Double ceiling entrance hall. Ceilings in the hallway: design in various options

The insulation of the ceiling with the help of foam can be needed both in a private house and in the apartment, the garage, in the country or in the bath. After this operation in the room will be much warmer, and its owners will spend less cash on heating. Of course, the thermal insulation of the walls and floor is also well ensured by the preservation of heat, but you need to know what exactly through the ceiling is about 20% of heat

Currently, there is a large assortment of insulating materials, but the most used is the foam.

Plates of foaming

Wall mural is a bright solution for clearance of the ceiling of your home, apartment or office, with their help you can create comfort, visually expand the space of the house and raise the height of the ceiling overlap. Wall mural for the ceiling is much more convenient and more profitable for plastic and other materials that remained in the distant past. We boldly say, with the advent of all sorts of photo wheels, the ceiling decoration got a rapid step forward.

Wall mural "Starry Sky"

The ceiling is an integral part of each room. Sometimes he fulfills its "raisin", and sometimes a secondary role. However, both in the first and in the second case it is the ceiling that helps logically complete the interior. Its design affects the density and comfort of the room. In this case, the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling plays an important meaning.

Location and view of lighting - the main component of the correct interior design

The frescoes on the ceiling is a unique kind of painting, which is to apply an image to the crude plaster. The most popular frescoes were in the Renaissance Epoch, however, today they are very often used to decorate the interior of various premises: living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, offices, etc.

Fresco on canvas

Plasterboard ceiling is a relatively cheap and ultra-modern coating option. To get surprisingly beautiful and modern, it is necessary to present the appearance of the finished plasterboard design, the location of all lamps and illumination, paying attention to the design of the room. Since everyone, even small elements in the interior design, always harmonize among themselves and are combined with each other.

Beautiful ceiling of plasterboard in the living room

Your hydrapotor;)

Their choice depends on the set of parameters: stylistic design, surface area, layout, height of walls, presence of natural and type of artificial lighting, etc.

Which stretch ceiling is best suitable for the hallway

Speaking about whether tissue or PVC cannot be distinguished by specific patterns. Indeed, there are no conditions in this room that can damage the condition of the canvas or lead to its premature damage.

However, considering the choice from a more practical point of view, it can be concluded that the PVC coating in this case is the most optimal option. All because this room is located near the entrance door, and therefore the hitting of dust and other mechanical pollution from the street is inevitable.

Fissure canvases due to the "breathable" porous structure can absorb them. While from the film surface, it is much easier to remove them with a wet cloth or a light soap solution.

It is also worth noting that film coatings can be replicated to 4-5 times. For these purposes, acrylic paints are used, which perfectly overlap the previous decor.
They allow you to quickly update the interior, without major material investments and the need to carry out large-scale repairs.

But if the functionality does not stand for you in the first place, then in no case limit your desires. Moreover, such a coating looks much noble and sophisticated.

In addition, it is a textile option that is suitable for decorating a particular large space. Such coatings are up to 5 meters wide, which will allow using a high-quality seamless fabric.

Do not forget about the material side of the question. PVC coatings are more accessible in price, because synthetic materials are used for their manufacture.

While the tissue canvases are created using natural fibers, which are famous for their health and hypoallergenic properties. Accordingly, their price is higher.

How to make a ceiling in a small and narrow hallway

In order to visually expand the space to give preference to glossy coatings.

They reflect the light from the lamps, filling the room with brightness and freshness.

In addition, it is better to avoid dark and too multiple color solutions. It is better to choose bright shades: pale blue, vanilla, apricot, dairy, salad or classic white.

They do not grind the feeling of volume, but, on the contrary, add the interior of lightness and airiness.

With the same purpose, you can apply the image of the endless sky or water alcohol. They are striking their depth and organity. Make it possible to escape from the apartment on nature with its pleasant tones and naturalness.

As a fine designer solution, only a small element can perform, which will make the interior special and not like everyone else.

It can be a graceful frame around the main lamp, a small abstract composition, placed in one of the corners of the room or the silhouette of a kind of object, made in one color - the choice remains yours.

For a big hallway

In a large corridor, restrictions on the choice of decor are much less. It is in this room that you can experiment and create the most unexpected mood.

For example, it is precisely in such a large-scale space that saturated blue, emerald, chocolate, coffee and wine shades can be used. Even if because of them, the room will look a little miniature, it will help her, will saturate it with warmth and comfort.

For the design of the stretch ceiling for this room, you can also pick up three-dimensional pictures with a 3D effect or large patterns. It can be floral prints, drawing in the form of a landscape or animal - it all depends on the overall stylistry of the interior.

Large bands are another tremendous solution that delightfully looks in the interior in the style of "Provence" or Baroque. These can be two or three noble shades separated by gilded streaks or thin contrast lines.

It is here that you can safely apply images with waterfalls and geometric shapes, space objects and even insects, and they will look quite beautiful and effectively due to their size and accurate drawing.

You can implement any of your ideas, turn your entrance hall to a real oasis in the middle of standard and typical interiors.

Single-level and multi-level ceilings in the corridor

Single-level ceilings are a win-win traditional option. It will always look relevant and stylish, regardless of the stylistic solution in your interior.

Of course, this design should be part of a small hallway. It should not be cluttered with large details: ease and ease - this is the main idea when choosing this decor element.

Pick up the multi-level ceilings are much more complicated. After all, they can significantly change the breakdown of space, change its shape and smooth over sharp transitions and lines.

Among the main options for such structures, it is worth noting graphic, in the form of an arch or rounded. Each of them has its own characteristics that allocate them on the remaining background.

Well, the most risky, but the bright type of design will be the tensioning web smoothly "flowing" on the walls. Thanks to this effect, this, unattable, at first glance, the room turns into an eastern tent with its soft lines and so thoughtful negligence.

Gloss or mat - What should I choose for a corridor?

Glossy or mirror surfaces are ideal for small rooms. They allow you to visually lift the ceiling and make space free and volumetric.

Moreover, to exacerbate this effect of the wall of the corridor, you can also decorate with mirrors: stretched vertically or even in full growth. They can be located on the walls or serve the doors in the built-in wardrobes, creating a single composition and refracting the light in the right way.

Matte ceilings are an option of decor for bulk rooms with high ceilings. They look flawlessly in the interior in classic design, as well as in such styles as art deco and loft.

All sophistication of such a coating can be additionally emphasized by applying graceful lamps with twisted elements or luxurious textile lampshane.
Do not forget about satin canvas. They are most often chosen as an alternative to matte ceilings.

They have an interesting fine-grained texture that resembles a cotton fabric. At the same time, they are not devoid of light glitter, which in turn fills the image with pleasant silkiness.

Ideal lighting for the hallway

The hallway should always be bright, so that you can consider yourself well before going out into the street in the mirror. Therefore, it is worth taking care not only about the ceiling lights, but also about the sconium or a small butter.

The main tapes on the selection of lighting for stretching coatings remain unchanged:

  • it is necessary to avoid too volumetric luminaires close to the surface of the canvas;
  • the optimal illumination is considered to be seeds, they can be decorated in metal frames and are located directly in the slots in the tensioning coating;
  • instead of incandescent lamps, it is better to stop your choice on energy-saving lamps;
  • however, if this is for some reason it is impossible, pick up a lamp with special reflectors, you must not forget that stretch ceilings do not like temperature drops, and they must be carefully protected from it.

Lighting devices are better located all over the perimeter of the room. Then the light from them will be uniform, and will not distort the ideas about the interior.

In addition, it is necessary to think about the location of the lamps in the case of lighting the pattern on the ceiling, especially volumetric. You will need to save this effect, so all parts of the figure should be illuminated in the same degree.

In the corridor, many unusual ideas can be realized. And contributes to this abundance of paints that can be applied when the tensioning coating is made.

Among the most common options it is necessary to note the monophonic ceilings of light and pastel shades: lavender, beige, lemon, cornflowers, pink, salmon. They are perfectly combined with any shades and textures, significantly reduce the risk of overloading the space and overshadow it with bright accents.

Juicy neon ceilings are the current trend of the last few seasons. Designers use such coatings in the style of pop art and boho, creating complex compositions from several such colorful shades.

Dark ceilings - gray, plum, mustard, black, malachite are truly rare shades that can be found in most interiors. Many are afraid to apply them for registration, because they do not want the room to look too strictly and gloomy.

Avoid this will allow bright lighting that can be supplemented by using LED backlight. In addition, the dark ceiling canvas should not be combined with massive furniture. And the design of the walls should be bright and unobtrusive.

The red canvas is another solution that completely turns the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling. The abundance of the shades of this color, from the scarlet to the dark cherry, will allow it to become part of the interior in any style.

You can also use such an effect as "degrad". It lies in a smooth transition from one shade to another.

To its incarnation, you can use all the tones that are already found in the interior - furniture, accessories, curtains, lighting, wall decor and floor. And you can choose absolutely unexpected shades that will become an unpredictable accent.

Degrads look immaculately both in classical and modern interiors. Especially, all the rest of the design of the corridor is not distinguished by the gloss and duck.
The stretch ceiling for the hallway is an impeccable solution that will significantly transform your interior.

As you have already seen, it can be any color, it can be decorated with various drawings and patterns. So, nothing can interfere with you, embody your most bold and extraordinary fantasies.

It is not news that the ceiling in the corridor is considered one of the most difficult surfaces during the repair. Very often in their homes, their height, and often evenness wants to wait for the best. To competently disguise the imperfection of the corridor and make a good first impression on guests, it is necessary to properly approach the repair and finishing of the ceiling. So how to make a ceiling in the corridor with your own hands? About this further in the article.

General design ceiling

Very often, making the ceiling in the corridor with your own hands, we forget to use designer techniques. This is a mistake, since they are capable of not only to decorate, but also partially eliminate the defects of the room.

For example, the low ceiling of the corridor is best done in bright colors in combination with darker walls, this visually will increase the space. For a higher corridor, on the contrary, you need to pick up the darker tones of the ceiling finishes.

For visual expansion or reduction of the corridor area, techniques can also be used using a variety of drawings on the wallpaper or with the right ceiling tile.

Types of ceilings in the corridor

Well, it is assumed to repair the ceiling in the corridor. First you need to figure out what ways the ceiling finishes exist and what are the most relevant today.

Poles the ceiling

This method of finishing is the easiest and most economical, but the least durable and resistant pollution. Beat the ceiling only after plastering and putty, as it is in this way that you can smooth out all surface irregularities. This method is considered the most outdated and not relevant to finishing the ceilings of modern apartments and houses, but with a narrowed budget and with reluctance to spend special efforts this method can be the most optimal.

Painting ceiling

This method is the second one by simplicity. As in the first version, before starting finishing work, it is necessary to make plaster and putty the ceiling, but for painting this stage needs to be done much better. The reason is that painting material emphasizes attention on all surface irregularities, so it is necessary to hide defects in advance. This option of finishing significantly saves the height of the ceiling, so when a perfectly level surface and desire to save time and money to decoration this method will be the most appropriate.

Decorative plaster

In this method, the finishing of the surface surface is not so important as in the previous two versions. A special relief of the decorative plaster perfectly masks all the defects of the ceiling, so that in the end you can get an obscure ceiling with minimal physical costs on putty.

Decorative plaster is made as follows. Initially, a layer in a pair of millimeters of the decorative mixture was originally applied to the plastered surface. Then, on the plaster, we make a relief in the form of a variety of dots, lines, furrows, waves with a grater, spatula, sponge or other tools. Here comes full freedom of action and the flight of fantasies. After drying, the surface is staining or toning.

Fucking wallpaper

This method of finishing can be at the same time both costly and fairly economical option. It all depends on the type of wallpaper themselves.

For the corridor, experts advise the use of vinyl, phlizelin or glassy. They not only look very attractive, but also have excellent strength. Also worth paying attention to the wallpaper. This option is very practical, as you can experiment from time to time with shades and change the entire style of the corridor.

The most economical, of course, is considered to be wallpapers on the paper basis. However, they are less durable and attractive, in contrast to previous options.

Casting with special plates

This version of the finishes involves the ceiling pasting with special plates of 50 x 50 cm in size from foam or polystyrene foam. The ceiling tile is the widest way to finish among budget options. The thing is that with this material it is very easy to work, it does not require a special preliminary preparation of the ceiling (just to clear from the old finish), and the tile looks very attractive and aesthetically. Fastening the plates to the ceiling is needed using a special glue, and the installation process itself takes only a few hours.

Suspended ceilings made of drywall

Plasterboard ceilings are very popular, as they are capable not only to drastically transform the corridor, but also the assembly works themselves do not require special efforts and thoroughly processing the base surface, and the huge financial costs such a method of finishing the ceiling does not require. Plasterboard sheets are attached to the ceiling using a special frame. However, the plasterboard ceiling "eats" about four or more centimeters of the height of the corridor, so for low ceilings such a finish method will not be the best.

Stretch ceiling

Today, stretch ceilings are most relevant, since with their help you can implement any designer idea, for example, print a picture on the canvase or a family photo. In addition, this method of finishing the height of the room does not particularly reduce, in contrast to suspended ceilings. In the stretch ceilings, a special film from polyvinyl chloride is used, which is stretched using special locks. Of course, this method of finishing is more expensive from the rest, but as they say "the game is worth the candle."

Preparing the ceiling to repair

Before finishing works, the surface of the ceiling must be prepared. Initially, it is necessary to remove the lighting devices and isolate wires. In the event that a plinth is present on the ceiling, it should also be taken carefully, without damaging the walls. Then from the surface you need to eliminate the old finish. After that, the ceiling of the corridor is processed by primer.

If you plan to paint the walls, then to this stage should be related to a special responsibility, since with insufficient primer, you can not count on high-quality painting. The primer of the ceiling should be made in two layers, and the second must be applied after complete drying of the first, approximately three hours.

But the suspension and stretch ceiling in the corridor does not require a mandatory primer, but the antifungal mixture is better to handle the surface.

The next stage is the ceiling plaster. At this stage, it is best to attach special small metal strips to the ceiling and further on these beacons to level the ceiling with a plastering mixture. After a complete drying of the plaster with a spatlement, we complete the ceiling alignment in the corridor.

As mentioned earlier, the least decisive to prepare the surface of stretch and suspended ceilings, but under painting and pasting, wallpaper will need to put the ceiling with special thoroughness. Now you can go to the finishes of the ceiling surface itself.

Multi-level ceiling in the corridor

With the help of multi-level ceilings, you can noticeably correct the defects of the volume of the corridor space. For example, in the corridor with low ceilings, you can make the effect of "raised ceiling", which perfectly visually increase the height of the room and eliminate the impression of the "gulling" low ceiling. If used in a multi-level ceiling glossy mirror photo printing, for example, the sky with clouds, then the impression of bottomlessness, infinity and very high ceiling will be created.

To restore the high ceiling in a narrow corridor, it is better to use two levels with graphic lines and matte or satin shades. The rectangle or the square visually expand the boundaries of the corridor.

Also, do not forget about competently thought-out lighting, which can make space more spacious.

Multi-level ceiling - installation of stretch ceiling in plasterboard design

There are several ways to build multi-level ceilings:

  • stretch ceiling;
  • dropped ceilings;
  • combination of the stretch ceiling with a plasterboard form.

More details we look at the third finish option, as it is the most relevant and attractive today.

The multi-level ceiling should be mounted in the corridor with a height of not lower than 2.5 meters, as otherwise it will be too low and not very beautifully look. You can set several levels, but two are most often used.

The first stage of the installation of a multi-level ceiling is the fastening of the box.

Initially, it is necessary to measure the entire perimeter of the ceiling with a laser level. Then accurately calculate the required amount of finishing material, which will significantly save its consumption, and due to your financial investments.

Together with the measurement of the room, it is necessary to note the places where the guides will be mounted in the future.

After that, in places of marks with a perforator to make holes, after which the dowels will be inserted into these holes and, therefore, spin the screws. The entire frame includes two types of profile: guides and frame.

The mounting of horizontal guides must be made strictly along the markup line.

Next, these guides need to secure the rack profile using self-tapping screws. If you wish to make additional noise or thermal insulation, then it should be done at this stage of installation. Material with these functions should be installed between the ceiling and frame.

You also need to not forget about the lighting devices and attach all the required wires between the ceiling and frame.

Now you can go to the mounting of plasterboard sheets. It is best to produce with a partner, as their weight and size are pretty big. When mounting drywall to a frame, use additional nozzles for the screwdriver. This is necessary in order for the screw of the screw "did not fall" in the plasterboard.

Well, the first level of multi-level ceiling is installed, moving to the installation of the second. To do this, initially draw on a plasterboard frame of the border of the second level. In the placed places directly to the box Krepim special locks for the stretch ceiling.

After that, with the help of a plastic spatula or other suitable tool, we carefully embryal the edges of the canvas in the slots of the locks.

Before making the installation of tension ceilings, the web with a heat cushion should be heatled to a temperature of about 60 ° C. After cooling the web, the effect of tension is formed, and more precisely, the perfectly smooth surface, and everything, the ceiling is ready.

Hallway - this room meets daily and accompanies us at the exit from the house. It should be high-quality, stylish and practical finish, and this applies to all surfaces without exception, including the ceiling.

Simple options: Painting, plaster, past

All these varieties of decoration have one common feature - they require surface preparation, its thorough alignment. Otherwise, it will be impossible to talk about the quality and style of design.

Stylish ceiling design in the hallway


The most democratic value in terms of cost, light and somewhat old-fashioned option. In this case, the ceiling is plastered, aligned, and then performed. It turns out a smooth white surface - a good option if the budget for repairs is limited, but not suitable for designer sings.

Instead of blissing now apply staining


Painting the ceiling is another budget way, which also requires a pre-alignment of the surface. But here the amount is more extensive, since it is possible to use a conventional paint that form a smooth surface, and you can give preference to texture, thanks to which the ceiling will acquire an expressive texture.

Important. Among the advantages of staining is a huge selection of pigments and shades. You can choose a material that is ideal for wallpaper, furniture facades or interior doors. Even if there are no suitable option among the finished paints, you can turn to colorists, and with the help of carefully selected pigments get the necessary tone.

Painting - a simple and practical option of the ceiling finishes in the hallway

The paint is applied only on a carefully covered ceiling, smooth, without cracks and protrusions. Even a thick coating layer will not hide obvious defects, but only aggravate them.

Decorative plaster

An interesting way to finish the ceiling in the hallway, rather easy to implement. In order to create this texture covering, it will be necessary to repair and plastering the base at first, and then apply another plaster layer, which will form, provide the required relief. Forms are performed on an unpleasant solution using a metal and wood, spatula or sponge for this.

Decorative plaster on the ceiling in the hallway

Decorative plaster can be performed standard, without pigment. Then the surface is stained in the desired tone after receiving the relief. But you can use the immediately colored mixture - then the pigment is added at the stage of formation of the solution.

Wall decoration and ceiling in the hallway decorative plaster

An interesting effect can be obtained using two compositions with pigments of different tones - one is performed by the background, and the second on which the protrusions will be brighter.


Flames of the ceiling surfaces include the standard methods for decorating ceiling surfaces. Among the advantages of such coatings are the ease of gluing and the variable design. In modern collections, it is not difficult to find a suitable decor - a factory, monochrome or with a pattern. Often, the ceiling is selected from the same series as for walls.

Ceiling pasting in the hallway wallpaper

But you should not count on the durability of such a decor - wash the wallpaper is difficult, so they quickly come into disrepair.

PVC tile

These are small polyvinyl chloride modules that are glued at a pre-plastered ceiling. This finish is considered economical and practical. Among the advantages of this material - the budget and ease of installation, but also there are also disadvantages. So, sophisticated and elegant, this material is difficult to name. So if a despicable style is important for you, you should give preference to another type of coating.

PVC ceiling pastry

Dropped ceilings

Suspended ceilings are a kind of classic in residential premises. They are mounted very often, even though this design "eats" to 15 cm in height. But it is worth using several levels and correctly select their shape, as the room is transformed, becomes larger and higher.

Multi-level suspended ceiling with built-in lamps

Plasterboard ceilings

Most often, suspended ceilings imply the use of drywall. It is mounted on the previously executed frame from the guides.

Important. Even at the framework of the framework, electrical wires are planned for point lighting. After that, plasterboard sheets are mounted, lamps are installed, then the seams are riveted between the sheets, and the entire surface is putty. We will look at in a separate article.

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling

Among the advantages of plasterboard:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental purity;
  • fire prevention properties;
  • a small weight, which makes the installation is pretty light and rapid;
  • the material is quite flexible, and therefore can take any forms.

Such a form of plasterboard design of the ceiling is called "River"

In addition, drywall does not require careful preparation of the foundation, alignment, and so on. Behind the sheets attached to the frame, you can hide ventilation systems, electrical cables and so on. You can even carry out local repairs if necessary, replacing the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe structure.

Complete design of drywall with rotary spot on the rod

Created plasterboard ceiling can be saved, painted, highlighting LED ribbons. Two- or three-level structures are ideal for zoning, but it is advisable to use them only in large square hallways or in the irregular shape.

Use of plastic modules

Plastic structures include suspended ceilings. Some such a finish do not like because of their too "office" appearance, and some choose it for practicality and accessibility. Plastic is economical, as well as easy to care - all contamination from its surface can be laundered by a regular sponge with a detergent or even a mop.

Plastic panel ceiling

Interestingly, today manufacturers seek to produce a variety of plastic panel designs - among them both classic white, cream and gentle watercolor shades with light overflows, similar to mramorra, and bold modern solutions - for example, mirrored, glossy, definitely imitate crumpled fabric, skin, Metal or natural stone.

Rack ceiling

This type of construction is not often found in residential apartments, but very popular in private houses. We are talking about fairly thin aluminum rails with spraying. They are assembled almost as well as plastic structures, but they differ in more expressive design are chrome, gilded or bronze surfaces. Naturally, they are not suitable for all styles - for example, in aristocratic classicism or romantic provence will be inappropriate.

Aluminum Wheel Ceiling


Natural wood is also not a frequent guest in finishing our homes, especially if we are talking about the ceiling in the hallway. However, environmentally friendly trends dictate their direction - and for styles with the prefix "Eco" of the best solution not to find.

Genuine door ceiling

It should be borne in mind that the wood is always poorly tolerated in high humidity. Therefore, the surfaces are necessarily processed by special impregnations, and they will need to periodically restore.

Video: Ceilings in the corridor from plastic panels

The design of the corridor in an apartment or house can not be limited to choosing a common style, buying furniture and decoration walls, gender. It is important to figure out how and with the ceiling so that its appearance fully satisfy you, did not create a feeling of dissonance. To do this, you need to follow certain rules that will be discussed.

Types and forms

Ceilings are:

  • Multi-level.Such a ceiling in the corridors of residential buildings and apartments is rarely applied. This design manifests its aesthetic advantages on a significant area. Most often it is used in other rooms. Thus, the two-level ceiling differs from three-level and more sophisticated variants only by the number of layers created. The more they are, the stronger there should be supporting structures on the source tiers.

A mandatory requirement is very accurate markup, but this inconvenience pays off the possibility of covering communication, change the visible geometry of space or use the unique lighting scheme.

  • Farming.The effect of the steaming ceiling is achieved by using LED backlighting. You can create it with your own hands.

  • Figured Ceilings, like multi-level options, are formed from drywall. It is quite simple to make them, but the resulting design will be hard and is not disassembly. If the old whiffs does not run, you can make such structures and right on top of it.

Finishing options: pros and cons

For decoration, the ceiling can be used by various materials with their own features, pluses and minuses. Consider them in more detail.


Ceiling staining is permissible with water-based or water-dispersive paints, but there are other options. Thus, acrylic compositions with latex closed cracks and will wash the painted surface. If there are concerns about the bay of the apartment, apply silicate paint, which calmly transfers strong moisturizing.

You can use as a support as a ladder and table. In the first case, the support is compact and more reliable and easier is rearranged, and in the second - you do not need to think where to put the bank, and less you will have to sink to go to another place. Decision is on you! Regardless of it, it is necessary to wear a headdress, and ideally - capture and protective glasses.

Low ceiling is better to arrange in light colors; Collapsing the walls are darling, you visually expand the space. If the room is quite high, it will be more correct to use darker shades.


Place your own hands - not the bad idea, because in this way you can save money, and create a exquisite appearance by putting an additional amount of money. Professionals argue that the upper part of the corridor is best compatible with glass windows, as well as cloths on a fliesline or vinyl basis. The paper option is less elected and serves not so long, although it is relatively cheap.


Considering the causticity of the applied composition, it is desirable to endure the furniture outside the room, and if it is impossible - to cover with polyethylene. You can also apply a chalk, and lime blotch. The lower layer is applied from the light source (windows, lamps, passage to the glazed room), and the second is in the opposite direction. As a rule, to break the ceiling you need every five years.

To whitewash, plastering and painting are proceed only after:

  • cleared the entire surface to concrete or other capital base inclusive;
  • the processing of primer;
  • in terms of level, lighthouse profiles, creating benchmarks.


Different suspended and attached structures are made from drywall, which have won more popularity over the past 10-15 years. Homemade masters and professional builders highly appreciated the absence of need for plastering and putting the draft base. No need and in the removal of the previous finishes, with the exception of old suspended elements.

ATTENTION: Be sure to measure all sizes with high accuracy and recheck calculations to eliminate the appearance of irregularities and defects!

It should not be assumed that the ceiling from GLC is better than anyone else, since it has a non-resistant disadvantage - absorption of height. Because of this, the room with low walls is more correct to use other solutions. Such as plastic panels, for example.

PVC plate

These are ready-made polyvinyl chloride blocks, with dimensions of 50x50 cm. An important advantage when used is that there is no need to carefully prepare the base of the ceiling. All preparations for applying plastic panels will consist only in removing old coatings and any contamination. It is enough to apply glue to the reverse surface of the block and vigorously press it to the ceiling, so that in a few hours literally transforming the room.


The advantages of the latest methods do not give a single occasion to neglect the plaster. It is quite simple to apply it - a thorough putty will not need, on the contrary, you can disguise with the material used any irregularities of the relief. You will spend relatively little money, time and strength, but the result will be aesthetically attractive.

The work passes as follows:

  • applied on the plastered ceiling a mixture that you bought;
  • a relief is formed with a sponge, spatula, a grater or other tool;
  • then it remains only to wait for the layer drying.

The filter coating can be even painted, and if desired, in two different colors at the same time, although black and brown, although yellow and green.

Aluminum background design

Wood and aluminum rush structures are widely used in technical and utility rooms, because they are:

  • practical;
  • aesthetic;
  • infexial to getting water and high humidity
  • well mounted;
  • it is relatively inexpensive.

Aluminum ceiling systems will be one of the optimal solutions not only for the corridor, but also for the bathroom. Since aluminum suspended complexes are installed below the overlaps, the actual state of the draft ceilings does not matter. They should only withstand stably load. Similar systems are arranged simply: these are a series of suspensions to which carrier profiles are attached (they fix aluminum strips, creating an outer surface).

Aluminum Rack Ceiling is color, and the color can be carried out in any of the sets of shades included in the RAL palette. Most often use white structures (including the entire range of species of this color) and beige coatings. Most often, these variants of the rush systems are always available, and if you need other colors, you will have to do an individual order. Matte, glossy, peeled surfaces will be found in the assortment of any self-respecting company.

The difference between the rails concerns their width and geometric shape. The plank, released on the Russian or German factory, will be smooth from the face, and in Italy they prefer to do rounded. It is undesirable to take perforated options, because all their advantage is the optimal internal ventilation, but it is undermining the too cold and official style, more decent in the institution than in a private house or urban apartment.

Rakes with sides for corridors are not very suitable. Their main place is the bathrooms and kitchens. IMPORTANT: A wonted guide should be a tone to the main placam or slit profile. Stringer is desirable to pick up the corresponding width of a separate rail. In the insufficiently high room are not preferred suspensions, but a dowel-nail. With their help, it can be reduced to the limit to reduce height and even attach the material close to the rough ceiling. It is useful to know that in the corridor of small sizes of enough and the finest planks (their stiffeness is enough to avoid sagging).

White flat rails are cheapest, and the highest prices manufacturers and sellers are prescribed for chrome products. Duplex structures open additional features, but it is better to trust their installation professionals.

Wooden design design

As for the wooden roll ceilings, their undoubted advantage will be relevance in any interior (from classic to modernist). Thanks to modern methods of processing from natural wood, you can even get a lamellae looking like a natural stone.

Perhaps the various location of the rails:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • diagonal (in some newest versions).

The ceiling of wood is much more efficient than other options restrains the spread of loud sounds. It is only necessary to strictly observe the technology and install a fibroacoustic slab (the fee for it is fully justified). If neighbors upstairs are very like to make repairs or arrange discos, you will have a relatively quiet at home. For individual styles of the interior, it is more correct to choose the cutting ceilings with small gaps between the elements. Important: Wooden Rack Ceiling will help to hide even the most unsightly communications and defects of the main surface.


Stretch ceilings are used very often. It is very not surprising that in the corridors such decisions regularly go through. The indisputable advantage of this choice is fast installation. You will need just a day or two to get the optimal result. Responsible hosts will consistently delight the lack of dust and dirt in the installation process. There is a weak point: if you have not yet extended all the intended communications at the bottom of the ceiling, you will have to speed up this process or postpone cosmetic repairs.


Adding lighting devices to suspended structures is extremely important not only by stylistic considerations. So, incandescent bulbs are incompatible with the stretch web, as they can melt it. We will have to or use chandeliers, or resort to LED backlight, which does not give excess heat. A small chandelier is easily mounted, but only provided that the wiring passes under the frame. Immediately determine the places where the lighting devices should be and take care of the wire laying.

The desire to save at repair is quite reasonable, but not in this case. Be sure to charge the installation of electrical appliances and stretching the wires for them to professionals, because the slightest error will entail very formidable consequences. Selecting the type of lamps among all that meet the safety requirements is limited only by your personal taste and style of the corridor. It is quite acceptable to use and sides.

According to the majority of specialists, the bright light in the corridor is inappropriate. It is much better to use muffled lighting. If the ceiling is completely even, you can apply fluorescent lamps both open and installed outside the cornices. 50-60 watts on the whole room should be enough.

For surfaces from GLC, professionals are considered the optimal choice of oval niches with lamps, the rays of which are crossed, and the lamps themselves are slightly tilted relative to the plane.

Additional design

Stained glass can look pretty attractive, but they can not "pull down" bad design. Therefore, immediately think about the whole style, including the auxiliary elements of the decor, so that it was easier to succeed. Stained glass ceilings are created using frames, and for quite a long time they are not an attribute of a luxurious and elite interior and can be used almost anywhere. It should be noted that a fairly strong frame at home and even in the handling workshop is practically unrealistic.

So you have to order it from official suppliers. Stained glass windows are not only rectangular and round. They are often imitated by the form of plaffones and the dome, or even at all are performed in non-standard configurations. Dome solutions are advisable to apply a large area in the corridor.

Lovers of natural tree do not necessarily choose the ceilings from boards or rails. It is quite possible to imitate it with the help of plaster (the coating of the "Coroed" type reproduces the effect of oak wood, isolated by the vertoon beetles). Mirror materials and designs are able to make even the darkest and darkest corridors. Mirrors help add to the room of elegance and luxury. Especially good facial plates with hidden suspended systems.

Mirror tiles can be covered with decorative patterns (ornaments), but the stretch ceilings with the same effect is not recommended. Fasten them is quite simple, but the image will be blurred and the seams will be too noticeable on the canvas. Serious weaknesses of the mirror ceiling is its fragility and the groin of the slightest spot with good lighting immediately visible.

Separate the ceilings with solid mirrors is quite difficult (heavier than single tiles). The circuit with a reflective film coated is attached with screws or is held by cement. Such a flexible coating, but it can catch fire, and the image will be distorted. Tile mirrored ceilings, as practice shows, it is better for everyone else suitable for the corridor. Their severity of geometry and the refusal of unnecessary decor will only benefit. Important: Think up the design in such a way that the shelves supplied at the top of the wall can be used without problems.

Features of choice

The purpose of the room (hallway or corridor) requires, as already mentioned, use only durable and not dirty solutions. In long vessels (the length of which is over 3 m), it is necessary to use only those rack ceilings in which there are special connectors for the guides. To properly choose a plasterboard design, measurements need to be made as accurately as possible by leaving the place of space for embedded lamps and communications.

Choose the ceiling for the Khrushchev corridor is not too easy, because the dimensions are frankly small. In many cases, limited to the staining in white tones or lime covering. This is quite reasonable stylistically, because the light color pulls out the room, allows you to even get rid of the grace of the sensation. But now there are alternative solutions, such as stretch ceilings of light color. For them, lacquer or glossy canvas are used.