On the black rowan row in May the leaves are yellow. Why in summer yellow leaves

All rowan diseases are called mushrooms, viruses or bacteria.

Rzavina Ryabina

Pathogen - mushroom Gymnosporagium juniperi link.

A diverse mushroom, the main development cycle of which occurs on juniper, and the intermediate owners are seedy cultures: apple trees, pear, quince, hawthorn, rowan. On rowan leaves, separate rounded yellow spots without bonding appear, from the bottom side of which orange pustules with powder disputes grow. The affected leaves are covered with numerous scattered yellow spots, dry prematurely and fall out, which adversely affects the aging shoots and their winter hardiness. The infection is preserved in the affected vegetable residues, in the affected rowan branches and on juniper.

Fight measures. Pruning the affected branches, collection of plant residues, spatial isolation with juniper landings. Spraying of trees before the leaf rustling with 1% burgundy mixture or its substitutes (xom, abiga peak).

Fillostatic spottedness of Ryabina

This disease causes 2 types of pathogens. First - mushroom Phyllosticta Aucupariae Thum. - It is an education on the leaves of gray spots with a wide dark brown border. In the non-transparent fabric over time, the shredded black fruit bodies of the wintering stage are formed - picnides. Second - Mushroom PHYLLOSTICTA SORBI WEST. - causes the formation of ash-gray spots with black and red border. Spots are scattered, often merge, black spot fruit bodies are formed in non-frozen fabric - picnides.

The affected leaves are premature yellow and dry, which affects the aging shoots and their frost resistance. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of trees in spring, when rushing leaves, 1% burglar mixture or its substitutes (XOM, ABIG peak).

Sepitorius of rowan leaves

Pathogen - mushroom Septoria Hyalospora Sacc. f. Aucupariae thum. - causes the formation of brown spots from the top of the sheet. In a non-shine fabric, black spotted picnides are formed over time.

Pathogen - mushroom Septoria Sorbi Lasch . - Causes the formation of dark brown spots on both sides of the leaf plate, on which the black fruit bodies of the wintering stage are also formed. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures.

Ramularity leaves Ryabina

Pathogen - mushroom Ramularia Sorbi Karak. Numerous blurry reddish spots appear on the leaves. From the bottom side of the leaf plate on non-frozen tissues, a sulfur spout is formed, spores of which recharge the adjacent leaves. With a strong distribution of the disease, the affected leaves are yellow and dry up prematurely, which affects the aging of young shoots and frost-resistant bushes. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures. Spraying the bushes in the spring, to the dissolution of the leaves, burgundy mixture or its substitutes (xom, abiga peak). With a strong manifestation of spot, spend spraying with the same drugs in the summer and autumn, given the waiting time. Collection and destruction of fallen affected leaves.

Pathogen - mushroom Cladosporium orbiculatum desm. (Syn. Fusicladium ORBICULATUM (DESM.) Thum.). On the leaves on both sides, small, brown to black, merging spots are formed. Olive-brown turfs of the spioning, disputes of which rewrite the neighboring leaves are formed on non-frictional cloth. The affected leaves dry out prematurely. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures. The same as against filostose spottedness.

Rowan pests are divided into separate and common types. The first live only on this culture, the second can freely adapt to the existence on other shrubs and trees.

Mite rowan ordinary

Mite rowan ordinary Eriophyes Piri Var. Sorbi Nal. - Very small pest of a cylindrical shape with two pairs of legs. Live and eat ticks in the tissues of leaves, making moves and sucking juice. In the field of food on the leaves, the convexities of the wrong shape - galls are formed. Galla on both sides of the sheet plate, numerous, first yellow-green, later become red and brown and drying. Winter adult ticks under the scales of the kidneys, in the spring, in the spring, penetrate into young leaves and feed on the juice of fabrics. Over the summer, several generations of the tick develop.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying in the dissolution of the kidneys is one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemif, Aktellik. Repeated spraying immediately after flowering rowan with these same drugs.

Mite rowan edge

Mite rowan edge Eriophyes Gonio-Thorax Sorbea Nal. - Small pest, causes the formation of galls in the form of felt more often on the bottom side of the sheet plate. Galts first white, later become brown. Winter adult pincers are also under the scales of the kidneys.

Fight measures. The same as against rowan tick ordinary.

TLL Ryabinovaya

TLL Ryabinovaya Yezabura Sorbi Kalt. (Syn. Dentatus Sorbi Kalt.) - Small sucking yellow-green and yellow-brown insect. Often forms large colonies on rowan leaves. As a result of damage, young leaves are strongly deformed. Damaged wavy leaves, bent down, shrouded spinning, often created a large lump of leaves.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying during the dissolution of the leaves and, if necessary, in summer, one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmix, Spark, Phytodener, Inta-Vir.

Ospen's pylger big

Ospen's pylger big Clavellaria Amerinae L. - Refreading insect 16-21 mm long. Upper lip and white platband, rear thighs simple. The abdomen of females with white stains on the sides of the 3-4th segment and white stripes on the following, in the male - black with a redhead. The insects leaf is observed in May-June, after fertilization, the female lays eggs 3-4 to one rosets of the leaf pulp. The renewed larvae is bluish-green with a whitish raid, without warts, with a small brightest head, a triangular smaller, black. Having finished the nutrition, the larvae is picked up in the transparent mesh cocoon in the creams of the cortex and in the duplach. The sawmaker damages the leaves of willow, poplar, less often rowan.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying during the dissolution of the leaves and after flowering by one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos. With a large number of in summer, you can also use Kinmix, Aktellik, Spark, Inta-Vir, given the waiting time.

Pylger rowan brown

Pylger rowan brown Tenthredo Fagi Panz. - Refreading insect 12-15 mm long. Head and chest black, Perostigm Buo-black, white shield, belly in females black, the males are pale. Spots on the sides of the backgroys and the first segment of the abdomen white. The insects take place from May to July. After fertilization of females lay eggs on rowan leaves. Distributed larvae brown, with dark stripes on the back and 2-3 transverse rows of brown bands carrying warts hairs on all segments.

Fight measures. The same as against the Sinovoy Large sawer.

Gallitsa Ryabinovaya Sheet

Gallitsa Ryabinovaya Sheet CONTARINIA SORBI KIEFF. - Small mosquarty up to 5 mm long, with a narrow body and transparent wings. Females have a needed eggs. The larvae is spit-shaped, legal, white. The doll is closed, in the web of Flaskon. Females lay eggs into rolled young leaflets, the renewed larvae live and feed in the sheet tissues, causing their abnormal growth. The leaves damaged by larvae becomes a bit thickened, the average alkali is twisted, and the cross-up folds are formed.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying during the dissolution of the kidneys and immediately after flowering by one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos.

Mole-baby rowan

Mole-baby rowan Stigmella sorbi stt. - A very small butterfly with thin narrow lanceal wings, bodied fringe of shiny hairs. The scope of the wings of 5 mm, the head is covered with thick hairs, the first segments are expanded. The caterpillar is greenish-white with a darker line on the back and dark head, flat, guilty, feeds on a parenchy liste, doing a mine. Mina is first narrow, then goes into a wide spot, usually at the edge of the sheet plate. The food and the development of the caterpillars is observed in June-July. With a large number of pests, damaged leaves dried prematurely.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of trees in the rustling of leaves with one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmix, Spark, Inta-Vir.

Mole-baby rowan winding

Mole-baby rowan winding Stigmella Aucupariae Frey. - Very small butterfly with a wings of 5 mm. The caterpillar is green with a brown head, feeds on a parenchy liste, doing a mine. Mina is strongly represented, serpentine, at the edge of the sheet, with the black line of excrement. Two generations of pest develop. The food and the development of the caterpillars is observed in June-July and in September-October.

Fight measures. The same as against moth-baby rowan.

Cowel blocral

Cowel blocral Coleophora Anatipen Nella HB. - Little butterfly with a scope of the wings of 11-12 mm. The front wings of snow-white with rarely scattered dark-green scales, more densely located on top. Rear wings silky gray with light golden fringe. Front back and head white, abdomen gray, mustache in alternating yellowish and white rings, white legs. Orange eggs, ribbed, semi-shaped, on top have a pam. The first-old caterpillar is orange-yellow with a gray-black head, a dark gray breastplate, with dark spots on the second segment. Adult yellow caterpillar; Head, chest and anal black shields. Cover with a length of 7 mm, cylindrical, with a snock-shaped twisted vertex.

The doll is yellow, the darker is darker in the abdominal, on the last segment there is a split spike. Developed over two years. Winter caterpillars, from early spring they damage the kidneys, leaves and flowers. In June-July, they are moving on the branches, attach the case to the cortex, falling in the range until the spring of next year. In the spring, they are powered, then the case is attached to the sheet, there are in it in a fixed state of 2-3 weeks, and butterflies fly out in June. After fertilization, the female lay eggs on the leaves. The renewed larvae tear down small star-shaped mines, and in a month they make a small twisted case. In the caterpillars, the caterpillars move around the leaves and feed on, squaring rounded mines. In the fall of the caterpillars go to branches and winter. The cake of blonde damages mainly apple tree, but also meets on the bone and on the hardwood of trees and shrubs, including on Ryabin.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of trees in the dissolution of the kidneys with the preparations of Fufanon and Kemifos.

Silkworm ring

Silkwear Ring, or Cocoon Powder Malacosoma Neustria L. (Syn. CAS-TROPACHA NEUSTRIA L.) - Butterfly with a thick pubescent body, yellow-brown. The front wings are larger than the rear, their scope is 30-40 mm. In females, Grebuich's mustache, the males - the pasta, there is no doctor, as adult individuals do not eat. Caterpillars up to 55 mm long, have 8 pairs of legs in thick hairs, with blue, brown and white stripes along the body, blue head. Pupae brown, develop in pale yellow double cocopes between the bonded web leaves. Eggs in egg layers in the form of a ring on thin branches of 200-300 pieces. Winter eggs, the caterpillars are deducted during the dissolution of the kidneys and, feeding large spider sockets. At the beginning of the caterpillars live with broods, and from the third age sprain on the branches. Over the summer, one generation of pest develops. With a large number of silkworms, the leaves eat, completely shaking the crown of trees. Hurts all fruit cultures and deciduous rocks.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying in the spring, while dissolving the kidneys, preparations: fufanon and Kemifos. With a large number of spraying tracks, repeated in the summer, given the waiting time

it has a fairly good immunity, so the diseases and pests concern it extremely rarely. However, the likelihood of the disease can be much varied depending on the geographical position, climate, neighborhood with other plants and other factors. Therefore, it is very important to know with what pests and diseases can be encountered when growing Arone to avoid problems with the plant. The prevention of black rowan rowan from diseases and pests is simple actions, and some procedures help to fight at once with several pests, so it is recommended to carry out all the recommendations in order to maximize the plant.

How to deal with rowan diseases

Aria is practically not subject to illness. However, occasionally these plants still suffer from diseases that are peculiar to other fruit-berry plants.

Buuray spotty

This disease is especially dangerous for young and weakened plants.In the initial stage on the leaves, small brown spots appear, on the bottom of the sheet, a whitish flare can be formed. If the disease is launched, the leaves completely dry and fall. If you discovered the symptoms of this disease on your plant, it is necessary to clean it with 1% burglar fluid solution. All fallen and damaged leaves need to be quickly deleted, collect and destroy.

Septorial spottedness

This type of spottedness is characterized by light brown oval spots with a dark border. It may appear in the middle of summer and leads to a complete drying of the fabric inside the stains. As with other types of spots, for prevention and at the first signs, burgue fluid is carried out, and all damaged leaves are collected and destroyed. For the struggle, drugs are also used, from these diseases of Aronyus, the bush and the soil under it are treated with copper oxychloride and "ABIG peak".

Bacterial necrosis, or crust cancer

This disease can cause the mass death of the plantings of bone and seed crops. Aria is not so often suffering from this disease, like, for example, apricot, sweet cherry or peach. Symptoms are similar to the advent of bacterial cancer on seed crops. In the spring they resemble burns, but this disease is striking all the fabrics and organs of the shrub, so the form of manifestation can be different.

If the disease is speedless, then the fruits, shoots and flowers dry quickly and rave, but do not fall, and hang on the tree for quite a long time. Yazv on the crust you will not see, but under the influence of toxins that distinguish the bacteria, the bark is impregnated with moisture, boil, then black and in the end die. In this case, the characteristic scent occurs from the cortex, which resembles the victims of the juice.

Treatment of such diseases of Ryabin, unfortunately, is impossible. If you discovered the disease in the initial stage, then pruning all the affected branches with a grip of healthy wood by 8-10 cm below the affected place.

When processing, it is necessary to disinfect the tool with a 5% solution of formalin, and the slice location must be lubricated with garden smear. If the disease struck the plant too much, then the bush must fully emerge and burn, avoiding new landings near this place.

The symptoms of this disease are greenish-yellow rings on the leaves, which, with a strong damage merge and form a mosaic pattern. Over time, rowan leaves are deformed, become wrinkled, then black and fall. To combat this disease, it is necessary to quickly remove the affected leaves and destroy them.


The fungal disease combers the root system. The reasons for this disease of the black-flow rowan are linked in the root rot, which weakens the plant. It has the appearance of leathery thin drowato gray plates. Prevention involves standard treatment with borodic solution in spring and autumn, as well as copper oxychloride and "ABIG peak".

Fruit rot, or moniliosis

This disease is similar to the fruit rot of the apple tree. Progresses with high humidity. If the weather is dry and warm, then the damaged tissue will dry and the destruction of the fetus will suspend. But with increasing humidity, this process resumes.

Did you know? The main reason for the occurrence of this disease is untimely harvesting. Collect fruits on time, and this disease will not distort your plant.

Peripheral rotten rot

Rowan may suffer from such a disease as the peripheral rotten rot. A burgue liquid or other fungicide is used to fight. Highly affected bushes need to be removed and burned, and with roots.

This is the fungal disease of Arone affects young leaves and shoots. Over time, they appear on them a spider bloody white color, and by autumn they turn into brown dots - in such a state of fungus winter. This disease can strongly weaken the plant, especially if the weather is warm and wet. To combat pulmonary dew during the growing season, the aronium must be pollined with sulfur and lime (in proportion 2 to 1) at the rate of 0.3 g / sq. m. also be sure to collect and burn fallen leaves.


The black rowan is sometimes suffering from the disease called Rust. The causative agent of this disease causes the appearance on the leaves of yellow spots. All spots have dark brown dots - a spore of the mushroom on the top of the leaves. In the future, the mushroom develops on juniper, so it makes sense to protect the landing of the Arony from this plant. As a treatment from rust, the plant is sprayed with a burgundy fluid solution, and the affected branches are completely removed.

How to deal with pests rowan

Aria can also suffer from pests inherent in other fruit-berry cultures. But the plant has a good immunity, so you shouldn't worry much about this. However, if there are many other fruit trees nearby, it is necessary to carefully follow their aronia so that if necessary, to quickly get rid of pests.

The dimensions of this day butterfly can reach 7 cm. Her caterpillars damage the leaves of the plant. This occurs in the spring, at this time the pest begins its activity. During the dissolution of the kidney caterpillars, the hawkering sweeps them, and then destroy the leaves and flowers. In the middle of summer, these pests lay eggs, most often on the top side of the sheet.

Did you know? One female hawkering can postpone up to 500 eggs.

Before flowering for prevention, the aronium can be sprayed with various insecticides, such as:

  • "Zolon";
  • "Metation";
  • "Nonkey";
  • "Dursban";
  • "Gardon";
  • "Antio".

Before the renal dissipation, you can spray the trees "oleokuprom", "nitrafen."

Important! Quite often, the butterflies of the hayrs feed on pollen flowering weed plants, so it is impossible to allow their flowering in the garden.


On the black rowan row, you can sometimes meet leaflers that eat leaves. To combat them, "carbofos" (10 g per 10 liters of water) or "chlorofos" (20-30 g per 10 liters of water).

To combat the mucous sawder, the following solution is used:

  • solution of "chlorofos" or "carbofos";
  • a solution of suspension "Entobakterina";
  • soda calcined solution.

Spraying spend the first time after flowering, and then 2 more times each subsequent week.

Important! A month before harvesting, any spraying should be stopped. Only a solution of soda calcined soda can be used.

Green apple TLA

This pest amazes the leaves and the tops of the shoots, as a result of which they twist and dry out. These insects are small, the length is a maximum of 3.5 cm. From the green apple tree, young seedlings suffer most. In the period of dissolving the kidneys and before flowering, insecticide is carried out to get rid of the larvae of the apple tree. To combat TLI, it is necessary to perform spraying with drugs "Nitrafen", "carbofosa", "oleocouprite", etc.

Brown fruit and red apple ticks

These pests in the blackfold rowan appear during the dissolution of the kidneys. The larvae is linked, leaving behind the larvy skins on the branch bore. Because of this branch, silver sings are acquired, so it is impossible to confuse this type of pests with others.

Important! With strong lesions, spraying with "oleocupritis" and "nitrafen", but it is necessary to make it necessary to dissolve the kidneys.

In the spring, the aronium must be sprayed with any of the acaricides ("Callery", "Carbofos", "Tedion", etc.). The use of various drugs is necessary, since with a constant application, only one of them has immunity to it in the tick. In order to quickly reduce the population of ticks as quickly as possible, it is necessary to drain the soil under the plants in mandatory, as well as regularly collect and destroy the fallen leaves.


This small beetle of the dark color threatens the moves in the crust, trying to get to juicy wood. All stages of the vital activity of this beetle occur it precisely after entering the bark of the plant. In the launched cases, the leaves of the black rowan rowan are yellow, due to the fact that nutrients do not come from the branches.

Black-tree rowan (aronym) - shrub with extensive stems and sulfur bark. In the culture, the greatest value is aronymaging. In mid-April, the bushes with a height of 1 to 2 m. Even naked, only the reddish tips of the leaves break through from the brown-brown kidneys.

So the black-like rowan looks like

By the beginning of May, green buds are already visible on short off shoots among leaves. With the establishment of warm weather, the leaves are green and acquire an oval shape on short stiffs, leathery, brilliant, on the edges of the sawn.

Fruits black, shiny, juicy. Ripen in southern regions in mid-August. The size and form of berries are similar to black currant. The seeds in the black-flow rowan is very small. During the ripening period, the sheet outfit changes the color. They appear yellowed and reddened leaves, which is very decorative in combination with black fruits.

Planting in black rowan

It is possible to plant a rowan in the spring, and in the fall, preferably prepared landing pits in advance. If the soil area is bad and there is an opportunity to ride a humus and fertile black soil, the pits should dig a depth and diameter of 50 cm. Fill them out of the removed ground mixed with the black soil and 1-2 hockery buckets. Each pit is good to add 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium chloride and 200-300 g of wood ash.

When landing seedlings make a cone-shaped hollyk and a seedlove is put on it, fall asleep the root system, slightly compacted, watered, and after absorbing the water, the pit is spoiled to the top without watering.

In the proposed video, the cultivation of the black rowan rowan is laid out literally on the shelves. Plant expert tells how to plan and care for Aronia.

Black-rowed rowan growing technology

Aria has a number of only its peculiar requirements for cultivation conditions. The main thing is to remember that this shrub refers to light-affiliated cultures. The bulk of flower kidney is laid on the periphery of the crown. Thickened and shaded landings significantly reduce decorativeness. When planting a black-roof rowan in a sunny place, the distance between the plants should be at least 2-2.5 m.

Care for aronia.

This type of rowan is absolutely frost-resistant, does not frozen in any winter. In the first years, after landing, it grows quickly, it takes back fruiting, from 3-4 years of age, a stable berry yield. In favorable conditions, blooms and fruits up to 20-25 years and does not require careful care.

Due to the surface location of the roots, it grows well in places with high groundwater standing, where fruit trees are practically not growing. Considering the structure of the root system, when leaving the aronia, it is necessary to carry out regular watering. She loves organic feeding, mandatory mulching. It is impossible to pump the soil under the bush, it is necessary to limitate only with loosening at a depth of no more than 8-10 cm.

The reproduction of chokeberry.

Aria has the ability of self-pollution, so in the garden you can grow one bush of black-flow rowan and it will still bloom and give fruit.

The reproduction of black-rowed rowankes.

Spreads the aronium with gag or root siblings. Independent roots on grain and offspring are formed only for the second year, and then under the condition of regular irrigation and preliminary preparation by hauling, on the border with the maternal bush.

Other methods of reproduction are also known - seeds, green and weathered cuttings, but for amateur gardeners it is difficult. However, you should know that with seed reproduction, most seedlings retain signs of parents.

Crane formation.

Considering that Aria loves good illumination of the entire crown, leaving 12-15 shoots when forming a bush, and remove the rest. It is necessary to cut first of all old, broken, damaged, thin and slurry shoots at the very base of the bush.

You can make all sorts of vaccinations on the Mokeal. It can be instilled in the crown or on the seedlings of rowan ordinary.

It is very important when collecting a crop cut or tear rowan brushes without leaves, because the leaf at the base of the brush in its sinus carries the flower kidney of the crop next year.

Berries, even with full maturity, do not appear, remain hanging until winter. With dry and warm autumn, if not removed on time, lose the juiciness, rolling. At the beginning of October, orange-yellow prevails inside the bushes, and at the ends of the branches - blood-red color.

Useful properties of Arony

What diseases are treated with blackfold rowan:

Right aronia from the eastern part of North America. Black-rowed rowan is grown not only because of the high decorativeness of the plant, but also for the extraordinary value of the fruit. Mature arony berries contain 2-4 times more iodine compared to other cultures.

Therapeutic and prophylactic value of the black rowan is due to the high content of organic acids, tannins, sugars and vitamins. From trace elements allocated: iron, manganese, iodine.

Aria contributes to a decrease in cholesterol content in the blood of patients with atherosclerosis. It is consumed with reduced acidity gastritis.

How to use black-like rowan in landscape design

Ariah, it is impossible to make it possible to decorate the garden. This plant is beautiful from early spring to deep autumn. In the spring, its white inflorescences are distinguished vividly against the background of dark green foliage.

Flowers black rowan.

And in the fall red - yellow leaves are perfectly combined with black, shiny berries.

It is possible to grow in black rowan rowan, separate bushes and group landings. In addition, it turns out beautiful and practical livestock. Living fence from Arone grow very quickly, in just 3 - 5 years. Considering that this plant easily multiplies, planting material can be grown independently.

Living fence from black rowan.

Of course, it will take extra time for this, but as a result you will get a beautiful living elevation that will supply you extremely useful berries. In addition, care for such a hedge is not at all difficult.

Black-tree rowan (aronym) is a powerful shrub with beautiful dark berries used in folk medicine. It can be found far from every summer site, but in vain: care for her is simple, and the crops are stable and abundant. Rowan is decorated with garden and during flowering, and in September, when the berries are kept, and the leaves gradually acquire a red shade.

Brief history, description and characteristics of the plant

The black-like rowan is also called black-free aronia. The wildlock grow in the eastern regions of North America. This shrub, reaching 3 meters of height, with a crown diameter of more than 2 m. Very winter hardy. The root system does not apply far, but deep into some roots penetrate to 1 meter or more, although their major mass reaches a depth of about half a meter. Adult bush has numerous thick branches. Leaves are simple, widespread or elongated. The edge of the sheet has suspicion. The sheet of sheet on top of a shiny, dense, from the bottom side slightly pubescent, whitening.

Flowers in May-June. Blossom continues for about 10 days. Flowers are medium, white, scarets. Petals in a whin is five. Flowerines from Arony in the form of a shield containing from 15 to 35 flowers, berries and berries, respectively: in the form of small covebries. For growth and ripening fruit requires about three months.

Salting on the cottage of a black-rowed rowan bush, it is necessary to understand in advance that he will take a lot of space

The fruit is rounded, black, with a small sizem, at the end strongly wrinkled, rather large (with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 cm), the taste of sour-sweet, astringent, tart. The mass of one berry is 1.0-1.5 g. There are 4-8 small seeds in each berry. Fruits contain up to 10% sugar, 1.3% acids (to a greater degree - apple), pectin and other useful substances. Flowers and fruits of Arone resemble flowers and fruits of ordinary rowan.

In fruiting, this rowan joins the fourth year of life. Berries ripen at the end of September and are not falling for a long time. Aria is quite winter-hardy culture. It grows especially well on moisture, fertile soils. In the dry years, the berries are less juicy and small, so they plant it on well-lit places.

I. V. Michurin drew attention to this valuable shrub and recommended him for growing with a business goal. In 1900, he purchased in Germany a draft of Arone for crossing with red rowan.

The initiator of the widespread introduction of Arone in agricultural production is M. A. Lisavanko (Altai). In 1935, he took a cutlery in Michurinsk, rectified, and then laid the plantation to a thousand bushes. It also contributed to its widespread dissemination, which began landings shortly after the war. Then the seedlings were brought to the north, to the Leningrad region, from where Rowan was in the Baltic States and other regions. In Russia, in our time, Aria is common as a fruit and drug culture. It is grown everywhere, especially in the middle lane and the northern regions.

Mine-sized rowan varieties

Another half a century ago it was possible to read that the varieties in the black-flow rowan units. Now it is not true: the efforts of breeders are derived varieties that differ not only by the meantime or various conditions of cultivation, but also taste and even coloring berries, although externally, most of them are very similar to each other and practically indistinguishable. However, the list of the most popular among lovers of Arone varieties is still small.

The appearance of the berries of the arony of various varieties varies little, they know "in the face" only specialists

Unpretentious ruby \u200b\u200bgrade is characterized by increased resistance to diseases, pests and frost. Berries ripen in September, have a rounded shape, diameter up to 1 cm, the tartness is low.

The rowan black and white is also very unpretentious, according to the characteristics it looks like a rubbing, but loves more solar plots. Diseases most often bypass the blackboard. Its berries, unlike most varieties, almost do not matter. They hang on the branches for a long time, not attenuating, so they can be collected in one reception.

On the shaded areas it is recommended to plant the Czech variety of nero. It is withstanding the most severe frosts, the bush is not too big, the maximum height is up to 2 meters. Interesting painting of flowers: the main one, like most varieties, white, but red-colored stamens are highlighted. Berries are characterized by improved taste, aroma and increased vitaminity, well suited for cooking juice, sleeping slightly earlier than other varieties.

One of the most winter-hardy and late varieties is Aria Michurin, withstanding cooling to -40 ° C. Greens up a very large bush, above 3 meters. Berries are also larger than ordinary, not quite round, slightly fightened, very juicy, do not appear. It is quite suitable for direct use, possessing an acid-sweet taste.

Aria Michurina - one of the most deserved, traditional varieties

Viking variety (Finnish origin) is also high-resistant, but it is distinguished by the compact sizes of the bush and rather small berries, 10-20 pieces in the shield. At the same time, the overall harvest of fruits is not quite black, with a shade of purpleness, still very much. In the form of berries, slightly flashed, they can hang on the bushes until the end of October.

High height bushes with a round crown at the Swedish grade Hugin. Berries are red and black, below average, sleep a little later than other varieties, not very juicy. Khigin is relatively capricious in care: does not like radical trimming bushes. In the fall of the arony bushes of this variety, it is very decorative: dark green shiny leaves are adjacent to bright red, with a gradual displacement of a common background coloring in the direction of the bugger tones. Winter hardiness variety is high, but the land around young landings should be well mulched for the winter.

Healing properties of the plant

The censility of the black rowan rowan is mainly that its berries contain a lot of vitamin R. The composition includes active colorful and colorless substances (catechins, red anthocyans, horizontal floors). There are other vitamins - C, RR, in 2, in 9, E, but in relatively small quantities. The fruits of arony are a rich source for obtaining natural food dyes, contain many tuban substances. Berries of black rowan rowan are useful in the treatment of certain diseases, including radiation, since vitamin P is an antihadiant. Berries and juice are best used together with the fruits of other plants, rich vitamin C.

Blackfoot rowan juice contains chemical elements useful for the human body: iodine, iron, manganese. It makes pretty good wine from it, and also use light wines, gashed water and other beverages for tints. The yield of juice from fruits is high - 68-75%.

A tincture of black-flow rowan is preparing easier than the classic wine, and appreciated by lovers no less

In preventive and therapeutic purposes, juice, fresh, frozen or dried berries, various culinary products from rowan are used. It is useful in hypertension, bleeding, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases, rheumatism, hepatitis, and in many other cases. Aria is conducive to a decrease in cholesterol content in the blood. In the fresh form, this rowan is not very tasty, so it is preferred from it to prepare jam, marmalade, compote and others. Under compliance with the rules of preparation, it does not lose its healing properties.

Landing of black-rowed rowan in the country area: step by step instruction

The cultivation of chokeberry does not cause special difficulties. It gives stable high yields. To bookmark the planting of the black-flow rowan, it is necessary to select the appropriate places. The best is on medium, moisture, fertile sublinks. Slightly reduced relief places are more suitable for this culture. On more sublime dry places, berries are fine and less juicy. Aria reacts badly to lack of moisture, especially during the ripening of fruits.

You should not plant this rowan near the swamps, at low places where late spring frosts are possible. The shrub and lightness is demanding, even minimal shading significantly reduces the yield. And strongly shaded bushes fruit several times worse than those growing in the sun.

Throughout life, the author of these lines was observed in three bushes of black-flow rowan, growing in radically differing conditions. As a child, a huge bush grew in a half, but it was the West of the Bryansk region, with a very hot and rather humid climate. Vintage gathered huge and stable. Then, in his youth, there was a bush at the cottage in the Saratov region. It was perfectly illuminated, but frequent summer droughts and unbearable heat allowed to collect a much more modest harvest than in the conditions of more northern Bryanzachina. Now the neighbors at another dacha (also Saratov) bush blackcloth grows in the shade and without much care. It also fertilizes normally, but even less than the one, the second that the sun grabbed in the world.

Plant rowan is better in autumn, but you can and in the spring. In the preparation of the plot in the soil, half a variation of the reworked manure per square meter is made. When disembarking several bushes, the optimal scheme - 3 x 3 m. Pre-prepare the landing hole: width 60 cm, the depth is 40 cm. It makes a humid or peat-nipped compost (1.5-2 buckets) and a liter two wood ash, having stirred everything from the soil taken out of the pit.

The roots of the saplings are slightly cut, dipped into the cowle from clay, cowboy and water. Landing is similar to landing of most garden plants. It is necessary to omit into the prepared pit of the sapling, straighten the roots well, gradually fall asleep their soil and pour. The aronium is planting at 5-6 cm deeper than a seedling grew in the nursery. Spring bush is strongly cut.

Thus, to put in the country of the black-flow rowan, you need to do the following:

  1. In the summer, choose a place: solar, but not too dry.

    It is desirable to plant a black rowan rowan away from other shrubs and trees

  2. At the end of the summer, leaving the plot of alleged landings, bringing fertilizers and destroying perennial weeds.
  3. In September, they dig up the landing pit (60 x 60 x 40 cm), introducing two buckets in it by a humoring and a good jar of wood ash.

    The landing pit under the shrub should not be very deep, but it must be filled with fertilizers.

  4. In early October, I acquire an arony sapling with good roots and come to the site with him.

    A good seedlove should have a powerful root lobe

  5. Cutting up too long roots (up to 20-25 cm, and if they are shorter, then only the most tips) and omit them into a cowboy and clay batch, as a last resort, we give to swim in the water.

    If the roots suck the bolt, the sapling is easier to take root

  6. We put a seedling in the pit so that the root neck is slightly lower than the soil level.
  7. Gradually, we fall asleep the roots of fertile soil, while tumping the leg, check that the root neck does not stick out to the outside.

    After backfilling the earth, the root neck must be fully immersed in the soil

  8. Gently pour the water bucket around the seedling.
  9. Mulch peat or dry ground with a layer of 2-3 cm.

    After planting and watering, it is necessary to sketch around the bush a bit of peat or other mulching material

  10. Calmly winter.
  11. In the spring, on the very first arrival in the country, cut off the bush. We leave the hemp not higher than 20 cm.

    No matter how sorry, the shoots will have to shorten the shoots

In the first four years, the aisle can be bored with potatoes, lupine to green fertilizer or strawberry. It is advisable to such use of the place, since the aronymiate begins to be froning only for the third year after planting bushes, and during this time you can get crops of other crops next to it, adding additional fertilizers.

As for trees and shrubs, it is better not to plant anything like this, especially the hawthorn as a neighbor. Of course, such giants like apricot and, moreover, walnuts are completely unacceptable: from their neighborhood, neither food, nor moisture remain from their neighborhood. In the black rowan rowan, the common pests with cherries: a mucous sawder and a wave, so it is categorically impossible to plant them nearby.

How to properly care for black rowan: rules of watering, feeding, preparation for winter, harvesting

Watering, black-fledged rowan requires moderate, they can not be carried out in the rainy seasons. The most active bush growth occurs in non-fit weather, about 15 about C. Increased temperatures of Aria does not like, but the short-term heat for yield almost does not affect. Watering in the event of dry weather are necessary at the stage of formation of fruits, since usually moisture from the melting of the snow is enough just until that time. You can proceed around the bushes, shallow grooves, and pour 2-3 buckets of water. Soil looser after irrigation is very desirable. During the summer it is repeated several times. Depth of loosening is small: up to 5-6 cm.

For annual fruiting, apply fertilizers. It is recommended to alternate organic with mineral.

Nitrogen fertilizers should be made every spring (on tangered soil) at a dose of 20 g per square meter, phosphoric and potash - in a year (30 and 20 g, respectively). Manure (rewind) or peat-null compost contributes at a dose of 2-3 buckets on the bush. A bird litter is used, diluted with water 1: 10, or a dung alive (1: 3).

The first years around the bushes are planting vegetables or flowers, but as soon as the arsonium will begin to shade the born bushes, they contain them under black steam. The soil around the bushes during the entire period of vegetation is joined and loose.

In addition to the care of the soil and applying fertilizers, the thinning of the bushes is required. They give a large number of shoots, quickly thickening bush. The growth of shoots begins with the average daily air temperature of about 5 o C. New, the most valuable shoots, as well as rhizable siblings grow from the root part of the escape.

After planting a two-year seedling having 4-6 trunks, soon their quantity doubles, and to seven years, the base of the bush has about a meter in diameter and about 50 stems.

The main trunk is growing up to 8 years, but the growth rate from the four-year-old decreases. Basic fruiting is observed in annual branches. When the fruiting falls, the fruits become much smaller. Thus, the old trunks become ballast, worsening the growth and fruiting of others, younger. Therefore, they are spilled by the very roots.

As in black currant, the arony bush form in such a way that it consists of a stem of different ages. In addition to the spill of the old trunks, the thinning of the young stroke is also being carried out, which thickens a bush. Pruning should be aimed at creating optimal conditions for the lightening of the bush. Correctly formed adult bush can consist of 50 or more trunks. With proper care, it annually gives at least 5-6 kg of fruits.

Ripened berries (black and soft to the touch) ripen to the beginning of autumn. But it is not worth shooting them at this time, since the color of the berries acquire early, and the real flavoring qualities are much later. It is better to harvest harvest closer to the end of September, without giving bodies to bodies. Berries are collected in wicker baskets or small vessels. They can stay on the bushes right up to frosts. For drying, the crop is removed with whole shields, which are dried at room temperature, hanging freely, or in the oven. Fresh berries at low temperatures can be stored for up to two months.

Shields with black-roofed rowan berries are usually cut with scissors so as not to damage the fruits and not to tear off the bush

The black-like rowan does not require special preparation for wintering, it can withstand frost to -30 about C, suffering from them only in the most severe winters. But if the roots remain intact, it is quickly restored and the entire supermarized above-ground part. The root system is freezing only at a soil temperature below -12 O C, and a good layer of snow reliably protects it into the most severe frosts. Easy shelter is required only for young, not yet strengthened bushes. It is best to simply meditate or emphasize them, in the northernmost areas of this shelter you can add a layer of nonwoven material.

Diseases and pests, fighting them

From pests, a cherry mucous sawner is the most dangerous for the black-flow rowan, which skeles the sheet plate. Harmes the arony of his larva (false-sasing). It appears in early August. A vision of this pest is sprayed with a solution of chlorofos during its appearance. To prevent diseases in the spring and after flowering, a spraying of a 1% burglar solution is performed. Brief information about the main pests are shown in Table 1.

Table: The most dangerous pests of black rowan

NameCharacter of actionRecommended measuresPrevention
Cherry mucous sawlistWinged insect, mucous larva. Appearance - mid-summer, damage the leaves0.7% solution of soda or 0.3% solution of chlorofos after flowering, then twice twice from weeklyPumping Soil, Ruffer River
PyadenitsaNight Butterfly, Large Caterpillars Spray Leaves and FlowersBefore the awakening of the kidneys - nitrafen, before flowering - carbofos, spraying according to the instructions
BelyankaDay white butterfly white with a speck on the wing, caterpillar up to 4 cm long, glands the leaves entirelySpraying by dendrobacillin or phytodeterm according to the instructions in the end of springFighting weeds, collection of caterpillars
Powered moleWhite shiny small butterfly, yellow caterpillars tear the sheet of cobweb, leaves fall out0.2% solution of chlorophos early spring or nitrafen to the dissolution of the kidneysCollection and burning of amazed leaves
Beetle Zhuk.Little brown beetle sweeps kidney, larva nibbles buds, petals dry outCarbofos, spark during the bootonization period according to the instructions. Standing and destruction of beetlesEarly spring spraying with 1% copper sulfate solution
Ryabinovaya MolSmall butterfly, damaging berries. The larvae harms the same way0.2% chlorofosium solution at the end of JunePumping soil, the destruction of fallen berries and leaves
Apple Fruit PillSmall brown insect, yellow larva destroy flowersTreatment of 0.2% mustardRuffle of the priority circle in autumn
ShieldLarvae up to 5 mm, suck juices from woodProcessing of trunks and branches of Bi-58 or pyrinex to the renal dissipation according to the instructionsSleeping bushes

For arony, both fungal and viral diseases are characteristic, but under the condition of proper agricultural engineering plants of modern varieties infect quite rarely. Some diseases are shown in Table 2.

Table: Main diseases of the black rowan

NameCharacter of actionRecommended measuresPrevention
Puffy dewDisputes The fungus is manifested in the form of white climb on the leaves, easily removing manually. Infected fruits rot0.02% solution of potassium permanganate or strong infusion of ash or foundation according to the instructions. Spraying several times. Pruning damaged branches, sprinkler of the rolling collarDeleting weeds, thinning crown
RustThe bush is covered with red rod, then dries and dies1% Bordeaux fluid solution before and after flowering, cutting infected areasTimely destruction of infected areas
ScabThe bush is abundantly covered with dark or green spots, the skin of berries is peeling, they and the leaves hang outGamiir or Raequac preparation according to the instructions, before flowering, immediately after it and during the growth of berriesRemoval of all vegetable waste, early spraying 1% burgundy liquid
Black necrosisFirst, the bark barks and branches turn yellow, then cracks. The number of cracks is growing rapidly, they are broken, the bark peels0.2% solution of Fundazola, the drug soon according to the instructions. Cutting and burning patientsZircon - 1 ml of the drug on the water bucket
SeptoriasisSmall white spots on the leaves, called white spottedness, sharply reduces the cropPreparations Profit Gold, soon before and after the dissolution of the kidneys, then after 20 days according to the instructionsSleeping bushes
Viral ring mosaicYellow spots with green border on the leaves, then a mosaic pattern. Leaves die and fallTreatment is impossible. Sick bushes are destroyedProper agrotechnology

Arising problems and solutions

Experimental gardeners of unexpected problems in the cultivation of the black-like rowan does not arise, the whole agricultural engineering is quite simple, but novice lovers may face it seems to be unreserved. So, for example, often when transplanted, it seems to be a young bush to a new place he refuses to continue growth. This may be due to the wrong choice of transplant time or place for the new residence of the bush. Usually additional feeding and autumn trimming can help Aronia with time to return to normal life.

Sometimes a bush dries in a completely incomprehensible reason. It can not even find her experienced owner, until it turns attention to the head of the earth not far away. It turns out that settled near the moles, and, moreover, choppers can strongly disturb the root system of black-like rowan. The capture and destruction of the tender - the case is archent, but it is necessary to deal with this, otherwise it will be possible to stay in the garden without a crop.

Inexperienced gardeners collect harvest as soon as berries, and disappointed in it. It is necessary to do it no earlier than a month after the acquisition of the characteristic color, and everything will be fine. So it is also not a problem!

Methods of breeding of black rowan

Mine-flow rowan often spread the seeds, although it is a time-consuming process. Its seedlings are rather equal, but among them there are plants with larger fruits and a very high harvest. It follows such bushes to allocate. For the cultivation of planting material, except for seeding, the ability of weedly and green cuttings is used to root, as well as the tendency of the bush to give rhizable offspring and rooted with the tanks.

Seed reproduction

With seed reproduction, a high yield of planting material is obtained, but inhomogeneous in biological value. Sowing seeds as if simple, but requires much attention, complying with a certain order of stratification. It's very time consuming.

Reproduction of weathered cuttings

It is possible to grow seedlings by rooting annual weird cuttings. It is done very simple.

Greeting green cuttings

Saplings can also be grown with green cuttings. It is essential to do it.

The black-like rowan gives numerous rhizuy siblings.

Reproduction horizontal chains

Reproduction of vaccination

Black-rowed rowan can be vaccinated on an adult tree rowan with ordinary ways for a bark, in butt or splitting. The easiest way to put in splitting. You can vaccinate on a specially trained in stock of ordinary rowan, as is done on the apple trees. Technique work approximately as follows:

See the common mascopic rowan diseases in the photo, where signs are shown, with the appearance of which you need to immediately begin the processing of shrubs and trees:

Arose diseases in the blackfold affect the trunk, branches, leaves and fruits. Next, you can read the description of the symptoms and learn about measures to combat different infections.

Root rot, or Open.

Arose's disease pathogen - Mushroom Armillaria Mellea (Vahl.) P. Kumm. (Syn.armillariella Mellea (Vahl.) P. Karst.) , causes peripheral rotten rotes. Opel grows on the roots of alive trees and shrubs, as well as on the stump. Under the affected root of the roots, Kulley, the bases of the trunks and shoots of the mushroom forms the grid of black flat cords - the risomorph, with which they actively apply. Numerous fruit bodies are formed on the fungnye in the form of yellow-brown hats with a leg and with a sworn ring under a hat. The fungus persists in the wood, in the soil in the affected plant residues, penetrates the root system of trees and shrubs, causes fuses of the roots of the roots and trunks, because of which the lesion is called a peripheral rot.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of trunks and branches with 1% burgundy mixture or its substitutes (HOW, ABIG peak). Removal and burning of affected dried bushes together with roots. At the first signs of infection, the soil under the bushes is spilled with a solution of copper-containing drug. In industrial cultivation in the roots nursery and the cloth of wood plants are treated with a tank mixture: Fundazole (0.2%) + xome (0.4%).

Cytosporosis of Arony.

Pathogen - mushroom Cytospora LEUCOSTOMA (Pers.) SACC. (SYN. Cytospora Rubescens FR.) . Amuses many fruit trees, berry shrubs and deciduous rocks. The disease is manifested in weakened by external factors of plants and aggravated by the presence of mechanical damage. The first symptoms are manifested in spring when young leaves are developing small, chlorobic and together with buds gradually drill and dry. Dry shoots and whole branches, trees crowns become rare, yield is reduced. The affected bore will be drowned and pressed, dark, large, with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm, fruit bodies of the mushroom - picnides are formed in it. They raise the bumps in the form of a bumps, and it becomes rough. Sections of drying cortex rapidly increase, and this leads to a drying of branches, skeletal branches, trunks and whole bushes and trees. The infection is maintained in the crust of the affected branches.

Fight measures. The use of high-quality planting material, compliance with all agrotechnical requirements of cultivation for each culture, timely removal and burning of dried affected branches and whole plants. Preventive spraying of all trees and shrubs in the spring in the spring, while dissolving the kidneys, a 1% burgundy mixture or its substitutes (XOM, ABIG peak).

Pathogen - mushroom Ramularia Sorbi Karak. . Numerous blurry reddish spots appear on the leaves. From the bottom side of the leaf plate on non-frozen tissues, a sulfur spout is formed, spores of which recharge the adjacent leaves. With a strong distribution of the disease, the affected leaves are yellow and dry up prematurely, which affects the aging of young shoots and frost-resistant bushes. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures. Spraying the bushes in the spring, to the dissolution of the leaves, burgundy mixture or its substitutes (xom, abiga peak). With a strong manifestation of spot, spend spraying with the same drugs in the summer and autumn, given the waiting time. Collection and destruction of fallen affected leaves.

Pathogen - mushroom Septoria Sorbi Lasch. In the middle of summer, rounded dark brown spots with a darker border appear on the surface of the leaves. Over time, the middle of the spots will be brightened, numerous dot black fruit bodies of the mushroom are formed in it. Non-friction fabric gradually dry out, cracks and falls out. The leaves are yellow and prematurely fall out, which affects decorativeness, aging shoots and their frost resistance. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures.

Pathogens - mushrooms PhylLosticta thum., PH. SORBI WESTEND.. From the middle of summer, large, scattered, often merging between themselves appear on the leaves. Under the defeat, the first causative agent is gray with a wide dark brown border, the second causative agent - the stains ash-gray with black and red border. In the middle of non-shifts over time, numerous small black fruit bodies are formed. The affected tissue dries and cracks, the leaves are yellow and prematurely fall. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures. The same as against ramularize spotting.

Pathogen - mushroom Monilia Fructigena Pers. The rot is developing on berries and fruits in the form of small brown increasing spots. Gradually berries are brighten, soften and dry. On the surface of infectedepar and mummified berries, numerous light-brown pillows of spioning, located concentric circles, disputes of which are constantly recharging their neighboring fruits are developing. The spread of infection contributes damage to the berries and fruits insects, first of all, the frozhors and the barrock, and the protracted cold spring with the abundance of precipitation. The infection is preserved in the affected or mummified berries and fruits, as well as the fungal in the tissues of the bark of annual shoots. The fruit rot is widespread on seed, bone cultures and berry shrubs. The affected berries and fruits are not suitable.

Fight measures. Spraying of all trees and shrubs in the spring in the spring, while dissolving the kidneys and immediately after the end of flowering, burgundy mixture or its substitutes (Xom, Abiga peak). With a strong distribution of the disease, the spraying is repeated in autumn the same drugs after collecting and destroying the affected berries.

Check out all these arony diseases in the blackfold in the photo illustrating typical signs of infections and their consequences:

Ropp rape.

Rop rapeseed Eurydema Oleracea L. In an adult state up to 10 mm long, black with a metal blue or green chip. The body is flat, ovoid, has a pattern of white spots and stripes. Two dark, almost square spots separated by a light strip that expanding to the rear end is visible on the convey. Adult bugs have two pairs of confused wings, and the front in the main part of the leathery, the larvae of the bugs are uncultivated. At the beginning of May, the female lays eggs with small bugs on perennial herbs, after two weeks, larvae are degenerated, similar to adult bedbugs, only less in size and darker. The larvae feed on the juice of plants 48-53 days, develop and turn into adult bugs, which also feed on the juice of leaf tissues. The mass appearance of the bugs is marked in August. With a large number of pests, damaged leaves twist and dry out. Rapop Corn is widespread and harms many herbaceous plants and berry shrubs. From the end of August, the bugs go to wintering under fallen leaves.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of trees and shrubs in the spring, while dissolving the kidneys and immediately after flowering, the drug of fufanon or its analogues (KemiFos, carbofos) against the complex of the pest reduces the number of bugs. With a large number of larvae and adult bedbugs in the summer, they spend spraying with the same drugs, given the waiting time. Preparations of phytodeterm, Kinmix, Aktellik, Inta-Vir are used.

Diamonds Yves.

Weevil Yves, or whoning jumper Rhamphus Pulicarius HBST. ., - Black beetle with a length of 2-3 mm, with a fitted down head tube. The hind legs have thickened hips, thanks to which the weevon jumps well. The larva is 3-4 mm long, whitewashed, flat, guy, with a brown head and a dark green speck on the back. Wintering the larvae in the fallen leaves, in the spring in the soil pumped. From the end of May - the beginning of June, the beetles come to the surface and feed on the leaves of shrubs and trees. After fertilization of the females, eggs in the leaf fabric, the renewed larvae pulled the flesh inside the sheet in the form of mines. First, translucent green spots appear, which by the end of the summer become brown-rust and acquire a broad form with star-shaped protrusions. The larvae feeds in mines to late autumn, together with the leaves fall on the ground and they are afraid of them. The weevon is common everywhere and harms all fruit cultures, berry shrubs and many deciduous wooded rocks.

Fight measures. Spraying all trees and shrubs in the spring in the spring, after flowering the fruit, the preparation of fufanon or its analogues (Kemifos, carbofos) against the pest complex decreases and the number of weevil, in which during this period there is a massive outlet of the beetles. Collection and burning of fallen leaves in autumn or early spring.

Lesnoye dolls Trichiosoma Silvaticum Leach. - Black insect, brilliant, with transparent wings, head and chest are covered with light hairs.

Wings are yellowish with a clear dark border at the outer edge. The larva is a bluish-green false-green with a darker longitudinal stripe on his back and red spots over the troubles. The head is yellow, often there is a brown spot on the forehead. The larvae damage the leaves of many hardwood, including fruit and berry shrubs.

Fight measures. Spraying trees and shrubs immediately after the end of flowering with fufanon or its counterparts (Kemifos, carbofos) against the complex of pests reduces the number of the peeling. With a large number of larvae at the end of summer and in September, they perform spraying with the same drugs, given the period of waiting for each. It is also used phytodeterm, kinmix, Aktellik, Inta-Vir.

Distillers peristically Rhogogaster Punctulata Kl. - Insect 10-12 mm long, light green, with transparent colorless wings. Utility from above dark, head with a black spot on the pests, on the sides of the medium-eyed there are oblique black stripes, the abdomen is green. The larva is dirty-dark green from the back, light green with sides, black smoking. All segments have 2 transverse series of white spike warts and numerous brown specks and points. The head is brilliant, red-brown with black fields around the eyes. The larvae feed on the leaves of willows, alder, rowan and ash and with great numbers apply tangible harm to trees and shrubs. Purify larvae in the soil.

Fight measures. With a large number of pests, spraying with one of the drugs: PhytoTerm, Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmix, Aktellik, Inta-Vir, given the period of waiting for each drug.

Pill Ryabin Trichiosoma Sorbi HGG.. - Insect 13-16 mm long, with transparent wings. Head and chest black with bronze glitter, covered with thick hairs, shins and paws redheads. Wings of yellowish color, darkened by the outer edge. The larvae yellowish-green, with light yellow tubercles, the breathafs have redhead, the head of yellow with two oblong brown stains on the tremepec. The larvae damage the leaves of many hardwood, including fruit and berry shrubs.

Fight measures. The same as against a sniped peeling saw.

Mole letter launder Chimabacche Fagella F. - Small dark gray butterfly with severe sexual dimorphism. Wingspan of females 15-16 mm or they are poorly developed, the female has a thick body and moves only with long, well-developed legs. The male has a thin body, developed wings with a scope of 25-30 mm and flies well. The caterpillar pale green or gray-green, 18 mm long, has characteristic mace-shaped thickening on a pair of chest legs. The doll is red-brown, a length of 13-14 mm, is located in a paustonic cocoon hidden between glued leaves. Winter dolls in fallen leaves. In April, butterflies overlook. Females on the trunks are closed on the trees and lay small greenish eggs at the base of the kidneys. After a while, caterpillars are dedicated and feed on with leaves, glueing them by a cob. In the fall, during the leaf fall, the caterpillars together with the leaves fall on the ground, they are pumped and pupae are overwhelmed. In appearance and by the nature of damage, mole reminds leftimeters. The beech metering mole is widespread and damages the fruit trees of bone and seed rocks, berry shrubs and deciduous trees and shrubs, especially birch, oak, beech, lash.

Fight measures. Spraying of all trees and shrubs in spring, with the dissolution of the kidneys and immediately after the flowering of fruit trees, the preparation of fufanon or its analogues (Kemifos, carbofos. Collection and burning of fallen leaves.