Architectural styles of new and modern time presentation. Architecture and architectural styles

Stili Architectures

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Architecture. Style in the architectures. Edit Architectures. Architecture about "єnniy booders. Landscaping Architecture. M_Stobuvannya. Romance style. Society іspanії. Gothic style. Cathedral in Reimsi. Cathedral Notre Dame de Pari Franzіya. Basilica of St. Peter. Raenesian Saint Peter . Classicism. Louvre. Paris. Rococo. AMPIR. Arka Zirki in Paris. Churches La Madeleine in Paris. - Stili Architectures.PPT

Architecture and style

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Architectural styles. Saratov. Roman style. Gothic. Baroque. Rococo. Ampir. Classicism. Modern. Constructivism. High tech. - architecture and style.ppt

Styles in architecture

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The subject of the lesson: "Figy - the stylist language of the past architecture." Objective: The image is the form of reflection of reality in the art of characteristic techniques. Style - a set of signs characterizing the art of a certain time and direction. Art of ancient Egypt. Architecture of ancient Greece. Japan architecture. Architecture of ancient Russia. Architectural styles. Independent activities of students in groups. Roman style. Monastery Maria Lah. Germany. Church of Notre Dame Grand. France. Locks of romance style. Museum of Victoria and Alberta. London. Pisa Cathedral. Italy. XI-XII centuries. - styles in architecture.ppt

Architectural styles

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Architectural styles. Modern style. At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries, a new artistic style appeared, the name of Modern name in Russia (from Franz. Moderne - modern). The Metropol Hotel Metropol Hotel has become the most famous modern monument. Modern loves capricious curved, flowing lines and planes. Masters Modern sought to create an artistic attractive habitat around a person. Women of the early 20th century wore dresses and decorations in modern style, including those made by the jewelry Faberge. Furniture, dishes, lamps and other modern utensils appeared in the houses. - architectural styles.ppt.

Styles and types of architecture

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Types of architecture. Styles and means of expressiveness. Architecture. Styles of architecture. Primitive architecture Antique architecture. VIII century BC e. - V c. n. e. Roman style. X-XII centuries. Gothic. XII-XV centuries. Revival. Nach XV - beginning XVII century Baroque. Con. XVI century - con. XVIII century Rococo. XVIII - con. Classicism. XVIII-XIX century. Eclecticism. Modern. Modernism. Constructivism. 1920 - Nach. Postmodernism. With gray XX century High-tech with con. Deconstructivism. With con. Dynamic architecture. With nach 21th century. Roman style. Gothic. All style elements are emphasized vertical. Revival architecture. - Styles and types of architecture.ppt

Styles in art and architecture

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Architectural style. Ampir. The style of late (high) classicism in architecture and applied art. Arch Carridge, Paris. Triumphal gate (Moscow). Baroque. Carlo Madern Church of Saint Susanna, Rome. Church of the souls in purgatory in the city of Ragusa. Gothic. Gothic cathedral in Kutanza, France. Fragment of the stained glass window. Cathedral in Reims, France. Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Gothic in Russia. Brandenburg Gate in Kaliningrad. The main hall of the Lord Chamber. Neoetics. The artistic style of the XVIII and XIX centuries, the borrowing shape and tradition of Gothic. British Museum of Natural History. - Styles in art and architecture.ppt

Styles of architectural structures

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Development of styles in architecture and clothing. Classic styles. Antique style. Using fabric. The image of the "Greek column". Roman style. Cathedral in Pisa. Romanesque buildings. Men's suit. Lidz Castle. Castle castle. Convi. Gothic style. Style of medieval Europe. The nature of the dress. St. Vitus Cathedral. Cathedral of St. Peter and Mary. Burgos Cathedral. Gargulia. Milan Cathedral. View of the Cathedral of St. Vita. Renaissance style. Specific traits. Renaissance style. Renaissance style. Church of San Pietro. Baroque style. Saint Paul's Cathedral. Baroque buildings. Safornity. Fashion Baroque. - Styles of architectural structures.pptx

Varieties of architecture styles

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Varieties of architecture styles. Briefly about the concept of architecture. The main components of architecture. All architectural buildings are similar to each other. Architectural similarity. Representatives of various architectural styles. Various architectural styles. Architectural style. Famous proverb. What architectural styles you know. Baroque. Examples of buildings built in the Baroque style. Classicism. Examples of buildings built in classicism style. Renaissance. Examples of buildings built in the Renaissance style. Modern. Examples of modern buildings. Architecture in Russia. - varieties of architecture styles.ppt


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Eclecticism. Direction in architecture. Baroque. Facilities of eclectics. New designs. Eclectic in Russia. Baltic station in St. Petersburg. Passage. Nevsky Prospect. Historical Museum. Nizhny Novgorod Fair. Church of Christ the Savior. Mariinsky Palace. Eclectic in Europe. Casino and Opera Monte Carlo. Church of St. Carla. Observatory Nice. Royal Pavilion. Palace of Westminster. Royal library. Museum Bode. -

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Architecture - Stone Chronicle of the World

1. Classic style

Classicism (exemplary) Artistic style and aesthetic direction in European art 17-19V.



Triumphal Arch Konstantin

The main feature of the architecture of classicism appeal to the forms of ancient architecture as to the standard of harmony, simplicity, rigor.

The architecture of classicism is the clarity of the bulk form - symmetric-axial compositions. Restraint of decorative decoration

2. Romanesque style

Romanesque style (Roman) Artistic style that prevailed in Western Europe in the 9th and 2nd centuries. He became one of the most important stages of the development of medieval European art.

Cathedral Notre Dame La Grand, Poitiers

Notre Dame la Grand. West wing

Royal Palace Alcazar

The "Classic" of all this style will be distributed in the art of Germany and France. This medieval architecture was created for the needs of the Church and knighthood, and the leading types of structures are churches, monasteries, castles.

Norman fortress, X-XI centuries. France

The combination of clear architectural silhouette and the laconicity of the outer decoration - the building always harmoniously fit into the environment. This was facilitated by massive walls with narrow winds of windows and stepped-in-depth portals. Such walls carried a defensive purpose. - Home buildings during this period are the Fortress Temple and Castle-Fortress. The main element of the composition of the monastery or castle becomes the tower. Around her were located the remaining buildings, composed of simple geometric shapes - cubes, prisms, cylinders. For Romanesque buildings is characteristic

3. Gothic style

Gothic is the only style that created a completely peculiar system of forms and a new understanding of the organization of space and bulk composition. 12-15V.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

The characteristic features of the style of Gothic are the characteristic features of the style of Gothic are the verticality of the composition, the silicon bright, the complex frame of the support and the ribbed arch.

View of Notre Dame from Saint Louis Island

Gothic Cathedral in Kutanse, France

4. Baroque

Contrast, tension, dynamism of images, the desire for greatness and pomp, to the combination of reality and illusion -On merge of the arts (city and palace-park ensembles Baroque are peculiar

Baroque style appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries in Italian cities: Rome, Venice, Florence. The baroque is characteristic of contrast, tension, dynamism of images, the desire for greatness and pomp, to the combination of reality and illusion, to the merger of the arts (city and palace and park ensembles Barochko ("prone to excesses")

Catherine Palace

Tsarskoye Selo

active application of sculptural and architectural and decorative motifs; - Creating a rich game of lighting, color contrasts

Big Palace Church Corps

Rococo (crushed stone, decorative sink, shell) 18 V.

Interiors of the Winter Palace

Malachite Hall

Jordanian staircase

rococo is characterized by -ethorative sink, fragments of stones, sewer-ornament, decoration in the form of a compound of natural stones with sinks and leaves of plants. - Owl curved stems, whimsical ornament lines fit into all the details of the interior, forming a single decorative background.

Feldmarsalsky Hall

Georgievsky Hall

Ampire ("Imperial Style") Ampire Style is the final stage of classicism arising in the second half of the 19th century.

Arch General Staff

Ampira is peculiar - in the presence of columns, pilasters, stucco cornices and other classic elements, as well as motifs that reproduce almost unchanged antique samples of sculptures similar to griffins, sphinxes, lion paws. These items are located in an ampir orderly, with equilibrium and symmetry.

Palace Square

The main decorative motifs of the ampir style were precisely attributes of the Roman military history: massive portico, decorated with bas-reliefs, legionnaire signs with eagles, lions, cords, shields.

Modern (modern) artistic direction in art in 2P.19V.-H.20V.

Mansion Ryabushinsky

Distinctive features - for the positions of direct lines and angles, which are interested in new technologies, has been paid not only to the appearance of buildings, but also the interior that was carefully worked out. All structural elements: stairs, doors, pillars, balconies - artistically treated.

Balo House (1906, Arch. Antoni Gaudi)

8. High -teo.

Museum of Huggenheima

High-tech (high technology) style in architecture and design, originated in the 1970s and has a widespread use in the 1980s.

The main features are using high technologies in the design, construction and engineering of buildings and structures. - Using direct lines and forms.

Wide use of silver-metallic color. - The use of glass, plastic, metal. - Using the functional elements: elevators, stairs, ventilation systems.

Museum of Huggenheim (project)

Development of the lesson of architecture styles for grade 8 on MHC.

The purpose of the lesson: to systematize and clarify the knowledge of students about styles in architecture.

In the material there is a complete abstract of the lesson, which allows you to consolidate the knowledge of architectural styles in the context of cultural and historical periods. The presentation to the lesson is quite complete, has text content theme. The presentation is divided into 4 parts. After downloading, part must be connected. This is done in order not to compress the drawings, since it worsens their quality.



Subject : Architecture styles.

The purpose of the lesson: Systematize and clarify the knowledge of students about styles in architecture.


  • Secure the knowledge of architectural styles in the context of cultural and historical periods.
  • Develop interest in architecture as the basis of all arts.
  • To form skills to work with information.

Equipment: MultimediaProjector, screen, computer.

TSOR: Presentations "Architectural styles".

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Architectural styles

Content 1. Unity of functional content and artistic image 2. Birth of architectural styles and their consistent shift in human history 2.1 Canonical style of ancient Egypt 2.2 Classic style architecture of ancient Greece and Rome 2.3 Romance style of Western European architecture of the Middle Ages 2.4 Gothic architecture style 2.5 Architectural Renaissance 2.6 Baroque style 2.7stil Rococo 2.7 classicism style in architecture 2.8 ampir as Napoleon Empire Style 2.9 Eclectication 2.10 Style Modern-Qualitatively New Stage in Architecture Development 2.11 Architectural Constructivism

The construction refers to the most ancient types of human activity, which means that many millennia ago laid the foundations of all further development of architecture.

Arriving in any city we see Palaces, Town Hall, private cottages built in a wide variety of architectural styles. And it is precisely for these styles that we define the era of their construction, the socio-economic level of the country, the larger, the traditions and customs of the people, its culture, history, national and spiritual heredity, even the temperaments and the characters of the people of this country.

Architectural style-unity of the content and artistic image Architecture - art, inseparable from the daily life of a person. It serves our household needs, a variety of social needs. And at the same time gives us joy, creates a mood, affects the feelings of people.

Architecture is one of the most comprehensive areas of human activity engaged in the organization of space and decisive any spatial tasks.

According to the ancient Roman architect Vitruvia, the architecture is based on the three beginnings: LAT. Firmitas - lat strength. Utilitas - the benefits of Lat. Venustas - Beauty - and lies in a certain harmonic attitude to the proportions of the human body.

Ancient Egypt History of Ancient Egypt covers several millennia - from the end of the Millennium BC. e. before IV. n. e. For such a significant time in ancient Egypt, a huge number of magnificent buildings, sculptures, painting, painting, decorative and applied arts were created.

The main building material in Egypt is a stone. From the stone of the Egyptians, high slender stone blocks were carved in the form of obelisk, which were the symbols of the Sun - the Great RA, as well as huge pillars and columns. Separate carefully dyed stone blocks came to each other perfect, dry, without a solution.

The weight of heavy beams of overlap carried the walls, pylons and columns. The Egyptians did not use the arches, although they knew this design. The beams laid stone slabs of overlapping. Supports were the most diverse; Sometimes these are monolithic stone columns of a simple square section, in other cases - columns consisting of the base, trunk and capitals. Simple trunks had a square cross section, more complex were polyhedra and often portrayed bales of papyrus stems, sometimes had flutes (vertical grooves).

It was characterized by the Egyptian architecture a peculiar form of capitals depicting a flower of papyrus, lotus or palm leaves ..

In some cases, the head of the goddess of fertility gods

Ancient Egyptian church

The ancient art of masterpieces created by the talented masters of the ancient world, for several centuries, inspired poets, composers, playwrights and artists of all European countries, and today continue to deliver artistic pleasure to us and serve as the norm and an inaccessible model. The artistic legacy of ancient Greece and ancient Rome is an architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative and applied and jewelry art - amazes with their wealth and diversity. Esthetic views, moral ideals and tastes, characteristic of ancient civilization, which completed the centuries-old history of the ancient world, were pronounced in it. The creators of ancient culture were the ancient Greeks.

Archaic period - to v AD. On the ruins of the Mycean cities destroyed by Doric tribes-conquerors, a new culture arose. Numerous temple structures came to replace the palaces and fortresses. Wonderful statues of the Olympic gods are erected by more majestic and luxurious dwellings than old primitive idols. Secular construction retreated to the background. During this period, a planning scheme is formed, which formed the basis of the subsequent architecture of Greek temples for which the environment of the main volume of the temple of the colonnade is characterized.

Doric order is associated with a courageous, heavy style ("courageous") strict and powerful Doric Column, standing right on the platform, without any lining, can be compared with the athlet torso holding on the head of the Great Gravity. Top to donis column protesan vertical grooves - flutes. With the light of the Sun, they give rise to the game of light and shadows, thereby reviving the stone trunk. To emphasize the aspiration of the column itself and the whole building is swept, the top of the trunk is already the base. He, as it were, be pulled by the peak of horizontal grooves. Olympia, Gray Temple Ruins

The Ionian order is associated with a soft and raised style ("feminine) Ionian column was born in the Greek cities of the Majual Asian coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The pomp and the luxury of the East had their influence on it. The column itself became slimming, the flutes deeper, she had a round base - the base, and Echin (flattened pillow on the top of the column) received spiral curls on the edges. Church of Nicky Aptereros (443-420, Architect Kallicrat)

Corinthian order - appeared in the V century BC. The proportions were likened to the virgin body ("Devicious") represents the version of an ionic order, more saturated with decor. It features a bell-shaped capital covered with stylized leaves of acanta. The ruins of the temple of the Olympic Zeus in Athens. Started in 175-164 BC. e., completed in 129-132 N. e.

Orders: 1- Doric 2 - Ioncial 3 - Cornean

Middle Ages Romanesque Style (from Lat. Romanus - Roman) developed in the Western European art of the X-XII centuries. This artistic style is one of the most important stages of the development of medieval European art. Bamberg Cathedral

Romanesque style is inherent in the desire for completed integrity, rigor and simplicity, no decorations and ornaments. Its characteristic element is an arched form of door and window openings. In the outlines, vertical and horizontal lines prevail. The complex structure externally looks clear and clear. Stone temples are created by simple volumes and forms. Chapel of swinging sinners, France

Thus, for Romanesque buildings, it is characteristic: a combination of a clear architectural silhouette and laconicity of the outer decoration - the building has always closely fit into the surrounding nature of smooth walls with narrow windows and stepped-in-deepened portals Circular and semi-curvous arches.

Gothic Gothic - a period in the development of medieval art from the XII to the XV century, which came to replace the Romanesque style, gradually pusing it. Gothic originated in the XII century in the north of France. Gothic Cathedral in Kutanse, France

For Gothic characteristic: Arches with pointed top. Narrow and high towers and columns are richly decorated facade with carved parts and multicolored stained glass windows All style elements are emphasized vertical. Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, Paris, France

The revival architects in accordance with the humanistic worldview of their era created a new style - Renaissance, which used the legacy of ancient art, Greek architectural orders. They were used more freely, with retreat from ancient canons, in other proportions and sizes, in combination with other architectural elements. Basilica Santa - Croce, Florence

Symmetry, proportions, geometry and order of components are of particular importance, as clearly indicate the surviving samples of Roman architecture. The complex proportion of medieval buildings is replaced by an ordered arrangement of the columns, a pilaster and a pitch, a semicircle of arches, hemisphere of the dome, niche arrives at the change of the asymmetric outlines. Saint Paul's Cathedral. Rome

Baroque Baroque (Ital. Barocco - "Strange") - the style of European art and architecture of 17-18 V. It is born in Italy and distributed in most European countries, acquiring in each of its special national traits. Saint Susanna Church in Rome

If the Renaissance buildings were rigorous in shape, with a lot of straight lines, then the Baroque structures, which came to replace Renaissance differ in abundance of curvilinear forms. Zwinger Peppelmann, Permasiz, beginning. XVIIIV Germany, Dresden

Live lines are almost absent. Architectural forms are bent, alone on another and intertwined with sculpture. This creates the impression of constant mobility of forms.

Rococo (1715 - XVIII century) Rococo style (French Rococo, Rocaille - sink, because the most notable external manifestation of this style was decorative motifs in the form of a sink) - replete with bizarre decorations, curvilinearity of lines, curls, as if fruitless wig noble lady or Her cavalier / Pavilion "Catal Gorka" Rinaldi 1762-1774. Orannienebaum


Ampire Ampire (from Fr. Empire - Empire) - style in architecture and art (mainly decorative) three of the first decades of the XIX century, the final evolution of classicism. Kazan Cathedral

Ampire has developed in the depths of classicism, in which the search for elegant simplicity of forms and decor is gradually replaced by the desire for their limiting lapidarity and monumental expressiveness Triumphal Gate

Eclectic eclecticism (eclecticism, historicism) in architecture - direction in architecture dominated in Europe and Russia in the 1830s. Eclectics is inherent in the features of the European architecture of the XV-XVIII centuries. Eclectics retains an architectural order, but it has lost its exception. Private house-palace Beloselsky-Belozerski in St. Petersburg

A variety of historical stylization architecture, solved with gray. XIX to the end of the 20th century, is known as the architecture of the "historicism period". Stylization on the selection of the customer under the classics, renaissance, baroque, rococo, gothic, etc., as well as under national styles

Modern Modern (from Fr. Moderne - modern) - one of the architectural styles, more popular in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. Its distinctive features are: a refusal of straight lines and corners in favor of more natural, "natural" lines, interest in new technologies in the construction of buildings.

The architecture of modernity is also distinguished by the desire to create simultaneously and aesthetically beautiful, and functional buildings. Much attention was paid not only to the appearance of buildings, but also the interior that was carefully worked out. All structural elements: stairs, doors, pillars, balconies - artistically treated.

Constructivism Constructivism - Soviet avant-garde style, direction that has been developed in 1920 - NAK. 1930.

The functional method is the theoretical concept of constructivism based on the scientific analysis of the features of the functioning of buildings, structures, urban planning complexes. Each function corresponds to the most rational volume-planning structure (the form corresponds to the function)

Conclusion: Architectural style - a set of main features and signs of architecture of certain time and places that are manifested in the features of its functional, constructive and artistic parties (taking plans and volumes of compositions of buildings, building materials and structures, shapes and finishing of facades, decorative interior design; enters In the overall concept of style as an artistic worldview, covering all parties to the art and culture of society on certain conditions of its social and economic development; the set of the main ideological and artistic features of the Master's creativity.

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Ancient Egypt The most ancient buildings of ancient Egypt are concentrated on the West Bank of the Nile. Pyramids Giza are located in the suburbs of modern Cairo. For the forty-five centuries already, they cause surprise and admiration. Already in ancient times, the Egyptian pyramids were considered a miracle of light. And today these huge, built for the eternal times of the tomb serve as the symbols of Egyptian culture. The initial height of the pyramid of Hufu (Heops) was 146.59 m, Hefrena - 143.5 m, Micheerina - 66.5 m. Today, the pyramid of Hufu rises above the desert only at 137 m, Hefren - by 136.6 m. Dlya Egyptian life Earth was only a short moment - all the earthly life they prepared for the life of the eternal, afterwards. When Pharaoh was born, for him began to build a tomb - the house of death. It was treated with the tremendous efforts of the whole people. The pyramid having the right square is a unique form in the history of architecture this is the top of the art of geometric style and at the same time the ideal embodiment of the Egyptian canon. The simplicity and clarity of the shape of the pyramid will derive it from historical time. That is how it would be necessary to read the warded phrase: "Everything is afraid of time in the world, and the time is afraid of the pyramids." It is known that the classic shape of the pyramid was not immediately. One of the early Pyramids of Pharaoh Joser in Saccar has a stepped shape from a stepped form, Pharaoh IV Dynasty Snofer, Father Hofu, Builder of the highest and famous pyramid, was departed. There were many other buildings around the pyramids - temples, MastaB, Alley of Sphynx, forming a whole city.

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Ancient Greece The feature of the ancient culture of Greece is that a person was understood as the center of the Universe, and the mind as the basis of the behavior of people. All Greek culture is permeated with certain aesthetic categories: Measure, beauty, harmony. The Greeks first applied the cauldron-beam system in the building design, which determined the distinct division of carriers and irrevocable parts and cargo. In the process of the development of the architecture, a strict relationship system was developed between parts of the building, between columns and overlaps. Subsequently, she received the name of the order, which means building, order. In the archaic era, there were 2 orders of the order: doric and ionic. The Doric Temple embodied the spirit of heroes, carried the power and courage. The Ionian Temple, embodying calm, the greatness of the spirit and slender grace, is the idea of \u200b\u200bfemininity. Later, the third warrant appears - Corinthian. During the classics, the law has developed a distinction between the number of columns on different sides of the building. So on the side of them should be 2 times more than on the facade plus 1 column. The most common temples with 6 and 13 or 8 and 17 columns.

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Ancient Rome The flowering of the Architecture of Rome and the creative use of the achievements of Greek architecture contributed to the development of the theory of architecture. In the field of architecture, they invent the arch and move to vaulted dome structures. The development of these structures makes it necessary to overlap huge spaces devoid of internal supports. Such construction was made possible by the invention of durable waterproof concrete. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe grandeur of Rome is most pronounced in the grandiose architectural monuments created in 1-4 centuries. Construction has prosecuted a certain political goal - to emphasize the generosity of the ruler and save his name in the memory of descendants. The use of a round cylindrical (barrotal) arch, based on the sides on the bearing walls, and the intersection of these cylinders, made it possible to create a completely new overlap type - vaulted (crusad). The Romans turn to the Greek rational system, but in a new way to understand its meaning. In Rome, the order has a decorative role, since the reference functions performs the wall. The arch obtains special development, as the column would not have done with a powerful load of multi-storey structures.

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Byzantium Culture of Byzantium unites the artistic and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Eastern and Western cultures. Brilliant heyday it reached 6 V. At this time, the temples of two types were mainly built in Byzantium: longitudinal-basilical and central dome. Basilica temples were an oblong building stretched into length always from the west to the East. Two rows of the United Archped columns were divided by the temple on 3 (sometimes 5 or more) nef. Net - long rectangular space, separated from the common space of the temple with rows of columns. The entrance was located on the west side, and the main part of the cult act - apse-with Eastern. Apside was a protruding semicircular niche protruding from the wall. The central nave was higher and wider the rest. Slender rows of columns, united arcade, as if lead the visitor to the depth of space. This type of construction dominated, with some changes more than 1000 years. In the Central Dome Church, the severity of the dome falls on the walls, fortified by the bypass gallery that hosts the walls of the walls.

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Ancient Rus architecture ancient Russia in 11V. Adopted with Christianity from Byzantium in the form of cross-dome temples. It is characterized by identifying the internal structure in the appearance of the building, a picturesque silhouette, separately worthy of bell tower, open bypass galleries, domes of various shapes (helmet, semi-curvous, etc.), which are often golden. In 16-17VV. The tent churches were built with the construction of the "eight of the fourtics" at the end of 17B. Naryshkinskaya Baroque was common - red-coil structures with white decorative details.

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Romanesque style at the beginning of the 11th century, primarily in areas adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, the first Romanesque buildings appear. They had a characteristic masonry out of small, rudely dyed stones. Romanesque style is the earliest independent style of medieval Europe (11-12 centuries) Romanesque style arises in the era of constant wars. The new architecture personifies the idea of \u200b\u200bharsh relics, stunns by its dynamics, transmitting the cruel character of the era. Characteristic of that time was the powerful monastery ensembles. The center of such an ensemble is the temple. The temple is formed on the basis of Roman basilica. In the plan, he is a Latin cross, the shape of which is folded with the intersection of longitudinal zelov (usually from 3 to 5) with transverse -transports. Needing, unlike Roman basil, one height. The location of the intersection of the oils, a transpetuity, crowns the pointed tower. Central Nets closes the semicircular aspid. The entrance to the temple with the walls embedded into the thickness of the walls promisingly decreasing semi-curvous arches - portal. The main achievement of the Architecture of the Romanesque period is the invention of stone volt-arched supporting structures, replacing fire hazardous wooden beams. Powerful stone arches require thickening of the walls and replacing columns by massive columns. The main load of the semi-curvous archway falls on the leaf arches. The arches are based on the pillars strengthened by massive counterphorts. The main motive of architecture is the semicircular arch. It is used in constructive purposes, and as decor.

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Gothic Growth of cities and the development of social relations in Western Europe leads to the emergence of a new, more progressive, compared to Romanesque style - Gothic. Church construction is moving to the department of citizens. The leading architectural type was the city council: a frame system of gothic architecture (the string arches are based on the pillars; lateral spacers of the cross arches laid out on the ribs are transmitted by ArkButans to the counterphorts) allowed to create unprecedented in height and extensity of the interiors of cathedrals, cut the walls with huge windows with multicolor stained glass windows, Creating a peculiar, unique atmosphere of mystery. The aspiration of the cathedral is expressed expressed by giant openwork towers, silicon windows and portals, curved statues, a complex ornament. Gothic cathedral as it would pararit over the city. With each tier of the facade of portals, windows, the sculptural galleries is growing with a powerful movement upwards. The inner space of the temple becomes a single, easily viewed. Needs are separated from each other through arcades. It gives the temple a special light.

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Renaissance Major distinctive features: secular character, humanistic worldview, appeal to the ancient cultural heritage, a kind of "revival". Humanistic ideals were reflected in buildings that have a clear, harmonious appearance, construction, whose proportions correspond to the human scale. For the Renaissance, the era is characterized by the construction of secular structures: palaces, public buildings, houses. Leading architects build monumental buildings, full of harmony and calm greatness. The antique order is returned. The dentist is in terms of a large rectangle, which includes a smaller-indoor rectangle. The stairs are placed in the corners of the building. For the appearance of the building, a clear division on floors with emphasized horizontals of eaves, creating a feeling of equilibrium. The most fully distinguishing features of the culture of the epoch were manifested in the art of Italy's largest masters of the Italian Renaissance: F. Bruneland, L. Hibri, Donatello, A. Verrocko, Mazaccho, Filippo Lippi, A. Del Kastano, Pierro della Frances, A. Manteny, Leonadro Da Vinci , Raphael, Michelangelo, Georgeon, and others.

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Baroque with a stylized expression of the centralized power of the monarchs of 17 V. Baroque style became style. He embodies new ideas about the world and man. The world is changed, complicated, diverse. Baroque has complex, intricate forms, it is characterized by psychologicality. The architecture becomes the main art of the Baroque style. Baroque castles are luxurious bizarre palaces. Giant palace ensembles of European countries are affected by puff and splendor. The facade of the palace with embossed wings is solemnly and wide. In the architecture of the facade, direct horizontal lines almost disappear, and if they remain, they will definitely drown out by diverse elements that weaken their effect. New architectural elements appear: "torn" fronton, cartouchs, oval sockets and windows, decorative balustrades (panels of figured columns), carved balusters (accusable railing columns). The building seems poured from one giant piece, rather stupid than built. The effect of gradation and theatricality is achieved by the workshop of the use of light, as well as creating huge spaces. Architects Baroque tear ties with the order system. The construction is not divided into components, but is a single integer. In buildings there is only one solid plastic mass with gently flowing into each other elements. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe facade is a wavy line.

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Rococo to the 20th. The 18th century under the French court is a new style - Rococo. The word Rococo comes from the French Rocaille, denoting an ornamental motive that resembles a sea shell. Rococo is ease and grace, love for exotic, refined and brilliant taste. Unlike Paphos, Baroque Rococo addresses chamber topics. The predominant type of building is not a palace, but a mansion, designed for one family. Rococo style brightly manifested itself in the decoration of interiors and all sorts of decorative arts.

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Classicism in translation from Latin "Classicism" means "exemplary". A sample for the art of this era becomes antiquity. In this regard, the concepts about the beautiful, intelligent, harmonious is returned. The main thing is a rational beginning, and feelings should be restrained and majestic. The impact of rationalistic educational ideas of 18 V. It leads to the fact that the public attention begins to attract the rigor and the clarity of the ancient architecture. The clarity of plans, clear symmetry, strict proportions. The complete conviction comes in the fact that they are all already found and that their comprehension needs to be contrary not to nature, but to ancient architecture. Antique warrant and ornamentics are widely used. For classicism, the rhythmic coordination of groups is characteristic: pilaster - a window - pilaster - and a complete coincidence of the external division of the facade with the inner boundaries of the floors. Pilastres are flat vertical protrusions on the wall surfaces that have the same proportions as the column. Decorativeness is leaving: columns, antablements, the front alone is returned to their constructive value. Facade is completed on both sides of the protrusions, located symmetrically with respect to the central axis of the building - rizalitis or small porticists. A new type of palace appears - the grandiose, but thought out to the smallest details of the ensemble, built according to the laws of the mind. The plan of the building is characterized by special clarity and symmetry.

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Modern Modern, Modern style, AR Nouveau -stil in the European and American art of the late XIX - early XX centuries. By approving the unity of the styrene principles of the entire environment of a person - from the architecture of the dwelling to the details of the costume, the leadership of the style was given by architecture as the basis of the stenched art synthesis. The most vividly expressed in the architecture of private houses-mansions, in the construction of business, industrial and shopping buildings, train stations, profitable homes. Fundamentally new in the style architecture was a refusal of the warrant or eclectically borrowed from other styles of the facade and interior decoration system. The facades of buildings possess in most cases the dynamism and fluidity of forms, sometimes approaching sculptural or resembling organic natural phenomena (built by A. Gaudi in Spain, V. Orta and Van de Verd in Belgium, F. O. Shechor in Russia). One of the main expressive means in the art of modernity was the ornament of characteristic curvilinear outlines, often permeated with expressive rhythm and subordinate the composition of the work.

No. Slide 16.

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Constructivism constructivism-administration in the Soviet art of the 1920s. (in architecture, workout and theatrical and ornamental art, poster, art of book, artistic design). Supporters of constructivism, having put forward the "design" of the environment, actively guiding the life processes, sought to comprehend the formative capabilities of the new technology, its logical, expedient structures, as well as the aesthetic capabilities of such materials such as metal, glass, wood. The disadvantageous luxury of life, the constructivists sought to oppose the simplicity and underlined utilitarianism of new subject forms, in which they saw the development of democraticness and new relations between people (the brothers of spring, M. Ya. Ginzburg, etc.) The aesthetics of constructivism largely contributed to the establishment of Soviet artistic design (A. M. Rodchenko, V. E. Tatlin, etc.). With regard to foreign art, the term is conditional: in the architecture - the flow within the functionalism.