Outdoor plaster warm with chop filler. Warm plaster for internal works: pros and cons

The construction and repair of the house implies the alignment of the walls and the decrease in heat loss. To do this, use dry mixtures and insulating materials. All this can be found in one warm plaster. It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

What is it?

Plastering formulations are a mixture of binding elements, fillers, plasticizers, which improve the characteristics of additives and peeled sand impurities with various fractions. For the most part, the warm plaster is presented in a dry form, which before use should be diluted with water.


Building material differs from other analogues with specific fillers. They give the result of the properties similar to thermally insulating materials.

In particular, the main additives are:

  • vermiculite;
  • wood fibers or sawdust;
  • modified clay;
  • powdered pumice;
  • polystyrene foam in granules.

In addition to the functional features, the listed elements give the coating a different structure.

Some options are used as a finish decor. Others are coated with paint and varnish materials after pre-priming and complete surface drying.

Pros and cons

The main task of the plaster is the leveling of the base. The material in its physical characteristics differs from most products offered.

Easy and practical finish

Among them are positive:

  • high degree of adhesion to mineral and wood grounds that are not necessarily advanced;
  • when complying with the maximum allowable layer, the use of reinforcing material is not required;
  • breathable coating composition does not miss heat and cold, noise and dust;
  • mainly in the composition of natural raw materials;
  • comfortable use;
  • frost resistance and resistance to weather conditions;
  • lightweight weight, which does not allow forging "cellulite" in the severity of the solution;
  • forms coating close to monolithic;
  • with the exception of filler in the form of polystyrene, the components of substances relate to non-combustible materials.

In addition, warm plaster is considered unavailable for rodents and organisms related to microbiology. This eliminates the use of various kinds of antiseptic compositions that can cause an allergic reaction.

A lot of positive moments and advantages over analogs do not exclude the presence of disadvantages. These include:

  • as a rule, the maximum value of the applied layer does not exceed 20 mm;
  • if the plaster is used as an alternative to other heat insulators, then the layer should be at least 5 cm, which affects the foundation due to the total load;
  • depending on the composition, the material is able to absorb moisture, so when choosing it is worth considering this indicator;
  • with a secondary application of the solution, it is necessary to apply the reinforcing grid.

It is believed that such a warm plaster, but should not be considered it with a composition fully replacing the insulation. The material has a similar property among others, but it is not the only one.

Application area

On plaster binder, the composition is used only indoors. On a lime and cement basis, warm plaster is used to finish the facade of the house, including its decoration.

With a detailed consideration, the solution is used in the following cases:

  1. Filling cracks, cracks and voids.
  2. Close up of docking seams between overlaps.
  3. Formation of openings for windows and doors.
  4. Warming: walls and construction of the building as a whole; water supply risers; sewer system.

With the alignment of the base, the material also copes. But due to the cost it makes sense to give preference to counterparts with permissible single-layer application exceeding 2 cm.

Views and features

Gypsum heat-insulating plaster is characterized by minimal resistance to variable humidity. Therefore, it is used only inside dry rooms. More often, cement is used as the basis, as it copes with the drops of operating conditions is much better. Such compositions are used for facade elements.

Plastering with thermal insulation additives for external work varies in fillers, which affect the characteristic properties of the mixture:

  1. The organic is represented by polystyrene foam with a fraction of 1-1.5 mm, which is not very durable. Added to cement and lime compositions. The versatility of warm plaster is limited to combustibility. The coating is recommended to process materials as the finish decor.
  2. Mineral replenish the flaws of the organic. These include: glass from quartz hydro-resistant, does not let the heat and does not give a shrinkage; porous raw materials of volcanic origin : vermikulitis from mica is not afraid of nothing but water; Perlite from Obsidian needs to be protected from moisture.
  3. Speeding is inferior to long drying time, but are great for processing brick and wood. Among such fillers are used: sawdust, paper.

The last mixtures as a basis, as a rule, have cement or clay. Manufacturers recommend that such mixtures use for internal work. This is due to the fact that in the drying process is not allowed by the presence of wind.

Mineral fillers include pemps with clay. These materials are inferior to analogs in all indicators, so it is extremely rarely used.

Top manufacturers

If we consider building material from the point of view of manufacturers, the German company Knauf is the most famous brand. This brand has proven itself among the first in the post-Soviet space.

Materials are distinguished by high quality. All tasks that are put in front of the material are performed in accordance with the specified parameters. The main condition is compliance with the rules of use and preparation of plaster.

Domestic analogues with the main tasks also cope in one degree or another. For example:

  1. Houthlif Contains acrylic and glass. Applied to any porous bases. It has low thermal conductivity, vapor permeable, does not accumulate moisture. Differs on ecology. Material is relatively new, so it is almost impossible to purchase a counterfeit.
  2. Thermoma You can use for processing any bases inside and from the outside of the room. As part of the plaster of mineral elements by 99%, which speaks of its ecology and non-hatching. Pores in the coating occupy 55% of the volume. This allows you to delay moisture at the bottom. Hydrophobicity allows you to apply the product as moisture insulation of the walls.
  3. Varmmimix. Differs high adhesion to any reasons without the use of primer compositions. In contrast to the previous version, it can be used for thermal insulation of the facade part of the structure.

Warm Cuckat Cuckat Suitable for works indoors. Differs high strength and moisture resistance. Excellent copes with insulation of walls from noise and cold outside.

Plaster heat-insulating Knauf Grunband

German warm plaster for the Facade of Grunband can be applied on any basis. The method of application can be both manual and machine. The latter allows you to speed up the processing process.

The tasks with whom Gruband copes:

  • waterproofing of facades and rooms with high humidity;
  • strengthening the surface of the base;
  • preventing the appearance of cracks during the shrinkage of the building or from mechanical exposure by side;
  • decorative design of the base that will only need to paint.

The component fraction does not exceed 1.5 mm. This suggests that the coating is distinguished by the density of coating and comfort relative to the application of the solution.

How to make a warm plaster with your own hands

The modern market is presented to everyone necessary in order to make plaster with their own hands, including warm. The basis of the mixture, as a rule, includes cement and purified sand.

To impart heat-insulating properties of plaster, perlite or vermiculite is added to the composition in a ratio of 4 to 1 relative to cement. As a plasticizer, you can use PVA construction glue in an amount of up to 60 grams per 10 liters of plaster. All items are important to mix thoroughly, to insist about 20 minutes and repeat the shabby.

Application technology do it yourself

Warm plaster is used more often for outdoor work. Events on plastering walls outside are carried out in warm weather. It is desirable that there was a windless. So the result will be better. If lighthouses are used, then after rejection, the coating should remove them, and the voids are filled with warm plaster.

Preparatory work

The base before plaster requires standard training. To do this, you need to eliminate:

  • old coating in the form of plaster and paint;
  • protruding elements of reinforcement;
  • available material for wall insulation;
  • surplus the adhesive solution between the blocks from which the building is erected.

It is advisable to first fill all the recesses. Some manufacturers argue that the base is not required to primitive. Most specialists do not agree with this.

Required tool

For the preparation of plaster you will need a container and a mixer. You can purchase a special nozzle on a drill or a perforator. To work with a solution, they will need a spatula (facade and auxiliary) and the rule.

Devices and tools

When using beacons, plaster is applied by machinery or manually. Then they align the mixture of the web in the form of a trapezoid. Surplus are used further.


With a single-layer application of the solution, additional reinforcement is not required. However, often there is a need for a coating greater than 20 mm. In this case, the grid with cells up to 5x5 mm is used. It will not allow the coating to crack.

The reinforcement process looks like this:

  • the first layer of plaster is applied;
  • after 100-120 minutes, a plaster mesh is attached using a toothed spatula;
  • the next layer of solution after 1.5-2 days is superimposed.


Each stage, with the exception of reinforcement, is carried out after complete drying of the base or fresh coating. The priming is taken into account.

Calculation of the amount of material

Before climbing the plaster, the fact that the solution has a limited action time is taken into account. As a rule, it is equal to 4 o'clock.

Calculation of layer thickness

For noise insulation, a layer of warm plaster with a thickness of 5 mm. For thermal insulation, 50 mm is considered optimal. For alignment, the layer is calculated depending on the drops that will need to be eliminated. If they exceed 5 cm, it is recommended to pre-use analogs without heat insulating fillers.

Mix consumption

If the layer of plaster is 20 mm, then it will take about 12 kg of a dry mixture per 1 kV. meter. With a two-layer coating, it will take 2 times more of the material.


The rules for applying warm material are actually the same as other analogues. The differences are in the reinforcement and time of drying the coating. In particular, the latter is about 3 hours. The level of maximum strength of the heat-insulating plaster is gaining within a month.

Application of the mix

To give smoothness, the solidary surface is wetted with water and treated with a grater. Correct possible disadvantages can be within 2 hours.

Let's summarize

Warm plaster is used as an aligning building material similar to conventional analogues. Also, the mixtures are used to process facades and walls indoors with any humidity. A characteristic feature of this plaster is a heat insulating property, along with which the coating does not miss noise.

The available cost of warm plaster and a wide range of applications have an explicit advantage over analogs. Moreover, t.we can cook with your own hands.

Modern humanity came up with many different building materials that increase the service life of the building, allow you to complete the construction in a speedy time, differ in resistance to atmospheric precipitation, while environmentally friendly and feature aesthetic beauty.

One of these materials is the warm plaster for the facade. This modern material that appeared in the building materials market recently and has already managed to gain popularity due to its characteristics. It has increased indicators during thermal preservation already in the finished form.
In this article, we will look at what is the warm plaster for the facade, as applied to the surface and what the characteristics possesses.

Applying warm plaster on the facade of the house

What makes warm plaster for facades

The whole secret of its effectiveness is hidden precisely in the composition of which this material is manufactured. It includes such substances that are characterized by low heat conductivity.

The plaster is made of such substances:

  • wood sawdust;
  • crumb of ceramisit;
  • pumice and others.

Most often, in the manufacture of this plaster, such a substance is used as polystyrene foam. This is a very cheap substance, but, nevertheless, has excellent qualities that allow you to retain heat in the room.

Used polystyrene foam in plaster for better effect

It is also used not only for external works, but also internal, thereby providing a stable temperature in the house without sharp drops.

It is made of traditional materials such as cement, lime, as well as some other additives that allow excellent results in practice.

An even more traditional material for the manufacture of warm plaster for facades are sawdust, which make up the basis, besides them also in the composition of the paper, cement and clay. Thus, as we can observe, it is a very simple material that is environmentally friendly. It is also used in addition to external, also in internal work, in which it is applied even more often, since its composition is such that it is sufficiently feels the effect of water. Therefore, its use is quite rare for facades, but it also comes across.

This kind of warm plaster is very sensitive to the effects of fungi, dries for a long time.

Another type of warm plaster for facades is with a vermiculite in the composition. This rock is highly hard, is very successfully used for the insulation of the facades.

Experts note that there are materials that are better protected from cold and maintain heat, but the main advantage is the cheapness of the material.

Vermikulite is applied in plaster for better insulation of the house and goes to packages of different volumes

Warm plaster for facades still perfectly holds heat. Also often applies other than warm plaster for the facade, also insulation inside. In combination, it gives very good results, allowing your home to lose heat heat and less to the influence of cold gusty winds.

In addition, insulation of foam plastic, whose layer should be at least 10 centimeters. Only in such conditions the house will be very warm. And the walls of the house should be made of brick or reinforced concrete. Only in this way will be ensured the maximum heat saving.

If you use only warm plaster for the facade, then its layer should be about 20 centimeters.

Most often use warm plaster, a layer of which does not exceed four centimeters. This creates conditions when the house is only a bit insulating, but completely the problem is not solved. If we use a layer of warm plaster for facades more than five centimeters, it will be very heavy and can fall off under its own weight.

To understand what kind of weight can have warm plaster for facades, the layer is only two centimeters on the square in one square meter weighs about twelve kilograms.

When warm plaster for facades is applied

When and where the plaster is applied:

  • as an additional insulation of the house, as well as protection against external noise, with which the plaster copes perfectly;
  • additionally, you can warm the floor and the ceiling in your home;
  • you can also warm the windows, doors and door slips;
  • insulation joints;
  • close engineering communications, pipes and pipelines, wiring.

The process of application is not a great difficulty and does not require tremendous effort, so almost everyone can warm the house with warm plaster for facades.

How to warm the house with warm plaster for facades

The whole process of work does not require any special tools and devices. To do this, you will need the most ordinary cells, levels and spatulas.

Before applying plaster on the wall, it is necessary to pre-prepare the surface. This means that it is necessary to remove everything that is fragile, you need to knock down the tapping plaster, which may fall off under the pressure of plaster, which we have already seen, weighs enough enough and roll around the whole design, so this work is very important. Walls must be immersed.

Before proceeding with the process of applying the walls, the plaster must be mixed, for this you need to add water to the container and pour plaster according to the manufacturer's instructions, which is indicated on the bag. This mass mix well with a mixer and laugh for about five minutes, then mix again. The mass should be homogeneous, it is very important, because in the future the plaster may not be very tightly kept and turning to crumble after a short time. So that there are no lumps in the plaster, after each use, it is necessary to clean the container after each use, as well as it is better to pour water when stirring, and not to plug the plaster.

Now that we are ready warm plaster for facades, you can move directly to the process of application itself. Lighthouses are exhibited on the walls, the location of which must be set up. When our lighthouses are in the right place, we applied the warm plaster for facades. For this we need a trowel.

Each applied layer must be very thoroughly reclamation and smoothed. It must be remembered that it is impossible to apply a thick layer of plaster at once, since it can dry out and fall off under his own weight or crack.

The maximum thickness of one layer can not be more than 5 centimeters. And only a few hours later, when this layer dries, you can apply a new one. Applying plaster for facades should not forget that the consolidation of lighthouses is important, this is primarily important when they are applied to thick layers.

It is also important to understand that the warm plaster itself is not yet the end of the work, because after we finish its application, it will be necessary to apply a layer of some decorative material on top of it, because when warm plaster for the facade is dry, then the view will not Very aesthetic and not every self-respecting owner of the house agree to have such an appearance of his facade.

Recall that each material has its purpose, warm plaster has the function of insulation of the room, but not at all suitable in order to give aesthetically beautiful view of the facade of your home. The process of applying this material is quite simple, even if you do not have a construction experience, then fulfill the whole process will not be enormous difficulties, the main thing in this business takes seriously and correctly fulfill everything.

Benefits of warm plaster for facades

Since the plaster is made from the available and common components, its price will be, respectively, low. Also, a huge advantage over other insulation materials is its environmental purity, thanks to which you will not have health problems, it particularly concerns people suffering from allergic reactions that are not recommended to use synthetic materials that are poorly passed air, thereby creating problems.

Both old and modern houses are not distinguished by a high degree of thermal insulation. The reason for this is thin walls of brick and reinforced concrete. These materials are quite well carried out heat.

Over time, additional troubles are added to this - cracks in the walls, destruction of finishing and sealing of joints between panel plates.

The growth of the value of utility payments forces the tenants of both private and apartment buildings to think about changing the situation for the better.

The condition of the walls of the house has an important meaning to create and maintain a comfortable microclimate in interior. Walls should be kept warm, to be sealed and vapor permeable. The facades of houses can be insulated both from the inside and outside.

External insulation is the most popular, as it does not imply reduce the inner useful area of \u200b\u200bpremises. There are various options.

One of the ways of effective and inexpensive heat insulation is the use of special construction mixtures. This is the so-called warm plaster.

Properties of material

Warm plaster is a dry mixture consisting of hollow material, cement, glue and various plasticizers. Most of the volume of the mixture occupies the hollow material. Due to this, thermal insulation is carried out.

As a rule, the smallest polystyrene chip and foamed glass are used as a hollow filler.

Adding plasticizers allows the frozen solution to maintain a certain elasticity, which prevents the surface cracking at a strong frost or strain wall.

Polymers provide mechanical strength to finished coating. With their help, reliable adhesion of the solution to the surface occurs.

Cement is a binding ingredient for composite parts of the mixture.

Frost-resistant plaster of this type has the following positive properties:

  • affordable cost;
  • vapor permeability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • waterproof;
  • strength;
  • resistance to wall deformation;
  • high degree of sound insulation;
  • non-flammability;
  • immunity to mold;
  • environmental purity;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • high adhesion to all materials;
  • low share;
  • high surface treatment speed;
  • no need for additional finish.

Facade plaster after applying to the surface has a presentable appearance. According to thermal insulation indicators, it successfully replaces coatings of foam plates.

Warm facade plaster has certain advantages over other insulating materials.

These include the following:

  1. Frost-resistant facade plaster After applying on the wall creates a single monolithic layer. The lack of joints allows to significantly increase the insulation qualities.
  2. Work on the application of the solution is carried out in one stage. This allows you to apply the solution to the surface in one working day. This factor significantly reduces the cost of work.
  3. No cold bridges. When processing walls with warm plaster, fastening material is not used through which the cold passes to the main walls.
  4. The simplicity of technology makes it possible to carry out work on their own, without the involvement of hired workers
  5. During the insulation of the surface, deep drilling of the wall surface is not carried out. This allows you to prevent the weakening of the design of concrete panels and their destruction from vibration.
  6. There is no need to level the surface before applying the solution. Disadvantages are eliminated immediately, in the process of applying plaster, which is an excellent aggregate for slots and holes.
  7. A unique opportunity to conduct insulation, reducing and insulating work on complex surfaces. Thanks to the property to pester any material and preserve the shape, a solution of warm plaster can be coated any convex or concave surface.
  8. Frost-resistant facade plaster has a composition that prevents the appearance and reproduction of insects, bacteria and fungi. In such a coating, the mold will never appear, the colony of ants or swarm of bees will not settle.
  9. Environmental purity of the material allows you to apply it on the walls of glazed balconies. It is much faster and cheaper than traditional warming using crates, glass gaming and MDF panels.
  10. The finished surface is not necessary to grind after drying. It looks like a pretty fashionable and practical coating under the "fur coat".

Warming of houses This type of plaster is a fairly simple process that does not require the use of high technologies. In essence, this is common work on plastering external walls.

The building materials market offers various types of mixtures for insulation of houses. For external work, the most suitable is a frost-resistant mixture based on filler from foamed glass or polystyrene foam.

Tools and materials

To carry out work on the insulation of houses, goats, scaffolding or climbing equipment are used. Forests and goats can be rented. With climbing equipment it will be more difficult, since there are special skills here.

For quality work, such materials are necessary:

  1. Warm plaster. Frost-resistant facade stucco is sold in bags weighing 12 kg and 25 kg. The average consumption of the mixture per 1 square. M base, with a layer thickness of 40 mm, is about 15 kg. As a rule, such a layer is enough to achieve the goal of insulation and waterproofing.
  2. Liquid primer. Probed in the amount required for high-quality base processing. The material consumption for all surface types is indicated on the package.
  3. Self-tapping screws and dowels to install beacons. Bought at the rate of 6 sets per 1 square meter. m.
  4. Reinforcement grid. It is necessary to strengthen the material when applying two layers of a total thickness of more than 40 mm. The grid area must be 30% more base area, taking into account the styling of its brass.

For insulation of facades there are enough tools that are practically in every home.

The list of such tools and devices is quite small:

  • perforator with a set of drills on concrete and a mixer;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • steel spatulas 10 cm and 50 cm;
  • toothed spatula 40-50 cm;
  • building level;
  • painting brush;
  • malyary roller;
  • roller from dense material;
  • plaster rule;
  • protective glasses and gloves;
  • capacity for mixing the solution (at least 30 l);
  • buckets for mortar;
  • rope for raising buckets.

In stores you can ask for the presence of rental of construction equipment. Specific devices such as the plaster rule, goats or forests may subsequently do not need decades, and there are quite a lot of space.

Preparatory work

Before carrying out insulation of the house, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the wall.

This process includes such actions:

  • removal of protruding fragments of reinforcement, brick and concrete;
  • cleaning of the surface from unstable old coating, paint and bitumen;
  • clearing interpanel joints from stone crumb and old insulating material;
  • close up of large slots and holes with facade sealant;
  • degreasing and cleaning from dust base for insulation;
  • processing of the base of liquid primer;

After drying, the primer on the base should be applied a thin layer of solution. This technique is used to improve the clutch strength with the base. The layer thickness must be 3-5 mm.

A day later you can start work.

Application of the solution to the surface must be carried out in dry warm weather. Place of work must necessarily freeze the warning ribbon. First of all, scaffolding, goats and climbing gear are installed.

This is carried out as follows:

  1. The mixture is poured out of the bag in the container. Given the high consumption of the material (30-40 liters of solution per 1 sq. M.), not least 12 kg of the mixture is needed. Do not experiment and show creativity by adding other substances. This can only spoil it.
  2. Water poured into the container. The proportions for the preparation of the solution are indicated on the packaging of the material. With the help of a mixer inserted into the perforator, the ingredients are mixed on small revolutions. Depending on the volume of the material it takes from 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. The resulting solution should be left alone for 8-10 minutes, then mix again. This is necessary to achieve the full homogeneity of the material obtained. After that, they can be used. Liquid warm plaster saves their working quality for 3-4 hours.

It should be noted that at high temperatures, the time to use the finished solution can be reduced to 1.5-2 hours. And, at temperatures above + 35 ° C, it is not recommended to conduct work.

Laying is carried out in the following order:

  1. Every 40-50 cm are installed lighthouses. This will give the opportunity to lay a layer of solution of precisely verified thickness. The recommended size of one layer of plaster is not more than 40 mm. Otherwise, the material will slide and deform under their own weight.
  2. The solution is applied to the wall with a wide spatula. For convenience, you can first apply a mixture with a smaller spatula. After processing 1-1.5, the walls of the wall, the surface is leveled by the rule. Excessive solutions are collected in the bucket and are reused.
  3. Lighthouses are removed from the holes. The remaining holes are filled with mortar, the surface is aligned.
  4. If the coating thickness is greater than 40 mm, the reinforcement grid is glued over the first level. It can be glued to plaster 2 hours after applying to the wall.
  5. A layer of plaster is applied to the grid, its surface is profiled using a toothed spatula. This will allow the second layer to rigidly clung to the first.
  6. The second layer of plaster is applied similarly to the first. Work is carried out after its solidification. It needs 1-2 days.

The treated wall is a gray, grain surface. The owner of the house decides himself what to do next - leave the wall as it is, or to make a smooth.

A abrasive mesh and sandpaper are used for grinding. After grinding, warm plaster hardens for 3-5 days depending on the thickness of the applied coating.

Finish finish

It is possible to conduct the finishing finish applied to the facade of the insulation at home in various ways.

For these purposes, the following materials are used:

  • frost-resistant paint;
  • ceramic tile;
  • fake diamond;
  • facade thermopanels;
  • granite crumb.

Before carrying out the finish, the surface of the surface of the coating and its purification from dirt and dust is carried out.

The paint is applied with a roller or painting brush. A smooth surface is better to paint with roller. For the facade decorated under the "fur coat", you need to use the painting brush to penetrate the paint in all deepening.

Staining can be carried out in one, two or more techniques until the color becomes smooth and uniform.

Ceramic tile and artificial stone can be glued directly on plaster. Its surface is quite dense and durable in order to withstand additional weight.

A cement-based mixture is used for gluing or frost-resistant acrylic mastic. The seams between the tiles are filled with a special facade sealant. Hardened seams can be painted under the color of the material.

The facade panels have fairly low weight and excellent thermal insulating properties. They can become not only a finishing material, but also an additional insulation.

To the surface they are mounted with adhesive mortar. Convenient mounting comb-groove allows you to create a seamless connection of the panels.

The granite crumb is applied to the facade using a collapse or manually. The basis of such a coating is transparent varnish or paint.

In addition to the indisputable beauty, the granite crumb will give the walls of a very practical coating. On such a surface, it will simply be impossible to write anything or scratch.

The insulated wall will serve the owners at home for at least 25 years, protecting them from the cold and dampness.

Warm plaster - This is a group of finishing coatings for outdoor and internal works that combine leveling, hydro- and thermal insulation properties.

Composition, brand and GUT

The composition of warm plasters can differ at the expense of the heat insulating filler and the binding base. In the role of fillers protrude bulk materials With low thermal conductivity: strolled perlite, vermiculite, polystyrene granules, foam glass. Some sources recommend wood sawdust, but they provide the worst coating quality, are susceptible to rotting and fire, therefore are excluded from the review.

The special type of warm plaster, used for radiation insulation of medical premises, is also distinguished. Baritic plaster It contains in its composition crystalline barium sulfate, a compound absorbing X-rays.

Warm plaster for outdoor workmassed on the basis of cement brands M-500 or M-300. With hydrophobic filler (foam glass, PPS, etc.) Such a coating is not afraid of precipitation, temperature drops and ultraviolet. Stucco on insulation Protects the main layer of thermal insulation from negative weather conditions.

For the interior decoration of the premises, mixtures based on lime and plaster, unstable to moisture.

In the domestic market presented a pearlite heat insulating plaster Next trading marks:

They all correspond to GOST 31251 as materials With the highest degree of fire safety.

Form release

The finished mixtures are produced in dry form in packages weighing 7-30 kg. Depending on the recipe, they may include superplasticizers that improve the solubility of cement and the rapid plasticity of the solution. At home, such an additive serves PVA aluminum or liquid soaps dissolved in water. The consumption of the plasticizer is no more than 1% of the mass of cement in the mixture.

The suitability period of the native mixture is 30-90 minutes, therefore it is important to measure the volume of the prepared solution and the speed of work.


Specifications warm plasters may differ depending on the filler.




The strength kg / cm2

An excellent indicator that allows you to apply a mixture for sealing gaps between bricks.

Volume weight kg / m3

For a mixture based on PPS granules.

Shrinkage mm / m


After drying, does not give a shrinkage.

Thermal conductivity W / mok

I am inferior to synthetic and mineral insulation 1.5-2 times, exceeds the conventional cement-sand mixture of 4-5 times.

Frost resistance, cycles

The average is compensated for simplicity of repair.

Water absorption%

Additional protection against moisture is needed.

Parp permeability

Supports a smooth microclimate in the room, there is no "dew point".

Fire resistance

Based on mineral granules - non-combustible coating, based on PPP - weakly important.

Cost rub / m2

The consumption of material is 2-4 kg / m2



The high sound insulation effect gives a mixture with a fibrous filler of the type of basalt mixture "Houthlif."



Complete eco-friendly material.

Life time

Depends on the scope of application. The outer coating serves less, internal - the most durable.

Unique qualities

Main advantage warm plaster It serves her high plasticity and adhesion (adhesion with the surface). It does not require perfectly smooth walls and performs an additional cosmetic function when finishing the room.

Allows you to isolate the slopes, slots and internal angles, where the installation of sheet and rolled insulation is difficult. Do not need fasteners protruding "cold bridges" for other materials. The rate of application by professional workers reaches 100 m 2 for 1 day.

Warm plaster Combines environmental friendliness and durability, does not allocate volatile compounds and dust.


The main disadvantage warm plaster serves her weight in raw form. The plastering process takes place in several stages, it is impossible to apply a thick layer immediately. Work is performed in 3-4 passages, withsting previous layers to a solid "setting".

The thermal insulation qualities of mixtures are average, and the price exceeds more energy efficient PPS. As the main insulation in Russia is not used, its heat efficiency in our conditions is too small.

Application area

Warming of indoor rooms, ground trimming of walls. The use of such thermal insulation can reduce heat loss up to 40%. It is recommended that material For additional thermo and sound insulation of walls and overlaps, window slopes, pipelines, sealing slots.

Warm plaster for the facadeit is used as a protective and decorative coating of the main thermal insulation: mineral wool, glass gambles, foam, PPS or basalt plates. It protects the insulation from moisture, weathered, the effects of ultraviolet and has a beautiful rough texture.

Methods of installation

The instruction on the preparation of the finished mixture is usually indicated on the package. For the preparation of a solution at home, a binding component (cement, lime or gypsum), water and bulk filler are mixed in proportions 1: 1: 4. The mixture is carefully laid up to the consistency of thick sour cream, after which it can be applied to the purified surface.

Watching the inner walls is carried out on beaches, the thickness of the superimposed layer warm plaster should not exceed 1 cm in one pass. If it is necessary to increase the thickness of the coating, the first layer should dry, otherwise the plaster fall off in its weight. The layer thicker 3 cm is inappropriate, thermal insulation properties are reduced from this, and the load on the base becomes critical.

Plastering on the facade insulationit is applied with a thin layer: 3-4 mm in the first pass, not more than 1.5 cm as a whole after pre-applying and drying the reinforcing layer.

Warm dry formulations for interior decoration today are considered one of the popular products in the building materials market. The reason for such success lies in the fact that such materials make it possible to achieve excellent thermal insulation properties. Apply them when cladding and restoration of old buildings, as well as thermal insulation and protection of new construction objects. Special demand is used by warm plaster for lining of walls inside the house The reason for the demand is related to the convenience of use. You do not need to drill something at all over a dowel, you should not use complex plaster systems. All that is needed is to simply find an experienced specialist for interior decoration.


Before determined with the choice of dry plaster for interior decoration, it is necessary to consider such criteria as advantages, disadvantages, properties and types of material.

The article describes such building material as other data characterizing this material.

Classify warm plaster on the following types:

  1. Based on Perlita. For such a material, such a lack of moisture accumulation is characteristic. As a result, the thermal insulation properties of the material are reduced. Over time, cracked will occur on the facade. If you do not take additional measures, it will simply collapse. But there is such a plus as excellent wall sanitation, as a result of which the entire moisture is literally sucks on the wall surface. Provided that measures were immediately taken on hydrophobization and steam ventilation, the coverage will be for a long time to serve for rehanging and thermal insulation.
  2. Based on expanded polystyrene. It is assumed that as a result, it is possible to get a warm plaster, but completely non-ejector, not fireproof. Another minus is the bad vapor permeability.
  3. Based on foam glass balls. This is represented in the form of granules that do not sort. They do not focus in themselves moisture, so steam is perfect. For this filler is characterized by high fire resistance, thermal conductivity, strength and durability. Today, such a variant of warm plaster is considered the most sought after.

As for the advantages of warm plaster, you can select the following:

  • high chaininess with different surface type, with the walls optionally align;
  • there is no need to use metal fasteners, as there are no cold bridges;
  • high sound insulation and tightness;
  • simplicity of application and rapid deadlines for installation;
  • confrontation of fungi and mold;
  • natural vapor permeability;
  • additional protection of walls from seasonal differences in temperature indicators.

You can find out about the bag by reading the article.

Installation of warm mixtures for interior decoration is no different from applying ordinary plaster. Apply a mixture for various purposes: for leveling, thermal insulation, restoration of buildings. If you have acquired a completely different composition, it is necessary to capture and warm plaster, which will be needed to perform the processing of internal slopes.

Certain brands are produced by the heat of the mixture that need additional hydraulic protection and can be involved as an finishing coating.