Wallpaper in the children's room Boy 5. Wallpapers for a children's room for a boy: Photos, what to choose for teenagers and kids, materials, design, examples for different ages, ideas

The interior of the children play an important role in the development of a good taste of a little man and the ability to contain their things in order. Properly selected wallpaper in the nursery will create an individual atmosphere, which will fully comply with the nature of the boy. Wallpaper on the walls are selected taking into account the age of the child, gender, its preferences and practicality. About everything more detailed further in the article.

What to pay attention to when choosing wallpaper?

Making a children's for a child, parents seek to create a situation that he will like. What moments should be paid in high attention?

Create comfort and comfort in the children's

Environmental purity

The main requirement imposed on any material for children is its environmental purity. This means that wallpapers should not contain harmful chemicals. Now accessible to the acquisition of a wide variety of wallpaper, both in appearance and in composition, have something to choose from.

Wear resistance. Compulsory requirement or not

Another requirement is wear resistance. If the children's colorful wallpapers focused on a particular age of the child are selected, then after a few years they will need to change them. We take into account that the wallpaper is not intended for too long service.

When choosing a neutral coloring in the design of children's walls, for example, striped wallpapers, the design will serve longer. In this case, the wear resistance of the material will be more important.


It is not anywhere on the requirements of hygienicness and the ability to hold a wet cleaning of the walls. Including for the removal of "art" with pencils and felt-powders of a small resident of the children's room.

Compliance with interior design of children's

In order for the wallpaper with them a single ensemble with furniture and accessories, it is important to choose the right color gamut and motifs for design. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room, the illumination, the number and size of the windows.

Color game: Choose a gamut shades

The choice of color palette for the design of the room must take into account the characteristics of the character and temperament of the boy:

  • for an emotional child, the best option will be a calm cool color scheme;
  • if the baby is phlegmatic, then in the setting you can choose warm tones;
  • for an inert little personality, the design is suitable in saturated shades.

Most often in the children's for a boy, preference is given to this colors:

Blue color is considered the most popular and in demand, which is used in marine and aero theme, and looks neutral.

Plots: Task style whole room

Boys are active, they live in a dynamic world cars, airplanes, ships and favorite characters of books and cartoons. To meet their wishes will be very exciting even adults.

Wall mural - bright accent and zoning

The selected theme of the design will affect the mood of the boy.

With bright contrast allocation of one of the walls, the rest should be sustained in calm shades to avoid excessive varnisses. It can be a monophonic design, strip or a small pattern.

The main thing is not to overdo the contrasts

Strips - Neutral Design

Striped Wallpaper is not only a means of wall design, but also the possibility of visual adjustment of the perception of children's parameters. So, the vertical bands make a room as it were above, horizontal - expand the space.

Graffiti - selection of teenagers

The wall decorated graffiti is the original option for a teenager room. Such registration will serve as a way of self-affirmation, give the situation dynamism and youth flavor.

Additional effects with luminous paints can be taken for armament when arranging a teenager room. But they will not suit for the design of the personal space of the kids, as they can distract and not to give to fall asleep.

Large or small fragments: what is better

As the main background of the walls, it is best to give preference to small patterns on the wallpaper. In order for the interior to look harmoniously, a bright accent is desirable to highlight only one wall. If wallpapers are chosen as decorative design, the entire room can be kept in a certain topic, underlined accessories, color and furniture style, pillows, etc.

Selection of wallpapers, taking into account the peculiarities of age

The comfort of the child in the nursery begins with the appearance of the walls. Depending on age, preferences are changing, as well as the requirements for design.

For newborns - the most eco-friendly

In the nursery, in which the newborn sleeps, the wallpaper of calm shades should be pounded. Such an atmosphere without bright annoying colors contributes to the calmness of the child's nervous system and makes his sleep better. In this case, paper wallpapers will be a good option.

Vinyl will not be the best option due to their airtightness. Unwanted and liquid wallpapers having an uneven surface capable of damageing the gentle skin of the baby.

Preschooler: Kid knows the world

Ground, boy with curiosity studies the surrounding space. It is attracted by large and bright images of favorite cartoon characters. Going towards the interests of the child, you can make a wall with photo wallpapers.

Additionally, it is possible to use the combination of several colors of wallpapers, including contrasting. The design of the design often includes an image of the letters of the alphabet, fabulous interpretations, sea or automotive orientation.

Junior Schoolboy: New Interests

With the beginning of study at school, the views of the child and the rhythm of his life change. For classes and performing homework, the design of a nursery can undergo changes. The space is desirable, for example, with the help of photographic or using various shades in the design of the walls. So the place to study will be separated from the gaming and recreation area.

Schoolchildren already have certain preferences, so the thematic wallpapers depicting animals, marine anchors, cars or rockets will be quite conforming to the boy's age. It is interesting in the schoolboy's room looks on the wall of the photo wallpaper with the image of ancient cards, plots of cognitive books and even reproductions of famous paintings.

Learn the geography of the world with the help of photo wallpapers

Teenager: pleases with the design can be difficult

With adolescent age, the boy feels adults, has clear preferences and certain looks for life. In the design of a child for age from 10-11 years, interests are often traced in such topics:

  • nature;
  • sea;
  • geography;
  • technique (aircraft, cars, etc.);
  • sport.

Favorite themes in the design of the walls will be a kind of demonstration of a boy of his attitude towards the world around. The transitional age is characterized by the experiments, you should be prepared for the fact that the guy wants to change not only the wallpaper in the room, but even change your image.

Wallpapers can be a means to express their attitude to the outside world. From prints - abstraction, bright ornaments, as well as a combination of contrasting colors. In the design of the room, the boys love to take an active part, "inhabiting" walls with posters, photographs with frames from favorite films.

Youth age

Adult, boy is determined with his tastes. For pasting the room of a senior schoolboy, you can pick up neutral wallpapers, highlighting only one wall. One of the options is spectacular graffiti, but it is possible to musical topics or an image that is associated with a hobby of a sport or future profession.

What types of wallpapers are suitable for a children's boy

On whatever the form of wallpapers you do not stop, it is very important to make sure that the safety certificate is on the material of the decoration of the children's. The baby's health should be above all.

Not all types of wallpapers are equally good for the nursery. Is there an ideal choice? Consider at the examples.

Paper - Eco-friendly, but with shortcomings

If you take only the criterion of ecology, then this option is the best. Besides cheap. Coloring is a great set, you can pick up for every taste.

But the design of paper wallpapers cannot claim the best, it is not wear-resistant and does not tolerate the impact of moisture. Squeeze the drawings of the child and traces of hands from wallpaper will be almost impossible. In addition, such a surface is subject to mechanical damage from the hands of a small experimenter.

Vinyl: To put up with airproof or not

This option is sometimes chosen for teenagers. It is convenient that the vinyl wallpaper allows to hide the flaws of the surfaces and make it possible to carry out wet cleaning.

At the same time, the design has sufficient wear resistance and can serve as years without loss of external attractiveness. For minuses include the absence of air permeability.

Fliselin: Original interior solutions

The wallpaper of this species belongs to safe and durable. They can be repainted, they are wear-resistant. But no minuses did not cost. This is a high price.

Liquid - you can paint

These wallpapers are popular when designing. They are safe, allow multiple repainting.

Cork - Unusual texture

Ecology and pleasant tactile sensations make these covers very attractive. In addition to external effects, the plug has high heat and sound insulation properties.

Corkscreen wallpapers have a small coloring palette and cost enough.

It is no secret that the wallpaper in the children's room for boys affect the mood of the inhabitant of the bedroom, form his creative potential. The current design for the walls is characterized by increased wear-resistance, easy to care, is easily clean, made of environmentally friendly components, and thanks to cute, unique drawings and the original texture, pleases the eye of the baby, his friends and others.

Children's wallpapers for a boy in the online store: a wide range and democratic cost

When choosing registration, it is important to take into account the interests of your child, the safety of products and the predominant color palette:

  • Orange and red colors are able to excite the perception of the kid;
  • Blue and green colors soothe, relax;
  • Yellow and pink color is able to activate brain activity;
  • Dark wallpapers in the boy's room can cause an depressed state, light wallpaper set up on positive emotions.

With the help of vertical strips on the wallpaper, you can visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. High ceilings hide help horizontal patterns, also make a room more stylish and cozy.

Wallpaper in a boy's room: choose a suitable pattern

Wallpaper in the children's room should be easy to wash, withstand blows of balls and other adventures of boys. In our online store you can choose the design for walls, which will help divide the children's bedroom into several zones, given the interests of each inhabitant. Catalog of children's wallpapers for the boy accommodates:

  • Products of technical subjects (racing equipment, aircraft, locomotives);
  • Wallpaper Sports themes (football, hockey, basketball, racing);
  • Adventures and travels (sea vessels: yachts, ships, boats, liners, pirate brigantines);
  • Fabulous motifs and favorite characters (heroes of fairy tales, cartoons, movies);
  • Nature (plants, animals, reservoirs, mountains, forests).

Buy wallpaper in the children's room in Moscow with our help elementary simply! We will help make a children's room that will become a favorite place in the house and the subject for the pride of any boy.

  • Wallpaper for children's room

    You do not know where to buy a wallpaper for the children's room? LLC "O-Design" offers you the best patterns of coatings, in which aesthetics is successfully combined with practicality. Designer children's wallpapers of English and Swedish brands are the best choice for creating a nontrivial interior and a comfortable atmosphere in a child's room.

    On our site you can buy materials from leading manufacturers with all properties that are necessary for coatings in this room. Durable, easy to care, resistant moisture and sunlight wallpaper for the children's room will be happy to delight the baby, inspiring him to new accomplishments. All materials are made of environmentally friendly components that are absolutely safe for children of any age.

    Wallpaper catalog for children's room:

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    We have all kinds of wallpapers for children:

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    • Children's wallpapers for boys - drawings with machines and world maps. Everything is to order in our catalog.

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    Choice of wallpapers for the children's room - hardly the most responsible task of all works on the decoration of the walls of your home. After all, it is here that high demands are presented to both the appearance of wallpaper, safety and their strength, practicality and ability to withstand the most sophisticated tests. Here are some basic rules that will allow you to choose the right wallpaper for the baby's room:

    • Wallpaper manufacturing material should be environmentally friendly. Paper or flieslinic wallpapers are very well suited for the role of wallpaper for the children's room - they are absolutely safe and able to pass the air. In the case of using paper wallpaper, their replacement after the "float processing" will be quite a budgetary event.
    • Wallpaper for children is extremely preferably choosing practical - if necessary, they will easily wash away from pollution, returning to the primordial appearance.
    • Color and drawing. Light and calm shades are best suited as a background, and with the pattern you can already play. Perfectly proved wallpaper on natural and marine topics, decorated with stylized images. They stimulate the imagination of the child and do not let him be bored.
    • If finding it difficult to choose a wallpaper for a nursery - ask the child! In many cases, Chado will tell himself that he is interested and whatever he wanted to see his favorite room. Remember the cozy child will be in your own room, the more comfortable will be more pleasant to you.
    • When choosing wallpaper, try not to use too often a repeated image in the design of a children's room - such a "picture" quickly get bored. It is better to choose a composition of various elements that complement them with accessories and additional attributes.

    Select wallpaper for children - a difficult task and a lot of work. You can consult with the child, choose yourself or entrust this question to our consultants. With a competent selection, the result will exceed all the expectations and your miracle will feel comfortable in your room, bringing you joy. The online store "Odesign" offers a wide selection of environmentally friendly wallpapers for the children's room from the best European manufacturers. In our catalog you will find a large number of interesting decisions for the design of the child's room, which can be confident.

    In a children's boy, the interior is difficult. Select details, coatings for walls and floor, color is difficult. Choose carefully. The interior of the room and wallpaper in particular influences the age of the boy, his interests and preferences. Be sure to rely on the desire and ideas of the boy, drawing up the room.

    Wallpaper for boys need to choose depending on his preferences if they are

    It is important that the selected wallpapers are made from eco-friendly materials. Security remains the main criterion when choosing a coating. For children fit paper wallpapers. They do not have a synthetic component, they breathe. In addition, they have low cost. In particular, it is beneficial for the children's, where there is still a small child. If he paints the wall wallpaper easily and not expensive.

    Eco-friendly are liquid wallpaper. The cost is high, replace so easy as paper will not work. But it is possible to paint and more than once. Washing wallpapers as follows from the name can be washed due to the dense texture. Children's drawings can be easily removed from them. Do not choose vinyl wallpapers. They are easy to damage, they will not suit the boy's room.

    Liquid wallpapers can be painted in any pattern

    Types of wallpaper and features

    • Paper wallpaper. They are safe and eco-friendly. During production, synthetic additives and other chemistry are not used. When buying, ask to show you a certificate. You make sure that they are safe for health. Paper wallpaper cheap, you will easily change if necessary. Wide assortment series. Wallpaper in children's changes during the entire period of the child's maturity, every two or three years. Paper wallpapers will become an economical option for this;
    • Tip! Claper wallpaper in two levels. Bottomize the cheap wallpaper, which is not a pity and can be quickly replaced with new ones. To the top, choose an expensive version, the child will not make up to draw them.
    • Live wallpaper. When creating this coating, adversions are not used for health. The cost is bigger than the paper. But this type of coating is antistatic, dust does not attract it and does not accumulate. You can constantly change their expensive, but you can paint. If the boy does it existed, just paint it into a new color.

    Color selection

    When making a small boy's room, it is necessary to rely on temperament. If the boy does not differ active behavior, slow, warm shades are suitable. For a passive boy who loves to be lazy, choose bright wallpaper colors or with rich drawings. This will help him stir. If you have a child too active, then it will be filled with cold, but not dark tones. If you want to add heat and comfortable to the root color, peach, apricot and others. Shades of yellow help to concentrate attention.

    In addition to them, the shades of violet, green, blue tone are often used. Shades of blue are used to create marine themes.

    Shades of blue wallpapers perfectly complement the marine themes of the room

    Turn the children in the jungle of green and beige.

    For a children's room with the topics of the jungle, wallpapers are suitable with green and yellowish shades.

    Parents do not like to use in the design of children's black tones. In fact, black is associated with peace and night rest. With moderate use in the interior there will be no negative impact on the psyche.

    Black Wallpaper in the nursery can scare a child

    Wall with wallpaper - chalk board in children's

    Figures on the wallpaper

    Wallpaper in a children's room for boys More often taken with images of favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons, birds and animals. Parents buy motley wallpapers with bright images, while not considered to the tastes of the boy. Children are different, alone like cars or animals, and the other wants wallpaper in calm colors of one shade.

    Tip! Do not buy wallpaper with a frequent image, it is getting tired and tired.

    More suitable features supported by a common room interior. Do not forget to beat the wallpaper.

    For the children's room boys, you can use wallpaper with drawings


    • Abstraction. The image is directed to the perception of a mature man. For children's psyche, such drawings are unacceptable;
    • Clear pattern. If it is duplicated on all the walls. The pattern is quickly tired of the child.

    It is better to decorate the pictures only one wall, and the rest leave free and monophonic.

    You can finish one wall in the nursery wallpaper in the form of a map

    Features of choice

    You need to choose wallpaper in accordance with the child's age. With adulthies, interests change, consider it, making up the interior:

    • Newborn. The period lasts up to two years. Mostly a child in the room will sleep and relax. Wallpapers Buy in bed colors that set on relaxation and relaxation;

    For kids, it is better to select wallpapers in the children's room of pastel tones

    • From two to five years old. During this period, the circle of hobbies is expanding, their favorite characters of their fairy tales and cartoons appear. Buy wallpapers with drawings of your favorite heroes. If the child is calm color wallpaper can be bright. If active is preferable to buy coatings of neutral shades;

    Wall mural in a nursery with a picture of a favorite cartoon

    • From three to eight years. To this age, the child is already choosing a hobby, a favorite occupation. Recommend it by choosing wallpaper. Pay attention to training type covers, it may be alphabet, animals or plants. Do not buy wallpapers with complex images. They will begin to distract the child, especially when it is difficult for him to focus;

    educational wallpapers with numbers and letters will be useful in the children's room.

    • From eight years and more. Take the Son to the store, he will choose those wallpapers that likes him more than others. The boy should feel the owner in his room. Therefore, it is so important to take into account his opinion when choosing a coating design. Choose safe wallpapers that like the boy.

    Wallpaper in the children's room you need to choose from the interests of the boy

    Topics for decoration

    Among the common topics are distinguished:

    • Sport. Boys love sports and prefer hockey, football and basketball;
    • Technics. If the child likes space ships, trains, aircraft and other;
    • Sea. Often it is associated with pirates, boys like this topic, treasures, ships, submarines;
    • Nature. Choose for a relaxed and balanced child. Image of seas, beaches, river.

    Wall mural for boy room

    Wallpaper in a children's room for boys can have a different look. Modern technology allow you to use photo wallpapers. Previously, the walls of the room were decorated with posters. Now the boy can decorate his room with images of favorite heroes with photo wallpaper.

    This coating allows you to make a taste for a child's room. They are made more often to order. You can apply any image on the wallpaper. To glue them simply, shoot even easier. In addition, among them there are self-adhesive. The advantages of photo wallpaper:

    • The possibility of self-expression of a teenager due to the wide choice of image theme;
    • Budget option for changing the room design. It is easy to change with the loss of their relevance. It happens when the child is changing in interests with age;
    • Atmosphere of order. Wall murals are an analogue of posters, thereby creating a feeling of order on the wall. When posters hang on the wall, a feeling of disorder appears, there is no such photo wallpaper.

    Wall muzzle jungle in a children's room for boys

    Luminous wallpaper

    Modern technologies and design solutions in the field of interiors continue to do everything to please the most sophisticated. Luminous wallpaper helps the image to gain a real outline. This is achieved due to the inclusion of a small fluorescent lamp. She comes complete with wallpaper. The image takes part of the wall. The lamp turns on and the pattern becomes bulk. Each part of the glow is evenly, thanks to which the shadows flicker arises.

    Glowing wallpapers for the boy's room will help you sleep well and not be afraid of darkness.

    Making a children's such coating, you will provide the boys the effect of presence. He will be pleased, because it will be able to be in different places, depending on the style.

    Several important points

    The size of the room plays one of the main roles when the wallpaper is selected. Square take into account necessarily. Wall mural, which depicts something large and massive visually will make a room less. And wallpaper with drawings or stripes, which are horizontally, on the contrary, visually make the room wider. Dark shades contribute to visual decrease in space. Therefore, if the room is small, you should not buy wallpapers that will make it even less. There are other options for making walls to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, to make it spacious.

    The design of the children's room with natural photo wallpapers must complement the design of the children's room

    Combine wallpapers in the children's room, especially if the space allows. Share the room on the zone. It may be a seating area and a game, a game area and a training area, if the child is already going to school. In the sleep zone there must be calm relaxing tones setting on vacation. In children, the activity rises in the evening, the selected shades should reduce it, preparing for the upcoming sleep. Game zone make bright and active. It can be saved by wallpaper with the image of the favorite characters of cartoons. The training zone is decorated in such a way that the child can tune in to work, nothing to distract him. Try to choose a single color gamut, the room should not be motley with sharp transitions from one zone to another. Enough in each of the zones, depending on the destination, make several bright accents.

    With the help of photo wallpapers, you can highlight a specific zone in the children's

    Wall mural - in pirates style for baby boy

    Tip! Even if a child has a wide range of interests, this is not a reason to pray in the room all. Do not turn his room into the theater scene. Enough to add some details.

    The choice of wallpaper for the boy's room is responsible and important. To approach the question, everything is thoroughly thinking that the child is comfortable to be in the nursery. Remember that as the baby is growing, it is worth considering and his interests. Take it with you, ask what you like. The child must participate in the design of his room.

    Do not forget that small children love to draw on wallpaper, let the child have this little

    Do not forget about security, it should be in the first place when choosing a web. Try to buy only eco-friendly and harmless wallpaper. Consider the child's temperament. Hyperactive will not be covered with bright shades. Think over all moments before making the final choice.

    Wallpaper for children's room

    Wallpaper in a children's room for boys46 photo:

    Although the apartment question still remains for many urgent problems, yet parents try to take into account the wishes of their children and allocate them a separate room. The next bottleneck becomes the design of a children's room for a boy. And if everything is solved with the furniture quite simple, up to the transfer of the child an old sofa bed from the grandmother, then the task, what wallpaper to choose for a nursery, sometimes turns into a dead end.

    Common mistakes

    Funching the design of the children's room for boys, moms and dads just forget about the needs of the kid himself.

    The fact that in the glossy catalog or on the photo on the Internet looks beautiful, in fact, it turns out a non-functional lobal picture. Below are the most common designer errors, because of which your son can feel uncomfortable in their room.

    Monophonic wallpaper. This concerns wallpapers for a children's room for a boy of any coloring with small, indistinguishable for the eye and merging with a background pattern or without any in general images.

    In the room with such wallpaper, the baby will feel like in the hospital ward or camp. Even in a room for babies, it is worth the walls with wallpaper with flowers, a geometric pattern or a floral ornament. Kids spend a considerable time in contemplation and examination of curls on wallpaper improves their mental processes.

    Pink blue. Wallpaper for the children's room of a boy and girls often try to buy in respectively blue and pink tones. Try to get away from stereotypes.

    The design of a children's room for a boy can be quite decorated in pink-red, peach, sand, lilac and other colors, allegedly considered girls.

    Strip. When zoning space, designers often make an error using a striped wallpaper for a boy's children's room. Any strict geometric lines in the interior will act a deterrent for a child. After a while you will see additional nervousness of your son, caused by the discomfort of staying in the nursery.

    If you still stopped on striped wallpaper, choose those in which the strips are winding.

    Liquid wallpaper. This novelty among building materials is not intended as wallpaper in a children's room for boys. Yes, even more for girls. Their rude texture will constantly leave scratches on the gentle skin of the child. Especially if the bed will stand next to the walls with such wallpaper.

    In a dream, the kid can inadvertently touching the "sucking" by hand and get abrasion. Who knows what infection can be accessed through such wounds?

    Wallpaper for different ages

    Publishing how to pick up a wallpaper in a nursery, you need to take into account the age of the child there. The interests of three years will be diametrically opposed to adolescents.

    Below are interesting wallpapers that will love the kids, but can disappoint adolescents.

    Selecting the wallpaper for the design of the children's room for the boy, take into account the interests of the child. If your son is fond of astronomy - to highlight one wall for the starry sky, and a teenager, a fanacete from one of the pop groups, allow the walls of posters with its soloists.

    Look at this video so that you visited ideas, what combinations of wallpaper and curtains to choose for your boy: