What you need to know when sharpening disk saws with carbide attacks. How do you finish the sharpening of the disk saw? Sharpening disk saws with carbide attacks

Sharpening circular saws

Material and properties of carbide teeth

In domestic saws, sintered tungsten-cobalt alloys of brands (6, 15, etc., drawing means the percentage of cobalt) as material for cutting inserts. 6 has a hardness of 88.5 HRA, and 15 has 86 HRA. Foreign manufacturers use their alloys. Solid alloys consist mainly of tungsten carbide, cemented by cobalt. Alloy characteristics depend not only on its chemical composition, but also on the size of the grain of the carbide phase. The smaller the grain, the higher the hardness and strength of the alloy.

The solid alloy plates are attached to the disk using high-temperature soldering. As a material for soldering are used, at best, silver solders (PSR-40, PSR-45), in the worst case. Copper-zinc solders (L-63, MNMC-68-4-2).

Geometry of carbide teeth

The form differences the following types of teeth.

Straight tooth. Usually used in saws for longitudinal fast sawing, the quality of which is not particularly important.

Inclined (oblique) tooth With the left and right angle of inclination of the back plane. The teeth with a different angle of inclination alternate between themselves, due to the fact that they are called alternating. This is the most common tooth shape. Depending on the size of the grinding angles of saws with an alternating tooth are used to sawing a variety of materials (wood, chipboard, plastics). both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The saws with a large tilt angle of the rear plane are used as a trimming when cutting plates with double-sided lamination. Their use allows you to avoid chips from the edges of the cut. An increase in the bevel angle reduces cutting power and reduces the risk of chips, but at the same time reduces the strength and strength of the tooth.

Teeth may be prone not only to the rear, but also to the front plane.

Trapezoidal. A peculiarity of these teeth is a relatively slow point of dulling cutting edges compared to alternating teeth. Usually they are used in combination with a straight tooth.

Having moved with the latter and slightly climbing it, the trapezoidal tooth performs through cutting, and the straight line, following it, is clean. Saws with alternating straight and trapezoid teeth are used for cutting plates with double-sided lamination (chipboard, MDF, etc.), as well as for sawing plastics.

Conical. Saws with conical teeth are auxiliary and used to fence the lower layer of laminate, protecting it from chips during the passage of the main saw.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the front side of the teeth has a flat shape, but there are saws with a concave front surface. They are used to finish the transverse cutting.

Corners of grinding teeth

The values \u200b\u200bof grinding angles are determined using a saw. That is, for cutting material and in which direction it is intended. Saws for longitudinal sawmills have a relatively large front angle (15 ° .25 °). In transverse saws, the angle γ usually ranges from 5-10 °. Universal saws intended for transverse and longitudinal sawmills have the average value of the front angle. Usually 15 °.

The values \u200b\u200bof grinding angles are determined not only in the direction of cutting, but also on the hardness of the saw material. The higher the hardness, the lower the front and rear corners (less sustaining the tooth).

The front angle may be not only positive, but also negative. Saws with this angle are used for cutting non-ferrous metals and plastics.

The basic principles of sharpening

Read the same way

When sawing massive blanks, side surfaces are also subjected to rapid wear.

Do not distill a saw. The radius of the cutting edge rounding should not exceed 0.1-0.2 mm. In addition to the fact that when the blade is strongly stupid, the performance drops sharply, in order to grind it, it takes several times more time than to sharpen the blade with normal dulling. The degree of dumping can be determined by both the teeth themselves and the type of the cut, which they leave.

The correct sharpening of circular saws should provide, at the same time, that the cutting edge is properly sharpened to ensure the maximum amount of cutters, which in the optimal case can reach 25-30 times. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a carbide tooth, which should be grinding along the front and rear planes. In fact, the teeth can be crushed and along one front plane, but the amount of possible sharpening turns out to be almost two times less than when sharpening on two planes. The figure below clearly shows why this happens.

The last run when sharpening the saws is recommended to do on the back plane of the tooth. The standard metal removal value is 0.05-0.15 mm.

Before sharpening, it is necessary to clean the saw from dirt, for example, resin, and check the values \u200b\u200bof grinding angles. On some saws, they are written to the disk.

Equipment and materials for sharpening saws

When using abrasive discs (especially diamond wheels), it is desirable to cool them.

As the temperature increases the microhardness of abrasive materials decreases. The temperature rise to 1000 ° C reduces the microhardness almost 2-2.5 times compared to the microhardness at room temperature. The temperature increase to 1300 ° C leads to a decrease in the hardness of abrasive materials by almost 4-6 times.

How to sharpen the saw disks by simply fixture

Sharpen Treatment disks Very easy with the help of the simplest device, and they serve such disks times.

Sharpening saw disks independently

Fucked saw disk On my Makita 2704. Finance for the purchase disk From Makita or SMT at the moment there is no.

The use of cooling water can lead to rust on parts and components of the machine. To eliminate corrosion to water, water and soap are added, as well as some electrolytes (sodium carbonate, calcined soda, trinitium phosphate, sodium nitrite, sodium silicate, etc.), which form protective films. With normal grinding, soap and soda solutions are most often used, as well as for fine grinding, low-concentrated emulsions.

However, when grinding saws, at home with a low intensity of grinding work, the circle does not resort to cooling very often, not wanting to spend time on it.

To increase the grinding ability of abrasive discs and reduce the specific wear, you should choose the largest grain size, which provides the required cleanliness of the surface of a pointed tooth.

To select the size of the abrasive grain, in accordance with the grinding stage, you can use the table in the article on grinding rods. For example, if diamond circles are used, circles with grain size 160/125 or 125/100 can be used for roughing. 63/50 or 50/40. Circles with grain sizes from 40/28 to 14/10 are used to remove teeth.

The circumferential speed of the circle at sharpening of the carbide teeth should be about 10-18 m / s. This means that when using a circle with a diameter of 125 mm, the engine rotation frequency should be about 1500-2700 rpm. Sharpening more fragile alloys is made at a lesser speed from this range. When sharpening carbide tools, the use of rigid modes leads to the formation of increased voltages and cracks, and sometimes to grinding cutting edges, while wheel wear increases.

When using grinding machines with a saw, changing the relative position of the saw and grinding circle can be carried out differently. By moving a single saw (the engine with a circle is fixed), simultaneously moving the saw and the engine, moving only the engine with the circle (saw disk is fixed).

A large number of grinding machines of various functions are produced. The most complex and expensive programmable complexes are able to provide a fully automatic grinding mode, in which all operations are performed without the participation of the worker.

In the simplest and cheap models after installing and fixing the saw in the position that ensures the desired sharpening angle, all further operations rotate the saw around its axis (turning the tooth), feeding to grinding (driven into contact with the circle) and controlling the thickness of the saw metal. Made manually. Such simple models are advisable to use at home when the sharpening of circular saws epizodichna.

An example of the simplest machine for grinding saws is a system, the photo of which is shown in the photo below. It consists of two main blocks. Engine with circle (1) and support (2) on which a pointed saw is installed. The rotating mechanism (3) is used to change the angle of the canvas (when the teeth are drained). Using the screw (4), the saw moves along the axis of the abrasive wheel. This ensures that the predetermined value of the angle of the front grinding will be installed. The screw (5) is used to install the stopper in the desired position, preventing the excessive circle in the interdental cavity.

Heat disc sharpening

Read the same way

The saw is installed on the mandrel, sandwicked with a conical (centering) sleeve and nuts, and then installed in a strictly horizontal position using the mechanism (3). This provides an angle of inclination of the front plane (ε 1) equal to 0 °. In machines for grinding disks, which do not have a built-in corner scale in the tilt mechanism, this is done using a conventional pendulum goniometer. In this case, check the horizontal machine.

The rotation of the screw (4) of the mechanism that ensures the horizontal movement of the mandrel with a circle sets the desired cutting angle. In other words, the saw moves to the position where the front plane of the tooth fits tightly to the working surface of the circle.

The marker notes the tooth from which the sharpening begins.

The engine is turned on, and the front plane is pointed, inserting a tooth into contact with the circle and several movements back and forth with the simultaneous touch of a tooth on a circle. The thickness of the metal removed is regulated by the amount of sharpening movements and the power of pressing the tooth on the abrasive wheel. After sharpening one tooth, the saw is removed from the contact with the circle, it turns on one tooth and the sharpening operation is repeated. And so on, while the marker marker does not make a full circle, showing that all the teeth are pointed.

Sharpening tooth tilted on the front plane. The difference between the sharpening of the beveling tooth and the drainage of the direct tooth is that the saw cannot be installed horizontally, but with an inclination at an angle corresponding to the angle of inclination of the front plane.

The angle of the saw disk is installed using the same pendulum goniometer. First, the positive angle is installed (in this case 8 °).

After that, every second tooth is sharpening.

After dragging half the teeth, the angle of inclination of the saw blade varies from 8 ° to 8 °.

And every second tooth is sharpened again.

Sharpening rear plane. To sharpen a tooth on the rear plane, it is necessary that the sanding machine of the saw disk allow you to install the saw so that the rear plane of the tooth is in the same plane from the wheel.

How to sharpen a circular saw? Circular saw is the necessary tool when building cottages. She surpasses the rest of the saws in its accuracy and the quality of cutting. The duration of the construction of the structure depends on the quality of its sharpening.

The service life of a circular saw depends on the quality of its sharpening.

A remarkable disk increases the load on the mechanism. As a result, he may break.

Periodic sharpening circular saws.

Signs that indicate that the saw should be sharpened:

  • when picking, you need to make a larger load;
  • burn the edges of the saw;
  • the engine overheats;
  • appears smoke when working.

Sharpening circular saws

Materials and tools:

  • saw saw;
  • file;
  • diamond feet;
  • marker;
  • thin wooden lumps;
  • vice;
  • wiring;
  • adjustable key.

How to sharpen a circular saw with a disk? The disk saw must be sharpened from the rear surface if it works in the position of the canvas that turned to the tree. The front surface, which finds the material during pickup, remains unchanged.

You can perform the dialing of the disk in the machine. You can pull the cloth from it. If the sharpening is performed in the device, you need to remove the plug from the electrical outlet to prevent accidental inclusion of the device. It is necessary to swallow the product, putting thin lumps on both sides and pushing them to the teeth.

It is necessary to mark the marker the element from which the sharpening begin to perform. When sharpening, caution must be taken and make maximum attention. The sharpening is performed using a file or diamond nadfil.

It is necessary to remember the number of movements and the accompanying effort when the first tooth is sharpening. The same efforts must be applied at the exact details. If the canvas removed from the machine, you need to hold it in the vice, then each tooth is sharpened in the same way. Then the web is installed back to the device.

Perform check cut on the sample. If there is noise or feeding the material uneven, you need to check the height of the teeth. For this you need to bring marker to the cutting edge. Then it is necessary to slowly turn the cloth with a hand to 1 turnover to the side opposite to the direction of rotation. At the same time, a label appears on each tooth. When inspection, you can find out which items above the rest. If the difference turned out to be significant, you need to gently reduce the height of the elements.

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How to execute the discovery of the disk

If it is necessary that the disk movement is more free, the divorce of the teeth is performed.

It is necessary to move all the teeth in turn in different directions to the same distance. Work is performed using a wiring. Wiring is a tool for performing divorce elements. To perform a wiring, you can enjoy a divorce key. When working with soft rocks, they are bred more. When working with solid rocks - less.

To correctly select a layout, you need to try the device when cutting solid wood. The best wiring option will be approximately 0.3 - 0.5 mm in one direction. The main requirement is the layout of the elements not more than the thickness of the canvas on both sides. The wiring is performed before sharpening.

In the case when the acculation of higher quality canvas is necessary, the machine for mechanized sharpening is used.

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Mechanized disk drainage

Materials and tools:

  • saw saw;
  • machine for sharpening a disc;
  • pendulum courier;
  • marker.

How to sharpen a circular saw by a mechanized manner? There are a large number of different machines. Some mechanisms have software packages to ensure a fully automated turning mode. In the domestic workshop, when the rotation of the disks is episodic, you can use a simpler device.

Tooth saw sharpening angles: front angle (γ), rear (α) and angles of the front and rear planes (ε1 and ε2).

How to sharpen the disk? In such a machine after it is installed and fixing in a position that provides the necessary sharpening angle, all other operations - the rotation of the canvas around its axis, the thickness of the metal removed from the tooth is performed manually.

A strand of a straight tooth over the front plane is performed in such a sequence. Install the canvas on the rim of the machine. Clamp using a centering sleeve. Then, using the mechanism, it is installed in a strictly horizontal position. Thus, an angle of an anterior plane is provided equal to zero. If the machine does not have a built-in corner scale, the horizontal disk is verified using a pendulum sensor.

Then rotate the screw mechanism, which provides horizontal movement of the rim with a circle. Install the necessary forward sharpening angle. The cloth moves in the position, at which the front plane of each element fits tightly to the working surface of the circle.

The marker makes the first tooth marker from which sharpening begin. Then includes the engine and sharpened the front plane. The machine introduces the tooth into contact with the circle and performs several movements of the canvas back and forth with the simultaneous clamp of the element to the circle.

After sharpening one element, the blast is output from the contact with the abrasive circle, rotates one element. The operation is then repeated in the same way. So the machine works until the marker marked the element does not complete the full circle, showing that all elements are sharpened.

The sharpening of the beveled tooth differs from the stronger to the fact that the saw is placed with an inclination equal to the angle of the front plane. For sharpening an element on the rear plane, you need to make the machine to install the web so that the rear plane of the element is in the same plane with the surface of the circle.

To sharpen a disk saw on the machine, you do not need to have special skills. With this work, any person can cope if it will follow all the instructions and rules for working with machines at sharpening disks.

Regardless of the tool used, it is always subject to wear, but in some cases a temporary restoration is possible. So the sharpening of the disk saw with their own hands is a natural process that anyone can perform.

View from the inside to the disk saw

The disc itself is made of extremely durable alloys of 50xf, 9khf and 65g, and foreign companies use their own variants with similar properties. The material has elevated reliability and rigidity, thanks to which the incidents happen extremely rarely.

But the working part (cutting plates) is usually made on the basis of tungsten, carbide and cobalt, which turns out to achieve high strength indicators. The characteristics of alloys are formed at the initial stage, because It is not only dependent on the proportion, but also on the grain of the carbide phase (when grain decreases, the strength increases).

The cutting plates are soldered to the disk by high temperatures, and silver (optimally) or copper-zinc (worse) is used as a solder. For seasonal homework, the copper-zinc option is perfect, while on the panel and professional workshops need better silver counterparts.

Now you need to carefully consider 1 tooth of the disk saw (Fig. 1). Very unusual will be the fact that there are 4 working areas:

Figure 1. Disk saw blade device diagram.

  • A. Front;
  • B. rear;
  • B. 2 Auxiliary.

These zones intersect with each other, due to which 3 cutting edges are formed:

  • 1. Basic;
  • 2 and 3. Auxiliary.

It is thanks to such a complex system that there is a high-quality cut without errors and nuances. In addition, there are 4 more types of such teeth:

  1. Straight. Longitudinal quick cut, where you can sacrifice a little quality.
  2. Sleeping. The main option that allows you to work with most materials in all directions (longitudinal and transverse). The bevishness is left and right, and most often on the saws both variants alternate, thanks to which quality increases. With a large mud, you can use as cutting, because They do not give chips.
  3. Trapezoidal. Slowly stupid, but perfectly show themselves in work. Often used in combination with direct, thanks to which it is possible to achieve the most accurate effect. The trapezoidal towers over direct, so it makes a draft work, and direct in turn does the finish.
  4. Conical. Such saws are used as auxiliary, in order not to be allowed when sawing the lower layers of the chip laminate, as well as for cross-saw.

How to sharpen the tool?

The main wear occurs at the top cutting edge and the front face, therefore, it is for them that the main activity is directed during the drainage. But do not forget about the side faces, because When working with massive blanks, they also obtain their considerable load.

When working, it is not necessary to join more than 0.2 mm, because Otherwise, there will be much more time and strength to drag. This factor is determined visually on the propyl either by the tooth itself.

The drainage of the tooth should be carried out in the 2nd planes - the front and rear, which will significantly extend the deadlines. Sharpening only the front part will reduce these deadlines at least 2 times. Before starting work, the metal is cleaned from all third-party materials, and then degreases.

Total 2 types of circles are used for operation:

  • CBN (Elbor) serves for sharpening high-speed steel with an increased strength coefficient;
  • PCD (Diamond and Silicon) serve to drain solid alloys. With long work, cooling cooled (water cannot be used), since Upon reaching 900 with a diamond burns.

When draining the tooth is ideally online to the working surface, otherwise you can lose the entire disk, or do not achieve the desired result. Due to the fact that a considerable amount of time goes to each disk, you need to marker to marry the point of start.

Special machines are equipped with everything necessary to ensure comfortable activity, so it is almost impossible to make an error on them, whereas in handicraft conditions will have to show a small ingenuity. The following tools and materials will be required:

  • stand;
  • electric motor;
  • adapter nozzle;
  • steel sheet;
  • bulgarian;
  • screws.

To begin with a small electric motor, which is qualitatively fixed to the surface at a height of 5 cm or higher. The shaft is put on the shaft for sharpened discs, after which the main design is ready.

But in the hands of keeping the flavored items are inconvenient, so for them 3 cm below the shaft is formed by another 1 plane of sheet steel in a distance of 2 cm. It makes 3 longitudinal slots in 1 cm increments and a 0.3 cm diameter, which will be screwed by locking Screws.

As a panel for fixing, you can come up with a lot of things, up to a frame of fittings for each separate diameter. The result is a strictly perpendicular position that allows you to affect the entire edge.

Sharpening of teeth on benzopile and in the hacksaws are produced in a similar way, but in the latter case you can use sharpened stones, because The material is very comprehensive, and a small error as a result will give a very imperceptible effect. When sharpening such a saw, there is often another complication - the teeth are rejected, because of which in the future, the operation is greatly difficult.


Despite the many nuances, the sharpening of the disk saws is simply simply and quickly. It is important to carry out this process with great accuracy, thanks to which it will be possible to achieve a final result in extremely short time.

In the absence of a professional tool for sharpening saws at hand, it is possible to build it from the subwoofers.

For complete assembly, usually takes up to 3 hours, and the service life is limited only by the capabilities of the electric motor itself.

Disc or circulating saw - an indispensable assistant in the household and in production when sawing wood materials. It exceeds the efficiency of other types of saws, such as chain, sabers, longitudinal. To get the perfect cutting of blanks, it is necessary to monitor the sharpening of the disk saws with carbide attacks.

Circulating saws - what they happen

The saw blade with proper sharpening and separation of teeth is able to qualitatively and accurately cut the workpiece in any direction of the cut relative to the fibers.

There are several types of cutting powders for a circulation saw:

  • Discs with the basis and cutting area of \u200b\u200bsolid metal;
  • Discs with the basis of solid metal and spraying materials of solid structure on the teeth;
  • Metal canvas with carbide attacks.

High-quality cutting blanks is impossible when the teeth have developed or fastened. The accompanying phenomenon of the work is a stupid tool will be an excessive load on the engine, the risk of jamming, the insecurity of the cutting operations. It is necessary to make a sharpening of circular saws.

For cutting solid wood, it is permissible to apply only discs having special grooves. Technological ruptures on the canvas prevent overall deformation of the tool with possible heating during operation. This eliminates the appearance of a vibratory background, the deterioration of the cutting line.

Geometry of cutting elements

The working element of the saw is tooth - has a certain geometric shape with the presence of not one, but several cutting edges. There is always one main edge and additional, formed by the intersection of the planes "A", "B" and "B" in certain combinations. To work with different material it makes sense to select discs with the most suitable form of cutting teeth.

Tooth direct shape

The saw blade with the presence of such a working area is intended for roughing sawn timber. Cut is rude, low quality, with a relatively rapid operations.

Types of disk saws

Tooth of bevelled form

The front plane of the cutting edge, made in this form, provides propyl and smooth line. The saw is perfect for working with a composite material: plywood, chipboard (with a single-sided and double-sided lamination). After cutting blanks from a solid lumber, it is extinct, the chips are practically not observed.

There are discs with a beveled front edge of the cutter, there are with a beveled back edge, or an option with alternating teeth (variable bevelled canvas). In the case of a tool with the bevelled surface of the rear edge of the cutting element during the cut of solid wood, there is a clear high-quality res, but the rapid bay of the saw.

Tooth trapezoidal form

The main advantage of such a saw is slow disk wear due to the lack of need for frequent sharpening on a sharpening machine. Usually the entire line of the canvas consists of alternating cutting elements - direct and trapezoid teeth working in tandem. A higher tooth trapezium carries out a draft slot, allowing the main straight edge to be easier to cut. The tool can be used for cutting plastics, solid laminates.

Circular saw blade - Characteristic

Tooth conical shape

Auxiliary type of tool designed to carry out a laminate surface with a laminated surface pre-main propyl. The operation is carried out to avoid the appearance of chips on the front of the product. Such a saw blade is not used as an independent working unit.

Sickness tooth

The canvas with a concave shape of the tooth are convenient to cut the material in the transverse direction of the cut relative to the location of the fibers.

Determination of the degree of wear of the circulation disk

Obtaining a qualitative result When operating a saw-type saw, only if you perform sharpening of circular saws in time. Otherwise, a damage should be observed, a rapid wear of the saw drive mechanisms, an increase in injuries in production. To avoid this, it is necessary to clearly monitor the wear of the cutting canvas, focusing on the following signs:

  • The movement of the workpiece on the desktop with a string occurs with the use of a large physical effort;
  • Under the cutting line, cracks and chips are observed;
  • During operation, engine overheating occurs;
  • There is a smell of Gary in the air;
  • The material is on, which manifests itself in the form of dark areas along the cutline line.

When some of these signs are found, it is necessary to urgently begin to sharpen disk saws with your own hands. Also before the work, you can check the severity of the saw, focusing on the tactile sensations or visually with the help of magnifying glass. The permissible radius of rounding the cutting angle must correspond to the value of 0.1-0.2 mm. Conducting crumbs of large blanks, all working edges wear out.

How to sharpen a saw blade - rules

  • Sharpening only peeled disk with dust and dirt;
  • The disc is clean using detergents, without the use of machining;
  • Cold all work planes;
  • The allowable metal removal thickness is in the range of 0.05-0.15 millimeters;
  • The permissible number of sharpening operations is not more than 25 times;
  • Saws accurately manually with a file or on machines.

Drying sawing wheels with carbide teeth

Winned attacks accurate with a special machine or homemade adaptation to a comprehensive circle. The device represents a retainer in which the disk is clamped, observing certain angles of sharpening relative to the emery. Diamond circle is considered the best for sharpening.

The marker mark anywhere as the reading. They have the main working surface of the tooth to the grinding stone so that they are in the same plane. Alternately grind each tooth to the passage of the entire circle. Rearrange the disk with auxiliary plane to a comprehensive circle. Already grinding another plane for each tooth. So step by step takes place a complete sharpening discs with carbide attacks.

Sharpening disk saws is a mandatory measure in the process of operation of this equipment. Wood processing requires a tool wizard with relevant cutting properties. Like sharpening chainsaw chains, disk saws require increased attention. If you do not fix the shortcomings on time, over time the tool will begin to fasten much faster.

Sharpening saws - this is a common event, as well as chainsaw chains, performed by their own hands. You can entrust the fixture with carbide, victorious attacks to specialists. This is due to the fact that victorious attacks have an increased hardness, because of which it is impossible to perform a conventional file. For this, it will take expensive diamond slopins.

The first thing you need to do is determine the current state of the saws. Disc and chains of chainsaw have certain signs of wear. If you know about them, you can easily learn that the disk saw sharpness deteriorated significantly.

  1. On the engine of the engine of your disk saw began to significantly increase the temperature.
  2. To cut the workpiece, you have to apply more physical effort with your own hands. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of the shut-off chains of chainsaws.
  3. Periodically, the engine can go smoke.
  4. When processing billets, unpleasant aroma Gary is formed.
  5. At the edges of the sawing circle darkens are formed. This is a nagar. It can manifold on the surface of the chainsaw chains.
  6. Wooden blank begins to move on the machine with jerks, although with normal sharpening the movement should be smooth.
  7. During the operation of the machine there is an extraneous noise.
  8. The geometry of the teeth of the saws of your circular saws is disturbed.

General rules sharpening

Photo methods sharpening disk saws

As in the case of sharpening chainsaw chains, self-sharpening requires adheres to certain recommendations.

  • Carefully follow the uniform removal of the metal along the profile of the teeth of the saw circle;
  • Never press a tight saw blade to a grinding circle. If the machine for sharpening disk saws will be tightly in contact with the circular circle, it will lead to overheating and further deformation of the material;
  • Monitor the preservation of the height and profile of sharpening upon completion of processing operations;
  • Performing disc sharpening, use the cooling fluid. This is also recommended for those who carry out chainsaw chains;
  • Avoid the formation of a burr at the sharpening of the saw disk;
  • Cutting the face, rejoice at an important rule. It is necessary to sharpen only the front, or the front and rear side of the tooth. Although in practice, many masters do it with their own hands to sharpen on the back side of the saws, considering this method more convenient;
  • Products with victorious attacks are silent by diamond sharpeners. Only such tools are able to really effectively restore the cutting properties of this tool. You can apply the usual file, but in fact it will not give the desired effect.

Sharpening methods

You can use a sharpening machine for saws or firming devices.

There are three basic sharpening techniques where a specific device is used, and the disk processing rules are followed. Which one is the right one, it is difficult to say. Touching each technique, you can make certain conclusions for yourself.

Sharpening happens:

  • Classic;
  • Full-face;
  • Sharpening faces of teeth.

We will tell about each of them separately.


This technique of sharpening was used long ago, because of what was obtained.

  1. The sharpening begins with the rear surface of the disk.
  2. The front part flashes on the material during cutting remains in its unchanging position.
  3. The processing can be carried out directly on the disk saw or remove the sawing circle by setting it into vice.
  4. If you roll up on a circular, be sure to turn off the feeding machine.
  5. To fix the disc, use a pair of bars that will clip the circle as if wedges. Bruks should be tightly pressed to the product to prevent its movement at sharpening.
  6. Flomaster applies a label to the first tooth from which you will start.
  7. Perform a certain number of movements with a sharpening device on the first tooth. Remember their number.
  8. For all subsequent teeth, repeat similar in the number and intensity of motion.
  9. Upon completion of sharpening, be sure to check the operability of the saw updated with your own hands. If there is no extraneous noise, vibrations and the disk machine behaves stably, you managed to perform the right job.

Alternative solutions

Alternative methods of sharpening include those two methods that we described above. They are effective enough, therefore are often used by masters.

  1. Full-faceting of the saw disk. Among all the methods of sharpening, this method can be considered the most accurate and high quality. This is due to the fact that specialized grinding machines are used for full-belly sharpening. A special circle is chosen in size and for one approach passes all the depression between the disk teeth, capturing the surface of the adjacent cutting edge. A similar method of sharpening saw disks allows you to avoid the probability of deformation of the tooth circle. The only drawback of the sharpening method is that for processing of saws of different profiles, you will need to use the appropriate different circles.
  2. The sharpness of the faces of the teeth. The popularity of this method of sharpness of the tools of circular saws is explained by the fact that it can be used at a professional level and at normal home conditions. If the sharpening is carried out using the machine, you will need to purchase the appropriate abrasive circles corresponding to the parameters of your saws. But optimally for most owners of circular saws to use a home processing method. This is due to the fact that it is often not necessary to carry out a large amount of work, and all the processing of cutting edges is carried out by Nadfil. To effectively sharpen the product, sometimes it is enough to hold 4-5 movements with high-quality supfil. So the teeth will acquire the necessary degree of acute.

Experience is a useful thing thanks to which you can avoid a variety of errors characteristic of newbies. Therefore, pay attention to the advice of specialists is very useful if you want to achieve a positive result for the dialing saw.

  • Always use safety glasses. For some reason, this rule is ignored for some reason, because of what the masters themselves suffer from themselves. Therefore, before starting sharpening, it is necessary to put on all the necessary means of protection;
  • Do not try to remove more metal than required. Remove exactly so much to remove all existing cracks, burrs and irregularities;
  • During the sharpening disk, be sure to hold in a constant position;
  • If the disk did not sharpen a long time, you will have to remove a larger layer of metal;
  • Observe the identity of all teeth in shape and altitude.

Initially, it seems that sharpening is a technologically complex process. But having received a little experience, you will be able to easily sharpen circles of disk saws.