Where and how to use Metlah tiles: Recommendations of designer Catherine Lovyagina. Metlah tile

Collections of ceramic coatings from Italy and Spain on consumer properties and technical indicators are considered prestigious products, which is confirmed by the stability of demand. And only a few buyers know that the construction market of Russia has long been a full-fledged competitor to these products - Metlah tiles. Facing material due to technological features and original decoration is used in construction for a century and a half.

Metlach tiles - particle in the history of Europe

In the middle of the XIX century, the first batch of the tile was manufactured in the workshops of the joint venture Villeroy & Boch in the German town of brooms. And by the end of the century, the demand for products increased so much that it took the expansion of production, and a number of factories for the production of ceramic products opened in Germany.

Since then, covers from the unique Metlah tiles are correct to a person and retain the primordial appearance and beauty for decades. And the head office of Villeroy & Boch, which has already become transnational and has representative offices in 125 countries of the world, is still located in Metlach.

Metlah tile due to the striking wear resistance, the diversity of forms and color became famous as a universal facing material. German ceramics was used everywhere in England for the inner and exterior decoration of palaces, church structures, museums, theaters and even areas, for which is recognized as one of the characters of the Victorian style. Tile from Metlah more than a hundred years old decorates the Cologne Cathedral and Church of St. Mary Magdalen in Darmstadt, the Hamburg metro in Germany, as well as numerous vintage and modern buildings in European countries and Russia.

Metlah tiles retains the original name and produced a second hundred years. During this time in Europe, both the factory for the release of amazing ceramics stopped in Europe. Today, the old traditions of making the Metlah tile, the skill of the development and recovery of the shape and color gamut in the Victorian style are preserved only at WinCkelmans in France. Factory professionals revived many ancient forms and colors of ceramic products that meet the requirements of the English architectural society. Winckelmans workshops produce Metlach tiles, both for restoration of attractions and to meet the demand of numerous buyers.

Metlah tile has long been supplied to Russia. In St. Petersburg, a specialized store "Villeroy & Boch" opened on Nevsky Prospekt. German ceramics was used to decorate urban structures, including an income house on a large avenue, gender and walls in the building of the Orthopedic Clinical Institute, in the premises of the Russian National Library. In Moscow, for the Bolshoi Theater, the Metlah tile of manual pressing was ordered even twice - more than 100 years ago and during reconstruction in 2005-2011.

In Russia, ceramic products in Metlach technology were manufactured in many plants. The quality of the local tile, of course, was distinguished from the products of Western manufacturers, but it did not affect demand. In the cities and towns of the country, the decoration of Metlah tiles is found both in numerous public buildings and in residential buildings - on the facades of buildings, on the staircases in the parade.

Metlah ceramics manufacturing raw materials and technology

In Germany, in the town of brooms, for the release of tiles at Villeroy & Boch enterprises, the raw material base was the refractory clay of the nearby field. The technological process contained the following steps:

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Preparation of a mixture of clay, water and dyes;

Formation of blanks;

Drying products;

Applying glaze;

Firing in the furnace at a temperature not less than 1200.

For a half hundreds of years, the technology of manufacturing Metlah tiles has not changed. But in modern enterprises, the process of producing products was automated, as well as the number of drawings and ornaments was added, the color gamut was expanded.

Plants that Metlah ceramics are produced in Europe not so much and it is made only three ways.

1. Casting tiles. The raw of clay and other components are spilled in special matrices, dried, and then burn. As a rule, a lot of defective products are produced.

2. Pressing. The raw material contains pre-loss in clay powder and installed additives. The water content in the mixture is allowed to 6%. The sequence is pressed and cut. The tile obtained in this way is characterized by minimal porosity and is suitable for floating floors.

3. Extrusion. This is a modern way that is used in advanced enterprises. Tiles are obtained as a result of tape cutting, which is formed when the raw material is squeezed through an extruder forming hole, the dimensions of which determine the thickness and width of the products.

Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the Metlah tiles. Use options

Facing from Metlah ceramics withstood the test of time and it looks flawlessly after a century. This type of tile in terms of quality indicators is far superior to an ordinary tile. High-temperature firing products made of refractory clay provided the unique properties of final products.

1. Tile strength. There are no ceramics with a long service life in the world. According to the mineralogical scale of the Moos, the hardness of the products is equal to 7 units out of 10. During the operation of the coating, the tile does not split from strong blows, does not scratch, it is not erased.

2. The heat resistance is the stability of the technical indicators of the tile when the temperature drops. Manufacturers guarantee their immutability at 150 frost and thawing renovation within a temperature of 15C to + 25C.

3. Resistance of the Metlah tile to the effects of chemically active substances. Acid, alkaline, salt and other solutions do not damage ceramics.

4. Resistance to mechanical loads. The coating of the Metlah tile withstands the pressure to 5550 kg / cm2, and the indicator of the flexural strength in the tile is 250 kgf / cm2.

5. Water resistance ceramics. As a result of high-temperature firing, the tile retains the appearance and primary characteristics with prolonged action of water, hydrophobicity in the range of 0.1 - 0.5%.

6. The durability of the coating. Products for a long time retain the structure and do not lose the original color. The resistance of the color is due to the uniform distribution of the dye throughout the volume of the workpiece and the subsequent firing.

7. Environmental safety of Metlah tel. Manufacturing technology provides composition only from organic ingredients - clays, painting pigments and other additives. When heated, evaporation harmful to human health is not highlighted.

8. Refractory - products are not deformed, do not crack, do not melt when exposed to high temperatures.

9. The versatility of Metlah ceramics is used both for finishing surfaces within buildings and for external work.

This type of tile is distinguished by three disadvantages:

1. Cold coating. Amateur comfortable sex will be heated.

2. Metlah tile is solid, it is difficult to cut.

3. Difficulties when laying. To create an intricate ornament, you will need help designer.

As and a half century ago, despite the extensive choice facing materials, Metlah tiles at the expense of consumer properties is in demand among buyers. Today, this kind of tile applies:
- in country houses, both for the interior decoration of the premises and for external coatings: facades, veranda and terraces, garages, as well as tracks and sites in the territory of the site;
- like flooring and walls of the auxiliary premises of apartments: kitchens and canteens, hallways, bathrooms and bathrooms, balconies;
- for finishes, both facades and interior premises of various public buildings: airports and train stations, hotels and restaurants, shops and offices, pools, baths and saunas;
- For facing the floor and walls of technical premises: gas stations, laboratories and even plants.

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How to choose the Metlah tile?

When choosing ceramic tiles, including Metlach, take into account several criteria. The tile is chosen depending on the use of the application - for the design of the rooms inside the building or the facade, the coating of the tracks, the floor of the garage, etc. The purpose of the products is taken into account - for facing the surface of walls or floors.

The consumer should be familiar with the technical characteristics, special labeling, which determine the degree of wear resistance, strength and other quality indicators of products. When choosing a tile, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. If outdoor work is planned, the degree of frost resistance of ceramics is specified.

Metlah tiles for strength products are divided into four classes:

1. Ceramics of the first class fine, suitable only for the design of walls indoors - kitchens, canteens, bathrooms, bathrooms. To cover the floor and for external work, the product does not apply.
2. The second-class tile is stronger than the first, but is suitable exclusively for internal works - as wall cladding in the premises of public and technical buildings.
3. The third-class tile is used as an outdoor coating:
- in medical institutions, educational and preschool institutions, small offices and shops;
- in the premises of houses and apartments - hallways, kitchens, baths, etc.;
- For some outdoor work - facing the veranda, terraces.

4. Fourth-class products are characterized by extraordinary strength and are used to cladding surfaces, which are subjected to intensive loads.

These objects include:
- buildings in which many people are constantly present: train stations and metro, restaurants and hotels, shopping centers and banks, concert halls and theaters;
- Rooms, where moisture, chemicals, strong heating: technical objects and laboratories, garages, pools and saunas;
- Exterior surfaces, which are experiencing temperature differences: facades of houses, terraces, park tracks.

The features of Metlah ceramics include the form of products. Tiles are manufactured in the form of geometric shapes: triangles, squares, rectangles, six and octagons.

Collections of Metlah tiles are distinguished by an extensive variety of sizes, shapes, colors and ornaments, numerous options for creating patterned carpets. On presentations of products, modern enterprises often demonstrate ready-made sets, as well as layouts to them. But if it is planned to manufacture a dear and complex carpet, then when choosing a Metlah tile, it is recommended to use the services of a designer.

When laying a tile, the features of products are certainly taken into account - small sizes and variety of forms of elements, although small, but the difference in their thickness. Since high-quality Metlah ceramics is not cheap, and it is difficult to work with it, then it is better to attract an experienced tile master to cover the walls or sex.

If it is decided to put the tile on your own, then before starting work there will be not one consultation. The laying recommendations are obtained, first of all, from the consultant's seller, thoroughly study the instructions and characteristics that are stored when purchased, use the prompts of an experienced master. In order to work less on the work, it is useful to familiarize themselves with the general rules of laying.

Metlah tiles are made by technology that has existed for a long time, and according to the characteristics it is comparable to modern porcelain stoneware. Because of the diversity of forms and colors from it, it may be extraordinary in beauty outdoor coating.

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History of popularity

In Russia, Metlakhskaya is called small-format ceramic tiles, which is made from color porcelain mass. She received his name from the German city of broom, in which the production of ceramics was well established in the Middle Ages. She became an integral part of the Victorian style of England. During the reign of Queen Victoria, this tile decorated stations, factories and palaces.

The production and use of the Metlah tile has been going on over a hundred years. During this time, there were many factory in Europe in Europe, but now there are almost no left. One of the largest traditional Winckelmans factories remained in France since 1894. Despite significant changes in tile production technology for the last century, they are trying to adhere to old traditions, developing and restoring the colors and shapes of the tile in the Victorian style.
Video about Metlah tiles in the apartment question:

It is not surprising that the Metlah tile for floor cladding is used for many restoration work in historical premises. And at the same time, - for modern designer masterpieces, which will be saved for several centuries.

High characteristics (frost resistance, hardness, acid resistance) Metlach tiles for the floor received due to high temperature firing (+1200 degrees). Therefore, it can be used to cladding the floor in residential, public premises and for external work.

A wide selection of sizes (from 3.5 to 20 cm), forms and colors allows you to create a variety of styles and complexity of carpets and tile compositions. You can use squares, rectangles, triangles, six and octagons, crosses to obtain an unusual ornament. There are also additional details for decorating steps, plinth, sides and corners.

Examples of combination


The table shows the tests for the Metlah Tile Factory Winkelmans.

Characteristics Normal (in French and European standards) Actual results
Moos hardness More than 6. 7
Acid resistance and alkalis No reaction. Weight change no more than 1%. No reaction. Weight oscillation 0.2%.
Water absorption Less than 0.6% From 0.1 to 0.5%
Frost resistance No damage after 50 frost cycles and thawing (from -15 to +20 degrees) Complies with standards
Heat resistance Without changes Complies with standards
Flexural strength Withstands the load of 250 kgf per cm² Withstands the load from 380 to 450 kgf per cm²
Resistance to scratches Less than 28 mm 24 mm
Resistance to potholes Without damage Complies with standards
Resistance to pressure More than 1500 kgf per cm² From 3200 to 5500 kgf per cm²

Terms of laying


To accurately calculate the carpet, you need to draw the perimeter of the room and build the desired drawing of the carpet and border, and then count each element. With this calculation, it is necessary to take into account the supply of 5-7%.

If the curb will be used in addition to the usual pattern, it is better to make a carpet with an indentation from the walls, and the remaining space between the border and the wall is filled with a monotonous tile 10x10 or 15x15 cm. This will avoid problems with uneven walls.


The production technology of the Metlah tile allows small deviations in size and tone, so before laying it is recommended to mix the materials of one type from different packages.



Laying Bordurov

Decorative borders

Borders need to be laid from the corners to the center. If small elements are used for the curb, it is possible to avoid trimming by changing the thickness of the seams. If the curb will be made of large tiles, it is better to do shark in the central part (in the middle between two angles), or add new elements of other sizes.

Protection and care

Before applying any protection, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface and launder it from cement climb using DeterTek tool (dilute with water 1 to 5). After applying DeterTek, you will also need to wash the tile with clean water.

Wash floor

When laying on the floor indoors and on the street for Metlah tiles, no additional protection is required, as they have very low water absorption. But as an additional insulation from the water, you can apply to the surface in one layer FILA ES82.

Application of a protective agent

When laying on a kitchen apron or a worktop, they need to be treated with means to protect the unhappy ceramic tiles from fifth spots (for example, Filafob). It is also recommended to use these funds when cladding the pools.

Curious and paradoxically, but even a professional environment can generate "segmented" profans. Most of the Tiler (and even good!) Are confident not only in their own skills, but also in theoretical connovability, including, among other things, understanding ceramic classification. Ask any master, whether he knows about the Metlah tiles. The answer is likely to be a perplexed look: "You accept me for whom?".

Meanwhile, provoking for deepening in details, you can run into the exposure of the frank space on this part. In fact, even many specialists know quite a little about Metlah tiles. Perhaps this is also forgiven. Today "brooms" - an alternative to popular solutions: habitual cafes and relatively young porcelain stoneware. Preference to the brightest representative of not one era give more and more real connoisseurs. But there were times when Metlah tiles were "paved" and factories, and palaces ...

However, the story is rounded. An example of the Metlah tiles in this sense is very visual. The technology of its production during the centuries was developed and lost, restored and again went into non-existence. Today there are quite a few manufacturers specializing in tiles that survived not one mass "sclerosis". It is quite possible to expect another such mass reincarnation of "Metlach" in the minds and monastery of Russians. Therefore, tilers, and consumers it would be nice to familiarize themselves with the history and technological nuances of a wonderful sample of ceramic art and craft.

A bit of history

Root titles

Why is Metlakhskaya? The history of the origin of the name is akin to the history of the neminag of Xerox - the Russian-speaking historical version. Like the case with the copy machine, the name to which moved from the name of the company first released it to the market, the Metlah tile was named thanks to the German city of Mettlach, in which the Villeroy & Boch factory has established the production of tiles.

In fact, in Russia there were their production, producing "brooms". But at that time, the attitude towards foreign products resembled the attitude towards such in the USSR to the Brezhnevskaya and postbrezene era. And since the imported Metlah tile supplied to Russia, mainly the indicated firm, then it turned out to be appropriate.

If you think that the confusion in this plan "suffered" only our ancestors, you are very mistaken. Today, "Metlah" is called anything that resembles the "carpet" original. Here we will distract a little from the story and recall that the visual distinguishing feature of the Metlah tiles is small-informity and the distrost - from small ceramics of completely different formats and shades, countless compositions are built, seeking similarity with the best patterns of carpeting.

So, it is this, visual, nuunting and become a reason to not bother my head and call any tile of such design Metlakhskaya. Very often in this category, cement tiles are recorded. Indeed, this material is very similar to the original, however, for its origin, the desire of European manufacturers of the fifties of the 19th century is responsible to reduce the cost of the popularity of Metlach ceramics.

Sometimes "Metlah" suddenly becomes a clinker. It happens, they "call" any large mosaic made of colored clays. Less frequently, but also there is a ceramics with a color-applied colored printing also becomes an object of tiled "mythology". Here it is appropriate to make a reservation, which falls under the definition of "Metlach tiles":

  • ceramic tile;
  • stove not covered with icing;
  • possessing a very low water absorption coefficient;
  • manufactured with high temperature firing;
  • tonal homogeneous - the tile is completely, the whole depth, painted with one color.

In order for ceramics to be attributed to Metlakhskaya, all described characteristics should be present at mandatory. Therefore, if in the homes built in the Soviet period, someone will show you a very common in that period of the glazed ornamental tile of 20x20 format, calling it Metlah, know that you are the next victim of myths.

A shovel of the study turns the layers of history

We doubt that you will be interested in the thesis on the topic, because the roots of "Metlach" are still in the ancient Roman and ancient Greek era. Already there you can find a prime that today has become a successful find in tile stores.

As for the period, closest to modernity, here the story of the Metlah tiles branches. In the UK and in the middle of the 19th century, and today the industry leader is Minton. America today can no longer boast by manufacturers (the Great Depression "killed" all the then tile manufacturers), but 150 years ago the leading company numbered about 20 thousand employees! It is three times more than a friend of Villero & Boch already familiar to us. Last, by the way, and now it feels good.

And again a slight retreat. We were not alone with the victims of the neminent misrasion. Our western "colleagues" - consumers are mistaken not less than our - they call the Metlah tile "Encaustic Tile". All because "Encaustic" literally means "burnt", and in the Victorian era - the next period of recovery of lost technologies - the ancestors of our foreign fellows decided that the image on the tile was even more ancient craftsmen.

We did not in vain a brief historical excursion. It will help get rid of delusions relating to the Metlah tiles. Next, let's talk about the characteristics of this ceramics.

Characteristics of Metlah Tile

Despite the definite oblivion, the Metlah tiles are famous and in some circles still uses high demand. Of course, this would not be, do not possess this ceramics with excellent technical characteristics. And the truth, the "brooms" are largely similar to the ceramic granite, which has been popularly popular thanks to operational qualities. Below you can familiarize yourself with the advantages of old good ceramics of one of the companies in an ordered format.

  • Water absorption - 0.1-0.5%. Tuest that European norms are allowed for such a tile coefficient up to 0.6%.
  • Hardness. The parameter is determined by a decadal Moos scale. "Metlah" takes the seventh position (and, again, norm - 6). Note that the highest hardness is given to the tenth line, and we are talking about the assessment of the materials in general, and not strictly ceramics. By the way, at the very top of the diamond, so the seventh place is impressive.
  • Frost resistance. The tile is able to withstand up to fifty cycles of transition from the minus temperature to positive (-15 - +20). This indicator complies with European standards. Such a high indicator has become possible due to the density of the tile and it, as a result, low water absorption.
  • Resistance to chemistry. According to norms, the reaction with active substances should not cause the weight change of the product by more than 1%. In the case of Metlach tiles, we observe weight fluctuations in the range of 0.2%.
  • Bending strength. Standards require the ability to withstand load up to 250 kgf per cm². Plates withstand from 380 to 450 kgf per cm².
  • Pressure resistance. The norm is more than 1,500 kgf per cm². Fact - 3200 to 5500 kgf per cm².

In addition, or rather, just due to the described characteristics, the Metlah tiles are a heat-resistant material resistant to potholes and scratches. Recall the homogeneity of the product - this quality determines immunity to abrasion. Crowds of human legs are not able to erase ceramics for a reasonable period of operation to the state of unsuitability.

It is curious that the Metlah tile, which was placed in the Middle Ages in the churches (and then, mainly religious institutions and were drawn up with ceramics of this type) in many places still retained acceptable quality. True, "brooms", which was produced in the 19th century, no such parameters no longer possessed - the production technology was intentionally simplified (and the tile, respectively, was reduced), and at the same time the decline in ceramics properties came. But even at the same time, the tile was able to serve many decades. Modern tile is not inferior to predecessors.

The impressive characteristics of the Metlah tile must be a high-quality refractory clay from which it is produced, and a high firing temperature (about 1,200 degrees). Summarizing the properties of the plates, we note that for the consumer they are poured into the ability to use facing material for both internal and exterior facing, both for laying on the walls and for the selection of floors. Most often, the Metlah tiles are used as an outdoor coating.

The sizes of the plates range from 3 to 20 cm. In this range you can find a variety of formats and shades, allowing forging intricate composite illustrations. The spectrum of the Metlah tile includes not only banal rectangular ceramics, but also polygons. All this serves as the wealth of the possibilities of laying colorful ornamental "carpets". These "brooms" and conquered many generations. For registration of non-standard places there are additional elements: angles, sides, plinth ...

Calculation and laying

We will not affect the general principles of cladding. Touch the nuances of laying directly Metlah tiles.

  • This type of ceramics does not differ in the perfect homogeneity of the tones and sizes, so before facing it is recommended to "shifted" the plates to avoid spotting the final coating.
  • Facing the Metlach tiles is a difficult process that requires high qualifications. Problems delivers the essence of the tile itself, which, from a decorative point of view, is obliged to form a mosaic panel. Of course, you can do without a monocolor, but in this case only the technical part remains from the tile. So that the stacking corresponds to the idea should pre-make the "dry" layout of the tile. Accurate calculation will help avoid discrepancies with the project.
  • If the floor circuit does not have direct angles, it is desirable (and with a significant caring from 90 degrees - must) "pass" around the perimeter of the floor with a rectangular tile. This is usually 15x15 or 10x10 cm tiles.
  • In the calculation, the seams should be taken into account, the width of which varies in the range of 1-7 mm. The size of the joints is determined, based on the size of the tile.
  • The usual situation is a combination of a large and fine tile design. Proper to start laying from a larger tile.
  • Metlach tiles are not the option with which you can work on an unprepared base. The surface must be aligned, without this, the preliminary layout is impossible and the laying of small products is very uncomfortable.
  • For the grout, a fugue is better suited for neutral shades. Not all putty are suitable for wide seams, therefore, if the composition involves the volume joints, specify this moment from the seller.
  • The presence in the assortment of manufacturers of "Metlach" spectrum of auxiliary elements is expanding the possibilities, but complicates facing. It must be remembered that each of the similar components should be in its place. So, for example, angular borders, of course, are obliged to be in the corners. However, the size of the room is fixed, which forces more precisely to calculate the layout - the result must be rejoiced, and not regret the resulting miniature trimming or excessive stretched seams.

Perhaps you will never become a Party to the "Metlah" question. Maybe, on the contrary, you are purposefully looking for your Encaustic Tile. Be that as it may, finally, I want to recommend to combine your favorite tiles with technological ceramic products of modernity. Especially good in terms of interior or exterior customer porcelain and clinker. The first resembles the "brooms" of technical characteristics, the second - not only by the operational properties, but also visually. The combination of heritage of different eras, with hungry and skillful hands, leads to excellent designer results.

Editorial Radmi.ru.

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Metlach tiles have gained wide popularity and fame due to its unique beauty, striking strength and impeccable functionality. The first samples of this decorative material appeared about 125 years ago and since then, it remains one of the most sought-after facing tile options. So, why is the products of such ancient technology and to this day are able to compete with ultra-modern construction materials? Let us turn to the thorough consideration of this issue.

History of creation

The peak of the demand and prevalence of the Metlah tiles came at the time of the era of early industrialization (middle of the XIX c). She even became one of the distinguishing features that arose a little later in the eclectic retrospectivism in the Victorian style. With an exceptional combination of wear resistance and painting, the Metlach tiles were actively used for decorating, both luxury apartments and small areas, palaces, train stations, theaters and factories.

Nowadays, fragments of an old finish, created from the extravagant Metlah tile, can be contemplated in many popular historical places, for example, in the Bolshoi Theater, the Hamburg metro, Cologne Cathedral, etc. In addition, it was used in the design of cabins and receiving halls on the famous "Titanic". During recent deep-water research from the stenched liner, numerous fragments of this is the finishing material were raised.

Curious! Its name tile received in honor of the German city of brooms, where in the middle of the beginning the first large-scale production of products from ceramics was established in the middle of the last century. Today, the classical production, which preserved all the original stages of manufacture in the constant form, can be visited in the south of France!


The main sphere where Metlah tiles are actively used - this is a decorative decoration of public places and large private houses. On the operational characteristics of the tile is almost identical to the solid porcelain stoneware, but on decorative parameters, it is significantly superior. It can safely boast a variety of colors, patterns and shapes. Thanks to these merits, the Metlah tiles converts the floor to a real work of art, which retains its original beauty for three or four decades.

Of all the options, the most popular is the Metlah floor coating tile, which has uncommon properties, which cause its long service life without noticeable damage.

In the interior of any room, the Metlah tiles will create a unique exclusivity forming creative entourage. For example, in the bathroom, it will be successfully confronted with water splashes from the sink, a soul or crane, in the kitchen - easily stands in front of regular temperature differences and fluctuations in the level of humidity, and in the input zone - to prevent the separation of street mud. This finishing material will also be appropriate in a restaurant, a small office or boutique, where it will create a peculiar atmosphere.

As for country houses, the Metlach tiles are facing verandas, terraces and porch. The material is not afraid of large loads, rain, heat, snow and frost. If you issue a metla tile of the house (paths, paths, barbecue area), then it will turn into a spectacular place for recreation and entertainment.

Thanks to a sufficiently large variety of colors and forms, Metlah tiles can be beneficial to be used not only to create decorative lining of walls and unique flooring, but even to decorate furniture.

Manufacturing technology

Despite the industrial progress and the wide possibilities of modern manufacturers, manufacturing technology remains unchanged. A special high-strength clay is used as the main component for the production of Metlah tiles.

After molding, the clay blanks are covered with a layer of glaze and placed in the furnace, where at a temperature of 125-140 ° C are burned. During the implementation of heat treatment, the glaze and clay are so tightly sin, that the products acquire amazing wear resistance, durability, as well as resistance to the destructive effects of aggressive chemical compounds. These qualities also allow you to use tiles on the streets, industries and public areas.

It seems unreal with the fact that during the twentiest history in the production process no modifications were not made other than an increase in ornamental options and the expansion of the color row. Simply put, the tile became richer and better without losing their advantages, having lost almost all flaws.

Some master enthusiasts are trying to learn all the secrets of the original formulation to create primary tile samples. Their products are absolutely identical to the options used during the republic of Queen Victoria. As a rule, most of it is used in restoration work in archaic buildings.


Above it was noted that the Metlach tiles are very similar to a porcelain stoneware on its operational qualities. But it has a more diverse (shape, colors) and an extensive model side. The sizes of tiles vary from 3.0 to 14.5 cm, and the form is always classic - square, rectangle, triangle, six - and sometimes an octagon.

A large range of forms and sizes of the Metlah tile, gives the opportunity to lay out the rarest beauty patterns, as well as convert the floor to a unique piece of art.

According to the method of production, littered, extruded and obtained by the extrusion tile method.

There is also a separation for coarse or thin ceramics. The difference is clearly visible on the fault: rough - has a fine-grained surface, and thin - the structure is smooth, homogeneous.

The main classification is based on tile technical indicators and is a coefficient of wear stability coefficient of a four-step of the Moos scale.

It helps to decide on the choice of a specific room for the room, when the approximate daily load on the floor is known.

Modern industrial enterprises produces four classes of products that differ in wear resistance:

1st class of strength - this option is the most "gentle". This Metlah tile can be laid exclusively in residential premises in the premises most remote from the entrance door. On the floor, having such a coating, it is better to go slippers with a soft sole.

The 2nd class of wear resistance is more durable than the previous option. It is used in places with an average daily permeability, where direct hits on the tile coating at the entrance from the street are excluded. This is the optimal option for hospital chambers, kindergartens, bathrooms and other similar premises.

Tile of the 3rd strength class is suitable for laying in corridors, kitchens, hallways. This option has a high coefficient of strength and is able to safely sand, clay, land and other pollution. The surface of the material does not crack, resistant to scratches and is long preserved the initial look.

The 4th grade class is the most sustainable option able to resist the damaging factors for a long time. It finds use in facilities and public buildings with significant crossings, such as theaters, supermarkets, shopping centers, large banks, etc. In addition, the fourth class tile is often laid on terraces of townhouses, country cottages and in garages.

Properties and features

Metlach tiles, thanks to the optimal formulation of composition and competent production technology, has a number of exceptional features and unique properties:

Color stability - achieved due to the uniform distribution of the coloring pigment throughout the tile volume and the subsequent sintering with clay during the firing;

Durability - high resistance to destructive effects;

Endurance - the finishing material is not afraid of hail, rain, frost, snow, etc. It has amazing resistance to alkalis, salt solutions and acids;

Strength - the tile has an amazing hardness, which causes the ability to withstand colossal pressure;

Universality - Metlah Flooring Finds Application not only in the premises, but also in the open sky on the street.

In addition, a wide selection of colors allows you to lay out almost any ornament or pattern on the floor.

Exquisite choice

When there is a need to create an exquisite design, noble interior and gender with excellent operational parameters, it should be highlighted on the choice of flooring from the Metlah tiles. With it, you can create non-standard, eccentric colored carpets that adorn the floor and forming a single harmony in the overall interior of the room.

Metlach tiles, or just broom, is made by the technology open many years ago. The production of such an outdoor finishing material was first launched in the Middle Ages in the German city of broom, from where the name of the tile was. Due to the beauty of patterns that allows you to form this tile, its popularity does not subscribe now.

True, now it is not only Germans. One of the most famous manufacturers of Metlah in our time is the French company WinCkelmans, which has already been existing for more than 120 years, for which it was invented their special firing methods and ceramics recipes. This company produces almost 5 thousand diverse types of floor tiles and walls.

The brooms are a ceramic tile of small format (usually 10x10). It has a variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to high-temperature burning and dense press, the Metlah tile acquires decent performance and similarity by properties with porcelain.

The ceramics of this species has high resistance to humidity, cold, chemical compounds, including strong acids. It is very wear-resistant and durable. All this allows the use of the Metlah tiles in a variety of situations: when cladding the floor in residential buildings and public buildings, for the outer decoration of the facades and the courtyard tracks. Because of its peculiar aesthetics, brooms are used when finishing elite premises like expensive hotels.

A huge variety of colors and forms provided this material a place not only in modern homes. At one time, the Metlah tile was one of the elements of the English Victorian style. In those days, this coating lined the floors of all types of premises: from station stations and plants to palaces.

The coatings of the Metla could be found even at the notorious "Titanic". Compositions from ancient metla and now can be found in architectural monuments. Over time, significant changes were made to the production process, and modern ceramics of this species differs markedly from the original. However, manufacturers try to restore the vintage colors and the forms of the Metla.

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Characteristics of Metlah Tile

The ceramic tile of this type significantly exceeds the usual ceramics and closer to the qualities to modern porcelain stoneware. Its features the following features:

Highest hardness. The brooms are quite difficult to damage the mechanical impact. Low-size objects falling on its surface - for example, metal dishes in the kitchen will definitely not lead to the formation of cracks. It is almost impossible to scratch such material.

Resistance. Bumps are steady in almost all conditions of the environment that can affect it. These are critical temperatures, water, acid and alkali. Due to this, it is possible to apply Metlah tiles as a floor finish in any circumstances of operation.

Endurance. Metlach tiles are famous for its high resistance to mechanical loads. On the coating from this material, you can even ride the car, which causes the possibility of not only the finishes by it by the floor in the house, but also spreading it in the yard.

Durability. The service life, as practice shows, can reach not one century. The color of the coating will not fade with time, as the dye impresses all its thickness, reliably taping under the firing.

Laying of Metlah tile

Surface preparation

First of all, the base surface is thoroughly aligned. If the tile is placed not indoors, it is necessary to handle the basis for substance to protect against frost. It is also important to clear the foundation from all the garbage, let and flush so that the tile lay exactly and not hacked.

After that, the surface is neatly measured, considering all the bends of the walls, doorways, pipes, radiators, etc. Based on these measurements, there is a central point of the room, from which guide lines are conducted in all directions. These lines can be found on the floor and form from stretched threads.

Stacking process

The initial display of the coverage elements is performed. It is placed on a number of tiles in three directions: vertically in width and length and diagonally from the angle in the angle throughout the field covered area. Between individual elements, it is necessary to leave a clearance of at least one millimeter width. The tile is laid out and carries out until absolute symmetry is achieved.