(HBE) in the Russian language. Preparation of students with limited health opportunities for HERE to GEV in the Russian language (presentation with the creative task) How to prepare for HCE in the Russian language

Baranova Valentina Vasilyevna, Russian language and literature teacher

Features of the examination work of GEV-9
In Russian*
The GWE-9 examination model maintains continuity with traditional and new forms of the Russian language exam for graduates who have mastered the educational programs of the main general education.
The graduate is given the opportunity to choose one of the forms of examination work: an essay or a presentation with a creative task. The student can choose the form of examination work (essay or presentation with the creative task) on the day of the exam. To make this choice conscious, the organizer must introduce the exam participants as with the content of the test set of topics for the examination, gas and with examination material for the presentation (the subject of presentation is indicated and the creative task is voiced).
The participants of the exam, who chosen the form, and those who will write a presentation with a creative task, work in different premises.
Both forms of examination work are constantly used in the practice of teaching the Russian language, are known to the student, and mastering the skills verifiable on the exam is the basis for the formation of substantive competencies.
The execution of examination work in the Russian language is given 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).
When conducting a final certification for participants in the examination of disabilities, assistants are present, which provide graduates with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual capabilities (survival, assistance, assistance in the workplace, movement).
* According to the materials of the site FI Pi: www.fipi.ru.

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade
The deaf and weigh-impaired learning text of the presentation can be given for reading for 15 minutes, after which the organizer takes the text and the student writes a compressed statement and performs a creative task.
Training Correction Schools V and VII Type The text of the presentation is read 3 times; They can write both a detailed and compressed statement. The volume of written work of students of the Correction Schools V and VII of the species can be reduced:
♦ An essay is at least 150 words (if less than 100 words are written, then the essay is estimated 0 points; in the counting of words all words are included, including service);
♦ Compressed statement - at least 40 words (if there is less than 30 words, then the presentation is estimated 0 points).
The amount of detailed presentation is not limited. Student Correction Schools V and VII types, writing both compressed and under-a robust presentation, should also perform a creative task in an amount of at least 150 words (if there is less than 100 words, it is estimated 0 points.)

* Work on the preparation for writing compressed presentation, see the Russian language book. Preparation for OGE-2015. Training options for the new demolism for 2015. "Edited by N.A. Siena. (Rostov-on-Don: Legion, 2014).

(Preparation for HBE)
Types of formulation Topics:
1. Them-concept is such a formulation that does not contain direct instructions on the idea of \u200b\u200breasoning; The author determines it himself; For example, "Image of Onegin"
2.Ma-question - this wording also does not express ideas, but indicates a straight path to it; For example, "Why, from your point of view, today is so acute issues of ecology?" "
3. Teem-judgment - the idea of \u200b\u200breasoning is already expressed in such a wording, for example, "Onegin is an extra person."
The topic of judgment is the easiest: it offers a ready-made idea of \u200b\u200bwriting. The independence and originality of the writing can be manifested only in the selection of arguments to justify this idea and in the location of the material.
The topic of the question implies a greater degree of independence of the writing: he determines the idea of \u200b\u200breasoning. Moreover, different authors can respond differently to the same question, therefore, everyone will have a "its" idea, everyone will pick up "their" arguments to justify it.
The theme-concept gives the biggest space for independence: the author of the argument itself determines the problem concluded in the subject, it allows it to it, that is, formulates the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition.

What is the reasoning and how to build it
1. Associate - type of speech, imposing a verbal presentation, clarification, confirmation of any thought.
2. Relations of text-reasoning.
In such a text, 3 parts are usually allocated:
1) thesis; 2) proof, that is, arguments; 3) conclusion.
3.Tezis is a thought expressed, that is, a judgment extended in the text, which is justified in the process of argument. Thesis answers the question: what thought is justified?
4. Arguments and arguments are the initial theoretical or actual positions by which thesis is justified.
5. Arguments must be convincing.

Samples set by the essaysfor students of the 9th grade, the topics are questions or topic judgments. Here is an example of one of the samples of a set of essays:
one . "Books make a person better ..." (I.A. Goncharov)
2. "The pity who lives without the ideal" (I.S. Turgenev) 3. Indicating about human happiness and differences in his understanding.
4. What moral questions put M.Yu. Lermontov in the novel "Hero of our time"?
The first three topics are free, fourth - on the literary topic. In case of selection of one of the first three works, students can argue their position based on both the content of artistic works and their own life experience (personal impressions, their own reflections, knowledge, etc.)
In the case of the selection of the fourth themes, it should be based on a artistic work, formulate its point of view.

Sample constructing an essay judgment

Turn to a specific example. One of the works of the exercise is formulated as follows:
"Books make a person better ..." (I.A. Ballov).
In joining the composition, it is necessary to show their understanding of the statements of the famous Russian writer I.A. Balov, turning attention to the keywords of the "Books" topics, "do better." Express your opinion by defining the range of issues on this topic. (Agree or disagree with the judgment of the writer.) For example: "Is everybody contributes to the person to become better?" ; "What does it mean to" become better? "; "What moral qualities a book can raise in the reader?", What is the role of fiction in the formation of a person? "
In the statement of the Russian writer I.A. Goncharov speaks of the role of the book in the formation of a person. I fully agree with this statement. Indeed, reading good books, a person gets better. Books are not only textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias who carry us the light of knowledge. Life textbooks are both books with artwork. Advanced and understanding read, undoubtedly affect our inner world.
(Sample arguments in favor of reading).
The great role of books in the formation of a person can be shown on the example of the autobiographical story M. Gorky "My Universities". The main character of the story of Alyosha Peshkov believed that only read books helped him to withstand the hardest life tests, to remain a person among the "stupid tribe" of the Kashirinsky family. For Aleshi, the book turned out to be by force that raised him over ignorance and inability. Subsequently, in the article "On the book" A.M. Bitter wrote: "I have all a good books in me." The book taught the hero to believe in the dream of a beautiful, meaningful life, boldly go to the target target. Reading the books of M. Gorky, and you yourself are more stronger, you believe in the best, becoming kinder, humane.
Another important argument in favor of reading is the moral value of fiction. Indeed, from early childhood, listening to the mother of the mother of the fairy tales Andersen, Pushkin, Chukovsky, we absorb the great qualities of humanity: nobility, love for life, hatred to evil, cowardice, cruelty. Not because there are so many cruelty in our modern life that we stopped reading, and therefore they have learned to sympathize, to compare. The soul of man needs spiritual food, otherwise it is limited to, it is hardship.
Thus, thinking about the statement by I.A.Goncharov, we can conclude that most of the fiction is dedicated to a person, and therefore helps to understand what is each of us that we must appreciate in life, in friends ... A good book will help We find our place among people will help make your moral choice in favor of good.

Note: Operations volume on the selected topic - from 150 words (7VID). Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Examples from fiction to confirm the abstracts to the compositions on GEV in grade 9.
Abstracts (the thesis is a position that needs to be proved) works that can be brought as evidence
1.The division of people on the rich and poor is unnatural, because it causes the poor to experience deprivation and suffering.
As.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (Monologue of Chatsky about the inhuman attitude of the landowners to serfs: one traded the faithful servants for three greyhound dogs, the other "on the fortress ballet slengled on many wagons from mothers, fathers of refrigerated children", which were all "sold out one by one "); N.A.Nekrasov: Poem "Reflection from a parade entrance", "on the railway"; V.G. Korolenko "In a bad society."

2.Irresponsible actions of a person can hurt with another living being.
Fragment of the composition: "The example of I.S. can be brought as an example. Turgenev "Moumu". Serf Gerasim loved her dog very much, cared for her. According to the whims of Caprician Baryn, Gerasim was forced to drown an unfortunate animal, as he himself was a subalka man. By this act, he wanted to prove the injustice of the world. "
"About human cruelty in relation to the animal says S.A. Jenin in the poem" Song of the dog ". The tragedy of the creature, who took the children, is shown through the behavior of the dog: she runs over the owner who does not want to understand that she has enough milk and on seven puppies. Gorky reproaching person sounds a poem, transmitting the suffering of a living language: "Dog's eyes rolled with golden stars in the snow"

3.Interference in the life of nature can turn into a tragedy.
V.G.Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera" (in the death of the island and the villages are guessed by the fate of the native village of Rasputin - Atalanki. V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-Fish" (the impact of poaching in the broadest sense of the word. Poacher is not only a person , fisher or beast in the state. Poaknier is the one who builds a nuclear power plant over the pure lake, and the one who gives permission to cut the forests in the urban area) ... a violation of the equilibrium of nature and man carries the threat to all mankind if it is not It will be formed in its intentional or forced cruelty.

4.Moral lessons of war should not be forgotten.
B.L.Vasiliev "Noted in the lists" (Lieutenant Nikolai Plugs, who came to serve in Brest on the eve of the beginning of the war and even did not have time to become military registration, took an unequal battle with the enemy and became one of the last defenders of the fortress. Even the enemies were amazed His courage and unbeatable will); the story "And the dawns here are quiet" (the Zenitsky girls died, destroying the squad of the saboteurs. They were not afraid of the numerical superiority of the enemy.).
V.V. Bulls: Tale "Obelisk" (Teacher Oles Claus voluntarily went to the execution with his students. Throw the guys in the last hours, the minutes of their executions would mean to grant their pupils to change their moral principles).
B.Poleva "Tale of a true man" (pilot Alexei Maresyev, the hero of the story, only because of his will and courage, survived even after he was embodied frostbed legs. Subsequently, the hero on the prostheses returned to his squadron and continued to fly by providing everything, that the Russian man is dominated above his fate.)
M.A.Sholokhov: the story "The Fate of Man" (in the story expressed the worship of the author before the courage of ordinary people, their moral foundations were supporting the country during the years of testing. The hero of the story Andrei Sokolov overcomes deadly hazards, deep internal crises caused by the loss of relatives and loved ones. In life tests, he always retains the presence of spirit, dignity and pride, an open good heart.)

5.The ability to see and appreciate the beauty of nature is the most important quality of a spiritually developed personality.
A.S. Pushkin: poem "Winter Evening", "Winter Morning", "Winter Road", "Autumn" and others; F.I. Tyutchev: The poem "is in the autumn of the original ...", "I love a thunderstorm in early May ...", "Not that Manti You, Nature ...";
MM Svarvin: The story "Storeroom Sun" (one of the names of the name "Storeroom Sun - the Heart of Man .. His ability to love, and in this ability the Great True, which an old antipych knew. True wealth, which mans a man, is a kindness, heartfelt warmth, non-indifference to everything around.); "Forest droplets" ...
6. In general, patriotism is not manifested in words, but in the actions.
M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino" (poem "Borodino" permeated by the author's feelings of love for his homeland, pride for Russian soldiers, regret for the fallen, admiration for persistence, the courage of Russians in the battle for Moscow. The true winners in the Patriotic War of 1812 were ordinary soldiers who decided to stand " your head for my homeland "and protect the country from the invaders);
L.N. Tolstoy "Sevastopol stories"; K.F. Railings "Death of Ermak" (Ermak is depicted by a fish as a hero thinking not about Siberian wealth, but to be honestly serve: "Siberia King is conquered, / and we are not idle in the world lived!") N.S. Leskov Tale "Left -sha" (a narrator, like Left-shelst, loves his homeland, her wonderful past and present, thinks about her future, respects the Russian faith, customs. Tula Master Lefty refuses to stay in England, where he appreciated his skill. His craftsmanship But for him the main thing - Favorite work and homeland.)
A.T. Tvardovsky: Poem "Vasily Khorkin (the hero of the poem -patrice" The parties to his native ", which" for the sake of life on earth "is ready to take out the exorbitant highlights of the Military everyday life:
Into battle, forward, in the fire is pitch,
He goes, holy and sinful,
Russian miracle ...)

7.Labor - the basis of human life.
Use proverbs as arguments: "You want to eat Kalachi - do not sit on the furnaces", "patience and work will be perfect", "the work of man feeds, and Lena spoils," "you can not easily endure and fish out of the pond."

8.One who lives deceived, sooner or later awaits punishment.
Proverbs: "Income light will pass, do not turn back," and with the mind to steal - not to unlock the trouble, "" Tom is a thin, who is accustomed to LIKE. "

9.Artistic literature is the most important source of spiritual development of the person.
Tales, poem A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontova, S.A. Jenin (teach a child good, understanding that there is beauty, indicate the path to spiritual altitudes).
One of the letters of the famous scientist DS Likhachev is dedicated to a very serious problem of modern society: a decrease in interest in reading, especially among young people.
In the sketch "Love Read!" Scientist D.S. Likhachev writes that the book not only develops the mind, but also improves the soul, awakens emotions, teaches us sympathy, empathy. The special role of Lihachev takes the classical literature in which you can find answers to eternal questions about the meaning of life. On the appointment of a person, about love and much more, which worries each of us.

To prepare for writing an essay on the exam, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the set of topics presented in the book "Russian. GEV. 9th grade.Chenina N.A."
Sample Threads of Works (from the author)
Option 1
1. "The goal in life is the core of human dignity and human happiness" (K.D. Ushinsky).
2. "True love purifies and elevates every person, completely transforming it" (N. G. Chernyshevsky).
3. What is he, "Hero of our time"?
4. What made it possible to call Tatyana "cute ideal"? (By novel
A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin")
Option 2.
1. "In an immoral society, all inventions that increase the power of a person over nature is not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil" (L. N. Tolstoy).
2. "Patriotism, whose one would be proved by the word, but affair ..." (V. G. Belinsky)
3. What, in my opinion, is true beauty?
4.Who allowed M. E. Saltykov-generin to name the silence of one of the most terrible figures of Russian society? (According to the play by A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind")
Option 3.
1. "Art is the same need for a person, as is and drinking. The need of beauty and creativity embodies it is inseparable with man, and without her person, maybe I would not want to live in the world. "
(F. M. Dostoevsky).
2. "Everything is unkind in the heart of a person it would seem to disappear in touch with nature - this direct expression of beauty and goodness" (L. N. Tolstoy).
3. Are there ideals from modern youth?
4. What "feelings are kind" sought to awaken A. S. Pushkin with his lyrics?

Option 4.
1. "Among the arts adorning and those who enhance our lives, one of the most ancient and expressive is the art of the book" (N. K. Rerich).
2. "Life is boring without moral goal ..." (F. M. Dostoevsky)
3. What does the word "honor" mean for me?
4. What provincial Russia appears in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"?
Option 5.
1. "Friendship must be a strong man, able to survive all the temperature changes and all the shocks of the bumpy and decent people (A. I. Herzen).
2. "The courage is the great property of the soul; The people who marked should be proud of themselves "(N. M. Karamzin).
3. Grateful nature and ungrateful person.
4. Why in lyrics M. Yu. Lermontov love for the Motherland named "strange"?

Option 6.
1. "We must put your life in such conditions so that labor is necessary. Without difficult, there can be no clean and joyful life "(A. P. Chekhov).
2. "In important epochs of life, the spark of heroism is sometimes flared up in an ordinary person ..." (M. Yu. Lermontov)
3. Intelligence and Education is the same thing?
4. Life in harmony with the world of nature (by lyrical works of Russian writers of the XIX century).
Option 7.
1. "Find your way to find out my place - this is all for a person, it means to deal with himself ..." (V. G. Belinsky)
2. "The main thing in a person is not a mind, but what is managed by: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas" (F. M. Dostoevsky).
3. "Art never left a person, always answered his needs and his ideal, always helped him in finding this ideal, - was born with a person, developed next to his historical life"
(F. M. Dostoevsky).
4. "Double" Pechorina (according to the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time").
Option 8.
1. "If you understand that you can bring up others to usually through ourselves, the question of education is abolished and one question remains: how to live yourself?" (L. N. Tolstoy)
2. "There is no idea above how to sacrifice your own life, defending your brothers and my fatherland ..." (F. M. Dostoevsky)
3. "Intelligent can not be pretended" (D. S. Likhachev).
4. "Century of the current and century passed" in Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit".
Option 9.
1. "The house, in which there is no books, is similar to the body devoid of soul" (Cicero).
2. "Humanity has always been one of the most important phenomena of literature - big and small" (D. S. Likhachev).
3. How often do we have to make a choice in life?
4. What role does the landscape play in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin"?
Option 10.
1. "Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without it" (I. S. Turgenev).
2. What is the point I put in the concept of "faith"?
3. "In the creation of the process of self-development, the wider place should be settled. Mankind has all successful developed only by self-education "(Spencer).
4. Why V. G. Belinsky considered Roman M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" "Eternally Young Book"?

* For the task for examination work, see the website www.fipi.ru
* The method of work on the preparation for writing an essay is a reasoning, see the Russian language book. State graduation exam (HBE).
9th and 11th grades. Tasks and recommendations: educational and methodological manual / N. A. Senina. - Rostov N / D: Legion, 2015. -
96 p. - (Master Class.)

* Work on the preparation for writing compressed presentation, see the Russian language book. Preparation for OGE-2015. Training options for the new demolism for 2015. "Edited by N.A. Siena. (Rostov-on-Don: Legion, 2014).

Preparation of students with disabilities for hearing hearing to GWE in Russian language (presentation with a creative task).

, teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU-SOSH №18 of the city of Neryungri

It is impossible to disagree with the statement that it believed that the teacher who knows how to analyze his work becomes strong, experienced. This article will make an attempt to analyze the results of the training of a high school student with ABS to GEG in the Russian language. HBE is a public graduation exam, which is a form of passage of state final certification for students with disabilities for disabled children who have mastered the educational programs of the main general education. For five years, I was a member of the organization of the educational process for children with disabilities. And all these years we went to the state final exam.

Organization exam for deaf and low-haired students It has a number of features.

For weast-imagining students, the exam for conducting the exam is equipped with sound-seeing equipment of both collective and individual use (see paragraph 34 of the order of GIA-9). If necessary, attracted an assistant-survival. (see paragraph 34 and 37 of the order of GIA-9). The duties of the Assistant-Survival of the Survection of the Survival at all stages of the exam (with the desire of a deaf and hearing hearing examiner), including with the oral explanation of the procedural features of its conduct, oral presentation by the Organizer of the text of the presentation for all examinations (implementation of the simultaneous survival), if necessary, clarification with The help of the survival of the creative task, etc.

After a repeated interpretation of the text, the organizer for all examines (if the simultaneous survival of the student with impaired hearing is desired), it is necessary to provide this text for reading and conducting preparatory work to the presentation. At this stage, the basic (reference) dictionary is selected for presentation, working with the organizer presented on the board with a speech material from the text - terms, names of own, archaisms, dates, etc., which is determined by members of the GEK on the PPT before the exam after receiving the text of the presentation. At the discretion of the examiner, the statement is drawn up (this is a recommendation, and not a mandatory requirement).

After 40 minutes, the organizer takes the text, and the student performs the examination work, using the materials prepared by him.

The criteria for assessing the literacy and the actual accuracy of the speech of the examiner are developed taking into account the specific difficulties of students with hearing impairments and studying with severe speech violations (Table 6.2).

When developing the examination model, continuity with traditional and new forms of the Russian language exam for students on educational programs of basic general education are observed.

Now let's turn to the lighting of the preparation methodology for suchthe form of examination work, as a presentation with a creative task. At the first stage, it is necessary to introduce a student with the structure, content (types of tasks) and the evaluation of the examination work.

Sets of presentation with the creative task with the "K" litter have its own specifics. The volume of text for the presentation does not exceed 350 words. Texts for the presentation are selected narratives with clear content, clear presentation of the sequence of events that do not contain complex arguments of the author, a large number of actors. Texts use complex syntax structures, an abundance of fine means and trails, dialectic, archaic vocabulary. In addition, instructions for performing tasks contain other requirements for the minimum permissible volume of presentation and creative work in the form of an essay.

Graduates passing the exam on examination materials with the "K" litter is provided: Writing a compressed or detailed presentation.

Students, passing an exam on examination materials with the "K" litter, can write both a detailed and compressed presentation (by choosing a graduate). For them, other requirements for the volume are established:

a compressed presentation is from 40 words (if there are less than 30 words (in the counting of words all words are included, including service), then the presentation is estimated 0 points). The amount of detailed presentation is not limited;

the creative task (an essay) is from 70 words (if there are less than 50 words in an essay (all words are included in the counting of words, including service), then the essay is estimated 0 points).

The text is attached to the creative task, which aims to comment by one of the author's assertions and the argument of its own position. Examinations must write a compressed statement, transferring the main content as each microthem, and the whole text as a whole.

A compressed statement requires the skills of selection of substantial information, exhaustion in the text of the main microthele, generalizations of the content of the source text. Saying the text compressed, graduates show communication abilities associated with the ability to recycle information: eliminate the details and generalize homogeneous phenomena, while maintaining the main microthelers. Students with disabilities can write both a detailed and compressed statement. The volume of written work of students with ABS can be reduced.

In the preparing system, a manual and "Russian language was used. State final certification.

Presentation. An essay "in which theoretical

It should be noted that methodological manuals for learning how to create their own speech work in the format required for HBEs, a bit. I am known only one book « Preparation of students with ABS to the written exam in the Russian language for the course of the main school ", which is intended to prepare students with special educational needs for a written exam in the Russian language in the form of compressed presentation with a creative task.

Of course, without a template of writings and speech clichés, it is impossible to prepare a high school student with ABS to GWE. In order to teach a graduate to analyze text, you need a sufficiently large number of training texts. Separately, it is necessary to say about the argument of one's own opinion: but children of 9 d class are limited in communicating with others, possessing a small vocabulary, flaws compared to other peers. Therefore, in the teaching of the Russian language to children with APV, the main method of training is communicative. This is the use of methodological techniques based on live communication with the student, on the formation of language competence.

since the readership of a graduate with APV is small, then learned to argue their own position, based on knowledge and vital observations.

I want to demonstrate you fragments of the creative task of students of 9 d class. Students for analysis and understanding was proposed text based on periodic printing. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text was formulated and the question is for creative task. Why no one can raise a person if he does not educate himself? Let's see how the guys coped.

You were offered to your attention with students and how you could see, some have arguments with a support for life experience (Kataeva Agafia and Tretyakov Yana), and some did not cope. In this regard, the following work is provided:

1. Study of the skill of text argument based on life experiences of students

2. Attraction of arguments from artistic works

Colleagues philologists who had to prepare a disabled child to HWE, experience difficulties in work, unambiguously, will support my point of view. You need to think about changing the system of tasks in the Russian language rendered on HBE. In my opinion, the test tasks of the Russian language in Russian is easier and more affordable than the volumetric text for the presentation offered on HBE. In addition, I had a persistent belief that today there is not enough methodical literature on the preparation of children with disabilities to HBE, training seminars on interaction with such a category of children, retraining courses and advanced training courses working with children with children limited health capabilities.

I would like to hope that my experience will be useful for philologists working with this category of children.

Moscow, 2016.

1. General Provisions. 7.

2. GWE-9 in Russian. nine

Features of the examination work of GEV-9 in the Russian language. nine

GWE-9 in the form of an essay. eleven

GWE-9 in the form of presentation with the creative task .. 12

GWE-9 in the form of dictation. 13

The duration of HWE-9 in the Russian language. 13

Additional materials and equipment. 13

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general GVE-9 in the Russian language. fourteen

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. sixteen

Criteria for estimating examination work in the Russian language in the form of HBE-9 (written form). 17.

1. Criteria for evaluating the composition on a literary topic. 17.

2. Criteria for evaluating an essay on a free topic. nineteen

3. A set of criteria for assessing the presentation and execution of creative tasks for presentation 21

4. General for all types of work criteria for literacy assessment and actual speech accuracy examined. 23.

5. Criteria for estimating dictation. 25.

Samples of Examination materials GEV-9 (written form) in Russian 26

3. GWE-9 in mathematics. 43.

Features of the examination work of GEV-9 in mathematics. 43.

The characteristic of the examination material of GEV-9 in mathematics (writing form) marked with the letter "A". 43.

The characteristic of the examination material of GEV-9 in mathematics (writing form) marked with the letter "K". 46.

Additional materials and equipment. 48.

Duration of GEV-9 in mathematics. 48.

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general GWE-9 (written form) in mathematics. 48.

Evaluation of the examination work of GEV-9 in mathematics marked with the letter "A" 48

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in a five-point scale (GEV-9 in mathematics with the marking of the letter "A"). 49.

Evaluation of the examination work of GEV-9 in mathematics marked with the letter "K" 49

The transaction scale of the primary score for the implementation of the examination work of HBE-9 in mathematics (with the marking of the letter "K") to the mark on a five-point scale. 49.

Samples of Examination materials GEV-9 (written form) in mathematics. 49.

System for estimating examination work in mathematics. 53.

4. GWE-9 on biology .. 58

Structure and content of examination work .. 58

The evaluation system of the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 59

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 60.

Duration of examination work .. 60

Additional materials and equipment. 60.

Sample examination material for HBE - 9 (written form) by biology 62

5. GWE-9 in geography .. 75

Structure and content of examination work .. 75

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 76

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 77.

Duration of examination work .. 77

Additional materials and equipment. 77.

Sample examination material for GEV-9 (written form) in geography 80

6. GEE-9 on computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) 90

Structure and content of examination work .. 90

The evaluation system of the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 91

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 91.

Duration of examination work .. 92

Additional materials and equipment. 92.

Sample examination material for GEV-9 (written form) on computer science and ICT 94

7. GWE-9 on history .. 102

Structure and content of examination work .. 102

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 104

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 104.

Duration of examination work .. 104

Additional materials and equipment. 104.

Sample examination material for GEV-9 (written form) on history. 107.

8. GWE-9 in literature. 120.

Structure and content of examination work .. 120

The system of estimating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 123

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 123.

Duration of examination work .. 124

Additional materials and equipment. 124.

Sample examination material in literature. 125.

9. GWE-9 in social science .. 134

Structure and content of examination work .. 134

Duration of GEV-9 in social science .. 135

The evaluation system of the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 135

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 135.

Additional materials and equipment. 135.

Sample examination material for GEV-9 (written form) in social science 140

10. GEE-9 in physics. 153.

Structure and content of examination work .. 153

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 154

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 155.

Sample examination material for GWE-9 (written form) in physics. 157.

11. GWE-9 in chemistry .. 169

Structure and content of examination work .. 169

Chemistry exam duration. 172.

Additional materials and equipment. 172.

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 172

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 172.

Sample examination material for HBE-9 (written form) in chemistry. 175.

12. GWE-9 in foreign languages \u200b\u200b.. 180

Structure and content of examination work .. 180

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work in general 181

The scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale. 181.

Examination Duration .. 184

12.1. GWE-9 in English. 184.

Sample examination material for GVE-9 (written form) in English 184

Examination system of examination work .. 190

12.2. GWE-9 in Spanish. 191.

Sample examination material. 191.

For HCE-9 (written form) in Spanish. 191.

Examination system of examination work .. 197

12.3. GWE-9 in German. 198.

Sample examination material for GEV-9 (written form) in German language 198

Examination system of examination work .. 206

12.4. GEV-9 in French. 207.

Sample examination material for GEV-9 (written form) in French 207

Examination system of examination work .. 214

List of conditional designations and abbreviations

GWE-9. State graduation exam
GIA-9 State final certification on educational programs of basic general education
GEK State examination committee of the subject of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Educational organization An organization carrying out educational activities on the educational program with state accreditation
Teaching students who do not have academic debt and fully fulfilled the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual marks for all curriculum learning objects for the IX class not lower than satisfactory); students who have mastered the educational program of basic general education in the form of family education, or those who have studied the educational program of basic general education
Students with OVD Study with disabilities, disabled children and disabled
OGE The main state exam
Oo aoo An organization carrying out educational activities on adapted primary general education programs
Order of GIA-9 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394 "On approval of the procedure for conducting the state final certification on educational programs of basic general education" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 03.02, 2014, Registration No. 31206)
PPE Exam item
RCSi. Regional Center for Information Processing the Subject of the Russian Federation
EM Examination materials

General provisions

GWE-9 in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, tasks, tickets are carried out for certain categories of students, namely:

students who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education in special educational institutions of closed type, as well as in institutions that perform the punishment in the form of imprisonment;

students in educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the educational programs that implement the educational programs of basic general education, and cluttering;

students with disabled children, disabled children and disabled people who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education;

educational programs that have mastered the educational programs of basic general education in educational organizations located in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of the federal value of Sevastopol.

GIA-9 in the form of HBE includes mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics (mandatory study subjects), as well as exams on the choice of students in two training subjects from among the training items: physics, chemistry, biology, literature, geography, history, social studies , Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German and Spanish), Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Persons who studied the native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation and the literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation in their native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the native language and native literature) upon receipt of basic general education, the right to choose a native language exam and / or native literature.

The total number of exams in IX grades should not exceed four exams.

For students with disabled children, disabled children and disabled people who have mastered the educational programs of the main general education, the number of exams surrendered by their desire is reduced to two mandatory exams in Russian and mathematics.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, the basis for obtaining a certificate of basic general education is the successful passage of GIA-9 only in Russian and mathematics. The results of the options for options for choosing, including unsatisfactory, will not affect the receipt of the certificate.

Repeated to pass the exam on the relevant learning subject in the 2015-2016 academic year, students, who received an unsatisfactory result, were allowed on the GIA-9, as well as other categories of students listed by paragraph 30 of the GIA-9.

A number of paragraphs of the GIA-9 order comes into force on September 1, 2016. In this regard, in the 2016-2017 academic year, the condition of receiving the student certificate about the main general education will be a successful passage of GIA-9 in four educational subjects - on mandatory subjects (Russian and mathematics), as well as for two options for choosing.

In case of receiving unsatisfactory results in the GIA-9, no more than two training subjects (from among mandatory and items on choice), they will be re-admitted to GIA-9 for the relevant learning subjects.

The students who did not pass by the GIA-9 or the unsatisfactory results obtained in the GIA-9, or received a repeated unsatisfactory result according to one of these items on GIA-9 in additional terms, will be given to re-pass exams on the relevant learning subjects. Not earlier than September 1, 2017.

These guidelines are given explanations on EM issues for all educational subjects for HBE (written form). The methodological recommendations comment on the selection of EM content, the examinations and types of tasks are described, the requirements for the organization and conduct of the exam are described, recommendations for evaluating exam examinations of the exam participants are given, tasks samples are given.

UM GEV-9 comply with the federal component of the State Standard of General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 05.03.2004 No. 1089).

GEV-9 in Russian

GVE-9 in the form of an essay

The set of works (see examples of the examination material) contains four topics of different problems grouped in accordance with a specific structure, instructions for studying.

Three first topics are free, they suggest writing an essay in philosophical or ethical and moral issues. When writing an essay-reasoning on one of these, the examiners can lead arguments based on both the content of artistic works and the life experience of the studying (personal impressions, their own reflections on the topic, etc.). Writing themes formulated in the form of a quote, which is a statement of one of the representatives of domestic culture, aims to the free reasoning, which may contain both arguments confirming the validity of judgment and counterproofers proving the right to exist different point of view.

The fourth topic is associated with the analysis of artistic works studied within the framework of the "Literature" course. In case of choosing the fourth topic, the arguments are presented with a support for the content of artistic works. Themes related to poetry should be disclosed on an example of at least two poems. Themes related to the works of small epic shape are disclosed on the example of one or two works (their number can be increased at the discretion of the exam participant).

The minimum required volume of the composition is set to write an essays from a set of "A" or "C" from 250 words (if there is less than 200 words (in the counting of words all words are included, including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled and evaluated 0 points).

The set of essays with the mark "K" differs not by the structure of the kit, but on the simpler formulations of the works, as well as according to the instructions for students, in which other issues of the compositions are indicated. The volume of the composition of students, writing an essay from the set "K", can be reduced: an essay - from 100 words (if there are less than 70 words (in the counting of words all words are included, including service), then the essay is estimated 0 points) .

GEV-9 in the form of presentation with the creative task

The presentation with the creative task contains text, creative task, instruction for learning.

The text for presentation is a fragment of the article, essay, the story of philosophical, social, moral issues. The text is considered as an incentive for writing an essay-reasoning.

The text proposed for presentation is read by the organizer in the audience three times.

The creative task is formulated as a question related to the problem of text. The question is aiming for the comment on the problem and argument of its own position. The creative task must be read and recorded on the board (or printed for each exam participant). If necessary, on the board, the names of the own, mentioned in the text of the presentation are written.

The instructions for completing the task must be brought to the attention of the exam.

As an organizer of the exam in the form of presentation with the creative task, a specialist is attracted (for example, a primary teacher), which owns the examination methodology in the form of presentation. It is not allowed to involve the exam in the form of a specialist in this training subject, as well as a specialist who taught this item in these students.

Features Explanting with a creative task with a litter "A"

Approximate text volume for presentation - 280-400 words.

Examinations must write a compressed statement, transferring the main content as each microthem, and the whole text as a whole.

A compressed statement requires the skills of selection of substantial information, exhaustion in the text of the main microthele, generalizations of the content of the source text. Saying the text compressed, graduates show communication abilities associated with the ability to recycle information: eliminate the details and generalize homogeneous phenomena, while maintaining the main microthelers. When writing a compressed presentation, the task of preserving the copyright style is not set.

The minimum required amount of writing in the form of presentation with the creative task is established:

compressed presentation - from 70 words (if there is less than 50 words
(In the counting of words, all words are included, including service), then the presentation is estimated 0 points);

the creative task (an essay) is from 200 words (if there are less than 150 words (in the counting of words all words are included, including service), then the composition is estimated 0 points).

Features of the presentation with the creative task with the mark "K"

Sets of presentation with the creative task with the "K" litter have its own specifics. The volume of text for the presentation does not exceed 350 words. Texts for the presentation are selected narratives with clear content, clear presentation of the sequence of events that do not contain complex arguments of the author, a large number of actors. Texts use complex syntax structures, an abundance of fine means and trails, dialectic, archaic vocabulary. In addition, instructions for performing tasks contain other requirements for the minimum permissible volume of presentation and creative work in the form of an essay.

Graduates passing the exam on examination materials with the "K" litter is provided: Writing a compressed or detailed presentation.

Students, passing an exam on examination materials with the "K" litter, can write both a detailed and compressed presentation (by choosing a graduate). For them, other requirements for the volume are established:

compressed presentation - from 40 words (if there is less than 30 words
(In the counting of words, all words are included, including service), then the presentation is estimated 0 points). The amount of detailed presentation is not limited;

the creative task (an essay) is from 70 words (if there are less than 50 words in an essay (all words are included in the counting of words, including service),
The essay is estimated 0 points).

GVE-9 in the form of dictation

GWE-9 in the Russian language for students with the disorders of the autistic spectrum can be carried out in the form of a dictation. To estimate the examination work in the form of dictation, the criteria for estimating dictation (Table 7) are used.

Dictation evaluation criteria

When assessing literacy, it should be taken into account the same type and non-bug errors (see Appendix 1).

Table 7.

Criteria for literacy assessment and actual speech accuracy of examined Point
DK1 Compliance with spelling norms
There are no orphan errors, or not more than one error is allowed.
Two mistakes are admitted
Three mistakes are admitted
Four errors are admitted
Five mistakes are admitted
DK2. Compliance with punctuation norms
No punctuation errors, or no more than one error is allowed
Two mistakes are admitted
Three mistakes are admitted
Four errors are admitted
Five mistakes are admitted
Six and more mistakes are admitted
DK3. Compliance with grammatical norms
There are no grammatical errors, or one error
Two mistakes are admitted
Three and more errors are admitted
DK4. Accuracy of text recording
There are no errors in playing text
One error is allowed in playing text
Two mistakes in the playback of the text are allowed
Three errors in the playback of the text are made.
Four errors in the playback of text are allowed
Five and more errors in the playback of the text are made.
Maximum number of points for dictation on DK1-DK4 criteria

Samples of Examination materials GEV-9 (written form) in the Russian language

The task

1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed presentation by a fragment of the book K.G. Powesty "Golden Rose".

Transfer the main content of the text in the amount of 70 words. If there is less than 50 words in the compressed statement (all words, including service), are included in the counting of words, then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are estimated.

The task

1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed statement on the fragment of the story of L.Z. Uvarov "Uncle Kostya".

Transfer the main content of the text in the amount of 70 words. If there are less than 50 words in the compressed statement (all words are included in the counting of words,
including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled
And 0 points are estimated.

2. Give an argumental answer to the question: Why should I be able to be grateful?

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in the volume from 200 words. If in writing less
150 words (in counting words include all words, including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are estimated.

If an essay is a retraced text, then such work is estimated 0 points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Outline with a creative task number KI-9-1

Marines kept defense in the mountains.

One department settled very folded: took place among the sheer cliffs. From the bottom of the fascists to climb on these rocks was almost impossible. True, a bomber flew often to the rocks, threw bombs. But the fighters were hiding in the cave. And the bombs did not harm, only crushed the stone. Cloud of stone dust clock stood over the position of the department. It was difficult to breathe stone dust, she creaked on the teeth, clogged her eyes. But this is not the most severe in war. This can be squeezed and it was necessary to delete. After all, the separation of his weapon with the fire held the road at which the fascists moved.

It was good position. One thing was bad there - neither a stream, nor Spring. And with a hot summer, when the sun splits the rocks so that the stone is burning, I really want to drink. Water fighters appreciated the most. It is impossible to live without water. Water in the rocks was measured by a strict measure. And only for drinking. On washing - no drop.

But it was soon improved with water. Somehow a sailor that walked for the products in the economic company, noticed from its layout of the donkey. The donkey stood in the shadow of a thick tree, threw up his legs, waved his tail, shake his ears - distilled off the flies. It turned out that he had no other thing. He is anything. Stayed because of the war without a host. The sailor brought the donkey to the kitchen and tasty fed. Then he laughed at him with two thermos with key water, herself poured a bag with products on his back. And both have shown a narrow path up, in the rocks.

The entire department headed by the commander was delighted by the appearance of an assistant. We decided not to pamper and satisfy the donkey. Sailors were generous. And the donkey rushed at the Big Stone: he liked him here.

By evening, when the heat began to fall, the sailor appeared on the donkey empty thermoses and led him down the path - in the economic company. There, although Nosa this time was a trifling, the donkey again received a delicious food.

All night donkey pursue a stream. And in the morning, the sailor again laughed at him, again told in the rocks ... The donkey quite soon realized: for each flight he will receive a considerable reward. And one, without self-escaped, as the most executive worker, wearing water in the rocks and return with empty thermos in the economic company.

Sailors loved donkey. Called Yasha. There were donks in other divisions, but the biggest fame used Yasha.

(By A.V. Mityaevu)

The task

1. Listen (read) text. Write an outline by the fragment of the story A.V. Mityaev "Earrings for a donkey".

Transfer the main content of the text. Write a compressed or deployed presentation (by choosing a learning). The presentation can be written both from the first and third party.

The volume of deployed presentation is not more than 300 words. The volume of compressed presentation is from 40 to 100 words. If in compressed presentation less than 30 words
(In counting words, all words are included, including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are estimated.

2. Give an argumental answer to the question:

Sample dictation

№ D-9-1

An early childhood was brought to me to admire the sunrise. Spring early in the morning, on a festive day, mother sometimes wakes me, drove me on his hands and said: "Look, how the sun plays!" For the trunks of the old Lip, a huge blazing ball rose over the wokeered earth. It seemed that he was inflated, shone with joyful light, played, smiling. For life, I remember my mother's face lit by the rays of the rising sun.

In adulthood, I watched a sunrise many times. I met him in the forest, when before dawn passes above the top of the preliminary wind, one fell in the sky in the sky. Clean stars, more than the black peaks on the breathless sky. Rosa lies on the grass. Pure and transparent air. Rosist in the morning smell smells in a dense forest.

Sowned sunrise over native fields, over a green, covered dewy meadow, over a silver rock river. In the cool mirror of the water reflected pale morning stars, a thin sickle of the month. In the East, the dawn flares up, and water seems pink. As if in a paired light haze under the singing of countless birds rises above the ground. The exactly living breathing of the Earth, light golden fog steaming over the fields, over the real ribbon river. Cool transparent dew on the meadows shines a diamond painting.

Observed the appearance of the sun in a frosty winter morning, when unbearably shone deep snow, crumbled with the trees a light frosty frosty. He admired the sunrise in the high mountains covered with sparkling glaciers. Especially good sunrise over the ocean. As a sailor, standing on the watch, I watched many times, as the ascending sun changes its color: it is bloated by a flaming ball, it is closed with fog or distant clouds. And everything around suddenly changes. Others seem distant shores, ridges of incoming waves. The color of the sky itself is changing, the golden blue tent of the covering sea coating.

The inhabitants of large cities rarely admire the sunrise. High stone rums of urban homes close the horizon. Even rural residents wake up a short sunrise hour, the beginning of the day. But in the living world of nature everything is awakened. At the edges of the forest, nightingale singing over the illuminated water. Swells from the fields into the sky, disappearing in the rays of dawn, light larks. Joyfully dug cuckoo, whistling frozards.

My friends, I advise you to admire the sunrise. There is nothing in the most adorable morning earlier dawn, when the earth breathes and life awakens.

(According to I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Spelling mistake - This is writing a word that does not correspond to spelling standards. Specographic norms are established by academic spelling dictionaries and reference books.

Punctuation error- This is not using the writing of the necessary sign of punctuation, its use where it is not required, as well as the unreasonable replacement of one punctuation mark to others. A punctuation error is opposed to a punctuation rate reflected in the punctuation rule.

These errors can only be allowed on the letter: they can be seen, you can not hear them.

God / God

Loaded / halfday

Speaken / for midnight

zoryanka / Zaryanka (bird)

somehow / like that(before listing, eg: A large fish becomes acute

as (-) then: Pikes, Soma, Jerekhi, Sudaks.)

Carnival / Maslenitsa

Mass Media / Mass Media

Fleerty / Melochevka

Unpredied (adj.)

Cloak / Cloak

Player / player

Christmas / Christmas

Internet / Internet

Win pad / width

Search / Wanted

related / Family (in meaning small in number: read (n) after minutes)

Black and Brown / Black

Grammatical errors

No. p / p Type of error Examples
Erroneous word formation Hardworking, narrowing
Error formation of a form of a noun Many miracle of technology lack time
Error formation of an adjective form More interesting, beautiful
Error formation of the form of numeral With five starubles
Error formation of a pronoun form Ihnegopaphos, fuck children
Error formation of verb They ride, want, pishezhizni nature
Violation of coordination I am familiar with a group of guys, seriously addicting jazz.
Disturbance It is necessary to make your nature more beautiful. Tells readers.
Violation of communication between the subject and faithful Most of the objectivity of such an assessment of his work.
Violation of the method of expression of the faith in individual structures He wrote a book that epic. Everyone was glad, happy and fun.
Errors in building a sentence with homogeneous members The country loved and was proud of the poet. In writing, I wanted to say about the meaning of sports and why I love him.
Errors in building a sentence with an adapted turnover Reading the text, there is a feeling ...
Errors in building a sentence with a particular turnover The narrow path was covered with fallen snow under the legs.
Errors in building a challenge offer This book taught me to appreciate and respect the friends I read in my childhood. Man seemed that this is a dream.
Mix straight and indirect speech The author said that he was inflicted with the opinion of the reviewer.
Violation of the borders of the sentence When the hero came to the senses. It was too late.
Violation of the viewed correlation of verbal forms Farming the heart and suddenly stand again.

Speech errors

No. p / p Type of error Examples
Using words in the unusual meaning We were shocked by an excellent playing of actors. Thought develops on the continuation of the whole text.
Inspection of shades of the value introduced into the word prefix and suffix My attitude to this problem has not changed. Emphemers were accepted.
Indemnifying synonymous words In the end service, the author applies graduation.
Word use of other stylistic coloring The author, referring to this problem, is trying to send people a little to another king.
Inappropriate consumption of emotional and painted words and phraseologism Astafyev, that and it comes speaking to use metaphors and personification.
Unnecessary consumption of spatrical words So people always manage others.
Violation of lexical combination The author increases the impression. The author uses artistic features (secrecy).
Essential words, including pleonism The beauty of the landscape author transmits us with the help of artistic techniques. Young man, very beautiful
Using single-handed words in a close context (tautology) This story describes the real events.
Unjustified repetition of the word. Herorastcase does not think over his act. The hero does not even understand the whole depth of the deed.
Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures When the writer came to the editor, he accepted the chief editor. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
Unsuccessful use of pronouns V. Belov wrote this text. It belongs to the art style. I immediately had a picture in my imagination

To the number of most typical grammatical errors Errors related to the use of verb, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs: They move the feeling of compassion (follows: drives);

2) Wrong use of viewed forms of verbs: This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, will teach the calendar calculations quickly and accurately (It follows: ... give .., teach ... or ... gives .., teaches ...);

3) errors in the use of valid and suffering communities: Water streams, drained down, struck the author of the text(follows: flowing);

4) Errors in the formation of verbalia: Shovel on stage, singers bowed(normal: coming out);

These errors are usually associated with violating patterns and rules of grammar and arise under the influence of the surprise and dialects.

In addition, grammatical-syntactic errors can also be attributed to the typical, also detected in the work of the examinations:

violation of communication between the subject and faithful: The main thing that I now want to pay attention is the artistic side of the work (Norm: ... This is the art side of the work); To benefit the homeland, you need courage, knowledge, honesty (Norm: ... you need courage, knowledge, h

Outline with a creative task
Option 1

The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed statement in a fragment of Essa D. Gorbon "Sleepy and Indifference".
  1. "How, from your point of view, you can answer the final questions of the author of the article?"

Essay Write clearly and picking up, observing the norms of speech *.

Listening text **

Last year, the trouble happened to me. I walked down the street, slipped and fell ... fell unsuccessful, there was no place worse: the face about the Broker ***, broke his nose, all the face broke, the hand jumped out in the shoulder. It was about seven o'clock in the evening. In the city center, in Kirovsky Prospect, close to the house where I live.

With great difficulty rose - the face is flooded with blood, his hand hung up. I felt that I was holding a shock state, the pain rolling more and more and you need to do something quickly. And I can not say - the mouth is broken.

I decided to turn back home.

I walked down the street, I think that I do not stagger, holding a planned handkerchief from the face, the coat is already glittered from the blood. I remember well this way - about three hundred meters. There were a lot of people on the street. There was a woman with a girl, some kind of couple, elderly

* For the task for the examination work, see the site.www.fipi.ru. .

** Texts for listening are chosen by the author.

*** Bordur.

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

a woman, a man, the young guys, all of them at first looked at me with curiosity, and then they took her eyes, turned away. If anyone who came to me on this path, asked what was wrong with me if you would not need to help. I remember the faces of many people - apparently, without careful attention, exacerbated by the expectation of help ...

The pain of confused consciousness, but I understood that if I was lying on the sidewalk, they will quietly step over me, bypass. We must get to the house.

Later I thought over this story. Could people accept me for drunk? It seems to be no, I hardly have made such an impression. But even if they were taken for drunk ... - they saw that I was all in the blood, something happened - fell, I hit, - why didn't they help, they did not ask at least what is the matter? So, pass by, not to spend time, forces, has become a sense of usual?

In thought, with bitterness recalled these people, at first he was angry, accused, wondered, indignantly, but then he began to remember himself. And something similar I found out in my behavior - the desire to move away, to evaporate, not to get involved ... And, causing himself, began to understand how habitually it became of this feeling, as it was hardened, it was imperceptible to root.

Flowing, I remembered another. I recalled the frontal time when in the hungry troops of our life was excluded, so that at the sight of the wounded passing by him.

And after the war, this sense of mutual assistance remained for a long time among us. But gradually it disappeared. It was so much so much that a person considers it possible to pass by the fallen, affected, lying on the ground.

And in fact, what does this happen to us? How did we come to this, how did you move to indifference from normal responsiveness, and it became normal too?

(Sub. Granu) 376 words

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 2.

Option 2 Task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed statement by the fragment of Essa D. Gorbon "Museum of forgotten Old Things".

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argumental answer to the question"How, from your point of view, you can answer the final question of the author of the article?"Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Text for presentation

Once in the workshop at the artist Vasilkovsky, I saw an album where he drew people in memory of the 30s. Adults aunt and uncle from his childhood. I leafal pages and found out. The drawings came to life, moved, from the memory began to appear dressed in the costumes of those years familiar, as if the artist spied my memories. Our streets, our courtyard, cabers ... It was a city in which childhood went both. And most importantly, I remembered different things that were then, and now they are not. Some things have become unnecessary, others have changed, third, maybe come back.

Then we decided to collect everything that was preserved in our memory: the artist will draw, and I will tell you to somehow capture the appearance of that reality, because we, unfortunately, almost no museums of the history of our Soviet life. Such museums, of course, will be, but there are things that will not fall into these museums, they cannot be placed there - for example, the crackle of the birch lanes in the stove ...

The world of things is updated faster, new and new brands of electric stoves, refrigerators, TVs, cars, vacuum cleaners are repaid. Somehow there are old, refined. Stoys, children's toys, skis ... everything is replaced, and already

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

not once and not two in the life of one generation. Lamps, trains, houses, airplanes ... What is there to talk about clothes or hats.

We all the time get rid of worries related to things. Most often, plastic dishes are thrown out, so as not to wash it, throw off paper tablecloths, hours that go a year and a half. To things you do not have time to be attached, make friends. Approximately the same thing happens in our everyday life. Light chairs, continuing furniture. Now they do not buy it in the calculation of heirs.

Old things are just signs left by last life. The boys of our life remembered through things bright and items. Things can return. With the past, you should not finally say goodbye. Childhood sooner or later remind himself. It's not about nostalgia. We return to childhood for good, tenderness, the joy of rain and delight in front of the hobility of the sky. Of course, it is impossible to return those feelings. The city of the 1930s is maintained by the memory of former boys and girls. In this reserve it is watercolorly seductive. In fact, this city was not so good, but there is a feature recognizable in it, uniquely arched. Inspiring and call ... Now the city has become much more beautiful, richer, Loved, he rang out in his shoulders. Why are we again and again pepper in his appearance, looking for in it first of all that is not at all so prosperous and nevertheless happy, past? ..

(According to D. Grannor) 378 words

Option 3.
The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed presentation of a fragment of Y. Lotman "Circle Circle Circles".

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argumental answer to the question"What, from your point of view, people learn?" .

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 3.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points. *

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

In one of his books, the philosopher Rousseau wrote: "I am like everyone else, and I don't look like anyone." This is a very deep note: a person, firstly, such as all other people, and secondly, it is individual, he is one of the same and the same. But another is not so easy to understand me ...

Here are the rules of the street movement, everyone understands the same, except for those who did not teach them. And Pushkin everyone understands the same? No, everything is different. And do not say that some understand it right, and others are wrong. Pushkin before each acts as if he was now wrote for him. And you all have the opportunity to talk with a brilliant person who wants to say something to you. Just open your ears, just be careful! The main trouble of our century is that our eyes and ears are closed.

The life of each person takes place in some isolated circles. One lives in a small circle, the other - in the circle more, the third is even more. The magnitude of your circle is determined by many signs: what you are curious that you know what interests you and is one more and very important - what hurt you? One, for example, it hurts when it is hit, and another will only say it: well, just not killed. The circle is more when a person on an insult answered a duel and said that an insult was worse than death: death cannot humiliate a person, and I would not suffer insult. Another will say: I will not suffer insults of the people I love, I will not give to offend my children, I will not let the insult your mother, but here's a person ... when it hurts from someone else's pain - this is the biggest circle, a circle of cultural person.

Life requires very much from a person. He has many situations when the choice of choice appears: to do one or another way. There is no circumstances when it is impossible to do otherwise. And if we still have such circumstances

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

it means that we have no conscience. Conscience is what dictates how to do when there is a choice. And there is always a choice ...

So, what do people learn? People learn knowledge, people learn memory, people learn conscience. These are three items that are necessary in any school and who have absorbed art. And art is essentially your memory book and conscience. We only need to learn how to read this book.

(By Y. Lotman) 357 words

Option 4.
The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed presentation by a fragment of the story of K. Powesty "On Painting".

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. "What is the reason for these smaller tears?"

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

Paints and light in nature should not be so observed as they simply live. For art, only the material that won the place in the heart is suitable. Painting is important for prose not only what helps him see and love paints and light. Painting is also important and the fact that the artist often notices that * what we do not see at all. Only we also start to see it and wonder that they did not notice it before.

The French artist Monet came to London and wrote Westminster Abbey. In the picture of Monet, the gothic outlines of the ab-

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 4.

battleships barely protrude from the fog. Picture is written virtuoso. But when the picture was exhibited, she made confusion among Londoners. They were amazed that the fog of Umon was painted in the crimson color, whereas even from the textbook it was known that the color of the fog gray.

Monet's audacity caused a perturbation first. But perturbed, going to London streets, peeking in fog and first noticed that he is really a crimgreard. Immediately began to look for this explanation. Agreed that the red shade of fog depends on the abundance of smoke and this color to the mist reports the red brick London houses. After the painting of Monet, everyone began to see the London fog, as the artist saw him. Monet even called the "creator of the London Fog."

Impressionists as if strengthened sunlight. They wrote under the open sky and sometimes enhanced paints. This led to the fact that the land in their pictures appeared in the unlawful lighting. Earth has become a festive. There was no sin in this, as it does not have anything that he adds to a person at least a little joy. Almost every artist, to whatever time and what school he believes, opens up new features of reality.

I was fortunate enough to be several times in the Dresden Gallery. In addition to the "Sicstinian Madonna" Rafael, there are many paintings of old masters, in front of which just dangerously stop. They are not allowed from themselves. You can watch for hours, maybe by days, and the longer you look, the wider the incomprehensible mental excitement increases. It comes to that feature when a person hardly holds tears.

What is the reason for these smaller tears? The fact that in these canvases is the perfection of the Spirit and the power of the genius, forcing us to strive for cleanliness, strength and nobility of our own thoughts. When contemplating the wonderful anxiety, which precedes our internal purification. It is like all the freshness of rain, winds, the breathing of the blooming earth, the midnight sky and the tears shedding with love, penetrates our grateful heart and takes him forever.

(By K. Powest)380 words

3. Zack. No. 44.

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

Option 5.
The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed statement by a fragment of article N. Akimov "Are good manners need?"

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argued answer to the question made intitle articles.

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

Do you need good manners?

If the newest cybernetic machines could count, in which the country costs the amount of bad mood, irritably, generated by the rude or unlose-up behavior of people, they would report to us completely sensational numbers.

A person who feels calmly and cozy in the society of his fellow citizens, many times workable and enterprising one who should be alert every minute to prevent undeserved insult, rudeness and rudeness.

The basics of bad manners lie, as a rule, in psychology and in the views of man. What is this basis?

First, an understated idea of \u200b\u200btheir duties. Tolerance and humanity of our society settled in many unstable souls conviction that "everything will come down" ...

Secondly, the dullness of the sense of justice.

The concept of justice arises from a person at the very beginning age if he is patiently and carefully raised. First of all, the child is taught to the thought, which has no privileges and advantages over their comrades. Then he comprehends

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 5.

the ability to put himself mentally for his future life for his future life and from these items to evaluate their actions. Good manners, as a manifestation of internal delicacy and culture, is the necessary attribute of a person. *

If you dig in the soul of every humen or a hulagal man, you can find that his actions are never random, but rely on quite concrete views.

This is primarily a splashing attitude towards its neighbor, to his opinion and amenities. By hard confidence that all other people do not have, and the desire to snatch from life as much as possible.

Often and the best people offend their loved ones. And it usually happens without any malicious intent, without intention to offend, humiliate, offend, and so simply - by overwhelming, intense, inattention. Because these good people who are engaged in often large and important affairs have not found the time to consider the form of their behavior, did not work out those simple and useful rules, which, in other things being equal, make life more pleasant, nerves healthier and improve the mood of the whole team.

So, two very important outputs should be made to every young man.

The first: kind of attitude to the surrounding does not cause any additional costs, does not exacerbate it with unbearable works. This is a free application for life, and when it is in habit, it is already automatically produced.

The second: a person who learned to treat his neighbors well, not only gives them joy, but he himself receives huge pleasure from his behavior.

Thus, good manners and properly developed behavior not only the great contribution of a person to society. This contribution brings the most consistent income in the world - a good arrangement of the spirit and an optimistic mood.

(By N. Akimov) 380 words

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

Option 6.
The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed statement by the fragment of the article D. Likhachev "The purpose of life."

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argumental answer to the question"What life goals and objectives are the main in life?"

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

When a person deliberately or intuitively chooses in life some goal, a vital task, he at the same time involuntarily gives himself an assessment. By the fact that the person lives, it can be judged about his self-esteem - low or high.

If a person expects to acquire all the elementary material goods, he also appreciates himself at the level of these material benefits as the owner of the machine of the last brand, as the owner of the luxurious giving, as part of his furniture headset ...

If a person lives to bring people good, facilitate their suffering in disease, to give people joy, then he appreciates himself at the level of this man. He puts himself a goal worthy of man. Only a vital purpose allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy. Yes, joy!

Nobody is insured against errors. But the most important mistake, the error is rocky, - incorrectly selected main task in life.

By putting a task career or acquirement, a person is experiencing much more chagrins than joys, and risks to lose everything. And what can lose a person who was glad to everyone

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 7.

his kind things? It is only important that good, which man does, would be his internal need, went from a smart heart, and not only from the head, there would be no "principle" alone.

Therefore, the main life task should be a task wider than just a personal one, it should not be closed only on their own luck and failures. It should dictate to the kindness of people, love for the family, to its city, to their people, country to the whole universe.

Does this mean that a person should live as ascetic, do not take care of herself, do not acquire anything and not rejoice in a simple increase in office? No one! I'm talking only about the main life task. And this main life task is not to underline in the eyes of the rest of the people. And it is necessary to dress well (this is respect for others), but not necessarily "better than others." And the library should be made up, but not necessarily the BLASH, than the neighbor. And the car is well acquired for yourself and the family is convenient. Just do not turn the secondary first and not necessary, so that the main goal of life has exhausted you where it is not necessary. When it takes - another thing ...

(D. Likhachev) 336 words

Option 7.
The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed presentation of the Essay Fragment S. Lviv "Compassion".

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argued answer to the question supplied by the author in the text:"How to help and those who suffer from indifference, and indifferent?"

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

Compassion is an active assistant.

But how to be with those who do not see, do not hear, does not feel when it hurts and badly different? An unnecessary as they consider everyone, besides themselves, yes, maybe their family, to which, however, are also often indifferent. How to help and those who suffer from indifference, and indifferent?

From childhood to raise - first of all himself - so to get to get back to someone else's trouble and hurry to help someone in trouble. And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art does not consider sympathy with demagnetizing sensitivity, alien to us sentimentality.

Sympathy is a great human ability and need, benefit and debt. People, such ability or anxiously felt its drawback, people who cultivated the talent of kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy in assistance, live harder than insensitive. And restless. But their conscience is clean. They usually grow good children. They are usually respected by others. But even if this rule is broken and the surrounding them will not understand if children decese their hopes, they will not retreat from their moral position.

Insensitive it seems that they are good. They denewned armor, which protects them from unnecessary unrest and unnecessary worries. But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but are deprived. Sooner or later - how to happen, it will respond!

On my share recently fell away, happiness to get acquainted with the old wise doctor. It often appears in his office on weekends and on holidays, not an emergency, but for mental needs. He is talking to patients not only about their illness, but also for complex vital topics. He knows how to instill hope and worse in them. Perennial observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not mind any sufferment, finding himself before her own misfortune, it turns out not ready for her. Sorry and helpless, he meets such an

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 8.

tearing. Egoism, severity, indifference, heartlessness cruelly revenge for themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Late repentance.

One of the most important human feelings is sympathy. And even if it does not remain just sympathy, but will be actions. Assistance. The one who needs it is bad, although he is silent, it is necessary to come to the rescue, not expecting the call. There is no radios stronger and sensitive than the human soul. If you set it up on a wave of high humanity.

(S. Lvov) 354 words

Option 8.
The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed statement by a fragment of the story of K. Powesty "Uncle Gilyay".

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argumental answer to the question"What a huge cultural case, according to the author, do people like Gilyarovsky?"

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

Uncle Gilyay

Nothing can give such a living idea of \u200b\u200bthe past, as a meeting with his contemporary, especially with such a peculiar and talented, which Vladimir Alexandrovich Gilyarovsky is a man of indomitable energy and irrepressible kindness.

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

First of all, the integrity and expressiveness of its character struck in Gilyarovsky. If there can be a "picturesque character" expression, then it is entirely to Gilyarovsky. He was picturesque in everything - in his biography, in the manner to speak, in the guys, in appearance, in versatile stormy talentedness.

Gilyarovsky was the embodiment of what we call "wide in kind." It was expressed from him not only in extraordinary generosity, kindness, but also that Gilyarovsky also demanded a lot from life.

A man of such a scope and originality, like Gilyarovsky, could not be outside the advanced people and writers of his time. With Gilyarovsky friendly Chekhov, Kubin, Bunin and many writers, actors and artists. Gilyarovsky could also be proud of the fact that he was widely known and beloved among the Moscow poor, the famous Chi-line - shelter, Bosyakov, renegades.

Each time you need your chronicler of historical events, life and gender. The chronicle of life with special sharpness and audience brings to us the past. To fully understand at least Lion Tolstoy or Chekhov, we must know the life of that time. Therefore, the stories of Gilyarovsky are so valuable for us - "Commentator of your time." Unfortunately, we almost did not have such writers. There are no them now. And they did and make a huge cultural case.

About Moscow Gilyarovsky could say with full right: "My Moscow". It is impossible to imagine Moscow of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century without Gilyarovsky, as it is impossible to imagine it without an artistic theater, Shalyapin and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Great-free, open and noisy Gilyarovsky house was a kind of Moscow's focus. Essentially, it was a rare museum of culture, painting and life of Chekhov times. It is necessary to preserve it carefully as a sample of the Moscow everyday life of the nineteenth century.

There are people, without which it is difficult to imagine the existence of society and literature. It is a kind of ferment yeast, sparkling wine current. Not £ Just a lot or a little they wrote. It is important that they lived that literary and society were played around them

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 9.

life that the whole of the country's modern history was refracted
in their activities. It is important that they determined their time.

Thus was Vladimir Alexandrovich Gilyarovsky - Poet, writer, connoisseur of Moscow and Russia, the man of the big heart, the purest sample of the talency of our people.

(By K. Powest)362 words

Option 9.
The task

  1. Listen to the text. Write a compressed presentation by the fragment of the essay of K. Powesta.

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argued interpretationfinal text phrase. Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

It is difficult to explain where the habits are taken from, and more unexpected.

Every time, going to distant trips, I had to come Nailin Omut. I just could not leave, not saying goodbye to him, with the All-Russian these fields. I told myself: "This thistle you will remember someday, when you fly over the Mediterranean Sea. If, of course, go there. And this last, scattered in the heavenly space, you remember somewhere near Paris. But, of course, if you go there. "

And everything came true. Indeed, the plane went over the Tyrrhenian Sea. I looked into the circular window-porthole. In bottomless blue

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

and the depths appeared yellow outlines of the island, similar to the flower of Chertopoloha. It was Corsica. Then I made sure that the islands from the air take bizarre forms, as well as cumulus clouds. These forms tell them our human imagination.

Rome sparkles away by fierce reflections of the Sun in the glass walls of multi-storey new houses. Radio often and nervously repeated that Signora Parelli is waiting for its own car from the main exit.

And I disasterked me home, in a log simple house, on Oka, Nailinsky outer, where they are waiting for willow, foggy Russian plain sunsets and friends.

As for the pinking beam of the sun, I also saw it a few days later near Paris in the town of Ermenonville, where in the old estate he had his last years and Jean-Jacques Rousseau died ... I remembered the same parcel evening on Ilinskaya waters, and familiar Tosca suddenly squeezed the heart - longing in our spacious land, his rods, his plant, and a modest rustling of Foliah.

Beautiful France, of course, remained great, but indifferent to us. The longing in Russia lay down on the heart. From this day I began to rush home, on Oka, where everything was so familiar, so cute and simple. I got cold under my heart at one thought that the return to the homeland could for any reason to stay at least for several days. I loved France a long time ago. First speculate. And then close, seriously. But I could not give up for her sake, even from such a smallness, like the morning saffron ray of the sun on a log wall of an old hut. It was possible to follow the movement of the beam along the wall, listen to the awesome cries of rustic roosters and unwittingly repeating the words familiar since childhood:

On the Holy Rus rooster shout -

Soon there will be a day on the Holy Rus ...

Not! A person can not live without his homeland, how can not live without a heart. .

(By K. Powest)370 words

Tasks. Outline with a creative task. Option 10.

Option 10.
The task

  1. Listen to "Reext. Write a compressed statement by the fragment of the article D. Likhacheva" Memory ".

Pass the main content of the text in the amount of at least 70 words.

  1. Give an argumental answer to the question"Why is the memory of our wealth?"

Agregate your opinion, relying on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations.

Think over the composition composition.

Essay Write in volume at least 200 words.

If an essay is a retold text, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Text for presentation

Memory is one of the greatest properties of being, any being: material, spiritual, human ...

Paper. Squeeze it and disappear. The folds will remain on it, and if you squeeze it again, - part of the folds will fall in former folds: the paper "possesses memory" ... Separate plants have a memory, the stone on which traces of its origin and movement in the ice age, glass, water. The most complex forms of generation memory possess birds, allowing new generations of birds to make flights in the right direction to the right place. And what to talk about the "genetic memory" - the memory laid in centuries, memory moving from one generation of living beings to the following.

At the same time, the memory is not mechanical at all. This is the most important creative process: it is the process that is also creative. It is remembered what is needed; By memory, good experience accumulates, a tradition is formed, household skills, family skills, labor skills, public institutions are created ...

Memory confronts the time destroying. This memory property is extremely important. Adopted primitively to share time

Russian language. HBE. 9th grade

on the past, present and future. But thanks to the memory of the past enters the present, and the future seems to be predicted by the present, connected with the past. Memory - overcoming time, overcoming death. This is the greatest moral meaning of memory.

Irresponsibility is born in the absence of consciousness that nothing passes without a trace. A person who makes an unkind act thinks that this act will not be preserved in his memory of his personal and in memory of others.

Conscience is basically a memory to which the moral assessment of the committed one joins. But if the perfect is not saved in memory, then there can be no evaluation. No memory no conscience.

That is why it is so important to be brought up in a moral climate of memory: the memory of the family, the memory of the people, the cultural memory. Family photos are one of the most important "visual benefits" of moral upbringing not only children, but also adults. Respect for the work of our ancestors, to their traditions and customs, to their songs and entertainment - all this is expensive to us. Yes, and just respect for the graves of the ancestors.

Store memory, take care of memory - this is our moral debt to themselves and before the descendants. Memory is our wealth.

(According to D. Likhachev) 303 words