Lake yshk count. Selection of the date of travel and resting

Central Asia, in addition to numerous attractions, can boldly boast of its highlight - Issyk-Kul Lake. This unique lake at the same time enters the thirty largest planet lakes in the area, and in depth.

Mountain Issyk-Kul continues to attract the attention of the tourist community. Annually the flow of vacationers increases. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows where Issyk-Kul Lake is located and what it is famous.

Issyk-Kul is located in Kyrgyzstan. This republic was part of the Soviet Union, and its attraction belonged to a vast country. To get to the time to the lake was not difficult. Today, to enjoy the beauty of one of the deepest lakes of the world, you will have to cross several states with which Kyrgyzstan is bordered by: China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Lake Issyk-Kul is included in the top of the largest areas of the world and occupies the seventh place in.

1609 meters above sea level determines the location of the Kyrgyz lake. The exact location of Issyk-kul can be found in the geographic map. If you consider it carefully, then the first thing is to come back on the North Tian-Shan mountain system. The ridges of Tessey-Ala-Tau and Kyunghay-Ala-Tau from two sides surround the reservoir.

Issyk-Kul has four bays: Pokrovsky, Tyudsky, Jergalan, fishing. The coastline of the lake was swollen almost 700 km. The dimensions of Lake Issyk Cold are impressive. From the west to East, Issyk-Kul is measured at one hundred and eighty two kilometers, from north to south - fifty-eight kilometers. The climate in Kyrgyzstan is very soft, so even in the most severe winter, the lake is not covered with ice. For several decades, cyclicity of water levels have been observed in Issyk-Kul. It increases, then decreases.

The lake causes interest not only as a tourist object, but also as an object for research. The amazing look of the lake is visible even from space. It did not leave a single astronaut indifferent. They are all as one admire the Kyrgyz reservoir. The legendary conqueror of Cosmos, Alexey Leonov, compared a mountain miracle with man's eye. Tourists usually combine the visit of Lake Issyk-Kul and

What a water in Issyk Cul: Salt or Fresh

The answer to this question will rather give constant visitors who will confirm his salinity with confidence. However, the discovers of the alpine lake are confident that the water in it is fresh. This opinion comes from the erroneous comparison of Issyk-Kul with Lake Baikal. However, the similarity of two lakes is completed by large sizes and purest water.

For sure to find out what kind of water in Issyk-Kul, we will share the decision of this issue from a scientific point of view.

Issyk-Kul - closed lake. It does not have the world's ocean. Approximately eighty tributaries flow into the lake. From the east, Jergalan and TJU fall from the West - Kutemalda. The latter duct refers to the Chu River, which takes place very close to the lake. Six kilometer Kutemalda replenishes Issyk-Kul only in spring flood.

Issyk-Kul can be considered the center of the accumulation of glacial rivers, which carry the soluble mineral salts in their waters: sodium, sulfate, chloride and magnesium. This lake can rightly be considered a healthy-European and even world importance, due to its therapeutic mineral water.

Where did the name of the lake come from

There are several explanations where Issyk-Kul come from. If you take into account the origin of words in the title of the lake, they have Turkic roots. The Turkic Words of Osian-Kўl became the progenitors of the modern name of Issyk-Kul. Kyrgyz writing Lake Yysk Kөl denotes a "hot lake" because it does not freeze in the winter season. We already know that this is due to a mild climate, very salted water and huge heat reserves, which is stored at the depths of Issyk-kul.

EM. Murzaev, Soviet physicist Geographer, in due time, engaged in the history of the name of the lake, leans towards the theory, which goes far into antiquity. Indigenous Kyrgyz consider Issyk-Kul with a sacred lake. His holiness of the nation honors long century, keeping it today. The ancient name TUZ Kul, that is, the "salt lake".

Reasons to visit Issyk-Kul

The most important argument, as soon as possible to go to Issyk-Kul - lead your health in order. This is an amazing place that combines fresh mountain air and therapeutic and mineral water. The health resort is waiting for its visitors from the second half of June to the end of the summer. Since those who want to improve their health increases annually, then therapeutic institutions increase depending on demand. In addition to sanatoriums and boarding houses, you can stay in hotels, holiday homes, leisure complexes.

Issyk-Kul Brushes place for avid fishermen. The species diversity of fish has about twenty families. Most were delivered intentionally and adapted to mountain water. One of the acclimatized species is Gegarkuni, brought from Armenia. Fishermen often brag about trout and Chebak. It happens that individuals come out more than 15 kilograms.

The alpine lake very attracts lovers to contemplate beautiful places on the planet Earth. Issyk-Kul, like Baikal, manitis with its pure and transparent water. During the day, it is possible to observe how the color palette of the water changes. The color scheme plays a variety of paints: it blinds the look of emerald overflows, then the blue waves excite the heart to his head.

Not less fascinating Issyk-Kul with their attractions and legends.

Legends and secrets of the Kyrgyz miracle

Issyk-Kul full of riddles and legends. Gides with a special interest narrate on local sacraments and legends. In confirmation of the mysteriousness of the high mountain lake, let's get acquainted with some of them.

The first legend states how the mountain pool appeared. It happened in the distant past, when there was no reservoir in mom. And at its place today there was a magnificent city. But the life of a large settlement was interrupted in one moment. During the strongest earthquake, the Earth concluded and "swallowed" the city along with its inhabitants, leaving in his place a huge depression. A huge recess has become rapidly filled with water and turned into a mountain lake.

As it turned out later, not all residents died in that catastrophe. Several girls left alive, which on the day of the tragedy went into the mountains behind the rush. Mountain so overwhelmed young beauties that they could not accept the loss of their relatives. As soon as the sun was boosted, they came to the reservoir and buried bitterly, suffering from losses of loved ones. The tears was so much that they turned the fresh water of the lake in the salty. It is the combustible tears of suffering girls gave the name to Lake Issyk, which is translated as "hot." By the first word, Kyrgyz added Claus, which means the lake in translating.

The elders confirm that the mouth of Issyk-kul is fully consistent with its name. If you look at the lake in the water for a long time, then you can clearly trace his mood, similar to the experiences of surviving girls. Transparent emerald color during the calm envelopes with its magic, and insane waves, swirling in the storm are ready to break the coast in the shreds.

No less interesting is the legend of Tamerlane. The Turkic commander for seven years was on the lake three times. The truthfulness of this legend testifies to the pass located in the eastern part of the lake. It was formed during the military campaigns of Tamerlan in these lands. Each time, making another trip to seize the local population, the Central Asian conqueror ordered the warriors to take one stone and put them in one place. When all the army passed, the stone mountain was formed in this place. However, Tamerlana's conquest hikes failed. He could not conquer the indigenous tribes. The local population was quite dodgy. The tribes before the approach of the Tamerlan troops were moved from the country and worried in secluded places. For a long time to be in the Kyrgyz territory, Tamerlan could not, he needed to conquer other lands. Returning back, the commander gave an order to each warrior to take a stone from the first heap and shifting it to another. In this way, Tamerlan recalculated his soldiers. Hence the name of the artificial mountain "Santash" - counting stones.

Lake Issyk-Kul today is one of the most attractive natural attractions of Central Asia. Not the first decade, it attracts travelers and researchers. Many people heard about him, but if you ask Russians, where Issyk-Kul Lake is located, then only half of the respondents can answer this question correctly.

Location of Lake Issyk-Kul

What is pretty surprising, but some of the Russians believes that this lake is located in Russia. But in fact, this opinion is erroneous because it is a lake located in Kyrgyzstan. And if there are people among the Russians themselves who believe that this lake is located in Russia, the fact that then we can say about foreigners who cannot even answer the question, Kyrgyzstan is or not, since some of them still use old Maps on which this state was part of the Soviet Union.

In fact, this lake is located in the northeast of Kyrgyzstan, just between two large ridges of North Tien Shan: Kununga-Alatau and Tereksha-Alatau. Not every traveler knows that in the translation means these names, and meanwhile they are symbolic, because Kununga-Alatau is translated as "addressed to the Sun", and Torsk Alatau - "addressed from the Sun". This lake is pretty high above sea level, at an altitude of 1609 meters and is one of the deepest and large mountain lakes.

If you see where Kyrgyzstan is on the world map, then you can pay attention to the fact that most of this state is covered with mountains. And to be more accurate, then 3/4 of Kyrgyzstan is the mountains; Moreover, two mountain systems stretched through this country: the Northeast of the country is the Mountain System of Tien Shan, and South-West - Pamiro-Altai. Among the natural attractions, there is also a giant Intille Glacier, as well as hydrogen sulfide thermal sources. Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in this country, but in fact the lakes here are a lot, more than 3 thousand.

What is noteworthy of this lake?

Many Russians know that Baikal is the cleanest lake on the planet; Water in it is not only very clean, but also transparent. But do many of whether they know that the second lake on purity and transparency is Issyk-Kul? It is often also called a mountain pearl, because depending on what time of day to look at it, its color may vary from dark blue and to the emerald. It all depends on how the lake is covered, and such a variety of color schemes attracts many tourists and holidays to this lake. But do they all know why this lake plays almost all the colors of the rainbow?

Water reserves in the lake are constantly replenished due to the fact that there are many robusts in it, which are replenished due to the melting of snow in the mountains and glaciers. For example, such mountain rivers fall here like:

  • Jergalan,
  • Ak-Terek,
  • Ogum.

This lake only flows about 80 rivers, but no water source flows out, therefore all minerals that fall into it with river water are increasingly concentrated. Just all the most affects the fact that the water in this lake is salted.

Many tourists prefer rest in Kyrgyzstan on Lake Issyk-Kul, Just because the water here is not just salted, but useful for the body. Water in this water source mineral, as there is quite a lot of chloride, sulfate, sodium and magnesium in it.

Due to such a variety of chemical composition, water is painted in incredible colors. It should also be paid to the fact that in the water of this lake there is a rather high percentage of oxygen, which also has a beneficial effect on those vacationers who prefer daily water treatments instead of resting on the shore.

When is the best rest on the lake?

Today, many tourists loved rest on Lake Issyk-Kul, as you can swim here from the very first summer month and already up to the middle. The advantage of this rest is that there is no summer suffocating heat here, as the lake is surrounded from all sides by the mountains. Marine climate here is much more favorable than in the Black Sea. In addition, the sun in this place shines at least less than 300 days a year; Sunny day indicator is significantly lower.

You can stay here almost all year round, because even in winter the lake does not freeze. Of course, in winter it will not work in it, but the climate itself is enveloping. Winter in this region is warm, both the coldest months are both January and February. Even in these cold months, the air temperature can only change from +5 to -5 degrees. If the weather is stable and the wind does not change its direction, then the thaws may not be in January or in February.

As for the summer period, the weather here can be called moderately warm. All summer months shines sunshine and cloudy weather is quite rare. And although in the summer almost every day the sun shines, but the rains here falls more than once in the summer months. The warmest month is July, and air temperature +17 can hold 2-3 weeks. But there are exceptions when the air temperature may rise to +32 degrees. And although the air temperature is on average only +17 degrees, but the water temperature holds a long way +22 degrees, so you can swim in the lake all summer.

Autumn lasts only two months - this is October and. During these months, the sun can be warm, the sun shines, but at night there is a winter approach: the air temperature is lowered and can become only +5 degrees. And with the sunset sharply cold, so that for those tourists who delay for these months, you can give advice to take warm things with you. But it is worth noting that if the rains often come here in the summer months, then autumn is distinguished by warm and dry weather.

It should be noted that the Lake Basin was very long to be one of the hard-to-reach areas of Kyrgyzstan, because it is surrounded by quite powerful ridges from all sides. But when it was discovered that the water of the lake is a healing, the road was laid here through the Boom Gorge. In addition, there are two airports on the territory of the basin. So here you can get both groundwall and air, which is very attracted by many tourists.

History of Lake

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this lake is very deep, so it does not even have time to cool in winter. The name of Issyk-Kul itself is translated as a "hot lake", which also attracts many holidaymakers here. But in antiquity it had a different name - TUZ-Kul, which was translated as a "salt lake". Water from it can not be drinking neither to people nor animals. The first studied this lake one of the most famous Russian travelers and scientists of P.P. Semenov-Tian-Shan. After him, the second traveler from Russia was also here - N.M. Przhelzhalvsky. Having been here, he said the famous phrase that this place was like Switzerland, but only the best.

On the coast of this lake there are many resorts that work both in the summer and in winter. Not only Kyrgyz arrive here, but also Russians, Ukrainians, as well as residents of other states.

Today, many tourists are also attracted here that in 2006, the archaeologists at the bottom of the lake found a very ancient city. Rather, not the city itself, but its ruins. As it turned out later, there was once a civilization that flourished 2500 years ago. Due to the fact that the city is located at the bottom of the lake, it is difficult to explore, but the archaeologists of the Kyrgyz-Russian University were put forward to the assumption that the grave of Genghis-Khan was also located here.

Even in the Middle Ages, there was a legend that on the shore of this lake stood the city of Chig, through which the silk path passed. There are very powerful khans in this city who collected tribute from merchants. But then this city disappeared and it was known only from the legends. Many scientists considered information about the city of Myth, but some travelers reported that the ruins were seen at the bottom of Issyk-kul. And only in the late 80s of the last century, the first expedition was sent, which began the study of the underwater kingdom of this lake.

As you can read from its reports, at the bottom of the lake there were indeed found some ruins. And in 2006, full-fledged research was held, which confirmed that an ancient civilization was resting at the bottom of the lake. Even today, any tourist on a sunny day through the transparent waters of the lake can see at the bottom of the ruins of stone buildings. Perhaps, another legend is confirmed shortly, which at the bottom of the lake there are 200 trends, including Treasures of Chinchis-Khan.

Lake Issyk-Kul is well acquainted not only by residents of Kyrgyzstan and nearby countries - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It is a unique "lake-sea", as Kyrgyz call him, entails tourists from many regions of Asia and Europe. Rest here is good at any time of the year.

And this is not surprising - the characteristics of the lake are largely unique, and have no analogues:

The beauty of the lake is such that the famous traveler N.M. Przhevalsky bequeathed to bury himself off the coast of Issyk-kul, which was fulfilled. His grave is near the coast, near the city of Karakol.

Legendary reservoir

In one of the works of Ilf and Petrova, there is an episode, where two unbind journalists describe the legend about how Lake Issyk-Kul arose. They even come up with their transfer of the name of the reservoir - "the heart of beauty is prone to treason." But in fact, translated from the Kyrgyz "Issyk-Kul" means "hot lake".

And his own legend in Lake Issyk-Kul also has.

Once in these parts lived a brutal and powerful Han. He became famous not only by his ferocity, but also a consolidation. Older years before it did not earn it, that in the family of the poor nomad is an incredible beauty girl, and Khan decided to take possession of her.

The girl lived at the foot of the mountains, near the stream, and every day came to her house Jigites, seeking to achieve her location, but she remained adamant. She waited for a mysterious rider on a white horse, who loved, meeting once in the mountains, and promised to wait until he arrived and would not take her wife. And so that nothing happens to her, the rider left his girlfriend his magic ring - while she wore him, all the troubles went around.

But the Messengers of the Old Han appeared. The girl rejected the proposal of Tirana, and went into the mountains to find his beloved. And suddenly she discovered that the magic ring was gone. And immediately, she was captured by the servants of Khan and the force was taken to his palace.

An abstract old man snapped her gold and silks, tried to blind an unprecedented luxury and expensive gifts, but nothing helped to achieve the desired. Then Khan threatened to apply strength, and, without having another exit, the beauty rushed out of the window in the abyss.

Issyk-Kul 2014, parasailing flight on a parachute!

In that moment, when her body touched the earth, the mountains trembled, and the walls of the huge Khan palace were stuck and collapsed, water was hung out of the gorges, and after some time everything was flooded so that there was no trace from Han, nor from his possessions. So Lake Issyk-Kul appeared.

Traces of ancient conquerors

Another legend is connected with the great conqueror of Tamerlane. At least three times, he appeared off the coast of Issyk-kul, trying to conquer local peoples, but every time nomads retreated, and Tamerlan left with nothing.

In one of the trips, Tamerlan ordered each warrior to take a stone and quit in a bunch, and formed a big hill. Returning out of the campaign, the warlord commanded his fighters to take on the stone from the hill to compare how many warriors died. And the second bunch turned out to be much less than the first thing that Tamerlan was seal.

In memory of these events, a pass from the lake remained the pass, which is named Santash (translated - "Counting Stones").

Hello from Cosmos

There are more modern legends: when the Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov found himself in the open space, and looked at Earth from the orbit, he saw Issyk-Kul - the lake in shape resembled a huge eye, and this produced an overwhelming impression on Alexey - as if the planet looks at you. Talking about this case, the cosmonaut made Lake the poetic nickname "Eye of the Earth". Looking at any online satellite map, you can really see similarity with the eye.

Historical and geographical information

Archaeologists argue that Issyk-kul's education is about 10 million years ago. The origin of the lake is tectonic. If you search on the map of Kyrgyzstan, you can see that it is in such coordinates:

  • 42 ° 26 '00 "northern latitude;
  • 77 ° 11 '00 "Eastern longitude.

This is the Northern District of Tien Shan, between the two ridges: Tessey Ala-Too and, accordingly, Kyungi Ala-TOO. In a large tectonic depression between them and is the lake-sea.

The length of Issyk-Kul is 178 kilometers in length, and 60 kilometers wide. Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror of the lake is equal to 6236 km².

In the vicinity of Issyk-Kul, there are a number of small towns and villages, most of which are equipped with services, which involve a comfortable stay for tourists:

The lake-sea is located about 200 kilometers from the capital of Kyrgyzstan - the cities of Bishkek (he was called Frunze in the USSR, the capital became in 1936).

Nearest Major Airports, from which you can reach Issyk-kul:

  • Almaty (Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata) is about 100 km;
  • Manas (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek) - about 200 km.

Physical, chemical, and climatic characteristics of the reservoir

Water has a level of salinity 5.9% - this is one of the key factors, due to which Lake Issyk-Kul does not freeze in winter. The second important factor is depth: about 300 meters on average, and up to 600 - most. Thanks to the location of the reservoir, high in the mountains (1609 meters above sea level), the sun warms water layers very deeply.

The degree of mineralization of water in the lake is quite high - 5.8 g / liter on average. Also here is the wellness resort with hot natural sources.

The local climate belongs to moderately continental. Looks like sea, but warmer and wet. Thermal mode of the lake is considered subtropical. In the summer, there is moderately warm, but not hot, and in the winter it is not cold. The middle July temperature ranges in the area + 17 ° C, and January frosts are kept within -2 to -10 ° C.

The temperature characteristic of surface layers of water in the summer is about + 24 ° C, which makes rest very comfortable. In winter, the water temperature is capable of falling to + 4 ° C (at a depth of more than 100 meters - to + 3 ° C).

The sediments fall predominantly in the eastern part of Issyk-kul, and minimally in Eastern.

Flora and fauna

Tourists who are planning to rest in Issyk-kule should be aware that the plant world does not indulge in these places with a variety and pomp: the neighborhood looks like the desert. Occasionally there are spying shrubs-trees of sea buckthorn, Busta Barbaris, Rosehip and Archie. As they approached the north-western part of the mountains, coniferous trees begin (in addition, there are many in the eastern part of the lake), you can find currants and rowan on the slopes. Along the roads going around the lake, poplar cleared in large numbers.

Those who do not think recreation without fishing, it will be interesting to know that more than 20 kinds of fish live here. Of these, 14 species are local, and the rest were delivered from the outside. These are the most common:

  • issyk-Kulsky Chebak;
  • trout;
  • osman.

There is own shipping. The location of the majority of the marigos - Przhevalsk and Fisherman.

Cultural holiday in Issyk-kul

The surroundings of the lake - a favorable tourist area. Rest here is quite diverse:

  • sanatorium;
  • boarding houses;
  • medical and recreational institutions;
  • zones for tourists;
  • guest houses;
  • resorts;
  • pioneer camps;
  • sports bases.

Everyone can choose their own rest, and at any time of the year, the comfortable average annual temperature of the lake allows. On a tourist map, you can find a lot of picturesque places, and it is not difficult to get to them.

You can come here on your own or renting a car, focusing on the map. If there is no such desire, you can get one of the most popular tourist routes:

  • on the passenger car;
  • bus.

Automotive routes on Issyk-Kul and back exist such:

Bus routes (both from Kazakhstan and from Russia):

All Russian buses go through Bishkek. The cost of a ticket per passenger is from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

Local boarding houses offer a large range of services. As for prices, they may vary, but on average, accommodation and recreation costs 10-20 US dollars per day per person (excluding nutrition). For children, boarding houses provide large discounts (up to 100%). High-quality three-time nutrition usually does not exceed $ 10 per day.

Video: Holidays in Issyk-Kul 2015

Issyk-Kul is a lake in the east of Kyrgyzstan in the northern part of Tien Shan Mountains. This is the tenth lake in the world in terms of volume (but not surface area) and the second largest among salt lakes after the Caspian Sea. Translated from Kyrgyz Issyk-Kul means "warm lake", despite the fact that it is surrounded by snow vertices from all sides, the lake never freezes.

The lake is 182km in length and about 60 km wide. This is the second largest mountain lake in the world. It is located at an altitude of 1607 meters and reaches 668 meters deep. 118 rivers and streams fall into the lake, but no one follows. There is a hypothesis that the water of the lakes have an underground exit to the Chu River.
The salinity of water in the lake is small - only 0.6% (for comparison - ordinary marine water has 3.5% salt). Water level decreases annually by 5 centimeters. The climate in the area of \u200b\u200bLake is soft, not so hot, as in other areas of Kyrgyzstan.

The best period for beach holidays is July, August, the air temperature at this time is about 25 degrees, the temperature of the water is 22-23 degrees.

How to get

The shortest path to Issyk Kulya is a flight to Bishkek Airport. Route taxis depart from East Station, on the way about 4 hours. Taxi will cost about $ 60.

Low price calendar for flights to Bishkek:

Ordering an individual transfer from the airport here

A longer option - flight to Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan). I at my time took advantage of this way, because I also wanted to visit Medeo. In addition, the flight to Alma-Ata was cheaper. The buses from Alma-Ata to Issyk Kul are sent late in the evening, on the way about 8-9 hours, i.e. The road lasts all night. It is necessary to take into account that rest in Issyk-Kule for residents of Kazakhstan is a vacation economy class, so buses were overcrowded to tourists, mainly young people.

The bus was very noisy, so it was difficult to sleep. In addition, at night, it was necessary to go out to pass the border.

The border is a formal, enough Russian passport, but do not forget to issue medical insurance just in case.

Where to stay

The most populated is the northern part of the Issyk-Kul coast. The southern part, although not less picturesque, was once subjected to pollution of mercury, in the area there is a gold mining company. Although it is believed that the ecology of the region has already been fully restored, this part of the coast has developed slower, and the main tourist locations are located on the northern part of the lake.
Main settlements - Cholpon Ata and Bostery, also along the lake there are numerous villages. Another major city in Issyk-Kule is Karakol (before Przhevalsk), it is located in the east of the coast of the lake.

There is a ski resort.

In the area of \u200b\u200bLake Issyk-Kul, sanatoriums and boarding houses are located. The most famous - sanatoriums "Blue Issyk-Kul", "Cholpon-Ata" and "Kyrgyz seaside" In Bostery.

They have a developed infrastructure and offer a wide range of services, located right on the shore of the lake. Vouchers are recommended to buy in advance.

You can book accommodation in Issyk-Kul here.

Even on the bus, at the entrance to Issyk Kulya, we began to satisfy the rental agents for renting real estate and offer various accommodation options. We agreed with one of the agents that he will show us a few options in Bostery. They moved to a passenger car and soon chose a nice room in a private mini-hotel 5 minutes walk from the lake. Prices for accommodation are cheaper than in similar private hotels in the Black Sea coast.
The private sector can be removed even cheaper. As a rule, the private sector is further from the shore, but its plus is homemade food from the owners and the opportunity to enjoy the kitchen.

Search for hotels in Cholpon-Ata:

Excursions around Issyk-kul

The main thing is why it is worth doing such a distant way to Lake Issyk-Kul to Kyrgyzstan - this is, of course, excursions. There is something to see.

Excursions can be purchased in residential boarding houses.
We took an exquisius in Karakol, a two-day tour around Issyk-kul on an SUV with overnight in yurts, a trip to the famous Bishkek Market Dordoy.

Karakol (previously - Przhevalsk)

Karakol is the fourth largest city in Kyrgyzstan. It has interesting attractions for tourists:

Russian Orthodox Cathedral

The cathedral was originally built of stone in 1872, when Karakol was a garrison city on the border of the royal empire. It was destroyed in 1890 by the strawster, and the current cathedral was built of wood on a brick foundation. The construction lasted for 6 years, and ended in 1895. After the 1917 revolution, the building was used as an educational center, a gym, theater, dance and even coal warehouse. Then, in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the announcement of Kyrgyzstan, an independent, the building was again transferred to the Orthodox diocese.

Dungan Mosque

Issyk-Kul Central Mosque of the city of Karakol was built on the project of the Beijing architect Chu Seu in the traditional Chinese style. The construction of the mosque began in 1904 and ended in 1910 the mosque was built without a single nail, and is a monument of wooden architecture. In the period from 1929 to 1947, the mosque building was used under the warehouse, in 1947 it was transferred to the Muslim community. Currently, the mosque is open to visitors.

Museum Przhevalsky

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky is one of the first Russian geographers scientists who began to study geography, flora and fauna of the countries of Central Asia. Starting from 1870, he organized 4 major expeditions to Mongolia, China and Tibet. He opened and described more than 200 plant species. Also collected a gigantic zoological collection. He died in 1988 from Tifa, buried on the shore of Issyk-kul near the city of Karakol. The Przhevalsky Museum opened in 1957 not far from the grave of the scientist.

Salt Lake Issyk-kul /

Salted lake is located on the southern tip of Issyk-kul. It has a unique microclimate. Presumably, earlier it was part of Issyk-kul, but then separated from the main lake, and the concentration of salts increased due to evaporation.

By chemical composition of the lake close to the composition of the water in the Dead Sea.

The lake is small, but it is difficult to twist it, because Due to high salinity, it is impossible to sail there. Here you can, as in the Dead Sea, read the newspaper, lying on the water. The shores are covered with dark dirt that is considered therapeutic. Around the lake there are picturesque canyons in which you can take a picture.

Gorge of seven bulls (Jet-Oguz) /

Picturesque red cliffs on the east coast of Issyk-kul. If you go further, you can see a beautiful waterfall of girlish tears. The gorge is offered riding on horseback, tea drinking in yurt, koumiss.

It is impossible to tell about all the sights of Issyk-kul in one article. Watch for updates on the site. And if you are planning a trip to Kyrgyzstan - write questions in the comments, I will try to answer them.

Issyk-Kul - a faceless and transparent brassing lake in the Issyk-Kul Monturnal Basin in the north in Kyrgyzstan. It is located at an altitude of more than 1600 m surrounded by Kyunga-Ala-LLO ridges in the north and Tersky in the south. Issyk-Kul is the biggest lake in Kyrgyzstan. It is considered salon, since the salinity of water is about 6% °.


Asian Lake Coastline is predominantly smooth, weakly cut; The North and Western shores are low, southern mainly high and steep, deep bays are only in the east (Typsky and Jergalan) and in Southeast (Pokrovsky). A large part of the shores of the lake sandy, the bottom is made predominantly to clay and shel.
The Issyk-Kul characteristic of Lake is many years (for several decades) cyclic oscillation of the water level, the amplitude of which can reach 8-10 m, depending on the amount of precipitation.
Issyk-Kul is a heartless lake, but it flows into it, in different calculations, from 50 to 80 rivers (the biggest ones are TJ and Jergalan), and the southern tribes are longer than the northern. A large river Chu, flowing across the western outskirts of Issyk-Kul Bow, now does not have connection with the lake, but during a flood through the Cembrat's duoka 6 km long in the lake falls part of Chui water.
Due to the considerable depth of the lake, as well as due to its salt, the temperature of the water in July on the surface to + 23 ° C, but with depth it drops quickly and at a depth of 200 m falls to + 3 ° C. In winter, the surface waters of the lake are not cooled below + 2.75 ° C, and therefore the lake does not freeze, with the exception of shallow bays, and then in very cold winters.
Interesting meteorological phenomena are recorded in Issyk-Kul. In particular, in the process of the invasion of cold air, passing through the passes and escape from mountain passes and the gorges towards the lake, the strongest transverse wind arises here. Local wind names - Santas (Eastern direction) and Ulan (West direction). Seasons of the strongest wind - November (Start of Morozov) and April-May (Return of Colds). The wind speed is 20 m / s and up to 30-40 m / s can be held in the West and East of the lake during the day, accompanied by a sharp increase in atmospheric pressure and causing a sudden storm with wind waves up to 3-4 m.
When Santash and Ulan are found over the lake, a tornado, in Kyrgyz - Kuyun arises. As a result, on the lake begins storm. Also for Issyk-kul is characterized by the so-called southern squall. It takes place on the southern coast of the lake at a speed of up to 25 m / s and more and lasts from a few minutes to several hours.
The southern flurry is formed with the appearance of powerful cumulating-rain clouds, when the air flow is drawn into the Chui valley and the cold wind breaks into the lake, bypassing the mountains from the south.
The nature of the surroundings of Issyk-kul is pretty scarce. Issyk-Kul Mountains in the western part is deserted and semi-deserted, in the east there is a steppe vegetation zone. There are practically no forests, Flora is represented by shrubs (sea buckthorn). However, the local ornithofaun is in richness: in the bays and in the west of Issyk-kul every year 60-70 thousand individuals of waterfowl of more than 100 species: Varki, Mallard, Lyshuhi, Swans.
Near Issyk-Kul, shipping is carried out, the main ports - Balykchy (former fishing) and Karakol (former Przhevalsk). On the shores of the lake there are resort zones (Solpon-Ata and Tamga resorts). Settlements are located mainly in the north and east of the lake.


In Chinese documents II century. BC e. The lake was mentioned as Guhei, or the "hot sea". Probably, this name arose like a tracing with Kyrgyz "Issyk-Kul", having the same meaning. Thus, the name indicates that water in the lake does not freeze. There is also an assumption that the name of the lake is connected with a respectful, a reverent attitude to Him Kyrgyz, and comes from "Sizk" (or "Essy") - "Sacred Lake". It is known that before the VII century. Local peoples also called Lake Tuzkul ("Salt Lake").

In Starina, Issyk-Kul lake played a prominent role in the history of the peoples of Central Asia: through the valley, where it is located, one of the most important ways to relocate the peoples that took place for 1200 years before the Nativity of Christ. Since those times on the shores of the lake, stone women are preserved - pagan totems. There are also more ancient evidence of life on the shores of Issyk-kul: In 2006, at the bottom of the lake, the archaeological expedition of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University found evidence of the existence of an unknown ancient civilization, formed 2.5 thousand years ago.
In the XIV century Next to Issyk-Kulle was settled by Christians who built in the north shore of the monastery lake. However, the main population of the surrounding lands was nomadic tribes of Kyrgyz.
At the beginning of the XV century. Here, the Central Asian Conqueror Tamerlan (1336-1405), who tried to subjugate local residents with his army three times. But attempts were not crowned with success, because, envying troops, nomads hid.
Piece of Kyrgyzstan with Lake Issyk-Kul became part of the Russian Empire in 1855-1863, when some tribes of Kyrgyz concluded a union with Russia to lose the oppression of Kokand Khanate.
Russian officer and scientist Alexander Golubev (1832-1866) became the first European, who determined the geographical position of Issyk-Kul and studied its surroundings.
The contribution to the study of the lake was made by Russian Geographer, Botanist Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shansky (1827-1914), which, on behalf of the Russian geographical society, went to the expedition to study the Tien Shan mountain system. In 1856, he visited the lake twice and later described it with a hollow, and also found a refutation to the existing opinion that the River Chu stems from Issyk-kul.
Lake and surrounding settlements paid attention to both the Russian traveler and researcher Nikolai Przhevalsky (1839-1888). He explored the shores of the lake, passed through the settlements, driving detailed records on the way. In 1888, he died in Karakol and bequeathed to bury himself on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. His grave is one of the most revered places in Issyk-Kule.


Nowadays, the majority of settlements are located on the northern coast and in the eastern part of Issyk-Kul Bow. In order to protect the lake, in 1948, Issyk-Kul Reserve was founded by more than 17 thousand hectares. The reserve consists of nine sites located on the northern and southern shores of the eastern part of Lake Issyk-Kul, includes part of the lake water area. Most of the reserve is occupied by the rocky desert, the wormwood-tipper steppe and thickets of Karagans, underwater meadows of khard algae. Among the inhabitants of the reserve there are rare species: Orlan-Belochvost, Swan-Shipun, White Heron, Irbis (Snow Bars).

general information

Location: North Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul region.
Lake Type: Solonish.
Origin: tectonic.
Meals: mostly snow, rain.
Plugging rivers: TJ, Jergalan, Barskown, Actor.
Nearest settlements: Karakol - 63,400 people. (2009), Balykchy - 42,875 people. (2009), Cholpon-Ata - 10,500 people. (2009).


Area: 6236 km 2.

Waterguide Square: 15 844 km 2.

Volume: 1738 km 3.

Length (from west to east): 182 km.

Width (south to north): 58 km.
Coastline length: 688 km.
Maximum depth: 702 m.
Medium depth: 278 m.

Mineralization type: Salon.

Saltness: 5.9% °.

Transparency: Over 12 m.

Height above sea level: 1609 m.

Climate and weather

Moderate sea, mountain.

The average temperature of January: -2 - -7 ° C.

The average temperature of July: +16 - + 17 ° С.

The average annual precipitation: 250 mm.

Frequent strong wind (Ulan and Santas), causing sudden storms.

Relative humidity: 70%.


Minerals: Limestone, iron ore.
Agriculture: crop production (gardening), animal husbandry (finely horned cattle).
Lake shipping.
Services sector:
tourist, transport.


Natural: Issyk-Kul Reserve, Ridge Kyunge-Ala-Too, Teresky Ridge, Jreat-Oguz Gorge, Boom Gorge, Gorge Chon-Koy-Suu, Cholpon-Ata Gorge, Altyn-Arashhan Gorge, Barskown Gorge.
Historical: Stone Tamga-Tash with Tibetan writers (VI - I centuries. BC), "Tsarsky Kurgan" (village Karoza, VII century BC. E. - II century), Kok-Bulak and Karashar grains, Cape Holy Nose (location of the legendary monastery of the Armenian Christian Church, IV-V Vz.), Flooded in Sary-Bushun, Koisar, Ulan (XII century).
City of Karakol.: Orthodox Holy Trinity Cathedral (1895), Donggan Mosque (1910), Memorial Museum (1957), Grave and Monument H. M. Przhevalsky, historical and local history museum of the city of Karakol.
City of Cholpon-Ata: Museum of Petroglyphs (Grade Ladies), Mounded Mogilniki, Issyk-Kul State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, Cultural Center "Ruh Ordo" named after Cengiza Aitmatov.

Curious facts

■ The bottom of Lake Issyk-Kul consists of a black glandular il, which places are thrown ashore. In the old days, Kyrgyz knew how to sell from this metal.
■ Old coastal cliffs that are at a considerable distance from Water Renivation of Lake Issyk-Kul, indicate that its level has decreased significantly. Presumably, it happened after the Issyk-Kul's water breakthrough through the Ridge of the Zaeliy Alatau, after which the Boom Gorge was formed.
■ With Lake Issyk-Kul, a lot of legends are connected about flooded cities and treasures, many of them are based on historical facts. Underwater archaeological excavations have shown that on the shore of the lake there were indeed cities, flooded in the Middle Ages, including the city of Chita - the capital of the country of the Turkic-speaking people of Exunes.

■ Wintering of waterfowl on Lake Issyk-Kul is one of the world's largest.
■ The words "Kul", "Kohl" or "gel" (lake) as part of the geographical name is widespread in places of residence of Turkic-speaking peoples: for example, Lake Alakol (Kazakhstan), Lake Gaigel (Azerbaijan).
■ In Lake Issyk-Kul, there are a large number of Mariny fish, or Karabalyaka ("Black Fish"), the Karp's family. The meat of these fish is considered fat and tasty, but it can be eaten only after removing caviar, milk and peritoneal films, as they contain poison.
■ The city of Balykchy in antiquity was one of the transit points on the Great Silk Road.

■ Lake Issyk-Kul - the main source of revenues from tourism in Kyrgyzstan. Most of the tourists, resting on Lake Issyk-Kul, make up residents of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia.
■ Carakol city changed his name several times. Until 1889, he was called Karakol. Then he was renamed by the decree of the king to Przhevalsk, in honor of the Russian traveler N. M. Przhevalsky. In 1922, the Karakol name was returned to the city. In 1939, in connection with the 100th anniversary of the birth of N. M. Przhevalsky, the city was again renamed Przhevalsk. Finally, in 1992, after the proclamation of the independence of Kyrgyzstan, the city of Karakol was again returned.
■ Monument N. M. Przhevalsky is a 9-meter rock from a gray genusior, topped with a bronze figure of an eagle. At the feet of the bird, a map of Central Asia with przhevalsky travel routes.
■ Amazed the greatness and beauty of Issyk-kul, the corders of the Great Silk Road called him "Justice of Heavenly Mountains".
■ Issyk-Kul - the second largest mountain lake in the world after the lake in Andes (South America).
■ Museum of Petroglyphs of the city of Cholpon-Ata is a tract of thousands of stones by 42 hectares. Stones covered with drawings of the beginning of the II thousand to n. e. - VII century, depicting animals, scenes of hunting, holidays and war.