How to make a sunny clock (3 photos). Master class "Sunshirt with your own hands the model of the solar clock do it yourself

Finally, I found the time to write a sector about creating the solar clock with my own hands. To write this material, I was pushed by valuable comments and directions of Alexander user. At first glance, the creation of sunny hours does not quite relate to the topic of survival. But to understand the principle of operation of the solar clock and constructing several samples, you will better understand the principles of orientation, the definition of geographic coordinates and I.T. And in general, the creation of sunny hours do it yourself is a very exciting occupation. I hope this topic will be interested in a wide circle of readers of our site.

As you know, the sundial is one of the most ancient scientific tools used by our ancestors to determine the time. We also, by directly determining the time, are interested in an understanding of the principles of work hours, which are built on the principles of orientation. There are a great many types of sun hours. Let's try to consider some of them.

In the simplest form, the sundial is made up of a gnomon, folding the shadow from the sun on the dial. The shadow works by analogy with an arrow in ordinary hours. In the same principle, improvised gnomom is used to determine the geographical latitude and longitude, where the definition of solar time and local noon is required.

Sunclock show no local average, but a true sunny. If you want to see the local time, then it is necessary to adjust and shift the values \u200b\u200bof the dial. Since the true noon can per hour different from the local one. The guidance of the correct time definition is properly oriented in the space space.

If the gnomon is perpendicular to the plane of the dial and is directed to the world pole, that is, in parallel the axis of the world, then the shadow drops from it will fall into the plane of the hourly circle. In other words, the plane of the dial will be the parallel plane of the equator. The resulting angle between the plane of the hourly circle and the meridian will be a true sunny time expressed in degrees.

Watch divisions are evenly applied to the dial every 15 °, based on the fact that 1 hour in the angular dimension is 15 °. It is such a segment that the Earth passes for 1 hour of its rotation. In the horizontal plane, the equatorial clock should be installed exactly to the true north for the northern hemisphere, and on the contrary for the southern hemisphere. Moreover, the dial for the southern hemisphere will have a mirror copy of the North. For Russia, still relevant first option.

The compass for finding the North-South line to use is not entirely correct, since the competent direction north is different from the true magnetic decline, which can reach 7-8 °, which will be an error before half an hour. Although it is possible to learn magnetic declination along topographic map of the area and calculate this amount at the moment. It is necessary to determine the true noon of the terrain, then the shadow from the gnomon will indicate the true north.

The advantage of equatorial clock is the simplicity of manufacturing and uniformity of the calibration of the dial. The main disadvantage of equatorial sunny hours, in contrast to other types, is the limited application - they will work only in the period between the spring and autumn equinox. For the northern hemisphere, a spring equinox - in March, autumn - in September.

The above-mentioned equatorial sunny layout allows you to use them virtually no limit, due to the dial on the reverse side.

Northern Hemisphere - June 1:00 PM Northern Hemisphere - December 11:00 AM

Equatorial sunny clock layout for self-making can be downloaded here

All you need is to print on the printer layout on an original scale on thick paper, or stick to cardboard, or thin plastic. Check the scale of the printed layout of the solar clock can be a ruler by an inch on one of the sheets. In the archive, Equatorial clock 3 sizes for the Northern and South Hemispheres. Choose the one you like, but the larger size is more visually and accurate. It is also necessary to find a rod for the manufacture of gnomon.

After gluing the layout, the clock must be positioned along the true afternoon line and set the breadth of the rear. And it is not even necessary to calculate the angle of inclination of the dial according to the formula 90 ° -φ, where φ is a latitude. Just connect the opposite part of the gnomon with the value of the latitude of your area. And you can enjoy an ancient way to measure time))

In contrast to the equatorial sun hours, the horizontal dial is located parallel to the horizon plane. Therefore, the dial is touched unevenly. After a day, the shadow every next hour turns to a larger corner. As a rule, at horizontal clocks, the gnomon is made in the form of a track with a party directed to the pole of the world, that is, the angle between it and the plane of the dial will be equal to geographic latitude.

Simple but an interesting layout of horizontal solar clock I have not yet found.

Another type of simple sunny clock. A feature is the location of the dial line towards the West - East. All you need is to print the layout, stick to the cardboard, and set the angle of inclination of the dial with a gnomon in the latitude of your area using the scale applied to the opposite direction of the clock.

I suggest your attention an entertaining cracker made by your own hands from girlfriend. On the one hand, this is just a toy, souvenir, and on the other, a serious thing, for the use of which some knowledge and skills are required in such areas of science as astronomy, geography, mathematics and physics. It will be about the ancient device to determine the time of the sun, which they certainly heard, some even seen someone perhaps even did. In detail to sign the principle of work and the design of the stationary clock I think the needs are not, everything is described in a very detailed one, I will dwell only on several details and features.

To build this design, we will need:
1. Plywner 3-layer 4 mm
2. Compass with a dry arrow
3. Brass sheet thickness 1mm.
4. Copper wire Ø 0.8-1mm.

The instrumental set:
1. Wooden hacksaw
2. very sharp knife
3. Lobzik Normal (not electric)
4. Drawing Tool (Circle, Transport, Line and TD)
5. Scissors for metal
6. Solder
7. Set of nadfil
8. Construction Feng.
9. Sandy paper of various grain
10. If desired, the burning device

From the title of the article, it becomes clear that this device is mobile, that is, portable, which requires an orientation relative to the earth coordinates to determine the time, namely: the midday line of the clock must coincide with the direction of the meridian. To do this, the compass has been installed in the design. By the way, these watches will correctly show time only in the location whose coordinates were used in calculations. The longitude of the place determines the angle of inclination of the gnomon (arrows of the clock) and watch divisions of the frame (dial), and the latitude matters to the local time amendment to the hour belt (civil time).

Our clock will consist of the following items:

1 compass. For a more accurate orientation of the direction to the north in the clock, a slightly finalized ordinary switch compass was applied. The refinement lies in the fact that the compass card is pasted directly on the arrow, and not just pasted, but with the adjustment of magnetic decline (for our area it is 11 °, which can give an error for about an hour)

First, I disassemble the compass on the components:

Most-like drawing of the cart just downloaded from the Internet, printed in the desired size on the photo paper and pasted on the arrow, taking into account the magnetic decline, the benefit of the graduation on the cartushka already had

With balancing, I had to obey the raising the opposite direction.

And another feature of such a compass - the center, in addition to the direction of the direction north, works as the level to set the plane of the clock in a horizontal position. Of course, it would be better to additionally install a bubble level, but for the lack of one, I decided that the installation of horizontal care snaps would be enough for a souvenir toy, no one would be able to cheat on them.

2 campran (dial) at horizontal clock differs from the equatorial in the fact that the angles between the time marks are unevenly located. For horizontal solar clock, the frame marking can be made in three ways:

The first way is the easiest, but not accurate, just need to set the clock, strictly oriented them, and then each hour to make a mark on the frame and thus place the whole dial. It is better to do this in the days when the correction of the equation of time is close to zero (see "Analym"). And to show such hours will be the already summarized civil time, which takes into account the correction in longitude.

The second way is the markup with the help of geometric constructions, for it you need a pencil, transportation and circula.

Blacks are two mutually perpendicular lines and point out the point A.

Of which we carry out the AC line so that the Sav angle was equal to the breadth of our area.

From the point in carrying perpendicular to the AC line and indicate the dot D

Next, from the point in the Circle with a radius of the CD before intersection with a straight AB, and we note the point O. Now using this point as the center of blacks in the radius of the radius, and divide it to the sectors of 15 °, extended each ray to the sun. The point of intersection of rays with the line will determine the watch marking of our clock.

Connecting these points with a point and get half the dial, or rather a quarter of it as time lines from 6 to 12 are symmetrical with lines from 12 to 18 with respect to the axis of the AV, and the marks from 18 to 6 hours (let's call them) symmetrical.

Well, finally the third method is trigonometric or calculated. We determine the angles of time lines by the formula: TG α \u003d sin φ x TG T

Where α-hour angle on the frame
Φ - latitude of place
t-temporal segment, expressed in a degree (from the calculation of 1C-15 °)

For example, for my case, the angle between the lines 11 and 12 hours will be sin57 ° x TG15 ° \u003d 0.8386х0,2679 \u003d 0.2247, which corresponds to 12.6 °, which is why, repeat again, the compass card adjusted by magnetic decline ( 11 °).

The half-hour and quarter-hour lines simply simply place the division of the hourly area.

So, one of the last two ways, Kadran was marked by us. The resulting markup will show us a local average time, which differs from the waist (civil) time by magnitude, depending on the longitude of the observation location.

As you know, the countdown of time comes from Greenwich Meridian (GMT), and then after 15 ° there are time zones. For Moscow time (MSK), the GMT time zone is +3, but it is conditional about true sunny time, for example, the difference in true and renoval time in Moscow is 29 minutes 40 seconds. This means that when the chimes on Red Square beat up midnight, the true midnight for sunny time will come only in half an hour. In my area, the difference is 31 minutes, so the divisions are shifted for half an hour. This is how it looks like on the finished product:

3 Gnomon (arrow) by definition should be foldable. The task was to withstand the angle of the latitude and verticality of the installation plane. Of course, it is possible to simply lay it on the side, but in this case the dimensions were small and the gnomon was lost on the plane of the clock, therefore it was decided to make this detail of the lifting. In this case, the length can be increased to the necessary proportions, and the verticality is maintained at an acceptable limits (the gnomon backlight is in the range of 1 °), and the angle of the latitude of the place is mounted by tapping the heel of the gnomon, which is subsequent not changing.

Details are made of brass 1m thick. The choice of material is due to the fact that it should be non-magnetic, so as not to deceive the compass, and succumbed to solder with soft solders.

4 Analemma (Greek. Ανάλημμα, "Basis, Fundam") - a curve connecting a number of consecutive positions of the central star of the planetary system (in our case - the Sun) on the sky of one of the planets of this system at the same time of the day during the year (Wikipedia ).

In other words, this curve shows how hurrying or lagging behind our watch regarding mid-time. For example, in October, the sun turns out to be 16 minutes earlier, and in February 14 minutes later noon on average annual time. This phenomenon with the ellipticity of the orbit and the inclination of the axis of the Earth is associated. We will not go into details, it is important for us to know how many minutes on what day you need to add or take away from the testimony of our solar-time to relatively accurately determine the time. To do this, we have this beautiful zagulin positioning on the inner surface of the lid.

Now we collect all the above together.

Conditionally divide our device into two parts, the solar clock and the lid (we also have pocket, then there will be a portrayal view). From the sheet of plywood, we cut five rectangles with a size of 100x120 mm.

Billets cut off the corners of 15mm. On each side, as can be seen on the details of the lid:

To install a gnomon and compass, cutting holes in the frame blanks on the reverse side and the next substrate behind it. Gnomon is plunged so that the axis of its turn lay in the frame plane suturing one layer of plywood (it is slightly more than 1mm.).

We glue the parts, then, as in a joke, carefully process the file, and if more precisely, the end parts are accumulating the veneer from the same plywood and process the sandpaper. The loops connecting the cover with the housing are made of copper wire and are glued with epoxy resin.

And in order to give an ancient species to treat the product with a hairdryer. As a result, we get this toy for adults.

Conclusion. It seems to me that a gift for a teenager is much more interesting and more useful than any new-fashioned gadget purchased in the store (all the more you will not be surprised). At least this thing makes the brains work, well, and if you still wake curiosity to learn the details in the sciences, it will be just wonderful.

If you are a fan of amazing things, you know how to grow crystal from salt, give the second life to old things and create all sorts of crafts, - try to make the sundial of your own hands, give them an individual design and install in the desired direction. Now you can safely brag about friends - such a thing is not anyone anyone!

The sundial has become one of the first instruments to calculate the time when a person has learned to navigate the shadow of objects on a sunny day. Designing such a chronometer requires certain astronomical and physical knowledge. Try creating a sundress with your own hands along with your daughter or son - the process will seem not only fascinating, but also informative for your children.

Types of watch

There are several varieties of sunny hours. All of them consist of 2 main details: frame, or dial, and gnomon - arrows. The difference in the clock appears at different angles of the frame of the frame.

After reading the classification, you will understand that not all kinds can be made it with your own hands.

This clock was obtained by these clocks thanks to the installation lines of the details. As a rule, campran put at the angle of that latitude in which the device is located. It turns out that the frame plane is parallel to the earth's equator, and the gnomon line is parallel to the earth's axis.

The cons of this type of hours is that they show the right time only in certain seasons. In the northern hemisphere, this is a period from the spring for autumnal equinox, in South - on the contrary.

This type is set parallel to the flat line of the horizon in such a way that when the dial and gnomon lines intersects, a line parallel to the midday was obtained.

In this case, the gnomon is also established, as well as on the equatorial clock - at an angle equal to the geographical latitude of the location.

Such sundials are harder to make themselves with their own hands than the first 2 types. During the installation of a vertical determinant, the gnomom is located in parallel to the horizon strictly in the direction of the geographical south for the northern hemisphere.

Watch divisions can be placed on the frame symmetrically only if the gnomon will be strictly perpendicular to the dial.

There are less well-known varieties of sunny hours: polar, cone-shaped, cylindrical and balls. Because of the appearance, they have more often decorative meaning than practical, and used to decorate the place in which they were installed. For example, the ball chronometers often complement the design of children's bedrooms - they have no sharp corners, and therefore appliances are safe for children.

Sunclock: Master Class

Try to make the sun's clock with your own hands together with your child. This lesson will help you to explain to the baby in detail, how to find out the time for such a clock, why they are so arranged and than one species is different from the other.

First of all, try to descript with your own hands Equatorial sundial - the simplest performed.

You do not need to calculate the number of hourly divisions on the dial and degree of each of them - you can find a variety of templates for the frame on the Internet.

  • Before starting the drawing of the layout, calculate the length of the parties. In the image, you see an angle α, which is calculated by such a formula: 90 degrees minus a degree of geographic latitude in which you are. Accordingly, the opposite angle will be equal to: 90 degrees minus the magnitude of the angle α.
  • Choose an arbitrary value for the side C - such lengths will be the sides of your dial.
  • The lateral side of this layout is represented as a rectangular triangle. Therefore, knowing the hypotenuse (C) and all the corners of the triangle, we can calculate the remaining parties using the following formulas: Party A is equal to the side of the C, multiplied by the angle of the angle α, and the side of the side of the C, multiplied by the Cosine of the angle α.

According to the data obtained, do it yourself, draw the layout of the device on the sheet of the required size, cut out and glue. Gnomon in this case can serve any stick of the required diameter. Just do the hole in the desired place and install the gnomon perpendicular to the dial.

Install the sundial on the windowsill so that the gnomon is directed exactly to the north. You can calculate the direction using the compass.

Horizontal sundial to create with your own hands is even easier than equatorial. Pick the hard material to make it easily drawn the dial: plastic, cardboard or thin tree.

  • Make a round or square dial.
  • Make a triangular gnomon. Before starting work, calculate its parameters: one angle should be equal to 90 degrees, and the other - the geographic latitude in which the clock is located.
  • Install the gnomon in the center of the dial.
  • Put the clock on the windowsill so that the lower extreme angle of the gnomon looks exactly south.

Take the clock. Each hour, mark the position of the shadow of the frame on the dial. After you celebrate all 12 points, draw your own dial.

After you learned how to make desk sundial, do it yourself, try making a pocket sunshine. This will help you the following video tutorial.

Horizontal clock can be increased in size, decorate and use as a decorative element of your flowerbed or garden. For example, the gnomon and each digit on the dial you can cut out with your own hands and paint the growing colors into the tone. And you can make a device based on a wooden sleeper - then the best decoration will be burning on the tree of figure figures.

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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Olga Scheteva

We define the time by the clock. Everyone knows that clock - This is a device for measuring time. First clockwho came up with a man - sunnyAnd it was just a stick, stuck in the ground, and their main principle of action is the shadow from the arrow. IN sunny The watches are the knowledge and observation of our ancient ancestors.

Building solar clock do-it-yourself - a fascinating lesson, and for children - also informative, this is an excellent developing allowance for children to study time and movement sun..

Model sun hourwhich we have done is the most active ones.

A, make them quite easily.

In the manufacture sunny hours you need to know some moments and features of their design.

Sundial consist of an arrow pointer, (This arrow is called gnomon) and dial sun hour. Time by sunny The clock is determined by the shadow discarded by gnomon on the dial. Clock face sunny The clock is divided by 24 hours, and not at 12 o'clock, as in ordinary mechanical clock. Sundial They work in the midst of summer only in clear or cloudless weather in a bright day of day.

There are several species sun hour.

We made the simplest horizontal, practically without paying any calculations.

We needed material lies:

3. Subebonka

4. Cutlets from rake

5. Several pieces of granite - marble facade tiles

6. Tile glue

7. Natural stone

8. Paint "Pinotex"

9. Golden Paint Caller

10. Ship Lac.

11. A piece of linoleum for numbers

12. Glue "Moment"

First chose a well-lit place as possible to clock Shadow did not fall from trees or any other structures.

Then they dug in the ground a small pit for the foundation of the future hours.

The bottom of the pit was covered with sand and leveled.

They celebrated the center and set the gnomon. As a gnomon, a stalk was used from rake, cutting a little long. The sand was poured from the watering can with water in order for it to become more dense.

Then evenly scattered rubbank.

At the next stage of the manufacture of hours, filled with cement mortar. Made a screed.

When the screed was frozen, laid granite - marble tiles on special tile glue. Since we did not find a specialist in cutting tiles, laid out tile square. Gnomon painted "Pinoteks"

A day later, the platform for the dial was ready. With the help of a pencil and ruler, measuring equal segments from the center to the edge, draw the circle on the tile. Then catching tile glue along the circle contour in two rows laid out rubbank like a mosaic.

IN solar A day through every full hour, came to the clock and made a note on the tile and on the ground in the place where the shadow point from the gnomon.

A natural stone was used as a drawing of the dial.

For greater reliability, the stone was put on cement mortar.

Before applying divisions and numbers on the dial, decided to do watches bright and beautiful. Around the clock lined the platform and sprinkled with her sand. From the cannon painted the golden paint, and the gnome was decorated with stripes using the same gold paint.

Stones and gnomom were covered with ship varnish. They became bright and shiny.

Figures and strips cut out of the linoleum. And according to the applied markups glued them on the dial glue "Moment".

That's how our ready-made sundial. And they show the present time!

And, we now learn with children while walking sunchard., is it time for us to enter kindergarten.

Ancient mechanism to determine time. Sundial - the simplest device, but it has the knowledge and observation of our ancient ancestors. Currently sundialused as landscape decoration. For example sun hour Parents teach their children the building of the solar system, and the construction itself solar clock do-it-yourself - Fascinating lesson for our children, for example, being on the beach. In the manufacture sun hour We must know some moments and features of their design, which we will tell about in this article.

What is the sundial

Sundialconsist of an arrow-pointer, discarding the shadow (this arrow is called the gnomon) and the dial of the solar clock. Time by Sunchard. Determine the shadow discarded by gnomon on the dial. Everything is simple, however there are some features. Clock face sun hour It is divided for 24 hours, and not at 12 o'clock, as in ordinary mechanical clock. Dial or gnomon should be tilted above the plane. Sundial Do not take into account the transition for summer time. Sunclocks work only in clear or cloudless weather in a bright day of day. That's all restrictions sun hour.

There are several species sun hour. Let's deal with them in order.

You can do right on the sand on the beach. To begin with, we need to know two things: what latitude we are and where the north is located. If the second part can be installed by the selection method, then the first will have to be prepared. So, we have a compass and we know our breadth (St. Petersburg - 60, Moscow - 55, Nizhny Novgorod - 56, Ekaterinburg - 56, Sochi - 43, Rostov-on-Don - 47, Novosibirsk - 55, Vladivostok - 43 degrees of northern latitude). If we do the dial sun houron the portable surface, the diameters of the circle and divide it into 24 parts. If we make a sundial on Earth, draw a circle, insert a stick (gnomon) into the center of the circle and tilting it to the north so that the angle between the surface of the earth and the gnomon is equal to our latitude, from the lower end of the gnomon exactly to the north draw the line - it will be 12 Astronomical time day. The remaining lines are drawn by sharing the entire circle on 24 equal sectors. Each sector sun hour equal to 15 degrees.

Here we are waiting for an ambush. After competent discharge of the dial and tilt of the gnomon, the time showing sunny clock May differ from the time shown by local television. The problem lies in maternity time and time zones that were artificially created for convenience. The portable dial with ease will solve this problem, just carry it until time is correct. With clocks drawn on the sand a little more complicated, this moment should be taken into account when the dialing of the dial. For example, you can postpone the markup of the dial up to 12 hours, when we and the north without a compass define and exactly the main axis of the dial of our solar clocks. If you have no time to wait, and creativity is torn out of you, dialing dial sun hour In the draft version and adjust your dial to the error that you have turned out.

In our latitudes sundial They work in the midst of the summer of the clock from 8 am and up to 8 pm, so it is practically meaningless to treat numbers between these values. Because of this, often on a circular dial, the base of the gnomon is shifted down.

The same horizontal clock, only the gnomom is set clearly vertically, and the dial itself is tilted to the surface of the Earth to the angle of the installation site of such hours.

Vertical sundial.

Vertical sundial Usually fasten on the walls of houses. The same inclined gnome and dismissed through 15 degrees dial.

Usually in cities make mixed type sun hour. At half the angle tip the dial, the gnomon tilt half the angle. Such a construction sun hour See more spectacular, actually, because of what they do.

Building sun hour With your own hands really hobble your child and, in addition, will expand its horizons.

History of sunny watch

The person invented a number of tools for measuring time, for example, lunar, water, candle watches that were used up to the XVIII century, then hourglass and from XVI to the XVIII century oil watches. However, due to its dependence on external conditions and their oscillations, as well as due to technical imperfection, these means of measuring time did not find universal applications.

According to modern chronology, there are already 4,000 years ago, there were hours of varying degrees of complexity. The first to try to make them the Egyptians who invented star watch cards, and could be defined at night, watching the lifting of stars. As for the daytime, the late Egyptians invented shadow watches (sundial). The shadow from the transverse beam gradually crossed a number of tags from sunrise to sunset. A set of instructions for the manufacture of such hours was found in the grave of Pharaoh

Network I, which rules in about 1300 BC. Such simple shadow watches were predecessors. sunny.

Particularly favorable climatic conditions for measuring time with sun hour Had Egypt. News of the most ancient of the ancient Egyptian sun hour Refers to the Epoch of the Board of Tutamos III - the first half of the XV century. BC. One of the types of sunny hours was a stepped clock in the form of an obelisk with two sloping surfaces focused on the axis east - west and separated on the steps. When sunrise, the shadow fell on the edge of the upper step of one of these surfaces - the Eastern, then gradually descended until he had completely disappeared. Then, after noon, the shadow appeared again at the bottom of the Western surface, where she was going on until at sunset faced the edge of the top step.

On described suncharge Time was measured in length, rather than the direction of the discarded shadow. However, the Egyptians had sundial and with a scale to determine the direction of the discarded shadow. The famous Roman architect and the architect Marcus Vitruvius, who worked during the times of Caesar and August, describes in its essay "architecture" at least 13 types of sunny hours.

These include and not quite ordinary horizontal hollow areas for the northern regions hemispherical sundial - so-called hemisphers. The inner surface of the hemisphere was a heavenly hemisphere with a line of equator, two solstice lines and with a twelve-hour time scale. The invention of such hours is attributed to the known ancient astronomer Aristarch from Sams, who lived at 320-250 years. BC who made also sundial With semi-circles, separated by five parts (clock) of unequal length. In improving Greek sun hour The famous mathematician, the Founder of the Greek Astronomy of Evdox from Kddyos, who lived in 408 - 356 took great participation. BC. The sharp end of the gnomon, which served the original Egyptians for a clear limitation of the shadow on the scale, the Greeks later replaced with a small round hole, the so-called sunshine, throwing a small light point on the scales. In addition to the above horizontal hours, the Greeks also had more perfect vertical sundialThe so-called hemocycles that they have placed on public buildings. All ancient sundials were based on a simple principle of gnomon, in which the length and direction of the discarded shadow depended not only on the position of the Sun at the moment on the sky, but also from the time of year.

With the Roman method of dividing the day and night for 12 hours in the spring and summer, the daytime watches were lengthened, and in the fall and in winter they were shortened. Antique sundials due to their imperfection indicated such a time, the main feature of which was that under the influence of a changing tilt of the Sun, the length of day and night hours was changed during the year. Later antique and many medieval sundial There were curvilinear scales that eliminate this disadvantage. Such clocks with more complex and more accurate time scales calculated for quarterly or monthly intervals were used to approximately the XV century. A new era in the development of sunshine opened an important invention, dating from 1431. The principle was in installing the shadow arrow in the direction of the earth's axis. This simple innovation was reached by the fact that the shadow of the arrows, called a half-axis, after this innovation evenly rotated around the semi-axes, turning every hour by 15 degrees. This gave the opportunity to introduce uniform time, which could be used throughout the year, and the segments corresponding to the clock were the same length regardless of the changing height of the Sun. Next stage in development sun hoursteel sundial with compass. To the first creator sun hour Corrective compass refers astronomer and mathematician

Regionantan. With the dial, parallel plane of the earth's equator, and the gnomon perpendicular to it, were essentially the simplest clock with a uniform time scale. The creators of such hours usually proceeded from the fact that they would be used in various geographic latitudes. Sometimes such watches had an arrow with a toothed transmission and a small dial with an arrow to refer to minute intervals with an accuracy of 1 to 3 minutes. Such hours were called heliohronometers.

There were equatorial clocks arranged in such a way that their dial pointed directly the average sunny time, not local sunny timelike ordinary equatorial clocks. Varieties sun hour Were very diverse. Interesting ring sundial - One of the options for road solar clocks that very often served as decorative suspension.

The main part of such sun hour There was a brass ring with a diameter of several centimeters with another mobile ring equipped with a hole for the solar beam. On the outer surface of the main ring, the initial letters of the names of months, and against them, on the inner surface, was an hourly scale. Before measurement it was necessary to turn the smaller, usually iron, ring so that the hole for the beam lay at the name of the corresponding month. When measuring time, the clock was kept in a position that allows the solar beam to pass through the hole in the scale. On a similar principle, the so-called equatorial rings were built - similar hours, on the main ring of which there were two more crosses with each other. Later there was a new version with a cross-line instead of the third ring.

On one side of this cross, months were indicated, and on the other - the signs of the zodiac. In the middle there was a jumper with a small hole for passing the sunshine. The correct position of these watches when measuring time was such when the solar beam passing through the hole came to the central line of the equatorial circle. In conclusion of this section, I would like to shortly stay on one of the road models sun hourused by Indian travelers. They were wooden eight-marched sticks with a metal edge of 160 cm long with carved watch scales. In the hole above the scale for the corresponding month, a rod was died with a length of about 15 cm so that its tip with the vertical position of the stick discarded the shadow on the scale. On the stick should have 12 scales. Because for days removed from the solstice at the same time, the same conditions acted, it was enough to have 8 scales. The name of Aschah These watches were obtained by the season (June-July), which traveled. Sundial Never lost their meaning and continue to be constructed today. The Romans have improved the sun, with which we are familiar at the present time, and even done solar portable hours, convenient to travel. They laid the millennium and still long remained a means of testing and coordination for very unreliable wheelchairs, until they were finally displaced due to the invention of the spiral spring as a stroke controller (1674), but we will tell about it below.

We reviewed the device and functioning of the solar clocks that were improved and changed over the years. Sundial With a magnificent pole, a compass and magnitude division, a simple and reliable signpost of sunny time, but suffered from some serious shortcomings. Their work was associated with sunny weather and with a limited period of work - between the sunrise and sunset. Therefore, new devices for measuring time were fundamentally different from the sun's clock. While the unit of time on a sunny hour was excreted from the rotation of the Earth and its movement around the Sun, it was necessary to create an artificial standard of time units, for example, in the form of the time interval necessary to lean a certain amount of substance in a chronometric device.