Mirt Limon care at home. Mirt Limona

With Australia, most of us are familiar only by the old film "Crocodile Dundee", and even on the recently shown by our "crocodiles hunter". The real "Terra Australis Incognita" expects us and with respect to spices and spices. Thanks to Margot from the culinary, I managed to get a little closer to know some of them. Of course, the interest of them is rather a traquist, but, as they say, "We will be in Australia ..."

For 200 years of development of the Australian mainland settlers, it was done quite a bit in the development of edible local plants. Only from the seventies of the last century, scientific studies began on hydrating and experiments on cultivation in the culture of Australian plants and animal breeding in order not to harm natural communities. To date, more than 40 different plants that have edible seeds, fruits, tubers, but not more than a dozen of them are currently more or less widely used commercially in Australia.

Nowadays, together with increasing interest in Australia, as an environmentally friendly continent, the demand for local products, which gave impetus to the active development of the whole industry called "Creative Native Australian Cuisine" using local Australian products - "Bushfood". Originally used by the aborigines, these products are already actively introduced into world cooking.
Australian cuisine is still only folded and determined with its national character, but it can be said that the dishes in the style of "Bushfood" absorb the impact of all immigrants to the Australian continent - they are rich in spices and enough sharp, thanks to immigrants from Asia, who attracted the Australians to the taste of acute Food. And local herbs and spices give some Australian flavor of traditional food, familiar to European immigrants.
In Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, shops and restaurants opened, promoting the so-called "new Australian products". The most famous bushfood is ostrich meat and kangaroo. Today, the steaks from the kangaroo and crocodiles have already reached our restaurants. And our ostriches will soon be in the saying: "Something ostrichs rang up - for the rain, probably," our farms are now like Gutalin.
While the spices and the kitchen "Bushfood" can only be found in Australia, but who knows, maybe they are waiting for world famous fame and the lucky fate of those culinary styles that the whole world enjoys today?

Lemon Mirt.

Let's start familiarizing from Lemon Mitt. Evergreen subtropical tree Backhousia Citriodora F.muell. or Lemon Myrtle - Representative of the family of the Mytov.
This Australian plant is most well studied at the moment and introduced into culture - the commercial cultivation of Lemon Mirtage is conducted in Australia on the northern coast of the new South Wales and partly in Astonville. Lemon Militate essential oil is mined in industrial quantities and is used to produce drinks, ready sauces and refueling, cosmetic products.

As a spice, in the very name of which the essence is enclosed, the leaves are used, with a pronounced and rich lemon taste and smell. Sometimes the taste of lemon mitty is considered even "more lemon than lemon." At the same time, it does not contain acids characteristic of lemon at all.
While the lemon Mirt is little accessible outside Australia, but the use of it gradually expands. It is possible to use it for lemon sauces to the paste or make fish with it. For fried chicken, there are enough 1-2 leaves embedded inside the lemon.
Lemon Mirt can serve as a successful lemon substitute in dairy dishes, which can usually curl against citric acid, such as cheesecake, pudding, custard or lemon ice cream and sorb.
Several leaf can be aromaticized vegetable oils and vinegar for salads. For example, this: cut the Polkochana Iceberg. Clear and cut into a straw chokoes or tea (strange fruit vegetable in the photo with a taste of radishes). Oshpark first boiling water, and then Ice water handful of seedlings Masha. All mix and water with refueling, whipped from oil and vinegar, flavored with lemon mirt. Sprinkle salad with grated macadamia nuts.

From the beam of the lemon mitt, it is possible to prepare syrup for soft drinks and sherbets.
Lemon Mirt is an excellent supplement to green tea or tea from Roibush or any herbal tea, albeit ginger. One cup of ginger tea is enough for 1 tsp. The freshly conductive root of ginger brew together with the lemon mitut leaves or add (as I did) 1 tsp. seasoning Oz Lemon. - Lemon oz based on dried lemon mitrit leaves. Strain through a coffee filter and drink warm. Such tea is well warmed with cold and angina.

Dry leaves of lemon Mitt perfectly retain the fragrance, which is used in the production of this seasoning. The seasonings include lemon and anise mitt leaves, the flesh of the fruit of anxcine (wild Australian Lyme), lemon zest, lemon extract. The aroma is rather complicated - with lemon tones, lemon grass and light source and anise taste.
Add dry leaves or such a universal lemon seasoning is better shortly before the end of the preparation - with long heat treatment, the fragrance disappears. Fish or bird is better to sprinkle with a dry seasoning, when you just took it out of the oven - the fragrance will completely open at the table. The seasoning is also suitable for the preparation of dairy dishes - cottage cheese pasta, whipped cream, yogurt - you just need to add it to taste and give it to brew 10 minutes.

Mix for herbal tea
2 pieces of soul flowers
2 pieces of field mint leaves
1 part of anise leaves
1 part Leaves Melissa
1 part of the seasoning of lemon mitty
1 piece green tea

In small quantities, two relatives of the lemon world spices are also cultivated to obtain essential oil and as spices - anisian Mirta (Backhousia Anisata) and cinnamine Myrtifolia.
Fresh or dried leaves of anise Mirut are used both as spices: for baking, to chicken and fish. Well combined anise Mirt and with fruits, almonds, chocolate, ice cream and other desserts. As well as with such dishes like bread, cheese, tomatoes, seafood. True Anisian Mirt - seasoning rather on lovers, like, in general, and Anis himself.

One of the perspective plants for Australia as a source of valuable essential oil and as a spice. (Backhousia Citriodora F.Muell.) Evergreen Woody Plant of the Myrto / Myrtaceae family comes from the rainforest of Eastern Australia. The tree can reach 20 meters, but in culture grows much less. Bright green leaves opposite, oval, 5-12 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm wide. Cream-white flowers, 5-7mm diameter are collected in the brush at the ends of the branches, appear in summer and bloom until the autumn. Commercial cultivation of lemon Mitrat is conducted in Australia on the northern coast of the new South Wales and partly in Astonville. In small quantities, two related spices are also cultivated to obtain essential oil - Anisian Mirt (Backhousia Anisata) and Cinnamy Mirt (Backhousia Myrtifolia). Botanical name Backhousia is given in 1853 in honor of the English Botany James Backhouse. The usual name reflects a strong lemon smell of softened leaves. Australia's aborigines have long applied lemon Mirt as an antibiotic. Lemon Militate essential oil contains a lot of citral, more than lemon grass and has antimicrobial properties, but in the high concentration of poisonous. When diluting it to a concentration of about 1%, the poisonous effect disappears, and the oil is used as a medicinal lotion with skin infections. The taste and smell of lemon litter leaves is very similar to lemon, but brighter and rich and does not contain acids. Gourmets consider his taste "more lemon than lemon." Lemon Militate leaves are also used in cooking, especially in the new-fashioned Australian style "Bushfood". The Australian cuisine is still only folded and is determined with its national character, but it can be said that Bushfood's style dishes absorb all immigrants to the Australian continent, and local herbs and spices give a typical Australian flavor. While the lemon Millet is little accessible outside Australia, but the use of it is gradually expanding - for lemon sauces to the paste, to fish, flavoring vegetable oils and vinegar, in vegetable teas. The leaves are also used to flavor the bird - for fried chicken is enough 1-2 leaves. Lemon Mirt Successful lemon substitute in dairy dishes, such as cheesecake, lemon ice cream and sorb, which can usually curl against citric acid. In industry, the Lemon Mirt is used to produce lemonade and other soft drinks.

Mix for herbal tea:

2 pieces of soul flowers
2 pieces of field mint leaves
1 part of the leaves of Agastashee Fennel
1 part Leaves Melissa
2-3 lemon litter leaves
1 piece green tea

Mirt Limon call Backhousia Citriodora F.Muell, Lemon Myrtle. Evergreen tree with fragrant shiny leaves 10 cm long and up to 5 cm wide.

Flowers white, cream or slightly yellow flowers, which brushes bloom at the tips of the branches.

Flowering may not stop all summer. Fruits of polished plant are bright juicy blue berries, which are sometimes used as a spice. If they are matured, then they are able to give seeds.

How to care for home?

Lemon Mirt Home Care does not require a special requirement, but there are a number of conditions that must be followed. Pereplain the plant is needed in a container with a good layer of drainage, filled with substrate from deciduous humus, sand and peat.

IMPORTANT! Do not damage the tree, the root system is neatly free to place in the pot, sprinkle peat. From spring to autumn, the plant is worth supporting fertilizers, but in the winter it is not worth doing this, myrtle is almost not growing at this time.


Lemon Mirt loves the sun, perfectly tolerates straight sun rays, Therefore, it is recommended to grow it on windows with southern, eastern, west. With good lighting, the bloom begins 3-5 years old.


Summer plant needs temperature not lower than 18 degrees. But he loves cool, so 20-25 degrees are enough for him.

In winter, it is possible to reduce the temperature even up to 10 degrees of heat, myrtle normally tolerates such decreases, and drafts.

Damage him can batteries Heating or frosty air.

Air humidity

For active growth, very high humidity required, which must be maintained, spraying leaves.


In Wiring Mirt needs almost all year round, in no case you can not allow soil drying. Even during the rest period, which lasts from 1 to 3 months, it is necessary to periodically moisten the soil and leaves.


Flowers Mirt small colors collected in inflorescences, which are located in the sinuses of the leaves.

If the plant does not get enough light, then flowering you can not wait.

When blossoming, even a small draft will spread the fragrance for which Mirt and got its name.

But the colors allocated phytoncides still destroy microbes and pathogenic organisms.


Myrtle reacts perfectly with almost all feeding, not only lime loves. So it is necessary to fertilize it at least 1 time per week, the best of the options - after 2 watering by 3.


REFERENCE! If your young Mirt has scored power, you can not worry - they grow wonderful. Fluffy trees can safely pinch, not touching lateral glasses. Before starting haircuts, decide what form you want to give a tree.

Myrth loves those who grow bonsai, because Mirt helps to bring any fantasy. So form a low lush pillow or a round air crown, for the year you will achieve the result, the next will allow it to fix it.

To your attention Lemon Mirt in the photo:


Transplant the village as needed. The young trees are best only once a year, and adults are 1 time a few years, when the pot will become small for the roots.

To your attention a useful video about the transplant of mygo including lemon:


Myrtle breeds and seeds and cuttings. However, the seeds do not guarantee the preservation of the properties of the variety, so it is best to try to grow myrtle from the cutting.


IMPORTANT! The cutting should be taken from a strong and well-growing plant. Semi-resistant chain, preferably grown in the last year, to handle roots or heteroacexin and put in a container filled with beloved mirut mixture: humid foliage, turf and sand.

The cuttings rooted under the tilt of 45 degrees, covering the ground into three kidneys. It remains to place tank And watered myrtle, not allowing soil drying. Mirates are rouded within a month. The plant can then be transferred to a permanent place.

Seed dilution

This method is not successful. And yet it is worth trying it:

  • the seeds of the lemon mitrat sow in peat - the sand mixture, cover the glass with glass and periodically watered and ventilated;
  • we are crying for a very long time - 2 - 3 months. And if they gave sprouts, you did everything;
  • seedlings grow together and quickly;
  • when they appear 2 leaves, they can be searched.

Diseases and pests

Bellen, trips, ticks And many others can if not destroy, it's great to harm your peace.

Shield, Cherver, TRIPS I. tRU You will defeat Aktar, spraying 1 time a week for a month.

You can try the accuters that destroys pests when contacting it.

Pests can be destroyed, thoroughly protein plant to the last leaf cotton swab or tassel, moistened in alcohol tincture, calendula tincture.

Spraying on sunny days will help to easily destroy the web tick, you only need to carry out this procedure on time, not allowing the spread of the tick and death of foliage.

Leaf fall

In winter, the plants can start to sleep, and then fall at all. It means myrtit was too hot. Do not panic, the plant did not die. Place it in a bright, but cool place, maintain high humidity, water.

And in the spring of Myrtle will revive, pleaseing you with young shoots and beautiful foliage.
Leaves yellow Extremely also from the fact that water stagn in the ground. Perhaps began to die roots. Peread the plant and do not allow oveurgement, drainage can help the plant.


If the difficulties listed above are not frightened, be sure to find a place for lemon mitty on your sunny window sills. And about the variety of species and varieties of the Mirta you can.

And Mirt, about which a lot of legends and legends are folded, not only will delight you with beautiful leaves, a unique crown and magnificent blossom, but also it will help in the fight against colds, stress.

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Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt (Backhousia Citriodora) is a tree of tropical forests, which has grown initially in the tropical and subtropical areas of the East Coast of Australia, although now it is grown in several other regions of the world, such as South Africa, Europe and even southern United States.

Its essential oil, obtained by steam distillation, is not so strongly distributed, but its therapeutic advantages are becoming increasingly recognized. It is especially well known for its elevated and soothing properties, as well as strong antivirus activity for which it was included in the list of medicines as a therapeutic product in accordance with Australia's law "On drugs".

Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt Essential Oil is appreciated not only by therapeutic properties, it also has a wonderful rich lemon aroma, which even people who do not like lemon smells find refreshing and enjoyable. Its fragrance is often described as a combination of lemon, lime and lemongrass. Therefore, it is often possible to hear such an expression "more lemon than lemon itself."

It is a rich source of chemical known as citral, which, in turn, is the cause of such strong therapeutic properties. This oil is actually the cleanest and most powerful natural source of the cytral, which is very profitable distinguishes it from other oils of the citrus satellites.

Citral has natural, pronounced antivirus actions. The Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt is also a very powerful natural antioxidant and rich in phenolic compounds, folate, lutein, as well as vitamins A and E. Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt also rich in the set of necessary minerals, such as zinc, calcium and magnesium.

Useful properties Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt

This essential oil has the following therapeutic properties:

  • Antifungal
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antibacterial
  • Sedative
  • Antimicrobials
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiseptic

How to use Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil / Lemon Mirt. 10 ways.

1. For mental activity

Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt Essential Oil has a multitude of beneficial properties for the physical body, but it is also excellent oil for use in conditions of increased mental loads. It has an exalted aroma, has soothing properties that perfectly help in the times of stress or increased mental loads.

It can also be used before bedtime to ensure good night sleep - it will especially be assessed by insomnia suffering, which have become addicted to potentially hazardous pharmaceutical preparations.

2. For skin

The antiseptic and antifungal properties of Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt (Limon Mirt (Lemon Mirt are ideal for the treatment of a number of dermatological deviations, including acne, psoriasis and anclamp. It can also be used to treat herpes, warts and reducing redness.

And this is not all, it can also be used to relieve itching and stopping inflammation. Be sure to diliate Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt with vegetable oil before applying it on the skin. For acne, most experts recommend immersing a cotton ball into clean distilled water, and then add one drop Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt, before applying a cotton ball on the affected areas.

3. Contantagiosis mollusk

This is a viral infection that affects the skin. Most often occurs in children, but may appear at any age and is increasingly transmitted by sexually in young people. Since traditional treatments are invasive and require damage to the tissues, which are accompanied by pain, is actively searching for a softer and natural agent.

The study published in 2004 demonstrated the effectiveness of Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt Essential Oil for the treatment of this disease. 9 of 16 children who were treated with this oil, felt significantly better, the amount of skin lesions decreased by 90% after 21 days compared to other patients. There should also be noted the absence of adverse reactions.

4. Diseases of the respiratory system

Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt Essential Oil collects more and more positive feedback when it comes to complaints about respiratory diseases. It helps reduce the frequency of cold and flu. Treats problems with sinusitis and bronchitis. Effectively with bacterial throat infections.

Make hot inhalations with adding a few drops of Lemon Myrtle / Limon Myrtle.

5. Wounds and cuts

The powerful antibacterial properties of the Essential oil of Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt do it especially useful in the treatment of cuts and small wounds. It can destroy bacteria and prevent further distribution. This oil can also ease itching and irritation caused by insect bite or bite.

6. Inflammation and pain

Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt Essential Oil can help with inflammatory processes in the body and ensures effective relief of rheumatism.

Add a few drops to the base for the bath, then relax and feel pain and unpleasant feelings disappear.

7. Support for the immune system

It is believed that this essential oil is capable of stimulating the immune system. Numerous feedback confirm his benefit for weakened organisms that are prone to illness. Be sure to use an ultrasonic diffuser for spraying it. During the disease, you can do it throughout the day! Starting with small sessions for suffering allergies and sensitive people.

8. Antispasmodic properties

The antispasmodic properties of Lemon Myrtle's essential oil / Lemon Mirt give him a wide range of applications when it comes to spasm. It is known that it helps to facilitate the convulsions in the stomach or spasms in its irritation, which are the result of an unfavorable reaction to food.

9. For home and life

Because of its delicious lemon smell and its antiseptic qualities, Lemon Myrtle / Lemon Mirt (Lemon Mirt is widely used not only for body care and spirit. One of his smell when he dissipates in the house is able to raise the spirit and mood of the whole family, and will help get rid of any protracted smells of cooking or tobacco.

You can also use this home cleaning oil, especially in places subject to bacterial accumulation, for example, in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Just mix a few drops with clean water, then wipe your surfaces or any corners containing a long forgotten dirt.

10. For relaxation and feelings of harmony

To make a calming and aromatic mix of massage, simply dilute Lemon Myrtle / Mirtle Lemon in the required quantities using your carrier oil (for example, a complex of vegetable oils V-6).

Add a few drops with the base in the warm bath for an even more relaxing holiday.

Purpose: cleansing, strengthening, sebocontrol for fatty hair.

Rich with antioxidants, vitamins, microelements and fatty acids, balm air conditioning perfectly cares for the skin of the head and hair, providing a result noticeable from the first application. Dandelion root extract in combination with propolis calm the scalp, provide additional nutrition of the roots, saturate the skin of the head with vitamins and microelements.

Eucalyptus oils, lemon teas and juniper prevent the development of inflammatory processes and the appearance of dandruff, regulate the production of skin saline. Lemon Militate oil, in addition to antibacterial and balancing effect, has a positive effect on metabolic processes, stimulates blood circulation, contributing to improving hair growth.

The synergistic composition of grape and apricot seed oils, macadamia walnut, sunflower, olives, and the tocopherol of plant origin moisturizes, soften, rejuvenate the skin of the head, restore the force, elasticity and elasticity of hair along the entire length.

Milk and malic acids support the optimal level of the pH, "seal" the securing hair tips, facilitate their combing. Cooling menthol notes of the essential oils of peppermint and eucalyptus mint pleasantly refresh the skin of the head and the feeling of purity is allowed for a long time.


    Organic Sapindus Mukorossi Extract **, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Juice **, Cetelaryl Alcohol * (Derived from Plant Oils), Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil **, Cetelaryl Glucoside *, Sorbitan Olivate * (DERIED FROM OLIVE OIL) , Vinegar (App Cider Vinegar) **, Macadamia Integrifolia Seed **, Prunus Armenica (Aprot) Kernel Oil **, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil **, Propolis **, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Water **, Silica *, Tapioca Starch **, Glycerin **, Lawsonia INERMIS (Henna) Extract **, Taraxacum OfficinaLe (Dandelion) Rhizome / root extract **, Backhousia Citriodora (Lemon Myrtle) Leaf Extract **, Phenethyl Alcohol * (Plant Origin Eucalyptus Radiata Oil **, Backhousia Citriodora Oil **, Leptospermum Petersonii Oil **, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Lipids **, Xanthan Gum *, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil **, Calophylum Inophyllum Seed Oil **, Tocopherol *, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil *, Preserve With Potassium Sorbate *, Lactic Acid *, Juniperus Communis (Juniperberry) Fruit Oil **, Mentha Piperita (PE PPERMINT) OIL **, Cupressus Sempervirens (CYPRESS) OIL **.

    * Ingredient of natural origin

    ** Certified Organic Ingredient

Mode of application

The remedy can be used as a familiar washed air conditioner, as well as an incommable active care.

  1. Apply a small amount of air conditioner to clean wet hair, evenly distribute, leave for 2 minutes, then washed away.
  2. Apply the air conditioner on the scalp and clean wet hair, evenly distribute, cover the head with a warm (heated) towel. Mask after 10-15 minutes.
  3. To protect the hair from the negative external influence and sealing the split tips, a small amount of air conditioner is mixed with a small amount of water (1: 1) and distribute along the entire length of clean, slightly wet hair, including tips.