What can be seen a wooden entrance door. Repair of wooden doors

How to shepherd your hands from the street iron door

At this time, many people put themselves metal doors and stands up a reasonable question than can be separated from the metal door. Although in our time there are many materials, but sometimes it is difficult and choose.

Let's figure it out with this question and decide what exactly will be suitable for you. It will be possible to watch photos and videos on this topic and you can make the right choice.

With all the volume of materials it is necessary to make the right choice. Material for chosen depending on the door cladding elements, everything should be harmonious and correct.

Laminate for finishing doors

Advantages and disadvantages

By its structure, laminate, it is the same organitis, only has a higher strength, which is covered during the production of decorative film.


  • This material is suitable for those who like the type of wood and at the same time there is no required amount of money for an expensive finish (see);
  • This material does not respond and the temperature drops and perfectly transfers the sun rays;
  • This finish is quite moisture resistant. But this is with relatively not high humidity.
    For example, you should not make such an entrance door trim in a private house. With the large snow and heavy rain, this material can quickly come into disrepair. It is immediately subordinate. However, such a problem can be solved. Just followed by purchasing a material with an additional layer of film coating. Then this coating serves as an additional protection and it can be washed without any problems;
  • The price of this material is not high, and almost any person can afford such a finish.
  • On this material, dust practically does not settle;
  • The disadvantages should be attributed to the impossibility of conducting high-quality insulation.

Most of the models of outdoor laminate decorated with a natural tree of various breeds, but there is still a finish under stone, as well as a combined finish with patterns. So the upholstery of the doors with laminate can be performed in different styles.

But not everything is so "elegant", the floor laminate has one serious minus - It is not suitable for outdoor entrance door.

More precisely, if your doors stand in a relatively warm entrance of a multi-storey house, then the laminate will endure, and it is impossible to put it on the street. Moisture-resistant floor laminate exists, but this material is not designed for frost and sharp temperature differences, after winter such a door will fit.

What laminate is better for doors

Initially, let's see what a laminate exists at all. For a wide consumer, 6 classes of laminate are produced. It is assumed that under private houses and apartments you need to use strips 21, 22 and 23 classes, and the floors in administrative and office premises are laid on 31, 32 and 33 class.

The quality increases by increasing, the higher the class, the greater the wear resistance and impact resistance of the coating. The table below contains the main characteristics of all 6 classes. In addition to them, there are also 34th grade, it has the highest degree of strength and is able to withstand the prosecuted loads, but the price there is the same progenicated.

The main characteristics of the six classes of laminate.

The thickness of laminated slats fluctuates within 6 - 12 mm. Everything is also here, the higher the strength, the thicker will be the coating.

Now let's talk specifically about choosing a laminate for door facing. Consultants in the store and "sofa" builders advise you to take almost the most durable and, accordingly, the most expensive laminate. Specialists of our site are recommended to do otherwise.

Do not forget that we are separating only the inner part of the entrance doors, and not a dance floor in the club. Maximum that threatens your door claws, and this lamb can even withstand 21 class laminate.

Choose better in appearance. The peculiarity of the laminate is that 22 and 33 classes visually can be the same, but the price is different at times.

As for the thickness, the six millimeter "board" will be quite suitable for you, but by experience, the laminate with a thickness of 7 and 8 mm looks better, plus it usually has a water-repellent coating that it will not be superfluous for doors.

Planks of different classes visually can look equally.

In our case, this parameter is important as the dimensions of the planks. Standard width of the linen of the front door of 900 mm, therefore, we are interested in strips with large dimensions.

You can entertain the doors vertically only in the dispersion, since the maximum for laminate is 1488 mm, but these models are expensive, therefore the optimal version will be a length of about 1200 mm long, they can be stamped both along and across the canvas. In this case, you can take any width, because the extreme bar will still have to be cut.

Preparation for work

Before going to the construction supermarket behind the laminate, it is necessary to calculate its required amount. It's easy enough to do it - it's only to multiply the height of the door on its width.

When buying a material, it should always be taking it by 10 - 20% more than it is assumed by your calculations. As practice shows, in the process of finishing works, unforeseen accidents may occur, leading to the damage of the material.

In addition to laminated lamellae for work, you will need wooden rails for roughing. The number of rails should be equal to the perimeter of your door: (length + width) x 2, plus two more rails will go across the door leaf, separating it into three equal parts.

The following tools will be needed for work.

  1. Electric jigsaw with a shallow saw. Pilking cloves must be directed up - for less damage to the front of the lamella.
  2. Cornel with direct angle for cutting marking.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Electric drill and roller set.
  5. Self-tapping screws and metal.
  6. Mounting glue ("Liquid nails") with a gun for its extrusion.
  7. Large and small sandpaper.
  8. Roulette and ruler.

Crush laminate

After all the preparatory work is completed, we are taken for the next stage of laminate installation with your own hands.

  1. Remove the door with the loops. In the case of a wooden structure, this procedure is quite simple, but to remove the metal inlet door with the loops, it is pretty try to try. Methods of fastening in this case can be the most varied. Most often, the steel sheet is hung with unsolved loops that are attached to the doorway with bolts.
  2. Door canvas free from all overdoor accessories - handles, door eye, castle linings, etc.
  3. With the help of "liquid nails", we attach wooden rails on the perimeter of the steel door surface. In the middle of the door leaf, we also glue two transverse rails with such a calculation so that they divided it to 3 approximately equal parts. They will play the role of a frame for laminated lamellae.

Warming doors

This stage of work is made only in case of urgent need.

Suppose if you live on the first floor, and your entrance door does not cope with cold air streams bursting into an entrance from the street door.

Or you are a happy owner of a country mansion, and your entrance group outside the outside goes straight to the street.

If still finishes with laminate doors with their own hands without its insulation, fill the space between the rails with heat insulating material.


It can be a minicatch, an avoor or stove of expanded polystyrene. At the same time, picking up the rails, you should take into account the thickness of the insulation.

He should not be over the edges of the rivers, but at the same time should be tightly pressed against the surface of the canvas when installing the laminate on top of the rails.

Now we'll figure it out than to separate the door slopes when performing a door from laminate. Perhaps this option will be the simplest thing it will be placed. But if you want to finish under the tree, then you should pay attention to the platbands from the tree or MDF (see),

Artificial leather for finishing doors

Advantages and disadvantages

This material is used for quite a long time to finish the entrance to the room. It was still in Soviet times. Only the coating itself has become more high-quality since that time.


  • The price of the material is rather cheap, and it attracts the consumer;
  • This element is relatively resistant to fire. It is simply not lit with direct effect, but tweets;
  • Resistant to temperature drops;
  • This moisture-resistant material that practically does not drink moisture;
  • New materials are perfectly transferred and straight rays of the sun;
  • This is an environmentally friendly product that does not harm human health;
  • It is possible to make quite a quality insulation (see). And the layer can be chosen almost any;
  • But there is also a disadvantage, such a material can easily damage mechanically.

Door powder spraying

This method of finishing metal doors (see) entered the market relatively recently, but there has already found no little fans. The coating is made by applying to the surface of the metal powder and the polymer mixture by spraying. This powder has high anti-corrosion properties and completely protects the surface.


  • Such a coating is perfectly opposed to the effects of the external environment, the temperature difference does not affect it;
  • This finish is perfect for, even if it is installed in the entrance;
  • Spraying has great durability. It is not enough for one decade. That's it does not require expensive care, it is possible to use any detergents only not abrasive origin;
  • It is possible to perform the surface and glossy and matte. There are many colors and shades in stock;
  • There are devices in such a finish. It is warm and sound insulation. There are practically no of them. Do not make it easy to make the door (see), which immediately leads to a residential premises. This is not a heatwise design.

Preparation of the surface to painting

When processing parts, painting powder often does not pay attention to the preliminary preparation of the part. But, as in the performance of any other finishing or repair work, the preparation has a great influence on the quality of the work performed further. It also applies to the processing of such a detail as the doors inlet metal. Powder painting demanding on the purity of the working surface. You must delete all the spots available on it, degrease the door and phosphatize. This measure is not necessary, but will help increase metal resistance to corrosion and improve adhesion.

The material is cleared with the help of chemicals or mechanical method. The mechanical method is stripping the door with a brush of steel or disk for grinding. Applicable surface cleansing with a clean piece of cotton material impregnated with solvent. Alkaline, acid or neutral substances are used in the processing of chemistry. What substance is optimally used, depends on the type of contamination, the species of the material purified and the general size.

If there are traces of rust, scale, oxide film, they are removed by an abrasive or chemical method. The abrasive method is also cleaning the surface with small graincakes - sand, fraction. Large particles are applicable, such as steel, cast iron, nut shell and similar materials. Particles are fed to the affected area under the influence of centrifugal force or stream of compressed air. With force, hitting the metal, they knock down and carry the most vulnerable places, that is, areas with contamination, while the dissected material remains intact.

Cleaning chemistry or etching is the removal of affected areas with solutions with such a basic component as nitrogen, hydrochloric, sulfur or phosphoric acid. Such solutions are in their composition inhibitors that slow down the destruction of pure areas. The lack of such a method as necessary to carefully remove the residues of the solution from the material. To do this, special coaling agents are used, the acquisition of which increases the total cost of work.

The last phase of preparation is passivating. This procedure is a surface treatment with chromium and sodium nitrate compound. This process is necessary to prevent corrosion in all stages of processing. After applying the solution, the detail leaves dry, after which it is considered ready for applying powder paint.

Painting do it yourself

fouring this work at home, without the use of the camera, the part is simply suspended on the hook and connect with a minus from BP. To create the required voltage you need a generator and multiplier. Wires for mounting choose the corresponding voltage of 25 square meters.

A gun for performing work is combined with a device charging with a device. At home, an ordinary bottle of plastic is used for this purpose. Air for performing work should be compressed and dry. A metal cover dresses on the selected bottle, the material must be a good current conductor. A lot of fine holes are made in the lid, voltage will be served on it. Next, everything is very simple - when pressed on plastic sides of the bottle, a pressure drop is created, which pushes the powder through the holes of the cover, passing through which the powder gets the necessary charge.

Such a device has many opportunities for upgrading, also the idea described above is used for the equipment of the usual sprayer for the powder painting of metal doors. The video below demonstrates just such a homemade device. To measure the voltage supplied to the cover, it is brought to the part, if the spark slips at a distance of 2.5-3 cm, the voltage corresponds to the necessary parameters. As for the camera, it is replaced by ordinary newspapers, polyethylene film, vacuum cleaner or recuperator at home.


Finish door lining

Advantages and disadvantages

This option is also applied for quite some time. There are advantages here to know.


  • The lining itself is already protected for a metal door. It prolongs the life of the product;
  • The tree increases the heat capacity of the door. Allows longer to maintain heat indoors;
  • The question of sound insulation, which increases several times, will be resolved;
  • Such a coating looks quite effectively. It is possible to process maril and other dyes;
  • The disadvantages should include the construction of the design. For this it is necessary time and means.

ATTENTION: If you decide to apply such a type of finish, then we should not forget that the material before it is installed should be treated with antiseptics that are in free sale. This will significantly extend the life of the product.

How to see the door with wooden lining

The procedure is close to the case described above. But, since the steel canvas differs much greater durability, the mount is carried out otherwise.

If the sash can be removed from the loops, then for convenience it should be done.

    1. Finding fittings - locks, loops, handle, door eye.
    2. The surface of the canvas is cleared.
    3. The slats to the steel surface can be fixed by kleimers - the latter are screwed up with screws for metal with a screwdriver.
    4. If the door insulation is assumed, you should install a woodcase made of wooden plates. The frame is also fixed by self-drawing. The heat insulator is a foam, foam, is cut in size and placed between the rails of the rotary. If necessary, the material can be glued to the surface of the canvas. The lamellas are firmly joined and fixed on the finish nail clamp.

Finishing doors MDF.

Advantages and disadvantages

This material appeared in the sales market relatively not long ago. He has many advantages about which it is worth saying.


  • This material is rather resistant to deformation that may arise from environmental impact;
  • When installing, it also serves as an additional insulation for a metal door. Coating excludes heat loss through the coating;
  • The dignity should attribute the durability of the design. The material will serve for many years;
  • There is an opportunity to implement many design solutions. Elements may have a variety of forms. In retail there are a large number of colors of this product;
  • This is an environmentally friendly product that is not harmful to humans;
  • Not a high price, also attracts the buyer;
  • The disadvantages include what such material is quite complicated during the restoration. If there is serious damage, then you will have to replace the entire web.


First, get rid of the gaps located around the doorway - the mounting foam is perfect. Carefully score all holes and cracks, after drying - we cut off the unnecessary elements. Next, the surface is well processed by primer.

The doors themselves should be rid of all extra elements: remove locks, handles and eyes. In addition, if there was an overlay that you now want to replace - it is also necessary to completely remove, the gun onto the spatula or knife. If, installing the panels, you plan to use glue or liquid nails - for better graptionability, the surface is preloaded. If the door is metallic, treat it with corrosion tool. Also, in the MDF panel itself, it is necessary to carefully pick up and cut a hole, where you later install the lock.

Go to the installation. At first, the doors should be removed from the loops - in principle, it is possible to carry out installation work on weight, but the risks of the occurrence of distortion (getting rid of them - a rather laborious work). They are laid on a flat surface, providing the most comfortable working conditions. All areas are sandwiched, all extra elements are removed - old paint, traces of corrosion, the remains of the previous upholstery. The panel should be prepared - wipe it well from the wrong side, to avoid detachments.

These were listed the main types of door finish. Now let's pick up the materials for finishing door slopes.

I think everyone understands that it is better to perform work from such a material from which the door is made. Let's look at how to get the doorway inlet door.

Finishing of slopes

This work and material must be harmonized with the entire door design. But sometimes it may not be possible to apply the same element. Let's deal with what can be done to finish slopes.

Stucco and putty slopes

This finish is quite often used for this work. It is strong enough and can always be restored.

Especially this does not take much time and strength. All work can be done with your own hands and without resorting to assistance.


  • To maintain work, you will need the following tool: rule, construction level, spatula, trowel, sandpaper, beam, mortar, painting tape.
  • To begin with, we clean the plane from the former coating, for this we use a metal brush;
  • Now the surface should be projected. This will allow the coating to have a stronger clutch.
    It is better to give preference to deep penetration fluid. After processing, the surface should dry;
  • After complete drying, you should cover the box with a painting ribbon, it is simply stuck along the edge of the surface;
  • Now we do a solution in the ratio of sand and cement 3: 1 when applying cement M-300. At the same time, we need to achieve a completely homogeneous mass.
    To do this, it is best to apply a drill with a nozzle, then the solution will be qualitative;
  • After that, we take the solution of the passing and install the beacons. To do this, take a long rail and determine the level of application of the mixture.
    After that, the beacons are attached to the plane;

ATTENTION: If after checking it turns out that you will need to apply a thick layer, then the construction grid should be applied, it should be applied to the surface. It will allow a better to hold a thicker layer of material.

  • To begin with, we throw a solution into the place where the thick layer is required. We give a little dry the solution and then we apply another layer.
    After that, we take the rule or a wide spatula and begin to pull the solution along beacons;
  • If you have a fat layer, then this work will have to do several times. Until full plane leveling;
  • After complete drying, the surface should be spacing. Let her dry.
    Cove the surface of the primer. And you can paint.

Now you know how to separate the slopes of the entrance door, the clock as this type of finish is used most often in such elements.

Making Ducks from Gypsum Carton

This finish option is most often used if it is required to apply a highly large layer of plaster:

  • For this work, we will need the following tools and materials: plasterboard, rule, level, glitter for drywall, square, spacure;
  • When everything is prepared, you can proceed to work. To begin with, we define the level of the plane.
    To do this, we use a wooden slaughter with a flat plane. Its proper placement is set using a level;
  • After that, we need to cut drywall in the desired width. To do this, put the sheet on a flat surface.
    We note the cut line with a pencil. We shift this line from the table level by 5 mm.
    Apply the rail. We make an incision with the help of a stationery knife.
    We shift a sheet from a pillars for a couple of mm. We do a dormant at the same time, the rail should be pressed pressed on the lines. Clean the edge with the plane;
  • Now just on the glue Sadim sliced \u200b\u200bsheet. We are waiting for complete drying and then we make a spacure surface.

ATTENTION: When sticking, make sure that the element is correct. This should be checked using a construction level.

Suns with MDF

This option will arrange owners who have the door made of this material.

Let's look at how it is done:

  • The following materials and tools should be prepared: MDF, decorative corner, wood rails, drill, perforator;
  • The first thing we need to determine the level of attachment of the plane. To do this, we are a wooden rail bereach and try.
    The installation is determined using the construction level;
  • Now you should nourish the plane of the rails from the tree. To them will be attached to MDF.
    This is done with the help of a perforator. First we make holes and then perform a connection to the dowels;

ATTENTION: For fastening should not be used dowels that are sold in sets. It should be purchased with pawners of plastic and after it is separate self-tapping screws, which should be taken by a couple of mm. Less from the section of the plastic hole.
It is such a connection that makes the fastening quite durable and reliable.

  • After that, make fastening MDF. For this apply not large nails without a hat or a beamer.
    If you decide to apply the screws, then for starters it is necessary to make a hole for the self-built itself, and then a larger diameter drill to make a hole for secret shoes;
  • The extreme panel, which is located in the corner, is to fasten tightly and then cover with a decorative corner;
  • After that, to hide the edge, fasten the decorative corner.

Now you know than to separate the slopes of the door. This is not such a difficult job, the more the instructions you have. The most important thing is not in a hurry and do everything consistently.

Offered by the company's finishing of steel doors is distinguished by a huge variety of styles and forms, high quality and different value categories. Methods for designing door canvases are suitable for in-departure doors in apartment buildings, as well as for external doors in country mansions. Products are resistant to temperature and humidity drops, the effects of ultraviolet, wind and outdoor dust.

Materials for finishing

Steel doors to order - Individual design of the entrance door from Bastion-C

Milling panels and types of platbands


Methods of exterior decoration of input metal doors

The entrance door is an important attribute of any room, the main consumer properties of which are reliability and safety. But another equally important quality of the entrance door is an outer decoration that allows the visitor to make the first idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is behind it. Nowadays, more and more owners of houses and apartments, as well as non-residential office premises, prefer to install inlets from metal. The decoration of metal doors may be the most diverse, as they say for every taste and wallet.

The types of finishing of steel doors used in the company meet not only safety and strength requirements, but are characterized by the use of modern designer trends:

  • powder spraying has high protective and simultaneously decorative properties, as well as the available cost;
  • plastic wear-resistant and unpretentious in operation;
  • vinilisproja allows you to create models with a high heat shield door and a cozy decorative economy-class design;
  • PVC gives the product a chemical and heat resistance, providing its durability;
  • the veneer gives the product an expensive view at low cost;
  • sIBU panel is a practical and stylish finish;
  • patina under bronze and silver allows you to create elegant retro models with metal lining;
  • massif of natural wood is a luxurious finish option, adorning the interior.

Types and options for entrance doors

To choose the option of finishing doors, you need to get acquainted with the materials used for these purposes. It may be:

  • natural tree;
  • laminate;
  • powder color;
  • kervinil;
  • anti-vandal film.

With the option of finishing the entrance door, you need to decide on the stage of its order at the manufacturer's manager, which will offer suitable finishing materials suitable for your case. When choosing a material, you need to know where the door is installed, more precisely, whether the outdoor side will go out into the street or in the entrance, as well as take into account the wishes of the customer and its financial capabilities.

Outdoor decoration of inlet metal doors

Finishing the entrance doors with natural wood is expensive, stylish and luxurious. This option of the external decor of the door is suitable for a private household or a luxury restaurant, to underline the status of the owner and its well-being. The finishing of steel doors with natural wood of valuable rocks is performed manually, which is one of the factors affecting its value. A variety of carved patterns, frescoes and ornaments can be applied as decoration on a wooden decoration of the canvas.

Laminate today is almost the most popular material used in the outer finish of steel doors, but they can also decorate the inner surface. Laminate has a beautiful appearance, a pleasant texture and a fairly low cost. In addition, it is resistant to pollution and electrostatic. The outer decoration of the door laminate will serve for many years.

MDF panels used to finish steel entrance doors perfectly imitate natural wood and have a huge palette of colors and shades. And this type of finishing of steel doors increases the heat, sound and noise insulation of the room.

Powder color as a method of finishing a metal inlet door is resistant to any mechanical damage and has many colors and shades, which allows you to choose the ideal for the facade of the building or internal execution of the deposit. Such doors are rapidly manufactured and served quite a long time.

Types of finishing of entrance doors are mandatory include such material such as Kervinil. The door trimmed by them will not be like the door in the standard Soviet five-story building. Modern lettur, used to decorate metal doors, has a rich color gamut, an interesting texture and a pleasant appearance. The use of the lettur as a finishing material necessarily implies the installation of an additional insulation, which significantly increases the noise and thermal insulation of the door.

Another type of metal doors finish is their decoration by anti-vandal film, which, as can be understood from its name, effectively opposes any mechanical damage. And the variety of shades of this film and the drawing deposited on it allows to simulate natural wood of valuable rocks, artificial finishing stone. In addition, it is not susceptible to ultraviolet, moisture resistant and has high fire safety.

Any exterior decoration of the inlet metal door offered by our company will be high-quality, reliable and durable.

Even the most elegant entrance door will look unprepacently if the slopes around it will be inaccurate. They are designed to serve as a beautiful framed, supplement and allocate the main element -. To decide how to separate the slopes of the input door, you need to pay attention to its style, design and color gamut. The slopes, framing the entrance of the apartment, must correspond not only to the decorative doors, but also the design of the hallway.

In addition to a purely decorative function, these elements around must serve as an additional effective insulation, since their plane closes the joints between the door frame and the wall.

What can be separated?

The decoration of slopes in the running door can be made from different materials, and you can simply bring existing slopes in order.

1. If the door is reliable and strong, but uncomplicated by design, you can simply align the slopes with plaster, strengthening their corners. Such work is usually carried out both from the side of the entrance and in the hallway.

Sucks can be carefully finished by plaster

The plastered slopes will look quite carefully - they can be painted in color close to the tint of the door itself or tone to the wallpaper in the hallway.

2. In case when The walls of the house are quite thick, and the slopes are widely obtained, you can use for decoration such familiar to all the material like plasterboard. It will make the walls warmer and reliably closes the joints between the box of the door and the wall, giving the slopes a neat look.

Plasterboard, if desired, can be saved by wallpaper or cover paint. The advantage of this material is that it is not necessary to paint the plaster with the help of the rule, and then clean the wall.

3. You can make slopes from a natural tree if it is suitable for the door finish. The tree has always been popular and never came out of fashion, it is perfectly combined with almost any interiors, and its tint can be easily changed with modern or folk remedies.

The tree will reliably last for many years, without changing its natural decorative properties. In extreme cases, it can be painted under the color of the hallway.

4. Alternative wood can be laminated lining based on Fiberboard.

Since the lining is produced in different colors and imitates the textured drawings of a wide variety of wood, it can be selected for any registration of the hallway. However, it is not recommended to separate the slopes from the outside of the door with this material, since it will not last there.

5. Another finish option can be ready-made PVC panels. They produce different widths and in a rich range of colors. Production and implementation of such details are engaged in profile firms in which masters engaged in and installing panels.

One of the most successful solutions - carefully fitted PVC panels

This finish option looks respectable and aesthetic. Long time will serve for a long time, but it is also better to install them from the apartment, and from the side of the entrance side to finish the first or second method described above.

If there is confidence in your abilities, then the finished details of the slopes can be installed independently.

Another option to use polymers for finishing the inside of the door can be plastic lining. It is also easy to choose to the color of the walls of the hallway, as there is a wide range of this material on sale.

6. Cut off and chipboard - they are mainly used with very thick walls. However, it should be noted that at present, a similar method of finishing becomes not very popular, as a large number of other materials appeared that can easily replace these sufficiently heavy in the installation panel.

Nevertheless, if at home there was this material of the required size, it is quite possible to use it for the design of the slopes of the doors on the part of the apartment.

It should be noted that there are other materials that can be used to attract planes around the door, but the above options are the most popular.

Tools and building materials for decoration finishing

To finish, the slopes will need materials and tools that will help to spend all work neatly.

1. For plastering, you will need:

  • primer and finishing putty for surface preparation.
  • plastering mixture or traditional cement solution.
  • perforated metal corner for aligning corners.
  • grid-Sherryanka, the stationery knife and self-tapping screws will be needed if the slopes are made of drywall.
  • sand paper large and fine-grained.
  • wide and medium spatula.
  • a shortened rule for aligning the surface of the slopes.
  • capacity for mixing the solution, drill with a special mixing nozzle
  • reference and level.

2. For mounting panels made from different materials, it is necessary to prepare:

  • finished panels for installation on slopes or material for them.
  • decorative corners and platbands to close the joints of the panels.
  • bar with a cross section of 15 × 30 or 20 × 30 mm if the lining will be installed.
  • dowel for mounting panels or bar to the wall.
  • little carnations and special holders for lining.
  • drill with a shock function or a perforator if the house is concrete walls.
  • self-tapping screws.
  • measuring tools.
  • hoven or electrolovka, screwdriver, knife, hammer, etc.

Prepare in the CE required, you can move to the preparation of the surface and installation.

Technology finishing of slopes in the chalk

Each type of work on the finishing of slopes has its own characteristics:

  • Installation of many presented materials is made according to the same technology.
  • Some of the finishing technologies are characterized by their simplicity, and with the right approach to work, it can be performed independently.
  • Others can only be used for self-use only if the housing owner has the necessary skills in working with construction mixtures and tools.

All events on the installation of slopes begin after the door is installed and all the cracks between the door jam and the wall are embedded. In addition, all the broken parts of the old coating are removed from the slopes and shrinking areas are cleaned. When these works are carried out, start finishing the selected way.

Finishing of slopes plastering

If it is decided to align and shut down the slopes, the process goes to next sequence:

  • The first thing the purified surface should be well primed, preferably in two layers, but the second time the primer is applied only after drying the first layer.
  • Next, it turns out the evenness of the angles of slopes. If deviations are determined from the norm, then this fact should be taken into account when installing firming corners. They can be aligned angles having small deviations from the vertical.

  • Then it is necessary to put the perforated corners along the corners of the slope. They are best planted on the finishing putty selling in the finished form. Its with a spatula is applied to the angles of slopes - the composition will serve for gluing the corner and makes it possible to align it to an ideally vertical or horizontal position. Excess the solution that commemorate through the holes of the corner, you need to immediately remove the spatula. Withdrawing corners to ideal, the solution is left under the corners.
  • If the surface of the slope is uneven, then before installing perforated corners on the corners, you can specify the direction from fixing along it a narrow strip of gypsum width of 8-10 mm. This material is fixed on the wall with a putty. If it is on a plaster basis, then its frost occurs fast enough.
  • The edge of the plasterboard strip and the installed firming corner will become points that need to be connected to a putty solution and align the plaster.
  • Next, after drying the correction wall of the elements, the putty is bred in the proportions indicated on the package, to the pasty consistency.

  • With the help of a trowel, the finished composition on the wall, ranging from the floor. Sketching the required amount, about a meter is height, putty align the rule. The beacons in this case serves as a perforated corner and a strip of plasterboard, fixed along the door frame.

  • Then the solution is attacked to the next section and is also aligned, and so to the top of the opening.
  • The ceiling part of the opening will be more complicated. The putty is applied to it with a wide spatula and flatter a short rule. Then the putty is applied onto the wall above the thorough opening, and it closes the top of the metal corner.

  • Processed spacure slips leave to dry. The time of this process depends on the thickness of the layer and the composition of putty.
  • After drying this layer, you need to check the quality of the surface, remove the possible minor shortcomings - to make or clean the coming irregularities. Then the slopes need to withdraw the finish putty to ideal evenly.
  • Next, after drying the powder layer, it is covered with primer.

The resulting surface can be painted, sack with wallpaper or separated by decorative plaster.

Video: Finishing of the door slopes with plaster mixes

Prices for popular species of putty


Finishing of door slope plasterboard

It is easier to work with plasterboard and more pleasant than with the removal of slopes with the help of plaster. Nevertheless, in this case, it will still have to work with the finishing putty, which will play the role of adhesive composition for plasterboard sheets, but still it is better to use special glue-based adhesive for this, manufactured precisely to work with GWL.

If the place is limited, then drywall is suitable as it is impossible to design slopes. Conduct this process in such a sequence:

  • To start, it is measured by all the surfaces of the slopes separately.
  • The obtained data is transferred to the sheets of GVL, and it is outraged by elements that will be fixed on the walls.

  • Installation of finished parts start with the ceiling part of the opening. To do this, glue is applied to a plasterboard with several slides, and then this element of the Kyrgyz Republic is pressed to the installation site and is fixed in this position in advance prepared backups.

  • Then carved walls are separated from GVL. On the prepared element T, more accurately stacked with small slides of glue, and the sheet PR is squeezed to the wall and is measured in terms of level. The plasterboard sheets can be fixed to the wall by clogged dowels, making through through, but not too wide holes with an electric drill or a perforator.

  • On the angles of the slopes in the same way as with plastering, metal perforated corners are fixed with a putty.
  • Then all the joints are labeled with putty, roll up, and after drying, they are carefully cleaned.
  • Next, the entire surface of the slope is covered with primer.
  • To achieve an ideal surface, a thin (no more than 1 mm) layer of the finishing splotel is superimposed. It will finally hide all the irregularities, joints and holes from the dowels.
  • After completely frozen the layer of putty and, if necessary, grinding by fine-grained sandpaper, can be proceeding with decorative decoration of slopes. They can be painted, saves or covered with decorative plaster.

Plasterboard and otherwise, in the event that it is necessary to level the surface, closing a significant thickness from the wall.

Combined fastening of plasterboard parts - on glue and guides
  • To do this, the bars of the desired section or metal profiles, angle or a p-shaped form are fixed on the surface of the slope, creating a crate, which will help to align the wall, giving it the necessary direction. This method of fastening has the advantage of the fact that the insulation material is additionally fixed on the wall of the guides.
  • The whole design is then closed by plasterboard, which is screwed to the brucks by self-draws. Next, the process is in the same way as in the first version.

Video: Finishing of door slopes plasterboard - ceiling part

Video: Continuation of the roller on the trim of slopes of drywall

Finishing of slopes with panels or clapboard

For decoration slopes with materials that Produced in the form of rigid panels - DVP, lining of various types, MDF and others, used similar fastening technology to the wall. This method is attractive in that with the help of panels, the angles that have large deviations from the norm can be aligned.

Installation work such materials are made as follows:

  • The primed sloping surfaces are placed to fasten the bars or metal profiles on them, to which the finishing material will be fixed. These auxiliary elements are located at a distance from each other at 30-40 cm, if they are installed across the slope. In this case, if cladding is applied to finish, it will be attached parallel to the door frame. If you want the panels to be across the surface, the bar to the cut along the jacket and closer to the corner of the slope. For a wide surface, not two, and three or even four brus are used.

  • You can conduct a crate and so, as shown in the picture - this option of the PR is called to fasten the wall parallel to the door.
  • After installing the crates, it is recommended between Brus to pave insulating material - it may be mineral wool, foam or one of the other modern insulation.
  • Further, the selected facing material is installed on the crate. One-piece smooth panels set to each other, the lining is connected by the "groove-spike" mount.

  • Plastic and laminated lining fixed to bars from the side of the groove of the castle with the help of special metal holders, which their protrigations are dressing on the lower shelf of the groove and are attached with the guide minor cloves or self-draws.

  • Large panel areas are screwed to the crate of self-drawing, the heads of which need to be "drown" by 1.5- 2 mm in the thickness of the material. These wells are later closed with a wood putty with the addition of the appropriate shade in them.
  • Having finished with the installation of panels, the appearance of the slopes must be made by corners selected by the color of the cladding. Corners are glued on external vertical and horizontal angles and at the junction of the door frame and the finishing material.

Features of vinyl slopes

The most advanced way to transform the slopes is the installation of vinyl panels. They can be purchased in specialized firms that are engaged in both manufacturing, and the installation of this finishing material. If there is a non-standard form of slopes, they are made to order, after the parameters. The sloping surface can imitate many natural materials, so they can be selected literally under any interior of the hallway and the color of the entrance door.

The most important advantages of the finished panels in their installation are its speed and lack of a large amount of garbage and dirt in the process. It is impossible not to say about the aesthetic qualities of this decoration - it is cut exactly in size of slopes and does not have joints and seams on the planes. The only compounds from which it is impossible to refuse is the joints of horizontal and vertical planes. The material looks very presentable and neat.

For the installation of such slopes, universal glue is used, which has properties firmly internet various materials, such as wood and concrete, brick and chipboard, vinyl and plaster surface - almost all used in construction and finishing. In addition, they are often attached to the mounting polyurethane foam.

Such adhesives are applied to the inner surface of the finishing panels, and they are pressed against the dops around the door. In this case, it is not necessary to drill holes in facing material and walls that can also be called the indisputable advantage of such an installation work technology.

By doing the job in stages and adhering to the technology, it is quite possible to independently perform work on finishing the door slopes. Even without the opportunity to purchase material for finishing, many owners of apartments use that there is at hand, for example, a chipboard from from served furniture. But still the most affordable and easy to install (except for ready-made vinyl panels), an option using. It opens up wide opportunities for finishing decoration with practically any existing ways.

The decoration of the entrance door is performed with a different goal. Of course, it should be borne in mind that this design is a peculiar business card of any home or apartment. The coating should look beautiful, have high quality and durability.

There are various types of materials that are capable of converting the door canvas, give it additional characteristics. All work in a certain effort can be performed independently, if we take into account different technological approaches to the facing of metal and wooden surfaces.

The decoration of the entrance door with their own hands has some features, which will help to work correctly. The basis of such processes is the receipt of aesthetic attractiveness, although we should not forget about protective functions. It is no secret to anyone that the external coating faces different mechanical effects, so they must confrete with success.

On a note! Facing allows you to perform additional thermal insulation. For such an event, a variety of insulation are perfectly suitable, which are presented in the modern market. It is important to take into account that the laying of the material should be made from the inside. This option is considered more productive.

Any outdoor door facing cannot fully replace inner insulation, it acts only as an auxiliary link.

There are nuances that will help correctly decide on the type of cladding:

Of great importance is the method of fastening the material that is decorated, because the coating should be as long as possible.

Options for finishing from the outside

Specialists who are engaged in the creation of security systems, pay attention to the fact that the decoration of the front door is better to perform from materials that belong to the average price segment: have excellent properties, but the attention of attackers are less attracted.

Such a coating must implement the following objectives:

  • Serve as a business card, but not to attract unnecessary attention. It is necessary to comply with a certain measure, the saint is an unjustified solution for external surfaces.
  • Create an additional layer of sound insulation. In rare cases - and thermal insulation.
  • To protect the canvas. This parameter is taken into account in each specific situation. For example, if there is a threat of vandalism, it is better to give preference to coatings that are difficult or impossible to damage.

Indeed, the threat from hooligans is a problem that requires a weighted approach. It should be refused to use for the skin of soft materials - the skin and its substitutes.

Smooth metal without decorative delights, made in dark colors, is not striking, and therefore such a door is less noticeable

Solutions for metal structures

Currently, the finishing of the inlet metal door is the most common procedure, because such structures use the restless popularity. Modern technologies allow us to use different design options for such purposes.

The easiest way is the simple coloring. For this, almost any paints and varnish materials that have a mark that are suitable for working with metal will be suitable. A lot of conversations goes on the theme of powder coating. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to fulfill such a process at home: special conditions are needed, a complex of special equipment.

For staining of the metal sheet of entrance doors with their own hands, the so-called hammer paints are best suited, visually they look like a powder spraying

On a note! Powder coating is applied to all modern metal doors, except for the cheapest. It has a very long service life, it is quite difficult to damage.

The technology is gaining popularity that allows you to separate the surface with laminate. When choosing such a product, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. The fact is that as the outer material for cladding is suitable only those species that have good resistance to hanged humidity. Such products should be excluded for work performed in a private house with the doors, if they directly go outside. In addition to precipitation, the negative effect on the coating will have direct sun rays.

Laminate is used only in warm entrances of apartment buildings, as well as for inner cladding, and the material must be not lower than 32 class of resistance

It is impossible to exclude the use of upholstery boards - lining. This option has excellent properties, but preference should be given to types with high-quality impregnation and coating. If this is not taken into account, it will be necessary to perform a number of complex manipulations to avoid the appearance of defects on the details during operation.

The shelling boards are perceived by many as an outdated version. MDF panels appeared on the market with a wider decorative range. Choosing such a material as a finishing, it is important to take into account that the best type to lifting the doors with their own hands is considered to be the PVC-coating details.

Clapping cladding will look solid only subject to the use of high-grade planks and high-quality tree impregnation

If there is a desire, the doors finish can be performed by vinyl leather, dermatitin or other varieties. This method is less popular for metal structures. For many, some difficulty perform neat styling of the product, because the process can be quite time consuming.

The spectacular solution is plastic anti-vandal lining. These are excellent products that completely cover the entire surface of the door. They are almost impossible to damage them. Currently, options are available, characterized by a wider color and textured selection.

Tip! Such a surface looks much more attractive if it is additionally povered by a layer of insulation. The coating is obtained more voluminous, the massiveness of the canvas is visually increasing. As a filler serve a rolled sintepon, foam rubber and even felt.

"Kareny screed" at the entrance doors, made by eco-leather, can be mounted both outside and inside: it is not only beautiful, but also warm

What to pick up for a wooden cloth?

Facing the doors of wood - the procedure that is performed for a long time, because the material is already quite often used to create structures. Although it should be paid to the fact that the popularity of such products falls noticeably. Most often, they are used as a second entrance door, on the first place by placing the metal.

For their cladding, an almost complete set of materials is used, which is used for metal structures. But allocate several of the most popular ways:

Thus, external design has two main goals - attractiveness and durability. These parameters are guided when the optimal material for work is determined.

On a note! If you consider only beauty, the facing can be performed using decorative films. Especially interesting variations are found in car deposits.

Ways to finish from the inside

The interior trim of the canvas is a more complex procedure. The fact is that the decorative look should have harmoniousness, it should be properly entered into the available or created interior. It is important to remember about the protective function - it seems that from the inside it will be unnecessarily, but it is not. Threats do not get less: the children love to lean to the door when they are going to the street, and the pets will not mind the new coating for strength.

A number of requirements are presented to the decoration:

So, the internal finish of door canvases can be performed using the following options.

LDSP sheets thick up to 6 - 8 mm

This is the budget decision that helps to give the surface a completely different view. It is important to take into account that this product is afraid of excessive moisture, so all the edges are treated with sealants. Many mistakenly believe that LDSP has a small decorative range. In fact, there are many varieties that differ in color and texture that even natural wood imitate perfectly.

Visually, LDSP is not much different from the MDF, but these panels are undesirable to mount outside, as their stability leaves much to be desired


This is a more interesting variety of panels, the use of which has one important defect - joints. The linings are manufactured in size under standard web, which allows you to perform work very quickly, even after installing the design in the opening. This option has a rich choice, which allows you to choose the necessary solution.

On a note! Non-standard canvases are an excellent design step, but a big problem when performing work. For them will have to separate the MDF lining.

MDF overlays have unique stability and excellent aesthetic data, which is why this material is widely used in the elite sector

Leather or its substitutes

Use natural materials - serious financial costs. Much more effectively pick up artificial substitutes that are characterized by identical appearance.

There was an erroneous stereotype that dermatin and close materials are bad. This situation is explained by the fact that the products were dominated for a long time, which differed in low quality. Currently, the position of things has changed much, the choice of such materials is very wide, and the quality is excellent. Of course, if you do not choose frankly cheap varieties issued by unknown manufacturers.

On a note! Even with their own hands the metal door frame using vinyl leather for everyone. Unlike external work, internal allows you to form the same pattern that is available for wooden structures.

Dermantin "Soviet Sample" Now the doors are no longer used, genuine leather is very expensive, the optimal version is eco-skin - it looks great, stretched well and serves a long time

In principle, to bind the canvas from the inside with their own hands, you can use any panel products. So, there are surfaces that were lined with even plastic details. This option is more suitable for office space, where there is no need for excessive attractiveness.

The procedure for performing facing

The door facing involves the execution of a number of procedures that allow you to get the best quality.


It all begins with the fact that the cloth is removed from the loops. This provides convenience when performing all actions. Of course, this procedure is completely optional: if there is confidence in your own, work is carried out on weight.

It is important to clean the surface from all protruding parts - pens, locks, linings, eyes. Much attention is paid to the state of the main coating - any defects need adjustment. The decoration of the metal door with their own hands requires the use of stripping from corrosion, complete degreasing. It is more difficult with wooden products - the material often succeeds, which forces the putty.

On a note! Special works occur when the door trim from the inside is performed. The most laborious process with metal canvas that require the creation of an internal frame from BRUSEV, laying insulation. If this is not required, preparation is performed for laying the main coating.

The most acceptable for independent finish option is the use of linings from MDF


The selected material is stacked according to existing methods. For example, the most simple is the installation of MDF lining. They are fixed with special glue, which is evenly applied throughout the perimeter. For additional fasteners, screws are used, holes for which will be drilled with such an account so that the screw is immersed completely.

Thus, the decoration of metal doors with their own hands and the design of wooden structures is not the most complex process that requires the proper selection of material and compliance with the maximum accuracy. It is much better to spend more time, but get a beautiful and high-quality surface.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the features of the interior entrance door
  • How to separate the opening of the entrance door
  • What to take into account when finishing the arch and installation of platbands input doors
  • Making overhaul in an apartment or a private house, it is worth thinking about the high-quality and beautiful interior entrance door. But not everyone can figure out what and how to do. Materials, methods and options for finishing a lot, and not each of them is suitable for your door. From this article you will learn how the inner finish of the entrance door is performed.

    Basics of internal finishing of the input metal door

    The design of metal entrance doors is different, their appearance is different, both inside and outside. There are several parameters for which the owners choose the finishing material:

    1. Own preferences and desires.
    2. Will you be able to make a finish of the entrance design or have to hire specialists.
    3. Interior design in your apartment / house. The door should be suitable for the decoration of the room.
    4. Additional requirements, such as noise insulation, thermal insulation, tightness.

    Thinking about buying the entrance door, the owners of the apartment want to acquire something original, different from typical models. But not everyone understands that the possibilities of companies manufacturing these structures are largely limited. Especially small selection of metal doors design. With wooden things are better in this plan.

    Manufacturers of metal doors originally make them with good finishes, both internal and external. The coating material is outside and inside is different, but the color and style can be chosen the same. The palette of paints and textures are very different, so every potential buyer will find the design that he soul and suitable under the style of the facade, hallway and related premises.

    A lot of finishes, the most common are:

    • laminated fiberboard, or laminate, but this option is used only for interior decoration;
    • powder coating is applied on both sides of the door;
    • mDF plates, they also favorate both sides;
    • the most common painting;
    • substitute for genuine leather from synthetic materials, dermatin;
    • wood. It can be the cheapest lining or more expensive oak.

    It happens that after repairing the interior decoration of the metal entrance door you no longer like, does not fit the interior or looks morally outdated. In addition, problems can be found in that the door misses the cold and needs insulation. In this case, the entrance door lining will help. And you can make it yourself, it will be cheaper, it will be cheaper than buying a finished insulated design.

    The goals for additional interior decoration of the front door in the apartment may occur many, for example:

    1. Improve those properties and doors functions for which it is just created (insulation, for example).
    2. Change the color or style of the entrance door.
    3. Mask on the door scratches, cracks and other defects.
    4. Additionally, protect the metal structure from corrosion.

    There are enough different ways to solve this task so that you can choose the appropriate. In most cases, the independent insulation of the metal entrance door is made with the help of foam and then drank vinilies. Sometimes the door manufacturers are immediately durable by clapboard or laminate.

    There are also private workshops that are engaged in the manufacture of metal and wooden entrance designs. In such production, at will, you can order a product individually. The door can be finished with expensive materials, such as genuine leather or oak. It is, of course, it is not suiced.

    Cheap entrance doors of unknown companies (usually Chinese) often only look high quality and durable. But in fact, they are made from a thin tin, the castle in such doors is easy to cut into a primitive tool, in addition, it can freeze in the frost. About the heating ability of such a design is not and talking. In Moscow, it is not worth risking with its safety and comfort only to save.

    It is important that the external finish of the entrance door was high-quality: strong, withstanding the impact of climatic factors, as well as with a good castle. It would be nice if the door was at least looked like a strong, bulletproof. It happens, two canvases on one door frame. In this case, the second of them can be wooden on a metal frame.

    Single unrewged entrance door will pass heat. If it is installed in a private house, the frosty weather on the door from the inside will appear, and the castle will freeze, as a result of which the door simply does not open. But with such problems there are no residents of apartments in high-rise buildings, because in the entrances are not as cold as on the street. It should be noted that such flaws do not happen from high-quality expensive doors.

    Recommendation: if you sometimes freeze the castle in winter, it is necessary to purchase antifreeze fluid. It in a small amount is injected into the keyhole, but it is impossible to use this tool.

    The most common for interior decoration doors in the apartment is a natural tree (board or lining) and other veneered materials based on it. But they are quite expensive. Budget variants of the entrance doors of mass production often have various hidden defects: the canvas itself is not solid, but cooked from pieces; Under the interior can be other flaws of the foundation; Bad insulation. A good entrance door not only itself should be reliable, strong, but also enough insulated. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the beautiful interior decoration and the design of the threshold and slopes.

    Methods of interior decoration arches and installing platforms input doors

    Even if the door is unusual, original and not like everyone else, the arches and platbands are still installed. There are two options for performing this work.

    Montage Karcasa

    The frame is built of wood, and all the elements of the facing are attached to it. The frame rests on a solid surface and is trimmed with panels.

    Tip: Before fixing wooden rails, they should be treated with antifungal fluid, preferably deep penetration. The solution is applied with two layers. Such a procedure will significantly extend the service life of the frame.

    If you want to independently perform an internal finish of the front door, first you need to measure the height of the fastening of platbands or parts of the arch. This is done using the level and level rail.

    Cut the rails of the desired length capture them with a perforator using a dowel to the wall. You should not use a dowel from the set, it is better to buy separately plastic dowels, pick up a self-tapping screw to them, the diameter of which will be a couple of millimeters. Thus, the connection will turn out more reliable, because later the design will experience the load, vibration, it is better to immediately make it durable.

    Important! Performing an internal finish of slopes of the input door and the canvas, it is necessary to accurately determine the height of the plates. It should be borne in mind that the slopes relative to the door leaf can be perpendicular or located at an angle.

    Correctly measure all the parameters of the openings and slopes, it is very important which door you would neither are separated - metal or wooden. If you are mistaken with dimensions, then the likelihood that the ordered door will not suit you. And in the case of MDF, for example, it will not be possible to change or adjust.

    The door finish is completed with the mounting panels - lining or laminate. Masters give advice on how to do it right:

    1. Panels are fixed by self-drawing. But there is one subtlety: you first need to do the hole with a drill, and then screw the screws. It is necessary to drown it in the panel, the hint of the cooler. Then the plastic plugs are put on top, which should be purchased in advance, picking up.
    2. When finishing with a clapboard, the self-pressing hat close with putty. It can either buy it, or do it yourself, mixing the plow glue with small sawdust. This place must be soldered when it dries.
    3. With the interior decoration of the armored entrance door, it is worth considering its weight. When using sealing rollers, they must be soft enough and elastic so as not to create an additional load on the door frame and at the same time easily return to the initial position after compression. If you make them too hard, they will be overwhelmed and displaced the box.

    The cost of such an internal finishing of the entrance door varies in a rather wide range, but the installation rules are always the same.

    Installation without carcass

    The finish is thus executed if the space for the door is limited, there is simply no space for the frame.

    Sequence of work:

    1. It is necessary to prepare the surface - clean, align.
    2. Then the panels are mounted using glue or dowels.
    3. The gap remains between the wall and facing is filled with construction foam.

    Important! Before mounting, you need to read the level of fixing the panels in order to properly withstand the plane.

    To finish the door or window opening, you can use siding, and other available materials.

    For each method of finishing doors there are certain rules. If you adhere to them and strictly observe, then work will be high-quality and durable.


    Famous classic option. The wide popularity of plaster is due to its advantages:

    • long service life, which lasts dozens of years;
    • strength, if you use really high-quality mixtures;
    • maintainability. If necessary, you can easily restore any damaged area;
    • acceptable price. Stucco, as a rule, is the cheapest material.

    Plastering mixtures allow you to obtain a solid surface resistant to different types of influences. The main thing to use the plaster is correct, and then it will last long.

    Before applying plaster, prepare the surface. It should be cleaned of pollution and dust, remove all defects, smear cracks.

    With the help of a small number of plaster, lighthouses are installed, and, if necessary, the wooden rail is stacked around the perimeter. It will be needed to determine the thickness of the layer and serve as a guide.

    The reinforcement grid is attached to the dowel. It will provide the greatest reliability of the layer of plaster.

    If some sites are not plastering, they are closed with cardboard and painting scotch, so as not to blur.

    The mixture is prepared in the desired proportions and is applied with a spatula to all areas. With the help of the level all the time controlled how smooth surface is obtained.

    Tip! If you need to apply a layer of 10 mm more, then the work is performed in several steps. The reinforcing mesh is superimposed when applying the 2nd or 3rd layer.

    When the plaster will dry up, lighthouses and rails are cleaned, and those places where they were, are missing by the residues of the solution. At the corners of the walls you need to build perforated corners and also to start passing them.


    Plasterboard is better to apply when all the walls in the room are trimmed by this material. But it is possible to make and separate the cladding of the GCC when the internal finish of the slopes of the entrance door. But this material is very fragile, so it should be extremely careful when working with it.

    First, surface preparation is carried out, but it may not be as thorough as in the case of plaster. Serious defects are simply straightened.

    After measurements are made and recorded on a sheet to create detail. In order to avoid strong errors, measure the measurements twice.

    In accordance with the recorded dimensions, the slab is reproduced using a sharp construction knife.

    Be careful when boarding the plate, make it just a well-sharpened sharp knife. Repeat, plasterboard - very fragile material.

    Details from GLC are fixed on putty or mounting foam. When using foam, the improper distribution can lead to further defects on the surface, although the work is performed much faster than with putty.

    A foam is applied to the wrong side of the leaf zigzag. The elements are attached to the surface, but immediately tear off. Ten minutes later the final consolidation is carried out.

    When lining with plasterboard, joints and edge slots are inevitable, they must be treated with sealants and install plastic corners.

    Gypsum can continue to decorate in their own taste, for example, paint.

    Facing panels

    You can perform the internal finish of the front door in the apartment and using panels. This is a very simple way, the technology of which has a lot in common with the installation of plasterboard. But there is another option with a preliminary crate. It is possible to further insulate the front door.

    A wooden timber on the dowels is installed as a frame vertically around the perimeter.

    Tip! Before installation, it is necessary to treat rakes by antiseptics, which will not give rise to rot and mold.

    Next panels are disabled under the appropriate size. In the free spaces between the slats, the insulation is laid. It is necessary to do it carefully so that there are no empty seats. The panels are fixed on the framework of the frame. For this you can use both glue and self-tapping screws.

    For the interior decoration of the entrance door in the apartment, panels from MDF or thick plastic are better suited, since cheap PVC panels look ugly.

    Collaborate with the company "My Repair" is reliable and prestigious. Specialists working here are the highest level professionals. The company "My Repair" works throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

    Photo options for the inner side of the entrance door