Large clock in the interior: photos, views. Wall clock catalog for living room Beautiful clock in the hall

To find out time, just look at the screen of the mobile phone. Wall, floor and desktops turned from the necessary items in the interior decorations. They can create a cozy atmosphere in the room, to show the owner's wealth of the house, motivate office workers to perform tasks on time.

The online store of the interior clock "Gostim" offers a large selection of products. Here you can buy interior clock with different types of working mechanism and dial design. We have classic cuckoo cake, modern chronometers in the style of minimalism, and even large outdoor clocks with battle.

The price of interior clock depends on the design of the mechanism, the design of the dial, a particular brand. We have budget models and exclusive items. Take advantage of convenient search for the price to find the products of the right category. Watch out for discounts and promotions to save when buying.

Wall mounted

Wall-mounted models - the best solution for small apartments. Wall interior watches with paintings will decorate the room. They fill the space with a slow tick of the mechanism, and some models are equipped with a ringing battle.

When choosing a model, one rule should be followed. If wallpapers with a large bright pattern are pasted on the walls, a concise light case will be released on them. If in the room one-photo wallpaper, the model is suitable with a pattern or picture on the dial.

For home

For the living room, wall clock with a fight, made under the antiquity, will be well. For the kitchen you can buy a model with a pattern exciting appetite. On the dial often depict delicious products or beautiful dishes. Despite the abundance of timers in the kitchen appliance, it is pleasant to cook food, measuring time on a beautiful wall clock.

For office

Our online store offers strict chronometers for offices and other working offices. Large wall clock is ideal for work premises. To see the time will be able to even an employee sitting in a far wall. Heads should pay attention to the dials with the Russian flag. For state organizations, models with an eagle case are suitable.


As a child, many could see big wooden watches with a pendulum in their homes in their grandparents. Mechanical floor clocks are associated with homemade warmth, leisurely time, which is nice to spend in the circle of relatives and loved ones.

Nowadays, you can buy outdoor hours, almost indistinguishable from vintage. We offer modern plastic and metal models. We will carry out the careful delivery of goods, ensure the safety of the housing and the internal mechanism.

Desktop and mile

This small accessory adorns the table, demonstrates the artistic taste and status of his host. You can buy desktop clock as a gift for a person who spends a lot of time at the desktop. For example, for the company's head or business partner. The catalog has models for old days and modern accessories. Products with a narrow housing will become an excellent addition to the fireplace shelf.

Only original products

We sell only genuine interior hours from well-known brands, domestic and foreign companies. If necessary, you can use the manufacturer's warranty. Often this opportunity remains unclaimed as we offer high-quality goods.

Shipping and payment

We send orders to any cities of Russia and even abroad. We accept payment of orders remotely. We carefully deliver fragile products. We provide the safety of the mechanism and the housing on the road. You can inspect the item before paying for the purchase.

Have questions? Call, we will help you!

The decor of the classic style is difficult to imagine without wall clock. This accessory came to our culture from England, where else from the XVI century, the living rooms of the aristocrats were decorated with hours. In the modern world, the living room is used as a place where the best family relics are assembled, expensive accessories and decor elements. The clock is an integral part of it. Wall clock is still considered a symbol of family wealth. They emphasize the status of the owners, can be a stylistic emphasis in the original interior, as well-fit with another decor.

English-style clock

The living room is the central part of any house, the place where guests are most often gather, and in the evenings, it is satisfied with the whole family in front of the TV. That is why the owners use the living room as a place to install the most exquisite and attractive accessories, including hours, the originality and elegance of which will be appreciated.

Huge dial over the sofa

Back in the XVI century in English homes, the clock was the most important detail in the interior of the living room, as they were considered the subject of family wealth, especially if they were an old antiques or were made according to an individual sketch in an elite workshop.

Wooden Watch in Owl Head

The original watches in combination with other accessories perfectly complement the interior design of the living room room, fit into the overall idea and stylistic orientation. The main thing is to choose wall clock in accordance with the interior of the living room.

Round Wall Clock with Flower Ornament

How to choose a clock under a certain style style

Classic style

Under the classic style it is better to buy a clock in a wooden frame. It is necessary to give preference to light or warm tree rocks, especially when white color in the interior of the living room prevails. External respectability and luxury will give clocks with gold or bronze décor.

Wall clock in the form of a running horse

Country style

Long-stayed clock with cuckoo, now again at the peak of popularity. Country style does not work out without them. You can hang over a sofa or on a free wall.

Wall clock for athletes

High Tech Style

High-tech style requires a plastic, glass or metal accessory. The form of the mechanism is any, and the traditional dial can be presented in modern hypostatas:

  • lines;
  • droplets;
  • points;
  • colors.

Also, the High-Tech interior will be suitable.

Classic clock with Roman numerals

Style Minimalism and constructivism

In constructivism and minimalism, a clock will fit without a dial. They are little functional, but they will become one of the few decorations in the restrained style. Suitable for any free wall in the room.

Small wall clock round shape

Retro style

Retro interiors will suit vintage exhibits performed under the antiquity. The ideal option is to find a suitable model of the past or last century. They are exposed at auctions, flea markets and collectors' sites.

If you purchase the original did not come out, the retro hours can always be ordered from a designer. Such products are replaced by plywood instead of a tree, but they are twice as cheaper. You can pick up a clock in English style with Roman numbers or French - with arabic dial.

Large numbers with arrows are fixed directly on the wall

Victorian style

In the living room of Victorian style it is better to purchase a clock with a pendulum decorated with a bas-relief or decorative carvings. These must be massive wooden chronometers that make up with their pompous. All types of wall clocks must be combined with the color palette of the interior. In classical interiors, it is impossible for him to distract attention.

Wall clock with floral ornament

What to pay attention to when buying hours

In order not to overweight every year, come to buy thoroughly:

  • compare prices;
  • pick up style and color;
  • choose a suitable shape and size of hours.

If the accessory is purchased for a decorative function, you can pay attention to the picture of the picture. Modern masters set a chronometer on a canvas with painting. The author's work is expensive, but you can purchase a beautiful and exclusive model of the clock with a seal on canvas.

Worn Wall Clock

Wall clock are convenient and practical, they can be hung in any corner of the room. It is important that they remain noticeable among the finishing of the decor.

Classic Wall clock from a wood array

Also pay attention to the noise level. It is better to select a model with a silent mechanism. Rarity clock with a built-in pendulum will fit well into the interior of the living room in a classic style. The cocan of their dial and the hourly ringing is distinguished by the unique charm.

Wall clock in the interior of the modern living room

How to hang clock in the living room

The ease of installation depends on the fastener device. The higher the class of hours, the more thoughtful the fastening system and all its elements. Economic class mechanisms often go without hooks, so they will have to be bought in the construction store.

Carved wall clock

If you do not know how to hang the wall clock with your own hands, carefully examine the instructions for them:

  1. Check for all the necessary items.
  2. Then apply the clock to the wall for the visual assessment of the overall picture.
  3. Mark the location of the fastener on the wall with a pencil.
  4. Drill the hole in the designated place.
  5. Install the dowel and tighten the screw in it.
  6. Attach the hook to the clock, insert the battery or start the mechanism.
  7. Hang the clock on the screw, slowly released them.

Photo Gallery: Clock on the wall in the living room

The clock is optional to install a classic way. If it is a decorative model, it can be hung on a bright tape. The main thing is that such an accessory fits into the interior and liked you.

In the development of technologies, mechanical clock is gradually losing their significance, because the time counting device surrounds us literally everywhere: in mobile phones, on computers, consumer electronics, etc. But since the clock on the wall, which were once a sign of luxury and the subject of pride of their owners, perform not only practical, but also a decorative function, designers still love to use them in their work.

With the help of wall clock, it is possible to revive the interior, give it a style expressiveness and fill with new accents without resorting to heavy and troublesome manipulations. That is why today "Dream House" offers to look at the original wall clocks, which will organically fit even in the most demanding design.

Original wall clock

Unusual wall clock in the living room interior

Any interior item must meet the general style requirements. However, wall clocks may well take on the role of the main accent of the design. The appearance of modern hours is sometimes striking the depth of designer thought. Now, along with traditional clock, you can find products of abstract, futuristic, vintage and many other forms. Choosing an unusual wall clock, you can not only decorate the interior of the room, but also fill the design with your own vision.

Wall clock large original for living room

Interesting wall clock

Consider the most interesting models of the clock, which perfectly fit into the design of modern living rooms.

Clock under the "old"

Interior items, the design of which is made under the "old", are ideal for classic design. If your living room is characterized by this style, pay attention to the clock with pendulum, with dials in the form of cards, decorated with a carved decor, etc. Very good if the housing of the watch will be made of wood, because The world's first mechanisms were drawn up in this way. Also for classic designs, watches are excellent, complemented by porcelain, bronze or semi-precious stones.

Original Wall Clock Photo

Wall clock large original for living room photo

Wall clock large original for living room white

Unusual clock on the wall

Clock in abstract form

In the traditional embodiment, the wall clock is performed in a round, oval, rectangular or square form. However, modern masters decided to move away from installed canons using many non-standard configurations to create wall clocks. Fitting up new ways to incarnation, often designers refuse the customer-habitual dial, replacing it with any suitable objects. For example, lovers of original things will probably like the clock with a dial in the form of a bicycle wheel, a clock mechanism, an audio player, a cassette "bobbin", artistic palette, etc. Such hours will not only make notes of originality in the design of the living room, but also emphasize the nature and hobbies of their owner.

Unusual wall clock photo

Cool clock on the wall

If the design of your living room requires something over the original and non-standard, pay attention to the wall clock, in which the dial is completely absent. For example, creative masters offer us to determine the time not by the usual markup, but according to chaotic living cubes, triple shooters attached directly to the mechanism, and even at the location of the shade, discarded by the rotating element. Navigate in such interesting wall clocks - the task is not from the lungs, but these accessories will make the interior truly stylish and unusual.

Unusual wall clock

Cool dials for wall clocks

Unusual clockbags

Time is the most valuable resource of our life. The philosophers love to reflect on the theme of the frequency and the irreversibility of time, and the designers decided to recreate these reflections in the form of wall clocks of unusual forms. If you want to fill the interior with your living room with philosophical meaning, pay attention to the clock, made in the form of running men, which seem to emphasize that the time never stops its turn. Also in a separate group of cool wall clocks can be attributed to the products on the dials of which instead of numbers use significant inscriptions.

Picture clock

Depending on the image, the wall clock-paintings will harmoniously fit into any style. For ideally, the hours made in the form of reproductions of famous artists. If your living room is made in more free styles, it is possible to decorate it with the help of original hour-paintings, on the dial of which landscapes, photo-images are applied, abstract patterns, etc.

Often, the picture clock is a collection, so such products become the main decorations of the interiors.

Wall-mounted paintings original

Picture clock on the wall

The interiors of the bedrooms, as a rule, are something easy, calm and unobtrusive. For example, it is possible to fill the bedroom atmosphere with the help of wrappers with the image of romantic paintings, natural landscapes or urban landscapes.

Spacious and bright bedrooms often lack expressive details that could make the originality. In this case, the use of big clocks, decorated with carved parts or bright decorations.

If your bedroom is framed in the style of minimalistic modern, emphasize the concept of the interior with the help of modern steel watches of abstract forms.

Wall-mounted clocks for living room

Original wall clock in the kitchen interior

Interior details for the kitchen should not only emphasize the style of the room, but also to fill it with homemade comfort. Designers offer us to decorate the kitchen using wall clocks made in the form of cutlery or appetizing dishes.

For example, in the kitchen or in the dining room perfectly will look, the arrows of which are forks and spoons. Also in the kitchen interior as it is impossible to fit the clock, made in the form of a cup of coffee, pans with scrambled eggs, fruit dishes, etc.

Modern rhythm of life requires a person to maximize accuracy and punctuality. I wonder how everywhere you have time and not forget about the frequency of time at home. Wall clocks are some of the main assistants in this important matter. In the interior of the living room or any other room they play not only the function of time counting.

Wall clocks, whether they are small or large, simple or coupling, with a wooden body or with metal figures, are also able to give the placement of special aestheticness and show a good taste and wealth. Consider more Main types of wall clocks, how to choose them correctly and place, nuances of care, as well as an attractive solution in the interior of the room.

Review of species

Today in specialized stores and on Internet sites you can find a great set of wall-mounted models, which differ from each other not only by the case of the case, but also by the hourly mechanism itself. Allocate several types of hours on the wall.Consider in order some features of each type.


The mechanical clock is made of wood and decorated with painting or cut pattern. Such a thing, no doubt, will enjoy the lovers of antiquity and perfectly fit into the interior of a retro style or country. Features of such models are as follows:

  • periodically need the factory (it is desirable to produce a plant every day);
  • there are hours with a pendulum or cuckoo;
  • service life can be more than 50 years.


Quartz products on the wall are not only a pleasant accessory for the living room, but also an accurate mechanism that does not require much care. It is enough to insert a battery and change it as needed.


The most common model for the living room is a large electronic clock. A distinctive feature of this type of wall clock is the reading of not only time, but also dates, air temperatures and other room data, the presence of alarm clock and reminders. And there are models with built-in radio and illumination of different colors.


But the most advanced solution on the right can be called projection mechanisms. Time can be viewed on the screen (projection is carried out on the wall or ceiling). Clear figures that are clearly visible in day and night time, bright backlight and the calendar function will be introduced into the familiar setting of novelty and unusual.


To basic materials in the manufacture of wall mounted the following are:

  • wooden models are more often used to decorate classic style living rooms;

  • wall dials from glass, on the contrary, will be spectacularly looked in modern design;

  • plastic is convenient because due to the plasticity from it you can create all sorts of figures that will serve as a wonderful decor for the design of the hourly mechanism;

  • metal for the manufacture of hours is used only in part, for example, when creating jewelry for certain parts.

Important! Natural stones and fabric are also used during decorating. With the help of these materials, the feeling of naturalness and unity with the surrounding world is easily created.


Stylish and original wall clocks attract attention to themselves and fill the hall with sophistication and delight. A wide range of styles allows you to find a model that is fully suitable for the interior of your room.

  • Classic style.Mounting a riot of decor, classic products retain the fascinating simplicity of lines and are perfectly suitable for decoring strict living rooms.

  • Minimalism.Selecting the accessories for the hall, it is worth thinking about modern minimalistic hours with laconic geometric shapes without additional decorative components.

  • High tech.The models of this interior flow personify ultra-modernity and strive for an infinite search for new forms and color solutions. Products are presented in the market predominantly with an electronic scoreboard, which greatly facilitates the use.

  • Country, Provence. Nothing adds a room so much comfort and home heat, how many hours made in a rustic style. Natural materials will emphasize naturalness, and an additional pendulum or cuckoo will be brought to a rural charm. Especially such items will fit well into the living room of the country house.

  • Ampire, Baroque, Rococo. Luxurious wall-mounted copies with gold or openwork decorations will definitely tell about the fine taste of the owner. Beauty, the accuracy of forms and functionality is a great combination.

  • Retro.Wall watches made in retro style implies the use of bright, saturated colors, while avoiding specific patterns. Such a "highlight" will add an antique character to a hall. The use of chrome details is allowed.

  • Decorative. When placing a room, a decorative clock is gaining, a distinctive feature of which is the originality of the shape and pattern. It also includes 3D models made in the form of animals, star bodies and other objects of alive and inanimate nature. A significant disadvantage may be "blind" dial - imperiency, partial or complete lack of divisions.

A separate group can highlight the designer clock. Usually they are fulfilled to order in limited quantities and surprise with their courage of solutions and originality of ideas.

Carving, rhinestones, all sorts of engraving and photo printing in conjunction with bizarre forms will help turn the usual subject into a unique part of the interior.

How to choose?

In order not to make a mistake from the walls of wall clock in the hall, it is worth sticking to a few simple rules.

  • Wall clocks, like other accessories for the room, should be chosen in the mostst reason when the common style of the room is clearly traced. For example, a classic wooden watch, decorated with thread and varnished, will be suitable for a spacious luxury living room.
  • It is not worth buying a cheap model, hoping that she will serve you for many years and will become an interesting detail of your hall. It is better to spend money and time in search of a reliable mechanism. Remember, quality is more important.
  • The clock must be harmonized with furniture and other subjects located in the living room. Otherwise, they will not fit into the interior and will be allocated too much.
  • Large wall clocks should be placed in the living room with large parameters, as it is important to keep the overall mood of space. For rooms with modest sizes, on the contrary, medium or small models will be suitable.
  • If you want something unusual, it is worth paying attention to the clock with a battle. Such a thing will become a kind of "reminder" and give the hall of monumentality. If you like silence - purchase models with a silent device, and the clock ticking will no longer annoy you and distract from business or during rest.

How to post?

In most cases, large-mounted clocks are used in the interior. Such detail of the house or apartment should be placed on a fireplace, a sofa or table. Large clock on an empty wall will also be advantageous. Remember that there should not be close pictures or photographs in a massive framework, they can "drag" guest glance and leave a decorative item without due attention.

Holders of small living rooms should not forget that small wall clocks can "get lost" in forced room furniture. If you decide to make a wall with a clock, it is worth removing the excess decor.

Features of care

Caring for the clock is most often determined by the type of device, design. For for wall clock as long as possible served you and pleased the eyes, follow the following advice:

  • mechanical clock should be regularly lubricated, clean and start; A small cleaning once a half or two years will help to avoid serious problems;
  • do not hit and do not shake the clock - it will hurt the sensitive mechanism, and you should also hang them away from the doorways so that the signs do not suffer from vibration when closing or opening the doors;
  • when removing dust it is necessary to use a wet, but well-awaited, rag - and no cleaning agents;
  • if the clock has a wooden housing, beware of placing them in a room with high humidity.

Remember that careful attitude towards any thing extends her life and saves your finances.

Wall watches for many years allow us to easily follow the time. However, today, they also become an important part of the interior, which allows to bring a highlight to the room. We make hours from various materials, such as glass, metal, wood, phosphorus. In addition, wall clocks in the interior are different styles, ranging from ancient and ending with modern models. Dekorin offers to deal with such a manifold and decide which hours will suit you.

Wall clock in the living room

The most important thing in choosing wall clock is to take into account the features of the style of your home. Moreover, even the most inexpensive model of wall clock can harmoniously fit into the interior, which means the price is a minor thing.

In the living room you need to place beautiful wall clock suitable for the interior of the room, because they are always in sight.

Every evening the family is going to the living room to relax together, so the style and comfort in this room is especially important. Wall clocks in the interior of the living room are able to become a real highlight of the room, so it is worth considering their choice seriously.

Wooden wall clock

The room in the classic style or modern style is perfectly complemented by wall wooden watches. Woods made of wood, decorated with bronze able to emphasize the luxury of the living room.

But if your living room is in the country style, then definitely pay attention to the wall clock with a cuckoo. They will complement the overall style of such a premises and give him comfort.

Wall clock with battle

Excellent in the living room will look wall clock with battle. They will give home the rustic mood and will especially well look at the above country style. Again, when choosing a clock, it is important to take into account how your living room is decorated, because the vintage wall clock with the battle is unlikely to fit into the room in a modern style.

Wall clock in the style of high-tech

Recently, the living room is increasingly decorated in the style of High-tech. In it, all interior items are modern and functional. Therefore, wall clocks should also be in the style of High-tech. So, for example, in such an interior perfectly fit glass wall clocks, as the following photos.

Wall clock in retro style

If you have chosen the interior of the living room under ancient with a large number of antique things, the Wall-mounted watches in retro style are best suitable for this style. Believe me, such hours will not definitely be unnoticed and will be assessed by your guests.

Loft Wall Clock

Your living room in Loft style? Fine, because there are many beautiful and unusual wall clocks in the Loft style, complementing the interior. The living room in this style can be decorated with not one clock, but at once a few different models. This option looks quite interesting, and you can see an example in the photo below.

And the next model will allow you to follow not only during the time, but also for the date. Wall clock with calendar is perhaps the most practical choice. Several photos are below.

Wall clock in the bedroom interior

The bedroom is completely different atmosphere than in the living room. Firstly, this is a place to relax and privacy, and in the second this room, guests are rarely visited. That is why choosing hours, it is important to rely only on your own preferences and desires. Think about what model of the clock you would like to see in your bedroom. It is also important also to choose a model with a quiet move, because loud tick can interfere with relaxing and sleeping. In any case, even in this room it is important that wall clocks fit harmoniously into the overall bedroom style.

In the interior of the bedroom perfectly will look wall clock in the classic style. They will not distract from sleep and, moreover, the classic will never endure.

If you lay a bedroom in Loft style, then here it is impossible to fit electronic wall clocks. Choosing them, you definitely won't be wrong, because peace and silence will not be broken, but at the same time you will stick to the specified style in the room.

Wall clock in the style of Provence

Bedroom in the style of Provence requires the relevant decor. An excellent decoration of such a room will be wall clock in the style of Provence. Such hours must be made under ancient and emphasize the provincial style in the bedroom. Look at the following photos How beautifully looks such a wall clock in the interior.

Wall clock with backlit

Another wonderful idea is to decorate the bedroom with highlighted wall clock. They look beautiful and appropriate in the bedroom. If you wish, you can turn off the light, and such hours are used as a night light. There are also models with backlight adjustment, thanks to which you can choose the best brightness for yourself. In addition, such hours are presented in a wide range using different materials, which means you will definitely select the model for any interior.

An alternative to illumination clock - LED wall clock. With their help, you will know how much time is even in complete darkness.