As the number of wells depends on humidity. The number of stomps in some plants

Hello, dear readers of the Biology Tutor Biology on Skype.

On this page of my blog are the first 200 questions. Open Bank Tasks FIPI OGE According to the 3rd section "System, diversity and evolution of wildlife."

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The following organs allocate the flower plant: root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit with seeds. Choose features that match the features of the Flower structure as a plant organ according to the following plan: the determination of the organ, the growth of the organ, the location of the growth point, the main functions and participation of the organ in the plant.

A. Definition of the plant
1) side vegetative organ having, as a rule, double-sided symmetry
2) organ reproduction body, developing in the expanding of the crushing of the pestle after pollination
3) modified generative escape
4) Axial Vegetative Overhead Body Carrying Organ
5) Axial Vegetative Underground Authority

B. Growth of the organ
1) the growth of the body continues throughout the life of the plant
2) the growth of the body continues a certain time, after which it stops

B. Location of growth points
1) the organ is characterized by an increase in the foundation
2) the organ is typical of the top
3) the body is growing due to the division of all cells

G. Functions Organ
1) Provides photosynthesis, evaporation, gas exchange
2) connects overhead and underground parts of the plant
3) strengthens the plant in the soil
4) participates in pollination, fertilization, seed development
5) serves to preserve and distribute seeds

D. Participation of the plant in the plant
1) Nutrients only spare
2) Provides a plant with dissolved minerals with water
3) does not provide a plant with nutrients, but only uses them for their own growth
4) performs the synthesis of organic substances from carbon dioxide and water
5) ensures the movement of mineral and organic substances, and sometimes - spares them

Answer: A B V D

Number of eggs in masonry The share of surviving chicks (in%)
1 100
2 95
3 90
4 83
5 80
6 53
7 40
8 35
9 32

1) What is the relationship between the number of eggs in the masonry and the fraction of the surviving chicks?
2) What is the percentage of chicks flying out of the nest with the magnitude of the masonry equal to 5?
3) What can be explained that in the squorter laying a small number of eggs?

1) fruit
2) Inflorescence
3) Flower
4) fruit body

What body is missing at sharks and skates?
1) intestine
2) Zhabry
3) gill gaps
4) swimming bubble

Install the correspondence between the animals and the number of the chambers of its heart: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) whale
B) О.
C) crocodile
D) Sparrow
E) frog
E) Triton

Number of heart chambers
1) four
2) Three

1) Formation of trachea and breathtole
2) Formation of a three-dimensional heart, in the ventricle of which there is an incomplete partition
3) Development of cubs in females
4) the development of a nodal type nervous system
5) the appearance of paired light reply: 41523 Not quite correctly compiled test. So the answer will look like: 1 then 5, if under the word "light" understand only the lungs, which appeared in the vertebrate animals (without taking into account the pair-shaped bags or "lungs". But maybe the authors of the compilers were conceived by response 5 (lungs of the spine-shaped) then 1.

A specialized air supply authority plants is
1) Green leaf
2) Korneflood.
3) Flower
4) fruit

To modern cilapier fish are
1) shark
2) Skata.
3) Ostra
4) Latimeria

What kind of common property is united by two picturesque anatomical education? Both of them are

1) roots of living plants
2) solid particles of the soil
3) insect larvae
4) vegetable residues

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Drawclock
2) Gametofit
3) fruit body
4) Souron

What mollusks lead the ground lifestyle?
1) toothless
2) Slug
3) Perchoves
4) Squida

The tuber is a modified escape, it proves the presence on the club
1) film scales
2) kidney eye
3) fleshy and juicy scales
4) Flat Stem - Donets

What animal is shown in the picture?

1) Evglen Green
2) Infusoria Shoe
3) Ameba ordinary
4) malaria plasmodium

The figure shows blonde and dark butterflies of birch spin on the trunk of birch. In the framework of the experiment, light and dark butterflies were released in the isolated section of the birch forest in the exchanging area of \u200b\u200b1: 1. How will the ratio of the number of light and black butterflies change for several years if unregulated emissions of soot and gary particles have occurred?

3) the ratio of light and dark butterflies will not change

In fact, in the figure, the dark barrel of pine is clearly traced (the characteristic structure of the crust, and not the alternation of white and dark areas on the birch trunk). But in any case, with long-term contamination of the sizes, the dark-colored butterflies will be less noticeable for spamming birds.

Set the correspondence between the sign of the plant and the department for which it is characteristic: to select the corresponding element from the second column to each element of the first column.

Sign of plant
A) in the development cycle there is a swift
B) sporangies on the plant has a box
C) from the dispute grows a green thread - forecast
D) no roots
E) sporangies are located on the bottom of the sheet
E) have rhizomes

1) Mossoid
2) Fern Summary

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Floor beetle
2) Grape Snail
3) Uzabka
4) Triton.

Set the sequence of the ratio of systematic categories in plants, starting with the smallest. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) genus
2) the kingdom of the plant
3) two-class class
4) Family Family
5) Division Covenate

Due to the release of the first plants, they appeared on land
1) Vegetative organs
2) Seeds
3) disputes
4) Gameta.

Which of the listed animals is developing with transformation? Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.
1) Great Triton
2) lake frog
3) Gray toad
4) Golyan Kangaroo
5) steppe turtle
6) Nile Crocodile

Using the table "Some characteristics of leaf plates of flowering plants", answer the following questions.
Table. Some characteristics of leaf plates of flowering plants

View Area

sheet surfaces, cm 2

Number of stomit
Top side of the sheet, 1 cm 2 Low side of the sheet, 1 cm 2
Cabbage 14 100 22 600
Corn 600– 1350 5200 6800
Sunflower 38 175 325
Wheat 13– 15 3300 1400
Beans. 49 4000 28 100
Apple tree 18 0 29 400
Potatoes 5100 16 100
Oats 12– 15 2500 2300

Note. (-) Indicates the lack of data.
1) For which plants from the sum of the above is characterized by the smallest sheet plate? Bring two examples.
2) What features of the location of the dust on the sheet are characteristic of the disadvantaged plants presented in the table?
3) What role is the dust playing in the cooling of plants?

The ability of organisms to respond to the change in the external environment is called
1) irritable
2) adaptation
3) Regeneration
4) Homeostasis

The trunk of the tree grows in thickness due to cell division
1) Woods
2) Cambia
3) crust
4) Luba

Which of the proposed descriptions most accurately reflects this dependence? Insect growth during the whole development occurs

3) jumps, rest periods are replaced by sharp growth
4) unevenly, so in the first days there is a sharp growth, which becomes further smooth

Vegetable tissues are groups of cells combined by a common structure, function and origin. Of these, organs of the plant. Select the characteristics corresponding to the coating fabric of the wood plant according to the following plan: fabric function; Features of the cellular structure of the tissue; location in the root, stem, sheet.

A. Plant fabric function
1) protects the body of plants from adverse external influences
2) Provides nutrients for the plant organism
3) provides the growth of the plant, gives the beginning to all the tissues of the plant
4) Provides photosynthesis and mineral nutrition plants
5) puts off nutrients

B. Features of the cellular structure of the fabric
1) Fabric cells of two species: Synotoid tubes of an elongated shape with holes in transverse partitions and tubes - vessels with destroyed transverse partitions
2) The fabric consists of a layer of living cells separating a wax substance or several layers of dead cells surrounding all parts of the plant organ

B. Location of cloth in the root
1) forms a point of growth in the root
2) is located in the area of
3) is in the root core

Location of the fabric in the tree stem
1) is represented by Cambier and is located between the lob and wood
2) is in the cork part of the tree stem
3) represented by love and wood fibers
4) represented by vessels of wood and butyoid tubes of the Luba
5) Located in the core

D. Location of fabric in a sheet
1) is in the leaf veins
2) is located in the pulp of the sheet, represented by the column and spongy layers.
3) is represented by leather sheet
4) Located at the base
5) Fabric for normal sheet is not characteristic

Answer: A B V D

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Light
2) intestine
3) Zhabry
4) Heart

What sign is characteristic only for mammals?
1) developed livery
2) take care of the offspring
3) There is an internal fertilization
4) the cubs are pampering with milk

Consider a schedule that demonstrates a natural decrease in the number of stems per 1 hectare of the surface of the earth in the reserve. What is the main reason for reducing the number of plants in the spruce forest?

1) interspecific struggle for existence
2) intraspecific struggle for existence
3) active human activity

Install the complication sequence of animal organization in the process of historical development of the organic world on Earth. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) brain separation
2) the formation of an internal skeleton
3) the appearance of warmth
4) the appearance of two layers of body cells
5) Development of intestines with mouth and anal holes

The figure shows the flag shape of a pine growing on the seashore. What caused the development of such an unusual plant crown?

It is known that the mole is ordinary - soil mammal, feeding animal food. Using this information, select the three statements in the list below related to the description of these animal features. Record the numbers in the table corresponding to the selected responses.
1) The length of the body of the animal is 18-26.5 cm, and the weight of 170-319
2) Adult animals are awakeful, attack on the relatives in their portion and can rip them to death.
3) The offspring of the mole is born blind, naked and helpless. At this time, the female feeds his milk.
4) The socket chamber is located at a depth of 1.5-2 meters.
5) According to the valleys, the mole rivers penetrates the north to the middle taiga, and to the south - to typical steppes.
6) It feeds with rainworms, in smaller quantities eats slugs, insects and their larvae.

What part of the stem is the movement of water and minerals?
1) Wood
2) Cambier
3) Kore
4) core

Which of the listed mollusks is harm to crop production?
1) naked slug
2) Octopus
3) Oyster
4) Perllove

1) Mossa
2) Green Algae
3) brown algae
4) lichens

What body of the bean seed performs the function of leaves during germination?
1) germinal root
2) endosperm
3) germinal stalk
4) Semiyland

What plants have underground shoots? Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.
1) Potato
2) Strawberry
3) Lily of Lily
4) plantain
5) LUK.
6) Malina

The scientist grown in the laboratory a lot of gray and black butterflies of birch spin. He released them in two locations: rural and urban. Gray butterflies were noticeable against the background of the black trunks of trees, and black - on the background of light trunks. Then the scientist himself caught the butterflies. In addition, the scientist watched, butterflies what coloring the birds most of all eaten in different localities. The experimental data is presented in the table "The results of an experiment on the survival of butterflies of different color." Taking this table, answer the following questions.
Table. The results of an experiment on the survival of butterflies of different color

Locality Released and caught butterflies Number of gray butterflies Number of black butterflies


Released 469 473
Caught by scientists 30 120
Eaten by birds 26 335


Released 137 447
Caught by scientists 51 53
Eaten by birds 62 95

1) How many gray butterflies the scientist released in rural areas, and how much - in urban?
2) What butts more birds eaten in rural areas?
3) Accuracy What hypothesis tried to check the scientist watching the catch of butterflies by birds?

Insert the missed terms from the proposed list into the text "arthropod" using digital designations for this. Record the numbers of selected answers into the text, and then the resulting sequence of numbers (via text) Enter the table below.
Arthropods - animals with __________ (a) bodies having dense cover from __________ (b) and segal limbs. Unlike the ringed worms, the body of most arthropods is divided into departments: head, chest, or headband, and __________ (c). These include, for example, river crayfish, __________ (d), spiders, flies, beetles. The type of arthropod is the largest in terms of animal species.

List of terms:
1) radiation symmetry
2) Tail
3) Shrimp
4) bilateral symmetry
5) Pubractor
6) Brysto
7) Hitin
8) fiber

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Jellyfish Cornerot
2) Large Frog
3) grape snail
4) Malari Komar

What sign indicates the relationship of archeopcenix with modern birds?
1) fingers with claws on the front limbs
2) Tsevka in the hind limbs
3) Small teeth in jaws
4) Developed Tail Department

The development of new shoots in the poplars after lying the tops due to the kidneys
1) Upheek
2) Renewal
3) generative
4) Sleeping

Top absorption through the entire surface of the body occurs
1) Human Ascaris
2) White Planaria
3) bull chain
4) liver loss

Water required for photosynthesis enters the leaves
1) Vacuoolas
2) Lubyan fibers
3) Synotoid tubes
4) vessels

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Light
2) Heart
3) Zhabry
4) Leather

A) movement is carried out using fins
B) among representatives of the class distinguish the following ecological groups: freshwater, passing, brass, sea
C) mastered ground-air habitat
D) most of the leather representatives are covered with scales
E) leather from class representatives naked and mucus covered
E) the heart consists of three cameras

Animal class
1) bone fish
2) amphibians

The main function of the root is
1) Power supply of nutrients
2) soil nutrition plants
3) Absorption of organic substances from the soil
4) oxidation of organic substances

To the guide driving force of evolution, Ch. Darwin attributed
1) hereditary variability
2) intraspecific struggle
3) interspecific struggle
4) Natural Selection

What role in the life of terrestrial vertebrates play eyelids?
1) provide voluminous vision
2) increase visual sharpness
3) contribute to moisturizing
4) Protect eyes from atmospheric pressure drops

The figure shows blonde and dark butterflies of birch spin on the trunk of birch. In the framework of the experiment, light and dark butterflies were released in an isolated section of the birch forest, 1. How to change the ratio of the number of light and black butterflies for several years, if insect habitats remained unchanged?

1) the number of light butterflies will increase
2) the number of dark butterflies will increase
3) the number of light and dark butterflies will remain unchanged
4) Dark butterflies will disappear completely

When using the depicted object in the evidence base for evolution, scientists should use knowledge from the field

1) Paleontology
2) physiology
3) Biogeography
4) Cytology

What signs is the narrow fitness of organisms to certain environmental conditions? Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.
1) fetal with coated bridge
2) Clean Wings
3) Crowe
4) spine at fish
5) a four-dimensional heart in mammals
6) Masking Coloring at the grasshopper

What is the sequence of individual development stages characteristic of the animal shown in the figure?
1) Egg - adult insect
2) Egg - Larvae - Adult Insect
3) Egg - Larva - Pupa - Adult Insect
4) Egg - Pupa - Larvae - Adult Insect

The flow of oxygen into the body of the hydra
1) the entire surface of the body
2) breathing holes
3) gill gaps
4) Cells tentacles

The fruit of potatoes and tomato plants are called the fruit
1) Clubman
2) root lump
3) Korneflood
4) Berry

The main merit of C. Darwin in front of science is
1) scientific explanation of the origin of life
2) creating a reflex theory
3) improving the methods of selection
4) explaining the causes of the adaptability of organisms

1) the emergence of photosynthesis
2) Development of seeds in cones
3) the emergence of double fertilization
4) the emergence of heterotrophic organisms
5) Oxygen participation in metabolic processes in cells

Using the table "Survival of the church chicks depending on the number of eggs in the masonry", answer the following questions.
Table. Survival of church chicks depending on the number of eggs in the masonry

Number of eggs in masonry The share of surviving chicks (in%)
1 100
2 95
3 90
4 83
5 80
6 53
7 40
8 35
9 32

1) What is the percentage of surviving chicks from the masonry in which 6 eggs were?
2) What is the relationship between the number of eggs in the masonry and the fraction of the surviving chicks?
3) From the data of the table, it can be seen that the minimum share of surviving chicks can be up to 1/3. What are the three reasons for such a large proportion of the dead chicks on Ch. Darwin?

What is characteristic of bacteria-saprofrops?
1) exist due to nutritional fabrics of living organisms

3) use organic substances of selection of living organisms
Bacteria-Saprotrophs use not only organic substances secreted by other organisms, but also decompose the corpses of animals and remains of plants.

What is the cross-cutting layer of the wood stem is not visible to the naked eye?
1) Cora
2) Cambier
3) Wood
4) Core

What animals for the first time in evolution appeared a chest?
1) amphibians
2) Presbysey
3) Birds
4) Mammals

What role in the life of amphibians has a mucus produced by skin glands? Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.
1) dissolves oxygen
2) increases skin surface
3) disinfects the skin
4) protects against natural enemies
5) increases blood flow speed
6) promotes movement in ground-air environment

Table. Fish reproduction

View of fish Number of iconic Medium diameter of iconic
in different reservoirs
Pike ordinary 30 thousand 2.5 - 3 mm 34 years 5 years
Norwegian herring 200 thousand 1.3 mm 27 years 8 years
Cod Baltic 10 million 1 mm 5- 9 years old 3 years
Carp 1.5 million 1 mm 5-6 years old 8 years
Sticky trochellae 100– 1000 1.8 mm 1 year 2 years
Ordinary mackerel 450 thousand 1.1 mm 24 years 3 years

1) What kinds of fish are the smallest diameter of the eggs?
2) What pattern is observed between the fecundity of the species and the size of its eggs?
3) Which one presented in the fish table is developed concern about the offspring? Prove your answer using table data.

What fertilizers from the listed are Mineral? Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.
1) litter
2) Superphosphate
3) Zola.
4) Manure
5) peat
6) Potassium sulfate

The progressive sign of flat worms in relation to intestinal is
1) multicellular structure
2) Three-layer body structure
3) Body Symmetry
4) free-lived lifestyle

The supply of nutrients in the wheat grain is in
1) Embry
2) endosperm
3) seed peel
4) fleece

Install the complication sequence of animal organization in the process of historical development of the organic world on Earth. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) the appearance of the bark in large hemispheres
2) the formation of chitinous cover
3) the emergence of radiation symmetry of the body
4) Development of intestines with mouth and anal holes
5) appearance in the skull of jaws

Why, when collecting mushrooms, the mushroom should not pick up the soil around the fruit body?
1) mushroom fungus destroys
2) The root system is damaged by a number of standing trees
3) soil fertility is broken
4) There is a massive death of soil insects

The preservation of animals and plants with useful features for them occurs in the process.
1) variability
2) Isolation
3) the struggle for the existence
4) Natural Selection

Consider a schedule that demonstrates natural oscillation for the 90 years of the number of hares and tricks. What is the main reason for the regular change in the number of lying?

1) Changing the number of hares
2) infectious diseases
3) active human activity for shooting them
4) Fighting of unfavorable environmental conditions

Set the correspondence between the characteristic and the class of animals to which it matches: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) the blood system is represented by one circle circulation
B) the heart is filled with only venous blood
C) the transformation of venous blood in arterial occurs in the gills
D) the blood circuit system is represented by two circles of blood circulation
E) in the heart is both venous and arterial blood
E) the transformation of venous blood in arterial occurs in lungs and skin

Animal class
1) bone fish
2) amphibians

Gribnitsa, entangling roots of the plant, called
1) Mikodia
2) lichen
3) Moldyu
4) Give

1) Head
2) Brysto
3) Head Hope
4) Chest

What of the listed are the results of evolution?
1) Natural Selection
2) the struggle for the existence
3) hereditary variability
4) Fitness of organisms to habitat

Reefs are special communities of marine organisms that are formed from
1) Jellyfish
2) Fish
3) Coralov
4) Mollusks

Why do yeast use in bread maker?
1) excrete oxygen
2) isolated carbon dioxide
3) stock energy
4) excrete energy

To higher dispute plants include
1) pine ordinary
2) Laminaria
3) white mushroom
4) Fern Orlyak

The excretory system of the animal depicted in the figure is presented

1) green glands
2) Malpigiyev vessels
3) Cookie
4) paired kidneys

What animal has a stomach, the structure of which is shown in the picture?

1) Dog
2) Piggy
3) Cow
4) Horse

What kind of vegetation cells occurs the outflow of organic substances from the leaves?
1) vessels
2) Synotoid tubes
3) leather leather cells
4) mechanical fibers

The germ of the bean seed during germination receives nutrients from
1) Ocoloplodnika
2) Soil
3) cotydial
4) Endosperma

What function do the leaf skin cells perform?
1) absorb water pairs from the atmosphere
2) Protect a leaf from drying
3) spare water and organic matter
4) give the sheet strength and elasticity

Using the table "The number of wells in some plants", respond to the following questions.
Table. The number of stomps in some plants

1) How are the stomach in most plants presented in the table?
2) Why are the number of wells from many plants different? Give one explanation.
3) How does the number of alloites depend on the humidity of the habitat of the plant?

Potato tubers are formed on
1) side roots
2) Putitive roots
3) modified underground shoots - columns
4) modified underground shoots - rhizomes

Synotoid tubes of wood stem are part
1) Woods
2) Cambia
3) Luba Cora
4) cork corks

The merit of Ch. Darwin is that he
1) recognized the variability of species
2) developed a modern classification of animals and plants
3) proved that acquired features are inherited
4) Created a doctrine of natural selection

With which organides, the simplest are exempt from harmful metabolic products dissolved in water?
1) digestive vacuoles
2) contracting vacuoles
3) Cytoplasm Dimensions - Falconodes
4) oral recess and cell pharynx

Mushrooms are distinguished in a separate kingdom because they
1) reconstruct disputes
2) Fixed heterotrophs
3) are not capable of photosynthesis
4) consist of cells that do not have nuclei

What ecological group of birds is powered in the main insect?
1) forest birds
2) poultry steppes and deserts
3) birds of open airspaces
4) Birds of swamps, fresh reservoirs and coasts

What plants have bright single flowers? Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.
1) poppy field
2) Clover red
3) Lily of the Lily May
4) Narcissus ordinary
5) Ordinary dandelion
6) Tulip Yellow

Due to what process can you observe the diversity of depicted rocks of home chickens?

2) interspear struggle
3) Natural Selection
4) artificial selection

Goiter as a modification of part of the esophagus is developed in birds feeding
1) insects
2) grains of plants
3) juicy fruits of plants
4) small rodents

Move the reactive way
1) Sea Single Polyps
2) free-lived flat worms
3) Sea Ring Worms
4) Channel Mollusks

The driving forces of evolution refers
1) fitness of organisms to the environment
2) variety of organisms
3) the struggle for the existence
4) education of new species

Examine a graph of insect growth of the insect from time to time (along the x axis, the time (days) is deposited, and on the axis of the insect length (in cm)).

Which of the proposed descriptions most accurately reflects the growth process in the interval from 26 to 32 days? During this period, the insect is growing
1) smoothly, without visible jumps
2) very sharply throughout the whole time
3) jumps, the period of rest is replaced by sharp growth
4) first sharply, and then the growth is completely stopped

List of terms:
1) Solnechnik
2) Unicellic
3) Cysta
4) Plasmodium
5) Soselchik
6) multicellular
7) Komar
8) Zygota

Install the complication sequence of animal organization in the process of historical development of the organic world on Earth. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) the appearance of the digestive system
2) the emergence of the circulatory system
3) the appearance of the trach and the breath
4) Development of unicellular heterotrophic organisms
5) appearance in the body of two cell layers

What part of the body of the river cancer is indicated in the picture of the letter E?

1) Tail
2) Brysto
3) Head Hope
4) Chest

What kind of structure is Penicill's Mushroom?
1) The branching threads of the mushrooms are separated by partitions on individual cells, there are no plasts
2) The branching threads of the mushrooms are separated by partitions on individual cells, there are plastids.
3) one strongly bored cell with a multitude of nuclei, there are plasts
4) one strongly bored cell with a multitude of nuclei, there are no plasts

A) Part of representatives in development has a pupa
B) the overwhelming majority - predators
C) body consists of heads, chest and abdomen
D) able to absorb only liquid food
E) number of walk feet - 4 pairs
E) simple and complex eyes can be placed on the head

Animal class
1) insects
2) spider-shaped

Due to what process can you observe the diversity of depicted breeds of pigeons?

1) fighting the unfavorable conditions of the external environment
2) Natural selection
3) artificial selection
4) internal struggle

The bulb is a modified escape, it proves the presence on it
1) the main root
2) kidney eye
3) underground columns
4) Flat Stem - Donets

What factor does not affect the germination of seeds?
1) water
2) Heat
3) soil
4) air It would be more correct to formulate this question so : What factor is not required to germinate seeds?

Using the table "Some parameters of animals and a person", answer the following questions.
Table Some of the parameters of animals and humans

1) What unwitted animal from the number given in the table has the maximum speed of running?
2) Does the speed of the animal run depends on body weight?
3) between which presented organisms there are the relationship "Predator - Sacrifice"?

Insert the missed terms from the proposed list into the text "Ring Worms" using digital designations for this. Record the numbers of selected answers to the text, and then the resulting discrepancy of the numbers (by text) enter the table below.
Killed worms
Ring worms include animals having a long __________ (a) body. They are similar to flat and round worms - __________ (b) animals with __________ (c) body symmetry. The rocket worms have __________ (g) and more complex than other worms, nervous system and sense organs. Killed worms live in the seas, fresh reservoirs, soil.

List of terms:
1) two-layer
2) Figure
3) Blood System
4) two-sided
5) Inhlennial
6) TrechLayloy
7) radiation
8) respiratory system

What function does the fruit body hat do in Podbirovka?
1) serves to attract animals and humans
2) catches solar energy, providing photosynthesis
3) is the place of education dispute
4) Provides air

In coated plants, in contrast to the vicered,
1) in the seed shaped germ
2) body make up organs and fabrics
3) Double fertilization is carried out
4) fertilization occurs without water

What sign in the structure is similar to modern reptiles and birds?
1) air filled bones
2) Dry skin devoid of glands
3) Tail Department in the spine
4) Small teeth in jaws

The organ of the flowering plant designed to protect its seeds is
1) Sovereign
2) Shiska
3) fruit
4) Semachka

The main root develops from
1) lateral roots
2) germinal root
3) Pressure root
4) Sleeping kidneys

Install the complication of the organization of organisms in the process of historical development of the organic world on Earth. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) the appearance of rhizoids
2) Education of seeds in the fruits
3) the emergence of photosynthesis
4) Education of seeds in cones

1) fitness of organisms
2) Natural selection
3) struggle for existence
4) heredity and variability

With which organs, a free living worm white planearia is exempt from harmful metabolic products dissolved in water?
1) mouth and pharynx
2) skin and muscle
3) excretory channels
4) intestines and anal hole

The formation of new species in nature occurs as a result
1) Regular seasonal changes in nature
2) age physiological changes in individuals
3) the interaction of the driving forces (factors) of evolution
4) human environmental protection

Set the correspondence between the plant and the method of propagating its fruits and seeds: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) Bereza
B) apple tree
C) Rosa (in the original OGE test there was a rowan, maybe a rose \u003d rosehip)
D) Topol.
D) Sunflower
E) Lopeh

The way of spreading fruits and seeds
1) Wind
2) Animals

The figure shows a representative of one of the classes of coated brimmed plants. Representatives of this class are usually available

1) one seed in seed
2) Six sheets in the perianth
3) mesh leaves leaf
4) urine root system

What device is available in plants in order to better use the light?
1) The presence of waxing on the leather leather
2) Lying of sheet plates
3) the presence of a large number of stomps on the top of the leaf
4) the location of the smaller leaves between larger leaves

What group of animals arose in the process of evolution later than the rest?
2) Intestinal
3) Round Worms
4) flat worms

Representatives of the type chord, unlike other animals, have
1) Three-layer structure
2) internal skeleton
3) body cavity
4) blood system

Examine a graph of insect growth of the insect from time to time (along the x axis, the time (days) is deposited, and on the axis of the insect length (in cm)).

Which of the proposed descriptions most accurately reflects the insect growth process in the range from 6 to 14 days? During this period insect
1) does not grow
2) grows very quickly throughout the time
3) grows jumps like, rest periods are replaced by sharp growth
4) first grows sharply, and then its growth stops

Examine a graph of insect growth of the insect from time to time (along the x axis, the time (days) is deposited, and on the axis of the insect length (in cm)).

Which of the proposed descriptions most accurately reflects the insect growth process in the interval from 32 to 40 days? Insect growth during this period
1) occurs smoothly, without visible jumps
2) slows down throughout the time
3) happened jumpingly, resting period is replaced by sharp growth
4) absent

Install the sequence of the appearance of basic plant groups on Earth in the process of evolution. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) Psulifi
2) single-celled green algae
3) multicellular green algae
4) Fern
5) vote

Due to what process can you observe the variety of depicted cabbage varieties?

1) fighting the unfavorable conditions of the external environment
2) Natural selection
3) artificial selection
4) intraspecific competition

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Hydra
2) Toad
3) Bee.
4) Uzabka

Deer moss in its structure refer to
1) Mushrooms
2) lichen
3) Mohovoid
4) herbaceous plants

Right root growth occurs due to cell division
1) root hairs
2) educational fabric
4) root case

What is the life form most often found in plants of a class one-bedroom?
1) Grass
2) Shrubs
3) Shrub
4) Trees

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Leasting
2) Embryo
3) basket
4) Seed

The digestive system is missing
1) Human Ascaris
2) White Planaria
3) bull chain
4) liver loss

1) bovine chain
2) Echinococcus
3) Askarida
4) Head Slask

At green mosses, unlike algae,
1) cells have a big and small nucleus
2) fertilization occurs in the presence of water
3) Locabus is divided into fabrics and organs
4) sexual and most powerful reproduction

Rhizome - modified escape, this proves the presence of on rhizome
1) the main root
2) film scraps
3) Flat Stem - Donets
4) mechanical fibers

Representative of which plant kingdom department is shown in the picture?

What sign of the plant is united in one family?
1) the same range
2) similar structure of flower and fetus
3) the same number of cotyledons in the seed
4) the presence of sexual and powerful breeding methods

With the death of naval shells, the Cornozhk takes place
1) peat
2) Granite
3) limestone
4) coal

Set the correspondence between the feature and class of animals for which it is characteristic: to select the corresponding element from the second column to each element of the first column.

A) Eggs are large, with a lot of yolk
B) the heart is threehow and has an incomplete partition
C) in the skin there are sweat and sebaceous glands
D) body temperature among representatives of non-permanent
E) well developed care for offspring
E) common in northern latitudes

1) Presbysey
2) Mammals

The emergence of which signs is an example of a narrow fitness of organisms to certain conditions of the environment? Choose three faithful responses from six and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.
1) chords from undetective
2) Flower at coated bridge
3) sharp fangs in wolves
4) Milky glasses in mammals
5) pollination of rose hips insects
6) Long main root in camel spines

Mammals occurred from the ancients
1) Dinosaur
2) hormone lizards
3) Cysterers Fish
4) Tailed amphibians

What is the figure in the figure indicated by the placenta?

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Examine a graph of insect growth of the insect from time to time (along the x axis, the time (days) is deposited, and on the axis of the insect length (in cm)).

In which time interval is the maximum increase in insect body sizes?
1) 6-7th day
2) 14-15th day
3) 33-34th day
4) 40-41 day

Taking advantage of the table "Fish reproduction", answer the following questions.
Table Fish reproduction

Types of fish Number of iconic Medium diameter of iconic Middle Age of Half Average age of fish caught
in different reservoirs
Pike ordinary 30 thousand 2.5 - 3 mm 34 years 5 years
Norwegian herring 200 thousand 1.3 mm 27 years 8 years
Cod Baltic 10 million 1 mm 5- 9 years old 3 years
Carp 1.5 million 1 mm 5-6 years old 8 years
Sticky trochellae 100– 1000 1.8 mm 1 year 2 years

1) What is the range of the sizes of fish represented in the table of the middle sizes?
2) The population of which kind of fish can undermine the intensive fishing? Reply explain the answer.
3) Why, according to the theory of Ch. Darwin, with such fertility, the number of fish remains relatively constant?

With what analyzer is the orientation of volatile mice in space?
1) visual
2) olfactory
3) Tanguable
4) auditory

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?
1) Talk
2) Pestik
3) Putchinka
4) Vidnik

Install the sequence of the systematic position of the blessing hare type, starting with the smallest group. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) Detachment Town-shaped
2) mammalian class
3) Family of the Hare
4) race hare
5) Chord type

Install the correspondence between the plant and the type of its underground escape: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) dresses
B) Lilia
C) Lily of Lily
D) Narcissus
D) Pharmacy
E) garlic ordinary

Type of underground escape
1) Kornvische
2) Lukovitsa

K. Linney in his system of wildlife mistakenly ranked the depicted animal to the fish, but it should be correctly attributed to the class

1) Mammals
2) amphibians
3) Channel
4) Presbysey

The plant shown in the figure is multiplied by the useful way with

1) Seeds
2) Gamet
3) Spores
4) Gifs

Which of the listed appeared in the process of evolution in flat worms in comparison with intestinal?
1) intestinal cavity
2) Entoderma
3) Blood System
4) Third Emd Leaf

What kind of environmental group are the bird shown in the figure?

1) birds of open spaces
2) day predators
3) Night Predators
4) Insectivore Forest Birds

The movement of dissolved mineral substances from the roots to the leaves in the organism of the plant occurs
1) vessels
2) Synotoid tubes
3) Cambia cells
4) mechanical fibers

Insects breathe with
1) Zhabr.
2) Trachery
3) Lights
4) Light bags

The flower from which there are stamens and pestles, called
1) Dwyoma
2) Oboep
3) Oneman
4) Separations

What are the bacteria of rotting?
1) Use ready-made organic substances of living organisms
2) synthesize organic substances from inorganic using the energy of the Sun
3) use organic substances of dead organisms
4) synthesize organic substances from inorganic using chemical reaction energy

Due to what process can you observe the diversity of the depicted breeds of dogs?

1) fighting the unfavorable conditions of the external environment
2) Natural selection
3) artificial selection
4) internal struggle

The coated bridge includes plants
1) Mossoid
2) Fern Summary
3) vote
4) Dichomotic

What sign is characteristic of plants of the class Dobolic?
1) The number of petals in flowers is multiple 3
2) rod root system
3) arc housing of leaves
4) parallel leaf housing

What is powered by a freshwater polyp hydra?
1) bacteria
2) Small races
3) unicellular animals
4) unicellular algae

1) Mossoid
2) Fern Summary
3) vote
4) Playovoid

What is characteristic of a bacterial cell?
1) Ring chromosome is in the cytoplasm
2) the kernel is isolated from cytoplasm with two membranes
3) Transport Substances for EPS Cell
4) Oxidation and energy supply in mitochondria

The figure shows a frog head. What body is indicated in the picture of the letter e?

1) eye with a century
2) Drumpot
3) Touch
4) lateral line

Representative of which plant kingdom department is shown in the picture?

What is the fuel infusor feed?
1) bacteria
2) Small races
3) insect larvae
4) unicellular animals

Install the complication sequence of animal organization in the process of historical development of the organic world on Earth. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) the appearance of the outer skeleton
2) the appearance of a five-pall limb
3) the emergence of the circulatory system
4) Development of cubs in female uterus
5) the flow of oxygen through the entire body surface

Install the sequence of coeximation of systematic categories, starting with the smallest. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) Cruccetic family
2) Covenate Department
3) Radish
4) two-class class
5) the kingdom of the plant

What type of kingdom of animals is shown in the picture?

1) digestive
2) nervous
3) respiratory
4) Muscular

What do evolution refer to the results of evolution?
1) Isolation of organisms
2) the struggle for the existence between organisms
3) Heredity and variability in organisms
4) education of a new type

A sign of the class of amphibians is
1) chitinist
2) Naked skin
3) Alignment
4) paired limbs

From the vertebrate animals the concern for the offspring of
1) freshwater fish
2) amphibians
3) Presbysey
4) Mammals

Bright odorous flowers in coated plants appeared in the process of evolution as an adaptation to
1) Nutrient Power
2) spread of seeds and fruits
3) terrestrial habitat
4) attracting insects

Related to lower plants
1) Mossa
2) Algae.
3) Horschos
4) Fern

What function is performed by the dust of the sheet?
1) Select water pair to the atmosphere
2) absorb sunlight quanta
3) protect against dust particles from entering a sheet
4) impede hit by harmful chemicals

Finger infusoria, unlike the hydra,
1) uses oxygen for breathing
2) consists of one cell
3) has chloroplasts
4) feeds on ready-made organic substances

Insert the missed terms into the "bacteria" text from the proposed list using digital designations for this. Record the numbers of selected answers into the text, and then the resulting sequence of numbers (via text) Enter the table below.
Among bacteria there is a group of organisms living in an oxygen-free medium, i.e. being __________ (a). Under adverse conditions, they can form __________ (b). Many bacteria have __________ (c), with the help of which they move. Hereditary information in these microorganisms is stored in __________ (g).

List of terms:
1) chromosome kernel
2) Airbet
3) ring chromosome
4) Anaeroba
5) Falconoda
6) dispute
7) Zhgutich
8) Cysta

Install the complication of the organization of organisms in the process of historical development of the organic world on Earth. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) the emergence of seeds
2) flower appearance
3) the emergence of photosynthesis
4) the appearance of plant tissues
5) Formation of root systems

What physiological process in unicellular animals is associated with the absorption of the gas cell?
1) Food
2) Allocation
3) reproduction
4) breathing

Cerebral bark having furrows and gyruses first appeared
1) amphibians
2) Presbysey
3) birds
4) Mammals

The figure shows a representative of the department

1) Mossoid
2) Fernicious
3) Green Algae
4) Covenate

Set the correspondence between the plant and the method of pollination: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) Rosehovnik
B) Cherry
C) Sunflower
D) Rye
E) Olkha

Method of pollination
1) insects
2) Wind

Set the sequence of coeximation of systematic categories in plants, starting with the greatest. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) Family
2) Covenate Department
3) kind of cube yellow
4) Rod Cube
5) Class of Dichomotor
6) the kingdom of the plant

How does peat moss eat sphagnum?
1) absorbs water and mineral salts with rhizoids
2) sucks the roots of the soil minerals
3) forms organic substances from water and carbon dioxide
4) absorbs the entire surface of its body organic substances from water


My biodiversity tutor respondents on these 200 issues of an open bank of the tasks of FIPI OGE section "System, Diversity and Evolution of Wildlife" and on All other 1724 questions of this section you can

Of particular importance in the life of the plant have dysstar relating to the epidermal tissue system. The structure of the dust is so peculiar and the value of them is so great that they should be considered particularly.

The physiological significance of the epidermal tissue has a dual, largely controversial nature. On the one hand, the epidermis is structurally adapted to protect the plant from drying, which contributes to a dense closure of epidermal cells, the formation of cuticle and relatively long-lurking hairs. But on the other hand, the epidermis should skip through itself the masses of water and various gases in the mutually opposite directions. Gas and steamobam under certain circumstances can be very intense. In the plant organism, the specified contradiction is successfully resolved with the help of alloys. Ustian consists of two peculiarly modified epidermal cells interconnected opposite (at its length) ends and called closing cells. Interchanger between them is called ustichy slit.

The closing cells are called so because they are by active periodic change of the turgore, they change their shape in such a way that the digestive slot opens, it is closed. For these alloy movements, the following two features are of great importance. First, the closing cells, unlike the remaining epidermis cells, contain chloroplasts in which photosynthesis takes place and sugar is formed. Sahara accumulation as osmotically active substance causes a change in the tour pressure of closing cells compared to other cells of the epidermis. Secondly, the shell of closing cells thicken unevenly, therefore the change in the tour pressure causes an uneven change in the volume of these cells, and, consequently, the change in their shape. Changing the shape of the closing cells and causes a change in the width of the nutritional gap. Let us explain this in the following example. The figure shows one of the types of stomatic plants. The very outer part of the Ustian is the film protrusions formed by the cuticle, sometimes insignificant, and sometimes quite significant. They are limited from the outer surface a small space, the lower border of which is the gap itself of the dust, which is called front courtyard Ustitsa. For the slit of Ustian, Kovtria, there is another small space, delivered by small internal protrusions of the side walls of the closure cells, called internal courtyard of Ustiana. The courtyard directly opens in a large interchanger, called air cavity.

Sugar is formed in the light in the closure cells, it pulls water from neighboring cells, the turgor of the closure cells increases, the subtle places of their shell are stretched stronger than thick. Therefore, convex ledges that are protruding in the gap of the Ustian becomes flat and dusty reveals. Sugar was played, for example, at night goes into starch, then the turgor in the closing cells falls, it causes the weakening of the stretching of thin sections of the shell, they are pronounced towards each other and the dust closes. In different plants, the closing and opening mechanism of the gap of allaches may be different. For example, cereals and the mains, closing cells have extended ends and narrowed in the middle part. The shells in the middle parts of the cells are thickened, while the enhanced ends retain thin cellulose shells. The increase in the turgore causes the swelling of the ends of the cells and as a result of this, the separation of direct median parts from each other. This leads to the disclosure of the Ust.

Features In the mechanism of operation of the digestive apparatus are created both by the form and structure of closing cells and the participation of epidermis adjacent cells in it. If the cells directly adjacent to the Ustians differ in their appearance from other cells of the epidermis, they are called the accompanying cells of the Ustitz.

Most often, accompanying and closing cells have a general origin.

Ustwitz closing cells are either somewhat raised above the epidermis surface, or, on the contrary, are omitted in more or less deep holes. Depending on the position of the closing cells in relation to the total level of the epidermis surface, the most mechanism for adjusting the width of the tiled gap changes. Sometimes the dragging cells of the Ustian are decorated and then adjusting the opening of the digestive gap is determined by the activities of neighboring epidermal cells. Expanding and cringed, i.e. changing its volume, they carries the closing cells adjacent to them. However, often the dust with the weathered closing cells do not close at all. In such cases, the regulation of the intensity of gas and steam exchange is carried out otherwise (by the so-called starting drying). In the dust with the weathered closing cells, the cuticle often covers a rather powerful layer not only the entire alloyed gap, but even applies to an air cavity, losing it bottom.

In most plants, the Ustian has on both sides of the sheet or only on the underside. But there are such plants in which the dusts are formed only on the upper side of the sheet (on the leaves floating on the surface of the water). As a rule, stomps on the leaves are greater than on green stems.

The number of stomps on the leaves of various plants is quite different. For example, the number of stomps on the bottom side of the wireless fire sheet is equal to an average of 30 per 1 mm 2, in sunflower growing under the same conditions - about 250. Some plants have up to 1,300 stomps per 1 mm 2.

At the specimens of the same type of plants, the denotomy and the dimensions of the hydrocarbons are strongly dependent on environmental conditions. For example, on the leaves of the sunflower grown in full light, on average, 2 mM 2 sheet surface accounted for 220 stitches, and an instance grown next to the first, but with a small shading - about 140. On one plant, grown in full light, density Stitz increases from the lower leaves to the top.

The number and dimensions of the Ustyz are highly dependent on the plant growing conditions, but also on the internal relationships of life processes in the plant itself. These values \u200b\u200b(coefficients) are sensitive reagents for each combination of factors that determine the growing plant. Therefore, the definition of the thickness and size of the dust of the leaves of plants grown in various conditions gives some idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the relationship between each plant with its surrounding medium. All methods for determining the sizes and the number of anatomical elements in one or another body belong to the category of quantitative anatomical methods, which are sometimes used in environmental studies, as well as to characterize varieties of cultivated plants, since each variety of any cultural plant is characterized by certain dimensions and The number of anatomical elements per unit area. Methods of quantitative anatomy can be applied with great benefit both in crop production and in ecology.

Along with the dusts designed for gas and steam exchange, there are still alloic, through which water is not in the form of a pair, but in drip-liquid state. Sometimes such dusts are quite similar to usual, only a slightly larger than them, and their closing cells are devoid of mobility. Very often in such a dust in full of mature state, the closing cells are missing and only a hole that takes out water outwards remains. Ustiano, emitting drip-liquid water, is called water, and all the formations involved in the release of drip-liquid water - gedations.

The structure of the guide is varied. Some guides have under a hole withdrawing water, a parenchyma participating in the transfer of water from the water-conductive system and in its separation from the organ; Other guidatod water system directly approaches the outlet. Especially often, the guides are formed on the first leaves of seedlings of various plants. So, in wet and warm weather, young leaves of cereals, peas and many meadow herbs drops behind the drops are isolated. This phenomenon can be observed in the first half of the summer in the early morning of every day.

The most well-pronounced guides are located along the edges of the leaves. Often, one or more guide carries each of the teeth, chopping the edges of the leaves.

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The number of stomps and their placement among different types of plants vary greatly. At xerofitov, i.e., forms adapted to habitat in arid areas, on the unit of the surface, it is usually less than the stomach than that of mesophytes; In addition, the Ustian is sometimes located in the deepening of the highly curtinated surface of the leaves or stem, which also reduces the loss of water, because limits the turbulence in the air layer adjacent to the dust (Fig. 4.2 and 6.11). In most of the plants, the Ustian has on both sides of the sheet - upper and lower; There are, however, and such species in which the dusts are located only on the bottom of the leaves. The number of stomps per 1 cm 2 of the leaf surface exceeds 60,000 in cucumber, and some cereals do not reach 8,000. Even on the same plant, the leaves can be very different in both the number and the location of the dust; In "shadow" leaves, for example, the number of stomps per unit surface is usually less than in "light". According to estimates made for a wide variety of plants, the Ustian in a fully open form occupy 1-3% of the entire sheet area, the diffusion of water vapor from the sheet goes with the dysstili in fact at the same speed as from a free surface (Fig. 6.12). It is this circumstance that explains the fact that under conditions of good moisturizing, in bright light and at high temperatures, the plants lose a huge amount of water.

The intensity of transpiration, i.e., evaporation of water with overhead parts of plants (Fig. 6.13) depends on the width of the tiled cracks, on the difference in the water potentials inside and outside the leaf and from the turbulence of the air. The less is the atmospheric air, the lower (more negative) its water potential. (Pressure of water vapor and relative humidity, which also serve as a measure of moisture content in atmospheric air, also below) When the air is saturated with moisture, its aqueous potential is zero. With a decrease in the relative humidity of the air in just 1-2%, the aqueous potential drops very sharply. When relative humidity decreases to about 50%, the aqueous potential of atmospheric air is expressed already a negative value of the order of several hundred bar. In the leaf cells, the aqueous potential is rarely below -20 bar, and therefore water from interclauders (in which the air is saturated with half, and the aqueous potential is balanced with the aqueous potential of surrounding cells) quickly diffuses in a dry atmospheric air. Water molecules leave the plant, submitting to the same law that controls their movement inside the plant, i.e. moving towards a decrease in water potential (Table 6.2).

On a sunny day, the temperature inside the sheet can be 10 ° C higher than in the surrounding air. Due to this temperature difference, transpiration is enhanced, since the air inside the sheet is saturated with moisture, and the pressure of saturated steam with increasing temperature increases. Air turbulence also contributes to transpiration, since the rapid removal of water vapors from the adjacent air layer increases the diffusion gradient (and, consequently, the soreness of diffusion) from the sheet to the atmosphere. Therefore, in dry windy sunny days, especially in dry periods, water often evaporates from the plant faster than the roots manage to serve it. When the loss of water with leaves for a long time exceeds its arrival through the roots, the plant causes. On a hot summer day, the transpiration often outweighs the absorption of water, even if there is enough water in the soil; In such conditions, the leaves of all types of plants and stalks of grassy plants in the afternoon hours are often slightly tied. In the evening, the transpiration weakens and the plants begin to change from the convictions. During the night, the aqueous deficit in the sheet cells is reduced as the roots of the plant squeeze water from the soil; It continues until the sheet cells do not fully restore their turgors - usually all signs of rapidations disappear by the morning. A similar daily temporary building, the so-called daytime, - the phenomenon is quite ordinary; It does not harm the plant, except for some weakening of photosynthesis due to the closing of the Ust. Other thing when the plant does not receive moisture from the soil for a long time; Under these conditions, temporary building goes into a long, and if it continues for a long time, then the plant dies.

Regulation of the movements of the closure cells of the Ust

It has long been known that the width of the used gaps (the holes of the Ustyz) is determined by the tour of the climbing cells of the Ustian, as already mentioned in the ch. 2. However, only recently, in the last decade, it turned out that the turgor of these cells depends on the advantage of the content of potassium salts. At night, the concentration of dissolved substances in the vacuum cells is relatively low; In accordance with this, ψ; π is large, the cells of the slope and the allocated gap is closed. At dawn from neighboring cells in the vacuole, potassium ions begin to flow. This process is often accompanied by the collapse of the starch and accumulation of malic acid. As a result, ψπ sharply decreases, water absorption begins, the closing cells, having very elastic, unevenly thickened walls, swell and are twisted in such a way that the tiled gap opens. The yield output of K + from the closing cells at the end of the day or during a lack of water leads to a reduction in the volume of closure cells, as a result of which the dust closes (Fig. 6.14). Equalist cells of the epidermis are reservoir in which K + ions are saved until the dust is closed. Any change in the size of these near-sic cells is always opposite to the sign of simultaneous change in the closing cells and contributes to either opening or the closure of the dust.

Fig. 6.14. Potassium distribution in the cells of the nutritional complex Vicia Fab A with closed (a) and open (b) dust. (Humble, Raschke. 1971. Plant Physiol., 48, 447-459.) Content to in constructed pieces of leaf epidermis were determined by electron microprobe. For this, the epidermis pieces quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and dried in a frozen state. This method was used instead of chemical fixation, because in most potassium chemical retainers soluble. The device creates an electronic bundle of high energy, which, being focused on the fabric, excites X-ray in it. White spots on the lower micrographs (B and g) correspond to the X-ray radiation of atoms k; White areas on the upper micrographs caused by the inverse scattering of electrons detect the fabric morphology. Please note that K + ions focused on the adjacent (near-silence) cells when the stompes are closed, when the Ustian is opened, go to closing cells

When any positively charged ions are passing through the cell membrane, for example, k + ions, the cell's electrontholence is maintained due to the simultaneous movement of other charged particles: or negatively charged anions move in the same direction as K +, or H + ions should move in the opposite direction (see ch. 7). It is now known that some plants have an important role in the regulation of the turgorant cells, the movement of chlorine ions (CL -) plays, and other plants act apparently some other mechanism. In corn (Zea Mays) about 40% of K + ions enters the closing cells or comes out of them accompanied by CL ions. There are plants that have the participation of CL ions - relatively small and the function can perform any other ions. Such a replacement is sometimes observed from those plants that, in the norm, the CL ions are played. Intensive movement of H + ions through the membranes of closing cells in the direction opposite to the movement of K + ions is characteristic, apparently for all plants. Indeed, the opening of the Ustiz is accompanied by a noticeable increase in intracellular pH, which, of course, should be expected when H + ions leave the cell. The source of H + ions may well be present in vacuolar juice organic acids, since when the alloites is opened, their content in the vacuolar juice increases.

External factors regulating the movements of the Stitz

When the plant lacks water, the climbing cells of the stitches become sluggish and the tiled cracks close, which prevents further water loss. Until recently, it was in this that the main mechanism was seen that allows the plant to avoid excessively strong rapids. It turned out, however, that plants have another, faster and more efficient way to suppress transpiration. In the early stages of the aqueous deficit, many plants sharply increase the content of one of the hormones, namely the abscic acid (ABC) (see ch. 10). In some way, it leads to an outflow of K + of closing cells and, as a result, the loss of water and the closure of the dust. Elegant experiments demonstrating this effect were carried out with the so-called vesty (wilty) mutant of tomato, obtained by chance in experiments with X-ray irradiation of seeds of one of the usual varieties. This mutant is distinguished by the fact that it quickly raises even with the most slight lack of water, because his dust is always open. It was found that this mutant has sharply lowered the ABK content, it is 10 times lower than that of the parent grade. When mutant plants were treated by ABC, their dust began to close and the tour was restored faster. Obviously, this variety of tomato closing the dust is regulated either by the most abscise acid, or by some product of its metabolic transformations. Later it turned out that the treatment with small doses ABC may cause the closing of the dust and other plants. It was also found that with a lack of water, the content of the endogenous ABC increases, followed by the Ustian closes. Thus, one of the important physiological functions of hormone ABC is apparently the protection of plants from dried. On other regulatory functions of this hormone, it is said in ch. 10.

Given the importance of the opening and closing of the dust in the life of the plant, it should not be surprised that the movements of the stomils are regulated not only by water supply of plants, but also some other external factors. In many plants, for example, the opening of the wellhead depends primarily on the CO 2 content in the air filling the fueling air cavity. If the CO 2 concentration falls there below 0.03%, i.e. below the level, normal for atmospheric air, then the tour of the closure cells increases and the dust open. Usually, the illumination of closing cells, which stimulates photosynthetic activity in them, is reduced by the CO 2 content in the adjustable cavities filled with air. The opening of the alloy can also be caused artificially, removing CO 2 from the air, and closing is an increase in the concentration of CO 2 in the air. This regulation of the Ustic CO 2 movements makes it possible to understand why the dust is usually open and closed at night.

The opening of the wellhead under the action of light can be partially explained by the fact that as a result of photosynthesis, the concentration of CO 2 is reduced in the sheet. However, the light also has another, more direct action. The protoplasts of the closer cells of the onions that do not contain chloroplasts, when illuminated with blue, swell, but this effect is manifested only if potassium salts are present in the medium. The pigment, absorbing blue light, which stimulates the influx of K + ions and the increase in the turgora, is, Ponputim, Flavoprotein, described in ch. eleven.

Fig. 6.15. The daily stroke of the nutritional movements (I) and the absorption of water (II). (With changes in MANSFIELD T. 1971. J. Biol. Educ., 5, 115-123.) A. The closing of the dust is associated with the lack of light, the accumulation of CO 2 in the process of respiration and the phase of the endogenous rhythm, b. Before the dawn, the dawn is beginning to open, because the endogenous rhythm (opening phase) prevails over other factors. The mesophytic is "night opening" expressed weakly; Crassulaceae also manifests itself much stronger due to the exhaustion of CO 2 as a result of the dark fixation, in. Full opening is a direct result of the action of light and exhaustion of CO 2 in the process of photosynthesis, partial closing in the afternoon can be explained as an endogenous rhythm (transition to the closing phase) and decreased light, d. Stutian plants of some species close at noon, If the temperature is too high and transpiration exceeds the absorption of water. Such closing is probably regulated, abscise acid, under the influence of which the dust closes during periods of lack of water. e. The closing of the dust under the influence of endogenous rhythm is enhanced due to the absence of light and under the influence of CO 2 accumulating during respiration. Daily water loss fluctuations are similar to the daily diurnal of the dusting of the dust. The absorption of water is somewhat lagging behind the transpiration because of the resistance that the water meets on its path in the plant. As a result, there is some deficiency in the daytime, eliminated at night due to long-term water absorption

Typically, the transpiration intensity varies in a certain way throughout the day. At first, at dawn, it increases rather sharply and, continuing to increase, reaches a maximum to noon. After that, if the temperature is too high, some decline comes, followed by a small rise, corresponding to a decrease in temperature. The fluctuations in the intensity of the transpiration reflect the changes in the state of the allocated gaps. The closing of the Ustyz at midday time is partly explained by the high concentration of CO 2 inside the sheet, which is characteristic of this time of day. The CO 2 level in the sheet depends on the ratio of the speeds of respiration and photosynthesis, and the respiratory rate with an increase in temperature increases rather quickly, while the photosynthesis process is less sensitive to temperature. In addition to this, the closure of the Ustyz at midday clock contributes, probably the fact that at this time the concentration of abscic acid increases in connection with the lack of water in the sheet.

So, we have convinced that the digestive movements are regulated by the main factors of the external environment: light, temperature, moisture content in soil, air humidity and CO 2 concentration in air; All of these variables affect such internal factors as the water content and the concentration of abscisic acid in the sheet. In addition, the rhythmic oscillations of the altar, which occur even in the absence of external influences also occur. These rhythmic oscillations are regulated by an internal oscillator - biological clock of the plant, which we will talk about in ch. 12. Fig. 6.15 illustrates the daiety of the ductic movements regulated by internal rhythms and external factors together.

All-Russian Verification Work of Arms Biology Grade 5 Option 2 All-Russian Verification Work

1.1. Consider the image.

Show the arrows in the drawing and sign the linden organs: stem, leaf, kidney, flower.

1.2. Which of the Linden organs: stem, leaf, kidney, flower Is that escape?

1.3. The list of plants organs is named below. All of them, with the exception of one, are performed by stem. Write down the function that "falls" from the total row. Explain your choice.

The reference (carries leaves, flowers and fruits), mineral nutrition, conductive, vegetative reproduction.

2. In winter, black fruits are noticeable on bare branches of linden - nuts. Hang nuts are hanging with small borders, each cluster on the wing. The wind blew, tear off a few Clabda, together with the wings, skiddled and dropped one next to the tree, the other - away. Find the list in the list and write down the name of this process.

Flowering, development, resettlement, fruiting. 3.

Describe the linden sheet according to the following plan: sheet type, leaf housing, leaf plate shape.

A. Type of sheet

B. Leaf's jilking

B. Form of Sheet Plate

A. B. IN

4. In Russia, Lipa has always been considered a valuable tree. It is made of painted khokhloma dishes and matryors (a), and in the old days and shoes (b). Write off parts of the plant that are used in each case.

BUT: _____________________
B: _____________________

The student considered under the microscope the cellular structure of the leaves of various plants and made the following drawing. What in the drawing of the sheet cell, did he designate the letter in?

6. Insert the missing words from the proposed list into the "reproduction" text.


There are two forms of reproduction of living organisms. At ________ (a), special cells are involved - ___________ (b). A new cell is formed from two cells - ___________ (b). The new organism combines signs of both parents.

List of words:
1) Paul
2) Gameta.
3) Masteless
4) Zygota
5) germin
6) Lickery

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

A. B. IN
7. 7.1. Using the table "Number of Ust, Answer questions.

What plant contains alloys only on the top side of the sheet?
What plant has the greatest amount of wellheads?
What plant has about the same amount of alloys on both surfaces of the sheet?

7.2. Below are the images of the plants specified in the table. Subscribe under each image the name of the corresponding plant.

A B C D:______________

7.3. These plants are used by a person. Under each of the examples below, sign the name of the corresponding plant, which is practical for a person.

A B C:______________

8.1. Read the text and task.

In what texts of the text describe the signs on the basis of which it can be concluded that the darf is the most severe flight steppe bird of Russia? Write down the numbers of the selected offers.

8.2. Read the text and task.

(1) The main habitats of the darof - the steppe, the divergent meadows and winter fields. (2) The middle mass of adult birds is 16 kg, sometimes even 25 kg. (3) Redhead crust painting with black specks, white bottom. (4) Nest Drops are arranged on winter fields right on Earth. (5) The bird's gait is leopard, measured. (6) Some birds winters in the Transcaucasia, but most of Russia flies outside of Russia

Make a description of a large white Heron according to the following plan.

A) in comparison with DROF: larger / smaller.
B) the similarity of the drof and a large white Heron is that they
C) where it dwells and what does a big white Heron eat? (Give at least two examples).



1.2. Kidney - organ of the plant from which escape appears in the development process.
Answer: kidney.

1.3. Flowing from the logical function - mineral nutrition. Mineral nutrition provides root.
2. Pollination

4. A - Wood, B - Lob

5. Cytoplasm.

7.1. White water lily; olive; oats

7.2. A - oak, b - oats, in - olive, g - white water lily.

7.3. A - peas or potatoes, b - rice, in - corn.

8.2. The correct answer must contain a description / signs of three points of the plan:
A) smaller;
B) large migratory birds;
C) swamps, reservoirs; Fish, frogs, mollusks, worms small birds.

Ustian at the plant is the pores in the layers of the epidermis. They serve to evaporate excess water and flower gas exchange with the environment.

For the first time they became known in 1675, when Naturalist Marcello Malpigi published his discovery in the work of Anatome Plantarum. However, he could not solve their real appointment, which served as the impetus for the development of further hypotheses and research.

Study history

In the XIX century, the long-awaited progress has come in research. Thanks to the Hugo background, I pray and Simon Schwender became known for the basic principle of the work of the Ust and their classification by the type of structure.

These discoveries gave a powerful impetus in understanding the functioning of pores, however, some aspects of the forced studies continue to be studied so far.

The structure of sheet

Parts of plants such as the epidermis and dust are belonging to the internal device of the sheet, but first should be examined by its external structure. So, the sheet consists of:

  • Sheet plate - flat and flexible part responsible for photosynthesis, gas exchange, water evaporation and vegetative reproduction (for specific species).
  • The grounds in which the servant for the growth of the plate and the painter is located. Also with it, the sheet is attached to the stalk.
  • Highlight - paired formation at the base that protects the stubby kidneys.
  • Cesh - a narrowing part of a sheet connecting the plate with a stem. It is responsible for vital functions: light orientation and growth through educational fabric.

The external structure of the sheet may vary somewhat depending on its shape and type (simple / complex), but all parts listed above are always present.

The internal device includes epidermum and dust, as well as various forming fabrics and veins. Each of the elements has its own design.

For example, the outer side of the sheet consists of living cells other than size and shape. The most superficial of them have transparency that allows the sunlight to penetrate the inside of the sheet.

Smaller cells located are somewhat deeper, contain chloroplasts, giving green leaves. Due to its properties, they were called closing. Depending on the degree of moisturizing, they are compressed, they form alloy the gaps.


The length of the Ustian in the plant varies depending on the type and degree of coverage of them. The largest pores can reach in the amount of 1 cm. Form the dragging cells regulating the level of opening it.

The mechanism of their movement is quite complicated and varies for different types of plants from each other. Most of them - depending on the water supply and level of chloroplasts - the tumor of cell tissues can both fall and increase, thereby adjusting the opening of the Ust.

Purpose of allocated gap

Probably there is no need to stop in detail on this aspect as the function of the sheet. Even a schoolboy knows about it. But for what is the dust? Their task is to ensure transpiration (the process of water movement through the plant and its evaporation through external organs, such as leaves, stems and flowers), which is achieved due to the operation of closing cells. This mechanism protects the plant from dried in hot weather and does not allow to begin the process of rotting under excessive humidity. The principle of its work is extremely simple: if the amount of fluid in the cells is not high enough, the pressure on the walls falls, and the tiled crack is closed, keeping the moisture content desired to maintain life.

And on the contrary, its oversuetting leads to strengthening the pressure and opening pores, through which the excess moisture evaporates. Due to this, the role of Ustyz in the cooling of plants is also large, since the air temperature is decreasing precisely by transpiration.

Also under the gap is a air cavity, serving for gas exchange. The air penetrates into the plant through the pores so that in the future to join and breathing. Excess oxygen then goes into the atmosphere by all the same digestive gap. In this case, its presence or absence is often used to classify plants.

Leaf functions

The sheet is an external body, with which photosynthesis, breathing, transpiration, suitation and vegetative reproduction are performed. Moreover, it is able to accumulate moisture and organic substances by means of stomach, as well as to provide a large adaptability to complex environmental conditions.

Since water is the main intracellular medium, the elimination and circulation of fluid inside the tree or the flower is equally important for its livelihoods. At the same time, the plant assimilates only 0.2% of the entire moisture passing through it, the rest of the same part goes on transpiration and guttation, due to which dissolved mineral salts and cooling occurs.

Vegetative reproduction is often occurring by cutting and rooting the leaves of flowers. Many indoor plants are grown in a similar way, because only so you can save the purity of the variety.

As mentioned earlier, it is helped to adapt to various natural conditions. For example, the transformation into spines helps deserted plants reduce the evaporation of moisture, the mustache enhances the functions of the stem, and the large dimensions often serve to preserve liquid and beneficial substances where climatic conditions do not allow supplying reserves regularly.

And this list can be continued infinitely. It is difficult not to note that these functions are the same for the leaves of flowers and trees.

What plants have no stomit?

Since the allocated gap is characteristic of higher plants, it is available in all types, and mistakenly consider it missing, even if the tree or flower does not have leaves. The only exception to the rule is laminaria and other algae.

The structure of the dust and their work at conifers, ferns, horsages, femaners and differ from those in the flowering. For most of them, the breakfasts are open and actively participate in gas exchange and transpiration; The exceptions are cacti and succulents, whose pores are open at night and closes with the onset of the morning in order to save moisture in the arid regions.

Ustoitsa at the plant, the leaves of which are floating on the surface of the water, are located only in the upper layer of the epidermis, and at the "sitting" leaves in the lower. For other varieties, these slots are present on both sides of the plate.

Location Ustiana

Ustical gaps are located on two sides of the sheet plate, but their number at the bottom is somewhat larger than in the top. This difference is due to the need to reduce moisture evaporation with a well-lit sheet surface.

For monocotional plants, there are no specifics regarding the location of the dust, since it depends on the direction of growth of plates. For example, the epidermis of plant leaves, oriented vertically, contains the same number of pores both in the upper and lower layer.

As mentioned earlier, the floating leaves on the bottom side are missing, as they absorb moisture through the cuticle, as well as completely aquatic plants, which do not have this pore at all.

Ustian coniferous trees are deep under the endoderma, which helps to reduce the ability to transpiration.

Also, the position of the pore varies relative to the surface of the epidermis. The gaps can be in short with the rest of the "skin" cells, to leave higher or lower, form the right rows or bepriced by coating fabric is chaotically.

In cacti, sukullents and other plants, which have no leaves or modified, transformed into the needles, the stomaps are located on stems and fleshy parts.


The dust of the plant is divided into many types depending on the location of the accompanying cells:

  • Anomocyt - is considered as the most common, where side particles do not differ from others in the epidermis. How one of its simple modifications can be called a laaterocyte type.
  • Parasitic - characterized by a parallel adjoining of accompanying cells with respect to the nutritional gap.
  • Ditzite - only two side particles has.
  • An anisocyte - type inherent in the flowering plants, with three accompanying cells, one of which differs significantly in size.
  • Tetracite - peculiar to single-bedroom, has four accompanying cells.
  • Encycloclic - in it, side particles are closed by a ring around the closures.
  • Pericitite - it is characterized by a stompeant for it, not connected to the accompanying cell.
  • Desmocyte - differs from the previous type only by the presence of a clutch of a slit with a side particle.

Here are only the most popular species.

Effect of environmental factors on the external structure of the sheet

For the survival of the plant, the degree of its adaptability is extremely important. For example, large sheet plates and a large amount of stomit are characteristic of wet places, while in the arid regions this mechanism acts otherwise. Neither flowers nor trees differ in size, and the number of pores is noticeably reduced to prevent excess evaporation.

Thus, it is possible to trace as parts of plants under the influence of the environment over time are modified, which affects the number of wells.