How to understand that there are bugs in the apartment. Habitat where bugs live in the apartment: signs of their presence, how to find and destroy nests

The problem of bed bugs faces both residents of private houses and high-rise buildings. They no matter the condition of your home, dirty or pure, dry or damp, cold or humid - they appear everywhere. Sometimes they can even get into apartments with perfect cleanliness. To overcome these vile insects to answer key questions: how to understand there are claps or notWhy they appeared in the house where favorite places.

How to understand whether there are bugs in the house? This can be done on very characteristic features (about them a little lower).

Noticing one cloud, but, without finding traces for several days, never take themselves with the hope that the pests disappeared, went to the neighbors, since your blood group is not suitable as feeding bugs. They just hide!

Look for bedbugs in:

  • Space for wallpaper.
  • Carpets.
  • Clothes that was shied in the dressing room.
  • Cabinets, as well as the rear walls of furniture.
  • Old books.

These insects also settle in boxes with shoes, a variety of electrical appliances, on the legs of the sofa and bed.

Conducting the revision of all furniture items, be sure to inspect the pillows, the mattress and bed.

Finding the first symptoms of infection can not be medley. Urgently accepted disinsection measures will certainly help get rid of bedbugs and quickly gain peace residing.

How to understand there are bugs in the apartment: the main signs

Stains on bed

Blood stains on the mattress or sheets is the likely sign of bedbugs. Grinding from the sides on the side, a person often crushes insects, from which stains remain.

However, blood is not the only one, from which such stains appear.


How to understand what bed bugs started? Blinds leave on wallpaper, bed and bedside stands their own excrement. Dark grains are well noticeable on a light sheet.

Spots from bugs are easily tried with conventional cold water.

Specific smell

The presence of bugs in the apartment can be determined by a special smell. The smell of almonds, in combination with omelible heavily proceedable berries, is a clear signal of the presence of bugs.

Tea bites

How to understand what bites bug? In case of inspection of the affected place, two punctures are clearly visible. The first bug releases exudate to anesthetizing the place of bite, and the second - gets to the blood vessel.

Night is the most favorable attack time. A man relaxed in a dream does not resist bloodust. The latter, satisfying all your needs, hides in some secluded place.

During the ropes, there are several attacks at once. How to find bite bite? Traces of their bites resemble the tracks that are concentrated on one half of the body. In the affected place there is a swelling and a strong itching.

Removed chitinous cover and eggs

The function of the outer skeleton in bedbugs performs a very durable shell. For the life cycle, he changes several times.

No less indicative symptom of indoor infection are pending eggs. Outwardly, they look like elongated transparent grains that resemble grains.

If the signs listed above are, it is possible not to doubt that it is a massive infection of your housing.

How to find out the presence of bugs in the apartment and the degree of infection of the apartment

There are three stages that allow you to determine the level of infection of a specific object:


In the apartment settled bugs. This is manifested in the emergence of single bites on the bodies of the residents of the room. Redishes do not give values, often confused with the bite of ordinary mosquitoes.

Meeting with a single bedbug, fulfilling the day, indicates a certain habitat.

They noticed on the bed - there are insects there and hide. Found in the pillow - it is possible that the nest is in folds or armrests.

At the initial stage of infection, the treatment with special insecticidal solutions will help. After a couple of days, the pests will disappear.

For prophylaxis, hover the full order in clothes, revising all things in the closet. If possible, all the clothes are dispensed, they warm up well in the sun.


Bloods are biting all family members. It is difficult to find insects in the afternoon, but the waste of vital activity in places where nests are located - there is very often to see.


It is possible to determine that grains are excrement, it is possible by smell, strongly resembling a sour rain.

At this stage of infection, only professionals will help. Comprehensive processing by a special fog generator will allow you to quickly get rid of larvae and adult individuals.

How to understand that the bugs started at home

How to understand what houses bugs? Use the following ways.

How to find out whether there are bugs in bed

  1. Arm yourself with scotch, adhesive paper.
  2. Puck the mattress around the perimeter.

There are other methods:

  1. Take eight plastic glasses of different diameters. One glass should be placed in another.
  2. To the larger in the diameter of the glass it is necessary to pour vegetable oil.
  3. Put the sofa legs into a small glass.

You have no glasses? Then take deep plastic plates, but different in size.

How do you know whether there are bugs in the sofa

Nest of bed bugs in the sofa

  1. How do you know any bed bugs? The furniture should be disassembled.
  2. Inspect the design for the presence of adult individuals, the remnants of chitinos, eggs. This is the answer to the question how to find out whether there are bugs in the mattress.

Special attention should be paid to:

  • Lingerie storage box.
  • Rear wall of chipboard.
  • Knocks and fastening places of fittings.
  • Seams and folds in armrests, sleeping place.
  • Decorative pillows.
  • Legs.

Claps love to hide at the bottom of the furniture. To discover these pests, you need to flip the design.

How to find out if there are bugs If they were not able to be sought in the afternoon? Just spread it in front of bedtime near the sofa, and at night turn on the light.

Detected bugs are subject to destruction. Treat furniture with special aerosol insecticide, and even better - call the professional disinfection service.

In case you are going to part with infected furniture, then demolve it on a landfill or burn.

If you are not sure that in the apartment of the bug, see the article.

Rest zone

The biologists have been established that attracts bed bugs: carbon dioxide, highlighted in respiration, the heat of the body, as well as 5 volatile substances that are part of the smell of a person. According to these guidelines, insects are unmistakably calculated where people sleep. To the choice of shelters of the bugs are suitable rationally - it will be set closer to the source of food. Such is the natural feature of their behavior.

Hence the conclusion: hitting the apartment, the first, where the bugs are hiding. Consider that it enters it.

Spring block

Spring Block - The most popular refuge of homemade bedops: heat, comfortable and source of food in two steps. These insects lead a secretive lifestyle - come out of the shelter only for food intake and immediately rush back. So here they are very convenient.

The bottom side of the block is hidden from light and human eye, and bugs feel them safe. If there are wooden details in the design, it is an additional bonus for them.

Frame bed

The frame directly comes into contact with the spring block and the mattress, and it is easy to find suitable secrets. Connections of wooden and metal parts, holes and grooves for fasteners, places of fastening of legs, back head of the head - all this needs to be carefully examined when conducting a survey.

Sometimes under the bed (either inside) some things are stored, for example, boxes with shoes, clothing, etc. In this case, they are also subject to inspection.


The lower edge of the mattress with a wide seam throughout the perimeter is one of the surfaces where bugs are most often hidden. As a rule, white mattresses, and when inspected, detect the products of the vital activity of insects and their nests are not difficult.


Usually, a folded sofa moves the rear back to the wall, and it is also an attractive area for bedbugs.

In addition, in many sofas there are cozy folds, sidewalls and armrests, comfortable for creating nests, as well as large hidden spaces inside and on the bottom. In order to highlight the sofa, it is necessary to disassemble it as much as possible and turn all parts upside down.


Based on a study conducted in the College of Agriculture of the University of Kentucky, the rating of the most common places was compiled, where bugs are hidden during the day. As can be seen in the diagram, objects included in the sleeping area are combined with more than 90% of such places. It is from here that the placement begins.

Top 8 places where bugs are hiding

By purchasing a new bed or sofa instead of infected, see first that there are no bugs in the house. Otherwise the problem may repeat


As the population increases, the bugs gradually expand the habitat. On the 5th place in the ranking (about 3%), all places that have not included in any category are united. This includes various furniture items.

Tables and chairs

Being unpretentious in the choice of housing material, it is known that bugs are often hiding there, where untreated wood. Females of the bugs lay eggs mainly on fabric, wood or any natural substrate. Tables and chairs, first of all wooden, are of interest to them, especially if they are located near the bed.

You need to inspect such items from the bottom side, paying attention to the slots, cracks and connecting nodes.

Dressers and bedside tables

Often the bedside tables are near the bed, so that mooring, the bugs will certainly look for in them secluded. The rear backs and bottoms may well be suitable for a bodle nest, the same applies to the chest. If the back is easily adjacent to the frame, bugs can get inside, so it will not be superfluous to pull out all the contents and carefully inspect this area.

Soft seats

Chairs in its structure and upholstery quality are usually identical to sofas. Although people are rarely sleeping in a chair, yet this is the usual place of evening rest, so the bugs are in demand.

Standard inspection includes the following zones: folds on the upholstery; Fabric connection places with armchair housing; The area of \u200b\u200bcontact of wooden armrests with the material; space between sidewalls, seat and back; Combining legs and all lower surface.

It is worth checking the chair for cracks and tissue breaks. If the tracks of the bugs are found, the probability is high, bugs are hidden during the day. And in this case, it makes sense to remove the rear trim.


Cutles are usually not hiding in the closet, the nests of these blood-suicing insects in the cabinet furniture - an extremely rare phenomenon. At the same time, bugs may be there with things. Or in case the experiments with chemistry provoked their settlement, as in the case below:

"We have two sofas, but bodles biting only on one thing - nonlackated. They say that the bugs do not divorce, you need to treat the tree by the veil, this will be sagent, that even dichlorophos will not need. So did, Dichlofos really did not need - the bugs left and more we did not see them. That's just a couple of months later, these bloodsicles were found sitting on the ends of the side walls of the Chiffiophiera. Somehow small klopicks climbed under the tight of the back DVP leaf nail "


Of course, in very launched situations, insects fill literally the whole apartment, including cabinets. But this happens, mainly in the homes of socially disadvantaged residents or lonely older people who are not able to care for the housing.

If the cabinet is located next to the bed or sofa, the risk of infection increases, and it is necessary to inspect it according to the chamber of bedside tables and dresser.

Walls, floor and ceiling

Elements of interior decoration

Like the upper and lower plinth in the room sometimes contains small cracks and recesses that bodles are used as a shelter. This is especially noticeable when treating the house with contact means, bugs in them are usually hiding, while sitting down all the time until the means acts. The same applies to the edges of the wallpapers that have dugs from the wall, losing paint on the walls and windows and the slits between the boards in the outdoor coating.

Carpets and paintings

Wall carpets did not come from fashion. Homemade bedbugs have nothing against it, on the contrary, they will be happy to settle down under the carpet, especially if he hangs over the bed. At the same time, bugs usually do not climb deeply, preferring nest along the edges and in places where the carpet is attached to the wall.

They also love to hide under pictures, photographs, wall clocks and lamps.

Sockets and switches

Curtains and curtains

Nonypical places

Completed the list of those objects that bugs are settled less frequently and where they are hiding only in exceptional cases.

Do they live in audio, video and computer technician? For my practice, I never met this, but heard what happens. The system unit is warm and there is, where to hide, and if the source of food is regularly spent nearby (especially if at night), then why not settle there.

In soft toys, bugs are found in about one case from five hundred. In order for the bloodsicles to be broken there their camp, it is necessary that the toy constantly still be near the infected bed, but at the same time the danger is small. Nevertheless, in such a situation, it is better to be restrained and made preventive processing.

Sometimes bugs catch books in the root area or chopping block of the pages. Again, this is relevant for apartments with a large population of insects or cases when books are located near an infected bedroom and do not use them.

We add a pinch of the positive and list the territory where the bugs usually do not live:

Ø Parishion

In these premises, provided that people do not sleep there, there is nothing to do clouds. So, at the time of the war with enemy interventories, a person remains a rear.


Michael F. Potter. Bed Bugs // Extension Entomologist University Of Kentucky College Of Agriculture

Posted in the apartment insects immediately begin to reproduce actively and each individual is able to postpone up to 10 eggs per day. During this period, bites can be minimal and 90% of people simply write off the incomprehensible redness on the skin on the bites of some other insects or allergies. Even worse, when residents of the apartments infected with clouds begin to treat allergies, taking more and more strong medicines.

Let's try to classify the degree of infection with clouds so that you can more clearly understand, which stage is your situation, and what measures, in connection with this, should be taken.

Conditionally, we divided the degree of infection with clouds and their eggs into three stages. Based on these stages, we offer an adequate answer for non-crushed guests - insects.

For this case it is quite suitable standard processing of apartments from bedbugswhich is a spraying of the main places of resettlement and habitat of insects in the apartment. Claps disappear within a few days.

Average Stage of Apartments of the Apartments Blops

In this case, standard processing from bedops is no longer as effective and poison will not fall into all secluded places where bugs and their larvae can hide, so more powerful processing with a cold fog generator. Its advantage is the fine spray, which helps small particles of poison to penetrate the fabric of bed seats and other hard-to-reach places.

Relying on our many years of practical experience, this method helps fully get rid of bedbugs from the first time in 9 out of 10 cases!

Heavy Stage of Apartments Clapses

Footprints of insects and their themselves can be seen not only inside bed locations, but also on the surfaces, while seeing insects, it is possible not only at night, but also in broad daylight. There are a lot of bites, and bite almost all family members. In this stage, the bugs apply almost to the entire apartment and their elimination is a serious problem.

Complete processing from bugs

For such launched cases, it is best suited. comprehensive processing from bedbugs in the apartment - disinsection from bedbugs is carried out in two stages, namely, the processing of the main habitats with the help of a pneumatic sprayer with one component, as well as spraying to the entire space of the apartment using an electric ULV fog generator of another drug. This method gives the maximum effect and does not give the clusters the possibility of adding to one of the drugs.

In any case, regardless of the degree of infection, absolutely any problem of settling your home with a clouds solved, the main thing is to correctly determine the stage of infection of the apartment and proceed to disinfection!

Do not let insect chances to settle in your apartment or capture the whole house at all - contact the SES service.

Usually, immediately after the appearance of bugs in the apartment, you can see the following signs:

  • The appearance of bites. Often "authorship" appeared on the skin of red bodies, they attribute mosquitoes. But if the bites are multiple and are located characteristic "chains", then mosquitoes, most likely, nothing to do with it;

Tip! When crossing the skin of his victim, the insect injected his saliva in the wound. There is anesthetic substances in this fluid, therefore the victim's bite itself does not feel and continues to sleep peacefully. In addition, in the saliva bedlops contain a substance that prevents blood folding, so it follows some time from the wound, taking on top of the bite in the form of a dark crust.

  • The presence of specks on sheet. Due to the introduction of blood thinning substances, small bloody spots are often formed on sheet;

Tip! Sometimes layer beds can be seen on the sheet. They are formed due to the fact that knop's blood droves become very vulnerable and easily can be crushed by turning in a dream.

However, the most reliable feature is the discovery of living bedlops (adult insects, larvae, masonry eggs) in the apartment.

How bugs live

Bed bugs do not form organized communities as ants or bees, but nevertheless they live in large groups. When examining an infected house, in which there are bugs, it is possible to detect the so-called nests.

In essence, the nest is just a large cluster of insects. It can be seen both adult insects and larvae of various ages, as well as numerous egg masonry. In addition, in the nest you can see many dropped shells, empty egg shells, as well as a large number of excrement and dead insects. In short, the nest looks very unattractive.

There may be several such nests in the apartment, it depends on the degree of indoor infection.

Where the insects will be seized

Special attention during the examination bed should be given to mattresses, it is worth carefully inspecting the seams, the placeholder places, the wrong side. If there is a mattress, then the bedbugs can be detected under it. If someone from the household sleeps on the sofa, then bugs will be found with a large degree of probability. In the sofa, you need to examine the inner cavities, folds, seams of sofa pillows.

Tip! Often, the accumulation of insects can be found in places where the wallpaper moved away from the wall or in the cavities formed by a linoleum loosely adjacent to the base.

  • slots under the windowsill, at the threshold, around the perimeter of the door frame;
  • space behind the heating radiator.