What dreams former husband is sticking to. What dreams of a former husband - Interpretation in dream books

What dreams of seeing the former husband in the dream, some women who touched the divorce. Just to leave a dream will not be able to not be a single representative of the weak floor, because the vision has come for no accident. Fate is trying to say something, and what exactly, learn from the scenes of sleep in dreams, because they broke up long ago, and the image of the former pursues even in a dream.

Pay attention to the plot of your dream. Remember what I saw: who else had dreamed, what did or did what emotions were.

What do dreams say?

Dream Vangu

Past relations Shot to those who wondered to return everything back. If in a dream you together and there is a feeling what they did not part, I know that the heart does not hurt for old relationships. Drunk former husband Symbolizes his longing for you.

Dream of Freud.

If a former man dreamed, then wait for a quarrel with real love. In addition, the dream is a reflection of jealousy and suspicion of his man.

Dream Nostradamusa

Be afraid of witchcraft and magical action if saw former husbandexperiencing feelings . Intimate with him It suggests that you will soon have to answer for past misconduct. Former husband who died, dream of danger warning.

Dream of flowers

Former husband in visionsulit Levity and sad consequences from rapid acts. Wait for the hassle, unpleasant forced trips and diseases of the current spouse, if you are married and saw a former husband.

Dream Miller

Former husband for unmarried women It dreams when you can return the former relationship. Sleep says he will soon declare himself in your life. The former husband was on the other? Your relationship is not finished. Former thinking about you.

If a new female of the former spouse dreamed, wait awkward situations. Permanent Dreams About the former in the dream book talk about the approaching luck.

Esoteric dream book

Sex with former It dreams of unresolved problems that will soon pop up. They will bring unpleasant consequences. Kissed with former? You will soon surprise.

Parted with the former in a dream? You will go to the meeting on which they suffer Fiasco. Swear with him? Happiness will soon knock your life.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Seen the wedding of the former husband? Sleep is dreaming. If a he married you, I'm not far from the mountains.

Tenderness and love from the former spouse Speak about surprises. If a dreamed the death of a former husband, then sleep promises well-being. You will greatly marry and give birth to a child.

Dream Khasse

If in a dream you again part with a former husband, I know that a new stage of life has come. All areas of life will improve and acquire stability.

Dream Longo

Dreams about ex-relationships symbolize your interest in past life. Thoughts about the former do not let you move forward.

Predictions, which is dreaming former husband, dream book identifies with errors committed earlier in various life spheres. The image in a dream is reminded of unfinished affairs and focuses on psychological barriers: discontent with the situation, fear of novelty.

Which setting it was seen

Sigmund Freud considers only impartial dreams significant, not subject to real experiences. The rest, according to the psychologist, reflect only loneliness or dissatisfaction.

Seeing the ex-spouse gently happens shortly before romantic history. Sadness on a male face gives the feeling of the guilt of sleeping.

Dream Interigma

Dream Annigma clarifies how often there is a former husband in a dream. If this happens all the time, there is an unfulfilled promise.

The failed sex warns against the manifestations of hot spirits. If you have dreamed of indifference to the signs of attention, in reality, iron compospaces prevents enjoying life.

Again parting

If you broke up in a dream, Miller's dream book notes unresolved questions and doubts about the reliability of existing relationships.

Vanga Vanga considers such a plot of the beginning of a new turn. If the separation has for some reason, the Islamic snorker promises well-being and reciprocity in heart matters.

How often he comes

Dream intercoms clarify how often the ex-spouse is in a dream. If almost every night is dreaming that he calls, visits, calling to live in his apartment, it is the otlovka loneliness, longing.

Visits to his house indicate a sense of dissatisfaction. Repeating plots are rarely prophetic.

Man dreamed with another

Dream intercoms explain in detail, why the once beloved man dreamed of the embrace of another girl. If we wondered that the hero of the dream change still to you, in relation to the relationship remained unfinished. Unexpected boywasiness gives it no essential on his part.

The marriage reports an increased risk to please in confusion. The appearance and habits of the illegal cohabitant symbolize the secret fears. Communication with the rival is promoting a quarrel shocking misconduct.

Communication with girlfriend reflects regrets of loss. If you were lucky enough to visit the wedding with the ruiner, the changes in personal life are coming.

What is meaning of chagrins and entertainment

Involver, what dreams of a former husband will dream, the snorkers pay attention to appearance and behavior. When the spouse is seen deliberately thin or crying, the dream interpretation of the wanderer reports in advance that with the implementation of the responsible solution, it is better to pay better: now an unfavorable period for innovative ideas.

According to the forecast for summer birthday women, tears or unfavorable species mean that the request for the help of the ex-spouse will be reacted with unexpected responsiveness. The chances of the success of a deliberately doomed venture increase.

Riding cars

When in a dream, it was lucky to ride a car, remember who was driving. If the guy steered, the loss still does not give rest and prevents walking through life. This is a harbinger of further disappointments.

The driver's seat demonstrates the reluctance to accept, search for compensation for suffering suffering. In protest, refusal to perform its functions, movement on inclined.

Gifts and money

Dream Intercoms consider gifts and handed money alarming. The sorcerer of Medea warns that the problems from the days of the past will again let them know.

If in a dream once a favorite gave material values, the secret will not be able to hide. Lady Navi hints at increased attractiveness for unfriendly other entities.

Saw a date

Dream interpreters will help find out why it happens to see a romantic date with a former husband. Find out what events foreshadow what happened in a dream:

  • The meeting means that the emotional finale is not reached;
  • They came, but immediately wanted to leave - take care of health;
  • We saw an embrace - unfortunately that it happened so;
  • Arrived to make up - need support;
  • Danced - the next flirting will not meet expectations;
  • Fed - Beware of impulsivity;
  • Slept - old habits are not suitable for a new novel;
  • Long lay in bed - the probability of deception is high.

What dreams of relatives

It is curious to know what the family of the former husband dreams. Often familiar images personify repentance, the thoughts that separation could be avoided. Relatives for the marital line symbolize the decline of forces due to recent experiences.

An important role in interpretations is played by conversations. Sincere conversation foregoes popularity from the opposite sex. If you managed to get valuable information, the progress in the business sphere is planned. When the pass is broken, dislike in real reality.

Children of the former husband

Native and receiving children are a projection of all over-year years. If in a dream they are well-groomed and cheerful, esoteric dream book believes that relations presented valuable experience and warm memories.

Dirted and capriculus symbolize the annoyance on pasty years spent. Diseases and problems of the child reflect the insult. Daughter personifies relationships with their own relatives, children's impressions.

Again pregnancy

If a woman gave rise to that she is waiting for the baby from the former husband, the invisible connection of the broken pair is still durable. Perhaps there is a psychological dependence.

Meeting with this guy in a dream during pregnancy from another man does not testify not in favor of new relations: deep in the soul of the dreams dreams of returning the past.

Rodin in a dream

Dream Interpretations will tell why other relatives are shot:

  • If a male grandmother is broken, a truce is possible;
  • Son-in-law seen mom on the eve of the new novel of sleeping;
  • Zolovka personifies knowledge, gossip, squabbles, fun;
  • Mother-in-law - possible quarrel with an elderly woman;
  • Svodar - will receive financial assistance from the outside;
  • Parents come in a dream if they are upgraded with your separation.

Interpretation of trouble

In dreams there are interpretations, which will dream of a quarrel and a fight with a former husband. Scandal and Rugan testify to the reluctance to recognize the fact of the final rupture.

When the spouse is pursuing in a dream, and you have to run away from it, the interpretation speaks of loneliness. If sleeping in the role of a pursuit, a similar feeling is experiencing a vision hero.

A beaten man demonstrates the desire to become a personal person, pleasing society. If you managed to beat my own personally, the family interpretator reminds that the former disagreements did not disappear anywhere.

What does death mean

Explaining, which means the death of a former husband, who did not have to hear in reality, dream interpreters encouraged that it was just a metaphorical projection of the break.

  • The image of the dead man means a real danger;
  • Funerals funerals unforeseen expenses, unsuccessful purchases;
  • Lying in the coffin reminds of the grave consequences of divorce;
  • The dead promises the possibility of another attempt to start re-;
  • Communication will continue in another capacity;
  • Choose a model of relationships other than generally accepted.

And now let's find out how your dream will come true? 🔮 who dreamed today. This night 🌃.

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Questions to author


    • So do not regret parting with him) Such a woman as you, he is just not in size! You and the character is stronger, and the wisdom in you is much more. 😃 Let him nurse another girl)

      • If you have unexplored claims to each other, now they will make sure. Not everyone can save friendly relationships after divorce. But you will become exactly the pair - an example for all 🙂.

        In a dream I saw a former husband. We and 5 children with him (in fact, we do not have children) we were lost several times in the Moscow metro. And the husband did not look very much (admitted that he drank a lot on alcohol). But we talked to him calmly.

        • I do not know, I will upset you or hoisting you, but in your story there has not been an end. You both feel attracted, regret that you did not have time to do. If you can forgive resentment - the novel will resume!

          Often dreams of a former husband. Somehow he wants to be in a dream with me. But I don't see him closely. What dreams? I see how to java.

          21-Mar 2019 Olga:

          With former broke up for a long time. Sometimes I even forget that I was married to him. I do not remember at all. And suddenly, after 13 years he dreamed. In life, he shakes naked, and in a dream with a black chapel. Friendly, joked, hired on me, caressed. In clothing and on a bench. At the same time, I was well aware that my current spouse is sleeping at home now and I need to go home until I woke up.

          21-Feb-2019 Eugene:

          Good morning. I dreamed of a former husband that he came and demanded that I would go with him on my interview, which he arranged through acquaintances. I agreed and we went to the plant through terrible old abandoned buildings. Then came to the bright just a renovated building. There were many tables behind them the women were sitting who said to prepare documents, and I tell him: I forgot my passport. He helped me to pass interview without him. Then we returned home and saw my real husband (at the moment I live with anyone). I ask him: what are you doing here, you should be at work, and he says: things collect their own. And with a former husband looked at. And then I woke up. Tell me please what is it all? With a former husband, I have not supported the connection for a very long time. I do not even know how he is doing.

          I dream of a former husband, but I don't live with him for a year and a half. I often dream that we came together again, but he has a different family. I wanted not to dream.

          Often dreams of a former husband. Broke up very badly. For me it was very painful. Already almost a year I live, and the nature of female makes itself felt, asks bodily sensations. But I have no one now! And if anyone offers relationships, then they are not what I need, I often cry, I feel very lonely, I do not want to live.

          Broke up with her husbands 1.5 years ago. He lives with another woman. He dreamed of sleep as if he came home to me, everyone was talked, then he kissed me in her lips as it were for farewell and left. And on Java, they do not communicate with him at all. I was nice. But in the soul I cried that he was leaving. And what is the most interesting thing in reality I do not smoke, but in a dream I purchased with my husband, near the open window. What does this dream mean?

          My mom dreamed that my former dad comes into the store where she works as a cashier, and he goes to her, and she fell from the chair. What is it?

          28-Sep-2017 Lily:

          The former husband had dreamed, came by car, we were glad to see, he asked about his son, and I told everything very warm and mentally. And then he said that he had a new wife and he was in a hurry and left.

          Good day! I often got the former husband. We remained enemies with him. He was stuck another with her and now he dreams and tries to establish relationships with me, and even kissed. He has a different family and I was not going to put up with him. What did he dreamed about?

          Divorced 4 years ago. There is a son for 6 years. For the sake of it we communicate. But with each other dry and it suits me. He has a girl, and I am sincerely calm and glad for him. And I am happy. But he suddenly began to dream. Dream of ten days in a row. Tired. It dreams different opposite. For what?

          Very often there is a former husband. Raced 1.5 years ago. But the dreams do not give rest about him. We lived 40 years old. Built house. Which in speed had to sell because of his care to another one. Everything collapsed in an instant.

          We parted 7 years ago, I live with another man. When there is always a good former with him in a quarrel and everything is good with him in a dream. And once said in a dream developed, what is all this? He has a new family and two children.

          The former husband was dreamed, as if we kiss him with my current husband, and then he takes me and my child, sits in the car, and we are leaving where they lived with him before I went to marry the second time, and come There is his current girl, and she does not go anywhere for some reason.

          19-Mar 2017 Amir:

          I dreamed of a former husband, as I saved me from my father, my father pounced on me, and the former husband fell into the house and pounced on his father, I brought me from there. He fell very much for me, never thought he would do it.

          28-Feb-2017 Anna:

          For several days, my husband is dreaming (not yet divorced, but do not live) they went badly, a few days before my childbirth, after these dreams I start to wander on him or it gives itself to know, but in any case, I don't want anything about this person .

          Almost every night there is a husband, although we divorced for almost three years, before we did not communicate at all over the year gave itself to know about themselves. He began to write, call and after that he began to dream. I honestly began to strain all this and just think about these dreams! What would it all be?

          Hello! Help! There is a dream former husband and every time I say in a dream that he is happy and that he never loved me. And I have tears of hysterics! What does this mean?

          I dream that we are with the former making love. What is it? We have every other family, and have been dreaming for two years. Three years ago broke up. In a dream, we hug, then you kiss, then we speak, but most often we make love. What can it mean?

          I dream of a former husband, although we have other families. I am happy in a new marriage, and how he doesn't know, maybe he happened to him?

          Very often a former husband is dreaming, we have been not together for a year and a half, he has another civilian wife. Dreamed that we had sex, and I got pregnant, and I have a terrible toxicosis. He was told that she was pregnant, and he said that he had another family and I was nobody.

          A former guy married some woman who is much older than me, and very strange. On it, the pink cap was and a blouse. And I was invited when I saw him, sitting at the table with some kind of boyfriend (each of them, although she had not previously seen him, there were younger guests) and when I saw, I was told, I was right. And so it hurts that this is how immediately marries, after our parting. For a while, I went back, took myself in my hands and congratulated newlyweds. Gave money, a little, to the question, and noted, his best friend said (I also know me well), you will start and raging and boys. Then, I hugged with a former husband, I still think what it were. And twice called him the name of the former guy, full and abbreviated, he told me, let me call and surfting you, I say no, it's too late (I truly recently broke up with a former guy, and back the way is not for sure).

          I saw in the dream of the ex-husband. On the bed sat the current husband and he sat near him. And I somehow do not know why I sat in the middle between them and kept myself for the stomach, only on the fourth month of pregnancy was the beginning of the former repel, and he just laughed. Introduce I am very happy with another man. Well, not yet pregnant, and that former returning back I do not want. What could mean this dream?

          All the time there is a sore husband, it was hard to divorce after 16 years of marriage. He married and has two, I stayed with three daughters. Marry did not come out, although there were proposals. It dreams when I am sick, worrying or I am in a difficult life situation. Only after the divorce realized that this was my real half, very bitter and insult.

          14-Sep-2016 Irina:

          There is a dream former husband. Asks for forgiveness. Leaves from his wife to be with me. I do not let me. I have another family. In a dream, I dream that the former and real husband communicate very well. And the mother-in-law with the mother-in-law of the former well to me belong to visit. Although in real life we \u200b\u200bdo not communicate at all. I ran away from the first husband after another beatings already as 4 years. Changed the number.

          Yesterday a former husband was dreaming yesterday. I do not remember at all what they said to each other, what they did, I remember very emotional sleep, and then he left and I worried, cried in a dream, the emotions were over the edge, I was looking for him in a dream. Woke up in tears. I'm married to another, soon give birth. The husband of the former always loved, but it turned out that we were divorced, he had another. After the divorce, we continued to meet with him until I was tired of sharing it and did not meet my second husband. First loved always. I always felt at a distance like him. And he too. But we are stupid, instead of solving problems ran down to divorce and then suffered, but it was stupid to rotate back. I'm worried about him in the soul, and he always dreams of me when he has something in his life. And I love my second husband very much. But that first I feel it at a distance as the body one, but as a man no longer want.

          He dreamed that with a former husband again together, go for a handle, cute chatting, as if did not part. They broke up 4 years ago, broke up badly. I would like to fall with him, but I do not want to take the initiative and take the first step.

          Confirmed by life if a former husband is dreaming, which means there are big problems for the present (who has). Before my husband's illness, the former dreamed increasingly, until my real husband fell into the hospital. The disease retreated, and the dreams stopped. But already as 2 weeks of dreams resumed.

          Bila her husband in a dream. Blood saw. He hit a fist into the wall, felt fear, and then some ease ... I don't remember further. What is it?

          For almost 2 years, how left to another dream all the time. Dreams diverse. It seems to me that herself can not let go of the soul and forgive here and dream.

          I dreamed that the child is next to me, and the former husband was behind me and tries to hug me, and I move. Then, in a dream, my mother appeared on the stool. What does such a dream mean?

          Hello, please help! I have been dreaming former husband for six months, we broke up six years ago I was the initiator, now I live together with our daughter, and the son lives with him. Dreams are all different, then I dream that he has another woman and they have a child of 6-7 years old, and during the days of nine such dreams the child is less and less and in the last such dream him and a half - two years, at the beginning it was a boy, And in the last dream the girl. And today, in a dream, I gave him a rush in a dream, and I saw some small ones like the growths similar to big warts, but he called them ones.

Any relationships leave a trace in the soul of a woman. And the deeper there was a connection, the stronger the imprint. Nothing amazing, if the image of the ex-spouse comes from the depths of the subconscious, even if a lot of time passed after the break. Perhaps the Universe is trying to say something to you. To understand what the ex-husband is dreaming, sleep must be decrypted.

What dreams of a former husband according to popular dream books

Sleep, in which a woman sees a former husband, most often reflects her emotions. Sleeping misses the goodness than the broken relationships were filled. Or a dream promises a meeting with the past: they will be invited to the meeting former classmates or a friend from the previous work, learn news about old friends. But the very hero of sleep in the near future appears to appear hardly.

Sometimes sleep indicates unfinished affairs, inorganization.

If a former husband appeared in a dream, it does not mean that tomorrow you will meet him in real life

Dream interpreters The image of the former faithful interpret in different ways:

  • Vanga. You regret the gap and want to return the lost bonds. Probably, the divorce initiative proceeded not from you.
  • Longo. You looked at the past, "wasteled" as a person that does not allow you to see prospects. Lost love is standing on the way.
  • Nostradamus. Take care of people associated with witchcraft who know how to damage. Especially if in a dream, the ex-spouse pushed to you a frantic passion.
  • Freud. A grand scandal with a new man is shaking. You cannot curb your jealousy and suspicion. And you should not compare your partners, focus on the present.
  • Hasse. You feel the lack of romance in your life, male attention.
  • Tsvetkov. Do not take hasty decisions, avoid frivolous behavior, otherwise bring your trouble. You may have to urgently leave or go on a business trip, which does not fit into your plans. There will be a lot of bustle without a tangible result. Take care of the health of the current one.

What form appeared before you

  • The former husband appeared in the night vision ugly, in unfortunate clothes or dirty, sad or even gloomy - ahead of disappointment, difficulties on the way to your goal.
  • Beautiful and tidy - glorify.
  • They were afraid of his strange species - the dream of the Sulit of Suffering because of the betrayal of a friend.
  • He was naked - being in a hopeless position, you will be forced to engage in not the most decent things. Either a random is awaited, but a pleasant meeting: with a distant birth or childhood friend. A casual conversation will long raise you.

If, after waking up, it is not possible to remember the details of the plot in the night, then it's not worth looking for meaning in this dream. He does not mean anything.

  • Drunk - in reality it is not enough for him, he is hard to survive the gap and needs your support.
  • Seen him wounded, sick, beaten or swollen in the blood - a dream indicates the loss of love and the joy of life. Often, the suffering of the former from serious illness or cruel beatings would often have slept.

Video: What dreams former husband

What happened in a dream

  • We talked with the former - the well-being of the one who is the heart of the heart now. Swear - Changes are coming for the better. Either this is a sign that old love has not yet fed. You are waiting for an apology.
  • Dragged - Your new guy shows proper spray. You wish to free yourself from the feeling of constant control.

Dreamed separation with the past chosen one - the dream foreshadows an unsuccessful romance.

  • According to Hasse's interpreter, the dream of parting with the old spouse can reflect the change in your worldview, full reassessment of priorities. Soon, your affairs will go uphill, a personal life will work out.

Romantic, intimate visions

  • Kissed with the past husband - to surprise. Or remind themselves about yourself defined in a long drawer. As soon as they overpower them, a large cargo will fall from the shoulders. Another dream may have a relationship to the feelings of the former: he often remembers the happy moments of your life together, can not forget you.
    If you felt bliss in this dream, then in reality, this person got a misfortune and needs your help.
  • If you wanted to kiss it, but it didn't work out this in a dream, it means that internal obstacles prevent you from realizing the desires. For example, disbelief in your strength, indecision.

Passionate kiss with a former in a dream talks about the lovingness of sleeping lady

  • Have sex - the old quarrel with relatives will break. Be patient, show the clock and do not be fooled by provocations. Learn to smooth out the "sharp corners" of relationships.
  • Enjoyed hugs or hugged themselves - the dream promises joyful surprise. Tried in once native hands awkwardness or disgust - it expects disappointment.
  • In a dream, you were still married and did not think about the break: your heart let go of the past, you no longer miss the former lover, painful memories have lost sharpness.

Do not forget that any dream image is ourselves. A joint life with a man from a night vision instilled you part of his rules, ideals, habits. Now they may have you.

  • There was a repetition of your wedding with him - enormous difficulties are coming. He was gentle in relation to you - to unforeseen events that can affect your life as positive and negatively.

Actions of the ex-spouse

  • He played the guitar - to severe disease.
  • Loudly shouted - in reality he suffers: from spiritual torment or serious illness.
  • Gave you a smile - without reason you doubt the present companion.

Ex-spouse played in a dream on guitar - take care of health

  • Wing someone Mat - fate prepares for you big problems. Their source is likely to become themselves, although you will deny this fact.
  • He dreamed of repentance of faithful, his tears and pleading about forgiveness - you dream that separation of you tormented him, did not give rest. So that he was punished for his misdeed. Such dreams, as a rule, come to deceived beans.
  • Weeping in a dream, former can also transfer his desire to be with you again.However, if the sobbing husband dreamed after the meeting, in reality, then the dream is not a message. Tested excitement, stunned emotions are spacked thus through sleep.
  • I wrote about help - in reality he has a new woman, but he wants to make you jealous. Has haunting you, having learned - recognize the new partner from the unpleasant side.

The former handed you in a dream a bouquet or a ring - in reality dreams that you give him a second chance. Or browsing to participate in a joint project.

  • A beautiful gift box was presented - today's relationships can be collapsed due to the infidelity of the new partner.
  • Beglore to allow to return - a person or event from the past will soon remind himself. This may be a meeting with a long-time acquaintance. Either, disassembled old things, find what has ever meant a lot to you.
  • Returned to you - perhaps the dream just opens up your desire. Think: You are satisfied with this development of events? And if you really want to restore the destroyed union, then why not admit this at least yourself? According to the dream, the husband can also dream of the same. Watch for his behavior in your presence, carefully skip the soil, if you do not decide to ask a question directly.
  • Caring for you, flirting - something will surprise you. Not the fact that surprise will be pleasant.
  • It was on the visit along with your former mother-in-law - perhaps she does not approve your divorce and, through sleep, asks you for forgiveness for the behavior of your son. But if you didn't have a relationship with her, then it symbolizes spiritual confusion. It may be caused by problems at work, conflict with the boss. Try to solve the question peacefully.

Message of letters, calls

  • Named - sleep calls for prudence. Do not feel frivolous to choose from which your destiny depends. Probably, in front of you, a dilemma: start a new novel or a little more freedom to enjoy.
  • I asked you to call him - you feel uncertainty in our own power.
  • Slot letters - expect interesting events and changes. I pounded with messages in Watsappe - there will be something stalking, which will dilute with bright colors gray weekdays. One note promises an unforgettable adventure, an interesting discovery.

Pay attention to the content of the Message:

  • Threats predict stress.
  • Jealous lines give out discontent sleeping by the present statement of affairs, but something is not trying to change something.
  • If the former lists his insults, then there will be problems in personal life.
  • Requests back - this is a dream-reversal: in reality your dies are broken forever.

Marriage on the other

  • I dreamed, as former was combined with a marriage on the other - soon we will be able to forgive the person who has long been insanity for a long time. There is not so optimistic reading: you are afraid to stay alone and without meeting the person designed by the fate.
  • I imagined your girlfriend - looking back, you can miss your future. Sleep can reflect the reluctance to give a lost spouse another. This does not mean that he is still needed to you. Here, rather, it is appropriate to remember the promscar about the dog in the Seine.

Sleep with the participation of the former husband and his new passion can be caused by the presenter with a new beloved

  • He became a dad, held a newborn baby in his hands - in the near future will experience longing for the past marriage, but this condition will quickly pass.
  • Only his new spouse was in the dream - beware of gossip and rabid actions, which will then regret for a long time.

If the late man dreamed

  • If a former husband is dreaming, which in reality is no longer alive, then fate prepares you tests. You can wait a danger.
  • I kissed and caught - ahead of the date, which will turn into a new love relationship.
  • I put you something in my hands - all the problems will be allowed in the near future. You yourself were offered something in a dream - in the future there are cash losses, diseases, a lot of small, but tedious affairs.

Sleeping about the death of the Glasses of the former assures: you will soon marry a child again and give birth to a child.

  • The death of the man with whom they were before, can not be disturbed, but often such visions are a symbol of personal rebirth, the beginning of something new. To start living a real and future, you should let go of the past.

The purpose of dreams is to bring psyche into harmony. The accumulated inside the negative night can spill into an aggressive or even bloody vision. If anger is aimed at the former spouse, then a woman can dream of his death: including from her hands.


Murder of a husband in a dream is a symbolic liberation from his influence on your image of thoughts, from internal addiction.

You strive to take fate in your hands, learn how to make decisions yourself. After all, the "stone wall", behind which it was possible to hide from everyday troubles, no more. Although some women are afraid of such freedom, and this fear can also provoke a nightmare about the death of who left the sleeping faithful.

The manifestation of aggression in a dream does not mean that a person will break and start cropping others. In dreams, everything is shown in an exaggerated form so that the sleeper drew attention to the existing problem.

They tried to slaughter her husband, but blood did not see - the strong emotions to him were no longer left, even the resentment and anger lay down, but the desire to pay him in the "merit" was still alive.

Video: What dreams former


Interpretation can be varied depending on the day of the week, which was given to your former:

  • From Monday to Tuesday. A former husband does not feel negative emotions to you, refers to deep respect and wants you to find happiness. Let and without it. In addition, sleep on this night can be just a demonstration of your secret desires.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday. For a doned spouse, parting with you became a tragedy. You still have in his heart and thoughts. Most of all in the world he wishes to be with you again.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday. It is not able to accept the loss of marriage bugs, it does not seek new serious relationships, but trying to forget with the help of numerous connections without obligations.
  • From Thursday to Friday. The former torments the restless feeling. He is in deep depression, feels terribly lonely lost.
  • From Friday to Saturday. Old love is still alive in your heart, and there is an opportunity to return the previous relationship if you speak frankly. After all, you wish both sides to reconcile.
  • From Saturday to Sunday. Ex-Beloved considers himself a victim, blaming you in the break. You need to gain courage and talk to him about it. Probably, after that, friends will not be left.
  • From Sunday for Monday. Recalling in reality is looking for opportunities to meet. This is not an attempt to return your love, just missed. Wants to see, talk to a cafe for a cup of coffee. But often what is dreaming during this period does not mean anything.

Dreams seen on the night from Friday on Saturday, are considered things

Psychological footing of such visions

Most psychologists converge in a single opinion: the dreams about the former husband say that you have a lot of questions left for it. At night, the subconsciously shows hidden deep in the souls, anger, repentance or hope for the return of lost love.

If there was no dissolution of marriage in the night vision, your relationship continues, then you still hope that you will be together again.

No matter how paradoxically, more often, such visions attend those women who themselves to divorce.

Psychologists recommend to analyze their feelings, if a former spouse was given in a dream next to your new chosen one. Probably, you doubt your choice or could not let go to the end of the past. Hence the invalid comparison of two men.

How to get rid of such dreams

If the spouse left in the past, docks in dreams almost every night, you need to do something. Try to get rid of such phenomena while they did not drive you into depression and did not bear a hindrance for new relationships.

You may seem like you are chained to the former invisible chain or tied with a strong rope.

Imagine how you refund the chain of the ax, cut the way with a knife or even overload them with your teeth. Thus, you will finally ruin the connection between you. Such visualization will help free from dependence and unwanted visions.

To end the uninvited guest will help the awareness and recognition of their fears, offensive, anger and hidden desires. Do not hide them.

After throwing negative emotions in a dream, let in the form of a fight or even murder, you can wake up with the feeling of unprecedented ease and mental joy. The fact is that due to witness night disassembly, the mental tension was discharged.

It is also advised to resort to meditation: imagine that a former husband is now in front of you, and sincerely wish him success and happiness. Mentally send a sunny ray to it, originated in your heart.

The best way to return the joy of life, get rid of thoughts and dreams about the former husband - to forgive him and yourself and wish him happiness

The former husband in a dream does not always symbolize the ruined marriage or remorse, if you were the initiator of the divorce. Before deciphering the dream image, think about your feelings left in the past man. Maybe the night "visit" - the reflection of your longing on it, he is more roads. But if the love for him is forgotten finally, it is worth looking into dreams and find the right value.

Incredible facts

You have long parted, sighed freely and continued to live, forgetting about the failed novel. How suddenly one day you saw your former guy, her husband or wife in a dream.

Does this mean that you still have not survived your parting, or is such a dream has a more depth meaning?

Dreams about the former, in fact, are among the most common, and are much more common than dreams about the current partners. Moreover, they are not necessarily suggesting that you are still interested by them. So why are the people you have crossed out of your life continue to appear in your subconscious?

There are some probable explanations for this phenomenon.

Former partner, as a rule, is some kind Your character lineor the quality and memories associated with this person. It may also be a symbol based on your honest memories and feelings to it or to it.

But the former can also reflect bad habit or failurewhich you are experiencing at the moment, returning some kind of problem and repetition of an unpleasant situation.

If you still have the feelings for the former, sleep symbolizes the remaining attractions To this man. He can personify your desire or desire for something that is at the moment unattainable.

If you endured the former, or he threatened your safety, sleep is bad choice, regret or negative experience from which you can not go out.

Example 1.: The girl saw in the dream of the former guy. In her memory, he remained a man who has changed her in the past. In real life, she collided with the situation when she was deceived by one of his friends.

Example 2.: In a dream, the girl saw a former guy and began to run away from the house. In the present, she realized that her current guy had many negative qualities characteristic of her former guy. She felt that she would need to try more to find the one who had a different character.

Example 3.: Woman in a dream saw, as it comes into the house of the former husband, and she was told that he wanted to marry another girl. In real life, she lost confidence in the current partner after repeated skirmishes and quarrels. Former husband in a dream became a reflection of the fact that she stopped feeling love, a sense of security and devotion.

In general, the Son on the former represents the qualities and emotions that you felt in the past. The usual dream about your former does not necessarily mean that you want to return to the former, and more about how you assess yourself in the current relations and romantic life.

What does the former mean in a dream

There are several psychological reasons why you can see former partners in a dream.

1. You have left feelings for the former

Do not be afraid, because it is not necessary about romantic feelings. Often such dreams mean that you want to put a point in the relationship. Perhaps you are feeling guilt or try to internal work your past relationships.

2. Are you worried about new relationships

The likelihood of the fact that dreams about the former will appear when you tie a new relationship with someone. You compare two partners to make sure that this time everything will be successfully. Your psyche is trying to figure out all the advantages and cons of the new chosen one.

3. Sign of more serious problem

In most cases, dreams are symbolic, and not literal. Your feelings are aimed at restoring after what happened. Therefore, if you see the former in a dream, think about why the relationship failed, and what could be done differently. When you understand everything, dreams will stop appearing.

4. You have left feelings for the former

Although there are many reasons that are not related to your feelings to the former, this may also take place. You need to honestly admit to yourself, would like to return to the former partner, and how you will build relationships.

5. This is connected with you, and not with former

Some experts believe that the former represents part of you. You may have given yourself too much in past or neglected. It is difficult to analyze your own behavior at a time when you were with your former to make the necessary changes.

6. You are afraid to burn again

Most people are very difficult to survive failed relationships, due to the fact that the fear of repetition arises, especially if the gap was painful. Sometimes sleep can even be a way to understand that new relationships are developing in the same way. You can also change the development of your new relationships in the wrong direction.

7. Former - you will part with you

As it was possible to understand, former can symbolize completely many things. This can be one way with which your psyche tells you that you suppress some part of yourself, and you need to understand yourself.

In this case, the reunion with the former will only aggravate the problem. You need to first establish relationships with you before building a new relationship.

8. You are trying to forgive the former after the gap

If the relationship ended painfully, and you had no opportunity to discuss everything, sleep is trying to create for you the opportunity to forgive your former. If you want that dreams stopped appearing, forgive the former reality.

9. You miss life with the former

Dream interpretation interprets dreams of former as part of your past life that you lack. It may not be a man himself, and the house where you lived, the case you did, or the place you often visited.

10. You do not feel happy

It can also be noted that the former in a dream is a symbol of the fact that something in life will feel something upset. There is something, with which you need to part to go on.

When the former was dreaming

What you see your ex-in-sleep can mean a lot of things. Pay attention to when you saw a dream about a former beloved, partner or spouse.

Sleep after a recent break

If parting with the former recently happened, you can be under great impression after the end of the novel. You can think a lot about this man, and the appearance of it in a dream is not surprising. It does not mean that the partner suits you, but simply indicates that he or she takes all your thoughts, and you are trying to get used to the situation.

Dream about former if you are new relationships

If the dream of the former you saw after you had a new relationship, your subconscious is trying to understand whether the new situation would be for the better or worse compared to the previous one. You are thinking about the positive and negative aspects of your relationship.

Sleep about the former if you have long been in relationships

Sleep about a former guy or a girl when you are in a relationship with someone, can confuse. What can he mean?

    You are in happy relationship. If at the moment you are in happy and harmonious relationships, then most likely, you are trying to solve some questions remaining from past relationships. However, a bright dream of former can also say that you are not fully satisfied with these relationships or there is some sexual incompatibility.

    You are in unsatisfactory relationships. This is a completely different situation and suggests that the current relationship does not satisfy you, and it seems to you that the former was more interesting and exciting. When you think about past relationships, you should figure out why they did not work out, and also think about these relations and the reasons why you feel so.

See in the dream of the former husband

Former husband is an important person in your life, so dreams about the former husband are very common. As a rule, they appear when we render until the moment that causes us to look at their internal emotions.

Dreams about the former husband can symbolize what you are not fully happy in the current relationship. However, it is important to understand that each dream includes many details, on the basis of which you can judge your true feelings. When a dream analysis is also important to know whether you broke up peacefully and relatively calmly, or the gap was hard.

If you break up a lovely, the dream says that you lack some of the components of your relationship with him, or that your current partner does not satisfy some of your needs.

What dreams former husband

    If you dreamed that you prehemenellifrom the former husband, you want more intimacy in relationships.

    Dream that you returned to the ex-husbandAnd the relationship has been settled, says that the point is put in your relationship.

    If a former husband wants to you returnHe can actually look for you, and you are waiting for a meeting with him.

    Sex with ex-husband It may hint at your impulsiveness, because of which you cannot build relationships with other people.

    Kiss with ex-husband suggests that you tend to hide your feelings. If a former husband kisses you, you will find a romantic adventure or acquaintance. Sleep sulitoving new novel, but his fate is unknown.

    Drunk husband In a dream, warns of your frivolity. Son says that you need to be careful, otherwise your reputation may suffer.

    Wedding of former husband Sulit changes in personal life, and maybe even the resumption of relationships with a former husband. In general, such a dream has a positive value.

    If you saw in a dream former husband with a new wifeYou can wait awkward situation. You need to think about your actions to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    If husband hugs you in a dreamYou lack love and proximity to reality. If you hug a husband, then your former husband suffers from loneliness.

    See former husband young - You will have friendly relationships with him.

    If you see how former husband crying In a dream, this suggests that you can contact him for help, and he will help you in solving the problem or with understanding will react to your question.

    The death of the former husband In a dream, it says that it is time to act and start a new relationship.

Sleep about the former wife

A dream about a former wife for a man can have a different meaning depending on what behavior demonstrates the former spouse. If she ignores you, passes by, it can mean cooling your feelings to her.

Love dream with a former wife, including hugs, kisses and bed suggests that your feelings have not yet completely disappeared. However, sleep may also mean that you may have a close relationship with a woman you have been known for a long time, but have not experienced serious feelings.

Dreams about ex-wife reflect your emotional state. It is important to know the details of sleep. If a former wife in a dream becomes your beloved, this is a symbolic dream that reminds you that you need to pay attention to your emotions in real life.

As a rule, such dreams arise during periods of emotional difficulties in the current relations.

What dreams former wife

    Sleep Ob. treason of ex-wife It suggests that you need to move on and think well over what you want in life. A dream of a former wife often occurs to fill out the emotional emotion you worry. According to the Eastern Dream Intercourse, the treason of the former wife promises a meeting with the enemy, which you do not suspect or who consider your friend.

    If in a dream you have sex with my wifeYou will have to face a difficult solution at work or in a different business. A pleasant satisfying sex can also be simply the personification of what you finally let go of the past and are ready to devote yourself to new relationships.

    Quarrel with ex-wife In a dream symbolizes your inner struggle. Even if in your life everything seems calm, the conflict can come from your family member or friend.

    When in a dream you see that you have child from ex-wife, We can say that in reality you will encounter problems that you can overcome.

    Dream that wife wants to return you In a dream, it means that in reality you encountered a difficult situation in relationships or not satisfied sexually.

    If a former wife pregnantThis promises a new beginning, a new project or ways with which you can express yourself. If your child, you subconsciously want to return to the former. If the child is someone else's, then you completely recognized that the relationship has come to the end. Such a dream can also be yours from fears or disappointing other people by you.

    See in a dream wedding of ex-wifewhich marries the other means to put a point in your relationship with the former spouse and her family. You need to move on and search for a new life companion.

    Death The former spouse foreshadows big changes in your life.

Sleep about the former guy, a man

Sleep about the former guy since the times early Youth Related to more free, less burdened relationships. Such a dream returns you during the time when the responsibility of adulthood or marriage did not interfere with the spontaneity of the novel.

You need excitement, freedom and viability, which is missing your current relationship.

If your former guy ignores or offended You in a dream, then this suggests that you need to continue your life and stop thinking about your former.

    If former gives you advice About your current relationship, listen to the message that gives you in a dream. In fact, this your subconscious tells you not to repeat the mistakes that you made with a former guy. Your former can apologize for their mistakes, which means you need to understand what you are looking for.

    If you see in a dream former in the storeThis suggests that he returned to the ranks of bachelors and is in search of a new partner.

    Former makes you massage. You need to weaken the protective behavior that you have developed as a result of past relationships. You erect around yourself a wall or protection. You need to learn re-trust people.

    If former gives you a soft toyYou need a partner who could calm you and take care of you. Also such a dream may say that your past relations were immature.

    If you dream to hit to hospitalYou still can't survive the gap. There were unresolved questions that still suffer from you. However, if the former is discharged from the hospital in a dream, this means that you completely released the relationship. If you see the former doctor's suit, you humble with the end of your relationship and could recover after them.

    Dream that you gone from the current relationship with the former, indicates that your current love cannot be compared with your former partner.

    Sleep that the former you kidal, suggests that he still emotionally holds you and has some psychological impact on you.

    You and your former Care for sick child. This dream means that there is something that still keeps you and your former together. Perhaps there were some unfinished cases that you did not discuss. It is also possible an option that sleep is echoing with your current situation where you are stuck in some kind of problem with the current partner.

Sleep about a former girl or woman

The appearance of a former girl can be interpreted differently depending on the emotions, events and symbols that met in a dream. In general, a dream about a former girl is the qualities and emotions that you have experienced in the past.

When such dreams appear very often, our brain tells us about the need to return this person. Often such dreams are repeated when the relationship ended painfully and unpleasantly.

You may be angry or wandered about the failed novel and try to work out these problems in a dream. This often happens when two people tear the relationship not in an adult, trying to calmly talk to each other. As a result, all emotions are moved to the background, and we return to ordinary life. To cope with emotions, our brain sees dreams of a person and situations that were not solved.

    A meeting With a former girl in a dream promises a new acquaintance or romantic relationship.

    Kiss The former girl in a dream - it's time to let go of the past. Your problems that originate in the past prevent you from acting.

    If you see a former girl pregnant, there is a possibility that any irreconcilable differences will arise in these respects.

    Wedding The former girl means that the past remains forever, and you are ready to go ahead.

    Playing former The girl can mean both trouble and surprise. Perhaps you yourself do not expect other people are ready to help you.

    If the former girl wants to return in a dreamThis can reflect your real desire to return the beloved, as well as memories of the former love that you can't let go.

Sleep former girl guy

If you see the former friend or wife of your partner in a dream, it speaks of your insecurity.

You compare yourself with her, feel that part of it is psychologically or physically still present in your relationship. Sleep reminds you of what you should not make the same mistakes that led to the rupture of relationships.

Dream former wants to return

Dream that you returned to the former Or he wants to return to you, does not always reflect the actual situation. Such a dream may appear in response to major changes in your current relationship.

If you want former the guy returnedSleep reflects your real desire to return it. If you are alone, it may mean that you miss relationships and want to feel welcome.

When in a dream you really see how spend time with the formerThis reminds you of upcoming major changes in your current relationships. Your subconscious tells you think about the past and try to understand the differences.

You can spend different time with your former: hugging, making a massage and even kissing, and, as a rule, it all has the same meaning. A dream says that you need to relax and get rid of mistrust to start meeting again. Your mind is trying to heal, recalling you about good times.

At the same time, a dream in which your former misses you, wants to return you and confesses to love can mean that you miss certain things in your old relationship, but not by the person himself.

Kissing with former in a dream

What dreams dream in which you kissing with former in a dream? Interpretation can be different depending on the plot.

If you dreamed former belovedThis may mean that you are not satisfied with the current partner. Probably, misunderstandings and quarrels with the current partner will arise.

If the kiss occurred between you and former friendHe promises pleasure, pleasant events or changes for the better.

Sleep about kiss with former lover It warns that you need to avoid impulsive frivolous actions, otherwise they will lead to unpleasant consequences. You can also get unexpected news from it.

It is worth paying attention to and how a kiss was. If you kissed you on the lipsYou still miss past relationships. Kiss in the forehead speaks of the remaining offense, and kiss on my cheek Hinting that a former beloved is not holding offense. A passionate kiss It may indicate both the resumption of relationships and problems in an intimate plan.

How did you feel after a kiss? It also matters. If the kiss caused you depressed mood, in the depths of the soul you want to make up. A good mood After a kiss hints at the fact that for you this novel remained forever in the past.

Former naked in a dream

To see a naked former in a dream does not always have an erotic meaning. Often, such a dream is only a reminder of the past and promises a meeting with a person who has not appeared for a long time in your life.

According to Freud's dream, a dream about your former who appeared in front of you naked, talks about your dissatisfaction, or about the lack of proximity in relations.

If you interpret such a dream by Miller's dream book, then the nudity of the former indicates strained relations. Perhaps it is difficult for you to relax, be yourself in the presence of a partner.

Also naked former in a dream can threaten you spotted reputation. Be careful not to the surface of your past non-residential deeds.

It is important in which context you saw your former beloved nude.

    If the former you saw naked on the street or in a public placeYou can wait for unexpected cash difficulties.

    See former naked in the shower In a dream, promises attention from the opposite sex.

    Type of former Nagishom on the beach Specifies to your jealousy.

    Dead Naked former may mean that litigation await you.

    Former bare beloved, which crying, promises you wealth and good mood.

    If the former you see naked and wounded or patientYou need to pay attention to the state of your health and do not expose yourself unnecessary risk.

Former drunk in a dream

A dream of a drunken former beloved can be a warning that you are waiting for unpleasant events, collisions, misunderstanding with others.

This is especially true of dreams, where a drunken former behaved inadequately, aggressive, climbed into the fight or swore. In this case, you will have to solve problems in relations with loved ones.

At the same time, if you saw a drunk former spouse or guy benzle and in raised mood, We can say that you can easily handle with any difficulties that have arisen.

    If former swear in a dreamYou are waiting for family proceedings or quarrels.

    Former fell asleep drunk - In your current relationship there was cooling.

    Wants to kiss You are drunk - you are waiting for a meeting with an unpleasant person.

    Former holds in a dream - Get ready for disappointment by your current partner.

    If former drunk and pour tearsPerhaps he is looking for your support, waiting for your help in connection with the situation in which he got.

Former looks into the eyes in a dream

There are several interpretations that your former looks into your eyes in a dream. The most frequent explanation of the look is deception or temptation. However, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances at which you see your ex.

One of the versions, the view of the former guy may be a harbinger of troubles that are connected with your past.

On another interpretation if you meet a look With the former, the temptation awaits you, in front of which you will be difficult to resist.

In the case when you take a glance, It can be said that you feel the feeling of guilt and are not ready to forgive the former lover. If your chosen one is glad, the chances of returning your relationship are very small.

If you dream, as you look into the eyes former girlShe wants to renew the novel and seeks meetings with you.

Sleep about former with another

Mark all the feelings that you experienced during a meeting with a former with a new girl or a former boyfriend. For example, a former can marry or just start meeting. Experiences that you appear reflect your true feelings for it / to her.

If there was a conflict between you and your former beloved, you are not ready to move on.

Pay attention to this dream if you are going to marry or marry. In this case, the dream personifies you yourself and how much you are willing to let go of past memories and start a new life. Perhaps incredulusity and jealousy prevent you with you in this matter.

By dream Miller A dream about former on the other suggests that you are unhappy with yourself or your personal life. Getting rid of excessive gullibility, you can build new relationships.

By interpretation of Freud., such a dream can fill a quarrel with a partner if you are in a relationship. You need to trust your new sweetheart and stop comparing it with the former.

Version dream Vangu Trucks this dream as the desire to gain his true love.

Kiss former on the other It has a positive value. You either renew old relationships or a surprise and pleasant acquaintance awaits you.

Former dies in a dream

Dreams of death can be frightening, especially if they concern the people with whom you were closely familiar. However, it is not necessary to worry, as such dreams symbolize your willingness to let go of the past and open yourself a new love.

Depending on your current situation in your personal life, a dream about the dead is the exact opposite.

    If you happy in new relationships, the dream that the former died, means that you completely let go of the past.

    If you unhappy, Sleep means that you want to return in a wish time. Death as a whole symbolizes the complete end.

    The dream of the death of the former suggests that your feelings for him or she completely died. Sleep is a figurative representation of how you let go of the past and ready to move on, dedicating yourself to new relationships.

    If you see former in the coffinThe period of difficulties will soon end, and you will begin life in a new way.

    Unexpected strange end Former warns that you have to make a difficult choice that will affect your future.

    If you dream death deceased former husband or belovedThis marks the permission of the internal conflict, relief after a hard period.

Interpretation of dreams: Former

Former makes a sentence

If the former gives you ring or make a sentence, such a dream hints at that relationship with a former partner allowed you to feel mineral and satisfied.

Sleep marks the end and start a new stage in life. You are ready to finally leave your former in the past. What he makes an offer, and you can choose to say "yes" or "no," says that the power is on your side.

Former changes you in a dream

The dreams of treason on past partners symbolize the lack of confidence and security in the past and current relations. You may suspect your real partner in treason, and sleep strengthens your conviction. However, the fact that the exorbitant is a change in a dream, suggests that in the depths of the soul you do not believe that your current partner changes you.

Sex with former

Sexual dreams with the participation of former reflect what prevents you from starting new relationships. If you are in stable relationships and see a dream about sex with the former, then you want more passion with your current partner.

Get a gift from the former

Gifts from former partners in a dream reflect our need for attention in your real life. Pay attention to what gifts are given to you, and it will tell you what attention you need.

Former trying to kill you

In this case, think about what exactly led to the end of your relationship with the former. When we see dreams that our former partner wants to kill us, it means that we feel guilty for what they did in the past. You may have changed or may be filled with this person, because of what conscience was tormented. Did he be angry with / she, when the relationship was the end? Or maybe a former partner applied physical strength? Then sleep is a reflection of the past.

Former pursues you in a dream

The abduction in a dream suggests you about what you need to deal with your past cargo that remained from previous relationships.

Quarrel with former

This dream indicates you for some problems in the past, allowing you that you can better cope with your current situation. If you are still alone and are not in search of relationships, your subconscious mind reminds you of the causes of your loneliness.

Former hurts you or kills you

If your former partner never applied physical strength, such actions in a dream are symbolic. They reflect how he / she killed a part of your feelings and hearts.


If you dream how your former guy or the girl fell into a car accident or were shot, such a dream says that the fate of a former partner still cares you. If similar events, in fact, took place in the past, it reflects your inner fear that prevents you from opening your beloved.

Former sick in a dream

If you dream how your former partner is sick or in the hospital, you care for him / her, such a dream reflects your attempts to cope with the gap and heal yourself. The disease symbolizes your mental pain.

Former crying in a dream

What you feel in a dream is important in interpretation. You feel revenge or sadness when you see how he or she cries. You can also sense pride and happiness due to the fact that this person misses you, or you want to return to it / her, as you do not want to see him or her tears.

If you see in a dream former girlfriend or wife Your partner, it says that you compare yourself with the former. Sleep reminds you of what you should not make the same mistakes that led to the rupture of relationships.

Former comes in a dream: the value of the week of the week

Interpretation of sleep about the former husband, a guy or wife, a girl in many respects also depends on the day when the dream had dreamed.

Only a few people are able to control what they see at night. The rest are trying to figure out their dreams to understand how to act in a particular situation.

Divorced women are often a former husband in a dream. What dreams of a man with whom you have conducted some part of your life will understand the article. Consider several of the most popular dreams, as well as tell me how such vision interpret psychologists.

Experts who are engaged in how our subconscious happens, converge in the opinion that many unresolved problems are trying to disassemble through sleep. If a former husband often dreams, most likely, you can not throw thoughts about it from the head. It is possible that you still hope to resume relations and consider the separation of temporary.

There are other reasons that psychologists are called as the main:

  • parting was painful because of numerous offensive and mutual complaints. You dispersed not friends, but practically enemies, and it continues to torment you. In this case, a conversation will help with an ex-spouse, which should arrange everything in its place;
  • during the day you encounter any associations. The aroma of the toilet water, which enjoyed your man or his favorite melody can inspire memories who night a dream with the participation of the former.

Whatever reason neither caused sleep, psychologists recommend to get rid of it first of all from her, otherwise night visions could bother you for a long time.

Folk dream book

If you think that you understand the true attack of why there is a former in a dream to you, and what dreams can only be, use one of the traditional methods of interpretation of dreams.

The people's dream book brings several ways to interpret what you see at night:

  • your present has things to be completed. The image of the ex-spouse symbolizes the past, which should be left to start a new life. It is not necessary for his appearance associated with a personal life. Complete the cases that you have long worried;
  • there will be a quick manifestation of past events. Do not think that you are waiting for something unpleasant. On the contrary, you may encounter a person with whom they did not communicate for a long time, and regret it;
  • if you dreamed that the husband kissed you, it marks the beginning of new romantic relationships that can end with a wedding;
  • a man appeared with the new mistress says that soon events will happen in your life. Sometimes such a dream means that the spouse cannot forget you;
  • if you see a husband in a state of intoxication, you are too frivolous in a relationship with the opposite sex. This causes condemnation from the surrounding and generates unpleasant rumors.

Dream of Freud.

Sigmund Freud attached special importance to dreams related to the relationship between a man and a woman. Participation in night visions of the former spouse psychoanalyst interprets in different ways. If you are in a new connection, it says about the availability of problems with a partner.

Intimate proximity or other caresses with sweetheart testify to the presence of sexual dissatisfaction, which may be unclear even for you. Perhaps in relations with a new partner lacks passion or real spiritual communication.

A conversation with the ex-spouse signals the lack of attention and the need for psychological assistance.

Dream Miller

The interpreter treats vision depending on which events take place with you in a dream:

  • intimate intimate is talking about the upcoming resumption of the conflict from the past;
  • kiss predicts the coming surprise;
  • a quarrel tells about the upcoming positive events;
  • parting signals a new acquaintance, which can end with a negative;
  • if the spouse appears in the dream, it is unhappy or ugly, difficulties are waiting for you;
  • pleasant appearance and good mood, on the contrary, predict luck;
  • if the lover appears without clothes, then you can get a job that will put you in the ambiguous and difficult situation;
  • the guitar game in the performance of the husband predicts a serious illness;
  • if the former screams loudly, in the real world he is very bad now;
  • massage performed by the ex-spouse predict difficulties that will be difficult to overcome.

Dream Vangu

Interpretation according to the method of a great predictor says that you strive to return past relations. If you see the reunion and restoration of relationships in a dream, it means that everything is over. You were able to overcome ourselves and broke up with thoughts about a man.

Sleep involving drunken husband says he isging and needs help. If the mother-in-law is present in it, then it feels regret because of the broken marriage.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

See former in a new marriage means forgiveness. You will part with a feeling of resentment towards a person who has long been angry. If the ex-spouse marries you, it predicts serious problems.

The feeling of tenderness and love arose between you is promoted surprises, optionally pleasant. The death of her husband in a dream signals about family happiness and positive changes in personal life.

Dream Nostradamusa

Another interpreter focuses on the events of the past to predict what it is worth waiting in the distant future. Dream interpretation calls on caution to treat all people practicing magic if you often come former in night visions.

Intimate intimate seen in a dream is a kind of warning. You need to closely treat your actions, otherwise some of them will soon have to answer. Meeting with a spouse, who died, promises serious problems.

Dream of flowers

This interpreter of dreams considers the appearance of an ex-beloved manifestation of upcoming negative events. The man, according to the interpretation, carries aggression and therefore predicts bad. It is not necessary to memorize all the details, because even in the absence of details, the former means something unpleasant:

  • if you accidentally encountered my spouse, get ready for anxietary and serious problems;
  • clarification of relationships warns of the possibility of adopting a hasty incorrect decision;
  • meeting with her husband after a long parting promises financial troubles or illness of loved ones;
  • flirt suggests that you quarrel with a new partner or review the need for relationship with him;
  • if in a dream you laugh at the beloved, then in reality, you yourself will be subjected to earners attacks;
  • to see the return of the ex-spouse after separation predicts misfortune. There will be much more problems if at the same time you broke up badly and the relationship did not develop from the very beginning. Beware of the black stripe.

Psychologists and dreams can interpret seen in night visions in different ways. However, in most cases, all interpreters agree that past relationships ended in the best way, so you can't let them go. Certain situations involving the former may be present in dreams with different meanings. If you are sure that the dream is not associated with your subconscious, look for an answer in one of the above interpreters.