Need whether it is necessary to double. Do I need to align the floor under the laminate - leveling of wooden and concrete floor, the necessary materials and optimal technologies

Cozy house without special Crequunova Costs Inna Abramovna

Why do you need to level the walls?

Now in newspapers there are many announcements with the proposals of household services to the population. Among these services, the honorable place occupies a renovation. And what, actually, is it? As a rule, the following "Gentlemansky set" is meant. First, in the room decorated in the Eurostandard, metal plastic (or wooden, made according to the latest technologies) window frames with so-called double-glazed windows should be placed. Secondly, there must be installed doors made of natural wood or MDF (so called durable, especially treated plastic with refined surface finish). It would also be thundered to establish new generation radiators - small, neat, with square sections of sections. By the way, they provide an apartment with warmth no worse, if not better than the cast iron batteries familiar to us. I'm no longer talking about the advantage of new radiators over standard flat batteries.

The concept of "Eurostrotand" also includes facing of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet tiles of improved quality, and the tiles are separated not only the walls of these rooms, but also the floor. Also in the apartment decorated in the Eurostandard, there must be a new generation plumbing, which includes a toilet, bath, sink, mixer and washing (jacuzzi and bidets in ordinary apartments are practically no, they simply have nowhere to put).

And of course, all the fittings (sockets, switches, all kinds of latches, door and window handles, etc.) should be a new, modern sample.

However, if without the above things, it is thin, it is possible to do without the above, provided, of course, that already existing windows, doors and plumbers are in a completely decent state, then without the perfectly aligned walls, renovation is unthinkable.

The fact is that the walls in our Russian homes are originally uneven. And it is even gently told! They are frankly wavy, with curvature and depressions, I am no longer talking about numerous voids on the surface of concrete, etc. Those who are at least once glued on their own wallpaper, know it perfectly. I do not know why, but so we have to build. It is sometimes docked by panel plates builders, not curving a custody, close up the docking seams almost "bustle", nimalo, not embarrassed by the fact that after such an embezzlement on the surface of the walls, ugly cement plaques appear on the surface of the walls. As unforgettable Rykin said, "we have a number of more importantly!". So it remains so far.

Do not think that in newly built houses the case is different. Nothing like this! Walls and there it is necessary to bring to mind, they need to be aligned, spending on it kilograms of plaster. Do you know that now new homes are often transmitted to owners of housing at all without finishing: without wallpaper and linoleum, not to mention the parquet, etc. Say, the owners and so will all be redone on your taste, so why make unnecessary costs of finishing the object under construction?

In general, if you want your apartment after repairing the European standard, you (more precisely, the masters) can not be avoided by leveling walls. Ideally, the walls should be as smooth and smooth as the walls of the refrigerator. And it is no matter how you are going to finish them then: you can't put them with wallpaper, put the tile on them, paint with water-level paint, etc. Even if you intend to close your walls with decorative panels, then all the same (walls) will have to align. Keep in mind that the panels are mounted on wooden slats installed horizontally. And if the wall is a curve, then the panels will not be able to lie on it exactly.

So you want you do not want, and this work will not be avoided. Yes, you probably have already been convinced, seeing the repaired apartments of your friends or acquaintances, how noble the aligned walls look compared to those that we had before.

If the work on solid alignment of the walls is carried out in your apartment for the first time, then you will be amazed how much putty can need for this. For example, for repairing an area of \u200b\u200b7-10 kV. m May be needed about 150 (hundred and fifty!) Old kilograms - a dry powder mixture, which is divorced by water and turns into a paste-shaped putty. In general, be prepared for the fact that in the process of the work of work you will have to buy a vet, and maybe more than once. As they say, the autopsy (in this case of the walls) will show.

Wetonite is today the most common type of putty, because it is optimally combined price and quality. In addition to the Old Town, the walls and putty "Rotband" of the company Knauf also aligns the walls and putty. True, it is more expensive than the apartment, but it is more plastic and therefore more convenient to work.

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High-quality laminate allows you to make comfortable and environmentally friendly floors. But the desire to make such a floor is often encountered on the problem - the low quality of the bases of the floors, especially in old houses.

If not to make the floor even, the poor quality base can be reduced to not all the impressive advantages of panels of embossed wood fibers. Today, various ways of alignment of the floor under laminate have been worked out. But despite the seeming simplicity of this technology there are nuances that you should know.

Do you always need to level the floor under the laminate?

In construction, with rare exceptions, it is customary to operate with smooth surfaces. But if in other cases there is an opportunity to neglect perfection, then when it comes to the problem of the level of flooring under the floor of the laminate, it should still strive for the ideal indicator.

The reason for this approach lies in the physical properties of the actual laminate. It is these properties forcing the builders to align the floor as much as possible. Otherwise, the uneven floor will cause the deformation of laminate panels, poor grip between them, cracks, as well as the discrepancy of the seams. As a result, moisture with all negative consequences will begin under the floor covering.

The only thing that can afford a specialist when installing the floor under laminate is small irregularities.

For good quality, the difference in the height of the floor on 1 pm. The bases should not exceed 2.5 mm.

With such results, it is recommended to carry out a slight leveling of the base. If frequent bulges are fixed / depressions, if the height differences in separate sites are significant, the alignment will have to do carefully. But if the difference in heights per unit area will be no more than 1.5 mm, it can be limited to a simple substrate.

Thus, it is thus the state of the "relief" of the foundation, you can choose the method of alignment. If it is planned to raise the floor level to a height of up to 5 cm, the screed of cement mortar is recommended. If the floor is even higher (for example, with high height differences), the easier option is desirable. For example, you can use a dry screed from the GWL panels or apply the method of laying plywood sheets to lags.

Materials and tools for floor leveling

Whatever ways are used for alignment, it is worth stockwork with such materials and tools:

  • building level;
  • rule;
  • bars for lags;
  • cement mortar;
  • plywood sheets;
  • cycles;
  • electric drill;
  • a hammer;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws, nails.

Concrete base alignment technology

Tools for alignment of the floor under laminate: hammer, line, lags, level, pliers, roulette, brush.

Today, most bases for the floor under laminate are made from concrete. But rarely when they cost without defects. Possible cracks, potholes, chips, sinks, the presence on concrete surfaces of various surges or solutions detects lead to the heights on the plane to be eliminated.

Specialists offer the 2 most common method of aligning concrete bases for laminate. The 1st way implies the use of a cement screed, 2nd is based on the use of self-leveling mixture.

Before using a cement solution from the concrete base surface, it is necessary to remove all residues of the previous floor. Slops of the solution are cleaned with pickle or perforator, while small can be left. If there are stains of oil or paint on the basis, they should be removed by a solvent or burn the burner. In conclusion, the concrete is processed by liquid soil.

Then, along all walls of the room, in their lower part, with the help of the level there is a top edge of the draft floor. At the noted floor level, rake-beaches are exhibited. The method of their fixation does not matter much, but most often the rails are fixed by arbitrary slides from the solution. The width of each strip between the rails should be no longer the length of the rule.

As for the cement-sand mixture, in this case it is necessary to adhere to the following proportion - 25% of the M-400 grade cement at 75% of quartz sand pre-sifted. It is worth noting that when using this technology, the solution should turn out to be sufficiently thick, which will prevent its premature spreading.

Immediately after the preparation of the solution, it should be pouring between the beacons exhibited. Using the rule, the level of the solution is leveled under the level of beacons. After the fill with the solution, each band should be laid with a special prickly roller removing unwanted air bubbles.

After grappling and solidification of the solution, rake-beaches are removed. The grooves formed in their place are filled with a solution.

But even after the solution solidifies externally, the availability of the floor under laminate cannot be considered final. It should be borne in mind that the screed, especially quite thick, requires a long time (up to 3-4 weeks) to harden so much that it can be quietly walking. All this period, it must be kept covered with plastic film, regularly (2 times a day) moisturizing its surface.

Another option for the preparation of the smooth floor is the coating of the self-leveling mixture. This method is characterized by speed and high quality performance. But all this can be achieved if only correctly organize the process.

First, as in the case of a screed, it is necessary to remove the room in which the floor preparation will be prepared under the laminate. Slops of the solution, garbage, dirt, bugs are knocked down, shots and potholes. At the end, the surface is treated with ground penetration soil.

The preparation of a self-leveling mixture should be prepared. Dry powder is bred by water according to the attached instructions and is thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous mass. But you can somewhat somewhat from the guide for the preparation of the mixture, determining the proportions of dry powder and water by experimental. This is allowed if the employee has its own experience of flooring, taking into account, in particular, the fact that the preparatory layers of different thicknesses need self-leveling mixtures of various densities.

After the mixture is prepared for the fill, it is neatly applied to the base of the future floor. And this should be done in the upper point of the leveling surface, from which the solution will spread throughout the room. You can speed up this process with a spatula.

To ensure the highest possible leveling of the solution, the good smoothness of the surface and removing unwanted air bubbles from the mixture, the spreading mass is rolled by a studded roller. Then leave the resulting floor to stand for several days. After that, it is possible to lay the laminate panels on it.

This method using a self-leveling mixture is suitable not only for concrete, but also for wooden bases. In the 2nd case, the preparation of the base to the pouring mixture mainly consists in fixing the tenting boards, removing the residues of paint and protruding nails, after which the fixed base is impregnated with water-proof soil.

Wooden base alignment

Often it is necessary to align the wooden floor, which will later laundered laminate. It has to pay attention to the degree of wear of individual ramps. It is from this that will depend on the method of alignment. The most common in repair and construction practice are 2 ways - cyclishing of draft floor boards and floor alignment by means of plywood sheets.

Cyclical is used in cases where the master deals with a flat floor in good technical condition. It, as a rule, eliminates insignificant defects. For this, 2 types of tools are used - manual cycle or special cycles.

In the 2nd case, the process will be fast enough and unemployed. It is only necessary to drive all possible nails and self-tapping screws in the wooden floor in advance, otherwise you can turn the car knives. After the operation of such a mechanism, the floor usually becomes smooth and quite ready for laying a laminate.

By the 2nd method of alignment - plywood or chipboard sheets - resort in cases when the floor is very uneven, but it is not planned to disassemble it. To do this, it is pre-carefully fixed by self-tavering rings, if necessary, the individual boards are replaced. And only then on the floor laid in advance flat sheets of plywood or chipboard.

It should be paid to the fact that there are several millimeters a gap between the stacked sheets. This is necessary to prevent the deformation of sheets in their possible expansion or swelling under the influence of moisture.

In conclusion, all sheets are neatly attached to the lower boards with self-drawers with counted hats. After that, you can start laying the laminate.

Laminate substrate device

Speaking of alignment of floors under the laminate, you should also mention the substrate, without which this process in some cases is unfinished. Usually, the substrate is used when the difference of the surface heights of the base is small and the employee faces the problem - it is impossible without preparation to lay the laminate on the basis, but there is no need to fully align it.

For this purpose, both synthetic substrates and materials based on natural components are used. Among synthetic, polyethylene substrates are most often used, among the most popular natural substrates - cork or probably bitumen.

It should be noted that in many cases, these components refer to expensive building materials. But they guarantee excellent quality and speed of work. And this in combination with the skill of the artist is the key to a beautiful, convenient and durable floor.

Most of us from school benches have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideally decorated page. Uniform scattering letters, slim lines of words, strict, framed by the rectangle of text - exactly such a picture we observe, turning any printed edition. The temptation is great to portray something similar on the Web page, especially since it is proposed to all the well-known means - aligning text in width. However, what is good for the typographic, then mortal sin for a web-based vertexer. And all because in relation to the markup of the site, this function is becoming so much deficiencies that its only dignity in the form of a smooth right edge will simply fade in their eyes. Here are just a few reasons why abandon leveling in width in favor of alignment to the left edge.

Visible mess within the text block

Yes, yes, than even more than the edge of the text block, the more obvious the mess inside it. In the typographic style of the text of the text, it allows you to achieve a whole arsenal of instruments: transfers, adjusting the intervals between the words and distances between the letters and even a little broader or slightly narrower font options. But the layout of the Internet page suggests, as a rule, only one way to "stretch" the string from the edge to the edge is an uncontrolled increase in the width of spaces. Not only leads to the emergence of unsightly gaps between words, so these gaps, as if by the law of meanness, often fall at about the same place in each row, forming the so-called vertical "rivers". All this gives the text a very unclear look.


But if the aesthetics could still be sacrificed for the sake of neat edges, then the obvious problems with the visual perception of the text - all the same too high fee for them. And the text leveled in width objectively is much less readable than lined up to the left. The main reason lies everything in the same enlarged intervals between the words: the eye is constantly forced to search for the beginning of the next word, and due to the difference of spaces from the string to the line and rebuild from one distance to another.

The need to work on a string length often to no avail

In fairness it is worth noting that the designated flaws of the aligned text can be reduced by increasing the length of the string. However, not always this method will be effective. But to reduce readability, it can with a very large share of the likelihood: it is difficult for my eyes, scattered to the end one long line, accurately and quickly jump at the beginning of the next.

Insuitable for mobile devices

The already a column with text, to a lesser extent it is subject to width alignment. And here this format comes into direct contradiction with the requirements of mobile devices for which, on the contrary, the shorter the string is the better. Agree, one thing is to look at the long line on a full-screen monitor, and completely different - just once again scroll through each line back and forth. Dubious pleasure, but the right way to lose a mobile audience!

It would seem, it would be worth adding the page to the word transfer function, and all these problems that occur when text alignment in the width of the page would be solved. But in the fact and the snag that the HTML markup does not imply such a function. So it turns out that today there is no other way to save the permissible intervals between words on the Web page, except for aligning text along the edge, does not exist.

Thus, when creating an online page, it is important to remember the main thing: the Web site is not a book, and it is necessary to approach its design from those positions that dictate technologies and psychology of a question, and not someone's aesthetic views, however, quite and very Conditional. Believe me if your text is neatly placed and, first of all, read easily and with pleasure, no one and attention will not pay such a trifle as the irregularities of the fields!

By the way, when you read this article, did you pay attention to the fact that the text is not aligned in width?

To put the parquet so that he began to creak and "walk" in the first month after repair, it will only work on a smooth floor. The same story with a bathroom on the inclined surface - the wrong tilt will not give water to the samoter to go into the flange stock. Other reasons to fix the geometry of the room is enough, hence the demand for ties and other approaches to creating a flat floor plane. Consider in what cases it is especially important to spend money on the overhaul of the floor.

What you need to level the floor

It is necessary to align the floors that the finish coatings go to bed neatly, the furniture and technique did not have to put bars and felt trimming, and the plumbing was coping with its functions. Alignment is not always the fight against the walls and pitches of the concrete slab overlap, sometimes the perfectly smooth surface is noticeably inclined, and it is much more dangerous.

Parquet, laminate and other flooring do not tolerate the defects of the draft layer. Parquet without a tie in just six months will begin to break and creak, the castle connections will break down, the board will go cracked. With a laminate, the situation is similar, it will last a much less parquet, and the flashes visible without a plywood substrate will appear without plywood substrate.

In the bathroom and toilet, the curved floor becomes the cause of problems with plumbing. Baths and shower cabins are originally made with a slope of the bowl toward the drain. Water Self goes into the drain, and the puddle does not remain. With inclined deformation of the floor, Samotek may not work due to the lack of the desired angle in the direction of the drain.

In residential and non-residential premises of the curve, the floor causes problems with furniture and appliances. A simple task is to establish a gas stove or refrigerator - turns into a problem and many hours of torment with lining under the feet of plywood pieces, linoleum, felt.

Do I need to align the floor under the tile

Rove the floors with a screed under the tile is important for the reasons already mentioned above. In addition, when laying tiles on a barride surface, you will have to spend a huge amount of glue, otherwise save the plane will not work. The screed, as a rule, is cheaper, and the thickness of the plate adhesive layer should not exceed 9 mm, otherwise the strength and chain of the composition is lost. Even worse, if the floor with a slope is in this case the tile can "swim", which distorts the drawing, and cracks and emptiness will appear in the adhesive layer. If the tile is laid with a raw room, for example, in the bathroom, fungi and mold will appear in cracks - to withdraw them from there will be quite and very problematic.

On floor alignment in new building

Budget apartments from the developer in 99% of cases need to be seriously refined. The plane of the floor in the adjacent rooms is often a curve even visually, and when measuring the deviation it turns out that the bias is much more than 1 mm per mesmer.

Are you going to lay parquet or laminate? Get ready to make a screed. The bulk floors save the situation with 1-2 cm drops when the thin coating layer is enough to smooth out flaws. In other cases, it is necessary to perform cement, semi-dry or dry tie.

Under the linoleum or carpet screed is also obligatory, otherwise the rolled materials will be skilled crookedly, the windows and folds are formed. To warn all these problems and do not stretch repairs for months (and the wet screed fully solves at least three weeks) will help the dry screed. Among the advantages of a dry screed - simplicity and speed of installation, the ability to hide communication, no need to level the base, minimum overlap load and 100% environmental friendliness. The durable base of the bondage floor of Knauf will hide unattractive pipes and wires, and for repair or replacement to communications will be easy to get.

The screed fixes the defects of the surface, removes the slope, simplifies the flooring of the chisty flooring. It is possible to do without it only when initially floors are smooth, without a slope, there are no convex and concave sites on them, but there are such uniforms in the heights of elite residential complexes or expensive country cottages.

How to determine if the alignment of the walls is needed? You can carry out accurate measurements with a laser level, but there is a simple way. It is necessary to attach to the wall of the wall at a flat rack or level whose length is at least two meters. The gaps between the rail and the wall will show the size of the irregularities, based on this determined whether it is necessary to preliminarly prepare before pasting wallpaper.

In addition to checking the surface itself, you need to make sure whether the walls are parallel to each other, that is, check the geometry of the room. If the geometry is broken - alignment is necessary. Measurements can also be carried out using a laser level or measuring diagonal with their own hands. Two diagonals on one wall must be equal to each other and diagonals on the opposite wall.

Preparation of walls for pasting

Depending on the status of the walls, the strategy of preparation for pasting is chosen. If the difference in the wall level is up to 10 mm, it is the easiest option and can be caught by putty. For premises with normal humidity, you can use gypsum-based mixtures. If the humidity is increased, it is better to take dry spacure mixtures based on Portland cement. With modern spacing mixtures, it is easy to work, and your hands can be performed with your own hands.

With highly disturbed geometry, you can go in two ways - to level the surface with plastering or build a design of plasterboard. When the difference in the wall level is up to 30 mm - you can apply one base layer of plaster and putty. If more - you have to plaster in two or three layers using reinforcement grid or install plasterboard sheets.

Depending on the initial state of the surface and the desired evenness, several alignment options are possible:

  • lifting walls plasterboard;
  • plastering;
  • walking + putty.

What is needed for plaster?

For plastering surfaces from artificial stone - concrete, brick, foam concrete or aerated concrete - use cement-sand or gypsum-sandy solution. For wooden walls, clay gypsum, gypsum-limestone or clay-cement solution are needed.

In addition to the plaster mixture, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • level;
  • rule;
  • falcon;
  • vertical lighthouses;
  • half-sash;
  • grater;
  • plaster grid.

Watching technology

Walking walls with their own hands - work requiring certain skills and skills. An important point to obtain a qualitative result is the correct kneading solution. For its preparation, it is better to use dry plaster mixes, and not self-cooked solution. First, plasticizers are added to them, therefore, it is much easier to work with such solutions, and the plastering will be much more reliable. Secondly, the quality of the cement itself in such mixtures is much higher in the market. In addition, besides plasticizers there are additives that increase the service life of plaster, and sand is added to the corresponding (shallow) fraction.

Silence at 5-15 cm should be aligned by proper technology, without sparing money on reinforcement material and overlapping plaster in several layers. If you try to save at this stage with such a curvature of the surface - to apply a solution too thick layer or without reinforcement, - after a while, all the applied plaster can move away from the wall with wallpaper.

The fascination process is divided into three stages.

  1. First of all, the first layer of plaster is applied to the previously cleaned, projected and moistened wall, that is, they make a spray, throwing a solution with a brush with a layer of up to 5 mm. At this stage, cracks and excavations are filled. Liquid solution for this stage is high to ensure filling of all recesses. The amount of water in the solution for spray is 55-60%.
  2. Applying the main plaster layer. The solution for the main layer is mixed with the addition of 35-40% of water. It is at this stage that the main alignment of the surface occurs. It should be noted that depending on the level of irregularities, this layer can be applied in one, two or three navigasses. In this case, it is necessarily paced (is taken into the solution and secured by a dowel) a special plaster grid.

    It is not worth waiting for the complete drying of the main layer before applying the finish. So that adhesion (hitch) between these layers was good, the surface of the main layer should be wet. Sometimes it happens that for any reason to apply the finishing layer is immediately impossible and the plaster dries. It is also not scary, it can be moistened - to moisten with water. The permissible layer thickness depends on the solution used (on dry mixtures is always indicated).

  3. For the finish layer (crossbar), special finish plaster is used. Her difference is the sand of a smaller fraction (up to 0.3 mm). This is an important nuance, since when using the sand of a larger fraction during smashing, scratches remain. Wallowing the solution on the wall is performed using a falcon or plaster blades. Falcon can be used for hardware or apply for this semiral. With the help of a grater, the plaster layer is taking place if the spike layer is applied.

Preparation of the surface under the wallpaper of different types

Requirements for smooth walls depend also on the type of wallpaper. It should be noted immediately note that if the geometry and height from the floor to the ceiling is unequal, then such a significant defect will be visible to the naked eye. The correct form of furniture will be dissected with uneven angles, will show all the flaws, and no decorative material will hide it. In this case, it will be necessary to invite the wizard for plastering or align the proportions of the room with their own hands. If the unevenness is not so scale, then in some cases it is possible to reduce repair work.

The most unpretentious to the level of curvature of the surface - liquid wallpaper. They themselves serve as an alignment material at irregularities up to 5 mm. Relief wallpapers on the phlizelin basis will also hide small flaws in alignment. More specular smooth wallpapers, especially having a subtle structure. Wallpaper color also matters. Light, and especially monophonic, immediately identify all flaws of putty. Unlike dense models with a relief structure, they cannot be glued immediately on the plaster, they necessarily need a putty.

If wallpaper canvases are dense and not shone, they can be glittered on drywall without pre-putty. However, it will be necessary to know that it will be impossible to remove the wallpapers, and then savings at this stage of repair work can turn into a problem.

Preliminary work on wall leveling may seem extra costs only before the end of the repair. Then they immediately become visible all the irregularities, saved joints of the walls of wallpaper. Better at this stage do not save. Plaster will make walls smooth, and putty - smooth. As a result, the wallpaper will be perfectly lying, and there will be no gaps between the plinths and wallpaper.