Coupling trays design for incubator. Simple electrical scheme for egg turning system in incubator Motor connector connection diagram of eggs in an incubator

All experienced poultry people know well that one of the main conditions for the successful incubation of eggs, in addition to correctly selected temperature and humidity, is their periodic turning.

And do it, it is necessary on a strictly defined technology. All existing incubators are divided into three groups - automatic, mechanical and manual, and the two last varieties suggest that the process of turning eggs will not carry out the machine, but a person.

A timer will help to simplify this task, which, having some time and experience, can be made with your own hands. Several ways of manufacturing such a device are described below.

What is it needed for

Timer coup for eggs in the incubator is a device that is blurring and closing the electrical circuit after the same period of time, that is, speaking by a simple language, a primitive relay. Our task is to turn off and then turn on the main nodes of the incubator again, which automates the system in this way and minimize the possible errors caused by the human factor.

The timer, in addition to the exercise of the enemy's coup, also provides the implementation of such functions:

  • adjustment of the temperature regime;
  • provision of forced air exchange;
  • running and disabling lighting.

The chip, on the basis of which such a device is manufactured, must respond to two main conditions: low current switching with high resistance of the key element itself.

The optimal option in this case is the technology for constructing CMOP electronic schemes, having both N-and P-channel field transistors, which provides a higher switching speed and is also energy-saving.

The easiest way to use the current chips K176IA5 or kr512pc10 at home at home. On their basis, the timer will work for a long time and, which is especially important, uninterrupted.
The principle of operation of the device made on the basis of the K176IA microcircuit, implies a sequential implementation of six actions:

  1. The system starts (chain closure).
  2. Pause.
  3. A pulse voltage (thirty-two cycles) is supplied to the LED.
  4. The resistor is disabled.
  5. A charge is served on the knot.
  6. The system is turned off (open circuit).

Important! If necessary, the response time can be extended to 4872 hours, but it will require the improvement of the circuit with a higher power transistors.

Timer, made on the CR512PS10 chip, in general, also quite simple, but there are additional functionality, due to the initial presence in the input circuit with a variable division coefficient. Thus, to ensure the work of the timer (accurate time delay time), it is necessary to correctly select R1, C1 and set the desired number of jumpers.
Here are three options:

  • 0.1 seconds - 1 minute;
  • 1 minute-1 hour;
  • 1 hour and 24 hours.

If the K176IA5 chip assumes the only possible cycle of actions, then the timer operates in two different modes: variable or constant.

In the first case, turning on and off the system is automatically, at an equal period of time (the mode is adjusted using the jumper S1), in the second system turns on with a programmed delay once and then runs to its forced shutdown.

To implement the creative task, in addition to the pasting chips themselves, we will need the following materials:

  • resistors of different power;
  • several additional LEDs (3-4 pieces);
  • tin and rosin.

A set of tools is quite standard:

  • a sharp knife with a narrow blade (to shorten resistors);
  • good soldering iron for chip (with a thin sting);
  • stopwatch or clock with a second arrow;
  • passatia;
  • screwdriver tester with voltage indicator.

Homemade Incubator Timer With Your Hands On the K176II chip5 microcircuit

Most of the electronic devices, such as the timer in question for the incubator, are known since Soviet times. An example of the implementation of a two-interval timer for the incubation of eggs with a detailed instruction was published in popular among radio amateur radio radio (No. 1, 1988). But, as you know, everything new is well forgotten old.

If you are lucky enough to find a ready-made radio constructor based on the K176II chip with an already etched printed circuit board, then the assembly and tuning of the finished device will be simple formal (the ability to keep the soldering iron, of course, it is quite desirable).

The time interval setting step will consider in more detail. A two-interval timer, which is talking about, provides an alternation of the "Work" mode (the control relay is included, the incubator tray turning mechanism works) with a "pause" mode (the control relay is turned off, the incubator tray turning mechanism is stopped).

"Work" mode is short-term and lasts in the range of 30-60 seconds (the time required for the tray rotation to a certain angle depends on the type of the specific incubator).

Important! At the assembly stage, the instructions should be strictly followed, prevent overheating in places of electronic semiconductor components (mainly the main chip and transistors).

The "pause" mode is long and can last up to 5, 6 hours (depends on the size of the eggs and the heating ability of the incubator.)

For ease of configuration, a LED is provided in the diagram, which in the time interval setting process will flash with a certain frequency. The power of the LED is consistent with the diagram using the R6 resistor.

Setting the duration of the specified modes is carried out by time of R3 and R4 resistors. It should be noted that the duration of the "pause" mode depends on the nominal value of both resistors, while the duration of the operating mode is given exclusively resistance to R3.
To accurately set up as R3 and R4, it is recommended to use variable resistors 3-5 com for R3 and 500-1500 com for R4, respectively.

Important! The smaller the resistance of the time setting the time of the resistors, the more often the LED will flash, and the shorter the duration of the cycle will be.

Adjusting the "Work" mode:
  • snatch resistor R4 (reduce resistance R4 to zero);
  • turn on the device;
  • resistor R3 Adjust the frequency of flashing LED. The duration of the work mode will correspond to thirty two outbreaks.

Adjusting the "Pause" mode:

  • use resistor R4 (increase resistance R4 to nominal);
  • turn on the device;
  • slow with the help of the stopwatch time between adjacent flashes of the LED.

    The duration of the "pause" mode will be equal to the time obtained multiplied by 32.

For example, in order to set the duration of the "pause" mode of 4 hours, the time between flashing should be 7 minutes 30 seconds. After completing the setting of the modes (determining the desired characteristics of the resistors setting), R3 and R4 can be replaced with permanent resistors of the corresponding nominal, and the LED is disabled. This will increase the reliability of the timer and will significantly extend its service life.

Instructions: how to make the incubator timer on the chip KR512PS10

The CMOP of the CMOS microcircuit of the Cr512PS10 microcircuit is used in a wide variety of electronic devices-timers with a variable coefficient of dividing the time cycle.

These devices can provide both single inclusion (turning on the operating mode after a certain pause and hold it to forced shutdown) and cyclic power on - shutdown according to a given program.

Did you know? The chick, which is in the egg, breathes atmospheric air, which penetrates through the shell through the smallest pores. Inlet oxygen, the shell simultaneously displays from the egg outward carbon dioxide, exhaled by a chicken, as well as excessive moisture.

Creating a timer for the incubator on the basis of one of these devices will not be much difficult. Moreover, you don't even have to take a soldering iron in the hands, since the range of industrialized cards based on CR512PS10 is extremely wide, their functional is diverse, and the ability to adjust the time intervals covers the range from the tenths of a second to 24 hours.
The finished boards are equipped with the necessary automatic, providing fast and accurate configuration of the "work" and "pauses" modes. Thus, the manufacture of a timer for the incubator on the CR512PS10 chip is reduced to the correct selection of the board under the specific characteristics of a specific incubator.

If you still need to change the time of the working mode, then it is possible to do this by the R1 resistor.

For those who love and know how to solder, and also wishes to assemble a similar adaptation personally, we give one of the possible schemes with the list of electronic components and tracing a printed circuit board.
The timers described are applicable to control the transport of a tray in working with household incubators with the periodic inclusion of heating elements. In fact, they allow you to synchronize the movement of the tray with the turning on and off of the heater with the cyclic repetition of the entire process.

Other options

In addition to the considered options for basic microcircuits, there are many electronic components where you can build a reliable and durable device - timer.

Among them can be allocated:

  • MC14536BCP;
  • CD4536B (with CD43 ***, CD41 *** modifications);
  • NE555 and others.

Some of these chips have now been removed from production and replaced with modern counterparts (the production industry of electronic components does not stand still).

All of them differ in secondary parameters, an extended range of supply voltages, thermal characteristics, etc., but at the same time perform all the same tasks: turning on-off the controlled electrical circuit according to a given program.

The principle of setting up working intervals of the collected fee is the same:

  • find and snatch the resistor of the Pause mode;
  • resistor "Work" to establish the desired frequency of the diode flashing;
  • unlock the resistor of the "pause" mode and measure the exact running time;
  • establish a divider parameters;
  • place a fee in a protective housing.

Making a tray coup timer, it is necessary to understand that this is primarily a timer - a universal device, the scope of which is not limited solely to the task of the passage of the tray in the incubator.

Subsequently, by purchasing a certain experience, you can provide such devices and heating elements, lighting and ventilation system, and in the future, after some upgrading, use it as a basis for automatic feed feed and water chickens.

Did you know? Many believe that yolk in the egg is a germ of the future chicken, and the protein is a nutrient medium necessary for its development. However, in fact it is not. The chicken begins to develop from a germ disk, which in a fertilized egg looks like a small spot of light color in a yolk. The christmaker eats mostly yolk, the protein is the source of water and useful minerals necessary for normal development for the embryo.

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A kind of poultry need to know and take into account the many nuances. For example, many novice poultry builders are interested in: how to turn the eggs in the incubator. There is no definite answer to this question, since in each training literature different information is given. However, it should be borne in mind that when the egg incubation is important to create conditions as close as possible to natural. For example, a non-drying chicken when surviving turns the eggs for several tens of times a day.

The problem of turning is solved by using a modern automatic device, but how often the eggs turn over in the incubator to know everything is needed.

Poultry farm recommend turning over eggs to 96 times a day to achieve the maximum incubation result and up to 24 times a day - for optimal. If the eggs turn over often, the result of the removal may worsen.

Transfer manually such a number of times is not possible. So what to do those who are engaged in the removal in ordinary incubators without automatic turning.

From how many times to turn the eggs in the incubator depends on the success of the incubation process. Manually usually turn the eggs every 4 hours during the daytime. At night, the coup is not executed.

How to turn the eggs in the incubator

There are several coupling ways. For example, if the tray has a vertical rotation, then its axis is tilted by 45 degrees in the same way. Such a method has a significant drawback - after turning the upper part of the eggs will be heated to 40 degrees, and overheating, as is known, during incubation is invalid. At the same time, at the bottom, the temperature will be 36 degrees, and in the middle - 38. Nevertheless, the method is used, but only those who have a fan in the incubator.

If the tray has a horizontal position, then it rotates about 180 degrees around the axis. With such a coup, uneven warming is also possible. Therefore, additional heating elements are installed in the lower part of the incubator.

How to turn the eggs in an incubator manually video

Proper egg turning leads to improved exchange processes, better development of the circulatory system and, as a result, the successful conclusion of healthy and active young.

To bring chickens at home, you will need to either buy an industrial device or make the incubator with your own hands. The second option is convenient because it is possible to assemble the device of the desired dimensions, and under the required amount of eggs. In addition, it is used to create cheap materials, such as foam or plywood. All the work on the coup of eggs and temperature adjustment can be fully automated.

What will be needed to create a homemade incubator

The basis of any type of machine to remove chicks is the case. It should be well to restrain it warm so that the egg temperatures do not change dramatically. Since due to significant jumps, the likelihood of a healthy brood is noticeably declining. Make a home incubator body can be made of frame and plywood, foam, housing from a TV or refrigerator. Eggs are laid in wooden or plastic trays, with a bottom of the rail or grid. There are automatic trays with motors that themselves turn eggs themselves. Or rather, they deflect them aside through the time specified on the timer.

To heat the air in the incubator assembled with its own hands, the incandescent lamps are most often used, with a capacity of 25 to 100 W, depending on the size of the device. Control over temperature is carried out using an ordinary thermometer or an electronic thermostat with a sensor. So that in the incubator there is no stagnation of air, natural or forced ventilation is required. If the device is small, then just make holes near the bottom and on the lid. For the incubator made by your own hands from the refrigerator, you will need to install fans, and above, and from below. This will only be ensured the necessary air movement, as well as a uniform distribution of heat.

In order for the incubation process is not disturbed, you need to correctly calculate the number of trays. The distance between the incandescent lamps and the tray must be at least 15 cm.

The same distance must be left and between the other trays in the incubator, assembled with your own hands, so that the air movement is free. Also between them and the walls should remain at least 4-5 cm.

Ventilation holes are made of 12 to 20 mm in size, in the upper and lower parts of the incubator.

Before booking, the eggs must be checked if the fans are correctly located and there is enough power lamps for uniform heating of the incubator. This indicator should not exceed ± 0.5 ° C in each corner of the device after full warm-up.

How to make a foam incubator with her own hands

Polystyrene foam is one of the most popular materials for creating an incubator. It is not only available for the price, but has excellent thermal insulation properties and low weight. The following materials will be needed for manufacture:

  • foam sheets 2 pcs. with a thickness of 50 mm;
  • scotch, glue;
  • incandescent lamps 4 pcs. 25 W and cartridges for them;
  • fan (it is also suitable for the one that is used to cool the computer);
  • thermostat;
  • trays for eggs and 1 for water.

Before you start collecting the incubator, you should draw up detailed drawings with sizes.

Step-by-step instruction:

1 - water tank; 2 - viewing window; 3 - tray; 4 - thermostat; 5 - thermostat sensor.

  1. If desired or necessity, a fan is installed, but in such a way that the air flow falls on the light bulbs, and not on eggs. Otherwise, they can dry.

Heat inside the incubator collected by their own hands from the foam, will be held even better if all the walls, the bottom and the ceiling are fooled by foil thermal insulation.

Incubators with automatic or manual eggs

In order for the process to be successful, the eggs must be constantly turned over 180 °. But doing this manually takes a lot of time. For this purpose and driving mechanisms are used.

There are several types of these devices:

  • mobile mesh;
  • roller rotation;
  • tilt tray 45 °.

The first option is most often used in small incubators, for example, foam. The principle of operation is as follows: The grid is slowly moving on one side to another, as a result, the eggs lying in its cells are turned over. This process can be automated or manually made. To do this, it is enough to attach a piece of wire to the grid and withdraw it outwards of such a mechanism - an egg may simply drag, and not turn over. Less frequently used in homemade incubators with automatic enemy coup roller rotation, as it takes a lot of round parts and sleeves to create it. The device works with rollers, closed grid (mosquito).

So that the eggs are not rolling, they are in the cells of a wooden grille. When the tape begins to move, all eggs turn over.

A swivel mechanism that tilts trays is used in large-sized incubators, for example, made from the refrigerator. In addition, this method is better than others perform its task, since in any case each egg is leaked. There are automatic trays of the turn of eggs. Included with them go engine and power supply. In one tray there are somewhat smaller. Each rotates separately through the user set by the time.

How to make the apparatus for the withdrawal of chicks from the refrigerator or plywood

Before how to start making the incubator with your own hands, you need to make a drawing and a scheme of connecting all items. All shelves are pulled out of the refrigerator, including the freezer.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. In the ceiling from the inside the holes for incandescent lamps are dried and one through for ventilation.
  2. The walls of the homemade incubator from the refrigerator are recommended to be separated by sheets of polystyrene foam, then it will continue to maintain warmth.
  3. Old shelves gratings can be converted into trays or put new ones.
  4. From above Outside on the refrigerator, the thermostat is attached, and the sensor is installed inside.
  5. At least 3 holes for air ventilation, 1.5x1.5 cm in size, are drilled closer to the bottom.
  6. For better circulation, you can set 1 or 2 fans from above near the lamps and the same at the bottom on the floor.

To make it easier to monitor the temperature and eggs, it is necessary to cut a hole for the observation window in the door. It is closed with glass or transparent plastic, the cracks are carefully disappeared, for example, a sealant.

The video shows an incubator made by hand from the refrigerator.

If there is no refrigerator, then the frame is made of wooden bars, and the walls of plywood. Moreover, they must be two-layer, and the insulation is stacked between them. Cartridges for light bulbs are attached to the ceiling, bars are mounted in the middle of the walls to install the tray. Another extra light bulb is placed on the bottom for better evaporation of water. The distance between it and the tray must be at least 15-17 cm. In the lid, an observation window is made with a shift glass for ventilation. Closer to the floor along the long walls drilled holes for air circulation.

According to this principle, incubators from the buildings of televisions are often made for a small amount of eggs. The process of the coup in them is most often carried out manually, as it takes a little time. Trays can be made of rounded rivers. Such an incubator does not need fans, as the ventilation occurs every time when the lid is opened to turn the eggs.

At the bottom of any incubator, a water container is placed to create an optimal level of humidity required for eggs.

For the withdrawal of a very small batch of chicks (10 pcs.) You can use 2 inverted basins. To do this, one of them is turned over to the second and from one edge fasten them with a furniture canopy. The main thing is that they cannot leave each other. On the ceiling from the inside the cartridge for the light bulb is mounted. The bottom is embanked by sand, which is closed by foil and hay. In the foil there should be a set of holes with a diameter of 3 mm, so that moisture passed through it. To adjust the temperature, a bar is used with steps, which is inserted between the pelvis.

In order for the withdrawal of chicks in any incubator at the same time, the eggs should be the same size, as well as uniform warming of the entire space of the device.

Two-chamber homemade incubator - video

Electrical diagram of the eggs coup system in the incubator.

Composite elements of the proposed electrical circuits are assembled from the simplest that neither parts and mechanisms.

Eggs automatic coup system It consists of a mechanical part associated with hinged connections with a trolley on which trays with eggs are located, or directly with the trays themselves, and the electrical part, which includes the limit switches (fixed position sensors) and the executive unit.

Switch modes of electrical circuit rotation of eggs in the incubator.

We used small quartz alarm clock Chinese production. In the technological equipment of industrial incubators, a mechanical clock system was used with end switches, triggered from the press of adjusting bolts installed on the timeline torque instead of the disk arrows.

As a basis, a similar system was taken.

On the quartz clock clock every 90 ° (15, 30, 45, 60 minutes), contacts are fixed through which the voltage on the winding of the control relay is supplied. And the contacts are closed - a minute arrow, on which a small spring electrical contact is fixed from the bottom side.

The dial can be processed in any way: to glue the contact rings, wigitate a hot soldering iron wire, place a foolent getnaks with contact markup, use photocells, reservoir - all at the discretion of the designer and everything - depending on the available materials.

Spring contact, mounted for a minute arrow made of tinted copper wire, it is softer steel.

The arrow is plastic and it is easy to fuse with a hot soldering iron or glue the finished contact.

The electrical circuit of the turntable incubator is collected minimum and easy to assemble.

The principle of operation of the electric height of the eggs in the incubator.

Control contacts (SAC1) are closed every 15 minutes. The clock is working as usual.

The electric drive unit of the enemy coup system in the incubator.

The drive mechanism can be used by any: children's electric drive toys, a block of an electric drill, an old mechanical alarm clock, a mechanism of an automobile janitor's electric drive, a rotary mechanism from a domestic fan heater or fan, an electromagnetic trailer relay with a vacuum regulator, use the washing machine ready to automatically control or make an independent screw with minimal Details (by the way, very simple and convenient). Depends on the design and size of the incubator itself.

If you use a gearbox with a crank mechanism, then the main shaft must have a diameter greater than the length of the rotary frame (with the horizontal position of the frame on the tray). With a screw mechanism of the length of the working threaded part, correspond to the distance of the enemy turning system.

Electric Driving System Eggs in Incubator The screw mechanism is controlled by an electric motor with reversing inclusion, that is, the engine is turned on alternately into the left and right side of rotation.

Description of the operation of the incubator turning system.

The quartz clock clock-powered quartz clocks operates in normal mode. Through equal intervals, namely: every fifteen minutes of the current time the minute arrow, passing over the contacts attached on the dial, brings the spring contact to them and the electrical circuit closes it through them. Thus, a control signal for control relays (K2 or K3) is generated.

On the reverse side of the relay (K2 or K3), the electrical signal enters the terminal switch (SQ1 or SQ2).

On the moving mechanism of the rotary system, there is a rod that moves along with the moving part of the system, presses the end switch to the key, while in one of the extreme positions and thereby breaks the circuit: Switch the mode switch-terminal switch.

Simply put, it turns out like this: from the mode switch (modified alarm) during its closed contacts voltage enters the control relay and then on the end switch. If the terminal switch is in a closed state, the control relay will turn on and lock the drive control circuit with its contacts, which will be powered by an electric rotation system.

The system will start and translates the mechanism into one of the two positions carried out when the eggs are coup in the incubator. Fixing the extreme position will be turned off the limit switch by pressing the rod moving to the switch key.

A diagram with a reversing connection of the electric motor is slightly featured by adding a second drive relay with two controlled (switched) contacts.

Electronics lovers can apply a digital timer with self-timer after a cycle or time relay used by once photographers. Many options. You can buy a finished electronic unit. Everything is from opportunities.

List of some details.

  1. SAC1 - Switch modes.
  2. K3 and K4 - RES-9 type control relay (10.15) or similar.
  3. K1 and K2 - drive relay with switching current, respectively, on the load current.
  4. HV - light indicators.
  5. SQ1 and SQ2 - limit switches. You can use microswitches (MK) from old cassette tape recorders.