How to choose a baby bed. How to choose a cot in a newborn room: species, recommendations of doctors and rating of the best models with photos

In the very first period of life, the kid is very important to create favorable conditions for his calm and full sleep. A properly chosen bed will help not only sleep sweetly to your baby, but also will contribute to his healthy development.

Children's psychologists and pediatricians recommend that the newborn baby has its place, its cot. Some parents take care of this even before the birth of a child. So let's deal with how to choose a cot for a newborn.

The main task of the buyer is to determine what qualities in the selection of the crib consider the advantage and, accordingly, to give preference to what goods. A truly good baby cot that combines 3 main components: convenience, functionality and safety.

rulesthat will help answer the question how to choose a cot.

  1. There should be no protrusions in the crib, sharp corners so that in no case the baby does not suffer.
  2. For good air ventilation, the bottom of the crib, as well as its side surfaces should not be solid.
  3. It is desirable that the crib was a removable wall. So my mother will be easier to move the crib at night at night.
  4. It will be better if the bed will have several levels, so that when the kid is growing, it was possible to raise the bed at the level of higher.

By asking the question, what bed still choose, consider these basic rules.

What is better - pendulum or rocking chair?

This question is asked most parents: what to choose - pendulum or rocking chair? What bed is better for a newborn, with what mechanism swaying?

In fact, the special role does not play how the bed will be swaying (transversely or longitudinally). The choice depends only on your subjective preference, from your taste and on how much you have in the room.

Here you should pay attention to the features of your baby. If the kid is badly falling asleep, crying, then it is better if the cot will swing to be able to sooner to reassure the newborn. And if the baby is very calm, quiet, then do not have to swing.

The best cots for newborns are multiple species.

  1. With curved sex - Perhaps the easiest option. The mechanism of work is to slowly swaying the cradle from side to the side.
  2. Wheels on the legs of the crib- A sufficiently convenient design option. Here you can already swing the cradle and, if necessary, move it around the room. And if there is no need for wheels, they can be fixed by the retainer.
  3. Pendulum - Different rocking mechanism: transverse, longitudinal and swing in two directions. The mechanism of work is that the pendulum is easily coming from a small push or the movement of the child. But if the kid has already grown or you do not want to rock the bed, it is easy to block it with a brake. When choosing such a crib, it is important to take into account the fact that it is heavier and have to be tinted with the assembly.
  4. Manezh - Foldable option, suit for both home and travel. Big plus a bag of type Manege is that they are made of lightweight materials (metal, plastic and special fabric). The bed-shirt is very easily disassembled and easily clean. By functionality, the playpen is not inferior to the usual options. She has a false bed (the upper level of the bottom), a changing table and a shelf for trifles. The maneen bed is universal and is in great demand.

The crib is better to choose the one that will be most convenient in terms of use, but do not forget also about the features of your baby, try to choose such a bed so that the baby was comfortable in it.

Material manufacturing children's beds

Cots for children are traditionally made from an array of wood. However, recently, traditional cottages made of wood were durable, beautiful and reliable analogues of a crib of metal, as well as cribs made from chipboard and MDF.

  • Cots from wood are a very good option, since the tree is a natural material. Mostly wooden cribs make trees such as alder, oak, maple, birch and pine. Cots made of pine (the most softwood) cheaper.
  • Cot from MDF. - This is a cot from tiled wood fibers. The advantages of this type of material are high reliability and safety.
  • Cots from chipboard Have a very attractive cost, but do not hurry to buy. The material from the DSP is able to highlight the harmful substance - formaldehyde. Therefore, if you still decide to buy this option, you should ask the seller a certificate for the goods in order to accurately make sure that this crib has no harmful substances.
  • Metal cribs Movement is very durable and, as a rule, externally extremely attractive. If there are plans to purchase a bed, which can be used for the second, and the third child, then the metal cot is perfectly cope with this task.

Rating of the best baby cots

The bed selection can be based on user opinions. In this case, a peculiar rating of cots for children should be considered. The best baby cribs:

  • Papaloni Giovanni;
  • Baby Italia Dolly;
  • Geoby tly 632;
  • "Red Star Irina C625" (bed-pendulum);
  • "Kubanezstroy Butcher AB 15.0" (rocking chair with wheels);
  • "Gandylaan Teresa" (cot transformer);
  • "Agat Cinderella-1".

Sometimes parents give their preference to the beautiful and fashionable models of the beds, while at all without taking into account their quality, functionality, safety and other equally important characteristics.

Hi, friends, with you Lena Zhabinskaya!

If you are waiting for the appearance of the baby, you, of course, are interested in the answer to the question of how to choose a baby cot for a newborn.

I already wrote about that, and we were convinced that this is a whole science - to understand the variety of forms, species and prices. It is not easily with the cribs.

But if you read this article, it will not be difficult for you.

As a mom of two children, I now know exactly what it is - an ideal bed. And if in the case of the wheelchairs there are options from the "Who's" series, then a good bed is one for everyone.

Using the instruction out of 10 steps, find out how to choose it correctly, so as not to spend your extra money and do not spoil the health of the baby.

The material must be the most natural possible.

This is a tree.

Even better, if it is processed only by mechanical way, that is, without paint, varnish, some impregnation.

Step 2: Design.

Must be the simplest. Without the possibility of swing, without any pendulum. Why? The kids have a very weak vestibular apparatus.

Therefore, with intensive branding, the newborn often does not fall asleep (as many think), and elementary loses consciousness as a result of dizziness.

It has been scientifically proven that regular defective in infancy is a prerequisite for inclination in adulthood to harmful habits (alcoholism, smoking, drug use).

How can it be connected?

In essence, the mention forms a habit of gaining dizziness.

Listed bad habits give similar sensations.

These are the scientific developments!

Well, plus to spend the time regularly to spend the time - it is very tedious for parents.

Personally, I'm not going to take risks and literally I give the hands to everyone to "shift" my Eve.

Step 3: Having a drawer for storage.

It is very convenient for storing the pellery, baby bedding and other things.

I am confident that any family in general, and with the advent of a new member especially, experiencing a storage deficit.

This is an excellent option, the minimum cost and money, and on the occupied area.

Step 4: Adjusting the height of the bottom.

When the child is completely small, does not sit and should not, the bottom is raised to the maximum height.

This allows the mother not to lean too low to put or take the baby.

Very convenient and excludes extra load on the mother's back.

When the kid has grown and can already stand, the bottom lowers at the lowest level.

Thus, even standing in full growth, the kid is significantly lower than the bedding.

It makes the child in the crib safe, because he cannot get out of it with it.

Step 5: Removable side wall.

The design of the bed provides for the possibility of removing the side wall.

This is done so that the crib can be close to put to the parents bed.

As a result, the child sleeps as it were near, but on a separate bed.

We had this option, but we did not use it, because both babies slept with us in bed to a certain age.

But for my friends it became a real salvation.

Lyalka fell asleep in his crib, and then, if necessary, quarreled to parents, and back, without waking up.

Therefore, if you are planning a joint sleep with a child, it will not be useful for you.

If you want to sleep separately, or doubt - how it goes, you can consider this option.

Step 6: Right mattress.

The mattress in the crib must be as hard as possible.

It is necessary:

  • for proper formation of the spine;
  • for timely development of turning skills - to do it on a rigid surface is much easier;
  • to eliminate the danger of stroking in the position of the lying on the tummy - it is impossible to suffocate on a solid mattress, and on a soft and curve - easily.

Step 7: Bed linen.

It should be made of natural fabrics, perfect 100% cotton.

It is better if linen is white or bright, with a minimum dyes in the fabric.

According to pediatricians, under 2 years old the pillow is not needed. No shapes and sizes.

Step 8: No Soft Safety.

Firstly, because this is an extra dust collector who is forced to breathe a newborn.

Secondly, they prevent the free circulation of fresh air around the kid.

Thirdly, when trying to sit down or get up to the baby very comfortable enough for the sweatshops.

If they are closed with sides, it can somehow inhibit the development of the physical skills of the child.

Step 9: No canopy.

It looks all this very elegant, but what's the trick?

Baldahin just like soft sides, is an excess dust drive and prevents free air circulation around the crib.

In addition, there is a real risk of suffocating a child, if the Baldahin falls into the crib and will turn around the neck of the baby.

For this reason, a couple of years ago, IKEA was removed from production and even revoked already realized canopies.

I think it is better not to risk, what do you think?

Step 10: Suitable size and color.

The bed must fit well into the interior of your apartment.

Accordingly, if your apartment is furnished with dark wood color, it will be logical and the crib will be purchased in the same colors.

The white bed perfectly fit into the interior, furnished in bright colors.

Some cribs are more massive in design, others are more elegant. What to choose - here is the case of taste.

In the end, I am sure that at this stage your choice will be easier due to the fact that the mass of options for previously reviewed criteria will be filled.

Soon I plan to write about what things should be attended in the nursery, and from which it is worth getting rid of.

If the article was useful to you, subscribe to blog updates and share it in social networks.

With you was Lena Zhabinsk, while so far!


Choose a crib for your newborn baby, but do not know what to stop? Are you lost in the variety of models and constructive features? In this article we will help you with the choice. We will tell what kinds of the beds are which material it is better to choose, and we give 10 examples of the best models of different manufacturers.

First of all, let's figure it out with what a crib should be to kid to be comfortable and safe in it.

Safety requirements

  • It is important that the bed does not have sharp corners, and the baby did not hit them.
  • The material from which the cot is made, as well as the paint coating should be environmentally friendly.
  • It is better to choose cribs with a rack bottom and walls so that the baby has enough air.

Important! The optimal distance between the slats at the bed wall is 8 cm.

  • The bed must be with an auto shine or an autoplating that rises and lowers if necessary.

  • The front wall should be removable. Thanks to such a function, Mom can move the baby to his bed and watch it.
  • In addition, railings should be removed in the front wall, so that the grimy child could have to get out of the crib and climb back.
  • Please note that on the walls of the bed there were special silicone overlays, so that the kid gnawing them (and not a tree or metal) when the teeth shovel.
  • The mechanism of auto shine or automotive should be safe for the child.

Types of beds


Designed for kids from birth to 6-7 months. This is due to their dimensions - up to 95 * 50 cm. They are equipped with wheels so that the cradle can be moved. Also, in some models there is a sample system.


The bed of a rectangular shape may be on legs or on wheels, which are removed if necessary. The crib with removable wheels can be installed on the climb, with which the crumb can be launched in the crib. The sleeping place in them can be 120 * 60 cm, 125 * 65 cm (European size) and 140 * 70 cm. External dimensions are larger, and each manufacturer differ by 1-2 cm.


They are designed to relieve the baby's falling asleep. The pendulum may be longitudinal - swing along the bed axis, and transversely - the kid's mention occurs in direction from side to side. Cots can be equipped with linen boxes. It is convenient if there is little room in the room for storage.

Transformers with dresser

  • The size.

The mattress should be absolutely the same size with the crib.

  • Cover material.

Also pay attention to what material is made of a mattress case. It must be removable and made of hypoallergenic material. The best choice will be a flax or cotton case.
Take care also that the mattress does not deteriorate if the kid will make "his business" in the wrong place and in the wrong time. To do this, buy a special oilcloth on the mattress. It is better that it is fixed with special rubber bands.

The selection of the crib is responsible, because it will be most of the time to spend your newborn baby. What preferred is it is an individual solution of each. We hope that our tips will help you decide on the choice. And if you could not find a suitable model in the store, not trouble: we have prepared how to assemble a cot on your own.1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

With this article read:

Navigating on records

What bed to choose for a newborn?

Children's Child Church - Serious Event. From how it is chosen, will depend on how good the baby becomes well. Create comfortable and safe accommodation for him is the primary task of the parents.

It often happens that when buying is drawn only to the appearance of the furniture and how it is the rooms or bedrooms of adults, but many other important nuances are not taken into account.

Having visited the specialized store or looking at the pages of the relevant online stores, you will understand that it will not work quickly the right purchase. To deal with all kinds of baby cots in the store and buy a crib for a newborn, the most reliable and most beautiful, it is required to get preliminary information to a hike in the salon of children's furniture.

What kind of christmas bed is better to choose? Of course, it should be attractive and have an acceptable price, but the following factors should also be taken into account when choosing:

  • what a baby cot is made;
  • what is her legs;
  • is it possible to adjust its depth;
  • what sides and bottom of furniture;
  • distance between adjacent planks of the side walls;
  • how old will be used.

What kind of christmas crib to choose with age

How old is a baby cot for a newborn? Initially, we will pay attention to this issue, and only then consider other aspects of the right choice. Recently, models resembling vintage crackers or having a tech device are very popular. They are convenient because they are very easy to calm the restless child, and he will quickly sleep.

Pay attention to an important moment, how to choose a bed for a newborn: rocking beds or cradles are used only in the first months of the baby's life. Upon reaching them four months, such a model should no longer be used to avoid accident.

Specialists have no consensus about such samples of the bed. Still, those models that can be used almost to a two-year-old kid are considered more profitable from the point of view of saving the family budget. Furniture designers offer future parents also look at the transformer beds that can be denied and in various ways to modify.

Baby transformer beds will solve the child's sleeping place at once for 6-7 years. Their uniqueness is that from the usual cradle, they turn into a regular bed, and the existing changing table with a bedside table is converted to the desired writing desk. It should be noted that such transformers have not yet been widespread among Russian parents, since all models of transformer beds are characterized by a very high price.

Best material for a cinder newborn

For children, all the best is always selected, so the furniture in which you have to sleep with a crumble from the very birth, should be the most natural possible. At all times, baby cribs were made from a tree and now this tradition is fully saved. Any wood has a breathe property, which is very important.

Now a lot of models are sold in which the tree is combined with plastic or metal. In small quantities, such pediatricians are allowed, but always when buying needs a hygienic certificate. It is often quite unclear, from which a specific model is made. Documents will indicate the material, and it will be possible to make the correct conclusion how safely the selected model is harmless.

Olha, Birch, Maple. A model of pine are quite good: they have a low price, but pine trees relate to soft rocks, therefore traces of teeth of small mischromans can remain on products from it. Do not forget that all wooden samples can often be washed and the products will not hurt it.

Important elements of baby cots

How to choose a crib taking into account the features of the design elements? Consider all the nuances in more detail:

  1. Legs Must be resistant. The sample must stand firmly. In four months, kids are becoming quite developed and their activity is not allowed in the cradle, as it can lead to accidents. Psychologists against a rocking chair: Newborn needs constant contact with his mother, so it is better to scold on your hands.
  2. Safety It is advisable to have removable. Thanks to this, it will always be possible to make the cradle to move close to the parent bed. The kid will feel that mom is near and his night sleep will always be calm. Mama will be comfortable to feed the child without getting up.
  3. Depth must be adjusted. Initially, the bottom will be raised so that with the newborn it is convenient to be controlled, and then the bottom goes down, so that the kid could not fall out. Check: the depth from the top side to the mattress should be 65 cm - this is the safest height for grown kids.
  4. Distance between lattice planks It should not exceed 6 cm. This is a very responsible moment, so the store needs to go with a ruler or tape measure. Cheap unattended samples have recently become a big threat to children's lives. If the distance between the planks is greater, then the pens, legs and even heads of children will be stuck between the rods.
  5. Bottom According to the design, there must be rush to ensure normal air circulation. From this will breathe a bed, which is very good for healthy sleeping crumbs.

We hope that our tips will help you quickly navigate in the store with a choice of a particular model of a baby cot. We will help to equip your children with maximum convenience and comfort, so read other articles of our site dedicated to the interiors of children's rooms.

Finally, the long-awaited baby appeared on the world, and among the bustle and hassle to the fore, the question comes out - what bed for the newborn it is better to choose. It would seem, nothing complicated about it, but in fact it is necessary to take into account the mass of the nuances. After studying information on the Internet, moms begin to understand that the cibble correspondence to the tone of the rest of the furniture is far from most important. We will tell about this in our article.

What kind of baby cot is better to choose: classification

Some models are assembled independently very difficult, sometimes even you have to use the service assembly services by the seller. After the purchase, store the warranty card and check. Modern domestic and foreign manufacturers represent several types of baby cots into the market, each of which needs to be considered in more detail.


Such products are folding models made of fabric, plastic and metal. They are very comfortable with frequent moves, easy to operate and care. Such beds do not need to complement the mattress, and if such a need appears, it can always be bought separately. Dimensions of Manege are wider and shorter than standard cots.

Thanks to the ease of the playlue, they are increasingly choosing for homemade, because parents can easily move the product around the apartment along with the child.

The functionality of the product is at the height: there is an opportunity to arrange the bottom at the top level, which is convenient for children up to 3 months, there is a LAZ on the side wall, which is closed on zipper, sometimes the configuration includes a changing table and a shelf for trifles and children's cosmetics. Manege is suitable for kids to 3 years old.

This is a product that combines the chest of drawers and a changing table with a crib. It is particularly popular with those model beds that are transformed into teenage furniture using transformation: the topboard of the bed form a writing desk with a dwarf card or a bed smoothly turns into a sofa.