We make a street washbasin for the cottage: simple (and not very) options. Street Solochnik for Cottage: Types and ways of self-making How to make a cut in plastic barrels

Just as we get used to the benefits of civilization, and the absence of some one of them introduces a certain share of discomfort in our life. If there is no central water supply in the country, then the presence of a storage tank for washing hands, vegetables and fruits is not even discussed, it should be there by definition. Country washbasin, whether Mojdodyr or just a canister for water with a valve, no doubt will add comfort to your accommodation on the site. What are the types of washbasins for giving, from which they do and how to choose this necessary subject of dacha life, we will discuss today on the site.

Types of country washbasins

First of all, it should be noted that washbasins for giving can be both with a table and without it. Unlike models with a table, suspended tanks are mobile and can be installed anywhere in the country area - at least in the garden, even near the house or at the output at the gate. The main thing is to find any vertical surface (wall, log, wood), on which such a tank could be consolidated.

Country washbasins on the rack

Among the whole diversity of street washbasins for the cottage (and such suspension species are installed mainly on the street) there are tanks on a steel rack. They are convenient because by pressing the foot on the metal crossbar, which is at the bottom of the rack, horns ride into the ground, allowing the washbasin to be installed on any area of \u200b\u200bthe site, regardless of the presence of a support. The rack on the rack can be installed even in the middle of the garden among raspberry or strawberry bushes.

Washbasins without couch for giving

  • The most simplest view of the washbasin for the cottage is a plastic container by 3-5 liters of barrel shape with a presser nose. It can be hanging on the wall or on the board scored in the ground, and it is better to put a bucket for the collection of dirty water. As in all types of country houses, the water supply is carried out manually: poured water - and you can use it. After the 3,4,5l water is exhausted, it must be foul over again.
  • A more advanced suspended washbasin design for giving has an ergonomic design and a larger volume - rectangular shapes with two covers for a water set (right and left) and with a presser or valve tap. Moreover, the clamping crane, unlike its plastic fellow, has a magnet in its device, which allows you to fix it in the raised state. Thus, more convenient use of the device is achieved: they pressed the rod up, it was firmly mixed and the water flowed freely. After washing the hands, they pulled a slightly for the nose, and he sank, stopping the flow of water. Such models are made mainly of durable plastic, and the tank is designed for the volume of liquid 10-15l. They can be installed on a sink tumb.
  • Another type of suspended washbasins is an oval galvanized steel cooker with a valve crane. It does not differ in special functionality, and the service life has become not very big, even though it is galvanized. So plastic models in this respect are more durable.

Street washbasins with a tab

More serious designs with a table cannot be easily rearranged from place to place, these washbasins are more referred to in stationary than to mobile. Although if you wish, they can be dragged into any place of the country area.

Hydodyr's country washbasin consists of a stand-stand-rack, sink and a filling tank. The principle of work is the same as in suspended services, only at the same time the comfort is added from its use in the form of a plastic or metal shell, which can be put, for example, a bowl with apples and wash them slowly and not fear to drop them on the floor. More interesting models are equipped with a mirror, a shelf for soap accessories and a crochet for a towel.

The country washbasin with a bed can be used on the street and in the house. But before purchasing a similar model, consider where you put it. If on the street, it is better not to take a washbasin with a wooden or metal bed for giving, since the tree and metal will quickly come into disrepair under the action of temperature drops and precipitation. But for the house, the cabinet from the tree will fit perfectly. Also for the house, more rational to choose a heated model, and on the street in favorable weather, the water heats up itself under the influence of sunlight.

Washbasins for heated haze

If in the summer, the presence of hot water is not very relevant, then with the onset of cold weather, the hands of ice water is not very nice. Then the gardeners pay attention to the washbasin for giving heated. Excellent model, allowing not to think about the fact that there is no water supply on the site. The plastic tank is located on top above the sink, and you can put a bucket to the dirty water from the bottom to the tube. The tank (approximately 15-20 liters) is made of translucent plastic, so that the volume of water can be controlled and add it on time, without waiting for a complete devastation of the container. There is also a thermostat and the ability to adjust the water temperature from 30 to 70 ° C. The dimensions of the washbasins for giving heated are not so big, so you will find the corner for him in your summer house without difficulty, the height of the couches is up to 1.5m, and the width and depth of 0.5 m.

How to make a cottage washbasin with your own hands

The masters for all hands will not be promoted to take advantage of their talent and build a country washbasin with their own hands. The easiest way that even a schoolboy is available is the creation of a plastic 2-liter bottle. Cut off the bottom of the bottle (if you wish, cut down not until the end, so that it looks like something similar to the lid), turn up the bottom and, wrapped the wire of the neck and the bottom of the bottle, tie it to the pole or to the tree. In this case, the bottle lid will be in the role of the Kranka: it was slightly opened, and the water ran a thin weaving, closed - and the water stopped to flow. Such a design is convenient in the "field conditions", on an unjugible dacha, where there is not even a house.

Another way to make a clothesline - use the bucket as a cumulative capacity. For these purposes, any bucket is suitable: plastic or metal, but preferably with a lid so that the garbage does not fall into the container. So, we plan a place for the future crane (valve), as a rule, it is lower buckets on the side wall, and we drill the hole. Next, we cut into it a sanitary wagon, fix it with two monitoring and gaskets between them. On a Sgon Having a crane and fix the container on the racks or on the wall. For the convenience of using this man-made model under the tank, you can install the simplest sink, and down to substitute the bucket for collecting water. I would like to note that in a similar way you can make your own tank for the summer soul.

In general, summer craftsmen sometimes surprise their fantasy. As a cumulative capacity, they use any items, starting with the canister, ending with 100-liter barrels, and the sink, as a rule, is installed old, which has served his age in the apartment, but still quite decent on appearance. Someone generally invented the country's original washbasin with a foot control - a storage capacity is located on the ground, and by pressing the foot on the rubber pear, which is connected to the tank hose, water under pressure is poured through the spout in the bucket. Very comfortable and practically "non-contact" crane.

Not everyone has a water pipe organized in the country, and the need for water occurs quite often: it is repeatedly necessary to rinse the hands after gardening, then vegetables or fruits wash, then dishes after meals. All this can be done with a washbasin. It is appreciated not only inside the country house where the water supply is not conducted, but also on the street, in the garden or next to the gazebo, where there is a dining table. Portable washbasin is good because it can be installed anywhere. There are several varieties of washbasins that differ constructively: from the simplest to comfortable units with a table and heated. The latter are so comfortable that it is possible to partially replace a full-fledged water supply. More recently, to make a washbasin for giving with a sink, it was necessary to make many elements yourself. Now the modern market can offer various ready-made options. Nevertheless, let's remember how you can make a washbasin with your own hands. After all, the thing made with its own hands is not only unique, but can have many elements or functions that you need, but in the finished models they are not provided.

Types of washbasins for giving

The main difference of all washbasins is functionality. To make the right choice, you need to understand exactly what you want to see and how are you going to use. Whether you have enough simple suspended washbasin or a unit is needed with a table or even with hot water.

Simple pendant washbasins for giving

The simplest washbasin is a slightly barrel shape container with a presser nose. The volume of such washbasins does not exceed 3 - 5 liters. Thanks to special fasteners, such a washbasin can be hung anywhere where there is a suitable vertical surface. For example, on the fence, on the tree, on the board scored in the ground or another comfortable surface.

Pour water into a simple washbasin is necessary manually. But the plum can be organized in different ways. Much depends on where the washbasin hangs. For example, a container can be substitched under a washbasin, in which the drains will be collected, and then as the bucket fills it with its contents into the compost yam. If the washbasin uses quite rarely, you can not substitute anything at all - let the water pours to the ground. And so that the water is lighter easier, you can pour a layer of rubble or small gravel to the washbasin.

Such simplest washbasins are still popular, as they allow you to easily and quickly wash your hands after dirty work on the garden or in the garage. But because of the small volume it is difficult to use for washing dishes after family lunch.

Suspended larger washbasins from 10 to 18 liters are more convenient, due to the fact that water is required to pour into them. The shape of such washbasins is different: rectangular, oval, slightly rounded. Production material or plastic, or stainless steel. As a rule, washbasins of more than 10 liters are equipped with a valve crane, which is located on the front wall. Such cranes are very comfortable: unscrew the valve and use water, twisted - the water stopped flowing. In models with a pressure spout, you must constantly press it, which is sometimes inconvenient or difficult.

Large suspended washbasins can be mounted to a vertical surface, for example, to the wall, or hang onto the end. Use them both inside the house and on the street.

A rather unusual version of street washbasins - an aggregate on the rack. Water container is fixed on top on a metal rack. You can install such a washbasin anywhere, including where there is no vertical support. At the bottom of the rack there is a crossbar, after pressing the foot on the horns - supports are firmly robbed into the ground. Thus, the washbasin on the rack is quite steadily fixed in any part of the garden or the garden.

It can be used for washing hands or face in the process of work, it is enough to unscrew the valve crane - and water is poured by gravity. The capacity of the tank of washbasins on the rack is usually from 8 to 15 liters.

A similar rack under the washbasin can be made independently. You will need steel pipes, bulgaria and welding machine. For greater stability of racks - supports should be at least two and the distance between them should be 20 - 25 cm.

  • Measure the required length of the supports, cut off the two pipes.
  • To racks easily entered into the ground, the end of the pipes of which they are made must be cut at an angle. The sharp end of the rack is easily pushing the earth.
  • Cut off the bottom jumper and the upper bar to which the washbasin is mounted.
  • We weld the jumper and the upper bar to the supports.

Instead of pipes, it is possible to use fittings or steel corners 25x25 mm.

Washbasin with a table for cottages - "Moydodyr"

Washbasin "Moidodyr" is a design of the cabinet, sink and washbasin (bulk tank). It is more functional, it can be installed both inside the house and on the street. Despite the fact that the washbasin with a table is heavier than simpler models, it can be dragged from place to place together. In the cabinet under the sink, a bucket is installed or another wastewater container.

Due to the presence of the sink in the washbasin with a tab, you can not only wash your hands and face, but also conveniently washing the dishes or vegetables fruit. For example, a bowl with just collected strawberries can be put inside the sink. The valve valve on the tank of the washbasin allows you to thoroughly wash the berries under running water.

As can be seen on the demonstrating washbasin for giving photos, such models of washbasins can be equipped with a mirror, a hook for a towel and a stand under soap. Inside the couch, you can store detergents for dishes and washcloths.

If you are going to install a washbasin with a table inside the house, you can choose any models, including a wooden tab. On the street, the tree, chipboard or plywood will quickly come into disrepair. For use on the street, washbasins with a metal painted tumbbery or a tumbbe of polycarbonate are better fit.

The heated washbasin is a more advanced washbasin model with a table. In fact, they differ among themselves only in that a TEN is installed in water tank, which warms water. Sink and Tumba are exactly the same.

Early spring and autumn water in the washbasin is practically not heated by the sun. And if water is used from the well, then it is just an ice. Heated washbasin allows you to feel full comfort. Wash warm water, wash the dishes hot. All this is possible due to the thermostat. Using it, you can set the required temperature from +30 to +70 ° C.

A capacity from 10 to 20 liters is usually made of durable plastic similar to one that is used in electric kettle. Sometimes heated models have stainless steel housing. Finished washbasins with heated, which can be bought in the store, have standard dimensions: width and depth of the cabinet 0.5 m, the height of the cabinet 1.0 is 1.5 m.

Washbasin for giving with your own hands

The cost of washbasins is not so great. For example, the price of a washbasin with a table and heated begins from 85 cu. So if you have an extra hundred dollars, it makes no sense to bother and design washbasin with your own hands. But if you really want to do everything yourself, or you have a unique functional design in your head, then we give the recommendations, how to make a washbasin for giving with your own hands.

Water Capacity - Which Washbasin Select

If you want to make a washbasin for the cottage with a table, then it does not make sense to fool my head and make water tank yourself. This is inconvenient, inestoretically and small. For example, make a tank from the old 5 - 10 liters of water from under the water, but why? The cost of a washbasin with a valve crane does not exceed 10 cu, but it looks much more beautiful.

Capacity with waterfor a washbasin with a bed must be from 10 to 20 liters. It is meaningless less.

Material of manufacture Capacities also matters. Most often, washbasins make plastic and stainless steel. Which one to choose, depends on personal preferences, but there is an important nuance.

Important! A stainless steel washbasin for giving is more preferable because it is more reliable and more durable. If you accidentally fall a plastic washbasin, filled with water, the chance that it will burst, crap or splits much more than if there is a stainless steel wet. We rarely think about such things, but when we face the sorry, regret that I regretted money.

Washbasin shape Also important. Usually, few people are paying attention to this, and in vain. It's all about water pressure, which will be poured out of the crane. If the container is flat, almost horizontal, then water from it will flow into a small trickle. The higher the water column in the tank of the washbasin, the greater the pressure. For example, among rectangular washbasins, it is better to give preference to the one that has an extended form. And it is better to take such a washbasin, which has a bottom not flat and has a bias to the kolyan.

Crannel location. Recently, washbasins with a valve crane on the front wall are very popular. Did you notice that the pressure of water from such a crane is less than from a small washbasin 3 - 5 l with a presser crane? The fact is that in the valve crane, the water pressure is lost due to the turns of the span of the tap itself and due to the fact that it is not at the bottom, but on the front wall. Choose such a washbasin model in which the crane is located as low as possible. Otherwise, you will come across such a problem - water will have to top up in a washbasin even before it ends up, about half of the tank. The cause is in the loss of pressure.

How to organize heating in a washbasin

The cost of ready-made heated washbasins begins from 20 USD. It is quite inexpensive, given that the heating device is equipped with a temperature regulator from +30 to +70 ° C. You can also make a similar unit yourself. To do this, buy a TEN with a thermostat and install in the tank.

Important! Please note that the TEN is most effective if the capacity is set at the level of 2 - 5 cm from the bottom. Set the Ten at the top does not make sense.

The complexity of the independent installation of the Tan into the washbasin is this. Ten is crashed into the container body and the block with the thermostat remains on the outer wall of the washbasin. It is quite difficult to sewer the housing of the washbasin. You can, of course, immerse the boiler into the container through the cover, without making holes in the case, then there will be no problems with tightness.

Framework for a washbasin

Planning to make an independent washbasin with a sink for the cottage, the skeleton of the cabinet and the cabinet itself - the most obvious design elements that makes sense to do it yourself.

The easiest way to make such a washbasin, if you have left the sink for dishes from Soviet times. The shape and size of the old kitchen sink are fully suitable for the construction of a washbasin. Standard with opening door and bottom, place under the sink and sink itself. It is only necessary to make a board on the finished sink housing on which the washbasin capacity can be fastened.

If there is no old sink in the presence, then the end will have to do it yourself. It is possible to make a carcass of the couches from wooden bars with a cross section of 50x50 or 80x80 mm, as well as from a steel corner of 40x40 mm or 25x25 mm.

  • The convenient height of the cabinets under the sink from 85 cm to 1 m.
  • We take a steel corner or a wooden bar and cut a 4 piece of 85 cm long.
  • We measure the shell, which is going to install in the end. The frame size should be such that the sink easily lay on the edges of the frame.
  • Then cut off 8 pieces for the size of the sink, usually 50 cm.
  • Weld or knocked out the frame with each other.

Remember that the sink will fit on the inner edges of the frame, so focus on them. After making a steel frame, it is necessary to cover with primer and paint, because in frequent contact with dampness and water it quickly rusts.

Still and tabletop for washbasin

Encrew the skeleton of the cabinets by different materials:

  • Wooden boards;
  • Plywood shields;
  • Steel sheets;
  • Polycarbonate sheets.
  • Plastic panels.

Tree and plywood quickly splamen on the street. Although if the tree is covered with varnish, it can serve for a long time.

The back and side walls of the cabinets are fully wearing, firmly fixing the material to the carcass of the couch. On the front wall of the couch, you need to make the door, which is then hanging on the loop.

The floor inside the cabinets is desirable to make a board with a distance between the boards 1 - 1.5 cm to circulate air, and even accidentally spilled water leaked to the ground.

It is not necessary to limitate only a bag under the sink, you can make a worktop and a comfortable dryer for dishes:

  • On the one hand or from two sides of the cabinet, we make a countertop or dryer.
  • We take wooden boards with a cross section of 25x15 mm.
  • Know them such a way that the dryer is turned out - the grill. Between the planks, we make a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm.
  • The dryer can make a two-level, then at an altitude of 35 cm above the ground, we make another frame for the dryer and press the boards.

The dryer next to the washbasin is convenient in that it can be placed in it just woven the dishes. Cups can be simply turned upside down and leave to dry. Plates and covers from a saucepan can be thrown into the lumen between the boards and fix it vertically to the glasses of excess water. And the pans and frying pan simply place on the dryer upside down.

It is not necessary to bind the frame of the dryer with a washbasin layer. The wooden dryer is necessarily covered with varnish.

Sink and draining water from a washbasin

The sink for the street washbasin can be plastic, enamelled or stainless steel. The last two are most durable and practical. You can buy a new sink or used and safely install it into the frame of the couches.

Drain of water from the washbasin can be organized in different ways:

  • Substitute a bucket that empty as it fills.
  • Make drain into sewage or digest into a ditch.
  • To drain the water directly into the ground, pre-embelling 25 - 35 cm layer of rubble under the end.

The option with a bucket is the most optimal. The fact is that in the washbasin we are not only my hands and face, often the vegetables and fruits are clean here, the tails come off and are thrown into the sink, also when washing utensils, food residues are also washed off into the sink. As a result, wastewater is obtained with organic residues. Bucket with such sleeping is better attributed to a compost pit or a bunch where the remnants are overloaded.

It is possible to equip the draining of water into the sewer, but then it is impossible to drop cleaning and residues in the sink, as they can clog the pipe. An ordinary corrugated sewer tube is connected to the sink flow and removed under the ground to septic or waste ditch. Some simply reproduce the pipe at a depth of 25 - 35 cm at a distance of 1 - 2 m from the washbasin, and the water is simply absorbed into the ground.

If desired, a conventional washbasin for giving can be turned into a real masterpiece, especially if used for finishing a tree. But remember that wooden products are better removed for the winter in a dry barn or garage. It also applies to heated washbasins.

It makes no sense to prove the need to have a supply of water for watering on the site. It happens that with the irrigation system, and your flowers and vegetables on the days of the July heat will turn into the hay. When my old steel tank was taped, there was an urgent to find him a replacement. Assessing a harsh reality, I decided to make a design that would decorate the site, was durable, inexpensive, did not attract "guests". After passing different options, I chose how it seems to me, the most successful: to make the base of the tank made of galvanized steel sheets, "Od Shop" in concrete.

Sheets steel with a size of 1000 x 2000 mm connected with each other ring. So that the container had a volume of 1 m3, made a ring of 2 sheets. Seam in front of the "Pressovka" processed the sealant for plumbing works, like all subsequent seams. It turned out a spring flexible ring, which can be given any shape.

For capacity 1 m3, it is enough to make a foundation with a thickness of 120-150 mm, putting it on a pillow of rubble. The area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation must be greater than the area of \u200b\u200bthe container. After choosing a place, it took out the ground to a depth of 200 mm, fell asleep with a pit with sand with sand, rambling, shed abundantly, prepared concrete. Half him posted on crushed stone, on it - fittings made of steel rods and pipes and flooded the rest of the concrete on these structures. Water to concrete should be added so much so that it does not grow up, and resembled a gingerbread dough. It does not require a formwork, and the edge of the foundation will be similar to the stone "influx". Concrete does not fall into place, but stacked with a shovel and tamper, can be wooden in China.

Next operation - installation of a metal base. The laid concrete is thoroughly aligned. To do this, the foundation poured the cement-sand mixture (1: 3) of the consistency of the liquid sour cream and dispersed with it with a flat rack. With an aligning layer to dry out (losing fluidity), laid a galvanized steel sheet on it and pressed it with bricks. This is a bottomable future capacity. Pre-sheet cut off so that it corresponds to the configuration of the container and performed around the perimeter by 20 ~ 30 mm. In this state, the foundation left for a day to dry.

After a day, the bottom-made ring made of galvanized steel installed, after making 2 holes in it: one below at the very edge of the drain tube, another 300-400 mm above the edge for selection of clean water. If the entire previous work was performed carefully, then there are no more than 5 mm between the wall and bottom of the bottom, it will not affect the quality of the tank. Having installed the wall and fixing it with bricks, laid out the interface between the wall and the bottom steep, but plastic "test" from the cement and sand mixture (1: 1) with the addition of PVA glue (1 tbsp. Spoon of glue by 0.5 liters of water). Seeing the "dough" of the day, removed the bricks and completed the sealing of the joint in the places involved in bricks. After completing the junction seal, installed in the hole of the wall at the bottom tube (aluminum, stainless steel, plastic), carefully placed it with a cement mortar. Next proceeded to the construction of a concrete wall.
Concrete for the wall is preparing the same as for the foundation. The work performed like this: Kelma took a portion of concrete, put to the steel wall (it performed the role of one-sided formwork), slightly tumped up so that the concrete would break and tightly pressed against the wall. And so around the perimeter. By placing concrete, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the wall thickness is not the same. Then the surface is formed, resembling the natural texture of the stone. At the same time, you can show my abilities of the sculptor, guided by the feeling of beauty and harmony.
Building the wall, do not forget that the bottom of the bottom should leave the drain pipe, and at an altitude of 200-300 mm from the bottom to the wall it is necessary to build another handset with a carve for the valve to select clean water. In order to in the process of masonry, the steel base is not deformed, it is advisable inside the capacity to be folded from bricks-backup columns that do not allow the wall to "leave" under the pressure of concrete.
Completing the masonry, you need to make a small influx inside the tank to the edge of the steel base so that it does not be peeled from concrete.

The last stage is finishing. Different options are possible using ceramics, bottle glass, natural stone, etc. I chose a simple variant: the entire surface of the container was missed by cement-sandy solution (1: 1) and was treated with a wet broom. Gray cement looks good in the green greenery.

There is a lot of advantages in such a container, it is rather cheap, the lack of one: it cannot be moved. Therefore, the place must be chosen carefully, remembering that the capital structure is being built.

Each owner of the country area tries to create comfortable conditions on its estate. This is especially true of the inhabitants of large cities, which are familiar with the benefits of civilization at hand. In addition, in the country you need not only to relax, but also work, and if you do not have a water supply, then you will face certain difficulties. We will tell you how to make a washbasin at the dacha with your own hands.

Correctly choose a seat under the washbasin

If you assume not only to come to the cottage in the evenings, but also live on it for several days in a row, then the permanent availability of water you need. Waking up in the morning, it's so nice to wash the cold water, getting a dream and cheer up to start working with new forces.

Most often we are faced with the lack of water supply and sewage in the country areas. Of course, you can independently drill well and provide the estate with an almost full-fledged water supply system, but this is a time-consuming and expensive occupation, besides, far from payback, especially against the background of what you will use only in warm season. In winter, without control, the pipes can be altered, burst, or even just divide the hands of unreliable social elements.

Therefore, we will choose our choice on a simple, lightweight and habitual design of the washbasin - Mojdodyra. The first thing to be solved is: where will this washbasin be installed - in the yard or inside the house?

Find a comfortable place in the yard for a washbasin

It will most correctly make or acquire such a construction that in summer, in the hot time, you can leave in the yard or in the garden, and with the onset of cold weather - to put in the room. So you do not have to adjust the sewage and water supply. The only thing you will have to decide - where exactly put Moidodyr.

The washbasin must be in an affordable place so that you can use them at any time. If you like warm water, install the construction on the sunny side so that the water-containing capacity is well warmed. However, many believe that it is better to place a washbasin in the shade, especially if the plastic container.

Well, another important question, what is the washbasin to choose? It all depends on your personal preferences and opportunities. Washbasins are:

  • bulk;
  • suspended;
  • washbasins-racks with a table;
  • washbasins with heated.

Each of these washbasins can be used as portable, and can be firmly fixed in a specific location. If you do not want to bother, then any view can be purchased in the store. But make it yourself, especially from the remedies, not only much cheaper, but also more exciting.

Using sweater means

Even if you still have only plans to create Moidodyra in the country, wash your hands and wash it all the same. In this case, we will come to the rescue, the simplest, marching option is a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters. Cut the bottom, turn over and secure on the wire to the tree branch, fence, etc. The water is poured on top and is well heated. You can make a full-fledged washbasin, having attached the holders for soap, toothpaste and brushes.

Plastic bottle washbasin scheme

So that the water from such a bottle flows is not constantly, and then, when it is necessary, you can use several devices.

  1. The easiest way is a nail into a plug. In the center of the cover of the bottle, do the hole and insert a nail into it so that the hat remains inside. Tightly screw the plug. The cons in the fact that water is leaking, and from this nail rust, besides, it is not entirely comfortable to wash your hands with such a non-permanent supply of water.
  2. The second way is easier to use. A hole is made on the side of the lid. When the lid is unscrewed, the water begins to pour as much as you need. Screw the lid - water will stop. The minus of the method is that it is not very easy to control the sufficient level of unscrewing so that the cover does not break thoroughly.
  3. The third method is also simple: you can attach a crane, for example, from a washing machine, to the neck bottle with a tape. Water will go the way you need, and you can be sure that the crane does not break if it was well fixed.
  4. The same crane (or purchased, from the economic store) can be attached to the plastic container with a volume of 5 liters. To do this, it is enough to drill the hole of the desired diameter and fix the crane in it. The tin or enameled bucket as a container is also perfect.

Such homemade manuals from the subwoofers can be disappeared by various drawings. Children will be very happy with the possibility of attaching fantasy and efforts for a common cause.

What can I make a washbasin in the country?

More complex washbasin design

Such a washbasin will be more severe, and therefore it needs to be installed at a permanent place. This implies the same place to plum, which, however, can be replaced with a bucket or basin. Copy used water can be accommodated for irrigation of small flower beds or beds.

So you will need:

  • large capacity (bucket, canister, bidon volume from 10 liters);
  • sgon;
  • strips for crane;
  • clamp nuts;
  • water crane.

Make a hole on the container. It should not exceed the diameter of the camp. Depending on the material of the tank, select, drill or cut the hole, and place a Sgon into it.

Put on both sides of the brass rubber gaskets and fix the nuts on both sides. Now install the crane, and your garden washbasin is completely ready. Having it on the plot, pay attention to the soil at the installation site. If you do not plan to make a drainage to the cesspool or in the garden, then you definitely pour several gravel vestors under the washbasin. It will keep you from dirty puddles.

Use a larger plastic barrel for a washbasin

If you are not constrained in time and means, you can make a more practical and solid cottage washbasin along the same scheme. For him you will need:

  • tank and plumbing fittings;
  • sink of the desired size from a suitable material;
  • materials for frame or tank connections with sink in one design;
  • materials for supplying and removing water.

Build a frame of metal and wood, taking into account the size of the tank, sinks and hoses. Install all the elements to the finished frame, connect them to the water supply system and drainage. If you planned a bulk washbasin, then the connection to the water supply may not be required.

Choose a reliable water capacity

If in your plans, the manufacture of a washbasin with a table, then you should not independently do the water capacity from the girlfriend - you will only spend time, and it looks like this design will be non-source. The finished tank with the built-in crane is inexpensive, and it looks much more beautiful.

The optimal volume of tanks for the washbasin is 10-20 liters. Little takes no sense, but a larger suitable for the summer soul. As a tank to Moidody, it will be too bulky, and water in it can be stated.

Pay attention to the material from which the container is made. Prefer the stainless steel washbasin, it is durable and resistant to damage. Plastic is more easy and cheap, but it can crack from the blow, especially if filled.

The shape of a washbasin is also very important. From it directly depends on the water pouring from the crane. If the container is low and is in a horizontal position, the water will flow with a thin jet. As we remember from the school course of physics, the opposition is the greater, the higher the capacitance column. Therefore, it is better to choose a tank with an elongated up shape. The optimal version is a washbasin with a non-planning bottom, leaning towards the kolyan.

Carefully choose the tanks for the tank

You should not remind you that the crane must be located as close as possible to the bottom of the tank. Now washbasins are becoming increasingly popular, in which the valve crane is on the front wall. The pressure from it will be lower than from a washbasin of up to 5 liters with a clamping crane. In such a tank, water pressure is lost due to the location of the crane. Due to the loss of pressure, water in the container will have to simplify frequently. Therefore, choose a model with the lowest possible crane.

We make a tumba for Moydodyra on your own

Perhaps with old times you have a sink sink. It will great like a standard tank and sink. In this case, you will only need to clean it, paint, and maybe add a couple more elements to the design. Well, if there is no such washing, you can easily make a frame for yourself. For him, you will need wooden bars with a cross section of 50x50 - 80x80 mm or steel corners 25x25-40x40 mm.

The optimal height of the couch on which the sink is located is not more than 1 m. Take the corner or bar and cut 4 parts of 85 cm each. The size of the chanda frame must be such that the sink easily lay on its edges, so carefully measure the design elements.

Modern models Moydodyrov

Cut 8 pieces of timber (corner) under the sink size. As a rule, it is 50 cm. Collect the framework and fix: Fly, if the bar used, and boil - if the metal corner.

Please note: Focus on the inner edges of the frame, since the sink will be laid. Steel frame after making need to be projected and painted to avoid rust.

The skeleton of the cabinet can be seen with such materials:

  • plywood shield;
  • wooden plank;
  • polycarbonate;
  • steel sheets;
  • plastic panels.

So that plywood and tree did not get into disrepair, sprinkling on the street, cover the design of varnish. The back wall and sides of the cabinets completely cut, firmly fixing the material on the frame. Front jumper on the loop door from the same material as the frame.

Make the floor in the cabinet from the board, leaving the gaps between them about 1 cm so that the spilled water goes into the ground and the air circulation was ensured.

Additional elements of the washbasin

It is possible not to be limited to the frame of the sink cabinet. To make it convenient to use the washbasin, make a tabletop that can serve as a dryer for dishes.

  1. The dryer can be attached with both one and two sides. To do this, take wooden boards with a cross-section of 25 x 15 mm and run them so that the dryer is in the form of a lattice. The distance between the table should be 1.5-2 cm.
  2. You can make a two-level dryer. To do this, at an altitude of 35 cm above the ground, make another framework and score on it.
  3. Be sure to cover the dryer with varnish so that it does not smell over time and not spoiled from moisture.
  4. For the tabletop, take a plastic or wood slab and place it on the frame made by the size of this slab.

Frame for a washbasin can be made independently

On how to organize a drain of water from the sink, we talked above. You can use the usual bucket in this capacity. This is especially good if you wash not only your hands, but also vegetables with fruit, as well as dishes with food residues. Thus, in water there will be organic remnants of products, and such a fall can be sent to a compost bunch for humus.

If product cleaning and food remnants are not discharged into the sink, then you can connect a corrugated pipe to the drain hole and take it to the wastewater.

Video on the installation of a washbasin on the country area

Now your garden plot is equipped with a comfortable and functional washbasin. We hope that our tips will help you make it quickly and easily. Tell us about your experience in the manufacture of dacha washbasins. Warm summer and easy work!

Almost can't afford to establish a normally active water circuit. And the water is very necessary in the country area. Is the need to wash products or need to wash dirty hands.

Fortunately for these purposes, people came up with a washbasin, which can make or install each dacket.

It can be installed both on the street and at home. There are several varieties of washbasins that have different designs and functions. For today, the market can be purchased a washbasin for not a big price than to do the same.

But made with your own hands will be not only beautiful and high-quality, and you can also implement a lot of necessary functions.

Suspension washbasin of a simple type.

This washbasin is the simplest, which consists of a container, and filled with water, and at the bottom of it put a drain container. It is easy to transfer and install in any right place.

Depending on the installation site of the washbasin, water is merged with different ways. If installing in the garden, the water is merged into the garden, or in the pit, and if inside the house, then merge into special containers, usually this is an ordinary bucket.

So that the water in the garden is not going under the washbasin, they fall asleep crushed stone under it. Suspended washbasins were tremendous thanks to their cheapness and ease of use.

There are still wobbies of a large volume for filling water. They have a large number of advantages: the water should be treated less often, the volume of the tank is enough for a long time, has a crane valve. They are made from plastics and stainless steel.

Washbasins fixed on the rack

This option is very often used, since almost all novice daches made this design on their plot, it is a rack washbasin.
Mangal and mangals in assortment and to order, wrought.

Water tank is mounted on the rack, and this washbasin can be installed on any corner of the country area.

This design can be made it with your own hands and it will not take much time and material. Only the pipes are needed, the apparatus for welding and bulgarian for cutting metal.

First, measure the desired pipe lengths and cut them off. The end of the racks are cut at an angle so that they can be easily driven into the ground. At the top of the rack, the mounting for tank with water is welded.

Wash basin with Moidodyr style bedside.

This washbasin consists of a bedside table mounted on it sinks and a washbasin. This design can also be placed at home also in the garden.

Under the nightboard is a drainage container or other economic devices. The presence of the sink allows you to wash the vegetables and dishes, since they can be put on the sink.

In addition, on the top of the washbasin, you can attach a mirror, towel holders and other coasters for various things.

How to make a washbasin yourself?

Washbasins for country sites are not worthwhile, some huge money. The price depends on the design and type of washbasin, as well as its function. In addition, any person can make a washbasin.

Selection of washbasin

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the shape and size of water tank. From these criteria begins the selection of a washbasin.

And it is also very important where you want to exploit it, at home or on the plot. The forms of containers play a very important role, the pressure of the current water from the crane will depend on their form.

And still need to take into account how and where the crane or valve of the washbasin is located. From this will depend on the amount of water.

Frame bedside tables

If you wanted to make a tumba and washbasin with your own hands, then some moments should be taken into account. For example, whether you need a place under the sink for the economic utensils, the size of the washbasin, the presence of hooks and mirrors.

85 cm to 1 m is the most convenient height of the sink location, then these values \u200b\u200bare taken from the growth and proportions of family members who will use the washbasin.

The frame is welded from metal corners or profiles that are placed in size sizes. You can also make a frame from boards or bars, but nothing opposes the strength of the metal.

Also, if the washbasin will be installed at home to it can be attached to the worktop where it is possible to cut products, cook.

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