve the production of estrogen.

Take pills should after eating 1 piece per day.

Complexes 45+

Created specifically for the ladies of 45+ drugs help to reduce and even suspend the development of uncomfortable symptoms of this time.

Femikaps - non-flame vegetable. It includes elements E and group B, also among the main components there are extracts of films. This drug will help when problems with sleep, will improve overall health, eliminate tides, normalizes blood pressure. Fixing extract struggles with nervousness and depression.


Vitatress - the drug of domestic production. The composition is selected in such a way as to allow the body on its own and qualitatively deal with the symptoms of Klimaks. The complex improves the overall state, eliminates the depressive mood and restores the work of the cardiovascular system.

As part of Vitamins A, C, Group B, Folic and Glutamic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Copper, Potassium, etc.

Complivit 45+

Complivits 45+ has an adaptogens (dye), which are able to increase the body's resistance to harmful effects of the environment, phytoestrogens (cimiciphet) and L-carnitine, improving metabolism. Effective in normalization of premanopause states: softens the manifestation of sleep disorders, eliminates sweating, tides, migraine.

50+ complexes

Competently selected complexes for women aged 50 and more years are able to significantly improve the quality of life during the menopause, increase activity and reduce the risk of negative sensations.

Alphabet 50+.

The composition of the alphabet 50+, except the main minerals, includes Lutein and Licopene, which makes this complex particularly effective when impairment of vision. This drug is recommended to take with a general deterioration of well-being, the oppressed state of the nervous system, changing the state of nails and hair.


Estrovale is especially relevant after 50 years, because it has the ability to prevent the formation of tumors and restores the hemodynamics of the genital organs. The composition includes plant components (dioxore root, soy seeds, the fruits of Vitex sacred, etc.). They are sources of necessary useful substances.

Complexes for tide

Most of the ladies in the period of menopause are complaining of rings. Frequent sea bouts and sweating are up to 30 times a day. Stabilization of the state can contribute to the complex of the Badov.

Climadinon Unian

Climadinon Uno is an excellent assistant at tides due to the ability to stimulate the natural production of estrogen with a female organism. Supports physical activity, positively affects the mood. The remedy is natural and absolutely non-toxic. The main substance in the composition is the rhizomes of cimicifugi.


Qi-Klim is a non-immortal and harmless additive. Well slows down the aging processes, it is used in the treatment of early stages of Klimaks. The main active substance is the extract of cymifuga.


The complex includes all the necessary elements: magnesium, vitamins E and group B, extracts of medicinal plants (passiflora). The medicine will help with irritability, it will reduce the frequency of tides and normalizes sleep.


Remens is a homeopathic preparation with a unique composition, which includes South American Pilocarpus, which reduces the secretion of sweat glands, struggling with tides. The drug is completely natural and accessible by price.

High Calcium

To restore the normal operation of the joints, improve the condition of nails and hair, it is desirable to choose an additional complex of minerals.

Complivates calcium D3, in addition to calcium, contains boron, which in combination is particularly effective in combating osteoporosis. In addition, the tool supports the joints in good condition, eliminates insomnia, prevents the aging of skin cells.

Doppelgers Active

Dopperkels asset has a beneficial effect on the body completely, maintaining the proper work of the internal organs, the features of the heart. Improves the condition of hair, nails and bones. The composition contains 27 most important components for women, including calcium.

Center Silver for Women 50+

The center of Silver for women 50+ is designed as a preventive means of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Increases viability, normalizes metabolism, improves eyesight after 50 years.

Side Effects and Contraindications

Almost no contraindications of plant and non-nonal drugs, but should not forget about the individual reactions occurring at the tendency to allergies. With all the relative security, the drug must prescribe the drug. First, he will conduct analyzes and surveys in order to eliminate other possible causes of poor well-being and determining the level of hormones.

As side effects, most often advocate:

  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • rash on the skin;
  • problems with digestive system.


If the following side effects occur, stop receiving:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • constant headaches;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • allergic reactions;
  • sleep disorders.

If a woman has a hormone-dependent tumor, before drinking the drug, the doctor's consultation is required.

After about 45 years, the reproductive function of the female organism begins. This is expressed in reducing estrogen levels. In turn, the lack of genital hormones leads to a slowdown in all biological processes. The woman's external signs of aging appear, health deteriorates. Vitamins are substances necessary to accelerate biochemical reactions that ensure the vital activity of the body. When climax, their role is especially important. Vitaminized food and the reception of special preparations will avoid complications arising during this period.


Climax in women, its manifestations

Hormonal restructuring occurring in the body due to age-related changes is the cause of the deterioration of all organism systems. There are problems with digestion. The lack of nutrients - vitamins and trace elements begins to be felt. Tissue regeneration processes slow down.

Hormonal imbalance causes the appearance of tumors of the mammary glands, genitals. Muscles weaken, bone structure is disturbed. The blood supply to organs, including the brain, is worse.

Typical manifestations of Klimaks are:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, attacks of irritability, insomnia);
  • vegeta dystonia (tides, high sweating, dizziness, reinforced heartbeat);
  • blood pressure fluctuations, cardiovascular diseases;
  • an increase in body weight, endocrine diseases;
  • sex disorders, reducing the sexual activity of a woman;
  • the dryness of the vagina becomes the cause of urinary organs;
  • osteporosis is the washout of calcium from the bones, increasing their fragility.

These and other symptoms of Klimaks (weakening memory, dry skin, hair lone and nail, dental enamel) are manifested in different ways. It all depends on genetics, living conditions, overall health at the time of the onset of Klimaks. Avitaminosis accelerates the emergence of ailments and strengthens them.

Video: Manifestations of menopause. How to weaken them

What role are vitamins in the body

Vitamins are catalysts of essential chemical reactions occurring in the body. Processing of food and assimilation of useful elements, ensuring a normal fat, carbohydrate, protein, water-salt metabolism, as well as blood formation, the formation of new cells and other processes cannot be carried out without the participation of these substances.

Satisfying the needs of the body in mineral elements and vitamins is necessary to maintain immunity, on which susceptibility depends on various adverse factors and age glances. Vitamins help it easier to carry stressful situations and strengthen the nervous system.

Many drugs designed specifically for receiving during the period of the Clematock, except for the necessary vitamins and mineral components, also include phytoestrogens - hormone-like substances of plant origin. Due to this, changes in hormonal background become not so sharp. Vitamins improve the work of the organs of the endocrine system, extend the functioning of the ovaries, as these substances are involved in the processes of hormone synthesis.

What vitamins are especially necessary during the period

The most common female organism in the period of Klimaks needs the following vitamins:

  1. A (1.5-2 mg / day). Participates in the regeneration of skin cells and mucous membranes, has a beneficial effect on vision. As antioxidant protects tissue cells from destruction and malignant rebirth.
  2. B1 (1.5 mg / day), B6 \u200b\u200b(1.8-2.0 mg), B9 (400 μg), B12 (3.0 μg). Contribute to strengthening the nervous system, improve cardiac activity. We are necessary to increase immunity, enhance brain activity, memory improvement, ensure all types of metabolism.
  3. C (90 mg). It is required to increase the sustainability of the body to the effects of various types of infection. The condition of blood vessels is improved, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, the occurrence of tumors.
  4. E (15 mg). Participates in the synthesis of female sex hormones, slows the aging of the ovaries. At the same time, the risk of estrogen-dependent tumors is reduced. Vitamin E is required to accelerate tissue regeneration. Therefore, its reception contributes to improving the appearance of a woman, preserving healthy hair, skin and nails.
  5. D (10-15 μg) - without it is impossible to absorb calcium and magnesium in the body. The reception of vitamin D3 during menopause is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, improving the condition of bones and teeth.

From mineral components, calcium and boron are played by the main role in this period. The lack of these elements leads to osteoporosis, raising the risk of fractures. Magnesium is present in the nervous tissue. Its deficiency is reflected in the state of the nervous system, causes such symptoms as irritability, insomnia, anxious state, depression. Potassium supports the work of the heart, kidneys, affects the health of the nervous system. Zinc is part of hormones, enzymes, participates in bone and tank regeneration.

Video: Vitamin E value for women's health

Vitamin Preparations

The most popular drugs include:

Qi-Klim. Contains vitamins, calcium, selenium (to strengthen immunity), etching extracts (soothing means) and cuminiciflowes (with phytoestrogen properties).

Femikaps. The tool includes vitamins of group B, e, extracts of passiflores and primroses. The drug helps well with increased irritability, insomnia, leaks of blood pressure, reduces the frequency of tides.

Menopais. All necessary vitamins and trace elements are contained, as well as extract of passiflores and other plants. It is accepted as a secreting agent for enhancing immunity. Helps with nervous disorders.

Hypotril. The composition includes a complex of vitamins, as well as Vitasil SE (Bad based on Selena). The drug is used to prevent oncological diseases.

Complivates calcium d3. Complex vitamin preparation containing calcium. It is used both preventive and therapeutic agent for strengthening bones, dental enamel. Improves the condition of hair and nails.

Formula Menopause formula. A large set of vitamins and vegetable substances of a variety of action contributes to the relief of almost all symptoms of Klimaks.

With age, everything is harder to fight fatigue. I want not only to look young, but also to preserve health, forces for new things. During the hormonal perestroika, you can support the body and maintain high performance. To do this, it should be carefully referring to the choice of vitamins.

Vitamin complexes for mature women should contain minerals, extracts of rare medicinal plants to affect the organism with special delicacy and without side effects. Vitamins and minerals, in combination with phytohormones, remove the tides of the heat and normalize the heart rhythm. Many women have already appreciated the ability of Lady "S Formula Menopause reinforced formula normalize weight during menopause due to the action of a unique mushroom extract Maitak (" Mushroom Geisha "). Good health and attractive appearance during menopause is a luxury that you can afford.

Note: What drugs apply and in what doses, a woman should tell a doctor. At the same time, the possibility of overdosing vitamins and minerals, as well as allergic reactions to vegetable components, is eliminated.

Non-uniform vegetable drugs also contain vitamins. For example, SSTROVEL (with extracts of herbs and honey), climadinone (contains cymicifuge), fememinal (with red clover extract).

In which products are contained by the necessary vitamins

Food must be vitamined and easy to avoid excessive completeness, the tendency to which appears in women with the onset of menopause.

A warning: Any strict diets at this time are contraindicated, as they can lead to avitaminosis and enhance unpleasant symptoms.

In the diet must be cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products rich in calcium. The vitamins and minerals needed in large quixas are contained in the croups, so an indispensable product is porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat). Meat and animal fats are the main source of vitamin A, Fish - Vitamin D.

Dried fruits, potatoes, spinach contain potassium. In nutrition, there must be eggs, nuts, sheet greens, vegetable and butter, offal and seafood, fresh vegetables (necessarily carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage), fruits and berries, bread with bran and coarse grinding.

Often, tea, champs and healing chamomile, sulfa, sage, feeding the body with vitamins B, with, carotine (provitin a) and other are used from the tides and nervous disorders.

Videos: How to eat when climax in the program "On the most important thing"

Many women who joined the phase of the preclimax notice that their condition worsens noticeably. With the extinction of the reproductive function, problems with skin appear, hair dump and fall out, the nails are saved. The internal state also changes. The patient may experience mood swings, depression, aggressiveness, federation and anxiety. Similar to this physiological changes in the body to which hormonal imbalance leads. Special vitamins for menopause can alleviate the condition, which will soften unpleasant symptoms, will help strengthen the immune system and easier to transfer this difficult period.

Why is it important to drink multivitamins during menopause?

At the first symptoms of the premenopase, when menstruation becomes more and shorter, experts advise patients to take special vitamin complexes. These drugs have a beneficial effect on health and help extend youth and well-being. Climax vitamins will help to cope with the following problems:

  • Slowing of metabolism on the background of hormonal imbalance.
  • Reducing the production of genital hormones.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

These three problems significantly reduce the quality of life of patients after 40 years. According to the statement of doctors, they are the cause of an unstable emotional background, the development of age-related diseases and premature aging. To select the drug should do a doctor, taking into account the age of a woman, the severity of the leakage of the climax and the results of clinical tests of blood.

In case of severe climetterium, in addition to the mineral complex, the doctor may prescribe replacement hormone therapy. However, today these appointments are made only as a last resort, when the patient's condition significantly worsens her life. Data Drugs should also assign only a specialist.

What trace elements are especially necessary during menopause

Starting from the period of preclimax in patients, the need increases the need for certain valuable trace elements, namely:

  • Magnesium. This mineral participates in the metabolism process, has a light soothing and antispasmodic effect. A woman in Magnesium Climax is needed to maintain the mineral density of bones and the prevention of heart disease.
  • Calcium. Responsible for the density of bones and health of the teeth. Also, the trace element participates in the process of coagulation and metabolism. The lack of calcium leads to a violation of the work of the heart and the fragility of the bones.
  • Boron. Participates in fat exchange. It has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine system and contributes to the absorption of magnesium, calcium and fluorine. Bor stimulates the production of genital hormones, thereby removing unpleasant symptoms of climatic.
  • D.. Participates in the formation and strengthening of the bone skeleton. The disadvantage of this element leads to the loss of teeth, frequent fractures and diseases of the spine and joints. Also recent studies have proven that this trace element prevents the development of skin and oncological diseases.
  • E.. It is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E with Klimaks has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, prevents premature aging and relieves the patient from the development of age-related diseases.
  • FROM. Affects the elasticity of the vascular wall. His drawback leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, the occurrence of edema and internal bleeding. Also, the trace element has a significant impact on the body's immune system, protecting a person from viral and bacterial diseases.
  • IN. This group of substances participates in all metabolic processes. It is the trace elements of the group B contribute to the stability of an emotional background, an increase in physical endurance, strengthening the immune system and enhance mental performance.
  • BUT. Participates in the development of genital hormones, stimulates the work of the endocrine system, strengthens the immune system, prevents premature aging. It has been proven that the trace element is preventing the emergence of neoplasms in female childbearing organs and intestines.

Indications for the use of polyvitamins with menopause

Many women, having learned about the need to take vitamins when climax, independently acquire drugs and begin to use them uncontrollably. Doctors insist that such an approach to drug reception is invalid. The overabundance of any of the substances can cause the development of hazardous states from an allergic reaction to heart problems. Vitamin complexes, as well as other drugs, you need to drink only by testimony. Among the explicit readings to the reception of polyvitamins in menopause can be allocated:

  • Avitaminosis.
  • Insufficient Estrogen Development.
  • Regular tides.
  • Psycho-emotional background instability.
  • Sharp aging of the skin.
  • Weakening immunity.

These indications must be confirmed during clinical plasma analyzes. Only after a thorough examination and detection of deviations the therapist will be able to pick up and assign a set of vitamins when you need that you need.

When receiving a medicine, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosage and regularly donate blood test.

How to choose multivitamins when climax

Today in pharmacies you can see a huge variety of medicines for women. This variety often puts patients to a dead end, because each patient wants to acquire an effective best vitamins and not be a victim of advertising deception. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, experts advise that it is better to acquire drugs on the recipe.

Vitamin E (or tocopherol acetate) significantly improves the work of the main reproductive glands of women - ovarian. This occurs by regulating the production of pituitary hormones: luteinizing and follicle-sustimulating.

Under some female diseases, the reception of estrogen hormone drugs are prohibited. Tocopherol in this case does not affect its development in the body, and therefore allow for use.

The use of drugs containing vitamin E has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system:

  • it is normalized by blood pressure;
  • improves the flow of metabolic processes in the heart muscle;
  • the walls of large vessels are strengthened;
  • sliste of capillaries decreases.

However, the reception of tocopherol is contraindicated to women with a myocardial infarction and cardiosclerosis. Also cannot be used by vitamin E women receiving anticoagulants (preparations that prevent elevated blood clotting). This is fraught with bleeding or hemorrhage.

Studies conducted against the background of the use of tocopherol women show that it has a positive effect on the processes occurring in the chest at. Pretty frequent female disease -. It is characterized by changes in the structure and functioning of the mammary glands. Vitamin E helps the restoration of tissue changes in these organs and contributes to the slowdown in the progression of the disease.

It should also be noted the positive effect of vitamin E on the growth and condition of the nails and hair. They become stronger, thereby improving the appearance of a woman.

Instructions for the use of vitamin E during menopause

Take this drug in the treatment of manifestations of the period of menopause should be necessarily jointly with food. This is necessary, because the tocopherol is a fat solubular substance, and without appropriate admission, it will simply be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

The dose of vitamin E is 100-200 mg per day. When severe the climetheat period, it is allowed to increase this amount up to 300 mg per day. But independently overestim the dose of the drug is not worth it, and before that it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

The course of receiving the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the period of menopause period and ranges from 2 to 8 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated in 2-3 months.

Increasing the dosage of vitamin E with a climax or an independent lengthening of the course of more than 2 months is fraught with negative consequences for the female organism. The overdose of the drug may cause the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased thrombo formation;
  • diarrhea.

Therefore, before the start of reception of vitamin E requires a mandatory consultation of a specialist.

Vitamin E Climax: Reviews

Women taking menopause drugs with vitamin E, have a significant improvement in the overall state. Symptoms of Klimaks are retreating: sweating, insomnia, mood swings, do not bother with tides, the condition of the skin is improved (its dryness decreases). Particularly positive women note the convenience of using tocopherol in capsules due to their small size.

Anastasia Krasikov, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

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