How to care for chrysanthemum in the soil in the spring. Subtleties landing chrysanthemums and autumn: how to plant

It is difficult to imagine the autumn flower garden without perennial chrysanthemums. Their nice makes her eye when the leaves have already shuffled on the trees, and there are simply no other garden colors. Landing and care for perennial chrysanthemums have their own nuances, but do not imagine special difficulties.

These perennial plants with flowers collected in baskets are distinguished by both the height of bushes and sizes of colors, and their coloring.

Chrysanthemum Alpine.

These chrysanthemum flowers are low. The view for accommodation on the Alpine slide, as the height of the plant does not exceed 14 cm. The leaves have a cross-cut-green leaves, the flowers have a kind of single basket with a diameter of 3 to 5 cm. Flowering in the middle of summer. Wintering without shelter.

Chrysanthemum Korean.

It is this chrysant that it is most often grown in the regions with frosty winters. Despite the fact that it comes from southern countries (Korea, Japan, China), the peripetics of our climate is fully maintained, although she needs shelter.

Interesting varieties made to the prevention advances in the State Register:

  • Altyn ah. The bush is not above 60 cm. Carries on durable flowers yellow terry flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Begins to bloom in mid-August. Flowers abundantly and more than 2 months.
  • Dina. A bus story is about 45 cm. Flowering begins after August 10. White flowers, 8 cm with a diameter. Blossom is very long - up to 70 days.
  • Zemfira. Blooms at the end of July. It blooms for almost 3 months with small and non-none colors of light pink.
  • Autumn dreams. It blooms for almost 3 months with yellow semi-grade flowers with a diameter of 7.5 cm.

There are also varieties that have not been tested, but no less interesting:

  • Bacon. Bright red flowers on a bush tall up to 85 cm bloom in September. They are terry, have a diameter of 5 cm.
  • Evening lights. Inflorescences are simple red with a yellow ring.
  • Orange sunset. Flowers terry, large (up to 11 cm), orange. A bus story is about 80 cm.
  • Balysh Kibalchish. A low-rise plant, not higher than 35 cm. Flowers simple pink flowers at the end of summer.
  • Umku. High, up to 110 cm, the bush is decorated with large pomponic flowers with a diameter of up to 8 cm white or slightly pinkished color.
  • Stranger. Winter-hardy grade blooming from the end of July. White first, large flowers gradually stain on the tips in a lilac color.
  • Inspiration. Flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm, terry, have an aroma. Flower in September. They differ in winter hardiness.

The border garden chrysanthemums occupy a special place. Their bushes do not grow above 30 cm and without any form take a spherical shape.

The best varieties:

  • Talisman - Flowers of beet and raspberry color;
  • Varvara with lilac-lilac flowers.

Chrysanthemum Perennial: Nuances of Growing

Chrysanthemum - Yuzhanka and to our climate were able to adapt a few species. Beautiful large-flowered varieties can only be grown in the south. Even more resistant to frost, Korean chrysanthemums can freeze in miserable winter. Plant feature - do not like wet wintering, so drainage is required for them. Another nuance - Kush Chrysanthemum is short-lived and requires updating once every 3 years.


In the open soil you need to grow varieties adapted for frosty winters. It is best to grow, bloom and winter zoned varieties and grown of seeds.

Soil preparation and place

Place for chrysanthemums are chosen solar, completely illuminated throughout the day. Even a small shading will inevitably affect flowering, and the stalks of the plants will stretch out. It is necessary to provide for both wind protection. The plot should not be dry, but also water stagnation This flower does not tolerate either.

Soil for chrysanthemums must meet the following requirements:

  • to be loose, any mechanical composition is suitable, except for severe clay;
  • skip water and air well;
  • have a weakly acidic reaction, so it is useful to add peat to the landing hole;
  • be fertile - on skinny soils bloom will be scarce.

Packet for each square. M is made up to 20 kg of humus, 100 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 30 g of urea. On heavy soils for drainage make sand.

It is impossible to make fresh manure under chrysanthemums - the plants do not tolerate it.

How and when to plant?

Typically, chrysanthemums are on sale in the fall, it is at this time their blooming and a correspondence of varietal signs. They are supplied in pots, so they need a transplant. But in the fall, the flowers are better not to disturb, otherwise the fees in winter are inevitable. The plant gives all the strength to flowering, and they simply will not remain on the root. The best time for landing chrysanthemums is spring. In the southern regions, it is carried out at the end of April or in May, and in the north it will have to wait for the end of the return spring frosts.

  • Plants put in the holes in a depth of 40 cm, on the bottom of which you need to put drainage.
  • In each well add a handful of humus and spill the soil well. Chrysanthemums during landing do not plunge.
  • The distance between plants is about 40 cm, between rows - 50 cm.
  • It is necessary to provide support for bushes in the form of durable pegs, to which plants are tested.

Caring for chrysanthemums

So that the plants were healthy and bloomed well, they need to carefully care for them. The first thing that is done after rooting the cuttings is the tip for the best taking room. After 3 weeks, the citner repeats, forming a spherical shape of the bush. If the cuttings are obtained late, this operation is not necessary, such chrysanthemums are grown in a single-run culture. During the season of vegetation, regular weeding, soil looser, watering and feeding.

Watering plants

Chrysanthemum is sensitive to the lack of moisture, from this stems are treed, and not getting full bloom. Excess water is also harmful - it helps to boot the roots. Therefore, you need to seek the golden middle and focus on weather conditions. Especially needed watering in dry weather and during flowering. Water out the water and only under the root.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Fucking chrysanthemums is required both mineral and organic.

  1. Every 2-3 weeks are feeding with a solution of mineral fertilizer. In the first half of the vegetation with the predominance of nitrogen, in the second - phosphorus and potassium at the rate of 40 g per declined bucket (this quantity is enough for 2 square meters. M landing).
  2. 3 times for the season conduct feeding the infusion of a cowbachka in the proportion of 1:10. Each plant will require a liter of solution.

All feeders are combined with watering clean water. The next day the soil should be loosened.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

This is the time of preparation for the winter. To win the wintering successfully, you need to hold a number of events.

  • Plants are fed by phosphoric and potash fertilizers.
  • Conduct trimming bushes, leaving about 15 cm of the stem.
  • They plunge the ground brought from another part of the site so as not to greet the roots.
  • Fall asleep with a layer of dry leaves with a thickness of up to 40 cm.
  • Cover from above the material, delaying snow - sweetheart or dry branches.


Chrysanthemums are short-lived. On the third year, the middle of the cookies falls out, and the flowers are minced.

To renew the bushes and give them a new life, chrysanthemia is divided and seated to a new place.

Transplant time - Spring. Kostik should be carefully digging up, slightly shaking the earth. Plants shall with a sharp knife. Each defense should be kidneys and roots. Further actions are the same as when planting cuttings.

Reproduction of many years of chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums Garden perennial breeds the division of the bush, stalling and sowing seeds. Recent plants will be best adapted to climate in the growing place.

  1. Seeds in seedlings are seeded in early March in the store purchased in the store or prepared by the mixture of the following composition: garden land, peat and humus in equal amounts.
  2. Drainage laid on the bottom of the sebacing.
  3. Seeds of many years of chrysanthemum sow superficially, slightly pressed them to the ground.
  4. The capacity is covered with a polyethylene package and put in a light place with a temperature of 25 degrees.

Immediately after the appearance of shoots, the package is not removed, but do it gradually, catching plants to fresh air. When the shoots acquire two real leaves, they are priced in separate cups.

  • temperature 18 degrees;
  • a lot of light, if necessary - showering;
  • supported once in 14 days with a solution of full mineral fertilizer.

Plant seedlings to the ground after frosts, trying to save the roots as much as possible.

With seed reproduction, parental signs are not saved.

For spring shilling, you need to dig a plant in the fall, put it in a pot and care for winter as a room flower. The cuttings are harvested from young shoots with a length of 5 cm, removing the lower sheets. Put in a container with sand under the glass jar. After rooting, the cuttings are frozen and planted into the ground.

Diseases and pests of plants

When growing garden perennial chrysanthemums, some diseases can be encountered.

Fungal diseases:

  • gray rot (brown spots on the leaves, covered with gray raid);
  • puffy dew (white bloom);
  • rust (small spots of chlorosis).

All of them are treated with copper-containing fungicides, and a colloidal sulfur is also effective against rust.

Viral diseases:

  • mosaic (collected specks on the leaves);
  • aspermia (deformed flowers and speckled leaves);
  • dwarf (small growth, not suitable variety, premature flowering).

Treatment does not exist, patients are destroyed.

The main pests of chrysanthemum: nematodes, meadow bugs, trouble. In the first case, the struggle against the pest is impossible. Plant destroy. As prophylaxis shed the earth with a solution of phosphamide. From Claop and Tly, you can try the processing with riot husks or acute peppers. If it does not help, process insecticide plants.

So that the annual chrysanthemum flourished faster, the seeds germinate on the windowsill from the end of winter, and the seedlings are planted into the ground after the end of spring frosts.

The queen of autumn clubs is rightfully considered chrysanthemum. Its magnificent and long flowering creates a beautiful focus on the site at a time when most colors have already faded and lost attractiveness. Even if you plan only some chrysanthemums in the garden - this will be enough to create a bright picture in the fall, as today the huge number of varieties of this plant are derived. If you also attract "Golden Flower" - our advice will be prompted, where and how to grow it properly.

How to successfully choose chrysanthm

The first step is always buying seedlings. If you successfully choose a variety, then problems with extinction and weak bloom you will not be initially. There are annual and perennial varieties.

This annuals are sold by seeds, and they can be bought all year round in specialized stores. Much more difficult with perennials. There are blooming bushes, rooted cuttings and pancakes of plants. It all depends on the time of year when you choose the planting material. So, at the end of winter - the early spring you can offer the Musician (rhizome, surviving wintering), in the summer - rooted annual cuttings, and in the fall, the lush flowering bush and the Musicians who have already been blowing away.

Rules of spring shopping

In the spring you will not be able to see whether you sold the variety that in the photo, i.e. Buy a blind plant. So it is better not to risk and order garden chrysanthemums in the nursery or a reliable store. Spring planting material is perfect perfectly. You can even buy royalties in the market from local grandmothers, because these flowers are grown in those conditions where they have to grow. True, you will know about the grade only from the words of that grandble. But if the market trader is not from the local - it is better not to buy at all, as it can be the Musicians brought from the warmer countries. Already in the first winter, the plant will freeze.

Important! Be sure to ask where the plant was wintering - in the ground or basement. If in the basement means the grade will not be winter-hardy, and you will have to dig it annually to keep the rhizome.

Annual cuttings sold from the end of May is a good planting material. Before the fall, the plant will have time to gain strength and go to the wintering faster. True, this year you can not see blossoms, since by September chrysanthemums often do not have time to lay flower kidneys.

The cuttings are cheaper than the mother liquor, but with proper care, it is not worse.

Selection of planting material in the fall

Autumn planting material is the most convenient in the selection of varieties. At this time, blooming bushes in pots are usually sold or closed into the film root system. But here it is necessary to carefully study the bush himself, but its roots. More precisely, look at whether in a pot or near the central trunk, a young piglet, which speaks about the viability of chrysanthemum. If no sprout makes itself from peat - such a plant is better not to buy, since the probability of successful wintering in the ground is almost zero. But there is a chance to save a bush in the basement.

Only when buying in the fall, you can see the first to see what kind of chrysanthemum is in and to what size the flower grows.

Musicians in the fall of buying too risky, as you have to provide them with all the conditions for good wintering, and for an inexperienced gardener it is difficult.

The presence of breaking green sprouts from the soil indicates an excellent condition of the root.

Remember the three rules of purchase.

  1. Springtymets and annual cuttings are suitable better.
  2. If you need a flower of a certain color and petals shapes - buy autumn blooming bush.
  3. Local plants are less capricious than foreign varieties.

Landing and care for garden chrysanthemums

So, the plant is bought. Now his life is in your hands. Selection of space, proper landing and care - that will depend on the successful development of the flower. Consider how to properly grow chrysanthemums in the garden.

Choosing a place

And one-year, and long-term garden chrysanthemum loves an exalted place, a well-warmed by the sun, and absolutely not tolerance of water. She needs a lightweight, good fertilized soil. If the ground is on the clay area - it must be diluted with manure, humus or peat. On heavy soils, the plants often freeze, since the fall of the roots begin to rotate from excess moisture, and in the winter it is easily damaging frost.

The lack of the sun affects the puff of flowering and the height of the plant. In the shady places of Chrysanthemum begins to pull the shoots to get out of the shadows, does not have time to grow and easily break from the wind. In addition, it can shift at a later time of flowering, which will adversely affect the wintering of a bush. Therefore, avoid places near high trees and lush shrubs that give a lot of shadows.

Equipment landing

If you bought a chrysanthm like a saliter for flowerbeds, then the smell of such a depth should be to dig up so that the tips of the green row on the royaltics or 2/3 of the green cutlery were visible above the ground. Immediately in the hole, peat or humus, if the soil is heavy, and the plant is put on it. It is plentifully spilled by water with the addition of a stimulator of the root formation to speed up the plant's survival time. Fall asleep the hole of the earth and it's tightly tightly.

If you plan a few chrysanthemums, it is better to dig no individual pits, but a solid trench. It is resurrected by humus, shed rhoin and plant plants at 30-40 cm from each other. With this method of planting in the soil, a greater supply of nutrients is obtained, and the roots are developing faster and more abundant.

When landing, the cuttings is preferably covered with a nonwoven material for 2 weeks so that the faster leaves did not suffer from the scorching summer sun.

With autumn landing, it is necessary to break the ground on top so that a puddle formed on the surface. It is necessary to compact the soil and eliminate emptiness through which the frost is easily pierced to the roots.

The blooming bush is cut immediately after the purchase, leaving the third part of the leaves and trunks (although it is a pity!). It is necessary that the plant does not spend power to maintain flowering, and switched to the root formation. The remaining foliage is enough for the flow of photosynthesis, and the cut-off inflorescences can be put in the vase. The plant is planted into the ground as described above.

Features of care

Behind the chrysanthemums planted in the garden is easy. They require wet soil (but not wet!). If the water in the soil is not enough - the trunks will begin to be rude, and inflorescences will become small and less spectacular.

Flower adores feeding: spring - nitrogen, from mid-summer - phosphorus-potash. Just do not confuse the application deadlines, as Nitrogen is needed for building green mass, and phosphorus with potassium provide long bloom and successful wintering.

Tall bushes need a garter, as the wind large inflorescences can break.

With the first frosts, the bushes are cut off, leaving only penets up to 10 cm height so that the plant is preparing for wintering. After the onset of minus temperatures, each bush is sprinkled with leaves or sawdust, and especially valuable varieties are covered with nonwoven material from above, and on top of a wooden shield to protect against excess moisture.

The shelter Loutrasil will retain the mother meal healthy even with severe frosts.

If you have already mastered the rules how to grow chrysanthemums in the garden, next year you can try to multiply your plants using the extension method.

Video manual

19.09.2017 14 903

Chrysanthemums - landing and care in the open soil, forming a beautiful bush

The main autumn flowers - chrysanthemums, landing and care in the open soil behind these flowers do not represent much difficulty, but require compliance with a number of conditions during growing, both in spring and autumn. Do not violate the rules if you want to plant a flower from a bouquet or root the process, and to multiply the plant in the fall, read the main points. If you do not know how to form a beautiful bush with a ball, remember, you need the tailing and trimming for the winter, or try to grow a special grade that will need only a single stepping ...

Methods and timing of breeding chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are annuals - they are annually growing from seeds, and perennial - they can be multiplied by seeds, cuttings, royalties or the division of the bush. Landing chrysanthemums produced in spring and autumn, each season has its advantages:

  1. Seeds They sow in an open soil in May, and when germs will grow by 10 cm, they are plugged. In the fall of chrysanthemums already bloom
  2. Shining - A very popular way of breeding chrysanthemums. You can grow a bush, cutting off a stalk, even from a bouquet. How to roam chrysanthemum process? Escape of about 6 cm long root in the ground, consisting of sand and peat. The box is covered with glass kept in a cool place, not higher than + 15 ° C. When the roots appear, the plants are cleared into separate pots and then, with the end of frosts, in open ground. If you purchased a cutlets of the desired grade in the fall, do not land it in the ground, but root in the container and leave in a cool room until spring
  3. Music - This is a penetrating rhizome of chrysanthemum, from which shoots will go, it can be purchased and land in early spring
  4. Division bush - The only way of autumn planting chrysanthemums, in which the plant is carefully digging, the secret of the mother's bush with escapes on several copies and searched. Such a procedure is supposed to be carried out every two years to rejuvenate the plant

Chrysanthemum, planting in spring and autumn

Please note if you decide to grow chrysanthemums, landing and care in the open ground differ in spring and autumn - with the spring landing, the sumps and cuttings are better leaving, but in the fall, you can choose a blooming bush and not mistaken with its appearance.


With very frosty winter, choose Korean small-bedroom hybrids of chrysanthemums, which were called Dubok - this species combines many varieties zoned in the middle lane and the Moscow region. Large-flowered Indian chrysanthemums differ in high spirits - grow up to a meter, and sometimes to one and a half, but they are afraid of cold weather and easily freeze.

For chrysanthemums are chosen solar, preferably elevated place. Flowers do not like moisture stagnation, so the mooring soil is drained, adding a layer of large river sand into the planting hole. The soil is preferable or neutral, light and loose. Too dense - mixed with peat, humus or overworked compost.

The chrysanthemum plants are placed every 30-50 cm. The pit is digging a shameful to shoot in the royaltics or two thirds of the cutlets were not covered with the earth, when dividing the bush is about 40 cm. No more than 0.5 kg of humidiation or compost is added to the well. If you overdo the fertilizers, the flowers will be small, and lush - only foliage. It is recommended to pour the roots with a stimulant (, corneser, heteroacexin), and then fall asleep and seal it. The cuttings after the Spring Planting are desirable to cover spanbond from the sun for a couple of weeks.

With autumn landing, Kush Chrysanthemum must be abundantly pouring, it complies with the soil, eliminating emptiness in it, due to which the roots can freeze. In addition, the colors are cut and leave a third of the stems so that the nutrients go to the development of the root system.

Chrysanthemum, Care - Watering, Undercaming, Pruning, Shelter

The stagnation of chrysanthemum moisture does not endure, but watering loves - without water, the stalks become tough, the flowers are minced. At the same time, the flower does not tolerate sprinkle, it is necessary to water the root, preferably rain or saturated with water. Earth after irrigation loose to avoid peel.

In the spring for chrysanthemums need nitrogen feeding for rapid growth, it is possible to spend it 2-3 weeks after landing. In the second half of summer, with the beginning of the bootonization of chrysanthemums, phosphorous-potash fertilizers contribute to ensure lush flowering and strengthen plants before wintering. In the fall, you can bother with a little flowers with organica. Tall varieties are tied up, since their fragile stems can break.

The beginning of frosts - a signal that it is time to go to wintering. The trunks of chrysanthemum in late autumn cut off, leaving 10-centimeter hemps and insulate sawdust or foliage. The most tender varieties are covered with underfloor material and to protect against moisture, something flat is placed on top - for example, a plywood shield. Some flower products dig roots and store them in winter in a dark cold cellar, for sure to save the variety.

How to create ball-haired bushes chrysanthemum

For flowers such as chrysanthemums, landing and care in the open ground - not everything you need and easy processing will allow you to create real masterpieces from them.

Chrysanthemum after winter is cut and pinch to get a beautiful ball-like bush. There is a variety that the bush himself grows in the form of a ball, without needing to form, is a multiflora chrysanthemum, a low-speed bush up to 20 cm in height - when two pairs of leaves appear on the shoot, and then the ball is formed himself.

Multiflora can be grown not only at the flowerbed, but also in a pot. But, at the end of flowering, the above-ground part of the plant is cut and sent on peace - in a dark cool place, for the whole winter. Periodically sleeping chrysanthemums are watered so that the roots do not dry. In February, the first sprouts appear, this means that the plant woke up, and it is time to get from the basement. If the spherical chrysanthemum grows on the flowerbed, the stalks need to cut up to 10 cm and hide sawdust and nonwoven material for the winter.

Multiflora loves the soil rich fertilizers, when planting, add more humoring and wood ash to the well. If you grow it in a pot, you can prepare the soil of 30% humus and 20% of sand, the remaining 50% is the hardening ground.

You can form a ball from other types of chrysanthemums, in the finely and firmware, the main escape is plugged upon reaching 10-12 cm, then the side shoots have grown up to the same length, they are actively branched after that, they are actively branched, they are actively branched.

The large-flowered species chrysanthemums cut the stems with a length of 15 cm, all spend one or two sequins no later than June, in addition, their steps - from mid-July, they remove the shoots from the sinuses of the leaves every day, and since August - every three days Get a spherical bush with large flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

It is difficult to imagine the autumn flower garden without perennial chrysanthemums. Their nice makes her eye when the leaves have already shuffled on the trees, and there are simply no other garden colors. Landing and care for perennial chrysanthemums have their own nuances, but do not imagine special difficulties.

Varieties and species

These perennial plants with flowers collected in baskets are distinguished by both the height of bushes and sizes of colors, and their coloring.

Chrysanthemum Alpine.

These chrysanthemum flowers are low. The view for accommodation on the Alpine slide, as the height of the plant does not exceed 14 cm. The leaves have a cross-cut-green leaves, the flowers have a kind of single basket with a diameter of 3 to 5 cm. Flowering in the middle of summer. Wintering without shelter.

Chrysanthemum Korean.

It is this chrysant that it is most often grown in the regions with frosty winters. Despite the fact that it comes from southern countries (Korea, Japan, China), the peripetics of our climate is fully maintained, although she needs shelter.

Interesting varieties made to the prevention advances in the State Register:

  • Altyn ah. The bush is not above 60 cm. Carries on durable flowers yellow terry flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Begins to bloom in mid-August. Flowers abundantly and more than 2 months.
  • Dina. A bus story is about 45 cm. Flowering begins after August 10. White flowers, 8 cm with a diameter. Blossom is very long - up to 70 days.
  • Zemfira. Blooms at the end of July. It blooms for almost 3 months with small and non-none colors of light pink.
  • Autumn dreams. It blooms for almost 3 months with yellow semi-grade flowers with a diameter of 7.5 cm.

There are also varieties that have not been tested, but no less interesting:

  • Bacon. Bright red flowers on a bush tall up to 85 cm bloom in September. They are terry, have a diameter of 5 cm.
  • Evening lights. Inflorescences are simple red with a yellow ring.
  • Orange sunset. Flowers terry, large (up to 11 cm), orange. A bus story is about 80 cm.
  • Balysh Kibalchish. A low-rise plant, not higher than 35 cm. Flowers simple pink flowers at the end of summer.
  • Umku. High, up to 110 cm, the bush is decorated with large pomponic flowers with a diameter of up to 8 cm white or slightly pinkished color.
  • Stranger. Winter-hardy grade blooming from the end of July. White first, large flowers gradually stain on the tips in a lilac color.
  • Inspiration. Flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm, terry, have an aroma. Flower in September. They differ in winter hardiness.

The border garden chrysanthemums occupy a special place. Their bushes do not grow above 30 cm and without any form take a spherical shape.

The best varieties:

  • Talisman - Flowers of beet and raspberry color;
  • Varvara with lilac-lilac flowers.

Chrysanthemum Perennial: Nuances of Growing

Chrysanthemum - Yuzhanka and to our climate were able to adapt a few species. Beautiful large-flowered varieties can only be grown in the south. Even more resistant to frost, Korean chrysanthemums can freeze in miserable winter. Plant feature - do not like wet wintering, so drainage is required for them. Another nuance - Kush Chrysanthemum is short-lived and requires updating once every 3 years.


In the open soil you need to grow varieties adapted for frosty winters. It is best to grow, bloom and winter zoned varieties and grown of seeds.

Soil preparation and place

Place for chrysanthemums are chosen solar, completely illuminated throughout the day. Even a small shading will inevitably affect flowering, and the stalks of the plants will stretch out. It is necessary to provide for both wind protection. The plot should not be dry, but also water stagnation This flower does not tolerate either.

Soil for chrysanthemums must meet the following requirements:

  • to be loose, any mechanical composition is suitable, except for severe clay;
  • skip water and air well;
  • have a weakly acidic reaction, so it is useful to add peat to the landing hole;
  • be fertile - on skinny soils bloom will be scarce.

Packet for each square. M is made up to 20 kg of humus, 100 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 30 g of urea. On heavy soils for drainage make sand.

It is impossible to make fresh manure under chrysanthemums - the plants do not tolerate it.

How and when to plant?

Typically, chrysanthemums are on sale in the fall, it is at this time their blooming and a correspondence of varietal signs. They are supplied in pots, so they need a transplant. But in the fall, the flowers are better not to disturb, otherwise the fees in winter are inevitable. The plant gives all the strength to flowering, and they simply will not remain on the root. The best time for landing chrysanthemums is spring. In the southern regions, it is carried out at the end of April or in May, and in the north it will have to wait for the end of the return spring frosts.

  • Plants put in the holes in a depth of 40 cm, on the bottom of which you need to put drainage.
  • In each well add a handful of humus and spill the soil well. Chrysanthemums during landing do not plunge.
  • The distance between plants is about 40 cm, between rows - 50 cm.
  • It is necessary to provide support for bushes in the form of durable pegs, to which plants are tested.

Caring for chrysanthemums

So that the plants were healthy and bloomed well, they need to carefully care for them. The first thing that is done after rooting the cuttings is the tip for the best taking room. After 3 weeks, the citner repeats, forming a spherical shape of the bush. If the cuttings are obtained late, this operation is not necessary, such chrysanthemums are grown in a single-run culture. During the season of vegetation, regular weeding, soil looser, watering and feeding.

Watering plants

Chrysanthemum is sensitive to the lack of moisture, from this stems are treed, and not getting full bloom. Excess water is also harmful - it helps to boot the roots. Therefore, you need to seek the golden middle and focus on weather conditions. Especially needed watering in dry weather and during flowering. Water out the water and only under the root.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Fucking chrysanthemums is required both mineral and organic.

  1. Every 2-3 weeks are feeding with a solution of mineral fertilizer. In the first half of the vegetation with the predominance of nitrogen, in the second - phosphorus and potassium at the rate of 40 g per declined bucket (this quantity is enough for 2 square meters. M landing).
  2. 3 times for the season conduct feeding the infusion of a cowbachka in the proportion of 1:10. Each plant will require a liter of solution.

All feeders are combined with watering clean water. The next day the soil should be loosened.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

This is the time of preparation for the winter. To win the wintering successfully, you need to hold a number of events.

  • Plants are fed by phosphoric and potash fertilizers.
  • Conduct trimming bushes, leaving about 15 cm of the stem.
  • They plunge the ground brought from another part of the site so as not to greet the roots.
  • Fall asleep with a layer of dry leaves with a thickness of up to 40 cm.
  • Cover from above the material, delaying snow - sweetheart or dry branches.


Chrysanthemums are short-lived. On the third year, the middle of the cookies falls out, and the flowers are minced.

To renew the bushes and give them a new life, chrysanthemia is divided and seated to a new place.

Transplant time - Spring. Kostik should be carefully digging up, slightly shaking the earth. Plants shall with a sharp knife. Each defense should be kidneys and roots. Further actions are the same as when planting cuttings.

Reproduction of many years of chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums Garden perennial breeds the division of the bush, stalling and sowing seeds. Recent plants will be best adapted to climate in the growing place.

  1. Seeds in seedlings are seeded in early March in the store purchased in the store or prepared by the mixture of the following composition: garden land, peat and humus in equal amounts.
  2. Drainage laid on the bottom of the sebacing.
  3. Seeds of many years of chrysanthemum sow superficially, slightly pressed them to the ground.
  4. The capacity is covered with a polyethylene package and put in a light place with a temperature of 25 degrees.

Immediately after the appearance of shoots, the package is not removed, but do it gradually, catching plants to fresh air. When the shoots acquire two real leaves, they are priced in separate cups.

Conditions for the seedlings:

  • temperature 18 degrees;
  • a lot of light, if necessary - showering;
  • supported once in 14 days with a solution of full mineral fertilizer.

Plant seedlings to the ground after frosts, trying to save the roots as much as possible.

With seed reproduction, parental signs are not saved.

For spring shilling, you need to dig a plant in the fall, put it in a pot and care for winter as a room flower. The cuttings are harvested from young shoots with a length of 5 cm, removing the lower sheets. Put in a container with sand under the glass jar. After rooting, the cuttings are frozen and planted into the ground.

Diseases and pests of plants

When growing garden perennial chrysanthemums, some diseases can be encountered.

Fungal diseases:

  • gray rot (brown spots on the leaves, covered with gray raid);
  • puffy dew (white bloom);
  • rust (small spots of chlorosis).

All of them are treated with copper-containing fungicides, and a colloidal sulfur is also effective against rust.

Viral diseases:

  • mosaic (collected specks on the leaves);
  • aspermia (deformed flowers and speckled leaves);
  • dwarf (small growth, not suitable variety, premature flowering).

Treatment does not exist, patients are destroyed.

The main pests of chrysanthemum: nematodes, meadow bugs, trouble. In the first case, the struggle against the pest is impossible. Plant destroy. As prophylaxis shed the earth with a solution of phosphamide. From Claop and Tly, you can try the processing with riot husks or acute peppers. If it does not help, process insecticide plants.

Garden Chrysntera can be rightfully called one of the most beautiful autumn perennials blooming to the most frost and possessing the unique tart aroma. This beautiful flower brings a lot of bright joy in dark days of autumn. However, many dacities think in vain that in the conditions of the middle strip it can be grown only as the annual or indoor container plant. Next, you will learn about all the methods of breeding, timing, landing and care rules for the bush garden chrysanthemum in the open soil.

Varieties and varieties chrysanthemum

Conditionally all chrysanthemums can be divided into 2 types:

As a rule, perennial Korean varieties are planting and growing in our gardens, which are perfectly winter (but better with additional shelter). And the most popular are spherical garden chrysanthemums (multiflora).

Large-color varieties are most often used for commercial purposes, that is, for cutting and compilation of bouquetsbecause they need warmer conditions, clearly not the middle strip or the Urals and Siberia, where they simply freeze.

Video: Types and varieties of chrysanthemum

Video: Indian and Korean

Methods of breeding chrysanthemums

Basically, garden chrysanthemums spread through the division of a bush or stalling, in other words, in vegetative ways. But often it is also grown from seeds.

By the way!Large-flowered and small-bedroom (Korean) species are identical.

Sowing seeds

Perennial chrysanthemums can be sowed with seeds, but varietal signs when collecting planting material and its re-crop will not be saved. If you still decided to buy seeds, then they are better to sit on the seedlings (in February-March), in the phase of two real leaves to dive, and when the threat of return freezers, fall into the soil (or pot). And then by autumn you can get flowering bushes. In addition, you can try to plant a straight sowing in Open soil in May-June.

Video: How to grow seedlings chrysanthemums from seeds

Division bush

Once every 2-3 years, the root system of garden chrysanthemum is overgrown, it begins to degenerate, the flowers are minced, so the plant should be rejected, that is, to divide.

Sharing the plant is simple enough: you need to carefully dig up the bushes and divide them into several copies (hands, a secateur or even a shovel). Then to send on separate wells and take the nonwoven material from the Sun (block 4 sticks and to draw the shelter on them) so that they are not polished until they are accepted.

Video: Transplant chrysanthemum division bush


It is convenient to shine chrysanthemum during autumn trimming. To do this, you will need to chop, and it is better to break 5-8 centimeter shoots (the flowers themselves need to cut everything, the leaves also leave only a pair of pieces), which can be rooted either in a glass with water, or in a total container in a special substrate (from peat and Sand or in a mixture of perlite with the same peat) and cover with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect.

When the plants appear roots (after 2-3 weeks), they should be searched into separate containers. In winter, young seedlings should be kept in a cool place (+4 .. + 6 degrees) and not forget to water if necessary. With a spring plant, they are preferably desirable for the first time (week 2), for example, making a spanbond carport.

Video: Shlenge chrysanthemum in autumn

Video: Sensing in spring

Tip! You can draw chrysanthemums from a presented bouquet.

Video: How to root chrysanthemums from a bouquet - shilling and result

Dates of landing chrysanthemums

Depending on the method of reproduction, the timing is distinguished when it is better to sow, transplant (divide) or glorify chrysanthemums.

So, seem seeds Chrysanthemums on the seedlings of optimally early spring (even in February-March), or in an open primer in May, when the Earth warms up (but the bloom then it is worth waiting next year).

Shove out Bushes Chrysanthemum it is most convenient in autumn during regular trimming, but It is difficult to keep them in winter, and they often die, so it is better do it still spring, Survival in this case is significantly higher.

Division bush And the transplant of chrysanthemums can be made in the second half of spring, when the threat of age freezers (in April-May) and in the late summer - the beginning of the fall (in August-September) so that the bushes have come across a new place to cool.

How to plant chrysanthemums in open ground

To disappear all the problems with the growth and development of garden perennial chrysanthemums in the open ground, you need to remember the choice of a suitable place, as well as soil for planting.

Place for landing

For the successful cultivation of chrysanthemums in the garden it is very important to stop at the right place to land. If possible, it should be the most sunny plot at the cottage. The plant does not like constant drafts, but also the stagnation of air does not like it, so the place must be ventilated. Optimally choosing less sublime areas, hillocks, slopes, because it is impossible to allow the root system to be constantly flooded with water.

The garden perennial chrysanthemum is ideal for creating live borders, that is, to decorate garden tracks, as well as creating beautiful compositions near the house.

The soil

This blooming perennial will be sadly growing in loose (moisture-permeable) and fertile land. By acidity, the soil must be neutral or weakly acidic reaction. Optimal soil for planting garden chrysanthemum is a well-drained loamy or samp.

If the soil is sandy, the landing site should be well overcooked and fed to the compost or humus.

In the event that the soil you have heavy, the moisture passes badly (and its stagnation is very negatively affecting the perennial), then a good drainage should be made, pouring a little sand.

Direct landing

Here you purchased the autumn bush (sapling in the ground with land) of garden chrysanthemum (or divided the maternal bush, grilled cuttings), chose a suitable day (preferably cloudy), or an early morning or late evening. It's time to plant him.

Step-by-step instruction landing chrysanthemums in open ground:

  1. Decide with the place, prepare the landing well (as a rule, with a depth of 30-40 cm).
  2. Make drainage if necessary (pour a little sand to the bottom of the pits).
  3. Put the bush, straighten the roots.
  4. Pulling off with fertile soil and well compact so that the roots are well in touch with the ground.
  5. Cut a bush on 1/3 or at all leave a small pencil. Now it is important that the roots come true.
  6. Pour plenty.
  7. Turn the peat or humus.

Important!If you sit at once somewhat bushes, then the distance between them should be about 30-50 centimeters. Remember that the bushes are very growing.

Video: way of planting chrysanthemum in the fall

Caring for chrysanthemums in open soil

Hardly chrysanthrom can be called an unpretentious plant, on the contrary, it requires constant care. Therefore, in order to get beautiful bushes, these perennial flowers need to be watered, feed, form (cut and trim), replant and multiply (divide and draw) and stroke for the winter.

Important! And the high, as a rule, large-flowered (but tall there are small-color) chrysanthemums, it is also necessary to tip to the pegs so that they do not fall or worse and worse.


The plant can be called moisthed, but it does not follow it (in the spring of natural moisture, as a rule, it will be enough).

Tip!After planting (disembodied cutting) or transplanting (divisions) of chrysanthemums in the spring, young seedlings should be moderated periodically.

In the midst of summer (June-July), the garden perennial requires abundant irrigation, since during this period there is a process of formation of buds. As soon as flowering starts (as a rule, in August), watering should be reduced. With a lack of moisture, the plants will be wooded and stop branched.

Important! Watering chrysanthemums necessarily need exclusively under the root. Spring crown is forbidden. Of course, if possible, it is advisable to use rain or resistant water, and after each watering to loosen so that the dry crust is not formed.


Feed chrysanthemums according to the standard scheme:

  1. Early spring nitrogen fertilizers - for the start of the growth of green mass (for example, the infusion of a cowboy in proportion 1 to 10 or chicken litter (1 to 15).
  2. In the summer during the bootonization of potash-phosphor (more potassium) fertilizers - for more saturated and lush flowering (for example, wood ash).
  3. Autumn - phosphorus-potash (more phosphorus). Phosphorus affects the strengthening of the root system, which is necessary during the preparation of the plant to wintering.

There are special complex fertilizers for chrysanthemums for the entire growing season.

And if you are still grow rosesYou will use such fertilizer.

Note!The feeders must be performed solely after irrigation and only under the root, in no case falling on the leaves, otherwise the fertilizer can cause burns from them.

Formation, cutting and trimming

If you want to get spherical bushes in chrysanthemums, then they should be made in the spring such a haircut. It is recommended to make a piece of top (main escape) after 5-6 sheets when it reaches 10-12 centimeters. Similarly, shocking and side shoots. All these events should be performed before the start of the bootonization.

By the way!Chrysanthemum multiflora Self grows in the form of a ball. It only follows it once to pinch when 2 pairs of leaves appear on the shoots, then it will be formed.

If you grow large-color chrysanthemums on a cut (on bouquets), then you should leave 2-3 stems, on which large buds and inflorescences will appear. It is also important not to forget their step-down, removing the shoots that appear from the fasteners of the leaves.

Video: Formation of a bush of large-flowered chrysanthemum for sale

For the winter of small-ceiling (Korean) varieties, naturally, the entire upper part is cut and a small penneck is left (somewhere 10 centimeters).

Preparation for winter

Some flowerflowers are afraid that even their small-color chrysanthemum can freeze in winter, so in the middle of autumn (October), it is necessary to clue to the rolling circle with a thick 10 centimeter layer of peat or compost, and at the end of autumn (November) cover the plant, such as spunbond or dry leaves, It can be hay, and even better a sweetheart.

Note!The large-flowered chrysanthemums insulate and cover does not make sense, since in the open ground they do not win. They need to dig and transfer to the storage to the spring landing.

At the same time, Korean copies can also be simply transplanted into the pots and move to the wintering to the basement or on the veranda, and you can still touch the polycarbonate greenhouse at the soil level and additionally hide.

By the way! On the autumnal care of chrysanthemums, their preparation for winter (shelter and squeezing) Read in detail in this article.

Diseases and pests

One of the most frequent troubles that occurs with chrysanthemum is first the appearance white Naleaand then at all wereproying and dying her leaves.All this indicates a disease of the garden perennial muced dew. Frequent rains and, as a result, overvoltage, thickened landings, temperature jumps are the most favorable environment for the development of this disease. To return to the plant former beauty, it should be poured a couple of times with copper-based drugs (for example, copper vigorous or bordeaux liquid).

Often it attacks chrysanthemum tLL and TRIPSIn this case, you will need to process garden perennials with one of the special insecticidal drugs, for example, "Aktar" or "Fitoverterm".

Video: Chrysanthemum spherical - landing, care and shelter

If you still have imbued with the idea to plant and grow a bush garden multi-year chrysanthum on my summer cottage, focus on the peculiarities of the care and its reproduction. And then you can hit all the neighbors with the magnificence of the autumn flower.

Video: Features of the care and breeding of bush chrysanthemums

Noble chrysanthemum - flower, loved by Japanese and Chinese emperors, royal gardeners, as well as the numerous army of flower flows of various countries of the world. Millenniums are held, and the "sunny" flower, although it acquires a variety of color, but does not lose its popularity. Normal or terry, high or low, with large or small flowers, any chrysanthemum is a real decoration of the site. Chrysanthemum multi-year will delight everyone who will fulfill the requirements for its cultivation. Chrysanthemums Garden landing and care produce, observing special rules.

Planting material

Chrysanthemum garden long-term

You can grow chrysatt in your garden using flower seeds, seedlings or applying shilling.


Working with the acquired seeds of the most likely varieties are starting early in spring. When growing chrysanthemums from seeds directly into the ground, we first pour well-prepared wells, and then seed seeds in them. After seeding it is necessary to ensure the seeds favorable temperature regime. In order for the soil to be wet and not transferred, it is covered with a polyethylene film. In this form, the place of sowing is left before the appearance of sprouts.

Chrysanthemums sown from seeds are annual. With spring extinguishing, bloom will begin in the first decade of August.

To accelerate the start of flowering, we use seedlings. Let's start with the preparation of floral containers and soil moisturizing in them. Seeding seeds, only slightly sprinkle their land and leave under the film to germination. Sprouts will appear no later than a week. This method is most suitable for growing seedlings.
When using seeds, it should be borne in mind that they do not have the ability to save the variety.


Saplings - Picked seedling chrysanthemums. Their preparation for landing in the ground takes time. Initially, the cups with a sawn sediment must be in cool premises. The optimal temperature is at least 16 ° C and not more than 18 ° C. The soil in the cups are watered as it dries, trying not to overcoat. For normal growth, chrysanthemum seedlings requires a sufficient amount of light. Therefore, in weakly lit rooms, it is organized an additional backlight.


You can only get a suitable stalk from the main (root) escape of the flower. Rates a leaflet with a kidney of 3-4 mm from above, no less than 6-7 cm of plants are cut off for a cutken. It is possible to carry out the procedure in spring, after heating the air more than 21 ° C. However, on hot days (more than 26 ° C), it is not recommended to carry out. Chrysanthemum cut-off with a sharp knife is immersed in a wet soil soil, popped sand, pre-treated with growth stimulant. The thickness of the sand layer is 2 cm. The angle of the tilt of the cutter from the sharp to the straight (from 35 ° to 45 °).

Planting garden chrysanthemum

Planting chrysanthemums of garden perennial begins with the choice of place. It is necessary to approach this very carefully. The "Flower of the Sun" loves open, well-lit places that are protected from draft. Experienced flowers know: so that the flowers do not become small, you need to choose a place in which the plant will not be in the shade.
The soil is less important for the plant. But it is necessary to ensure that the soil has a good drainage and there was no water stagnation.

Preparation of landing well

Prepared for landing the wells should have a depth of more than half a meter, a suitable depth of 60 cm. Fill the boarding hole, observing the next order. We start with the drain layer. Suitable for drainage materials - small pebbles, crumples, crushed stone. The next layer is a compost or organic agent. I fall asleep the well soil mixture.

Dates of landing

Experts believe that the most optimal landing of chrysanthemums in the spring. Landing time depends on the weather on a specific day. In sunny weather, planting is possible only early in the morning or evening after sunset. But it is best to plant chrysanthemums when cloudy or rainy.
In the southern regions, chrysanthemums are also perennial landing in the fall. But here it is not recommended to plant chrysanthemums in the second half of September or later.

When landing in spring or autumn, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Ensure that the root is not blunt.
  2. Use supports when landing high growth chrysanthemums.


For normal development, chrysanthemum seedlings are twice being pinching. The first time the procedure is carried out immediately after disembarking into the ground, the flower growth point is removed. After 21 days, pinching is performed for the second time. Now you need to break down the top of the flower so as to grab 2-3 knots.

Caring for garden chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum Kustovaya

Chrysanthemum does not apply to particularly demanding colors. However, compliance with certain care standards will ensure not only normal growth, but also long flowering of chrysanthemum.

Caring for chrysanthemum garden includes the following processes: watering, mulching, feeding.


The constant preservation of the light humidity of the soil is a prerequisite for the cultivation of chrysanthemum Sadovaya. The volume of water during watering depends on the landing region. In hotter and dry places, watering should be abundant. But excessive dampness can harm the flower. In the process of butting, watering is somewhat reduced, flowering also requires a decrease in watering.


To save the landing of chrysanthemums from weeds, and also prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, the soil around the bush should be meditated. The best for mulch is suitable for coniferous rocks, such as needles or pine needles. Wood sawdust also well shown themselves as a means for mulching the soil.


Garden Chrysanthemum reacts well to systematic feeding. It should be carried out at least 2 times a month. Nitric fertilizers feed the plants in the spring, it allows the flower to grow well. During the flowering period, fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium are used. Mineral fertilizers are entered as roasting watering.
From time to time, bone flour used for feeding will also be useful.

Preparation for winter

Chrysanthemum Brush garden is well transferring winter temperatures with proper preparation for the cold season. Before frosts, the blurred shrubs cut off, leaving no more than 2-3 cm. After that, the bushes chrysanthemums fall asleep foliage, pine needles or branches. The varieties blooming late, dig out of the soil, transplanted into the pot. Thus, they winter as indoor plants.

Protection against diseases and pests

Chrysanthemum suspected with root diseases, using phytoosporin (in accordance with the instruction).
It is also recommended to handle bushes chrysanthemum after rain with special preparations from fungal diseases and viruses.
Folk remedies (soap solution, tincture of garlic) well help to cope if a wave or tick appeared on the plant. And the crushed egg shell or cooled wood ash, which sprinkled the soil around the plant helps to fight snail or mucus.

Compliance with uncomplicated rules in the cultivation of chrysanthemum allows floweries to keep flowering flower beds to deep autumn.

From the middle of the summer and the most frosts, many households, summer cottages and parisades are decorated with bright bushes of garden chrysanthemum. The plant blooms even when many flowers have already been tested after the first frosts. Even the most experienced gardeners are affected by the variety of flower colors, its views and forms. You can learn about the varieties and peculiarities of the cultivation of the "Queen of Autumn" you can by reading our article. And choose the suitable flowers of the flower will help the photos of chrysanthemums.

Varieties and varieties of garden chrysanthemums with photos

Garden chrysanthemum is a perennial plant, the height of which depends on the type and maybe from 15 to 150 cm. Currently, a large number of varieties of chrysanthemums are known, which for some features and features are combined into groups.

Society value

Perennial chrysanthemums on the diameter of flowers are divided into three groups:

  • small mixtures;
  • mednical;
  • large-flowered.

Small-colorful or Korean plants may be simple and terry. A large number of inflorescences grows on one chest with a flower diameter of 2-10 cm. The bushes themselves in height can reach from 25 to 120 cm. Leaves of the plant have an oak leaves. Flowers are distinguished by frost resistance, undemanding to the composition of the soil and easy to care. Their blossom begins in mid-September and continues to the most frost.

Mednical or decorative chrysanthemums can be grown not only to decorate the garden, but also for cutting. They also grow well in pots at home. They can be decorating balconies, loggias and terraces. Decorative bushes grow up to 30-70 cm, and have a flower diameter from 10-18 cm.

Large-flowered chrysanthemums Present spectacular high plants. The length of their stem can reach from 80 to 120 cm. They bloom with large colors with a diameter of 10-25 cm. This type of chrysanthemums do not tolerate freezing. Only individual varieties can winter in the open soil. Such flowers are intended mainly for cutting in bouquets.

The shape and height of the bush

In the form and height of the bush, garden chrysanthemums are divided into three types, each of which has many varieties.

Tall. The stems of this type of garden chrysanthemum can be very high, and require supports in the form of frames, metal grids or wooden pegs. Supports are installed during the busting of the bushes. A group planted can be used as a living hedge. Most popular varieties Tall garden chrysanthemums are:

  1. "Amber Lady" - the plant is characterized by the inflorescences of a golden shade.
  2. "Umka" - chrysanthemums with white flowers, the form of which resembles Pompon.
  3. "Rosette's daughter" is covered with flat inflorescences with flowers of pink and white shade.

Average. Growing up to 30-50 cm bushes look very impressive both on the flowerbed and along the tracks, fences, arbors. With their help, you can realize various design fantasies. The best varieties of average garden chrysanthemum Considered:

  1. "Dawn" - the plant is characterized by yellow-brown color, which is just coming to the autumn mood.
  2. "Dune" is truly a magical grade, whose flowers can change their color during flowering. They bloom are yellow-brown, and after a few days they become yellow-gold.
  3. Lily will help you add brightness into any composition of your dark raspberry colors.

Curb. Low-size plants grow only up to 30 cm. This kind of chrysanthemum is considered one of the most beautiful garden colors. Bushes border chrysanthemums have a shape of a ball, pulled by small flower. In this group, the most popular varieties:

  1. "Varvara" is a plant with delicate lilac-lilac flowers.
  2. "Evening lights" - the variety is characterized by almy inflorescences that resemble a festive salute.
  3. "Talisman" was covered with bright beet and raspberry flowers.

Form of flowers

Garden chrysanthemums have five different types of flowers forms:

  1. Pomponic flowers are an assembly of the tongues that are collected in a ball resembling Pompon.
  2. Anemoid flowers consist of large petals that are collected in one, two or three rows. The flowers themselves are small and very similar to the anemone flowers.
  3. Single-row and downtime inflorescences are bordered by the colors similar to the tongues. In the center of such infloresions, small flowers and tubes are growing. Kaima from flowers can be located in one or two rows.
  4. Pedagious flowers consist of three row of tongues that are located around the central flower.
  5. Terry inflorescences are similar to the semi-world, but their flowers are more lush, as they are diverse in appearance and shape.

Garden chrysanthemums - landing and care

Features landing

Chrysanthemum loves sunny plots. To bookmark Flower Kidney Plant Requires a lot of light. Even in the half of the chrysanthemum will not bloom.

The soil should be rich in organic substances. Therefore, during the rescue for one square meter of the soil, it is necessary to add one bucket of manure, compost or peat. More organics do not need to make, otherwise only leaves will grow rapidly, and the plant will bloom with very small flowers.

  1. For large-raised bushes, the distance between the wells needs to be made at least 50 cm, and for small bushes - at 25 cm.
  2. To each well recommended add drainage or sand.
  3. When planting a plant, it is impossible to deepen in the ground.
  4. Near large, high bushes need to immediately install support.
  5. The leaves of the plant can be sprayed with "epic", which will help him better adapt. "Korninn" is suitable, whose mortar is poured.
  6. If freezing is expected, then young bush needs to cover with nonwoven material overnight.

Care rules

Caring for garden chrysanthemum, it is necessary to pay special attention to the watering, since the plant depends on the level of humidity of the soil. You need to water the bushes in a timely manner, otherwise the flower will throw off all buds.

The volume of water for watering one bush depends on its features. Plants with small rigid leaves can be watered less often than bushes with soft large leaves, which evaporate a lot of moisture.

Chrysanthemum react well to feeding. This uses complex mineral fertilizers with magnesium and potassium content, and organic in the form of humate. During active growth in green mass, the plant is fed by nitrogen.

Care for garden chrysanthemums includes the formation of a bush. It is necessary regularly capture and cut. For the first time, the top of the plant is removed when the central escape grows up to 10 cm. After a while, when the side shoots will grow up to 10 cm, they also comprise a macushkin. After that, the bush grows to flowering.

In the period when Chrysanthemum blooms, from her bush, you need to regularly remove the shock and faded buds. Thus, it is possible to extend the flowering period.

If you wish to get large beautiful flowers, you can make a total trimming of side shoots. As a result, only one skeleton and one bloomon will remain on the bush. All the forces of the plant will go to the formation and growth of the flower.

Care for garden chrysanthemum in winter

So that the plant landed into the garden is as beautiful and abundantly blooming the next year, you need to take care that it turns well.

In frosty winters even cold-resistant varieties require shelter. Therefore, after the end of flowering, the stalks of the bushes are cut to the earth itself. The plant is plunged and covered with fallen leaves.

Chrysanthemums with large colors of minus temperatures are afraid. Therefore, they need to dig together with the earthen room and put into the appropriate capacity. Plants are stored before planting in the spring indoor with a temperature of 0-5 degrees. The care of them is the rare watering of an earthen koma, which should not disappear.

Diseases and pests Perennial chrysanthemums

With proper care, the plant is rarely amazed by pests and practically does not ill. However, the bushes regularly need to inspect that the problem occurred as early as possible and start treating the plant. Threat to garden chrysanthemums represent:

  1. Web tick - pest, sucking from a plant juice. It can be found on the spout formations on the back of the sheet. If the leaves of chrysanthemum become gray-brown, they begin to darken and fall, then, most likely, the tick settled on it. Plant need to be treated with special chemicals.
  2. Sheet nematodes - the disease is manifested by the deformation of the leaves, and their darkening between the streaks. In this case, it is necessary to change the soil and trim the damaged areas.
  3. Verticillosis is an infectious disease that penetrates through the roots. Therefore, the leaves begin to turn yellow and tighten the bush below. In the initial stages will help the spraying of biopreparations.
  4. Puffy dew first striking leaflets and buds on which a white flare appears. The affected parts of the plant are removed, and the bush itself is processed by burglar liquid.

Breeding of bush chrysanthemum

Chrysanthma is possible split in three ways:

  • dividing bush;
  • seeds;
  • stalling.

Division bush

Bushes can be divided in spring, but only after the threat of frosts. So that chrysanthemums bloom are better, their bushes recommend dividing every three years. For this, the plant is neatly digging and divided into several small bushes. The roots of the plant will need to be cut. Dellets are planted into the ground and water.

Seed reproduction

In open primer sowing is made in May. For each future plant, a separate hole is digging, the distance between which should be 25 cm. In one hole, 3-4 seeds are buried. For the first time blooming chrysanthemums should already at the end of summer.


The reproduction of cuttings is the easiest way, since chrysanthemums are quick and good.

  1. A stalk with 3-4 leaves is cut under the leaf pattern. Its length should be at 6-8 cm.
  2. The capacity is filled first with peat, and then sand, in which a stalk sits.
  3. The soil sprayed, and the box is covered with glass.

The temperature for rooting should be within 13-15 degrees. When the roots appear, the cuttings will need transplant into separate pots. In the open soil, young bushes are planted only when the frost is passed.

Observing the rules for landing and care for garden chrysanthemum, you can achieve beautiful and spectacular flowering for half of summer and almost all autumn. Any garden area on which the "Queen of Autumn" will grow, will be a luxurious garden decoration.

Bush chrysanthemum

East wisdom advises everyone who wants to live a happy life, grow. On the ancient Chinese legend, the White Dragon tried to encroach on the sun itself. He died his teeth and claws, and the sparks fell on the ground and turned into yellow flowers, which later called chrysanthemums. They are depicted on the Japanese emblem, coins and seals, which does not interfere with Asians cakes and salads. As a garden flower of chrysanthemum is known for 3 millennia, but only grows interest in it.

Breeders constantly seek to obtain as large-flowered varieties as possible, but the gardeners are more attracted to small-bedroom Korean chrysanthemums, as they are resistant to low temperatures, good in the open ground in combination with other flowers, have high decorative qualities, long and abundantly bloom almost until November . Therefore, no wonder chrysanthemum is considered the queen of autumn. In addition, it is grown in pots to decorate houses, and in a cut form it costs long - up to 30 days, so ideal for bouquets.

In the open soil of Chrysanthemum blooms in August and pleases with his magnificent flowers all autumn, withstands freezing to -7 ° C. Depending on the grade, the stalks reach a height of 30-80 cm and are decorated with terry, semi-grade and simple inflorescences of unusually diverse shades.

In the northern regions of Russia it is believed that chrysanthemum is impossible to grow in open ground, but in fact they can successfully winter with a mild in the middle lane of Russia and even in Siberia! In these areas, after cutting stems, the hemp with a height of 10-15 cm is well dipped, they are covered with foliage and insulate.

Landing chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums do not like the slightest shading and moisture delay, so the place for them should be sunny and at least a bit sublimated. This is a guarantee that shoots will not stretch, change the time and time of flowering. However, the root system of chrysanthemum is superficial, so the soil can not be overwhelmed.

Ideal soil for them - loose, moisture-permeable, with the optimal amount of different nutrients. With dense and lowland soil in the garden before landing, cuttings in the soil are made a little peat, or overworked, but do not abuse them, otherwise the plants will be overlooking the growing blossoms. As a drainage, enter a small amount of large sand into the soil. Soil mixture is desirable.

Perfect day for landing - cloudy or rainy. In hot sunny weather, planted cuttings in the early morning or late in the evening when the sun is less active. The wells depth is 35-40 cm richly span with water, put drainage, ground mixed with in proportion 20: 1. Chrysanthma put and fall asleep the earth. The growth of the roots goes parallel to the soil, so they are not too plundered. For tall varieties need extra support.

Immediately after planting to the ground, the first pieceing is carried out - the point of growth is removed on the plant. After 3 weeks after disembarking, the upper part of the escape with 2-3 knots - the second searcher. The first days after disembarking the seedlings are artificially pronounce that they do not suffer from bright sunlight. The best option will serve as a nonwoven material, but it is desirable that it does not come into contact with the leaves.

The reproduction of chrysanthemums

Since the seeds are reproduced, the varieties are not preserved, the division of bushes or root pig, which is separated from the uterine bush.

With any version, it is necessary to plant and transplant chrysanthemums in the spring, in May, When the cooling passes. Permissible at the beginning of summer - on the development of chrysanthemum it will not affect. In the next video, you can see the process of breeding chrysanthemum divide the bush in the spring.

If you drank the landing material closer to autumn, then plan it into the ground until September 15So that the plants have managed to root a good root to the onset of frosts. If you did not have time during this period, put a seedling into a shallow wide pot, cutting low. Capacity with chrysanthemum Send to a dark place on a warm loggia or heated terrace, where the temperature will be at the level of +4 ... + 6 ° C - these are the optimal conditions for the prosperous development of plants. All winter periodically moisturize the earth.

From the end of February, the chrysantoma is planted in and more often. Until the end of March, shoots will grow, and it will be possible to engage in stalling - shoot no more than 10 cm.

Gently fall out the cuttings in a mixture filled with a mixture, sand and humus in a 1: 2 ratio: 1 box, close the glass tightly. A month later, the cuttings are rooted, they can be searched into wide containers. As soon as the danger of unexpected cooling, it will be possible to transfer a fallopian plant and transplant to the ground.

Caring for chrysanthemums

Watering mode should be moderate, in which the root system will not be raised from excess moisture. This is despite the fact that chrysanthemum is quite moisture. The exception is a dry period (with it, it is more abundantly, so that the stems are not rustled, and the flowers did not lose decorativeness) and the period before blooming. It is better to take water outstanding or rain.

Once a week, "feed" flowers with infusion of a cowhouse (1:10), and before the bootonization - and for lush flowering, sometimes to build a green mass. Cancel feeding before flowering. During feeding, make sure that the solution with fertilizers does not fall into the leaves and did not cause the burn. Water only under the root.

For the development of young chrysanthemums, it is extremely important to provide balanced food in the first 2 months, as it goes very active extension of the green mass. A blown korovyan is very effective and. The main rule is better to unfeam the plant than to burn.

Despite the fact that chrysanthemums are quite well tolerant of cold, in late October, protect the bed with flowers from frosts, putting a frame with a plastic film on it - and you will still admire the flowering of plants of the April shuttle. I will remove the frame at the end of November, to transfer bushes to the pots, and on a warm light veranda they will bloom even in January.

If you recently gave a chrysanthmant in a pot, how to save it to spring and landing in the garden, you can learn from the answer to the question. And the article is a confirmation of what the flower you like can well multiplink with stalling, even if you do not know exactly the dates of cutting.

Fighting diseases and pests

The moisture of chrysanthemum is abundant irrigated, especially in the absence of rains, helps prevent defeat and that moisture does not endure.
In the soil there are many malicious microorganisms and pathogens, so after each rain, process plants with drugs from diseases (for example, "quadris" or "preview"). From root rot, it will save, it can be added to irrigation water with each feeding.

Of all the enemies, chrysanthemum (leaflerting, toli, ticks, etc.) are the greatest danger. Only one of them can eat several buds per night. Therefore, keep the Ear East, regularly view your landings and take measures on time. Good preparations for the fight against insects are, "Aktellik", "Ratibor", "Spark", "Phytoverm" and others.

Types and varieties of chrysanthemum

The genus chrysanthemum has more than 150 species, but in our garden they are grown mainly by their hybrids. The classification of chrysanthemum is quite complex. There are major Garden groups of hybrid chrysanthemums:
  • korean (small-bedroom, inflorescence 2-9 cm),
  • indian (large-flowered, inflorescence 10-25 cm),
  • chinese and Japanese.
On the structure of the flower The varieties are divided into the following groups:
  • simple
  • semi-grade
  • anemovoid
  • terry
  • flat
  • hemisphere
  • spheroid
  • curly
  • pomponny
  • rude.
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On the structure of the petal Allocate tubular and boring. For growing in the garden, the most popular chrysanthemums are Korean, they are unpretentious, beautiful, long bloom.

Large-color views are usually grown for cutting and drawing up bouquets. I will list several popular small-bedroom varieties for your garden.

Chrysanthemum Korean "Alenushka"

Bright pink neachless inflorescences 5-6 cm in diameter. Bush up to 50 cm high. Flowers in September.

Chrysanthemum Korean "Alenushka"