Jumbo pump does not turn on. Pumping station: Possible malfunctions and their elimination

If you wanted to move from an urban apartment in a private house or in the country, then, undoubtedly, you will have to think about creating a full-fledged, efficient water supply system. Starting Investments in such a system - the arrangement of the water source and the laying of its own water supply can do it more expensive than connecting to the main communal networks, but in the future you will significantly save on the absence of fees for consumed water.

But, the presence of own water supply system is entitled to the owner of the maintenance of equipment. If a May be different.So, any responsible homeowner is obliged to know how to repair the pumping station with their own hands.

Purpose of the pumping station

The pumping station is a "heart" of your autonomous water supply system. A well-designed autonomous water supply system necessarily has a well, which provides sufficient water production to ensure the needs of one or more households. In the overwhelming majority of cases, water from such a well has to be raised. Since water in the wells occurs at a great depth, it falls from there with pumping devices. So that the pumps are not activated with each inclusion of the water treatment device in your home, so that in the water system of your home there has always been constant pressure.

Composition of the pumping station

The classic pumping station consists of the following main elements.

  1. Actually, pumping device. Usually, surface pumps are used in pumping stations, which are installed either in the household premises of the house, or in specially equipped caissons. Must give sufficient power to lift water from the well, move it to the house and raise into the most upper point of the water disposal of your home.

  2. Pressure battery or hydroaccumulator. This device is a robust metal container that supports constant pressure in water pipelines. The most common pressure battery model is a metal cylinder, inside which is an elastic rubber membrane. When the pumping device is running, the membrane is stretched to a certain level. With the termination of the pumping device of the membrane, striving to return to the original position, displaces water from the tank.

  3. In order for the pumping device to be turned on and turned off when certain pressure parameters are reached in the system, you need unit automationSupplied pressure sensor. When reducing pressure in the system to a certain level, the relay is triggered, the pump turns on and the water begins to fill the pressure accumulator. When the maximum pressure indicator is reached in the system, the pump device is turned off.

The pumping device rotates, but water does not do

If you have turned on the pumping station, the impeller of the pump rotates, but the water in the pipeline does not receive, then certain factors can be the reason for this.

    1. Carefully check the tightness of all connective pipelines and the availability of water in the system. If there is no water in the system, then the reason for this may also become bad check valvewhich is located between the wellhead and the inlet nozzle of the pumping station. Check the status of the check valve. It may fail due to foreign objects falling into it.
      The operation of the check valve can be monitored by the spring - in some cases it breaks and this node is out of order. In the case of valve contamination, it is removed and cleaned. In case of breakdown, the check valve is replaced entirely.
    2. Water in the pipeline area between the well and pump can aby long downtime pumping equipment. To fill in the input section of the pipeline uses a special fill.
    3. The lack of water in the water supply may occur as a result spindlements of well. To compensate for seasonal decreases of water level in wells, you can lower the inlet circuit of the pump deeper into the well mine. But with a deeper lowering of the input circuit, the risk of contamination increases, so it is necessary to equip the receiving power supply of the pumping station with a filter.
    4. The reason for the lack of water flow during the working pumping station and the rotating pump may become insufficient voltage of the electrical network. In this case, the rotor of the pumping device will rotate, but the speed of rotation may not be enough for water to move to the desired distance. To check the voltage on the network, you must use the power tester.
    5. The lack of water supply from the working pump device can also be caused large workwheel working wheels pump. After a long period of operation, the blades located on the pump's working ring can wear out, and the efficiency of the pump is dropped.
      In order to eliminate this malfunction, you will have to disassemble the pumping device and get to its impeller. Usually the impeller of the pump is closed with a cover cover. It is attached to bolts, which for a long period of operation can "acciterate" to the housing. To facilitate their dismantling, a special chemical agent is used.

After dismantling the lid, inspect the condition of the impeller. You may have to replace it, of course if you find a suitable spare part. But the policy of manufacturers is such that with the wear of any spare part, you most likely have to change the pumping device (but not entirely the pump station).

Pump in the station too often turns on and feeds water with jerks

The cause of such a defect can be the incorrect operation of the automation node. Its main node is a pressure gauge - the device measuring pressure. With such a jerk work, you can observe how the indicators of the pressure gauge rise to large values, and then decrease sharply. You can read on our page.

The main reason for such a shortage is damage to the membrane in the pumping station pressure battery (the node itself, which is stretched by increasing the volume of fluid in the system).

Access to the pressure accumulator membrane is performed through nipple, which is located in the back of the pressure battery case. If you click on this nipple, air must come out of it. If water begins to flow from it when exposed, the membrane of the pumping station hydroaccumulator is time to change. To do this, disassemble the battery case, spinning the bolts and change the membrane.

Also the cause of the work of the station pumping equipment "jumps" can be airbag pressure drop In that part of the pressure accumulator, which is located behind the membrane. Typically, the manufacturer pumped into this part of the device to 1.8 atmospheres. In case of violation of the tightness of the body of the hydroaccumulator, the air can leave and the battery ceases to perform their functions. You can increase the pressure in the hydroaccumulator housing through the nipple, located in the rear of the device. If in the case of your device due to the occurrence of rust, microcracks occurred, the output can only be in close-up of seams using the sets of "cold welding", or in a complete replacement of the hydroaccumulator housing.

Another reason for such a malfunction can be a banal breakdown of automatic adjustment block. Typically, such devices are replaced entirely.

Pumping station works, but water comes with jerks, with interruptions

The reason for such a malfunction can be partial air intake in the water supply system. Such a "sample" can occur on a segment located on the suction pipe with a filter to the inlet nozzle of the pumping station. It is possible to eliminate the lack, ensuring the tightness of the pipelines and their compounds, as well as a deeper immersion of the suction pipe into the well.

Pump constantly, without shutdown shakes water

The most likely cause of such a fault is poor relay adjustment that locks the pressure level in the system of pipelines. Relay adjustment is carried out in two different springs:

      • spring small size responsible for adjusting the difference in pressure indicators between MAX and MIN pressure;
      • spring larger size Sets the lower and upper limits on and disconnecting the pumping device.

With long-term operation of the automation node, the springs can be stretched and the indicators installed during the initial adjustment are knocked down. In addition, during the work, moving parts of the pump and the maximum indicators of the pressure produced by them are reduced.

After long-term operation, reduce the maximum pressure indicator, adjusting the position of the large spring.

Also, the cause of violation of the operation of the adjusting relay can be the narrowing of the outlet of the relay, which over time is clogged with sediments present in the pumped water. In this case, the relay must be removed and clean.

Pump equipment station does not turn on

The pumping equipment station operates from electricity and its absence, or a voltage drop in the system may cause the pumping device to disconnect. Check the availability of electricity in the chain and voltage using the tester.

In the presence of electricity and properly connecting the pumping station, the cause of such a breakdown can be a breakdown of the winding of an electric motor. With its test, the engine stops and the characteristic smell of burner isolation occurs. With such a malfunction, the electric motor is better replaced by entirely.

The pumping device makes a hum, but does not rotate

Such a disadvantage may occur after long period of downtime. In this case, the operating wheels of the rotor can "attach" to the inner surface of the pumping device. Try to turn the pump shaft. If the rotor does not work by hand, you disassemble the pump body and remove the impetency defect (jam).

Also the cause of such a malfunction can be condenser failurelocated in the terminal box of the device. This is especially characteristic of engines connected by three-phase pattern. To reveal and eliminate this malfunction, the electrician tester is used.

Also the flaw can be caused low voltage in the power supply.

Prices for pumping station

pumping station

As you can see, the main breakdowns arising during the operation of the pumping equipment stations can be completely eliminated independently, without calling specialists. In order to get acquainted with the technology of pumping stations repair technologies, view the learning video.

The pumping station is an excellent solution for organizing water supply in private household. The unexpected breakage of this complex of devices can deliver many trouble to the owners. Fortunately, most tricks are typical, they can be completely eliminated at home. On how to carry out the repair of the equipment with your own hands, you should learn in advance. We will talk about it now - stay with us and you will learn a lot of new things!

How to ensure stable water supply system

So that the water supply system has functioned successfully, it is necessary to provide a certain level of water pressure and pressure. When there is no access to centralized water supply, this problem is easily solved using a pumping station. It usually consists of:

  • pump;
  • membrane accumulative tank;
  • automatic control unit (pressure switch, pressure gauge, etc.).

The pump shakes the water that enters the tank. When the pressure in the tank reaches a certain maximum level, the pump is turned off. Gradually, water from the tank is spent on various needs and pressure drops. With a minimum pressure level, the pump is turned on again and water enters the tank. The process is controlled automatically.

With the help of such an aggregate, it is possible to ensure the water supply house, bath and other buildings located on the site. Having studied the principle of work, it is necessary to start learning possible damage and how to eliminate them.

Having studied the principle of operation and the device of the pumping station, you can make it repair with your own hands

Common causes of breakdowns of the pumping station

In the world, as reasonable to claim classics, nothing is forever, this also applies to equipment. Unexpected malfunctions in the operation of the pumping equipment of its stop or incorrect functioning can be caused by a number of reasons, such as:

  • lack of electricity;
  • lack of water in the system;
  • breakage of the pump;
  • breakage of the membrane tank;
  • damage to the automatic block, etc.

The device of household pumping units is not particularly difficult, and this allows repair independently. In some cases, you need to disassemble the pump and replace the damned item. Sometimes it is necessary to take a crack in the tank, and sometimes it is enough to simply check the availability of electricity. In each case, it is necessary to determine why the pump does not pump water, and find the "recipe" problem solving. If you find an acceptable solution, the problem failed, you need to contact the specialists.

Typical faults and their elimination

Below will consider a number of problems and faults that may occur when the pumping station is running.

The pump rotates, the water in the system does not come - the check valve does not work incorrectly

Cause: Violation of the tightness of conductive pipelines, the check valve incorrectly works, there is no water in the pipeline or pump.

Solution to the problem: To begin with, check the availability of water in the pipeline or pump. If it is missing, you just need to add it to the pump through the hole intended for this or omit deeper the suction hose (or the pump itself). The maximum allowable distance between the pump and the water level must be saved.

Now you need to check the status of the check valve and the tightness of the joints, and then eliminate the problems detected. If all these measures did not help, perhaps the pump was spoiled by abrasives, for example, sand. In this case, you will have to disassemble the pump and replace it with an impeller or body. In some cases, you need to install a new pump.

Please note that before starting work it will not hurt check the tension in the power grid. If it is not enough (a typical situation for countryside), the pump will not swing water, although it turns on.

Station works by jerks - damaged by the hydraulic

Cause: The answer to the question why the pumping station turns on too often, most often is that some part of the hydrobook is damaged. Because of this, the equipment does not recruit pressure.

The hydrobacom of the pumping station consists of a housing and located inside the membrane

Solution to the problem: First you need to click on the nipple located on the back of the tank. If water flows from it (the air should be out), it means that the inner membrane is broken, it should be replaced.

Another possible reason why the pressure in the hydroacumulator of the unit does not correspond to the normal value, this is a disruption of the tightness of the case. You need to find a crack or hole and close it. Sometimes to solve the problem, it is enough just to pump up the missing amount of air into the tank using an ordinary pump. The regulatory pressure in the tank is 1.5-1.8 atmosphere.

Screw the missing air into the membrane tank through a standard threaded fitting with a spool

It should be noted that sometimes water comes with interruptions due to disruption of tightness at the joints of the suction pipeline. It must be checked along the entire length and close the detected cracks.

Do not turn on

Cause: There is no power supply.

Solution to the problem: It is necessary to check and, perhaps, clean the burnt contacts of the pressure relay, check the integrity of the winding. The fact that the engine is burned, will become clear by the smell characteristic of burning insulating materials.

Turns on but does not rotate - the reason in the condenser or impeller

Cause: A broken condenser or impeller "glued" to the pump housing. This situation often arises from the pumps that have lacquered for several months.

Solution to the problem: To start a blocked impeller, scroll through it a couple of times manually. After that, the pump should turn on. If the condenser is broken, it will have to be replaced.

The unit does not turn off and works constantly - the relay is not adjusted.

Cause: Violated the work of the pressure relay.

Solution to the problem: Adjust adjustment of the pumping station pressure relay. To do this, use two springs located on the relay: big and small. A large spring is responsible for adjusting the lower pressure limit, and with a small adjust the difference between the minimum and maximum indicators. All manipulations with pressure switch should be made extremely careful.

To find out the reasons why the equipment is not turned off, be sure to check the state of the inlet of the pressure relay. Sometimes it is clogged by particles and precipitation contained in water. In this case, the hole must be cleared and test the operation of the pressure switch.

A few words about the adjustment of the pressure relay

It should be remembered that the pumping station pressure relay regulates should be treated with great caution. If this node is adjusted incorrectly, it can lead to a serious breakage of the entire station, and the manufacturer's warranty obligations do not apply to such cases.

First you need to achieve proper pressure in the hydroaccumulator. For this, the device is disconnected from the network, and the water is completely drained from the tank. Then, with a pump with a pressure gauge or household compressor, a necessary level of pressure is created in the hydraulic pack. Now you need to unscrew the plastic cover on the pressure relay to access the control springs.

Adjusting the minimum pressure to turn on the pump is carried out with a large spring (2, see Figure). Rotate the spring clockwise allows you to increase this indicator, and the turn counterclockwise is reduced. To establish the required range between the maximum and minimum pressure boundary, the spring of the pressure differential adjustment should be rotated (1, see figure). Rotate the nut clockwise expands the range, and the turn counterclockwise narrows it.

Pressure Pressure Relay Adjustable Large and Small Spring

Then the pressure relay cover must be installed in place, pour the required amount of water into the pumping station and connect the power supply. The maximum value of the pressure in the system should be no more than 95% of the maximum possible pressure at the output, which is indicated by the manufacturer in the supasport.

Knowing these faults, you can figure it out on time, why the pumping station does not work, and eliminate the problem yourself.

Repair of the pumping station do it yourself: Popular faults

The principle of operation of the pumping station, typical breakdowns, their causes. Troubleshooting and repair with your own hands.

Popular malfunctions of pumping stations and ways to eliminate them

Pumping stations are actively used in the organization of autonomous water supply in private homes. Also, with this node, you can improve the flow of water in the urban apartment.

Like any other technique, the station from time to time break and require repair. Part of the host beds can eliminate independently without referring to the service center.

What is included in the package?

The pumping station includes several nodes that ensure uninterrupted operation of the water supply. It:

  • an automatic control unit that includes a pressure gauge and a pressure control relay;
  • cumulative tank with membrane;
  • and the pump to swing water.

The entire water supply process is carried out automatically. When the pressure decreases, the automation itself includes a pump. Water enters the tank. And when the pressure on the membrane reaches a certain level, the control unit is triggered - the pump is turned off. When water consumption on economic needs, a cumulative tank is empty, the pressure drops and the entire working cycle is repeated.

What can break?

The incorrect operation of the station, the failures in its work, stopping and failure is due to one of several reasons:

  • the control unit was damaged;
  • the membrane was born inside the tank or in it appeared to flow;
  • pump failed;
  • electricity has been turned off;
  • there is no water in the system (overlapped water supply).

The device of this node is not particularly difficult. In simple breakdowns, the hosts may well understand independently. It also applies to the pump, because it can be easily disassembled and replaced by a spoiled part.

Common faults

If the pump works constantlyThis indicates a malfunction in the pressure relay.

In most cases, it will be enough to solve the problem of the pressure relay. Inside it is two springs that are responsible for the upper and lower pressure limit.

To adjust from the node, the cover is removed (housing). A large spring is responsible for turning on the pump. With it, the minimum pressure is installed. The springs rotation clockwise increases the value, and against reduces. A small spring allows you to set the correct range between the lower and the upper value necessary to turn off the station. Rotation clockwise expands the range, and the turn against narrows.

Nuts need to rotate carefully, and after each setup, testing is to turn on the pump and monitor the pressure gauge arrow to determine the correct operation of the station. Important moment: Maximum pressure indicators should be 95% of the manufacturer specified in the technical passport.

If the pump is included in the power supply does not rotate, The case in a broken capacitor or "gluing" of the impeller is a common problem for aggregates that have not been exploited for a long time.

To eliminate breakage, you need to scroll through the impeller manually several times. After that, the pump starts. The condenser failed to be replaced.

If when you turn on the network, the pump does not workMost likely there is no power supply. It is necessary to check the tester tension in the outlet, inspect the power cord, clean the burnt contacts in the pressure relay. If the unit is still not started, you need to dismantle the pump housing and inspect the engine winding. The closure indicates the characteristic smell of burning isolation. Such an aggregate is subject to repair in the service center.

If the station works jerks, The case is in the problem of the accumulative tank. Some part of the hydraulicock is damaged and the station does not have time to dial the required pressure.

To eliminate the breakdown, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Remove the plastic lid on the body of the tank and click on the nipple. The water flowing from here indicates the gap of the membrane. The tank must be disassembled by unscrewing the bolts on the end, remove the old membrane and install a new one. In the process of work, it is necessary to be guided by technical information from the passport attached to the product.

Disasted membrane (pear)

  1. Inspect the body for the appearance of cracks. This is a common disease of enameled models that do not differ in durability. A small crack can be treated, but it is better to purchase a new tank.
  2. Measure the pressure through the nipple (if water does not flow out of this node!) And if necessary, cut the air by the automotive pump. The pressure gauge should be a value of 1.5-1.8 atmosphere.
  3. It is also necessary to check all the joints of the pipe for water supply and eliminate possible flow.

If the pump is working normally, but the water does not go anywayYou must inspect the pipeline and check the operation of the check valve.

Water missing water to test the system can be addressed through a special technical hole in the pump. Alternatively, you can omit the suction hose into water tank. After that, the tightness of the entire system and the valve operation is checked.

In some cases, the pump can be clogged with sand or other abrasive. It must be cleared of dirt, and if necessary, replace with a new unit.

It will also be superfluous to check the voltage in the electrical network through the outlet. In country houses and at dachas can incorrectly function to function. With insufficient voltage, the pump will turn on, but there will be no water.

These are the most common breakdowns that can be easily eliminated with their own hands. If repair does not manage to cope with independently, you should contact a qualified plumbing or to the nearest service center.

Malfunctions of the pumping station: Causes and elimination of breakage

Malfunctions of pumping stations and their elimination: What is included in the package of this water supply unit, which may fail. The most common breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

Heating and water supply at home

Pumping station: Possible malfunctions and their elimination

Pumping stations for water supply at home or cottages have gained wide popularity in people living in the private sector. On the Internet you can find different reviews about their work, advantages, disadvantages. After all, the automatic water supply to the house for household household needs is very convenient.

But over time, unfortunately, various malfunctions are sometimes started: the pump does not work or does not gain pressure, it does not turn off or, on the contrary, does not turn on. Reasons here can be different and necessary repair of pumping stationsWe will talk about this in this article.

We will analyze the main malfunctions in the work of the water supply station, which could serve as for the causes, and work out the main troubleshooting methods.

Major malfunctions when working pumping stations

According to the experience of exploitation of pumping stations, the most common are the following faults in this type of equipment:

1. What to do if the pump does not work

Possible cause: The lack of voltage in the power grid or the shaft lock occurred.

To start, check the voltage if the reason is not in this, try to test the pump shaft on your own by turning off the pump from the power supply.

2. The pumping station does not pump water, although the pump itself works.

The main reason in this case can be the formation of an air plug in the suction area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe or in the pump itself.

Unscrew the cork on the pump bay hole. Try to give air to get out of the pump, swaying it and the suction tube. Check the pipe and fittings for tightness. Then fill the pump with water again and turn it on.

3. Pump turns off due to engine overheating

One of the reasons may be:

Not matching voltage in the network

Blocked impeller

The pumping station was for a long time under the sun or through the pump he was driven by hot water

The pump worked in "dry" without water

Turn off the pump, check the impeller, eliminate the cause, wait until the engine is cooled.

Repair of the pumping station

4. The pumping station is often turned on and disconnected

Here are three reasons:

If the membrane broke into the hydraulician, then replace it with a new one

If there is no necessary pressure in the hydroaccumulator, then press up to 1.5 atmospheres

Perhaps the check valve is not working, replace it with a new

5. Pumping station does not gain and keeps pressure

Adjust the pressure in the relay, it may not be sufficient.

It is also possible to enter the pipe.

6. Water supply station does not turn off

Not properly setting the pressure relay parameters.

It is necessary to set lower pressure.

So, we disassemble the main malfunctions in the work of pumping stations, revealed the main causes of faults, and learned the methods of eliminating them. This work can be done with your own hands, but it is better to turn to a specialized organization for the repair of pumping equipment (stations).

Repair and malfunction of the pumping station: causes and methods to eliminate

What if the pump station does not hold pressure, is often turned on and turned off? Causes of malfunction of pumping stations, methods of their elimination and repair ...

Faults of the pumping station, or how to repair the pumping station with your own hands?

No device, no matter how reliable it, does not work forever. Alas! This also applies to pumps for water supply systems. Therefore, in the completion of the topic of pumping equipment, we will deal with what are found fault pumping station And how to rotate the repair of the pumping station with your own hands. If you were looking for a pro: Faults of the water supply station, the malfunction of pumping stations for the house, malfunction of the water pumping station, the malfunction of the pressure switch of the pumping station. then this article is still for you. Further I will simply list the possible malfunctions and "correct" them.

The pumping station works (the pump is spinning), but there is no water:

Steps to eliminate this fault are the following:

  • First of all, you need to check the check valve that is in water in a well or well. It often happens that sand or trash enters it, and the valve does not close. At the same time, water does not rise through the pipes to the pump.
  • Secondly, check the availability of water in the pipeline between the well and pump. The pump must also be filled with water; If there is no water - pour through the bay hole.
  • Very large generation between the impeller and the pump housing. The pump just works for himself. The reason for this can be in a large content of abrasive substances in water, for example, sand. In this case, the housing and the impeller should be swap, if they are on sale, or the entire pump (but not the whole station!).
  • Bentally ended the water in the well / well. Exit - try to lower the deeper suction piping or hose. But remember: the distance from the water level in the well to the pump should not exceed the indicated on the pump, usually 8-9 m.

The pump shakes jerks (very often turns on / off):

To eliminate this malfunction, you need to do the following:

  • Pay attention to the pressure gauge, which is on the automation unit. If the pressure gauge arrow rises to that pressure on which the station was configured (in this case, the pump is turned off), then drops sharply until the moment of inclusion, then the following reasons may be here:
  • no air pressure in the hydraulic. At the plant in the tank, nitrogen is pumped up to a pressure of 1.5 atm. Sometimes, due to corrosion, cracks appear in the tank housing, and the pressure is not held for a long time. It is necessary to find a leakage and close the crack (for example, "cold welding"). You can check the air pressure in the hydraulician, by connecting the pressure gauge to nipple (at least automotive). Pressures in the tank may not necessarily be due to the appearance of the crack, and simply for incomprehensible reasons, the air went. Then you do not need to bring yourself to the brainwitch in search of non-existent cracks, but simply pumped the air with the pump (actually it should be started);
  • the discrepancy of the diaphragm separating the air and water in the tank. You can check it through nipple: if water flows from nipple, it means that the diaphragm is damaged;
  • does not work pressure switchwhich manages the inclusion of the pump.

The pump shakes, but water goes with interruption (jerks):

The reason for this malfunction of the pumping station and the measure of its elimination are:

  • somewhere there is a seat drier. It is necessary to check the suction pipe from wells to the pump, compounds and water level in the well. The height of the suction should not exceed 8-9 m (with the diameter of the pipe 1 "- 25 mm; if a pipe is smaller diameter, for example, 1/2", then the height should be less).

The pump shakes, the water goes, but the pump is not turned off:

Here just the reason - malfunction of the pressure switch of the pumping station, with which we do this:

  • it is necessary to adjust the pressure relay. For adjustment in the relay there are two springs, big and small:

The large spring is adjusted to turn on / off the pump (upper and lower limit). The difference in pressure between the upper and lower limit is small adjustable. After long-term operation of the pump, the moving parts of the pump occurs, and over time the pump can no longer create such a pressure that "prescribed" in the factory. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce with the help of a large spring by turning it along the arrow in "-". However, it should not be involved in such an adjustment;

  • the inlet inlet in the pressure switch clogged:

If the quality of water is low, sometimes rigging salts are formed, and a hole in the pressure relay is clogged. The relay just stops reacting. We must remove the relay and clean.

The pump does not turn on:

Here are the steps to eliminate this malfunction of the pumping station:

  • see Contacts Pressure Relay - Tester Check for power supply. If the contacts are burned down - clean (for example, shallow sandpaper or nadfyl);
  • check the pump engine, check the contacts, power supply, "ring" to the integrity of the winding, check the suitability of the starting capacitor. If the engine burned down, it should be turned into rewind or replace the new one.

The pump is buzzing, but does not spin:

The reasons for this malfunction of the pumping station in the following:

  • it happens that the pump watched somewhere in the barn, and in the spring it was taken out and trying to run. But he begins to buzz ... due to the fact that the pump remained without water for a long time and without movement, the impeller of the pump "stuck" with the case. It is necessary to manually twist the impeller on the back side, and then include on the network;
  • condenser failed (located in the branded engine);
  • it is necessary to check the voltage in the power grid, it may simply be reduced.

That's all (or almost everything), what can be said about malfunctions of the pumping station for water supply systems at home And about the repair of the pumping station with your own hands.

Malfunctions of the pumping station: list, reasons, repair with your own hands

Possible malfunctions of the pumping station: a list of faults and their causes. How to repair the pumping station with your own hands?

Repair of pumping stations with your own hands - Possible malfunctions and their elimination

The main element of any autonomous water supply system is a pumping station, which, like any other technical device, can periodically fail. In order to return the pumping equipment into an efficient state, you can use the services of specialized companies or perform the repair of the pumping station with your own hands. However, before you begin to repair such a sufficiently complex equipment in the technical plan, it is necessary to identify the reasons for which the pumping station for water does not function.

Disassembling the submersible pump for diagnosing and troubleshooting

The causes of faults in the pumping station there are quite a lot. They can be connected with a lack of power supply, irregular water supply from the water supply source, breakdown of the pump itself, the failure of the hydroaccumulator or elements that provide automatic control of equipment. Many of these reasons leading to the fact that water supply stations do not work or function incorrectly, can be revealed and eliminated at home, and professional skills and complex equipment will not need for repair.

Device of pumping stations

Pumping stations that are often called hydrophores are actively used to organize autonomous water supply systems of country houses and cottages, so the question of how to independently repair such equipment, if there is a need for it, is quite relevant. Before you understand how to repair the pumping station with your own hands, it is necessary to understand what such stations consist and what principle work.

Surface Pump Station

The pumping station for equipping the domestic water supply, which pumps the liquid into the pipeline system, is installed on the ground surface, as close as possible to the well (as far as possible), and works on the power supply network. The main structural elements of pumping stations ensuring efficient and uninterrupted operation of such equipment in automatic mode are:

  • the water pump itself, which pumped water from the well or well and under pressure pushes it to the outlet nozzle (for equipping pumping stations is used mainly not submersible, and the surface pump);
  • water hose, which is at the highest possible level immersed in water;
  • check valve that does not give water from the suction pipe to get back to the well or well;
  • the mesh filter installed in front of the check valve and purifying water from the source from the particles of dirt and sand, which falls into the inner part of the pump can be one of the reasons for its failure;
  • the pressure sensor installed after the pump - on the pressure line (the main task of such a sensor operating in automatic mode is to include a pump in the event that the water pressure in the water supply system is shown to the critical value, and turn off when it reaches the required parameters);
  • the water flow sensor, which is installed to the pump and does not allow it to work at idle (when water stops from the well or well, such a sensor automatically disables the device without letting it overheat);
  • pressure gauge that allows you to measure the water pressure in the pipeline generated by the pumping station.

Malfunctions of the pumping station, as mentioned above, can be determined by a number of reasons, the exact deficiency of which will allow you to quickly and maximize the efficiently perform repairs by returning the equipment into the working condition. When diagnosing, conducted to determine the cause of the breakdown of the pumping station, it is not necessary to use complex equipment and have professional skills. To identify most of the characteristic malfunctions of pumping stations, both by external features, and with the help of devices that are originally equipped with such equipment and water supply system.

Among the faults of pumping stations, you can select several of the most characteristic that each user is able to identify and eliminate independently, using when repairing specialist advice.

The pump is working, but the water in the system does not come

When starting the pumping station, it may happen that the pump with which it is equipped, works, and the liquid in the water supply is not received. To determine why the pumping station does not pump water, it is necessary to analyze the individual parameters and the working conditions of the elements included in the equipment.

  • First, it is necessary to estimate the technical condition and correctness of the operation of the check valve, which is located on the suction tube in the inside of the well or well. Very often does not pump a pumping station due to the fact that this valve is clogged with sand and mud: without opening, it simply does not give water from the well to come to the pump.
  • It should be checked if there is water in the part of the pressure pipe, which is located between the pump and the well. If there is no liquid there, then, respectively, the device has nothing to swing. Often this situation occurs when the electricity is turned off and stop the operation of the pumping station. So that the pumping station began to start working in normal mode, it is enough to fill this part of the pipeline with water, for which a special hole is provided.
  • It is necessary to check (with a disassembled pump), how large is the production between the inner walls of its housing and the impeller. The most intensively such development is formed in cases where water is pumped, containing a large number of insoluble impurities in its composition (a kind of abrasive). If this is revealed this reason for the lack of water in the water supply system at a working pumping station, then the pump repair, which consists in replacing the impeller and the device body, or its complete replacement. In the event that you find components suitable for model of your equipment, it is possible to repair a water pump with your own hands.
  • It is also necessary to determine whether there is water (and at what depth, if there is) in the wellness itself or the well. If water in the water source is there, then the problem is solved simply: it is sufficient to lower the feed hose or the pipe to the deeper level of injection. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the instruction manual for pumping equipment to subsequently avoid its repair.

Pumping station works jerks

A pump station operating in automatic mode can start often disconnecting and turn on, which indicates the presence of faults. This nature of the operation of the pumping station, in which its constant disconnection and inclusion occurs, is called a jerk. This should be a signal to perform an inspection (and if necessary) of individual elements of the system.

If the pumping station works with jerks (it turns off, it turns on), the pressure in the hydraulic air chamber should be measured. To perform such a procedure, you can use a car compressor equipped with a pressure gauge. If this parameter in the air chamber or pear for the pumping station is below the norm, it must be raised using the same autocompressor. The repeated pressure drop in the device's air chamber indicates that the system is deployed, the location location of which must be revealed. In the event that the connection site has lost its tightness, the repair of the hydroaccumulator is not required, it is enough to simply replace the sealing tape in such places.

To find a leak, apply soap foam on suspicious surfaces. Bubbles will appear in depressurization places

The body of the hydraulic battery can also lose the tightness if a crack or hole was formed. It is easy to perform the repair of the hydroaccumulator in such a situation: it suffices to close the resulting fracture or a hole with the help of the "cold welding" composition.

Why is the pumping station often turn on and disconnected when working? The answer to this question may be carried in damage to the hydroaccumulator membrane. In such cases, the solution is to replace the pear of the hydroaccumulator or such a membrane.

Replacing the membrane in the hydroaccumulator

We insert and put the membrane, install the flange check the nipple and pump the pressure check the pressure after a while

Specialists in repair are often interested in why a pumping station is often turned on or why the pumping station does not turn off at the moment when the fluid pressure in the water supply system exceeds the norm. This is usually due to breakdown or violations in the pressure relay. Such malfunctions may also cause the pumping station does not keep water pressure in the pipeline. Pressure relay repair is a rather complicated procedure that can not always be done with your own hands. That is why, in many cases, the repair of the pumping station pressure is not engaged, simply replacing such a sensor to a new one.

Unstable water flow pressure coming from pumping station

One of the sufficiently common situations during the operation of pumping stations is the supply of water from cranes with pulsating jesters, which indicates that the water supply system suits air from the outside. To reveal the place of air in the pipeline, it is necessary to carefully check on the tightness of all the connecting elements present on the site located between the well or the well and the pumping station.

Elimination of the leakage of pipelines with remedies

If the pumping station does not dial or supplies water to the pipeline in pulsating mode, this may also indicate that the water level in the source decreased or that the hose or pipe of inappropriate diameter is used to pump water.

Choosing a hose or a pipe for accommodation in a well or well, one should always be borne in mind that their diameter should be the smaller the less the height of water absorption from the source.

The auto power supply system of the pumping station does not work

The question of why the pumping station is not turned off automatically, is sufficiently distributed. A pumping station operating in this mode, which is considered an alarm, cannot be operated, it should be immediately turned off from the power supply. Otherwise, you can face the rapid output of the equipment, which means that a more complex and expensive hydrophore repair will be required.

Why is the pumping station for a long time turns off? The reason is incorrect work or failure of the pressure sensor. The malfunction of this device operating in automatic mode may cause the pumping station does not turn on at the moment when the pressure flows through it in the pipeline is reduced. In most cases, such a problem is solved quite simply - by adjusting the sensor to the desired pressure on and disconnecting the pump.

When screwing the nut large spring, the disconnection pressure increases, and the small spring has been changing the delta (the inclusion range of the pressure relay)

Pressure relay may not work incorrectly for the reason that the elements of its inner design were covered with salt sediments. In such cases, it is enough to disassemble the sensor and clean its internal parts from such deposits.

The pumping station does not turn on

In most situations, the station does not turn on (and, accordingly, the pump-pump does not work) due to the rupture of the electrical circuit, the oxidation of the elements of the contact group and faults in the pressure sensor. In addition, the causes of malfunctions can be held in the burnt winding of the drive motor, as well as at the failure of the starting capacitor.

Check Electric Pressure Relay Contacts

With such repair procedures, like eliminating cliffs in the power supply chain station, cleaning the contacts of the starting device and replacing the condenser, as a rule, no problems occur. However, in order to rewind the electric motor, you need to know how to disassemble it and how to replace the burnt winding in it. That is why many users of pumping stations, when the drive electric motor burns out, simply replace it with a new, avoiding repair.

Often, when the pumping station is launched, which has not been exploited for a long time, a characteristic hum emerries, but the equipment does not start working. The reason for the occurrence of such a situation is that the impeller pumping pump is simply "stuck" to the device housing and cannot be moved from the place. In this case, you must perform partial disassembly of the pumping station pump and manually move its impeller from the dead point.

How to install the pump station correctly

To less frequently ask why the pump does not pump water from a well or submits it into the system incorrectly, the installation of the pumping station elements should be paid serious attention. The correct installation of water supply systems with submersible pumps is not less important, since the repair of the deep pump or replacement is also a notched procedure.

So, when installing pumping stations, it is necessary to strictly follow the following recommendations:

  • prevent the inflection and deformation of the pipes used for installation;
  • ensure the absolute tightness of all compounds performed to eliminate the air seats;
  • be sure to place the feed valve and the filter element on the feed pipe;
  • the lower end of the intake pipe is loaded into the water in a well or a well at least for thirty centimeters (the distance of the end of the pipe to the bottom of the water supply source should be not meable twenty centimeters);
  • with a significant depth of the source of water supply (more than 4 m) and, if necessary, pump water to a significant distance to increase the calculated diameter of the pipes used for mounting;
  • apply for equipping the pump station, the water flow sensor and pressure switch;
  • position the pumping station, which is installed on a rigid and smooth surface, next to the source of water supply;
  • after mounting the equipment and its connection to the water supply system, dial water into that part of the suction pipe, which is located between the pump and the well or well.

Repair of the pumping station do it yourself: the causes of malfunction and their elimination

How to repair the pumping station with your own hands. The main causes of the system malfunctions for pumping water. Tips for installing a pumping station.

Water supply pumps, like any other device, cannot work forever. With constant use, the pumping station may occur periodically. And to quickly restore water supply, it will be necessary to repair equipment. You will call the wizard or do it yourself, decide for yourself. We will tell why the pumping station does not turn on, what causes problems and how to fix them in the lowest time.

Before carrying out repair work, you need to know what kind of construction is water pumps.

Modern pumping stations consist of:

  • hydroaccumulator,
  • power supply
  • pump
  • check valve
  • pressure switch.

Any this equipment is collected from the same details, the poet, they also break the same type. In independence, from what brand the station is at home or in the enterprise, the causes of the breakdown are always the same. If you want to repair the pump with your own hands, it is worth consulting with the company's specialists https://storgom.ua/nasosy.html. The masters will answer all questions regarding the repair of this type of equipment. Having received the necessary information, you can identify the malfunction of the pumping unit yourself.

To avoid frequent repair of this design during operation, it is necessary to adhere to the tips of the masters at the installation stage. Also, do not forget about the correct operation of the pumping station.

Now about why the pumping station does not turn on, which causes:

  • the pump is working, but there is no water (possibly problems with the check valve, there is no water in the pipeline or the water ended in the well),
  • the pump works with breaks, often turns on / off (there may be no air pressure in the hydraulic panel or the diaphragm broke),
  • the station shakes water with interruptions (pipeline malfunction, possibly air seats),
  • the equipment works, but does not turn off (defective pressure switch),
  • the station does not turn on (it is possible to root the contacts of the pressure relay or the motor failed, the capacitor of the launcher, the integrity of the winding is broken),
  • the station is not spinning and buzzing (gluing the impeller of the pump with the case due to the fact that the equipment has not been used for a long time, a capacitor or low voltage in the network may be broken).

Some of the listed faults of the pumping station can be easily corrected by itself. You can make a cleaning filter or reverse valve from sand and other small garbage. But when you need to replace pears in a hydroaccumulator or membrane, it is better to trust this business to masters.

The effective and smooth operation of any type of equipment, including water supply devices, will directly depend on the installation and mode of operation. We answered the question: why the water pump does not start, what reason can be. The durability of the pumping station will depend on who and how to establish it.

We decided to do it yourself, then here are some recommendations:

  • put the patching unit on a flat, durable and solid foundation,
  • install the device as close to the water as possible.
  • pumping equipment for pumping water should be in place with good ventilation,
  • put the unit at least for twenty centimeters from the walls and other structures, it will facilitate the process of service and repair work,
  • apply the layout for drilling holes under the fasteners,
  • install pipes with a pumping station so that they do not fall under the additional load from the mechanical voltage.

For the private sector, the presence of individual sources of water supply, which means that the pump station is a mandatory attribute in this communication. The equipment is intended for high-quality water lifting from well and transporting it through water pipes. But what if the pump station does not pick pressure and does not supply water into the pipeline? We will have to deal with step by step to find out what the reasons for this failure (why it happens) and eliminate them.

For those who do not quite understand why it is so important that the water equipment of the pump type gained certain pressure, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the principle of the station, and its device. Thanks to such knowledge, repair work and eliminate the causes of the possible breakage will be easily easier.

So, the main-acting "face" in the work of the water station is the pump itself. It is he who is intended for lifting water and feeding it into the system. But the pump is the unit, though powerful, but quite sensitive. Its work is based on the permanent / shutdown / shutdowns of the engine, which can adversely affect the service life of the mechanism. That is, the pump will be out of order due to the engine brave. So that this does not happen, a lot is completed with a hydraulic pump, and this is already a water station.

Hydrobaciac (it is also called the hydroaccumulator) is already responsible for the pressure in the system, it creates its limits and controls the operation of the pump. In addition, it plays the role of a cumulative water tank. That is, first the pump pumped water into the tank. After that, water in the pipes is supplied when the cranes is opened from the tank. The pump is resting at this time. As soon as the pressure in the tank falls (namely, water ends) the pressure switch is triggered, which drives the pump. Water fence occurs from the well to the full filling of the hydroaccumulator. The cycle is repeated again and again. And if the pump does not turn off, it means that there is no desired pressure in the system. It is necessary to find out why.

Important: The operating pressure indicators of the lower and upper boundaries on the relay are marked with the symbols P1 and P2, respectively.

Causes of malfunction station

But it happens that the water station for water supply does not turn off. That is, the water simply enters the tank, and there is no upper pressure. Accordingly, the pump does not turn off. It is not possible to fight this situation with such a situation, but also need. And for this, consider the main causes of breakage (why it happens):

  • Too low pump engine power. Here, it was originally incorrectly designed by the necessary power of the equipment, or in the process of exploitation of the water supply system, changes were made in communication. For example, the water mirror dropped or the pipeline configuration was changed on the plot.

Important: To determine the power of the pump, it is always necessary to take into account the depth of the water mirror in the well, the diameter of the pipes, the number of people living in the house and the goals to which water will be consumed. When buying it is desirable to choose the pump models, the engine power of which slightly exceeds the necessary one.

  • Insufficient voltage in the network. Especially frequent such a situation is in the towns located from the city. In this case, the pump simply cannot develop the pressure specified in the passport. So, the pressure in the system will not rise. That is, the unit seems to work, it seems to shake water, but does not turn off. It is worth checking output voltage on the network and the engine power by passport. For example, the pump engine is designed for voltage 220, and only 205 watts comes to the network. Accordingly, the unit does not pump water with a given pressure and does not contribute to lifting pressure in the system. It will help either install a good stabilizer, or change the pump to a more powerful model.
  • Invalid pressure relay. This small element controls the operation of the water station, regulating the lower and upper boundaries of the pressure in the tank. Most likely, the upper limit is not exposed. In order to reduce the p2 threshold (upper pressure), you need to slightly unscrew the nut of a smaller spring. The indicator will decrease, and the station will turn off on time.

Important: A large spring nut simply reduces the testimony of both pressure boundaries, while maintaining the range between them.

  • It is possible that the cause of the uninterrupted operation of the water supply station is to wear the parts of the pump mechanism. This option is relevant especially for centrifugal pumps. Since the impeller of such aggregates works at high speed, passing water through itself, then small particles of sand and other inclusions in the water also pass through the blades of the wheels. At this point, they work on the principle of sandpaper, abrade the elements of the pump. Accordingly, the injection mechanism of the water station is cleaned and fails. That is, the pump is working, but water in the specified volumes in the hydraulicum does not apply. Accordingly, the upper pressure threshold in the hydroaccumulator is not. In this case, you will have to either replace all the injection wheel in the pump, or buy a new unit. And so that this does not happen, it is better to buy pumping equipment with a special filtering liner in the working chamber. Especially if there are sand or clay impurities in the water.
  • Flow in pipeline.

This cause of a waterstation fault is one of the frequent. And the place has more hidden flow. That is, the pump works, swinging water, and serves it in the hydraulician not in full. Somewhere drift away from the system. It is from this that there is no necessary upper pressure limit in the hydraulic. To identify the problem, it is necessary to carefully inspect the water supply network, ranging from the well water pipe to the hydrobian itself. In the event that even the slightest drops are found, the pipeline area must be replaced. If flowing is found at the point of the threaded connection, you need to strengthen the seal in this place. A good solution is the sanitary seal "Tangite Uninquet". It even in the case of "busting" material gives a high-quality shrinkage and does not damage the thread.

  • Leak. Here, water simply reaches back to the water supply system, not allowing the pump to get to the P2 mark. That is, there is no upper desired pressure in the plumbing, and the pump does not turn off. An explicit sign of such a malfunction is the spontaneous inclusion of the pump at night, when no one uses the water station. As a rule, the check valve fails due to the mud accumulated in it. You need to either clean (rinse) check valve, or completely replace it.
  • Introduction of the elastic element in the hydroaccumulator. That is, the break of the membrane responsible for filling the tank and pressure adjustment in the water supply system. In this case, the pump is working, almost reaching the upper pressure mark, and immediately turns off. But it is worth opening water in the crane, as the water supply station turns over again. In this case, it is necessary to check the spool through which air is supplied to the hydroaccumulator. Enough to click on his pin and watch him. If water becomes breaking through it, then the tank membrane is torn and you need to change it. Either change the entire hydroaccumulator. If about the spool is dry when you click on the pin, it is worth paying attention to the air pressure in the tank. Its indicator should be lower than the level of P1 (lower pressure) by 10% (approximately 1.5 atm.). If the indicator is lower, you can simply swipe the air with a simple pump.

Self-priming pump: pressure problems in the station

For the operation of the water supply system at a small well depth, self-priming types of pumps are most often used. In this case, the reasons for the pressure drop in the hydraulic and water supply can be wounded in importing the impeller and the working highway of the unit. The causes of air entering the pump system can be:

Falling the water level in the well. If this happened, then, most likely, the pump hose breaded the air and filed it into the plumbing. To correct the situation, it is necessary to check the level of the water mirror and lower the hose deeper if necessary.

The seal between the inlet nozzle of the pumping equipment and the intake hose was depicted. Here you must definitely pull the nuts or strengthen the sealing gasket.

It is also possible that the pump at the start stage was filled not only with water, but also air. In this case, the reliable operation of the pump is solid, and there will have to restart equipment with a new fill with water. Sometimes you have to squeeze an air stopper from the pump. To do this, the tee is connected to the suction line of the pump and water is poured into it from the reservoir installed much higher than the level of the Earth. In this case, the pump must be in the on state.

Thus, we led the most frequent causes of failures in the water station, namely, the absence of the ability to achieve the upper operating pressure indicator in the tank chamber. Knowing these nuances of the station work, you can independently eliminate breakdown or at least reveal the cause of the failure. And this is the already half economy of the family budget. After all, you never know what reason the breakdown will be swollen in the service center! No, no, and you will specify the master for the true reason for the failure of your pump or hydraulic panel.

When organizing autonomous water supply in a private house or in the country, special attention is paid to pumping devices. For the full operation of the water supply, it is necessary not just a pumping device. It is best to organize water supply using pumping stations - equipment complex. However, malfunctions may occur in such complex devices. For example, many homeowners have questions: why the pump station does not turn off.

Device of the set of pump equipment

In order to understand what faults can occur in the complex of pumping equipment in the organization of pumping water, how to correct them, it is necessary to know the composition of the devices and the order of their work.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about how it works

Pumping stations consist of the following nodes:

  • actually pumping equipment. Depending on the characteristics of the water supply source, pumps can be submersible or superficial. They may have different modes of operation and power;
  • hydraulic pressure accumulator. This node is a container that is divided into two parts by a flexible partition, but durable rubber. When the pumping device is operation, the capacity is filled with water and the rubber partition is stretched. With the termination of the pump operation, the partition tends to adopt the original position and returns water accumulated in the container in the pipe, maintaining pressure in the water supply pipelines at a constant level;
  • managing Block. This node consists of a pressure gauge measuring pressure in the system. Mechanical details in the control unit are set minimum and maximum pressure indicators. Upon reaching the minimum indicators, the block gives the command to turn on the pump, and when the maximum is reached - the pumping equipment is turned off.

Eliminate malfunctions in the pumping station

One of the common faults of the pumping station is its constant work. The essence of the union into a single pump complex, the pressure battery and the control unit lies in the fact that the pumping device works periodically when the minimum set pressure indicators is reached.

Such a mode of operation allows to significantly extend the service life of the pumping equipment, protects its components from excessive wear. Some pumps can not work at a constant mode at all - this is due to the specific characteristics of the electric motors.

In the event that the pump bucket does not turn off and starts to work constantly, it is necessary to stop the equipment and try to find out the cause of the fault. The permanent operation of the pumping station "To wear" can be called different factors. Consider them in more detail.

Incorrect adjustment of the pumping station

Perhaps the most common cause of failure in the operation of the pumping station may become incorrect adjustment of the control unit.

In most control units in pumping stations, adjustment of the minimum and maximum pressure level in the system occurs with two springs: large and small, located directly on the relay:

  • the large-sized spring is intended for the installation of the lower pressure threshold in the system;
  • spring small size is responsible for the difference between the minimum and maximum value.

In addition, in the process of operation, the control unit of the pumping station can be clogged, which negatively affects its operation. So, there is an inlet in the relay housing. When working, especially with significant pollution of the pumped water, it can be dirty. So before starting adjusting the control unit, simply inspect the components of the control relay and, if necessary, carefully clean the inlet.

To adjust the control relay, it is necessary to fit with caution. This is a rather "delicate" device and power intervention in its work can lead to additional breakdowns. P You can read on our page.

In order to be able to adjust the automation node of the pumping station, it must be partially disassembled. To adjust the device, make the following:

  • disconnect the station of pumping equipment from the electrical network;
  • drain the tank of the pressure of the pressure all the water;
  • connect the household or ordinary car pump with a pressure gauge to the input valve with a pressure gauge;
  • create a working pressure in the hydroaccumulator tank;
  • remove the cover closing access to the controlling relay control unit - you will get access to springs.

Minimum pressure index in the system (upon reaching which pump equipment is turned on), a large spring is installed. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise if you want to increase the minimum threshold and counterclockwise if the threshold needs to lower.

Adjusting the minimum threshold, proceed to install the difference between minimal and maximum pressure. This indicator is determined by the rotation of the adjusting screw of a small spring of the control relay. Turn the screw clockwise if you want to increase the upper threshold and counterclockwise - if the upper threshold needs to be reduced.

Note that the maximum pressure value at which the pumping device must be disconnected must be 95 percent of the maximum allowable pressure in the system.

Other reasons for the permanent operation of the pumping station

In addition to the wrong operation of the pumping equipment control unit, the cause does not turn off the device can be other reasons.

Hidden water leakage. As a result of this malfunction, the pumping equipment will be under the influence of the adjustment unit to constantly maintain the specified water pressure in the system. To eliminate this problem, you need to reveal the place of leakage and seal it. At the same time, consider that leakage can occur anywhere in the plumbing system.

In addition to violations, problems may occur in electrorele block. In the course of operation there may arise contamination of contacts, their oxidation or even burning surfaces. To eliminate this problem, the device is de-energized, and the contact surface is carefully cleaned.

Problems with constant inclusion of pumps may arise from unstable voltage online. Measure the voltage in your power system when the device is running and, if necessary, enable a transformer or power stabilizer into your system.

Permanent operation of pumping equipment can also be caused and soothing of air in the inlet nozzle of the device.

In the pressure battery can be emergency shore valve. When a certain critical pressure mark is reached, it is triggered to prevent damage to the equipment. Sometimes settings for this valve can be knocked out.and then he pressure pressure at small values. This lack of adjustment or valve replacement is corrected.

As you can see, the problems in the work of the pump equipment can be caused by the most different causes. The main factor affecting the unstable pump station is incorrect adjustment of the equipment automation unit. To fix this drawback can almost any person with minimal technological skills.

In order to get acquainted with the procedure for correcting deficiencies in the work of pumping equipment stations, see the learning video.

Prices for pumping stations

pumping stations

Video - why the pump station does not turn off