Glazing or glazing? How to write correctly: "glazing balconies", "glazing of balconies", "glazing of balconies"? How is the right loggia glazed or glazed how to write glazed glazed.

Did you clean every winter to clean the balcony or loggia from snow, and after a heavy rain sinking in the puddles? Have you decided to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen or living room by attaching the loggia to her? Or maybe all my life dreamed of your own little kindergarten, where flowers bloom in the winter, and a lifeful coolness reigns in the summer? We will tell which glazing options, and advise the most effective solutions.

Pros of this design:

Saving a useful balcony area, since the flaps open inside the room, but drive along the rails, as in the wardrobe;

Folds are easily removed and simply wash;

You can install a mosquito net.

Minus - with severe frosts it is possible to freeze sash, which prevents their movement on rails.

2. A more expensive glazing option - sliding plastic SLIDORS system. It will cost you from 3,500 to 6,000 rubles per square meter.

In addition to the advantages that are inherent in the sliding aluminum system, this design has one more thing: it is made of a 3-chamber plastic profile, which is installed at a single-chamber glass. This prevents the freeze of sash in the winter.

3. Warm glazing with balcony / loggia insulation.

If you are a happy owner of a big chic loggia, then we advise you to glate her PVC designs with a two-chamber double-glazed window. The price of such a system will range from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles a square meter.

What is important to remember when ordering:

Do not save on the number of shutters open. This will significantly simplify the process of car wash;

Do not order too wide sash. It is though cheaper, but during operation can cause savings savings, as well as when opening, will take a lot of free space;

If you are not immediately going to engage in the insulation of the loggia itself, then when it is glazed, warning specialists, in order to calculate the special chapel profiles when calculating the design (they are installed on top and on the sides of the main structures). They will be needed for the subsequent installation of the insulation and finishing.

The only disadvantage of this design - when opening the sash, occupy a lot of useful space.

4. And now a few words about shelves and cabinets.

If you decide that the cabinets and shelves on the balcony or in the loggia are needed, then when ordering the design, some of its parts will be deaf (not opening) and without glass (double-glazed). Instead of glass, a sandwich panel is installed.

Some people live for years with a balcony of an open type and do not understand why it needs to be glazed? What does it give? And is it worth spending money on this? Consider in detail all moments.

If we are talking about the apartment, the balcony is usually located to one room, and maybe in two rooms. Therefore, if you glaze the balcony, then the room or two rooms will be much warmer.

Less dust and garbage.

Some people can throw out something from the balcony, for example, cigarette cigarettes, if he gets a balcony, then on the floor there may be a black spot. Also, people can litter and throw candy, feed the birds of birds. So that the garbage does not get to you on the balcony, it is better to glare it. The likelihood of fire is reduced.

Protection against thieves.

If the balcony is glazed, then the robberies are heavier to penetrate the apartment space. If an open balcony, then the apartment gets much easier to get into the apartment.

Weather conditions are not scared.

Snow or rain is not terrible when the balcony is glazed. If an open balcony, then on the floor there will be snow that will have to be removed.

Glazed balcony is protected from atmospheric precipitation

Drying linen.

Many people use a balcony for drying linen. If an open balcony, then the lingerie will dry much longer. And if bad weather conditions, then linen and clothing can wet.

Small room.

If you approach the glazing and insulation of the balcony, the balcony can be used as a full room. This option is suitable for small-sized apartments and large families.

Small room on the glazed balcony

An increase in room or kitchen space.

Due to the balcony, you can enlarge the kitchen space or space in the room. Many couples take such a decision and remove the interroom wall, naturally making a special permit for such a job.

Increase kitchen space due to balcony

Additional refrigerator.

Of course, progress stepped forward and now on sale refrigerators for any budget, any volume and height, but if there is a balcony, then its additional meters can be used to store some foods, such as potatoes, onions, and canned products.

Product Storage System on Balcony

Additional balcony meters will help unload the place in the refrigerator. This is especially profitable before the holidays, when the refrigerator is quite loaded.

Noise isolation.

If there is no balcony in the room, then the wall comes into contact with the street, and this means that many noise: crying a child, barking dogs will be very audible. It affects sleep, sleep quality and full vacation. If there is a balcony and it is glazed, then the sounds from the street will not be so heard.

Winter Garden.

Many color lovers turn a balcony in a whole greenhouse and not surprisingly, because there is enough space and light on the balcony.
In winter, many flowers suffer from dryness in the apartment, because the heating season is in full swing. The best solution will be placed on the balcony.

Winter garden on the glazed balcony

What is better to glater a balcony or loggia?

  1. Wood glazing.
  2. Aluminum glazing.
  3. Plastic glazing.
  4. Folding system of frameless glazing.

Before glazing the balcony, it is necessary to determine with the glazing system: wooden, aluminum, plastic or folding system of frameless glazing windows. Each systems have its pros and cons, consider in detail each of them.

Wood glazing.

Previously, the residents of the balcony wooden glazing system used is greater popularity.

Pros: Low cost compared to other types of glazing, on the frames are not visible mud, environmentally friendly material.

Cons: Over time, the tree loses its color and it will be necessary to paint, approximately 2 times a year. If not to do this, then in the future, microcracks will appear, which will lead to large cracks. The window will lose its tightness. Wood glazing has poor resistance to moisture and temperature difference. Exposure to aging and drying over time.

Wood glazing balcony

Aluminum glazing.

The second most popular when choosing a glazing balcony is an aluminum glazing.

Pros: Savings of the balcony area, because the design resembles a wardrobe. Glasses located in the frames ride the rails. You can install cornice and hang curtains.

Cons: Low thermal insulation, in severe frosts are possible sashing and they will not open. The windows can only be opened in the same position.

Aluminum glazing balconies

Plastic glazing.

The largest popularity among residents has acquired a system of plastic glazing of the balcony.

Pros: high thermal insulation, good tightness, durability, window can be opened in 2 positions (when installing such a design).

Cons: High cost installation, you can not install cornice and hang curtains. When opening the window occupy an additional place.

Plastic glazing balconies

When installing it is very difficult to open and close the windows, because the system has just been installed and the power is required. Over time, the handle may be slightly loosened, which means that they do not close, which leads to air from outside. Therefore, the handles must be periodically checking and tightening the fastening of the handles.

Folding system of frameless glazing.

This species is a new glazing in the world. The system consists of the upper and lower profile, the windows are not in the frames. Plates of tempered glass, which are moving in the frame. When folding, one plate moves to the other and they fold.

Frameless glazing balcony

Most often, this system is used for the veranda, for country houses, in cafes, restaurants, hotels, terraces, arbors and canteens.

Pros: Make the space aesthetically perfect, natural precipitates do not penetrate. Impact resistant (anti-vandal) glass. If even the glass is broken, it turns into a small crumb. With frameless lighting more light. Suitable for buildings that has a non-direct parapet. It is convenient to wash the entire balcony.

Cons: Glasses are huge to move them and move strength. Low thermal insulation. The need for curtains (or blinds), because complete transparency and everything can be seen. You can not put a mosquito net.
Due to the fact that this system opens with hands, small prints remain, it will have to wash the glasses more often. There is no complete tightness, it is only a feet design. Bad noise insulation.

How to save on the glazing balcony?


To understand what the price will be behind the glazing of your balcony or loggia, you need to find a firm close to your home and call the consultant to the house. Check out the marker is usually free, but this information should always be specified.

A consultant will arrive on the appointed day, draws a sketch, will perform the calculation of all the works and the cost of glazing the balcony.

To evaluate the glazing work, call specialists

Then call a specialist from other firms and compare prices. For one and tighten, different firms take different costs. It develops from the fame of the company, its location, experience in the market.

Usually in one area holds the same price range, but it can and differ slightly.

Discount coupons.

Currently a wide selection of sites, where there are discount coupons including the glazing of the balcony. Why do firms do it? Is it profitable for them? Let's deal with.

The company only opened, a firm with the same services as from other firms. How to attract clients to yourself, unwind yourself? How to make talk about yourself? This firms help discounted coupons. Of course, the company first gains a customer base, which will be told about the services of the company to their friends and acquaintances, write reviews on the Internet, and only one later, you can take other prices for your services.

To save funds, you can use discount coupons

We choose the site to provide a discount, come in registration. In search line We are looking for "glazing balconies" and see the proposal of firms for today's date in your city.

It does not matter where exactly the company is located (within the city), because the consultant comes to your home at a convenient time for you. It produces measurements, stipulate the details, deadlines. The price for glazing the balcony and the discount, which acts on the coupon, is also called the total price for glazing the balcony.

Color frame and windowsill.

Currently, firms offer several color options for frame and windowsill. White is the most classic and at the same time the most inexpensive option. The lack of it is that the white color is absolutely impractical. With a short time on a white window sill and a frame will be visible dirt. If there are flowers in pots on the windowsill, it is possible that the trail will remain.
If you choose a brown or dark color, it will be more expensive, but more practical.

Rama color affects the cost of glazing balcony

Ordering the glazing is not during the season.

Often, the glazing of balconies and loggias are ordered in warm season. Because the whole old design is removed if it was and installed new. Winter glazing windows no one orders, because in the apartment will be cold. Thus, firms in not the season make discounts to attract customers to the service.

The glazing of the balcony in the winter will cost cheaper

Joint glazing balcony.

Current purchases are now gaining momentum, and why not make a joint order in one company to several families or unite with neighbors? The firm is beneficial, because there will immediately be 2 orders, a profit company, which means you can ask for a discount.

Monitor shares and discounts.

The decision to glaze the balcony is not immediately accepted. Therefore, you should not hurry with the decision. You can view firms, watch what conditions each of them offers. Some have discounts to a certain number, discounts on holidays are possible, for example, before the new year's occurrence, when people are mainly thinking about gifts.

Interest-free installment.

If the solution with the glazing balcony presses, you can find information about firms that provide interest-free installments. Thus, it will not be necessary to take a loan or put in debt and give the whole amount immediately.

You can use interest-free installments for glazing.

What information to consider when ordering?

The number of flaps opened.

No need to save on the number of shutters opened. Than they are more, the easier it will wash the entire balcony, there will be more fresh air.

Do not save on the number of sash

Length and width of the window.

Long and wide windows are hard to open people with a small weight, it also gives the load on the bottom profile.

Sunny side or not.

If the balcony comes out on the sunny side, then the best solution will make as many windows as possible, with large frames. Because in summer, the sunlight penetrates through the windows and the balcony is very hot on the balcony. Second option to install reflective glasses or make the window tint.

On the sunny side, install reflective glasses

Time and timing of the order execution.

This moment must be written in the contract if the company violates it, then it will be possible to demand a penalty.

Carefully examine the Balcony Glazing Treaty

Leave a balcony of an open type or make the glazing of the balcony - this is your choice. Most people prefer the second option, the balcony becomes warmer, more practical and can be used.

Sooner or later, before each owner of the apartment, the question arises, how to glacit the balcony. The glazing saves these as a rule idle square meters from dirt and noise. The glazed option can be equipped with cabinets, which will unload the space of the apartment. And the godgery glazing will turn into a wonderful rest room or a winter garden.

An analogue, glazed with a plastic profile, not only protects the room from dirt and dust, but also significantly retains heat, the noise insulating properties of PVC glazing is also much higher than that of the aluminum profile.

Main species

First of all, it is necessary to choose the type of glazing: wooden frames, metal-plastic windows, cold glazing, or a frameless way.

Today, plastic double-glazed windows are most popular: they are quite reliable, do not miss the noise and look aesthetically.

Advantages of wooden frames: durability; environmental friendliness; resistance to temperature fluctuations; repairability; strength.

Select the glazing method is not easy. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider each of the options.

Wooden frames are the most economical way, to the same glazed the loggia with their help can be independently. However, the flaws are enough: wood agitates, dries up, slits appear in the frames. The temperature and humidity differences are also not the most favorable way affect the design.

Plastic windows - the easiest way to turn your loggia into a cozy room for relaxation. They keep warm well, practically do not miss street noise and are easy to handle. To glazate the loggia in this way, it is better to contact the specialists, the benefit today there are enough firms offering such services at reasonable prices.

Cold glazing is not the most popular method, but deserves some attention. For it, an aluminum profile is used. The balcony, glazed in this way, looks aesthetic, but this is not the best solution for the harsh climate: in winter, aluminum frames are frozen.

Or maybe you want to glazate the loggia without any frames? Such a glazing is very beautiful, adds to the interior of the space, air and chic. Its basis is the roller mechanism by which the windows open. Disadvantages of a frameless way - high cost and need for permanent design.

Back to the category

Stages of work

For glazing, you will need: a set for fastening, platband, erker, sash, frame, platband, windowsill, sings, bracket.

To glazed yourself, you will need such tools:

  • welding machine for creating a frame;
  • sander;
  • drills with a diameter of no more than 1.3 cm;
  • glass cutter;
  • plumb, level, line, pencil;
  • ticks or pliers;
  • a hammer;
  • putty knife.

Depending on the selected glazing method, the list of necessary tools and materials may vary.

Perhaps the most important part of the work is preparation. It is necessary to completely dismantle the old glazing, close the cracks and chips in the stove, clean and primed the surface. Do not forget to make measurements, calculate the number of necessary materials and the size of future windows. Consider what washing the glass from the outside is easier when its width is small.

Choose only the highest quality and durable materials, because the correct glazing of the loggia will make this part of the apartment functional and attractive.

To expand on the charging of the fences, the windows board 40 mm thick and 220-250 mm wide, set strictly by level, since the entire design of glazing is mounted on the board.

Coming is the most responsible part of the glazing - installation. First, a metal or wooden frame is made, which will serve as the basis for the future facade. As a rule, simple glazing is not enough to make a balcony or loggia with a warm and cozy place. We will have to engage in additional insulation: sealing, walls with foam walls.

When the balcony is insulated, you can install window frames or double-glazed windows. Glazing must be made as high quality as possible, because your safety and safety of your loved ones depends on the reliability of the design. So if you are not confident in your abilities, the glazing of the loggia is better to entrust professionals.

For glazing, they use with their own hands, as a rule, wooden frames. They are attached to the facade with metal mounting plates or screws. The slots on the joints should be filled with mounting foam.

When the frame is installed, glass is inserted into it. It is fixed with the assistance of the strokes that you need to gently score with the hammer.

Finally, the loggia decorated, close all the connections and joints: we don't want moisture and drafts to penetrate our secluded corner, right? Now you can carry out lighting, arrange furniture, place an additional heat source. By the way, the overall heating to bring to the balcony is prohibited.

No matter how glazed your balcony. The main thing is that you feel good and cozy.


There are many ways to make a balcony or loggia more comfortable. Often, developers are already offered at home with fully glazed loggias, but there are no such conditions for apartment owners, and there are no glazed areas on their own. You have to choose from what: glazing is cold and warm, the frame can be wooden, plastic, aluminum or not at all.

What is the material for glazing choose?

In each city there are many companies offering services for or manufacturing windows for these purposes. The buyer may have difficulty with the choice, since each material differs in physical properties, price, service life, other indicators.

Before or loggia, it is necessary to decide how glazed space will be used. If you do not need a warmed continuation of the room, which will allow expanding the space of the living space, it makes no sense to overpay and put warm glazing. In order to dry the underwear, smoke or use the balcony in the summer, you can use a cold type of glazing. But if you plan to turn the balcony in the office or warm storage, you have to choose a warmed frame.

Cold glazing

What are the glass windasters?

Whatever the profile material you decide, you will have to choose and double-glazed windows. They are also different: on how long the double glass will depend, whether it will be quietly in the room, warm.

Warm and cold windows are characterized by cameras. In the heat they are filled with gas. He prevents the fogging of the glasses, does not give air from the street to enter the room. This allows you to make a room with a warmer winter and cool summer. If the loggia is rarely used, you can do with a single-chamber cold double-glazed window. The difference is that such glazing does not keep warm, and in winter it will not be much warmer on the balcony than on the street.

Glazing of loggia metalplastic

K are also frameless structures. They completely consist of glass and do not have a frame frame. So glazed the balcony (or loggia) is interesting from the point of view of design, but it is not hermetic, so it can only partially protect against winds and precipitation. Against cold and noise it is useless.

If you want to glazed the balcony, the loggia so that they become a continuation of the dwelling, you need to choose. For suspended structures, it is impossible to use too heavy double glazing, so it will be limited to two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows. A larger number of cameras will allow you to better isolate heat, make the room quiet, however the weight of the glass package will become significantly more. Two-chamber glass windows are enough if you do not live in the northern regions of the country where frosts are particularly strong.

If you want to make extra noise insulation, significantly save on heating, it makes sense to install winter double glazing. Their fundamental difference from conventional species is that the chambers are filled with gas having a high density. The gas is reliably insulated and cannot leave the hermetic design. This type of glazing is well suited for those apartments whose windows overlook the track or to a noisy yard.

Before finding out the maximum load that it can withstand. Too heavy double-glazed windows can lead to structures and serious legal consequences.

There are various ways to strengthen the stove, increase its ability to withstand a lot of weight, but in this case the possibilities are also not limitless.

Panoramic glazing balcony

What kind of system to choose?

By the opening method, you allocate swinging and for glazing a balcony or loggia. They can be both frame and frameless. The design type affects the comfort of usage; Sometimes there is nowhere to open or need an original designer solution. Consider the selected types of designs in more detail.

Classic Swinging Window for Balcony

This type of construction is considered the most common, it is used both for all types of premises and for glazing balconies. Such a discovering mechanism is the usual majority of people, to arrange it easier. It is reliable in operation, serves a long time, rarely breaks, can provide the most sealed closing of windows.

Swing windows can be opened in a vertical or horizontal plane depending on the availability and desire of the owner. Often the design has a vehicle or winter ventilation function. In this case, the window does not break completely, but forms a small slot. Folds can be saved with long-term operation, it usually concerns those windows that are too large. In order for this not happened, the loops are required to regularly pull up, and the design itself is desirable to acquire reinforced.

Sliding structures for loggia

The glazing of the loggia with a variety of sliding structures ranks second in popularity. This type of glazing can be both warm and cold, depending on whether the frame will be installed or not. Opening the mechanism occurs due to shifting the sash to the side. This process is controlled by a special guide. It is important that the windows are installed perfectly smoothly, otherwise they will not be easy to open.

Construction joints can be hermetic. It is especially convenient for small rooms, where there is no room for a swinging sash, and you do not want to open it towards the street for some reason. Sliding design weigh quite a lot. To reduce their mass and make windows cheaper, often use aluminum profile. It reduces the glazing weight of the balcony, makes it resistant to corrosion, but has a significant drawback: such frames are poorly isolated warm.

Most often, the sliding design is used with a single-chamber glass. It is most profitable to apply it if it doesn't matter for you, it will be warm on the balcony or not.

Application of frameless glazing

Glazing the balcony is simple, if you want to achieve a spectacular view, you have to do with it, apply the design in winter you do not plan. The main disadvantage of this type of glazing is that it is not able to retain heat, therefore, even by installing the heating devices on the balcony, you will only spend money.

The following can be attributed to the advantages of such a design:

  • The minimum mass, the absence of partitions, noticeable, makes it light, air.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Gives a large amount of light.

The last item, however, has some minuses. The design is completely transparent, which provides a good review not only to you. It is possible to solve the problem only with the help of glass toning, which will reduce their light translucent ability. It is impossible to consolidate anything on such glazing, so you can not use the curtains or mosquito net too.

You can glall the loggia in this way if you apply the room rarely enough, and it serves to dry in linen or other purposes that do not require the arrangement of the warm room.

If you live with you small children, the windows better equip with special locks that the child will not be able to open. Such devices can be put on the window of any design: it will lock your baby from a random drop from a height.

Most popular materials

Frames can be made from different materials. To date, the most often customers for glazing balconies or loggias prefer PVC windows, but there are also a frame of wood and aluminum.

  • Wooden frames: This material does not lead the strength, but it is able to keep warm well. Modern production conditions allow you to insert double or triple glass in a frame, which significantly increases the tightness of the structure. However, over time, the tree still succumbes, besides this, it is poorly opposed to moisture, condensate can be formed. The mass of the wooden frame significantly exceeds any analogues. This window will be an order of magnitude harder than any of plastic analogs.
  • PVC-profile frame. PVC is a sufficiently strong material for glazing loggias and balconies, which do not affect temperature differences, humidity, other weather conditions. Plastic is capable of listening over 50 years, does not need additional processing. It has high strength, does not highlight harmful substances, well holds heat, the frame of it is closed as intended as possible.

If you precisely decide why you need a balcony, you can unmistakably choose the most convenient and inexpensive way to glate it.

The desire of a modern man by all means to expand the housing space generates more and more new technologies and types of work in the world of the construction industry. So, today you can win a few centimeters of personal premises, increasing our loggia. This can be done by glazing the auxiliary territory (loggia), having carried out a small removal of its windowsill behind the parapet line. Thus, you will have enough convenient, wide and functional windowsill on the loggia, which can easily play the role of the desktop. A high-quality glazing of the obtained space, in turn, will give your apartment more sunlight and visually expand the room.

If you have a desire to draw such a type of work, then below we will imagine you step by step instructions, thanks to which you can cope with the case at the highest level. However, without the help of a partner in this form of repair work, you can not do.

Important: Before starting glazing the loggia with a removal, consult in the relevant authorities, whether such actions will be legitimate about exactly your home. Since the emergency status of the structure or its special design can lead to deplorable results after self-redevelopment of the loggia. Only by having received the appropriate permission from the competent authorities, you can proceed to work.

The tool required for glazing

For a full-fledged repair and construction work on the glazing of a loggia with a removal, you will need the following list of tools and building materials:

  • Metal corners that will perform the role of major carrier brackets.
  • Metal profiles for assembling the necessary durable design (frame).
  • Roulette;
  • Fastening anchors for reliable mounting of metal plates and brackets.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Welding machine.
  • Rechargeable drill screwdriver;
  • Building level.
  • Anti-corrosion metal processing solution.
  • Paint for giving a metal frame of aesthetic species.
  • Insulation.
  • Plastic for the inner and external finishing of the loggia.
  • Professional professional for editing visor.
  • Mounting foam.
  • And the glass windows themselves with a tump and a window sill included.

Important: Before you start work, separate the barrier tape space under the loggia. It must be done in order to avoid possible injury to random passing.

Glazing of loggia with removal. Stages of work

  • First of all, it is necessary to produce all the necessary measurements. You should clearly decide on the distance of the windowsill (it should not exceed 50 cm) per parapet of the loggia.
  • According to the desired, it is necessary to choose metal corners of the appropriate size and firmly attach them to a parapet of the loggia at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other with a direct angle to it. Cutting the carcass fasteners is necessary with the help of building anchors and a screwdriver.

Important: It is correct and firmly fixed corners will carry the maximum load after the glazing site.

Important: The resulting metal frame must be treated with anti-corrosion composition, and after drying it, paint in any desired color. Thus, you can protect the metal from the ambulance and aging due to the aggressive environmental impact.

Warming of glazed loggia

If you want to use a future loggia as a worker or other functional space, then it is best to insulate it. You can do it both outside and from the inside. The insulation can serve as a foam, glass gamble or other breeding material. As in the case of insulation of plasterboard walls inside the room, the thermal insulation material is laid between the very wall of the parapet and its trim. Create the insulation itself using self-tapping screws. After that we are wearing the perimeter of the loggia by any desired material.

Loggia glass

You can install double-glazed windows on the resulting frame. Ideally will be aluminum structures, since they have relatively low weight, easy to install and have increased operational properties.

Windows Mount to the obtained window opening, securely secure them with the help of a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. All possible holes and cracks thoroughly blow the mounting foam.

A couple of days the windows defend, after which they can begin to finish the loggia itself.

Gloomy loggia