How to make oven heating in a private house with air or water circuits. Water heating system from wood stove How to install heating in the stove

Stove heating of a private house and is now popular in many regions of the country. Previously installed several stoves in different rooms for better heating. But in this case a large amount of solid fuel is consumed. Currently developed a lot of modern furnaces of furnaces with various types of heating. It remains only to choose an optionally acceptable option.

Create a cozy atmosphere in your home with furnace heating

Selecting a system for heating

A small, well insulated house, in which 1-2 rooms, you can warm up a single heating-boat stove folded from a brick. For a larger structure, it is necessary to solve what kind of type the heating system so that one furnace heated the whole house. To do this, steam, water or air contours can be used. In one-story building, the system can be connected to a brick stove. For a two-or three-story house, the best option is a furnace-boiler made of cast iron.

Heating home without gas:

You should decide on the type of fuel. It can be firewood, coal, peat, gas, diesel fuel, electricity. From this choice depends, what kind of type to purchase a stove or make yourself.

Brick oven

The furnace is not only the heating device at home, but also the decor element

In a small house, you can install one furnace, for the firebox of which wood or coal will be required. Modern furnace heating of a private house provides many types of designs of heating structures. It should be chosen so that it is intended not only for the heating of the room, but also for cooking. Before installing the furnace you need to choose a suitable place to use it as efficient as possible:

  1. The furnace should be directed towards the corridor or kitchen, and the heated surfaces in the room. Designing the oven, you should know that 1 m² of its area heats up to 30 m² of premises.
  2. It is impossible to put furnace furnace or install partitions near the stove, do not construct the furnace in the corner of the room. A large wall area should go into residential premises, then they will constantly heat them.
  3. The design of the stove is selected according to its purpose. They are only for heating the room or also for cooking. In this case, the cooking surface and the oven should be taken into account

It must be borne in mind that the oven of large dimensions cools up much longer. If it is well copied from the evening, then heat will be saved until the morning.

Heating furnace:

Construction of a furnace structure

The furnace structure is erected during the construction of the house, but the foundation is built separately from the general bookmark. You can install a furnace in the already built house, but then you will need to raise some of the floor and make holes in the ceiling and roof for installing the chimney.

Detailed stove:

The size and depth of the foundation depends on the type of oven design. It is raised immediately after the manufacture of a common foundation of the house. Under the brick oven, it should be monolithic reinforced concrete, 10-15 cm more of its parameters on each side. It is required to observe the size of the depth - from 0.5 m to 1 m. If the soil is loose, or the groundwater is close, it is necessary to deepen the foundation, but to increase its area.

For the construction of the furnace should use well-burned red brick. When tapping, he gives a metal sound. When falling, if splits, then on large pieces. It is easy to work with it, as it gives me to the right one. The sections of the furnace contact with the fire are laid out with refractory bricks (furnace and part of the chimney).

The furnace masonry solution is mixed out of clay and sand. It will take about 2 clay buckets for 1.5 sand buckets. Brick consumption - 100 pieces. For the strength of the masonry into the solution is added portland cement (0.5 liters per bucket).

Detailed stove:

Premise heating process

A well-thought-out furnace device in a private house predetermines efficient room heating. Flour fuel (usually firewood or coal) combines in the air furnace. Natural traction contributes to the movement of flue gases through the channels to the output vertical moves, from where they come out. During this time, brick walls of the furnace are heated, and heat from hot stone spreads throughout the rooms.

For good heating, it is enough 1-2 fireboxs per day. At the same time, do not forget to put the valves in a certain position and choose ashes from pis. Sufficient dryness of the furnace, good warmness of the house allow you to trample once a day - this is a fairly common option.

The well-thought-out furnace device in a private house determines the quality of the heating of the room

Positive and negative characteristics

There are a lot of good in the furnace heating, but there are negative moments. Considering the feasibility of such heating, you need to weigh all the "for" and "against". Positive moments:

  1. The costs of funds during the construction and maintenance of the furnace are several times less than that of furnaces with contour heating systems.
  2. The process of firebox does not depend on gas, water, electricity, and firewood is always publicly available and have an acceptable price.
  3. Since there is no liquid heat carrier, there is no danger of defrosting pipes. Therefore, this type of heating is perfect for country buildings with non-permanent accommodation.
  4. The existence of various designs: with function for cooking, with oven, drying, fireplace.

Although oven heating is autonomously, but it requires care and attention from the owners. It is necessary to observe safety when heating the room. There are more disadvantages:
  1. It takes a lot of space in the central part of the house (about 2 m²).
  2. After complete cooling of the furnace construction, it takes time to warm it up and distribute heat around the house.
  3. The inability to automate processes.
  4. The need to harvest firewood in advance.

Adjust the temperature mode can be adjusted by increasing the number of furnaces. For example, instead of one long morning to make two short - in the morning and in the evening.

Water contour heating

A brick stove can heat more area if it is built with a heat exchange structure during the construction of it near the furnace. It is heated in it and begins to circulate in a heating system that branches all over the house. It is advisable to put a water pump that accelerates the movement of water in the system.

Fireplace with water outlet heating:

The heat exchanger nozzles are derived from the furnace to the outside, they are connected to the heating system, into which water is poured. In this case, water is a coolant. Typically, plastic pipes are used to connect to the contour.

A membrane or expansion tank is also embedded in the heating system. When heated water expands, and its surplus goes into the tank, stretching the membrane inside it. Water cools, the pressure in the system drops, and the water back returns to the contour pipe.

Aerial system

Air furnace heating at home can also be made based on a brick furnace. Air heats up to the desired temperature in the boiler or heat exchanger and is supplied to the room. Passing through the air ducts or acting immediately into the room, hot air evenly heats the housing. To transfer a larger air volume, the camera should be installed above the furnace. Air circulation is provided by fans or due to different density of hot and cold air. With the help of forced circulation, it is possible to adjust the temperature regime in the rooms.

Air heating:

Steam contour

Steam can also be used as a coolant. Many water heating is called vapor, confused one with another, although there are differences between them. When using a steam above the heat transfer, the room warms up much faster. In this case, the pipes are not filled with water, and their diameter is smaller than during water heating, which speaks about saving funds. The system is faster, even if it did not work for a long time.

There is a negative side - this is a short service life. Also, steam heating is hardly adjusted, an uneven warming of rooms occurs.

An even unpleasant moment when pipes and radiators are filled with steam, there is unpleasant noise in the system. In addition, pipes are heated so much that it is possible to get a burn, touching them. Therefore, this method of heating is recommended to be used in utility rooms, garages, warehouses.

Stove heating of a two-storey house:

Steel with a simple firebox structure

Popular bubzhuyka "Dwarf", made of steel, is heated with firewood or briquettes. Such a heating construction is able to warm up the house to 95 m³. There are several models of this furnace: there is removable burnersOther built-in solid panel.

In the furnace two cameras: flue and confused. Doors on "Gnome" set glass or steel. A retractable box is adapted for collecting ash. Walls and grate are made of high quality steel. To cover the case, heat-resistant paint is used, which protects the metal from corrosion. Thanks to compact sizes, it can be used in small rooms.

Steel furnace for home:

Under such a stove-bourgeitogo, you can not build the foundation, but to install it directly to the floor, pre-launching a metal sheet (5 mm) for fire safety or asbestos sheet. The device corresponds to the vertical connection to the chimney.

The lack of burzhuyka is that hot air immediately goes into the pipe, therefore, the steel case does not warm it up for a long time and quickly cools. Therefore, to support heat in the premises, it will have to drown almost constantly, especially if the house is not insulating enough, and in the street Winter.

Gnome-bubzhuyka "Gnome" is the best option for the country house when you need to cook food, heat the water, warm the house in the cold night.

Common reliable and economical heating system:

Cast iron with water contour

Cast iron furnaces for the heating of a private house with water circuit have different power, used for heating and small, and large areas. Some of them are able to heat even two and three-story houses. The system of the heating circuit device is the same as the brick stoves. They are made of cast iron.

Some of them are equipped with electric heating. If the temperature in the firebox decreases, the heating is automatic. This feature allows you to maintain the necessary temperature mode in the heating system. There are furnaces-boilers intended for a two-circuit system of heating, that is, besides heating the room, also warm water for consumption.

Nowadays, there are many non-geoped streets, villages, so the furnace heating remains relevant and indispensable. The main thing is that there are firewood in the reserve, and the fire in the furnace was maintained.

Finnish heating method:

It has long passed the time when the furnace heating existed in almost every home. Today, it was replaced by centralized heating, gas boilers, electrical heaters and even solar panels. Nevertheless, this oldest way of heating at home is not completely forgotten and in some corners of the country is still popular.

How does the stove work

The varieties of furnaces used for home heating, many: Russian, Dutch, fireplaces, etc. Consider the principle of operation on such an old building as a Russian oven. From fashion, it never went out, remaining the object of attention of experts. It is not required for its construction of complex equipment and expensive materials. It is economical, with the slight cost of fuel material, the room quickly warms up, and it cools soon.

Before the masonry starts, make a brick, wooden, stone or concrete foundation. Above it is the sun, where firewood is stored and dried. Brows the sun by the arch in the form of a trough, which is laid downside: brick crumb, sand. From above, the subfolders are put under the cooking chamber. This is the component of the furnace.

The Russian oven after a short-term protood cools almost a day, in addition, it can be prepared in it. This is provided with a rebound-over-overbreak, which ends with a nozzle. On the side of the corner there is recesses for storing smoldering coal and collecting ash. Driving plays the role of a gas-air economyzer, where heat exchange occurs.

The furnace, which is the heart of any oven, is divided into the horn and the chamber-bakery. Under the liner makes inclined. Heated air takes part in cooking, then rises to the coat of the poporn. In the horn, almost any fuel burns, while soot is setting a small amount. Russian oven may not clean dozens of years. The main secret is a complex chimney labyrinth.

What furnaces are suitable for home heating

Equipment for home heating requires an attentive approach. Variants depending on the material are several. The furnace for heating at home can be metallic or brick. Metal design is beneficial in financial terms. But it is better to install it if the owners do not live in the house in the cold season, since the steel oven cools as quickly as he is heated. This option is good when you warm only one room. Firewood takes a bit.

Brick construction is more efficient for uniform, long-term heating of several rooms at once. Building requires skills, so it is better to turn to a specialist. This is especially true of a Russian oven, the folded that only the Master-the Pecker is under force. Building from the brick is appropriate to put in the house where they live constantly. It is necessary for warming up for a long time, but the cooling occurs slowly.

Brick furnaces are divided into cooking and heating, fireplace and Russians. The fireplace put, if they want to make a special interior of the house, create a cozy atmosphere. Cooking-heating buildings perform two functions: room heating and cooking. A Russian oven can be used both for making food and heating, and for drying mushrooms and berries. In addition, you can lie on the reagents.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating oven

The main advantage of this heating is complete autonomy. For heating, no additional devices or sources are needed in the form of electricity, pump, etc. The availability of materials and the possibility of self-masonry is also of great importance. For the construction of a complex design, you need a cook, but if you carefully study some subtleties, even a beginner can cope with the construction of an uncomplicated stove.

Such a house without fear of the system defrosting can be left for any time - nothing will deteriorate and will not move. If everything is folded correctly, then in the cold time, it will be easy to melt the oven through the summer chimney. The stove is a battery, the walls of which remain boosters during the day, which contributes to good thermal insulation of the room.

There are disadvantages of such heating, among which - the inability to heat a large number of rooms. The problem can be solved by setting the circulation system. Although in this case the principle of heating the oven is lost in its pure form.

Large design sizes - another unwanted aspect. Partially this deficiency is compensated by multifunctionality. In addition to heating the room, it is the possibility of cooking food, drying linen.

How to make oven heating in a private house

When installing a furnace for heating a private house, the priority is the balance of the heat transfer furnace and the heat loss of the room. If all the requirements are met, the temperature regime in the house will be optimally maintained during the day. The necessary parameters can provide a furnace on firewood or other fuel with a water circuit setting, which connects to the radiators system. There is a heating air method.

Water chimney heating

In this case, the furnace works on the principle of warming the room with a solid fuel boiler. The only difference is that the walls of the boiler are not involved in the heating process. When furnace, the furnace warms the water in radiators while the fuel is lit. After cooling, its surface heats the room for some time. Water heating from the stove is rational in the private sector, where there are no gas pipes.

Make water heating in the house or in the country maybe. The design of the furnace should contain a register (heat exchanger) that is installed in the fuel cell. To the heat exchanger and the water heating is connected. The register design may be any, the main thing is that the circulation in it is uniform, which ensures the maximum temperature of the coolant. The heating circuit contains important nuances, so the design and installation should be carried out by a specialist.

Air oven heating

Based on the brick furnace, air heating is made, the principle of which is to supply air heated to the required temperature in the boiler or heat exchanger. The air goes through the air ducts or comes immediately to the room. Thanks to the shortened path, the air flow does not have time to cool, and the house warms up evenly.

The greatest amount of hot air transmission occurs when the camera is installed above the furnace. Circulation is provided with fans or naturally due to the different density of hot and cold air. Forced ventilation allows you to control the process by adjusting the microclimate in various rooms at home.

Steam furnace heating

Couples are used as a coolant. Many confuse steam heating with water, but they differ significantly from each other. The use of the pair increases the heat transfer, and the heating of the room occurs much faster. The pipes are not filled with water, and the heating is easily launched even after a long break. In addition, the steam heating system is cheaper than water for which the pipes of a larger diameter are needed.

Of the negative sides - the short term of work. The steam system is poorly adjustable, the heating of the room occurs unevenly. There is another undesirable moment when a unpleasant noise is created when filling the pipes and radiators of the ferry. In addition, with steam heating, heating pipes is so strong that when touched it there is a high risk of burning burns. Therefore, this method is more recommended for garages, warehouses or other utility rooms.

How to increase the kpd stove

To increase the efficiency of the wood furnace, the heating system should be improved by summing up a liquid circuit. The scheme is similar to the one that is used when connecting the boiler. The only difference is that the production of heat when using a solid fuel boiler for the liquid system is primary. For the furnace, the primary factor is heating at home with air sharing.

For longer storage of heat when burning firewood, a liquid battery is crashed into the system. During the burning of fuel, it helps to accumulate heat, which then thanks to the seed assembly is gradually fed to the heating system. To maintain heat throughout the day, you will need several firewood bookmarks. One bookmark can be done in the morning. Before the evening, a comfortable temperature will be maintained in the house. Then you can re-bookmark.

An even more effective combined heating system, which includes pipes, radiators, heat generator (furnace), thermal battery, temperature sensor, the submersion node, which is controlled by the air temperature sensor or the water sensor in the heating system. This installation is complicated, and professionals should do it, since all components of the system are tied to a wood-burning furnace.

CPD combined heating system high. One layout of firewood produced in the morning is enough for a whole day. With longer interruptions between the fireboxs during the cold season, it is necessary to install a more capacious heat accumulator, providing a stable temperature in the house for the lack of hosts. It is also important not to forget about the fire safety of the entire heating system.

Now there are many modern alternatives to chimney heating. Despite this, many homeowners are thinking about the presence of an old good stove. Let's see what advantages have such an option to heating a private house and, of course, we study all the disadvantages that are also a lot.

We wrote in detail about how you can trample a house without gas, we considered various options. In the light of such a big choice, it would seem, the furnaces should go into the past. But this is not at all so the services of the liveshists are still in demand. What is it connected with? Perhaps with the advantages that the furnace heating gives? Consider them in detail.

Advantages of furnace heating:

Tradition, childhood memories, special atmosphere. Many of us in childhood were stayed by grandparents, who had a stove in the house. Remember how it was interesting to put it with your own hands, what kind of pleasure it was - follow the flame tongues that scores to the next fully? Something is such a special in living fire, in the ability to melt the stove, to do such a pleasant and useful business. The real furnace still causes nostalgia, it is an opportunity to return to the roots and make your home truly cozy.

Autonomy. Owners of private houses are still dependent on external energy supplies. The accident on the gas pipeline can become a catastrophe in winter, like the turning off of electricity due to snowstorm. But the furnace heating depends exclusively from your foresight - stocking firewood, bought coal - everything, in your home will be warm, in spite of any force majeure.

The furnace heating allows you to create a very comfortable microclimate for all inhabitants of the house. Convectors are dried by air, as well as radiators, but radiant heat from the furnace allows you to create convenient conditions for accommodation. Heat from the oven perfectly struggles with dampness, it allows to prevent the appearance of mold, in such a house there will be no place to be a stale smell.

Firewood in a number of regions turn out to be a much more economical option than gas or electricity. If the forest is nearby - you can save significantly, preparing the firewood for heating at home yourself.

The furnace is able to keep warm and serve as an additional source of ventilation. All this allows you to smooth out the temperature drops in the house and once again do not open the window to ventilating.

Food prepared in a real oven, on live fire, will be especially tasty. Some hostesses are specially learn to cook in the stove to please seven homemade dishes with a unique taste.

Heating heating and cons, and serious enough:

  • Relax with the stove will not work. The ritual of the extractors is invariably held every day in the cold season, it has to be cleaned, to make firewood, follow the state of the chimney. There are many troubles, all work is carried out manually, no automation in this area has not yet come up. Therefore, if you want a real oven - be prepared for additional, time-consuming and daily classes. In addition, if you leave for some time in winter, it will be uncomfortable to return to the cooled house.
  • Live fire is always a danger of fire. Incorrectly made chimney, errors when operating the furnace - all this risks of fire. It is necessary to comply with special caution.
  • The construction of the furnace itself is already expenses. A separate foundation is needed if you have a massive design in the form of a Russian stove or kuznetsov furnace. And the services of the cook are quite a lot, and not everyone is able to build a furnace alone.
  • Installation of the furnace requires careful calculations. In the bedroom, for example, experts to put the stove are not recommended - too dangerous. In addition, the location should be calculated so that the oven heated the maximum number of rooms. In old one-storey houses with 4 rooms, the furnace was put just in the middle, so that all the rooms immediately warmed.
  • Hanging firewood and furnace coal should be in advance, they need the right storage location. Again additional troubles.

We state: as the only source of heat, the oven today is not necessarily and inexpedient. In the absence of gas, you can always install a liquid or solid fuel boiler, to ensure the heating of the house from the electric boiler. However, the furnace will become an additional source of heat, will provide a special atmosphere at home, it will be the subject of the pride of the owners.

In a person sitting in front of a fireplace or a stove, it is unlikely to have the idea that these heating devices have a low efficiency. Contemplation of fire and feeling from living heat will not replace any modern boiler, in which the burner flame is hidden in its depths and is not visible to the eye, and each kilowatt of the Eplova energy is carefully selected and transmitted to the coolant. But it turns out, there is a beautiful, even an elegant compromise solution is a stove with a water contour for home heating.

Stove heating

The oven was always a kind of "heart" at home. She always traditionally stood in the center, and the whole life was boiling near her. In the furnace prepared food, near her heated in winter. Well-hungry oven accumulated so much energy that even after the fire faded, she had long gave heat to all the households, spreading him as a sun in all directions from their massive walls. And fuels for the furnace - ordinary firewood in Russia there has always been a lot, the main thing is not to be lazy and stock in the summer.

The furnace heating has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • First, the furnace does not require a connection to gas and electrical networks, they are used as fuel mainly, which are a renewable fuel type, they will always be much on most territory of Russia at reasonable prices, and sometimes completely free.

  • Secondly, the most comfortable radiant heating was implemented in the furnaces, when the massive walls of the oven emit warmly, transmitting it to surrounding objects and air.
  • Thirdly, the furnace can align several functions at once: actually heating itself, cooking, heat heating.

  • Fourth, the contemplation of open fire in the fireplaces (and they, in fact, are furnaces) creates a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Fifth, the massive design of the furnace in the cold season is capable of accumulating a huge amount of thermal energy, which it will gradually give. In the summer, everything happens on the contrary: a furnace, which is always built on a separate foundation "resets" overwhelming the thermal energy into the ground from hot air, that is, it is a kind of air conditioning.
  • And finally, the furnace heating does not harm the environment if natural fuel is used, because the combustion processes in nature are constantly taking place.

We will add a little hit in a barrel with honey and list the shortcomings of the furnace heating:

  • The furnace heating requires a permanent participation of a person: a framework of firewood, the cleaning of the ashtar and chimney, adjustment of thrust and other operations, although it is rather plus than minus for the country's cottage.

  • The greater power there is a furnace, the more its geometrical dimensions should be, and this "eats" the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house.
  • The furnace can only drop the premises with which directly contacts. In remote premises, you will have to build or install another furnace, as was done in old houses.
  • Traditional brick Russian oven because of its inertia, very long goes to the working mode. Partly this disadvantage is deprived of modern fireplaces, burzhuyki furnaces and
  • The furnace heating has a low efficiency - no more than 40% and usually have excessive power. When the furnace enters the operating mode and warms up, it is almost impossible next to it, but then cooling it, it gradually gives warmth. At the same time, a lot of energy simply flies into the atmosphere through the chimney.
  • The process of burning fuel in the oven is harder than in boilers. It is almost impossible to repay the furnace, which increases the level of fire danger.
  • The furnaces require chimneys with a good burden so that the burning happened intensively, and the flue gases went to the atmosphere and did not penetrate the premises. Chimneys need to be isolated from combined building structures.
  • For the furnace, it is necessary to constantly store a solid fuel supply, which must be periodically replenished, and slag and ash require disposal.

If you summarize all of the above, then it can be said that the furnaces have the right to exist, but in many indicators they still lose with other types of heating. In general, troublesome is the stove. If in the conditions of the country house where a person appears periodically - these are pleasant troubles, then in the houses of permanent residence, the operation of the furnace turns into a routine and is most often a forced measure when, for example, it is not possible to organize another system of heating due to the lack of main gas.

Why is heating with a heat carrier win from the furnace?

As noted earlier, one of the main problems of the furnace is the inability to heat the premises deleted from them. In modern models of furnaces and fireplaces, manufacturers have tried to solve this problem by supplying their heating appliances convection air channels to which You can connect ducts. Warm air from the furnace is spreading around the rooms, heating them. A very good solution that, by the way, works great in some homes.

Air in such furnaces performs the function of the coolant, that is, such a substance that is capable of taking thermal energy from the furnace, and then transported to the destination and give it to the remote room. To do this, it is only necessary to build a system of air ducts, which is not devoid of deficiencies and is associated with certain difficulties:

  • First, the air ducts have large dimensions of them are often impossible to hide behind the construction structures.
  • Secondly, the air ducts have a strong resistance to the movement of heated air, especially if there are many turns. Therefore, there are limitations on their length.
  • Thirdly, the air has a low specific heat capacity, so to convey a certain amount of thermal energy for the room removed from the furnace, a large amount of heated air is required. For this, it is necessary either to construct larger air ducts, or to force the air fan forcibly.
  • And finally, large amounts of dust, soot and other contaminants are transmitted through the air ducts, which are always abuse near the furnace.

The best and most common The heat carrier used in the heating systems of houses is water due to their advantages:

  • Water has a very greater specific heat capacity ( FROM=4,187 kJ./ (kg * °TO)) Compared to dry air ( FROM=1,005 kJ./ (kg * °TO)), Therefore, it can take and transmit a large amount of thermal energy at considerable distances.
  • Heated water is easy to transport in the right place on pipelines with small dimensions.

  • Water is absolutely harmless, non-toxic and does not burn.
  • Water is always available, we can say that it is almost free.

The main disadvantage of water is its high freezing temperature - 0 ° C, while it expands in volume and damages the instruments of the heating system. In addition to water in combination with air oxygen, high corrosion activity for ferrous metals. Rigid water - with a high content of calcium and magnesium salts leads to the formation of scale on the inner surface of pipes, heat exchangers and radiators, which sharply reduces their characteristics. All this requires special measures:

  • In houses of year-round accommodation, in winter dangerous for water, the heating system does not threaten anything, as it is constantly in work. Modern gas and electric boilers have a function of protection that will not give the temperature of the coolant below +5 ° C.
  • In homes, where a person in winter does not appear, water from the system can be simply drained, but in this case the accelerated corrosion of steel parts of the heating system will go. Another way out is to use special antifreezes that reduce the freezing temperature, but they are not compatible with all the boilers and radiators, it is not suiced and agreed with time.
  • Very often in heating systems, where the heat carrier is water, they are "guarded" the backup, whose task is to maintain the temperature in the house, and therefore the coolant, at a certain minimum level. When the owners appear, the boiler starts, the furnaces or fireplaces are melted and the temperature is raised to the desired one. After the departure of "per post", the "Guard" again stands up.
  • To reduce the corrosion activity of water in it, special additives add or make the system closed. Then atmospheric oxygen does not penetrate the heating system and corrosion ceases either very slowly and does not affect the overall service life of the heating system.

Of course, a question arises - is it possible to combine the charms of furnace heating with the advantages of systems, where water acts as a coolant. And at the same time try to get away from the flaws and one and others. It was not possible to fully solve this task, but there are quite good technical solutions to both industrially produced and realized by homemade coulibins. Consider them, and after that you can do certain conclusions.

A brief overview of industrialized stoves with water contour for heating

Among all the embodiments of the furnace with a water contour, you must choose those that are already applied and successfully exploited. And first of all, you need to pay attention to the ready-made products that produces industry. And that's why:

  • In the overwhelming majority of cases, the ready-made oven will cost cheaper than independently made or built.
  • Over the creation of finished furnaces, there are entire groups of high-class specialists who have rich experience that calculate the design, develop production technology and operating rules.
  • In the manufacture, special heat-resistant steel grades are used and cast iron, which are not available to a simple man in metal bonds.
  • The quality of industrialized furnaces is higher than the handicraft made, as the high-level technological equipment is used.

  • All furnaces entering the sale from manufacturers take place a long and painful process of testing and designing a package of documents in permits and regulatory authorities.
  • Industrial furnaces are guaranteed from the manufacturer, can be provided with spare parts, it is easier to install them, it is easy to choose chimney, they are equipped with a set of already ready-made typical projects to create a heating system or integration in the already existing.

Currently, there are many eminent and not very manufacturers on the furnace equipment market: ABX (Czech Republic), NordFlam (Poland), Edilkamin (Italy), MBS (Serbia), Thermophore (Russia), Romotop (Czech Republic), Chazelles (France), INVICTA (France), Vira (Russia), Panadero (Spain), Storm (Germany) and many others. As an example, we decided to show two models of stoves with a water contour: the fireplace "Aquarius" from the company Thermophore and the furnace "Armada 20" produced under the brand name Vira. Both of these models we intend to present from from nearest manufacturers, since with equality of technical characteristics, some Western "counterparts" are either indecent, or simply shamelessly expensive.

Fireplace with water circuit "Aquarius"

The company "Thermophore" is very famous in the market produces aquarium firebox, which can be equipped with a water circuit of the heat exchanger for heating purposes. For the firebox, any favorite portal can be constructed to become a harmonious part of the interior of the house. This product is produced in two modifications, as with a heat exchanger for water, and without it. We specifically pointed out the table specifications of both models for comparison.

Models Aquarius Aquarium

Power of fireplace firebox, kW12 12
The volume of heated premises (maximum), cube. M.200 200
Overall dimensions, sh * g * in, mm690*515*930 690*515*930
Size of the doorway of the furnace, mm315*535 315*535
Mass, kg.68 77
The volume of the combustion chamber, l70.7 62.5
Maximum load, l56 52
Maximum size is full, mm545 545
Chimney diameter, mm200 200
Minimum height of chimney, m5 5
The volume of heat exchanger, l- 11.6
Heat exchanger power (maximum), kW- 6
Maximum operating pressure, kgf / sq. cm- 0.5

Features of the design of this model of the fireplace firebox are:

  • A large heat-resistant glass of the furnaces is protected from sedimentation of soot and allows you to watch the fire.
  • The solid volume of the fuel will provide long burning.
  • The furnace is additionally protected by chammatory stone, which extends its service life.
  • Overall dimensions allow you to choose a standard cladding for fireplaces or make your own.
  • The fireplace with the Aquarius heat exchanger can be connected only to open-type heating systems.

From the technical characteristics on this device, it can be seen that through the water heat exchanger, the furnace can transfer water to 6 kWh of the energy of energy, it means that the area of \u200b\u200bheated premises can be about 50-60 m 2 with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters. The remaining 6 kW of power can be sent to heating the premises where the fireplace is installed, so when building a portal, convection streams should be organized near the furnace with the output of warm air on top of the fireplace.

This fireplace, as, in principle, and any stove with water contour is strictly forbidden to light without water in the heat exchanger, it will lead to a rapid way to fail. The "Aquarius" connection option in the open system of heating with natural circulation is presented in the following scheme:

Thus, in addition to its decorative function, the fireplace can give a small house. In order for the heat transfer to pass more intensively, it is possible to put a circulation pump with a bypass line on the reverse line. In the absence of electricity, natural water circulation will occur, and if there is a pump, the pump will be turned on. There are models of fireplaces, which can be included in the closed type heating system, but within the framework of this article we will not consider them.

Prices for model range of fireplace floors with water circuit "Aquarius"

Fireplace with water circuit "Aquarius"

Solid fuel heating boiler "Armada. 20 »

This boiler is produced in Russia at the Bermash factory in Berezovsky. The reader may seem that the authors left the topic of the article, because she is about furnaces with a discur for heating, and the speech suddenly went about boilers. So here the Armada boiler is nothing but the furnace of the same manufacturer called "Legion" into which instead of convection pipe heating pipes placed a water circuit of pipes. Does this aggregate stop being stove? Of course not! Just changed the coolant.

The furnace traditionally called such heat generators, which heating directly in their presence of radiation heat (IR radiation), as well as heating air are traditionally. Boilers are designed to heat the water, which will continue to be used to various heating devices: radiators, convectors, warm floors and others. The main task of the boiler heat the coolant, and ovens to heat everything around itself. But we will not retreat from the named manufacturer and tell about the Armada 20 boiler. Its technical characteristics will be presenting in the form of a table:

Technical characteristics of the ARMADA 20 boiler
Boiler power (heat performance), kW20
Heated area (H \u003d 2.5 m), square. M.Up to 200.
Overall dimensions (w * g * c), mm390*660*750
The depth of the furnace / size is full, mm510/480
Mass (EZ fuel and water), kg115
The volume of the combustion chamber, l90
Mass of fuel loading (maximum), kg12
Dimensions of the doorways of the furnace, mm190*292
Connecting carving for direct and reverse heating highwayG 1 ½ "
Water volume in the circuit, l28
Working pressure in the system, MPa0.3
Power Block Tanov, kW3*2=6
Chimney diameter, mm120
Chimney height (minimum), m6
Maximum output temperature of the coolant, ° C95
Minimum coolant input temperature, ° C60-80

This furnace (boiler) has some constructive features that need to be mentioned.

  • The heat exchanger has a large amount of pipes, therefore the area of \u200b\u200bthe heat unit relative to the volume of water inside the heat exchanger is maximum. This achieves a big thermal return.
  • The door is provided with a transparent screen of tempered glass, which allows you to visually observe the burning of fuel.
  • The cooking panel is located on top of the boiler. It allows you to warm up or cook food.
  • In the upper part of the furnace, the partition has a removable design, which allows you to clean the boiler and chimney from soot.
  • The outer parts of the heat exchanger are at the same time and the air convector, which is closed with panels painted by heat-resistant powder paint.
  • The boiler is designed to burn firewood (preferably hardwood), fuel briquettes (euro), pellets, as well as brown coal with a value of a fraction of at least 4 cm.
  • Without water in the heat exchanger, the boiler cannot be operated - this will lead to its rapid failure.
  • In the design of the boiler, technological openings are provided for the installation of the TEN, which will allow the temperature of the coolant in the safe range in the safe range in winter.
  • The boiler can work both in the open and closed heating system with the working pressure of the coolant no more than 3 MPa.

Examples of a boiler strapping for a closed heating system with forced circulation of the coolant, as well as in the open with natural circulation, are shown in the pictures:

Scheme of the stove in the closed heating system

Thus, the boiler (stove with water circuit) "Armada 20" can already give a sufficiently large house and, at the same time, it can still be used for cooking and partially or completely damp the room where it is installed. Although the main heat supply is in favor of water, all the same, this boiler did not stop being a stove. Or, on the contrary, this furnace did not become absolutely full.

Prices for solid fuel heating boilers "Armada"

Solid fuel heating boiler "Armada 20"

Video: Overview of stoves with water contour

Water circuit for heating in a brick oven

It is very tempting to place the heat exchanger of the heating system in a brick oven, given that simply a huge amount of fuel combustion energy goes to heating a massive design. And in fact, the furnaces with the built-in boiler exist, and successfully exploited. And such a design has a lot of advantages:

  • Due to its large mass and ability to accumulate heat, brick furnaces are certain the thermoaccumulator bufferwhich will take over the warmth and, if necessary, will give it to the one who lacks it.
  • In a large brick furnace, a cooking surface, and a fireplace, and a water circuit of heating, and for all these devices, one should not construct individual chimneys.
  • Heat transmission on the surface and in the furnace array occurs evenly, so heat on the water circuit will be transmitted with the greatest efficiency.
  • Even after the full fuss of fire in the furnace, the brick oven can for a few hours "sharing" with heat with a water circuit heat exchanger. But it all depends on the design and mass of the furnace.

The main drawback of such a design is the complexity of the implementation. It is best when using the furnace as a heating boiler is thinking even before its construction or before reconstruction. In any other case, it will have to plunge into very troublesome work on the disassembly of the furnace and the assembly of it. And the price of error here is very high, fix something very difficult.

If the owner decided to such a responsible step, as the organization of the water circuit in, then there is no specialist here without experts. The furnaces must be engaged in the cooking, and develop - engineers together with the same cookies. Nobody headed to go to treat the teeth to the auto show, why some homeowners hope for their own strengths or rely on the "rich experience" of the neighbor, Kuma, Shata, brother. That is why it is best to order a project of an oven with a water contour from specialists or take advantage of ready-made technical solutions that can be obtained for symbolic money or completely free through the Internet. As they say, Google and Yandex to help you.

Any incorrect intervention in the finished furnace disrupts her work, contributes to the rapid destruction, reduces the efficiency and creates a danger to the health and life of people. We list typical errors when installing a water circuit in a brick oven:

  • The heat exchanger was built into a brick furnace to the fifthly, so its volume decreased sharply, which affects the capacity, the volume of bookmarks and the efficiency, and for the worse. If it is actively circulating the coolant, cooling the fuel, then it will reduce the temperature, the formation of a large amount of soot and chemically aggressive condensate, which will quickly "eat" the heat exchanger, if it is made of stainless steel.

  • The heat exchanger was built into the smoke channels of the furnace than the bandwidth was broken. As a result, part of the carbon monoxide returns to the furnace of the furnace, and this can lead to very deplorable results.
  • The heat exchanger was wondered in the masonry. When he heated, a linear expansion of metals occurs, which leads to the destruction of the furnace, the formation of cracks.
  • The heat exchanger was unreasonably high power in chimney. Circulating water reduces the temperature of the flue gases, it leads to an avalanche formation of condensate, which destroys the chimney, and the heat exchanger.

And such mistakes with unpredictable consequences can be still a lot. It once again proves that it is better to take advantage of the finished technical solution and attract professionals for masonry and installation, as for money spent on a good stainless steel heat exchanger and the work of the cooking can already buy an excellent solid fuel boiler from famous "branded" manufacturers.

Types of heat exchangers and their location in a brick oven

First of all, it is necessary to determine what material the heat exchanger will be made, which will be placed in a brick oven. There are several options, consider each of them:

  • Copper heat exchangers are very effective, since the thermal conductivity of copper is one of the best, but inside the brick furnaces it is absolutely impossible. Why? The fact is that the melting point of copper 1083 ° C, and in the furnace it can increase to 1200 ° C. With a constantly circulating coolant, the temperature of the pipe, of course, will not rise to such values, but who can guarantee that there will not arise abnormal situations. In addition, copper is very afraid of aggressive chemical compounds that condensate abounds.

  • Cast iron heat exchangers are beneficial in that they have very high corrosion resistance. The main drawback is fragility and fear of sharp temperature differences. If in a hot cast-iron heat exchanger, run a portion of cold water, then temperature deformations lead to the formation of cracks and failure. The cast iron is hardly processed and produced in the form of cast parts, which are then assembled with threaded elements through seals, which reduces their reliability. Some craftsmen use cast iron radiators as a heat exchanger, but their efficiency is small, except to wash the dishes or take a shower.

  • Steel heat exchangers are distributed most, since steel is an affordable and easy-to-wear material. For the heat exchanger of the furnace, it is recommended to use heat-resistant steel with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, and better than 4-5 mm. Pipes are better to choose seamless. Unfortunately, the steel is subject to corrosion, so you need to stir the oven in such modes that are less promoted by the formation of condensate, and also never merge a coolant from a water shirt.
  • Stainless steel heat exchangers are the best, but also the most expensive. Most common The steel brand is AISI 304. It is better not to do these details yourself, but to order their manufacturing in enterprises, where there are equipment for laser cutting of metals and welding in argon environment. Then the quality of the seams will be as close as possible to the material of the pipe itself.

What makes a heat exchanger?

Heat exchangers can be made of metal sheets, round or profile rectangular pipes and their combinations. Consider the main types of their.

  • The heat exchanger of sheet steel is usually placed in the hottest place - right in the furnace furnace, it fits the walls and the ceiling, and there are holes in it to load firewood and the yield of flue gases. It is made of a sheet of 3-4 mm thick, and on top and bottom, the sections of pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm for the feed and reverse highway are welded. The inner gap in the heat exchanger should not be less than 3 cm - to prevent water boiling. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly ensure that the upper feed pipe is at the highest point of the heat exchanger, otherwise steam plugs can form in it, which, when leaving the heating system, threaten the hydraulic impact capable of damaging pipes or radiators.

  • The heat exchangers made of pipes are also most often in the furnace. For the manufacture of such heat exchangers, tes the ribs with a diameter of 40-50 mm or profile rectangular pipes 40 * 60 mm, 60 * 60 mm. Of these, the spatial construction is welded, which will be different in each separate furnace. The main thing is that the heat exchanger does not block the loading door, and smoke channels.

  • If the furnace is used to prepare food and has a cooking surface, then in the upper part of the furnace heat exchangers do not, in this case they should facilitate the side surfaces.

  • Very often, heat exchangers made of pipes in the form of flat registers are placed in a furnace cap or in smoke-moving channels. Heat, they can take less in these places, so they usually have impressive sizes, but they work in sortshaft, therefore they can be stopped. The main condition - they should not prevent the output of flue gases. That is why the design is calculated in advance. To put such heat exchangers in the already finished furnace is strictly prohibited.

Calculation of power and sizes of the furnace heat exchanger

Naturally, for the purpose of heating, the power of the heat exchanger must be calculated. Incorrectly calculated water circuit either will not provide the desired temperature regime in the rooms, or, on the contrary, with excessive power in the rooms it will be very difficult in the sugar desert and reduce the temperature, as it is very difficult to control the flame in the brick oven. How to do it right?

Heating should compensate for the heat loss of the house, so their assessment is the first thing to do. Such calculations make heat engineers. The calculation technique has a rather complex algorithm and requires a large number of source data. It is rather difficult to make such calculations rather difficult, but practice shows that in most cases for every 10 m 2 area of \u200b\u200bthe house requires from 1 to 1.2 kW of the power of the heating system. At the same time, the height of the ceilings should be from 2.5 to 2.7 m.

After calculating the heat loss, one can move to the calculation of the power of the water loop itself (heat exchanger), which depends on which environment with which temperature it is from its contact area with this medium. Practice suggests that from each square meter of the heat exchanger, you can "remove" an average of 5-10 kWh of the energies. But exemplary indicators cannot suit us, so we will count more accurately.

Obviously, the power of the entire heat exchanger will depend on its area S. and some indicator - specific power Q u, which reflects how much thermal energy can give a heat exchanger of a single area in 1 m 2: Q \u003dS *Q u.

The specific power is also calculated and can be calculated by a simple formula:

Q y \u003d.k * (T M -t m),kcal / hour, where:

  • k.- The coefficient of the effect of the material per 1 ° C. For steel, which is used in heat exchangers K \u003d 12 kcal / hour .
  • T M. - The temperature of the heating medium (average), which is the average arithmetic between the maximum and minimum temperatures. T M \u003d.(T MAX+ T min)/2.
  • t M. - arithmetic average temperature in the water circuit. t m \u003d (t under +.t arr) / 2,where t sub - temperature of the coolant at the output (feed) from the heat exchanger, and t Obr. - Temperature at the entrance (reverse) .

Suppose that the furnace works on the corner, then the average temperature in the furnace will be: T M \u003d (1000 °C + 600 °C) / 2 \u003d 800 °C.. The temperature of the coolant will take: t M \u003d (80 °C + 60 °C) / 2 \u003d 70 °C.Then the specific power of the heat exchanger will be: Q y \u003d 12 * (800-70) \u003d 8760 kcal / hour.Translating calories to Watta: 1 watt \u003d 859.85 kalit means QU \u003d 8760000 kcal / 859,85 \u003d 10187,82 watt≈10.2 kW.It turns out that from one square meter of the heat exchanger, theoretically, it is possible to remove the 10 kWh of the energies.

If the firewood will be used instead of coal, then naturally their calorific value is lower. The maximum and minimum temperature in the fuel will be: T Max \u003d 700 ° FROM , T MIN \u003d 300 ° FROM, so Q y \u003d 12 * (500-70) \u003d 5160 kcal / hour,that in watts is 5160000/859,85=6001,05 ≈6 kW. It turns out that when the furnace furnace is furnished with 1 m2 of the heat exchanger area, located in the fuel cell, remove about 6 kWh of the Eplova Energy.

Depending on the need for thermal energy, you can calculate the necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe heat exchanger: S.= Q /Q u. Suppose that for the heating of the house requires 15 kWh of the Eplova energy, it means that the area of \u200b\u200bthe heat exchanger, which comes into contact with the hot medium in the camcorder must be 15/6 \u003d 2.5 m 2. If the heat exchanger is made of steel sheet, then its area is easy to calculate, and if from round pipes, then the area of \u200b\u200beach pipe is calculated: ST4 \u003d 2 * π *D *l,where D. - Diameter tr.loss, A. l. - Pipe length. The area of \u200b\u200brectangular pipes is calculated as their perimeter, multiplied by length. This is how this heat exchanger can be calculated, which will satisfy the need for heating at home.

Installation of water circuit in brick furnace

We note the important features of the installation of heat exchanger in a brick oven:

  • The heat exchanger must be mounted only in the furnace specifically designed for this. When reconstructing old furnaces, it is necessary to contact the specialists, they will make the necessary calculations and will be offered such a heat exchanger design that will not disturb the normal operation of the furnace.
  • After the manufacture of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to put pressure on the pressure of 6 bar both before installation in the oven and after it is mounted.

  • Typically, heat exchangers are assembled immediately after the construction of the Foundation of the furnace, and already then produce masonry.
  • To compensate for thermal extensions, it is necessary when installing the heat exchanger to leave the gap between it and the walls of the furnace at least 10-15 mm. Imagine the heat exchanger in the body of the furnace is categorically prohibited.
  • The exit of the heat exchanger pipes should not be tinted with construction solutions. For pipes, it is necessary to leave a gap of 5 mm, which places the heat-resistant seal, for example, asbestos cord. The output of the pipe from the furnace should be at least 10-15 cm so that it is possible to re-cut the thread when it is damaged.
  • The connection of the heat exchanger with the pipes of the heating system must be done only with heat-resistant seals.

Operating Rules Furnaces with Water Contour

Not only are the calculations and the installation of the heat exchanger in the oven - these are quite time-consuming and responsible operations, for normal operation of heating, the set of rules is also required:

  • In no case cannot operate the furnace with empty heat exchangers, it will lead to their rapid exercise.
  • It is forbidden to cut off the heat exchanger from the heating system with a working oven. When water heating, it expands in volume, the pressure increases, which can even lead to an explosion. It is better not to put any shut-off valves at the outputs of the heat exchanger.

  • It is impossible to serve cold water into the heat exchanger during a preheated furnace. Temperature deformations can output. The weakest place is welded seams.
  • To increase the efficiency of the heating system, it is better to use the appropriate performance with bypass.

  • In the heating system, it is necessary to foresee at the lowest point of the tap for draining water from the system.
  • If necessary, special antifreeze can be used in the aqueous contour of the furnace.

Construction of the heating and cooking furnace with water loop do it yourself

As already recommended by the authors of the article, it is better to take advantage of the finished and tested design of the furnace, which is described in detail in the famous book Ya. G. Porfiryev "Foreign works". This heating device covers the area at the base of 1020 * 1160 mm and has a height of 2380 mm. The heat exchanger of the water circuit has dimensions (750 * 500 * 350 mm) made of sheet steel and is located in the fuel cell, so the cooking surface is used only for heat heating. According to the author of the design of the heat transfer in the water circuit, about 5.5 kW during the furnace twice a day, and with reinforced can reach 18 kW, which allows you to drop the room with a total area up to 180-200 m 2.

List of essential materials and appliances
Picture Description of materials (chimneys) Number, pcs
Brick red full-length (excluding chimney)710
Chamotted refractory brick Sha-871
Fire door 210 * 250 mm1
Standing door 140 * 250 mm1
Kohlnik Cleaning Door 140 * 140 mm7
Grate grille 250 * 300 mm2
Cast iron stove 710 * 410 mm1
Heat exchanger from sheet steel 750 * 500 * 350 mm1
Latch oven 130 * 250 mm1
Valve for the cooking chamber 130 * 130 mm1
Steel band:
50 * 5 * 400 mm1
50 * 5 * 980 mm2
Steel corner 50 * 50 * 5 * 9802
Final sheet 500 * 1000 mm1
Procedure for work

Before starting work on the construction of a water contour oven, it is necessary to carefully learn the design of the furnace, see its general view and how it looks in the cut. This is all presented on three subsequent figures.

After that, it is necessary to make the heat exchanger of the water contour of the furnace, the drawing of which is presented in the following figure.

What should take into account when making a heat exchanger?

  • The walls facing the fire are made of 5 mm sheet steel.
  • The outer walls that carry a smaller heat load is permissible to produce 3 mm from steel.
  • From the backside there should be a slit of a width of at least 50 mm for the release of gas from the fuel.
  • The output of the heat exchanger (feed) is made from a seamless steel pipe with a diameter of 40 mm, and it must be weld at the highest point.
  • Another output (reverse) is made of the same pipe and boils at the lowest point of the heat exchanger.
Deoperation of masonry oven with water contour

Before the masonry oven, it is necessary to build an appropriate foundation under it, but in this article we will not consider this question, but we will move to the order. Before you, get acquainted with the symbols that will be found in the future.

Drawing Volumetric appearance Additional view
Locked solid 1 row of bricks. It is very important to observe horizontality and rectangle, since it will depend on this much later. In this row, 36 red bricks are involved.
On the laying of 2 rows begins the formation of the base of the ash chamber. The door is installed in size 140 * 250 mm. 31 whole red brick and one half are involved.
Constructs according to the scheme 3 row. The number of bricks as in the previous - 31 red whole and half.
The formation of a pop-up begins on 4 row, so 11 chamotte bricks and 21 red are already used. Cutouts are made in the Sha-8 brick of the Sha-8 brick.
At the stage of formation of 4 rows, grilles are stacked in the carved grooves. To compensate for thermal extensions, a gap of about 5 mm is left.
The heat exchanger (boiler) is installed on the bottom of the fuel
When laying 5 rows, a gap is 0-6 mm - for thermal expansion of the heat exchanger. It is left behind it, connecting with a horizontal channel. At the same stage, 2 doors 140 * 140 mm are installed - to clean the channel. 14 red and 3 chamotte bricks are used.
6 row. The horizontal channel is separated by the channel behind the boiler, the hole left in the previous row will increase the stove thrust. The stove door is installed on the same row. 15 whole red bricks and one half, as well as 1 chamotte, are used.
According to the scheme, 7 row is laid out. Used 15 and ½ red and 2 chamotte bricks.
When laying 8 rows, the door of the boiler firebox is overlapped. This uses a band 50 * 5 * 400 mm. The row lined with 11 and ½ red bricks and 6 chamotte.
In 9 row, the boiler feed pipe is produced. Halves of chamotte brick over the door of the fuel can be cut by the painter. A horizontal channel is divided into two equal parts. Used 12 and ½ red bricks and 7 chamotte.
On the same 9 row above the door of the furnace, a clipped slicer is installed down ¾ part of chamotte brick.
On 10 row, bricks are published inward, so space over the boiler is narrowed. 3 red and 18 ½ chamotte bricks are used.
11 row. Bricks Already from the ends of the furnace are also produced inside. In bricks, cuts for laying the cast iron hobs are made. It is taken into account that the thermal gap must be at least 5 mm. The number of bricks used: 10 red and 16 ½ chamotte.
A cast iron plate is installed on 11 rows. In the place where it will open to the cooking chamber, a corner of 50 * 50 * 980 mm is installed.
A cooking camera begins to form on 12 rows. It should be noted that the cooking cast-iron surface is removable - lifted for the front part and removed. Used 12 red and 5 chamotte bricks.
It is laid out according to the 13 row scheme, which uses 16 ½ red bricks.
In the 14th row, the vertical channel increases to the entire available width. For its cleaning, the door 140 * 140 mm is mounted. Used 14 ½ red bricks.
15 row is laid out similarly to the previous one according to the scheme, which ensures the dressing of the seams. Used 14 ½ red bricks.
In 16 row, the facade of the cooking chamber is overlap using steel strip 50 * 5 * 980 mm and a corner of 50 * 50 * 5 * 980. Used 15 red bricks.
17 row completes the overlap of the facade of the cooking chamber, for this it is used 18 ½ red bricks.
18 row. For the full overlap of the cooking chamber itself, two strips of steel 50 * 5 * 980 mm are mounted, and 19 red bricks are laid out according to the drawing.
19 row completes the overlap of the entire hob. The left half of the brick is needed for exhaust. The aisle is cut out grooves for the valve. Used 32 red bricks.
19 row completes the installation of a small valve chamber 140 * 140 mm.
20 row forms the base of the upper gas ducts. For this, the drawings are laid out halves, which will be the basis of subsequent partitions. 4 doors 140 * 140 mm are mounted for cleaning and revisions. 18 red bricks are required to lay this series.
21 row continues the formation of partitions. It requires 17 ½ red bricks.
22 row. It requires 21 red bricks.
In 23 row, the upper gas ducts are divided into 4 channels. One of them (left below in the drawing) in the future will be the main chimney, and the rest perform the function of the total cap separated by partitions. Used 24 red bricks.
For laying 24 rows, 24 red bricks are required.
For laying 25 rows, 23 ½ red bricks are required.
For laying 26 rows, 23 ½ red bricks are required.
For laying 27 rows, 23 ½ red bricks are required.
For laying 28 rows, 23 ½ red bricks are required.
For laying 29 rows, 23 ½ red bricks are required.
In 30 row, the union of all smoke-moving channels begins, except for the main one. 20 red bricks are used.
31 row continues to combine vertical channels. It requires 21 ½ red bricks.
32 Row prepares the overlap of the furnace. Used 25 ½ red bricks.
33 row overlaps the oven. The main channel is left in size 130 * 260 mm, 35 red bricks are used.
34 row overlaps the second one oven. For this you need 37 pea bricks. For installation of the main smoke valve, the grooves are cut.
The smoke valve can be installed and seal.
35 row completes the masonry of the body of the furnace. The base is made for the smoke pipe of the chimney. For this you need 5 red bricks.
Video: Heating and cooking oven with water contour

Underwater stones of water contours of stoves

Such a seductive occupation, as the arrangement of the water circuit, in the furnace is not so flawless, as I would like, because in this one at the glance, the right event has its own pitfalls. And the topic would not be disclosed completely, if the authors were defused about it. So, what can expect the owner of an oven with a water circuit for heating?

  • First of all, such furnaces cannot be operated with an empty water contour, as noted earlier. Imagine the situation when a family on the weekend decides to visit the country house in winter and melt oven or fireplace. The prudent owner, of course, drained all the water from the heating system in the fall, so it should be filled again. Inconvenience? Of course yes! It's not a fact that in the country there is a water supply, but a good antifreeze based propylene glycol, filled into the system, it costs a lot and can behave in the furnaces is unpredictable. Temperature volume expansion of antifreezes is much higher than simple water, therefore, the pressure growth occurs avalanche.
  • Another pitfall of the exploratory stoves with a water contour is that in the warm season, Mills the oven for cooking or fireplace, the owners will be forced to put up so that the batteries will also be hot, because without water it is impossible to exploit the oven, and the oven is absolutely not necessary. How to be? An optional solution to this problem is the installation heat accumulatorwhich is much more expensive even a very good solid fuel boiler. Another solution may be the installation of heating radiators somewhere in the attic or in the basement and in the summer, simply switch the water circuit on them, dischargeing the excess heat and bringing its small contribution to the global warming and melting of the Arctic ice melting. But again these are extra care and expenses.
  • Almost all modern heating systems are made with coercive coolant circulation, for which special pumps are used. This allows you to more effectively transmit heat and use pipelines of smaller diameters. And nothing bothers to equip the water circuit of the furnace also with a circulating pump, a security group, expansion tank and other required components of the system. But whether it is worth doing this is a big question. Modern boilers have a constructed constructed design, tested by high pressure, have protection. The emergence of a dangerous abnormal situation in cases of boilers, including solid fuel, is extremely unlikely, which cannot be said about homemade structures with water contour. The influence of the human factor is too large in them.

So, what conclusions can be made. Will the stove with water contour with a full-fledged boiler? Never! Yes, it is more than just a furnace, but not a boiler. And on the contrary - the boiler is unlikely to become a stove. These devices have excellent functions from each other and the intersection of them can be economically unreasonable, and also difficult to implement and in some cases simply is dangerous. Cheaper and better to have a separate oven and boiler, then each of these devices are implemented in all its glory, without interfering with each other.

An ideal place of an oven with water contour from the point of view of engineering science

Is there such an ideal place where the furnace or fireplace with water contour is implemented in all its glory? Of course, yes. Let's look at the drawing, where the scheme of an energy efficient home is shown.

It can be seen that one of the main components of the general heating system and hot water supply at home is heat accumulator, called the still buffer container installed in the boiler room of the basement. It is a large capacity (usually at least 500 liters) In which there are heat exchangers of heat exchangers from various heat sources. It can be a gas or solid fuel boiler, solar collector panels, and, as can be seen from the above The drawing, there was a place and a fireplace with a water contour. Disbands of heat carrier for various purposes (radiator heating,warm Floors) comes from this container. All "requests" are followed by sensors with controllers and pumping groups.

Hot water supply is carried out from the inner tank, hermetically separated from the main capacity. Water heating goes through metal walls. If necessary, through special flanges in the inner tank with hot water can be set by a TEN, "Helping" at night, when reduced electricity tariffs are operating. The buffer container body is concluded in powerful thermal insulation of polystyrene foam thickness of at least 100 mm, which ensures minimal heat loss.

The heating systems based on buffer containers have undoubted advantages:

  • Heat accumulator Large volume takes over the heated heat, which can be produced by solid fuel boilers, as well as crumple with water circuit or heliums. This prevents overheating and extends the service life of the equipment.
  • The heating system with buffer capacity works more stable, as there is no dependence only from one source of heat.
  • Application heat accumulator Allows you to save up to 30% of energy resources.

The main disadvantages of systems with buffer capacity are their energy dependence and a very high price of equipment. Therefore, the use of a water contour from the point of view of engineering science can be absolutely not substantiated from the point of view of common sense. Although, definitely, behind such systems the future. In developed countries, where the state subsidizes the use of various alternative energy sources, such systems are already applied quite widely.


Summing up the article, it can be concluded that the stoves with water circuit can be used for home heating, but with many reservations:

  • It is best to use industrialized furnaces and fireplaces that are specifically adapted for.
  • When using a brick furnace, in order to heal the coolant, it is best to build from zero specially adapted and calculated precisely for these purposes.
  • The implementation of the furnace and the boiler in the same design is an affordable task having its pitfalls.
  • An ideal place for stoves with water contour is a heating system with a buffer container.

Planning to acquire your own country cottage, almost every future developer is forced to think about how to pull it in winter. If there is gas in the village - for obvious reasons, the dilemma is usually absent. But when the blue fuel you have to look for an alternative, then the urban resident is given to the choice quite hard. Because of the "voltage drops" and restrictions of the powerful power, electrical systems in rural areas are too unreliable. Diesel boilers and aggregates on liquefied gas, it seems to be autonomous, but the price of such heating is too high, and the equipment is the most sophisticated. And accessible in all respects furnace heating of a private house Some seems to be something conservative and non-technological.

Meanwhile, heating with a furnace in many cases is the most optimal option to heat the country housing, both with the constant stay of people and during periodic visits. Furnaces working on hard fuel, have long proved their practicality and efficiency, but citizens who have not come across them before, are in captivity of crowd myths and poorly pose their advantages and disadvantages. It should be understood that the old kind stove can, let's try these myths to debunk.

Country house with furnace heating is beautiful and functional

Principle of operation of heating stoves

Heating furnace is local. In the fuel chamber with air supply, fuel is burned (as a rule, it is wood or coal). The flue gases under the action of natural thrust are moving along the long channels to the output vertical moves and removed outward. During this time, they warm the brick array of the furnace, and the hot stone, in turn, gives heat to the room.

Myth number 1. The furnace needs to be dried continuously, constantly throwing firewood.

Such a mode of operation is inherent in various bourgearms - they are quickly heated and quickly cooled. However, brick furnaces are calculated on 1-2 fireboxs during the day, and each time the fuel is all (or almost everything) is loaded into the chamber. Of course, it will be necessary to put the valves in the right position and periodically choose from pushed ash. The greater the ovenness of the furnace, the better the house is insulated, the less you need to trample, once a day is a fairly common option.

Advantages and disadvantages of a country house with furnace heating

Of course, there are both positive and negative moments that become more or less relevant under certain conditions. To consider the feasibility of the chimney heating is in the complex, weighing everything "for" and "against".

Pluses of heating oven

  1. The cost of erection of the furnace (as well as its service) is several times less than that of similar systems of competitors.
  2. Full autonomy. There is no binding to electricity, water, gas pipeline. For example, firewood is publicly available, and the price for them is acceptable almost everywhere.
  3. No liquid coolant - there is no danger to defrost pipes. Therefore, such heating is great for giving, which is attended from time to time.
  4. There are combined design options with a function of cooking or heating water. As well as with drying, oven, fireplace, etc.
  5. Find ready-made projects of houses with furnace heating - today is not a problem.

Disadvantages of furnace systems

  1. A stone stove is a large device, a couple of square meters of the square in the center of the house it will take place (though there are quite compact models of about 1 m 2 by sex).
  2. For the initial warm-up of the furnace massif, it takes time (then between the fireboxes it does not cool completely).
  3. Comparatively low efficiency in heat transfer (increases the lengthening of the moves, the use of caps and the "free movement of gases").
  4. No possibility to automate processes.
  5. The construction of a heavy stone furnace is desirable to produce at the stage of construction at home. Planning at home with furnace heating is the prerogative of specialists.
  6. Firewood must be properly prepared, and in advance (for example, freshly dry wood dry at least the season, storage under the canopy).

The furnace is better to have in the center of the house

Myth number 2. Temperature regime inside the house with furnace heating is very unpredictable

Some unevenness sometimes takes place, it is explained by the fact that the strongest recovery of heat falls on the end of the furnace, and by the time the next session the channels are already cooling. There is no problem if the stove is solid enough for a particular building, and its channels are folded, for example, not a quarter of the brick, and half. No less important heat capacity, as well as the isolation characteristics of the enclosing cottage designs. Also make the temperature regime more uniform helps an increase in the number of furnaces. Suppose, instead of only a long morning molding, two shorter (morning and evening) are used.

What is the uniqueness of the design of stone stoves

In this case, the device includes not only a node generating heat, but also heat-conducting channels and heat surfaces. Each furnace consists of the following elements:

  • fires and pissed;
  • chimneys (channels);
  • discharge pipe;
  • mirrors, heating shield (surfaces that give heat);
  • colonnikov, door, valves;
  • independent foundation.

There are hundreds of constructive options for stone stoves, each device will differ in configuration, sizes, functionality, thermal efficiency. Many models have received their own names, but for appointment and special abilities are ranked towards enlarged groups.

By type of calibration:

  1. Furnaces of long burning. Perhaps the presence of air ducts, relatively thin walls - the premises quickly warm up, but they quickly cool, it means that you need to turn more often and longer. Well suited for giving, where there are rarely.
  2. Fast burning furnaces that are given for a long time. The furnace session is shorter, the furnaces themselves may be less, as the walls of the channels are massive, in general the masonry is more comprehensive and harder (more heat accumulated).

Metal water heat exchanger

You can also select the types of stone stoves for destination and additional nodes:

  • heating;
  • heating and cooking;
  • with built-in fireplace;
  • with oven, barbecue, mangal;
  • with water tank;
  • with water or air heat exchanger.

Myth number 3. The furnace heating of a two-story house is impossible. You need two separate stoves.

This, of course, is not so. There is at least two normal solutions. First, there are models of two-storey furnaces that have one furnace, but the heated surfaces extended through the overlap. By the way, these devices are quite compact on the ground area. The second option is the use of the coolant, for example, in the water circuit system or air channels. Approximately the case is also the heating of small apartment buildings.

How to choose the power of chimney heating in a private house

The main thing is that you need to do - choose the furnace of the correct size, if more precisely, we will be interested in the area of \u200b\u200bheated surfaces. Here it is necessary to take into account the general heat loss of the building. It is believed that the furnace should be filled with an error of 10-15 percent with a bounce of 10-15 percent. To determine the necessary thermal productivity there is a simple formula (the task is to heat the room to +18, with an outer temperature in -30). For this, the cabin of the house is multiplied by the coefficient 21 and get the value in the kcal / hour. For reference: One square meter of mirrors of stone ovens gives an average of about 300 kcal / hour, the stove of heating and cooking models radiates approximately 600-900 kcal / hour, the heating flap is up to 1200.

Myth number 4. The furnace heating is low-power.

In fact, the furnaces for houses in 100-120 squares are and are actively used. And the models at 5-7 kilowatt (50-70 m 2) are generally considered a classic.

Such a furnace will give warmly

A simpler calculation technique is used - for every 10 square meters of the cottage area there should be about 1 kW of the furnace power. For reference: it is about 860 kcal / hour. Naturally, these values \u200b\u200bare approximate, calculate the configuration and specific characteristics should be individually.

As a conclusion, another myth - number 5. Brick ovens build very difficult.

Professional fub is a person belonging to a special caste. However, practice shows that many homemade masters can master technology and independently make oven heating. Although, it should be understood that there are not easy designs for which lovers do not care better. In any case, the plan of the house with furnace heating should be approved by experts.

Video: Chimney Heating