How to get rid of mosquitoes in an open arbor. How to close the gazebo for the winter from snow and protect yourself from the annoying mosquitoes

A long-built octagonal gazebo is actively operated in warmth, both in the afternoon and at night. However, in our territories, June is rich in mosquitoes. Attempts to dispel insects with various repellents did not have much success. Or you are in the gazebo and watering chemistry, or you become a blood donor. After analyzing the operating experience, it was decided to install a barrier for insects. Many options have been checked. About the last proven over two years of protection against mosquitoes and will be discussed.

How to make protection from mosquitoes in an open gazebo

The method of protection against mosquitoes is adopted by mechanical barrier by creating an enclave in the amount of insects free from insects, although it was not possible to do without chemistry.

1. The magnetic curtain is installed at the entrance. It is two canvas with fixed in pair magnets in plastic enclosures. The edge weighting by magnets and magnetic tightening allow the curtain to close itself after disclosure.

Magnet Case Mounting at the top Fastening on the side

2. There are various ways to attach such curtains. The buttons attached to this instance. The buttons began to fall off when installing the curtains, so the edges were immediately fixed with a construction stapler. The edges are still reliable until now.

3. The closure of the openings was carried out by various grid materials, but as a result, the best results for the reliability of the detention of insects, durability and practicality of the material was installed with their own hands the lining mesh black fabric. Such a fabric is used in sports jackets and backpack pockets.

4. Installation of tissue is implemented as follows. Under the roof of the gazebo, seven planks were installed. The top edges of the fabric are attached directly to the roof flooring, and then to the planks. Securing the fabric in this way, due to elasticity, it was possible to get a beautiful fit of the material of free space. From the bottom in some places, to avoid slipping fabric, the canopy is fixed with brackets.

5. Part of the mosquitoes flew inside the arbor through a loose fit of the fabric in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rafter. These places were covered with pieces of transparent plastic from packaging.

Canopy hired

The gazebo acquired after the revision of the new mysterious look. Even in sunny weather, people are poorly visible in the gazebo, although everything is visible from the inside. This is noticeable in birds that via the grid do not see the internal space.

Of course, 100% of the protection was failed. When inside the people, the grid and the entrance canopy are covered with seated mosquitoes. At the entrance and outlet of the arbor, some mosquitoes fly inside. To scare the mosquitoes from the magnetic curtain, the last one must periodically spray a repellent. This is a good way to check the effectiveness of purchased tools for overclocking mosquitoes from a canopy and action time.

Although the cost of a magnetic canopy exceeded 1000 rubles, he was bad. Speakers of plastic magnet buildings to cling to objects and clothing and revealed with a magnet loss. When assembling protection, do not forget to correctly install the poles of magnets. After a month of searching for magnets to restore the curtains, all the housings were dismantled and glued with molecular glue. More canopy did not lose magnets.

In a strong wind, the magnetic canopy can be revealed, and if there is a number of metal magnetic items, it will remain in the open form.

So the question of protection against mosquitoes was resolved. The gazebo has become functional and during the invasion of mosquitoes, inwards can literally several insects, which are easily eliminated by mechanically by means;). Get rid of mosquitoes managed.

Cozy gazebo in the shade of old trees, and even overlooking the river or a beautiful grove nearby - an excellent element of a country estate. This is the place of collecting the whole family to tea drinking, an open living room with wicker furniture or just a corner for a secluded relaxation on the lap of nature. Such buildings require labor, time and investment, so at the design stage it is worth thinking about how to close the gazebo not only from annoying insects in summer, but also from snow and melt water at another time of the year.

Recreation area for people: insect entry is prohibited

When using a gazebo in summer days, the most relevant to close it from flies, mosquitoes, OS and other uninvited guests. The easiest way for this purpose is to use Tyul, which can be chosen in color and drawing under the main decor of the building. So that insects do not find loopholes, you can take one large web of this fabric, pulling it on a special string throughout the inner perimeter.

For the entry to the entrance, you need to cut off a separate rectangle of this size so that it comes into contact with the rest of the mustache. If there are not a lot of insects, then Tulle can be taped to the side columns and decorate the garter with flowers from wide satin ribbons.

Protection against insects

In cases where the question of how to close the arbor from mosquitoes is more serious, it is recommended to use mosquito nets, which are available on sale in the following options:

  • rolled mesh is convenient and unmaking, especially for buildings of non-standard dimensions. A pieces of the required sizes are cut from the roll and attached either on the string or the construction stapler to the walls. You can arrange the grid segments in the bagent frame and hang on the hooks;
  • frame grid of factory production is similar to what is supplied complete to the plastic windows of urban apartments. Such meshs are fixed, as a rule, outside, on special brackets;
  • roller design is more expensive than previous ones, but if necessary, the mesh is easily removed into the box.

A mosquito net can be supplied with a gazebo

Preparation of gazebo to winter: types of protective structures

Eating those or other structures on the household plot should take into account seasonal changes in nature. The main test for the stationary gazebo is undoubtedly the winter. Strong wind, blizzards, temperature differences and sharp thaws can damage the decoration of the arbor and the objects in it. Therefore, it is better to think about the ways to protect the weather from the whims of the weather and take care of the safety of sex, internal skin and furniture. In such a closed building, you can even spend time in winter, for example, to celebrate the New Year.

For such glass and guests to meet not ashamed in winter

Glazing - the perfect version of the protection of the arbor in winter

Double-glazed windows on a metal profile frames are used not only for balconies and loggias. They are great in order to close the gazebo from the wind, snow and rain, as they have aesthetic modern appearance, durable and durable. By the ability to save heat, glazing is divided into two types:

  • "Cold" - beless or with one camera, cheaper, but almost eliminating the possibility of winter use of the gazebo;
  • "Warm" - two- and three-chamber, allowing the fireplace and ceiling insulation in the presence of fire, walls and ceiling sufficiently warm the room.

Darkened glass also covers from the sun

The most expensive and at the same time beautiful is a frameless glazing. The adjacent fruit glass does not block the overview, fully opening the panorama of the surrounding landscape. Tempered glass withstands not only the strongest wind with a hail, but also hitting stones, and the lack of frames facilitates care of the surface.

Wonderful opportunities to do without glass

If budget options are needed, and the building is used only in the summer, then you can consider the possibilities to close the gazebo on the winter by other materials, which include:

  • plywood sheets - they are nailed to vertical racks and protect quite reliably;
  • the reinforced film - it is possible to bite the whole gazebo, lasts two to three seasons;
  • polycarbonate shutters - they can be left for the summer, because they are transparent and passed inside the arbor dispelled;
  • vertical marquises or curtains from PVC - are used in areas with soft winter, since PVC from frosts quickly comes into disrepair;
  • building tarpaulin tent is ideal by the parameter "price-quality", but does not differ in decorativeness.

Marquises and are smart, and practical

Curtains from PVC

It is possible to cover the gazebo on your own, however, if the choice is made towards expensive durable options, it is better to resort to the help of specialized companies that will carry out the necessary measurements and will establish protective adaptations qualitatively and on time.

Cottage is a very multifunctional place. There go to work, relax, returned and so on. Therefore, the unequivocal council, how to get rid of mosquitoes, no. In principle, it would be more correct to even say that it is impossible, but it is quite realistic to protect yourself from these little bloodsicles, and in different situations the ways are also different for this.

If for the premises, tents and even the arbors a complete getting rid of mosquitoes possible in the presence of a mosquito net, then on the street you will not forbid them to flock to your food. And yet there are ways and tricks, allowing you to leave all your blood with you.

Ultrasound from Komarov

We can safely say that this is the most modern version to protect yourself and your family from itchy bites. There are compact devices that are scared by insect sound, inhalesable human ear. Some of them are designed for one person, hang on the belt or put in his pocket and operate in a two-meter radius. Others, more expensive and darkened, are able to protect the whole room from mosquitoes. Third, the most expensive, at the request of manufacturers will get rid of you from the presence of bloodsicles on the square of 50 meters and are suitable for evening holidays on the street.

Such devices today are manufactured by several firms. Their quality depends directly from the price due to the fact that the development is still new. However, it is worth noting that even the best devices do not cope with the declared effectiveness.

Fuligators and liquids from mosquitoes

For premises, here for several decades the leader among the methods of combating insects are electrical fumigators and cigarette lighters with liquid. They do not make a tangible smell and can be quite effective (with the fluid better coped with the task), but some people the quality of their work is not satisfied.

In this case, the plate that needs to be inserted into the fumigator is simply ignited and extinguished in a few seconds, and they emphasize the room with caviar smoke. The mosquitoes fall right on the fly, but there is a big risk to poison smoke and in humans. Worst of all that it will not be possible to ventilate the room after that - the mosquitoes will fall out again.

Note! If the means for the fumigator seems to be not effective for you, you should not resort to aggressive methods, simply change it to another, from another manufacturer's company, and be sure to see the shelf life.

Mosquito repellents in the country

Another popular remedy is repellents from mosquitoes and other insects. These substances are manufactured in the form of cream, liquid or spray and applied to the skin. They possess a rather sharp unpleasant odor, but it is often less unpleasant than to feed the flocks of mosquitoes with their blood.

However, it is not worth each fluid with an unpleasant smell in the department of funds from mosquitoes to receive for repellents. There is a popular bike that one company in the campaign was stolen from the head to fifth insect liquid with instructions on an unfamiliar language and returned from the hike all skirting.

Only after they translated the method of use, and it turned out that the fluid had to be poured nearby, so that mosquitoes flew on it and did not touch people.
Minus repellents - a fairly high risk to cause allergies or problems with breathing paths.

Traps for mosquitoes

A good way to get rid of flying bloodstairs is to place the traps for them. On the street or in a gazebo, they will be able to reduce the number of insects, and in the room and get rid of them at all. As a liquid that people accepted for a repellent, the trap distracts the attention of the mosquitoes on themselves, and hacked, the insect almost does not have a chance to get out.

Traps can be made with their own hands. To do this, take a plastic bottle and cut the top from it. The lid can be thrown out. In a bottle, you can simply put a piece of banana or pour a half-cook of warm water, pour out 1-2 sugar spoons and add 1-2 grams of yeast. After that, the upper part of the bottle turns over the neck down and is inserted into the bottle - the trap is ready.

You can purchase ready-made devices that run from electricity. They act, lining insects to the light of ultraviolet lamps. However, the effectiveness of purchased electric UV traps for mosquitoes of positive feedback is significantly less than about the work of self-made.

Spirals from mosquitoes in the country

There is another proven way to get rid of insects on the street - this is a spiral. They cost quite inexpensively, sold in packs for several pieces. The minus of this means cannot be used indoors and closed space.

The spiral is installed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the person and is set on fire to 10-15 seconds. After the flame you need to pay off, and the tool will start actively, highlighting caustic smoke. Inhale it and be in close proximity to the spiral is categorically impossible if you do not want to earn problems with the lungs. However, with the correct operation of the spirals from mosquitoes do not harm your health, by 5+ coping with the task of scareting insects.

People's methods from mosquitoes

Almost all the means described above are modern. However, people fought with bussy insects before, and they did it mainly with the help of plants. Moreover, no rare colors for this will not have to search for: mosquitoes do not like mint, support, tomato tops, carnation and wormwood.
Other folk methods of combating mosquitoes in the country are described in the video on the next tab.

If you have long worried about the mosquitoes during the summer holiday, then surely imagine how much life can ease comer discreteners from Thermacell.. They are convenient to use and do not cause any harm to human health nor it surrounding it. One of the most interesting models from our company is a repeller with a built-in lamp, in its appearance resembling a beautiful lantern ( Outdoor MR 9L6-00). Acting on the surface of 4.5x4.5 meters, this device will reliably protect you and your loved ones from insects. Try to use it if another mosquito repellent You did not suit or worked too slowly - and compare the results. And in the meantime we will imagine what part of your home is better to put the scarecher to work as efficiently as possible.

Veranda of a country house

Scales lantern - This is a device that the most advantageous will look exactly in your country house, in a rustic house or cottage. It can even hang around the door, instead of a conventional lantern - you won't feel a big difference. Lantern, of course, a little revitalizes the design of your urban apartment if there is a place for the discharge. In the city, however, insects annoy us less than in the country, therefore the device is likely to come in handy there. In addition, in the apartment you will have to search for a separate table or a special place - do not put it on the table with business papers and wenger business card holder . But on the veranda of the country house, this mosquito repeller will look very beautiful - and the room will be lit, and the mosquitoes round. Even if your home has no veranda or an extension, then you probably have a gazebo or a separate table - there is, where to relax in the evening after working with a surgery. You can and put it next to this place to escape from the attention of insects. And if you like to collect guests or arrange funny family tea drinking, the value of this device for your family rises several times - everyone will be satisfied and protected from mosquitoes.


However, in your house there is another place that I would like to make inaccessible for insect times and forever. This is, of course, the bedroom. Often we wake up in the middle of the night due to the fact that mosquitoes or other moshcars decided to use the darkness and snack a little ... We. From this unpleasant awakening, you can get rid of a lamp repeller. And since the light from this device is very strong, then turning on the flashlight, you can also do our usual things: to clean up, read the book, work at a computer, etc. When you want to go to bed, it will be enough just to turn off the lamp so that the bright light does not interfere with your rest.

Living room / large room

Room in the house, in which you are most often going, as well as your family and close friends. Such a room, of course, need to furnish as it should. I would like to put there the best furniture, cabinets with books, hang beautiful pictures and frames with photos, and also to buy and put the purse on the table from the skin - so that all guests know about the high social status of the hosts of the house. In this room, the whole of your family is usually going to relax, watch TV or play board games. It would be very angry if this holiday was broken by the invasion of insects, right? Mosquito Repeller as lanternfamily holiday will save and give you the opportunity to relax. You can even open the windows in the room, if it is too hot - besides your friends, nobody will not fly to visit you.

... and other rooms

In fact, put a lamp repeller can be in any place of your home - the main thing is to be comfortable! And everything else depends on your imagination. The kitchen is not the most suitable place for the discharge, but if insects prevent you from cooking, then it is better to put the device there. In the bathroom too wet, but you can still experiment with the toilet. If you have a separate room, the dining room, then you can place the flashlight there - it will look very nice. And if you did not decide, much better put a scarecher from mosquitoes, just take it with you to any room of your home - at the same time check, how the lantern works and how well it illuminates the room.

The range of modern means to protect against mosquitoes on the street is not limited to repellent ointments and protective clothing. Special discharges, traps and others are helping to get safely resting in nature, to go fishing, worry on the cottage or sit in the evening in a gazebo without annoying insects today help special discharges, traps and other gnus.

Blood-suicide insects are active all warm period of the year - just at a time when you want to spend as much time in the open air. It is possible to protect against mosquitoes and the gnus at home using anti-mosquito nets and fumigators. But what if we are talking about a picnic, fishing, or even just rest on the open terrace of a country house?

In addition to individual means of protection (special clothing and repellent ointments), various devices are used to combat mosquitoes and moshkara on the street.

To protect the following:

  • traps shredders (purchased and self-made);
  • ultrasound repellers;
  • repellent repellers;
  • smoke checkers and spirals.

Each of these funds has strong and weak parties, and is suitable for different cases. When choosing, the radius of action, ease of use, duration and strength effect is important. If we are talking about an electronic device, then its ability to work on the autonomous power source is also taken into account.

Old "Dedovsky" methods or modern devices?

The oldest means for scaring mosquitoes in nature is smoke from the fire. They still use mushroom skins and fishermen who are negotiating with modern protective agents. The caustic smoke frightens the mosquitoes, especially if you throw the branch of juniper, fir and other coniferous trees into the fire. However, this smoke has to breathe not only mosquitoes, but also to all sitting around the fire.

In the light of the above described further, the devices of contact automatic extermination and remote insect scareware, because with them, protection against mosquitoes in the open air eliminates the need to use ointments, sprays, fires and special clothing. But is these devices in reality, and how to choose the best among them?

Arsenal of popular folk remedies for mosquito frightening is not limited to the bonfire smoke. Homemade traps and odorless herbs (garlic, tomato tops, geranium), which are safe for health and do not require significant financial costs are widely used.

But in efficiency, they are still inferior to modern funds, which are based on scientific research. Chemical repellents and insecticides act quickly and certainly, and electronic traps and dischargers are used against mosquitoes of their instincts, which are not able to resist insects.

Ultrasound repellers against mosquitoes and midges

The devices for scaring mosquitoes and midges ultrasound are stationary and portable. Among them are those that you can:

  • Out on the belt (keychain) or wrist (electronics in the form of a bracelet), a range of 0.5 -5 meter. Used as an individual means of protection against insects in the city and beyond. The main advantage is miniaturity.

  • To carry with you or put near the tent, gazebos, place of overnight stay or fishing are small portable and stationary devices with a swing, the radius of their action covers up to 20-30 square meters. m.

  • Put on the house. Nevable stationary devices of medium sizes that are easy to rearrange from place to place. Radius of action - up to 50-80 square meters. m, appointment: Ultrasonic mosquito repeller for the street.

The devices can be charged and work:

  • from the network directly;
  • from rechargeable battery;
  • standard batteries;
  • solar battery.

Stationary devices, as a rule, operate only from the network, so when they are used, it is necessary to consider the length of the cord and the remoteness of the device from the nearest outlet. The remaining devices work from batteries or have the ability to charge in different ways. Combined options, of course, preferably.

Operating principle

The work of the dischargers is based on the principle of impact on mosquitoes using a certain frequency sound waves. Some of them emit a frightening sound - the rustle of the dragonfly wings, which actively hunts on mosquitoes. Others imitate the peak of mosquito males, whom fertilized females carefully avoid.

Only females of mosquitoes bite, and they begin to seek a suitable sacrifice immediately after mating. During this period, contacts with the males are undesirable for them and even dangerous, therefore, from the sound that imitating the peak of the male, the komarihi immediately scatter on the parties.

Freight adjustment

The repellers are equipped with sound wave generators with a frequency range from 4.8-7 kHz. Some devices have a frequency adjustment function, and such options are preferable. The fact is that in nature there are several types of mosquitoes, and to scare away each of them requires a certain sound frequency.

It happens that the repeller, configured to a certain frequency, perfectly copes with his work in one region, but it turns out almost useless in the other. While twisting the adjustable repellent adjustment lever, you can find the wave, the most unpleasant mosquito in a particular area.

Devices for the destruction of mosquitoes on the street

The work of street devices for the destruction of insects is based on lining and killing them in different ways. Mosquito shredders imitate heat and smell of the human body. The flowing insect dies from electric discharge, fire, water or air flow.

This is an effective mosquito shredder for the street, it is possible to use it only in the outdoor. Principle of operation: Propane is gradually released from the gas cylinder and falls on the gas burner, where carbon dioxide and heat releases. The mosquitoes seeking the sacrifice for bite react to thermal radiation from the body and the smell of carbon dioxide, which is distinguished by breathing. Propane shredder as if deceiving them, distracting themselves.

The device is easy to maintain, however, you will need a regular replacement of the gas cylinder. The effectiveness of its work is very dependent on the location of the location - it is important to establish it on a plot from the other side with which the mosquitoes fly most (for example, from the forest or lake).

In the list of the most popular models, one of the first places is occupied by Mosquito Magnet Independence, which is able to lure mosquitoes from an area of \u200b\u200b40 acres. Its value is about 50 thousand rubles, but this price is justified by durability. Analogue of this instrument - Mosquito Magnet Patriot, costs about 30 thousand rubles, the radius of its action is 25 acres.

CO2 cylinders shredders

The principle of work of shredders of this type is based on the gradual allocation of carbon dioxide cylinder. The mosquitoes fly on the smell, and when they are close enough, they are sucking inside the vortex flow from the built-in fan. Models of such shredders can be additionally equipped with thermal lamps that enhance the embarrassing effect (such, for example, is a garden sewer insects SmartKiller).

In general, destroyers with carbon dioxide in efficiency are comparable to propane, they are also important to properly place on the plot. They are notighted, can work from a network or solar battery.

Models differ in each other with a configuration and radius of the lesion. For example, the Mosquito TRAP ANS-A6 system generates preheated CO2 gas, imitating the cluster of a large group of people. Additionally, the device uses otenol as bait.

Thermal shredders

The heat device attracts the attention of mosquitoes using infrared radiation. Insects take it for a person, pumped close and dying in a water tank or dry on a special grid.

Some models of thermal exterminers are additionally equipped with a device for spraying attractants and blinking light bulbs. On average, thermal shredders effectively protect against insects in the territory of up to 500 square meters. m, but there are much more powerful devices.

Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap is one example of powerful thermal exterminers. Its value is about 20 thousand rubles. The device effectively attracts mosquitoes within a radius of up to 3 thousand square meters. m. Suitable for large land plots, farms.

Ultraviolet shredders

The most inexpensive and affordable type of destroyers. Present lungs and compact devices with a built-in ultraviolet lamp. Suitable for use in the house and for the street. The flowing close to the lattice of the device insect dies from the discharge of the current. An example of such a device - the SWI-20 destroyer, which clears from mosquitoes and the gnus with a territory of 250 kV. m. Feedback on the use of devices of this type of contradiction, in efficiency they are inferior to all of the above.

Light traps can be made in the form of garden lamps (for example, a sniper lantern-destroyer). The principle of operation they have the same - UV lamp and a stress grid, but these lamps are protected from rain and work from solar battery, so very convenient for accommodation in the garden.

Some models are equipped with an attractant spraying device and a battery that allows you to install the device anywhere. For example, the FLOWTRON PowerVAC PV-440 has a spraying system for otenol (imitation of sweat smell, which is very attracted by mosquitoes). The odor of octolane is unpacked for human sense of smell, but his mosquitoes feel perfectly.

The mosquito shredder Ecosneper GF-4WB also has an ultraviolet radiation at the base, but in addition to this, it imitates the heat of the human body and the smell of air exhaled by man. The device is moisture resistant and equipped with a fan, the vortex flow from which rapidly attracts intosects.

Street discreteners for mosquitoes and gnus

The principle of work of street discharges is based on fumigation. Under the influence of heat from the incense lamps, the microparticles of the repellent apply to the nearby territory, forming an invisible barrier, beyond the boundaries of which mosquitoes and midges do not fly.

For example, the MOSKUTO Trap MT64 popular device is valid on the territory of 500 square meters. m. In fact, it is a combined device, that is, it can be applied both as an exterminator, and as a repeller. It works from the network and from the car battery. The device with a smaller range of action - Thermacell MR G06 00 is in demand from fans of fishing, hunting and turcomers. It acts on the square up to 20 square meters. m.

Lamps in the form of garden lamps or small portable lanterns are suitable for a tent, balcony or arbor. At the heart of the action - plates, which are evaporated with repellents in the influence of heat.

You can buy the thermal lamp Thermacell with a 10% discount in the online store.

To scare away mosquitoes on the street, smoke checkers, spirals and poems are also used. Checkers cover the territory within a radius of up to 300-1000 m, for a long time distinguishing mosquitoes, flies, gnus, ticks and whipping. Spirals and poems are not so globally, but while they are smoldering, you can get rid of mosquitoes and calmly sit in a gazebo or on the veranda.

You can buy a smoke checker "Quiet Evening" with a 10% discount in the online store.

Purchased and self-made mechanical traps

Traps for mosquitoes and gnus can be purchased in a shopping store or do it yourself. The principle of their work is based on wild smelling insects.

The usual and affordable means from. Most of all, they are effective from flies, but also the ribbon ribbon attaring for the sticky edge can no longer be able to fly.

Velcro are produced in the form of a sticky paper stripped roller. Swiss them better near light sources (garden lights, lamps in arbors), as most insects attract illuminated areas.

Homemade lipucics

Effective velcro with an attractive smell for mosquito can be made with their own hands. To do this, you need a strip of tight paper to impregnate any of these mixtures:

  • kanifol, Castor, Skipidar and sugar;
  • pine or spruce resin, wax, linseed oil and honey;
  • glycerin, honey, vaseline and rosin.

The ingredients are mixed in a suitable dish and melt in a water bath. Then you should soak paper strips with the resulting liquid and place them in different parts of the site.

Purchased traps with viscous liquid

They are containers filled with a sticky adherence with attractive for mosquitoes, midges and blindly smell. Touching the sticky fluid, the insect remains forever in the trap.

Some traps contain insecticides, others work only due to stickiness. Disposable traps, but for one application cycle, they can drown up to 20 thousand mosquitoes.

Homemade traps

An example of a simple and efficient trap is a trap working on yeast.

Production scheme:

  1. Plastic bottle of 1.5 liters is cut across two halves.
  2. The bottom is placed 2 st. l. Sugar, a little warm water and a small bundle of yeast.
  3. The upper part is inserted into the lower neck down (without a lid).

Yeasts are activated, the CO2 and milk acid begin to be separated. The smells of these substances are associated with mosquitoes with the smell of the human body, so they are effectively planted. Inside the mosquito traps penetrate easily, and they cannot get back, because the funnel-shaped upper part interferes with this.