Before painting walls, what needs to be done. How to make an ideal wall for further painting: how to prepare, the order of work with your own hands and guidance that you need to do

Preparation of walls under painting is an important and responsible procedure, without which the creation of high-quality finishing coverage is impossible. The main feature of the paint applied to the surface of the wall is the ability to show the slightest ones on it defects. These may be scratches or irregularities that have not been eliminated in the process of shtcloth and skin. Knowing how to prepare walls under the painting of water-level paint, you can avoid additional physical and material costs, save the strength and time spent on the execution of works related to the finish.

Features of manipulations

The way the preparation of walls to paint will be carried out depends on the quality of the material for the construction of the walls. If we are talking about a wooden structure, you will have a thorough grinding of wood. To achieve a positive result, in the shortest possible time, the grinding machine will need a grinding machine with which you can eliminate all defects that exist on the surface of the wood. After completion of the grinding, it is necessary to impregnate the tree with special compositions that ensure efficient surface protection from moisture, insects, fungus, mold.

Performing all work related to the preparation of walls under painting, their order is observed strictly. In addition, a mandatory thorough cleaning of surfaces from pollution and dust is required.

Preparing walls under painting, it is first necessary to get rid of the previous finish coating, removing it from the surface. Next, the repair in the room requires the preparation of concrete walls under painting.

Such complexity is caused by the need to perform shocking, with which the walls can be aligned. Only after that it is allowed to begin to apply several layers of the spacion mixture.

For each surface, special compositions have been developed and created, most of which are distinguished by deep penetration. Such processing allows you to ensure reliable protection of walls before painting. It is necessary to make it before plastering, then the primer of the walls is carried out before applying the putty, and you need to process the walls in the apartment immediately before coloring.

For these works, primer is used for painting walls, designed not only to protect the surface from fungus and mold, but also in order to create an ideal surface for painting.

Removal of former coating and priming

Repair is not only replacing the finish coating on the floor and walls indoors. Repair requires careful preparation of all surfaces. For example, during the preparation of walls under painting, you need:

  1. Clean it from old wallpaper, tiles, panels or paints.
  2. Eliminate detected defects, and if necessary, remove damaged plaster and create a new coating.
  3. If in accordance with the designer project or if the owner of the residential premises, the apartment does not imply a thorough shit, and the planned finish requires that painting on plastering, it is necessary to take care of the careful preparation of the surface, which allows to avoid paint recalculation due to significant absorbing painting Composition in plastered walls.
  4. The wall decoration created from concrete slabs is primarily a high-quality putty when the composition is applied in several layers. To create the latter, use a special mixture with the addition of quartz mica.

It is necessary to remove the old wallpaper from the walls, it is pre-swallowing them with warm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. Such a composition will help remove the web without resorting with the help of spatulas or a wallpaper knife and without damaging the surface of the walls. The roller needs to be soaked in composition and alternately to ride the canvas on the walls, without wasting them with a warm mixture.

If the planned repairs and the selected finish involve staining with the compositions created on the basis of water, then after wallpaper, it is necessary to properly prepare the walls to paint, strictly observing all the rules and the stratification of work. The purified surface must be primed using specially created compositions that differ in deep penetration. This will help:

  • strengthen the surface;
  • avoid cracking;
  • get high adhesion.

Repair and high-quality finishes require that all stages of wall preparation are complied with and implemented. Otherwise, the created finish coating will not be durable, and very soon on the walls unprepared to paint the walls will be noticeably cracking (thin mesh of small cracks).

Grinding, shockting, putty

Concrete walls are distinguished by increased strength, but another feature of such a surface is its evenness. If defects are found on such walls in the form of small recesses or protrusions, it is necessary to get rid of them with the help of grinding and putty. The most minor hubbirds can be knocked down with a hammer (blades), but grinding is one of the mandatory procedures included in the preparation of walls under painting.

Whatever the surface of the walls in the apartment (concrete, brick, plasterboard), the preparation of walls under the painting of water-level paint requires compulsory shtkock. During the work, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate mixture (ready or dry) and the tool with which it will be easier to align the surface. We are talking about spatulas with a length of at least 45 cm and Kelme. In addition, you will need:

  • level 2 m with Waterpas;
  • rule;
  • putter 10 cm for a mixture set.

It is easy to work with such compositions. Applying them to the surface and distribution according to it does not require great physical effort. All manipulations can be performed by a culma or a spatula of 45-60 cm. The quality of the created surface is checked by applying a rule to the wall and a two-meter level.

The putty is applied in three layers: the first basic, starting, second leveling and third finishing. Each has a certain thickness and is performed by a specially created composition. This is a mandatory stage of work related to the preparation of walls to painting with water-level paint. It is he who ensures the uniform distribution of the coloring composition along the wall surface.

With a putty, you can eliminate minor defects even on a plastered surface. It can be small gaps and cracks, depth depth of no more than 3 mm, but even in the case when drywall was used for alignment of the walls, it would not be possible to prepare the walls to paint without putty.

It is putty that fill the seams and close the joints between the fixed sheets.

Embossing and painting

The completed preparation of walls to paint can only be considered if, after complete drying, the surface was treated with a sandpaper or a special mesh. It is necessary to bulk the walls in order to eliminate possible irregularities, transitions, hide the pieces of dusting of different layers of composition.

The peculiarity of the waterproof paint is that the first paint-applied layer will show all defects and disadvantages of the quality of preparatory work. Even the improper use of abrasive materials during the skin will lead to the fact that there will be barely noticeable scratches on the spacious surface, which will be shown after applying the first layer of paint. The result of such work is not only a flat and absolutely smooth surface, but also a large amount of dust accumulated on it.

Prevent paint rolling and ensure a uniform distribution of it on the surface of the painted wall will help priming. The primer at the final stage of preparation and wall decoration is applied in two layers to reduce the porosity of the material and increase the adhesion. Apply a primer into several layers, each subsequent no earlier than 4-5 hours after the previous one. Only waiting for the complete drying of the surface can be reinstated. The resulting subtle, but rather durable film will help significantly reduce paint consumption and facilitate the process of applying water-emulsion.

Another positive primer quality is the ability to provide one-window paint. Most primer mixtures introduced antiseptic additives that guarantee efficient surface protection from the appearance of fungus and the subsequent growth of mold.

In more detail, the process of preparing walls under painting is presented on video.

Performing work on the preparation of the surface of walls under painting should fully comply with the established procedure. All stages are important and mandatory, and for their qualitative implementation it is necessary to use a building and electrical instrument.

Probably one of the most pleasant stages in the process of repairing at home, this is the process of painting the room. When the walls are aligned, for example, plasterboard plates are covered with primer and a layer of starting and finishing putty, the room is already pleasing to the eyes. The walls are clearly transformed, the angles are smooth, the surface is smooth. The next action will be the choice of further finish. Consider how the painting of the walls of the walls of the waterproof roller or spray gun is performed.

The choice of wall decoration in favor of using painting opens a number of additional features and advantages:

  • The process of coloring does not require special skills in construction, there will be no need to stick on the wallpaper or, say, to put in the level of plastic, it is enough to have patience and be diligent.
  • All sorts of design solutions, adding dyes makes it possible to choose color and tint to your taste. Drawing abilities will help to make any pattern, ornament, decor or pattern on the wall.
  • Modern paints are made according to the latest technologies, they are safe for human health quickly dry, some manufacturers are added to the paint special components that are struggling with fungus.
  • The paint is easy to clean, some compositions have the property of resistance from erasing to a thousand times.
  • The ability to create any texture, paint with the addition of special pigments, for example, with a marble effect, at first glance, it will not even be possible to distinguish the simple painting from the decorative marble. It all depends only on imagination and desire.

For high-quality painting of walls of water-emulsion paint, all stages are important, special attention is paid to the surface verification. According to spacure or patch-circuit walls, there must be smooth, surface, stripped, dry and smooth, without cracks and chips. The detected defects are close to the finish putty and are cleaned, it will help reduce paint consumption.

Next, the surface is ground. Although in the colors and contains a glue basis, the soil is necessary to eliminate dust, increase adhesion and a more uniform paint layer. The room is maximally released, the floor, windows and the remaining items are closed with a protective film.

Required material and painting equipment:

  • water-emulsion paint in the desired quantity
  • capacity for paint stirring,
  • rollers from 2 pcs and brushes for tinting,
  • paint tray.

In the presence, you can use the paintopult with the nozzle diameter of 2 mm, otherwise the excessive dilution of water-level paint with water will be required. The kraskopult reduces the flow, the paint falls more evenly, convenient when staining the corners. The only thing, not all the paintopulizers work with water-mounted paints and the minimum skills are needed, otherwise the paint will flock over the surface.

The water-making paint is mixed, manually or with an electric low-speed drill with a nozzle-mixer, before receiving the same density.

If necessary, diluted with water, if a pigment dye is added, then it is stirred to a uniform shade.

Wall covering paint

  • The right amount of paint is poured into the tray, the painting roller from all sides is well soaked in the paint.

  • We start painting from the upper corners, as usually rubbing the paint on the surface, the layer in thickness should be uniform.
  • Room angles are bodied with a brush or a narrow roller with a width of up to 100 mm.
  • The smooth movements of the roller are applied a uniform paint layer, traces left around the edges of the roller, rub to the full distribution of paint.
  • Temperature for painting should be no lower than + 5 ° C.

Small secrets of painting walls of water-emulsion paint

When adding a dye, it must be borne in mind that when drying it, its color can be brightened, it is better to apply a small layer on the wall area and determine its proportion in the paint.

For work indoors, it is customary to use interior paint, the facade is not recommended, arguing the presence in its composition of harmful substances. After competent consultation in the building materials store, you can pick up harmless facade paint and paint it, it is high viscosity and give a more rich color.

The layer of water-level paint dries in approximately a couple of hours, the layers should be at least two.

As the second layer is drying, it is determined by the need for additional painting of walls or individual sections.

In the case of tinted walls in the future, a certain amount of paint is better to leave, especially if the dye was added, as it will be added to the desired shade in the future will be problematic.


1. Paintwork materials

2. Acceptance of work when painting

Technology coloring

4. Equipment and tools




A good paint coating of the body not only gives the car a beautiful appearance, but also protects it from corrosion and premature destruction.

The practice of operating cars in different countries has shown that their high-quality coloring and additional anti-corrosion treatment are the most effective ways of combating corrosion of the body.

The purpose of this work is to describe the technology of coloring, the main tools and equipment used. In addition, it is necessary to specify a list and brief characteristic of paint materials, as the quality of coatings depends on this.

paints and varnishes

Paintwork materials are divided into major (paints, enamels, soils and shtaklyvki) and auxiliary (solvents, diluents, washes, compositions for preparation for staining, coat care products, etc.)

The distinctive properties of enamels for the color of passenger cars are a variety of beautiful flowers, an increased shine and preserving a decorative species with long-term operation of coatings in various climatic conditions.

When painting cars of passenger cars for external coating layers at manufacturers, mainly synthetic, melaminalkide and, less often, nitrocellulose enamels are used.

Melaminalquid enamels are made on the basis of mixtures of melamine-formaldehyde and alkyd resins. Drying occurs as a result of evaporation of solvents and polycondensation of resins.

Enamels are applied with pneumatic spray in the painting chamber, as well as spraying in the electrostatic field.

Nitrocellulose enamels are suspensions of pigments in nitroles with the addition of plasticizers and resins. Drying occurs at room temperature (18-22 ° C).

Coatings from nitroemals relative to the rack to the effects of mineral oils, gasoline, as well as weak alkaline solutions. Nitroemali is applied with paint sprayers, less often with a brush.

For the color of the bodies of cars "Zhiguli", "Moskvich", "Zaporozhets", "Volga" applied enamels ML-12, ML-197, ML-1110, ML-1121, ML-1198.

2) primers and rust converters.

For the surface prepared for coloring, primers are first applied. They are a binding coating between the metal and the subsequent enamels.

They possess increased adhesion (cloudy). Primers can be sprayed, brush, dipping, electrospray and electrical engineering. Its thickness is 15 ... 20 microns.

Primers are inert pigments passivating, phosphating and protector.

The primers with inert pigments do not interact with the film formator and do not protect the surface from corrosion, but mechanically prevent moisture penetration.

Such primers are GF-021, FL OZK, etc. The first is used for the repair painting of the body.

Passivating primers contain chromasters of metals or other pigments interacting with moisture and passivating metal.

These include: GF-017, GP-031, etc.

The primer of this type includes lead-dry primer, which is often used to protect the bottom and wings.

Phosphating primers differ in that there are still phosphoric acid in their composition. These primers have good adhesion in relation to black and non-ferrous metals. The best thickness of the layer of phosphating primers is 8 ... 12 μm. The main components of such primers are a film-forming base and an acid diluent.

Protective primers protect the metal surface due to the introduction of metal dust, the potential of which is lower than that of iron (zinc, for example).

These include: PS-1, EP-057, etc.

Primers - Rust transducers are used to prepare a corroded surface of the body under the color without removing corrosion products.

These include E-VA-01, E-VA-0112, etc. They are applied at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C with spraying or brush in 1-2 layers.

3) putty

Puttles serve to eliminate and align flaws on the painted body surface. They are a pasty composition of varnish (olifa), pigments and fillers (chalk). Puttiles are applied with a spatula (blade) when embeding large flares or in the form of a liquid with a sprayer with a large nozzle.

For spraying it is bred by a diluent.

SC-007 putty, NTS-008, NTS-009 are designed to align the primed metal surfaces, as well as to correct the bodies by the delicate enamel layer.

The PF-002 putty is used for general and local shtclasivny in the absence of hot drying of the subsequent coating layers.

Putty MS-006 serves to correct small defects on the primed surface.

The spacchable paste is prepared by portions before direct use, which is due to the rapid gelatinization time and rejection.

The mass ratio of semi-finished putty and hardener should be 100: 3.2. The shelf life of putty is 1 year.

4) solvents, diluents and washes

They are used to ensure that paints and varnish materials have the necessary working viscosity.

They are one-component organic volatile and colorless liquids or mixtures thereof in various combination of components.

Wasters are used to remove the paintwork.

They are mixtures of different solvents, when exposed to which the coating swells, is swept away and lags behind the metal. The largest spread was washing on the basis of organic solvents. Industry is produced by the grinding of brands of SD, AFT-1, SP-6, SP-7, ATP-1, ATP-2, SNB-9, "Washing of old paint", "Auto Shot of Old Paint", etc.

5) Grinding and Polishing Materials

Grinding skins are usually used when smoothing irregularities on the body surface.

To find out what the grinding skin is intended for which the grit is grinding material and whether it is possible to use it for wet or dry grinding, it is necessary to know the designations of grinding skins, which is indicated on the non-working side.

An example of the designation of the grinding sand 1820x20 y2g 63С M63 CA GOST 13344-79.

This entry means that this is a water-resistant skin on a tissue basis (GOST 13344-79), from a micro-glass powder, intended for grinding putty, primers, plastics, enamels, in a roll of 1820 mm wide, 20 m long, on the tissue - Fabric (U2G) , from silicon carbide (63 c), from grinding material with grain sizes not more than 63 μm (M 63), fixed with synthetic resin (C), with the number of defects on the working surface of not more than 0.5% (a).

Grinding paste VAZ-1 serves to grind damaged and corrected coatings stained with melamine chipped enamels.

It is a suspension of alumina in a mixture of mineral and vegetable oils, turbidar, kerosene, surfactants and water.

Apply a paste on the flannel or cygaica and grind manually or grinding machine.

Polishing pastes according to the composition are a mixture of fine abrasives, surfactants, solvents, mineral oils, wax and water. Abrasive is needed for polishing, wax - to fill and smoothing microcracks and pores. Solvents help remove fat spots and other contaminants.

Polishing water is designed for the final finishing of nitroelectric coatings of the body and maintaining their shine during the operation of cars.

Acceptance of work when painting

The service life of the restored paintwork depends on the quality of the process of the color of the color. When preparing the surface of the car to the color, it is very important to carefully perform straightwork work on metal, welding, soldering and sweeping, i.e. Give the surface of the body proper geometric shape.

The qualitative implementation of the straightening work simplifies the color and increases the durability of the recovered paint coating.

For full scope of work on the color of the body, the following operations perform:

- prepare a car to color and acquire the necessary materials;

- prepare the surface of the body to color;

- Paintwork materials prepare;

- ground, shout, the outer surfaces of the body are grinding, the first layer of enamel is applied, locally put off and grind;

- cause several layers of enamel;

- dried coverage;

- grind and polish;

- control quality color;

- anticorrosive mastics are applied.

1) Preparation of the car towards the color and the acquisition of the necessary materials.

Before proceeding with coloring, you should purchase materials and equipment.

About 90% of labor costs fall on preparatory work and only 10% on coloring and drying.

Before proceeding with the restoration of the coating, the car is thoroughly wash.

How to prepare walls under painting

Then, if necessary, conduct a partial disassembly: decorate decorative parts with a galvanic coating, rubber gaskets, etc. If the body is repainted completely, and the drying is performed at elevated temperatures in the furnace, then the wheels, glass, upholstery, etc.

2) Preparation of body surface to color

Preparation of the body surface provides for the following work: removal of old coating and corrosion products, degreasing, phosphating, protection of surfaces that are not subject to color and others.

The removal of an old coating should be carried out in cases where the body or its individual parts were previously repainted or were painted nitroemal, as well as in the presence of significant beacon corrosion damage, swelling of the coating, chip and scratch, etc.

Stages and methods of painting of metal structures from professionals

Metal structures are distinguished by high strength and resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Despite this, they are also subject to destruction and need professional protection. According to experts, annual damage from corrosion of equipment and metal structures in developed countries reaches 2-4 percent of GDP, which is simply a huge amount.

It is for this reason that anti-corrosion protection is the most important stage of processing products from metals and alloys.

How to paint the walls with water emulsion

Yes, and the appearance performs an important function - it attracts attention and creates the first positive impression of the object.

The main method of protection is painting Metal structures Quality compositions. Such treatment is capable of effectively protecting the metal from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, moisture, sharp temperature differences that negatively affect the material.

Performing this operation should professionals who thoroughly know each stage of work can provide high quality performance, which will be positively affected by the durability of structures.

Basic Methods Coloring Metal Constructions

The most common processing option is the use of high pressure apparatus (AVD), which allows you to achieve an ideal surface. Sometimes its use is impossible for a number of reasons, and then the process passes with the help of a manual method - rollers and brushes.

Coloring of metal structures by any of these options will reduce the risk of corrosion, will make them durable and attractive externally. But it is right only when the work is performed by high-class specialists.

Stages of the Painting Procedure of Metal Constructions from Professionals

  • From the surface, the old paint is completely removed (if the object used to be processed).

    It is done with metal brushes and power tools. If it is necessary to process a large area, the use of a sandblasting method is possible.

  • Grinding surface. It is carried out with the help of abrasive elements and a special electrical instrument. It is very important to comply with technology - gradually reduce the grain of sandpaper or disks.
  • Rust removal and anti-corrosion processing.

    For these procedures, special compositions are applied, which are applied using AVD, brushes and rollers.

  • Dusting metal structures. Special detergent solutions are used from well-known global brands, allowing to prevent dust from entering the surface in the future.
  • Degreasing. The compositions prepare the surface to further apply primer. Most often for these purposes use a universal degreaser.
  • Primer.

    This stage prevents the appearance of rust, prepares the ground for further paint, which will have a better clutch with the surface, which will increase the service life.

  • Application of paint. Most often performed in several layers, where each subsequent fixes the previous one. After competently performed works, the output is perfect result.

A professional approach to the color of the metal structures allows to achieve a long period of operation, reduce the cost of repairing individual elements coming into disrepair due to corrosion, to obtain an attractive appearance of any infrastructure facility - crane, bridge, stairs, roofs, high-voltage support, advertising design and so on.

It is possible to use the method of industrial mountaineering, which will save money on the services of special equipment.

Features of the preparation of walls to painting

Polyvinila acetate water-emulsion paints VA-17, VA-27, WA-27PG and butadiene colors KCh-26A, KCh-26 are widely used for inner painting on wood, plaster, cardboard and other porous materials, according to the primed metal surface, as well as on old solid oil coatings, Emalev and emulsion paints.

Preparation of surfaces under the color of water-level paints

Old surfaces previously painted with lime and adhesive paints should be completely cleaned from the colorful layers.

For this, the surface is wetted with water and the splashing colorful layer is considered steel scrapers.

With old oil, as well as polyvinyl acetate and butadienestrol color, only the fragile and retaining colorful coating is considered. Durable color is washed from pollution with warm soap or ammonia water, and then clean water. On peeled surfaces, you can only leave the hair cracks close to putty.

Deep-deep cracks require a mandatory application and seal with a solution so that in these places there is no discontinuity of the wrath and colorful layers followed by a detachment.

The plastered surfaces in front of the color are aligned with spatlement along a pre-engine surface.

Under the glue-oil putty, polyvinyl acetate paint is used as a soil, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, when using polyvinyl acetate or cement-chalk, the priming is not produced, and the surface is abundantly wetted with water.

The surface of the surface is carried out after drying the primer layer, while so that the putty does not occur, it must be completely applied with layers with a thickness of no more than 0.5 mm, and each subsequent layer can be applied after drying the previous one.

After drying, the putty surface is pretty pumice or sandpaper.

It should be borne in mind that on the surfaces of the previously messenger primer, after painting by polyvinyl acetate and butadienestyrene water-level paints, dark spots are obtained. To check the presence of stealing soil, a test painting is performed. In the case of dark spots on the painted surface, it is grounded with oil paint in the color of the coller, and then after drying the oil primer layer, it is applied to it is applied with water-mounted paint.

Sheet dry plaster in the presence of fine recesses and choseli lines lime-plaster powder.

Old gypsum parts in front of the color are cleaned from the layers of old paint, dust and contamination.

Old wooden surfaces, previously painted with oil or synthetic paints, are cleaned only from fragile paint, stuffed with paint diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, and after drying the primer layer, the surface is sprinkled with glue-oil powder.

Preparation of new wooden surfaces is made as usual.

Cracks and gaps should be knewed with a grazing composition and oil, and after drying, the primer is covered with a gluing putty.

Coloring with water-emulsion paints

Before use water-emulsion paints Must be thoroughly mixed and effects through fine sieve. For a better clutch of the colorful layer, the surfaces of plaster and wood, as well as gypsum parts and dry plaster painted with paint diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Then the color is made in two times the usual undiluted paint.

To obtain a durable color, each subsequent layer of paint should be applied after a complete burnt of the previous layer. Duration of drying of each layer 2-3 hours. For uniform staining, the surface of the paint is recommended to apply rollers or paint spray guns. It is allowed to apply paints with handbones with paints, but it should be remembered that the brushes give a noticeable stroke, so the color of the brushes is made with flue or terethery.

Since the dried polyvinyl acetate water-free paint is not washed with water and is hardly removed by solvents, it is necessary to put into the vessel with water during breaks in the work of the brush, and after the end of the work, all tools and fixtures are immediately rinsed with water immediately.

The paint that fell on the glass during operation, also need to immediately wash the water or wipe the wet rag. If necessary, dried paints can be removed: polyvinyl acetate - acetone, and butadienestrol - turpentine.

The consumption of polyvinila acetate water-emulsion paints per 1 m2 of the surface of the surface is: with a simple color of 270-320 g, with improved - 350-400 g.

Where to buy "coloring with water-making paints"?

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Painting of walls or ceiling is one of the types of finishing of the premises of the house, which is usually performed after the end of the main construction work and the installation of all communications. It is quite possible to paint with your own hands, and in order to make it right, you can use the information set out in this article.

\u003e Surface preparation;

\u003e Sequence of work and tools;

\u003e The right choice of color;

Preparation of walls (ceiling) before painting

In front of the painting walls or the ceiling, as a rule, they are monitored (with the help of plaster or drywall), putty and primer.

The higher the requirements for the quality of the walls, the thorough it is necessary to prepare walls. For example, in wooden houses made of logs or vehicles of the wall from the inside before painting, it is best to align with drywall, spank the finish composition and primed.

The same applies to plastered walls from other materials.

The primer composition is usually liquid, it is bought ready or prepare themselves. In the primer, all small pores in the plaster or in another painted surface are filled with a liquid solution.

Put surface of wall surfaces and ceiling before painting

With the help of shtclowing, the surface of the walls and the ceiling, preparing them under painting.

The apparel composition is starting and finishing. It can also be purchased ready for use or prepare the dry mixture itself.

The plaque is applied by strips or mutually perpendicular movements of the spatula, two layers.

The first layer is the start-up, when the shplanke or more correctly say - the putty fills all the irregularities.

He is given to dry, and then grind large, medium-hearted emery paper. The second layer is finishing, after drying it is grinding fine-grained emery paper.

Required tools and work sequence

If you decide to paint the ceiling and walls, then painting should be started from the ceiling and upper parts of the walls. It is better to perform this job together: one stains, and the other performs auxiliary work.
To perform painting, you can use various tools, depending on the required level of quality of work and the presence of the tools themselves.

Painting walls can be made by brush, roller or sprayer.

Making painting by each of these tools has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below:

  1. Painting walls and ceiling sprayer.

    Painting of walls of water-emulsion paint

    Paints need to be sprayed evenly, keeping the spray gun at the same distance from the painted wall (250-300 mm) and strictly perpendicular to it. On the links of the joints with the already painted surface or the ceiling, a plywood shield, a leaning line, or glue a special painting tape in order to prevent painting compositions on them.

  2. Brush.

    When painting walls or other surfaces, it should be led at one place no more than two times. Paint is dial only on the edge of the brush. With an excess of paint, it is possible her heights, and with a lack - it is necessary to hardly rub the paint into the surface, as a result of which the bands appear on it.

  3. This fully applies to the cocracy of the walls with roller.

    For convenience, the paint is poured into a special container with a flat bottom.

General rules painting walls and ceilings with their own hands

  • Painting the walls of the room is desirable to finish in one day.
  • Application of the layers of paint should be so that the color of the light is made.
  • If the wall painting is collected into one when it is usually painted from top to bottom, and when painted in two receptions, first the wall is stained in a horizontal direction (from left to right), and then in the vertical one.

Correct color choice

When painting the walls of the premises, the choice of suitable color has the latest value.

Choosing the walls of the walls, you should consider the orientation of rooms on the sides of the light, their size. An important role in choosing the color of the painting of walls is also plays the purpose of the rooms, the presence and color of the furniture, the color of the garardine.

South-oriented rooms, it is better to paint in a colder tone.

For rooms, the windows of which come out the pump, more warm tones are recommended.

Video on the topic

Below you can browse the video on how you can paint the ceiling with your own hands:

With this material often read:

How to separate the ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands

Application of the base layer of paint

⇐ Previous 21 of 16

Before opening the jar with the primer, wipe it from dust.

Dilute the composition of the hardener included in the package. The proportion of the mixture take the one that is recommended in the manufacturer's instructions.

Please note that the diluted with a hardener primer must be used for three to four hours, so the volume of the material is chosen in advance. For example, about 150 grams of soil are needed for the automotive wing.

Bay ready-made mixture into the crash, adjust the torch of the device on some piece of sheet material.

Quickly press the Tool Tuper. As a result, a stain should turn out in the form of an extended vertical oval. The shape of the spot can be adjusted by the side handle of the collapse, the amount of outgoing composition changes on the end of the pistol.

Start the primer to produce from the edge of the body and move gradually forward.

Note that the movement speed of the tool must be the same, direct it at an angle of 45-60 ° in the direction of another car surface.

The layers overlap half, in other words ½ of the scratched band with further manipulations are recycled with soil.

If small unpainted places remain, do not return there, cover them with the second primer layer. It is applied after 10-15 minutes. The optimal number of layers is 2-3, it is not recommended to apply more, since the material can give a shrinkage.

If all preparatory work has been performed successfully, and the car's surface has become smooth, proceed to the finishing staining.

But before this, the primed body must dry well. If the drying occurs with natural temperatures mode, then it needs no less than one day.

The correct technology of painting the machine involves the fact that the oversized surface need to be mastered by the emery skins №P800-P1000. Next, pass on it with a gray scotch-bright to reduce the risks.

Finally, the degrees prepared by the body with a napkin moistened in the antisilicone.

After drying it, wipe the car from the seed dust with a wet cloth.

Staining process - finish layers

Prepare to work paint. Add a hardener into it in the ratio specified in the instructions on the package, as well as the solvent to the desired consistency.

After the composition is well mixed, skip it through a funnel with a sieve and fill in the paintopult.

Apply the first finish layer finely.

Wait 15-20 minutes and spray the second layer. It should be dense enough. The main thing here is a sense of measure, on the one hand, the surface should be painted completely, on the other - there is a risk of obtaining sublishes.

If they still have, you can delete them when the paint will dry up.

After the second layer is sprayed, wait when it snacks. On average, it is 15-20 minutes, but much it depends on the temperature in the room and the quality of the solvent.

Wing Vacitation Auto

The third layer is made more liquid, which is necessary to create a gloss.

These are all stages of work when painting cars acrylic. If metallic is applied, then the car painting technology shows: video, you will need to cover the body by several more layers of varnish, as a rule, two and three.

In fact, the lacquer is the same paint, but pigments are not included in its polymer. Therefore, the techniques of their application are approximately the same. Waving the laid time until the last layer of paint dries, apply the first (do not forget, thin) layer of varnish.

After it dries, spray a more liquid second layer.

If there is a need, apply the third coating layer.

It often happens that after spraying the varnish on the surface of the body, the defective areas of the paint coating remain. Similar damages: Shagren, sublifting, pouring particles of dust and dirt you can remove with the subsequent polishing of the car.


How to prepare walls under painting: work order

Perform repair staining car body parts.

The report must contain operations for repairing the car body part.

Control questions.

What types of bodys are?

2. What methods correct the defects of the paintwork of the car body parts?

3. What types of paints and varnishes do you know?

Main sources:


GOST R 51709-2001 (as amended from 2007) "Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and verification methods. "

2. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.04.2001 №290 "On approval of rules for the provision of services (performance) for maintenance and repair of automobiles" (as amended.

Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2007 No. 43).

3. Federal Law "On Licensing of Some Activities" of 08.08.2001 No. fz-128 (as amended from 10/29/2010 with amended and add., Entered into force 01.01.2011)


1. Vlasov, V. M. Maintenance and repair of cars [Text]: Textbook for use in the educational process of educational institutions implementing secondary vocational education programs.

- 8th ed.; stereotype. - M.: Academy, 2013.

2. Vinogradov, V. M. Technological processes of car repair: a training manual for use in the educational process of educational institutions implementing programs of secondary vocational education. - 4th ed.; Pererab. - M.: Academy, 2011.

3. Vinogradov, V. M. Technological processes of car repair [Text]: a training manual for use in the educational process of educational institutions implementing secondary vocational education programs. - 6th ed.; Pererab.

- M.: Academy, 2013.

Additional sources:

1. Kirichenko, N.B.Automobile operational materials [Text]: Tutorial for students of environments.

Prof. Education learned by specialties "Maintenance and repair of road transport", "Mechanization of agriculture". -7 edition; erased. - M.: Academy, 2011

2. Turkevsky, I. S. Maintenance and repair of cars. Introduction to the specialty [Text]: Tutorial for students of secondary prof.

education, leisure. on special 1705 Maintenance and repair of road transport. - M.: Forum; Infra-M, 2009.

3. Gelendov, A.A.Automobile operational materials [Text]: Study Guide for Students Institutions Spread.

prof. Formation.-: M.: Academy, 2010

1 Internet version of the journal "Driving" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free.

- Tilt. From the screen

2 Repair, maintenance, maintenance of cars [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free. - Tilt. From the screen

3 Internet Magazine [Electronic Resource]. - Access mode:, free.

- Tilt. From the screen

4 Motorist library [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free. - Tilt. with screen

Electronic Library "Ruket"

1. Strekalovskaya, A.D. Repair and maintenance of engines and generators: Methodical instructions for practical work / A.D.

Strekalovskaya, A.V. Rachinsky, TA Saneyeva; Orenburg State. un-t. - Orenburg: OGU, 2011. - 32 s.

2. Smooth A. A. G52 Maintenance and minor repair of the car do it yourself. Directory for beginners. - SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 208 C.: IL. - (autocurs)

3. Guskov, Yu.V. Operational materials: Guidelines for the study of discipline and tasks for testing / Yu.V.

Guskov, A.P. Uhanov, O.A. Tsarev. - Penza: Rio PGSH, 2012. - 90 s.

Attachment 1

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational

establishment of higher vocational education

"Ryazan State Agrotechnological University

name P.A. Kostychev "

Faculty of Dovevuzovskaya training and secondary vocational education

Department "Technical Operation of Transport"

Learning practice report

⇐ Previous78910111213141516.

How to prepare walls under painting: work order

When the preparation of walls under painting is performed, the order of work should be observed extremely strictly, because it is the most important stage of construction and finishing works. To the one who did repair at least once, it is known that even the most minor mistakes made at this stage can reduce the quality of repair work as a whole. Non-professionals may assume that such preparation is to clean the surfaces from dirt and dust, after which you can start painting. In that opinion is wrong, you can make sure that I barely start painting an uneven surface. Therefore, the preparation of walls must be taken seriously, observing all the rules and requirements for these types of work.

Printing wall before painting

Preparation of walls to painting: the main stages

Preparatory work is performed in 4 stages. First of all, it is necessary to prepare materials and tools:

  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • plaster;
  • frame mesh;
  • primer;
  • roller;
  • brushes.

Removal of old oil paint with a drill with a nozzle

To start the wall, it is necessary to free it from the old finishing coating. The complexity of such works depends on the type of coating. If the walls were plated with wallpaper, they need to fully remove, clean the wall, sharpen and align. If the surface was finished with waterproof paint, wash it with a wet sponge. To remove oil paints and enamel, this method will not suit. You will have to remove such paint with a spatula or drill with a special drill. If you still failed to remove the old water-emulsion paint, applied the fresh layer on top of it.

If the wall is covered with plaster, inspect it for the presence of defects. They need to be eliminated, otherwise the plaster with time can start cracking and turning. Empties in the coating can be determined by tapping over the surface. If the sound is deaf, it means that there are cavities in the layer of plaster. The coating in this area needs to be removed by replacing it in the freshest.

At the next stage, the walls are carried out. This does not require special skills, this is the simplest building process. At the same time, work must be done carefully, choosing a deep penetration tool for this. Such primer has the best technical and operational characteristics that ensure reliable grip of paint with the surface. The primer is usually applied using a brush or roller. To accelerate the process, you can use the paintopult. After processing the wall you need to dry for 5-6 hours, after which you can proceed to the next step.

Thoroughly align and put the walls before painting

At the third stage, the walls are aligned with putty. The method of applying it depends on the material from which the wall is built. Watching brick can be started to put out immediately. On the concrete wall it is better to fasten a kapron mesh. This is the best option for those who are faced with repair work for the first time. Walls in small rooms can be put out without it. Apply putty using a frame grid is simple enough. It is applied by a thin layer over the entire surface of the wall and applied on top of the grid. The next sheet of the grid is stacked by Vangest. Wait for a complete drying of the putty before applying the next layer, otherwise the emptiness filled with air can be formed in the coating. To put the putty on the wall, it is better to choose a 40 cm wide width - this is the most convenient size.

At the fourth stage, the finishing layer of putty is applied. It is better to use Satendgips. This material produced based on a thin grinding gypsum with a good clutch with a surface. It is applied by a thin layer on top of the putty, they dry well and covered with primer.

Preparation of drywall under painting

Painting is the optimal solution when choosing ways of finishing drywall structures. Preparatory work is not much different from the processing of a concrete or brick wall. The main task is to obtain a smooth surface. It means that before applying paints, first of all, it is necessary to seal joints between the sheets of the material, as well as to eliminate the surface defects and the holes in the fastening places to the guides.

To equalize the surface you will need putty. Select preferably ready to use material. It will be necessary to cook a pair of spatulas: wide and narrow. To this list you need to add a reinforcing grid and fine-grained sandpaper. The putty on plasterboard must be applied with a thin layer, after which the ribbon is installed for reinforcement, which is plugged into putty. Then the layer of the layer surface is fully aligned. Before applying the next layer, wait for the putty to dry out the putty. The portable lamp will facilitate the process of verifying the quality of the work done.

Lumping plasterboard wall before painting

The most important stage of preparation of plasterboard to paint with their own hands is grinding. This stage allows you to achieve perfectly smooth smooth surface, which will improve the quality of painting. We grind the wall with sandpaper, passing all the screaming places. It does not need to remove putty to the base, otherwise the appearance of the design will deteriorate. For the best clutch of paint and protection of the surface, the wall must be projected. The primer needs to be applied twice, waiting for the drying of the first layer. Now you can go to painting.

Matte paint helps to hide all errors made when performing preparatory work.


Now you know how to prepare walls under painting with your own hands. The final stage will be giving the surface of smoothness using emery paper and priming. Here, too, you need to control the quality of work. The preparation of the walls can be considered complete.

How can you remove the old paint from the walls?

  • What paint is better to use for wall decoration in the apartment?

  • How can you remove old wallpaper from the walls?

    The procedure for preparing walls under painting

    We offer you an indicative step-by-step instruction of the preparation of walls for their subsequent color. It is mandatory in the most careful way to prepare painting painted in the future, carefully and with special attention, given each nuance, because the quality of preparatory work depends on the direct quality of the surfaces of the surfaces of any types: interiors and facades of buildings. Well, to make anything once and not to return to this issue after a short time, it should be carefully thought out and carefully prepare the surfaces to staining.

    Stages of preparation of walls under painting

    Preparation of walls under painting includes such steps:

    • Preparation of the room.
    • Alignment of walls (plastering and putty).
    • Grinding walls.

    1st stage Preparation

    1st stage: Preparation of the premises for repair work is that the room should be maximized from furniture and technology. If there is no possibility of incurred all things, it is necessary to cover them with a special protective painting film, it must be done so that such things in painting are not dirty, they can be blurred and putty, and primer, and paint. Carpets and palas must be twisted into a roll and also cover it with a construction film. If the floor is already ready and you will not redo it, do not forget to protect it and to protect it from the various LCMs (paint materials) from the work on it. Small details can be sealed by a specially painted ribbon (it looks like a scotch, but white and unlike him leaves no sticky trace after himself).

    2nd stage wall alignment

    2nd stage: Alignment of walls. Cracks, depressions, holes in the wall should be seeded with plaster or special compositions. First use starting plaster, and then the finish (detailed instruction is on packages with this material). If the walls are almost smooth, they need to sharpen, and then clean up using sandpaper. Usually after these procedures, the walls wash and give them the necessary time for their complete drying.

    3rd stage Grinding walls

    3rd stage: Grinding of walls occurs with the help of special primer.

    If the walls are no longer quite new, then it is necessary to start to clean them from the layers of old paint, then close all sorts of irregularities, holes, holes and holes, joints and cracks with a suitable plaster or shtcloth. Then the walls are sweeping and ground. Old wallpaper must be pre-removed from the walls. They remove old wallpaper from the walls using a conventional painting metal spatula or pre-dick with water with water, and then removing or, again, the construction spatula. Be sure to read the instructions of the grinding of the walls, it will tell you how to make a solution (and whether it is necessary), how much to put the layers, etc. Protecting walls is usually produced between all the coatings so that they are better clung to each other. Remember this and read the instructions.

    It follows when conducting preparatory work to achieve the creation of smooth, smooth and necessarily clean surface (dirt, dust, residues, and ohmtchki, something can be spoiled and will have to renew all over). Therefore, write on a sheet of paper that you will do what you need for this material, re-read their instructions and recommendations for use and go to the construction store with a list of purchases.

    How to align the walls before painting

    How to align the walls before painting. Gypsum and decorative structural plaster, swearth, plasterboard plates, textured paint. All these methods and materials are suitable, each has its advantages and disadvantages. It is used today for alignment of the walls also gypsum plaster (it is very convenient in use). If the walls are very uneven, some come out of such a situation, closing the uneven walls simply plates of drywall, as a result of which the smooth wall is quick and just. Decorative plaster or currently popular structural paint can also be used as separate ways to align the walls. Especially if the texture plaster will have a pretty deep structure.

    The surfaces of the walls of the lubyan fiber, as well as plaster plaster and drywall plates, must be predened with a special putty and a flat brush suitable for this purpose. The primer will increase the adhesion (sticking) paints to the surface of the walls being processed during the repair process. Metal surfaces initially need to be cleaned of rust and dirt and then cover the special insulating paint, which is resistant to moisture and water and will not cause corrosion of the metal, and this is very important when creating a long-term coating.

    While working on the preparation of walls to painting and in the process of coloring, it is impossible to allow the presence of drafts (by the way, as in the staining too). The temperature in the preparatory work of all steps should be from 18 ° C.

    When the walls are completely prepared for coloring, you need to begin preparation of the choice of a suitable paintwork, as well as the necessary tool for painting walls: it may be a brush, a roller or even a special paintopult, but this is a completely different story.

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    How does the preparation of walls under painting

    Wall Preparation Technology for Painting

    The technology of preparing walls under painting depends on the quality of the surface. Basically, the alignment is first done and after that putty.

    Today we will tell you how to prepare the walls under painting and how to do it right. Also on the video in this article you can see a lot of useful and necessary information on this issue.

    What are going to paint

    You can use painting for almost all types of surfaces that are planned to be enjoyed.

    It can be the following surfaces:

  • Smooth plastered and sample surfaces.
  • Textured surfaces.
  • Painting surfaces decorated with facing material.
  • Relief construction surfaces.
  • Each options involves conducting preparatory work:

    • First of all, it is necessary to determine the layer of application. To do this, you just need to pull the line on the diagonals of the plane.
    • After that, we apply the level and see how much we need to put plaster for alignment (see alignment of walls with plaster in all the rules).

    ATTENTION: It should be especially paid to the preparation of walls under painting, including the processes of alignment of walls and their putty. In this case, it makes sense in more detail the order of work and the instruction will be as follows:

    Prepare the surface
    Stage 1: Alignment of the walls and their processing

    Preparation of walls under painting with their own hands begins with their preparation. Even simple painting of walls requires a very careful elimination of all existing flaws and irregularities.

    Based on high demands, you can resort to the use of the following options:

    Grinding of this coating

    The first option can be applied if the old base has no damage and strong enough. In this case, it is possible to restrict ourselves to the removal of an old coating using emery paper or grinding circle. After that, all the old surfaces should be processed by an antiseptic and predict (see the primer for walls under painting - views and tasks). After all the preparatory operations of the irregularities should not exceed 2 mm. Only then you can proceed to further work.

    In the event that the old plane is quite uneven and not reliable, that is, it makes sense, replace the old plaster, to a new one or sew the surface with plasterboard. In this case, the whole old, poorly holding plaster is removed, and what option to resort further, depends on the financial capabilities and personal preferences.

    Alignment of walls with drywall

    If you need to apply a layer of over 3 cm, then it is better to make alignment using drywall (see Facing Technology Plasterboard: Material Installation Methods). After this, you can only make a putty. In this case, the work price will be much cheaper. This option is often used when finishing the room in Novostroy.

    ATTENTION: After the preliminary work (especially plaster), the surfaces need to dry well, after which it can be projected and again give to dry.

    Step 2: Applying a starting putty

    By themselves, such surfaces, as a layer of plaster or plasterboard sheets, are not suitable for painting, so they need to be covered with putty. Especially relevant is the question of painting plaster surfaces.

    • As a rule, in contrast to drywall surfaces, the plastered surfaces have to be covered not only the finish, but also starting putty. This is due to the fact that the plastered surfaces contain irregularities that should be fired, and drywall surfaces are considered absolutely even and ready to apply the finish layer. This is exactly the dignity of plasterboard systems.
    • If painting is planned, it is better to use the reinforcing grid, with the size of the cells of 2 mm. The reinforcing mesh is placed on the plane along with the first layer of starting putty. When the first layer grabs, you can start applying the second. As a rule, in such cases, they bypass two layers of the starting putty. After that, putty make it possible to dry normally.
    • After that, you can "walk" on the surface of a rough abrasive mesh with grain №120 to remove various influx and small irregularities. Despite this, the surface is not suitable for painting, since the starting putty has a certain graininess, which allows it to be used to create a draft layer, as well as to align the walls, due to the fact that it can be applied with a layer to 5 cm.

    Step 3: Applying Finish Put

    Due to the fact that there is high plasticity in the finish putty and there is no grain, with its help it is possible to get the surface that can be painted.

    We make finishing

    • The method of applying the finish putty is the same as the method of applying a starting putty. But the thickness of the working layer should not exceed 1.5-2 mm. As a rule, it is enough to apply 2 layers of such a putty, then stick the surface and you can get the perfectly smooth and smooth base under painting. For grinding the finish layer, fine-grained abrasive materials with grain No. 80-№100 are used.
    • In this case, such a technological stage, as grinding under painting, must be performed very carefully, otherwise after painting "get out" to the surface all flaws.

    Stage №4: Final Preparatory Stage Painting

    After grinding work, it should be very carefully cleaning the surface from dust. To do this, you can use a broom or vacuum cleaner. Each, left on the surface of the dusting will give himself known after painting.

    Well, if this place will not be in sight. After removal of dust, the surface is covered with one layer of primer. After complete drying, you can start painting.

    Features of the preparation of other surfaces:

    • Special attention should be paid to the preparation of wooden surfaces. They are grouped, and if necessary, put on wood with putty. It must be done in cases where there are severe cracks on a wooden surface, especially in places where there are knots. After that, the tree is covered with protective solutions or is covered with a verse. And only after all the necessary preparatory operations have been done, wooden surfaces can be covered with varnishes or paints.
    • Relief or textured surfaces can be covered with a layer of deep-penetrating primer. Wallpapers under painting are soaked with adhesive compositions.

    Selecting paint type

    Preparation of walls under the wallpaper is done, now it is necessary to choose paint. In construction stores you can meet several types of paints, different from each other both characteristics and composition.

    As a rule, it is indicated about all this on the packaging and you only need to carefully read the available information, the information received can be the basis for choosing the type of paint and applying it under certain conditions. The instruction is on each package.

    They are also called water-level paints, as the main solvent is the usual water. In this regard, they are and environmentally friendly, which means that they can be used in premises of non-residential and residential type.

    They were widespread due to the cheapness, simplicity in applying and obtaining high-quality painted surfaces.

    • Both in the process of applying and during operation, such paints do not distinguish harmful substances.
    • Paints are produced in plastic buckets of various volumes, while the base white color. To get the surface of another color, it is enough to add a certain amount of dye into the paint, which can be purchased in the same construction store.
    • Surfaces painted with water-level paint can be wiping dry or wet rag, which can be read on the package.

    The basis of acrylic paints is acrylic resin. It provides high-quality coverage of construction surfaces and forms a sleek surface layer.

    • The surfaces painted with acrylic paints can "breathe", while they can be washed, but how active, you can learn on the package.
    • They can cover fiberglass wallpapers, concrete surfaces, wooden surfaces, plastered surfaces, etc.
    • The paint structure is such that allows you to english small flaws.

    The main filler of such paints is latex rubber, due to which, as a result, it turns out a very smooth and high-quality surface.

    • Despite vapor permeability, such paints can be placed regularly, as they are more resistant to washing than acrylic.
    • They are able to maintain color for 8 years. Durable and resistant to moisture surface allows the use of latex paints in places such as kitchen, bathroom, corridor, etc.
    • It is especially recommended to apply it in rapid pollution places.

    Form after applying, a smooth, vapor-permeable surface that is quickly dirty, but it is easily clean. Such paints are recommended to be used in places or rooms where there is an increased humidity. Such rooms can be attributed to: bathrooms, laundry, kitchens, cellars, toilets, etc.

    Such paints can be more attributed to universal, as they have characteristics of several types of paints. Latex-acrylic uses very popular.

    • When applied, it should be considered the fact that they are vapor-permeable, although form a smooth, resistant to moisture and mechanical surface loads.
    • Such paints are able to withstand intensive washing, which allows them to apply them in the kitchens and bathrooms.


    • In conclusion, we can say that the most promising direction of the use of water-emulsion, acrylic and latex paints is the facing of walls of public and administrative buildings.
    • As for the residential sector, he preferences sticking wallpaper. This is due, first of all, with the possibility of obtaining original design solutions, thanks to a very wide choice of such finishing materials such as wallpaper. At the same time, warm surfaces are obtained, creating an additional comfort in the house.
    • Another thing is when it is necessary to build a cafe room, a nightclub, bar, shop, etc. It is practically no painting alternatives. Such indicators as the ability to wash after contamination are most ideal for such types of rooms. An important meaning is also such a factor as the mechanical strength of the applied paint layer. In places where intensive movement occurs, this indicator can play a decisive role.

    Attention: choosing one or another paint, you should pay special attention to such an indicator as vapor permeability. If there is a vapor-permeable facade, then it is impossible to apply vapor-permeable paints to finish, as this may lead to the destruction of the construction material of the facade of the building.

    Preparation of plastered walls under painting The case is not difficult, but if you want to do everything qualitatively, then it will be necessary to work. The cost will be not high, especially if you do it yourself. And looking at the photo fashionably everything.

    He graduated from the Architectural Faculty of Penza State Institute of Architecture and Construction. Over the past ten years, a leading specialist of a large construction company in Penza, which is engaged in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings. The total work experience in the specialty is 18 years old. Consults on design issues, choosing materials for internal and outdoor decoration, finishing work technology.

    It is possible to place the walls in the apartment with the most in the same way, and each of them provides for special surface preparation. The most careful care requires the area, which will later be painted, because even the smallest flaws will be noticeable under the subtle layer. On how to prepare the walls to paint, we will tell in this material.

    Types of painted surfaces

    Those surfaces that may be subject to staining are the most diverse. In the current options for creating an interior with their own hands, you can most often meet as:

    • putty or decorative embossed plaster;
    • smooth plastered or covered wall;
    • smooth coating: panels, wallpaper, tile;
    • surface with textured elements;
    • wood.

    The main stages of preparation for staining

    In most cases, surface preparation consists of such steps:

    • alignment;
    • lattice lattice starting putty;
    • smoothing small disadvantages of finishing plaster;
    • cleaning and primer.

    If you work with textured materials, the level of leveling and grinding may be absent. Wallpaper, the color of which you want to change, is enough just to open the thin layer of dilute glue.

    Technological Card Coloring Process

    To properly prepare for painting the wall, it is necessary to consider in detail each step of this process.

    Surface leveling

    To prepare the wall under the painting of the water-level paint of any shade, first of all, it should be carefully aligned to align it so that the smallest defects on it are not visible under the thin layer of emulsion. Smooth irregularities in the following ways:

    • The plaster on beacons will be suitable if the surface is very uneven, and there are deep cracks and cracks on it, and some of the protrusions are clearly visible.
    • Grinding. This method is possible only if the cloth is strong and durable, and if the surface is already initially the surface does not have many deep fish and holes. Maximum depth of flaws - 2-3 mm. If the surface is strong and you are sure that during operation it will not be damaged, then feel free to go to work. Remove from the web former decorative coating and top layer of putty. Use the usual sandpaper to be aligned, which wrap the wooden bar, and if possible, take a special stone.

    Important! This method is dangerous in that in the process, a huge amount of dust rises in the air, which can get into the respiratory tract. Protect the respiratory organs by a mask or respirator, and on the eyes you should wear special plastic glasses.

    • The use of sheets of plasterboard. The lifting of the room with sheets of plasterboard can transform the most non-zero room. This process is moving much faster than both previous ones, and quality remains at height. After installing the sheets, you will only put the bayonets between the plates putty. Prepare walls made of drywall is simpler, because the initially smooth canvas does not require additional alignment.

    Remember that after alignment, it is necessary to predict the wall. It dry the primer layer after applying at least 6 hours.

    Putty canvas for staining

    If the question arises about how to process the walls before painting, then it is necessary to proceed from the type of surfaces. Playing or plasterboard squares to spit must.

    • To prepare walls under painting, purchase a couple of types of material: putty with the mark "Start" and "Finish". The basic mask is needed to align the deepest and noticeable eye of irregularities. Its structure is rather rude with small grains, but it is the "start" will allow deep "wrinkles" and crack to "patch" deeply and quickly. Dry powder Take water as indicated in the information on the packaging of the goods. If you have purchased a previously prepared solution, then it is necessary to open it immediately before the start of finishing works, because the substance quickly dries out, as soon as the air falls inside the tank.

    • The first base layer will be attached better if during the finish to use a special mesh. The first thing with a spatula wider covers the desired area for 2-3 millimeters "Start", and then the mesh is applied on top and press them with a narrower spatula. A narrow tool will help evenly distribute the substance. From above to a painting mesh put another layer of putty. After leaving it to push it at least 6 hours, while the material is completely dry.

    Important! Usually, the painting mesh is applied to the seams between the plaster sheets. If there are no flaws on the working area, you do not need to use the grid.

    • After drying, the canvas should be cooled to span to remove all roughness and waves. Proper preparation of walls to painting provides for thorough grinding and the removal of the slightest bodied. This work is very long and painstaking, but the smooth and smooth wall under the water-level paint will look perfect. The finished canvas is polished with a special grout, on the basis of which an abrasive mesh is attached from 120-150 μm grain. The solid canvas are processed in parts, and the result of labor is constantly kept on control.

    Important! Remember that the coated layer is not too thick, so do not overdo it with the grout.

    • An experienced master knows that before painting walls, it is necessary to take advantage of the finishing plaster that promotes smoothing the smallest roughness and a grainy structure. "Finish" is characterized by homogeneity of the texture and the lack of large particles in filling.

    That is why the cloth comes out smooth and relatively white. The winning is the fact that the density of the coating is quite high, which significantly reduces the flow rate of the coloring material. The method of application does not differ from the start, only the finishing layer should be a bit thinner, and make no more than 2 mm. If the composition is thicker, then in the drying and operation process, it can be covered with a grid of cracks and fall off at all.

    • The finishchi also after the frozen should be seized, but the abrasive mesh should be selected with holes in the direction of 60-80 microns. Try not to get involved, and do not capture extra in the process of friction. It happens that the finish is not separated into one, but in two layers. This is possible when there are noticeable problems after the first processing.

    Interesting! To check whether defects are left on the cloth, send the light from the table lamp at a slam angle relative to the wall. In this case, the shadows of the remaining protrusions will fall in such a way that all imperfections will become clearly noticeable.

    Cleaning and primer

    When the required area is plated, it is covered and polished to the most accurate state, all the dust and the remaining construction garbage should be removed.

    • The wall is easier to process with a vacuum cleaner, a dry cloth or a soft brush. These items are applied by one or combined to achieve the desired result.
    • You can begin to primer the walls. On a smooth and clean area, covered with primer, paint will fall more evenly, and the adhesion of its particles with the wall will become even stronger.

    Important! Take into account that the primer can be different, and it is necessary to select it, based on the purpose of the room and the type of the future coloring composition. Almost any decor will suit acrylic primer.

    • To independently carry out painting work, you will need: brush maral sheet, sprayer or roller. The preparatory stage will be considered completed when the primer will dry out.

    Now you can prepare the mills of any room before painting. Repair does not turn into hell if strictly adhere to the recommendations described.

    Video: description of all stages of the preparation of walls under painting

    Stained walls in an apartment or cottage are ever more often. About how to prepare walls in painting, will be discussed in our article.

    Advantages of such a way the finish finish mass:

    • hygienicity;
    • modern view;
    • ease of restoration of individual sites;
    • the widest gamma colors and shades.

    The disadvantage, if you can call it so, one: the preparation of walls to paint should be made extremely carefully. Unlike wallpaper, which mask the defects of putty, painting, on the contrary, manifests any roughness. The preparation technology is relatively simple, you only need to follow the work order.

    Preparation of walls under painting consists of five main stages:

    1. Removing the old coating.
    2. Primer.
    3. Starting putty.
    4. Grinding and primer.

    Given that the quality of preparatory work is extremely important, many are invited to fulfill hired masters. However, using modern materials and, after studying the technology, it is possible to prepare walls under painting on their own.

    Dismantling of an old coating

    If the walls in the apartment are covered with paint or wallpaper, you need to completely remove the old layer. Wallpapers are removed, generously wetting their surface with soap warm water with a sponge, and then the spatula is removed by bands. The old paint is sometimes a real problem, as it happens that in some places it swelled and bubbles, falling off when touched, and in others - stuck tightly. But it is necessary to remove the entire layer, as the putty will not attached to the surface of the paint and to align the wall will not work. It is necessary to work in the respirator and protective glasses. After removing the decorative layer, the quality of plaster should be estimated. To do this, it takes carefully listening, catching up her handle of the spatula. In places where the layer of plaster due to damp or violation of the production technology of work has moved away from the wall, the sound will change. In such zones, you need to repel the old plaster to subsequently fill the irregularity of the starting putty.

    In the event that the walls in the apartment concrete, plastered or tinted with plasterboard, you can immediately begin the primer.


    The right choice of primer is very important. This building solution contributes to a solid adhesion between the wall surface and a layer of starting putty.

    Types of drugs for grinding walls

    What primer composition is suitable in each case depends on the state of the wall surface. Depending on the functions that make up the composition, you can list the following types of primers:

    • priming and strengthening, improving the adhesion of putty to the base, strengthen it and form a solid vapor-permeable film;
    • primer paints based on acrylic and latex resins, are most often used to prepare the base for decorative work;
    • solvent-based soils are deeply penetrated into the plaster, create a durable waterproof layer and are effectively dustying the surface.

    Also produced primer formulations with fungicidal and antiseptic additives, which are used in wet rooms, where the mold was already seen during operation.

    The primer solution is applied to the treated surface of the wall with a roller or brush, carefully wasting all the sections. Dry stains should not be left. Dry primer at least five hours, depending on the temperature of the ambient air.

    Starting wipel

    Why do you need a starting putty? It may seem that if the wall surface is quite smooth (high-quality plaster or drywall), then this stage can be skipped and immediately begin to the finish putty. However, it is incorrect. The surface of plaster and drywall is not intended to be directly applying paint, nor for clutch with finishing putty.

    Therefore, you need to apply the starting layer of the minimum thickness to protect the wall surface and ensure adhesion to the next layer.

    The industry produces materials for the preparation of walls to paint in the form of dry building mixtures, which, after applying to the wall in two stages, allow you to get a flat, smooth surface, ready for processing water-level paint. The mixture for the initial stage of putty is called starting. It has a rough structure and can be applied to a wall with a layer of 20-30 mm. With a larger layer thickness, its reinforcement is required by a special grid. Such reinforcement is performed by the grid strips, with a mandatory docking of their brass.

    It is always better to apply a few thin layers than one thicker. The task of starting putty is to align all the irregularities of the wall. In the case of large irregularities of small curvature, bulges or depressions of a significant area, experienced plasters, applying a long rule to the wall, determine the boundaries of such irregularities and mooring them with a joinery pencil to understand where the layer of starting putty should be thicker and may need a reinforcing grid.

    The amount of material for purchasing it in a construction store is determined by the formula:

    • 0.8-0.9 kg per 1 sq. M. Surfaces, if the walls are almost smooth;
    • 1-3 kg per square meter, if the walls have a lot of small defects;
    • 4-6 kg per sq. M if there are gender depressions and bulges of small curvature, mid-area;
    • 7-9 kg per square meter if the walls have many large defects and greater curvature.

    How to prepare a putty solution with your own hands? To do this, it will take a dry mixture for starting putty, room temperature water, storage capacity and a drill with a nozzle, which is sometimes called the "construction mixer".

    In accordance with the instructions on the package, a dry mixture and clean water is measured. Then it is necessary to pour water into the mixture, adjusting its amount, and thoroughly mixing the solution with a construction mixer.

    The starting putty is applied to the surface with a wide spatula, trying to fill all the irregularities. At this stage should not be takenlated by excessive leveling of the solution. Slops will be removed in the process of intermediate grinding, the main task is to fill all the depressions, make the surface in the middle row. Putty solution is desirable to spend 45-60 minutes for 45-60 minutes, since after this time, it is thick and stops being suitable for work.

    After alignment, all surfaces, lay a layer to dry. In no case cannot be applied to the following layers of raw putty!

    The dried layer is leveled with a spatula, removing the rough influx, then thoroughly ground.

    It is always better to choose the material for the finishing putty of the same manufacturer as for the starting. The consumption of the material for this stage of work is small if the starting works were produced qualitatively: on average, 0.5-1 kg per M.KV.

    For walls under painting, you need to buy a finish mixture of only white color, otherwise you may need to be needed on a 2 -3 layer of paint more than planned.

    Putty solution is prepared in the same way as in the previous stage. As a result, a plastic, smooth mixture is obtained, which is easily applied, well "stretches" under the spatula and fills the smallest irregularities of the previous layer.

    A wide spatula solution is smoothed over the surface, while you need to try not to leave the spatula and strips from the spatula. The finish putty, made by an experienced master, almost does not require grinding. The smaller the grinding will be required at the last stage, the smaller the dust will fall in the room and the stronger the finish coating will be.

    The finishing layer should be thin enough and smooth, as it is necessary, at the same time, prepare walls under the final painting and provide a solid adhesion with the previous layer.

    The solution should be consumed in 45-60 minutes, otherwise it thickens, grabbing, and will not reach behind the spatula, but to roll like plasticine. Given that the finishing putty requires great accuracy and cannot be performed quickly, especially newcomer, too large portions of the solution should not be kneaded.

    In the same way, as in the previous case, it is better to apply a few thin layers than one thick.

    Grinding and primer

    How to prepare aligned walls to painting?

    After complete drying, the surface of the wall is thoroughly grinding. It is better to perform this work with the help of special grinders, which can be taken at the hire of a building power tool. Ability to use the respirator and safety glasses. The smallest skin or grid is applied.

    Then the walls are divened and ground. At this stage, it is desirable to apply waterproof primer. This is required to ensure that the brush or roller with paint does not damage the surface layer of the finishing putty, did not dilute it. Otherwise, stripes and stains may appear. The primer should be carried out extremely neatly, not passing dry plots and not overcoating the surface. After drying the wall will be ready to paint.