Design of shelves on the wall. Wall shelves

Wall shelves are an important element of the interior. They can serve not only stand for various items, but also to be an independent stylish interior solution. At the moment, a huge range of shelves is presented on the market. They differ in material, in form and design. This article provides a lot of photo shelves on the walls for clarity.

Despite the huge selection of shelves, it is not always possible to find the appropriate option. In this case, you can either order in the workshop, or make the shelf with your own hands, which is absolutely not difficult.


Before proceeding with the manufacture of the shelves, its main varieties should be considered. So, in form and at the place of installation, the shelves are divided into the following types:

The classic bookshelf is distinguished by a simple form, so make it with your own hands is completely simple. The main requirement for such a shelf is strength, as it must withstand a fairly large weight.

This design has a straight form, is made of durable materials (wood, fiberboard) and has a reliable fastening. If you show a fantasy, then even such a simple shelf can be turned into a very interesting element of the decor.

The angular shelf has a triangle shape and attached to the corner of the room. Often, such shelves hang in small rooms. They can be mounted in the inner and outer corner of the room.

Very often for interior design, the floor shelf is used. If such a design has a height of more than one meter, it is customary to be called a rack. It puts on the legs and is sometimes attached to the wall for greater stability.

The hinged shelf is very functional. It is suspended, as a rule, on the heating pipes that are under the ceiling. It can also be suspended on special brackets. The most appropriate such regiment will look at the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Before proceeding with independent making, it is important to understand what you can make the shelf which material for this is used. Shelves make from a variety of materials.

The most common is the various breeds of wood, chipboard and plywood. However, the premises are often decorated with glasses made of glass, plastic and metal. It all depends on the preferences of the owner and the style of the interior.

Independent manufacture of shelves

After selecting the material and forms for the future shelf, it is necessary to consider various types of fasteners.

The most traditional fasteners are hinges. Such a fastener method is perfect for attaching wall shelves from almost any material that can be drilled. The main thing is that the thickness of the product is suitable.

The loops must be fixed on the sides on the shelf. After that, you need to measure the distance between the central holes of the loop and outline points on the wall.

The main thing - the points must be parallel to each other. In the outlined points you need to drill holes and insert a dowel there. Cut in a dowel nails with a hat. The shelf hangs on such fasteners.

To date, the brackets are very popular fasteners. They differ not only for high strength, but also often their attractive appearance.

For glass structures (thickness up to 34 mm) uses the type of fastening "Pelican". Two such fasteners need to be attached to the wall with a dowel. To do this, it is necessary to remove the decorative lining. After attaching "pelicans" to the wall, you need to install this lining back, insert the glass and twisted the screws.

Shelves without support are fixed by means of completion. To attach the shelf with such a device, you need to cut down the pin and the housing of the holder in the end. To put on the shelf.

After selecting the fastener, you should begin to perform directly the basics of the shelf itself. This article will consider the method of manufacturing the most practical foundation from natural wood, MDF or chipboard.

Previously need to know the dimensions, to have its own or borrowed project of the future shelf. It is advisable to have a drawing at hand for clarity.

First you need to cut the wood with an electric bike or hacking under a given shape and size. After that, the resulting foundation must be carefully polished with sandpaper. Next use grinding paper.

The resulting smooth surface of the tree can be left as it is, or to coat with a mourn or acrylic. After complete drying, the final layer of the coating glossy or matte varnish should be applied.

At the very end, attach the shelf to the wall using the selected fastener.

However, wood shelves are more suitable for spacious premises. In small rooms, glass shelves will look harmonious, as they are able to optically increase the space.

Make the basis of glass is better in the workshop, as this is quite fragile material. Attach the glass shelf to the wall is absolutely not difficult. To do this, use special fasteners discussed above.


With the right choice of color, shape, material and location of the shelf, the interior can perform not only a functional, but decorative function.

With the help of shelves, you can arrange bright accents in space. They can be a very original solution for interior decoration.

Stock Foto Shelves on the wall

Beautiful mirror shelf for books at the window in the interior of the cabinet

In any house there are books, they are placed in the closet, on the shelves, in general, occupy a lot of space. Many have whole libraries, it becomes very popular. I want the shelves to be not just standard, but unusual to fit perfectly in the interior. Here you need to be a designer and come up with some unusual bookshelf for the room or rack. Even a simple old shelf can be renovated, add some new items, to decorated, then the library is transformed, and a convenient, well-maintained corner will appear in the house.

Original bookshelves "Sota"

Interesting and non-standard shelves for books in a nursery

What is the bookshelf? This piece of furniture, not having a facade, the back wall is either there or is missing - it all depends on the imagination of the designer. It has books or other subjects. Shelves can be made of metal, glass, wood, chipboard, MDV, even from ordinary boxes. Mixed to the wall for different types of fasteners. Optionally, you can mount the backlight.

Bookshelf with backlight in the living room for comfortable and enjoyable reading

If you decide to independently make an unusual bookpin, there is nothing hard, and the original thing will appear in the house.

Making an unusual rope shelf for books with your own hands

Views and examples

Original wooden bookshelf

Book shelves, even unusual, can be the most diverse:

  • Outdoor. This kind of shelves has an impressive magnitude. They are usually placed in large rooms. The option is suitable if you live in the studio apartment. This piece of furniture is a closet to the entire wall - from the floor to the ceiling, divided into sections. It is not necessary to place the shelves directly, they can be placed under the tilt, zigzag, wave-like, in a circle, etc., it is worth showing a fantasy.

Beautiful outdoor cabinet with shelves for books

  • Wall. Such a kind of shelves occupies a much less place than the outdoor. But they can reduce the area. It is worth thinking well where it is better to place them. Designers come up with a wide variety of bookshelves: removable, angular, fixed, even shelves with a seat. But whatever the form they should have durable, spacious, able to withstand significant loads. The design is attached to the wall in any sense, it will still look original.

Bookshelf unusual form for office or house

  • Modular. The design includes several blocks. They can be rotated, rotated, swap, in general, from one shelf to create a completely different one. If you need, you can purchase additional blocks and expand the design at discretion.

Modular bookshelves from separate blocks for the living room

  • Transformer shelf. Perfectly fit into any interior. The most winning option. You can add a new element to the shelf or remake the already existing, getting a module in the store or make it yourself.

Interesting floor shellage transformer for books

Book shelves and in shape, and in size can be the most diverse. They are embedded in the ladder, on the table, put in the middle of the room, they are mounted in the sideline of upholstered furniture - all options are not listed.

Built-in shelves for wood books for unusual interior

As in the library

Home Library Interior with Recreation Place

E-books try to displace ordinary. But the home library must necessarily be in every home. How to organize it properly, how and where to place the books? They decided to create a library at home, the main thing is to make it beautiful, unusual, but also properly justify the place in the room.

Little cozy home library with a place to read

As for the furniture, it can be bookshelves in the whole wall, racks, cabinets, if the library is in a private house, you can arrange it along the stairs. Optionally, add the design by shelves, modules, sections. The main thing is to take into account that the depth of the shelves amounted to 22 centimeters, then they can accommodate larger books than traditional, as well as large instances. Now the shelves are made under any wall, they can fill the emptiness in the house, for example, the wall above the desktop. The rotary rack will perfectly fill the angle. It all depends on the fantasy.

Charm Alkova

Built-in bookshelves for living room with fireplace

Stay as architect. If you have a fireplace in your house and from two sides there are alcories from it, then this place is suitable for embedded bookshelves. If there is no fireplace, but there is a hidden survey, then in this place, organize a niche with built-in bookshelves. They decided to make repairs and close the existing protrusions, disguise the heating pipes or hanging wires, then in these places you can build a niche of plasterboard.

Unusual interior under ancient with alcohols

In the formations of alchors, place the bookshelves, add them backlight. The presence of a niche will make it possible to position the existing library. If the workplace is located in Alcove, then the Book Shelves built there will help to properly organize this zone. Everything you need will be within walking distance.

My light, mirror

Bookcase with built-in mirror in living room interior

The location of the mirrors between the bookshelves or racks will visually expand the room, give the feeling of lightness. This will make it aesthetically arranged walls, which will create a positive mood. The mirror is known is the perfect decoration element. It will complement the room with light, give the interior charm.

Using a hidden door in the form of a cabinet in a modern interior

Nowadays, hiding doors remain quite popular. Especially often they can be found in modern homes. They have them anywhere. The staircase leading to the second floor may be hiding behind them, the bedroom can be located behind the closet (if placed in the hallway). The construction will give irresistible home, modifies the room.

Secret door leading from the library in the weapon

Cabinet overlooking ... Books

Cabinet for a solid man with bookshelves for work and recreation

Many in the house are equipped with a room under the office or distinguish the corner under the workplace. But it happens that there is no windows in the room, and the business zone is located in the corner. In this case, you can place bookshelves. This will give the office business style. But it will not be just a cabinet, but a comfortable room where we will work, and rest.

Advantages and disadvantages

Book shelves for a small library located at an angle

Bookshelves are undoubtedly beautiful, practical, but they also have both advantages and weaknesses.

How to choose correctly

Racks for books unusual for living room

Before you go to the store, decide on the place where you want to place a bookcover. What role it will perform is just a small shelf, it is located above the desktop, or you want a rack, it is used as a partition, maybe a large floor shelf to the ceiling for the library. It is important that the furniture has harmonized with a common interior. Consider financial opportunities.

Unusual shelves for books in the interior of the room

How to make it yourself

Comfortable and practical shelves for books do it yourself

Make a bookcover is not difficult, as it may seem. First of all, you need to choose a place, while you need to consider that books do not tolerate moisture and sunlight. It is impossible to place them opposite windows and where high humidity. Design, think over the design. Prepare the necessary materials and tools.

Example drawing for making bookshelf with your own hands

Then we saw the material on the necessary dimensions, processed the grinding machine or sandpaper. Then the finished parts need to be treated with special means to protect the surfaces of the tree. When they are completely dried, proceed to the assembly. For the manufacture of shelves, except wood, use chipboard, MDF, laminate, parquet boards. Show fantasy, then you can make the original bookshelf.

Original shelf for books made with your own hands

Video: Unusual bookshelves. Ideas for your library

For the organization of space in the premises, as well as to decorate the interior there is nothing better than shelves. Comfortable, functional, original form, they help conveniently arrange a lot of things and give rooms a more cozy view. Make the shelves on the wall with their own hands is not at all difficult, and you can use a wide variety of materials - wood, fiberboard, glass, slices of tin, Phaneur.

Types of wall shelvesDescription
ClassicThis type of shelves is most common due to its simplicity, aesthetic appearance and convenience in the installation. They are a huge flight of fantasies: from simple square to creative asymmetric forms
CornerThis type of wall shelves is distinguished by the fastening method - is carried out on adjacent adjacent walls. Most often, they are mounted in the utility rooms and bathrooms.
SuspendedThis original way to create a shelf involves fastening a simple design to the ceiling with cables or vertical racks.
OutdoorThis wall shelf is a design with an outdoor support. This type of product is especially relevant in the hallways, as well as large rooms, where you do not have to think about the loss of space
Open and closed shelves on the wallWall shelves can be designed, for example, with glass or without it

Making a simple wooden shelf

Tree is the most convenient material for work. Wooden shelves are simple, complex shape, open and closed, vertical, horizontal and angular. Taking the basic option as the basis, you can assemble the shelf of several modules and give it the most incredible appearance. In order for the product for a long time, it should be properly choosing wood: the boards must be perfectly smooth, completely dry, without cracks, emptiness and mold traces.

In the process of assembly, you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • boards with a thickness of 16 mm;
  • morilka;
  • wood varnish;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • self-tapping screws, brackets, dowels.

As an example, a simple rectangular shelf is 250 mm wide, 300 mm high and 1100 mm long.

Step 1. Marking

The boards are placed on the table and tolerate measurements from the drawing. The height of the side walls should be 268 mm, as they will be located between the upper and lower part: the height of the wall + the thickness of the board x 2 \u003d 300 mm.

Step 2. Cut Boards

If the markup accurately corresponds to the scheme, you can start cutting. It is best to use an electrolovka for this, then cuts are perfectly smooth and neat. There should be 2 long blanks and 2 short.

Step 3. Processing of blanks

Before proceeding with the assembly, each workpiece needs to be stolen, covered with a mourn and varnish. If the shelf is planned to simply paint, the workpieces are processed - and the service life increases, and the paint is smoother.

Step 4. Build Product

The lower board is placed on a flat surface. From the end of the workpiece retreating 8 mm and spend 2 smooth lines parallel to cuts. Now on these lines, you need to mark two points at a distance of 5 cm from the edge, and drill holes there under the self-tapping screw. With the top blank, they do the same. When all the holes are ready, side blanks are installed on the lower board and twist the screws. From above apply the second board and also fix the side walls with self-drawing.

At the end of the side walls, the brackets are fixed, the holes under the dowel drill in the wall, the screws are inserted and tightened so that they performed about 5 mm. Dowels must be located strictly horizontally, so before drilling is planned with a level. Now it remains only to push the brackets on the fasteners and hang the shelf. If you wish, the rear wall of the product can be scored by a piece of plywood, and in front of inserting glass.

In order for such a simple shelf to become more original, you can replace one side wall to replace the vulgar branch. To do this, choose a smooth branch with a diameter of about 7-8 cm with a smooth clean bark, scamped a piece of 28 cm long, cut off all side processes. Chock is treated with primer, dried and covered with varnish. Corah does not need to be removed. After drying the varnish, the blank is inserted between the upper and lower board and firmly fastened with self-draws.

Based on this drawing, you can make various variations of wall shelves. For example, reduce the length of up to 400 mm and produce a 3-4 block immediately. Then install them on each other in the chess and secure with the help of metal plates. Or just fasten them on the wall separately, placing a short distance from each other.

Often, to save place the shelves are made by corner, and they can be installed in both the inner and external corner.

Billets are made according to the scheme described above, only the upper and lower board consist of two elements, with cut at the angle of the ends. The process of manufacturing such a shelf is simple enough:

  • halves of the top board are missing on the ends with glue and clamp with clamps;
  • repeat the same actions with the bottom board;
  • when the adhesive dry, all the blanks are covered with a mourn or ground;
  • on the upper and lower billet, the fastening lines and holes are drilled;
  • paste the side walls and fix them with self-draws.
Wall-mounted materialsAdvantages and disadvantages
Tree: plywood, chipboard, MDF and othersWith this material, it is relatively easy to work, it looks beautiful, naturally and effectively, its service life is quite large, especially if you pre-process
PlasticThis material is the most versatile, it can simulate both a tree and a stone, removing their shortcomings.
MetalSuch wall shelves will be very durable, reliable and durable, but in the classic interior they will fit with difficulty. In addition, corrosion can be a problem, so special processing and conditions will be required for metal products.
GlassTransparent wall shelves will create an atmosphere of lightness and coziness in the house. Of course, make it with your own hands a glass design will be difficult, but if you, nevertheless, decide to independently do all the work, then with glass will have to work quite a long time and very carefully, especially if various cuts are planned in the shelves design

Original shelves for books

Shelves of non-standard form are becoming increasingly demand, so if you wish, you can try to collect something original. For example, a bookshelf is used in the form of a simplified labyrinth.

For the manufacture you will need:

  • cutting board with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • carpentry glue;
  • clamps;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • stuslo;
  • sander;
  • morilka;
  • furniture screws, screws;
  • decorative police holders.

If everything is necessary, you can start making the shelf.

Step 1. Marking

On the prepared boards with a pencil for a ruler, the cutting lines mark. Measurements should be transferred very carefully, since all horizontal parts have different lengths.

Step 2. Trimming blanks

The ends of each workpiece are cut at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. The scheme indicates the first option, so the stub will need for dipping. It is very important to correctly install a stouch on the board so that the sections are symmetrical. If the ends should not be squeeed, fold the shelf will not work.

Step 3. Build Design

The ends of the parts are smeared with glue, tightly compressed and additionally fixed with furniture screws with a slot. Conventional self-tapping screws are not suitable. Each joint will require at least 2 screws. Both parts of the shelves are applied to the wall, exhibit in terms of the level and mark the attachment point pencil. After that, the holes are drilled under the dowel, screw the brackets to the shelf and hang design on the wall. Instead of brackets, the decorative pollocks "Pelican" are often used.

Hinged shelf on belts

If a decorative shelf is required for small items, the following option is perfect - a board hanging on the belts.

For the manufacture of the shelf it will be necessary:

  • 2 edged boards 300x750 mm, 30 mm thick;
  • 4 leather belt for 75 cm long;
  • 4 long screws with plastic dowels;
  • 4 short self-pressing;
  • building level;
  • line;
  • sharp knife;
  • drill.

Step 1. Preparation of belts

Belts should be perfectly smooth, so if necessary, they are cut by a knife. Each belt is folded in half, the ends pressed to the table, retreat from the edge of 2 cm and drill a trunk of a neat through hole. The same makes the remaining three.

Step 2. Fastening belts to the wall

On the wall using a level, two points are determined at a distance of 60 cm. Drill holes and plastic dowels are inserted. Folded in half the belt is applied to one of the holes and fix the long screw - it turns out a big loop on the wall. Nearby attach another such loop.

Step 3. Installing Shelves

In the loop, they focus a stinking board and align her horizontally. So that the shelf does not move, adjacent to the wall of the belt parts at the board itself are screwed with short screws. Now, under this shelf, one more one is suspended, repeating the above-described steps. As a result, it turns out a light and neat bunk shelf. If you wish, you can add another 1-2 tier.

For the manufacture of the shelves described above, it is not only a tree, but also to Paneur, as well as sheets of LDSP. The latter option is used most often because LDSP is low weight, high strength, practicality and durability. When assembling the shelves from this material, all sections are necessarily sealed with a melamine edge under the color of the sheet.

Making a glass shelf

Glass shelves fit harmoniously into any interior, and the installation process does not take much time. To work, you will need:

  • strained glass;
  • a hammer;
  • electric drill;
  • building level;
  • aluminum profile;
  • dowels;
  • adhesive tape;
  • line;
  • pencil.

Not everyone knows how to cut the glass correctly, and therefore the cutting of the billets is better to order in the workshop. There will also be performed grinding and polishing the edges so that when installing the shelf does not cut down about sharp edges. Everything else can be done independently.

Step 1. Marking under the fasteners

The site of the wall, where the shelf will hang, must be as much as possible. With the help of the construction level on the wall, the horizontal line is carried out with a pencil. The lines mark the location of fasteners, drill holes.

Step 2. Installing Profiles

Aluminum profile is applied to the surface of the wall and check the matches of fasteners. Then stroke into the holes of the dowels, they are styled with one screw profile and level it horizontally. After that, the rest of the screws are twisted.

Instead of drill insert screw bracket screwing the bracket screw. Leave the bracket screw to perform from the wall. Check the position.

Step 3. Fastening Shelves

The rear edge of the glass shelf is closed with adhesive tape. You can use individual strips from the tape, having them there, where the glass will touch the screws of the screws. The shelf is inserted into the profile, the edges of the profile are closed with protective caps. If two shelves come into contact with the sides, their edges are fastened with metal fittings.

If there is free time and the desire of experimentation, you can create a very unusual shelves on the wall of girlfriend. For example, an angular shelf of plastic pipes look original. For its manufacture, you will need segments of sewer pipes and corner bits. The shelf wall is fastened with shuruses with dowels.

Old suitcases and diplomats can also become excellent wall shelves. To do this, they are cut into altitude to half, close the back of the plywood and fix on the wall with the help of screws or on the brackets.

Retractable boxes from unnecessary bedside tables will completely fit for the manufacture of shelves. To give them an elegant look, the boxes should be carefully taken, brew and paint in bright colors. Then they lean them with the rear wall to the surface, mark the fastening sites and drill holes for them. Even one such shelf looks very original, and the composition of 2-3 drawers will become a real decoration.

Video - shelves on the wall do it yourself

Interesting wood shelf. Master Class

It will take:

  • Rope;
  • Board with a thickness of at least 2 cm;
  • 2 corners (mounts) for shelves;
  • Steel washers;
  • Lighter;
  • Drill;
  • Saw.

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The age of electronics inexorably displaces the book from our life. Indeed, an electronic gadget can accommodate a whole collection of a popular speech in a small tablet. But you see how nice to extract a real folio, admire the embossed cover, enjoy the comfort of the home library. The editorial board has prepared advice for you, how to choose the right shelves for books. We will talk about how to fix the rack on the wall, and consider the original ideas of design.

Books in the house - a sign of the formation of his owners

Not everyone can afford to allocate a separate room for the home library. Most often, favorite books are located in or bedroom, children's literature - in the child's room.

Modern designers offer many original and practical ideas. The last time is especially popular, including modular racks. They can change their appearance and design, move, gather in or podium. Similar models will fall to taste to lovers to make permutations.

Classic wall shelves do not leave fashion. They are reliable, static and can be decorated in the style of your interior. And there are many interesting ideas for incarnation. Consider several options that can be used in a house or apartment.

Classic Genre: Wall Books Shelves

Hinged shelves for books can be bought in any furniture store. Their range is quite wide, and you can easily pick up the models suitable for the main headset.

Conditionally wall shelves can be divided into several types:

ClassicSimple and light shelves of different shapes are attached to the bearing walls and can be assembled into rows or complex compositions. They can be in the form of a simple board, located smoothly or under the tilt.
CornerFor maximum use of the room space, corner bookshelves are an excellent option. They usually fill the emptore corner, and are attached to both adjacent walls. Shelves can be attached to internal and outer angles.
SuspendedIf you want something unusual - hang the shelf on the beam or the ceiling at the wall. The attachment should be reliable and firmly assigned, because the books weigh a lot.

Wall shelves for books are good in that they save space.

Built-in shelves for books from plasterboard

If there are suitable niches in your walls, plasterboard shelves can be installed in them. With the help of drywall, unusual shelves are obtained for books on the walls and doors. In such racks it is easy to embed lighting.

The only minus of such a solution is the fragility of the material. Such structures need additional frame strengthening, they should not be installed hard foliants.

Article on the topic:

Methods for fastening the shelves on the wall

Neat and durable mount - an important point in installing shelves. Fasteners are somewhat:

  • Hidden - On such a fastener, the bolts or nails are invisible. The regiment seems to be hanging in the air, and the main load is distributed on the metal console hidden behind the rear wall.

  • Bracket - The metal holder is attached to the wall separately, and then the shelf dressed on it and fixed in special grooves.

  • Corner or loop - This type of fastener does not look so carefully, like others, but it is distinguished by increased strength. Corners increase the strength of the structure, and the built-in loops allow you to lift or lower the shelf if necessary.
  • Fasteners for glass - This is a special kind of canopy, which allows you to carefully and firmly fix the glass panel on the wall.

Important! Selecting the shelf mount, pay attention to the valid load.

If you are going to use the original idea, first appreciate it by several parameters:

Shelves made of wood or plywood is easy to cut independently with or saw, but the glass surfaces are better to order in the workshop. At home, it is difficult to qualitatively handle the edge or perform curly cutting. You may like the ideas of using breeding materials in the manufacture of book racks.

Master class: a small bookshelf from wood with their own hands

For a small shelf, which can be installed on the windowsill, a table or even on the floor. For its manufacture, a sheet of multilayer plywood, jigsaw, ruler, sandpaper and carbon black glue are required. Phased process description:

On a sheet of plywood, it is necessary to draw the outbreak of the lamb, horses, dogs, or any other animal, if it is a shelf for a child. For an adult room, you can restrict ourselves to abstract contours.
Lobzik cut out the main detail over the drawn contour.
On the workpiece you need to spread three grooves: two - from below and one - on top.
The thickness of the groove should be equal to the thickness of the material from which you make the shelf.
This looks like a blank with ready-made lower grooves.
Shelves legs are two semicircular details with grooves cut from above.
The third vertical part is performed with a groove bottom. As a collected form, it looks like this.
For the surface on which books will stand, you need to post on all inserts perpendicular line. Use for this purpose a building level.
On vertical inserts, you should cut the guide guides to the shelf.
Shelf itself is a long detail with three grooves.
With the final assembly, all the grooves need to be treated with joinery glue.
Shelf for children's books is ready. It can be painted, arrange decoupage or leave as it is.

Master class: Rack for books do it yourself

The easiest rack can be made from the usual stream and polished board.