Heating in the house is warm floors with their own hands. Warm floor at the cottage with water heating

If a private house is used for year-round accommodation, it must be additionally insulated. It helps reduce heating costs and create a favorable microclimate during the cold season. Many owners of low-rise real estate are primarily interested in the question of how to make a warm floor in a private house and minimize heat losses? In this article, we describe the simplest solution - the installation of a water heating floor system, we will tell about the advantages and disadvantages of technology, features of the pipeline laying.

Why did the warm floor system become so popular? Owners of private houses received an excellent alternative to radiators that do not act so effectively with the tasks set. They cannot evenly warm the room, therefore, the temperature is most opposite from the battery, the temperature is much lower than that on which the heating source is fixed. The difference between the temperature at the floor and the ceiling is huge - the heated air rises up, and it is there that the main heat concentrates. The floor remains cold, so the feeling of unpleasant discomfort arises.

Water warm floors in a private house, providing a number of additional benefits, help to solve this problem. Here is a list of their main positive qualities.

Explicit merit

The first and most important advantage of the warm floor water system is uniformized room heating.

  • Using it as an additional or main source of heat, you can significantly save on home heating.
  • The system helps to completely abandon the use of bulky radiators that fit very badly into the concept of modern interiors.
  • This type of heating does not dry the air indoors, does not burn oxygen.
  • During the operation of the system, there is a large temperature difference between cold and warm air, therefore the curvature processes are excluded. And this means that air flows will not raise dust from the floor, creating difficulties for allergic and people suffering from pulmonary diseases.
  • The presence of a thermostat allows you to adjust and independently control the heating modes.
  • In contrast to electric heap systems, water does not create electromagnetic radiation. It is easy to establish independently, without resorting to expensive help of professional masters.

Existing shortcomings

Before installing the water system, experts recommend to get acquainted with the shortcomings with which it possesses. Similar knowledge will help avoid the most common mistakes:

  • First, the process of assembling a warm floor is a very time-consuming and long-term set of activities that require high initial costs.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to fill the floors with concrete. The pipeline for which it will be forced to run the coolant, it is necessary to drain in the cement-sand tie. In case of its failure, it will be difficult for the repair of individual sections. We will have to turn off the system, completely dismantle the floor covering and drop the concrete tie. And this is very difficult.

Undoubtedly, the system of the system is much more than flaws. Today, new technologies have appeared, helping to bypass them.

Note! If you correctly perform the assembly of the system, then water warm floors will help for many years to forget about discomfort in a house associated with poor-quality heating.


How to make the floor warm.

Collect the water heating system in two ways:

  1. Perform a cement-sand tie (if there is a need to lay a highway on a concrete base).
  2. Use a special flooring system (if the floor base is wooden).
  3. When installing pipes with a concrete screed, the installation scheme is as follows:
  4. The concrete base is cleaned of the construction trash and dust. Carefully examined for identifying defects. Cracks and potholes are filled with thick cement-sandy mortar.
  5. Waterproofing spreads to the floor. A polyethylene film can be used as it. It stacked the mustache, and the seams are bonded by construction scotch.
  6. Dampfer tape is mounted around the perimeter of the room on the walls. It minimizes the effects of screed expansion when drying.
  7. In order for the heat generated by the system, the insulation is laid on the film, one side of which has a foil layer. The thermal insulation material is located in this side up. It is better for these purposes to use a hard material that fits tightly, and the possible gaps between individual elements are filled with mounting foam. From above on the insulation there is a reinforcement grid. It creates the pipeline according to the diagram.
  8. The highway connects to the distribution collector. Pressing system is performed, and it is checked for leakage detection.
  9. If the system works normally, the fill of the floor concrete with your own hands. The concrete screed lines the surface and prepares it to lay the finish flooring. The main thing at this stage is to observe all the subtleties of the technology and make the solution properly. Therefore, we will stop at this point in more detail.

Concrete screed

Water warm floor screed thickness

To the surface of the floor turns out to be smooth, you need to learn in advance how to make a concrete floor in a private house. In detail to study the features of this technology will help the video posted on our website. From the video tutorial, it will become clear how to set beacons, how they can be attached directly to the reinforcement grid, how to pour concrete floor by using self-solely. Therefore, we will not stop in detail on this issue, but we describe how to properly dry the concrete tie.

As a solution for filling, cement and sand is used - two ingredients stirred with water, allow you to get a special mixture, which is very long gaining its fortress. The concrete screed will finally grow out only three weeks after the fill. So that it does not cracked, the screed must be dried correctly:

  1. On the second day after the fill, the concrete screed is perfectly watered with water and covered with a polyethylene film. From above, you can lay a layer of wood sawdust or sand, which every two days will also need to water water.
  2. Open film can be opened only after a two-week term. In the last one third, the screed dries open, but again every two days watered with water.
  3. Include a warm floor system can be only a month after the fill of the concrete. Increase the heating temperature gradually.

Now you know how to fill the floor in the house, how to dry the screed. The final stage is the choice and laying of the floor covering. For the finish finish, it is necessary to choose materials having a minimum heat transfer coefficient. The optimal choice is a ceramic tile. However, today you can also use laminate, linoleum and carpet.

Generalization on the topic

Today, the water heating floor system is actively used to heat private houses. It is easy to collect it yourself simply, if it is detailed to study the algorithm of existing technology. This article described only one method of laying - installation of the system in a concrete tie. On how to lay a warm floor on a wooden base will be described in the following material.

Semen Knyazev

The installation of warm floors is provided with the installation of the heating system with their own hands. Self installs such types of warm floors: infrared, electric, water and film. Water types of warm floors are considered the cheapest and practical. They spend the least of all resources, however, with installation will have to tinker.

Constructive features and organizational moments

Water warm floor is a system of polypropylene, plastic, copper or metal-plastic pipes. The coolant is a liquid that moves along the circuit of the pipeline. The temperature of the liquid, and, consequently, at home, is controlled by a thermostat - a heat-sensitive sensor that is installed at a distance of 80-120 cm above the floor. Note, the thermostat can be located in any of the heated rooms or on the street.

The second distinctive feature of water heating is its economy. However, this system has the opposite direction - a complex installation scheme: under water warm floor, you need to properly prepare the screed, purchase the heat insulator, connect pipes to the boiler and organize the safety of your home. In addition, the water floor requires the connection of the adjusting fittings and the distribution collectors cabinet. The closet contains feed and reverse pipelines connected to the collector.

Methods of installation

How to make a warm floor in a private house? There are two methods of installation - the flooring method and installation on the concrete surface. The first installation method is used exclusively for such types of floor covering: laminate, linoleum and carpet. The second method of the water floor is set for such materials that are put on the concrete screed.

Installation of warm floors in a private house

Installation of warm water floors on a concrete tie is the most popular way to install high-tech heating. This installation scheme has gained high popularity due to high water floors and economy performance.

Step-by-step instruction:

When laying the floor with your own hands, we recommend to adhere to the sequence described above. Go to the most complex stage - to compile the layout of the pipeline and their installation. There are several ways to lay water supply: single and double snake and spiral. Snake schemes are advised to be used for square or rectangular premises, and the second option is for rooms with irregular geometry.

Heating elements of heating are attached to the reinforcement grid on the clamps in 0.5 meters increments. In places potentially high pressure and voltage, the pipeline is strengthened with corrugated pipes. The length of the pipes when laying the outer walls should not exceed 85-95 meters, otherwise the heating system will lose too much heat as a result of the pressure drop at the end of the circuit. On average, 1 m² there are 5 pipe meters of pipes, provided that the step of 200 mm is observed.

Installation of water warm floor with their own hands

Pressing is the final stage on which the pipeline is inspected for integrity. Recommended pressure pressure is 0.3-0.4 MPa. Concrete screed is better to fill after checking the pipeline. The layer thickness should not exceed 45-75 mm. Specialists advise the use of sandbetone M300, or a special material for warm floors.

Outdoor coating placed only after full springs of the screed. When complying with the temperature regime and regular ventilation, the screed will dry for about 20 days. On the warm floor, built with their own hands, can be placed ceramic tiles, linoleum, laminate or carpet.

Installation of the polystyrene heating system

Included with polystyrene plates all necessary materials for installation are sold. The assembly scheme is quite simple: the polystyrene plate has special plates with grooves in which the pipes for water floors are easily snapped. After snapping, the floor can be overlapped by any coating that does not require a special base, for example, a concrete screed.

If you do not imagine the interior without a ceramic tile or linoleum, then in this case we recommend that you install the GVL layer over the polystyrene plates with a thickness of 10-15 mm thick). Hypus fiber is a very strong and lightweight material, so it can be safely putting a tile with your own hands without fear of damaging the heating system.

The modular scheme implies the use of already ready-made chopping plates with special channels under the pipeline. Pipes for heating are installed in the grooves. Then the thermal insulation layer is then placed. The whole design is covered with hvl plates. A suitable type of flooring - for example, linoleum;

  • The installation of the installation of installation is no different from the above described. The only thing that the diagrams are based on this scheme, and not the plates with retainers. After installation, the pipeline is overlapped with GVL plates.
  • Video: Warm floor on a wooden base

    The issue of the organization of heating is the most important for all countries building. Of course, if you exclude the inhabitants of the tropics, where the problem is diametrically opposed. According to estimates, the water floor can save up to 20% of heating costs. But only if everything is done correctly!

    How to start the process of a warm floor device?

    Of course, with the calculations! And very detailed - the wrong choice of laying step or the pipe diameter will lead to the ever-cold rooms or heat strips on the floor. And considering that the system is literally "prompted", the cost of alteration will exceed the device of a new warm floor.

    How to calculate the warm floor?

    Manually do this is quite difficult, so it is better to use one of the special programs, such as Valtec. This is a multifunctional program designed to calculate heating, water supply and hydraulics.

    • accurate indoor data - floor area and walls, size of door and window openings;
    • materials of walls, floor and even ceiling;
    • the location of furniture that will not move - wardrobes, kitchen headsets, shower cabins, etc.;
    • the desired temperature in the premises;
    • the presence and thickness of the carpet coating.

    The advantage of using programs is the simplicity of calculations. Just entering the necessary information into the appropriate cells, you can get the calculation at the output:

    • heat loss in each room;
    • heat load - thermal inflow, which will give a warm floor in each room;
    • hydraulic resistance of the entire system in a private house;
    • the number of all materials required for warm sex.

    What do you need to know to organize a warm floor?

    Before entering the purchase of materials, you need to take into account all the nuances. First, it is the diameter of the pipes. No need to take too big, 16 mm will be enough. The pipe of this diameter allows you to take a step into a minimum 10 cm without a break bend when laying a snake. But the maximum length of the pipe cannot exceed 90 m.

    Secondly, it is a step of laying pipes - ideally it should be within 10-20 cm, and be sure to be multiple 5. Near the outdoor walls and windows, the step is less, and near the internal - more.

    Under heavy furniture, tightly adjacent to the floor and installed in the inner walls, you can start laying the loop at a distance of 1 m from the walls. It is also not necessary to lay pipes under the floor toilet - when drilling holes under the fasteners, you can damage the floor system.

    Thirdly, this is the length of the pipes. It should be the same for all contours connected to one collector. Of course, in practice it is impossible to achieve this, so you need to reduce the difference with a maximum of up to 10 m. So, in large rooms you will have to lay two contours, in small - reduce laying step. It is not recommended to connect to one collector more than 9 contours of 90 m long - it is better to split them into two devices.

    From it can not move pipe up, so on the second floor there will have to put another collector. If the collector is standing on the outer wall, the exhaust pipes are necessarily insulated.

    Laying of a warm floor in a concrete tie

    1. The collector cabinet and the collector itself, to which the pipes will be joined. If necessary, the holes for the withdrawal of pipes are drilled.
    2. On the entire perimeter, as well as between the contours, if they are within the same room, the damper tape is glued to the walls. It compensates for the thermal expansion of the floor and serves as insulation of a cold wall. The width must be 15 cm or more - depending on the thickness of the "cake" of a warm floor.
    3. The insulation is placed on the concrete base. For the first or basement floor without heated basement, it should be thick from 5 cm, on the other floors - from 3 cm. Warm the concrete slab is necessary in order to reduce heat consumption for the heating of this slab. All the same warm air climbs up and warm the lower rooms will not heat the ceiling.
    4. Waterproofing is laid on the insulation and the reinforcement grid is stacked.
    5. Now you can start laying the pipes - from the outer wall to the inner, if the "snake" method is selected, or from the walls to the center, if the pipes are put "snail".
    6. The coils can be fixed with special fasteners, or a conventional plastic construction screed to fittings. In the latter case, it cannot be tightened tight!
    7. After connecting all the contours, a trial launch of the heating system is made - it should be done at maximum pressure and operating temperature 24 hours.
    8. If there are no leaks and other faults, the screed is poured. Under the tile it can be thicker - up to 5 cm, and under the laminate, poorly accumulating and conductive heat, it is not necessary to make it more than 2 cm. In this case, the screed is reinforced by the second layer of grid laid on top of the pipes.
    9. It is important not to forget to water the concrete daily, because it is gaining hardness when contacting water. Floor coating stealth after 28 days, after full of screed.

    If the house is wooden or frame, and the bearing overlaps are not designed for the weight of a concrete screed, you can arrange a flooring floor. His advantage is the lack of a "wet" process, so immediately after installing the system, you can enjoy warmth in the house.

    Another undoubted plus of this solution is a small cake thickness and the possibility of laying on the old wooden floor. About how easy it is to do, intelligibly shown on the video:

    What is a water heated floor? This is a capital liquid heating system in which air heating in the room occurs due to the use of the flooring design with the pipe system, which circulates the coolant. System The warm floor is connected to the local (gas boiler) or the central heating system.

    The water outdoor heating system can be operated as the main heating of the house (independent source of heating) or, as an additional. Depending on the execution and method of heating, different types of warm floors are distinguished: water and (cable, rod,).

    Water warm floor is a durable and economical heating system, but its installation is associated with significant difficulties and costs. Therefore, installation of the system The warm floor is instructed by professionals. For those who decided to make a water warm floor with their own hands, we will tell, from what stages this process consists, and pay attention to the main subtleties of design and installation.

    Water warm floor - advantages and disadvantages


    • efficient heat redistribution, providing uniform heating of the entire premises;
    • providing natural air circulation;
    • compatibility of a warm floor with any type of floor covering (provided that it is well conducted heat: tile, laminate, natural stone);
    • the ability to establish an autonomous system (individual heating) or connect to central heat supply highway;
    • reduction of heating costs by 20-40% (in comparison with radiator);
    • independence from power supply (and interruptions in the power grid);
    • the ability to adjust the temperature in separate rooms and at any time of the day;
    • minimum costs during self-installation;
    • the appearance of the premises is improved by the absence of radiators and visible heating systems;


    • inertia system. The time of heating the room is 4-6 hours (depending on the volume, area);
    • the complexity of the design in the case of the use of warm sex as the only source of heating of the room;
    • high cost of installation;
    • it is difficult to regulate the temperature regime in the case of connecting to the central highway of heat supply;
    • decrease in the height of the room by raising the floor by 100-120 mm.;
    • eliminating the use of such floor coverings as a carpet, carpet or palace;
    • the possibility of leakage (in the apartment - flooding the neighbors from the bottom, in a private house - basement);
    • low maintainability of the pipe system;

    Water warm floor - Montage with your own hands

    Step-by-step instructions for water heating of the floor includes the execution of four consecutive steps:

    1. Develop yourself, download ready-made typical or order individual warm water floor project. At this stage, an attraction of a specialist is recommended to eliminate errors.
    2. Choose equipment and building materials.
    3. Perform correct installation of the system a warm floor.
    4. Check and first launch of water warm floor.
    5. Finishing, laying of floor covering (tile, laminate, linoleum).

    1 stage - the design of a warm floor

    Before proceeding with the preparation of the project, it is necessary to make sure that there are no strange obstacles to mount the system in the room. As such, they can act:

    • height of the room. The thickness of the warm floor of the water (mounted system) is 100-120 mm. This leads to a lift of the floor to the appropriate height;
    • door installation location. Due to the installation of the system, the floor level rises. It is necessary to maintain the height of the doorway at 2200 mm (standard door and mounting gaps) or estimate the possibility of increasing the doorway or estimate how much the manufacturer of the door to order;
    • outcomes windows. The windows located on the north or north-west, or a wind-oriented, or having a large size, can lead to the fact that the system power will need to increase to compensate for heat loss through the outer contour and provide the desired room temperature;

      Note. If the calculated thermal losses are more than 100 W / m.kv. Mounting the water heating system is impractical.

    • beam Bailed Capacity or Plate. Considering the weight of the concrete screed, you should evaluate the abilities of the plates or beams of overlap to withstand the weight of the water heating floor system. Old overlaps are not yet a reason to abandon the system as a whole, but the reason to learn the flooring water floor.

    In view of the requirements listed above, water warm floors in the private house have become more distribution than in apartments in high-rise buildings.

    If obstacles are not observed for the device, you can proceed to design.

    Warm floor calculation

    The calculation of the required amount of material is performed depending on the parameters of the heated room and the technical characteristics of the component of equipment and materials. The calculation of the warm water floor is made on the basis of the following data:

    • floor area and room height;
    • material of walls and floors;
    • degree and type of thermal insulation;
    • type of floor covering;
    • material and diameter of pipes;
    • power heating element (boiler or central);
    • the desired temperature mode (see table).

    Limit (maximum) surface temperature of a warm floor for premises of various purposes

    After that, a sketch is made (the scheme, drawing), reflecting the installation site of the main equipment, the method and step of placing pipes.

    How to make water warm floor

    Be sure to pay attention (device features):

    • in places of furniture placement, install heating elements of the floor can not, because It can cause their overheating and drying;
    • it is not recommended to exceed the length of the contour over 90 m (the limit value depends on the pipe cross section);

    The maximum length of the heat-insulated floor circuit of water (loop) depending on the pipe diameter used

    The deviation is explained by the fact that hydraulic resistance (slowing down the movement of the coolant) and the thermal load is directly dependent on the pipe diameter.

    The masters are considered the optimal, contour length of 50-60 m (when the pipe section is 20 mm). If necessary, it is advisable to set two contours of the same length. This is due to the fact that in the process of movement in the pipes, hot years gives part of the heat energy, and the floor temperature is reduced. The use of short circuits will provide uniform heating of the floor over the entire area.

    Note. The length of the contour is calculated from the outlet point from the collector, not only at the entrance to the heated room.

    • half floor laying step is 100-500 mm;

    Note. When using water heating floor as an additional (alternative) heating source, a step of laying pipes in 300-500 mm is recommended. In the case of installation of a non-alternative (main) system, the step decreases and is 100-300 mm. If the "heat zebra" effect appears exceeding the laying step, and the difference in the surface temperature of the floor is fertilized.

    • installing thermostators will help to avoid overheating, and reduce the cost of operation of the system.

    Water warm floor in the apartment from central heating

    Important. Installation of the system The warm floor in the apartment is conjugate with a number of difficulties. In particular, it is necessary to provide a project in the hob or society of co-owners, as well as the district heating network. After approval of the project, to obtain a conclusion about the possibility of installing the system. Typically, the installation is allowed only in new homes, where there is a separate riser for pumping hot water (used in the event of a breakthrough).

    The installation of the warm floor in the bathroom is allowed by connecting through the access to the coil from the heated towel rail. For heating a small area, permission is not required.

    In addition to the component installation scheme at the design stage, a type (type) of a warm floor system is selected.

    1. Concrete system. Suggests the fill of the pipes concrete (arrangement of the screed);
    2. Flooring system. It assumes the use of flooring from a tree or polystyrene. In this case, there are no "wet" processes and the speed of work increases.

    2 Stage - Accessories for a warm floor

    Warm floor water, it is a complex pipe system with a coolant. Therefore, we list what is needed for a warm floor device (system components).

    Warm water boiler

    Optimal and common option in a private house (apartment) - connection to the gas boiler. If there is no individual heating in the apartment, you can connect to the central heating highway, but the autonomy of the project is lost.

    It is also possible to use electric water floors. Their feature is that the heating cable is laid inside the pipe, which guarantees uniform heating of the coolant (water, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol) throughout the length of the contour. Undoubted advantage is the possibility of installation in apartment buildings (because they are not connected to the heating highway, which means there is no risk of damage to the attachment node). But there is a significant disadvantage - the high cost of electricity, which is necessary to ensure the functioning (heating) of the system.

    The calculated boiler power must be 15-20% higher than the total power of all floors indoors.

    Circulation pump for a warm floor

    We are needed to ensure the movement of the coolant in the system. The pump built into the boiler will not cope with the load, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe house exceeds 100 m.KV.

    Warm water floor pipes

    • copper pipes According to experts, the ideal option is considered - durable, distinguished by high heat transfer, but their cost will significantly increase the installation budget;
    • pipes from metalplastic Lidd by price / quality ratio. Their composition eliminates the appearance of corrosion and accumulations, which leaves the diameter of the pipe cross section unchanged. In addition, metal-plastic pipes have low weight, it is easily bent and possess a high temperature limit.
    • polypropylene pipes Attract low price, but high probability to buy low-quality goods.
    • PEX-pipe from stitched polyethylene is distinguished by reliability, but require hard attachment, because When heated straightened. Users recommend to reduce the mounting step of holders when using a 2-3 times res.

    The optimal cross section is 16-20 mm. Pipe consumption per 1 m.KV. 5-6 mp (at a step in 200 mm).

    Note. According to reviews, users advise to use products only known brands (Uponor, Rehau).

    Heater for warm water floors

    As thermal insulation, materials can be used:

    • foil polyethylene (with a minimum blood pressure thickness);
    • polystyrene foam. Users recommend using ready-made heat-insulating mats, having protrusions for laying pipes with a step of 50x50 mm;
    • mineral wool. Users speak poorly in the case of a device of a concrete system due to the ability of Minvati absorb part of moisture from the solution.

    Council. The thermal insulation layer (the thickness of the heaters for the warm floor) above the basement, in the basement floor, on the first floor in a private house should be thicker. In addition, the higher the alleged temperature of the coolant, the thicker it is necessary to make a layer of thermal insulation.

    Flow counter heat

    The installation of the heat meter in the apartment is relevant when it is possible to permit on the device of a warm floor of a water-in-room in an apartment building.

    Collector cabinet

    It is established for the installation of adjusting elements and docking the contour pipes with the thermal supply.

    Reinforcing mesh

    Regarding the stacking of the reinforced stack of users, users are diverged. In general, the reinforcement grid will further increase the concrete screed after laying the pipe system.

    Components for tie devices

    • concrete (cement, sand, water);
    • damper ribbon 100-150 mm wide;
    • fasteners for fixing pipes.

    3 Stage - installation of warm water floor with their own hands

    1. Installation of the collector cabinet

    Installation of the system begins with the installation of a collector cabinet, which are mandatory elements of which are (collector node): collector, pump, air vent valve and drain removal. The gabaris of the collector depend on its configuration. It is recommended to install a collector in equal distance from all contours. In case of the impossibility of performing this recommendation, near the longest from the contours.

    Important. When installing the collector, free space for triggering pipes is provided. It is not allowed to install pipes from above, only below. This will ensure the normal movement of the coolant. Installing the locking valve between the system of the pipeline and the collector simplifies the system maintenance if necessary (prevention, descent, repair).

    2. Preparation of the base under the warm floor

    The surface is cleaned from the garbage, the heights of the floor (slopes, elevations) are eliminated.

    The prepared surface is carried out by laying of heat-insulating material that reduces heat loss through the floor. Next covers waterproofing film. Laying the damper tape protects the thermal expansion of the concrete screed.

    Flooring under water warm floor need to be aligned to provide the same screed in the thickness (the key to the uniform heat distribution over the surface)

    3. Laying pipes for a warm floor

    Installation of water heat pipes can be performed by several methods (laying schemes):


    Pipes are stacked around the perimeter of the room narrowing to the center. The laying of pipes through a row is required to ensure the possibility of reverse coolant and more uniform heat return.

    The method is used when due to the complex configuration of the room, the center of the pipe system must be shifted, as well as in rooms of more than 40 m.kv.

    Snake (loops)

    In this case, the pipe from the heater runs along the outer wall, then waves wave back. The scheme is suitable for small rooms.

    Meander (Double Snake or Combined Scheme)

    The snake loops are located in parallel and allow you to organize the movement of the warm and cooled heat carrier in the pipes. This is good because it allows you to compensate for the cooling of pipes.

    Material prepared for WWW.Site site

    Council. Masters advise to start laying from outdoor or colder room walls.

    To make the layout correctly, the newcomer is recommended to first put markings on the floor surface. At the time of installation of a warm floor in subsequent rooms, the laying will be made on the eye. Only solid pipes or reliable connections are used for laying.

    Stop laying of pipes from connecting one end to the feed collector.

    It is possible to organize insulation near the outer walls by changing the procedure for laying pipes, as shown in the diagram.

    After laying the pipe to the designated circuit, it is fixed by the clamp. As an option, you can use a dowel and tie a pipe to them using copper wire or put the reinforcement grid on the floor and tie the pipe to it with the possibility of thermal expansion of materials.

    Simplifies the work of the ribbed polystyrene substrate under the warm floor of water, the use of which simultaneously allows to ensure thermal insulation and put pipes with smooth rows.

    4. Connecting a warm floor collector

    After laying the contour, the free end of the pipe is connected to the return collector.

    5. Pressing Warm Water

    Covering pipes (hydraulic test), such a name is the procedure for checking the quality of laying, because At this stage there is a possibility to make adjustments to the heating system of water heating floor.

    Pressing provides for water intake to the system under high pressure. The pressure recommended for verification exceeds the calculated working 1.5-2 times (at least 0.6 MPa). In the first half hour crimping, it is permissible to reduce pressure by no more than 10%, in the next 2 - 15% of the source value. The water temperature remains unchanged. Check time - day and more. If the violations are not detected, and the floor warms it evenly can continue to continue.

    6. Screed for warm water floor

    For a screed can be used:

    • any finished mixture, which is mandatory characteristic of which is the ability to work well;
    • classic concrete (with a grade cement at least m 300) with the addition of plasticizer (3-5%).

    The height of the screed ranges in the range of 3-7 mm. Pouring of the solution is performed with a complete (filled heat carrier) system with a pressure specified during pressure testing. The total time to frozen concrete is 28 days. For the mixture - the time of frozen is determined by the manufacturer.

    Note. On the surface of a significant area (more than 40 m.KV) provides for the device of compensatory seams.

    4 Stage - the first launch of the warm floor of water

    After full frosted (drying), the floor screed system is ready for launch. It reaches the specified parameters for 2-3 days.

    5 Stage - finishing of a warm floor

    Fully finished warm floor is covered with finishing material. Today, the tile and laminate remain the most popular flooring.

    Water warm floor under the laminate was widespread. However, the installation of laminate in this case is performed with some nuances:

    • the quality of the laminate must be confirmed by the certificate. After all, with its heating, harmful substances will be released into the room. Usually, laminate for a warm floor marked "Warm Wasser";
    • the heat insulator under the laminate does not fit;
    • required ventilation of the floor of the covered laminate. For this, the perimeter is leaving a 10-15 mm thick gap, which is then closed by a plinth;
    • before laying, the laminate is placed in the room for a set of floor temperature. In this case, packaging with lamellas must be placed on the floor, and not to fold into one high stack.

    As you can see additional difficulties, the use of laminate as an outdoor coating does not create, but the masters advise to use water warm floor under the tile. This is due to the fact that the laminate is characterized by low thermal conductivity (the thickness of the lamel, the lower this indicator), and the connectors are present, the evaporation of which is not the best way to reflect on the health of residents at home.

    How to make a water warm floor with your own hands - video

    Water warm floors will serve for a long time in the event that adhere to the recommendations for their operation, which contain user feedback. The main requirements are as follows:

    • we need a gradual set of temperature. You can not run the system to "maximum" after the idle period (until completely cooling the floor). Users recommend a stepped increase - by 4-5 ° C per day;
    • the temperature of the incoming coolant should not exceed 45 ° C;
    • it is not recommended to include / disable the system often. This will not lead to additional savings;
    • it is necessary to ensure optimal humidity in the room. Balanced microclimate will benefit on human health.


    In addition to installing a warm water floor system inside the house, you can perform installation work on the street, for example, for the device of the synthetia and anti-icing system (for heating the pedestrian path, input zone, porch, stairs, car parking, etc.).

    Floor insulation in a private house - the task is not easy. If the floors are insulated in multi-storey buildings at the expense of the lower floor, then in a private house it is exactly the opposite. Cold air comes from the ground, which makes the task of owners of private houses much more complicated. Therefore, owners of private houses pay special attention to the issue of floor insulation in their home.

    Of course, modern technologies solved this problem, and not in some ways. Exist three types of floor insulation in private homes:

    • insulated screed;
    • warmed wooden flooring;
    • a variety of floor heating systems.

    The easiest and cheap way Make the floor is to pour its surface with a screed. The mixture of sand and cement costs much cheaper than other building materials, but this type of gender has the greatest drawback - cold happens from it. In winter, without slippers, it is absolutely impossible to walk along the concrete tie. But today modern technologies solved this problem. Under the screed layer, the insulation is stacked, which, though a bit, but solves this problem. Ceramzite, granulated slag and foams are suitable as insulating materials. Modern masters mainly give preference to foam.

    The structure of our concrete screed in the context will resemble a cake that has several layers. First, foam plastic is stacked on the surface of the floor for insulation, and then the screed is already poured. The process of filling the concrete screed occurs about five stages:

    • The first stage is the waterproofing of the surface. It is best to lay out special waterproofing materials to prevent the appearance of mold and different fungi. For this problem, such a material is suitable such as a dense polyethylene film, which is laid directly to the surface of the soil. But it is best to use a special waterproof barrier that is made from bitumen mastic;
    • The second stage is to sample throughout the perimeter along the walls at an altitude of up to 15 cm of porous material from foamed vinyl. This material ensures the plasticity of foam at temperature drops and protect it from cracklers;
    • The third stage is the foam foam. Foams should be made tightly to each other. If the concrete solution falls into the formed slits, then the cold can penetrate, which makes our work perfectly useless. Therefore, the appeared cracks are filled with mounting foam;
    • The fourth stage is the reinforcement of the screed. Concrete screed without reinforcement on foam will not last one year. There are several months enough so that the concrete screed began to crack and will not pass and one year, as it simply crushes into parts. Therefore, reinforcement can be said is a prerequisite;
    • The fifth stage is the screed itself. After the reinforcement stage, the concrete solution is poured. The thickness of the concrete screed must exceed 50 mm. The concrete solution should be stronger, that is, the usual ratio of 1: 4 is not suitable, it is better to use a 1: 3 ratio. Also in order to avoid crackling, plasticizers add to the concrete solution.

    The process of insulation of a concrete screed occurs approximately. Although the concrete screed is the cheapest and affordable type of floor, but this is not enough for your home to be cozy and comfortable. For this, they also resort to the help of a variety of heating systems.

    Concrete floor heating system in a private house

    For floor heating in a private house there are mass options. Basically distinguish three types of heating:

    • electric;
    • infrared;
    • water.

    To heal the concrete tie is best suited water warm floor. This system is quite simple to use, so that it can be done independently. But the calculation and design of such a system is best to leave professionals. If you think about such a system to the smallest details and do not save on building materials, it can serve as one dozen years.

    The advantages of this system are more than enough, the first of which is the absolute economy of electricity, due to the connection of the system to central heating. You are not only a warm floor, according to which you can walk barefoot, but also safe to use the heating system. The second, installation and installation of water warm floor does not require much work and costs, so it is also possible to install such a system.

    How does the warm water floor system work?

    The main elements of water warm floor are polymer pipesin which hot water circulates. The system is connected to central heating or to an individual boiler room, which is heated due to liquid or solid fuel.

    The temperature in the pipes is regulated by the thermostat, which is connected to the pipes. Thermostators are installed on the walls, and it is enough to set the desired temperature in them so that the system earned. Automatic thermostats are most convenient to use. Reaching the desired temperature, the system is automatically cooled.

    Installation of water warm floor occurs in three stages.

    First, the soil itself is prepared, in which pipes will be folded. The entire perimeter is cleared of construction waste, all the drops and slopes are attached.

    Secondly , put substrates under the pipe. It will help to direct heat up and evenly distribute all over the room. For this task, thermal insulation plates are excellent, which also play the role of pipe clamps.

    Thirdly, the concrete screed itself is poured. The thickness of the flooded screed must be at least 3 cm.

    One of the lack of water warm floor is that it is categorically incompatible with wood. This system is effective only if your room is flooded with a concrete tie.

    Wooden floor heating system in a private house

    For heating the wooden floor, special effort is not required, as wood is a warm material that does not need additional heating. The only thing you can do is strengthen its efficiency Due to additional heating systems. But laying insulation, we can deprive our floor of ordinary ventilation, why wooden material is deformed. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the system of waterproofing and the more carefully think through, the better.

    For wood insulation, it is enough to lay mineral insulation under flooring. Polyfoam is not recommended to use, as it does not let the air. And as a result, natural ventilation of the room is disturbed. Everything that can be done in this case is leave space between wooden flooring and insulation. Space in the amount of 50 mm will be quite enough so that natural ventilation does not disturb.


    Finally, we can say that the floors in a private house are in a private house - not such a difficult task. With a responsible approach to the case and careful design of the system, all the work can be made independently. But in modern homes, the floor heating system has already been calculated and its lucky owners do not think about such a problem.