Do I need a return filter in the boiler? Overview of filters for heating: design, types and installation

Most modern homes use gas for heating. Some receive heat through the central heating system, others prefer to independently control the process of heating their own homes, so they choose. For this, boilers that run on gas are also used.

Gas is popular because of its economy and efficiency as a heat source for or. He is also given preference due to the inability to negatively affect the equipment, that is, the boiler itself. But sometimes situations arise with a malfunction of the system or individual parts. To minimize the risk of breakage, boilers use additional equipment, such as filters for boilers or burners (also gas).

To fully understand why additional components are required, you should familiarize yourself with the general principle of operation.
In the central heating system, as a rule, pipes are used to supply gas to the house, which are made of high quality steel. In an individual heating system, the owners prefer to replace steel pipes with special hoses. In terms of their properties, they are in no way inferior to pipes, but much more practical (they are easy to hide, unlike pipes that will spoil the appearance of the wall in the kitchen).

Passing through the pipes, the gas enters the burners. This is where it ignites. Technologists distinguish two types of ignition: open fire and closed fire.

To obtain an open fire, there are several common and proven methods. All of them can be used in heating boilers.

  1. The way to start a fire with your own hands. Fortunately, this method is used extremely rarely in the modern world, because it has long been outdated, giving way to newer and more practical ones.
  2. The use of a piezo ignition. An igniter that burns will easily ignite from the slightest spark.
  3. Use of electronic ignition. It is this method of ignition that has become the most popular as a result of technological progress. At the same time, it also acts as the most effective way to kindle the boiler. This method has only one drawback: its operation is impossible without electrical energy.

Now it becomes clear that a modern boiler is a complex device, which in its structure has three components: gas, water and electronic.

Several factors can disrupt the operation of the boiler:

  • gas supplied through pipes is of poor quality;
  • the water that is pumped into the system is very hard;
  • currents wander in the gas pipeline due to the instability of the voltage in the network.

In order to avoid damage caused by these factors, protective devices must be used.
To protect against voltage surges, it is recommended to install stabilizers designed specifically for boilers.

Filter - safety device for boilers

And as a protection of the heat exchanger from the effects of hard water, you will need to install a filter. This will prolong the operation of the boiler and protect it from harmful influences.

Water contains metal salts. They make the water hard and contribute to the deposition of scale. The scale that covers the surface of the heat exchanger acts as thermal insulation. It impairs the process of heat transfer. Thus, the heat transfer of the heating elements deteriorates, which, accordingly, leads to overheating and damage to the heat exchanger.

Before the device breaks, the accumulation of scale has other consequences:

  1. Significant overexpenditure of electricity and gas begins. For work, the boiler uses them more and more, but the efficiency of this does not increase.
  2. Water nodes significantly reduce their throughput.
  3. Water heaters with automatic valves come into a pre-emergency state. There is an incomplete opening or, conversely, closing of the valve, which is responsible for the supply of water.

The filter is always installed at the point where water enters the boiler. Before entering the system, water will pass through the filter gaskets, on which the components included in it will linger. All filter pads have a mesh structure. This will allow even small components to be retained. Such filters due to their high ability to purify water are called fine filters.

The specifics of the magnetic filter

To protect the internal components of the boiler from mechanical scale, it is recommended to use another filter. It is installed after the fine filter. This is a magnetic filter. More precisely, this device is used for magnetic water treatment.

It is recommended that the flask, which is part of the filter, be washed periodically. Otherwise, it will fill up and the filter may fail. Dirt will accumulate in the flask. It needs to be removed. It will be enough to wash off the pollution with a jet of water. You can rinse immediately in the sewer, if the design of the filter allows, or you should substitute a vessel and carry out the procedure for washing the cone over it.

Passing through the mesh and magnetic filters, the water will be perfectly cleaned, which will protect the boiler from scale deposits on its constituent components. Scale will not miraculously disappear. It's just that instead of large deposits, the scale will turn as a result of passing through the filter into sediment in the form of small crystals. In this form, the sediment will be easily removed from the system without causing any harm to it.

Also, the magnetic filter can also provide preliminary protection of the heat exchanger. During the treatment of water with magnetic radiation, not only scale disintegrates, but also the inner surfaces of the pipes and the exchanger are covered with a protective layer in the form of an oxide film. This film will become a protective mechanism for pipes before the corrosion process, which is also detrimental to heating boiler devices.

The filters mentioned above are considered as components of the heating boiler, but the filter can also be installed as a separate device. Such devices were also carefully designed so that their work brought no less effective results.
To neutralize the effect of hard water and eliminate the consequences of its impact, water treatment is used by stabilizing its components. For this, special tools are used, which are called complexons.

Most household filters are filled with ion-exchange resin. In technical language, such a filler is called an anion exchanger. This resin is treated with complexions before being introduced into the filter. All substances that are used to process the resin are completely harmless and do not have a negative impact on human health.

By using an anion resin to fill the filter, it is possible to evenly treat the water that enters the heating element. This also ensures the stability of the filter. The result of such work will be the absence of scale on all elements of the heat exchanger.

Using a filter with this scheme of work, you can achieve the following results:

  • plaque and scale will not form on the surface of the heat exchanger, since the operation of the filter will prevent this;
  • if deposits have already appeared, then complexions will help get rid of them;
  • thus, heat transfer will improve (after all, the operating conditions of the coolant have also improved);
  • it affects the reduction of electricity consumption;
  • the service life of heating equipment will increase accordingly;
  • acts as an additional protection against the formation of rust spots inside the pipes;
  • Pre-softening the water is also not required.

Benefits of boiler filters

  1. Extends the life of the boiler.
  2. Completely harmless to humans.
  3. Does not have a negative impact on the environment.
  4. Allows you to save 10-20% of electricity.
  5. Does not require the use of additional filters or means of protection against scale and hard water.
  6. The reliability of protection provided by the filter remains equally high throughout the entire period of its operation.
  7. Significantly reduces the amount of heavy materials that are part of the tap water.
  8. Chlorine and hydrogen sulfide, which are also components of water, significantly reduce their activity as a result of filtration.

The result of these advantages will be the complete protection of all heating elements of the boiler from the formation of scale on them or the appearance of various other deposits. The rubber seals are also protected. They wear out less if not exposed to hard water. Of course, the equipment (boiler, boiler) will last much longer and more efficiently.

Affordable, easy-to-install and low-maintenance filter for heating improves the functionality of the entire system, significantly increases the trouble-free period of operation, and reduces the costs associated with heating a home.

As a coolant, either pure water is used, because it has chemical additives. The liquid medium causes corrosion of the metal components of thermal routes - wiring, fittings, radiators. Rust particles enter the stream, circulating along with the coolant. In areas of narrow passages, changes in direction, and irregularities, traffic jams are inevitably formed - accumulations of small pollutants.

As a result, you can notice uneven heating of the radiators, due to an inferior exchange of the medium, it is necessary to increase the boiler power. Migrating dirt adversely affects the operation of the centrifugal pump, leading to its failure. Blockages that occur in the boiler heat exchanger are also dangerous.

Filtering devices are collection points that trap dirt and debris, allowing you to quickly and without additional material costs remove all foreign components from the coolant. The advantages of using the considered nodes:

  • protection of an expensive boiler and pump from premature wear;
  • elimination of the need for frequent replacement of the coolant;
  • getting rid of the procedure for flushing the system;
  • ensuring maximum heat transfer of radiators;
  • reduction of hydraulic resistance in control valves, fittings, pipes, connecting nodes.

As a result, the operation of the pump and boiler is rationalized, and their energy consumption is reduced.

Design features of the equipment

In filters for the heating system, the following methods of separating impurities are used:

  • settling devices are based on gravitational forces - with a decrease in flow rate, sedimentation of solid particles is observed;
  • in mesh variations, water passes through cells of a given size. Anything larger than these holes remains in the filter;
  • in magnetic models, the active element attracts metal scale and particles similar in composition.

The simplest sump-settlers are a cylindrical body with two branch pipes, there is a flange plug at the bottom. In the cavity there are jumpers that change the direction of the water flow. Magnetic models reduce the intensity of scale formation on internal surfaces.

Modern filters for water purification in the heating system combine 2 or all principles of media treatment.

Varieties of filters for the heating system

The most extensive classification is the allocation of two categories:

  1. Coarse filters, mud collectors, use a mesh to collect solids with a diameter exceeding 300 microns.
  2. Models of fine cleaning are capable of retaining suspensions in the range of 5-300 microns.

The latter are very rarely used in heating communications, they are more suitable for food and domestic needs. Therefore, it is advisable to consider 4 types of mud collectors common in the private sector.

Brass mesh oblique devices

They are optimal for local heating circuits, have a simple design. Products are equipped with threaded couplings, presented in a variable size range, which expands the possibilities of their use.

The monolithic cast brass body consists of a combination of two cylinders - horizontal and inclined towards it. Both ends are equipped with threaded mounting sleeves. At the end of the oblique cylinder there is a brass hex plug sealed with a Teflon gasket. A steel mesh is located in the tilt zone. Before such a modification, a shut-off valve is introduced to facilitate maintenance and flushing.

For cleaning, it is necessary to shut off the coolant supply, substitute a container to collect liquid and dirt, unscrew the plug with a wrench and remove the mesh. The latter is treated with a polymer brush under strong water pressure.

Cast iron oblique magnetic models

Their device is similar to the previous variation, the differences are in the material - the cork and the body are made of cast iron. The filter mesh is the same steel, it is used with a paronite gasket.

The filtration unit is complemented by a stand on which disc-shaped magnets are installed at a given interval, they are not subject to corrosion. Thanks to this hard inclusion, two-sided filtration is ensured: mechanical impurities remain in the grid, scale and metal particles are trapped by a magnetic block. High quality of heat carrier processing is ensured.

The order of installation and maintenance is fully consistent with brass variations with one addition - magnetic disks also need to be flushed.

Flanged magnetic filters for heating system

The modification is in many ways similar to the previous version, but it is larger in size and is designed to service larger diameter pipelines. The screw plug in this case is replaced by a flange plug, sometimes a clogged drain hole is provided here, which allows you to drain the liquid with dirt without disassembling the entire plug.

When choosing and installing such products, it is necessary to take into account the installation and operational indicators of length and height, as well as provide a place for removing the plug, extracting the magnetic block, grid.

Subscriber dirt traps

They can be either horizontal or vertical, the latter being more common. The devices have an impressive operational resource, please with ease of use. Due to the large internal volume, the frequency of preventive maintenance is significantly reduced.

The cylindrical body is made of steel pipe. On both sides there are branch pipes with a flange. The passing coolant is subjected to two stages of purification: fine suspensions are retained by the grid, before that large particles are deposited under the action of centrifugal and gravitational forces. Reliable and simple design, affordable cost contribute to the widespread use of subscriber filters in autonomous heating systems.

In the profile market, there are self-flushing sumps, supplemented by an air vent - they separate and remove dissolved gases.

Installing a filter in the heating system

Pipelines of medium and small diameter (it is customary to use them in the arrangement of autonomous heat supply) are equipped with sleeve filters. Such products have threaded zones on both sides. On the body there are hexagons used to insert the key during assembly or dismantling - open-end, gas, adjustable.

If large diameter pipes are used, this means a flange connection using an o-ring, which is bolted. Installation is quite laborious, but removing this component is easy - you do not have to disassemble the entire wiring section.

The filters installed "tightly" have nozzles on both sides with a chamfer designed to make a weld. They have a non-removable design, they are becoming less common due to the impracticality and complexity of replacement.

Features of maintenance and cleaning

Self-cleaning filters have a special tap at the bottom: to remove accumulated dirt from the device, just turn the lever. Along the way, the filter mesh is also cleaned by the flow of water.

Better flushing is ensured with the help of a bypass equipped with a valve - it must be provided at the stage of filter installation. Here, maintenance is reduced to redirecting the coolant flow from the reverse side. In this case, it is possible to successfully free the grid cells even from densely embedded solid inclusions. Further pollution is removed through the drainage valve.

Washing models are very easy to use. In this section of the system, the fluid supply is turned off, the flange plug or plug is removed from the device, and the filter component is removed. After washing the latter, the device is assembled in the reverse order.

Finally, non-flushing sumps need to be completely dismantled, so they are rarely used in autonomous heating networks. Here maintenance is based on the actual removal of the device from the circuit.

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Now in the world there are quite a few options for heating apartments and houses, but heating with gas boilers remains one of the most efficient and economical ways to heat residential premises. Therefore, one of the main elements in the work of the whole are filters for the heating boiler, a generator, an exhaust pipe and other equipment.

Gas, which is the fuel for space heating, cannot harm this unit and its components, but this does not reduce the chances of damage. After all, even the warranty period cannot prevent breakdowns. Consider some of the causes of breakdowns of different. The first of these may be the incorrect installation of the boiler with your own hands, so be sure to seek the help of a qualified specialist who will help you choose and install the heating system correctly.

It is necessary to use the boiler for heating correctly, while not forgetting the importance of timely maintenance.

It is best to purchase a voltage stabilizer, otherwise frequent jumps and blackouts will cause damage, which will result in a good penny for the owner of the boiler unit.

Boiler Voltage Stabilizer

And here is the most interesting reason for the breakdown of the boiler, which is discussed in this topic - this is poor-quality work. It is to solve this problem that you need to buy a filter for the heating system.

Water is a liquid that heats up in the boiler and causes mechanical pollution. Tap water is not distinguished by its purity and softness, and also contains a lot of salts, which pose a great threat to good water. This is where the need for a filter for the boiler appears, which is installed on the inlet pipeline and softens the water entering the unit.

Filter in the heating system

Water Filtration Options

There are several types of water filtration in the heating of a private house:

  • Electromagnetic
  • Magnetic
  • Ionic
  • Ultrasonic

There is another way to filter water in heating, it is very effective in combating hard water, but it is used extremely rarely, as it is considered a very expensive pleasure. This is a membrane method for filtering water in the heating system of a private house.

Magnetic filters for heating can be used where the speed of water movement is low. Then they will perfectly perform their main function. But still, electromagnetic filters are considered the best option, they can perform their function even at high water temperatures and high speeds. Such a filter for water purification in heating will last for more than thirty years, and repairs will not be a problem.

Of course, no one would like to face a breakdown, but it is simply impossible to insure here. And if a malfunction occurred during the heating season, then you need to act immediately, because being left without heating at home in cold weather is simply terrible. If you yourself cannot figure out and eliminate the cause of the failure of the heating system, then seek help from specialists. They will help in the shortest possible time to eliminate and adjust the performance of the heating machine and its components.

The brains of the boiler are called the electronic board. It is she who is responsible for all the main processes in the operation of the unit and a failure in its operation brings bad consequences. Often, the network stabilizer prevents such violations. If the circulation pump breaks, then boiling water is inevitable.

Boiler electronic board

The safety thermostat will turn off the boiler, but the problem will remain. This is where the heating filter, which is installed on the inlet pipe, will help. After all, it is the formation of scale, and a large amount of debris that causes a breakdown of the pump. They pay special attention to the coolant, because it is the factory defect in the operation of the heat exchanger that will manifest itself very early.

Gas automation cannot be repaired; in case of such a breakdown, a non-working device should be completely changed.

No one will argue with the fact that the heating system and the gas boiler itself are a very complex chain in which the action of all components is interconnected. That is why the automation of the boiler is used, which controls the operation of the boiler and gives timely signals about possible violations of the processes of this unit.

Boiler service

Heating should be entrusted only to qualified specialists in order to protect yourself as much as possible from subsequent breakdowns, which even the incorrect replacement of some units of the unit may entail.

You can do the maintenance of the heating system yourself. It consists in the need to replace old taps, fittings, paint pipes and radiators. If you already have experience and you are confident in your abilities, then you can do the flushing of the system yourself.

Never put off replacing old and rotten ones. Such parts require urgent replacement, because it is precisely such minor breakdowns that will ultimately lead to a big accident in the operation of the entire heating system, in general. The wizard will help you troubleshoot these minor problems.

Summing up

Gas boilers and the heating system as a whole is a complex mechanism, where all its constituent components play an important role in heating residential premises. Even the most inconspicuous breakdown can disable the entire system. Therefore, filters for heating boilers and repairs are an important component that every consumer should be aware of.

When repairing units, do not forget that the heating system is complex and requires professional intervention. So, if you do not have experience in this area, then seek help from specialists who will help identify the problem, fix it and guarantee the continued productive operation of all important components of the boiler.

The heating system in a house or apartment consists of many elements that have their own purpose. In the list of accessories there are always mud collectors for heating systems. Consider what devices are, what they are, how they differ in characteristics and capabilities. In addition, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of devices.

The main purpose is filtration and purification of the coolant. In view of the fact that the heat carrier in most systems is water, and not only pure, but also with additives of a chemical type, the carrier appears as an active oxidizing agent. Interaction with elements of heating mains causes corrosion, and particles of rust and other solid compounds settle on the inner surfaces of pipes, on seams or threaded joints. The slags are washed away by the flow, but only on straight sections of the pipeline. In the areas of turns, when the channel narrows due to the use of a pipe of a different diameter, slags settle in the joint area, which leads to clogging of the entire system, reducing efficiency.

You can find out about the appearance of sediment by the uneven heating of the radiators - if some of the sections are hot, and some remain cold, but there is no air in the structure, this is a sign of dirt accumulation. Also, taps, valves, branch pipes are clogged with slag - the system becomes unusable and you will have to remove the elements, clean them from accumulations of hard and soft particles.

It is impossible to exclude the formation of suspensions in the heating system, therefore, it is necessary to install a device for collecting solid particles, where garbage will accumulate, then they will be removed in a simple way without dismantling the entire structure - this is what a water sump filter is for.

Advantages of using the device:

  1. Protection against overgrowing of the system with dirt. Filters prevent slag from settling, extending the service life of not only pipes, but also expensive appliances - a heating boiler, a pump.
  2. You do not have to change the coolant often. Considering that high-quality antifreezes, additives for heating systems are not cheap, you get good savings.
  3. The risk of clogging of the structure is reduced, regardless of its complexity. You can put not one, but several filters, for example, if the design is equipped with many turns or the water is hard with a large amount of metal impurities, calcium, which turn into scale and can quickly disable even a high-quality heating system.
  4. Maintaining the cleanliness of pipelines, radiators is the preservation of the high efficiency of the entire system. On average, the effect of operating a “clean” system in comparison with a clogged one gives up to 40% savings, which consists of reducing the cost of fuel and electricity (the pump and boiler work with less load).

Additional advantages include: elimination of the risk of an accident due to leaks, ease of cleaning work - with proper installation, the filters are easy to remove, clean and put in place.

The only disadvantage may be an increase in the estimate for the arrangement of the heating system, but the increase in costs pays off by reducing the cost of maintaining the structure, as well as extending its service life. In addition, it is important for the owner to understand the characteristics and operational features of the devices in order to choose equipment suitable for the home.

Classification of filters for the heating system

Three principles for cleaning the coolant from solid particles determine the classification of filtering equipment:

  • Settling tanks work with the use of gravity - a sharp increase and decrease in volume starts the force of gravity, under the influence of which solid particles settle down. If the direction of the flow changes, then the effect is supplemented by turbulent and centrifugal forces that carry inert particles to the periphery of the flow, from where they are washed into the filter.
  • mesh aggregates made in the form of a grid of different cell sizes through which the coolant flow passes. The settling particles are larger than the cell size, but it is extremely important to choose a mesh with optimal performance - too large a mesh will let the suspension through, and a small one will quickly clog.
  • Magnetic attract solid inclusions of metal, scale. Experts advise installing a magnetic filter for heating due to the fact that the device reduces the risk of scale formation on the walls of the pipeline and the heating unit (boiler).

On sale there is equipment that combines several types of cleaning at once, for example, magnetic mesh filters.

Types of filters for the heating system

Devices differ according to the type of installation:

  1. Coupling. They are used for autonomous systems with pipelines of medium and small diameters. The parts are completed with threaded couplings, as a rule, they are immediately built into the heating system.
  2. Flanged. Are used for systems with pipes of the average and increased diameter (from 2 inches). To connect, you need to put a sealing ring, tightening with bolts, welding will be required to mount the mating flanges on the pipeline in compliance with the recommended position and installation length. But when cleaning, removing such filters is not difficult, you do not have to dismantle the entire section of the system.
  3. Deaf ones are welded to the pipes and are equipped with branch pipes on both sides, along the edge of which there is an allowance for the weld.

Separation by type of service:

  • Self-cleaning. The slags are washed out with a stream of water when the tap is opened, which is equipped with a mud trap at the bottom of the device. In order to clean the mesh with high quality, a bypass with a valve should be installed with the filter to redirect water flows and flush out solid particles stuck in the mesh.
  • Flushing. To clean it, just unscrew the plug or remove the plug, remove and rinse the filter. Then the device is assembled in the reverse order.
  • Non-flushing. For cleaning, you will have to dismantle the device, so the devices are not in demand and are practically not installed in modern systems, but are still found in old heating mains.

To select accessories for heating, filters should be distinguished according to the degree of purification of the passing stream:

  1. Coarse mud pits. Equipped with a mesh up to 0.3 mm in size, which traps hard inclusions.
  2. Mud pans for fine cleaning. Designed for filtering suspensions with sizes of 5-300 microns, they are used for domestic water supply systems. They are not used in heating systems, as the grid will quickly clog.

When choosing a filter for the heating system of a private house, it is best to contact a specialist. The owner needs to know the parameters of the pipe, the filter installation area, the type of connection - this will simplify the selection of a good filter.

brass filters

These are mesh-type cleaning devices with a threaded coupling. The simple design filters are suitable for stand-alone systems and are available in a wide range of sizes from 0.5 to 2 inches.

Main characteristics:

  • operating pressure in the system 16-20 bar;
  • crimping working pressure 24 and 3 bar;
  • grid cell parameters 500-800 microns;
  • transparency 39-53%.

Important! During installation, the beveled part of the devices must always be directed along the movement of the coolant flow. When mounted on a horizontal section, the oblique cylinder is located at the bottom; when mounted on a vertical section, the beveled element is also directed downwards.

Before the filter, it is better to put a shut-off valve to shut off the flow. If you mount the brass filter with the plug up, then the dirt will not collect in the sump and will quickly clog the entire system. Brass filters are considered the most popular, inexpensive and easy to use. How to clean the sump in the heating system - remove the plug, all deposits are washed out with a stream of water.

Cast iron filters

Structurally they repeat the brass ones, but are supplemented with a stand with magnets. The plugs and body are made of cast iron; a stainless mesh in the form of a cylinder is used as a filter. Practical devices that clean the media from mechanical debris (mesh) and metal inclusions (magnets). To clean the product, you need to clean not only the mesh, but also the rack with magnets.

Flanged magnetic filters

Devices of higher quality filtration, produced in different sizes and supplemented with a flange plug instead of a plug with a threaded connection. Flanged magnetic filters eliminate mechanical particles through a mesh and remove metal rust that is attracted by magnets.

Installation of a sump on a heating system requires careful selection of the unit according to the parameters of control, building height, length and diameter of the connecting hole. For example, if DN 50 with a height of 140 and 200 mm, a length of 230 and 280 mm, then the hole size for the flange bolt is 18 mm. The type of device is determined taking into account the characteristics of the heating system, in particular the diameter of the pipes, the installation area.

Subscriber mud collectors for sludge

Filters combine the functions of a sump and are supplemented with a grid; they can be installed vertically or horizontally. The main advantages are a long service life, a large internal volume, which makes cleaning processes much less frequent.

The mounting dimensions of subscriber mud collectors are larger than other filters - the minimum dimensions in height and length are 217x308 mm, the maximum dimensions are 785x730 mm. The devices are suitable for a heating system with pipelines of different parameters, and can also be installed at any point in the structure.

Important! Subscriber mud collectors perform cleaning of two degrees - gravity lowers large particles to the bottom, and fine suspension accumulates on the grid.

Self-cleaning mud filters

Modern self-cleaning devices are distinguished by their small size, better cleaning, the ability to separate dissolved gases and remove them, preventing airing of the heating system.

The body is metal, the connection is coupling, the glass for collecting slag can be metal or plastic, located at the bottom and equipped with a faucet for flushing. There are 2 grids in the device - external filtration for filtering out air bubbles, internal - for removing mechanical impurities from the coolant flow. Air bubbles accumulate in a block that is screwed to the top of the instrument and is complete with an automatic bleed valve. To flush the filter, it is enough to open the bottom tap and wash off all the slags.

On a note! Sometimes self-cleaning filters are supplemented with magnets, flow pressure gauges at the inlet and outlet of the filter. Such devices increase the efficiency of cleaning and help to see the degree of slagging of the unit.

Why do you need an expansion tank in the heating system?

The heating system of a house can be open or closed, gravity or forced. Regardless of the type and characteristics, the installation of an expansion tank is required - a device that compensates for the thermal expansion of the liquid when heated and provides the necessary pressure to maintain the flow rate when the coolant cools, that is, a decrease in water volumes.

In addition, the expansion tank of the closed type (sealed) prevents the risk of air accumulation and the formation of blockages, which is different from the open type of the tank without a lid. Practical and hermetic heating equipment is in great demand, so it is worth considering in more detail the features and characteristics of a closed compensation device.

Expansion tank device

The volumetric device is enclosed in a red steel case with an anti-corrosion coating in the form of a cylinder or "pill". Blue tanks are accumulators of domestic water systems, they are not suitable for heating, as they are not designed for high temperatures.

One side of the tank is supplemented with a threaded pipe for tapping into the heating system, sometimes fittings are immediately sold in the kit, which speed up and facilitate the installation process. The other side of the tank is equipped with a nipple valve to pressurize the air chamber. The internal device consists of 2 chambers separated by a membrane. On the side of the branch pipe there is a chamber for water (coolant), on the side of the nipple - a chamber for air. The membrane is a flexible material with low diffusion rates.

The special shape of the membrane regulates the deformation of the material when the pressure changes in both chambers - with an increase in the volume of the coolant, the membrane bends towards the air tank, with a decrease in volume, it straightens, maintaining a stable pressure, which is required to supply the coolant to the pipes, radiators of the heating system.

How to calculate the volume of the expansion tank?

When choosing a compensation tank for a heating system, you need to pay attention to its working volume. It is indicated in the product data sheet. Experts advise installing the device with a volume exceeding the volume of the coolant by 10%. The indicator is calculated according to a special formula: Vb = Vc * k / D, which takes into account the working volume of the expansion tank (Vb), the volume of the coolant (Vc), the coefficient of expansion of the indicators of the volume of water during heating (k) and the efficiency coefficient of the compensation tank (D).

You can find the indicator of the volume of the coolant by the water meter, noting how much water is required when filling the system. A certain accuracy is also achieved when adding up the volume of the pipes of the circuits, the heat exchanger, the radiators included in the system - the parameters can be found in the technical data sheets of the devices.

And in order not to encounter very complex calculations using formulas, experts advise using the following method - to provide 1 kW of heating system power, 15 liters of coolant are needed. That is, the power of the heating boiler indicated in the data sheet is multiplied by 15 and you get an indicator of the working volume of the expansion tank.

This generalized method can be refined, depending on the type of heating device;

  • if radiators are used, the average amount of water is 11 liters;
  • in convectors - 7 l;
  • the contour of the thermal floor contains on average up to 18 liters of coolant.

Thus, the volume of the heat exchanger (indicated in the device passport), the amount of water (calculated according to the length and internal volume of pipelines) are taken into account. The result is an indicator of the volume of the entire heating system.

Now you need to take the formula for calculations: K \u003d (DM - DB) / (DM + 1), in which:

  • DB - this is the maximum pressure of the coolant, taken equal to the pressure when the safety valve is activated on the protection group (3 atm.);
  • and DB is the standard air pressure set for the air chamber of the expansion tank.

You also need to remember the indicators of thermal expansion of the water coolant - it is 4% when heated to 95 C, and if there is antifreeze in the water, then the indicator increases taking into account the percentage of additives. For example, if there are 10% additives, then the 4% indicator is multiplied by a correction factor of 1.1, if there are 30% additives, the correction factor is 1.3, and so on.

Advice! Most wall-mounted heating boilers are equipped with built-in compensation tanks, the volume of which is indicated in the data sheet, which you need to pay attention to.

Recalculating the volume of the heating system by the power of the boiler (1 kW multiplied by 15 liters), you need to check the parameters of the tank for compliance with the volume of the entire heating system being formed. If the volume of the tank is not enough, an additional compensation tank is installed, the volume of which is carried out minus the built-in tank. For example, the calculation of a system with an installed boiler with a capacity of 31 kW.

The calculation is K \u003d (DM - DB) / (Dm + 1) \u003d (3.0 - 1.5) / (3.0-1) \u003d 0.375, where:

  • 3.0 is an indicator of pressure in the system (max. atm.);
  • 1.5 - indicator of air pressure behind the membrane (atm.);
  • 0.375 is the tank efficiency indicator parameter (K).

Having calculated all the necessary indicators, it is necessary to add up the volume of the coolant (31x15), where 31 is the boiler power (kW), and 15 is the multiplication factor (l). It turns out the indicator (31x15) \u003d 465 liters - this is the volume of the coolant. And now the calculation of the tank volume is 465 (l) x 0.04 (thermal expansion of water without additives) / 0.375 (tank efficiency indicator) = 49.6 liters. Thus, for a boiler with a capacity of 31 kW, a tank with a volume of 50 liters or more is needed, and the air pressure in the chamber is from 1.5 atm. If necessary, the final volume indicator is multiplied by 5-10% to eliminate errors in the calculation.

If you need to change the air pressure, which is included in the calculations (1.5 atm.), Then a hand pump is connected to the built-in valve on the expansion tank and the pressure rises above the level provided at the factory. But you need to pump up the pressure carefully so as not to damage the membrane, you should pay attention to the pressure gauge.


Of particular importance in the installation of heat supply in the house is such an element as a filter for the heating system. The scope of this equipment is those heating systems where hot water is the main heat carrier. Thanks to such a device, the entire heating circuit will function reliably and safely, since numerous harmful substances, such as debris particles and various impurities in the coolant, can cause significant harm to the entire system.

Thus, a dirt filter for heating retains all these substances, preventing them from entering the most important elements of the heating circuit - the heating boiler and the circulation pump. Damage to them can cause the entire system to fail, and repairs are usually quite expensive. Therefore, it is very important that the sump for the heating system was installed correctly, and for this, first of all, you should study all its technical and operational characteristics, which will be discussed further.

Device and types of mud filter

As mentioned above, filters for the heating system are designed to protect it from the ingress of hazardous substances by cleaning the coolant circulating in the circuit.

Mud filters for heating may differ in the type of their device, therefore, based on the design of these mechanisms, it is customary to distinguish the following samples:

  • carbon type filters;
  • mud collectors operating on a mechanical basis;
  • electronic systems.
If we talk about the differences in these units, then the principle of operation of the carbon filter is based on the absorption of an unpleasant odor, harmful substances with a diameter of up to 0.3 microns cannot pass through a mechanical device, and an electronic filter traps particles up to 0.01 microns in size.

Speaking about the types of pollution of the heating system, one should distinguish between certain elements that pose a danger to its operation.

Among them it is worth noting the following:

  • small elements of sand;
  • remnants of rust deposits;
  • lime particles;
  • gaseous impurities;
  • ordinary dust mixed with various substances, etc.

Rules for installing a filter for a heating system

The device of the heating system sump must take into account some features that are extremely important to consider in the process of work. It is quite possible to install this equipment with your own hands, having additionally studied the photos of such products and studied the video on their installation, therefore, to perform installation work, you will not need any special construction skills.
It is very important to remember one point: the installation of the filter must be carried out only in front of the circulation pump, and not behind it, otherwise the installation of the sump will not bring any benefit and the system will still be contaminated.

Filters can also differ in the size of the circle. So, the most common cross-section parameters are from 15 to 100 mm. Which option to apply in a particular case depends, first of all, on what diameter the heating pipe has.

The sump filter for heating should be mounted exclusively vertically, and brackets specially designed for this purpose serve as fasteners. Do not forget also about the installation of shut-off valves, with which you can save yourself from the need to periodically remove water from the system in case of contamination.

Installing a sump for the heating system

In order to mount a magnetic filter for heating or any other type of filter, you should read the following recommendations that can simplify the entire work process:
  1. Even before the installation begins, it is necessary to carefully prepare the pipes of the system, cleaning them from rust and other harmful particles.
  2. When deciding which particular design of the sump to use for a particular heating circuit, one must be guided solely by its operational characteristics, in particular, the conditions under which the equipment will be used - operating pressure, temperature indicators, etc.
  3. It is better to choose the place for mounting the sump from where access to the device will be as convenient as possible, while taking into account that the filter should be mounted in the area in front of the circulation pump.
  4. One of the prerequisites for installation is that the cross section of the filter opening must be identical to the cross section of the pipe. This measure will guarantee the strength of the connection and will not allow the mechanism to subsequently go to the side.

Dirt filter cleaning standards

The procedure for removing dirt accumulated inside the filter does not pose any difficulty:
  • the coolant circulating in the opposite direction will allow you to wash the precipitation from the heating system;
  • the mesh included in the design of the filter can be easily removed, cleaned and then put back in place.
The filter cleaning procedure should be performed at least twice a year, which will allow the equipment to operate at maximum efficiency and save it from premature failure.

Benefits of using a heating filter

Among the advantages that the installation of cleaning elements for heating carries, it is worth highlighting the following:
  • the filter provides high-quality protection against any kind of pollution;
  • draining the water in the system and filling the circuit with new coolant does not need to be done often;
  • installation of a sump unequivocally allows you to save financial costs;
  • a system equipped with such a filter will work for a long time and reliably.
Thus, the list of advantages of the cleaning element only confirms the fact that its installation is a guarantee of the stable operation of the entire heating system and the absence of the need for any kind of repair work.