The facade of the house is better and cheaper. Finishing facades of houses with modern materials

The facade is called the "face" of the building, its finishing part, which in addition to the executive function, performs the function of protection. It is the facade that is a visiting card of the house, allows you to transform any unsightly structure by making it attractive and even respectable. The main thing is to professionally approach the selection of finishing material, taking into account the requirements for the appearance of the building.

In this article, we will describe in detail about modern materials for finishing facades, we will get acquainted with the requirements for them, as well as study the advantages and disadvantages of each of the finishing materials.

Facade finishing materials

The modern market for finishing materials proposes to pay attention to the following types:

  • Facing brick;
  • Facade panels;
  • Imitation of timber;
  • Thermopanels;
  • A rock;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Clinker tiles;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • Metal cassettes.

Requirements for modern facades

The manifold of materials for finishing facades is often putting a buyer in a dead end. In addition to the appearance, they differ in the composition and properties, and therefore it is necessary to clearly understand which material is ideal for a specific structure. So, what to pay attention to when choosing a facade:

  1. Reliability and strength. The outer coating of the building must withstand the load rendered to the structure, as well as to be resistant to possible mechanical damage;
  2. Moisture resistance. Materials for finishing at home should not pass moisture. From this largely depends on the appearance and durability of finishing materials.
  3. Weather resistance. In addition to resistance to moisture, finishing materials should not be destroyed and change color under the influence of ultraviolet.
  4. Fire resistance. Ideally, the finishing material should be non-combustible. In reality, there are such quite rarely, and therefore, for their own safety, the choice must be stopped on the volume that during combustion will not be distinguished dangerous toxins;
  5. Frost resistance. The coating of the outer walls must withstand the cycles of lowering and increasing the air temperature without loss of operational qualities;
  6. Wind protection. An important criterion in choosing materials for the facade. In particular, this refers to plates and hinged panels that must have a reliable locking mounting, preventing the design of the design and drop the panels;
  7. Ecology. Accommodation or long-term finding of people in the room makes the question of the ecological purity of the finishing materials with one of the key.
  8. Biological resistance. This characteristic implies the protection of finishing material from the effects of insects and rodents and other pests, including from fungus and mold.
  9. Life time. Deciding to decorate his house with a beautiful facade, I want it to adequately served 10 years or more, without requiring replacement every 2-3 years.
  10. Easy mounting. Some of the walls of the walls are characterized by ease of installation with which the unprofessional will cope. And this is a significant saving of money. Other materials will require the attraction of a qualified brigade of installers.
  11. Easy care. Most bleaching materials do not require special care, while others need to take care. For example, wall decoration by wood will require additional coloring or processing with special impregnations.

However, an attractive appearance remains the main criterion for choosing the facade. Therefore, then consider modern types of finishing materials, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.

Facade decoration with decorative plaster

This is one of the most common finishing materials. Competently selected plaster will provide the necessary level of thermal insulation and hobs unsightly seams, protect the facade from the effects of adverse external factors and will allow you to achieve such a beauty of the facade, which no other material will ensure, even marble.

This finishing material is a mixture in which to two main components (cement and sand), one of the fillers (silicone, acrylic, silicate) is added. Various combinations of components allow to obtain a variety of species of decorative plaster, each of which is characterized by parameters, characteristics, methods of application and, of course, price.

There are several types of decorative plaster:

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Appearance. The abundance of colors and forms of decorative plaster allows you to satisfy the demands of the most demanding buyer. Those who do not surprise, it is possible to offer structural plaster "", which has a non-standard view and a donant construction facility a unique aesthetics. But the "" plaster, capable of imitating the valuable rocks of the stone and to realize the most courageous design solutions.
  2. Durability. Most are perfectly opposed to commemorate negative factors. For example, silicate plaster is not afraid of precipitation and does not absorb dirt, and silicone - not terrible frost and sun rays. With these obvious advantages, this material is 15-20 years old, and some, such as silicate plaster - 25-30 years.
  3. Universality. The plaster perfectly falls on a variety of surfaces, ranging from wood, and ending with metal, brick and concrete.
  4. Affordable price. This is a key factor that speaks in favor of plaster. With all the variety of species of this material, its durability and ability to resist external negative factors, decorative plaster can please a very low price in comparison with the same facing brick.
  5. Simplicity of application. Working with decorative plaster is quite simple. The technology of applying this material in the forces to master even non-professional.
  6. Requirements for clean surface. Decorative plaster is applied to pure, treated with primer wall. This is especially true of metal surfaces.
  7. Surface surface. Some species, such as acrylic, differ marked and can be contaminated during operation.
  8. Weak elasticity. Some plaster have weak elasticity. In particular, this concerns mineral. Over the years, such a facade can be covered by cracks.


Working with decorative plaster simply. It is enough to dissolve the mixture to the desired consistency and apply it to the surface with a smooth layer using a spatula. It is only important to finish the wall of the wall entirely, and not a separate section so that joints are not thrown into the eyes.

If the wall in front of the trim, the facade was insulated with a polyster, the plaster should be applied to the reinforcing grid. When the decorative plaster is applied to the tree, it is pre-wood to protect against moisture, because otherwise such a facade cracks.

Otherwise, the whole charm of working with decorative plaster is achieved by the ability to work by Hacker to dry material. To familiarize yourself with the process, you should explore video tutorials.

Important advantages of mineral plaster: good resistance to temperature drops, has anti-grapple additives, it looks good and able to decorate the facade. It is also important that this finishing material has a very affordable cost and is available to almost everyone. For those who strive to separate the facade of their own, mineral plaster will become a good choice, since it is easy to apply.

Also a very common type of finish for and facades of buildings. The stone wall looks good, beautiful and stylish, immediately turning the most ordinary house in the medieval castle. The stone can be used both natural and artificial. Naturally, the stone is firmly and reliably, his durability has no doubt.

Stone finish is able to well hold the temperature, this is important when climate with large seasonal temperature drops - for example, in the summer, the stone is able to hold inside the construction of the coolness, and in the winter - on the contrary, heat. This finish, it does not matter whether the natural stone or artificial is environmentally friendly and completely safe for human life and human health.

The disadvantage of the stone is its decent weight - not any construction will endure such a finish. For finishing, the stone requires a solid foundation capable of withstanding weight in several tons. Another minus is the cost, of course, the facade finish can afford not every owner. Of course, in this case, an artificial stone can be helped out, which has similar properties, and looks very close to the original. This option will cost cheaper.

The facade was decommissioned - already visually turns the house in a kind of fortress. Such a finish looks spectacular and expensive, so many years attracts buyers.

Choosing a stone design of the facade, remember that he will serve you a very long time, so, about all the nuances take care in advance. The stone is also perfect for an additional decor of the facade decorated with other materials. Very colorful, the trim of the facade with natural or artificial stone in combination with similar elements of the decor on other estates, such as a gazebo, paths, borders, and the like.

Facing trim facing brick

This material can be called a classic facade finish. Facing brick appeared long before any other types of facade materials and did not lose the relevance in our days due to incredible reliability, durability and excellent aesthetic characteristics. Agree, no other material will allow you to turn an ordinary country house in a medieval castle. And the facing brick copes with this task to "excellent"!

But the key advantage of this material is that with a brick trim, an additional wall appears with a brick finish.

Facing brick is made from the following materials:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • hyper pressed;
  • clinker.

Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages, and therefore can be serious about the price.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Durability. Facing brick is the most durable of all finishing materials. Even the easiest of options - silicate brick is able to maintain its properties up to 70-80 years. What can we talk about strong, which will have 150 or more years!
  2. As we have said, when finishing the facade of this type of material, your building appears an additional wall. And this is powerful protection in frosts in combination with excellent sound insulation properties. It can be said that in terms of frost-resistant facing brick there are no equal.
  3. Ecology. Brick is an environmentally friendly material and does not emit harmful substances atmosphere even when exposed to ultraviolet.
  4. Resistance to burning. Facing brick does not burn and does not tweet, does not emit chemically hazardous substances under the action of fire. On the contrary, he can become a reliable protection of your dwelling from fire.
  5. Does not care. This material is not dirty and resistant to mechanical damage. If necessary, it can be easily cleaned and washed.
  6. Cost. It must be said that the facing brick is one of the most expensive finishing materials. And not every person can afford a similar facade.
  7. Weight material. Brick weighs more than other finishing materials, which means that the buyer may have problems with its delivery and installation.
  8. Complexity with installation. Given all the subtleties of the facade cladding in such material, it will not work with it without professional skills. Moreover, the severity of the brick assumes the installation of an additional foundation for such a facade or the use of anchors for fastening. Otherwise, the brickwork can give a crack or just collapse.


This is a rather complicated process in which it is necessary to take into account all before the smallest detail: a mass of the future facade, the strength of the cement mixture, the presence of a foundation and many other nuances. So that the brick does not hit, and the cracks did not go along the seams, the laying should be carried out only for the previously erected foundation. Alternatively, you need to drive the anchors to the carrier wall that will hold the brick facade.

Working with this material is wiserfully to trust professional masonry. These are extra expenses, but, as practice shows, a similar solution will save you from a variety of problems in the future.

Facing facade of ceramics

This material is made from natural components: clay, quartz sand, field spat. This mixture is bred by water to the desired consistency. Then the firing should be found at high temperatures and pressing. The result of the process is a beautiful durable porcelain tile.

Such a cladding looks spectacular and able to decorate any facade, usually like even very picky customers. In addition to its excellent external data, porcelain stoneware is durable, weather-resistant and reliable material. The walls decorated with patchwork will serve in its original form for many years, since this material does not change during operation.

A lot of varieties of this material are available on sale, for example, stirrerins are distinguished:

  1. Maty. This is not processed after production surface - it gives the finish an interesting appearance.
  2. Sounded or satin. Externally, the tiles look as if covered with a layer of wax. In production, this effect is achieved by adding mineral salts.
  3. Glazed. The view resembles ceramic tiles, as it opens the protective glaze. It gives it additional strength properties and a glossy layer.
  4. Polished. The surface is specifically fascinated by abrasive nozzles. This porcelain stoneware cannot be noticed due to its sparkling saturated color.
  5. Structured. Particularly used for facade finishing of private houses. These are tiles of porcelain stoneware with various textured drawings. It can be simply embossed, rough, mimic the texture of a tree and so on.
  6. Mosaic. The most difficult in laying, like any mosaic - only real professionals will be able to fulfill this work. But the facade, the mosaic porcelain, always attracts attention, is not important, it was made from the standard set or owners preferred an exclusive option.

The disadvantage of porcelain is, first of all, its big weight is, that is, not any foundation will be able to withstand it. And also - the complexity of the installation, beautifully and high qualityly lay it will be able to only truly highly qualified specialists.

Clinker tiled facade

It is also very common as finishing for facades of buildings and fences. You can confidently call it the leader of external facing materials. Due to its attractive appearance, good operational properties and a variety of color schemes, clinker tiles clearly wins other similar materials.

The clinker tile is capable of carrying high and low temperatures, the effect of ultraviolet, the impact of moisture. And with all this, it is much easier than porcelain stoneware or facing stone. Its only disadvantage can be called fragility - careful attitude is important for it both during operation and during transportation and laying.

Siding appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but already managed to win the love of millions, and all because this finishing material is considered the cheapest in the field of "dry" installation.

In contrast, most of the materials, the facades from siding are ventilated, and therefore eliminate the structure from the appearance of mold and fungus. It is pleasant to surprise a variety of siding types. Depending on the building, which must be bred, you can choose the following form:

  • wood.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. A large assortment. Given the diversity of forms, colors and materials, the consumer will definitely find the most suitable option, both for the finishing of the country house and for the facade of the supermarket in the center of the metropolis. For example, vinyl siding is the cheapest and most popular private construction. At the same time, a metal and fibrotental version is used to finish banks and offices.
  2. Durability. Vinyl siding can stand without replacing 10 years or more, while the finishing material from the metal serves to 50 years! The truth should be taken into account that the vinyl siding is fragile, and is easily damaged in mechanical exposure.
  3. Almost all types of materials for finishing siding can boast resistance to atmospheric precipitation. Acrylic siding does not fade into the sun even at + 80 ° C and resistant to chemicals, while the vinyl siding is not recommended at temperatures above + 50 ° C and below -40 ° C.
  4. Ecology. Wooden siding is created from environmentally friendly materials. Along with the fibrotental option is considered the most environmentally friendly. But the vinyl siding cannot be said. Created on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, over the years, as well as under the influence of the Sun, it can highlight harmful connections into the atmosphere.
  5. Heat insulation and sound insulation. For the most part, finishing materials from siding do not have thermal insulation properties. The best in this regard is wooden siding. In any case, insulation and protection against extraneous sounds when finishing the facade, this material must be laid separately.
  6. Exterior appeal. Fibro-cement siding is considered the most sophisticated, imitating any finishing material, ranging from a tree and ending with a decorative stone. True, due to the high cost in Russia, it is not common.


Finishing the facade siding will not cause special difficulties. The purchased panels are attached to any surface, but there are some nuances. Mounting panels directly on the walls can only if they are wooden. In all other cases, for a start, you will have to see the facade of the crate, and this is an additional cost of material and increased labor intensity.

A huge advantage of siding before other materials is the lock system that are located on each panel. Thanks to them, the panels are simply inserted into each other and are attached to the crate through the factory holes with nails or self-drawing.

Initially, the facade panels called siding, but they were usually lined only the base of the house. Beautiful shape with a brick imitation, tree or stone, I liked the owners of the houses and they began to get off the whole house to them, from here and the name of the front panels went, because They began to be used to finish the whole house, not just the base. Over time, manufacturers began to produce various models of facade panels.

Types of facade panels:

  • a metal sheet;
  • fibrocement;
  • asbacement;
  • wooden chip;
  • vinyl, polypropylene;
  • sandwich panels.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Strength and durability. In terms of strength, the front panels are, of course, do not reach the facing brick, but, given the presence of two layers, there is noticeably superior to siding or plaster. No wonder the same deadline for this material is 50-60 years.
  2. Heat and sound insulation. These panels are available with an additional layer, which can be both insulating and soundproofing. A striking example is the well-known sandwich panels.
  3. Savory to atmospheric influences. Such material perfectly withstands the temperature differences, and can be used in the regions, with temperatures from + 50 ° C to -50 ° C. In addition, these panels are ventilated, and therefore eliminate the structure from mold and fungal lesions.
  4. Low weight. The facade material in question is lightweight, and therefore one person will be able to fix it on the walls.
  5. Resistance to burning. The facade panels are made of non-combustible materials, and are not prone to burning or drainage. The only "weak link" here is a panel of vinyl and polypropylene. Under the influence of fire, they are blocked and smoldering, highlighting harmful substances into the air.
  6. Facade care. Panel data after installation do not need to be career, and if necessary, it is easily wedged with water and washing means. The only wooden facade panels after installation must be protected by a protective varnish.
  7. Cost. Depending on the manufacturing material, the facade panels are 3-10 times more expensive than siding. 1.5-2 times more expensive plaster. At the same time, such an accurate imitation of a stone or brick is many times cheaper than natural brick.
  8. Ease of installation. In comparison with the installation of siding, install the facade panels are harder. In addition, to create such a facade, you will additionally need to acquire good items, and these are additional spending. At the same time, mount such panels easier than learn the finishing of the facade plaster or lay a facing brick. Facade panels can be installed independently without attracting specialists.


The cladding under consideration implies the installation of the crate. On the one hand, it is minus, as it requires spending on the material, and on the other, the advantage, because under the crate, the insulation is perfectly stacked. As in the case of siding, the panels come into engage with each other with special locks. It remains only to attach them to the crate with the help of self-tapping. It is important only to remember that the installation of the front panels is always made to the left and right and bottom.

- Beautiful natural material, which has become a worthy alternative lining and Block House. It is most often used to cover the walls of rustic cottages, cottages and baths. And this is quite justified, because it wants his own home on the lap of nature does not look like a stone or brick sculpture, but pleased with warmth and comfortably, which can only give a natural tree.

Wooden panels, imitating timber, may differ in thickness (up to 35 mm), width (up to 240 mm) and length (up to 6 meters). Materials for the manufacture of such a bar can act:

  • linden;
  • larch;
  • pine;
  • birch.

In addition, the panels are divided into classes:

  • E - extractable;
  • A - primitive material;
  • In - material with small defects;
  • C - material with flaws.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Durability. It is worth recognizing that brushing imitation is one of the most short-lived materials. As a rule, it is used not more than 10-15 years.
  2. Decorative characteristics. Wooden panels imitate the timber look outwardly. In addition, they can be covered with varnishes of various colors, from white to burgundy-black.
  3. Small weight. The ease of the panels does not create a burden on the house. Panels are able to mount one person on the walls.
  4. Heat and noise insulation. The tree perfectly extinguishes the sounds and keeps the heat well, so that in the summer in the house with such a facade is cool, and in winter - noticeably warmer.
  5. Facade care. This material once 2-3 years must be lacquer to protect against environmental exposure. Otherwise, the bar can rot or dying. In addition, to maintain the appearance of such a facade will have to regularly rub the wax panels.
  6. Fire hazard. This is the biggest disadvantage of this material because the tree is perfectly burning. And considering the panels are covered with varnish, also distinguishes harmful connections into the atmosphere.
  7. Loss of appearance. After about 5-6 years, the panel data begin to darken, losing the former freshness. To remove the problem, the white varnish is used.


To complete the facade of the simulation of the bar, you will have to fill a wooden crate on the length of the purchased panels. The cutture is stuffed with a step of 60 cm.

The brass fastening process is not difficult. From the bottom the board has a mounting groove, and on top of the ridge, thanks to which one bar is easily inserted into another. To the wall such bars are attached to nails (if the wall is wooden) or dowels (if the wall is concrete). This installation is capable of performing one person. In the presence of crates per day, you can mount the facade of the whole home.

Thermopanels are called a universal insulation for outdoor walls, which in addition to this creates a wonderful appearance of the building. They are very similar to conventional facade panels, with the only difference that the thermopanel is a multi-layer material. The inner part of it may consist of different components:

The outer part of the thermopanel can also be different and manufactured from different materials:

  • fake diamond;
  • clinker brick;
  • marble chips;
  • polymeric materials;

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Durability. According to manufacturers, the data of the panels can serve as 30-50 years, absolutely non-losing properties that are not afraid of the sun and not destroying the water with the influence of the external environment.
  2. Heat insulation and sound insulation. The name of the panels suggests that panel data is provided not only by the beauty of the facade, but also warmed the house.
  3. Ecology. Most of the species of this material are made from environmentally friendly materials. True, there are among them PVC panels that cannot boast of these quality.
  4. Savory to atmospheric influences. Thermopanels can be installed in any regions, but targeted for them are northern latitudes, where temperatures can be lowered to -80 ° C. In such conditions, they behave perfectly.
  5. Cost. It must be said that thermopanels are a fairly expensive material, which is at cost superior and siding, and the front panels. More expensive only facing brick.
  6. Convenience Montaja. Most panels have grooves and crests on the end walls, so that they are extremely easy to assemble on the wall. You can cope with them even alone, because the weight of one panel is 5-7 kg.
  7. Requirements for accuracy of work. The accuracy of the installation of these panels impose special requirements. The fact is that damaging the outer layer of such a panel, it will have to be thrown out.
  8. Thermal effect. The panels actually do not let the air, which means that without ventilation indoors with such a finish, the thermal effect may occur.


Given that thermopanels have a heater layer, it is necessary to install them for the maximum smooth surface. Perhaps before installation, you will have to shock and project the walls.

Panels are mounted on the wall with a glue composition. At the same time, each panel has grooves, thanks to which enters the other. In addition, the panels are attached to the wall with mounting nails.

It is only important to understand that after installing the thermopanels, it is necessary to close the seams between the plates. It is necessary to make it high quality so that the heat does not leave the house and the effect of installing this facade did not disappear.

Trim Facade Sandwich Panels

This facing material consists, as a rule, of three layers: a polymer or metal on both sides and a layer of insulation between them. In the form of insulation, it is usually used or polyurethane. Such a finish wins among other types of thermal insulation properties - they, perhaps, here are the highest.

The panels have a completely safe composition and a small weight. Installation is easy to implement even independently, since it does not need special devices or skills. However, the correct technology of laying sandwich panels is still very important, since if it is broken, it is possible to freeze the joints - and this is unacceptable.

Convenient sandwich panels and their low cost, if desired, everyone can afford such a finish of the facade.

Cassette facade

Metal cassettes are currently very widely used, both for finishing the facades of public buildings and in the decor of private households. This is an excellent version of the performance of the ventilated facades - the walls of the house do not deteriorate, and at the same time they provide reliable protection and a presentable appearance.

Cassettes are mounted on special rivets or self-tapping screws, it is possible to do it both open and in the closed way - depends on the wishes of the client and the finish type.

This material is reliable, resistant to all sorts of aggressive factors, be it atmospheric phenomena, temperature or fungus. It is impossible not to notice his fire safety and environmental friendliness.

Cassette facades are provided in a variety of options. The number of colors, sizes and textures - will form the imagination even the most picky buyer.

The only disadvantage of the cassette facade is their decent cost. However, choosing materials, note that such a finish is able to last for more than fifty years, and therefore, to fully justify its price.

Types of finishing facades, in fact, you can find many more - in some cases, the owners prefer to apply a non-standard approach or little-known materials. The most common were voiced above. Signally speaking, they can be divided by the method of mounting on "wet" and "dry". The first is mounted using special mixtures that are applied directly to the walls of the facade. The second is mounted using a special fastener, there may be a gap between such a finish and wall, the airbag or the insulation is laid.

The choice of material for finishing the facade is not a simple, here it is necessary to take into account all sorts of subtleties: the location of the building, height, its appearance and sizes. It is important to provide for the maximum harmonious combination of facade finish with other objects, fence, a common type of section.

Well, of course, taste wishes are important - classically strict design, romance or modern - different styles involve the use of various materials in color and texture. Modern building hypermarkets can offer an extensive assortment of finishing materials, you can make the right choice for every taste and wealth.

The question is, the cheaper to separate the facade of the house, relevant for almost all owners of private buildings. After all, on the one hand, I want a housing facing to be high-quality and aesthetically attractive, and on the other - it is obvious that unjustified expenses in pursuit of "exclusive" and stunning appearance. Raren those families who can afford any decision without looking at its cost.

But also to fall into extremes, stopping at the most budget version, without an objective assessment of the ability of the selected material to "resist" an aggressive outdoor medium - the wind, rain, frost, snow, etc., is definitely not worth it. Is that, you want to make sure in practice in the effectiveness of the saying "I pay twice."

Separate the facade of the house is cheap, of course, it will not work, but to choose the optimal material, which, in other other performance, will have a smaller price, quite real.

Criteria for competent selection

To solve, the better to separate the facade of the house and at the same time financially not guess, it is very important to clearly determine the criteria that contribute to identifying the advantages and disadvantages of one or another option.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of the ready-made facade. Of course, the "presentability" of the facing is the concept of very and very subjective, directly dependent on the personal tastes of the owners. However, such parameters of the materials used as:

  • the number of colors of color variation and textures,
  • resistance to fading and the emergence of other visual defects,
  • similarity with natural raw materials (if the simulation product is considered)

it is impossible to leave without attention. They will help to make an objective impression of the product.

The next quite obvious criterion is the durability of the material. Agree, it will be very sad if the inexpensive facade of the house will be a real headache with the need for annual reinformance work. If you like the type of facing is a good service life - know you are on the right track.

It is no secret that the facade material is not enough to choose. It is also necessary to make it installation. The complexity of the task, the presence of seasonal restrictions, the volume of auxiliary elements and materials - all these factors should be considered.

And finally, the total cost of external cladding. Here must be included:

  • cost of material per kilogram or square meter;
  • the price of components, tints, the necessary equipment;
  • the cost of installation (as well as, if necessary, and preparatory work).

All other things being equal, you can safely navigate when choosing exactly the final cost of finishing the facade.

Popular Exterior Finishing Options

Most often, owners of private houses prefer facade facing:

  • siding;
  • facade plaster;
  • block house;
  • facing brick - ceramic or clinker;
  • facade tiles.

Siding is a good choice or not?

The main types of siding used to facade facades of houses - vinyl and basement. Aluminum in residential construction is extremely rarely used. Key Benefits of Material - Security, Relative Easy Installation, Completeness of Care.

And the most obvious disadvantage is an artificial appearance. And, we can say that this fact practically crosses all the advantages. In Europe, for example, Siding is treated solely if necessary to lodge economic or temporary buildings. And although the base siding, unlike the vinyl, and imitates a natural brick or a stone, the plasmaity of it still "blows."

As for the service life, the siding manufacturers assure that their "children" are able to serve as faithfully 40-50 years. But in practice, this figure is usually significantly less, since the material of the fragile with severe frosts, unstable to deformations, is prone to burnout. Cases when to siding after 5 years of operation to look sad, unfortunately, not rare.

When mounting siding in the cold season, it should be borne in mind that the material has a high thermal expansion.

average cost

Vinyl siding will cost you about 200 rd / sq. m. The total cost of such a cladding, taking into account the installation and the necessary auxiliary elements - about 1500 rubles / sq.m.

Socular siding - the pleasure of more expensive. The material itself is on average 400-500 r. / Sq. M. The actual finish cost of the house is 3000 rubles / sq.m.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster

Plaster - coating capable of providing a facade with a decent appearance; Moisture-resistant, "breathing." Depending on the link, the facade plasters are:

  • mineral (base - cement);
  • acrylic (base - acrylic resins);
  • silicate (base - liquid glass);
  • silicone (base - silicone resins).

A variety of textures and color gamuts for this material is very limited. In the prevailing majority of cases, such a cladding must be additionally painted. And the texture can usually choose either rough or rustic.

The service life of the facade, finished by plaster - 7-10 years. And although with the time of the plaster and it becomes stronger, it is not a rack to mechanical damage.

Subtleties of mounting

To separate the facade plaster, a house of 150-200 square meters is required 6-8 weeks. It should be predefined to produce the priming of surfaces. "Wet" processes make the installation of facade plaster quite dependent on weather conditions and season.

Note! Low vapor permeability of acrylic plaster makes it impossible to use it in Tandem with such a heatel like mineral wool.

For the gas-concrete basis "suitable" exclusively mineral plaster.

average cost

  1. Mineral plaster. The cost of the material is about 40 r. / Kg. Consumption of plaster on a square meter - 3 kg. The total cost per square meter, taking into account the payment of installation and all necessary materials - 2000-2200 rubles.
  2. Acrylic plaster. The cost of material is 50 r. / Kg. Consumption - 1.5 kg / sq. M. The total cost is 2500.
  3. Silicate plaster. The cost of the material is 100 r. / Kg. Consumption - 2.5 kg / sq. M. The total cost is 2800.
  4. Silicone plaster. The cost of the material is 100 r. / Kg. Consumption - 3 kg / sq. M. The total cost is 3000.


Block House - subspecies of lining, facial surface imitating a rounded log. This material is natural and environmentally friendly, but rather roads and are short-lived. No fires. From flaws of appearance, bits, cracks, worms and other defects characteristic of wood are possible.

When buying a block house, you should make sure that it is not "raw" - otherwise it is highly risk that the material will rot.

Important! Block House, like any wooden surface in the open air, needs a periodic update - coverage with special protective compositions, etc.

average cost

The price of a block house is largely dependent on the variety of wood. The cost of a square meter can range from 400 to 1000 rubles (including installation work and the necessary processing - 3000-4000 thousand)

Facing brick - quality and durability

Facial ceramic brick is an environmentally friendly material made of natural raw materials (clay) manufactured by special technology. It is frost-resistant, durable, demonstrates low moisture absorption and good sound insulation. The facial clinker brick is performed in the same way as ceramic, but burned at a higher temperature, so that there are no voids in it. Compared to ceramic, has even better physical characteristics.

Facing brick has a wide range of textures, shapes and colors. With him, your facade does not risk fading. The only possible external disadvantage is the appearance of verbs.

The house, decorated with facial brick, will look a luxurious not one decade. Clinker brick is a sample of durability, it is able to withstand more than 150 "freezing-thawing" cycles.

Brick cladding should be taken into account at the stage of its design (the material is placed on the main foundation). Otherwise, additional strengthening of the foundation will be required.

average cost

The variation of prices for the material is quite large, but, naturally, possessing the status of the leader in durability and quality, facing brick simply can not cost cheaply. Professional brick laying is also very expensive. Therefore, this option of finishing the facade The average Russian chooses infrequently.

The square meter of ceramic brick will cost 1200-3000 rubles, clinker - in 3600-4000. The square meter of the finished, beautiful and insulated brick facade in general will require up to 6000 rubles.

Facade tile: pros and cons

Facade tile - modern and reliable building materials. No moisture is afraid, durable, durable. With high-quality stacking - provides a shared appearance at home. The service life of the facade, decorated with ceramic tiles can be decades. True, much depends on the quality of the adhesive solution.

Installation of the facade tile, as a rule, is not easy. The process is awesy:

  • the need for careful preliminary surface preparation;
  • the complexity of achieving rectinity of the seam;
  • high fragility of material before laying.

average cost

The facade tile in comparison with the brick demonstrates no worst in quality and aestheticity of the final result, but it is much cheaper. The price of a square meter of material 1000-1500 rubles, the actual cost of the square meter of such a cladding usually does not exceed 3000.

A really inexpensive finish of the facade of the house can only be in the event that you will produce it with your own hands. As you can see, some materials, at first glance, seem to be extremely cheap, but in practice, taking into account the value of all auxiliary elements and the entire amount of work, it turns out that this is not the case. And only if you decide on this rather difficult job on your own independently we can talk about substantial savings.

This video video will introduce you to the installation rules of vinyl siding:

It is very important when choosing materials for facade cladding objectively assess their "prospects" - how many will serve how often they will need to care and update which investment and how soon may require.

It will not be superfluous to look at the Internet in the photo of various types of facades, to feel what "style of execution" you like more. The appearance of the house should not just like - it is necessary to be in love. It has been proven that this moment directly affects the psychological comfort from staying inside the housing or near him.

Understand how cheaper to separate the facade of the house photo of various facing options is unlikely to help, but a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is waiting for you in the end when referring to this or that material is clearly contributed.

Thoughtfully weighing all the nuances, we are sure you can take the right decision that will be optimal for your family, both with financial and aesthetic point of view.

Outdoor finish of the house options in a large assortment are presented on the modern construction market, it is capable of transforming the walls of any building, both old and new. But, moreover, Properly installed material perfectly protects the surface from the influence of external factors, preventing them in erosion and destruction.

In the event that the house is only designed, recommended at this stage in advance to foresee than and how its walls will be taken. If it is decided to protect and update the facade of an old building, then it is necessary to approach this issue more responsibly, as it is necessary to select the finish not only for its aesthetic and high-quality characteristics, but also on compatibility with the material of the walls. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with various finishes options to make it easier to determine its right choice.

At what stage of construction is a facade finish?

Before proceeding to the consideration of various facade finishing materials, it makes sense to immediately decide on how the work of the construction should be carried out on their installation. This is also important because it is not in time the installed finish may be damaged when installing other building elements.

  • So, firstly, finishing work is carried out only after the windows and door blocks will be installed in the openings of the house.
  • Secondly, almost any structure during the first year after the construction gives a shrinkage, sometimes it is very considerable, which can significantly damage the facade finish. Therefore, final finishing activities are recommended after this period.
  • After a year shrinkage, before proceeding to the finish, all surfaces of the structure should be checked for vertically and horizontality. If there are significant skews, it is possible that the wall will have to be aligned using plaster or crate, depending on the material from which the house is erected and from the selected finish.
  • Facade works are recommended at moderate temperatures, approximately from +5 to +25 degrees, in which materials are in their natural state, without expanding and not compressing.
  • Some of the finishing materials have a lot of weight, so they will significantly increase the load on the foundation, and this factor is especially important to take into account when finishing the old house. If doubts arise on this issue, it is best to invite a specialist who can calculate the possible additional load on the base of the house and its admissibility.

Plastering facade

Finish facade brick

Brick cladding is the only way to finish, which can be carried out before the windows and door frames will be installed in the openings, so the approach is erected another durable wall of the wall, and when installing frames or boxes, they will not damage the finish.

Frequently often between the capital wall and the facing layer of bricks, lay insulating material, for example, such as mineral wool, or fill the clearance between them polyurethane foam, clay and vermiculitic backfill.

Artificial stone can be correct and improper forms and is made in the form of tiles or fragments of "wild" stone with chaotic chips on the outer surfaces.

If the stone is made and laid in strict accordance with the existing technological guidelines on this expense, it is difficult to distinguish it from natural. True, artificial material will have to be periodically tying, and may be covered with special facade varnishes.

Facade finish panels

Facade panels are made from different materials - it can be metal, polyvinyl chloride, fibroten or wood, so to speak, "for every taste and wallet." Panels are made in different sizes, so it is possible to choose exactly the option that will become most convenient in the installation. You can find single-layer and multilayer finishing plates, so if there is a need to perform the insulation of the walls along with the finish, it makes sense to choose a sandwich panel in which the thermal insulation material is presented.

The panels securely protect the walls from external natural effects, while maintaining them without damage for a long time, since they are connected to a single coating.

Modern facade panels have high strength and resistance to corrosion and ultraviolet. They are great for facing the walls of old houses, transforming them unrecognizable, as many of them imitate natural stone, wood, brick and other finishing coatings.

Metal Polymer Coating Panels

Metal panels are made from aluminum or galvanized steel. Their surface can be smooth, profiled or even textured. The thickness of the metal sheet is sometimes up to 0.55 mm. The surface of the panels can be covered with different polymers - plastisol, glossy or matte polyester, as well as pural.

This type of panels is characterized as follows:

- their service life is 30 years and more;

- severe frost resistance;

- resistance to corrosive processes;

- moisture resistance;

- absolute non-combustibility;

- ease of installation;

- a variety of color solutions;

- resistance to acids and alkalis;

- Accessibility - up to 50 kg / cm².

The disadvantage of these panels can be called the complete absence of insulating and sound insulation qualities.

Vinyl panels

Vinyl facade panels can be called the most popular material for finishing surfaces, as they have an excellent appearance and a variety of proposed options.

Prices for wooden lining

Assembling the panels among themselves into a single wall cladding is most often made with the help of locks or latches, and the wall is fixed to the wall (or to the frame structure), the trim is fixed with the use of dowels or screws.

The following qualities can be attributed to the clear advantages of this finishing material:

- long operational period, about 30 years;

- operating temperature from - 50 to +50 degrees;

- excellent water resistance;

- simplicity of processing and editing;

- the small weight of the material is about 5 kg / m²;

- complete inertia to corrosion and biological processes;

- relatively low thermal conductivity - about 0.16 W / m × ºС;

- High resistance of material and coloring pigments to ultraviolet rays.

The disadvantages of such a cladding include the fragility, which polyvinyl chloride acquires at low temperatures, therefore the risk of chips and the appearance of cracks with accented mechanical effects occurs.

Facade two-layer thermopanels

Equipped with a layer of polyurethane foam, have high thermal insulation qualities, since this insulation has a closed cellular structure consisting of 96% of the air. The thickness of the thermal insulating layer can be from 40 to 100 mm, on top of which decorative lining, made of polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride or metal, is fixed.

The "pluses" of this facing material include the following quality:

- enough long service life - from 30 to 50 years;

- high frost resistance;

- low thermal conductivity 0.028 W / m × ºС, which contributes to the maximum decrease in heat loss through the walls of the house;

- Low moisture absorption;

- resistance to external influence and to the occurrence of microflora colonies;

- operating temperatures from - 48 to +100 degrees;

- a small mass of panels, which is only about 5 kg / m²;

- Facing practically does not require care;

- There is simplicity of installation work. It is even more important that the implementation of one installation operation is immediately ensured by solving problems and finishes, and wall insulation.

The disadvantage of cladding can be called that the material is melted when exposed to it with an open flame or high temperatures. But, at the same time, it does not contribute to the spread of fire, as it is self-fighting.

Facade Sandwich Panels

The sandwich panels consist of three layers - two rigid external sheets, which are made of metal, magnesite plates, fiberboard or PVC, and a layer of insulating material being laid between them - as it is used most often, mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

Such a panel is not only a reliable protective and decorative trim for walls, but also insulation, as well as soundproofing the walls of the house. The main operational characteristics of this cladding material are largely dependent on the type of insulating material and its thickness:

Some characteristics of wall sandwich panels are shown in the table:

Panel thickness (mm)Specific weight (kg / m²)Thermal conductivity of kW / (m² × ºС)Fire Resistance GOST 30247-94 (EI)
50 14.1 9.5 0.84 0.78 EI15.EI15.
60 15.2 9.7 0.71 0.65 EI30.EI15.
80 16.3 10.1 0.57 0.49 EI45.EI15.
100 18.5 10.4 0.47 0.4 EI60.EI15.
120 20.6 10.9 0.38 0.32 EI60.EI15.
140 22 11.3 0.35 0.287 EI70.EI15.
150 24 11.5 0.32 0.27 EI90.EI15.
180 27.8 12.1 0.26 0.23 EI90.EI15.
200 30.5 12.5 0.2 0.2 EI90.EI15.
250 37.2 12.9 0.16 0.19 EI90.EI15.

In this table, some materials and indicators are indicated by letters that have the following values:

- MV - mineral wool (usually basalt);

- PPU - polyurethane foam.

EFF rate EI - loss of thermal insulation properties and violation of the integrity of the panel. Value shows duration of period (In minutes), during which the surface of the panel is not facing the fire retains the temperature corresponding to the safety criteria.

Other technical characteristics of the sandwich panels look as follows:

- declared operational period - 30 years or more;

- resistance of cladding to corrosion and fungal lesions;

- Environmentally friendly material;

Fibro cement facade panels

Fibro cement panels are made from cement with the addition of mineral fillers and cellulose fibers, which range from the total volume of 10%. This finishing material is used for cladding both new and long-built houses. Mounted panels on a wooden or metal crate, fixed on the wall, and among themselves they are usually sealed with the castles "Paz-Comb."

Panels can have different reliefs that imitate natural materials - stone, wood or brickwork. An acrylic or polyurethane coating is applied to the surface of the slabs, and sometimes the layer of stone crumb is also used to it. The panels produce different thicknesses, which varies from 8 to 15 mm. The mass of plates with a thickness of 8 mm is 16 kg / m², and in 15 mm - about 30 kg / m².

The positive qualities of this material are as follows:

- the operational period of cladding is at least 20 years;

- High frost resistance of the material;

- inertness of plates to corrosion and biodegradable;

- resistance to ultraviolet, since the composition of the coloring compositions includes substances that absorb solar rays;

- absolute non-combustible material;

- resistance to temperature difference;

- environmental cleanliness of cladding;

- Sound absorption - about 29 dB.

The following points can be distinguished from the disadvantages:

- Some plates models after their installation require additional finishes of acrylic paint;

- the hygroscopicity of the material is 7%, which can lead to deformation processes;

- Not very high shocking panels - about 0.25 kg / cm².

Video: Example of use for finishing the facade of special cement panels

Facade finish with clapboard and siding

Lining for finishing facades is made from different materials and can have different forms, as well as names. Thus, such a sheath is made of traditional wood, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and metal.

Wooden facade lining

This type of material is a well-processed whiteboard having a groove and spikes from different sides, which work as a lock when mounting the wallboard on the wall.

Wooden facade lining is made in different forms, so when it is elected, it is necessary to immediately decide which effect I would like to get after the completion of the installation.

The lining makes from different breeds of wood - it can be oak, larch, ash, pine, spruce, aspen, linden and other materials. From what tree it will be made, the price of finishing is directly dependent. In addition, the cost depends on the class of finishing material, which there are four, and each of them has its own quality parameters:

- The extractlabe is a high-quality lining with an ideal even smooth and smooth surface that does not have any flaws.

- Lining class "A" is also high quality, but insignificant irregularities are allowed on its lamellae and the presence of one bitch per 1500 mm length.

- The class "B" is a medium quality material that may have more flaws, such as dark spots, as well as up to four bits for every 1500 mm.

- Class "C" - low-grade lining, on which a large amount of bitch is allowed, a diameter of up to 25 mm, as well as dark spots and non-separation cracks.

When choosing the lining, it is necessary to remember that this classification is applied to all rocks of wood, of which the finishing material is manufactured.


In fact, it is the same clap, but in contrast to it, it is fixed on the surface of the walls of the Vangest and does not have the castle compounds "Paz-Schip". This material made of wood, vinyl and metal, can have a polymer coating of various colors, as well as imitate a spoken pattern of a tree or stone.

It should be noted that the form and method of fastening this material, even more reliably protect the wall than the traditional lining. This feature is ensured by the fact that each of the lamellas in the upper part, along the entire length, has a bias along which the moisture falling on the surface has the ability to drain down the facing, not falling on the capital wall or the insulation fixed on it.

It is performed in the form of single or double lamellae. In addition, for the finishing of the facade, especially the base of it, panels having different reliefs that simulate smaller tiles or brickwork are used. A distinctive feature Siding panels are also a method of fastening the brass, that is, the upper mounted number is superimposed on the mating lock of the lower.

If you plan to install this cladding on a concrete or brick wall, as well as on top of the insulating material, then it is necessary to equip the wall with a wooden or metal crate. If you need to see a smooth wooden wall, then the lamellas or plates are fixed on it with the help of self-tapping screws.

Since the wooden lining can also have a siding form, the table below shows the comparative characteristics of cladding made from vinyl, metal and wood:

IndicatorVinyl (acrylic) sidingMetal (Steel) SidingWooden siding
Raw materialPolyvinyl chloride (PVC)Galvanized steel having polyurethane coatingNatural wood of various breeds
Installation temperatureFrom 0 to +35 degrees - this is explained by the ability of the material to expand with elevated and becoming fragile at low temperatures.Not limitedNot limited, but before installing wood it is recommended to adapt to the ambient temperature.
Operating temperatures during operationFrom -50 to +50 degreesFrom -50 to +80 degreesFrom -80 to +80 degrees
Floor temperatureDo not combustible, melting point + 450 degreesDo not combustible, when exposed to high temperatures, the material deformation occurs+ 300 degrees. For comparison, combustion temperature match: + 600 degrees
Fire safetyDoes not support combustionDoes not support combustionEasy marked material
GigroscopicNonhygroscopicNonhygroscopicHigh, so special wood processing is required
Sensitivity to temperature dropsThe average - panels can "play" due to linear expansion.LowAverage
Surface Treatment (Additional)Not requiredNot requiredIt is required impregnation with antiseptics and antipirens.
ColoringNot requiredNot requiredRequires paint, mourn or varnish.
Color rangeAbout 20 pastel monophonic colors, as well as imitation of the texture of natural materialsMore than one hundred colors and imitation of textural patterns, as well as several types of decorative sputteringColor range is limited to wood colors, it can be expanded by the use of coloring compositions.
Color recoveryImpossibleYou can, applying special coloring compositions, but the price is high enoughPerhaps applying special coverage.
Types of surface texturesSmooth, embossed, imitating brickwork, natural tree, chips of stone.Smooth, embossed and embossed.Smooth
Using panels and lamellas of different sizesIt is impossible for the main finishing material, possibly for fittings.maybe
InstallationLightweight, thanks to special mounting sites on panels intended for fasteners.Easily installed and fixed.A more complex process when installing horizontal lamellas.
Mechanical exposure resistanceHigh with normal and low at negative temperatures, since the material becomes fragile.Low, deformation is possible (the appearance of dents) after even minor shocks.High
Resistance to scratchsHigh. Such damage is invisible, since the material is painted in the mass.Average. If the scratch is applied, the metal with time can damage corrosion.High
Sound and thermal insulationAverageLowHigh
Facing careRequires cleaningDoes not require complex cleaning, it is enough to wash it with water.Requires periodic care - cleaning and replacing the protective paintwork.
Weight1.8 ÷ 2.25 kg / m²3.9 ÷ 5.8 kg / m²Depends on the breed and quality of wood.
Thing thickness0.7 - 1.2 mm0.48 - 0.61 mm20 - 40 mm
Maximum lamella lengthup to 3,660 mmup to 6,000 mmup to 6,000 mm
EcologyQuality is confirmed by certificates.Natural material that creates a favorable microclimate.
Operating time guaranteed by the manufacturerUntil 50 years with proper installation.Until 50 years with proper care.

Another option is a block house, which is made from the same materials as the traditional cladding, but differs in its shape, imitating a semicircular slice of a log. Thus, the house, covered with this type of material, looks like a log cabin. All the characteristic features of the siding, presented in the table, correspond to the qualities of a block house, made of vinyl, metal or wood.

Relying on all data presented in the publication on various facade finishes, it will be possible to conclude which one is most suitable for a particular structure erected from a certain material. Probably, at the same time it makes sense to evaluate not only the quality and decorative features of the facing, but also the possibility of conducting self-installation, since the invitation of masters is always in a considerable amount.

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Competently completed finish of the facade of the private house fully meets the basic requirements. It protects the walls from external influences, insulates the house, is a magnificent decorative decoration. In today's Material, we will present the most common options for the external finishing of the house, photos that allow to evaluate the decorative features of different materials, and a comparative analysis of the cost of various coatings.

Harmonious selection of decoration enlist the appearance of the house

The main requirements for the finishing of the facade surfaces are governed by the Code of Rules 71.13330.2017. Based on this document, it is prescribed to fix cladding plates requiring adhesive layer, apply materials in the form of mastic or glue C1 (on the lower floors) and C2 (above the first floor).

If the finishing of the house outside is done with natural stone, then the plates are first washed and dried. For artificial materials, additional moisturizing is required. With a plate of a plate, over 900 cm², the adhesive solution is required to be applied both on the wall and on the outbreak surface of the material. When using artificial plates or natural stone with a thickness above 12 mm, fasteners are installed.

Article on the topic:

Wooden siding

The predecessor of all other types of similar finishes wooden siding has not lost its popularity. For the manufacture of modern products, pressing the wood pulp mixture is carried out when heated, which makes the panels durable. Additives add additives to improve performance. Pre-raw material is cleared of impurities and resins harmful to health, which makes wooden siding with environmentally friendly material. Coating from it, thanks to the natural structure, looks comfortable and naturally.

Among the disadvantages, there is a need to periodically process the compositions that protect against fire, the formation of mold and releasing insects. Also wooden cladding requires painting, as it periodically burns out in the sun. It is not recommended to sow wooden siding wall of private houses from foamed material or fiberglass.

Metal Siding

If you compare metal siding with analogues, then it is the most resistant to natural impact, has a service life of 30 years and more. The material is durable, well withstands the shock load, does not become fragile when heated and cooling. All pollution is easily flushed with a jet of water from the hose. Metal siding is resistant to rotting, it will not be able to damage rodents and insects. This material is fire-resistant, does not mow if there is a number of open flame. Under the influence of sun rays does not fade.

The disadvantages include the possibility of rust due to the impact of moisture, higher cost. For cutting requires a special knife, and the installation will not be able to spend without professional skills. When fastening the facing, the installation is mandatory.

Sandwich panels

Due to the three-layer structure, which includes a metal or polymer shell, located on both sides, and the insulation between them, the sandwich panels have wonderful thermal insulation qualities. The role of the insulation is used, or polyurethane foam.

This is a worthy material for finishing the facades of private houses, the positive characteristics of which is quick installation, low weight, good noise insulation, environmental safety. An important factor is the cost available. After the correct installation on the frame (wooden or metallic) sandwich panel perfectly serve for a long time.

The disadvantage can be the possibility of freezing joints if the installation was performed with violations.

Ventilated facades

Multicomponent ventilated facades protect the walls with a decrease in temperature and extend their life. They are a system with the presence of special gaps that ensure the ventilation of the insulation. For the frame, it is recommended to use galvanized or aluminum profiles.

The advantages of ventilated facades is a long service life that is the minimum of 50 years. In winter, they are well saved heat, are non-combustible and environmentally friendly. At temperature drops, cracks are not formed on the surface. Attract uncomplicated editing techniques that can be carried out at any time. If necessary, facing is easily dismantled.

The disadvantaged facade is the possibility of condensate between the wall and the insulation, if the installation was illiterately. From this wall begins to freeze, and moisture is formed, which reduces the service life.

Modern facing of the facade of the house, which material is better - comparing options

The variety of options for finishing facades of houses with modern materials complicates the choice, so it is important to previously analyze their range and decide on priority criteria.

Title materialKey advantagesdisadvantages





Aesthetic appearance

Breathable coating

The possibility of obtaining damage from mechanical impacts
A rock:




Environmental Safety

High resistance to external influences

High price

Need to hold mounting skills

Facing brick:



Hyper pressed;




High Decorative Qualities

Reliable foundation is needed

Thorough docking

CeramographicMagnificent strength

Resistance to any atmospheric influences


Significant weight

High price

Ceramic facade tileGood decorative qualities, strength

Low price

The need for careful preparation of the foundation

Need to own the skills of laying

Fragility material

Decorative siding:


Wooden (larch);


Light mounting

Low price

Good decor

Some species have a brief operational period

Weak resistance to ultraviolet

Sandwich panelsEnvironmental Safety

Fast mounting

Good noise insulation


Can freeze joints
Ventilated facadeProlonged operational time

High thermal insulation

Affordable installation

Can be formed in condensate gaps

Even a brief review analysis allows you to make certain conclusions. More information can be found in the article in descriptions dedicated to specific types of facing varieties.

Harmonious Combined Facade Finish

If there are difficulties, what material to separate all parts of the structure, you can pick up different types of finishes, hamonary combining them. What a similar exclusive facade of private houses looks like, the photos placed below will demonstrate in various angles.

An additional decor can serve an insertion from another type of material. More often occurs such a reception at in order to ensure reliable protection of the foundation and basement.

You can select different materials for the combined finish. It is important not to create a varnish, performing the harmonious location of individual elements. The result becomes an exclusive design style that attracts attention originality and demonstrating artistic abilities and taste of owners.

Price overview for facade materials for outdoor finishing

Deciding than to strip the house outside Impasso and beautifully, the prices of the most popular facing materials should be analyzed.

Title materialPrice per m², rub.Cost of work turnkey taking into account insulation per m², rub.
Mineral350−750 ˃850
Acrylic1600−1905 ˃2100
Silicate2600-2615 ˃3100
Silicone2406−3900 ˃3500
A rock
Natural1400−2750 ˃7340.
Artificial550-2350 ˃4550
Facing brick
Clinker1250−2650 ˃2600.
Ceramic400-800 ˃1400
Hyperpressed665-1250 ˃1700
Silicate280-350 ˃1000
Ceramographic630-1850 ˃3680
Ceramic facade tile958-2350 ˃1700
Decorative siding
Vinyl185 ˃750
Wooden (larch)590-1950 ˃2000
Metal450-600 ˃1550
Sandwich panels600-1800 ˃3100
Ventilated facade1150-1500 ˃650

Among the improved varieties of a new generation cladding should be noted the thermopanels of the facade Russian production, the price of which varies from 2050 to 7000 rubles. per m2. Such a material is a gas-filled plastic with a decorative surface of mineral crumbs or various tile color and texture.

The choice of a suitable type of finishing for your own home is a serious work that requires a comprehensive analysis of many factors. We will be interested in your experience, express your opinion, share tips and recommendations, ask questions in the comments.


As soon as the country house appears, we are looking for options for what to separate the facade of the house. Materials in the modern market are a huge variety, so the owners of private buildings have the opportunity to choose what fits them most on financial capabilities. At all, the budget options should not be chosen, since after all the residential object should be securely protected.

Choosing competently!

Finishing materials for the house are aimed at making an exterior of a special appearance and protect it from various external influences. In order for the facade to be presentable, you need to take into account a lot of trifles:

Many are looking for solutions, how to separate the facade of the house is cheap. But it is worth remembering that the total cost of finishing is made up of several components - the prices of material, components, equipment and prices are directly edited.

We work with a wooden house

It is important to choose materials for finishing, taking into account the characteristics of the house and the material from which it is built. Thus, the owners of wooden houses seek to emphasize its naturalness, naturalness, so most often refuse to finish. But in some cases without it, it is not necessary, as wood - material, not resistant to different atmospheric influences. How to separate the facade of a wooden house to emphasize his natural beauty? Before answering this question, it should be noted that the process of cladding is not simple, since a number of the following works are required:

Material for a wooden house: brick or plaster?

Experts say that any brusal or log cottage looks very beautiful in itself. But if you still want to give him a completely different look, then we propose to evaluate a number of materials. Before separating the facade of a wooden house, you need to competently approach the process itself, not forgetting such an important stage as insulation. Not the easiest way to finish the wooden structure - plaster, which is stacked only on the crate. The use of plaster is good because you can give the facade of a spectacular appearance. Experts say that this method is too time-consuming, and therefore it is infrequently used. In addition, plaster does not boast of color manifold.

Among the popular materials are brick: it allows you to significantly transform the appearance of the building, to ensure its high fire hazard, increase the resistance of the walls to frost and moisture. But work is carried out only after a complete shrinkage of the building, the mounting of the brick is performed on special devices from the metal, besides, the load on the foundation with this choice will be much higher, so it is necessary to think about its strengthening at the design stage. Since to separate the facade of the private house brick is not the simplest task, you should entrust all the calculations to competent specialists.

Siding, PVC panels or tile?

Very often wooden houses are separated by siding. The popularity of the material is explained by its available cost and simplicity of installation. Experts say that such a finish will be a reliable and practical protection of the house. The advantage of this solution is and a variety of color solutions, that is, your wooden house may look different. So if you are looking for how inexpensive to separate the facade of the house, choose siding: to care for it is simple, it is durable and does not deteriorate under the influence of natural factors. In addition, the installation of siding is carried out on the frame, and therefore it will be possible to insulate the building.

The PVC panels are used in the finish infrequently, but their advantage - in the imitation of different surfaces. In addition, they are distinguished by resistance to mechanical effects. It is interesting to look on a wooden surface tile, which is attractive to practicality. But, as experts noted, it is not so easy to work with this material.

House of foam blocks

Many modern cottages are based on foam blocks and aerated concrete. The popularity of materials is also explained by the simplicity of work with them, and durable operation. True, there are several nuances that should be taken into account before separating the facade of the house of foam blocks:

To bring the facade in order, experts advise using the following ways:

  • ventilated facade: it can be erected using siding, lining, decorative panels;
  • facing brick: Its use allows you to consider the ventilation holes, therefore the natural circulation of air between the wall and finishing material will be ensured;
  • plaster mixes;
  • simple staining using which have good vapor permeability.

These are the best solutions for those who are looking for an option than to separate the facade of the house of aerated concrete.

Frame house

Such buildings attract attention to the fact that they are economical in the construction. But with the finish, you need to be careful, since there are a number of nuances, mandatory for accounting:

How to separate with the above? Many experts recommend mounted and any attachments based on vinyl block house, siding. Such a coating attracts an affordable price, simple installation, reliability and durability, so this system is in high demand today.

The frame house looks beautifully when weaving with clapboard, wooden siding, a block house - in general, materials that emphasize the naturalness of the tree. Such structures look solid, presentable and beautifully fit into the surrounding landscape. You can give some effect to the facade with the help of facade decorative plaster. And to express the personality and solidity of the cottage will help trim with tiles, natural or artificial stone.

Thus, we see that there are many options for what the facade of the house can be separated. But that your choice is really conscious, you should pay attention to the advantages of each material and its approximate cost.


This material likes and buyers, and experts for its safety, ease of installation, ease of care and a beautiful appearance. Suppose it is most often used in most European countries to finish houses. And if you consider that manufacturers guarantee the service life of about 40 years, you can protect your housing for long-to-year years. As for the price, the material on average costs about 200 rubles per 1 square meter. m., if we talk about vinyl siding, the base is more expensive - about 500 rubles square meters. M. But still for those who are looking for than inexpensively to separate the facade of the house, this material is best suited.


This coating can make the facade of any home beautiful and worthy of attention. From the point of view of the structure, we have moisture-resistant and breathable material. The varieties of its set are acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone plaster. But in terms of texture and color solutions, the material is very limited, moreover, the facade is required to additionally before facing. Experts note that this coverage is enough for 10 years, while it does not differ in mechanical exposure resistance.

The process itself is not the easiest - to finish the house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 150-200 square meters. m will be required at least 6-8 weeks. And in advance the surface is needed to protect it from atmospheric influences. Cost kilogram plaster from 40 rubles. For 1 kg, this is the most simple variety, the silicate and silicone plaster are expensive - they cost from 100 rubles per kilogram. On average, about 3 kg of material is consumed on one square meter.

Block house

What is inexpensive to separate the facade of the house, if it is made of wood and want to emphasize his natural beauty? Experts offer to pay attention to the variety of lining - a block house, the facial surface of which mimics the rounded log. With ecologularity and naturalness, the material does not differ in durability, and the appearance of the surface can spoil the cracks and other defects that are characteristic of wood. In addition, it will be necessary to constantly update the surface of the block house by protective means. The cost of one square meter of the material varies in the range of 400-1000 rubles.

Ceramic brick

If you are more important for you the appearance of your home, and not the cost of finishing, choose the facial ceramic brick. It attracts attention to the environmental purity and naturalness of the composition, frost resistance and durability and good sound insulation. We need to decide in advance with the color and textured solution before separating the facade of the house. The photo of such houses shows that the more luxurious coverage does not come up with. In addition, it will last not one dozen years. True, according to the cost, this material cannot be attributed to budget - after all, high quality and durability can not cost cheaply. One square meter of cladding will cost 1200 to 3000 rubles.

Facade tile

Modern and reliable building material is a facade tile. It is distinguished by durability, resistance to moisture, durability and perfectly suitable if you are looking for a beautiful solution to the question of how to separate the facade of the house. The photo of the finished surface emphasizes all its beauty, however, the installation itself does not differ simplicity. In addition, careful preliminary surface preparation is required, as well as control over the rectinity of the seam. In terms of quality and aesthetics, the tile for the facade is not inferior to brick, and at a price it is much cheaper - 1000-1500 rubles per square meter.